saw this post on pinterest and
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just wanted to give a shoutout to this person's comment under it:
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out of all the languages, they chose to speak facts. good for you, blue eye chicken.
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antispopausandstuff · 5 months
you guys know the s5 scene where catra left adora to die?
here's another thing i noticed.
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she's apologizing for dying. while it's really fucked up, it is within adora's character to apologize for something she couldn't control. i can't recall, but she did something similar to glimmer and bow a few minutes prior to this.
however, while the writers may not have intended for this, adora is also apologizing for this:
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now, you might be drawing a blank at how this is correlated to her apology, until you remember what exactly catra and adora were talking about here:
adora is about to die.
originally, the conversation was about adora somehow choosing shadow weaver over catra ( which did not happen ), but when catra wasn't winning the argument, she shifted it to be about adora practically being led to her death.
catra's wording starts out as her acknowledging that adora doesn't have a choice in this ( which goes against her earlier reaction to just crying and running away from her when she gets the failsafe ), but then it changes its tune and becomes an accusation of choosing this path, when adora has been forced to take this.
basically, adora is apologizing to catra in the finale as if to prove that catra was right, even though she's literally dying right in front of her.
and catra never apologizes for leaving her.
speaking of which, would this apology even work on catra?
because we all know the real reason she left.
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she left because somehow, someway, she twisted the entire conversation and everything related to shadow weaver as adora actively wanting to be around their abusive mother, despite showing multiple cases to catra herself that she doesn't.
adora doesn't like being around shadow weaver. she doesn't like her at all. she may not want the woman to suffer harshly, adora did heal her when she was sick, but she doesn't want to be around shadow weaver if she doesn't have to be.
and catra knows that. there's several instances throughout the show that she's smart enough to see and understand that. she even uses a torture method sw used on her previously on adora and swift wind in the previous season, because she knew it would severely hurt her. especially since catra, for whatever reason, put the electrocution on steroids.
so, it's not like catra has been blind to adora's distaste, she just chooses when to acknowledge it.
catra sees adora eventually dying as 1. choosing to die and 2. choosing shadow weaver over her, in this current scene.
adora has no idea catra thinks this way, so her apology for just dying is not only really fucked up, but is most likely entirely pointless.
these two don't see the same problem. at least, not the exact same one. catra may still be pissed off at adora daring to "choose" the universe over death, for daring to choose the lives of literally everyone on the motherfucking planet over herself, but she's still more upset at adora "choosing" their mother over her.
so, what is adora apologizing for exactly?
yes, for dying, but how does catra see it? knowing catra, the best case scenario is she probably sees it as adora apologizing for being "wrong" ( because she says "no matter what happens, i am staying with you", but then gaslights adora into staying ), and for choosing their mom over her, even though neither of those are true or correlated within the context.
this level of thinking is on par with stans, so i'm not surprised catra herself acts this way.
it sure did hurt my brain when i realized it, though.
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starlight-bread-blog · 9 months
Ememy Vs. Abuser: Catradora
Disclaimer: Netflix doesn't allow me to take screenshots. I tried to find clips on Youtube but a lot of these are stolen. And an obvious tw for abuse.
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When Catradora antis bring up how Catra abused Adora in seasons 1-4, a lot of people seem to be confused. The go-to defense is the following:
"Catra and Adora were enemies, they were put against each other in many battles. The 'abuse' is just what you'd normally expect from enemies to lovers".
A complelling argument, for sure. How can you expect of Catra to not be violent with someone who was put against her? The answer to this question can be answered through a different question: Why is Catra the abuser? Why not Adora?
What's the difference between an enemy, and an abuser?
1# The aggressor is particularly cruel to their future partner.
Catra doesn't use her claws on real people very often. She mostly uses them on objects or robots (or Shadow Weather's mask).
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At times, it's clear tnat she would gain a lot from using her claws, but she doesn't.
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One might suggest that it's because she understands the full weight of using them. Whatever the case may be, there is a person she doesn't seem to have these reservations about: Adora.
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2# Their intreractions contain emotional abuse.
Catra often blames Adora for things that aren't her fault. She's cruel to Adora, deliberately and viciously hurts her.
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She makes mean spirited remarks and belittles her.
