terrabdectyle · 12 days
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Stolitz in a nutshell.
It's ugly, toxic in a bad way, it took over the plot and is detrimental for almost all the charaaters.
This is peak complex yaoi romance, Vivzipe i kneel!!!!!🧎🏾‍♀️🧎🏾‍♀️🧎🏾‍♀️🧎🏾‍♀️
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terrabdectyle · 14 days
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Did they see their ship die on screen and thought it magicaly resurrected in s5?
It was actualy dead way before that but this should have been the moment where everybody knew c//a shouldn't happen. This scene should mean so much but in the end it was just cheap drama.
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terrabdectyle · 14 days
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This happens all the time, i can't even get invested in new stories or characters because anything slightly inconsistent takes me out🥲
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terrabdectyle · 23 days
I'm the writers knew how much this didn't make sense but they just didn't care. Or maybe they failed Catra writting lol😆
What! Noooo s- she dosen't enjoy being evil and hurting ppl what? nooo!
Sadly i couldn't put the entiere show of catra being a Dick but this will do
Not my audio will Credit later sowwy
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terrabdectyle · 23 days
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Catra what a bpd latina you are😲 this peak latina!😍😍😍 (she sucks so bad)
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terrabdectyle · 27 days
Me and my sisters though this was a funny joke. (It might be a little edgy tho)
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(It is real furr, it's particularly low quality one😇)
Also made an Hordak version
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terrabdectyle · 1 month
I don't understand the takes about stolitz being SA. I hate the ship too but i don't see the SA honestly. I get it that the deal Stolas made is awfull and that he's an annoying b-tch but i just don't see it. Blitzo doesn't seem to be that badly affected by it. I get that this ship is just cheap disgusting melodrama but it ain't that bad. Idk Blitzo doesn't seem scared of Stolas and he could have simply not agreed to the deal or not flirt with Stolas at Stella's party? If he felt exploited then he could just leave? The show is trying to make us think Stolas is something he's not (a cute socialy ackward boy) but i don't see how he could be a r-pist. If SA was an issue in their relationship then people would have seen it sooner even the show would acknowledge it to an extent. I just don't get the vibe.
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terrabdectyle · 1 month
Ngl i hate Bow. He's always prioritising his moral superiority instead of actualy doing anything usefull. There's nothing virtuous about that for me. He's just an annoying wannabe saint and also weak and also an hypocrite. He's the type of character to say : "don't kill him(the villain)! If you do, you will be just like him!" To the mc when the villain murdered thousands of innocents including the mc's family. (Actualy he's just badly written but he's so badly written that i don't care)
Bow really switches up, huh?
Bow when Glimmer captures Adora, someone he doesn't know and all he knew was that she is in the horde, in the first episode: *Doesn't mind it and makes casual banter with Adora like this is just some normal day*
Bow when Glimmer does the same thing to Catra, someone who Bow knows for sure committed multiple war crimes and kidnapped him and his best friend: "We're supposed to be the good guys!
Bow when Glimmer made a well-intentioned mistake: *Acts like she poisoned his dog and kicked his baby*
Bow when Catra literally committed war crimes: "Awwww you're so cute! You have such a cute sneeze!"
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terrabdectyle · 1 month
Catra is not the best character in spop (satpop), she's just the only one they actualy tried (but failed) to write correctly. You only feel like she's great because 'uwu mama don't love me wawa😢 Adora i hate you!1!1!'
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terrabdectyle · 1 month
Honestly, if Catra didn't want to be a blood thirsty abuser then she wouldn't be one. Being a bad person is a choice. Same for Shadow weaver, i agree they're both responsible for their actions, when i said "she's an evil witch working for an evil army" i was simply pointing out that expecting her to be nice is kinda naive(i guess?) But i understand if you took it as me blaming Hordak, people always make it seem like he's the worst.
I always saw catra and adora as sisters and Shadow weaver as their mom. Obviously she's an awfull mom. But i also get this urge to say that she owe them nothing. Like, she's an evil witch working for an evil army, what did you expect? Flowers? I doubt she wanted to have kids annoying her all the time, especialy catra. The only child she actualy wanted to take care of is Adora but she was always followed by some annoying trouble maker.
