#Umbrella academy x reader
Drunk! Five Hargreeves Headcanons/One-shot
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He becomes super clingy and giggly
He can't walk straight and ends up just falling into you
Eyes are swarmed with an unknown emotion and a stupid smile takes over his face
"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" He giggles, poking your nose with a 'bop'
His personality has taken a 180
His nails practically dig into your skin as he tries to hold onto you
Drinking is one of the things he overindulges in and you have to stop him
His hands are all over you, touching you, feeling you, holding you
He's not usually so affectionate, so it takes you by surprise
"Kiss me, please," he slurs his words, his lips puckering to kiss you, but you push him back slightly
You help him to his bedroom, as he tries to fight you, because he doesn't want to go to bed, he wants to stay up with you
You have to go with him for him to go to his room
As you go to leave, he reaches for you, "Please don't leave-"
You roam the halls looking for Five after his brother's wedding. You had seen him throwing back drink after drink, so you were worried that he was off somewhere black-out drunk. You heard light moaning and groaning coming from a far back room and you slowly opened the door to see Five sitting in a corner. His hair was a mess along with his shirt and tie.
He looked up slightly when hearing the door open. His eyes widened when seeing you; He tries to stand up, but ends up falling over and groaning.
"God, you are so drunk."
"I... I mam nost druuunk," his voice slurs as he speaks, causing his words to intertwine with each other.
"Uhuh," You walk over to him, grabbing his hand and helping him up. He leans into you, his head falling onto your shoulder. "I'm taking you to your room."
He adamantly shakes his head, "Noooo, no. I'm not tired."
You looked up at him, his body weight now pressing down at you, since he couldn't stand on his own. Your brows frown when seeing his eyes close and you roll your eyes. "You're so drunk, you don't realize that you're falling asleep right now."
He shakes his head, not able to vocally respond. Granted, even though was denying his sleepyness, he followed you to his room.
You slowly open the door, before shutting it with your foot when you both get in. He hangs off of you as you lead him to his bed and laying him down.
"Alright, Five. Try not to die in your sleep," You turn to leave, but you're stopped by a hand; His hand. He grabbed you, tightly, and was looking up at you with sleepy eyes.
"Please... Stay. Don't leave."
"You want me to stay?" You get out, ignoring his nails digging into your wrist.
He slowly blinks, trying to process what he was going to say next. He hums, before finally responding, "Yeah.. I want you to stay."
Before you can respond though, he yanks you towards him, holding you close against him. You sighed but ultimately accepted your fate. Hopefully, sober Five wouldn't question why he was entangled with you in a cuddle. Though knowing him, he probably would adamantly deny wanting to hold you close. But as they say, drunk actions are sober thoughts
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dicejpg · 9 months
I've got a sinking feeling - {Five Hargreeves x GN!Reader}
Synopsis: You are very flirty with Five, and he's tricked himself into believing he hates it. He tells you to stop. Then he learns the hard way how much he took you for granted when you meet someone else.
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Note: Five requests would be very appreciated! Thank you to those who sent requests on my last one shot.
(Not Edited)
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 1.5k
Extra Information: Viisi means Five in Finnish. Five and Y/n were partners in the commission. They look seventeen or eighteen instead of thirteen. This one-shot takes place on the last episode of season one, and the entirety of season two.
The Academy, Five's home, has just collapsed--courtesy of Vanya's new powers--and Five ordered his family to meet at Super Star Lanes bowling alley to come up with a new plan of action.
He grabs your wrist, blinking you with him. You're both in front of the bowling alley in a flash of blue.
Five takes a moment to pace around, not entering the building. The crisp, spring air bites at your earlobes as you hug your sides for warmth
"Hey, Viisi, can we go inside?" You look at him with a grimace and a pleading smile. He whips his head in your direction to glare at you, then strolls inside with a roll of his eyes. You follow in his stead.
The interior is heated, thankfully. Five informs the underpaid worker that his "parents" will be arriving shortly to pay for his bowling shoes. He takes a seat adjacent to Lane 6 and you sit next to him.
"So, how was the farewell with Delores? I know you two were close." You lean back in your seat, getting more comfortable while waiting for Five's siblings to arrive.
He does not look at you, his jaw ticks in annoyance.
"Come onnn, I know you're stressed, but this is your sister. I'm sure she's reasonable enough not to end the world." You turn towards him, leaning your elbows on your thighs and admiring his pretty face.
"No, it's not that." He scoffs, looking at you with a sneer.
You notice that his tie is crooked so you reach out to fix it, like you often do. It's sort of your thing.
He smacks your hand away and you raise an eyebrow.
"You okay Viisi?" You rub your hand a little, surprised. Normally, he lets you fix his tie with no problem. Although, he would grumble about it a little.
"God- No. I'm not okay." He puts his hands in his hair, gripping it slightly with an exasperated expression. "And stop calling me that."
"What?" You breathe with a smile of disbelief. "What's going on? Did something happen- Did I do something?" You lean away from him a little to give him more space.
"Stop, just stop it with the touching and the nicknames. I'm sick of it!" He looks at you with cold eyes. This is very unusual of him.
You cock your head to the side, trying to understand. "Five, I thought- I thought that was our thing! Y'know, the friendly banter and-"
"I know you're desperate for some sort of relationship with me, but I'm here to tell you that it's not going to happen. We were only ever co-workers." He says through gritted teeth, avoiding your eyes. "I'm telling you to stop pursuing me." You were never 'pursuing' him.
Usually you would brush this sort of behavior off, ignore it. Tell yourself that it's only because he's stressed. He's always stressed! Thinking back, he was never all that nice to you. Even in your Commission days.
You'd tricked yourself into thinking that maybe he thought you were special, or that you were at least his friend. His confidant.
You look at him with eyes full of hurt, which Five has never seen from you. He almost feels something bubbling up his throat, but the feeling dissipates quickly. "Have I made myself clear?" He says evenly.
You only nod, turning away so he doesn't see the tears prick at your eyes.
Five's siblings come inside and you two don't speak to each other again.
A year and seven months later (for you, at least.)
1963, Dallas Texas:
Five anxiously pulls at his tie after narrowly escaping three armed Swedish men. He had just watched his siblings, along with you, blow up in yet another nuclear explosion. It's left him oddly shaken up about how he treated you back in 2019.
He's pacing down the alley-way between the Commerse and Knox when he notices a flash atop the roof. A large camera of some sort.
A brown haired man closes his window briskly. That's strange.
Five teleports inside, scaling up a flight of stairs with cat-like agility. When he knocks on a door, the one beside him answers, revealing a mouse-y looking man in his early thirties. He looks at him with big, expectant eyes.
"What do you want." His tone is dripping with suspicion.
"Hi, I'm selling encyclopedias for my youth group. I was curious if-" Five gets a door to the face. He huffs, blinking inside after him.
The man, Elliot, jumps, yelping in fear and pulling out a butter-knife from his drawer of kitchen utensils. "H-how did you do that?" He hesitates, astonished.
Five looks at him with amusement. "Don't really have time to explain."
Elliot runs a hand through his unkempt brown hair, gripping the butter-knife in a feeble attempt to protect himself. "You from the Pentagon? Huh?"
"Definitely not."
Five eyes up the kitchen, noticing a coffee pot on the other side of the room. "Is that fresh?" He uses his powers again, blinking himself right in front of the coffee pot.
Elliot screams, whipping his head back and forth between the place Five just was and the place he appeared. "What..." He pants, eyes wide.
"Elliot? You okay?" Five hears a faraway voice from another room. A familiar voice. "Who's with you?" It asks.
You appear from around the corner, presumably from Elliot's bedroom, looking almost two years older.
Five furrows his eyebrows and so do you. He breathes out your name is what you almost register as relief. But, you know better then to think that.
"Oh, Five. You're back." You say casually, nodding and crossing your arms. Five sets the coffee down, unwillingly noticing how you didn't call him by his nickname.
"How long have you been here?" He walks towards you, looking at your slightly different features. You changed your hair, he observes. He says nothing about it.
"A year and a half, I believe." You tap your chin in thought. Elliot glances between you two with interest or surprise.
"You two know each-other?" He puts the butter-knife back onto the counter with a small clatter.
You nod, shrugging. "We were co-workers." You send Elliot a reassuring, genuine smile.
Co-workers. Five doesn't like how the word rolled off your tongue.
He licks his lips, looking away. "You live here?" He asks you, though it was a silly question considering its obvious answer.
You nod with tight lipped smile, approaching Elliot. You fix his hair with your fingers and flip the collar of his flannel back down. "Did he scare you? I told you he could be a bit much."
Elliot exhales a shaky laugh at your words and actions as Five begins to feel a hot, frothy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He changes the subject. "Are my siblings here too?"
Elliot answers for you, looking back towards the teen again. "The other six anomalys- The power surges." He begins to look excited at this new discovery. "They're your siblings?"
Five ticks his jaw, ignoring him. "So they're alive..." He begins to pace around. "I think I stranded them here. Now listen to me..."
"Elliot." You tell him his name.
"Whatever, alright? I got ten days to find them and save the world." He points to you and Elliot. "Now, I need your help to do that."
Elliot is just so happy to be involved, his three year long project finally achieving some major development. He scrambles to find a certain newspaper scrap from his desk drawer. "You know what? I, uh..." He fumbles with it, handing it to Five.
"I always thought that this, uh, mugshot looked like arrival number four."
"Diego." Five reads softly, then he twists around to face you. "You're coming with me." He states.
You hiss awkwardly through your teeth, avoiding his eyes. "Ohh, about that... Actually, Elliot and I were about to play scrabble."
Five narrows his eyes at you, barking your name. "The world is ending and you're just gonna play scrabble with this homebody?"
Elliot looks at his dusty wooden floors with a look of dejection.
"Uh, yeah. That's exactly what I'm gonna do." You lean against the door-frame with a bored expression. "I thought you wanted me to stop following you around like a lost puppy."
Five feels strange. "You know what? I don't need this." He blinks away to search for Diego.
When Five returns from the strip club, after a failed attempt of recruiting both Luther and Diego, he decides to test something. His fingers reach for his tie, pulling at it and skewing it. Perfectly crooked.
You couldn't resist fixing his tie, he knew this.
So why didn't you? He finds himself uncharacteristically frustrated about unresponsiveness.
As he demands that Elliot develop his Frankel Footage, his eyes trail to you occasionally, silently tempting you to straighten his tie.
Your eyes flicked to it once. However, you made no move to adjust it.
Five heaves a dramatic sigh, angrily fixes it, and leaves to look for Vanya.
He messed up before, he realizes. He feels like shit.
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reareaotaku · 3 months
I Can't Lose You
Summary: After almost losing you, Five goes through extreme measures to make sure you're safe Pairings: Yandere! Five Hargreeves x Reader Tw/Cw: Protective Five, Open-ending
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It all happened so fast, even for Five. If he had seen it coming, he would have gotten you out of there, but he wasn't expecting those stupid white-haired brothers to show up. When you had been shot, thankfully nowhere vital, he nearly lost it. Past Five would have killed them, but you were his priority, so he made sure to get you out of there.
"Oh, god- Fuck, are you okay?" It's not a real question, just something to bring Five some sort of comfort. He rips off sleeves, before pushing the fabric on your wound, hoping to control the blood, instead of having his hands get bloody trying.
"Five," You grab his bicep, causing him to look up at you. "I'm fine."
He frowns, letting go of the make-shift sleeve bandage he had made. He lifts up his blood-covered hands, "Fine? You're bleeding out because you were shot. What the fuck were you thinking?" He's angry and he knows he shouldn't direct it at you, but he hates the feeling of worry, guilt, and fear you made him feel.
"What was *I* thinking? What do you mean WHAT WAS I THINKING?! I didn't shoot MYSELF!"
He groans, putting his hands back on the wound. He doesn't respond to your words, frustrating you.
He looks up at you, his eyes down casted and a frown overtaking his face. He sighs, pushing a hand through his hair, "I was just..." He pulls his hands down his face, "Forget it- It's nothing. Don't worry about what I said."
You were a little taken aback, because if there's one thing about Five, it's that he stuck by what he said.
You awoke in a bed, looking around the strange room. You were alone and your wound was patched up. You click your tongue, before sitting up and yawning while rubbing the side of your face. You move to the side of the bed, finally standing off, before holding the side of your stomach when a sharp pain shoots through you.
You hear the click of the door and quickly look towards it. It was Five and he had a muffin- or at least what looked like a muffin.
He looks up at you, before quickly coming over to you and making you sit back down, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
Your brows scrunch as you shrug, "I was just going to walk and move a little-"
"No, just stay here. You're safe here."
You roll your eyes, before crossing your arms. Why was he being like this? He was acting like you were a porcelain doll that would break if grabbed to hard.
He ignores your pouting before handing you the muffin. "Here, I got you something to eat. And drink the water," He gestures to a water bottle that was on the nightstand, "You lost a lot of blood. You're going to have to be more careful, because I don't want to bandage you up again." He looks up at you before an annoyed look overtakes his face, "Do you know how embarrassing and hard it was to explain when they asked why you didn't have a shirt on and my hands all over you while you were unconscious?"
"What happened to them?"
"Who- The Swedes?" He tilts his head, before looking at your covered wound, "They left after you were shot. I think they think you're dead."
"Because they're idiots," He shakes his head like it was the most obvious answer. "Though, that's good for us. If they think you're dead, they won't come after you and you'll be safe."
"Sounds like you're telling me to stay inside to be 'safe'." You joke but by the way Five looked back up at you it wasn't a joke. You quickly stand up, "You're kidding- I'm not staying here-"
He stands up, pushing you back down on the bed, "Yes you are. You're safe here- This is were you're staying and I don't care if that upsets you."
"You can't control me!" You yell at him, which causes his face to scrunch up.
"So, you think. You're not leaving my sight or out of where I know you are."
"So you think locking me up will keep me safe?"
"Why! It was one time!"
He turns away from you, holding his face in his hands. He couldn't talk to you. Not now. He was to caught up and he'd say something he'd regret.
"What are you so afraid of?"
He finally breaks and turns towards you, "Because I can't lose you! You almost died! Okay, are you happy?! Fuck," His nails dig into his scalp and he looks away from you. He rubs his temple before sighing, "I don't... know what I'd if I lost you and.... Well, for the first time in my life, I was scared."
You're surprised by his confession, especially since he never told you his feelings before.
"Oh? That's it?" He looks back at you surprised.
You shake your head, "I'm just surprised."
"Yeah," He sits on the edge of the bed, before fiddling with your hand, "You know, when you were bleeding out it was awful." You looked at your hands that were now intertwined, "I know I don't say it, but I do care about you and I just want you to be safe."
"Yeah, I know, but I can defend myself. There's nothing for you to be worried about."
"Yeah, I know... But I can't help it."
"Yeah, you do worry a lot, but I promise nothing bad's going to happen."
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saturncodedstarlette · 9 months
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“Please marry me.”
“I will.”
“Can you wait for me?”
“Even if it takes a hundred years.”
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
Hii I'm a real sucker for your smuts and I was wondering if you could do a five one where he walks in on reader riding their pillow and thinking about him while doing it (and they haven't had intercourse in a long while because of apocalypse stuff and all that) and the aftermath where you can do anything with it after but I'd really like it if five was being gentle to the reader :<
Sorry this is a long req I hope you write it and it's okay if you dont wanna, thankiee 🫶
Your welkiee! Hope you enjoy. 😊 Lucky Fucking Pillow | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader 3k words, Rated E
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It had been four weeks: four fearful, lonely, miserable weeks. You felt stupid, irritated with him. You hated the fact you were waiting at home for him like the sweetheart of a world war two vet, living on the letters he sent from the front lines. 
You held it together until just before he left, duffel bag over his shoulder.
“The situation’s dangerous; unpredictable. I don’t know when I’ll be back.”
On the floors below you, you could hear a bustle of activity as his siblings made similar preparations to leave.
“Why is this your responsibility?”
He looked at you, disbelievingly, the hand not supporting the bag went directly into his pocket.
“This is the world. Am I supposed to sit at home and wait to be subsumed by another apocalypse?”
You shook your head, bringing your knees up to your chest, not able to articulate what you were feeling.
“Let me come with you then.”
He let out an exasperated sigh, picked up the last of his morning coffee and knocked it back, shaking his head. 
“I’m not having this discussion again. I’d want you beside me in anything else, but not in this. If anything happened to you, I’d never forgive myself. Your best chance of survival is staying well away.”
“What if you die? What am I supposed to do?”
From slight irritation, he softened further. Bending from the waist, he kissed your forehead.
“I love you, okay.”
He crossed to the door, but a strangled sob made him turn back. Your face was suddenly red, tear-streaked. When you spoke, the words tore themselves from a tight throat. 
“Don’t go!” 
He closed his eyes, hand still on the door handle. He let out a breath and dropped the duffel bag, turning back around, crossing the room in two strides and holding you close, your head against his chest.
“I have to, angel. I’m so sorry.”
Since then, your days had been spent scouring the horizon for impending doom and following the news incessantly for any hints of what was going on. Your nights had been spent sleepless, remembering Five’s caresses and trying to get your head around the fact that you and everyone else could die at any moment.