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Additionally, Catra gaslit her.
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And wouldn't you know it, she takes pride in having control over Adora.
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3# There is no balance.
As we previously established, Catra has no problem being needlessly cruel to Adora. But is Catra in the same danger? It it at least mutually toxic?
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It's not. Adora can fight and defend herself, but won't do more than she needs. Meanwhile, Catra seem to relish in brutalizing her.
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Further more, moments that could be considered romantic build up in their own, "spicy" way, are positioned with Catra on top, where Adora has no choice but to comply, where she's stuck there.
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4# The aggressor got in the victim's head.
Adora has a guilt complex. That's not a controversial take. She takes too much responsibility and thinks everything is her fault. A lot of this stems from Shadow Weaver, but there's another source.
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And Adora is very quick to internalize her cruel remarks.
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In Conclusion:
Catra and Adora's relationship can and was abusive during the war. They share specific patterns of abusive relationships even at war zone. Catra hurting Adora isn't all war stuff, it's personal, it's abusive.
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terrabdectyle · 3 months
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caramelarr0w055 · 3 months
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Finn redesing
Hi my anti C// A friends, i came back with a Finn redesing, if you don't know who is Finn i explaine to y'all. Finn, sadly, is C///A fanchild Nate ( she-ra's creator) made but I rededing them as a glimmadora fanchild and this is the result ^^ 🫧💕🧋🌙. I hope you like it and don't forget to follow my friends who are part of the anti C//A comunity: @spopsalt , @anti-spop , @anti-catradora-collection , @anti-catradora-receipts , @spop-romanticizes-abuse , @catra-slander-club and @my-nitpicking-self follow and support them please :D
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bitterlynsposts · 23 days
This is soo dramatic for no reason lol
Kept seeing this idk meme? Whatever you call it, and it was always adora crying saying im sorry i left you to catra. While catra was crying about being abandoned. Buuut WE all know thats not what really happend so i made this. Its blurry, its cringe but idk i made it nonetheless ┐('~`;)┌
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tallysgreatestfan · 3 years
This might be reaching but I noticed Angella is missing too despite other dead characters being in the background. Could be that Stevenson didn't want to remind us of what was arguably one of the worse consequences of Catra's actions: Angella's death. We have seen Stevenson keeps trying to shift the blame of Catra's actions onto others but Angella's fate is not something that can be so easily downplayed so she was just omitted.
Oh totally. If Stevenson would admit that Catra murdered Angella out of pure pettiness, oh sorry, because she loves Adora so much that she wants to kill her and the entire universe with her, see, such deep love, they would have to admit that Catra is just a pathetic, violent, petty creep who even refused to admit that she did things wrong.
I mean of course Glimmer just lets her mothers murderer who she knows abused her best friend who knows how often start a romantic relationship with that friend, of course, totally in character...
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natcaptor · 3 years
Catra should have gotten the Azula treatment from ATLA. She doesn’t look like she was set up for redemption when she’s willing to destroy all of reality just to spite her crush. If she lacks empathy for the safety for the world just piss off Adora shows that she’s irredeemable. Just change her gender to a male than no one would like her.
I largely agree with this and my biggest thing about the difference between the two is that Catra was ~17-19 in the show while Azula was 14. In my eyes Azula was actually more redeemable because she was a traumatized young teenager who went through a full on mental breakdown before our eyes. She needed help and no one (of any consequence in her life) offered it to her (in the show specifically, I know her story progressed in the comics).
Conversely, Catra was given chance after chance after chance to leave the horde and join the princesses and she lashed out and doubled down every time. And then, as you mentioned, attempted to destroy the entire world because she was mad at Adora for something she had literally never done. Other than Kyle Ren I can’t think of a single male character who would get this much support for doing the things she did.
