#a bit more uncool if you will
wispscribbles · 6 months
why are you and your drawings so cool 😭🙏
afdsasdfasg thank you !! irl ppl would laugh at me being called cool lol - Have a ghoap as thanks <33
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spiribia · 1 year
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My bugsnax player oc looks like this but imagine a striped gray silk scarf on them. Their name is Sable Florpington and they aren’t actually allergic to bugsnax it’s just not for them so they pretended to be. They’re the one guy at the party who doesn’t drink
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abimee · 1 year
im not finished with endwalker so i can't even read most of your posts but your thoughts on the elfs are some of the funniest realest shit ive seen thank you for party rocking (not being so blinded by estiniens cool armor that youve somehow missed that he is Not Cool)
going DIRECTLY for estinien for this one. a nothing but net shot lmfao thank you!i
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unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
mused on some thesis about how billions uses Indignity to illustrate that something someone does has failed / gone wrong in one way or another, and how the way this punishment is an Emotional one means that it can't land if the character just doesn't Feel that punished by it, or at least doesn't like attribute the supposed failure to something inherent enough to them to particularly stew on it, see for example people heightening/escalating their efforts to embarass someone if even that person doesn't Seem to sufficiently externally react in embarassment. winston able to truck along while (a) consciously crafting or maintaining some persona, of eternal and irrefutable dignity or whatever else is associated with "merit"/status, isn't much of a priority, when to him his skills speak for themself even though to others this is about their own merit in recognizing independently if winston's skills Happen to have use, and putting him down if he tries to speak to that anyways, and (b) he's also just able to move along from L's handed to him, whether he thinks it was warranted (like that he'll accept it doesn't count if he only thought it but didn't say it) or not (why can't you count to loyalty), when even if this resilience To How Others Treat Him isn't exactly peak realistic, that he thinks of himself in such a way that he doesn't need to be striving for some paramount official status, or think he's defined by never failing or indeed never possibly able to be seen within a "wow undignified / embarassing" framework so long as this winningness is recognized, or so long as anything is anything, is sure feasible enough.
but anyways thought about it like this thesis is just "i am cringe but i am free" like yeah that works
#winston billions#just lifelong recognition that like the [the way they are means they generate comedy] type like peripheral characters are the ones like#yeah of course That's who's relatable; never the like supposedly aspirational and/or peak relatable central/main characters#and that can extend easily enough to the [basically just a running joke] Outlier Single Weirdo Always Just Doing Their Own Thing#like boy we all know people like that huh eyesrollingemoji like yeah. we sure do lol#but also like I Love You any time smthing using comedy is like; look: Everyone is funny & ''weird'' & ''uncool'' & ''doing things wrong''#like yeah they and we are lol#billions is creating what we Get to see or hear of in the first place / what info we get; how a character is shown to us....#and boy it just so happens that the characters who aren't epic enough to be brought further into the center of things#also just so happen to inadvertently or advertently Spontaneously share more info abt themselves for ppl to have negative reactions to#while we may be ''surprised'' that axe sucks b/c huh wasn't he so externally epic seeming???? like on what planet; first of all....#meanwhile winston is not here to be like as ambitious as possible & is more like. sometimes he'll play around; since he's here....#but this joie de vivre spontaneity is never Cool(tm) of him & maybe he'd be Cooler if he was like (scrolling) ''beneath me; beneath me...''#(he would not be lol. he's not allowed; fundamentally! it's not Merit in there or out here. nobody has a Deserved greater Air of Dignity)#(but he's getting to have a bit more fun now and then; he'd be punished for his inherent inferiority anyways. and even if like#basically his continuing to be present; continuing to choose to do shit; unacceptably flies in the face of the theory that someone's#inherent superiority will just Make It So that inferior ppl are shunted out of their way or w/e; means that ppl lash out about that by at#least trying to momentarily take Whatever away from him: positive emotional motivation; space to speak unpunished much less be listened to;#space to guaranteed have a Presence unpunished &/or unignored....like well that's the tradeoff to that versus if he tried going for the#tradeoff of much lower highs on average and maybe slightly higher lows on average. not up to You The Individual to simply ''correctly''#strategize your way out of anyways. e.g. rian has to Choose to treat him with basic respect for his being a person. or someone else has to#Choose to intervene in such a way that lends enough support to winston / thwarts the means with which rian can torment him.)#and in the meantime he apparently can only be peripheral & [funny; little] b/c his Dignity is low stakes. no Arc to ''restore'' it in eithe#anyone else's eyes or much more usually the character's own perception of themself. winston will just be like eh yeah i suck then lol#(when like basically the way He Sucks that ppl give him shit for = his being autistic like ofc he can only roll with / ''accept'' that)#and then he can go whee yippee wahoo & have a blood orange flavored doughnut & ppl can go my god if i were him i'd die#mafee i guess exemplifying this too. Generally able to scuff his foot on the ground like aw gee :( yeah i effed up cringefail style huh#and then move on without it really being much of a whole damn thing. even though it's also Often abt taylor likewise being the one like#[head in hands over mafee fucking up having the collateral or direct damage for them] but they're not here to be fueled by grudges#& ofc this all being Perspective; everyone in billions Is cringefailing lol; but not everyone gets continual [joke at their expense] for it
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 11 months
Hobie Brown, Emotional Preparation, and the Art of Great Dialogue
Nearly all of Hobie's dialogue is written with his goal - protecting and preparing Miles for Miguel's abuse - in mind, even if it may not be obvious at first watch.
Here's an unhinged breakdown where I over-analyze literally every one of Hobie’s lines and explain how every sentence was written to contribute directly to Miles’ radicalization.
Hollywood. Pay your writers. (:
Hobie has around 10 minutes screentime total, but for the sake of introductions and this analysis, let's start at the end of the battle, and the beginning of the quantum hole.
Starting with his first line in the scene:
"I don't follow orders. Neither does he."
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All morals considered, Hobie doesn't seem like the type to speak for someone who can speak for themselves - he's a punk after all. But here, he speaks for Miles. This line serves to tell Miles 'I don't respect them, why should you?', but funnily enough, it can also be a point to Jess, as if to say 'Miles isn't interested.' - even if he is.
"Bit much, innit?"
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While, Hobie and Mile's next interaction is their exchange in the elevator, the scene leads to Mile's introduction to the Society. Miles gawks at the lobby, obviously impressed. Gwen affirms this awe, telling him 'this is just the lobby.' However, Hobie feels the need to chime in. His next dialogue 'Bit much, innit?' is a subtle nudge to Miles that the society is not a place to be in awe off. It's a spectacle, one that's a bit overdone. Knowing Miles now sees Hobie as cool, Hobie makes it known - he sees the Society as uncool.
"Gwendy, How much have you told him? About his place in all this? Maybe not enough."
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'So what happened about that small elite strike-team?' - 'Most of these are part time.' This is by far one of Hobie's more interesting lines, and I wrote about it here. But in short, this is Hobie's soft but direct confrontation of Gwen. After Gwen lies to Miles in front of him, Hobie immediately asks how much Gwen has revealed to him. And when she tries to play it off, he openly says 'Maybe that's not enough.' He's not angry with Gwen, but he is disappointed, which in turn motivates him to have his discussion with Miles.
"Super humane, and not creepy."
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One of my favorites, because it's hard to catch and to the point. After talking about Hobie and Gwen's mission history, they're taken to Margo and the control room. As Miles marvels at Margo and the Go-Home-Machine, and Gwen says she voted against it. However, Hobie says blatantly: 'Holy shit, Miles isn't this inhumane and weird???', validating that the Society is willing to do inhumane, hurtful stuff to those it deems 'misplaced'.
Next comes Hobie's confrontation with Miles.
Because Hobie knows this is his last movements with Miles before he meets Miguel, and this is where if final push of emotional support kicks in, before he goes quiet in front of Miguel.
And because this conversation is so well layered, I think it's best to go line by line. ______________________________
H: "Bet this doesn't even do anything." M: "Maybe it did before you ripped it out of a wall!"
Hobie has now confirmed that he'll be making an exit soon. And he begins his finally sweep of parts he needs for his watch, stocking up his pockets. He's not stealing to steal. He knows he's leaving and this is his last chance to get what he needs before he's out the door.
"Propaganda, bro! It's to distract you from the truth!"
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HOLY SHIT I missed this one. Notice how in this shot, Gwen is not visible at all. Hobie notices they're out of hershot of her for the first time. And his first line is - 'Propaganda.' Their watches can take them anywhere. When Gwen needed to, she was taken to exactly where she needed in Mumbattan. But when they're heading towards HQ, Jessica makes them walk through the lobby. They could have been sent directly to Miguel's station, but instead she makes them do the whole tour, which serves as a flex of muscle. In order, Miles was shown the massive number of members in the Society, then their prisoners, then the go-home-machine. Only THEN can they see Miguel. All of which was intent to intimidate Miles on purpose. Hobie tells him directly: 'Everything you just saw was propaganda.'
M: And what's that?
"I ain't got a Scooby Doo, mate. Cause that's what they want."
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One of the most iconic and notable of his quotes. Cockney aside, this line ties back in with his discussion with Gwen just a couple minutes before. They've done their tour and walk. Both Jess and Gwen have been given a chance to prime or explain to Miles anything, and both have chosen not to. So Hobie simply tells him, 'They want you in the dark. And they're sending you into a fight.'
The next line is:
H: Why do you want to be part of this lot? M: To get a watch. H: Make your own watch.
Miles sucks his teeth at Hobie.
Because of this - Hobie begins to change methods. Which I cannot stress is incredibly perceptive of him.
Miles is exasperated with him. So instead of dissuasion and making the society out to be uncool, he tries to turn Miles' attention towards his family.
"Bet you got a nice setup, huh? Nice parents?"
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This line is a very well done one, with two things of notice. First, I find it interesting that the screenplay phrases this line as a question, not a sentence. Hobie is asking. He's taking a shot in the dark here. And this is backed up by his delivery; Hobie hesitates while saying this. The only line in which he does so. He may not know about Miles' mom and dad, because Gwen hadn't met them when she met Hobie. But still, Hobie asks, hoping the reminder of Miles' parents will dissuade him from continuing.
M: They're fine. H: [After this line, Hobie turns black and white momentarily. Potentially a nod to the fact that this conversation is the only 'black and white' one Miles has had so far.] M: But we got into a fight. They just want what's best for me, so...
[Hobie frowns. The scene and dialogue REALLY starts to pick-up from here.]
"That's a bloody shame. Because you're not ready for everyone else."
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As the scene progresses Hobie goes from behind Miles, to beside him like an ally. Then, when Gwen finally comes back into frame, Hobie crosses in front of him. When Miles mentions his parents wanting what's best for him, Hobie warns that everyone else does not want what's best for him. At the same time, visually Gwen has her back to Miles, and Hobie puts himself between Miles and Gwen, trying to block his path. The scene is set up to show that in Hobie's eyes, Gwen is turning her back on Miles. She does not have his best interest in mind. Hobie is telling Miles 'They're using propaganda on you, they're keeping you in the dark, and they do not have your best interest at mind. You're not ready for this." And he physically tries to block Miles from continuing, one last time.
Miles goes through Hobie, and now within earshot of Gwen again, this is Hobie's final chance and push to get as much information into Miles as he can - without freaking Miles out. Above all else, he needs Miles to be prepared, confident, and willing to fight back.
His voice becomes more serious, and he starts speaking more straight-forward and a lot less cryptically.
"Listen to me, bruv. The whole point of being Spider-man is your independence. Being your own boss, you don't need all this!"
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I think Hobie saying this reveals a lot about his character, especially understanding the context where he's from. While many Spider-men would agree that being Spider-man is about responsibility and power - to Hobie, it is about independence, and freedom. Hobie is a freedom fighter, and one of the only Spider-men besides Noir that knows how to fight systemic threats as well as physical ones. To him, being Spiderman is about being able to free yourself and others. It's about independence and freedom, and he's trying to nail that in Miles' head one last time.
M: Then why are you here?
"Looking out for my drummer, is all."
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As the scene is coming to a close, the writers chose this time to reveal some of Hobie's motivations, starting with the independence comment, and now this. Despite knowing about Gwen's deception towards Miles, he is still looking out for her - and Miles. This is the writers' and Hobie's last push to solidify himself as an ally to Miles and the viewer.
M: I want to be in a band. I want to see my friends, and I need a watch to do that. G: Guys, come on.
"Alright, Squashed. Just don't enlist until you know about who you're fighting."
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I genuinely had to sit and ask myself why the writers would choose to leave Hobie's collective effort - a LOT of effort - with this line. And honestly, I think it's a perfect segway. Hobie chooses his words very clearly; He doesn't say 'what', he says 'who'. The next scene leads into Miguel's intro, and up until this point, Miles doesn't know who he is. He only knows about the Society, but never who is at the top. We know about Miguel, but all Miles knows is his name. That's why Hobie says 'who you're fighting'. Because the Society isn't really a Society, and this isn't really between Miles and the Society at all. It's a dictatorship - and the person he's enlisting to fight is Miguel. The perfect introduction and warning to the person he's about to meet. He's telling Miles, 'Don't rush into it. Wait until you meet Miguel first'. And when Miles does meet Miguel, he finally sees that this isn't the place he thought it was, just like Hobie said. ALSO EVEN MORE INTERESTINGLY - THIS is one of the lines that is changed between the two versions of spiderverse (there are two theatrical versions on release.) In the alternative he says 'Don't enlist unless you know what war you're fighting.' And I think that the fact the writers chose to publish two different versions of this line goes to show how powerful they knew this line would be in Miles' characterization. There is so much Hobie has left to say to him, but only one line - and so we get two versions. How fun!
With the scene now over, we see a change in Hobie's demeanor, and I love the writers' choice to have the shot linger on Hobie.
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We see him give Miles a look that isn't exactly full of confidence, but from this point forward, Hobie chooses to hang back, no longer having any motivation to instigate. He knows his work here is done, and now all he can really do is wait for Miguel to reveal his true colors, and hope that he got through enough to Miles that he will react, and fight back.
And closing out the scene - I noticed that when Peter B. arrives Hobie pointedly says
"Oh boy, Humbling Reality Spider-man has arrived."
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All I'll say about this is Hobie has to be Jamaican cause that was so mfing rude shgjfkghjgjkdfjk
Hobie has about three lines between this point and then end of his screentime - Two of which were his lines to Mayday, and his comment during the canon events.
But there is one shot of him before it all happens. And after this shot the movie begins staging Hobie in specific a very different way than anyone else.
The moment begins with Miles' line 'My Dad is about to be captain.'
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The camera pans to each character. Gwen, Peter, and Jess all avert their eyes. Miguel looks at Miles. And Hobie is the only one who looks at all of them. Instead of looking down, he looks to the others, in anticipation of whats going to happen. It's also important to note that this was probably news to Hobie. He probably didn't know Miles' dad was a cop - or at the very least going to be captain. So the understanding of just how much trouble Miles is in kinda multiplies in this moment.
Then, this happens
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From this point forward, every time Hobie is portrayed, he is shown as separate from the other characters, always being divided from the group - with Miles as the divider. Even as the camera moves, Hobie visually remains - quite literally - as the only person in Miles' corner. And as the scene goes on, he moves farther and farther into that corner.
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Until finally the scene comes to a climax, and Hobie gets two shots to himself - delivering his final lines.
"Here we go." - "Hobie, You're not helping." - "Good."
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This is Hobie seeing his work pay off. This is him knowing that he got through to Miles and that it was worth it. He's proud of him.
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Hobie knew what he came to do, and he used literally every line he said to Miles to the FULLEST extent. He doesn't give a fuck if he's not helping the Society. He's helping Miles. And now he knows his work is done.
Being a punk is not about being a hero, it's about empowering those who feel powerless. HE UNDERSTOOD THE MOTHERFUCKING ASSIGNMENT.
if you read this far let me know :) thanks bye
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lovelybucky1 · 8 months
Smoke Me Out
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Kinktober Day 3- Corruption Kink
warnings: female!reader, college!au, drug use (weed), slight age gap (everyone 18+), slight dubcon, sex while under the influence, childhood friends, brothers best friend!anakin, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, cum play, tattooed and pierced anakin, 18+ minors dni
kinktober masterlist
you are half way through your first semester of college and you've never felt more uncool in you're entire life. you rushed for a sorority and you got into alpha delta pi, and though they have parties every weekend where you get drunk, you still feel like you're missing a key aspect of the college experience.
you want to get high. you've never smoked anything before and you're nervous to ask your sorority sisters or a frat guy to help you through your first time. you didn't know who else to ask to supply good stuff or even who to trust other than anakin.
you've known him forever. he's your brother's best friend and he was always around when you were growing up. you used to have the biggest, most hopeless crush on him when you were younger. now he's a junior at the same college you go to, but it's a state school, everyone from your hometown goes there.
when you finally decide to ask anakin to give you some weed, you text him, telling him you're coming over. no information or anything, just "omw".
you walked the mile or so to the off campus house anakin shares with your brother and a couple other friends. when you walk up, you see the porch light is on, illuminating the figure on the porch.
"your brother's not here," anakin says instead of a greeting.
"i'm not here for him," you say as you skip up the porch steps. anakin sits on a dingy lawn chair and smokes a cigarette, the pungent smell filling the air.
"so what do you want?" he asks, raising a pierced brow at you.
"well..." you start, suddenly feeling embarrassed.
"i want some weed."
anakin lets out a chuckle. "you're not serious."
"i am! i wanna do it but i don't want to do it for the first time with a stranger."
a slight smirk forms on anakin's lips but he does not make a comment about your double entendre.
"that's cute."
you frown. "i'm serious, anakin. can't you help me out?"
anakin hums like he's thinking about it. "no."
"what? why not?" you whine. "i can pay, i have money."
"it's not about the fuckin' money," he rolls his eyes. "i'm just not going to let my little sister get high."
"i'm not your little sister," you huff.
"might as well be."
"i'm an adult, anakin! i can make my own decisions."
he picks up his foot and stubs his cigarette out on the heel, then tosses the butt onto the porch. he stands up and now, instead of being blow you in the chair, he has to look down to meet your eyes.
"and i can decide not to give you any."
you cross your arms and look up at him. you know it's a bit childish, but if he's going to treat you like one anyway, what's the harm?
"fine then. i'll just get some frat guy to smoke with me."
that seemed to get a rise out of anakin. "no you fuckin' won't," he says, voice gruff.
"i will. you know i'm in a sorority now. i have frat guys busting down my door. i'm sure i'd have a line waiting if i said i wanted to smoke."
anakin's frustration seems to grow when he sees the smirk on your lips. without another word, he grabs your forearm and yanks you, forcing you to follow him into the house.
"anakin!" you exclaim, but he ignores you.
he practically drags you up the stairs and down the hall to his bedroom. you've never been inside it, only having seen it from the doorway of your brother's room by the stairs.
he marches you over to his dresser and you take in the sight of the room. navy blue sheets on an unmade bed, dirty clothes on the floor, a pair of panties you suspect aren't his at the foot of the bed. empty beer cans, some with holes in the sides, litter the top of the dresser. he has a small box of jewlery for his piercings, a poster of his favorite band, and a framed picture of him with you and your brother as kids.
the room is gross, not unexpected for a 22 year old, but it feels like anakin. evidence of his vices everywhere, but touches of personality shine through.
"you want me to smoke you out, huh?" he opens the top right drawer of his dresser and takes out a pre-roll and a lighter. "here you go."
you take it from him, but you don't feel as excited as you thought. anakin's attitude is kind of killing your vibe.
"are you mad at me?" you ask.
"mad? no," he says, looking at you with crossed arms. "just a little annoyed that you came here beggin' for weed and got all bratty and started running your mouth when i said no."
"i did not get bratty!" you whine, sounding very bratty.
anakin rolls his eyes. he turns and walks towards the window, pushing it open and sitting down next to it. you follow and sit across from him, the blunt and lighter in each hand.
"what do i do?" you ask.
"christ, haven't you ever seen a movie before? you put this end in your mouth," he points to the filter end. "and you light this end."
you do as he instructs, and attempt to take a drag. you end up inhaling too deep and you start to cough, eyes watering. anakin doesn't laugh at you, but he does give you a satisfied little smirk.
you take another hit and this time it goes better, you only cough a little bit. anakin reaches over and grabs the blunt from your hand and you frown.
"you're not smokin' this whole thing yourself."
anakin puts it in his mouth, right were a ring of your lip gloss is, and took a drag just like he taught you, but his was perfect. he didn't cough or choke, and the cloud he exhaled swirled out the window.
he gives it back to you and watches as you take another clumsy drag. when you hand it to him again, he takes a long drag but doesn't pass it back.
"hey," you whine.
"that's enough for your first time," he says.
"that was barely anything, anakin."
"it hasn't hit you yet. you wanted me to take care of you, right?"
you huff. "yeah."
"so shut up."
you roll your eyes but decide not to argue further. you and anakin sit next to the window, letting the slight cool breeze blow in on you. you feel yourself become more fuzzy as time passes. you're not very high, but it just enough to satisfy your curiosity.
