#a hen once gave me a black eye and scratches so bad i almost needed stitches because i (unknowingly) got to close to her chicks
spacedace · 1 year
When I say I want a Broody Batman, I don't mean Broody as in "Byronic Hero" I mean Broody as in "Hen aggressively fluffed up over a clutch of eggs/chicks willing to fight god to protect them"
I want Batman to stand up and a dozen little legs to be spotted from beneath his hammer space logic of a cape.
I want someone to get to close to one of his little chicks and start making that demonic angry chicken noise.
I want him to sit in one spot and refuse to move come hell or high water because he's gotta make sure all his little ones are warm and safe from predators.
I want each bat-adoption to be there because Alfred slipped an orphaned child in need of a good home/parent under the cape like a farmer shoving day-old chicks under a hen that went Broody and is slowly starving herself to death trying to hatch unfertalized eggs.
No more of this standing on the ledge of a building with lowered head looking sad in the rain bad parent Brooding Batman. Only aggressively protective and good parent Batman.
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fairytalesofthewind · 3 years
Can I request The Avengers with winged!male!reader, who is a new member of their team? Reader is a ball of joy and love, he's like everyone's kid, until he gets snatched by Hydra agents and later is found with one of his wings cut off, leaving a permanent and ugly scar on his back. After that he shuts down completely, lays in his bed all day long and doesn't talk to anyone : he became a wreck of the person he used to be.
I really would like to see The Avengers helping him cope and Tony coming up with some crazy idea, which lead to Reader receiving a prosthetic wing and once again becoming an official member of The Avengers.
Anon, you are a true genius!
warnings: hydra (so also torture, a bit of gore, and kidnapping)
+ implied Stucky 
I called the male reader Icarus, you’ll find out why ;) I may be a little bit too obsessed by mythology. Sorry that I didn’t write with ‘you’. 
wordcount: 2424
Requests are open!
Icarus was found by shield at age 15. He had been an experiment of hydra for 3 years. He remembered the day the Avengers had infiltrated the facility where the majority of hydra worked. He remembered hearing the explosions and screams while he was trapped in the many cells of the building’s basement. The only occupied cell what that of his.
He had felt his surroundings shaking, had felt the dust falling on him as the building was ready to collapse. And then the bombs stopped getting fired. The screams had stopped. Icarus had thought the fight had completely stopped and that the people were either dead or that the people had fled. Icarus had thought no one was coming for him, and that he was trapped in his cell, no way to escape.
But then he had heard a single loud bang. It came from the door leading to the basement. He saw that the metal door had an imprint of a fist in it. Then he heard another loud bang, and saw how the imprint expanded. After a few more hits, the door gave away and fell to the floor.
A man with a metal came walking up to him. Icarus knew who he was, emphasis on was. Because the man ushering towards him wasn’t the Winter Soldier anymore. That was what the agents had told him.
“Hey kid. Hang on in there, we’ll get you out as soon as possible.” He said and came closer and inspected the outside of his cell. More specifically, the keypad in front of it. “Hey Stark, I’m gonna need your help here with some tech.” Bucky came even closer to his cell and Icarus’ eyes widen as his hands neared the glass.
“Stop!” Icarus yelled. Bucky froze at the command, and dragged his eyes up slowly to the panicked boy in front of him. “You can’t touch the glass.” Icarus warned him, his tone a bit softer. “It’ll trigger the alarms and then gas will come out of the ceiling.” Bucky frowned looked up at the top of the cell. In each corner was a camera, along with a small metal tube coming out of the walls. He supposed that the gas would come out of there.
“Is the gas deadly?” He asked the boy, there were probably going to trigger the alarms trying to get him out. But they would have to find another way if the gas is really dangerous.
“No,” Icarus started, “it just makes me go to sleep.” Bucky nodded as stepped away from the glass container. They would have to wait for a few minutes until help – the help being Tony- arrived.
“So…” The boy drawled out, “Are you really a 100 years old?” He wanted to look at Icarus with a ‘are you serious’- look but as he saw the curiosity written on his face, he responded a soft smile.
“I’m 106 years old.” He felt a pang of amusement as he watched Icarus’ eyes widen.
“Isn’t that a bit weird?” Bucky tilted his head, silently asked the boy what he meant by that. “You know…with friends, and lovers. You’re much older than them.”
Suddenly Stark entered the basement and said: “Well, Bucky doesn’t have any problem with that seeing as his boyfriend is also a super soldier and also very old.” He strutted over to the keypad on his cell. Icarus stared at him with wide eyes because – oh my God this is The Tony Stark.
“Friday baby, tell me how to get the angel out.” He said. Icarus blushed a bit, most of the agents didn’t call him an angel because of his wings. But rather demon. He didn’t which one fit the best seeing as he had neither white wings, nor black, but brown wings.
Tony was quiet for a few long seconds. He looked concentrated, not that they could see his face through the helmet, but his head was tilted just a bit. He let out a loud drawn-out sigh and said: “Yeah, no can do, that’s going to take hours. I’m just gonna blast it.”
Icarus straightened up immediately, if he were to do that he would just trigger the alarms. It wouldn’t do much to the glass either, because it was made of something special. Before Icarus could let out a warning, he heard the zooming of Iron Man’s blasters and then he heard a small explosion.
The boy made eye contact with Bucky after he saw gas coming out of the metal tubes. Just before he slipped into unconsciousness, he picked up the curse words both of the men let out.
Only a few hours later did Icarus wake up. It was very quiet around him, but there was also an unfamiliar sound that he didn’t recognise that made him realise that he wasn’t in his cell anymore. Did the agents change their mind on waiting a few more months to send him on a mission? Did they suddenly decide to get rid of him? Did they-
“Ah, you’re waking up.” The voice was so much more gentle than he was used hearing. It reminded him of how his family used to talk to him.
They were dead now, by the way, with courtesy of hydra.
Icarus opened his eyes and looked to his right where the voice had come from. He recognised the man, he was the Falcon. Sam was still wearing his suit, with his metal wings. Icarus eyes fell to the said wings and frowned.
“You know, you guys are in big trouble.” The people around him straightened up. Already thinking of the possible things the boy could say. There was something you didn’t think about, this was just a distraction and now the shield base has been taken care of properly. You lost-
“These are copyrighted.” Icarus pointed to his own wings. “I could sue you for plagiarism.” Sam lowered his head in relief as he let out a little chuckle.
“I’ll pass it on to the boss.” He said as he looked to the other side of Icarus. The boy followed the line of sight and saw Tony sitting on the other side of him. He was immediately attacked with concerned questions about how he was feeling. Tony told him that they were going to bring Icarus somewhere safe, there were going to give him a home. But all Icarus could think about was, oh my God, this is The Tony Stark.
Icarus was 16 when he started his training. He was done basically living in the hospital wing of the tower. Apparently hydra had really taken a toll on him. Physically and mentally.
He had begged the captain to train him. But Steve had refused time and time again claiming that Icarus wasn’t ready yet.
Between recovery and asking for training, he became friends with Sam. Well, he became friends with everyone. You could even say that he became their family. But it happened with Sam the fastest. Sam took care of him from the start. He visited Icarus every day to check up on him. He helped the boy get comfortable. Icarus saw Sam as a…dad?
They would fly together almost every night. They would soar over countless buildings in New-York. They would stop on skyscrapers and talk about everything and nothing. Sam became his best friend, he became his family.
Icarus was 17 when he realised how much the Avengers truly cared about him. It was his first mission, and the Avengers were acting like overbearing mother hens. It wasn’t even a big mission, it was just to pick something up and bring it from place A to B. But due an unexpected rainstorm Icarus couldn’t fly back. He arrived hours later than he should’ve had at the meeting point.
And to say he had received an ear full about it was an understatement. For the next few days after that mission, he had heard one rant to the other. It was all the same: about how he was precious, about how bad it would be to lose him because he was their family. He was their ray of sun- no scratch that- he was their sun. He was their kid.
Icarus was 18 years and 2 months old when one of his mission went seriously wrong. Sam wasn’t there to support him in the sky. And Tony was needed on the ground. But as multiple planes left to escape, he had to go after them. There weren’t only hydra agents on those plane, but also innocent hostages. Hostages that would probably get used for the same purpose Icarus had been used for.
So he couldn’t just let the planes go. He went after the plane of which he thought was filled with hostages, but was only filled with agents. He had entered the plane just before it’s backdoor had closed. He realised his mistake as he was suddenly surrounded by a dozen men with guns.
One of the men closest to him raised his gun towards him and shot. Icarus felt a sharp prick on his neck and he already knew what was going to happen. Just before he slipped into unconsciousness, he picked up the curse words his family let out on the comms.
Icarus was 18 when he was recaptured by hydra.
Hydra had claimed they had no use for him. They already had a better reproduction of him.
But that didn’t mean that we are just going to get rid of you, no stupid demon boy. We are going to have a bit of fun with you.
Icarus was 18 years and 5 months when he lost one of the most important things of his life.
He lost of one his wings. That means that he not only lost one of his limbs, but he also lost being able to fly.
He wouldn’t be able to do the thing he loved the most, he wouldn’t be able to fly anymore.
Icarus was 18 years and 8 months old when the Avengers had to save him again from hydra. But the boy they saved wasn’t the Icarus that had been captured. He was missing something –besides from the obvious; his wing.  
From the moment Icarus had returned home, everything went just a bit worse day by day. He was unhappy, of course he was. Not only had he lost his wing, but he also had a very large scar where it used to be.
He felt terrible. He would spend almost every hour buried under the safety of his blankets in his bed. He didn’t leave his room, no matter how much his family tried to get him out.
One day Bucky entered his room, he brought some tea and breakfast with him. “Good morning, little angel…” The rest he said fell on deaf ears. Icarus had buried himself under his blankets himself.
A few seconds later felt the cold rushing over him. The bed dipped beside him, Bucky sat on the blanket so that Icarus couldn’t use them to hide anymore. But it didn’t really help much as the boy just turned his back to him, his one wing currently hiding himself.
Bucky cleared his throat. “Look, I know how much this sucks. I lost my arm, I know how it feels.” Suddenly Icarus had sat up, and was now looking at him with an angry face.
