#amphibia discourse
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their crimes and problems with their redemption arcs under the cut!
War crimes
Abuse of power
Reckless endangerment
Psychological abuse
Attempted regicide
Attempted mass murder
Attempted world domination
Attempted cataclysm
Mass destruction
Abduction & kidnapping
Unlawful imprisonment
Aiding and abetting
Illegal use of weapons
Crimes against peace
Crimes against Etheria
Altering reality
how was her redemption arc carried out?
she was only redeemed in the final season and her arc wasn't as drawn out as it should have been.
she never faces any consequences of her actions and is forgiven by her victims almost immediately, either after a vague apology or no apology at all.
she continues torturing and abusing people around her, especially her love interest, adora. her redemption arc doesn't mean anything since she never actually changes.
the diamonds:
Multiple planetary conquests
Mass invasion
Mass terraformation
Attempted omnicide
Crimes against the universe
Cruel and unusual punishments
Unlawful executions
Abuse of power
Mass murder
War crimes
Hate crimes
Psychological abuse
Unethical experimentation
Mass forced confinement
Mass destruction
Mass forced transmutations
how was their redemption arc carried out?
same as catra, their redemption was done during the final few episodes of steven universe, and it was way too sudden to be realistic.
they never face any consequences of their actions and still gets to retain their positions as cosmic rulers.
they do, however, seem to put in some effort to change, although it's not clear if this is helpful. steven also does not seem to forgive them.
lilith clawthorne:
Attempted murder
Child endangerment
Aiding and abetting
how was her redemption arc carried out?
she only had to make one sacrifice and that was the extent of her redemption arc.
she is also forgiven too quickly by the people she had hurt.
she does change for the better, and proves to be an ally to the heroes (albeit being an underutilized character).
sasha waybright:
Abuse of power
Psychological abuse
Attempted murder
Animal cruelty
Child endangerment
how was her redemption arc carried out?
we only see the beginning of her redemption, the rest of it happens almost entirely off-screen. this was a lazy choice, as we never see an actual “arc”, only the beginning and the end of it.
she is almost immediately forgiven by her friends. there is some lingering suspicion in some episodes, but not enough for everything she had done prior to that season.
however, she also seems to have turned into a better person and doesn't repeat any of her past toxic behaviour.
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years
imagine spreading around a google doc with links to adult content in the name of "protecting minors" as if doing that doesn't directly make that shit more accessible to them.
you ever think maybe this stuff was on private accounts away from children for a reason?
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hikaaa-bi · 9 months
amphibia had the main characters do the most horrendous shit imaginable and the end of the episodes were just like "oh you little goober it's okay we all make mistakes <3"
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spookyc · 2 years
The fact that people are comparing matt braly to fucking jk rowling because he retroactively confirmed marcy to be autistic is driving me up the fucking wall. Are you guys actually being serious? Like personally, I couldn't give less of a fuck that he confirmed after the show's end that marcy was autistic, as an autistic person. I think a ton of creators, more than you think honestly, create characters with autistic traits so to see a character actually be confirmed for this is pretty cool, and let's be honest that girl was never neurotypical. What I do care about is that people think this a jk rowling level move.
Let me just spell it out for you guys since yall have no reading comprehension on this site, jk rowling retroactively added rep to her books because she didn't have any. She did it to cover her ass. And the rep she did have was shaky at best and straight up racist at worst. Along with the copious amounts of antisemitism.
Matt Braly created a show that stares a Thai main character, along with her Taiwanese-American friend, features two wlw relationships, has a drag queen that voices a prominent character in season 3 who is also pretty gender non comforming and confirms that Sasha is bi. (Side note: have seen people say that Sasha was only confirmed bi on twitter and no??? Thats blatant misinformation, there was a shot that shows Sasha with a bi pride flag sticker in the finale. Lets not lie about shit, kay guys?) Amphibia didn't need representation it was baked into the core of the show, Matt probably just did this to appease the fans and sure you're allowed to feel weird about it because it wasn't intentional but what yall aren't gonna do is compare the creator of amphibia to prolific TERF jk fucking rowling.