"how do you feel?" anakin asks after some time of silence.
"good. fuzzy."
"that's good. means you're not too far gone." anakin takes a pause before continuing. "i can't believe you were gonna let a fucking frat guy smoke you out. do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"
your eyes flick back up to meet his; you hadn't realized you were staring at his lips. "some of them are nice."
"nice," he scoffs. "they're only nice because they want to fuck."
"that's not true," you huff.
anakin takes a hit and when he speaks, smoke pours from his lips.
"jesus, you're so naïve. frat guys like dumb inexperienced sorority girls."
"are you calling me dumb?"
"yeah i am. you need to stay away from those guys."
"well it's a little too late for that," you bite.
anakin's brows furrow and his lip curls in disgust. "you didn't sleep with one of them, did you?"
"not just one."
anakin sighs loudly and shakes his head. "what the hell were you thinking?"
"i was at a party and we just had fun. don't act like you've never had casual sex before." anakin stubs out the blunt on the window sill and leaves it there to smolder. he gets up from the floor and walks around the room aimlessly. "why are you being so dramatic? are you jealous or something?"
anakin's eyes snap over to yours. "no, i'm not fuckin' jealous. no one's fuckin' allowed to touch you."
"why do you get to decide that?" you shout, feeling your blood boil with anger.
"because you're mine!" he yells back, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "i protect you, i keep you fucking safe from assholes like the ones you're just falling into bed with."
"i’m not a child, i don't need you to protect me!"
"i obviously haven't done a very good job. why would you even want a frat guy, they don’t know how to fuck.”
“and you do?”
you’re not sure why you said it. it’s irrelevant to the argument but for some reason it just slipped out. you can’t say you’ve never thought about how anakin would fuck before. you’ve spent many nights up late thinking about your older brother’s best friend.
“yeah i do,” he says, voice low. “i could show you what good sex is. it’s nothin’ like you had with those guys.”
your breath catches in your throat at the unexpected development. is anakin offering to fuck you?
“i thought you said i was like your little sister,” you say, suddenly timid.
“that's what you're hung up on?” he asks as he crosses the room in a few short strides. standing right in front of you, anakin towers over you. you have to crane your neck to look up at him, meeting his light eyes. "let me do my job and teach you something, huh?"
you shyly nod, none of the anger from moments ago fueling your actions any longer. desire burns in anakin's eyes, and although its odd that he is looking at you in such a way after being nothing more than platonic your whole life, it doesn't feel wrong.
"you want me to kiss you?" anakin asks. again, you nod.
he leans his head down and presses his lips to yours. it's not very tender, but you didn't expect it to be. his lips are slightly chapped and the kiss is rough. he's claiming you. anakin's hands grip onto your wrists and he pins them to your sides as he continues to explore your mouth.
when he pulls away, his lips glisten with spit and he's smirking down at you. he walks you over the bed and grabs the hem of your shirt. without saying anything, you raise your arms above your head and he takes it off, leaving you in your bra. anakin looks at your chest shamelessly, eyes drinking in the sight of you.
"anakin," you say, embarassed.
"what? you wanted me to fuck you and now you're getting all shy when i look at your tits?" he palms your breasts through your bra, watching them bounce. "how're you gonna react when i see your pussy?"
"don't say that," you whine.
"say what, pussy?" you nod. "aw, is that too dirty for you, sweetheart?"
he grins as he takes off his own shirt and tosses it to the floor. you ogle at his bare torso, acting like it's your first time seeing it. he has gotten more tattoos since the last time you saw him shirtless, and his left nipple has a silver bar through it.
without waiting for you to catch up, anakin undoes the buckle on his jeans and pushes them down to his ankles, kicking them off before removing his socks. now he's left only in a pair of loose plaid boxers that rest low on his hips, showing off the star tattoos on his hip bones. he then motions to you to do the same.
you kick off your shoes and socks, then more timidly, you take off your pants. you're left standing in your childhood crush's bedroom in your underwear.
"come on, take off your panties," he says, grinning. "let me see that pussy." you pout in response. he steps closer to you, putting his large, warm hands on your hips. "do you want me to do it for you?" you bite your lip and nod slightly.
he holds onto the waistband of your panties and pulls them down as he sinks to his knees. he lets the delicate fabric fall to the floor and he looks hungrily at the newly exposed area. he leans his face in and presses his nose to the joint of your leg and groin, taking a deep inhale of your scent.
"anakin!" you squeal, grabbing his hair and pushing his head away.
"what's wrong?" he asks, sitting back on his heels.
"don't be mean to me."
"i'm being mean? imagine how those frat guys would treat you. actually, don't."
anakin pushes you back on the bed and he crawls between your open legs, resting his cheek on your thigh as he stares at your pussy.
"what a pretty cunt," he smirks.
teasingly, he traces his finger over your slit, gathering your wetness. he circles your clit to gauge your reaction, delighted when you squirm.
"i bet most guys can't even find this. the most action it's probably seen is from you playin' with it yourself," he says, eyes flicking up to yours. "is that true?"
you squeeze your eyes shut and nod, evoking a laugh from anakin.
"this poor, neglected little pussy," he coos. "what do you think about when you touch yourself?"
"i-i'm not telling you that," you say, voice breathy.
anakin tuts as he pushes his long, slender middle finger into you.
"i bet it's not any of the guys who can't make you cum. is it a celebrity? what's the name of the actor you used to be obsessed with? i was so jealous if him."
"you, anakin," you whimper.
"what was that?"
"i think about you."
anakin grins and slides another finger into your pussy, curling them up to rub at that spot deep inside you.
"that's a good thing, then, because you're all i think about too."
"please fuck me, anakin," you beg, your voice sounding unfamiliar to your own ears.
"already? but you've only taken two fingers. are you sure you're gonna be able to handle my cock?"
as desperate as you are, you're growing tired of anakin's coddling.
"i'm sure i've taken bigger. just fuck me."
anakin raises his eyebrows and blinks at you a couple times, clearly offended. he gets up from his knees and pulls down his boxers, letting his long, hard cock slap against his abdomen.
"alright then, since you want to be such a big girl, i'll give it to you."
he grabs your lower leg and hoists it over his shoulder as he lines his head up with your entrance.
"wait," you stop him. "are you clean?"
he gives you an unimpressed look. "yeah, i'm clean. are you?"
"yes," you nod.
"i'm not gonna knock you up, am i?"
"if it happens, it happens." anakin freezes. "i'm joking, you asshole. i'm on the pill."
he rolls his eyes and presses his tip into you. you whimper at the stretch but you give him the okay to keep going, so he continues. he feeds his cock into you and it feels never-ending.
"is it too big for you yet?" he asks smugly.
"shut up," you breathe.
after going slow to start, anakin seems to get tired of waiting. he pushes in until he's fully seated inside you, filling you up more than you ever have been. he then starts to rock his hips, driving his head deeper.
"fuck," he groans. "never imagined this pussy'd feel so good."
you reach down to rub your clit as he fucks you, feeling yourself becoming closer as he continues to stimulate your g-spot with his cock.
sex with your previous partners truthfully had not bern very satisfying. but with anakin, you find yourself hurtling towards the edge faster than you get with your favorite toy. maybe its from years of pent up attraction to him finally spilling over. maybe he’s just that good at sex.
“just like that,” you say breathlessly.
anakin is looking down at you with half-lidded, lust filled eyes. his mouth hangs open as he thrusts into you, really putting his back into it to fuck you hard like you deserve.
“little cunt’s squeezin’ my cock. guess she likes me, huh?” he asks with a smirk. you bring your arm up to cover your embarrassment from his babbling. “don’t be such a prude, i know you like what i’m sayin’. you’re soaking me. it’s dripping all the way down my balls, baby. you made such a mess of me with that slutty cunt.”
you let out an unintelligible whine and anakin laughs. your fingers speed up on your clit as anakin fucks you harder, keeping up with the intensity of the stimulation.
“i’m gonna cum,” you say quietly, like you’re confessing a shameful sin.
“yeah?” he asks. “cum all over my dick, baby. ‘m all yours.”
after a few more thrusts, the tension in your stomach releases and your orgasm washes over you. anakin continued to fuck you through it, dragging it out longer than just a few seconds.
when you finally let yourself relax, the stimulation becomes too much and you whine at anakin, telling him to stop.
“your little cunt not used to it being that good?” he asks as he pulls out.
his cock stands against his abs, slightly curved and glistening with your cum. he strokes himself as he looks at your body, deciding how he wants to cum.
“get on your knees,” he says.
“i don’t wanna blow you,” you saw, furrowing your brows at the thought of your juices in your mouth.
“i wanna cum on your tits. get on your knees.”
you stand from the bed on wobbly knees and kneel on the ground in front of anakin. he positions his dick in front of your face, but too far to taste it. he jerks himself off, using your cum as lube to make the glide smoother.
“look up at me,” he demands. you do so, looking up at his face with wide eyes instead of at his cock. “those pretty eyes,” he mumbles.
you watch his abs clench and flex as he nears his orgasm. it’s almost mesmerizing to see the physical reaction he has to you.
“want you to cum on me, anakin,” you say.
maybe you’re playing it up a bit for his sake, but it seems to work, because suddenly he’s moaning and hot spurts of cum paint your skin. he continues to jerk himself off until he’s finished, and as he catches his breath, he admires his artwork.
“fuck, baby,” he sighs.
anakin drops to his knees in front of you and drags his fingertips through the mess on your tits.
“that wasn’t your pay of getting payment for the weed, was it?” you ask, giggling.
“fuck no,” he pants. “nah, i did that cause i wanted to. and now i’m never gonna let you look at another frat guy again.”
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hi!! this is the same anon from earlier and i saw you wanted to write for james potter. and i’m so sorry if you’ve done something similar. so maybe after a quidditch match, win or loss, all james wants to do is lie and bed with reader and hug her. but they’re not dating and he ends up confessing too, still tired, he doesn’t even realize he’s admitted his feelings
thank you again for your time:))
-can i be ‘🎀 anon’? lolol
hi lovely 🎀! thanks for your sweet words and adorable requests 😊 i hope you like it!
pairing: James Potter x reader tags: fluffy fluff, some angst, gn reader if you want word count: 1.9k
Cuddles and Confessions
So close. So bloody close. And to bloody Slytherin to top it off? The defeat stung worse than any other James could remember. 
As he lumbers back up toward the castle after the match, frustrated and furious, some Slytherin fans jeer at him from across the lawns. It pushes him over an edge, and he turns to — well, he’s not sure to what; berate them? beat them up? — a strong hand grabs his shoulder and turns him back around.
“Easy, mate. They’re idiots but they’re not worth it,” Sirius says easily. Sirius of all people being the voice of reason has James realizing maybe he needs to calm down. 
James falling into step with Sirius without a word, the two make their way back up to the castle. 
When they get to the common room, it’s packed with mad and sad-looking Gryffindors consoling each other, complaining about bad calls, bad-mouthing the Slytherins: a typical post-match defeat. 
“Thank Godric,” Sirius sighs, heading immediately to a small table stacked with firewhisky. He grabs two glasses, but James stops him before he fills the second one.
“No thanks, mate. Don’t really feel like the company,” he says, scanning the room. He admits to himself there is one face that would have made him stay, one person whose company was actually the only thing he wanted right now. But he doesn’t see you. So he stalks off, bounding up the stairs to his currently empty dormitory. 
He’s lying on his bed, tossing a ball up and down when he hears a soft knock. 
“What?” he yells, the harshness of his voice even surprising him a bit. Surprise shifts to horror when your beautiful, blushing face peeks around the door. 
“Hi, Jamie,” you say shyly. “I’m sorry. Sirius said you wanted to be alone. I should’ve listened. I didn’t mean to annoy you. I’ll just —” 
“Wait, wait, wait,” he rushes, going over to you and pulling you into his room. “I’m so sorry, love. Please don’t go.” 
You smile a bit at this, looking down at your feet before nodding slightly. 
“Ugh, I’m a prick. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you.” His voice is soft now, warm and enveloping as you look into his pleading eyes. 
“It’s okay,” you chuckle. “I get it. Rough night, huh?” 
“Yeah,” he chuckles, smiling for the first time all day. You had a way of bringing that out in him. 
“Want a hug?” you offer. He nods immediately, internally cringing for being so uncool in front of you.
“Yes please,” he half laughs. 
You step close to him, and even this increased proximity has him reeling. He can’t wait to feel your warmth around him, to smell your hair as he nuzzles into you. 
He’d been hoping to win tonight’s match for more reasons than one. He hated Slytherin for starters. He loved winning for seconds. But also, he had been hoping a Gryffindor victory party could be the perfect place to finally tell you how he feels about you. Firewhisky flowing, adrenaline pumping, maybe he’d finally have the courage he was supposed to have as a Gryffindor and tell you the truth. 
You bring your arms up around his shoulders, pulling him close to you, bringing one hand to his messy hair and scratching comfortingly. James’s large body immediately melts into yours. He hums into the crook of your neck, and you giggle. 
“Thanks for coming to check on me,” he whispers into your shoulder, holding you close. 
“Why would I want to be downstairs wallowing with everyone else when I could wallow with you?” you tease, pulling back slightly to be face to face again. He hates how much he just wants to pull you back into him. 
“Oh, I’m much better company than those wankers,” he plays along. 
“Yes, I’m sure. Seems you’re quite chipper from your greeting.” 
He cringes and whispers “sorry” again. You shake your head quickly, wanting him to know you’re only teasing. 
The silence stretches a bit too long, neither of you knowing what to say. It’s especially awkward because your hands are still on his shoulders, his on your hips. 
“So what were you doing?” you ask, coming up with nothing better. 
“Just lying in bed, wallowing,” he confesses. 
“Sounds fun,” you chuckle. You break apart from him, the tension becoming too much and head over to his bed, plopping down onto it. He laughs and follows, sitting close next to you. “What do you want to do?” you ask, your voice low. “I came to cheer you up, but I think I’m doing a bang up job so far,” you chuckle, scrunching your nose. 
Before thinking about it, James brings his hand up to your face, lightly tracing his finger down your nose for you to relax it. 
“You’re not,” he says earnestly. “I’m already better, just having you here.” He thinks he feels your face warm where his hand still caresses it but pushes the idea down, not wanting it to be wishful thinking. 
“So what do you want to do?” you ask again gently.
“Honestly?” he asks shyly. Nervous was a weird look on him, usually so cocky. 
“Of course,” you giggle in your warmest tones, wanting him to be open with you, relishing in the intimacy you seemed to be building. 
“I want to keep lying in bed wallowing.” 
You stiffen immediately, chiding yourself for misreading his nerves. He wanted you to leave; that’s why he seemed shy. 
James sees — and feels — you tense at his words, and luckily for him, he realizes right away what you’re probably thinking. He continues before he can stop himself, dreading your leaving more than dreading saying something stupid. 
“With you,” he adds hastily. He feels himself blush, hates it, but pushes on. “I want to lie in bed and wallow… with you,” he repeats more softly. 
“Oh,” is all you can think to respond.
“I mean, just hang out, you know. I just… you just… I just like hanging out with you. And even just your hug made me feel better,” he rambles sweetly. 
You smile and pull away from him a bit. Before he can be disappointed, though, you’re pulling him with you as you shuffle further back onto the bed, lying down and bringing him horizontal with you by the shoulder. 
You’re lying next to each other, both tense, facing the ceiling, your sides grazing but nothing more. You look over at him, and he looks at you, and you both look away like idiots. 
You take a deep breath, reminding yourself he literally just told you he wanted to be here with you, clinging to that to give you the courage for what you were about to do. You turn toward him and bring your hand up to his hair. His eyes snap to yours. First they show shock but that quickly melts to adoration. Then they show nothing at all as they close in comforted bliss. You chuckle softly and see the corners of his mouth tug up at the sound. 
“Feels nice,” he whispers.
“Yeah?” you whisper too. He just nods. 
You shuffle closer to him, and he turns his body towards yours. Your arm is cramped now between your two close bodies, so you do the reasonable thing for comfort, you tell yourself, and wrap your arm under his shoulders. His face coming to the crook of your neck, you miss the huge smile that breaks out on it at the contact. 
He’s lying on your shoulder now, the rest of his body flush with yours. Your arm is around him, your hand coming up to continue playing with his hair. James brings his arm over you, hugging you close, and you place your arm on top of his. 
It crosses James’s mind that friends don’t cuddle. But he stops his internal monologue in time to savour the moment rather than over-analyse it, which he’s bound to do later.
You just lie there in silence for  a bit, the tension having eased considerably. 
In your warm, comfortable cocoon, you bring your face closer to the top of his head on your shoulder and nuzzle him a bit. He just hums in response. 
“You’re comfy,” he says. It sounds muffled, his mouth squished against your shoulder. You laugh, and it shakes him up and down the slightest bit. 
James loves the feeling of your vibrating chest just below him. He can’t help himself and tickles you where his hand rests near your ribcage. You laugh louder. You hold down his arm to stop him and playfully shake him off a bit to protect yourself from more tickling. His grip tightens in response, and he’s almost on top of you by the time he’s done adjusting himself. 
“No, no, don’t go,” he chuckles. “I’ll stop.” 
Your laughter has mostly subsided, but your voice is raspy as you respond, “Promise?” He nods into your shoulder. “Fine. I’ll stay if you behave.” 
He laughs, squeezes you, whispers, “Promise.”
Any tension that had been left has dissipated completely, and you fall into easy chat as you hold each other close. Your hand continues playing with his hair, tugging it when he says something stupid. His arm draped over you occasionally squeezing you more tightly whenever either of you says something nice. You go over the highlights of the match, lamenting the result. Without realizing it, you start talking about any and everything else, and by the time the conversation lulls for the first time, both of you chuckling lightly, James wonder how much time has gone by. Not enough, he thinks to himself, wishing this would go on forever. 
The quiet, your hand in his hair, your warmth radiating around his body, it all soothes him into a half slumber. It washes over him how exhausted his body is from the match, how tense it had been from the fury at its result.
“This is nice,” he slurs. 
“Mmhmm,” you hum. 
“I’m not even mad anymore.” He sounds astounded even in his sleepy tones. You chuckle. 
“Mmmm. We’ll prank the Slytherins tomorrow. And I’ll think of another time to tell you how I feel.” Your hand halts its motions. James is still completely relaxed, and you realize he’s pretty much half asleep, not truly realizing what he’s saying.
You don’t want to take advantage of him in this state, but you want to be honest with him too, and he clearly wanted to talk to you about whatever this was. 
So, you warmly whisper, “How do you feel, Jamie?”
“I love you,” he mumbles. You’re melting at his words, and you can’t wait till tomorrow to say them back. You shift your weight so you’re more facing James than under him, and this rattles him a bit more awake. His drowsy eyes are heavy initially but then they startle slightly. Before he can worry or regret, you hold his face gently in both your hands, your thumbs caressing his cheeks. 
“James…” He just looks deeply into your eyes, his eyebrows furrowed, not saying anything. “I love you, too.” 
His face shifts as if in slow motion. His eyebrows rise; his lips smile widely; his eyes crinkle.
“You love me?” He sounds equal parts giddy and disbelieving. 
“Yeah, I love you, you grump.” He chuckles. “You love me?” you echo.
He takes his time responding. Scanning your features adoringly. Eventually, finally, calmly and assuredly he says again, “I love you,” nodding as he closes the little distance between you. 
Your kiss is slightly awkward at first, your lips smiling automatically at his words before realizing they’re being called on to take on new, intoxicating shapes. 
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fredwkong · 4 months
Himbo Maker: Misha
Misha was an Egirl: a European Guy In Real Life. He would do his makeup, put on fake eyelashes, a wig, and a pair of pink headphones with kitty cat ears, and stream video games online. He loved to troll new viewers by spending an hour or so doing a breathy, feminine voice, and then suddenly hit them with his natural Baltic baritone. The way the chat went crazy made it worth it every time.
The whole game was helped by how petit and curvy Misha had always been. Even in his twenties, he still had a soft, almost girlish body and stood at most of other guys’ sternums. Too bad he wasn’t a trans girl, or at least a gay boy, he sometimes thought, looking at his body in the mirror. Gay guys were supposed to go for little guys who looked like him.
One evening, Misha was just starting his stream when some user started acting really weird in chat. He had a username that almost seemed familiar to Misha, but the guy he was thinking of had always been polite and given insightful comments on Misha’s gaming. This guy’s messages were full of typos, and he couldn’t seem to stop talking about his muscles.
Misha was just about to ban the guy when an alert sounded: Misha’s charming, girly laugh, which indicated a user had just donated a hefty sum. Of course, it was this annoying brodude.
“Uh,” said Misha, almost forgetting to put on his femmy voice, “He says, “Bro, this guy liek wants to chat wiht u on stream.” And there’s a link in the donation.”
Clicking the link, Misha found himself looking at a chat website he’d never seen before. “Hold on, let me share my screen,” he simpered, sharing the chat window. Somehow, his usual screen name was already in the bar. It must have populated from his stream.