“You think you know how I feel?!” Icarus pushed him off the bed. They were now both standing with Icarus pointing a furious finger at him. “You just lost your fucking arm! I didn’t just lose my wing, no I lost the thing I loved the most! I can’t fly anymore, and you know whose fault is that?” Icarus kept walking closer and Bucky kept stepping further away from the boy.
“It’s my fault! I was overtaken by my giddiness of the mission and I got distracted, I was too overconfident.” Bucky was almost in the hallway with the way he kept backing up.
“And besides, James. You got a metal arm in return. You can still do everything!” Unlike Bucky, Icarus didn’t have another wing.
And that, had given Bucky an idea.
Icarus was 18 years and 11 months when Tony had dragged him out of his wing towards his lab. He didn’t give him any choice to struggle back, he was coming whether he wanted to or not.
Tony had covered his eyes just before they entered the lab. He had made him sit on a stool. He heard a few nervous coughs, so he knew that the other were there as well.
Tony granted his sight back after a few seconds of rambling something that Icarus was too tired to listen to.
“-and we hope you will like this…”
In front of him, on a stand, was a metal wing. It was a similar size of his own. He had thought: what is the point of a monument? But then Icarus realised that what he was seeing wasn’t just a metal wing, it was also a suit. He felt a few tears roll down his cheek and immediately afterwards felt someone’s arms going around him.
“Oh, it’s alright, angel. It’s going to be alright.” They let him cry his heart out, patiently being there for him.
It was a few days later that Icarus sat in the craftsman’s lab again. Tony was securing the many straps on his new suit. He explained him the rules of the new suit, of what it could and couldn’t do. “Now, Sam will help you fly again. He knows how the metal wing work. My advice for now is to not fly too low, or too high. You don’t want to hurt yourself.”
Icarus was 19 when he was given back the thing he loved most; being able to fly. He was able to be happy again. He picked up the nightly flights with Sam again. Sometimes staying away from the Tower until 5AM. He was almost back to his normal self; he was already back to being the most energetic member of the team, and he showed how grateful he was almost every second of the day.
This night he was sitting on a building with Sam eating his pepperoni pizza.
“You know, you’re in trouble, right?” Icarus looked up at Sam with raised eyebrows.
“These are copyrighted, and you know, I could sue you.” Sam pointed at his metal wings with a small smirk.
“Copyrighted my ass, you can’t beat the original.”
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lostonehero · 3 years
Becoming less human
It was a week after the near end of the world by two men who had good intentions but no common sense. The teams Aqua and Magma merged and started on trying to help without the use of extreme measures. Both teams thankfully were pardoned and nobody died, but the orbs the orbs were absorbed into both leaders flesh, and as far as anyone knows nothing came of it except the two leaders getting together.
Maxie gave a frustrated sigh as he tried to put his shoe on again, for some reason it felt too small. He was 35 he was well past growing stuck at 5ft 5in for the rest of his life. He never complained though his height never defined him, and he could beat Archie in a fist fight no problem, growing up in a orphanage where everyone hated would make someone tough. Granted Archie would never admit to loosing, well it wasn't like anyone would belive Maxie either to the world he was a weak skinny nerd. He wore the long sleeves and stocking to cover up scars from past abuse he didn't want to show the world.
"Leader Maxie? I mean Maxie." Tabitha stutters out.
Maxie sighs "Archie isn't in here Tabitha." He heard a sigh of relief as his former admin walked in. "And I told you you didn't have to stay, you can get a better job and not be stuck with the crazy man who almost ended the world." He cursed under his breath again and tossed his shoes to the side.
"Le- Maxie I want to help with your new vision, and even if it involves Aqua what you have drawn out is pretty amazing sir...." he trails off as he watches Maxie. "Sir are you alright."
Maxie sighs. "I think I must of hurt my feet and they are swollen my shoes seem too tight." His feet look perfectly fine except for his nails that look like they are turning black.
"Oh I see do you want me to call for a doctor?"
"No Tabitha I'm fine I'll just steal Archie's shoes he left here." Maxie sighs seeing Tabitha scowl at the former Aqua leader. "I don't need you judging my love life Tabitha."
Tabitha huffs. "You can do better sir."
"Tabitha I appreciate the sentiment but I'm pretty hated right now."
"W-well you are still liked."
"I know you have feelings for Matt, and besides I'm 10 years older then you and Courtney so my answer would still be no."
Tabitha tries to hide his red face, Maxie knew him too well at this point. "R-Right sir uh today is your day off I came to remind you no work."
Maxie curses under his breath Tabitha knew him well as well. "Right very well then I think I'll visit Archie."
Tabitha sighs but didn't argue he knew Maxie wouldn't overwork himself around that pirate.
"If you keep staring at your hands I will smack the back of your head Archie." Shelly huffed
Archie was in casual clothes and nit his wet suit today. He felt naked without it on, but fir some reason his gloves couldn't go all the way down, and it seemed as if the webbing on his fingers had gotten deeper and his nails longer. He kept thinking back to the blue orb absorbing into his skin filing his blood with ice and the legendary beast staring at him seemingly to say "you survived you'll be rewarded" he really didn't know why that was in his head. He even asked Maxie about it and he said the same thing when in regards to his encounter.
"Archibald you're boyfriend is here." Shelly sneered rolling her eyes.
Archie sighs and gives a look to Shelly and she just raises her hands and left. Archie knew Shelly hated Maxie, and he knew Shelly didn't approve but he made him happy.
"Archie? Are you alright." Maxie asks as he plops down into a chair wearing longs sleeves and pants.
Archie frowns he knew the real reason why Maxie covered up and hell it had been only a short time but he wish he could see more of him more often then the bedroom. He shook his head. "I don't know I couldn't put on my gloves today."
Maxie leans back. "Funny I couldn't put on my shoes today I had to wear yours, well the pair you forgot to get when Courtney chased you put of my bedroom."
Archie grimaced at the memory but looked confused. "Maxie I'm like three sizes bigger then you how have you not tripped?"
"They fit perfectly." Macie says calmly but his shaking hands gave him away. "Is this the reward." He whispered fear lacing his tone.
Archie has never seen Maxie truly scared, sure he had startled him but the man was ready to punch him in the face rather then run away. His nerves were starting to eat away at his confidence. "I-i don't know Max. Are we taking there place?"
Maxie shivers. "I never wanted that, I don't think I could stand to loose you now." He frowns. "Could I stay with you tonight...." he trails off.
Archie nods frowning, Maxie never asked he always just stayed and was so dominate in his ways. He decided he didn't like seeing Maxie scared. "Have you gone back to..." he didn't finish his sentence when Maxie looked him in the eye.
"Yes once, it was for closure to make sure they were gone...." he stopped seemingly recalling something. "I heard something though."
"Uh I think you've been blessed by the gods your body will change to accept it.... I thought I was just hearing things." He looked down biting his lip.
Archie sighs and looks at Maxie. "I don't want to talk about this anymore..."
"Neither do I." Maxie gets up and offers Archie his hand. "Shall we get some ice cream and try to forget with bad movies."
Archie smiled softly nodding getting up. "Aye that sounds great."
.....3 months later.....
Maxie tried to wrestle Archie's shoes onto his feet but he had little to no luck, it's been months and he was comfortable wearing them this was like being a teenager in a growthspurt all over. "Fuck this!" he threw the shoes across the room and finally noticed his pants were short that doused his frustration with fear.
Archie rushed in right out of the shower his towel haphazardly around his waist. "Maxie are you alright."
Maxie in a quiet voice. "My pants are too short and slightly tight."
Archie furrows his brow and actually looks down and to his astonishment Maxie was right. "I know you've gained weight Maxie, but uh you gained height."
Maxie sighs. "I thought it was I eating more I gained weight, and I didn't mind that but.... but " he stops and takes a deep breath. "Archie we never did stop did we?"
"My legs aren't fusing if that's what your asking." Archie tried to joke but he was starting to get scared too.
Maxie sat down on the bed. "I need to get new clothes." He sighs laying down. "We probably should tell Steven."
Archie frowns and moves to lay down next to him. "Maybe we should start with our former admins, or current ones they really never stopped doing their jobs."
"I don't know which one would be worse." Maxie chuckles covering his face. "Tabithia and Courtney will be the worse mother hens."
"You think that's bad Matt once carried me to bed when I had the sniffles." Archie gives a small laugh.
"When did our lives get so messed up? Wait don't answer that I know why." Maxie huffs looking at Archie.
Archie couldn't hold it in and started to laugh.
Maxie threw a pillow at him.
..... 6 months later......
Archie frowns looking at the large blanket Matt bought for him and Maxie. "Is this really necessary? Maxie only grew 6inches."
"Bro you need to think long term, you're changing too." Matt puffs out his chest. "Even if you become another kyoger I want to make sure you're warm."
Archie sighs scratching his beard. "I don't think that's what I'm becoming Matt, but uh thanks." Matt was like his brother, he was just a tad over protective.
Matt shakes his head. "No matter what happens Archie I will be by your side no matter what."
Archie smiles softly. "Thanks Matt, but uh I think we are good on blankets, Maxie is like a furnace..."
"Does he have a fever, I know I was rude and mean when you started dating but he really loves you can I help?" Matt rattles off
Archie chuckles. "No Bro like how my body temperature lowered Maxie's went up."
"Ohhh ok so you guys cancel each other out just like them. Maybe they are dating too."
Archie covers his face with his hands trying to get that image put of his head as Matt rattles on about the many plans he has to help.
.....4 months later.....
"This is insulting at this point." Archie huffs laying on his stomach.
Maxie matching Archie's position. "I didn't want a tail either but here we are. It's not even fully formed yet and it's so sensitive." He sighs. "I honestly thought you would be upset because I'm taller then you now."
"Not gonna lie Max that kinds of turns me on." Archie chuckles hearing Maxie scoff.
"We aren't even entirely human anymore and you are thinking about bedroom activities." He tries and fails to look offended. "I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind Archie but I want to wait till we are done changing."
"Agreed, so how are your feet doing I know they were killing you." Archie hums trying to keep conversation to distract from the pain.
Maxie looks away. "Scales and bone spur on my heel...they feel a lot better but I'm worried I might hurt you while we sleep."
