#spop critisism
madnessandentropy · 5 months
If you say a healthy relationship where the characters respect each other and are an equal level is "boring" you are an instant red flag to me, because every person who says this turns out to be a piece of shit that glorifies abuse and, if they are a creator, generally suck at storytelling as well
EDIT: Just to clarify I don't mean you can't enjoy toxic ships. I didn't get it across well, but what I'm talking about is fans who ignore blatant abuse and try paint it as a "spicy romance" and dismissing healthier ships/couples as "boring and vanilla". If you refuse to acknowledge a relationship is toxic and instead glorify/romanticise it while saying actually healthy ships are too boring then you are in fact a red flag
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fans: omg our innocent little meow meow! she's such a baby 🥺🥺 poor traumatized kitten protect her at all costs!! 😭😭
the character in question:
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starlight-bread-blog · 9 months
Ememy Vs. Abuser: Catradora
Disclaimer: Netflix doesn't allow me to take screenshots. I tried to find clips on Youtube but a lot of these are stolen. And an obvious tw for abuse.
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When Catradora antis bring up how Catra abused Adora in seasons 1-4, a lot of people seem to be confused. The go-to defense is the following:
"Catra and Adora were enemies, they were put against each other in many battles. The 'abuse' is just what you'd normally expect from enemies to lovers".
A complelling argument, for sure. How can you expect of Catra to not be violent with someone who was put against her? The answer to this question can be answered through a different question: Why is Catra the abuser? Why not Adora?
What's the difference between an enemy, and an abuser?
1# The aggressor is particularly cruel to their future partner.
Catra doesn't use her claws on real people very often. She mostly uses them on objects or robots (or Shadow Weather's mask).
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At times, it's clear tnat she would gain a lot from using her claws, but she doesn't.
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One might suggest that it's because she understands the full weight of using them. Whatever the case may be, there is a person she doesn't seem to have these reservations about: Adora.
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2# Their intreractions contain emotional abuse.
Catra often blames Adora for things that aren't her fault. She's cruel to Adora, deliberately and viciously hurts her.
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She makes mean spirited remarks and belittles her.
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Additionally, Catra gaslit her.
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And wouldn't you know it, she takes pride in having control over Adora.
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3# There is no balance.
As we previously established, Catra has no problem being needlessly cruel to Adora. But is Catra in the same danger? It it at least mutually toxic?
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It's not. Adora can fight and defend herself, but won't do more than she needs. Meanwhile, Catra seem to relish in brutalizing her.
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Further more, moments that could be considered romantic build up in their own, "spicy" way, are positioned with Catra on top, where Adora has no choice but to comply, where she's stuck there.
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4# The aggressor got in the victim's head.
Adora has a guilt complex. That's not a controversial take. She takes too much responsibility and thinks everything is her fault. A lot of this stems from Shadow Weaver, but there's another source.
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And Adora is very quick to internalize her cruel remarks.
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In Conclusion:
Catra and Adora's relationship can and was abusive during the war. They share specific patterns of abusive relationships even at war zone. Catra hurting Adora isn't all war stuff, it's personal, it's abusive.
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sigmas-split-hair · 7 months
im gonna be honest. i love hero x villain ships, and i love angsty enemies to lovers. but i hate catradora
because of that dumb fucking redemption. if it was just a funny lil "what if the hero and villain had a thing for each other" ship i would've loved it.
but trying to redeem an abuser, blame the victim and play the relationship off as healthy? fuck no, catra is to be held accountable for all of her actions and adora deserves better than her. catra is a horrible person and the show should treat her as such, instead of an "uwu gay disaster baby".
enemies to lovers shouldn't be a victim being emotionally scarred from an abuser, it should be enemies who are equal to each other. i would much rather ship catradora if catra hated everyone else just as much as she hates adora
if you ship catradora, fine. good for you, honestly. but don't hit me with the "its healthy" bs, or the "you don't know what enemies to lovers means". i do know what it means, i just don't like the abuser x victim sort
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Darth Vader: "Luke... help me take this mask off. Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes."
Vegeta: "I have a troubled history with these Namekians. I did them untold harm. So no, I can't allow even one more of them to perish."