You at least knew he wasn’t dead. He got messages to you sporadically; short dispatches from the field. They appeared mostly via an ancient telegraph machine stowed in Reginald’s old office. The most recent of these hadn’t been very encouraging:
We’ve got a plan, but it’s tenuous. If it doesn’t work, we’ll really be fucked. If that’s the case, then I hope to see you on the other side, -F x
smut below cut
They were four sexless weeks too. You quickly discovered that it takes more than the threat of imminent death to crush the human capacity for horniness. Before that month, you would have thought it would be a deluge of cold water on your libido, but that was far from the case. 
On the contrary, knowing that time could be short, all you could think about was having Five in your arms again: running your hands all over his body, the feeling of his lips on yours and the sensations of his lovemaking. 
As you lay in bed, his phantom was a heavy, intoxicating presence. Your need for him was strong tonight. You rolled to look at his empty side of the bed and imagined his head on the pillow. His eyes (that fickle forest green that masqueraded as blue in some lights and brown in others), you imagined them shaded by his hair. You saw his raised eyebrow, his smile, soft and suggestive, with the dimple that only appeared on one side of his face, recessing two large freckles by his mouth.
You pulled his pillow to you and buried your face in it. It smelled of him. You inhaled it deeply: his aftershave, his antiperspirant, his shampoo, a hint of coffee and something more  indefinable: a more fundamental scent that was all him.
It was this last smell that made your stomach flip, that made you breathe in the scent of the pillow again. It awakened something primal in you: ripples from your center outwards; flutters down each of your limbs. 
Before you knew it, you were stripping off your panties and kneeling up in bed. One hand held his pillow to your face and the other held your own pillow between your legs. When you started to grind, it was him beneath you. In imagination, he was teasing you: not allowing you to get on his dick until you came from humping his leg.
It wasn’t enough friction, so you sped up your hips, snapping them back and forth desperately. There was a whisper of something, a tingle from your neglected pussy, so you chased it, sinking deeper into the fantasy and imagining his hands squeezing your hips, guiding you as you rode him.
“Oh, Five,” you whispered, feeling your body begin to respond, wetness gathering between your labia, “Five, fuck.”
You threw your head back and closed your eyes.
“Hm,” said an approving voice from the doorway, “that lucky fucking pillow.”
You gave a violent start, dropped his pillow and turned around. There he was, framed in the open doorway. You gave a grateful, ecstatic cry.
In nothing but your t-shirt, you were across the room in a leap and bound and throwing yourself against him, holding him to you with sudden, tight urgency.
He immediately stiffened and let out a sharp groan of pain. You loosened your grip
“Oh my god, what happened? You’re hurt! Are you okay? Is it over? Is everyone okay? Is the world okay?”
He was holding himself stiffly, but now his pain had faded, his face was amused. He leaned forward and kissed your lips. On your side, the kiss was desperate, joy-filled; on his, more passionate. His tongue flicked between your lips before he broke away.
“How about this? l answer each of your questions if, each time, you answer me one in return?” he said, smirking. 
“I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” he said, smiling gently, “but that wasn’t a question.”
You were too happy to see him to have space to be irritated by this game.
“Fine. What happened to you?”
He moved as if to put his bag down on the chair. Seeing his wince, you took it off him and placed it there yourself.
“Thanks. It’s just a wound. There was an explosion. I was hit by a piece of flying steel.”
“Shit,” you whispered, looking down at his chest and the bandages that must be underneath his shirt, “oh my god, are you okay?”
“Hey,” he admonished, “it’s your turn to answer a question now. What were you doing when I came in?”
You looked at him with annoyance.
“You know what I was doing.”
“Yes,” he smirked, “I want to hear you describe it.”
“I was masturbating.”
“How were you masturbating?” he pushed.
“It’s my turn to ask a question now,” you said, using his own tactic against him, “How long will it take to heal? Are you seriously hurt?”
“That was two questions,” he said, stepping towards you, “but I’m feeling generous: I’m not seriously hurt. It’s a flesh wound. It’ll heal nicely.”
You looked at him with concern and he shook his head with a smile. 
“Now it’s my turn: what exactly were you thinking about when you were humping that pillow?”
“You,” you mumbled, “I missed you.”
“What exactly? You didn’t answer properly.”
You feel your face flush.
“I was thinking about fucking you. On top. Riding you.”
Five’s smirk grew, biting his lip and raising his eyebrows suggestively. You hurried on.
“Is the family okay?”
“All present and correct.” he said, moving even closer to you and stroking your hip in gentle circles.
It was a long, long month without you. There was barely time to think, let alone have the privacy for any ‘self care’ sessions of his own. Now that it was all over, his dick was complaining rather vocally about this neglect; insisting that if it didn’t get inside something warm and tight within the next five minutes, it would be most seriously displeased with the rest of him. 
As if to punctuate the point, it was now requisitioning rather a lot of blood from his brain, leaving him rock hard and almost lightheaded with the rush. 
“You’re so horny for me, aren’t you? Humping your pillow like a dirty little girl?”
“Was that a question?”
You sighed as his hand snaked around to your ass. He stroked one of your buttocks up and down slowly, palm cupping the curve of your skin.
“Then yes: I’m horny for you.”
“How horny?” he said, immediately, squeezing you gently.
“Did you save the world?”
“Are you wet for me?” he said, huskily.
The fingertips of his other hand came to rest on your thigh. His eyes, dark in the low light of the bedroom, captured yours and held them firmly, authoritatively.
“If you’re not going to answer my question, I’ll have to find out for myself.” 
You looked back at him and his lips twitched. Slowly, he walked his middle and index fingers between your legs and parted your labia. He let out a low ‘oh’ as he felt the sopping folds waiting for him.
A jolt twitched down the boner now pressing insistently against the crotch of his pants. 
“How about you ditch the pillow and have a piece of the real thing?”
His fingers slipped slickly up and down your slit and you nodded, trying not to let your knees go weak. Your hands came to the hem of your shirt, pulled it over your head and discarded it so that you were standing naked before him. 
As your breasts bounced free, his befuddled mind could only think how much he’d missed them. He bent forward eagerly to try and take a nipple into his mouth, but froze mid-stoop with a wince and harsh intake of breath.
“Ow. Shit.”
He straightened up slowly, stiffly and leaned against the door, experimentally stretching out his limbs.
“You okay?” you said, worried. 
“I’m fine.” he muttered, hand over his injury, “Got a bad case of hornybrain. Made me forget I was impaled by a steel bar for a hot second there.”
You winced in sympathy and rubbed his clothed stomach in circles. When the pain had abated and he was again looking at you with lust behind his eyes, you leaned in and whispered to him.
“Looks like you’re going to have to stay still and let me do all the work.”
His lips parted but no words came out, for once unable to think of anything cocky to say. You could see the glisten of saliva on his tongue. You smirked and lowered yourself so that you were kneeling in front of him.
He laid his head against the door and exhaled as you deftly freed him of his pants and let them fall to his ankles. He squeezed his eyes closed, thoroughly undone by the mere suggestion of being sucked. He was even hornier than he realized. 
He groaned in a strange mix of satisfaction and need as you licked him through his underwear, using one hand to pull the fabric taught around the thick five and a half inches imprinted there in harsh relief. The stretch and your saliva made the white material semi transparent and you felt a pleasant twist in your stomach as the hint of soft, flushed skin beneath. You lost yourself, aware of nothing but the perfect outline of his glans beneath your tongue and the heady, pheromonal smell of him. 
He made another tight, needy sound as you put your lips around his still-clothed head.
How could you refuse him? Pulling at the elastic and reaching in, you pulled him out to twitch in the open air. It looked painfully hard, as always curving slightly to your left but otherwise sticking straight out like an exclamation point to his arousal.
Slowly, still inhaling that intoxicating scent, you took him into your mouth, slowly sucking him. You hummed appreciatively at his solid, hot skin between your lips. You were in heaven there, happy to keep sucking him as long as he’d let you.
“You don’t know how much I need this,” he said, weakly, knees buckling as you built to a steady rhythm. You paid close attention to his head, enjoying the little pop it made as it left the tight seal of your lips.
He looked down at you with hazy eyes, watching the way your lips pouted as you slid your lips up his length. When you caught his eyes, the pupils suddenly widened and he immediately looked away, head snapping straight back to look up at the ceiling.
“I can’t look at you right now,” he breathed, by way of explanation, “You’re too perfect; I’ll come too fast.”
You flushed, glowing with his praise. Though Five was a loving partner, his compliments were usually hidden beneath layers of self-consciousness and sarcasm. Him saying this now was evidence of how overwhelmed he was: inhibitions swept away in the rush of reunion. 
Slowly, you withdrew and laid your head against his stomach so that his cock rested on your cheek. You looked up at him adoringly, simultaneously enjoying the intensity of his arousal and giving him time to calm down.
“I love you Five.”
“I love you too, baby.” he said, voice breathy and hoarse, “Now, please god, take me to bed and treat me like that pillow.”
You smiled, rose to your feet and led him to the bed, helping him out of the pants around his ankles. Standing by his side of the bed, you kissed his lips gently, enjoying the way his dick stabbed and pressed periodically at your thighs. When you broke apart, you looked into his eyes, at his soft look with his thick eyelashes shading his eyes. 
Aware of his injury, you supported him as he lay down, helping him to ease onto the mattress with the bare minimum of pain. His solid presence in your arms as he let you assist him was bliss.
Though you were being careful not to place any weight where it would hurt him, he pulled you into his arms. 
“Please,” he whispered, “I want you to fuck me. Ride me. Just use me to get off. Use me like a goddamn dildo. I don’t care.  I need you.”
You smirked at this.
“Who are you and what have you done with Five?”
More begging. You didn’t have it in you to tease him, not when you too were desperate to feel his body against yours, to feel him inside you, to mingle your sighs and your pleasure with his.
You slipped him inside you and gasped. The resumption of this perfect coupling alone told you just how much you needed it. You knew you missed it, but now he was inside you again, you realized that it made you whole. His small keen as he slid home was enough to send a fluttering shudder from your center outwards.
“Let me take care of you,” you whispered, leaning close to him.
He nodded, biting his lower lip and caressing your hips.
Slowly, you began to grind against him, rolling your hips with him inside you, moving on top of him just as you did the pillow. This time, it really was Five beneath you, his cock twitching inside you, hitting and charging that sweet spot inside you until it felt like you were buzzing with his electricity.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, “Five!”
“I-don’t-deserve you,” he panted, “So perfect. Perfect. Beautiful girl…so goddamn sexy. I love you. I-fucking- Ah!”
He always got more talkative yet less coherent the closer he got. He was watching your swinging breasts, hanging a few inches above his face. You leaned forwards immediately, keen to give him what he couldn’t take for himself a few minutes before.
He took the hint eagerly, taking your nipple into his mouth and groaning along with you at the change of angle. He suckled enthusiastically, hungrily; hand leaving your hip to rub your breast with his palm. 
His groans now sent miniature, warm vibrations onto your nipple, creating a new center for charge to build upon. As it crackled down your limbs, stoking the heat in your stomach and groin, you moaned, wanting to ride him hard- ride him like a bike - but you were reluctant to let loose in case you hurt him. 
Instead, you rolled your hips upon him desperately. Judging by the sudden shout from him and the ache from your pussy, this motion was to both of your liking. You were on the edge now, teetering.
“Gonna come. Gonna come.” he whispered, urgently, removing his mouth from your titty with a wet sound.
He meant this to warn you but, instead, his desperate voice gave you the final push.
As you came, your pussy clenched, squeezing him suddenly. His eyes shot open and he all-but squealed at the unexpected stimulation. His hips surged upwards, the pain from his chest eclipsed for the moment by this maddening, raging orgasm. It felt like your pussy was milking it from him, pulling his rapid shots of come up into itself. 
At last, you came to a stop. 
“Is the world safe?” you asked, after a warm breathless minute or two.
“Yes,” he said weakly, “the world’s all okay.”
You carefully climbed off him, laid beside him and held him. There was the fresh smell of his shampoo and antiperspirant. The smell of home if ever there was one.  After a minute or two becoming heavier in your arms, he spoke again.
“Well, the world’s certainly all okay now.”
He stroked your stomach as if you were made of paper-thin glass, inclining his head towards yours as he spoke again.
"I meant what I said: you are perfect, you know."
Request masterlist >> HERE
I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 ____'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞...
(A/N: Does not include Five)
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𝑵𝒐. 1 , 𝑳𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 , 𝑺𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒃𝒐𝒚
girl next door trope
knew you ever since childhood
loves you to death
so soft with you
he's such a gentlemen
pulls out chairs for you and holds doors for you
butttttt you have to deal with his daddy issues
he always comes to you crying whenever something happens
a sweetheart with you though
he's very awkward at comforting you
he likes to cook for you
he's such a good chef ngl
he loves cuddling
he literally is always cuddling you
likes to be big spoon, don't get me wrong he needs comfort
the idea of being able to protect you by being big spoon is so validating to him
he's too big to be little spoon anyway
that is literally his one purpose
if he found you during the 60s or something and he had to leave you he'd never stop talking about you
"I miss (Y/N)..."
"(Y/N) would've liked this.."
"Luther, they're gone."
fml sobbing why did I write that
anyway his one purpose is to love and protect you
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𝑵𝒐. 2 , 𝑫𝒊𝒆𝒈𝒐 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑲𝒓𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒏
very jealous
if he sees you with some guy who is flirting with you he will literally glare daggers into him
he will then proceed to walk over to you, sling an arm around your waist and pull you in for a kiss
he doesn't give a shit if anyone's watching
he talks shit about him siblings to you
"Luther thinks he's so much better than all of us-"
"Diego chill out."
oh my god when Viktor wrote that book
(no hate to viktor , viktor is baby)
the shit talk increased so much
he would not shut up about it
help diego would be such a simp for you
like I'm not joking
pure simp
in his eyes you are sweet innocent summer child who can do absolutely no wrong
stabbed someone?
pfft it was probably just an accident
he brings you to visit grace
omg it would be so cute
grace absolutely adores you
she always makes sly comments about how you and diego should get married
he goes redder than the colour red
he wouldn't tell anyone but he secretly loves the idea
he loves kissing your forehead
it's literally his favourite place
you and klaus are besties
he has to deal with you when klaus gets you drunk
"oh. my. god. im upside down."
"(Y/N), you're standing upright. we need to go home.
"... no"
he never gets drunk
fun squasher
he says his body's a temple
youre his nurse
he always comes home injured and gets you to patch him up
he finds it hot
yes, he's bleeding out. yes, he finds you playing nurse to him hot.
priorities ig
he's so soft with you
would kill for you
he probably has
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𝑵𝒐. 3 , 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒖𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓
(refuse to make her evil so s3 allison will not be mentioned)
definitely gets you an acting job in one of her films
she buys you the fanciest stuff
literally you two have the best closet
and you have your own personal stylist
bc why not
you do interviews with her all the time
fans absolutely adore you
there's so many paparazzi pictures of you two together and they eat it up
especially if they include you being doting to claire even though she's not biologically your kid
omg her fans would absolutely love that
so would allison though
if she saw you reading claire a story or smth
her heart would just melt
she might cry ngl
her two favourite ppl in the world just being adorable
you're the cool parent to claire
both of you go to fancy parties and are the hottest couple
"Allison! (Y/N)! How does it feel knowing you're America's favourite couple!"
you're so flattered
allisons just like: yeah ik lmao
she kisses you a lot in public
she knows damn well people are gonna get pictures of it but she loves it
you watch her films with her a lot
if its a particularly old one, you make fun of it with her
"oh my god allison. why do you look like that."
she then proceeds to also make fun of it
you, her and claire go on lots of fancy days out
you may as well considering you're RICH
luther gets a bit jealous sometimes
you help her with her therapy
you comforted her when she custody of claire
you also fought alongside her to get her back
as soon as you do you're happier than ever
you are literally just the cutest family ahdhahfhaj
but then she loses you again when she goes to the 60's
she made it her life's purpose to get back to 2019 with the love of her life and claire
as soon as she accepts that it could take years upon years to reunite with you and claire she finds ray
she knew you'd be happy
but she also knew
she'd never truly move on
omg help I'm gonna start sobbing why do I do this to myself
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𝑵𝒐. 4 , 𝑲𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒔 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆́𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
you help get him off of drugs
ben adores you
he likes that you're there to help klaus
and that you don't ever drop to his level and just do drugs with him
he also likes how you never shit talk him when klaus starts ranting about how annoying he is
klaus is a huge fan of PDA
he is obsessed with the idea of holding your hands
he is constantly touching you in one way or the other
whether it be holding your hand
or simply having a hand on your leg
it matters to him
and that's why you love it
sweet baby boi has so much love to give
he likes being little spoon
he just loves being in your arms
it helps with his nightmares
diego also approves of you
you've saved him from having to go out and look for klaus in the middle of the night in fear he's high or smth
klaus rants to you every so often
quite often you have to help him through panic attacks
he loves you sm
like he is so lovesick
if anyone were to ever ask about you
oh boy
he gets this lovesick look in his eyes
and then starts rambling about how enamored he is with you and how great you are
it's adorable
he's very clingy but in the best way possible
he matches outfits with you
never a dull moment with you two
often it's you trying to solve whatever problem klaus has somehow managed to conjure up
and klaus just being a devious little shit
but it doesn't matter cause you love him
sometimes he questions why you love him
it makes you cry whenever he asks
you hum in response
"why do you love me...?"
sobbing and you start listing all the reasons
and then he's sobbing
and then you're both sobbing
but anyway
he loves dancing with you
he doesn't care what song
it could be some crappy pop song that's somehow in the top hits
or some classical music that's centuries old
he really doesn't care
he likes spinning you around
he loves seeing how happy it makes you
klaus asks you the most random stuff at 3am
"... (Y/N"
"lawyers hope you get sued, doctors hope you get sick, cops hope you're criminal, mechanics hope you have car trouble, but only a thief wishes prosperity for you."