Archie has wide eyes. "Matching your claws."
Maxie looks back raising his brow. "Seriously Archie? What about your neck?"
"Gills got matching ones on my waist as well, I don't need my wetsuit anymore." He smiles.
Maxie smiles "swimming with Bruce is in your future right." He grimaced as a soft crack is heard. "F-fun with your p-pokemon."
Archie held onto Maxie's hand. "Its ok you don't need to be tough around me I love you."
Maxie held on tightly to Archie's hand. "I love you too." It was the first time they exchanged those words.
....1 month later....
Archie was chasing down Maxie with a bucket of soapy water. "Maxie I swear to arceus that you need to stop you're shedding let me help."
"Fuck off Archie, and leave that fucking hell brush in the trash." Maxie growls a red glowed from his eyes.
"Maxie it's just a brush stop being a baby." Archie tries to tackle him but misses. "I swear I will call Courtney and Tabitha."
"You wouldn't dare." Maxie hisses.
"I would you human lizard just get in the medicated bath." Archie crosses his arms.
Maxie grumbles and walks back to the large bath with bubbles and a medical oder he hated. He got in crossing his arms. "Only because I don't want them to see me naked again."
Archie sighs and begins to scrub softly at Maxie's scales helping them shed. "Look I don't like this either but I refuse to be covered in your shed again. I don't care if we are still changing you will take a bath when you shed."
Maxie scowls. "You don't have to baby me Archie. You know why I don't like baths."
Archie pauses. "I know Max, but you'll feel better we both know that. I'm sorry but I don't want the shower spray to hurt you like last time when you first shed."
Maxie looks away and nods. "I know I know, could you.... maybe uh come in with me?"
Archie chuckles and plops into the bath with Maxie splashing him.
Maxie spits out the soapy water at Archie. "You know what I changed my mind get out."
Archie laughs harder. "Love you too Maxie."
......1 year later....
Maxie was sitting at his desk Archie was late to their meeting, Tabitha and Courtney were both waiting along with Shelly and Matt. It was an uncomfortable silence. Maxie tapped his claw against the wood not realizing he was creating a small hole. "He's the one who called the damn meeting why is he running late."
Tabitha sighs knowing Maxie's temper was high by the smell of burning coming from his tail that slapped the floor in annoyance. "Maxie he probably forgot something."
"We share a home Tabitha he seemed perfectly put together." Maxie glares at Matt who looked guilty.
Matt Maxie knew was awful at keeping secrets and a glare from Maxie was enough to set him off. "ARCHIE IS GOING TO PROPOSE." Matt yells breaking all tension. "I promised I wouldn't tell but I just can't. He is late because the ring is taking longer to make then he realized." He covers his face in shame.
Shelly curses. "Fucking hell Matt he told us in confidence."
"I know I know but Maxie looks so upset." Matt whimpers
Shelly groans and leans back.
Courtney was laughing softly a rare sound.
Tabitha gave a look to Matt saying you're on the couch tonight.
Maxie slams his hands on the table startling everyone. "That fucking bastard" he gets up quickly. "I already bought a fucking ring."
The four stared at Maxie connecting the dots and everyone realized that maybe that their collective bosses were both actually so deeply in love they had the same idea.
At that moment Archie walked in hearing Maxie yell. "You bought a ring?"
"Of course I did you dumb pirate I love you." Maxie huffs. "I was waiting for the full moon because you like the moon's reflection on the water."
Archie looks like he was about to cry. "Maxie I love you so much woukd you marry me?"
Maxie threw his own black box at Archie. "Make an educated guess you college graduate."
Archie burst out laughing and runs to tackle Maxie into a hug. "Damn right Maxie I will marry you."
"And I will marry you Archie." Maxie smiles
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ditttiii · 4 years
Brothers Conflict || 02.
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Thrust into an already established family, you struggle to find your footing while dodging the advances of seven, incredibly good looking stepbrothers.
Your father marrying, and you suddenly having to live under the same roof with seven step brothers was a royal mess or so you had thought, Because them falling in love with you was so much worse. Or was it?
◈ Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humour, Smut and maybe a little angst. (PG-18) (step brother AU) (They are all adopted, I do NOT support incest, this work is inspired by the popular anime/manga Brothers Conflict)
◈ Pairings: OT7 x Reader (reverse harem)
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WC: 3124
Warnings: Curse Words (sfw)
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There needs to be a limit, you think. A threshold level to how bad a day can go before it ends, or maybe you faint and are left craning into nothingness. Just something to tell you that this is as bad as it can possibly get for you. 
You hear Seokjins' concerned voice get drowned by the much louder voice of your best friend, but you don't respond. You realise that you should get up, reassure everyone that you are okay, but you are starting to wonder if you can even salvage the day anymore. 
The limit to how embarrassed I can be has hit a new high today.
Groaning and cursing every single god up there, you finally raise your face from the floor, bringing your hand up to scratch your cheeks and rub your eyes, as you purposefully avoid all the gazes that you can feel trained on you. 
Wincing you scratch at the burn you feel on your chin from where your face had hit the carpet. The fall could have been a lot worse, but the rug had saved you from the worst of the burnt. 
Saved, everything but your dignity that is. 
"I am fine," You reassure everybody without looking at anybody; before you turn to Sunmi and squeeze her hand in silent reassurance. Her concerned eyes stay trained on your hunched figure, but at your small smile, she nods, sending a small worried smile back. 
Sunmi has been your best friend since middle school. Your friendship blossomed the day she punched another girl in the school washroom for you, the girl; a bully was making fun of you for being a late bloomer, when Sunmi, your schools' resident queen-bee, swooped in like a raging goddess in all her angry glory and gave the girl a black eye. 
You still think back to that day with fondness and a slight sense of wariness. Your petite, barbie doll of a best friend could pack quite the punch. It was a reassuring yet scary skill of hers. 
Snapped out of your thoughts at the feel of a hand on your shoulder, you look up to see Seokjins’ concerned eyes peering into yours, and exhale out a heavy breath. 
Okay, now it can't get any worse. 
Maybe you shouldn't feel as reassured as you do with that thought, but you do. The realisation that you have already hit rock bottom when it comes to first impressions is, funnily enough, liberating to you. 
At least now, I don't have to worry about if the pitch of my 'hello' is right or not. 
Evidently, such frivolous solicitude was no longer a concern of yours. You have risen to higher grounds, where your first impression bar now ranges from psycho to batshit crazy.
Yep, that sounds about right. 
A cough snaps you out of your thoughts, and you quickly rise to your feet, with a little help from Sunmi. In your peripheral vision, you see Seokjin’s hands hover uselessly in the air as he stops himself from reaching out to you. Clearly, your earlier responses to his touch had left an impression on him, one that was probably not all that great, you realise. 
Wincing at both your embarrassment and the slight sting you feel, you finally swivel your gaze away from the floor and to the six men ahead of you, Seokjin still hovering worriedly by your side, like a concerned mother hen. 
If you had any dignity left, you'd have laughed, but as it is—you are probably bordering on crazy, and you don't want to push it. 
Not today. 
"Umm," You start as your eyes lock with that of one of the brothers who is looking at you with concerned filled eyes and you quickly break your gaze away. Focusing at a point on the floor somewhere by his feet, you bow low and mumble out an "Annyeonghaseyo!"
The words feel foreign on your tongue, even though your best friend is Korean. While you don't live in Korea and aren't Korean, your new extended family is. You know that they know English and originally you had no plans of speaking Korean. But nerves shot, and performance pressure high, the slightly accented greeting tumbled out before you even fully realised what you were saying. 
An awkward silence stretches on for a second too long, before the man whose feet you are drilling holes into with your gaze, is bowing and introducing himself. 
"Ah, Annyeonghaseyo! I am Kim Namjoon, the fourth oldest brother or well the middle one," Here he flashes you a quick close-lipped smile, and your eyes automatically stray to his dimples. 
While your eyes are still locked onto his dimples, utterly fascinated by their definition, he continues, "We have been waiting for you, it's a pleasure, to finally meet you Y/N-ssi!" His smile widens as he finishes his greeting, and you want to reply, but your eyes are, again, focused onto his dimples.
'So pretty.' 
It's when Sunmi pinches your side subtly that you clear your thoughts, moving your gaze away as you smile back—a soft, genuine curl of your lips. 
"Um, sorry I'm late, there was some traffic," Here you wave your hand in the air aimlessly before you realise what you are doing and force it down, biting your lip. "This is my best friend Sunmi, and um it's really nice, to finally be able to meet you all too!" You finish lamely. Your introduction, a mess of stutters and random flailing limbs, leaves your face feeling hotter by the second. 
"Finally! We have been waiting to meet our cute little yeodongsaengie all day! I am Jung Hoseok, the third oldest and welcome to the family Y/n-ah!" Greets Hoseok, a bright megawatt smile overtaking his face, as he swoops in and gathers you in a hug. This time though you are ready and without a seconds delay, your hands wrap around Hoseok's back, as you awkwardly pat, unsure of his boundaries. 
Hoseok though has no such concern, as his strong, warm hands wrap affectionately around your shoulders, pulling you closer and giving you a proper bear hug. Somehow it doesn't come as a surprise to you that Hoseok would be affectionate, something about his bright smile and sunny disposition had you feeling more comforted and reassured than awkward. 
Surrounded by your now brother's warmth, you melt in his arms and for once enjoy the feeling of belonging in someone else's hold except Sunmis’. 
"Did you have any problems coming here? I knew one of us should have come to pick you up instead." Hoseok continues, his eyes soft and concerned as they rake over you, keeping you at arm's length, as he checks you for any injuries, and a laugh almost slips out of you at his over the top concern. 
"I am fine Hoseok ss—" You pause, hesitant to continue as you think of what you should address him as before you try again, "Hoseok-oppa?"
Your voice comes out soft, questioning and a little hesitant as you look up at Hoseok to see his reaction, but he's grinning. His smile somehow even brighter than it had been before, and then he's pulling you into another hug. 
His arms wrapping around your shoulders and softly rocking you from side to side as he coos, "Aish, call me Hobi-oppa, Y/n-ah! That's what all the dongsaengies call me!"
