#Text post
millenianthemums · 3 days
diet culture people make me feel like i’m going crazy. you want me to take an experimental pill that destroys my appetite?? you want me to remove part of my stomach??? you want me to stop eating bread and rice, two of the staple foods most inherent to humanity????? why exactly? because my stomach is big? because you don’t like the way i look, and you think it’s reasonable to tell me to carve pieces off of myself and try random drugs and ruin my own life so i can look more visually pleasing to you? and you somehow don’t see how absurdly cruel and selfish that is to ask of somebody???? while pretending you care about their HEALTH????????????????? FUCK YOU!!!!
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dragonpyre · 2 days
Psych au where everything’s the same but Shawn and Gus are early early twenties and Gus is in college but Shawn keeps dragging him out of lectures and internships to solve crimes.
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superkursunaskr · 2 days
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deloveusion · 2 days
mood: hold my face and kiss me for hours
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dire-vulture · 2 days
honestly it's not even just people implying fat designs are unappealing, some people in the forums have been outright saying nobody wants or likes fat designs. and like...no, there are many people here who want and like fat designs. and i really hope flight rising might hear us and consider if they want to keep appealing to fatphobes or if they want to support a community where diversity can be appreciated.
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kittybroker · 3 days
congrats on officially being the most annoying account on tumblr. take the bud dwyer challenge!
We did it guys! First hate mail on kitty broker! Get a lot of asks, and a number of weird ones from time to time but this is a first!
Would also like to take this moment to thank everyone for their continued support. Just passed 10k followers earlier today which is absolutely crazy. People still seem to be loving the blog and I'm appreciate every message people sending in saying they like it. To get to 10k and to only now receive the first hate mail is wild.
Anyways I thought it'd be funnier to put the message here thanking people and I didn't feel like making my own post anyways. Here's a dancing cat for you all to enjoy!
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you-were-alone-too · 3 days
"it's so easy to lie to myself and pretend that i could love you, but i can't" - Don't Ask Me to Explain by of Montreal
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𝖡𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗀𝖾𝗋𝗍𝗈𝗇 𝖺𝗌 𝖳𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝖯𝗈𝗌𝗍𝗌 (𝖯𝗈𝗅𝗂𝗇'𝗌 𝖵𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇)
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shaylogic · 2 days
I really think Charles' romantic crush started on Edwin right after Edwin confessed, and they were back to safety.
Like, this scene after on the roof where there's distance between them but Charles gives this little smile and kind of looks away bashfully after?
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Along with
Edwin: Charles, I apologize if my confession created--
Charles: --it didn't
Like that's a great friendship-relief moment, which is mostly how I've been seeing it so far
But!!! Charles deeply loves his friends, and I feel like he's in a bashful state of Edwin's feelings starting to sink in now that they're in the calm after the storm.
And maybe "it didn't" isn't just "it's okay we're still friends and I don't want that to change."
Maybe "it didn't" is also starting to become "on the contrary: my feelings about you are only becoming more loving."
The second major place we see him realizing he's developing feelings is when he reflects the hand on his chest
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He seems reflective and genuinely surprised at himself
Everything feels different and carries a new weight to him after Edwin's confession
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violent138 · 14 hours
On the role of Alfred, as understood by the JLA:
Robin!Dick: "It's pretty much Alfie that calls all the shots, sets my bed time and Batman's."
Red Hood: "It's like a Charlie's angels situation."
Red Robin, before going against League orders: "The boss? You mean like, Alfred? No I haven't asked him yet."
Spoiler: "You really want to be late for the dinner? Alfred won't be happy."
Bruce: *closes computer* "We'll finish this up some other time."
JLA: *confused*
Clark, after Bruce gets severely injured: "Oh God, Alfred’s going to kill me."
Hal: "Relax, what's he even going to do? You're bullet proof."
Clark, groaning and sitting down, head in hands: "That's not going to stop him."
Oliver: "Say the word, and I'll get you on an island not found on any map."
Hal: ???
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free-my-mindd · 1 day
Loving me requires depth… you can only survive my waters once you’ve conquered your own sea.
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awaari · 1 day
I'm so hype for Veilguard now!! A lot of people are complaining about how cartoony the characters look, but i personally think it looks great and fits into that storytelling of Dragon age. The graphics have been improve by far (no more character having that oily shine anymore lol) ALSO THEY FINALLY ADD EYE MOVEMENT ANIMATION, they don't look so dead anymore 😭 that have always been a pet peeve of mine of this series.
Some of the cons i am expecting from this game are the rest of the cutscenes apart from the beginning get lower with quality, writing gets wonky near the end and unfinished based game (having to buy DLCs to play the true ending)
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perfectfangirl · 3 days
cooper: what if i just touch her with my bare hands cooper: my finger is gone
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deloveusion · 1 day
"you're so pretty" in between kisses >>>>
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Uno siempre está solo
a veces
está mas solo.
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