"... go to bed"
you poor thing
you never get any sleep because of how chatty he is at night
he hates being away from you
if he isn't near you he will start whining to ben
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𝑵𝒐. 6 , 𝑩𝒆𝒏 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓
omg it took him ages to admit his crush on you
he's been crushing on you since you were like 12
when did he admit it?
when he was 18.
he likes reading to you
he loves seeing you get all relaxed at the sound of his voice
it makes him fall even more in love with you
he likes PDA but not that much
just a simple touch is enough for him
this boy blushes so easily
you'll brush his hand and he'll turn so pink
sometimes you'll just be sitting there doing nothing of note
and he'll be staring at you in adoration
he's in absolute awe of you
thinks you're the most adorable thing ever
much like diego
thinks you can do no wrong
you're his sweet, precious girl
he knows everything about you off by heart
from your favourite colour
to your mums favourite song
you thinks it's endearing
he loves holding your hand
playing with your hair is one of his favourite things to do
don't get me wrong he likes when you do it to him
but he much prefers when he does it to you
he finds it really relaxing
he's usually pretty closed off about his childhood but he trusts you
sometimes when something that triggers a bad memory happens he goes to you to rant
he doesn't know what he'd do without you
you're literally his life
when you kiss his nose
he just melts
it's the most adorable thing
he's so good at cheering you up
no matter if its something minor or major
he's always amazing at getting you back to your usual self
he loves taking you on cute little dates
he reads you poetry he wrote
omg he deffo writes a piece of poetry about how much he loves you
omg help this is so cute
overall he's a simp
and it suits him
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𝑵𝒐. 7 , 𝑽𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒓 , 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑽𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒏
viktors a sweetheart
he gives you private violin shows
he also rehearses in front of you to see what you think
he tries to get you to critique him
if you don't play violin, you probably just say its all perfect
if you do, you probably give him little tips on areas to work on
you go on little dates to watch the sunset
he has to be little spoon
he just needs some comfort
just needs to be wrapped in your arms and feel safe
poor guy has been through so much
sometimes he gets mad memories of the incident with allison and you have to calm him down
he wouldn't get jealous
he'd just get rlly insecure :(
if he saw someone flirting with you he'd just get a bit sad
he would think the worst and think that you would want to leave him for them :(((
poor bby
opens up to you about how bad his childhood was
sometimes he regrets writing the book
you have to reassure him that it's okay and they don't hate him for it
sure, they did, but not anymore
klaus thinks you two are adorable together
you've got quite a few polaroids of the two of you together
he has them on those little string lights above your bed
he keeps at least one in his pocket at all times
he does that thing where you check if you still have something valuable and it's so cute for some reason
and when he checks and its still there it puts this small little smile on his face
omg it's just shfjsjfjsjf
you take care of him when he's sick
he hates it bc he feels bad that you have to take care of him
but deep down he loves it and will treasure those memories forever
but he'd do the exact same thing if you were sick
whenever you buy him something he always feels bad if he didn't get you something
"Vik it's okay! you didn't have to get me anything,"
it's absolutely adorable
Taglist: @book-place
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yandere-toons · 8 months
Platonic & Romantic Headcanons – Yandere
WARNING: substance abuse, bloody violence, references to child abuse and neglect, self-harm and suicidal ideation, sexual references, mentions of religious concepts.
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Hugs, where he snuggles up with his whole body, are his favourite way to greet the one he has so fondly dubbed his truest friend. Klaus shuts out all other communication and responsibility, preferring to laugh with them and grasp for any reason to keep the conversation going. He makes no apologies for his enthusiasm and, if only privately, ridicules those who frown on his behaviour.
A snack or nightcap that happened to be on hand serves as his excuse, but in reality, Klaus is looking for any opportunity to lean in and show how attentive he can be. Klaus will endure an inordinate amount of hostility before he recognises that it's more than a lapse of affection. Even so, he assumes the fault rests squarely on his shoulders and scrambles to be more forthright in his attempts to praise and help.
Sleep exhausts him more than life unless Klaus downs a shot of liquid courage and passes out on his friend, calling their heartbeat the best sedative. He finds comfort in entangling himself with them: then the slightest movement will alert him to a disturbance or an attempt to leave, and he won't have to wake up alone, wondering if he's hallucinated it all.
When his friend exits the room, Klaus jumps up from whatever compact position he's been sitting in and hurries after them. Even if his question about going out together fetches an unequivocal "no," Klaus reacts with joy, as if he's snagged a resounding "yes," and continues to follow at their heels until they reach their destination.
Whether it's throwing himself into the back seat of their car just before they drive off or physically clinging to them, Klaus insists on not being separated for even a minute. Anything longer than a few seconds of uninterrupted silence discomforts him, so he is eager to fill that time with stories of his bizarre visions.
If Klaus's friend lands in a scuffle, he enables them by shouting words of encouragement for them to hit the other. For Klaus to strike, the friend must either ask him to do so or catch him in a moment of extreme distress. Once the altercation is over and Klaus's friend emerges victorious, he approaches the opponent and taunts them quietly, if possible extinguishing his cigarette on their skin.
Suppose his friend loses or appears to be struggling. In that case, Klaus will call upon his brother Diego to intervene with deadly force. Klaus frames this as a personal favour between brothers, but Klaus has, at best, a tenuous intention of repaying Diego, unless what Diego asks for comes in the form of pills or powder. This becomes clear when Klaus decides not to stay for the end of the fight and leaves with his friend to pour a celebratory drink.
Being a bystander in the fight means staying behind Klaus while he holds out his arm like a seatbelt. Klaus believes he has failed to fulfil his sole purpose in life and is therefore unworthy to live, so at the first sign of danger, he will sacrifice himself for one of the few people who have not yet written him off.
Klaus enjoys swapping gossip and bad memories of questionable validity about how awful the person was. He even steals valuables from the person's house, small enough to fit in his coat pocket, and then splits the reward with his friend, distracting them with compliments and jokes in hopes that they won't confront him about the crime.
If the friend presses him hard, Klaus will hand over the stolen goods but will argue that he is thieving solely in their best interest. If you wait a day or more to ask him about it, Klaus will have the time he needs to pawn off all the stolen goods and double down on the lie that someone else is to blame.
Hearing a good song, Klaus will try to dance with his friend. Humour him or not, Klaus improvises a whole routine and "accidentally" plants his elbow in the ribs of everyone he suspects has the same dance partner in mind. He makes a point of swaying in his friend's line of sight and slides into the way each time they venture out.
Despite this, Klaus is the first to flee and invent insults against the others for smothering him. Should the people claim that Klaus is the real hanger-on, that his friend stays with him out of pity rather than necessity, he lashes out in a burst of verbal and physical rage at whoever said it last.
Acts of impulse serve as a cornerstone of his fragile attachment. In a more domestic setting, Klaus falls into their lap on the pretext that his family is hogging all the chairs. Kisses blown across the room, closer if his friend asks for such things, earn him much derision from his siblings.
No matter how much Ben gags in his ear, Klaus pays no mind to his antics and gradually isolates himself from those who challenge his view of the relationship. He has had enough of being expected to validate his every choice in his family's eyes and declares that he will never again bring his friend round the mansion. When questioned as to his motives, Klaus is unusually honest about his preference for them over his family.
Klaus jokes that, even in death, he will hold them to all the promises they made in life. He warns them not to bunk with other spirits, as he has dedicated a La-Z-Boy and a bottomless supply of pizza to them in his afterlife. One-on-one existence, where his dream could never again be taken from him, is his paradise, and the resurrection, the gasp of loneliness that comes with leaving such a world, takes more from his heart than any bullet.
As someone whom the dead haunt like a shadow, Klaus will continue to talk to his friend long after their death. Everyone else can only watch and guess at his condition as he chats with empty air about what to eat that day. Klaus is well aware that his friend is dead and that no one else can see them now, but it gives him more reason to include them in conversations with others.
This is how he soothes his grief and tells himself that despite the new barrier, he can still socialise with them and, at least for a few blissful minutes, pretend that everything is as it should be. If anyone is angry with him for this, Klaus teases them: in his eyes, they are shamelessly envious that he has such a loyal friend.
Playdates with his abrasive family are a necessary evil, but as soon as his partner leaves, Klaus waves goodbye to his siblings and follows. He packs his nonexistent bags and sets off, unable to trust that his partner won't realise he does more harm than good and abandon him while they're apart.
Klaus fears his attachment—he worries that by revealing its burning intensity and seeking appreciation, he is inviting future rejection. Every time Klaus takes such a risk, he anticipates problems in the relationship that will exceed his abilities and expose his incompetence. Consequently, he may attempt to sever the connection before it has the chance to evolve.
Throughout Klaus's existence, fortune has conspired against him, divine intervention has been a lie, and karma has overdosed him twentyfold before granting him another fleeting sense of hope. Any individual who treats Klaus as anything more than his father's failed experiment and values him for reasons beyond his powers which he so loathes must be clueless.
However, Klaus notes, they must also be a finer person than himself, one to whom he could never measure up, and for whose sake he would mutilate himself at a moment's notice. Anyone who hurts them is beneath contempt, a bastard whom he would gladly let burn in a fire of their own making.
Klaus dreams up an intricate history of conflict and pleasure in case he has to step into the role of a jilted ex and deliver a heart-wrenching story to win that coveted second chance. He dallies in places frequented by his partner to catch them alone, spilling his deepest affections, hoping that one day, even if a thousand lifetimes from this one, they will embrace him once more.
For Klaus, eye contact with his partner means that they find him the opposite of repulsive and are open to seeing more of him, a feat he cannot even allow himself. At the slightest hint of their presence, he casts a wistful stare that, when interrupted, turns listless and dejected. It is this ingrained hesitancy to trust his own judgement that causes him to doubt his right to exist until another sees him and proves that he deserves life.
Klaus chases this meaning as he often has the bottom of a bottle, languishing in every sense of the word until he may experience it again. Perhaps a glaring difference in interests leaves him at a loss as to how to bond, such as if his partner turns out to be a grease monkey. In this scenario, Klaus resorts to conning a mechanic's shop into giving them lessons.
He deliberately injures himself, making sure that some part of his body is streaming blood, and then claims that an employee assaulted him. The act is contrived to arouse sympathy for him and punishment for another, replete with tears, dramatised accounts of every blow dealt, and threats when no one else is listening.
Klaus pretends he is too disoriented from blood loss to walk on his own and insists he must hold on to his partner when he stands. He grossly exaggerates the time and energy needed to recover, suggesting they carry him in their arms and focus all their attention on him until he "feels better."
Claiming that insensitive siblings will only aggravate his fragile state, Klaus plays up the injury and groans his way into his partner's abode. There, in the bedroom or on the couch, he finds his strength, undresses with a quickness he previously thought lost, and makes every effort to seduce.
Each day reminds Klaus how readily most people dismiss him as a useless junkie, so much so that he struggles to see the point of recovery. He considers his perceived attractiveness to be his one redeeming quality or, at the very least, the only quality that elicits positive reinforcement from others. Thus, he often sees his body as all he can offer in terms of incentive to stay with him.
When an attempt fails or, worse, is so unsuccessful that the relationship is jeopardized, Klaus rushes to propose alternative forms of intimacy: sleeping in the same bed from now on or spooning for a couple of days. In the meantime, Klaus worries inwardly that he is no longer desirable and fears for his ability to maintain his partner's interest.
That afternoon, Klaus presents them with a cocktail he swiped from Reginald's stash or a local bar, dressed in clothes he snatched from their bedroom without asking. Klaus is down to share a bottle of hard liquor, but addiction is the price he alone must pay for all his mistakes.
When his partner has similar issues, he takes the bottle and pitches all the street drugs, forcing the substance into his own veins when he needs to remove it completely from their reach. Klaus would rather bear the pain of another overdose than risk that for his partner.
Suppose the two have five dollars between them; the partner wishes to use it for a packet of cigarettes, while Klaus wants to put it towards a rice cake to split. Given the risk of disappointing them or starving, Klaus will suffer an empty stomach until he keels over. Once they look pleased, he can always shoplift the odd armful of crisps from a convenience store.
As the days turn to weeks, Klaus finds that less and less of life brings him the high he feels when he is near his partner. Nothing inspires the same happiness, and everything that used to thrill him has dulled. For Klaus, the whole of his life's worth depends on whether his ardour is reciprocated. If not, if he has devoted so much only to humiliate himself again, then the world of the living is no place for him.
Seeing how his family treats him like a ghost, Klaus trusts no one would mourn him if he vanished and never found his way back. At least, in death, he could enjoy a moment's peace and await the day when the one in whose steady hand he put forth his heart, freshly torn from his chest, would visit him.
Gone is the will to eat save for a cold waffle here and there, drinking himself into a nonstop bender that aims to drive out his heartache but instead only deadens it. Wrapped in a memento he never takes off to keep up the semblance of closeness, Klaus lingers at their final resting place so as not to miss any effort at contact.
It is not at all uncommon to find Klaus hungover, musing that perhaps if he dies in the same place, he can follow them to the other side. The more breath leaves his body, the closer their touch, telling him if he falls a little deeper, he can be with them. Whether it's a pipe dream or a drug-induced flashback, which Klaus is no longer able to tell apart, he resists coming out of it until a defibrillator or stomach pump forces him back to reality.
Each time the Maker rides to him on Her dirt road, there comes the possibility of a reunion. At his lowest, Klaus stops his heart for this exact purpose, or rather, he welcomes a moment in the hereafter with one who eases his burden of life.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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ch0c0-cake · 2 years
five hargreeves x fem!reader
found this idea by a post by @col0rlord ! Apologies if it’s a little long ! I got a little carried away
summary - it’s the end of the world, and luther is getting married. once your ‘secret’ admirer sees you all dressed up, it’s all over for the poor boy. (i’m adding a little singing scene because i’m a cliché motherfucker)
warnings - spoilers for season three, cursing
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“I’ve barely even started and you look so good!” Sloane let out a happy squeal as she carefully applied the black eyeliner to your eyelid.
“I don’t how how you managed to convince me to let you to do this.” You tensely muttered, gingerly scratching at your thigh so you wouldn’t smack Sloane’s hand away from your face. “I hate shit near my eyes.” In fact, you knew exactly why you were letting Sloane do this. More than half her family was fucking dead. Marcus, Alphonso, Jayme, Fei, and Christopher. You didn’t know her well, but if Luther liked her so much to where they wanted to get married, she must be someone special. Sloane at least deserved this much.
“I know, but I promise I won’t be very long.” She hummed out, being very careful to not make you uncomfortable. Well, more uncomfortable than you already were as she was now applying mascara.
“Sloane, I swear if that thing gets in my eyes-”
“Shh, it won’t!” She said with a giggle, putting a hand on your shoulder to try and get you to relax. “This is nice, y’know? You’re like a little sister I’ve never had.” She smiled, and your shoulders relaxed.
“Keep in mind, I’m technically older than you.” You reminded her. “I just look like a prepubescent teenage girl who doesn’t know what foundation matches her skin tone.”
“Do you know what foundation matches your skin tone?”
“…Sloane, I wasn’t exactly wearing makeup while I lived in the end of the world.”
“I know that, silly.” She breathed out, finally pulling the mascara away from your eyelashes. You blinked uncomfortably, blowing a strand of hair from your face. “Oh, maybe I should have done shadow before mascara…” Sloane reached to her cotton candy pink makeup bag and pulled out a few palettes.
“You do know what you’re doing, yeah?” You grit your teeth a bit. “No offense, Sloane, I really do not want to go down there looking like a crazy person.”
She giggled and spread out the options for you to choose from. “You pick one of these, and I’ll go from there, okay?”
You hesitated and picked up the one that looked the most casual. You didn’t need bright and shiny colors, thank you very much. “Please take it easy.” You said as she excitedly grabbed the item from you and a couple brushes.
“Don’t worry, you’ll look gorgeous for Five. He’ll love it.” She cooed out, about to apply the first shade until you pulled your head back in surprise.
“Huh? Who said anything about Five?” You defended, but you could feel your face getting a little warm.
“Hm…I didn’t think I put that much blush on you.” She teased, gently guiding you forward so she could get started. “What, you and Five aren’t a thing at all?”
“What led you to think that?” You mumbled, the embarrassment written all over your face.
“Oh honey…” she giggled as you scrunched your face up while she applied the colors to your eyelids. “You may not have noticed over all the soft bickering you both like to indulge in…but the looks you give each other are very sweet. The way you both reach for each other when you sense danger.” She only laughed again when you furrowed your eyebrows in skepticism, eyes closed but the message getting across.
“…whatever…” you mumbled.
“Oh, I don’t think I told you how angry he got when our families first met.” Sloane hummed out. “Remember when I kinda tossed a vase at you and it broke over your head? Knocked you out?”
