#age regression tips
My #1 Tip for Regressors!
So, I highly recommend this for any age regressors/dreamers, ESPECIALLY those of us who struggle to stay in headspace.
Nesting is a process common in neurodivergents, but basically it’s when you gather all the things you might need for an extended period of time (eg, phone, snacks, drink, tv remote, etc [more examples below]) and put it all in one place. Yeah, you’ll probably have several activities there, and you won’t use them all at once. But the point is that you won’t have to get up and disrupt your regression.
Some more examples of things you might have in your nest are:
Stuffed animals and other toys
Coloring book/sketch book/journal
Crayons/markers/colored pencils
TV remote
Game controller/hand held console with your preferred game already inserted
Pacifer, teethers, etc
iPad, laptop, phone
Food and drinks
You can put whatever you want in your nest, whatever makes you happy and occupied! Feel free to add suggestions in the comments too!
I also recommend getting your PJs on, charging your devices, taking your medications, using the bathroom, and finding someplace comfortable to settle before nesting. That will ensure maximum comfort!
I hope this helps some of you, it”s one of the best ways for me to stay in my regression (especially since I don’t have a Cg.). Happy regressing!
-Marty 🧡
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pebbles-agere-blog · 4 months
things i enjoy doing while regressed
~ reading, especially agere fanfics!
~ eating chocolate (kinder eggs are the best omg)
~ hugging my stuffies!
~ listening to my agere playlist!
~ eating caramel that my friend made me right from the tupperware (bonus points for airplane spoon)
~ watching ranboo spooky game vods (esp security breach!)
~ talking to my friends! i don't do this one often because i feel like they'll get annoyed but whenever i do it's so much fun!
~ snuggling under blankies!!
~ playing with my dollies
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bakeythebee · 1 year
✧˖° take care of yourselves little ones... ⋆。°✩
ʚ🧃ɞ drink some juice
ʚ🫧ɞ take a bath or shower and brush your teeth: you're happier when you're clean!
ʚ🧺ɞ cuddle up with your favorite stuffie and read a little
ʚ🍰ɞ do something that makes you happy!
ʚ🍓ɞ eat a little fruit if you can, it's okay if you can't though
ʚ🧸ɞ take your meds if you have any, even allergy medicines: you can have a snack after!!
just remember that it's okay, okay? i got all my little friends in my heart
sfw interaction only please!!
dni: ageplay, petplay, ddlg/variants, abdl, maps/pedos, pro-ed, sh, anything that could hurt a child
a kiddo runs this blog, please respect my dni[or get blocked/reported]
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sleeepytimes · 1 year
things for a little to do when they are bored┊🎀┊
- doodle !
- talk to stuffies (if you have them) !
- make little snacks !
- watch favorite show / movie !
- take a bubble bath !
- play dress-up !
- listen to favorite song !
- play a video game !
- read a book !
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buzzybeeagere · 1 year
agere tips: regression at school
disclaimer: the key with regressing at school is knowing when it's appropriate. it's not healthy to voluntarily regress at school if it starts to impact your grades or performance
teether/paci replacements
chewelery is a wonderful alternative if you're not brave enough for one of those hidden paci masks. i've worn mine to school and nobody really cares. i have ones that look sorta like dog tags, so since they're black most people don't even notice them unless i have them in my mouth
also: candy! gummies and hard candy are wonderful for sucking on. bonus points if you're using a ringpop
people don't really notice what stationary you use. so long as your teacher is getting work handed in and done well, they won't care what you used to color in the diagram or graph things
you can get cute pens (i have a set of cow pens :3), an aesthetic planner, etc
coloring books
i usually bring a crayola one, but if you're not confident enough for that you can bring an adult coloring book! only color when you have the time. study halls and lunches are great, but i also color when i finish work early!
fair warning: i wouldn't recommend bringing children's activity books
fidget toys
fidget toys are sort of a trend so nobody will notice or care much. so long as you aren't distracting yourself and those around you too much, bringing fidgets is all good!