You giggle as your limited Korean knowledge kicks in and you realise he's talking about his younger brothers. A groan echoed from behind him and in response a laugh booms out of Hoseok, as he finally loosens his hold. 
Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, he turns to Sunmi, and again introduces himself, Sunmi doing the same. 
You watch the interaction with an unfamiliar almost, warm, feeling in your chest. Usually, it would be you introducing yourself to Sunmis' family at Christmas or family vacations for which you'd tag along; and your father was never really home enough to ever meet Sunmi. 
So, to finally have someone call you family in front of your best friend, was a simple but strangely comforting thing, and you grin, feeling rapidly more at ease in your brothers embrace. 
"Aish Hob-ah! Stop hogging our little yeodongsaeng, will you?" Jin jokingly reprimands, and you chuckle, your grip around Hoseok tightening as you lean into his side. 
"Well, it's only fitting; I am going to be her favourite oppa, after all!" He jokes as his head tilts to look at you and he winks. His soft black hair slips low over his forehead, as his shimmery dark eyes sparkle from in between the gaps of his strands. And you smile softly, shaking your head fondly at his antics before you extract yourself from his embrace and move to introduce yourself to the rest of your stepbrothers. 
"Min Yoongi, second oldest, Welcome to the family Y/n." You smile and nod, a small 'Thank you oppa,' slipping out as you shake Yoongi's hand. His palm is soft, and a little cold against yours, and your smile widens at the small grin he gives you, blonde locks messy and rumpled as he runs his hand through them. 
Turning to look at the other three men in the room, you smile and bow as you greet them too. Your eyes rise when one of them steps forward, bowing to you, his cotton candy pink hair catching the light of the room and shining bright. But what gets your attention is his smile. Full lips curled into quite possibly the sweetest smile you have ever seen in your life, as his eyes turn into two crescent moons. 
"Nice to finally meet you, little sister, I am Park Jimin the hyung of the maknaes'" He winks before continuing, "and the fifth oldest one. We have been waiting to meet you for a while now. Glad to have you be a part of our not so little family! It might be a bit overwhelming at times, but know that we are all delighted to have you here." He grins, and you let out a chuckle yourself, comforted and appreciative of his efforts at trying to make you feel more at ease. 
"Thank you for welcoming me!I..uh am not the best at first impressions, but I promise I am not always such a clutz." You quip back and watch surprised, as Jimin throws his head back, eyes crinkling into those crescent moons again, as a laugh tumbles out of him. His hands rest on his chest, as he hunches over laughing and you smile, your gaze travelling to his palms and a snort slipping out when you realise his hands much like the rest of him are exceptionally pretty and delicate. 
You aren't usually very self-conscious, but surrounded by so many ridiculously attractive people, the insecurity was starting to creep in.
Blessed men. 
Shifting your gaze to the last two brothers, you smile, bowing a little as you greet them, but when only silence greets you back, your raise your head, eyes furrowed as you look up to see the last two of your seven step brothers looking at you with disinterest and maybe the slightest bit disdain?
A little more hesitant now, you smile at them again, but receive back even more silence. 
An awkward silence stretches on for a while, as you take in their appearance. You already know the names of the youngest two, had painstakingly learned then a week ago when your father had informed you that you'd have to move in with your extended family. 
Kim Taehyung, the one with crystal-like cerulean eyes and platinum blonde hair, that was almost silver. Long, messy strands that reached low and covered almost his entire eyes. His face so perfectly chiselled, it was like the gods personally took their time sculpting it, not a single flaw or blemish on his pale, smooth skin. 
In any other situation, you'd have gaped and taken your time appreciating the fineness that was his face, but since those crystal blue eyes of his were glaring angry holes into your forehead, you decide not to. 
Next time. 
Snapping your eyes away from Taehyung; your gaze falls onto the last brother, Jeon Jungkook, the youngest in the family, at least before you came along. 
For someone who was only a year older than you, his build was impressively large. Even from under the oversized loose tee he was wearing; you could see his broad shoulders. The t-shirt hugged his pectoral muscles before it loosened over the abbs. Jungkooks, from what you could only assume, abdomen was coiled and defined under the loose shirt he was wearing. 
After a few more seconds of awkward silence during which you see Jimin hiss and glare at the duo from the side, you snap back to your senses. Clearing your throat, you twist onto your heels as you look back at Jimin, who stops mid hiss when your eyes catch his before he pushes his signature bright smile your way. 
The smile you give him is a little shaky, your awkwardness from before coming back in full force, in response to the two youngest giving you the cold shoulder. 
You aren't surprised though; you were expecting some sort of resistance. When your father had pretty much ordered you to move into your new 'mothers' house, you were pretty pissed too. You had then thrown a tantrum, screaming and crying about how unfair he was being. That even as your father, he had no right to uproot your life like that, but no matter what you said he didn't budge. 
His decision was final, and so cursing and screaming, a week later here you are, trying your best to be the ideal sister your father expects you to be, as you attempt to accept these seven strangers as your family.
'Life just doesn't give me a break, does it?' You think wryly, letting out a soft sigh when you feel the glares against the sides of your face darken. 
Okay then, act like a bunch of pouty little brats, see if I care. 
Rolling your eyes at the immaturity, your two older brothers were currently showcasing, you move back to Sunmi who was now talking to Namjoon. 
"Your boxes were delivered a few hours ago, we've moved them all up to your room, but we haven't unpacked any. Would you like help with the unpacking? I have to leave for court now, but a few of us are free today, and we'd be more than happy to help." Namjoon offers, his dimpled smile again on full display, and if you were any more juvenile, you'd have called it a personal attack. 
Pretty 2x.
Feeling the glares at your back not letting up, you just shake your head. You have a feeling Namjoon is talking about the two overgrown babies who are currently wishing death upon you, but you'd rather have the boxes fall and slowly suffocate you to your demise than have them help.
"It's fine; I can do it. Thank you for sending the boxes up to my room though!" You reply, and Namjoon just ruffles your hair in response. Squealing you try to move away from his reach and groan, fixing your now rats nest of hair. 
Chuckling at your apparently hilarious antics Namjoon nods and calls Jimin over, asking him to escort you and Sunmi to your room. You figure since it's still early on in the day, most of them have their jobs to attend to, and will probably take their time to socialise with you later. 
You don't mind, the more time you have to get your shit together, the better. 
Waving goodbye to Namjoon and everybody else, You, Sunmi and Jimin make your way to the stairs. Why you can't just use the elevator like before, you don't know, but considering it has been less than an hour since you have joined your new family, you don't bother complaining. 
Too soon. 
Much like downstairs, the interior of the floor above was simplistic. Metallic, with lots of glassed walls and plenty of potted plants. 
'Someone in this family is obsessed with plants.' You think amused as your gaze travels to all the different types of plants around you. Some of them, you think, look too green and fancy to be real. 
The marble staircase is wide and curved, and once you reach the end, you turn back to look down and raise a brow, impressed, at how high the floor was. 
Fancy indeed. 
"This floor is where most of the rooms are, only Namjoon-hyung and Yoongi-hyung live on the floor below," Jimin explains, as he leads you to where you assume your room is. 
Passing by different doors on your way, you wonder whose room is which. You'll figure it out later you know, but you just hope none of the younger brothers are near you. 
'Except Jimin, he's nice.' You decide as you follow his lean figure. 
Pink, a colour you think would look absurd or emo on anyone else, looks bright somehow fitting, on your brother's head, and you watch entranced as his soft silky strands bounce with every step he takes. 
'What is with these people and their genetics?'
It's that thought that leads you to an epiphany. You almost stop in your tracks but stumble forward when Sunmi nudges you from behind. 
Earlier you were too nervous and wired, terrified of somehow messing up and offending your entire new family and so you hadn't given it much thought. But thinking back, you realise there was something weird about how they all introduced themselves. 
Min, Jung, Jeon. 
Their last names were different. You don't understand how you hadn't noticed it before when you had learned all their names, but you blame your anger and stupidity for the oversight. 
'Kim Young-Soon', your step-mother, and the woman you currently hated with all of your being. 
However, what you hadn't realised before but now do was how only Seokjin, Namjoon, and Taehyung, had the same last name, 'Kim' as their mother. 
'What the heck is up with this family?' 
More confused than anything else by your realisation, you continue to follow Jimin blindly. His voice fading into the background, as your eyes track his movements, the way his full lips curl when he smiled, and your suspicion only grows. 
There was something your new family wasn’t telling you, and you were going to find out just what it was. 
At least now I have something to do besides stressing out over suddenly having seven brothers, two of whom would set me on fire if given a chance.
Nodding, you decide you are going to have to do some interrogation tonight. 
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A/N: If you like my work, leave me your feedback, even if its just a single word, it leaves me feeling immensely happy. 
I updated in less than a week! Heh, clearly my stir craziness is achieving new heights. Oh well, more content for y’all so yeeehawww 🥴
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The way you are. Part 3
Harry Potter Marauder Era 
Link to Part 2 
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Rating: T
“Should we wake them up?”
“Mate, they have been asleep since yesterday afternoon. We need to make sure that they aren’t dead.”
Remus and James’ voices pulled you from your deep slumber. You didn’t open your eyes immediately but instead pressed your face further against Sirius’ chest. Sirius didn’t move but instead muttered something that sounded like “shove off.”
“Come on you two. Time to wake up and rejoin the rest of society.”
Remus said, a little more loudly. Sirius wrapped his arm around your body tighter.
“Go away!”
He snapped as your eye, that could look around, finally opened. Both James and Remus stood beside your side of the bed looking amused. James shook his head.
“Sorry Pads, the two of you have been asleep since yesterday afternoon. Our friends are starting to ask questions.”
“Fuck ‘em.”
You muttered. Sirius chuckled.
“That’s good sound advice. Now leave us alone.”
Remus sighed.
“The two of you need to eat. As adorable as you both look right now, this isn’t healthy. Now Sirius let go of Y/n or I will pull her out of bed. We both know that you won’t like that.”
Sirius took the pillow that was underneath his head and threw it where the sound of Remus’ voice was coming from. The pillow stopped right at Remus’ feet; making the other boy sigh.
“Okay, I’m coming to get her.”
