#tw mental abuse
I wrote about Vox being a gaslighter before, but let's take it further. Vox can literally brainwash people with magic. While the public seems oblivious, those who work closely with him must be aware—they see him do this to others daily. Yet, none of them have any memory of experiencing it themselves.
Now imagine Vox's assistant, Derek as I like to call him. One day, it clicks that of course Vox must have done it to him at some point, why wouldn't he? It's a random thought that appears just after witnessing another brainwashing procedure. This triggers a chilling question: when? Which of his memories are false? Or perhaps, how many of his memories are fake? He tries not to dwell on it—if he doesn't remember, it doesn't matter, right? There's no reason to overthink it.
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Then, he casually suggests to Melissa that they have sushi for lunch.
She raises an eyebrow, surprised.
"What? You hate sushi."
That's ridiculous; he loves sushi. Sushi has always been his favorite dish. But when Melissa insists, and he thinks harder, he realizes he has eaten sushi only once—when Vox invited him to dinner.
Ten it hits him: Vox hasn't just manipulated his memories. He's changed parts of him as a person. Who knows how much of the original Derek is still there? Is there even a single thing real about him, or is he now nothing but Vox's creation? Does he have any agency in his life? And how can he stop wondering about it? It doesn't serve sanity to question everything. He gradually spirals into intense anxiety and dissociation.
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He starts slipping up, and Vox eventually notices. When asks what's wrong, Derek breaks down and begs him to erase this knowledge and make him blissfully unaware of the pain and harm he's experienced. Vox sighs.
"Can you stop being too smart for your own good? Stop questioning, Derek, because this is the last time I'm doing this. I can't just keep fixing you, I'll have to replace it with a newer model eventually."
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starlight-bread-blog · 9 months
Ememy Vs. Abuser: Catradora
Disclaimer: Netflix doesn't allow me to take screenshots. I tried to find clips on Youtube but a lot of these are stolen. And an obvious tw for abuse.
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When Catradora antis bring up how Catra abused Adora in seasons 1-4, a lot of people seem to be confused. The go-to defense is the following:
"Catra and Adora were enemies, they were put against each other in many battles. The 'abuse' is just what you'd normally expect from enemies to lovers".
A complelling argument, for sure. How can you expect of Catra to not be violent with someone who was put against her? The answer to this question can be answered through a different question: Why is Catra the abuser? Why not Adora?
What's the difference between an enemy, and an abuser?
1# The aggressor is particularly cruel to their future partner.
Catra doesn't use her claws on real people very often. She mostly uses them on objects or robots (or Shadow Weather's mask).
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At times, it's clear tnat she would gain a lot from using her claws, but she doesn't.
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One might suggest that it's because she understands the full weight of using them. Whatever the case may be, there is a person she doesn't seem to have these reservations about: Adora.
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2# Their intreractions contain emotional abuse.
Catra often blames Adora for things that aren't her fault. She's cruel to Adora, deliberately and viciously hurts her.
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She makes mean spirited remarks and belittles her.
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Additionally, Catra gaslit her.
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And wouldn't you know it, she takes pride in having control over Adora.
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3# There is no balance.
As we previously established, Catra has no problem being needlessly cruel to Adora. But is Catra in the same danger? It it at least mutually toxic?
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It's not. Adora can fight and defend herself, but won't do more than she needs. Meanwhile, Catra seem to relish in brutalizing her.
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Further more, moments that could be considered romantic build up in their own, "spicy" way, are positioned with Catra on top, where Adora has no choice but to comply, where she's stuck there.
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4# The aggressor got in the victim's head.
Adora has a guilt complex. That's not a controversial take. She takes too much responsibility and thinks everything is her fault. A lot of this stems from Shadow Weaver, but there's another source.
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And Adora is very quick to internalize her cruel remarks.