in my highschool, so many people bring blankets (especially in colder months). nobody will bat an eye. throw blankets work best, and you can drape them over your backpack when you're walking around
my backpack is cow print with pink accents. i also have plushies, fidgets, and general decor attached. my backpack jingles when i walk around and it makes me really happy! you can slowly accumulate keychains over time, along with making your own decor using stuff like beads and felt
also, put all sorts of stuff on your binders! i personally made my own stickers (tutorial on that later!) and stuck them on my laptop and binders. my girlfriend stuck some drawings into the outer sleeve so it kinda had a cover!
i dunno about you, but school lunch makes me feel small! brings me back to kindergarten. if you pack lunch, cut things up cute (while big!) and pack snacks that make you small. lunch is one of the better times to regress, so long as the people you might sit with will be okay with it/not notice
make studying fun! write your notes in colored stationary, plaster stickers everywhere, maybe give yourself rewards for correct answers on things like quizlet
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bootiful-bunni · 8 months
things that help when you can't regress
I know it can be difficult to regress during a hard week or even just to get in the mindset, so here are some little tips for my little princesses/ princes/ ones!!
Eat!! Eating calms me down ( especially if it's little food) then when I have a full belly I take a nap and rub my stomach to help me sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~☆
Playing!!! Playing kid games can help you regress ( i love toca boca jr.) It's just about what makes you feel smol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡
3. Tell yourself your smol ( or have your caregiver do it) you don't need a caregiver to regress, just tell yourself how smol you are.
Love you guys, hope your healing day by day💛
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Do you have any advice for age/pet-regressors in the system whos caregiver is also in the system? We genuinely don’t know what to do :(
Hello!! We don't have too much advice as this is something we struggle with sometimes too, but we often watch movies/tv shows with our in-system caregivers, as it's something that's fairly easy to do together :D Either that or colouring in, with both the regressor in front to colour, and the caregiver in co-front to talk to them while they do so :]
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wronggalaxy · 1 year
10 things that make me feel little when I need to regress but am struggling that may help you too(because I've been struggling to regress all week):
1) Drinking hot chocolate from a bottle
2) Watching really little kid shows like octonauts and cocomelon
3) Someone doing my hair(especially in pigtails)
4) Nicknames like 'bubba' and 'little one'
5) Reading cute fics about regression
6) Playing with my cats
7) Doing 'childish things' like unnecessarily saying certain words louder than everything else
8) Sing the abcs while washing my hands
9) Curl up with my weighted blanket and stuffed animals and listen to audio books/podcasts
10) Imagination play(I didn't do this when I was younger because I wasn't really allowed to play much plus I'm autistic, but it's fun now)
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ramsywasalittlelamb · 2 years
Age Regressor things to do while traveling!
I’m traveling by plane soon and I’ve been planning on things to do while I’m on the plane and I thought maybe some other people could do this as well!
Download shows/movies on your traveling device! Cartoon shows or movies that help you regress are ideal to download! I usually download shows/movies a day or two before I travel but I always have octonauts and over the garden wall downloaded for trips that were on short notice or if I forgot to download new stuff!
Get coloring books! There are so many different kinds of coloring books so if you want an adult one, a cartoon one or a more simple one, they have them all! It’s a little difficult when there’s turbulence or a bumpy road, but usually there’s an hour or two of easy-riding!
Chewlery! I feel like chewlery is a well-known item to use instead of a pacifier, teether or just biting on clothes or your hands out in public. That being said, chewlery is definitely a must if you’re traveling in public like a train, plane or bus.
Fidget Toys! Fidget toys can be SO many things! There’s pop-its, tangles, fidget spinners and even stuffed animals! I have a bunch of stuffed animal keychains on my bags to keep me company and fidget with since I don’t like most fidget toys!
Stuffed Animals! Like I said above, I keep stuffed animal keychains with me at all times, but I also carry a regular sized stuffed animal while I travel! If you feel weird holding a stuffie or think people are going to judge you, I promise you, it’s nothing like that! I bring my pikachu plush with me to airports and not once has anyone said anything or given me weird looks for carrying one around. If anything, they probably understand! Stuffies are not limited to children! :D
Snacks! If you’re able to, bring some kiddie snacks like goldfish, mini pretzels, cheez-itz or whatever you like to have! They’re very useful to have if you have texture/taste issues with food, especially on non-stop traveling!