Mish-kittycat: Like, heyoooo! You okay with being on stream with me? (✿◠‿◠)
Himbo_mkr: No way, bruh! I love meeting new bros. Like, hi stream!
Misha was a bit offended that this chat partner would refer to him as a “bro.” But stream chat seemed interested, so he thought it could be worth a few minutes to humour the donater. It had been a fair amount of money.
Mish-kittycat: What do you want to talk about UwU
Himbo_mkr: Bro, you know that all I ever talk about are my sick gains and going out with guys, lmao
Okay, so this was a troll. They probably wanted to get Misha banned for lewdness or something. Still, at least it was original that the troll character was a gay guy. He rolled his eyes at the stream and said, out loud in his girl voice, “Looks like someone got mad enough to pay to speak with all this.” He gestured down his slim body in tonight’s outfit, a stereotypical Japanese maid costume.
Himbo_mkr: Huhuhu, bro, you clicked on the link. Didn’t force you to do it.
Misha froze. Of course the troll was watching the stream. “Heh, I don’t let meatheaded bullies boss me around,” he chirped, trying to save face.
Himbo_mkr: You sure? You sure like it when your chat bosses you around, bro.
Now this guy was just lying. Misha scowled, even though he knew the expression would make his foundation crack unattractively. “This is a really weird way to bully someone.” He looked at the stream chat, waiting for his subscribers to back him up.
But the character of the chat seemed to have changed. No, they had always been bossy, Misha suddenly remembered. They would tell Misha how to play his games all the time while he pretended to struggle. It was a key part of the dynamic of his channel that chat bossed him around, and right now they were telling him to go back to chatting with this guy. One guy even messaged, “No more talking, kitty. You’re only allowed to write in the chat.” Misha gave the camera a plaintive look, but listened. He always listened to his chat.
Mish-kittycat: So maybe you’re right about that one thing, but coming in here being rude is totally uncool (งᓀ‸ᓂ)ง
Himbo_mkr: Bro, I think we got off on the wrong foot. I was just tryna compliment you on your sick bis, dude.
Misha cocked his head, confused. He was the opposite of buff, that was why he was so good at dressing as a girl. But as he continued to think about it, he remembered all the hours he spent working on his arms. He kept a set of weights next to his bedroom door, and he did bicep curls to failure every time he went through the doorway. Yeah, his biceps were his pride and joy, and they were usually how he showed off his manliness when he revealed his deep voice and accent.
A tip came in. “Flex for us, kitty,” commanded the text-to-speech voice. With a smirk, Misha lifted up one of his arms, feeling it stretch the sleeve of his maid costume as the veins popped. Too bad the rest of his body hadn’t followed his arms and gotten bulky.
Himbo_mkr: We’re all waiting for you to drop your lifting routine, bro! You’ve been totally blowing up.
Misha blushed at the flattery. His physique wasn’t all that impressive. Sure, now that he thought about it, he had been really hitting the weights a lot and eating right. In fact, his room seemed to be full of lifting clothes and supplements as he looked around. But that was because some of his subscribers kept telling him to get to the gym and hit his macros. It had actually been really freeing to just let people pay to tell him what to do on his fitness journey. And it was paying off! Misha definitely couldn’t pass for a girl these days, which was why the channel had changed to be more about doing stuff in-game for the highest bidders.
The maid costume barely wrapped around Misha’s broad pecs, and the garters had torn when he’d tried to pull them up his thick thighs. Sure, it had been funny when the stream started and the chat had gotten Misha to show off his shoulder raises while dressed in a little maid skirt, but the polyester was really starting to chafe on his smooth muscles. It was a relief when a tip rolled in while Misha flexed and said “Kitty, wear comfy clothes.” The chat oooohed and aaaahed as Misha shucked the maid costume, showing off his bulky chest, and pulled on his favourite comfy shirt instead. Sure, it had some tears and stuff, but as a masculine guy, Misha wasn’t worried about dressing up fancy or anything.
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The guy whose chat Misha was streaming had been quiet, so Misha hopped back over and sent another message.
Mish-kittyhunk: Thanks man! It’s all about trusting the process.
Himbo_mkr: I can tell that you trust people, bro! You’re like a puppy lmao.
Well, Misha thought, maybe he did like getting bossed around in chat, but it wasn’t like he trusted everyone blindly! Okay, well, maybe he did tend to stop to help people on the road and then lose his wallet a lot. They looked like they needed help! And maybe he did sometimes click on links that meant he needed to take his phone to the store for them to fix, but so did everyone else!
Looking at the chat, who were all laughing about Misha being a totally trusting puppy, Misha had to finally agree. That was why one of his subscribers had gotten him this headset with floppy dog ears on it, after all.
Mish-puphunk: Haha, you got me, dude! That’s why I clicked on this link, too XD
Himbo_mkr: It’s okay, bro. Lots of gay hunks are pretty dumb, it just adds to that himbo appeal.
This time this guy was definitely making stuff up. Misha was totally straight, he just didn’t do well with girls. Well, that and being a submissive hunk online mostly attracted a gay male fanbase. And, well, now that he thought about it, when was the last time Misha had really thought about a girl? Like, maybe if it was a domme? But no, even then, Misha would really prefer a guy to be involved at some point. This guy was probably right, Misha was gay.
It was super hard to think. There was a reason that Misha preferred to let chat do the thinking for him. Even before he realised how much he loved to listen when men told him what to do, Misha had never been much of a deep thinker. That was why most of the stuff in his room was gym gear, gaming stuff, or whatever his subscribers bought for him. Lately, they had been really loving when Misha wore even less clothes and showed off more of his growing body, and Misha was happy to oblige as long as they kept telling him what to do!
Mish-puphunk: Lol I guess you’re right! I just wanna give sirs what they want
Himbo_mkr: Bro, I totally get why you love pup play so much. You just love being obedient and dumb and empty lmao. You, like, pretty much live in your mask these days.
A pup mask…Misha was pretty sure one of his subscribers had sent him one of those once, but it had been really confusing to put on and he’d only worn it once. No, wait, that wasn’t right. Misha was such a ditz! He’d loved the experience of putting on the pup mask and letting himself be a dumb pup for his chat. And chat had loved sending in tips to give him commands like “sit,” “roll over,” and “stick a tail in your hole.”
It had been so popular that the subscribers had told Misha to make it a weekly thing, then a biweekly thing, and by now it had pretty much become what Misha did during his streams. While chatting with this guy had been fun, Misha really wanted to get on with the stream and mask up. He opened his mouth to tell the viewers that, but then remembered that he had been ordered not to talk. Too bad, chat would only hear his deep, resonant voice if they ordered him to bark after he put on his mask.
Mish-puphunk: Okay dude, I gotta go be a good dumb pup now.
Himbo_mkr: Got it, bruh! You got a bunch of hunky doms to please by being a good pup slut!
Chat cheered as Misha stopped streaming the chat window and winked at the camera. An especially hung dom who loved to tip had won the bid war last night to decide what Misha wore, so Misha fondled the straps of his leather harness as he got up to grab his mask. He wondered what his chat full of muscular, horny himbo doms would have him do today.
Misha slipped on the mask and let his mind go blank.
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webslingingslasher · 4 months
also whilst we’re here. you know how girls get scary horny right before their periods? like i need to be tied to a tree like a wolf when im ab to get mine JDJDJDJ
peters never had a gf before trouble and the first time it happens he fr thinks he’s in HEAVEN. he doesn’t understand but she’s just on him 24/7 and he’s living for it. but also confused bc he can’t think of what he’s done differently to have u pouncing on him 24/7 but he’s not complaining djdjdnd
-i've literally had this done for like two months but i got scared and let it collect dust. not anymore bby!!!-
for the fourth time today, peter tilted his shoulder towards his face to sniff his shirt. it smells just fine, it's clean cotton. he didn't get a new fabric softener so it couldn't be that, and it's not like he got a new cologne or soap.
peter couldn't place it, but something about him lately has you absolutely feral. especially today, he almost had to peel you away from his skin so he could go to class.
'i missed you so much,' you moved quicker than peter's ever seen, his feet haven't even come to a stop on the pavement before you're kissing him.
it becomes more sensual than he's willing to provide in public.
'it was an hour, trouble. what'd you do, wait for me?' peter meant it in a teasing way, he didn't expect you to nod quickly. 'yes. you're about to open your instagram to thirty messages, i'm so sorry.'
your palms race over his arms, something about him seems ultra soft today. in the least joking way possible, he really does feel like boyfriend material. and he was all yours.
'did you know i love you? like, so much.' he did, but he still loves to have a reminder. 'i love you so much it's uncool.' you've got a glazed look in your eye.
peter knows that look and if he's being honest, he's done nothing to deserve it. the last two days you haven't been able to keep your hands off him.
is this what people mean by the honeymoon phase?
'i love you too, trouble. what's got you so mushy recently?'
puffed cheeks, no regard and absolutely no reason to hold back. 'i just really wanna fuck you.' peter takes a sharp breath, something about you being bold makes his knees weak. it must be his desire to please.
'i would, i really, really would...' with gentle scratches up and down the back of your arm, you know he's setting you up for a no. you whine and pout up at him.
'no! you're not allowed! just say yes, please say yes!'
it's literally tearing him up inside. 'baby, i'm already going to be late for my library session. i also have a chapter meeting tonight.'
'do you really-'
'yes.' there was no way he'd be budging on that one. peter made you know you were number one priority, frat responsibilities sat right under you.
if he was suggesting you'd have to wait until late, or worse, the next day, you'd die.
'what about after the library? before the meeting?'
peter's never seen you so persistent. he really doesn't know what he's done, but he won't complain one bit. he'll be a little crunched for time, but that's no reason to let you down.
'if we use your dorm, yes, i think we can make it work.'
peter’s forced to balance himself, you attacked him with a bear hug and nuzzled into his chest. ‘thank you, thank you, thank you! i’ll tell my roommate right now!’
seconds tick. he’s already late and you’re not moving, keeping him in your grasp while your thumbs fly across your phone to send out a message.
‘trouble, you’re making me late.’ because you’d be offended if he pushed you away.
a finger is held up, ramped texting takes priority. ‘trouble,’ the second you feel yourself pushed to the side you huff up at him. 'don't toss me off to the side like i'm some toy, i'm your girlfriend.'
'you're not a toy, you're just not listening, therefore making me late.'
your arms cross over your chest, 'fine. whatever, go.' peter is nowhere in the wrong, but you're making him feel like he is. if this was before, he could just walk away. but now, he has to pause and address your concerns.
he's still adjusting to boyfriend duties.
'don't get mad with me, i'm being very nice.' he is, he even let you gently bully him into getting him into your room in an hour and a half. you hold your stance, it takes a few seconds, but he catches on.
'you're not mad, you're pouty. don't be pouty, you're gonna see me in an hour.'
a toddler grumble, 'i'm gonna miss you too much.'
peter really doesn't know where the sudden desperation came from, he really needs to check in with you, but if he's any later, he's gonna piss off a whole room of people.
'i'll miss you too, trouble.' it appeases you enough, you finally allow him to pass. peter isn't able to go a full three steps until you tell him to wait, he realizes his mistake.
'sorry, c'mere.' three quick kisses, you make it hard to pull away. 'love you,' he allows you to sneak another kiss. 'love you too, petey.'
one thing you loved about peter was that he was always on time, at least for you he was. just like he promised, he was at your door an hour and a half later with a hand on his stomach.
‘i’m missing dinner for this, i could be having a nice catered meal with the boys, but no, it wasn’t allowed.’
‘that’s very kind of you, handsome.’
‘i just needed to let you know, you know, in case i go lethargic or my stomach starts growling.’
‘as long as you don’t pass out on top of me, gerald’s game scared me.’ peter holds his fingers up in a scouts honor, ‘i promise.’ it’s all it takes, you reach for his shirt, clenching the fabric, you tug him in. shutting the door and slamming him against it, your lips on his in a minute.
peter’s mind is spinning, he’s never been pushed up against a wall. it feels nice, it’s a good feeling to know someone wants him so badly a tinge of aggression comes with it.
your kisses trail over his jawline, you’ve never been so desperately horny in your entire life, something about him has you dialed to ten recently. it could be the impending period, but that just feels like a fraction of the reason.
feeling slightly guilty you’ve ruined his meal plan, you pull back, just for a second to rip his shirt off. when his skin is shown, your hands race over it, he’s toned, and tanned, and down right delicious.
you scatter kisses over his chest, peering up at him. ‘are they saving you a plate?’ peter looks down, he’s lost at your words. you’re asking about plates while worshiping his body?
‘huh?’ a trail of wet marks across his collarbone.
‘dinner. are they saving you a plate?’
how do you expect him to answer while you nibble a bruise on the bottom of his neck? ‘i don’t…’ peter takes a sharp inhale, he never knew he had a sweet spot until you found it. it’s behind his ear, and he has to lean down, just slightly, but it’s so, so worth it.
‘i don’t know, probably not. guys don’t think about stuff like that.’
you pull away with a pop, raising your thumb to brush over the red mark. ‘hold on,’ you turn for your phone abandoned on your bed, on the walk over you take your own shirt off.
it’s a quick text and a quicker response, your guilty conscience cleared. ‘done. ethan said he’ll save you one.’
‘my hero.’
you jump to your bed, shimmying your pants off before sitting up on your knees, you get into position, shaking your hips at your boyfriend before arching slightly.
‘are we thinking doggy?’
peter’s still stuck to the door, ‘you wanna start with doggy? what happened to foreplay?’
you move to your back to tug your underwear off, you were only following his words. ‘you said we would be strapped for time, i’m making it easier.’
‘by blowing past the most important thing and having me jam it into you?’
you narrow your eyes at him, ‘once upon a time you didn’t care about foreplay.’
‘that’s old peter, he’s dead.’
‘let’s revive him.’
peter finally steps away from the door, he feels ten times warmer. his arms move around like he’s trying to clear the air, ‘alright, hold on, we need to talk.’
four words that are forced to put the night on pause, he could wait for a heart to heart after. ‘let’s not.’ you reach for his jeans, he steps out of reach. ‘peter! you were the one that said it would be a time crunch, i’m doing my best here, let’s go.’
‘not until you tell me why you’re so possessive lately. this whole week, you can’t get enough of me. what’s going on?’
peter’s starting to think you have some doubts running through your head and if you have enough of yourself to him he’d stick around. it’s a bogus idea but you’ve done it before to him, maybe it’s worse because there’s more to lose now with the title.
‘i’m horny.’ there wasn’t much else to add. he’s just made you wildly needy this entire week, but peter wasn't buying it. with crossed arms he waited until you really told him what was going on.
you groan, the quicker you explain, the quicker you get what you wanted. 'fine, what do you know about the menstrual cycle?'
'as little as possible.' while he's slightly more knowledgeable than most men his age, everything he's learned has been against his will.
'great. i just got off mine two weeks ago, i'm ovulating, aka, my body wants a baby real bad. not just any baby, your baby, that's why i'm so horny for you.' you hope it's enough to appease him, you shuffle around on the bed.
'fucking in this bed sucks.' there's little room for peter but you did what you could with the space you had. 'also, expect this monthly. cause, it's gonna be your problem now that you're my boyfriend.'
peter breathes deep, 'that has got to be... the best problem i've ever had in my entire life.' peter moves so quickly your head spins, he's on his knees in front of the bed while you're pulled to the edge.
kisses up the inside of your thigh has you pulling at his hair, 'peter, you're gonna be late.' you suck in hair as he nibbles on your skin. 'we don't have time for this.'
it pauses him, peter looks up into your eyes, a cocky smirk forms. 'my girl has a primal urge, and it's my job to take care of it.' 
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xiaq · 1 year
Thanks for all the prompts! I combined a few: Outsider POV, getting together with the help of friends, Steve Harrington is an Idiot (affectionate), Rocky Horror, and “did we almost just kiss?”
“Robin,” Steve says, before he’s even fully in the Family Video door. “I’m having a crisis.”
She shoves another VHS tape into the rewinder. “No.”
“What do you mean, no?” He whines, collapsing face-first onto the counter.
“I mean no. I don’t have time for a crisis right now. We just finished a crisis and I require at least fifteen business days between crises. I do not have the bandwidth.”
“It’s not like a crisis, crisis,” he mutters. “It’s…a personal crisis.”
She flicks the side of his head. “What is the nature of this personal crisis?”
He rolls his face so his cheek is pressed to the laminate. He meets her eyes. “How did you know you liked girls?”
“Oh,” Robin says. The tape rewinder clicks but she doesn’t move. “Oh. Yeah, we can handle this crisis now. It’s long overdue.”
“Long over—” Steve straightens, weight on his elbows. “What?”
“Honestly I thought we were going to have this conversation during the whole Rocky Horror Picture Show thing but––”
“Sorry. Right. I knew I liked girls because I liked girls. I knew I liked girls because I wanted to kiss girls.”
“Yeah. But how did you know it was more than the normal amount?”
“…the normal amount,” she repeats.
“Well sure,” he scrubs a hand through his hair. “Everyone wants to kiss everyone a little bit, right? Like. How did you know it was more than the normal heterosexual amount?”
Robin cannot believe she’s going to have to say this out loud. She glances around the empty store just to make sure no one has somehow teleported in during the last two minutes.
“Steve. Steven. There is no normal heterosexual amount of wanting to kiss people of the same gender.”
He crosses his arms. “Well, that can’t be right.”
“Hold on. Wait. What boys have you wanted to kiss?” She can guess, but confirmation would be nice.
“Are you sure that––”
“Yes, I’m sure. But back to the boys you’ve wanted to kiss. Have you…acted on that, ever?
“Yeah but just the––oh. Well. You’re probably going to say there isn’t a normal heterosexual amount of kissing the same gender either.”
“How are you this stupid.”
“I mean, everyone messes around with their friends at some point, right?”
“I desperately wish that was true,” Robin answers. “Because if it was, I would not be standing here at 19 years old finding out that Steve Harrington has kissed a boy before I kissed a girl. Jesus. Wait. How many boys have you kissed?”
“Three? Unbelievable.”
Except now he’s wearing his big-eyed, floppy-haired sad expression and she knows, she knows she’s not handling this the way she should.
Robin sighs. “Ok, I’m sorry. Thank you for trusting me with this. I love you and I’m here for you and it sounds like you’re bisexual. Which is actually pretty cool because that means I know two whole queer people other than myself in Hawkins. Well. Probably three. But that hasn’t been officially confirmed.”
“Bi-sexual.” He rolls the word around in his mouth like he’s tasting it. “Bisexual. Huh. Okay.”
“It means you like both. Or, any, I guess. Which no, is not normal for everyone.”
“Okay. Bisexual. Neat. Who else do you know?”
She raises an eyebrow at him.
“Right. That would be super uncool of you to tell me without their permission. But, um. Are they people I know?”
“They’re people you know.”
“Are they over the age of 16?”
“One of them is.”
The hopeful look on Steve’s face is actually a little gross.
“Are they–”
“Eddie!” Robin says, “hey, what are you doing here so early?”
Steve’s reaction to Eddie pushing open the door provides all the confirmation she needs about which boy Steve currently wants to kiss. Not that there was a lot of uncertainty there anyway. He’d practically kept vigil at Eddie’s bedside while he was in the hospital and in the last month since Eddie was released, they’ve become weirdly inseparable. Half the time when Robin calls in the middle of the night to talk though her nightmares, it’s Eddie answering the Harrington phone. And when no one answers the Harrington phone, a call to the Munson phone will usually do the trick. She’s tempted to think they’re already together except Eddie’s pining has only gotten worse over the last week. If they were banging he’s be less insufferable. Well. He might still be insufferable but in like, a happy, well-fucked way. She doesn’t want to think about that.
“Eddie,” Steve says, “hi.”
“...hi,” Eddie says, understandably confused by Steve’s strangled greeting. He rocks back and forth on his heels, hands shoved in the pockets of a pair of black jeans that are, for once, not ripped. “So. Big news.” He spreads his arms. “You are now looking at a gainfully, legally, employed, upstanding citizen of Hawkins.”
Robin isn’t really surprised. The owner of the auto shop across the street that Eddie applied to is friends with Wayne and a regular at Hideout. If there’s anyone who’s willing to look past Eddie’s poor reputation, it’s him. And Eddie had gotten some sort of automotive certificate the year before in shop class. One of the few things he’d passed with flying colors.
“Oh my god,” Steve says. He stumbles over to hug him and then twirls him around like they’re in one of the stupid romcom videos on the back wall. “Eddie,” Steve says again, this time so overwhelmingly full of tenderness that Robin feels like she’s intruding despite the fact that she’s, you know, standing behind the counter of her own place of work. 
“Congratuations,” Steve continues. He’s set Eddie down again but they’re still so close, arms tangled together, that he’s practically speaking the words into Eddie’s mouth. “When do you start?”
Eddie doesn’t answer. Eddie seems to have misplaced his self-awareness because he’s swaying forward, through the scant space left between them, and oh my God, Robin is going to have to do something or they’re definitely going to have their first kiss in the Family Video with her watching.
