#age regression dysphoria
Regression Body Dysphoria
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this talked about before, so I guess I’ll do it myself.
Regression Body Dysphoria.
For me personally, one of my biggest slips out of headspace when regressed is seeing my body, face, etc. Even just the occasional intrusive thought of ‘I shouldn’t be this tall.,’ will do it.
I reminds me a lot of gender dysphoria, at least in my personal experience. My headspace is smol, but my body isn’t aligned with that. Like, I feel like I should be shorter, my hair should be longer, the environment should feel bigger in proportion, etc. It all reminds me of my actual age, and sometimes causing discomfort/distress because my baby brain does not want to believe it’s an adult.
Does anyone else get this? If you do, here are my tips for avoiding it:
Nesting/staying in one place to avoid the experience of your own height
Wearing loose, long sleeved clothes
Laying on the floor
Staring up at the ceiling because wow it’s high up
Curling up, sitting on your knees or cross-cross, etc. Any position that will make you take up less space/feel smaller.
Oversized stuffies, blankets, crayons, and other gear
Covering up with a blanket
Doing activities that will distract you (eg. Coloring, watching a movie, etc)
If possible, being carried around by your CG
Remember that you’re an adorable baby no matter what size and shape you are!
Hope this helps!🧸💚🍪
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antiradqueer · 9 months
Since the most popular PRAT terms are all stolen, I (mod Adam) decided to make flags for the actual definition of these terms to try and take them back :)
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Transage - Age regressors, dreamers, and chronosian people who prefer the term. Can also apply to those who feel sort of “age stuck” due to trauma or neurodiversity.
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Transracial Adoptee - A person of one race or ethnicity adopted into a family of another race or ethnicity.
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Transspecies - Nonhumans or alterhumans who prefer the term.
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Transabled - People with BIID who prefer the term.
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little-silly-bear · 1 year
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Tips for Age dysphoria
Hi kiddos! You already knew that I have age dysphoria, it means that my internal age doesn't match my body. I don't know if it's because of trauma or my autism but I have it for a long time. Sometimes it's really hard and painful so these are few tips that I use to deal with it, hope you'll find them helpful!
○ Wear oversized clothes with cartoon characters or things that make you feel tiny! Looking at the mirror and seeing a kid outfit will help you feel better!
○ If you have a bad age dysphoria day replace  your normal dishes with kids dishes! Your toothbrush with one with dinosaurs! Your glasses with sippy cups and bottles! Your socks with mismatched disney socks! Try to make your everyday life more tiny!
○ Watch kids cartoons! Instead of watching news or big TV show when I feel age dysphoria I only watch kids cartoons and I try to pick the kid that resembles me the most. So while watching I repeat something like "he's just like me! He's me!" And that make me feel so much better!
○ You can also create a visual board or fill a journal with kids from movies, cartoons or series that you think represents you the most! I usually look at mine in my journal and it's very useful and a stimming activity too!
○ Draw yourself as a kid! You can use a picture reference if you want to capture a particular that you had as a kid but the drawing doesn't have to be good! I usually draw myself next to my plushies and I make me with their same height eheh!
○ Read books aimed to a certain age! In library you can find books for different ages they even have sections for that so you can pick whatever suits your internal age!
○ Decorate your room for your younger self! Add posters! Stickers! Colorful flags and drawings! Stuffies corners! Soft blankets! A small table to draw while sitting on the floor! A drawer just for toys and onesie and your pacis! And if you need to be subtle you can also decorate under your bed or inside of your wardrobe!
I hope these tips helped you! They certainly help me feel better! If you find difficult to take care of yourself use a picture of you as a kid and do it for that version of you okay? You deserve love and kindness and happiness as everyone else, remember that! Big hugs kiddos! Have a great day/night!
Remember that you CAN like and reblog but you CAN'T repost even with credits or use the tag #mine under this post
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
AAaAaa I'm soo excited!! <3
The lovely @cutiecorner just finished this amazing comission of me cuddling Tuppy and I am so incredibly in love!!
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That's actually the first time I got a comission done of myself. I've never really liked my looks, but ever since my top surgery I'm really not hating my reflection anymore.. I'm actually growing quite fond of it now. I finally feel home in my body, like I belong. And to celebrate that, I comissioned this piece, knowing that Mousie would make it just perfect!
So, this really means a lot. Thank you!! <3
.゚.*・。゚×゚。・».゚°・⁠✧ ↓ DNI ↓ ✧・° ゚.«・。゚×゚。・*.゚.
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I love Tummy-Puppy so much 😭
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padded-daydreams · 1 year
Shout out to trans people who wear diapers to cope with gender dysphoria. Can't have bottom dysphoria with big, smooth padding down there. Shout out to trans people who wear diapers as a part of coping over a lost childhood. Age regression often helps coping with how you spent your childhood as the wrong gender. Regardless of how you were affected by your childhood, it can be nice to incorporate diapers as a part of creating a gender affirming version of your childhood.
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littlest-nightingale · 4 months
(quick warning for a bit of swearing at the end)
Crowley doesn't cry very often, so Aziraphale is reasonably concerned when the demon stormed into the bookshop on the verge of tears.
"Dear girl, what's wrong?" the angel asks, bringing them in for a hug.
"Not girl! Not girl 'ziraphale." Crowley objects, and Aziraphale can instantly tell that they're small from that sentence alone. "I'm sorry little one. I just saw your dress and thought it might be a good nickname to try."
"'s not." Crowley huffs, pouting. "People don't get it."
"Don't get what, love?"
"That I'm a boy. Wear dress but 'm boy."