I know it's weird, i can't argue she's their mother and then say the opposite. What i'm trying to say is she was never going to be good with them, she didn't bring them to the horde so she owe them nothing, if that makes sense🤔
I'm just questionning how much Shadow weaver is responsible for Adora and Catra. I wouldn't say 100% honestly but they were also little kids. What could they do against her or their envirement?
Well this is an. . . interesting take.
Sure Shadow Weaver is not their biological mother, but she was the closest thing Adora and Catra had to a parent.
Shadow Weaver chosed to take Adora under her guidance when she was a baby and so it was her responsability to raise her. She was also a Force Captain, so in some ways she was responsable for her subordinates and had to make sure the cadets grew up to be fine soldiers. Don't ask me why a Force Captain second in command to Hordak had to take care of the kids, but that's what Shadow Weaver was supposed to do. As an ex teacher you'd think she knew how to handle some children, but in reality she only cared for Adora because she was a prodigy. Catra wasn't part of her plan, but she existed and had the needs every child has.
As the adult and a Force Captain, Shadow Weaver should have made sure the cadets stayed in line, but she actually terrorized a little girl for simply going in her room without permission and being a child.
Shadow Weaver did own something to both girls. She's the one who decided to raise Adora and make her a ruthless warrior. She's also the one who f*cked up Catra's life with many years of abuse. She's absolutely responsable for the way they turned out. If she didn't make Adora feel responsable for everything (including Catra), she wouldn't have developped an Atlas complex and became so self-sacrifical. And if Shadow Weaver didn't treat Catra like a nuisance and a disappointement, the girl wouldn't have turned into a blood thirst war criminal who cannot see past her own needs.
The argument "She's an evil witch working for an evil army" doesn't work. It's not the Horde that made Shadow Weaver the way she was. Hordak didn't force her to join him and he didn't tell her to pin Adora and Catra against each other. Shadow Weaver is responsable for her actions and the way she treated others as much as Catra is.
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terrabdectyle · 1 month
another thing that i remember about s5 is this.
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rather than feeling guilty or remorseful that she almost killed entrapta, catra is just scared for herself. she just wants to stay away from entrapta because she doesn't want to be killed for what she did. i don't know about you but this doesn't scream “good redemption” to me.
remember in ‘understanding willow’ when luz asks amity to go into willow's mind with her?
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the way amity responded here makes it clear that she feels bad about burning willow's memories (and also bullying willow her entire life). imagine if she was just like “NO WAY SHE'S GONNA KILL ME” it would sound like she doesn't really feel guilty about what she did, she just wants to save her own skin.
don't forget how catra snaps at entrapta while entrapta is trying to remove the chip.
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i know that catra was in pain but if i were her, i would not be yelling at someone who's trying to save my life. not to mention, if catra was really scared that entrapta would hurt her, she would be a lot more careful around her. good thing entrapta completely got over this traumatic experience that catra put her through, right?
catra's reaction to everything just feels so inauthentic, it really hammers in the idea that she only pretended to redeem herself so that she could be saved from horde prime. it would have been interesting if the writers actually went that route, instead of trying to convince us that catra is a hero now, all the while she continues being a piece of shit and hurting people around her.
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terrabdectyle · 1 month
"Of course Catra stopped taking her trainings seriously. Why would she even try when she knew Shadow Weaver wasn't going to praise her efforts anyway?"
That would make sense if we were talking about school or soccer practice, but military training isn't like those things. The cadets were trained to survive on the battlefield, so if meow-meow doesn't bother to show up during their trainings and does the bare minimum, the one who has more chances to die it's her.
If Catra wasn't such a Mary Sue/creator's pet, her lack of training would have effected her as soon as she stepped out of the Fright Zone. She even skipped Force Captain orientation and as a result, she didn't know a lot of things.