Robin slams the clamshell case on the Aristocats return she’d just rewound. They jump apart, looking dazed. Steve runs a hand through his hair. Eddie plays with his rings. Even though they’re no longer touching, they’re still looking at each other with the kind of naked affection that could get them in trouble if they’re not careful. Well. More trouble. 
“Eddie, that’s awesome,” Robin says brightly. “When do you start?”
“Oh. Monday, actually.”
“That’s great. You and Steve should celebrate tonight.”
“We…should.” Eddie agrees.
“I have plans. Important plans. That I can’t miss. But Steve was just telling me that he wanted to watch Rocky Horror again, right Steve?”
“And you like Rocky Horror, right Eddie?”
Eddie narrows his eyes at her. “I do.”
She gives Steve a significant look.
“I’ll come to your place with the movie once I’m off?” Steve suggests to Eddie.
Eddie nods slowly. “Yes. Cool. Cool cool cool. I’ll get pizza. And see you then.” He salutes for some ungodly reason but Steve salutes him back like that’s a normal thing to do and they grin at each other as Eddie walks backward toward the door.
God, she loves them so much.
Steve waits until the van has pulled out of the parking lot to resume his face-down position on the counter.
She goes back to rewinding tapes.
She waits.
“Did we almost just kiss?” he asks finally. “In the Family Video.”
“Sure looked like it,” Robin says. “Which is not advisable. I feel like I shouldn’t have to tell you that.”
“Yeah, obviously, but that means…if I try to kiss him tonight he’d probably go for it, right?”
“Only one way to find out,” Robin sighs.
Except she already knows that tomorrow morning Steve Harrington will have kissed four boys and she still has yet to kiss a single girl. 
Steve sits up with sudden purpose. “I am. I’m going to kiss him tonight.”
“Great. Super happy for you. Can you help me rewind some tapes until then?”
Already working on PT. 2 which is Wayne’s POV when he accidentally intrudes on their celebration that night. So. Stay tuned for that.
Pt. 2 is Here.
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saiidahyunie · 3 months
you get me
kim dahyun x f!reader || fluff
synopsis: dahyun was just looking forward to another normal day at school, only to be called over by you waiting for her at the street in front of her house.
warnings: highschool au! ; cursing ; mentions of food ; reader has a bad rep ; dahyun is top of the class student ; steamy makeout sesh ; unrequited dahmo ; some of degree of 2wice pairings ; some suggestive content (dahyun getting a lil horny) brainrotting fluff that's so sweet it will have you in intensive care ; not proofread ; anything else i left out
a/n: bowl :)
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she recognizes your voice immediately, though it’s muffled by the low whirr of your bmw roadster. she stops in place, and as she turns, you pull up next to her, your arm resting alongside the driver’s side door. her eyes meet yours, and dahyun’s heart pumps harder in her chest. 
“y/n. hey.” dahyun’s voice sounds breathless through her own ears. 
your hair is in a messy knot, and you’re wearing some old, ripped band tee that dahyun doesn’t even recognize. with your eyes on her, dahyun’s pulling at the sleeves of her cardigan, looking down and feeling disheveled, suddenly self-conscious of the off-white bustier dress and white sneakers she put on this morning. 
“need a ride?” you ask and nick your head towards the vacant passenger seat. 
“sure.” dahyun responds. she darts across the front of your car, the dress fluttering across the bottoms of her thighs. once she gets in and buckles herself into the seat, you take off down the road, the car zipping along as it hits the suburban speed limit. 
“it’s been a while since i last saw you. a few weeks no? whatcha been up to?” you start, eyes flicking over to her and back to the rear view mirror. 
“oh, um….just…stuff with school, that’s all. it has been busy lately these past few weeks.” dahyun answers, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear and casts a sideways glance over to you, catching the angle of your jaw. she looks away when she feels the squeeze in her chest again and decides that it’s safer to focus on the contouring ridges of her hands and fingers. 
“right…you’re probably busy with AP classes, being captain of the tennis team, and the extracurriculars that you’re knee deep in,” you respond, half teasing, half exasperated, your mouth pulled into a grin. 
a blush spreads across dahyun’s cheeks because it’s true that she’s busy with all those things, and she feels a bit embarrassed over how uncool it sounds coming from your mouth, and she’s not sure how you even know any of that about her in the first place. 
the last time that dahyun ever spoke to you was short, and it was just you at the front door of her house delivering something from your mom to hers. all of the interactions were brief because dahyun finds herself too nervous or embarrassed to keep up a conversation with you after the summer between freshman and somphomre when you’d gone away for basketball camp and came back with a huge growth spurt, toned all over, and riddled with rumors that you scored big with an older girl. 
dahyun doesn’t want to blame the distance between you and her entirely on your good looks, though. even before that same summer, the friendship between you two had been growing apart. since the start of high school, she was pulled away from the daily meetings with you and chaeyoung because she wanted to fit in and spend more time with her other female friends. 
you, on the other hand, kept getting into all kinds of trouble that she would hear about from others, but you’d switch to a different topic to avoid speaking about it whenever dahyun asked. 
the hours spent together daily turned into interspersed weekend meetings and quick greetings, eventually to small waves passing classes. you were probably in and out of relationships with other girls more than actual conversations with dahyun over the past two years. 
“sorry,” dahyun apologies, glancing at you and then back at her hands, still unsure of what else to say. she’s uncoformtably aware of her every nerve ending right now, the way your leather seats are sticking to the backs of her knees, the sound of her exhalations, and the strands of hair that she can’t keep out of her face. 
the car turns a corner as you let out a light chuckle at the sudden apology. “i’m just teasing you dubu, don’t worry.” 
“oh. sorry.” she inwardly cringes at the way her voice squeaks. she’s trying to get more words out of the mouth, but her brain can’t come up with any, and she’s trying to remember what in the world you and her used to talk about all way when you were kids. 
“well, my life has been great too, thanks for asking.” your tone is sarcastic, though still smiling. “don’t apologize again.” you add in, right as dahyun’s mouth starts to form another ‘S’ sound. she presses her lips together and peaks over at you again to see you already looking back at her. 
your eyes meet hers for one quiet moment. then an easy laughter breaks through the awkward space, and dahyun’s shaking her head, feeling silly and ridiculous for being so weird. 
when the laughs die down, dahyun feels herself smiling. “you don’t need to remind me how boring my life is, okay? what’s been going on with you?” she ask, but she already knows. 
you’ve started seeing some pretty sophomore girl from the year below after breaking up with your previous girlfriend last month. you still play basketball in the park across from the cul de sac regularly at night or on the weekends, but you hang out with jeongyeon and her little posse nearly every day after school. 
quite the troublemaker you were taking up vaping for the past few months, and when dahyun goes to the restroom during fourth period, she sees you standing behind the portables near the fences where the security guards doesn’t check, a small pod is in your mouth with same group of girls when she knows that you have a history class and not socializing time. 
“it’s been the same for me, nothing too significant to note really.” you reply, coming to a stop at an intersection, and you’re nearly there to the parking lot. dahyun hums in agreement as she watches the other students from their school cross the street. 
“i know that it’s prom season so uh…are you going this year?” you ask, eyes trained on the road as the light in front of them turns green. dahyun lets out a light giggle through her nose. 
“y/n, that’s two months away. and no one’s gonna ask me anyway, so i don’t really have a valid reason to go. weren’t you gonna ask…sullyoon?” dahyun wonders out lod, remembering the name of the sophomore girl. 
your head snaps over to her and your expression is rather surprising, “why do you think i’d ask sullyoon?” 
“um…” dahyun bites the inner portion of her lip, wondering if she accidentally exposed too much what she’s noticed and heard about you. your love life was a regular let alone a hot topic of gossip in all social circles throughout the school, but she’s never heard anything about it directly from you. “aren’t you guys, like, dating now?” 
“that’s what people are saying?” your brows scrunch together. you’re pulling into the parking lot, but it’s still about ten minutes before the first bell rings. “i’m not dating sullyoon. like, not at all. i’m not dating anyone right now, actually.” 
“i didn’t mean to assume. i just heard…” 
“she confessed to me last week, and i turned her down.” 
dahyun feels an uneasy feeling in her stomach, the slurry of guilt and cringe at the words she just spoke. another apology starts bubbling up out of her throat again when you say–
“people are stupid sometimes, but not you. i mean. don’t listen to what they say.” you sigh while shifting the gear into park, and dahyun nods, gathering her bag into her lap and reaching for the door handle. 
“thanks for the ride, y/n,” she replies softly. the door swings open, and just as she’s about to step out of the car, she hears you again.
“wait! dahyun…we should hang out more. i mean like, if you want of course. it’s been a while and i don’t want to sound off as weird, but yeah that’s all.” your hands are on the steering wheel, and your face is rather…open and inviting. 
“sure! yeah, okay. i’d like that actually.” dahyun smiles, nodding at you. “i’ll see you around then?” 
“i’ll text you!” you yell out after when she steps out and closes the car door. 
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it’s fourth period, and you text her. it comes off as a surprise, and dahyun half thought you were joking when you suggested hanging out with her again. you were just asking if she was free today, and she is, but she takes ten minutes just to breath before replying to you. 
why would you suddenly want to hang out now? what are they going to do? what’s there to talk about? should they invite chaeyoung? tzuyu? suzy?!
in the background of her thoughts, she can hear ms. jihyo’s spirited lecture in biology, but even the teacher’s enthusiasm can’t pull her out of her own head right now. 
you hadn’t mentioned chaeyoung this morning, and now when she thinks about it, she can’t remember the last time the three of them hung out together despite the fact that she sees chaeyoung in class everyday, so she replies. 
okay, should we invite chaeyoung? 
your response buzzes her phone instantly after her message. 
nah, she’s probably busy with mina 
confusion is struck through her. mina…myoui? the new transfer student from misamo academy? what could chaeyoung possibly be doing with her? dahyun shakes her head free of the disjointed idea and decides to ask you about it later. she tilts her head down to look under the desk to type out another response. 
so what do you wanna do later? 
meet me at my car after school. 
momo’s knee knocks into dahyun’s from under the table, and she looks up over to her, surprised. just as she looksup, ms. jihyo starts over to their side of the room. 
“miss kim, did you hear what i asked?” the teacher looks at her over the sea of heads sitting down. “can you define the three type of cell transportation for me?” 
“ah…” dahyun’s eyes go wide with the realization that she hadn’t been listening at all to today’s lecture. 
“simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport, ms. jihyo,” momo responds in her place. 
ms. jihyo glances between momo and dahyun, both red in the face for different reasons. “very good, miss kim.” 
when the teacher continues on with the lecture, dahyun shoots a grateful look over to momo and mouths thank you, which she responds to by look away and rubbing the back of her neck. 
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at the end of the school day, dahyun stands next to the well waxed coating of your passenger door with her school binder wrapped tightly to her chest for no good reason other than to have something to do with her hands. her last class is near the exit, so she watches students spill from the main and side doors of the building. 
it’s just you, she repeats to herself. the same you she used to hold hands with on their walk to school in the first grade. the same you she used to stick band-aids on after you came back from crapped and bloody. the same you who played dress-up barbie with her before she had any other friends. the same you who’s lived down the street from her for over a decade. 
but finally, when she sees you push past the exit doors, backpack hung over one shoulder and tangled up in a group of people who seem much cooler and more popular than she is, she gulps down the memories of who you were before. 
she sees you notice her, and gives a simple wave of the hand, gripping your backpack before turning back to say goodbye to your friends. dahyun holds her binder tighter to her chest as she watches you. nothing about the girl 20 feet in front of her feels familiar, from your messy bun to the somewhat built frame that has everyone batting eyes at you in your direction. 
dahyun’s a little bit in her head staring at you for a little longer than she initially expected, but she couldn’t help herself about it so she keeps staring. 
you extract yourself from the group with fist bumps and handshakes. your smile is bright as you walk up to dahyun, pulling her into a full-bodied hug that she can only half reciprocate with the binder in her arms. the press of your torso was enough to intoxicate her, the warmth seeping through her skin. her face was also right at the crook of your neck, and you smell like the ocean and coconuts. 
when you pull away, dahyun notices you glance over your shoulder where the crowd of people are, but your shoulder also obscures her view of what exactly you’re looking at.
“ready to go?” you ask, stepping forward to open the door into the passenger seat. 
“yep.” she nods and gets in.
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you pull up at an ice cream shop about five minutes later, and dahyun can’t control the grin that breaks across her face. 
‘suga’s’ ice cream parlor? when was the last time we came here together? she says, reminiscing over the white and pistachio colored swirls and blue snowflakes that were pasted on the storefront window. 
the store was down a couple blocks from where they live, and it hasn’t changed at all in the years since your moms used to walk them down there together on a hot summer afternoon. 
you smile back at dahyun, the canines of your teeth catching on your lower lip, “like i said, we haven’t seen each other in a while.” 
the both of you make your way into the store and stand in front of the glass screen with all of the specialty ice cream flavors laid out in freezer tubs before them. 
“are you gonna try anything new? i already know what i’m getting.” you say, glancing down at her. standing side-by side with you reminds of how tall you were now. dahyun remembers when your head would barely reach the bottom of the glass, and you would have to tip-toe in order to gaze at the rainbow of ice cream flavors. 
“i think i’m just gonna get my usual,” dahyun replies as the worker in a blue apron walks over to them. 
“what can i get started for you guys?” the girl behind the counter asks. 
“i’ll have a double scoop of chocolate on a waffle cone, and she’ll get a single scoop of raspberry please and thank you.” you shoot the worker a smile as she nods while getting the orders ready, 
you pay for dahyun’s ice cream as well, deciding to sit at one of the tables outside to enjoy the warm, spring air. already licking your way down the dessert, you start biting the cone with your teeth, the chocolate dripping over your hands and bits of the solid parts still smeared a bit on your mouth.
dahyun giggles on to the spoon pressed to her tongue and grabs a napkin from the stack on the table and hands it to you. 
“how the heck do you still eat ice cream the same way at 7 and 17?” she asks, smiling, and you grab the napkin from her, crumpling it up in your fist. 
“it’s better if you eat it my way,” you respond, taking a couple more bites into your waffle cone. you eye the trash can next to you two, tossing the napkin while eating seamlessly. to be fair, you were the basketball team’s best shooter. 
you and dahyun sit there at the table, not speaking but eating quietly, letting the sun hit the concrete pathway into dark a bright tone. when finished with the ice cream, dahyun throws her trash in the can next to you away. when she came back to sit down across from you on the table, you had your arms folded across your chest with your face appearing pensive. 
“so dahyun, i’ve been meaning to ask,” you start of saying, tilting your head off to the side while dahyun looks at you with wide eyes, wondering what you were going to ask of her as she hums with a tug at the corner of her lip. 
“why aren’t we friends anymore?” you keep starting ahead as you say this. the question startles her as much as the stoic tone does, and then there’s the pang that shoots throughout dahyun’s body at the implication that you don’t categorize her as your friend. 
“what do you mean? of course we’re still friends, y/n.” she responds, though she’s unsure of the status either. 
“we’re not friends like we used to be.” 
dahyun takes a breath and tries to decide what you were expecting her to say. it’s true that you and her aren’t friends like before, but isn’t it obvious as to why you’re not? it’s different now. you’ve grown from being kids. there’s no time to run around on wacky adventures or watch tv in your living room together like they used to.
“we just…don’t hang out as much. that’s all.” dahyun shrugs and tries to put on her most convincing smile to reassure you, but the turn of your gaze cuts right through her act. 
“i wanna hang out with you more.” you state, the tone coming as gentle, but it feels more of a command. dahyun thinks if you did want to start running around doing crazy shit or just stay inside all day then she would do that, too, because you wanted it. 
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the next few weeks pass by and those hangouts happen more and more often. at first, dahyun is unsure of how they’ll do it, if you wanted to get ice cream and stare at an empty parking lot with passing traffic for an hour then it’ll definitely make her feel awkward about it, every time. 
but it wasn’t like that. you tell dahyun that you’ll take her to school the next day and drop you off, and the day after that. with those rides, you and dahyun talk about anything; from classes, to the weather, even nothing. you send texts throughout the day to see what she’s up to or ask if she’s free after school. on most occasions, dahyun would have tennis practice or after school meetings, but on some of those days, you wait for her. 
in those off days that dahyun has from practice or meetings, you chill at the park together. dahyun reads some of her class notes and textbooks while you nap or look at the clouds in the sky rambling about how basketball practice was boring to some extent. either that or she would come over to your house and your mom would bake her favorite snickerdoodle cookies. dahyun would ask to watch scary movies together bcause despite how cute and sweet she seems on the outside, she’s actually a tough girl that apparently has no fear whatsoever. 
(you pretend to not be affected, but dahyun catches you gasping at the scares while she pretends to not notice.) 
throughout all of those days spent together, dahyun never mentions chaeyoung despite the little inkling of guilt she feels in her gut over excluding their old friend. she’s not sure why, but she knows that it would be different if chaeyoung was with them, and she becomes strangely possessive about the time she gets to be with you. 
you don’t actually see each other much during school because your schedule is different than dahyun’s, and there’s no circle of friends that overlap each other between the two of you, but in those moments between classes when they can catch a quick glimpse, you always give the same smile and trademark wave with a hand raised in the distance. 
it hadn’t been that long, but there were days where you tell dahyun that you’d be hanging out with your other friends instead, and she knows it shouldn’t gnaw at her insides so much knowing that you’ll be around that circle of friends that were clearly a bad influence on you. 
but it does, and on those days where you’re not with her, dahyun uses all of that mental energy to focus on her schoolwork she had written in her planner. once finished with everything she had planned in advance, she realizes that it was a mistake when there was nothing else to occupy her mind but you. 
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dahyun’s passing through the hallway to one of her last classes when you told her that you won’t be waiting for her after she hears her name bounce off the lockers. 
“y/n’s been hanging out with that one girl lately.” 
at the mention of you, dahyun slows her steps to get a better ear on the two girls’ conversion. she doesn’t know them personally, but they were probably from jeongyeon’s group that you usually hang out at school. 
“da-ha? dahun? dun? or whatever her name is right?” 
“yea. the other day, elozin told me that she saw them ice cream together at her work, and she paid for her.” one of the girls snorts and waves her hand like she’s brushing off what her friend just said. 
“it’s whatever. i bet she’s just the rebound like how y/n is with everyone else.” 
dahyun’s face heats up at the idea of you playing her like the other rumors she’s heard of you before. it was a sinking feeling in her heart and stomach, and she pushes past them to rush down the hall. even in the distance, their hushed voices are still reverberating in her ears. 
“shit, that was her. you think she heard us?” 
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dahyun’s backpack clunks on the floor, dropping into her seat. she can feel wetness swelling in her eyes, but she squints to keep the tears from falling. the chair next to her scrapes across the floor as tzuyu arrives at her seat, and dahyun turns away from her.” 
“eonnie! you would not believe the lunch i had today. my mom forgot that she put the bread in the fridge and it was stale. i could’ve sworn my teeth were cracking when i bit through my sandwich earlier.” 
dahyun hums a response, still turned away from her friend, pretending to shuffle through her backpack. when she blinks, a few drops land at the side of her feet, and she’s quick to wipe her eyes before straightening up in her eat. 
“there was something else i wanted to tell you, but i’m blanking out now…” tzuyu continues, scratching behind her ear. 
dahyun continues to avoid looking directly at tzuyu, knowing that she’d be instantly worried if she saw her crying. instead, she lets a few steadying breaths calm her while she focuses on writing her name over and over again. 
d a h y u n 
she scribbles over the stupid name on her notebook. da-ha? really?! she shakes her head at the unreal attempt to pronounce her name in her head. 
the late bell rings soon after, and all the other students find their seats, chatting amongst one another while the teacher is setting up to start class. dahyun looks up to see momo and chaeyoung sitting in the front row, and they turn back to give her and tzuyu a wave, which the pair returns. 
“hey, will you come to my track meet today after school?” tzuyu leans over and gives dahyun a pouty look. “momo and chaeyoung are coming to support me.” 
dahyun looks over and really smiles then, “of course i’ll go tzuyu. i wouldn't miss it.” 
tzuyu beams back at her, and the teacher starts calling for their attention. dahyun shakes her head, clearing her thoughts of anything that doesn’t have to do with mathematics or excitement for tzuyu’s track meet. 
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at the end of class, tzuyu waves goodbye to dahyun and rushes to the locker rooms to get changed and ready. she the approaches momo and chaeyoung, still sitting in their seats and chatting animdately about how to answer the challenge question the teacher posted for their homework as extra credit.
“dahyun!” chaeyoung exclaims when she sees her. “what did you get for the problem today?” 
she giggles and looks over to momo, who’s probably red in the face the way she’s covering her face with  fingers in a V for her eyes to get a better view after arguing with chaeyoung about whose answer is correct. 
“chae, you know i don’t do the challenge problems,” dahyun replies, and she gives her a soft look when she pouts back at her. “you guys are going to the track meet today, right?” can we go together?” 
they agree to go with her, and she waits for them to pack up their stuff. they all walk out of the building and out toward the field. the sun is beating down on them today, and it’s a reminder that their few weeks of the enjoyable spring is about to transition into summer and that the middle of the semester is transitioning to the end of the year when all the big events in the school calendar are coming up. 