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ourlastbastion · 2 years
The Amphibia Drama
So by this point a lot of information has gone through a few dozen rounds of internet Telephone. Meaning that there is a lot of information that is exaggerated, rumor-based, and such, and even though I spent a good bit of time digging to try and be as accurate as I can, I can’t promise that everything I found is 100% true. But that is unfortunately the way things are when it comes to researching this sort of thing.
But let’s get to the point of things and what’s happening / happened.
- Alex, who was an artist on the show, drew ns/fw art of the Calamity Girls post-Amphibia, meaning of when they were adults, on a private twitter account for ns/fw art.
- Two popular Amphibia fan artists also had private twitter accounts for ns/fw art and were drawing ns/fw pics of the Amphibia girls, some of which as teens, some as adults. These two were not a part of the shows crew, they were just fans who were fairly popular.
- People are claiming another crew member was drawing ns/fw art, but so far I haven’t found anything concrete. This member was accused by an anonymous tip, but the only evidence to actually tie them to the nsfw twitter account is a similar art style.
- It’s not unheard of for art styles to be similar, newer artists often mimic the styles of their favorite artists while trying to figure out their own, so I’m taking that with a grain of salt until solid proof shows up confirming that the artist and crew member are one in the same.
-So right now we have just 1 person who was actually on the crew, 2 confirmed fan artists who were not a part of the crew at all and 1 person accused of being part of the crew but no concrete proof that the artists and crew member are the same person.
- As far as I can find, only one of these four people was drawing them as minors, and that is one of the fan artists, not one of the crew members. All the other art shown was of the girls as their adult selves. Meaning only one of the four was of underage ns/fw, and there’s a big difference between drawing ns/fw of teens and drawing ns/fw of adults.
- There was a ns/fw pic involving of Sasha/Grime and Marcy/Andrias by one of the fan artists, which, yeah, really fucking weird and kinda gross. But it was a private twitter account with art that was never meant to be seen by the public, so like, people are allowed to be uncomfortably weird with stuff that they don’t intend to be seen by people outside their circle. That’s kind of how it goes with everything. (Though doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable for everyone who didn’t want to have to see it. I will need brain bleach for the Grime one.)
- So emphasis, this was all on private accounts were only people the artists let could see the art. They were regulated so that these kinds of pictures weren’t circulating / so that minors and people who don’t like the stuff wouldn’t see. Which is pretty responsible. But this was art that was only meant to be seen by the artists and people they let see, so that it wouldn’t hurt and upset anyone.
-It was only when whoever started this call-out stuff took the pictures and threw them to the great wilds that is the public that minors and people who don’t like ns/fw stuff were exposed to it. Which is super irresponsible and, to me at least, suggests it was less about calling out bad behavior and “protecting the children”, and more about wanting to start a mob/drama. Or whoever started it just really didn’t think things through. IDK. It’s twitter, so it’s really a coin flip on which was the right reason.
- Hannah, one of the artists on the show, has her name getting dragged into this and accused in some circles of being one of the crew members who was drawing ns/fw art because, back in 2019 early days of the show she drew a picture of Grime and Sasha holding hands and blushing, because at the time she thought Grime was supposed to be a teenager. Which isn’t farfetched considering the art came out before there was any sort of confirmation that Grime was an adult.
- Matt is being accused of supporting these artists and being a part of it like it’s some kind of underground crime ring, even though he’s not involved, because he hasn’t publicly disowned the artists involved, isn’t firing Alex (the shows over, i don’t think he even can fire them) and because he stood up for Hannah over rumors and harassment she got. I don’t think people understand that there really isn’t anything Matt can do? If he condemns the art, fans will yell that he wants to censor what kind of content fans make. If he doesn’t say anything, as he is now, people are accusing him of endorsing p3d0/philia. He’ll get shit on no matter what he does. 
- Ns/fw art isn’t new in this fandom, or in fandom at all, there’s a whole twitter tag for Amphibia ns/fw art, not to mention all the nsfw fics of the calamity trio. It’s a part of fandom no matter where you go, so I genuinely don’t understand why these four artists (Well, 3/4 of them) drawing ns/fw art of the girls as adults started such a big fire. Like I can understand the ones involving Grime and Andrias, but not why post-amphibia, 20+ year old calamity trio art would cause so much drama.