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In Conclusion:
Catra and Adora's relationship can and was abusive during the war. They share specific patterns of abusive relationships even at war zone. Catra hurting Adora isn't all war stuff, it's personal, it's abusive.
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twottie-m8 · 1 year
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Wanted to dabble in a bit of angst :3c
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01432853 · 3 months
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Put her in the dungeon.
Broken the Heart (2024) • EP 1
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itsnothany · 5 months
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Made this MK centred fanfic purely out of boredom, please go check it out! It will be a multi-chapter story so please keep that in mind.
It does have lots of mature themes so please keep the following TWs in mind:
-Emotional Abuse
-Physical Abuse
-Mental Health Issues (Depression and ext)
-Family Issues & Abuse
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trademmarkart · 5 months
What's with the bandages, mr Kennedy?
-Gore, Scars, physical and mental abuse, eye contact-
- Three years ago..
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- Good job Kennedy, your daily checkup is done. - Come back at the end of the day and I’ll sew these up.
- Yes sir. - Current Day
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- That question has no need to be answered.
- Mind your own business and move along.
(Explanation in ALT)
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Chapter one thoughts and highlights/annotations collections because this book is actually tearing me apart and it's only been 21 pages 🙃
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I just... Really liked the writing in these parts. The word choice in particular made me feel things sadness and rage
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Also Jean being like "Nathaniel" has me like 😬😵‍💫 Like I know WHY he refers to him that way it's what he knows but I'm so unused to it it's jarring to see so casually thrown out
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Lines that were either straight up funny or that I should not have found funny but alas
Ofc they were mostly Wymack, my king
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Jean... Hurting himself sm already and not really caring for how much pain he's in... Scares me. I know he's used to it. I know he's suffered what? Seven constant years of abuse now under the Ravens if my math is right? But it smells like foreshadowing or at least a throwback to Neil's lack of self preservation that nearly got him killed and it's terrifying and makes me feel for Jean, especially when you consider the original drafts for TKM 🥺🙁
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Riko hurting and torturing Jean + some extra Raven feelings from Jean that we don't love. For reference. 😐😠
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Some miscellaneous highlights that didn't really get a category. And that beginning line though <333 Not quite "Neil Josten let his cigarette burn to the filter without taking a drag." because that just sparks smth dramatic in me now but I thought this opening line was POETIC AS HELL and I loved it. Nora's feeding us rn.
Thoughts? Please share 🙏 Invade my ask box that's actually what it's there for 😌
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sincerecinnamon · 4 months
I accidentally showed a lot to my theatre group today-
The guy playing Peter was watching an embarrassing video of himself and said, "Oh, I want to kill myself" and since I'm the understudy for Peter, I said "Aww we can't have both Peters being suicidal!- Oh, I shouldn't say that, nevermind"
We were also practicing blocking and staging and since I'm very inexperienced, I was stimming heavily and fidgeting and pacing a whole lot and even vocally stimming, and laughing in frustration at the weird script cuts our teacher is making, so that's showing my mire autistic traits
And I also accidentally made comments about my emotionally abusive mom and the fact that she finds a way to be angry at me and how I'd tell my friend more later, and then my mom proceeded to send angry texts to me because of something and I had to quickly leave a third of the qay through rehearsal because she was waiting and I had a bit if a panic attack and almost cried, and I'm pretty sure they could all tell as I rushed away with my friends in toe to walk me to the door so I didn't just start sobbing in the hall and so that I knew everything was okay when I got in the car 🥲🥲
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samijami · 7 months
You know what, my parents have always been so great at comforting me
I could be really shaken up and scared cuz someone just tried hurt me and my mom would say 'ah, get over it, she couldn't have hurt you anyways', when the same lady beats her grown ass brother to a pulp everyday and would've with me if I hadn't ran away when she gave chase.
My father could always complain like fuck to ME about me being bullied. What am I going to do? Why don't I tell you I'm being bullied? Oh because you yell at me for being bullied because you're complaining to me about what THEY'RE doing. That's really fucking nice.