James half expected Sirius to curl around you like a giant cat and hiss at Remus. Finally, Sirius poked his head up at the threat.
“Okay, we’re getting up!”
You had thrown your leg around his hips in some vain attempt to keep Sirius as close to you as possible.
“Come on, love, we better get up before James throws water on us.” “We’ll give you both a minute.”
James said with a smile before motioning Remus out.
Once the two were gone, Sirius looked down at you with a smile. You hadn’t moved from the little cocoon that the two of you had made.
“You really surprised me yesterday.”
Sirius said, softly. Your green eyes rolled up to his grey ones.
“I wanted you to know that I love you and I won’t give up on us.”
Sirius sighed. He felt even more guilty about how he had done you over the past few months.
“I didn’t want you to feel like you had to be with me.”
You sat up and quickly crawled onto Sirius’ lap. His arms went around your waist to keep you from moving an inch away.
“If it's about what you are...Sirius, I don’t care. That doesn’t matter to me. You're still the same person that I fell in love with. Furry monthly problem or not...it doesn’t matter.”
You were relieved when he smiled.
“You’re an amazing person.”
“I just know what I want.”
You said with a smirk. Sirius raised an eyebrow before throwing you back onto the bed and took his place between your legs. You quickly pulled him down into a long kiss.
“Oh gross! Now they are about to do it!”
Neither of you had noticed Peter come in until he squealed and ran out. Sirius looked over his shoulder before getting up with a smile.
“We can continue this later.”
He quickly yanked his crumpled dress shirt over his head. You didn’t move for a minute as you quietly looked over his chest. There were a few scars that had formed over the skin of his chest. So far, his perfect face didn’t have the scarring or scratching like Remus.
Sirius looked down at his body with a sigh. “I’m covering these up with tattoos later.”
“That would look nice.”
You said, softly. The last thing that you wanted was to ruin whatever self-esteem that your lover had. You had been so used to Sirius’ arrogant cocky side. Now seeing him almost vulnerable was heart-wrenching.
He questioned, looking up at you. When you smiled, Sirius felt better. He had been secretly worried that you would want to drop him as a boyfriend. You already had a werewolf brother to take care of. Adding a boyfriend would be a lot of work.
“It would fit your personality. It would also be sexy too.”
Sirius chuckled before going in search of a clean shirt.
“Better go get changed, love. I’ll meet you in the common room in a bit.”
20 minutes later, you were feeling someone more like a normal human. All of the sleeping that you had just done made you feel much better. Lily, Dorcas, and Marlene had already left for breakfast when you came into change.
After brushing your hair, you went to find Sirius. Walking down the steps, you stopped hearing the conversation that Sirius, Remus, and James were having.
“So did you do it?”
James questioned.
“Do what?”
Sirius asked back. From your place on the steps, you could see Sirius sitting on the couch tying his shoe. He looked up at James with a confused expression. James put a hand over his face.
“Claim Y/n.”
Sirius shook his head.
“James, we were sleeping...dead to the world sleeping.”
Remus was standing by the doorway with his arms over his chest.
“Are you going to?”
Sirius frowned.
“I am having a hard enough time not doing it without you two cheering me on.”
Remus sighed.
“I’m not cheering you on. In fact, I am asking you not to do it. What if you grow apart or…”
“Not going to happen.”
Sirius snapped.
“How do you know?”
Remus questioned. He wasn't about to let the subject drop.
“How can you be positive? I don’t want Y/n running around with your claim marks on her next and not be able to move on...the same goes for you.”
Sirius ran a hand through his messy hair attempting to fix it.
“Think about what you just said, Moony. Neither one of us will be able to move on. You know that I love Y/n. Hell, I still want to go rip Dorcas’ brother’s guts out. Little creep better not run into me in some dark corridor. He might accidentally fall down the stairs. I’m having a hard enough time when Y/n is around me not wanting to...you know. Can you two cut me some slack or something?”
James nodded.
“Sorry. I just care about both of you.”
Sirius smiled at his best friend. If there were two people that Sirius could count on actually caring about him; it was James and Remus.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. The brother just comes out in me.”
Remus added.
You remained on the step for a few moments longer. The conversation was no secret one to you. It was no shock that Sirius was your soulmate. Your relationship with Sirius had always been more intimate than any other relationship that you had previously. Now hearing the confirmation come from his mouth; you didn’t doubt it any longer.
When Sirius and James’ conversation turned to a prank that they had pulled on Snape; you decided to come all the way down.
“There you are.”
Remus said with a smile as you walked to Sirius’ side.
“Sorry, I got occupied.”
Walking into the Great Hall, you smiled seeing Lily light up the moment that she realized just where you had been.
“Get ready for the squealing.”
Sirius said as Lily jumped up and wrapped her arms around you.
“I am so happy to see the two of you together! We have all been worried. You both have been psycho depressive.”
Marlene nodded.
“No more breaking up.”
Sirius pulled you down beside him.
“Not a chance.”
He muttered before pulling you into a kiss. Your friends looked at each other and wondered if this was going to be like when the two of you got together originally. Everyone had ringside seats to the snogging fest of the century. The moment that Sirius and yourself realized that you were both attractive members of the opposite sex; you were always all over each other.
James laughed under his breath until Sirius’ elbow almost knocked over the pumpkin juice that he had just started drinking.
“Mate, if you can’t keep your limbs in order, don’t be doing that.”
Sirius gave him a little “I’m sorry” wave and went back to his task at hand. James smirked at the expression on Remus’ face.l It was still a weird subject for him to watch his twin and best friend be attached like some nuclear experiment gone bad.
“Connor looks a bit put out.”
Remus said quietly. He and James turned to the Ravenclaw table where the other boy sat watching Sirius and yourself furiously.
James winced.
“Yeah, he does.”
“He’s really upset.”
Dorcas commented as she eyes Sirius and yourself with a displeased “mother hen” like expression. She sighed.
“It would help if the two of you weren’t acting like one of you were going off to war or something.”
Sirius slowly pulled away enough to scowl at Dorcas.
“I have 5 months worth of making out to do. Tell your brother that there are lots of other girls here.”
Dorcas shook her head.
“He likes Y/n.”
“Tough shit.”
Sirius snapped. Dorcas seemed a little surprised by the tone in Sirius’ voice. Clearly, she didn’t know what was going on in his life at the moment. As far as Sirius was concerned, he had only told the people that he wanted. That was James, Remus, Peter, Lily, and yourself. Dorcas and Marlene were just lucky to be in his “circle.”
“Sirius, you are a dick this year.”
“I saw her first.”
Sirius muttered as you slowly pulled away from him. You immediately went to smooth things over before Sirius lost what control he had over his short fuse.
“That’s enough, you two.”
Dorcas however, didn’t back down.
“It's like you're obsessed with her.”
You put a hand over your face and could hear James mutter to Remus “lady you have no idea.” Sirius raised an eyebrow.
“You know, Dorcas, if you don’t like it then you are welcome to go fuck off.”
“Well, I just might!”
She snapped before getting up and storming off. Marlene waited a moment before getting up and going after her friend.
When the two had gone off, Lily was the first to speak. She looked at Sirius with a careful wary expression before handing him a glass of juice.
“Drink this and calm down.”
Sirius pushed the drink away.
“Sorry, I’m not feeling so great.”
You slipped a hand on his thigh. From the time that you had gotten up, you could see how pale both Sirius and Remus were. Without looking at the calendar, you knew it was close to the full moon. Had it not been, Sirius probably wouldn't have been so short with Dorcas.
“You need to eat something small.”
You said, softly. Lily nodded as she looked between Remus and Sirius.
“Y/n is right.”
“Yes, mum.”
Sirius muttered with a smirk before nibbling on the toast that you had shoved in his direction. The last thing that he wanted was to have both Lily and yourself on his ass.
Lily put her drink down.
“Y/n, come to the lavatory with me.”
You nodded and slowly stood up.
“I’ll be back,”
You said in Sirius’ direction.
Once the two of you were gone, Sirius put down the toast. He turned his attention back to Remus.
“Does food ever taste good again?”
Before Remus could reply, Connor Meadowes appeared out of nowhere.
“I bet that you think you are incredibly clever.”
He snapped. Sirius sighed.
“What do you want, kid?”
Connor scowled angrily at Sirius. He was ready to go after the boy in front of him. Sure, it was stupid to go up against Sirius Black and expect to walk away but Connor was furious. The more that the thought about Sirius and yourself as a couple, the angrier that he became. When the two of you were making out like the world was about to end, Connor was pushed over the edge of sanity.
“You know what I am talking about! Y/n, you prat. You couldn't stand the fact that Y/n was moving on and had to go steal her !”
Sirius didn’t feel like knocking the boy’s face in but it was becoming harder to control his patience.
“First off, you little twat, Y/n was my girlfriend first. Second, just take your shrimpy ass back over to the Ravenclaw table before I throw you.”
James smirked.
“He is bigger than you, Connor. It won’t work out in your favor.”
“I’m not scared of him!”
Connor snapped as Sirius stood up. It took Connor all of two seconds to start swinging wildly at Sirius.
“For being a Ravenclaw, your awful stupid.”
Sirius said as he reached out and put his hand on Connor’s forehead; stopping the boy from getting close. Connor swung wildly at the open-air between his and Sirius’ body. He didn’t care that he was making a fool out of himself.
“And you're a girl stealing git!”
Connor snapped.
“Alright, you had your fun.”
Sirius snapped before punching Connor so hard that the boy flew backward and landed against the Slytherin table. Regulus, meanwhile, looked up from his drink. The boy hadn't even been watching the scene unfolding. Regulus simply assumed with all of the noise, Sirius was involved. He met his older brother’s wild eyes then looked down at Connor.
“Mr. Black and Mr. Meadows, detention!”
Both Sirius and Connor (who had used what was left of his pride to stand up) turned to face a very angry Professor McGonagall.
“Come on, Minnie, it was just in good fun.”
Sirius said with a smirk. Professor McGonagall had turned her attention back to you. You had come back into the Great Hall after Peter met you in the hallway laughing about Connor starting shit with Sirius.
“Ms. Lupin, get him out of here.”