- Artists who had nothing to do with this are getting harassed, getting death threats and doxed because they draw ns/fw Amphibia art. Teenagers are getting harassed because they draw ns/fw art, their addresses leaked by Fandom Puritans with the intention of people physically and violently confronting artists, one teen was at risk of being killed because of it. Let that sink in, because a teen was almost killed because of this. 
- Which brings me to this point; people don’t seem to understand that teenagers also draw this sort of stuff, or they don’t care, because it has gotten to the point that fans are bullying and threatening teenagers because they draw froggy p0rn.
- It’s going to end up with more cases of that where artists are harassed into s3lf h4rm and su1c1d3 attempts because of cyberbullying, doxing, and death threats.
You don’t have to like the artists, you don’t have to approve of what they drew. you can argue that it’s of fictional characters so it doesn’t hurt anyone, you can argue that it being fictional doesn’t change that it’s wrong, but this has been blown out of proportion big time and is causing more damage than good. The best thing for everyone right now is to just drop it and forget it. Unfollow the artists who you deem as problematic, block them if you don’t want to see that content, but don’t add more gasoline to the fire, let it die out before things get worse. We’re better than this, so we need to act like it.
Before people accuse me of ‘supporting p3d0s’; I really don’t like ns/fw art, at all. So I do the responsible thing and don’t follow blogs or twitters that draw/reblog ns/fw art.
But I also don’t like call-out culture because, as we can see what’s happening now, how quickly it becomes toxic and harmful. It becomes less about trying to protect people from harmful individuals and turns into a witch hunt to bully and hurt people because you don’t like what they draw. There are better ways to handle being upset by what someone drew, ways that don’t put other people at risk of getting hurt.
So at the end of the day; No matter how upset you are by what someone drew, it is never appropriate to harass, bully, and threaten someone because of it.
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sophfandoms53 · 2 years
Well Amphibia fandom got in a Boomer (On Twitter)
Ya it’s disappointing to say the least.
Fans doing stuff like that is to be expected, that side exists in every fandom no matter how much people wanna prevent it, so it’s easy to just ignore that section of the fandom and go about your day. At least that’s how I handle it, y’know, bc otherwise it’s like talking to a wall.
But seeing more people from the crew be outed for stuff like this is what upsets me bc there’s a lot more trust and professionalism you expect from them to be working on a children’s cartoon but then this happens and it completely shatters that. I think this is like 2 or 3 crew members in total now? Correct me if that’s wrong.
This also taints peoples reception of the show which sucks too because the show itself has 0 to do with what the art portrays and is actually a really good story about family and friendship. Anyone who is uncomfortable watching the show now tho is valid, I totally understand.
It’s a rough time right now for the amphibia fandom and I don’t blame anyone for how they feel.
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small-gremlin-thing · 2 years
alright i’m gonna say this once just to say that i’ve said something. in terms of the whole amphibia discourse thing, i’m personally just gonna stay away from it. i’m a minor and don’t wanna see nsfw PERIOD, even if it’s between adults. it’s gross in general imo so i don’t go out of my way to find it. i’m not gonna seek out the discourse, i didn’t follow the artists in the first place nor have a twitter to begin with, so i’m just gonna enjoy my vacation in peace (because i had to learn about this while on vacation, which kinda sucks).
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Had a random thought pop into my head.
As far as we know, Marcy's Theme Song Takeover is the only one that's canon (since it provides info seen in both the show proper and in Marcy's Journal), but what about Sasha's Theme Song Takeover? Is that one canon to your universe?
And if so, what do you think happened to all the custom T-shirts Sasha had made in her likeness for the Toads?
Sasha’s Theme Song Takeover is canon as well, well mostly…there is the whole Sasha themed castle she said the Toads gave her but we never get even a hint at it again. Still tho’, when it comes to that Sasha merch the Toads had, I’d think it’s still around. Some are collector’s items and it’s probable that after the war, more merch was made to celebrate Sasha and likely also the trio (all three in a set, buy them now!).