Why don't I tell you about my mental state, father? Oh because you tell me I have no reason to be depressed and that I'm being ungrateful or accuse me of being indoctrinated by the internet and trying to to waste your money on therapy when I open up. Or maybe because I've had multiple instances of you screaming at me for 5 fucking hours about how much of a disappointment to the entire family line I am for being the 'only depressed one/the only one who's 'given up',' or you just insist I'm depressed because someone convinced me I'm gay or trans on the internet.
Why don't I tell you I have a cold, father? Because I'd rather pretend I have a dry cough and take medicine behind your back then be screamed at about how you'd die if I gave you a cold, (which you won't), or how I 'definitively have covid' and then not let me in the living room with you. I don't want to be screamed at until I'm crying, and then you tell me I'm selfish for crying. It's happened too much, I'd rather just suffer in silence even if I do have a bad cold.
Why do I always stay up in my bedroom and avoid you, father? Because, you sleep half the day and scream at me if I make a singular noise. I can't live in my own household nor even go and eat something if you're asleep. I'm not allowed to. You could sleep the whole day and I could starve, yet if I moved and made a noise, you'd make sure I have a reason to cry. Then pound on me for crying.
Why do I always stall and not tell you I may need medical attention until I'm crying from pain? Because both of you complain about the hospital bills, how I'm faking, and how I'm a waste of time. Why did I need to get taken to the hospital from school before from passing out? Because you convinced me I shouldn't care enough to let you know something is wrong until something bad happens to me if it costs you time and money. I hated the back of that ambulance, and you're the reason I had to experience that.
I hated the way that boy laughed at me as I was picked up half-fucking conscious and dragged to the stretcher and loaded into the damn ambulance.
Why do I not tell you I need help with schooling? Because you helped my brother with one homework paper in kindergarten, and that was the only one he failed. Then you complained to him and said I was the smarter kid. Now that I'm failing, if I say I have one problem, I'm automatically fucking stupid since I was straight A's and B's in ELEMENTARY.
Oh and my cat could be dying, so keep making side-comments, 'he's going to die'. That's very comforting. I love it when you say that.
Why must you always tell me I'm going to fail when I grow up? I can't have ADHD when i grow up or else I'll be 'dysfunctional' and never get a job? I should grow out of my problems? These problems never existed in your generation because you just dealt with it and got through it and now we 'dramatise everything'? I can only grow up to marry--and I need to marry--a straight white boy? I'm never going to college because I'm a fucking dumbass and I'm failing at everything?
I can't be a child right now? I can't have mental problems? I can't be experiencing the aftermath of every fucking thing you've done to me? I need to be perfect, and I need to comfort myself? All I ask is for you to say one thing when I'm sitting here and ASKING for your help..
I just want you to say it's ok.
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inkblot22 · 1 year
La petit mort
You're about to get tricked, you fools. Sorry for calling you fools, but you'll understand why in a moment, and it pertains to the title.
TW house spousification, I don't care that this isn't a word, mental abuse, noncon kissing, Rook Hunt, because he scares me and I know I'm not the only one
It’s been a while since you’ve last felt light and airy. You woke up in the morning, long before he stirred, and you began breakfast. 
You’ve long held the belief that Rook is awake before you, he just doesn’t like to get up. Perhaps it is the warmth of your entangled bodies, or the silent victory, but he is for certain awake before you. Actually, come to think of it, you haven’t ever seen Rook sleep, probably.
It doesn’t matter now. You used the safety knife to chop up some bell peppers and spinach, mixing them with eggs, sans eggshells, and carefully set a fire in the hearth.