“dahyun, are you going to prom this year?” momo asks. now it’s just over a month away, the entire student population is buzzing with conversations and whisper about the dance as well as who’s going to ask who. 
“i don’t think anyone’s gonna ask me, so probably not,” dahyun responds nonchalantly. 
momo and chaeyoung exchange a look, and she wonders vaguely whether momo and chaeyoung will be going to prom this year or if they’re planning on asking anyone. despite that, her and momo have half their classes together and are involved in all the same extracurricular activities; she's never seen her look too interested in other girls.
maybe momo and chaeyoung could take each other to prom. that would be cute, dahyun thinks. 
“you never know, dahyun. maybe someone will surprise you,” chaeyoung says, smiling, uncharacteristically picking on her. she laughs in response, shaking her head. 
mostly, dahyun doesn’t feel too bad about the prospect of not going to prom. she imagines that she’d be the type of girl who sits at the table watching all her friends dance like in the movies. and then at the end, her friends pull her to the dance floor, and she has a fun time, regardless of not having a date. but she still has next year for that scene to play out, anyway. 
dahyun isn’t also sure whether sana or tzuyu will be going this yea, though she can’t imagine that sana would be lacking in promposals. tzuyu might go just to eat, drink, and dance, always wanting to have fun. without her permission, her mind conjures up an image of you, hair slicked back and in a pretty dress or suit depending on your taste, placing a pretty flower corsage on some ridiculously gorgeous girl who isn’t her. 
the trio comes up onto the bleachers and file into a row somewhere in the middle. dahyun sits in between momo and chaeyoung, listening passively as the two girls talk back and forth about which runners they think will win awards or set new record times for their school. the meet is pretty small and not glamorous, just between their school, tdoong high, and misamo academy. the campuses are a short drive apart, so students from either school are filing into the light crowd while the runners are doing their warmups on the track. 
after walking all the way to the field in the afternoon heat, she can feel the start of sweat pooling under her arms, so she pulls off her sweater to reveal her cami underneath and lays it down on her lap and over her skirt. 
“how do you think mina’s gonna hold up against her old friends, chaeyoung?” momo asks with a smirk.
immediately, chaeyoung’s face heats up, and she presses her lips together, eyes directed toward a raven haired figure in the distance. “she’s been training really hard, so i’m sure she’ll be fine.” 
dahyun’s head tilts. she remembers back a few weeks ago when you mentioned that chaeyoung would be too busy with mina to spend time with them, but she had forgotten to ask for more details. 
“is there something going on between you and mina, chaeyoung?” dahyun chimes in. 
“huh? me and mina?” chaeyoung’s face flames up into a bright red, and dahyun wonders how much of it is from the heat of the sun. 
at her other side, she hears momo snicker. “oh, it’s nothing, dahyun. chaeyoung just ‘tutors’ mina every tuesday and wednesday after school,” she says, wagging his brows and making air quotations around the word ‘tutor’ as she does so. 
chaeyoung groans and covers her face in her hands, mumbling at momo to be quiet and mind her own business. dahyun smiles at how cute her friend’s acting, even if she can’t imagine how sweet, girl-band grunge chaeyoung would be with someone as quiet and alluring as myoui mina.
“you guys know that nayeon is competing in a sprint too?” dahyun asks momo, hoping to spare chaeyoung any more embarrassment. momo nods excitedly, pointing her finger over to where nayeon and tzuyu are standing, jumping up and down looking like they’re giving each other pep talks.
across the field, a whistle is blown to get everyone’s attention as the first event is about to start. at the same time, dahyun’s phone dings in her lap, ahd her heart skips a beat, hopeful. 
i see you. 
dahyun’s head whips around, searching the crowd for you face. when she spots you across the bleachers, you’re waving at her. her entire body vibrates as she puts up a hand to wave back at you. she sees you type something on your phone with your other hand and hers dings again.
come sit with me. 
dahyun’s sure that her face is as bright as chaeyoung’s a few minutes agaon when she reads your words and looks back at you. when she notices that you’re sitting in your usual group of friends, she sees the two girls from earlier back in the hallway with you too. she makes eye contact with you again and does an exaggerated motion of shaking her head.
i’m scared of your friends
she sees you get up, say a word to your group, and start in her direction. the girls look shocked as they watch you walking away. despite that the runners are lining up at the starting line now, most of the crowd’s eyes were on you, and dahyun can feel their gaze turn to her when they start to realize where you were headed. dahyun wants to shrink into herself and disappear. she wishes she had kept her sweater on because she has never felt more exposed than at this moment. 
“y/n! hey, are you sitting with us?” chaeyoung asks, her mouth widening into a smile as your figure forms before them.
“sup, yeah i am.” you and chaeyoung share a quick hug before she makes space between her and dahyun. her eyes go open as you sit down between them, and the bare skin of your arm grazes hers. 
then, your face goes blank as you lean over. 
for a moment, you and momo look hard at one another. dahyun doesn’t understand what they have against you and momo, but she thinks she might suffocate sitting in the middle. just in time, another whistle goes off, and she exhales when everyone turns to watch the relay race.
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over the course of a few hours, as they watch the different events and cheer on their friends, dahyun learns first that you had come to support jeongyeon and her friend miyeon who also hangs around with you on the weekends after basketball practice. you didn’t realize that dahyun had friends in track and field, so you didn’t invite her because you didn’t want her to come just to be bored. 
so you ask dahyun about nayeon and tzuyu, and chaeyoung cuts in to tell you about their two wacky friends and all of their funny antics. momo, for the most part, is quiet for the entire time, except for when tzuyu and nayeon are racing, and she stands to cheer them on. 
all of the events today were so close, and dahyun didn’t realize that some teenagers run on a circle would be so nerve racking. in the end, tzuyu’s relay team comes in first. mina sets a new record in the school, and nayeon places third in her own event. jeongyeon and miyeon compete against one another in the 300 hurdles, and miyeon beats out jeongyeon by a slim margin, leaving the crowd hysterical. 
while everyone was filling off of the bleachers, your hand rests gently on the curve of dahyun’s lower back to keep her from drifting too far from you into the crowd. 
“do you wanna come say hi to my friends before we leave?” you ask from behind, as you’re making your way off the bleachers. your minty breath makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand.
“um…are you sure?” dahyun turns up to try and read the expression on your face, but you’re already waving at a group of your friends from below, farther off into the parking lot. 
“don’t be scared, they’re nice.” you reassure, distracted and unaware of the anxiety scratching inside her. your hand presses into her back just slightly, urging her forward. 
you two reach the bottom of the stairs, and before parting ways, momo grasps dahyun’s arm. she can almost feel the glare from behind her, even if she doesn’t see it directly. 
“i want to talk to you about something tomorrow, okay?” she speaks in a low tone into her ear. dahyun notices that momo’s cheeks were red, and she nods. they agree to meet in the courtyard before tennis practice tomorrow after shool. 
when dahyun steps back over to where you were waiting, your amrs were crossed over your chest, face still starkly dark. and your eyes were firing daggers at momo’s retreating form. 
“still wanna say goodbye to your friends?” dahyun asks, pulling your attention back to her. your expression softens, and you lead her to where your group is, all sitting or standing around the open trunk of someone’s car with music blasting from it. they’re all joking around and laughing as you and her approach them, but they quiet down when they see dahyun join the group behind you. 
“y/n, where the fuck have you been?” jeongyeon’s tone is casual, despite the agressive language. she’s leaning on the back of the car all sweaty and tired looking, you just flash a smirk at her. 
“congrats on the race by the way,” you say giving her a brotherly dap, “if it were me though, i would’ve won that.” 
“yeah, yeah, fuck off, asshole.” 
“i’m actually about to head out, but i wanted to introduce you guys to my friend, dahyun.” you step aside to reveal her from behind. “dubu, this is jeongyeon, if you haven’t figured already. jihyo, sana, casey, and doona.”
dahyun looks up at everyone’s faces as you name the off, giving a small smile and awkward wave of her hand to each of them. she recognizes jihyo and sana as the girls in the hallway earlier and feels herself shrinking when their eyes appraise the entirety of her. 
“it’s nice to finally meet you, dahyun.” casey says, shooting her a welcoming smile. even though he was the one of two guys in the group, he was pretty tall and well built. his face is all sharp angles, but eyes and tone of voice are warming. next to him, eunwoo, a boy with a two-block haircut and fair cream skin, flashes another smile with a nod of agreement. 
“yeah, now we know who’s been stealing good ol’ prime time over here after school,” jeongyeon adds in with quirk of her lip. dahyun knows she meant it as a joke, but her eyes were half serious. 
“heh, sorry about that. it’s nice to finally meet you guys,” dahyun responds, looking down, her voice soft and shy in her own ears. 
sana steps forward to her, twirling a strand of dahyun’s hair.
“dahyun, love that name. and your hair. so pretty.” sana’s voice is saccharine sweet, and she smiles with her eyes too, but it looks a lot more sinister despite the happy appearance. 
dahyun inadvertently takes a step back from her, wrapping her arms around herself. the other girl, jihyo, breaks into a giggle and tugs her friend back to ease the tension in the air. 
“be nice, sana. she looks terrified of you.” 
“what? i was being nice.” sana shrugs then turns back to dahyun. “you are so pretty.” 
dahyun’s face suddenly flushes, and she mumbles out a quiet thanks. she looks back and forth from sana to jihyo. each of the two girls have similar features but the height difference is what breaks the two. both brunettes with sana having straight hair while jihyo’s was a little wavy. both also have well structured faces along with fair skin and pouty lips, eyes striking but with so much softness behind them. 
when she doesn’t know what else to say, dahyun turns to you with a pleading look. 
“alright, we’ll be taking our leave now. i’ll see you guys later,” you say, nodding your head at the group. as they turn to walk away,  jeongyeon yells after them.
“dahyun! come to the party this saturday. my place.” 
you look back at jeongyeon and then back at dahyun.
“maybe!” you call back, pulling dahyun away from them. 
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by the time you’re pulling out of the parking lot, it was getting late. the sun is nearly setting in the hroizion, and the world around you two is darkening into a blue tint. 
“that was really weird,” dahyun states, resting her head on the knuckles of her fist, elbow against the window. 
you blow a short laugh through the nose. “yeah, kind of. you don’t have to hang out with them again. i just thought it’d be weird if they didn’t know who you were.” 
she peeks over at you, eyes tracing over the angle of your jaw, the point of your nose, the way the loose strand of hair frames your achingly beautiful face. 
“why would it be weird if they didn’t know me?” dahyun asks, closing her eyes and singing to herself. 
“you know…’cause you’re my friend. and you said they scared you,” you reply with a title of your chin, keeping eyes trained on the road but what you’re saying is straightforward and obvious. 
“they still scare me.” 
“yeah, well, i tried. it’s not my fault you’re shy.” you tease and reach over to rattle her shoulder. dahyun opens her eyes then and lets out a giggle. whe you pull your hand away, she rethinks her choice of words. 
“i know i’m awkward. sorry.” she bites the inside of her cheek, feeling stupid at how anxious she is around people. 
“no need to apologize dubu, i find it cute that you’re like that.” you say, lips quirking up at the sides. you glance over her, and dahyun could put money on the fact that what you just said can make her face blow up with pink all over. luckily for you, it was working how dahyun’s cheeks were betraying her. 
the rest of the short drive back home, it’s a comfortable silence. when you pull into the driveway of her home, dahyun stalls getting out. it’s between eight to nice, and the only light left is the reflection of your headlights from her house’s garage door.
she nearly spent five hours with you today, and still, she doesn’t want to leave. she imagines getting out of the car into the cool air would sting as much as ripping off a bandaid and letting the wound bleed right through completely. 
dahyun looks at her skirt and plays with a loose thread at the end of the. she can feel your eyes on her, probably waiting for her to say something or leave, but she doesn’t think she can do one or the other for that matter.
“you know we’re here, right?” 
dahyun looks up to the sky at an angle, hiding her tugged smile, “i know.” 
she looks down and up at you again, eyes meeting. no matter how many times she sees you, the intensity of your jewel toned irises send a shock down her spine. her gaze flickers down to your lips, and she wonders for a split second what they would feel like against hers. 
her name is whispered with a plea as you lean forward, placing your hand on the back of her neck to pull their faces within mere inches of one another. she’s intoxicated by the blow of your cool breath on her lips. 
your eyes fall closed, and dahyun leans forward, kissing you. 
the feel of your mouth on dahyun’s is searing. your hand is at the back of her neck, hodling her firmly in place as your lips are moving against one another. this new feeling burns at dahyun’s insides until she’s left with a molten, aching center, yearning more and more of you. 
she presses her hands to your shoulders, pulling you closer. you’re nipping at her bottom lip with your teeth, lapping it over with your tongue to soothe the firm pressing, and dahyun can’t help but let out the whimper that escapes her mouth. her hands then slide down to your chest, crumpling up the fabric of your shirt—everything in her body is catching on fire of this wanting. 
the hint of anticipation licks at her skin, and she’s hoping that you’ll do something more, touching her, feeling her, to not stop at making her feel this way. instead, you pull away, and dahyun tries to fight down the whine from the loss of contact. your foreheads are resting against each other, and she’s drinking up the breath from your lips and into her face. you’re still holding the nape of her neck, and the other hand is clutching to hers, fist on chest, squeezing her hand ever so slightly. 
nothing happens for a minute, but in that little pocket of space where it’s just you two in the car, away from the world, the desire burning inside dahyun cools into a sudden rush of anxiety. she just kissed you. she just kissed you, and she liked it so much. 
did you like it? is this how you were in your other relationships? i don’t even think i’ve ever been kissed this way before…? 
dahyun then thinks back to what jihyo and sana said earlier today. “i bet she’s just the rebound like how y/n is with everyone else.” 
“dahyun…” you whisper again, before placing another chaste kiss on her lips and pulling away from her completely. she leans back into the cushion of your car seat and looks back down at the thread of her skirt that she was picking at before, feeling shy and embarrassed at her lack of experience. if a kiss could make her feel this way, then how would everything else she thought would happen really—
“hey, look at me.” 
she’s caught off guard by your words, and she’s unable to deny anything from her mind. “was that okay?” you ask, brows slightly crinkled with a worry, expression full of concern with what you two just did. 
dahyun nods slowly, then looks down again, now clutching her thigh. your hand freely swoops over to grab hers, and you pull it over back to you, clasping it with the other over your leg. “please, tell me what you’re thinking.” you say gently. 
“y/n…” dahyun hushes out, still trying to find the right words that can convey her emotions the best. “shy did you suddenly want to hang out with me again?” she asks, the doubt creeping through her face. 
“i–” you close your mouth before taking the lump in your throat downward. “i missed you. i just wanted us to be friends again.” 
“and that’s the only reason? you just wanted us to be friends?!” 
you take a moment to gather your thoughts, your eyes landing on dahyun’s face yet again, hers searching for any sigh of dishonesty and ambiguity. looking out the window into the coolness of the night, you let out a deep breath that rattles your teeth, lips finding the arches of her knuckles kissing them. “i wanted to be in your life again. i want to be whatever you want me to be.” 
dahyun looks at you, the uncertainty in her eyes while yours was carried with a vulnerability that she hasn’t seen from you in a very long time. her desire for more of you and the natural reflex of her to hide, to keep herself safe, a tumultuous war within her. 
you win, of course, because you’ve already let dahyun surrender herself to you at a point where it’s so badly needed. 
“do you want to come inside?” dahyun asks you, but really, she’s begging. a pause is in the air after she asks you, and the emotions are splayed across your face, but you settle on one and an answer behind it. 
“i don’t think i should,” you answer softly, breaking a smile, but it there was a tinge of pain under it—your hand still clasped with hers. 
“please.” she whispers, almost fooling herself that you didn’t hear the desperation in her voice. you look out the window away, scrunching your eyes closed before dipping your head down, pulling her hand close to you again for another kiss. 
“i really want to. i do, believe me.” you mumble, eyes trained on her as her small hand is nestled with your cheek. “i’ll see you tomorrow instead, okay?” 
your rejection stings, and dahyun looks away from you. she didn’t want to see your apologetic look that you’re giving her, the pouted face that she knows that you make whenever you two would argue over something. the immensity of her feelings for you hangs on her neck like it might strangle her, and it hurts to think that you don’t feel it too. regardless, she nods and pulls her hand away.
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once you said goodbye to her at the door and a skincare regimen later, dahyun lies in bed staring at the blinking light of the smoke detector in near complete darkness. it was way past her bedtime, and she should be asleep by now, but every time she closes her eyes, she pictures your lips on her, your hand holding the back of her neck in place. she pictures your twinkling eyes, so bright and filled with a universe within those irises, running over the bare skin of her shoulders. 
there’s a weight pulling at the center of her, full of something that belongs to you. she rubs her thighs together, trying to soothe the sensation that would definitely keep her up at night. it doesn’t help her case however, she can’t stop imagining what it would be like if you had come in earlier, next to her on the bed, if you were on top of her right now. her hand slithers down the waistband of her shorts, sliding it away soon after of the hope that would come true to her. 
“y/n…” she whispers into the darkness, and drifts off soon after that. 
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dahyun gives you the usual goodbye as the bell rang for the first class of the day. the ride to school was more casual than she expected it to be, neither of you bringing up the kiss from the day before. she was lacking too much sleep to really hold a conversation with you, and you didn’t say much either, other than saying that you’d be waiting for her to finish tennis practice. 
it’s passing period, and dahyun is opening the combination of her locker when a pair of dainty hands come up behind her to cover her eyes, obscuring her vision.
“guess who?!” a chirpy voice calls from behind. dahyun laughs and turns back to see chuu, hands up and framing his face as if to present herself. “it’s your other best friend that you never talk to!” she exclaims cheekily. 
 “hi bestie.” dahyun replies, rolling her eyes. she and chuu had nearly been inseparable freshman year when chuu was new to the school and town, having moved to the suburban sides from the city. chuu was the one who taught dahyun the wonders of mascara and lip gloss, and in return, dahyun introduced her to tzuyu. the three of them used to slather face masks on each other and giggle about nonsense in sleepovers friday nights. 
it wasn’t until recently when dahyun had seen much of chuu. they didn’t have classes together this semester, and her friend had branched out more socially in the past couple years than dahyun was ever interested in. it didn’t help that chuu was also busy, except with the student board, tennis, and a few other clubs around school. 
still though, it was still a point to acknowledge their closeness when they did see one another. 
chuu grabs dahyun’s shoulder, pressing the locker door to mask their conversation away from the bustling hallway. “i heard from half the school that you’re having a little fun with y/n.” she accuses, her whisper breath hot on dahyun’s ear. 
dahyun snaps up, gasping. “huh!?!” a few heads turn to look at them, suspicious eyes from all directions. chuu glares at the people surrounding them, then pulls at dahyun’s sleeve to lead her down the hall where there was a vacant corner. 
“so? is it true? how is she?” chuu demands in a hush, her bright brown eyes twinkling with a hopeful answer. 
“do you really believe what you’re hearing around here?” dahyun responds, shaking her head. 
“oh, yeah? then why did you get out of y/n’s car this morning like you haven’t slept a single wink?” 
“well–” dahyun flushes, her imaginings of you from last night flashing through her head. “i just couldn’t sleep, and y/n lives two houses down from me, so we’ve been…carpooling.” she explains, the defense was reasonable, but it sounds not really convincing to her own ears.
“right, right. and that’s why she ditched her friends to sit with you at tzuyu’s track meet.” chuu retorts, and dahyun’s mouth falls open.
“how do you even know that? you weren’t even at the track!” 
“word travels fast, dub. especially with miss rubber band around here.” chuu says, her face is entirely too serious. 
miss rubber band!? at dahyun’s sudden choked expression, chuu continues. “you know. because how she’s bouncing around relationships.” she adds, matter-of-factly. 
“what the actual…no, well–i’ve heard but i don’t believe that to be true at all, chuu.” 
“sure, and it looks like it’ll be your turn, sooner or later?” chuu suggests, smirking up at her friend. dahyun’s entire body might shut down at this moment. the idea that half the school thinks she’s next in line for a potential rebound was a little overwhelming for her.
the first bell rings, saving her from any more embarrassment. 
“i’ll come find you, we’re not done with this conversation.” chuu says, her index finger pointing at dahyun’s face as she turns to walk away. 
