#adora x glimmer
the relationship adora deserved:
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the relationship she got:
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glimmadora appreciation post!
i can't believe they weren't a canon couple. like PLEASE LOOK AT THESE.
(I don't know if this expression exists outside of Brazil, but it's like they say: "they had the knife and the cheese in their hands and didn't do anything with it".)
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there's a lot more moments i could add (including the hot springs scene), but tumblr has that limit of 10 images per post.
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todomemolesta18 · 5 months
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They are so girlfriends 🥰💖❤
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milimacsavage · 2 months
Ahhh yeah, The Queen of Brightmoon and the Ex Horde Ass Soldier
very inspired by the image of Cadence and Shining Armor
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hoolay-boobs · 1 year
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I like them ALL
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twilleansparks · 1 year
✨️💖Glimmadora moon kiss 💖✨️
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[Id: a digital drawing of queen glimmer and Adora sitting on a moon, kissing. They are wearing their future outfits, but glimmer has feathered wings, the same colour as her hair. Adoras left hand is gently cupped around glimmers neck/ face, whilst glimmers hands are leaning on adoras chest. There are a few glowing stars in the sky. /end ID]
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obi-troll-kenobi · 1 year
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Adora fanshippers rise!
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emleine · 1 year
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Another redraw yay
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Why Could Marinette x Chloe be a choice?
They’re currently enemies in the show, but fans mostly ship them together for what they could’ve been. However, the creator had other plans for Chloe (also the show itself is about Marinette and Adrien’s blossoming love story, but I digress).
Marinette could be a big factor in Chloe‘s theoretical redemption.
They make for perfect foils but COULD come from being enemies to hesitant friends, then friends, and then lovers.
They could be similar to Lumity in some ways; both shows have their protagonists and antagonists starting off as rivals/enemies but said protagonist finds out that there’s far more to the antagonist than just being an egotistical bully. Also, both antagonists are only really the way they are because of their upbringing and manipulative parent.
Though not the healthiest mindset (and I'm NOT condoning it), it was often theorized that Chloe often teased Marinette specifically because she had a secret crush on her.
Why Could Adora x Glimmer be a choice?
The two were enemies on opposite sides of the war but learned to trust each other once they both got the bigger picture, realizing that neither was a bad person at all.
Both share the same kind of willpower to protect their people.
Some fans see this as a healthy and very supportive relationship.
Some may see them as a good representation of yin and yang (sun and moon, masculinity and femininity, hot and cold, night and day, etc.)
Seasons like 1 and 4 had some shipping fuel for them, with their conflict in the latter season reminding you of a "lovers' quarrel".
Why Could Musa x Darcy be a choice?
They may currently be enemies in the show, but one thing that they both shared is that they both dated Riven at some point.
It could end up as another Korrasami, once dating the same boy, only to end up with each other in the end.
Though considered one of the evil witches of the Trix, she’s the most normal, especially in season 8.
Their personalities COULD complement each other.
Note: If you hate any of these couples, that's fine. However, please avoid leaving criticism/hate on THIS POST/POLL. You can confess about it but don't leave any negative feedback here. This poll is just for fun!
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ffshipbracket · 1 year
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theglimmadoraarchives · 3 months
I've decided that my She-Ra Season 5 rewrite story will have 12 chapters.
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Can we seen a redraw of she-ra princess carrying a chipped catra from season 5 but instead she’s carrying glimmer?
as you wish!
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this would have taken me longer but i was hyperfocused today lol. i hope you like it!
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glimmadora edit - bags (clairo)
my first edit of g//a! i love these two so much it even hurts... anyway, i hope you guys like the edit too! <3
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glimzsparkle · 2 years
How Did The Writers Look For An Excuse To Ruin Glimmadora So They Could Make Catradora Canon?
"And how exactly they caused the toxic distribution by splitting the SPOP community into two as Glimmer and Catra haters?"
First of all, this isn’t a Catradora hate thread. I love both Glimmadora & Catradora. With that being said, if you’re still gonna be butthurt about this, you are free to go fuck yourself.
As people love to claim that Glimmer turned toxic and even evil according to some people, let’s start with how they have no reason to think so.
Glimmer may have been uncharasterically aggressive in season 4 due to grief. But remember; she’s the sweet sparkly princess who’d take a bullet for her friends and we all know it.
For all her life she’s lived under Angella’s concern as the queen was so scared of losing her daughter, just like she’s lost Micah too.
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With Angella always holding Glimmer back and not letting her learn anything.
She’s preventing her to engage in battles, which causes her to lack war knowledge and forces her to be a princess who stays at the back rows like a coward unlike her character.
Glimmer perhaps doesn’t think that she’s fit to be a soldier let alone be a queen.
Angella prevented her from her true potential. Glimmer is a soldier who tries to learn how to be a commander, a good friend, and a good daughter all at the same time.
After Adora’s arrival, Angella lets her out of the cage but only slightly, just because she’s sure that Adora as She-Ra will take care of her daughter.
Angella even threatens Adora.
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Glimmer is held back up until the end of S1.