It’s a funny story, actually. You weren’t meaning to get any in the omelet, but eggshells are crumbly, and it happened. So, that same day, just after he finished breakfast, he let you out of the cabin. You had realized by this point that whenever he lets you out of his cabin, because it is unequivocally his cabin, it’s not a chance. It’s not a taste of freedom. It’s a punishment. So you took a seat in the dirt before the door, and he quoted some strange poetry at you that you weren’t listening to before calmly handing you an apple and demanding you stand.
His voice sounded strange, so you did as told. He carefully balanced the apple upon your head and turned from you, the swish of his cape nearly knocking the fruit from your head. You watched him walk, one, two, three, four paces. He turned and narrowed his eyes at you, then turned again, five, six more steps. You didn’t quite realize what he was doing until he aimed his bow at you and notched an arrow. Your mouth went dry.
“Fear not, mon ange.” He lowered the bow, arrow still notched, “Just try to remain still, as I would truly hate to leave a scar upon your darling head.”
He raised his bow once more and narrowed his eyes, then smiled, turning and taking one more step back before spinning and aiming. Why was he being so slow with this? There was no true reason for this other than-
You heard the whistle before you felt anything. Not that there was anything to feel, Rook was a fantastic shot. The apple was plucked from your head and pierced to the outer wall of the cabin, and you screamed and crouched, covering your head. Rook seemed irked by your panic, grabbing you roughly by the arm and hoisting you up.
“Now, lapin, you must run. Give me a good chase, yes?”
You’d never run so fast. You bolstered through the underbrush and scraped your palms in your haste to get away.
You could almost still feel the sting. When Rook brought you back to the cabin, he threw the first aid kit before you and went down into the cellar. You had never been down there, since it always smelled of slaughter.
It was a strange day, because you did not wake up with him next to you for once the next day, and instead of feeling at ease, you felt nothing but terror. 
Regardless, you made sure to be more cautious of your egg use. You calmly cooked the omelet. You’d gotten very good at it in the past few months. 
You’d been keeping track of the time by scratching the floor beneath the bed when Rook went out to hunt. On days he didn’t go far, you’d mark the appropriate amount of times the next day he did leave you alone. 
You’d often be left alone, surprisingly. You’d never bothered to ask why exactly because you didn’t feel like listening to him tell you about how “distance makes the heart grow fonder” or some shit. It gave you a lot of personal time to contemplate the futility of your position.
Your position was put into perspective by yourself: You’re trapped in a cabin in the middle of the woods by a lonely mage who also has an incredible proclivity for the bow. Said mage proclaims his love and lust for you on the daily in the form of these deranged poems that he writes and Franglais. He wants you to become his homestead spouse and you have no way of escaping this fate. 
You fold the omelet over itself and wonder why you feel so at peace today. As you’re digging through the icebox (why the hell does he have an icebox? Just get a fridge,) you feel his hand slide along your lower back. You jolt and scramble to your feet with the shredded cheese that you were after. Why can he get shredded cheese, but not a regular fridge? 
It’s irrelevant now, as he’s smiling at you, “Bonjour, mon ange! How was your rest?”
You look away from those dirty green eyes and attempt a smile back, “I slept okay. How did you sleep?”
He loops his arms around your waist as you turn to finish his breakfast, sprinkling the cheese over his omelet with your whole body tensed. 
His lips brush your shoulder, then your neck, and you’re unable to fight the full body shiver. That sense of peace is still there, sort of, and you remain unsure as to why.
You’ve been at his mercy for three months and a half. A full 106 days. 
You manage to untangle yourself from his grasp and place the plate upon the table, then realize you forgot to brew the coffee. You quickly scramble to do so, not deaf to his soft chuckling. 
He eats quietly, but slower than usual today. The coffee takes roughly three to five minutes to brew, dependent on the heat of the stove and level of water. For some reason, he shot for indoor plumbing but not a fridge in his cabin. You’d never ask him why.
You place the coffee before him just as he takes the last bite of his omelet and he smiles at you, elegantly picking it up.