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that entire day, dahyun’s head is spinning with words that people might be saying about you and her. was she being a ‘rebound' right now? did the kiss from last night even qualify as that? did someone see them yesterday? how closely have people been watching her interactions with you? if any of those are true to the case, what happens next? were you just gonna move onto the next girl to fall for you? does touching herself at the thought of you being on top of her also relevant to this issue? 
everywhere she turns in the halls, dahyun feels the pool of eyes on her, staring into her soul, listening to the words in her head. she imagines people murmuring her name at the sight of her just simply walking down. whenever someone would speak, she’s afraid she might hear her name from their mouths.
in an attempt to avoid any suspicion or speculation, she tries to sit in the back row for class today, focusing solely on taking notes. she hunches over with eyes downcast, hoping that if she doesn’t see anyone, then no one can see her. walking between classes, she avoids your pathing, not wanting anyone to see the intimacy of your waves at her. 
when it’s the last period of the day, dahyun’s mentally and emotionally exhausted. so when tzuyu walks in, panting, eyes wild, saying, 
“eonnie, i remembered what i was supposed to tell you yesterday.” 
she looks at her loving friend, sighing an exhausted breath. dahyun doesn’t think she has any remaining capacity for any more information. 
“can you tell me later? i’ve had enough of hearing today as it is.” 
“no. you need to know right now. like, i really, really need to tell you right now.” tzuyu implores, eyes flickering over to the door and then back to dahyun. 
“if this is about miss rubber band, then i already know.” dahyun replies, exasperated. she throws her head down on the dsk, laying against the crook of her elbow.
“miss who now?!” tzuyu throws a bewildered look but shakes the idea from her head, apparently having more important matters to discuss. “momo is going to ask you to prom. today.” 
dahyun perks up, the monolids now turned to double eyelids, and exclaims loudly, “what!?!?!?” 
for the second time today, her reaction elicited strange looks from the people around her.
“shhhhh!” tzuyu slaps her hand over dahyun’s mouth. “she’s gonna be here any second.” 
right on cue, momo and chaeyoung enter the room, looking like they’re engrossed in conversation. dahyun grabs tzyyu by the collar and pulls the girl against her face. 
“why would she do that?” she cries, quiet enough for only tzuyu to hear. her friend shoots her another look that says, really? 
“uh, maybe because she’s in love with you?” 
dahyun’s brows scrunch together, and she opens her mouth to respond, but before she can say anything, the late bell rings and everyone takes their seat. their trigonometry teacher starts the class and begins writing notes on the overhead. dahyun is about resign herself to focusing on the lession when tzuyu pokes her with the back of her pencil to get her attention. 
she looks up at her, and tzuyu is holding up her notebook with the words, what are you going to do?? scribbled onto the page. dahyun shakes her head and mouths, “i don’t know.” 
her eyes drift toward the front of the room to stare hard at the back of momo’s head, wondering what tzuyu meant when she said that she was in love with her. she probably feels bad that no one will ask her and doesn’t want her to feel excluded when the rest of their friends are at the dance. her heart squeezes a little in her chest. she’s the type of girl who’s kind enough to look out for her like that. 
but as always, her thoughts circle back to you. what would she think if she agreed to go to prom with momo? would you even care? she’s just the rebound like how y/n is with everyone else. dahyun frowns as the words echo in her mind again. you and her might have kissed yesterday, but that doesn’t mean you’re interested in her beyond anything physical. 
even then… if that was all you wanted from her, she thinks she would give you that much. 
her phone buzzes in her lap, and she looks at the screen to see your name pop up. 
are you mad at me? 
another buzz, just two seconds after. 
im sorry about yesterday
you probably regret that kiss. maybe you didn’t want to cross that line with dahyun after. you said that all you wanted was to be in her life again, and dahyun was the one who would get out of your car, who stared, starved, at your lips, who kissed you first. 
what are you sorry about? 
another buzz.
can we talk after class? 
i have to meet up with momo after class
see me first
it’ll be quick
the rest of the class goes on learning how to graph trig functions and explaining conditional identities while dahyun’s brain works overtime trying to connect the dots and solve her own convoluted problems. she doesn’t understand how she got into this mess in the first place, and she can’t seem to figure a way out of it.
one hour later, and her brain talks itself in circles. is momo really going to ask her to the dance? what would she say if she does? does she want to go to prom with momo? does she want to go at all? what do you want to talk to her about today? do you even know what other people are saying? should she apologize to you? should she apologize to momo? 
the questions swirl in dahyun’s mind until eventually, the school day is nearly up and the teacher gives them the last few minutes to talk amongst themselves. she sees momo turn back with a smile and give her a shy wave, which she returns, despite the chaos inside her. 
momo stands, putting on her backpack, then starts over to them. tzuyu gives dahyun a look before turning and smiling back at momo too. 
“hey, tzu.” momo says, looking at dahyun. tzuyu greets her back, but the words fall on deaf ears. “we’re still meeting before tennis practice today, right?”
dahyun nods slowly, wondering whether meeting her is still a good idea when she doesn’t know if she would want to go with her to prom. “yeah, um, actually i have to do something before, but i’ll meet you there.” 
she tries to smile, to hide her uncertainty, and momo smiles back, distracted. the final bell rings, and she waves at the two of them, mumbling, “see you in a bit, dahyun,” before walking out. she looks around the room in search of chaeyoung, but she seems to have left already, which is unlike her. 
dahyun and tzuyu leave the classroom together. she picks up her phone to text you asking where they should meet, but just as she enters the hallway, her nose bumps into a broad chest covered in a black t-shirt. dahyun jumps, startled, about to pull back and apologize to whoever she just ran into, but your hands come up to her sides and stabilizes her. 
when she loks up, your name falls out of her mouth in recognition. you smile down at her sweetly, and your lips form the shape of her bame. somehow, she feels both relief fill her chest and nervousness slosh around her ears at the sight of you. 
she turns to see tzuyu’s mouth gape open at the two of you. you wave a hello to her as dahyun waves a goodbye, and tzuyu continues on her way, probably deciding to interrogate dahyun on the juicy details later. 
you lead dahyun down through the crowd of people rushing to leave school, and just like every other time she’s been with you, she can feel the prying eyes leering over again. she doesn’t know if she could ever brush it off so easily, the way you seem to.
eventually, you arrive at a small, grassy plot at the back of the school where few people go, and dahyun lets out a breath when she finds there’s no one else there to eavesdrop on them. regardless, you and her stand behind a tree, using the trunk and sagging branches to shield yourselves just in case. 
she sees your frown and has to tamper down the urge to kiss at the wrinkles on your face, to soothe whatever was upsetting you. 
“i’m sorry for kissing you yesterday.” you start, looking away from her. it’s one of the few times dahyun has ever seen you blush.
“y/n, i—” 
“i really like you, dahyun. i like you so much. but i don’t want to force you into anything.” you interrupt her. dahyun’s eyes widen, and she can feel her own face heat up. she thinks she should say something, anything right now, but she doesn’t have the words. you grab hold of her hands and continue on.
“i asked to start hanging out with you again because i heard a while back that momo was planning on asking you to prom. and i realized how little i knew about what was going on in your life. and i…i couldn’t stand the idea of you going to prom with her.” you confess, looking down at your hands. the vulnerability in your face reminds her of the girl she’s known all her life. 
dahyun still can’t find the words, so instead, she tiptoes, reaching up to hold your face and presses her lips against yours. you let out a surprised noise before sinking into her, wrapping your arms around her waist to pull her closer to you. this time, the kiss feels more like a sigh, like relief. this time, dahyun has to be the one to pull back and look at you, her hands still holding your face. 
“do you really mean that? you really like me? you just don’t wanna…” dahyun hides herself in the crook of your neck, “...use me as a rebound?” she mumbles the lsat bit under her breath, feeling embarssed for asking at all. 
“i don’t just want to what?” you gape, seemingly offended by the words she used. “did you say use you as a rebound? where the fuck did you hear that, dahyun?” you pull back from her to look at her face, gripping her arms. anger flashes through your eyes.
dahyun’s eyes widen, lower lip quivering. jihyo and sana’s faces flash through her mind, but she swallows the memory. 
“chuu told me that people have been saying we’re getting toegher and…” dahyun whispers into your chest, unable to look at you. 
“ugh, fuck.” you groan out, wrapping your arms around her again, pulling her into you. “i don’t know what people’s obsession with walking about me is, but they’re really fucking stupid.” 
dahyun watches your jaw clench and unclench, like you’re trying to contain yourself. guilt squeezes in your gut. she presses a kiss to your shoulder, wanting to calm you. 
“i’m sorry. i know you already told me not to listen to the rumors, but i…” she trails off, unable to describe the insecurity that rattles through her. 
“no, i'm sorry. people can say whatever the fuck they want about me, but have nothing to do with it. i’m sorry for dragging you into this.” you sigh again and rest your chin on the top of her head, inhaling her scent like she’s an infant. 
“dahyun, do you like me?” you whisper, still holding her to you. “because i like you so much.” 
her heart is rattling in her chest, and she knows her feelings for you are more than she can say. but she responds to you how she thinks she should.
“i like you, y/n.” the words muffled in your chest. she hugs your abdomen tighter, scared and embarrassed. so you stand there, holding each other, and for a moment, the anxious voices in dahyun’s head quiet. in your arms, she’s safe. 
then, her phone chimes, and she remembers where she’s supposed to be. 
“oh god. it’s almost 3. i think momo is going to ask me to prom right now.” she says, covering her mouth with her hand, unsure of what to do.
“don’t go.” your voice is soft, but the intensity of your gaze on her is commanding. “tell her you’re busy.” 
you squeeze her waist, arms holding steadfast around her. dahyun leans her head down onto your chest and thinks that if she goes to see momo, she’ll have to be away from you, even for just a short time. the thought turns her entire body into protest. 
her phone chimes again, and she thinks about momo, and the kindness she’s always shown her, the kindness she would be showing her by asking. she thinks about how she’s arlady agreed to see her today, and the obligation nearly tears her from you. 
but then, you whisper, “please.” 
what can she do to appease you? 
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dahyun texts momo back, apologizing to her for not being able to make it, and then you and her run hand-in-hand to your car, giggling like two kids in love because they are. 
when you get into your car, her lips find yours again. they become a mashing of teeth, a tangle of limbs, the sliding of two tongues, a mixed songs of pants and moans. and when that isn’t anough, you ask dahyun if she wants to come over to your house because your parents had left for a weekend getaway this morning. dahyun can’t agree fast enough.
the entire tide back is about eight minutes long, but you’re gripping dahyun’s thigh, squeezing every so often, as to remind her of how much she wants you, as if she could forget (not ever). dahyun feels a burning sensation within her, the ache of a dense ball for you, squashing out any nervousness she might have. 
you glance back and forth with each other, not speaking, tension weighing too heavy for words. you’re past her house, and briefly, dahyun wonders if her parents are home. but the next second after, it’s at the driveway of your house, and you’re throwing the car into park, yanking the keys form the ignition slot. 
both of you try to walk casually to the front door, in case of any neighbors watching. dahyun’s become too aware of where her body is in relation to yours, following directly behind you, nearly stepping on the backs of your heels. 
once the door was unlocked, and it’s been countless times before, it still feels like the first time with the way the kitchen is empty of your mom, the way you lead her up the staris with an arm around her waist, the way you pull her through the door of your bedroom, slamming it shut, pushing her against it. 
your hot mouth is on dahyun’s neck, fingers pushing up against the fabric of her outfit, digging into her waist. it’s all too much for her as she’s flustered, whimpering quietly. 
there’s a shift of movement from your door to the bed when you’re sitting dahyun down, you give her another delicate kiss before kneeling in front of her, hodling one of her hands with your pair, looking up at her like she’s the goddess of your shrine. 
“dahyun,” you breathe out, almost like a prayer. “i’ll take it slow, i promise.” you kiss her knuckles, eyes squeezing shut as you do so. when you open them again, the expression is almost too severe. “just promise that you’ll stop me if something’s wrong or if there’s anything you don’t want to do.” 
she nods, but you shake your head unconvinced. “i need you to say it, dahyun.” 
“i promise. i’ll stop you if it’s too much.” even as she says the words, she knows that there isn’t much she wouldn’t be willing to do with you, for you. 
“okay, now where was i?” your voice was low enough to make her tremble. she reaches out to you ascending from your kneeling position, catching your lips with her, and she pulls you on top of her. 
just your weight bearing down on her is enough to make dahyun light headed with want again. you kiss her softly, slowly. your mouth is full of sweet, whispered affirmations, warming her skin with how much you like her, how beautiful she is, how she’s the only one for you as you trail around the shell of her ear, then her neck and shoulders. she might find comfort in the level of care you put into this moment if she weren’t so needy for more of you. 
she’s pulling you back to her mouth, deepening the kiss, and running her tongue over yours, sucking on your lower lip. her hands trace over the defined lines of your midsection, riding up your shirt, your breath hitching from the sudden coolness of her nails against your skin. 
“dahyun.” you look down at her face for a moment, and she’s looking back up at you with a whole-hearted trust and surrender. 
“y/n.” she quietly whines out, tugging at your shirt, hands grazing over where the top part of your hip meets the fabric of your cargo pants. “get rid of this.” 
you’re ripping the shirt off to show a white sports bra, throwing it over you like it was offensive. turning back to dahyun again, the distance zeroed in with a new purpose. 
the cylindrical line of her neck is where your lips are planted, sucking hard. you have one hand holding her cheek while the other is palming her breast through her bra. a moan through her lips to yours was the implication of approval with what you’re doing, and dahyun is loving it. 
dahyun’s arm slithers around your waist while you perch back up to kiss her again with both hands on her face, this time the contact is a lot more intimate than before, the both of you are taking your sweet time compared to the sudden urgency at the doorway of your room and even in your car. each lip lock filled with much more care and love behind it before you’re pulling away with eyes fluttering open. 
it’s all a mess, lips are parted, breaths are heavy, heart rates have been accelerated to over mach 10, but it was so worth it and the both of you knew that. you plop over to her left side on the bed while dahyun makes herself comfortable in a spooning position with your arm over her waist. a much deserved place for dahyun—one that was waiting for her all this time. 
“you’re so pretty.” you mumble softly, moving a wisp of dahyun’s hair away from her forehead before giving another light kiss to her cheek then resting your head against the nook of her shoulders. 
“i like this.” she whispers out, feeling your breath against her clavicle as the sudden wave of sleepiness takes over you two. 
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dahyun was the first one to wake up, and the first thing she notices is how safe and warm she feels. your arms are encircled around her completely, the comforter over you and her as well. 
there’s a light orange of light filtering through the blinds that shows it’s sundown, and the nap she took with you could be for an hour or more. she tries to move only to be restricted by your arms tightening around her. 
she twists herself around to look at your face, innocent and soft in sleep. on another day, in another life, dahyun might want to spend the entire day sleeping in your arms. but for right now, she presses her lips to your cheeks and chin. 
“y/n?” dahyun speaks lightly, shaking your shullder just slightly, trying to wake you up. your eyes flash open and you’re inhaling deeply with a hand over your face to scrub the tiredness away. 
“dub, how long have we been asleep?” you ask, voice husky, stirring something inside her.
“i think for an hour or so.” she replies, so you give her another chaste kiss, then untangling yourself from her body sitting up, putting your hands in your face again to get you awake. when you’re cracking your neck and rustling your hair, dahyun keeps her gaze locked onto you as you stare up at the ceiling before meeting her eyes again. 
“you okay?” you chuckle out, “why are you—” 
dahyun then catches you off by surprise when she sits herself on your lap, naturally placing your hands on her hips as dahyun embraces the high ground advantage. you lips are parted as her face is inches away from yours, studying your features. she notices the hit of your puffed lips from the earlier makeout sesh while you study the subtle marks you put on her neck—they weren’t noticeable, but it’s there. 
“hm?” you sound off with closed lips, “what’s the next move?” 
“shh.” dahyun orders and her hands shift your head upwards with the space between your mouths filled with your faces. this time it was your turn to be on the receiving end of this, groaning slightly at the newfound surge that dahyun was possessed by, her fingers getting tangled in your hair as your hands are under her shirt, feeling the small dip of her spine and her snatched waist. 
dahyun’s hair falls onto one side as her hand finds itself on you neck, her other arm wrapped around the back of it as you hum with delight with how she’s handling you like you did with her. she thought that she’d be nervous, but if it’s with you, then she could care less about how to make you feel. 
your hands lock themselves on the back of dahyun’s hips, pulling away to see the flushed chceks and wide pupils in all of it’s glory. 
“this is nice. god, why didn’t we do this before?” you ask breathlessly. 
“maybe because you’re an idiot.” dahyun responds, laughing lightly as she dips her head to meet yours. her fingers are fiddling with the roots on the back of your head, rubbing your neck as you give her a soft smile of approval. you pick up where you left off pouting your lips for another kiss when there’s a sudden vibration on the nightstand. 
it takes about two rings for dahyun to answer her mom on the other end of the phone. “hello?” 
“dahyun, where are you? it’s almost dinner.” her mom asks.
“i’m at y/n’s house right now, we were just…studying.” she answers, trying to keep herself composed when you come up behind her on the edge of the bed, kissing the hanging earlobe and area behind it. 
“oh, you’re with y/n? you could ask her to come along and have dinner with us!” 
“sure, i’ll be there in a bit.” dahyun replies, hanging up the phone after.
“studying, huh?” you say into her ear, teasing with a smile against it. 
dahyun looks over at you, face bright red while you have a shit faced grin stretched all over. if her mom knew what she was actually doing over her, she might never see the light outside of her house again. 
“you’re annoying!” she exclaims, falling back into the bed as you crack a snicker. after a second, you lay next to dahyun, resting your upper body on your elbow. you stare into dahyun’s eyes, and the single second stretches into another tender moment. 
dahyun is about to lean up to kiss you again when you shift your head up at the last second to touch your lips with the tip of her nose. 
“we should get going. i’m hungry anyway.” 
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you’re walking together in the fifty feet that it takes to get from your house to dahyun’s, unable to stand being even an inch apart from one another. when you two get to the door, you stall for just a second. 
“okay, just be chill about it. the last thing i want your mom to assume that we’re messing around.” 
dahyun nods. chill. should be simple anyway. you look at her, eyes soft, and pull her hand up to press a kiss to her knuckle before letting go. you open the door first and let dahyun in and the smell of jokbal fills the air. 
“dahyun? is that you?” her mom’s voice calls from the kitchen.
“yeah! i brought y/n with me!” she responds, as you take off your track jacket and shoes at the door before stepping more into the house. her mom pops her head out to see you two, and her face lights up at the sight of you before walking over. 
“y/n! oh my gosh it’s been so long!” dahyun’s mom pulls you in for a loving hug with a kiss to your cheek, pulling away and grasping your shoulders. “what have you been eating? you look so good and healthy.” 
you laugh, putting a hand over the back of your head. “thanks for inviting me over mama kim. you’re literally the best.” you say, smiling, and following her and dahyun into the kitchen. “is that–”
“yours and dahyun’s favorite!” and you're letting out a big whoop out your mouth shaped ‘o’ at the sight of the jokbal set at the dinner table. “you shouldn’t have. do you need any help?” 
“just get the plates and utensils. dahyun can you get the japchae behind me?” to which she nods at her mom before swiftly moving around the kitchen to get the dish. 
few minutes pass and the four of you including dahyun’s dad are all at the table digging in, chatting back and forth with the usual questions about school and how your parents are doing—all the fun stuff to share since it has been a while that you’ve seen dahyun’s parents. the conversation dulls over to all of the times where you would knock at the door for dahyun’s mom to greet you asking if dahyun’s in her room or if you can come inside. 
“did you forget when chaeyoung with the—”
“and when dahyun got all scared about–”
the whole table bursts out into laughter, and dahyun chuckles at the embarrassment she feels over her parents having to retell stories from their childhood in front of a much more coller and well matured version of you when dahyun feels like the same girl you’ve seen her as for most of your life. 
“say, what’s up with chaeyoung? it’s been a while since i’ve heard about her too.” dahyun’s mom asks. 
“well, she has a new girlfriend so she’s been busy with that and with school as well.” 
“good for her, i hope she’s treating her girlfriend well knowing her.” dahyun’s mom adds. 
“what about you, y/n? are you in a relationship right now?” her dad asks suggestively. 
dahyun lets a quick air out of her nose before tapping the table. “dad! don’t ask her that.” she says, upset at the sudden switch of people.
her dad laughs, putting up his hands in surrender. “sorry, didn’t know it was a sensitive subject.” 
“it’s just a little weird, that’s all.” 
you laugh awkwards to ease the energy, looking over at dahyun, “dahyun, it’s fine. to answer your question, i do like someone at the moment, so i’m hoping they feel the same way.” 
dahyun’s face heats up again, and she glances up to see her mom’s eyes darting back and forth between the two of them. 
“well, i hope that you get some good luck with that.” her dad responds with a sincere smile. 
at the end of the dinner, you and dahyun help clear the table, and her dad tells you two that he’s got it under control, so dahyun walks you out into the night to say goodbye. 
once the front door closes, you look at her from the steps with your hands in the pockets of your track jacket, smiling at dahyun over the hanging light. “good thing you were chill about it.” 
dahyun exhales sharply before pressing her face to a frown, earning another laugh from you as she taps your shoulder urging you to stop. soon after, you’re reaching out to caress the skin on her face with your thumb. 