“Don’t remind me. That shit hurt, Sloane!”
“I know, I know! I’m sorry!” She quickly said, but continued here story. “Five saw your head bleeding and you on the floor, and I’ve never seen someone look angrier. I’ve never even seen Ben look that mad. It was like I had killed someone’s mother or something.” She said softly, pulling the brushes away which signaled she was done.
“He’s my friend, Sloane. Of course he was worried.” You softly defended, quietly cursing out yourself. Oh how badly you wanted Sloane to be right. But you really didn’t want your final emotion before the end of everything to be one of heartbreak after confessing and being rejected. Spending so much time with someone in the apocalypse can lead to some intense feelings. Five kept you sane for so long, while driving you mad at the same time with his stubbornness and sass.
“Hun, you aren’t understanding me.” Sloane sighed with a gentle smile as she grabbed a container of lip gloss. “There’s being worried, and then there’s being scared shitless. After he knocked me away, the way he picked you up was so gentle. You were like fine china in his arms. The fear in his eyes was so prominent. I really think he’s in love with you. Just wait until he sees you, his eyes are going to pop out of his head.” She held your face in her hands as she applied the lip gloss. “Dance with him tonight, okay? See how it goes.”
“…damn it, Sloane.” You breathed out with a chuckle, reluctantly agreeing and she squealed happily.
“Yay! Be sure to tell me all about it!” She said, standing up as she was now finished. She pulled you up and dragged you to a full-length mirror, and your eyes widened like quarters when you saw your reflection.
You were never one for dressing fancy in dresses. You usually stuck to suits, since that’s what you and Five did Commission work in. Dresses were hard to murder people in. Plus, you’d feel bad staining a beautiful dress with blood. You knew you could look good without dressing up, but this side of you wasn’t that bad. The way the dress fit your body perfectly astounded you. The makeup looked wonderful. You had truly underestimated Sloane. She’d done your hair exactly the way you wanted too.
“So..? Do you like it?” Sloane asked with a nervous smile.
“I look like a girl on prom night…gross…I love it.” You mumbled, trying to make up your mind. Sloane just laughed and pulled you in for a hug.
“I’m so glad you think so! Thanks for agreeing to be my maid of honor, by the way.” She smiled, and you could feel the pure joy radiating from her. You would never admit it, but you truly were glad you could help Sloane in this way.
“Yeah, it’s no big deal.” You shrugged with a cough, and Sloane pulled away, beaming.
“Let’s go, then! You gotta go get your man!” She started toward the door.
“Wait, Sloane.” You quickly called, staying at your spot in front of the mirror with a soft frown.
She turned and tilted her head. “Is everything okay?”
“Just…do you really think Five will like it?” You asked quietly, but just loud enough to hear. “He’s never seen me in this attire. What if he doesn’t like it, Sloane?”
She gave you a smile and walked back over to you, taking your smaller hands in her warm ones. She really was like a big sister, despite the fact you were technically much older. “You’re overthinking this. I know Five is going to be head over heels for you. How could he not be? If he has something else to say, he can march right over to me and tell me his complaint. Okay?”
“…thank you, Sloane.” You said softly, before pulling her into a hug. She was definitely shocked, as she didn’t expect you to initiate the hug. “Don’t tell anybody about this though, okay?”
“Aww…of course.” She smiled, hugging back for a few moments before pulling away. “Okay, now let’s go!”
“Where is she..?!” Five quietly hissed under his breath, pacing back and forth in the wedding venue that was managed to get set up. Everybody else was here, so where were you? You told him you would be there, that’s the only reason he agreed to go.
“Now, what are you so worried about this time?!”
Shit. He should have kept his mouth shut and have stayed still. Klaus came sauntering over, his usual carefree smile on his face.
“Nothing, Klaus.” Five breathed out in irritation.
“Ohhhh, you are waiting for your little girlfriend..!” Klaus teased, wiggling his shoulders suggestively.
Five turned and gave him a sharp glare. “How many times have I told you? She is not my girlfriend.”
“You want her to beeeee!”
“Klaus! Shut up or I’ll end you before the Kugelblitz does.”
“Ohh, don’t be so mean. It’s a wedding!” Klaus exclaimed, not paying much attention to Five’s irritation. “I bet she’s just getting all dressed up! With makeup and all!” He hummed. “And she’s gonna come down and have her Disney princess moment, and you’re gonna be all flabbergasted like ‘oh you look so beautiful, go out with me!’ Exactly like that!”
Five’s eye twitched. Klaus may be slightly right, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying. Before Five could snap back with a response, the elevator dinged and the doors open. The sight that fell on Five’s eyes made his mouth fall open like a complete idiot.
There you were. Like a princess. Hair just the way he’d envisioned it would be, dressed in the color that just worked for you. The way it brought out your eyes astounded Five. The way it showed off your body perfectly, good god. There was a plethora of body types out there, all beautiful, but yours? Like a goddess. He’d been everywhere anybody could imagine, but never anywhere did Five see someone as remarkable as the girl he’d crushed on since he was a boy. He’d seen so many things, but nothing could take his breath away like you could.
Take his breath away was right, Five realized he wasn’t breathing. He turned away and quietly gasped for some air, turning back around as soon as he could.
“Well, who knew you could dress up so nice?!” Klaus announced with a big grin, soft claps coming from the others.
“Shut up or I’ll end you before the Kugelblitz does, Klaus.” You mumbled.
Klaus chuckled nonchalantly. “Funny, Five said something similar earlier.” He hummed, putting a hand on your back. “Speaking of! He was looking for you, go say hi!”
Five’s eyes widened. ‘Thanks a lot, brother,’ he thought with a hint of annoyance. He caught a glimpse of you whispering to Klaus for a sec, but Klaus didn’t seem much for conversation and he lightly pushed you over to him. You didn’t seem to like that considering the shoes you were in.
“Klaus, I’m in heels-!” You yelped, and Five watched as your foot slipped.
“Shit-!” He hissed and blinked right over to where you were and caught you before you could hit the ground. “Klaus, you absolute idiot!” What was Klaus thinking? She’s never worn heels a day in her life! He recalled that you hated heels. You always resorted to nice looking loafers for missions, never heels.
Klaus feigned shock and covered his open mouth with his hand. “Oh, I am so sorry! You caught her, though!”
Five rolled his eyes and simply blinked to somewhere else in the room, looking at you. Your eyes really were beautiful. “How bad did Sloane beg to get you to wear those, my friend?” He raised an eyebrow and cracked a smile, helping you stand up straight. He had to steady you before you spoke, and you crossed your arms.
“She just…has these eyes, Five.” You groaned, but you had that face where you were annoyed but were also endeared by something. He saw that look a lot.
“You shoulda just said no.” Five chuckled with a shake of his head. “You still would look astonishing without them.”
He only realized what he had said when the awkward silence hit the both of them like a truck. ‘I really just said that.’ Then he caught that smile. It was shy. Timid. Your face would darken with blush, and even though you would turn your face away, you were so perfect.
“…thanks, Five.” You said, rubbing your arm. “You look astonishing, too.”
Before he could respond, the elevator dinged and out came the bride. You smiled a mischievous smile.
“Gotta go, Five. We’ll talk later.” You pat his shoulder and people got in their ‘places’. Luther and Sloane at the altar, Klaus being the one officiating the wedding so he stood in between them. Viktor took his spot near Luther, while you took yours near Sloane.
As Klaus spat some wedding nonsense with his own little twist, Five found himself not able to focus on his brother and sister-in-law. His eyes were on you. What the hell was wrong with him? He could hardly even focus, and his face felt hot. His palms were sweaty and his stomach was churning. His throat felt tight, as if someone was choking him. But he knew what being choked felt like, and it definitely did not feel like this. It was like you had a chokehold on him. Every time his eyes flickered away from you, something made him look right back to your celestial figure.
Soon enough, the I do’s were said, and the group dispersed to allow Luther and Sloane their dance. Just as Five was about to go right to you, Sloane got to you first. She caught Five’s eyes and giggled softly, giving him a knowing smile before talking quietly to you. Five silently watched your facial expressions, trying to get a read on what was happening. He also just adored looking at your face.
Sloane smiled, and you made a face of annoyance. She made a face of pleading, and you hesitated before answering with a roll of your eyes, leading to a very happy Sloane.
Five wondered what it was about Sloane that made you agree to do things for her so easily. Nonetheless, he admired the way you would do things out of your comfort zone to make her happy after all that shit that went down the past few days. It was terrible just thinking that you had been dead in the apocalypse before he found you, so he could only imagine Sloane’s heartbreak after five of her siblings died so close together.
Five was about to blink and go see what you were up to, but he saw you grab the mic and he understood. Sloane wanted you to sing. Hell, he wasn’t complaining. You would sing a lot during the end of the world while you were together and he would never get sick of hearing your angelic voice. He shot you a smile and walked over to the alcohol. If Five wanted to dance at all with you, he was gonna need a little courage.
Luther and Sloane walked to the dance floor, and you tried finding an instrumental for a song you wanted. Five smiled at the look of concentration on your face. Eventually you found it and stepped in the opening and began to sing.
“When I was a child, my eyes were clear, I saw the good side
That's the kind of second sight that doesn't last too long
Then when I was lost, I heard a voice that brought me healing
That's the kind of special hope he brought me with his song
People only saw the doctor, lawyer, Indian chief
But he was just a lonely little boy to me
With his sweet and gentle touch he sure unlocked my soul
So in return I surely want to help to set him free”
You weren’t sure why you had picked this song. It was a wedding, so you needed to pick something lovey-dovey, right? Sloane didn’t specify what she wanted, would this be okay? A showtune? Maybe not the greatest wedding song ever. Then as you kept singing, you realized exactly why you picked this song. That lonely little boy…with a sweet and gentle touch was the boy you’d been in love with for so long.
“Yeah, now I wanna see him fly, fly
I’ll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye
No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day”
Five silently watched you stand and sing. He recognized the song very quickly, you’d heard it after the two of you returned home and you would quietly sing it to yourself. He watched as passion slowly started to fill those beautiful eyes. You chose this song for a reason.
“Men who they call real were really fakes who left me nothing
But this man they call a fake gave me something real
I've known cruel men with Christian names that taught me manners
But this man without a name taught me how to feel
They only saw the magic tricks, the smoke and mirrors
Was I the only one to ever see the boy?
So now they want to clip his precious wings and bring him down
But in his heart and soul's the kind of good they can't destroy”
You found your eyes wandering to Five sitting alone, a glass of alcohol in hand. Instead of focusing on his drink, he was looking directly at you. He usually had such an intense look on his face, but he looked so…gentle. And soft. It was the look of the boy you fell head over heels with. You met men at the Commission who gaped at you, stared in awe, but in reality they didn’t do anything for you. Five gave you everything you could ever ask for. Without trying, he’d taught you so much and you loved him for it. Sometimes you felt as if nobody knew this soft side of Five, not even his own siblings. Five getting attacked physically by Commission lackeys and emotionally by his siblings hurt you so bad. Deep down, you knew Five had such a good heart, and cared so much about you and his family.
“So now I wanna see him fly, fly
I'll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye
No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day,”
Five stood up immediately once he saw the tears start to form in your eyes during a particular line. We didn’t get to say goodbye. The two of you truly did not get to say goodbye when you both were sent off into the apocalypse. He had screwed up and landed the two of you in different time periods of the apocalypse. You were stuck in the past of the apocalypse, while he was further ahead. He had screwed you over so bad, but you forgave him and greeted him with open eyes. He spotted Diego and Lila slowly go over to the dance floor, and Five decided he wanted to dance with somebody.
“Baby, when you're in the clouds, please keep a lookout
Maybe, darling, find a hideaway for you and I, you and I”
You had to stop a grimace from appearing. Ew, feeling emotions. You felt the tears in your eyes and tried to force them down, but it was hard to stop them. That’s when you saw someone making his way toward you. The look on Five’s face was unreadable, which you never thought you’d say. You were usually able to tell somewhat what Five was thinking. Without a word, Five gently grabbed your waist, despite the fact you were occupied with singing a very emotional ballad, and he gently led you to the dance floor along with Luther, Sloane, Diego, and Lila. Looking into the eyes of the boy you’d pined after for so long…man, it does things.
“And now I wanna see you fly, fly
I'll be your alibi, my baby
Fly, fly, fly away
We didn't get to say goodbye, goodbye,”
Five felt terrible seeing the tears roll down your pretty face as you sang your sweet little heart out. Your eyes screwed shut and you maneuvered so that only he would be the one seeing you cry. He was the one who got to see you so vulnerable. The fact you were crying, singing, and now dancing in heels was incredible to him. All he wanted to do was make you feel safe. You two weren’t able to say goodbye before, but before this new apocalypse, you two would be able to say goodbye.
“No need to tell me why, my baby
Maybe it's because you'll fly back home to me one day
And I'll be waiting for you there
You'll fly back home to me one day”
You allowed yourself to weep openly in front of Five as you sang. You weren’t one to go rattling off your emotions all the time, and you despised thinking about your time in the apocalypse. This was the first time you released how you felt about it in some way. Five’s hand slowly reached up and touched the side of your face, using a thumb to wipe away a tear. Five took the mic, blinked away and put it back where you found it, and put on some other song. He was right back to you.
“You know…in all my years I never thought my breath would quite literally be taken away by someone.” Five said softly, his hands gentle on your waist.
“Oh, you’re just saying that.” You chuckled softly. “I sang a pretty song, that’s it. Wasn’t even too good. Her vocals do not match mine.” You replied, earning a soft sigh from Five.
“How many years have we spent our time together?” He asked seriously, tilting his head and squinting his eyes. He took a deep breath, like he was preparing himself. “Goddamn it, it’s the end of the world, so why not? I like you, okay?”
You hesitated. Was Five being serious? He wasn’t the type to pull pranks. “I…sure hope you would like me somewhat, we’ve seen each other almost every day for many years-”
“You know what kind of like I’m talking about.” He gave you an expectant look. Was he confessing to you right now? You never thought you’d see the day. “I’ve seen all sides of you and I like all of them. Even the one that argues with me when I’m right.” This earned a chuckle from you. “Like I said, it’s the end of the world, so might as well tell you now. I saw you tonight and knew you were the only one right for me. You have every right to reject me. Terrible timing, I know.” He chuckled lightly. “Judging by how passionately you stared at me while singing that song, I’m inclined to believe you feel the same. Do you?”
You were practically speechless. “Five…” you could feel your face heating up again. “Idiot, what the hell took you so long?”
“Well, better late than never.” He hummed, a smug smile on his face. “Come on, you have to admit it now.”
“I’m not admitting anything, Five.” You huffed, averting your eyes to Sloane, who looked very very excited as she looked at you both.
Five clicked his tongue. “Well then, I suppose I’ll just have to go get a drink.” He started to pull his hands away but you were quick to pull them back.
“No! God, you’re such an ass.” You mumbled in irritation, before closing your eyes and sighing. “I like you a lot, Five. Maybe even love you. I think I’ve loved you for a long time.”
“Finally you admitted it, you stubborn bastard.” He teased, and before you could start to protest, he had suddenly teleported the two of you to a more secluded area of the room. “Well, I love you too.” He hummed softly, gently taking your face in his hands. He cleared his throat, almost nervously. Was Five nervous? That was unusual for him.
“You have every right to say no, but…” he took a deep breath, averting eye contact for a few moments before looking you right in the eyes. “May I kiss you?” He breathed out shakily.
Now that was something you didn’t expect. Five was standing there, timidly asking if he could kiss you. His touch was sweet and gentle, like it usually was when you two touched.
“Of course you can kiss me, Five.” You chuckled softly, your own face very hot while you tried to play it off. You could see the relief in his eyes at your answer, and he stepped closer to you.
When Five’s lips touched yours, he was so incredibly mad at himself that he didn’t do this before. How long could he have been doing this with someone like you? How long could he have been holding you? Kissing you? Doing all these sickening, cheesy, romantic things with you? Why did his stubborn ass wait until the end of everything? He was such a dumbass. At the same time, he was addicted to this. The way your lips moved against his, like they belonged together. He could feel you smile into the kiss, and that made him feel things he’d never felt before. This was making you happy, and that’s what mattered.
When he pulled away, he lifted a finger to your lips to prevent you from saying anything.
“We’ll get to say goodbye this time, okay?” He said gently, keeping his hand on your face in hopes it would make you believe him. “I promise you that.”
He felt your face lightly lean into his hand. “We better, or I’ll kick your ass, Number Five.” You mumbled, and he laughed ever since slightly. That was you, ‘threatening’ him every ten seconds.
Suddenly, there was a loud obnoxious gasp from somewhere somewhat nearby, and Five cursed.
“I knew it!” Klaus cheered. “Luther, you owe me fifty bucks, dear brother!!”
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Imagine a heart-to-heart with Five at the end of the world…
“Here we are. End of the world - again.” You said dismally as the giant plume of death-smoke swirled in the air. It would have been beautiful if this wasn’t the end. Noticing the empty space beside Five, you gestured to the spot to silently inquire if you could take a seat.
“Knock yourself out.” He sighed taking another large swig of alcohol.
Planting yourself down, you hung your legs over the literal edge of the world and took a deep breath.