You feel sort of like a servant, when he says it like that. You move a couple things in the kitchen area, deciding against washing the dishes just now, then spread up his bed. Just as you were reaching for the broom, Rook grabbed you by your hips and pulled you back into his lap.
You yelped, understandably so. He was still smiling, though. 
“Busy, busy. I don’t get a kiss good morning?” He purred, his hand slipping through your hair.
Your protest was honestly somewhat in vain. You jerked your head back and his lips still met yours, pressing close and parting them.
For some odd reason, your mind went back to the time you got eggshells in his omelet. When you cracked the eggs, the yolk broke, contaminating the albumen and spreading as far as it could throughout the bowl. 
When Rook pulled back, you found yourself less inclined to move. In fact, you honestly couldn’t. You slumped, as if you had been deflated, and Rook made a slight noise of shock.
“Ah-” His fingers, bare and ungloved, which was strange, tilted your chin upwards so he could look in your eyes. “Well, it was simply a matter of time, was it not?”
You could feel him lift you, the slow movement of him taking you towards the bed that you just made.
“C’est la mort de l'esprit.” He murmured in your ear, tucking you in, “Awake soon, my love.”
It was hilarious. You still felt light and airy.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
When I say Nico is Anklys’ favourite, I mean it like she dreams of breaking his mentality bits by bits until it’s only glass shatters and then building him up as her favorite sand-castle doll, the one that is easy to both destroy and renew.
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mariaofhatchettown · 2 months
The Phone Call.
Maria knew she was going to be yelled at by her Baba. He had expectations for her. High expectations.
She hadn't gone home yet. They hadn't seen the damage yet. They kept calling and texting her.
'Come home Maria'
'Maria where are you?'
'Vieni a casa adesso, Maria'
She was scared. Scared to face the disappointment. The lectures. The worry.
She sighed, clicking the button to answer the phone. Bringing it up to her ear, Baba's frantic Italian speech bombarded her ears.
"Perché stai entrando in delle lotte, bambina? Sei di meglio!"
Why are you getting into fights child? You're better than that!
"Baba, mi stavo difendendo!"
Baba, I was defending myself!
"La scuola ha detto che hai attaccato per primo!"
The school said you attacked him first!
"Baba, crede a me, non alla scuola - per favore, per favore!"
Baba believe me, not the school- please Baba please!
"Torna a casa, ora! Siamo preoccupati. Tua Mami è stata in pezzi. Cos'è successo alla nostra ragazza? Stavi un volta bravo ragazza. Che è successo?"
Come home now Maria! We are worried about you. Your Mami has been in shambles. What happened to our little girl? You were such a good girl once. What happened?
"Enough! Enough Baba. I wanna talk to Mami."
Her body was aching. Standing was progressively becoming more difficult. She needed to go home at some point. She couldn't crash at Eliza's again. Her mind was running through ideas when her mothers voice crash through the phone.
"Maria! My baby daughter are you okay? Why would you even try to fight that Jagerman boy? Mi bambina come home, let us take care of you. He hurt you, let Mami fix it for you"
Her mothers voice was dripping with honey- too sweet to be completely sincere. It made Maria nauseous.
"Mami, I'm with...with a friend right now. I'll be home soon I promise."
Her mother sighed through the phone, sounding like she was on the verge of tears. "Angel I need you home now- I need to see what he did to you!" then the sweetness turned rancid as she threatened, "If you aren't home in 15 minutes, I will find you and I will drag you home by the fucking hair. Do you understand me Maria Caterina?"
The girl took a deep breath and nodded, though her mother couldn't see that.
"okay, Mami. I'll see you soon."
"Good! I love you sweetheart!"
"love you."
Her mother hung up the phone. Maria fought tears.