When going back to Amphibia, I feel that Sasha would feel so embarrassed when she sees someone in one of those shirts (meanwhile Anne and Marcy buy some of their own and wear them around the house as Sash grumbles about em)
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Meaningless Suffering ≠ Consequences: An SPOP Rant Analysis
so one huge argument i've seen from SPOP fans, when it comes to Catra's redemption is that “she got tortured and mind controlled by Horde Prime. she almost died at his hands. therefore, she faced the consequences of her actions.”
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now.. could this be considered a consequence of her actions? the important question here is: why did Catra get punished by Prime? for going against his rules and freeing Glimmer. she got punished for doing one good thing. this was the consequence of her doing something right. if anything, she would be more discouraged to do good in the future, because the first time she does something good, she almost gets murdered for it.
but i digress. i've seen this trope be used with quite a few characters in media. the other example of this i want to talk about is Marcy from Amphibia. (spoilers for Amphibia below)
in the s2 finale, Marcy is revealed to have stranded her friends Anne and Sasha on Amphibia on purpose, because she didn't want to be alone. while this wasn't as bad as any of the shit that Catra pulled, it was still a fucked up thing to do. Marcy deliberately took Anne and Sasha away from their home and their parents, for her own selfish reasons.
like Catra, Marcy also has abandonment issues. her parents had informed her that they had to move and Marcy was terrified at the idea of having to leave Anne and Sasha behind. but that was still not an excuse for what she did.
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not long after her secret was exposed, Marcy gets stabbed by King Andrias while trying to escape Amphibia. she doesn't die, of course, it's still a kid's show.
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but to make things worse, she gets possessed by the Core later on, which is shown to be an extremely painful and traumatizing process (which they barely touch upon later). and then they show in a flashback that Anne and Sasha used to ignore Marcy and make her feel lonely, when this was not touched upon earlier in the series. in fact, Anne was shown to be very caring and attentive to Marcy up until this episode.
at this point, it's clear that the writers are trying to make the viewers feel sorry for Marcy. if they keep adding reasons why she's so miserable and traumatized, maybe the viewers would forget what she did to Anne and Sasha. right?
there is a small scene in s3 where Sasha questions why she should forgive Marcy, but it is quickly fixed by Anne telling Sasha that she should forgive Marcy. there's also a moment of realization for Marcy but even that is done in such a cliché and lighthearted manner, where the severity of her actions aren't addressed. and that's it. Marcy is rescued, she apologizes, and is immediately forgiven.
but then again, like SPOP, the last season of Amphibia was trashfire. i refuse to believe that people genuinely liked that season, it was so badly written and ruined everything that was set up prior to it.
anyway, let's come back to SPOP. it's clear that the writers of SPOP were also trying to do the same thing. put poor catgirl through the wringer, have her almost die and come back to life and voila! she is absolved of all her crimes.
for those of you who are still not convinced, let me try to make a real world comparison. let's just say i'm someone who bullies or abuses people. one day while getting home from school/work, i get hit by a car. i get grievously injured and go through a lot of pain. heck, maybe it even leaves some kind of permanent disability or injury.
is that a punishment for my actions? you can call it karma, but let's be real, karma doesn't exist. it's just a coincidence. and you bet i'm not going to wake up in the hospital thinking “this must be my punishment for abusing people”. if i really am an abuser who has no remorse for my actions, a random accident isn't going to change my mind.
and that's what happened with Catra too. she didn't consider Horde Prime's torture as a consequence of her actions. if anything, she used that as an excuse to mistreat Adora and the others even more. it's clear that she pitied herself for what happened. and everyone else pitied her, including the audience.
imagine if the good redemption arcs were written this way. imagine if, instead of working through his issues and facing actual consequences of his actions, Zuko was just tortured and traumatized even more by Ozai, and the Gaang just forgave him because they felt bad for him. yeah, people wouldn't be praising his arc anymore. or they would, who knows. i know i wouldn't be praising his arc.
because this is not the way to redeem a villain. the only way to redeem a villain is to have them face consequences of their actions and work for forgiveness. to show them consistently trying to make up for what they did and trying to be a better person, not because they want to be forgiven or accepted by the heroes, but because it's the right thing to do.
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years
Guess Amphibia's time is over already, due to people looking up the staff's private accounts and going after them for NSFW art there.
Not the first time fanpol have done this. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had a similar incident where fanpol discovered private 18+ side accounts of artists who worked on the show and began spreading around the lewd art they'd drawn of those characters for all to see.