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flower---dyke · 3 years
AntiCatra/anticatradora will screech about how abusive and toxic Catra and catradora are and then turn around and have a hordak pfp and stan entrapdak lol
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oh, and did i mention attempted murder?
as you can tell, i'm gonna be using this meme format a lot
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antispopausandstuff · 13 days
as someone who got a small scratch on my leg by my cat ( on accident ) and felt it stinging for several minutes, there is absolutely no logical reason that adora shouldn't have been traumatized for near-life ( or forever ) or shouldn't have been in agonizing pain when catra scratched her several times.
even in 'Save the Cat', the reason why adora is crying isn't because she's in physical, burning pain, but because of catra being chipped.
and it's not like her acknowledging the pain would make a difference on the fandom anyway. girl literally has a nervous breakdown about catra killing her, killing her friends, destroying etheria, and their response is to act like adora saying "take me out" means she wants catra to take her on a date.
they don't take any of adora's pain seriously unless it negatively affects catra in some way, so they wouldn't have the excuse of "well, there's no lasting consequences, so ofc they wouldn't react", because the consequences that do last still don't matter to them. half even blame adora for it and act like she's being unreasonable.
but catra escalating a war and committing universal genocide, death of the monarch, and attempted murder-suicide isn't unreasonable or irredeemable at all. right.
like i said, i've gotten a small scratch on accident and it hurt like a bitch. i can't even imagine the agony you'd have to go through from getting scratched on both cheeks and on your back, shoulders to waist. and then again, by the same person, on your leg and, again, on your back.
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just wanna say that I'm with you about tiktok, don't care about it and will never install it *shrug*
anyway always love your writing and your acc, never fails to make my day (tho the recent attack from anticatra/catradora can be quite disheartening but it's not yr fault, ppl are just asshole for no reason) so yeah ty for being the best catra stan ❤️❤️
I can't completely denounce it because my wife enjoys it, but she knows I think it's mostly a joke so I don't feel too bad saying that
(she's not into the fandom stuff. More like watching adults on the mental health/queer side, etc. There's a gay pre-k teacher who is just FANTASTIC to listen to. Great stories.)
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terrabdectyle · 12 days
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Did they see their ship die on screen and thought it magicaly resurrected in s5?
It was actualy dead way before that but this should have been the moment where everybody knew c//a shouldn't happen. This scene should mean so much but in the end it was just cheap drama.
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caramelarr0w055 · 3 months
SPOP edits
guys i decided i'm gonna do edits like this:
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i started with the anti C*tr* and anti C//A but maybe later i will do glimmadora and adonnie/lonnadora edits. Also i get inspired buy this edits on pinterest:
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Guys, i wan't to let you know that my account is also a safe place for anti C*tr* and anti C//A and you can critic the show, the ship and everything you have on mind. Also daily remind that please follow my " anti c*tr* and c*tradora " friends, they deserve so much support :3
follow and support : @spopsalt , @spop-romanticizes-abuse , @anti-spop , @anti-catradora-collection , @anti-catradora-receipts , @my-nitpicking-self , @blonde-and-cat-suc and @catra-slander-club
Guys, you can request me if you wan't i made an anti C*tr*// C*tradora edit or a glimmadora// adonnie, lonnadora edit :3
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juniaships · 3 years
Saltposting because tumblr is stupid and certain stans found this post even though i placed the appropriate tags ):[
Catradora stans are so insecure they go on posts explicitly tagged as ANTI and try to start shit with you🤣🤣🤣 like GO HOME GO OUTSIDE AND GO TOUCH SOME GRASS No im dead serious yall act like just cuz your ship is canon // enemies to lovers mean it's superior to other types of ships. No your ship isn't any less cliche than all the others. And im so darn sick of catra stans commenting on posts tagged as anti and then blaming us for tumblr's crap ass algorithm. like if you see a post tagged as anti don't friggin respond it is NOT THAT HARD to understand that tumblr is a shithole when it comes to tag.
So that means i have to make another tag just to ward off Creator Sue jackoffs and no im not policing on what yall should like - if anything yall need to stop policing me and AntiCatra side on who and what they can criticize and like! 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
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tallysgreatestfan · 3 years
Like I said when I reblogged the post, Catradora deserves to be disregarded or forgotten except as an example of what not to do.
Whenever I think of all the kids who thought Catra's abuse of Adora was "sexy" I die a little inside because this is one heck a setback. Catradora is anti-rep as I call it; when something is supposed to be rep is damaging and feels like regression rather than progression.
Oh totally agree. As several people stated, it is negative representation because it enforces negative stereotypes. You know, the predatory lesbian stereotype, the lesbians can't be abusive stereotype, the abuse means love stereotype...
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