Had it been anyone else, you had a feeling that McGonagall would have acted differently. She knew about what was going on with Sirius and possibly had a bit more sympathetic toward him.
“Yes, professor.”
You said before wrapping your hand around Sirius’ wrist and yanking him with you.
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hms-chill · 4 years
The Two Princes
Summary: An AU based on the podcast The Two Princes. When Prince Henry sets out to break the mysterious curse that’s destroying his kingdom, he’s ready to face whatever dastardly villain or vile monster stands in his way. What he isn’t prepared for are the bewildering new emotions he feels when he meets the handsome Alex, a rival prince on a quest to save his own realm. Forced to team up, the two princes soon discover that the only thing more difficult than saving their kingdoms is following their hearts.
Chapter 1: Once Upon a Time
Chapter 2: Prince and Thief
The next morning finds Henry beating his way through trees with Shaan’s sword, tired and hungry and scratched all over. What sleep he’d managed to get was interrupted by falling branches and a rustling that never stopped, not once, and had him jolting awake every time his eyes closed. He is just so sick of this forest, and its stupid trees, and its stupider vines. It’s just trees, and trees, and more trees, and they all look the bloody same. He hacks through a final vine and stumbles into a clearing, and suddenly, there’s something vaguely familiar. He digs through his bag for a minute and pulls out the map Shaan gave him, and it clicks. If that oak tree in front of him, with branches shaped like a skull, is the same skull tree as the one on his map, then he knows where he is. Sort of. If he can figure out which direction is north. Then he’ll just--
There’s a cracking nearby, and Henry pulls out Shaan’s sword, turning toward it. “Hello? What was that? Is someone out there? If so, I warn you, I’m armed!”
There’s nothing there, but he holds the stance for a breath. Two. Three. He sighs eventually, then sheathes the sword. It’s probably nothing. Just because everyone back home thinks the forest is full of monsters doesn’t mean it’s actually haunted. He’s just decided that there can’t be anything too much worse than what he’d have dealt with at home when a massive wasp dives straight for his head.
He lets out a decidedly unprincely squawk, diving away with his hands over his head as it turns to hover in front of him. Its buzzing fills the clearing, and when he gets a full look at it, it’s enormous. He’s just starting to wonder about how it stays airborne, and what it eats, and how something like this can have lived so close to the Kingdom of the West when it dives again, and he’s sent scrambling out of its way. It turns again, and he draws the sword.
“Okay, look. I don’t believe in violence, but the last twenty four hours have been an exhausting combination of the last seventeen years. So if you want to fight, let’s fight. I’m done being Mr. Nice Prince.”
The wasp gives no indication that it understands his words, diving again, stinger forward. Henry blocks it with his sword, shoving it back. It comes again, and he swings wildly, not sure what else to do. It squeaks and chitters, and he slashes at it again, then again, dodging its stinger and letting his instincts take over until one particularly hefty thrust is met with a squishing sound he never wants to hear anything like again.
The buzzing stops, and the forest is quiet. Henry looks down at the sword to see the body of the wasp impaled on it, limp. He shakes it off quickly, then brushes the sword in the grass, trying desperately to get all the bug guts off it before the reality of what he’s done sinks in, and a grin creeps over his face.
He’s just defeated his first monster. He is amazing. Sure, it was more bug than monster, but still. He’s faced a monster from the cursed forest, and he came out on top, because he’s an amazing prince, and he is more than ready to face anything this forest has to throw at him. He’s turning out to be quite the natural hero.
That is, until the buzzing starts up again, louder than before. Henry turns to the bug, but it’s still there, dead as ever with a black ooze seeping from the cut in its abdomen. Then he turns to look behind him, and there are more wasps than he can count, and suddenly, Henry remembers that wasps build nests. Nests that house up to 10,000 wasps. And even if he’s sure he’s a great hero, every great hero he’s ever read about knew to pick their battles, and this doesn’t seem like one that it would be particularly wise to pick. So he starts to back away, debating if it’s wiser to try to run but turn his back on the bugs or just back away slowly. His decision is made for him when the first bug swoops down, and he has to bat it away with his sword.
“I’m sorry I killed your friend, but in my defense, he totally deserved it,” Henry tells the bugs, swatting at them frantically. “I really am the biggest nature lover; you can ask anyone back in the West and they’ll--” He takes another step back, and his foot goes straight through whatever foliage covers the forest floor. It’s too late to stop himself as he goes tumbling backward, a scream following him down.
He lands in a pile of leaves and mushrooms, and after a minute to get his bearings and make sure he’s all in one piece, he realizes he’s surrounded by the worst stench he’s ever smelled. It smells like it might be rotting cabbage, or maybe David’s chamber pot. Whatever it is, it’s foul, and he realizes that the mushrooms he’s landed in are sticky, and if that isn’t just the tip of the iceberg of what an awful day this has been he’s not sure what is. He is going to need a bath, and probably to sleep for the next year when he gets back home.
Still, as he gets up and tries to brush whatever mushroom gunk he can off of himself, he realizes that it’s not as bad as he’d thought. The scent is less rank now, almost pleasant, something closer to a garden than he’d have thought. He’s somehow unsure what he was complaining about as a lightness spreads over him, and he looks around at the flowers spreading out before him with a bit of a laugh. Maybe he’ll build a house down here, and he’ll live in this nice floaty feeling. Maybe he should invite the wasps-- the wasps seem to have disappeared, but before he can process that, there’s a woman’s sing-song voice echoing around him.
“Oh Darling,” it calls, and Henry turns to notice a tunnel lined with flowers.
“What? Who, but… who said that?” Words are harder to string together now, but he finds them eventually, because he is a brave, heroic prince.
“I did. Is that you, my darling?” The voice calls, and Henry feels a dopey grin spread across his face.
“Maybe, I mean, yeah, I could be someone’s darling.”
“Where are you, darling?”
“I’m… at the bottom of a pit,” Henry says, just now realizing that he might not know the best way to reach whoever this is, “where are you?”
“I’m here too. Further down. Come find me, darling.” He might be imagining it, but Henry could swear the vines in front of him seem to part and shift, beaconing him down the tunnel before him. “I’ve been waiting for you for so long.”
“Oh, well, I’m sorry. Wh-- How do I… How do I find you?”
“Just follow my voice, darling! Then we will be together forever.” The vines in front of him shift a bit more, and he realizes her voice is coming from there.
“Mmm, together. That sounds nice.” And it does. It would be nice to be with someone; he’s spent quite a lot of time alone, and having a friend to spend time with sounds good. So he follows the vines and her voice, the smile still on his face as she starts to sing.
“This is the song that I sing to my love Aren’t I lucky you fell from above When we’re together, my cute little pup I’ll hold you and squeeze you and gobble you up.”
Something about that feels wrong, and after a minute, Henry says, “wait, gobble me up?”
“Metaphorically speaking,” she says, and his whole body relaxes again, the nice peaceful joy retaking his brain.
“Oh, well, that’s okay, then.”
“Life without love, like a life without food Is empty and barren and terribly crude But you came along dear, to fill up my heart And also my stomach--”
“Forget that last part.”
“Hey, I think I see a light up ahead. Is that you, Lady Voice?” It’s a beautiful light, a nice warm green that seems ready to fold him into a nice, safe hug and protect him from the forest’s monsters.
“That’s me, darling, keep walking. You’re almost there, just a few more--” And then he’s pushing aside a curtain of vines and he’s in a cavern, and he interrupts with sounds of awe.
It is the most incredible place he could have ever imagined. Flowers cover every surface, vines creeping up the walls and shorter plants carpeting the floor. “This place is incredible; I’ve never seen so many flowers. Where am I?”
The voice is closer now. “Where you’ve always been headed, and where you’ve always wanted to be. The Garden of Delights!”
“The Garden of Delights? Well that sounds… delightful!” He says it with a little giggle, and she giggles, too, but there’s still something nagging at the back of his head. He frowns, trying to concentrate, trying to pull the pieces of what he remembers through the fog of his brain as he says, “but I actually think I was headed somewhere else… Somewhere called the… the Hollow of… You know what, I can’t actually remember. Why can’t I remember?”
“Don’t worry about it. In fact, you don’t need to worry about anything else ever again.” The woman in front of him seems to have just appeared, stepping out from between the vines as naturally as if she’d grown there. The green of her dress shimmers as she smiles at him, reaching out a hand
“Who are you?” He asks, trying to take her all in.
“I’m Flora, of course. The goddess of love.”
“Wow. You are… really beautiful.”
“I am. And what’s your name, Darling?” She croons, and Henry has to stop for a second.
“Oh, I’m… I’m uh… Hang on, I know this. I totally know this. I’m um, um, uh, Hen.. Hen… Henry. Yeah, I’m Henry. That’s who I am. Henry.”
“I’m so pleased to meet you, Henry. But won’t you come a little closer?” she asks, reaching out both arms to him. “You’re still so far away.”
“Oh, sure. Although, I feel like I should let you know, I’m not looking for anything romantic right now, I just wanted to be up front about where I’m at emotionally, just so there are no hurt feelings--”
She shushes him with a sound like wind through the trees, and Henry shuts his mouth, all but floating toward her outstretched arms. “All I want to do is sooth your troubled brow and lift the weight of the world from your weary shoulders,” she croons. Vines start to snake out from the walls behind her, and Henry takes a step back in alarm.
“What are those?”
“Those are my tendrils of love. Don’t be frightened, darling, they only want to caress you,” she reassures him. They curl around him, nice at first, then pulling tighter, squeezing him in.
“Yeah, they’re… they’re actually a little constricting?” He tells her, trying to pull himself out. She laughs.
“Only because you’re struggling.”
“Um, look, could we take a pause for a moment? You’re really nice, but I think I need some fresh air,” Henry says, suddenly realizing how long it’s been since he took a deep breath. “It’s kind of hard to breathe down here, and hard to think, it’s the smell, it’s just, there’s something about it, it’s--”
“Full of love?”
“No, it’s just… it’s too sweet, I can’t… I can’t focus…” He tries to think back to how he got here, to where he is, and how and why he ever left home.
“You’ll feel better soon, I promise, just come a little closer,” Flora croons. The vines pull him forward despite his struggles, squeezing tighter and tighter.