Drinks! Be sure to bring/get water whenever you can, but having a safe drink like your favorite juice or a type of milk you like in an insulated water bottle is good to have if you start to feel small!
Games! I’ve made a different post about games for regressors but they’re SO useful to have if you have a short-attention span while little! And tons of games don’t require internet to play which is great to have while traveling!
Books! If you are able to read while regressed, I would suggest a book for your age-range!!! It could be a mobile book so it’s more discreet, but audio books would also work great if you’re not typically able to read while regressed, or just prefer someone reading to you!
If anyone has anymore suggestions, put ‘em on this post <3 hope this helps some and love you all!! Stay safe!!! :D
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Regression Body Dysphoria
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this talked about before, so I guess I’ll do it myself.
Regression Body Dysphoria.
For me personally, one of my biggest slips out of headspace when regressed is seeing my body, face, etc. Even just the occasional intrusive thought of ‘I shouldn’t be this tall.,’ will do it.
I reminds me a lot of gender dysphoria, at least in my personal experience. My headspace is smol, but my body isn’t aligned with that. Like, I feel like I should be shorter, my hair should be longer, the environment should feel bigger in proportion, etc. It all reminds me of my actual age, and sometimes causing discomfort/distress because my baby brain does not want to believe it’s an adult.
Does anyone else get this? If you do, here are my tips for avoiding it:
Nesting/staying in one place to avoid the experience of your own height
Wearing loose, long sleeved clothes
Laying on the floor
Staring up at the ceiling because wow it’s high up
Curling up, sitting on your knees or cross-cross, etc. Any position that will make you take up less space/feel smaller.
Oversized stuffies, blankets, crayons, and other gear
Covering up with a blanket
Doing activities that will distract you (eg. Coloring, watching a movie, etc)
If possible, being carried around by your CG
Remember that you’re an adorable baby no matter what size and shape you are!
Hope this helps!🧸💚🍪
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regression-runaway · 5 months
Your regression is still valid even if . . .
❥ usually regress when upset or in a negative situation
❥ don’t know what age/animal you regress to exactly
❥ act mainly as a caregiver but also regress
❥ mainly a regressor but also a caregiver
❥ can’t control any/all aspects of your regression
❥ don’t regress for coping but more for fun (sfw)
❥ have done things you regret when regressed
❥ struggle understanding big feelings when regressed
❥ feel your regression is a burden
❥ scared to tell others about your regression
❥ struggles to tell the difference between you regressed and not
❥ scared to or don’t want a caregiver due to trauma
❥ doing things considered “big” or “adult” task when regressed
❥ struggle to fully regress
❥ don’t have / don’t want regression gear
❥ are an alter who’s unsure if your a regressor , age slider or sys kid
❥ your regression doesn’t look the stereotypical way
♡ Your regression is yours and as long as YOU are helped by it is all that matters, your valid. You deserve a happy , safe and comforting regression. ♡
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bakeythebee · 1 year
friendly reminder for everyone to drink water
please take a baby break and get some, even put it in your favorite cup!!
please be safe everyone!! hope 2023 treats all my fellow kiddos perfectly
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warmmilku · 5 months
🍂Tips for regressors without a CG!🍂
🧸 Create a safe and comfortable space for yourself
🐾 Establish a routine to provide a sense of security
🧸 Engage in activities that bring joy and comfort
🐾 Connect with supportive online communities like here on Tumblr!
🧸 Practice self-care and prioritize mental health!
🐾 Set boundaries to ensure a healthy balance
🧸 Explore coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety
🐾 Embrace creativity through art, writing, or playing!
🧸 Seek professional help if needed!
🐾 Remember it's okay to ask for support from friends or loved ones!!!
🧸 Try coloring books or doodling for a relaxing artistic outlet!
🐾 Explore imaginative worlds through reading fantasy books
🧸 Build a blanket fort for a cozy and playful hideaway
🐾 Create a playlist of favorite childhood songs and dance freely!