It's literally like "oh my god, these artists are keeping NSFW art of characters from a series they worked on hidden away on private accounts away from the prying eyes of children. IT IS MY CIVIC DUTY TO SPREAD THIS ART AROUND SO THAT EVERYONE IN THE FANDOM SEES IT, TO PROTECT THE CHILDREN."
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hikaaa-bi · 10 months
(rant ahead, proceed at your own risk)
honestly though, i do not like it when a show has no problem putting characters through trauma but doesn't want to address it afterwards. especially worse when they keep dogpiling trauma onto one specific character and then just forgets all about it. oh yay, the world is saved and this character is alright now, i guess.
exhibit A: Marcy from Amphibia. she was already having issues with leaving her friends and trying to combat that with escapism. she got reasonably rejected by her friends when they realized she tricked them. she got backstabbed by the king, both metaphorically and literally. the stab scene literally needed a content warning. she gets put on life support for a while and then gets turned into a weapon. the VA did a really good job with the screaming that it really made us think Marcy was going to at least have scars later. if they went all out, she'd probably be paralyzed or disabled for a while. if not, the least they could do is have her being weak and unable to move too much or fight.
but guess what? her friends rescue her from the core and after a little bit of crying and apologizing, girlie is a-okay. no visible scars, no physical injuries, not even a little bodyache. she jumps up immediately and is fighting the enemy in her super saiyan form moments after.
and do we even have to talk about the emotional and psychological trauma? nope. Marcy is saved now, that's all that matters. apart from a little bit of character growth, this girl is not affected by what she went through one bit.
don't forget that right after seeing Marcy get stabbed and presumably killed, Anne goes back to earth, has exactly 1 second of crisis and then completely forgets about her friend. a lot of the viewers argued that Anne was just repressing her feelings and trying to act happy. if this is true, the writers should show it. just having her act happy and have fun at grocery stores and museums doesn't really send the point across. you start to wonder whether the character got amnesia or if the writers have it.
The Owl House temporarily succeeded in showing a happy-go-lucky character repressing their feelings a.k.a Luz in s2b. we clearly see Luz looking anxious or sad when she's alone or when no one is looking. you see her panicking and trying to overcompensate with jokes, when she's actually not feeling okay. it's done really well in both animation and voice acting.
exhibit B: Hunter from The Owl House. now TOH wasn't overall as bad at showing emotional impact and trauma as Amphibia was. it had its fair share of tears and panic attacks. we see multiple characters very clearly experiencing the aftereffects of traumatic events they went through - King, Eda, Luz, Amity, Hunter. the only problem is that these arcs aren't really resolved well.
Hunter being the most popular example. like Marcy, Hunter was someone who was just given trauma after trauma to deal with. he was a child soldier, raised by his abusive "uncle" who was also the emperor. he was brainwashed into doing whatever his uncle wants him to, with the golden child complex tacked onto him. he is already in a very fragile position at this point, accepting his death and digging his grave when he fears that he's about to disappoint his uncle. he later finds out that he was a clone of said uncle's brother and that there were thousands before him, disposed of easily when they turned against the emperor. he has to fight his uncle in the finale, where said uncle tries to manipulate him again. after getting stranded in the human realm, his uncle later possesses his body, almost killing him in the process. oh, and his best friend actually gets killed.
and the aftereffects? TOH wasn't as avoidant as Amphibia. they did show Hunter having multiple panic attacks, identity crises after leaving the emperor's coven and very obvious fear and negative impacts of abuse.
but the whole grimwalker thing seems to be not taken as seriously as it should have been. Hunter is worried about his friends knowing that he is a clone, rather than about being a clone. i mean, in a world where grimwalkers aren't implied to be a common thing, surely it must be very existentially shocking and confusing to suddenly learn that you're not you, right? i mean, if i learned that i was a clone of someone else, i know the first thing i would think of wouldn't be about how my friends would take it. because i havent had the time to process it myself.
like i get it, these are Hunter's first friends and he doesn't want to lose them, yada yada. but it's still a bit strange to address it this way.
the main problem i have with Hunter's arc is that he never gets his closure with Belos. after Belos possesses his body and kills Flapjack, Hunter tells the others that they have to find and defeat Belos in order to avenge Flapjack. he is clearly distressed and angry. but then the story suddenly seems to forget about his trauma and focuses on Willow's issues instead and just handwaves the whole revenge thing aside.