“You know, I figured that if I went out it would be mid-fight or old-age. But sitting and waiting for the inevitable end feels… lacklustre.” You confessed.
Five chuckled softly. “You sound like Diego.”
You smiled at the comment of likeness and bumped into his arm. “And how do you feel about all of it? I don’t think anyone would have remembered to ask.” You wondered and turned in his direction only to see Five lower the drink. He exhaled and shook his head.
“Honestly. I feel like shit. Every time I try to save the world it gets more fucked up.” He replied and glanced at you for a quick second before straightening up. “And what’s worse is that my oldest friend still thinks I’m a teenager and forgets that I’m an old man.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. He was right. You definitely treated Five more carefully than the others and often forgot that he was trapped in his young body.
Taking the bottle from his hands, you took a large swig and wiped you mouth with the back of your hand as you gave it back. “I promise I’ll be more of an asshole to you.”
Smirking, Five emptied the rest of the liquor before tossing the bottle into the void.
“Never change Y/n. You’ve been the only constant thing in this madhouse of a family. I think you’re great as is.” He offered kindly. “We all do.”
~ More imagines here ~
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justasimp1 · 2 years
Hii first i wanna say your writing is amazing! i am not sure if you are taking requests right now but if (when) you do, what about reader and Five working in comission together, have a mission where they have to pretend they're a couple (love the fake dating troupe xD), sexual tension building up and things get heated by the end? if you still do smut ofc! Have a great day :)
Five Hargreeves x F! Reader
I love this idea! Smut, Fluff, Fake Dating
Important Information: Five and the reader are both over 18 years old. This is a separate universe from TUA! If you like this AU then try reading this....
Task Finder
You wanted to murder the Handler–like jump over the glass desk and wrap your hands around her throat, squeezing them down. You imagined her esophagus twitching underneath your palm, a smirk lifting your lips, the weak slaps to push your hands away, the life leaving her-
"You can leave now" The Handler's words snapped you out of your murderous gaze. Five began to stride to the door. However, your feet reluctantly stayed in place.
"No, hell no, fuck no, I won't, I can't" Your words didn't seem to faze her. She shrugged, looking back at the door. You thought about getting on your knees and begging but remembered Five was still in the room. "He can just kill them!" You crossed your arms, a small pout tugging at your bottom lip.
"You're doing the task, no exceptions. Now leave!" The Handler closed her eyes, ignoring your previous question.
You didn't want to act like a bratty child but fuck you wanted to throw a mini tantrum in the bathroom. Five's eyes kept side-eyeing you, his lips were pressed in a thin line, his jaw tense. Going on a mission with Five...cool. Going on a mission with Five and having to fake date?! Everything would've been fine if you didn't have a burning infatuation for him.
"Is working with me that bad?" He made a snarky grin but his voice sounded hurt. You looked up at the fluorescent office lights, shaking your head.
"No, it's just because we're friends and we have to pretend to date for the whole day" You pinched your temples, thinking about forced kisses, subtle touches, and eye contact.
"Don't worry too much about it, darling" He put on this fake charming voice, looping an arm around your shoulders. You grimaced pushing him away.
"What's wrong, baby?" He squeezed your cheeks together, making your lips inflate. You stopped walking down the hallway, trying to avert your gaze somewhere else. But the proximity between you two made you pear up at him through your eyelashes.
"Can you stop with the pet names?" You let out a stifled chuckle, your words muffled by your plush lips. Five smiled, his tongue darting out on his lips, he leaned in closer to the point where you could smell his expensive cologne. It wasn't strong but it made your mind go hazy.
You gulped, fingernails digging into your sweaty palm. "We need to practice" His voice warmed your lips. You couldn't tell if he was talking about the pet names or closing the distance between you two. You slightly leaned up, only a few centimeters, testing the waters.
His thumb crossed your bottom lip, pressing it down. His cocky response was caught in his throat. And so was yours. Still, you managed to mumble a quiet "Five"
Time was moving too slow, his lips ghosted yours before he clicked his tongue, letting you go. He continued his walk towards the elevator at the end of the hall. "Let's go" He snickered. You blinked rapidly, trying to process what happened.
"Right..." You whispered underneath your uneven breathing.
"4'o'clock" Five pulled you closer. You looked to the right, scanning for a man with a brown slick back and a curled mustache. You squeezed Five's arm, as the man walked over to you. "I'm right here, stay calm" His thumb rubbed circles into your exposed skin.
"Are you enjoying the party?" His voice was rusty and slurred. Alcohol coming from his body.
"Yes, thank you for inviting us, Mr. Houghton" You smiled, unconsciously leaning into Five. "I and my husband were interested in your private collection" When you finished your sentence his eyes darkened and the foolish beer emotions disappeared.
"Are you cops?" He let out an obnoxious laugh, looking at your expression for hesitation. His hand went to touch your arm. You allowed him, forcing another smile.
"Never in my 38 years of living, I ever thought of being one of those hooligans" You laughed, biting at the inside of your cheek. Five bit back a laugh when he heard your fake age and minor accent.
"You seem very curious for a woman. My private collection is more of a man's thing, eh?" Mr. Houghton gestured towards Five, waiting for an agreed hum. Five's arm rested at your waist, if he could pull you any closer he 100% would.
You took in a sharp inhale, your brain rebooting. Mr. Houghton seemed to notice, his eyebrows arching at the awkward PDA. "How long have you been married?" Shit, he was quizzing you. You prayed that you or Five wouldn't slip up.
"10 long happy years" Five lifted your hand to his mouth, his lips pressing against the silver band around your finger. You looked at his action, the temperature of your cheeks rising. A faint rosy tint covered his cheeks also.
Only if he knew...
" I couldn't even stand the first one" Mr. Houghton let out a loud laugh, putting a hand on his abdomen.
Five grimaced, intertwined your hands, rubbing small circles on the back of your hand. "Well, I married her for a reason: I love her" Five leaned down pressing a kiss on your forehead. For a second, you imagined a scenario if you were married, him whispering corny sweet nothings late at night, subtle glances, him taking special days off at the commission just to spend time with you.
"Any children?" He queried, the space between his eyebrows creasing in disgust.
You bit the corner of your lip, a little excited to learn if Five would ever think about having children. However, he was glancing at you like it was your choice to make. "Not yet. We want to enjoy the silence a bit longer" You wondered what Five would name his kids, maybe something unique but not too extreme.
"What's her favorite flower?" The questions started getting more personal. Shit. You thought about different flowers, hoping to telepathically send your true answer to Five.
"Magnolia, I got her a bouquet on her birthday" Five spoke without missing a beat. And that had to be the truest thing he's uttered since the shenanigan started. He gave you a bouquet of Magnolia flowers on your birthday and after one whiff of the plant, you fell in love.
From then he got you those flowers often, gave you special scented perfume, and even planted a Magnolia tree in your backyard. That was around 3 years ago, you were surprised he even still remembered.
"Where did you meet?" His nose scrunched, his eyes narrowing at the small hint of standstill.
Fuck. You had been working in the commission with Five for whose knows how long. Yet, you guys didn't meet there, you met at a coffee shop- no an office- no a— "17 years old, at a funeral of a mutual friend" Five's eyes remained on Houghton, keeping a tight smile.
You squinted your eyes, thinking back to your teenage years. There was definitely a funeral but you don't remember Five being— oh shit he was right?! You were beyond flabbergasted, your memories were foggy but you could tell Five's face structure apart from any hazy person.
The elderly man hummed for a bit, sticking a piece of brown stiff tobacco inside his mouth. He chewed on it for a while, eyes scanning the ceiling. " I need new colleagues, anyways" Mr. Houghton's voice was laced with alcoholic venom. He trudged towards the opening leading outside of the gallery.
"Brace yourself, try to not think about killing him too soon" Five whispered. He seems to skip over your shocked expression. Nonetheless, he put his finger underneath your slack jaw, pushing it up, his thumb rubbed your lip as he did at the office.
"How...what the hell?" You were squeezing your eyes, hoping that he would transform into some type of cyborg. Your throat urged you to take a fresh breath of air.
"What can I say? You're hard to forget" His lips stayed parted like he wanted to say more. His eyes flickered towards your pressed mouth. You felt warm under him, like you would melt if his eyed you any longer. You wondered if he was able to see every insecurity from vision.
"Five" The words came out strained. You looked away, pushing his hand away, your heart filling your ears. Five murmured something incoherent, beginning to follow Houghton out of the room.
"Leave us" Mr. Houghton grumbled to the two bulky men standing in front of the burgundy door. The men scanned you like a fresh piece of meat. Five's hand twitched, reaching to grab your arm, he sent a glare at the nearest man. They huffed, taking heavy steps towards the unsupervised art gallery.
Houghton fiddled with a key, shoving it into the golden keyhole. When the door creaked open, he step aside, allowing you and Five to enter first. The room was small, with a chair in the middle of it and a large safe in front of it. Your hands balled into a tight fist when he closed the door.
He wobbled to the safe, twisting the lock several times. You slyly peered inside, seeing stacks of books, your stomach churned. "My newest edition" He let out a long groan, selecting the top book. He popped it open, holding it high so you both can see.
Multiple pictures of a tied-up woman (maybe even girls) were scattered across the page. Usually, bondage could have been a turn but there is no way these pictures were consented to. You gritted your teeth, hand rubbing the gun tucked under your dress.
Five beat you to it, removing his gun from the inside of your jacket, shooting him 4 times in his leg. He let out a scream, it echoing off the soundproof walls. You reached up the slit of your dress, snatching your gun. The barrel lined perfectly against Houghton's temple.
Five put the book back inside the safe along with a small shot glass of booze he's been hiding and several lit matches. The paper book covers caused a domino effect of flames. "NO!" Houghton choked out, his hand smearing his blood on the pant leg of his suit.
You removed the safety, teasingly dragging the head of the gun into his mouth. You cooed inside his ear, shoving the tough material down his throat. Five smirked in admiration and something more dark lurked beneath his pupils. "Crazy fucking cock-sucking whore" His filthy words were muffled by the gun.
You laughed holding back the hysteria before pulling the trigger. The sound blurred your ear drums, his body trashing came to a slow stop, and there was a thud as his head hit the floor. You stood up before the pool of blood could stain your skin.
You must've been staring at the lifeless body for too long because Five pulled you into him. He embraced you tightly, kissing your head. "He was a lunatic, you saved a lot of people" He sounded like he was trying to comfort you. You knew what he was saying was right but taking a life put pressure on your soul.
And Five knew this.
You looked up at him, batting your eyelashes. "You did so good" He rubbed your cheek, pulling your face up. You could taste his scent on your tongue. Your legs went weak while you strained yourself to hold back from smashing your lips on each other. The hand on your back was enough to make your mind go blank.
He was so close. A silent ache filled your lower abdomen. You gripped onto the front of his suit. He was lost in your eyes like there wasn't a decomposing body on the ground. Your lips were touching but neither of you dared to move.
Your mouth opened but you didn't say his name in a stern voice like usual. You just slowly breathed, relaxing in his touch. "We should go" His words tickled your face.
"Right..." You said however you made no move towards the door. Five gulped, like a character in a movie that knew staying in a particular situation would have bad consequences. If you pushed further, he would have no choice but to return the kiss. You thought about it for a while, basking in his stare.
Five wanted–no he needed you to say his name, stop him from doing something irreversible. His tongue swiped across bottom. It took a long time for you to realize this is Five, a commission's assassin, a cocky bastard, a teasing son-of-a-bitch-who-made-you-fall-in-love-too-early-in-your-life.
If you kissed him, he would laugh and act like you accidentally tripped on a rock. If you confessed to him, he would think you were drunk and mistaken him for your future husband.
You backed away, looking down at the rim of blood that had yet to reach your heels. You hurried out of the room, not waiting for Five to catch up. Rich people were still talking with soft classical music. You lifted the slit of your dress and grabbed the car keys, that were stuffed inside your garter belt.
The wind was icy, making you shiver, and the ruffles of your dress sway in the wind. Five walked out of the doors, his eyes burning holes at the back of your head. In your peripheral, his face was contorted in confusion.
You snorted under your breath, clicking the lock button on the car key, faint beeps came from the middle of the crowded parking lot. You wondered aimlessly towards Five's black car. "Are you driving?" You jiggled the keys at him.
"Y/N." He deadpanned, the rest of the sentence dying on his tongue.
"I kind of wanted to doze off in the back or something..." You hummed, unlocking the car, and opening the back seat door.
"Y/N-" You closed the door, his grumbling still seeped into the cracks of the car door. You tossed the keys in the front seat before laying down, exhaustion taking over your body.
Five's footsteps faltered, turning back around. He swung open the door, almost sitting on your legs if you didn't move them fast enough. He slammed the door shut, turning towards you. You sighed, scooting to make more room. Five didn't get the memo because his body hovered over you, hand moving up your leg to your waist, and he pulled you back down.
He was acting on some rapid impulse.
"Five?" You swallowed your confusion, looking at him almost connecting your lips, your hands helplessly by your side. He shook his head, throwing out apologies, his hand running threw his hair. You absentmindedly reached for his suit jacket again, tugging him back down.
It was contradicting your recent statement but it was worth it even if Five wouldn't acknowledge your stupid crush on him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in. He kissed like a starved animal, desperately scraping at your rising dress. His tongue poking around your mouth.
His teeth clashed with yours, heavy pants leaving your mouth. It made your insides clench around nothing when he pressed his hard groin into yours. His brown hair was making a small curtain around you two. His breath smelt like mint and expensive champagne.
Your fingernails dug into his scalp, quiet moans of his name leaving your lips. "Five" His lips moved messily on your lips, jaw, and neck. His fingers slid up your stockings, to your thin black undergarments. He found the oval-shaped damp spot and applied pressure to his rubbing.
You arched your back, fingers clawing for something to grasp. "You're driving me crazy" Five strained, his fingers pushing your panties to the side, his thick fingers dipping inside your hole. "Saying my..." He let out a guttural groan "Fuck—saying my name like that"
You felt like just the width of his fingers would tear you apart, he made strong efforts to pump his fingers back and forth. Your eyes fluttered shut, your tongue running dry. "Five...please" Bolts were forming at the base of your veins. Heart pulsing along with your hole.
Five hissed, bowing his head. He pulled out his fingers to palm his growing erection. He made lazy kisses on your breast, sucking at your clothed nipples. You squirmed, feeling wetness coat your inner thigh. "Can I?" His voice was hoarse but he managed to say it gently.
You waited for a moment, thinking about your angsty declaration. There was a part of you saying don't think anything of it, it's just a regular hookup. Then again you wanted to believe the soft look in his clouded eyes, the desperate holding back gaze. You wanted to believe that saying yes was going to lead to something worth more than car sex.
"Yes," The words were unsure of themselves. You tilted your head up, avoiding eye contact. Five took your hand, unhurriedly making you cup his sore boner. You swallowed the lump swelling in your throat, your finger tugged at his pants. Five allowed you to drag them down along with his boxers.
You peeked down, the tip of his hard cock was flushed red, the rest of the shaft leading to a darker tan. Your mouth watered at the sight of sticky precum building at the tip. You stretched your fingers to meet his girth, you stroked him softly, not wanting to hurt the fragile organ.
"Five...?" You continued moving your hand, gathering the slick from his tip.
"God–please" He whimpered, tossing his jacket off, and unfastening his tie. You wrapped your legs around his torso, bringing him closer. You moved your hand faster, pumping more of him. Your lips opened to speak but Five put a shaky finger over your mouth. "I'm going to cum if you keep talking"
You narrowed your eyes, hiding a laugh. You placed his cock near your entrance, rolling your hips so Five would get the none verbal message. He put a tense arm on the seat, and the spot to the right of your head dipped. You tried to move your eyes away from his face but fuck he was making your lungs stop functioning.
Your obscene thoughts were put to an end when he rammed his length inside you. You felt all the remaining air you had, leave your body. His grip on your hips was going to bruise. You couldn't form a complete thought before he started moving.
His cock was covered in your slick, a glistening ring forming at his base. He rutted into you with little concern with the force pushing the car. You felt your spirit rising from your body, your pounding heart canceling out the moans.
Fire was under your fingertips, shocks twirling in your stomach. You threw your head back, eyes losing their vision. "I need to feel you cum–on my cock" He muttered, regaining his composure. It all hit you like one wave.
Losing feeling in your muscles, a long whimper leaving your mouth, contractions erupting through your form, involuntary trembling circling your weak limbs. You sucked and pulled at Five's length, making him lean back, burying your hips into his.
He repeated your name along with frantic nonsense: "You are so perfect" "I've wanted to do this for so long" and "You feel so good inside". His hips stutter, making his nails dig into your hips. In the blink of an eye, he pulled out, spraying his cum on the inside of your thigh.
He twitched, massaging his dick, and more white beads dripped out. You tried to catch your breath in the steamy car. The smell of sex and cum filling your nostrils. Five wiped his semen off with his stranded jacket, tossing it back down again.
The weight of his body hovered over you again. He delicately pressed himself down, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. "You okay?" You wouldn't have noticed his calm words if you weren't paying attention to the awkward silence.
"Yeah...it was nice" You kept the smile to yourself, trying to get a peak of Five's face. He lifted, his face crinkled with a gasp.