“No, something’s not right, I should go…”
“But darling, no one ever leaves the garden of delights.”
“Please, tell your tendrils to let go of me!” He’s begging now, trying harder and harder to get air into his lungs that’s not tinged with the awful sickly-sweet smell of flowers.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Yes you can, now let go of me!”
He’s finally getting some of the tendrils off when Flora rears back, suddenly blocking the light from above and plunging the cavern into an emerald darkness as she roars, “stop fighting me, mortal! I told you, no one ever leaves the garden of delights! Now, come closer.”
“What are you?! You’re not a goddess,” Henry fights back the scream, but the mouth in front of him cracks into a wide smile, one lined with thorns, and he doesn’t want to find out if they’re as sharp as they look.”
“No, I am a very hungry plant, and it’s been ages since I’ve had a meal as big and scrumptious as you.” Her laughter echoes around him as he struggles, clinging to whatever plant matter doesn’t seem to be connected to her as she pulls him to her mouth.
“No, let me go! Please, somebody help me! Help!” His scream echoes around the room, but he knows that no one is coming. The forest is forbidden; no one comes here. It’s a death trap, and he’d known that, and he’d wandered blindly in anyway. He’s just wishing he’d told his mother where he was going, or given David a last pat, when a voice rings out around him.
“That’s enough, monster!” There’s the sound of an arrow being let loose, and the plant drops Henry to the ground, screaming.
“My eye!” She’s shrunk down enough to let light filter in through her leaves, and in the false twilight, Henry sees another figure in the room with them.
“Who are you?”
The man turns to him, but instead of a greeting or explanation, he gets, “head back the way you came; you’ll find a rope you can climb to the surface. I’m going to take care of this overgrown fly trap. Now, go.” The other man draws his sword as the plant rears back up, a sickly looking flower growing over where her eye used to be.
“I’m going to tear you limb from limb, you filthy, stinking human,” she fumes, and the other man just laughs.
“Funny. I was thinking the same thing about you.” He shoves Henry toward the door, and Henry runs, followed by the sounds of sword on vine. He’s halfway up the rope when it starts to move below him, and he looks down to see the other man climbing, too. They clamber to the top together, and Henry flops onto safe ground, overwhelmingly glad to be able to see the sky.
“That was intense. What was that thing?” He asks, still trying to get his breath back. The other man stands up beside him, brushing his hands off and pulling up the rope.
“I don’t know what they’re called, but the forest is full of them.”
“Wow, I’m really glad you came along, thank you.” The other man holds out a hand to help him up, and Henry sees him in full for the first time. He’s not wearing a helmet, but he is shorter than Henry, so the first thing he notices is the tousled hair, a sort of effortless beauty to it even as it’s full of leaves and twigs. Then he sees the other man’s face, and he is, undeniably, the most beautiful thing Henry has ever seen. His brain is telling him to ignore it, but the command gets muddled somewhere on his way to his mouth, because Henry just keeps talking through his realization. “Thank you for rescuing me, and for… for being so beautiful.”
“What?” he’s turned his attention to coiling the rope, but the other man looks up at being called beautiful, and Henry’s brain finally processes what his mouth said. He has to fix it.
“I mean brave. Thank you for being so brave, not beautiful. Sorry, that was weird, I don’t know why I said that. I think some of those toxins must still be messing with my head, making me say crazy things. I don’t think you’re beautiful.” The other man frowns, and Henry rushes to correct himself. “I mean, not that you’re ugly. Obviously you’re not ugly. I just mean if I had to choose, you know? If you put a sword to my head and said ‘am I attractive or ugly, pick one’ I’d have to say attractive because objectively that’s just a fact, but it’s not like you’re so attractive I can’t stop looking at you.” He is so attractive Henry can’t stop looking at him, but that’s the point where his brain finally catches up with his mouth enough to ask, “am I talking a lot? I feel like I’m talking a lot.”
“You are.” The other man is now thoroughly unimpressed, and Henry sighs.
“So, anyway, what I meant to say was, thank you. Thank you for… saving my life. I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come along.” He’s studying his boots, just noticing how stained they’ve gotten after just a day in the forest.
“Then it’s a good thing I’ve been following you.” That gets Henry’s attention, even if the other man is still busy doing something with his rope.
“What? You’ve been following me?”
“For the last hour.” He says it like it’s something Henry should have noticed, so Henry nods.
“Ah, I thought someone was watching me.” Then he realizes a point where his plan to play along falls apart, and he asks, “wait, why were you following me? Also, what’s with the lasso?”
“I have some questions, and since I don’t know or trust you, I feel like you’ll be more inclined to answer them if I tie you up and dangle you from a tree.”
It sounds like a good plan, and Henry’s nodding and agreeing that it makes sense before he realizes what he’s saying enough to be scared. By that point, the rope is already around his legs, and they’re already being pulled out from under him, leaving him to dangle upside down from the nearest tree. “Hey, no, let me down from here, I thought we were friends! This is so not necessary.”
“Now then, who are you, and what are you doing in this forest?” The other man asks, ignoring Henry’s pleas.
“Me? I’m no one; no one at all. I’m literally just passing through.”
The other man just circles him, studying him closely. When he speaks, it sounds like it’s more to himself than to Henry. “Your clothes are filthy, but clearly Western, and your sword is… engraved with royal insignia.” He draws his own sword, holding it under Henry’s chin to ask, “do you work for the royal family?”
“What? No, no, no, definitely not. I definitely do not work for the royal family.” Because, technically, he reasons with himself, he doesn't.
“So you’re alone then? No one from the royal family is with you?” The other man demands, and Henry nods as best he can.
“Yeah, no, yeah, totally alone, no one from the royal family, I swear.”
He puts his sword back, and Henry takes a deep breath as he says, “sorry, can’t be too careful in this forest.”
“Yeah, no, no, no, totally understand.”
“My name is Alex,” he continues, apparently not having heard Henry’s agreement. “Prince of the East; no doubt you’ve heard of me?”
“Uh… not really.”
“I’m the son of Queen Ellen, Heir to the Eagle Throne, Defender of the Stonewalled Realm...” He turns to Henry, who just shakes his head.
“Hero of the Unstained Blade. Protector of the Rainbow Flame, Champion of Justice for All.”
“Wait, what was that last one?”
“Champion of Justice for All.” He’s dropped the presentory tone, and Henry pretends to take a second to think before shaking his head.
“Yeah, no.”
“Yeah, sorry, we don’t really get much news about you guys in the West. We weren’t even sure there was anyone left in the East to be totally honest; we thought maybe the forest had finished you off.”
“Oh.” Alex’s shoulders seem to slump a little, and even if he’s just imagining it, Henry can’t have that. Especially not when Alex still has him hung from a tree.
“But, it’s so great to meet you! I’ve never met anyone from the East before, and now that I have, I’m like… woah, you people are awesome. I don’t know why we ever went to war with you, so can you maybe like… let me down now?”
Alex’s princely persona is back, and he steps closer to Henry. “You haven’t told me who you are or what you’re really doing in this forest.”
“Me? Um, I’m… my name is… David.” It’s the first thing he can think of, and the minute it’s out of his mouth he wants to cringe, but Alex is nodding.
“Yeah, everybody calls me David.” Shit, he’s just told Alex he’s alone. “Not that I know many people, because I live here. By myself. Just… totally alone.”
“You live in the forbidden forest?” There’s a hint of genuine curiosity to Alex’s tone, and Henry nods.
“Yeah. I’m on the run, you see, from the royal family of the West. Whom we both hate.” That’s true, too, even if he wishes it weren’t. Alex nods, then frowns.
“Why are you on the run?”
“That is a… great question.” One for which he has no answer. “I am on the run because I… am a thief.” Which, again, technically true.
“A thief?”
Henry finds himself nodding. Now that he’s committed to the story, he has to stick with it. “Yeah, uh huh, I’m a thief! I mean, how do you think I got that sword? I mean, not to brag, but I’m basically the greatest thief in all the West.” He’s pretty proud of his lie, and Alex nods along, then frowns.
“Great. Just what I need. A vagabond with no concept of honor! Oh well; the forest can deal with you.” He stands up, and Henry starts to struggle again.
“Wait, what? Where are you going; you can’t leave me like this!” he protests, but Alex shakes his head. Every bit of personality Henry got a glimpse of is gone, Alex’s chin out, his chest up.
“I also can’t have a confessed criminal running around this forest.”
There’s a steady stream of swear words running through Henry’s head, but he finds another lie somewhere between them. “No no no; you don’t understand. When I said a thief, I meant like… a Robin Hood situation, steal from the rich, give to the poor. That’s why the royal family hates me! I’m too good. I mean, where I’m from, I’m basically a hero--”
“A hero?”
“In… the loosest sense of the word.”
“How long have you lived in this forest?” Alex is dropping bits of his princeliness now, leaning in to get a closer look at Henry. Henry hopes Alex can’t see any of his stress about lying.
“Uh… years. What, well, like… forever.”
Alex processes that, then says, “and yet, you nearly got eaten by a talking plant less than ten minutes ago because you wandered blindly into her lair.” Henry just nods, still trying to think.
“Yes. But, that’s the first time something like that has ever happened to me in all the many years I’ve lived here. So in terms of navigating the dangers of this forest, that’s actually a point in my favor.”
Alex hums, then pulls his sword out again, slicing through the ropes holding Henry up. Henry tumbles, groaning as he sits up and rubs his head. “Thanks, but next time? Give a guy a little warning before you cut him down.”
“I’ll make you a deal, Thief.”
“You can call me David,” Henry offers, getting to his feet, but Alex doesn’t acknowledge him.
“My first night in this forest, my horse got spooked and ran off with my map. Since then, I’ve been--”
“Hopelessly lost?”
“In need of directions.”
“Ah.” Of course; a perfect prince with a million titles like Alex could never be lost.
“If you can take me where I need to go,” he says, “I promise I’ll spare your life and set you free when my quest is over.”
“Uh, sure, yeah, okay. Where do you want to go?” Henry’s not sure how good of a guide he’ll be, but he has his map, and at this point, he’ll do anything to get down and he can move from there.
“The Hollow of the Kings.”