Hunter did not have to be part of the final fight against Belos. but he needed some closure after everything that had happened. i mentioned this in a previous post but remember when Zuko was able to confront his dad, call Ozai out on all the shit he did and loudly reclaim his destiny? Zuko was allowed to face Ozai and say "I'm not going to be who you want me to be. you are a horrible person who abused me all my life and I'm finally cutting myself free from your influence, and I'm going to right all the wrongs that you made." this was such a powerful moment and Hunter deserved something akin to it too.
but in the end, Hunter isn't even at the scene where Belos dies. Luz, King, Eda and Raine are. and sure, all of these characters were affected by Belos's actions one way or another, but Hunter was the one who was most deeply impacted by Belos. and he never got his closure, he just.. had to move on. it was just such a disappointing end to his arc because he was a character that had so much potential, but they pushed his entire arc and development aside, so that huntlow can happen. yes, i dislike huntlow, it's a very forced and poorly written ship that sabotages the personality of both these characters.
anyway, yeah. either take time to address your character's trauma or don't give them trauma at all. believe it or not, not everyone goes through absolute life-shattering trauma and pain. people deal with problems, sure, but if you can't write about trauma well, please don't.
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animerunner · 1 year
Also some of y’all are making unfair comparisons involving Haileys on It with Amphibia and Owl House.
But they were some of the best shows
Yes I know. But your talking about arguably the shows later on. Not the point where Haileys on It is.
And some of y’all are forgetting the issues of S1 with both Amphibia and Owl House
And this is coming from a fan of both. Who did not hate either a S1 but y’all are pedestaling.
Amphibia really took almost half of the first season to really get its feet under it and get going. For me getting thought 1A was like pulling teeth. I could tell I would like the show eventually
But I had issues with the entirety Calamity Trio up until the episode where the toads came to town.
And TOH took a bit longer but not because of anything on Dana’s end. But exec meddling. You can tell something shifts around Understanding Willow
And this isn’t me saying I hate either episodes before that point. But expecting Haileys on It to live up to the later half of the show when even Amphibia and Owl House weren’t at that point in their runs
Is maybe not the best choice.
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white-boy-bracket · 1 year
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“Everyone’s at fault in this situation.”
Um, no.
The artists who were harassed posted their NSFW art on private locked Twitter accounts, the shitheel who created that call out post and document went out of their way to look for their art.
Stop “both sides”-ing this issue to justify harassing people who don’t live up to your ridiculous purity tests.
As I’ve said earlier, the Amphibia fandom is slowly turning into yet another toxic puritanical echo chamber, where random individuals get doxxed and harassed for the stupidest most petty reasons imaginable.
I’m not saying you have to like NSFW art, if you have a problem with that sort of stuff then you can easily just block/filter it out and move on.
You don’t have to harass people because of petty bullshit.
Like I would understand the backlash if a crew member was posting NSFW art on their main, but Alex was posting all his NSFW stuff on his private locked account. So don’t give me that “We’re just trying to protect minors” bullshit.
And what of the other fan artists who got harassed? They didn’t even work on the show, so it’s clear that the fuckwad who specifically sought out after their art did so because they have a personal grudge against them. But the rest of the fandom will happily throw the entire Amphibia crew under the bus because of bullshit entitlement.
Matt and his crew don’t owe you or me a goddamn thing, they are not obliged to live up to your outlandishly high moral standards. They’re just human beings at the end of day.
Fuck the Amphibia fandom and fuck the waste of oxygen who stated this whole mess.
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dappercritter · 1 year
A rarely heard Amphibia opinion
(that no one asked for)
So I gotta be honest.
I know I said I prefer to stay out of the shipping and I enjoy the show passively as a story about friendship.
But am I the only primate in this fanbase that thinks these two
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would have been more interesting than these two?
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(even if they were still cute af?)
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ajaxv4mp · 1 year
why do antis say “i hate [ship name]” but then interact with posts involving that ship just to leave hate,,??
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