"Well I thought it was breathtaking" He chuckled, seeing panic cross your face. Before you could take back your words, he pressed a kiss to your lips. You tried you move but your body was too tired.
"If we could do this again. I would marry you in a heartbeat" He mumbled, grinning.
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book-place · 1 year
Deja Vu
Warnings: none (I think), let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Diego Hargreeves x daughter reader
Request: idk where to request for them but it would be sooo cool if you did diego hargreeves x platonic reader where the reader is a teenager and has a stuttering problem and it starts off angsty then diego comforts them and ends w like fluff?? i’ve never requested anything before😭
Request by: @ominaisugly
*not my gif*
Summary: Diego helps you with something he had to go through once too
A/N: Sorry this is so short!!
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“H-hello,” You tried saying, staring at yourself intensely in the mirror, “M-my n-n-name is… is…” You paused, breath picking up slightly, “I-is Y/n, an-and t-today-“ You cut yourself off, unable to go on anymore.
You let out a loud groan of frustration, pushing the heels of your hands into your eyes to try and keep the tears that threatened to show themselves at bay.
After a moment, you sniffed and dropped your hands, trying again, “He-Hello, m-my nam-name i-i-is-“ You cut yourself off with a small yell of frustration, glaring harshly at your reflection through blurry vision.
Diego was walking by your room on the way towards the kitchen when he paused in his step, hearing your voice.
“H-hello, m-my n-n-name-“
He peered through the slightly open door in curiosity and his heart seemed to freeze as his breath hitched.
You were standing in front of your mirror, a look of determination slowly slipping off your face into one of despair as you tried to speak, and a sense of deja vu hit him like a speed train.
“Y/n?” Your father called out hesitantly after a moment, making you whip around to face him, “What’s wrong?”
“T-this st-stupid speech f-for c-class!” You sobbed out in between hiccups, “I-I can’t do it w-with th-this s-st-stupid s-stutter!”
Young Diego, standing in front of his own mirror in his own room, unable to speak the sentences he so desperately wanted to because of his stuttering tongue.
“Oh, sweetheart,” He moved to stand right behind you, placing a hand gently on your shoulder and rubbing it comfortingly, “It’s okay, I understand. I used to have a stutter too.” Diego admitted.
You sniffed, craning your neck to face him, “R-really?” You asked sadly.
His mother, Grace, entering his room and comforting him.
He sighed slightly, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on the crown of your head, “Yeah, I couldn’t master it.”
“Wh-what did y-you do about it-t?” You looked up at him with those wide, doe eyes of yours.
“Picture the words you want to say in your mind, Diego.” Her soft voice floated through his ears, “I believe in you.”
“Here,” He gently turned you so that you were facing the mirror again, “Try picturing the words in your mind before you say them. It helps, I promise.”
You took a deep breath before you shakily moved your eyes to meet your own in your reflection once more and were silent for a moment before you spoke, carefully thinking over each word, “Hello… my… my name is… my name is Y/n. Hello, my name is Y/n.”
Your eyes lit up immediately following your success. One that seemed so small, but meant so, so much to you.
Grace cheering him on when he was finally able to do it.
“You did it!” Your father cheered, wrapping his arms around you tightly as you began jumping up and down excitedly.
“I did it!” You echoed back, still managing to be void of your normal stutter.
“I’m so proud of you,” Diego breathed out. And he meant it, pride swirled in his chest in a way that made him feel so good inside.
“Thank you, dad.” You rested your head on his chest for a moment before turning yourself back to the mirror and continuing your speech, Diego there to coach and encourage you the whole way through.
The Hargreeves 🦹- @lovanitu @your-local-questioning-agender @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @mukbee @i-writes-things @wolfmoonmusic
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Ok hear me out😬
Yandere five x reader but the reader is the more dominant of the two. But because Five loves the reader so much he doesn't mind
This reminds me of Spike's "I love the kind of woman that would actually just kill me" line🤭
I went a little different route This was requested before he told Lila 'I prefer a woman who won't kill me' [Dec. 2021 so before Season 3]
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You were staring at each other, your eyes wide and his were passing between you and the dead body behind you. It was silent for a few minutes and there was a part of you that knew it was over for you.
"That's it? That's all you have to say is 'Hmmm'?"
He looks up at you, tilting his head, "Um... I guess I'm a little surprised, but uh- it's just a dead girl, not a dead president."
"Oh?" You look back at the body, "I think it's close enough. A dead body is still a dead body."
"So how were you planning to get rid of the body?" He crosses his arms, giving you an annoyed look.
You bite your lip, "Uh... I didn't think that far ahead."
Five rolls his eyes, shaking his head, "Okay, I'll handle it."
"You always do."
You yawn, before looking over at Five, who was reading a book. "So what did you do with her body?"
He doesn't look up at you, instead flipping the page. He hums in acknowledgement, but doesn't answer your question, maybe it was for the best. You flip over on your side, which catches his attention.
"You're going to sleep.''
You look over your shoulder, slowly blinking at him, "Yeah? Is that okay?"
"I guess. Pretty early. Murdering makes you sleepy?"
You roll your eyes, groaning, "It was an accident."
He laughs, causing you to glare at him and he quickly hushes up.
"Turn off the lamp when you're done."
"Yes ma'am." He mocks as you slowly drift to sleep.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 5 months
Hey pookie I think my ask got eaten by tumblr but I saw one of your posts saying you write for the umbrella academy and I am lowkey desperate for Klaus fics 😭 (I found out he was canonically pansexual and genderfluid and lowkey giggled)
Maybe smutty headcannons/short drabbles for Klaus x Reader ?? All I can say is that man fucking RADIATES switch energy. Also I’m good with fem or masc pov I don’t Gaf❤️❤️❤️❤️
He’s probably also one kinky motherfucker too (cough cough hazel and chacha torture scene) and I can totally see him being a masochist idk
A/n: I am so sorry! Tumblr fucks my shit up so much and if this sucks too I apologize. I have not watched the newest season of Umbrella Academy.
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🔥: When you bite his neck during sex, please bite his neck during sex. He will 100% lose it if you are riding him and when you give him little nips across his skin the man know's that you're eager for sex just like he would be, you can always feel his hardon pressing into you when you bite his neck.
🔥: Loooves it when you run your nails down his chest, even better if you do it hard enough to leave a mark. Boy does he love just showing off your little marks, Klaus can't help but proudly show everyone, he know's their jealous but I mean how can he blame them, have you've seen yourself?
🔥: Tie him up! Please! Please time him up. You take control and he will be a whimpering mess for you. Klaus loves to groan out your name, to moan out your name when you're jerking him off. He's a weeping mess when you use one of your vibrators on the tip of his cock.
🔥: Will 100% switch if you want him too, lightly chocking you. Lot's of orgasm denials, too much for play. Your mind is in a haze, lost count in all the orgasm's you've had thanks to Klaus.
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soolarity · 2 years
Five Hargreeves SFW Alphabet
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Five Hargreeves x gn!Reader - 5.6k words
Warnings: general spoilers for season 3, mild violence, food mentions, pretty angsty stuff five went through
Summary: An alphabetic collection of Five Hargreeves headcanons before, during, and after the apocalypse with you.
Here's my Masterlist!
A/n: Another work in the same month?? what a shock! This is sort of redemption for the sheer angst of my first five fic; out of time. I had so much fun writing this! But I’m also drained because holy fuck it’s a lot of headcanons. If you do want to know more headcanons though about five, feel free to send a request or an ask in my inbox! I’ll be more than happy to write short Five headcanons because he’s just so fun to write. Anyways, enjoy and please leave comments&lt;3
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A – Affection
“how do they give or show affection?”
He would definitely be closed off and distant at first and especially around other people. It would take a long while, possibly even years to gain his affection. But once he does, he shows it through acts of service, small yet still important. Maybe he’d make you another cup of coffee or your preferred beverage, or he’d remember small details and interests about you that he’d bring up later on. He would also bring with souvenirs from wherever he goes, pushing it into your hands and grumbling that he had it and didn’t want it even though he actually bought it specifically for you. Behind doors, he would occasionally show physical affection especially when he’s stressed or jittery and needs someone to ground him to reality.
B – Beauty
“what would they find beautiful in their s/o?”
He would definitely find intellect beautiful. It doesn’t matter if you’re academically gifted or more street smarts, he would just love an s/o that is smart and knowledgeable about their passions even if it didn’t exactly align with his. Although he would appreciate it if he had someone to talk and debate about math equations and physics to, he also appreciates someone who listens to him madly rambling and add input into his ideas, no matter how relevant or not.
C – Comfort
“how would they comfort them? how would they like to be comforted?”
Five spent his entire childhood homeschooled in the academy and his adulthood in the isolating apocalypse so needless to say his empathy and comforting skills aren’t the greatest. He would be a listener, maybe not the best because he would interrupt to give (well-meant) solutions to your problems. He wouldn’t know how to act through physical comfort at first, instead he’d hover around you and sit beside you like a cat. After a long, long while he would be open to hugs but you’d usually have to initiate it. He’d grumble about how your tears would ruin his shirt but he doesn’t move away.
would have a hard time accepting comfort from others at first since he had to basically deal with the apocalypse by himself for more than 40 years and then the whole commission spiel. He gets antsy with any kind acts at first, expecting it to be fueled by a deeper nefarious motive. Once he does actually accept comfort, he’d appreciate someone who listens to him earnestly because most of the things he says sounds surreal to other people and he isn’t often taken seriously. He would be averse to physical comfort at first, nearly going to fight mode the first time he receives a hug, but later on he wouldn’t mind a hand on his shoulder or in his own hand, especially during difficult apocalypse flashbacks because it grounds him to reality.
D - Dance
“do they like to dance? how would they dance?”
Five would absolutely know how to dance, after all, Reginald forced them to learn how to formally dance in their rigorous training. Would he like to dance though? Definitely not sober, he’d have to at least be halfway through blackout drunk to even consider dancing. Or at the end of the world, seeing as how he had both at Sloane and Luther’s wedding. Once he has enough liquor in his system to make a regular person barely upright, he’d be pulling out the moves left and right. 50’s rock n’ roll, salsa, waltz, you call it he’ll dance it. Well, before he throws up from dizziness and passes out in an elevator. Outside of drunk dancing, I think he’d only dance if it’s required in the mission to blend in with the crowd or if he truly feels safe and in a sappy mood, he’d slowly sway with you once the apocalypse is finally over and his family and you are safe.
E - Excitement
“how do they act when they’re excited?”
He would vibrate at a volatile speed and a single poke to him would send him bouncing around the walls—I’m kidding. He would definitely be jittery though, bouncing his leg nonstop and grinning happily that’s slightly also unnerving due to the menacing glint in his eyes. He had lost hope countless of times during the apocalypse so he learned to stop hoping and being excited, but once he could finally be excited about something, he would stop at nothing to achieve it.
F – Future
“what are their plans in the future?”
13-year-old him would have probably planned to successfully implement time travel and become the world’s greatest professor or physicist in a prestigious university but 58-year-old Five wants nothing more than to retire. For the past 41 years, his future plans had just been to survive, figure out the equation, and go back home, he didn’t think about the rest. Now once the apocalypse is finally resolved, he’d plan to retire from it all. He’d love to travel around and do road trips with you while also nagging every time about any inconvenience like an old man (because he is). He doesn’t see himself settling down and having a child, mostly because he think’s he’s quite old to have a child and the unresolved family trauma still haunts him every time. He wouldn’t mind getting married, he’d love the tax benefits. Maybe the two of you would be the constantly traveling relatives of Claire, giving her cool presents and souvenirs from your travels together. And after a year of travelling around the world, he would want a suburban house with a picket fence and a nice wide garden. He’d have a field day gardening, planting flowers, and maybe even building a koi pond in the corner.
G – Gifts
“what gifts would they give you?”
He’d give you things you randomly said you needed or wanted some days ago and hand it over to you without a word. It could be a hobby gift or a handy item for your job or maybe something related to your interests. He’d also give you things that he likes and just pass it off as a gift even though he’d probably use it more than you would. He would also gift you acts of service like teleporting to get an item you missed or doing a chore you’ve been procrastinating to do without you asking.
H – Hold
“how would they hold you? how would they like to be held?”
He usually keeps his distance towards others, respecting their boundaries and at minimum only touching them to push or pull them in a certain direction out of frustration. He had done a lot of fucked up shit with his hands so he isn’t the type to give pats or hugs in affection. Although a scenario where he would be most likely to hold you would be if either of you were in a near-death encounter. It can be almost getting shot by commission agents or the impending apocalypse but he would roam over you with his hands, checking frantically for any injuries before holding you desperately. He’d grasp the back of your shirt tightly and slump over you in relief and desperation that you were alive and whole. After retiring from the apocalypse, there would be more fleeting touches such as a brush of hands or a protective hand on your back.
As to how he would like to be held, he definitely wouldn’t want to be treated like fragile glass. He’s a 58-year-old assassin, he doesn’t need pity or caution (or at least that’s what he’d say). Five would appreciate a solid hold, one that isn’t hesitant or scared that they might break him into pieces. He wants someone to hold him together and tether him to the ground on the occasion he jumps too far. He’d appreciate hand holding and the occasional hug when things get too much. As for cuddling, Five doesn’t have the time to cuddle in the midst of the apocalypse, but after successfully retiring without another apocalypse or the Commission hunting him down he’d be more open to the idea. The years of isolation definitely made him touch starved so the first time the two of you cuddled he’d toss and turn to adjust to the new sensation of being held. He’d like to be the big spoon but when he gets nightmares (which are frequent) he secretly craves to be the little spoon. He’d also cling to your side like a koala in his sleep with his face in the crook of your neck but vehemently denies cuddling you once he wakes up.
I – Ideal
“what’s their ideal date like?”
Due to the apocalypse, he has no time to consider planning any dates with an s/o, but after he retires, he would plan a simple yet cheesy dinner date under candle light. He doesn’t have much ideas about dating and courting due to being stuck in the apocalypse since the start of his teenagerhood but he distantly remembers having small dinner dates with his previous wife Delores whenever he’d scavenged a particularly good wine or food in the rubble. Now that he’s with you, he’d definitely struggle a bit with the whole dating thing but just give him a nudge in the right direction and he would quickly pick it up. He'd like private dates such as dinners or movie marathons at home to catch up on all the media he couldn’t enjoy before. He would be less open to public dates such as museum dates or zoo outings or pottery and painting classes, since he would always be hypervigilant and on the look out for any Commission goons despite being retired, or he’d pick a fight with the museum curator or art instructor. It's a flaw he works to fix but Five feels most at ease with only you in the safety of your home.  
J – jealousy
“do they get jealous easily?”
Five would have an immense amount of trust for his s/o to the point where he’d consider you his close confidant, best friend, and partner, so he wouldn’t get jealous easily. He trusts that whoever you interact with that it’s just platonic and just in case the other person did indeed have other motives such as flirting with your or something, he would trust you to put a stop to it or walk away from it. If by chance you were oblivious to the other person’s advances, he would step in civilly and bluntly tell the other person that you’re taken, not out of jealousy but more out of concern for your safety. If by the smallest chances you actually flirt back (which is a dumb decision honestly) he would just immediately cut to the chase and tell you ‘what the fuck are you doing?’ Depending on whether it was just your accidental over friendliness or something other he would either tell you that he didn’t like it and it seemed like you were actually interested in the other person or he would break the relationship with you if you weren’t actually faithful to him.
K – Kisses
“how would they kiss you? how frequently?”
Five isn’t really comfortable with PDA so kisses weren’t frequent, especially with the threat of the apocalypse onto them. At most he’d kiss your temple or forehead quickly as a habit before turning back to whatever equations he’d be solving. Although if Five was drunk, that was a completely different story. Five is an unpredictable drunk, but most often than not he’d toss all of his pride out of the window and show affection openly to you even in front of all of his siblings. Behind closed doors, he would be more comfortable kissing you. He’d be fond of temple and forehead kisses or if you were taller than him, he would do hand kisses, especially on your palms if he was feeling extra sentimental (which was a rare occurrence).
As for you kissing him, he would turn tomato red if you ever tried to kiss him in front of others and grumble or yell in embarrassment. Don’t take it to heart though, as much as he’d love to keep up his cold and unaffectionate act around others, he’d melt into a puddle when no one’s looking.
L - Love language
“how would they show that they love you? what love language do they enjoy to receive?”
Five’s language would be acts of service. Usually, he considers his time very precious and he always tries to make the most out of everything, discarding anything else that wasn’t relevant to his mission. For you though he would take time out of his day to check up on you and your well-being, especially in grueling times like running from an apocalypse. He’d also use his powers to fetch items for you and always arrive on time whenever you asked.
For receiving love language, he likes it when you spend quality time with him. It doesn’t matter if its brainstorming the next plan or frantically scribbling formulas on walls or drinking coffee in the morning in the kitchen. Five really treasures small quiet moments where there is nothing he can do but sit down with you and accompany each other in silence or soft conversation. It’s a rare break from the bumbling chaotic tornado that was his family.
M - Melt
“what are the things you do that makes them melt?”