“it’s okay. i think your dad is very supportive of me still.” you say, looking down at her when dahyun reaches the end of the small steps. 
the only light out now is the one bulb on the front porch, and dahyun feels an annoyancee at how you can still look so beautiful with the dim light and poor quality. then, that feeling settles in ehr gut as something more aching. she closes the distance between you, tilting her head up to kiss you. you smile against her lips, but after a few seconds, pulling away with hands on her arms. 
“your parents are literally inside past the door. do you really want me killed by them?” you whsiper, and dahyun sighs, disappointedly. 
“good night, y/n” 
“good night, dahyun.” you respond, letting go of her. “i’ll text you after basketball, okay?” 
dahyun nods before seeing your off, heading inside after. 
“honey, i know there’s something going on with you and y/n.” her momo says, standing with her arms crossed in dahyun’s bedroom door frame. 
“ma! no, there’s not!” dahyun groans out, hiding her face in her pillow. she hears her mom step over to her and sit down on the side of the bead. her mom places a gentle hand on her back.
“i’ve seen the way you look at her. i know something happened between you two.” her mom’s voice was deliberate, but she had a point. dahyun holds her breath, hoping that if she’s silent enough, her mom will take the hint and leave. 
“y/n is a good kid, we’ve known her for years, but i just want you to be careful okay?” dahyun sits up from her bed as her mom gives her another look with a smile. 
“you two kissed outside our house didn’t you?”
242 notes · View notes
takes1 · 18 days
p. 4 bratty tsukishima x manager!reader enemies to lovers
thank you so much @v15aexe for giving me that suggestion! i tried my best to honor it and make it feel as organic as possible! and thanks to everyone who's supported this little series :) next part should be heavy nsfw. lmk if ya'll want any other series/characters in my requests
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warnings. sfw somehow again idk how this keeps happening to me. minors DNI
details. sfw? / build-up to nsfw / PDA / during: training camp arc / first kiss / jealous!tsukki / stupidshima / needyshima / suggestive petting / kuroo rizz / hand holding / unspoken feelings / communication / obsessed tanaka/nishinoya / 2k words
🤍 kei series. part one / part two / part three / final part / reply and get added to the taglist to get notifs for the last part!
more links. my ao3, my other stuff. request box. haikyuu collection
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Tsukishima couldn't believe that it was so dark outside when he left the gym. This training camp would be the death of him.
Dreary and a bit dehydrated, he stepped to the doorway and looked at the surrounding gym-trailers, envious of all the ones that were dark and unoccupied.
His eyes naturally landed on one that was still in-use, though.
Kuroo, who had left early for unspecified reasons, was chatting you up with an unmistakable rizz charisma at the entrance.
You (the now-specified reason) looked downright delighted to be talking to him.
Tsukishima bit the inside of his cheek, heart racing, and barely noticed Bokuto's heavy shoulder slap on the way out of their gym.
"Yeah," He gave a half-cocked, hardly engaged smile and it fell right away.
Bokuto looked over his shoulder for a moment with a confused look- he said nothing to warrant a 'yeah,' but the thousand-yard stare across the kid's face was enough for even him to understand it was out of his paygrade to pry. He continued walking back to his own lodging, quickly becoming absentminded once more.
His immediate reaction at this discomfort was to roll his eyes, put his shoes on, and step out onto the concrete, facing the way back.
Your sweet laugh rang in his ears as he did this.
He looked back, and the older, better in now every way version of himself was brimming with pride that you found him funny.
His dignity couldn't take another beating today. He'd never be able to look you in the eye if he let this one go.
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A newfound swiftness in his legs carried him three trailers down to where the light was pouring out into the dark night, blocked only by now: three shadows.
"-that was real sexy-- U-hum, admirable when you told your team off like that today," His fake 'slip-up' had you blushing from ear to ear, hands folded neatly in front of you.
The sly way he lowered his voice to just above a mutter was reminiscent of pillow-talk. He was undeniably smooth and radiated confidence. Even the successfully casual manner in which he leaned against the doorway to both get closer to you and to come across as more conversational.
You corrected him, pushing down his hand; he was about move some of your hair, so you moved it yourself.
You were keeping a polite distance both physically and verbally, "If this is your way of getting intel, you'd be barking up the wrong tree."
Unfazed, he took your hand in his effortlessly, "The only intel I need is your number."
When you took a breath to deny him that for the fourth time, you jumped at Tsukishima's haunted appearance just coming into the light.
Kuroo looked back and nearly jumped out of his skin with an uncool yelp- he quickly covered it with a, "Fuck--! Four-Eyes! You scared the absolute shit out of me."
He caught his breath, holding his chest, "You look like a damn ghost."
You laughed, sharing an entertained glance with Tsukishima, but saw that he was much less delighted to be standing there.
He crafted something on the spot, monotone and sounding just as disinterested as usual, "Coach needs you back at the dorm. It's getting late."
"Oh," You threw a look back to Hinata and Kageyama, who were still practicing, "I was just making sure these two got back in one piece. And- at a decent... time."
You checked your watch and realized it wasn't exactly a decent time anymore.
As you called out to the two still inside, Tsukishima and Kuroo stood in front of each other and crossed their arms with identical scowls.
Kuroo knew that face well. He'd seen it many times with other guys. The 'Go Away, Stop Talking to Her' stare. But he'd place good money on the fact that Tsukishima didn't even know it was a thing.
Even though he was just a freshman, and even though you were too damn good-looking to be Karasuno's manager, and even though he scared him- he took pity on him.
So he let up, but not without one last punch.
"I hope Bokuto grilled you enough while I was gone," He smirked, "You'll need to step it up for tomorrow's match, Tsukki."
There was a slight drop from the gym to the concrete. Tsukishima held his hand out for you to hop down with, and with a look he didn't return, you decided to take it and fixed your shoes.
"I plan to."
You felt a chill between them and had zero desire to intervene. Kuroo seemed to give a subtle, proud smile.
The walk back was dead silent. It was slowly suffocating you, nagging at you like flies to just say something about what happened between you.
The pace wasn't fast, but it wasn't slow. And the accommodated lodging wasn't too far off from the lined-up gyms, so you both felt the opportunity growing smaller and smaller.
"It's nice seeing you stay for solo practice."
He said nothing.
"And- you've been getting better."
He scoffed, "Tell me that when we're not hitting penalty sprints after every match."
You smiled. It was quiet again.
"I will."
He looked down at you, brows raised, softer now. He realized how mean he sounded and couldn't take it back. There were a lot of things he couldn't take back.
That feeling helped him not shut down your candid question.
"So, what was that? Back there?"
His response was careful and slow. You were waiting on your toes for each following word.
"I guess-... I'm- surprised."
"What do you mean?"
"That you'd-- entertain that. You're not the type."
"You should be more careful putting girls in boxes, Tsukki-" The nickname just slipped out. You felt your face get warmer.
He stayed silent, though. You couldn't read him no matter how hard you tried.
You continued, treading lightly, "I... I don't know, it is nice being fawned over. It's flattering, at least."
The "Yeah," he choked out sounded like he'd gotten stabbed through the middle with a serrated knife- and you just twisted it.
"Much easier than having to deal with some jackass that doesn't know how to talk to me."
A surprised half-laugh, half-scoff left his lips at your brash comment.
"Really." He rolled his eyes, heart sinking, and regretting just about every moment between you. Especially that out-of-body shit he pulled back there.
"But," You leaned to look at him and found it nearly impossible.
He was staring at the sky. He really did look in pain.
"I wouldn't say I prefer it," A smile crept over your lips, a small laugh at how absurd your own words sounded, "It's not interesting enough."
His Adam's apple bobbed and his jaw worked. He was already at rock-bottom, so there was nothing to hide.
Another sigh-laced response, "What... would you prefer?"
The shared dormitories were approaching closer. You began to mosey, your footfalls with more time between them, smaller distance, in the hopes that you could steal more time alone. It was such a warm night and you were craving to get under a fan, but sweating out in this muggy, paved path had steady-growing appeal.
"Tall," You started to list, struggling to keep a nervous, yet amused grin down, "Blond,"
He finally looked down at you.
His eyes were glossy under his glasses. There was no such smile on his face, but his chest rose and fell faster.
"Intelligent, but-," You stopped and he followed your lead without a moment's hesitation. The pause felt right because now, the street light next to your housing was setting between you in a warm, flickering glow, "Somehow incredibly stupid."
An unfiltered laugh broke his melancholic silence and it was the most beautiful sound you could've asked for.
"Mean," You felt inclined to include through his bout of relieved laughter, "But- secretly really thoughtful, and sweet. And a really cute laugh."
You giggled with him, giddy and incredibly apprehensive as you took his hand. He laced his fingers through yours and your tummy started to dance with a billion butterflies.
Another tentative, gentle hand found its rightful place on your waist.
"I'm sorry," He muttered, "About... everything."
Crystal clear feelings of guilt flashed across his face, despite holding you, your admission, and his reparations today. His insecurities really did manage to worm their way back in.
"I thought it was pretty clear that I forgave you," You grinned, squinting up at him, "But since you're so stupid-,"
He smiled and looked away, shy.
"I guess I have to tell you directly that," You grabbed his chin to force him look at you, "I forgive you."
Those eyes were beyond complex. His charged, but needy stare sent a shiver down your spine and made your knees so weak that you were appreciative he pulled you closer to his chest.
You knew he didn't know how to kiss.
So you made the first move- a soft hand to the side of his face to guide him down, and a gentle, barely-there, slow peck. He started to kiss back, but it was over before he got the proper chance to try.
"One more," He breathed, the tiniest smirk covering a bottomless desire for you.
He could hardly form a kiss through his smiling, you weren't sure if he was really even trying on the second time he asked for another.
You leaned up for a third, hand at last unlacing from his, and slid to the base of his neck for a subtle pull for control. A deeper, much better kiss ensued as the result of this direction.
That unsure hand on your waist gripped harder with growing certainty- his thumb wrapped forward around your hip and squeezed, sending a shock throughout your body that left you tugging at the roots of his hair.
"Mmn," You buzzed against him and, a bit breathless, sucked a small, red spot to his jaw when you couldn't keep kissing him anymore.
"Ye-ah-" You seethed, brow knotted, "We can't do this here."
He was panting at the loss of your touch and your pretty voice. He nodded dumbly but didn't move.
You carefully guided his hand off of yours, holding it for a moment, and smiled at his dazed expression for all it was worth.
Your timing couldn't have been better. Just as you climbed the first steps to get into the building, Tanaka burst through the door in a fury.
"(Y/N)!! Where were you?! I'vebeenworriedsick!" He cried, only just barely drowning out the rapid, thundering of footsteps (interrupted only briefly with a crash and resulting shout) from your other personal fan, Nishinoya, who burst through the door in an identical fashion-- "Thank GOD!"
They both collapsed against you, not even giving you the chance to register their incessant noise.
"Jesus," You wheezed at the absurd weight of them both.
Tsukishima went completely unseen for the second time that night.
"Get off, both of you!" Daichi's disembodied, reprimanding voice called from upstairs. He certainly couldn't see them, so he must've just known.
With great, exaggerated labor, they did as told, but didn't drop the subject.
"You've never been out so late before!" Nishinoya exclaimed, taking both of your hands in his with big, dinner-plate eyes. It was only 9:30.
"Well, you have Tsukki to thank for getting me back safely," You joked, much quieter than them, heart light on the heels of a good kiss and in the company of good friends.
They looked around before spotting him, generating an amused smile on your face, and shook both of his hands at the same time, thanking him many times for his service.
"He saved me from Kuroo," You added with a playful glance back to Tsukishima, now free to walk in with them out of the way.
Now he was the one bombarded with questions as you slipped your shoes off in the doorway.
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this has been so nice writing! thank ya'll for the support! drop any suggestions for other characters or series you'd want to see in my requests!
@hotvinimon @cyzvx @aloveablechaos @kozumesphone
@beaniedoodz @idiotboys @djmoyolehuani @ilovemymomscooking
@imiqz @vierciale
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fushitism · 1 month
silly starlo hcs i believe in:
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- autistic
- pansexual
- his teal bits GLOW when he's feeling too much all at once (i love this one so much)
- his face is sprinkled with freckles that look like they've been arranged to mimic star constellations
- he's got killer core strength and it's from spending a whole week mastering staying on one of those mechanical bull rides u typically see at carnivals
- his laughs are one of those infectious laughs. the ones that are indubitably funnier than the joke itself. he also snorts
- he sports a tail that doubles as a lasso!!
- he's exhausted his repertoire of human facts ages ago. he's just inventing wild facts on the fly now. wdym humans dont shoot laser beams outta their fingertips?? starlo said so??
- his obviously put on southern accent is a tad bit off but since monsters have no point of reference, they all simply roll with it.
- babysat kanako but the gig didnt last long after ceroba walked in on a katana-wielding kanako and a spinning tied up starlo (it was just a good ol' fashioned *and harmless* game of make-believe! he insists)
- spinning his gun is a nervous tic of his
- is actually pretty talented with his hands. give him a coin and he'll have it dancing across his fingers, spinning, and somersaulting in the air like it's in the circus
- hates asking for help. makes him feel uncool. once disappeared for like 2 days because he got so caught up practicing new lasso tricks he ended up in a knot that seemed like it shouldn't even be possible to tie, let alone untangle (ceroba found him)
- an absolute shit whenever he wins any game against u. turns into the worst bragger. gloating endlessly, even in what could be his last moments, he'd choose to reminisce abt that one time he beat you at poker.
- surprisingly not a sore loser. he owns up to losing and is actually very impressed and congratulatory towards you whenever u best him at something
- i like to think his bad luck isnt constant but just seems to kick in at the worst possible moments. he could nail an awesome jaw-dropping backflip, but the moment he tries showing anybody, he ends up face-planting every single time.
- loves talking to himself in the mirror. sometimes, he'll even take off his hat to play both parts in the conversation until someone walks in on him and he has to scramble to play it cool. (he, of course, leans on the mirror, causing the hooks to give way and the mirror to shatter on the ground. yup. cool as a cucumber.)
- is a lightweight, but you can always count on him to jump into any drinking game nearby, eager to show what he's got (he's got absolutley nothing. just a dream) it's an amusing spectacle though, he's a very cute drunk.
- loves karaoke. has the voice for it too! they have him sing for them at the saloon every now and then. very calming and baritone voice this guy
ok that's all! (for now. theres more. too lazy to type them up rn though, soz)
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writers-potion · 3 months
International Slang, Slang, Slang!
I'm sharing this list of slang in different languages (English, British English, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Malaysian, Russian, Hindi) to use for dialogue:
English Slang
LOL = laugh out loud
OMG = oh my god
Noob = newbie
LMAO = laught my ass off
SFW = Safe work work
HMB = hit me back
XOXO = hugs and kisses
Txt = text
msg = message
cuz = because
kinda = kind of
outta = out of
'bout = about
C'mon = come on
'em = them
lil = little
lotsa = lots of
nope/nah = no
wanna = want to
dunno = don't know
lemme = let me
TBH = to be honest
gotcha = have got you
jack around = waste time
jillion = an immense number
nuke = destroy, delete
bushed = extremely tired
fab = fabulous
chicken = coward
grabbers = hands
grub = food
vanilla = plain
peanuts = very little money
British English Slang
skive = lazy or avoid doing something
knackered = tired
nicked = stolen
bugger = jerk
zed = equivalent to zzzzzz
nosh = food
dog's bollocks = awesome
bog roll = toliet paper
nutter = crazy person
punter = customer/prostitute's client
fiver = 5 euros
toff = upper class person
taking the piss = screwing around
pissed = drunk
wonky = not right
gutted = devastated
Tosser = idiot
Cock-up = screw up
Bloody = damn
Wanker = idiot
Fancy = like
Lost the plot = gone crazy
Kip = sleep or nap
Bee's knees = awesome
Dodgy = suspicious
Wicked = cool!
Know your onions = knowledgeable
Chuffed = proud
Bespoke = custom made
Give you a bell = call you
Hoover = vacuum
Tad = little bit
French Slang
Spanish Slang
Tu (me) fair chier) = (literally: you make me
shit) You are pissing me off
Ca me saoule = I'm sick of this
J'en ai ras le cul = I'm sick of this
Fringues = clothes
Grailler = to buy/steal/take/eat
Crever = to die
Crevant = exhausting
Gerber = to throw up
Defonce = stoned
Glander = to procrastinate/to do nothing/to
lay around
Va craver = go die
J'ai la dalle = I'm hungry
Avoir la flemme = not wanting to do
Japanese Slang
Tio = dude or guy
Guay = cool/great
Currar = to work
Fome = boring
Value = okay or sure
Colega = buddy or friend
Pasta = moneu
Majo = nice or friendly
Flipar = to be shocked
Bocachancla = gossip
Raro - weird
Papear = to eat
Resaca = hangover
Plomazo = boring
Loco = crazy
Chafa = Lame
Baka (ばか) = Stupid or idiot.
Bucchake (ぶっちゃけ) = To be honest or frank.
Chiruru (チルる) = To chill or relax.
Chō (超) = Very.
Dame (だめ) = No good or not allowed.
Dasai (ダサい) = Uncool or out of style.
Disuru (ディスる) = To disrespect or talk down about someone.
Egui (えぐい) = Awesome or incredible.
Gachi (ガチ) = Serious or real.
Ganba (がんば) = A short version of “ganbatte,” meaning “do your best” or “good luck.”
Guguru (ググる) = To Google something.
Gyaru (ギャル) = A fashion-conscious young lady with tanned skin and long nails.
Honto (ほんと ) = Really or for real.
Ii kanji (いい感じ) = To have a good vibe or feeling about something.
JK = High school girl.
Kimoi (キモい) = Creepy or gross.
Kira kira (キラキラ) = Sparkling, cute, or beautiful.
Kireru (キレる) = To snap or lose your temper.
Maji (マジ) = Seriously or really.
Moteru (モテる) = To be popular or attractive.
Mukatsuku (むかつく) = To be irritated.
Nampa (ナンパ) = To chat or pick someone up.
Sugoi (すごい) = Amazing or incredible.
Uzai (うざい) = Another word for annoying.
Wakannai (わかんない) = I don’t know.
Yabai (ヤバい) = Anything from “awesome” to “oh no.”
Russian Slang
Долбоеб (dolboyob_) = Fool, Idiot
Иди на хуй (idi na hui) = F*ck yourself
Сволочь (svo lach’) = Trash, Scum, Jerk
Жопа (zho pa) = Brat (typically used towards children)
Гавно (gav no) = Sh!t (used more when speaking to yourself rather than to insult someone)
лох (loh) = Stupid, Idiot, Sucker
Гандон (gan don) = Condom (Whilst calling someone a condom in English is just not a thing, it’s quite common in Russia. Used to refer to someone weak or just plain irritating)
Чушь собачья (chush’ sobach’ya) = Bullsh!tter
Malaysian Slang
Трахни тебя (trakhni tebya) = F*ck You
Ти дегхенераат (ti degheneraat) = You’re a degenerate
Отыебис от меныа! (otyebis ot menya!) = Move your ass / Get the f*ck away
чертовски дно (chertovski dno) = F*cking bottom (would be used when referring to hitting rock bottom.)
Bo jio = use when referring to friend who didn't invite them to a gathering (e.g. 'why you bo jio?)
Ýum cha = hang out over drinks or food at local coffee shops
belanja = I got you covered
Potong Stim = killjoy
Boss = waiters refer to their cusomters as boss, and customers call out for waiters using the same term!
Tapau/Bungkus = take-away
Ang Moh/Mat Salleh = "Western foreigners"
Kantoi = being cuaght red handed
Paiseh = shy or embarrased
Walao Eh! = brother
Macha = good friends (equivalent to "fam" in English)
Alamak! = shock, surprise, or frustration (punctuate with 'face palm' for dramatic effect)
Lah = This one really has no meaning, used to add "emphasis" and "flavor" to sentences. It is rather addictive...
Kawan baik = best friend
Jom = let's (inviting someone to do something together)
Best gila = crazy good, crazy fine (like "amazing!" in English)
Kantoi = busted
Fuyoh = WOW or OMG
Cincai = whatever
Italian Slang
Ma Dai = come on, imagine, stop it (express surprise, amazement)
Chi Se Ne Frega? = Who cares?
Scialla = stay calm
In Bocca Al Lupo = Good luck
Come Il Cacio Sui Maccheroni = like sheep's milk for the macaroni
Come Te La Passi = How is it going?
Trescare – Have a flirt
Camomillarsi – Calm down
Sbalconato – Be out of your mind
Incicognarsi – Get pregnant
Citofonarsi – Call someone by surname
Tirare tardi – To be late
Inciucio – Intrigue, a cheat, a mess
Un carnaio – Many people together in the same place
Abbioccarsi – falling asleep unexpectedly
Bordello – Problematic, confusing, and chaotic situation
Fottìo – Something that has happened or occurs in large quantities
Svalvolare – Loss of control
Rosicare – To be envious of something
Scazzato – A state of mind of malaise
Che pizza – a boring or bad thing
Sbroccare o sclerare – Getting angry and making a scene
Raga – Guys
Tranqui – abbreviation of the word “calm,” it means to stay calm
Che Figata – Cool
Meno male! – Luckily or thank goodness
Che schifo – How disgusting
Vivere alla giornata – Live in the moment
Pisolino – An Italian slang word that means “afternoon nap”
Hindi Slang
Yaar = Friend, used at the end of sentences for casual social interactions (including shopkeepers/autorickshaw drivers)
Achcha = good/okay/really?