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emzchaos · 1 year
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Ronnie & Krystal's Apartment
Krystal: Ronnie, where are you? Ronnie: *Yells* Upstairs Love
Ronnie: *Pulls Her In* Yes? Krystal: Are you home for the night? Ronnie: Why? Krystal: I was hoping that we could talk Ronnie: Babe, I talked all day and I am done talking Krystal: Even to your wife? Ronnie: *Smirks*
Krystal: *Sighs* Smirks wont work Ronnie: *Groans* Fine, what is it Krystal? Krystal: I want us to find a house, soon it wont be just us Ronnie: I don’t want to buy a new house when this one is pefect Krystal: It’s not safe to raise our child Ronnie: Lets pretend the thing doesn’t exist for one night? Krystal: What did you just say?
✨ 𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 | 𝔓𝔯𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔲𝔰 | 𝔑𝔢𝔵𝔱 ✨
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hopeful-hellion · 2 months
I REALLY want to RP with an Angel Dust because of the incredible discussions and angst potential!
(tw for sexual abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse)
~Like, they are both victims of SA, EA, and MA but reacted totally opposite
~Angel is hypersexual and Jackie is sex repulsed
~So naturally any and all advances Angel makes towards them are met with anxiety and eventually anger since that's their biggest trigger
~Jackie tells him clearly that their unintrested, uncomfortable, scared but he keeps pushing and pushing so they end up snapping into kill mode
~It takes a while for them to calm down and seeing Angel after this will send them into rage again for awhile but if he at least lays off them they'll control themselves(more so on Charlie's behalf than anything)
~But if they ever talked about their shared trauma?
~I think that's how they'd actually begin to build an honest connection
~His consist sexual harassment of everyone still pisses them off and they will often rush to the other residents defense and/or get told off for his behaviors but they're more understanding afterwards
~They put time into helping him find some other outlet that doesn't involve harassing others
~It'd be slow, they would be SUPER uncomfortable being in close quarters with him but if he's willing to try and improve than they'll be willing to work him more
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doloniaxdiegesis · 3 months
(( HC on herrschers and how they affect diffrent worlds ))
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Herrschers are beings made to kill of humanity with the ability to manipulate reality and are often bending the laws of the world to their will . They carry the will of honkai and are often made to be monsters in human flesh due to them carrying out the will of honkai. The personality's herrschers have are often made from twisting the personality of their hosts.
Said twisting is often done via the destruction of the human vessels mind. Their is a breaking point in the humans will were they willingly want to harm humanity and people as a whole. This can and has been subverted after the aeon of origin HoE broke the cycle honkai on the imaginary tree or more specifically a tree branch.
Modern day herrschers if they have a strong enough will can and often do fight agent the will of honkai, retaining their humanity.
Chimere hasn't awoken as a proper herrscher yet because she still has the will and drive to fight and has no true animosity towards humanity. Her core acts as her heart and she has to actively pull at her powers to get them to be used.
As of right know she can go either way if pushed enough due to her world still actively fighting the honkai. She radiates honkai energy and can cause beasts to actively seek her out or at least beings of the nature that are similar in nature to honkai.
Chimere as the herrscher of binding is able to manipulate all manners of energy so monsters feel a stronger need to attack her then normal.
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csaventing · 3 months
Thinking about how my grandma had a daycare where she abused children too young to even speak. I don't know what exactly she did to them or how many victims she has. I just know from my mom, her daughter, that she abused them. And I know she sexually, physically and mentally abused my mom and aunt. And she's been creepy and manipulative with me too. But just how many kids did she break like she did to her kids and grandkids? She later worked at a retirement home with dementia patients... she definitely abused them as well. She's a sadist. I don't even think she's gaining sexual pleasure from it. I just think she likes hurting others weaker than her. At least she's lonely since everyone sees through her abuse now. But why did my mom let her babysit me and my siblings? Even when we told her she was mean to us and she got mad at her mom and confronted her.... she still had her mom babysit us... alone... for a week at a time sometimes. And my dad let it happen too. He's too naive. He's groomed too. I feel so disgusting and angry. She should be locked away for life and get prison justice
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