Megatron: "Once I've secured a new home for our race, I will confess my crimes- all of them, and happily."
Catra: *Sneezes*
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arianimates · 5 months
SPOP Black Adora Edit
Did this because I was bored and thought it would be fun
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I had trouble with her hair in her She-Ra form but I did my best
Lemme know what you all think
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aethergalaxias · 6 months
haha not to be bitter on main or anything but like. just rewatched a couple episodes of spop and it kinda bothered me how glossed over the episode “white out” is, despite being a COMPLETELY FUCKING TERRIFYING concept???
it’s sort of weird to me that the only thing most people took away from that episode was That One Specific Scene (“looks like you’re mine now, adora”, which was also something i found pretty creepy??? but hey, that’s a subject for a different post LMAO) and pretty much brushed over everything else, especially considering the reaction to the later episode “save the cat” in which pretty much the same exact thing happened to a different character and everyone found it horrifying.
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Kyle deserved better.
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fany-the-bunny · 9 months
One of the things that made me completly depise She-Ra and the Catradora ship is the absurd gaslight the writers do to make us care about Catra.
Catradora was a pretty wild shio to say the least, i could never predict where exactly the writers were going for with them but everything was leading to Catra becoming an awful person. She abuses, manipulates, gaslight and hurts Adora multiple times without feeling a bit of remorse about it, and many people try to justify like Catra was only doing it because Adora left or she was doing it because they're enemies, but i don't think "they're enemies and she's in emotional distress" is a good enough reason to beat up a childhood friend/crush, especially if you're doing that for a ideology that yourself assumed to be evil. Another thing that people say to justify Catra is the fact that she was emotionally abused and the one person that loved her leaving was the final straw but that alone doesn't justify, first we need to remember that Adora was also abused as a child by SW and second being abused doesn't justify abusing other people, especially if is the only person that actually seems to care about you. Another thing i get a lot is how Catra viewd the Rebellion as any better than the Horde which is why she didn't left like Adora, but even if she didn't liked the Rebellion why would she stay with the Horde? She herself admit they're bad people and one of the things she says to Adora on the first episode is how she wants to conquer the world with her.
The truth is, Catra was always like that. She was a problematic child that grew up to be an evil person, she's a toxic friend, an abuser and an awful person. There's no justification on her being like that, NOTHING justifys her treatment of Adora and doesn't matter how you try to internelized, there's no salvation for Catra and the fact that the writers try to make us care about her and cheer for her is disgusting.
If you ever come across someone like Catra, cut contact with that person imediatly for your own sake
Edit: oh boy, that sure escalated quickly huh? So much hate and yet none of you tried actually defending the show or countering my argument, ya'll just went to personally attack me as if that would do anything? If you don't like the post just ignore it, is not that hard there's plenty of positive She Ra content you could see instead. Is just my opinion after all, and please stop coming at me saying that i stan groomers or something, cause that's not truth and is something very serious for you to be playing around like that
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folk-dolle · 8 months
Adora should have saved the world by herself
The fact that in She Ra the world is saved by Catra and Adora's love bothers me sm, I don't have anything against love stories and although I dislike Catradora, this is not my main concern, but I feel like Adora being able to realize her worth and saving the world without sacrificing herself like always or without a romantic partner but instead saving it not only herself but also as Adora and not She Ra, would be the best ending for me. She learns to love herself, to realize she can't sacrifice her life for everyone and that she can be her own priority while saving other people, and not needing to do it as She Ra would be her way of understanding that her worth does not come from who she saves or from, well, being chosen as She Ra, but because she herself is worthy just for being Adora.
I just feel like the show being called She Ra can have romantic subplots but at the end of the day the main thing is how Adora deals with being born with the destiny of being everyone's saviour, and this feels pushed to the side at the end of the story (although s5 of She Ra is a mess I won't get into bc we could be here all day) (like they completly ignored anything first ones related when hello it's Adora's origin and the only thing really deep or interesting in this shows lore please just give us smth??)