Not to mention that if you go bad in a class, the one who's going to be affected by that is you, but a bad captain can bring down the their soldiers with them. Maybe Catra would be more successful if she had taken her job seriously from the start instead of "Hey, Adora! Check this out: without you, I was promoted 😜 Now I get to command our friends and blow things up whenever I want!" .
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terrabdectyle · 2 months
Usualy writers make the villains stupid to make the writting easier but they manage to still make them interesting (to an extent). In spop the heroes are boring and stupid kinda like Millie in HB: she's supposed to be healty and that's all there is to her. But then when the writers finaly have the balls to develop those characters they give them ONE issue and never mention it again unless it's in a comedic relief moment. A character doesn't need to have 2000 mental brzakdowns and try to kill people to be interesting but spop writers don't know that. Spop characters are just clowns with super powers, they're Catra's perfect 'found family of idiots uwu🥰'
One of the biggest sins spop does for me is that they put an awful lot of time developing the relationship between the villains but the heroes don't get as much attention
Cause we see friendship, conflicts, love, hate, all of that with the villains and even some very emotional moments like Entrapta talking about imperfections to Hordak. I think that's why there's so many people that simpathize with the Horde father than the Rebellion, cause we actually see their personality dynamics and how that affects one another, while with the heroes we only have Bow, Adora and Glimmer talking about stuff and that's it. Seriously, how can the writers make a friend group so boring like this, i think the only dynamic i truly liked with them is Glimmer and Adora cause their adorable but i like them more as a couple than friends so idk if that counts much
Now the others princesses are a mess, they have absolutly no dynamic whatsoever and they are painfully one dimensional (Mermista the emo girl, Perfuma the hippie, Frosta the child, etc) is like the show was written based completly on fanon characteristics. Think about it, the way the show treats their characters is exaclty how the fandom would treat it, they pretty much became their fanon selfs on the show (Adora's dumb, Glimmer's annoying, Bow does nothing other than being annoying, Catra's badass and sexy, Shadow Weaver get unnecessery hate in moments that she's actually right, Angella's just a mom)
I totally agree (exept for Bow being annoying. Poor guy already has almost no development, I wouldn't say he's also annoying).
I do like when villains are more than just jokes or one dimentional jerks, but Spop focuses a bit too much on them, making the princesses even less than secondary characters. Not to mention that we were so overwelmed with sad backstories for the bad guys that some people got confused on who they were supposed to root for. Which explains why there are more posts about Catra than the war itself.
Everyone talk about Catra's childhood of abuse, how Scorpia lost her kingdom and her family, and Hordak's tragic past. Meanwhile we don't know almost anything about the princesses. How was Mermista's relationship like with her dad? How does Perfuma rule a kingdom if she hates to be incharge? What happened to Frosta's parents? What happened to ALL their parents? Do I really have to believe that they were killed by the Horde and their daughters are doing fine while Glimmer went to a short corruption arc after she lost her mom???
We could sum up this with. . .
Imagine if they made a movie about WW2, and instead of talking about the people who died because of the n*zis, we get a documentary of Hitler's sad life 💀
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terrabdectyle · 2 months
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terrabdectyle · 2 months
"Hey Adora" "let's be honest" "you just loving feeling like a hero" "all of this is your fault" *any form of gaslighting*
Me: *traumatic flash back of Catra*
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terrabdectyle · 2 months
That's facts🗣‼️
What Catra deserved is jail. F those characters who are worse than their abusers and still end up happy with the very people they torture!
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terrabdectyle · 2 months
Catra didn't abuse Adora! They were enemies and even if their fights were a little violent, Adora could atleast get threapy. What teraphy did Catre have in da hrozde? She was truamtised and her wlordview was shaped by fckning Shadow weaveo! Her m8nd was in surviavl mode and shelost her only home (wich is Aodra). Catria judt waned to win, she diddin't want to hurt Adora. From chlidhoold she was tauhgt that strenght is bettar than love and that feeling were bad! Of crouse she was goign to trun out wrong! Atelast Aodea undrstodd her! And now theiyre married😍😍😍😍😍
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