He’s a tough person to get through and crack, but one thing that makes him melt every time is watching you fight. The reason why he would have you as an s/o in the first place is because he trusts you enough with his secrets, his heart, and his mind. He is constantly worrying about whether his family was alive or not and whether they could live beyond a few days, so seeing you fight and defend yourself puts his mind at ease and reassures him that he chose the right person to trust. Five also melts whenever he sees you interact with anyone of his siblings, whether you’re entertaining Klaus’ insane tangents, bond with Luther over his records collection or softly chatting with Viktor about anything, he adores it when you get along with his siblings and he definitely sees you as a part of the umbrella family now.
Another much more niche sight that makes his cold walls fall down and his insides uncharacteristically gooey is watching you stand in front a wall full of complex equations with your back turned from him. He doesn’t know specifically why the sight of you frowning in confusion at the lines of numbers affected him much but it took him a while to recover and stop looking at you with adoration. Although you might have not understood the complex formulas he’s written out, you try as you roam your eyes throughout the whole surface. It was like as if he exposed his entire heart and mind to you in a tangled-up ball of equations and you’re trying to untangle it, which made it even more complicated and caught you within the threads. Five often thinks back to it with a fond smile before frowning again once Klaus asks him what he’s smiling about.  
N – Nickname
“what would they call you? what would they like to be called?”
Five has always been blunt in refusing any other name ever since Grace gave them ‘regular’ names when they were children. For some reason Five sticked to him and he refused to change it. He wasn’t even that hung up on the whole ranking system either, he couldn’t care less who was the leader or number 1 among them. Five just had a certain ring to it. So, he’d be generally opposed to any over-the-top nicknames like ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart’ and hearing ‘darling’ gives him flashbacks to the Handler and he’d rather not relive the things that woman did to him. He unwillingly has nicknames from Klaus, always unamused at whatever new name the séance would create for him. Although after a long time of being with him and possibly in retirement he wouldn’t mind ‘honey’ or ‘hon’. It was sweet but not overly and he responded to it whenever you say it from a room in your shared home. Once though when you accidentally slipped up and called him honey in front of his siblings his ears turned firetruck red in embarrassment but teleported to you nevertheless. Allison and Lila never let him live it down.
O – Obvious
“how obvious would they make their love for you?”
To the untrained eye, it was subtle, almost silent. He’d casually brush arms with you or hand you an item when you asked. He’d steal glances at you but he was a trained assassin so he was sneaky. To his siblings who know him and his habits well though, it is more obvious than Five would like it to be. Diego would catch Five’s eyes sometimes lingering a bit longer than usual on you. Viktor often saw Five prepare coffee exactly for two people. Lila once barged in a room searching for Stanley to catch the two of you talking in soft voices and softer looks, she had never once seen Five so un-hostile before. The entire family watched in a mix of fondness, shock, and slight disgust (lovingly) as Five became softer and more considerate around you.
P – Pets
“would they want pets? what pets would they have?”
Five hasn’t really though about adopting a pet before because he was so preoccupied with apocalypse after apocalypse after another apocalypse. When he finally retires though, having a pet wouldn’t be his top priority but he wouldn’t be entirely against it either. He would be the type to have unusual pets such as reptiles or maybe fish (although with Carmichael, maybe not fish). In the comics, Five has a small dog named Mr. Pennycrumb so he would most likely adopt a small dog, maybe a senior dog, and it would be the exact opposite of Five. There’s just something about seeing Five, the greatest assassin in the entire timeline, with a tiny hyperactive dog that couldn’t weigh more than 18 pounds. He is neutral towards animals but he would absolutely have a soft spot for Mr. Pennycrumb and let him run around his garden even though a flower will be uprooted by the excited tornado that is Mr. Pennycrumb. Five would carry Mr. Pennycrumb often and reluctantly let him back to the ground once he realized he needed his hands to do something. A favorite past time of Mr. Pennycrumb and Five is teleport-chase where Mr. Pennycrumb would chase Five as he teleports around the house until the both of them wear each other out.
The Hargreeves family would definitely get whiplash when you bring Mr. Pennycrumb to any holiday family gatherings. Klaus would rub his eyes repeatedly, questioning whether the dog was real or another hallucination, Luther first thought it was a stray dog that randomly waltzed into the mansion and try to adopt Mr. Pennycrumb before being heavily threatened by Five. Allison would just stare in shock while Claire would adore Mr. Pennycrumb, spoiling the dog with endless pets and belly rubs.
Q – Quiet
“how are quiet moments with them?”
Quiet moments are rare when all Hargreeves siblings are gathered together, some mischief or argument would always spiral into a rambunctious event. Fortunately, Five had the power to teleport anywhere he pleases which made it much easier to sneak away from Diego and Klaus fighting over a donut and into a much calmer place. If it was outside, you and Five would sit beside each other in silence, he would drink in his surroundings, bask at the intact buildings and sulfur-free blue sky, and mostly you, alive and breathing. Indoors, he would have some sort of physical contact with you, whether it be a hug, holding hands, or laying his head on your lap. Your presence away from other prying eyes made Five more relaxed and less likely to bounce around and wear himself out by thinking too much about everything. Your scent and your touch would silence every anxious intrusive thought that dared to interrupt his moment of peace.
R – Romantic
“how romantic are they?”
Five isn’t a romantic, he doesn’t know shit about modern dating and pet names and PDA, the closest he’s ever had to romance was his previous wife Delores but she was a coping mechanism he formed to keep himself from going insane in the apocalypse, and she was a mannequin. So, Five isn’t the most romantic, sappy, sentimental person, that title goes to Luther, but he when he loves, he loves the deepest and most intensely. He wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone for you, hell he won’t hesitate to die for you. When Five Hargreeves loves, he loves them with everything he has, even if it meant little to nothing but himself and his weary hands. He would risk everything to make sure you’re alive and safe and he wouldn’t know how to function if something happened to you. Although he isn’t the most perfect romantic partner, he would get the sun and moon and every star in the sky for the person he loves.
S – Safe
“how safe would they feel around you?”
Five was overly cautious to the point of being almost paranoid constantly and for a good reason. He had to fight ever since he was a child and endure the tortuous training from Reginald, survive by himself in an apocalypse for the other half of his life, then kill for a shady organization he had no choice but to join in. Now he was back with his family but constantly under threat of some sort of apocalypse and the Commission at the same time, he hadn’t had a second to relax and feel safe. Whenever Five was around you, as much as he’d like to say he’s comfortable around you, there is always a part of his mind overworking in the background for any threats or surprises. It would take him a while after the apocalypse to fully relax, but luckily with you by his side, he willed himself to ease into life without constantly looking behind him for a bullet or a knife. He would feel safe whenever your hand is in his, giving him comfort despite running away from enemies. He would feel safe when your arms are around him, fully trusting you not to stab him in the back like so many others did before. He would feel safe together with you in your shared home with Mr. Pennycrumb after the apocalypse. It almost felt too good to be true, almost like a dream or a figment of his imagination before you’d show him it was reality by squeezing his hand and pecking his cheek.
T – Take care
“how would they take care of you if you’re injured or sick? how would you take care of them?”
He’d immediately nag you about not taking care of yourself, which is bold considering he has been running for 45 years on nothing but caffeine, adrenaline, and sheer spite. He’d immediately wrestle you to bed, confining you until you get better and you know that there’s no way you could sneak out of the door without him immediately teleporting in front of you and bringing you back to bed arrest. Five would rush immediately to patch you up or place a cooling towel on your forehead. Even though his actions might be a bit rough, the concern and care bleeds through his actions and you don’t mind if he dabs antiseptic a little bit too hard or if he covers you with a blanket a little bit too tightly.
Due to the Hargreeves’ enhanced physiology, they rarely get sick. Oftentimes it would only be a small cough that would last less than a day but once a year they fall with the worst cold known to man. Five has it the worst, especially with how the stubbornly pushes himself to the limit until his eventual crash and burn. It would be difficult to take care of Five, he constantly tries to teleport himself out of bed until he falls from exhaustion. Luckily in retirement he has all the time in the world to recover and heal, even though you have to remind him more often than not. As a child he was picky with food whenever he was sick, often being forced to eat Grace’s chicken soup after numerous futile attempts to reject it. Now with you, Five eats whatever soup you make without hesitation, thankful that he had you to take care of himself even though he found it hard sometimes to accept it. Five would be torn in being extra clingy and wanting to cuddle with you and wanting to stay 50 miles away from you because he’d be scared that you’d catch the cold that he had and also become sick because of him. Until eventually he gives in and surrenders to the cuddling (you fall ill after a few days like how he predicted and he returns the favor of nursing you back to health).
U – Unique
“what is a trait that is unique to them?”
He is an absolute neat freak. He loves having all of his items in order and would dust everything until not a single spec of dust was left. When the Hargreeves’ visited your shared home (much to Five’s dismay), they were impressed by the sheer cleanliness and organization of the place, almost resembling an Ikea display house more than an actual lived-in home. Ever since Five was a child he was one if not the most organized of the umbrella children. His childhood room was immaculate every time, not even a single physics text book out of place. You would have assumed for it to be an adult’s room if it weren’t for the toy airplane model hung on the ceiling and the small twin sized bed. Since the apocalypse, his cleaning habits have gone to possibly concerning levels. He had to survive in a desolate apocalypse, anything sanitary or clean of rubble was a luxury Five rarely encountered. So, once he was able to retire with you and have his own home, he made sure to take care of everything and never once take the intact house for granted. The only times Five would be caught with scattered items or a messy environment was when he was under extreme stress. Five would be too preoccupied in stopping the apocalypse to care about cleaning any mess and would just start scribbling on the walls frantically. Luckily you picked up on the habit and only stocked up on washable or whiteboard markers in your home, just in case Five needed to go on another math marathon.
W – Wish
“what is their greatest wish?”
Five’s greatest wish is for his family to live long, healthy, and happy lives. It was what kept him going through all those years, to have the opportunity to warn his siblings about the future and save them from their deaths. As much as he loves to complain about his brothers or roll his eyes at his sister, he would sacrifice anything for them, and he technically already did. Five’s survival instincts were held together by the glue that was the thoughts of his family, it had been a long 41 years and it would be more than impressive if he hadn’t thought about giving up at least once, but he kept on running back against the tide of time to save the ones he loves.
X – Xmas
“how would they spend their holidays with you?”
Five’s memory of his childhood was foggy, it was impressive he even remembered bits and pieces of it considering his age and the trauma from his childhood, but Five never once remembered celebrating Christmas as a child in the Umbrella Academy. Reginald was a man (or monster) of logic and thought that holidays based off of religion and culture was unnecessary and stupid so he just remembered spending Decembers with his siblings looking wistfully at strangers decorating across the street or walking with gifts in hand.
In the apocalypse, Five had no reason to celebrate holidays, he barely even knew what day it was half of the time. He tried to keep track of time through clocks and calendars but no other calendars went beyond 2019 and most clocks were broken or eventually stopped working. Five didn’t want to waste resources celebrating alone in the apocalypse, so he eventually forgot of it entirely.
After retiring, Five had to adjust to normal life again, but not alone. You had introduced him to celebrating milestones and holidays. You made hot coco (although Five found it too sweet and swapped it out with coffee with a festive whipped cream), you watched cheesy hallmark movies, and you decorated your home. You had also convinced the Hargreeves siblings to arrange another gathering despite the horrors that might unleash having all Hargreeves siblings in the same place once more. Five and you were finally the ones decorating their house across the street and walking home with heavy bags filled to the brim with gifts. Five surprisingly was an amazing gift giver. He had a talent in knowing exactly what the other person wished for, whether the gift was an item said in a passing conversation or something useful to them. In the celebration Five was lovingly suffocated (Five’s wording) by his siblings for his gifts and most importantly his presence that brought the group together as a family.
Y – Yearn
“what do they do when they miss you?”
Five was bitterly familiar with the feeling of yearning, he had a whole 45 years to be friends with it in the apocalypse and in the Commission. He had a love-hate relationship with it, if you will. With that many years of yearning for his family and his past, Five had developed a system to overcome it. Was it a healthy one? Probably not. He would toss himself into his work, figuring out equations or assassinating targets to distract himself from the aching pain of longing. For you, Five surprisingly hasn’t had much opportunities to yearn yet. Although Five doesn’t look like he’s clingy, he most definitely is. Wherever you are, he also appears. He cannot be further than a 4-meter distance away from you. When in the rare case that he is, he tosses his entire focus onto his work and his mission again, frantically finding the quickest way back to you. Once you finally return from what you had to go to, he’d visibly slump in relief. He would casually ask you how it went before checking if you had been injured in any way, but internally he would be so relieved that he wouldn’t have to yearn for you to come back because you were back and you were with him.
Z – Zzz
“how do they sleep?”
He has two sleep modes, A. He sleeps with basically his eyes open and even the smallest noise will immediately send him to fight or flight mode, or B. He sleeps like an old man and is dead to the world until 6am when he punctually wakes up every single time.
The first sleeping habit wasn’t fully there during his academy training childhood but it fully hammered into him once he worked as the Commission’s temporal assassin. He had to be ready at any moment and never let his guard slip, but if often lead him to be more worn out and tired. In his more youthful days, he would’ve turned sloppy and could have been almost overpowered by his opponent, but now he has trained himself to work with even the smallest amount of energy just for survival.
The second sleeping habit was from when he was truly a child, before the grueling missions and training. He was always the last of the siblings to wake up and would have been the last ones to arrive at the table if it wasn’t for his teleportation abilities. After retiring it would take him a while but eventually, he started sleeping like that again. He could finally rest easy with him clinging onto you like a koala and not be woken even by Luther’s heavy footsteps. His habit of waking up precisely at 6am came from his age, (well mental not physical) he woke up exactly at the same time the sun rose.
Although he was an insomniac due to going for days without sleep to try and stop the apocalypse, now that he was retired, he had no reason to skip sleep, he had all the time in the world. He also surprisingly isn’t a night person despite his insomnia, he would much rather sleep at 9pm after reading for a bit and wake up bright and early (which is very old man of him). If you were a morning person, he’d spend a few minutes in bed with you, basking at the new sunshine before shuffling the both of you to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. If you weren’t a morning person, he would wake up first and stare at your sleeping self with so much love and adoration that Five would rather die than be caught in the act. You would wake up to an empty bed in slight panic but the smell of pancakes and the clanking of pans in the kitchen would quell your anxieties as you go to the kitchen to greet a cooking Five good morning. :)
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saturncodedstarlette · 9 months
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“Give me your hand.”
“I like to look at you while you work.”
“I’ll keep holding your hand. You should sleep.”
“Don’t let go.”
“I won’t let go.”
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389 notes · View notes
mangoshorthand · 9 months
oh, and it was a guy who decided to tell me that as soon as all my clothes were off
Original request:
I have a really personal request of thats ok w u. my first time having sex i was called ugly and obese, and it still sticks with me nowadays so i shy away from being fully exposed/on top/having the lights on bc im scared they were right and its gonna happen again - so how would 5 deal w this in a partner? if this is too weird 4 u then just ignore
Thanks to @kaybreezy3000 for reading through this before I posted and making me sound less like a wildly-masturbating 19th century nobleman. Note for you at the end, anon.
Venus and Cupid | Five Hargreeves/ F Reader 4k words, Rated E
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Five was an observant man: he had to be. If he hadn’t learned to pick up on the details then it's doubtful he could have even made it to adulthood.  
So he noticed that you had quite specific tendencies very early on, back when you were first seeing one another. The first time you had sex, he thought you leaving your clothes on was pretty hot - it seemed as if you were so desperate to have him inside you that you couldn’t delay it even the short time it would take to get undressed - but it quickly became apparent to him that this was something more.
You always seemed to leave as many clothes on as humanly possible, or else turn off the lights before undressing shyly, almost reluctantly, always keeping something clutched around you. 
His first reaction was to feel frustrated, (okay, frustrated and insecure, if you insisted on wheedling that out of him). Were you even into it? 
He loved the sex you had, and you certainly seemed to get something out of it, but all the while you were covering yourself from his lustful gaze like he was a lecherous drunk eyeing you from down an alley. 
He just didn’t understand it. Things were great outside the bedroom: you laughed together, you had intelligent, lively conversations…you even romanced him in a way nothing had taught him to expect. You anticipated his wants, you surprised him with dates and the occasional gift. You made him feel special and wanted in every way except this one way.
And he needed it that way too.
Maybe there was something about sex that brought home to you that he was old enough to be your father. Maybe you saw his hungry gaze as the leer of a dirty, predatory old man...and that thought hurt because it held too much truth.
He finally asked you about it after a session of sex in which you looked distinctly uncomfortable riding him, avoiding his gaze and keeping the bed sheets wrapped around you. 
He brought it up in a way typical to him: blunt antagonism as defense, masking his real insecurities. “Question: why are you with me?”
“Because I like you,” you replied, confused by his tone.
“Sure,” he said, the smallest trace of sarcasm in his voice, “but there’s a problem here, isn’t there?”
You turned to him on the pillow, and you were greeted by his expectant, irritated smile. He raised a brow, clearly prompting you to state this so-called ‘problem’. When you seemed none the wiser, he continued. 
“The problem seems to be that you hate having sex with me.” 
You looked at him, nonplussed.
“No I don’t. Why would you say that?”
He shook his head with the trace of a bitter laugh. 
“So you just hate me looking at you, is that it? You know, nobody’s forcing you to sleep with me. We could just end it if you can’t stand me ogling you.”