🧸 Engage in DIY crafts or projects to express creativity
🐾 Watch animated movies or TV shows that you love!
🧸 Play video games with colorful and entertaining themes
🐾 Bake or cook simple treats to enjoy and share!
🧸 Take nature walks or explore a local park for fresh air
🐾 Experiment with different hobbies like puzzles or board games!
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starry-agere · 1 month
free online computer games for agere !! 🚀
🐧 new club penguin
a recreation of club penguin with monthly updates and fun parties!
to access:
go to newcp.net
click “play now” in the upper right
you can play in the browser or download the game and play that way!
💫 moshi monsters rewritten
a recreation of moshi monsters that releases new moshlings often!
to access:
go to moshirewritten.com
click the purple "download" button at the top
download then launch the game!
🕹️ numuki
a collection of over 3000 browser games, including all of the papa's games and other old flash games!
to access:
go to numuki.com
you can either start playing right away, or you can download their browser for a better experience
to download, click any game, then click "play now", and click "play in numuki browser" under the game window
🐛 abcya
a bunch of fun online games for ages from pre-k to 6th grade! perfect for all regressors 🫶
to access:
go to abcya.com
click the grade that aligns with your little age! to help, that means:
pre-k: age 1-4 k: age 5 1st: age 6 2nd: age 7 3rd: age 8 4th: age 9 5th: age 10 6th: age 11+
choose the game you want to play!
🌳 pbs kids
a collection of modern, kid-friendly games with fun themes like halloween, space, and music!
to access:
go to pbskids.org/games
click the game you want to play or choose one of the categories!
you can toggle music, speech, captions, and full screen with the buttons on the right
🎮 coolmathgames
a collection of both old and new flash + html games! there are many old favorites as well as new games added almost daily
to access:
go to coolmathgames.com
you can view new games, trending games, or sort by category! i recommend the “skill” category 🩵
there are also tons of kid friendly quizzes to do! many quizzes are themed around animals, food, nature and more
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super-lovely-star · 27 days
Summer/Hot Weather Things for Middle Regressors and Dreamers
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Make some lemonade and freeze it in molds to make lemonade popsicles. These are super tasty and refreshing after a long hot day!
Water gun or nerf blaster battles with friends. If you’re using nerf or another toy that shoots foam darts, remember to protect your eyes with goggles.
Temporary glitter tattoos! You can get them done at some boardwalks or you can buy a kit online.
Body glitter, now that it’s tank top weather! I bought some at claire’s and it smells like strawberries :D
Just chilling outside in the evenings now that the days are longer. Bring a plushie with you and enjoy the nice weather.
Once it gets dark, you can play games like flashlight tag!
Thrifting summer clothes can be fun and affordable!
Dressing up dolls in summer clothes and swimsuits, or pinning flower hair clips to your plushies’ ears.
Summer playlists! I have to admit I always tell myself I’m going to make one and then forget, but remembering will be worth it.
If you have someone to drive you, take a summer day trip to somewhere you don’t usually go. Now’s a good time for that summer playlist.
Friendship bracelets! You can make kandi, rainbow loom, or traditional woven bracelets and give them to the people close to you.
On that note, miniature friendship bracelets or collars for your plushies.
Make a summer bucket list of all the fun things you want to do this summer, and check them off as you complete them!
Last but not least, remember to wear your sunscreen!
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Make sure to keep cool and stay hydrated <3
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space-station-nursery · 7 months
𑁯ᰍChild-safe movies to watch this Halloween!ꕀꕀ
Pooh's heffalump movie Monsters inc Monsters university Coco It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Muppets haunted mansion Pooh’s Heffalump Halloween Movie
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Casper Frankenweenie Mickey's house of villains Spooky buddies Any Scooby-doo Halloween episode Hotel Transylvania Where the wild things are
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Nightmare before Christmas Corpse Bride Hocus Pocus The witches Coraline Paranorman Spiderwick DreamWorks spooky stories
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The labyrinth The Dark Crystal Spirited away Monster house Beetlejuice Ghostbusters Gremlins
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