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madnessandentropy · 6 months
"It's just a cartoon/movie/whatever" shouldn't apply to critcism it should apply to the batshit insane fans sending death threats over critcism of joke videos
Like that once bitch on Twitter sending the creator of that short TADC vid creator a death theat and then turning around to going "Oh I'm sorry I was just angry I didn't mean it ☹"
If you send death threats to people when you're angry you should get off the x app and see a damn psychiatrist
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spopsalt · 6 months
Welcome to my blog spop antis!
Hello and welcome to my blog! I was never a big fan of spop soooo I made a blog about it! I will be discussing:
Wasted potential in spop
World building problems in the show
Memes about spop issues
Issues I have with spop representation
And anything similar to the topics above!
Here are some of my rules.
Spop stands are on thin ice, as long as you are not looking for a fight I have no problem with you being here, especially if you are willing to change your mind, although if you attempt to argue with me, you'll just get blocked. I'm not here to argue.
Spop antis welcome! My takes may not be as in-depth as yours and I apologize for that, I'm still a baby anti and this is all very new to me.
I will be discussing abuse heavily in this account, feel free to leave if you are triggered by that.
Any homophobia, racism, proshipping, and any kind of hate speech will not be tolerated and you will get blocked immediately
Do not insult me simply because I do not like Catradora, I don't mind them being a sapphic couple, I just think sapphic deserve better representation as a pansexual myself. I will simply block you.
Do not hesitate to call me out if I have a bad take! I am still very new to this, and am a baby anti, so as long as it's constructive do not be afraid to criticize me!
Flood my ask box! I am very excited to interact with the anti-community!
That is all! Have fun!
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pinkandpurple360 · 4 months
Catradora is still so crazy I genuinely cannot believe they did that like.
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sigmas-split-hair · 8 months
anti catradora rant
honestly i don’t even care what catradora stans say at this point. “it was because of her childho”-
catra tortured adora. catra hurt adora, even when they were friends. you’re not supposed to be in a relationship with someone like that, no matter how awful someone’s childhood was
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to elaborate on the torture thing, I’m specifically talking about the episode “white out”. catra gets hold on first ones tech, and decides to use it against adora. she had every chance and reason to run away, but chose to hurt adora, and didn’t seem to even flinch when her so-called crush was screaming in pain from her actions
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adora fought catra too. adora did try to hurt catra: they were enemies after all. but she didn’t try to kill her and cause pain. and catra did. maybe out of anger or trauma, but it doesn’t change the fact that she hurt adora when she had the opportunity not to
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catra on the other hand literally tried to end the fucking world. she told adora that she made catra what she became, blaming her for her own abusive actions. adora tried time and time again to reach out to catra so that she could run away with her. but catra refused and stayed, which was obviously adoras fault according to the show’s undertones
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she also killed glimmer’s mother but lets forgive her, everyone makes mistakes. i don’t think that glimmer got the apology that she deserved
another thing i noticed is how catra defenders will make glimmer out to be the bad guy.
glimmer and adora fought, and glimmer was honestly a pos against her friends in parts of the last seasons. she should have listened to the people around her.
but she had a fight with adora. she didn’t abuse her, she didn’t hurt her physically or torture her. she was trying to do the right thing, and ended up hurting the people around her in the process because she didn’t listen. she was also a great friend to adora for most of the series, and they made each other grow as people
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catra isn’t morally gray her morality is pitch dark
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punkeropercyjackson · 10 days
It speaks volumes that most Bow stans are black people who offer constructive critisism of the show and that Glimbow defenders who're Glimmer stans always appreciate Bow on his own too while 'Spop Salt' people pretty much never actually bother to make Bow content other than trashing his writing with no fixes because they only care about Adora and their weird ass CONFIRMED age gap Entrapta ships and they ignore Netossa too and i'd go as far to say if Lonnie wasn't a lightskin(speaking as one)and a character who didn't have enough screentime to be written with flaws they'd bash her like they do Catra.As a black woman who selfships with Bow and an abuse victim who's succesfully breaking the cycle of abuse not because i'm 'naturally good' but because like Adora i was lucky enough to have friends that gave me the kindness that made me realize i was abused and could choose to a good person,keep Bow's name out of your performative mouths-Niggas ain't your guiltrip card you can use but not actually care about as ourselves
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