You turned away from him, folding your arms across your chest protectively, hugging yourself. You tried not to cry, but tears were already welling in your eyes, threatening to overspill and roll down your face. You could feel him slipping away; sense the rejection coming on the breeze.
At the sound of a sniffle, Five softened slightly 
“Why do you always cover yourself?” he said, finally.
You choked back the tears.
“B-because I’m self-conscious about my body, okay?”
Five sounded incredulous.
“You’re self-conscious about your body?”
You nodded, still not looking at him.
“Don’t bullshit me,” he said, suddenly irritated again, “You expect me to believe someone who looks like you is self conscious about her body? You’re beautiful, what the hell do you got to be self conscious about?”
His words, though spoken in a tone of irritated disbelief, gave you a warm feeling in your chest. In fact, it was his irritation that assured you of his honesty. That feeling of affirmation brought more tears at first, and it took a few moments to recover.
Five waited for you to begin patiently, able to tell by now that you’d been holding something back, and realizing for the first time that perhaps this wasn’t all about him.
You told him everything.
Your first sexual experience was with somebody who called you ‘ugly’ and ‘obese’ as soon as your clothes were removed. The first man to touch you in that way had used that privilege, not to lift you up and make you feel beautiful, but to tear you down, destroying your confidence in the process. Now, being in full view when having sex was almost unbearable to you, so you avoided Five seeing you completely naked and you avoided being on top as far as you could, lest it break the illusion and he see you for what you really were. 
You stopped occasionally to cry, unable to meet Five’s eyes. It was partially the memories, and partly the fact that you were bearing your soul to him in this way: totally vulnerable. You were giving power to him now; knowledge of how to hurt you worse than almost anything if he chose. 
As he listened, Five’s heavy brows lowered further and further, his lips becoming thinner and thinner, occasionally shaking his head as you unfolded the tale.
“Shit.” he said, after you finished your story, and then fell into silence. After almost a full minute, he spoke in a low, serious tone.
“What was his name?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you said, wiping your eyes.
“What was his name?”
You told him.
“Well he’s a fucking idiot, you know that right? A nasty little…you know where he lives?”
“No problem, I can find him.”
“First I’ll pull out his fucking fingernails.”
“Five, no.”
“I’ll kill that cunt slow. Ignorant-”
Your raised voice finally made him turn his head.
“What good would killing him do?”
He blinked. 
“It would make me feel better,” he said, though the murderous fantasies seemed to be fading from behind his eyes. 
Then, he shook his head, casting the thoughts away like a dog shaking off water. 
“....I  admit that making me feel better is low on our priority list right now.”
He held out his arms to you. When you didn’t immediately enter his embrace, he spoke in a voice so soft, and so caring that you couldn’t deny him. 
“Please, my love.” 
My love?
That was new. 
You leaned up against him, and he wrapped his arms tightly around you, one around your shoulders, the other around your waist. 
“You don’t have to feel self-conscious or…ashamed around me. You know I would never - you know that I…I worship you, for Chist’s sake. I’m desperate to see all of you. That guy was an ignorant, tasteless bastard. You don’t - surely you know that?”
You nodded uncertainly, another tear running down the side of your nose. 
“I guess,” you said, mouth against his firm pectoral, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart, “but I always get scared. Like you might…like one day you might see me and...get grossed out. Because…I know, I know I’m not sexy. I know I’m -”
“You think you aren’t sexy?” he said, speaking as if you’d just claimed that you were an organic cucumber, “are you crazy?” 
He pulled away from you, a hand on each shoulder so he could look you dead in the eye.
“Jesus, you think I’d be ‘grossed out’ if I saw you? I’m not blind, y'know; a bedsheet or a light switch can’t really hide your body from me. You’re so sexy, I can barely think straight sometimes - how in the hell can you not see that? I’d choose you for looks over any girl, every damn time. The other day when you were wearing that tight black dress- god, I pitched a tent big enough to sleep eight.”
And the way he looked down at your silhouette had you almost believing him.
You smiled, nevertheless self conscious of the idea of your black dress being more form-hugging than you’d thought. Five continued, sweeping his hair carelessly out of his eyes. 
“And it’s not just your face or your body, it’s the way you carry yourself. The way your hair falls, your smile, the color of your skin. It’s just attractive. It’s hot. End of story.”
The vehemence in his face made you smile a little more. He looked the way he did when he’d just completed a complex mathematical proof: buzzing with the knowledge of pure, objective truth. From his perspective, he had just conclusively proved an undeniable fact. 
“I know I’m biased because I love you, but anyone would say that you’re beautiful. When you met Klaus, he took me aside and told me I was punching way over my weight. I didn’t even argue-”
But you interrupted him.
“You love me?”
He fell silent abruptly, playing back his last words in his mind.
Yup, he’d definitely said it. 
He swallowed. He was an idiot.
“Well yes. Actually, I do.” 
Before you had time to do anything except gape, he rushed to fill the silence:
“I know it’s not been too long, and I don’t expect you to feel the same-”
“But I do.”
He fell silent again, his eyes on yours. 
They were strange eyes. Their shape and color, although beautiful, were normal enough, but there was a little something in their expression that always took you firmly by the throat. One might fall into those eyes and drown, yet his hand, coming to take yours, tethered you to the water’s edge. 
“You sure?”
“Never been more sure of anything,” you breathed.
His lips gave a spasm and, for a moment, you both thought he was going to cry too, but instead, he just smiled. He smiled for you a lot, but the clear, open love in this one was like being bathed in warm sunlight, and you luxuriated in it.
Then, he laughed. He giggled, in fact. It bubbled up his throat and out of his mouth before he could temper it into anything that sounded more sophisticated.
“We love each other,” he said, grinning in a dopey, infectious way.
When you smiled back, he cupped your chin gently, those eyes keeping your face upturned to his just as firmly as his hand did. He leaned into you.
At first, his kiss was tender, and your lips slid past and around one another like an embrace. But when he leaned forward, forcing you back onto your pillows, his tongue entered your mouth, and the kiss took on a more amorous character. He made a low noise as he deepened his tongue’s quest into your mouth, and you reciprocated with a soft bite to his lower lip. 
He growled, and heat spread through you as his kiss became rough and firm, pressing you into the pillows now with the weight of his body. All the tenderness had transferred from his lips to his hands, one stroking reassuringly through your hair, and the other at your waist, giving you feather-light, electric touches through the bedsheets.
Your hands came to his subtly muscled back, and cinched him closer to you. The heat was concentrating now, pooling in your lower stomach and swirling there as his unyielding lips let you know that resistance was futile. Your skin was alight with every gentle, loving touch from his fingers, now starting to work their way beneath the bedsheets.
He broke the kiss just long enough to speak. His voice matched the kiss: deep, rough and feral.
“Let me see you.”
Though it was a command, it had the sound of a request, so you took it as such.
Despite the desire now aching in your guts, your fears were still there: perhaps irrational in this situation, but no less real. Beneath the sheets, Five’s hand squeezed and massaged the flesh just above your hip. The touch spoke of his renewed need, but it spoke also of his restraint: his hand had stopped just shy of the area you’d usually hide.
And the word, in that husky voice, broke you. 
“Okay,” you said, arousal threatening to be overcome by nerves, “just…take it slowly.”
He nodded distractedly. His eyes were roaming your skin as he came to kneel between your legs. Both of his hands were now inching the bedsheets down, from your waist to the swell of your hips.
He made a low noise in his throat, and his soft hair fell onto the newly-exposed torso as he bent to kiss it, hot presses of his lips against sensitive skin. His hands skimmed you, feeling out your flesh.
“So beautiful,” he growled, looking up at you, fingers worming their way beneath the sheets again, “is this okay?”
You nodded as he pulled the sheets down another few inches, exposing your stomach to just below the navel. As the air met the newly-exposed skin, you felt gooseflesh prickle across your arms, your stomach tightening with the feeling of exposure. “Pretty girl.” Five cooed, running his hands across your tummy, his pressure gentle, but proprietary. 
With another slow shift of the sheets, and you were exposed to your pubic bone. He let out a breath and squeezed the skin of your hips, smiling at you broadly. It was the dangerous, toothy smile.
“I’m sorry, my love, but I’m afraid we’re going to have to get you over this. I’m going to have to make you realize how fucking hot you are, because I’m going to need to hold onto you just like this while you bounce on my cock. I need to watch these tits bounce while you ride me.”
He squeezed your flank harshly, making you gasp, and you arched your back into him as he leaned forward to take each nipple into his mouth. There was a low rumble in his throat as he first nibbled, and then soothed each tortured bud with his tongue. Your whines tailed off into moans, as arousal and the intensity of his desire once again overcame your fears. 
You felt his satisfied smile around your nipples, and then his hands left your hips to paw and knead your breasts, weighing and bouncing them in each hand. 
He gave you another kiss on the lips before straightening up, so that he was kneeling over you again, head tilted as he looked down on you, almost speculatively. The position made it obvious that he was hard again, his bulge stretching the fabric of his white boxer-briefs, leaning up against his stomach and beginning to put pressure on the elastic of his waistband. His pretty, curved cock was perfectly outlined by the material: 
“I’m going to make you feel so confident that you’ll push me onto the bed, trap me between your thighs and ride me so hard I get a concussion against the headboard.”
Though the idea made you feel another squirm of discomfort, the humor combined with the lust behind his eyes made you give a small smile.
“Not today,” you said, in a small voice.
The memories were still too close…the hurt from recalling them was only just over the horizon. 
“Not today.” he confirmed, eyes roving down to where the bedsheets still covered your sex, “but can I see your pussy, beautiful?”
“Yes.” you said, barely more than a whisper.
“Mm. Good girl,” he groaned, and pulled the bedsheets down to your knees. 
There you were, fully exposed to him…totally bared. Internally, you were fighting between the urge to cover up, and the urge to please him. You still felt exposed, like a turtle without its shell, vulnerable laid out in front of him. 
He was still taking it all in, eyes lingering on where your thighs were as close together as they could be with his body between your calves.
Part of you was still terrified it was coming. Perhaps he wouldn’t be cruel -  he’d probably try to be polite about it - but he was still about to reject you now that he’d finally got a real look. Perhaps it was okay when his imagination could fill in the blanks, but now he’d actually seen you - 
“Oh,” he said.
And in that syllable, all your fears were proved baseless. The sound was a moan of pure, wanton appreciation.
His tongue slid out to wet his lips, still pink and swollen from his hard kisses. His dominant left hand slid immediately into his underwear, and he began to pump himself vigorously. Apparently, he was more than ready for this evening’s second round. 
“Oh my god,” he groaned, speeding his strokes as his eyes roamed your exposed flesh, “you’re so hot.”
As his eyes came to your thighs and pussy again, he increased the frequency of his strokes, fist still out of sight down his underwear. 
“Five,” you said, anxiously, still feeling slightly uncomfortable. 
“Just a few minutes, baby.” he said, desperately, “Look what you’re doing to me.”
Beneath the material, he retracted his foreskin and pressed the head of his cock against the small, wet patch that had appeared there. The pink of his deeply-flushed cock tip was just visible through the fabric, rendered semi-transparent by his precome.
“I’m already leaking.” he said, agony creeping into his rough voice, “Just a few more minutes. Just until I finish.”
His eyes looked hazy, far away somehow, transported to a place where his body’s need ruled him with an iron fist. It was enchanting to behold, impossibly arousing: Five Hargreeves (the man of impeccably starched, pressed and tightly-buttoned dress shirts), was keening in front of you, totally undone with his hips gyrating into his own fist as he visually devoured your body.
“Let me eat you,” he said, begging now, “I want to jack myself off with my head between those thighs.”
And he groaned at the idea, throwing his head back and speeding his pumps.
Your body didn’t give you the opportunity to turn him down. Your pussy throbbed and slick wetness drooled onto your thighs as you looked up at him, all pale skin, latent strength and desperation.
You gave a small nod, and he bent, first to kiss your lips and then to press small pecks onto each thigh.
“That’s it, baby,” he whispered, “open your legs for me. Show me that pretty pussy.”
And that way, with small kisses progressively further up your thighs, he coaxed your legs wide.
“Good girl,” he crooned, his hand leaving his leaking cock only for the minute it would take to run his index finger up and down your slit. 
You shivered at the contact, too sensitive. He’d already fingered and fucked you to two orgasms tonight, and the feeling of his mouth replacing his finger made you buck immediately. 
“Nngh - Five.”
In response to your moan, he tasted you with a flat tongue. 
Your flavor, a potent honey, made his cock twitch in his hand, and he wrapped his free arm around your leg, drawing you even closer to him. Your soft folds soaked his lips, serving to excite him more.
“Fuck,” he whispered, still in that low growl. His exhale sent warm air dancing across your swollen clit, “you’re so perfect. I love you. I love you so fucking much.”
You had no time to glow with his praise, because he was sucking your clit too hard for you to do anything but gasp. As his mouth worked you, his tongue moved rapidly inside his mouth, flicking deliberately across your aching, needy nub. His tongue pulsed to the same beat as his hand inside his underwear, unconsciously matching the rhythm of your pleasure to his.
“God, Five!”
All the shame and discomfort was gone, washed away by the tide of swirling heat. The pleasure curled inside you, winding tighter and tighter. All that mattered now was Five’s clever mouth, pushing you inexorably towards another orgasm. 
Your conscious brain let go, and your hand gripped his hair tightly, not aware that you were pulling him even closer to you, forcing his nose into your mound. 
He grunted like a wounded bear, surprise causing his hand to falter around his cock. It was hard to concentrate, so preoccupied was he by the fact that you were taking control, pressing his face deeper into your folds. It was quite possibly the hottest thing he had ever experienced.
Recovering, he gripped himself even tighter, veins and tendons standing out in his left forearm as he worked himself almost violently. 
He was too close now, and it made him clumsy, completely losing the rhythm of his suckles and tonguing. 
“Nooo!” you whined, thighs tightening around his head, “Like before!”
Though lightheaded with the knowledge that your thighs were crushing his ears, (he was wrong earlier, this was definitely the hottest thing he had ever experienced), Five reluctantly let up on his protesting manhood and concentrated his efforts on your pussy. 
Soon, you were gasping and moaning, writhing, and taking him with you with the power of your thighs. 
“F-Five. Fuuuck. Oh fuck, that’s it!” 
Your cunt gushed onto his face as he brought you to orgasm. He groaned again as his chin and cheeks were soaked with sweet slickness. He strained to hear you scream his name, your thighs rendering him deaf as they clutched around his ears. While he couldn’t hear the individual words, he certainly heard enough to flatter his ego. 
Wave after wave of ecstasy was crashing through you, and you babbled meaninglessly: unconnected, incomprehensible syllables. Behind closed eyes, you were seeing stars, completely unaware of everything but the explosion going on in your lower body.
He withdrew, finally, when your thighs relaxed and your climax abated to spasms down your limbs. As you were still catching your breath, he rose to his knees, wiped his sodden mouth, and took himself in hand again, looking at you splayed, completely on display and too drunk on his sex to care.
It took him fewer than ten pumps to bring himself to orgasm. 
“Fucking gorgeous - cunt tastes so good. Mm - fucking perfect, so fucking hot. Oh shit!”
Eyebrows raised, mouth wide in a perfect ‘o’, he exploded into his underwear.
You could see his first shots of come soaking through the material before he was even finished painting their insides with spurts of his thick seed: an impressive load given the fact it was his second in under an hour. 
His throat ground out a low whine as he slowed his hand. 
He took four or five seconds to catch his breath, and in that time your conscious mind took a firmer hold. Though you pulled the bedsheets up and over you, it was more for physical comfort rather than mental. 
Five crawled beneath the sheets beside you, still breathing hard. When he collapsed on the pillow, he turned to you.
“Believe me now?” he asked, “you think I’d wank myself raw over someone I thought was ugly?”
You smiled and let out a small puff of air; a shy little laugh.
He propped himself up on one elbow while his other hand caressed your body beneath the sheets.
“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, firmly, “To me, you’re a renaissance painting, and I was there when Titian finished Venus and Cupid, okay?”
“Okay,” you murmured, eyes already heavy, “I’m sorry that I squeezed your head with my legs.”
“You kidding me?” he said, amused, “You could break my neck with your thighs and I’d die happy…what a way to go.”
“Well,” you said, a little discomfort returning, “I still feel bad.”
“Baby steps,” he said, voice as soft as his hand now stroking hair away from your eyes, “soon I’ll have you riding me fast and rough.”
You smiled and let his caresses close your tired eyes. After a few minutes, in which he looked lovingly down at your gentle doze, his voice sounded again.
“Can I at least beat the living shit out of that guy?”
You considered.
Request masterlist >> HERE
NOTE: Dear sweet, anonymous girl, I see you. You did not deserve this, and this was never your problem. These formative experiences really do hurt us, and yours was such an extreme version that I'm not surprised it's given you these insecurities. I can promise you, it does get better. Feminism and loving yourself is at least half the battle, but nothing quite cements the truth like this: One day, you will be naked in front of a guy you trust completely. He'll look at you with that lustful, testosterone-fuelled glower and you'll know without a shadow of a doubt that, to him, you are venus. I take Five requests, I'm fairly versatile in what I write (fluff, smut, angst, psychological character study- I'll try it all) but I will consider them on a case by case basis. See masterlist for request status and more.
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