Before she knows it, she gets the queen title but it’s nothing like she expected. Her mother didn’t resign; she died, and that leaves Glimmer with no choice but to become the queen.
Glimmer is too young and inexperienced for that. A few war experience and engaging in small battlefields did not feed her knowledge enough for diplomacy.
She is not ready. Not even ready to make a simple decision her aunt gushes about. She needs to mourn. She needs to cry first.
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That adds a heavy burden on Glimmer’s shoulders. Before she could even mourn her mother, a huge kingdom is entrusted to her and people are expecting her to protect them, also she has to keep the Rebellion in line.
And the fact that Glimmer and Angella argued in their last conversation and she couldn't say sorry before she died; there’s also a guilty conscience within Glimmer.
So she is tense; sad and angry all the time but keeps it all inside until she can't take it anymore.
The best way to get rid of those feelings is to have them properly as it's meant to be. This is the healthy thing to do.
But she has no time to cry, no time to rage or mourn. Instead, Glimmer has to delay her feelings which only makes it worse. She isn't healing as she's supposed to. Instead, the suppressed feelings inside grow bigger, resulting in Glimmer being angrier.
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(Adora defying Glimmer's orders)
Also, she is so insecure about being a queen since no one (not even Bow nor Adora) takes her seriously and treats her as a queen. Adds fuel to the fire.
These compressed feelings had to explode at some point, so the writers decide it would happen best with Glimmer raging upon Adora instead of Catra.
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Has any of you noticed that Glimmer never blamed Catra for opening the portal that her mother was forever stuck in? Technically, Catra caused all of this.
Glimmer doesn’t seek revenge or doesn’t even say a word about her mother to Catra, not even when they’re fighting to the death above.
But somehow Glimmer snaps at Adora back then.
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This scene is clearly forced. "The Rebellion is in a worse place than ever since you've showed up."
Come on.
Is it really something Glimmer would say? To ADORA? To her best friend who did a painful teleport in order to save Adora from Shadow Weaver? You should have done better than that, writers.
Glimmer yells at Adora and blames her for her mother’s loss. She is aware that it was wrong to take it out on her best friend, so she immediately attempts to fix her mistake.
Unlike Catra, it takes her only a moment to realize it was wrong and she wants to apologize.
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Just when she’s about to make things right, Mermista interrupts it mid-way. Their friends are in danger and they have to delay their feelings aside if they want to save them. As I said before, it just makes things worse.
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YET, Glimmer tries to make it up to her once again after they save the boys but this time Adora thinks Glimmer blames her for Angella’s death and refuses to listen to her.
Already upset due to many things I listed above before, Glimmer refuses to try to make things right when Adora doesn’t listen. That’s what ends their romance path completely.
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Let's go back to the beginning because some people unbelievably find that Glimmer toxic too.
In S1, Glimmer behaves aggressively toward Adora because she is from the Horde –the syndicate that killed her father– which is a logical thing to do. But she realizes Adora is not really one of them with her pure heart and desire to save everyone to make a better world.
Over time they get intimately close. They share physical touches and they support/protect each other all the time.
That scene in the Mystcor proves they are not only friends. They feel safe around each other. Adora trusts Glimmer enough to relax by her side.
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When Glimmer is captured, Adora saves everyone and surrenders herself in order to save her, not really caring about what would happen to her despite she knows what Shadow Weaver is capable of. It didn’t matter as long as Glimmer was safe.
And Glimmer knows Shadow Weaver’s magic could bring critical damage to her if she tried to teleport through it. She might lose her powers or get harmed badly.
But she does it without hesitation when it comes to saving Adora.
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She risks everything for her, she goes through a massive pain trying to teleport. Because if Shadow Weaver succeeds, Adora won’t remember anything about them. About her.
As painful as it is, Glimmer even sheds a tear thinking about that possibility before breaking through.
With all that being said, I want people who claim Glimmadora was toxic just because Glimmer broke Adora’s heart for once –which she immediately wanted to apologize about– to just think about it as a whole.
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The first thing Glimmer does when she reunites with Bow and Adora; she apologizes for everything she said and has done.
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How is that toxic for you when Glimmer agrees to save Catra despite she is the one who caused her mother to vanish?
The writers have been so unfair to Glimmer for portraying her as a second antagonist. They wanted Catradora canon which is fine but it wasn't the proper way to star Catra's redemption while shading another character.
Especially one of the main characters like Glimmer who has been nothing but a good, protective and understanding friend.
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I’m addressing the toxic people in the fandom: Say Glimmer is toxic, but what is Catra if anything but not toxic? For 4 seasons straight, Catra hurt everyone including Scorpia, Lonnie, and Glimmer besides harming Adora both mentally and physically. Be fair.
Just because you’re gonna show everyone that you like Catradora, you don’t have to talk bad about the other ship and vice versa. I don’t understand why people feel the need of criticizing one ship negatively and spreading pure hate when they like the other ship.
Be fair, be logical, let people enjoy things. Thanks for coming to my TEDx talk.
Farewell, fellars.
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milimacsavage · 3 months
Nobody asked me to do it, but I still did it.
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hoolay-boobs · 2 years
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