"That you are, dear boy." Of course, Crowley's gender wasn't just "boy", no, it was more complex than that. they weren't a man, not at all, but they love masculine terminology like boy and guy and other such things. They have, in the past, experimented with more feminine nicknames and terminology- and he found that it felt icky, especially when they were small. They/them, boy, but they love dresses and skirts. It made perfect sense to Aziraphale, that a boy could wear a skirt and still be just as much of a boy as any other, but most humans seemed to struggle with the concept.
"Person kept callin' me Ma'am an' she an' told her stop but she didn't.'' They complain. "Oh, well that wasn't very nice of her, was it?" Aziraphale responds softly. "Not nice at all."
"Said I can't be boy, not really, cause m' wearing dress." There are still tears threatening to fall from their eyes, and they're clearly very upset about this.
"Well," Aziraphale starts, sounding a bit offended on their behalf, "pardon my potty mouth, but I think that person is stupid." Crowley looks surprised. Aziraphale never says things like that! He always tells Crowley that calling people stupid is rude.
Aziraphale, pleased with Crowley's reaction, continues. "You want to know why I think that person is stupid? Because, dear boy, you are the most handsome boy in the world. And you are very, very fashionable in your dress. I think maybe she was a bit jealous, don't you? Maybe she thinks that boys can't look good in dresses, and when she saw you, she just couldn't accept it." Crowley looks at him, feeling a bit better but clearly in need of a bit more reassurance. "I'm very proud of you too, you know? I know that dresses made you dysphoric for a while, and I'm so proud of you for being able to wear them again." He smiles. "Even though 's not a boy thing to wear?" Crowley asks. "Of course." Aziraphale responds. "You're no less of a boy for wearing skirts and dresses. You're allowed to wear whatever you want. What is it that you said the other day? All clothes are gender neutral if you aren't a coward?"
Crowley giggles. "All clothes are gender neutral if you aren't a fuckin' pussy."
Aziraphale rolls his eyes. "Now, you know not to use that language when you're little." he scolds, looking very serious, but then he smiles. "But yes. All clothes are gender neutral if you aren't a fucking pussy."
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radio-ghost-cooks · 7 months
goodnight to the snakes and the people they bite. goodnight to people who really love driving fast. goodnight to all the short boys and tall girls. goodnight to people who wear loud floral/paisley shirts. goodnight to people who love kabuki theatre. goodnight to people who watch aesthetic travel vlogs. goodnight to english language learners. goodnight to people who took the soldier, poet, king quiz. goodnight to people who decided to stay in the wizard's maze. goodnight to the age regressors, i hope you all had lovely days. goodnight to people who hate peas. goodnight to people with fancy custom cursors. goodnight to the aroaces. goodnight, night vale. goodnight.
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littlebabydingo · 3 days
Me weawwy wans to have pway date wif owther wittles in a pawk!
Age regressors, pet regressors and caregivers is welcome
Anywone wive in Perth, Australia?
Pwivate msg or comments if wants too
DNI k!nk/ddlg/NSFW
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pastelearthling65 · 2 months
was i eating these last night? They taste awful.
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this user is age stunted by trauma please be gentle
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little-biscuit2 · 10 months
cinnamon toast with my best buddy
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ladybugs-awake · 2 years
💞 some reminders for any tinies who need to hear it (especially bpd + rsd tinies) : 💞
~ you are not a burden for needing reassurance or comfort, and you deserve patience and gentle responses to that
~ you're also not a burden for being small
~ you are loved and cared for by so so many people
~ you deserve to be small and feel safe and comfortable
~ you deserve to take care of yourself and you don't need to ignore your own needs in order to help others
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sillysaurus · 2 months
personal rant, but safe
its hard for me to have friends because of my regression.
i age dream almost all the time and thats what i spend my free time doing. im usually upset when im big/not a age dreaming
i feel younger than everyone my age and my friends all the time
i do enjoy being big sometimes but i feel so fuzzy all the time and stuck in between
i feel so isolated. i dont necessarily want my friends to take care of me but maybe be more mindful? im not sure, i really dont want to be a burden :(
when im big i dont feel big enough and talk about my childish interests but then i can never fully regress
i want to stop feeling like this i wish i could just pick a headspace
i want to feel safe and have supportive friends
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little-silly-bear · 1 year
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This kiddo has age dysphoria and feels like their mental age doesn't match their body
Remember that you CAN like and reblog but you CAN'T repost even with credits or use the tag #mine under this post!
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itsy-bitsy-spidy · 1 month
Hi ebyone- I'm not sure where my headspace is rn and I kinda need some support rn? Just- reassurance? I'm sorts big but sorta little and I want to be little but at the same time my brain is lowkey stuck in cg space.
Um. Irl explanation below. Tw for gender d*sphoria, f*od, mention of sh and de*th.(don't worry I'm okay though)
Ooc: okay so my irl partner had a really bad dysphoria day and didn't eat much food. They explained this to me recently but they said they ate dinner and had ice cream, so I said good job and went kind of into carrer space. But it made me sad because they're m favorite person and I don't want to be a burden but they also don't want to be a burden and I love them so much but I just wish I could be big all the time and always help them with this stuff. Not to mention they used to sh and were not in a good place last year, so I'm really worried I'll wake up one day and they'll just. Be gone. Forever. And I know that won't happen but anxiety and I'm probably putting too much of my irl life out here but I can't help it-
If you read all that thank you and um please let me know what cgs are active. I need to be little but I don't exactly have a cg of my own
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invalid-request · 2 years
There's a fractured self within me that's still a young teenager who's ready to go live their best life but just needs a little bit of extra help to get started. And every once in a while they wake up and horrifyingly discover themselves somehow inside this no-longer-teenaged body, which never did get started, and they become frozen and retraumatized. And I can't get out of bed or move at all
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