Thik Hain = okay (+ head nod)
Arre = hey (with a higher tone = surprise, lower tone = exasperation)
Bas = that's it
Chakkar = dizziness
Funda = fundamentals
Ghanta = Yeah right
Jugaad = hack
Bakwaas = nonsense
Chalega = That will do
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 4
Summary: Reader goes shopping with Pepper, Wanda and Nat. It ends a bit early though when reader starts to struggle with her senses.
TW: overstimulation, flirting, speeding, domestic fluff (hehe)
Words: 3.8K
A/n I changed the floor layout my bad. Also, I planned like 16 chapters of this fic so far and there will probs be more. Now i’m just worried I’ll end up loosing interest and not finishing it 😭 and I’ve been up since 2am. I slept for two hours 💀
After a dinner of pizza and other takeaway foods Tony had bought, Wanda and you headed back to the floor with Peters room.
Stepping out of the lift Wanda led you to where you had been staying for the past few days while Nat went ahead to your new room put sheets on your bed.
Your room would be on the same floor as Natasha and Wanda’s. It was also where Yelena and Kate stayed when they were in town as well as Carol when she was on earth.
You reached the door and headed into peters room. It didn’t take long to gather your things. You grabbed the backpack with some clothes in it, all of which were dirty by now as well as your tablet, computer and sketching supplies.
Once you had shoved most of it into the bag and had your laptop in your arms you followed wanda back out the door.
Despite your very comprehensive tour of the compound, you still didn’t know where you were going.
Wanda and you got back into the lift and set out for your new room.
The lift was filled with idle chatter as Wanda caught you up on the avengers love lives. Tony and pepper were together while the rest were still living the bachelor life.
Feeling a little bold you decided to ask her.
“What about you?” You asked. “Are you seeing anyone?” You clarified when she shot you a confused look.
“Not currently.” Wanda said studying the rarely used buttons on the lift. Jarvis often did all of that for you.
“Ok cool.” You said before stuttering. “I mean not ‘cool’ but its not uncool” you began rambling only cut off by the angelic sound of Wanda’s giggles.
Your cheeks were rosy as she smiled at you.
“Your cute when your flustered.” She said with a wink just as the doors opened and she stepped out. You were frozen for a second before gathering yourself and following her out half a pace behind.
As you trailed after Wanda down the halls she turned to look over her shoulder at you. “You coming sweetheart?” She asked and you nodded speeding up your steps to walk beside her.
As you rounded another corner she slowed. “This is my room.” Wanda said gesturing to a closed door. “And that’s Nat’s.” She gestured to the door next to hers. “This is your room.” She said walking down to the door halfway between Wanda’s and Natasha’s on the opposite side of the hallway.
The door to your room was open as Nat was sat on your freshly made bed with a grin.
“Wondering when you were getting here.” Natasha smirked making Wanda roll her eyes at her.
You stepped into the room. It was large with a king bed and huge windows that let in natural light, or at least it would if it was daytime. It was past evening now and almost nine pm. The New York skyline was just as beautiful, however.
You set your bag and laptop down on the desk before sitting down next to Natasha on the bed.
The walls were white and grey. There was a big desk near the windows and a bedside table on each side of the bed. A door was off to the side which you assumed led to a bathroom. There was also a second door which must have been a wardrobe. Other than a lamp on the bedside and a Tv mounted on the wall, the room was bare.
“We’ll get thing to decorate when we go shopping tomorrow.” Nat said almost as if she could read your mind. More likely she could read your expression and body language.
“Sounds perfect.” You said with a smile.
“Do you have clothes you can sleep in tonight?” Wanda asked and you shuffled your feet before looking up at her.
“Er… no?” You said.
“Are you asking me or telling me sweetheart?” Wanda asked coyly making a blush rise on your cheeks.
“Telling?” You said still sounding unsure of yourself.
“Very well then. I’m sure Nat and I can find something for you to sleep in for tonight.” Wanda said looking to Nat for her opinion. The widow nodded and you felt yourself relax slightly.
“Thank you guys. I wasn’t looking forward to wearing dirty clothes in a clean bed tonight.’ You said sighing in relief.
“Are all your clothes dirty?” Nat asked eyeing your backpack.
“Yeah.” You huffed.
“We’ll find you something to wear tomorrow as well then, just until we can sort out some new clothes and laundry. Sound good?” Nat asked and you nodded.
“Yes, thank you.” You said.
“No need to thank us darling. Your quite welcome.” Nat purred and you felt yourself resist a shiver as her words danced close to your ear. The hair on the back of your neck swaying slightly under her breath as your skin tingled with the heat of her words.
You swallowed trying to regain your composure much to both women’s amusement.
“T-thanks.” You stuttered.
“Already said that darling.” Wanda chuckled and your blush deepened.
“Your so easy to mess with.” Nat said laughing from beside you.
You just glared at them and went to take the things out of your backpack while Wanda and Natasha left to find some clothes for you in their cupboards.
You had just finished setting down the last of your art supplies on the desk when Nat walked in loosely holding a faded black shield T-shirt that immediately knew was hers from how worn it looked. It also looked to be almost two sizes too big for Nat, so you shot her a questioning look.
She shrugged. “Its comfier to sleep in when its too big, and it kept the other boys I trained with back in the day from being able to stare at my ass.” She said with a wink.
“Whats this about Nat’s ass?” Wanda said walking in with a sly grin as your cheeks heated and you buried your face in your hands with a groan.
You heard the two of them high-five and rolled your eyes.
“Here.” Wanda said and you felt the bed dip beside you.
Wanda was holding out a pair of red track-pants which you took with a smile.
A second later Nat threw the shirt at you with a laugh as it landed on your head. You pulled it off and glared at her.
“You’re a menace.” You declared and Wanda hid a giggle behind her hand.
“Sure thing sweet cheeks.” Nat said rolling her eyes. “Now it’s bed time kiddo.” She said and motioned for wanda to leave as well.
“Im not a kid Romanoff.” You said and she smirked at the use of her last name, having been able to get under your skin successfully.
Wanda cuffed Nat but she ducked and took off down the hall. Wanda rolled her eyes and sighed. “Ignore her, she’s been drinking too much coffee lately.” Wanda said and bid you goodnight before retreating to capture the other redhead and force her to sleep.
You grinned at the shut door like a lovesick puppy before shaking yourself out of it. You changed into the clothes which smelt like them and made you feel safe.
Sliding under the sheets and getting comfy, you listened to the hallways to see if anyone was coming back. When you were met with silence, you reached over your backpack and pulled out a small white stuffed teddy.
Curling up with it under your arm, you buried your face in Nat’s shirt and fell asleep thinking of the two pretty redheads down the hall.
The next morning you were up bright and early. Having slept well for the first time in weeks.
You found your way to the communal kitchen just in time to run into Natasha who was coming back from early morning training in the compound gym.
“Hi Y/n/n.” Nat said smiling as she went to grab a bottle of cold water from the fridge.
“Morning Natty.” You said with a smile.
“You're in a good mood.” Nat said looking amused as she took a big swig from the water bottle in her hands.
“Yep.” You said popping the P.
“Do you know if Wanda’s up?” Nat asked and before you could respond someone else did for you.
“I’m up.” Wanda said entering the kitchen.
“Morning.” You smiled.
“Morning Y/n. Who wants breakfast?” Wanda asked gravitating to the pots and pans in the drawers beside you.
“I’ll have some.” You said with a smile as you took a seat by the counter.
“Put me down for some too, I’m just going to go and have a shower before breakfast then we can head out ok?” Nat said as she refilled the water bottle and put it back in the fridge.
“Sounds good.” Wanda said as she began pulling things out of the fridge.
“Umm… where are we going today?” You asked feeling a little lost. Nat had already taken her leave for a shower so it was just you and wanda now.
“Don’t tell me you forgot?” Wanda said looking amused.
“Forgot … what? … exactly?” You asked.
“The girls shopping trip?” Wanda said.
“Oh yeah!” You exclaimed sitting up a little taller in a way that made Wanda’s heart stutter.
“So… how did you sleep?” Wanda asked.
“I slept well, how ‘bout you?” You asked watching as wanda beat the pancake batter within and inch of its life.
“Good, good. It’s a bit hit and miss some nights but last night wasn’t too bad.” Wanda said vaguely as she turned around the pour the batter into the pan.
After Nat returned and the three of you had eaten what could only be described as the best pancakes known to man, you got ready and headed for the garage.
Pepper was meeting you at the shopping centre a bit later after she sorted out some stark industries meetings this morning.
“You ready?” Wanda said putting an arm around your shoulders. You jumped in surprise making Nat laugh and Wanda frown.
“Too busy daydreaming there, Parker?” Nat asked with a grin, and you glared at her.
“No, just planning your murder.” You said with a wink before blow if her a kiss that made Nat roll her eyes at you.
“Alright, enough you two.” Wanda said giving you a small shove before punching Nat in the arm.
“Get in.” Nat said opening a door for you to the backseat and waving her hand toward the car's interior.
“This feels personal.” You grumbled as the two redheads took the front seat.
“It is.” Nat grinned as the engine hummed to life. You were taking one of Tonys’ many fancy, and very expensive cars. Nat’s favourite was the Bugatti La Voiture Noire, but it was only two seats, so you were left with the choice of a Mercedes Mayback or a Ford Mustang both of which had four seats.
In the end Nat had opted for the mustang and the three of you had piled in to head off.
With Nat driving you must have arrived in record time; it was no secret the redheaded assassin was a speed demon and Tony had begun framing her speeding tickets in the garage on the wall. The government always came to her aid if the police ever tried to take her license as it was argued she needed it to quote “save New York”
Of course, you hadn’t known this before hand and had let out a small scream as Nat took off at breakneck speed out of the garage.
One very fast car trip later the three of you were stood by the door the mall waiting for pepper to join you.
It had barely been five minutes before the last redhead showed up. Pepper was actually on time; Nat’s driving had just made you all early.
As pepper walked over Nat decided to tease her a little.
“Picking up on Tony’s habits there, pep?” Nat asked.
“Oh please.” Pepper rolled her eyes. “I’m the only reason he’s even at any of his meetings at all. Without me he wouldn’t just be late, he’d be missing.” She said and Nat laughed.
“True.” The assassin nodded.
“Alright, lets do this.” Pepper said smiling at you and Wanda.
The four of you headed into the mall. It was a little crowded but nobody seemed to mind. You just crossed your fingers that your spider senses stayed in check.
Pepper had barely made it ten feet in the door before she was dragging Natasha into a very expensive looking boutique.
This was how you spent the next hour. Pepper and Wanda dragged you and Natasha around, stopping at every pretty dress shop and expensive looking store in the complex.
After about an hour you were beginning to nurse a small headache and the tingle in the back of your mind told you all you needed to know for what was going to happen.
Nat had just stopped at a rack nearby before pulling wanda over to her. Holding out a dress you saw Wanda’s lips moving as she nodded, and Nat took the dress and disappeared into the change rooms.
It was a tight red cocktail dress and when Nat came back out to show it off you swear your jaw unhinged and landed on the floor.
It hugged her in all the right places.
Wanda was too busy ogling Nat to notice your reaction but pepper snorted a laugh before covering her mouth.
Nat pouted.
“What? Does it not look good?” Nat asked and you shot pepper a pleading look but she just smiled.
“No … no. I’d just say its … jaw dropping.” Pepper said winking at you as you glared at her with flushed cheeks.
“Yeah?” Nat asked raising an eyebrow and shooting you a look. “Then I guess I’ll have to get it then won’t i?” Nat said and you nodded eagerly. “Your lucky your cute Detka.” She said as she brushed past you on her way back to the change room. “Because your drooling.” She whispered in your ear and your blush darkened a good two shades of crimson.
Your headache was still getting worse and about a half hour later it was almost reaching full force.
You had found a dress and Nat was carrying four bags, one with a dress for you and her and the other three had a few random pieces of clothing for your day to day wardrobe and some room décor.
Just as you were beginning to think you wouldn’t be able to take anymore Wanda suggested the four of you get lunch from the café downstairs.
By now you were surprised none of them had noticed your discomfort, despite trying to hide it it was still bothering you.
The fluorescent strip lights that lit the mall were too bright and seemed to be burning your retinas with each blink.
The noise level despite not exceeding regular mall noise levels was almost deafening in your sensitive ears.
Even the mixed smells of fast food and perfumes was making your head swim.
Your headache pounded behind your eyes as well as almost throughout your full skull. There was a buzzing in your ears that sounded like the electricity in the walls that simply wouldn’t shut up.
Your stomach was rolling from the mixed smells and it was just too loud and too bright.
As you slid into the booth next to Nat, with wanda and pepper on the other side facing you, you resisted the urge to crawl under the table and cry.
Your headache thundered in your ears and pounded on your skull.
Your headache was in full force and Pepper must have noticed how quiet you were being as she looked you over with a knowing gaze.
She took note of your pinched brow and slightly sweaty forehead, how you were biting down on your lip and squinting. As well as how you flinched as someone in the café banged their cutlery against their plate.
Wanda noticed peppers look and was now looking at you too with a frown which drew Natasha’s eyes to you as well.
The conversation had reached a lull as all three women studied you. You were too zoned out to notice their attention all being on you.
“Y/n?” Wanda asked slowly.
“Yeah?” You said looking up and sounding absolutely wreaked.
“Are you ok?” Wanda said looking slightly worried.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” You said not even believing your own words. Your voice was lathered in a tired tone. You shook your head while saying this only managing to anger your headache more as you winced and brought a hand to your head, squeezing your eyes shut tight.
Feeling nauseous you leant on nat and rested you head on her shoulder. Nat seemed almost surprised at your sudden desire for contact.
She held you close to her as your body relaxed into her side having no more energy to hold yourself up.
“Y/n?” Pepper asked softly.
“Mmm?” You hummed as you vaguely heard shuffling before you sensed someone close to you.
Opening an eye slightly you saw pepper crouching next to you.
“Y/n?” she asked softly. “Do you get the same thing peter does honey?” Her voice stayed low and quiet. You turned your face into Nat’s neck and weighed up your options before giving a small nod.
You miss the frown that adorns Wanda’s lips at the news that something was wrong and pepper seemed to know what it was despite you never having mentioned anything about this.
Pepper stood again and looked over at Nat and Wanda.
“She’ll be alright. Just stay here and I’ll be back. I’ll explain in a minute.” Pepper said and she took off in a brisk walk to a nearby shop.
After pepper had darted off she wove through the crowd and into a tech store, making a purchase before making one more stop and then hightailing it back to the café.
When she returned you’s seemingly not moved an inch while Wanda and Nat were talking in hushed tones. Nat had her arm around you and was holdin the back of your head into her neck as you seemed to be almost trembling from all the overstimulation.
When pepper came back Wanda sat a little straighter while Nat eyes the two new shopping bags pepper was carrying.
Pepper came to crouch beside you giving you a small nudge that set your skin on fire.
“Y/n?” She asked softly. “Can you look at me honey, you can keep your eyes shut, I promise these will help.” She said coaxing you out of Nat’s neck.
You faced her with your eyes squeezed shut as she slid a black pair of noise cancelling headphones over your ears and switching them on.
The blissful sound of quiet almost made you cry as your headache lessened. A moment later you felt pepper place something on your face before cautiously opening one eye to find the world dimmer and more tolerable.
Now decked out with the headphones and sunglasses you felt a lot better. You were exhausted and the headache was still present just less intense.
You watched as Wanda, Nat and Pepper conversed, the sound not reaching you. Pepper seemed to be explaining what was happening to them based off the sad look wanda gave you.
Pepper explained that your powers increased your senses, and that in the right conditions they were very helpful in fights. But were more than problematic in a domestic setting. She explained that it wasn’t unheard of for peter to get overstimulated when out or somewhere loud. She went on to tell them she recognised the look peter had when he tried to simple tough it out when they went out.
Wanda felt awful that your powers had caused you pain.
Nat however was already planning to talk to tony about getting something built to help.
Once pepper had explained the extent of the issue and some of the things that helped, the three seemed to change gears, looking to be making plans now instead.
After they had finished talking Pepper decided to try something.
She turned to face you and moved her hands to form some simple signs. Your face lit up in recognition.
*How are you feeling? * Pepper signed.
*tired* you signed back.
Nat and Wanda looked surprised.
“How did you know she knew sign?” Wanda asked.
“Peter seemed to know some when he first was with us.” Pepper explained. “I assumed Y/n might also know some if peter did.”
You could tell what they had asked. “My dad was hard of hearing. He taught us sign at a young age before … he died.” You said and pepper nodded.
*We are going to go home* pepper signed but you shook your head.
*you stay here, I’ll go. I don’t want to ruin things* you signed.
*nonsense* pepper signed and you knew based off Nat’s eyes she was following along.
Nat had learnt sign language from Clint in the academy when they were partners. Clint had insisted in case his hearing aid were ever damaged in a fight.
You sighed realising you weren’t going to win this one.
*ok* you signed and hesitated for a moment before continuing. *thank you*. You signed.
*your welcome* pepper signed back and Wanda offered her hand to you.
Holding Wanda’s hand, the four of you headed for the car park.
You felt bad for ruining the trip, but Nat shot you a look when she saw you getting lost in your head that banished all thoughts.
Once you were in the car, Wanda had insisted on driving. Nat was riding with pepper to try and find out more about what was going on. You kept the headphones and sunnies on the whole ride home as you zoned out slightly.
Wanda droves slowly so she didn’t throw you around while Pepper and Nat sped back to try and organise things for when you get back.
When you arrived, you were almost asleep leaning into the passenger door.
Wanda coaxed you out of the car and led you by the hand up the lift and down the hall to her room.
You were beyond exhausted as Wanda lifted the sheets and got you settled under the thick comforter.
She ordered Jarvis to dim the lights and soundproof the room. She thanked Tony for the added features in her mind as she felt you snuggle into her side.
A few moments later the door opened slightly to reveal Nat and Pepper peaking in.
“Is she asleep?” Nat asked and Wanda studied your breathing.
“Not yet.” Wanda responded.
“Well we have some pain meds for her.” Pepper said as they both came inside and handed wanda a glass of water.
After coaxing you into taking some medicine, you laid back down against Wanda was was massaging your head as you melted in her lap.
Pepper and Nat had dropped by Bruces lab to pick up peters pain meds for you before coming to Wanda’s room where Jarvis said they could find you.
You fell asleep not long after taking the medicine which had finally gotten rid of your headache.
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bokkerijder · 1 year
notes for fanfic writers from a current metalhead with knowledge about the metal scene in the 80s (my mom was an 80s metalhead):
of course, everyone is free to write eddie however the hell they want! but after reading idk how many fanfics, a lot of them written by people who aren't into metal themselves, i thought i could share a couple of things!
- the fact that eddie deals drugs doesn't automatically mean he uses them. he might smoke a joint every once in a while, but a lot of metalheads just stick to beer and booze.
- i love the mental image of eddie wearing makeup. however, realistically, eddie wouldn't be wearing makeup. not even when performing. the most he would wear is black nail polish, maybe some eyeliner during shows. yes, there's a subgenre of metal where the musicians do wear makeup like eyeshadow and lipstick, however, that is not the type of metal eddie listens to (with the exception of W.A.S.P. who had members who did wear eyeliner)
- eddie would absolutely love a lot of music that isn't necessarily metal, especially 60s and 70s rock, like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix ect. he would absolutely admire David Bowie. and i'll let you guys in on a little secret. a lot of metalheads love the fuck out of ABBA. he might not admit it to his friends (he doesn't want to look uncool), but ABBA is notorious for actually making very technical music, and for using elaborate mixing techniques on their albums. that alone would get eddie to listen to it.
- that being said, there are also definitely bands he would absolutely not listen to. i've seen people mention eddie listening to Guns N' Roses and Mötley Crüe. he wouldn't. eddie listens to heavy metal, trash metal, and the beginnings of black metal. bands like Mötley Crüe are more glam leaning than heavy metal. and 80s metalheads listening to eddie's subgenres of metal wouldn't be caught dead listening to glam metal. i know, it's a weird thing.
- a short list of metalbands that eddie does listen to (both canon and assumptions): Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Dio, Iron Maiden, Motörhead, Mercyful Fate, Venom, Saxon, Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Queensrÿche, W.A.S.P., Judas Priest, Accept. of course there are more bands, but these are just a few i can list from the top of my head!
- and the most important note: eddie is a metalhead, NOT a punker!!! i've seen some writers describe him as punk, or punk rock, or him living in the punk scene. there is a big difference between the two! plus, a lot of metalheads and punkers didn't even like each other that much during the 80s. there was a bit of a musical rivalry.
hope this helps!
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