“The Hollow?” The Hollow Henry’s trying to get to, too? The one at the center of the forest; the Hollow of legend?
“You know it?”
“Uh, yeah, of course, but why do you want to go there?”
“That’s none of your business. All you need to know is that it’s imperative I get to the Hollow as soon as possible. Now, do we have a deal, or should I get my rope?” Of course he won’t say anything. But still, Henry’s going to the Hollow anyway, and he’d love to stay out of a tree.
“No! I mean, yes, yes, I’d love to take you to the Hollow.”
“Good, then it’s a deal.”
“Absolutely. Shake on it?” Alex just huffs, looking personally offended at Henry’s outstretched hand.
“A prince, shake hands with a thief?” Henry pulls his hand back automatically, trying to disguise his offer of a handshake with trying to rub his arm.
“Okay, or not. Not shaking also works.”
“Good, then let’s get started. Now that you work for me, you’ll carry my things.” Alex tosses a bag at Henry, and he catches it just before it hits the ground.
“Oh. Yeah, yeah, sure, okay, no problem buddy.”
“Don’t call me ‘buddy’.”
“Okay, no problem, Boss.”
“Your Royal Highness is fine.”
“Got it.”
“Also, from now on, please only speak when spoken to. You talk a lot, and your accent’s giving me a headache.” Alex is already on the move, though Henry’s not sure where he’s going if Henry’s supposed to be his guide. So he hurries after him.
“Oh. Really? We could be walking for a while, and not talking could make it hard to get to know each other.”
“Exactly. Also--”
“Ugh, how many rules do you have?” Henry asks, but Alex turns to look directly at him for the first time since they’ve met.
“If I find out you’re lying to me, about anything, I’ll feed you to the nearest plant. Got it?”
“Got it,” Henry says, swallowing a lump bigger than the multitude of lies he’s told in the past two minutes.
“Great. Well then, what are you waiting for? Lead me to the Hollow!” Alex claps Henry on the shoulder, the closest thing they’ve had to camaraderie yet. And Henry pulls out the map, hoping he hasn’t gotten himself into something he won’t be able to get out of.
On AO3
And we meet Alex! And watch Henry be a mess!
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leavingstorminormin · 7 years
OKAY WELP. I am not a writer. I have never written a fanfic before, but dang this hecking au has made me FEEL THINGS. Thank you @shinyzango for the amazing 2D Bendy au. I have never been in so much fandom pain.
The sad hug shinyzango drew here formed an idea and... yeah here.
It was the biggest room either of them had seen in the studio. Henry stood in the doorway and looked down the steps into the flooded area, his movements echoing off the high vaulted ceiling.
 “Be careful Henry.” Bendy warned as the animator stepped down into the ink. The evil looking liquid came up to his calves, and the thick ripples spread throughout the room. They both watched as the far side of the room bubbled in the slightest, then settled and looked like a perfectly inanimate giant ink puddle. Henry briefly reflected on his life choices that led to that being a valid sentence.
 It was definitely a trap. Animator and cartoon silently nodded to each other and Henry dropped Bendy into the black waves. His monstrous form rose, towering over Henry easily as he stood at his full height, unhindered by the usual low ceilings. Guess the regular halls of the studio were just not built for giant ink creatures Henry mused. Bendy stretched like a giant cat, flexing his arms in front of him and arching his back to a series of cartoony pops
 “Are you done?“ Henry teased.
 Bendy grinned widely and gave him a thumbs up.
 Whoever was behind the trap decided that subtlety wasn‘t going to work, and hordes of searchers simultaneously burst from under the ink and slid towards the pair. Henry hefted his axe and Bendy rolled his shoulders in anticipation.
 He roared and swung out into the fray taking the first wave out with ease. Henry’s axe was accurate and deadly, slicing through each globular creature in a thunking rhythm.
 The searchers had been getting more aggressive and attentive, the trap itself showed that. The last group they had run into had actually tried to separate them and take them out one at a time, Bendy hadn’t stood for any of that however, and had quickly liquefied them and sent them back to wherever they came.
 In the corner of his eye he noticed two searchers trying to sneak behind Henry. He slammed them both flat against the wall with a massive hand, causing the studio to shudder and the lights to flicker ominously. A solitary board came loose from the high ceiling and fell straight down onto a dry section of the floor, hitting with a sharp CRACK that caused even the searchers to lift their dripping heads as it echoed in the large room. But Henry…
 Henry snapped around like he’d been slapped, eyes straining to find the source of the sound. He stumbled in the ink and fell, and the searchers locked their eyeless faces onto him hungrily.
“HEN RY!” Bendy roared as he obliterated the entire searcher population on the west side of the room with a single swing of his fist. Henry was on his hands and knees, elbow deep in ink, breathing hard and staring at something far away, oblivious to the searchers that scratched and clawed their way towards him.
 Bendy slammed his hand down as close to Henry as he dared, scattering searchers in a wave of ink that was almost comical as they flailed about, trying to regain their balance and dignity. Henry was knocked against his other arm by the wave, and he let out a strangled yell, kicking out hard at Bendy’s arm. That did nothing except bounce the animator back. Henry couldn’t have hurt him even if he wanted to, but Bendy reeled from the attack in surprise. He pulled away from him as Henry scrambled backwards, watching him warily. Something was wrong. Henry’s chest heaved, pulling in large lungfuls of air like he sometimes did after a long fight, and he was shaking so badly that he could hardly keep himself from sprawling backwards into the ink. Bendy reached forward hesitantly.
 Henry’s eyes locked onto the hand immediately, body stiffening like a string pulled taut, causing Bendy to pause. The intense gaze wavered between his hand and his face, looking for something, waiting for him to make a move. Bendy slowly reached forward to gently pat the ink stained animator. Henry pulled away from the touch at first, like he anticipated pain from the gesture, then took a shuddering breath and closed his eyes, leaning into the contact.
 “S’ME… BENDY” The toon said as quietly as he could, attempting a soothing tone, but coming out as more of a faraway subway train rumble. Henry glanced up at him from under the inky hand, looking uncertain.  
 It wasn’t right seeing Henry like this, it was like looking in a mirror and seeing a totally different person in the reflection. This was a part of Henry he’d never seen, or hadn’t been shown. Had Henry been hiding this from him this whole time? The thought that Henry could have frozen up at any time during their frequent fights only intensified his worry.
 He whined, looking around like he could get help from the surrounding walls, then surged forward and aggressively swatted away the regrouping searchers that dared try to go after Henry‘s exposed back. They moaned irritably as they were flung away, and Bendy growled dangerously at them. He looked down at Henry’s wide eyes, inches from his own at how low he was crouched over him.
 Henry had always managed to talk him out of his rages, but talking wasn’t an option with how hard it was for him to speak in this form, not to mention that his voice was probably the least soothing thing in the studio. He didn’t dare go back to his page with Henry unarmed and acting like this. So he did the only thing he could think of at the moment.
 He dipped his head the last few inches, and gently bumped heads with his friend.
 Henry gasped lightly, but Bendy just squeezed his eyes shut and kept their heads close. When he felt Henry reciprocate the gesture, the small human taking the sides of Bendy’s head in his hands and just holding onto him, Bendy had never felt so relieved. He stood, ignoring Henry’s yelp as he scooped the old animator out of the ink, and rushed for the end of the room, bowling the searchers over a third time. He was positive he heard annoyed groans coming from them as they sulked back into the ink.
 He didn’t even bother with the door, instead he curled himself around Henry rammed it, splintering it on contact, his only thought being getting Henry far away from any danger so he could figure out what was wrong. They spilled into the hallway, sloshing ink everywhere, Bendy still holding Henry protectively. He found the driest room he could that still had a door and shut it behind them. He leaned heavily against it and listened for any sounds of pursuit, but the only thing he heard was the sound of his own ink and the Henry’s breathing below him.
 Henry didn’t make any move to stand but was very still, and Bendy glanced down at him, concerned.
 Henry was curled up tight against him, his head buried into his chest, not minding the ink dripping everywhere. He shivered every once and a while, his breathing steadying out as they sat for what seemed like a silent eternity for Bendy.
 Bendy was staring anxiously down at him when Henry finally stirred and looked up at him.
 “Thanks bud, I owe you.”
 Bendy rumbled low in his throat, “YOu…O KAY?” he asked.
 “Yeah, I’m okay… I just…“ He looked down to Bendy’s bowtie, not sure if he wanted to fully explain what PTSD was to the toon just yet.
 “Sometimes I remember bad things. It happens, not often, but it happens. Its been a while since I froze up completely like that, but I heard the, uh… noise and… it brought back a few painful memories.” His expression darkened as he spoke. Bendy knew about remembering things. He hated it, and he hated the memories that fought their way into his mind. The ones full of blackness and fighting. Henry let out a dry chuckle, pulling Bendy‘s attention back to him. “It’s like a bad dream,” Henry continued, “It’s all you can see for a while, and you think its never going to end. Then you wake up, and its over yeah? It was just a dream. But sometimes…sometimes it’s still hard to shake.”
 Henry stared at the bowtie in silence, still lost in whatever it was that had stopped the usually unstoppable human literally in his tracks.
 Henry hardly ever needed comforting, and Bendy figured he probably didn’t even know how to ask for it. But Bendy thought that if there ever was a time he needed it, it would be now. So Bendy pulled him close and nuzzled him gently, and Henry almost smiled when he reached around to hug him back. It was good enough for Bendy.
 They stayed like that for a while, just the two of them in the quiet of the abandoned studio. After a bit, Henry reluctantly tapped on Bendy’s chest. “You’ve been in this form for quite a while, you should probably get back to your paper and rest.” Equally reluctant to break the moment, but feeling the effects of staying out too long, Bendy nodded and melted away, leaving Henry on the floor with a piece of paper sitting on his chest. Henry held it close and settled into a more comfortable position against the door. Bendy was pleased to hear the familiar calming breaths and steady heartbeat.
 They’d both be okay, Bendy swore. He‘d get Henry out of this mess if it was the last thing he did.
  I think this sort of thing would only happen once in the studio, maybe. As for afterwards and all that I have no clue. 
It felt really weird to write Henry as the one needing comfort, but it offered a few parallels, and hey, that guy needs a break sometime. 
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