#and he is NOT ready for it. tearing his hair out but theres nothing he can do about it he cant stop loving this man its too late
narwhalandchill · 11 months
obsessed with how dan feng describes yingxing as "that exceedingly arrogant craftsman" actually like its Really giving his lizard in-love-so-deeply-it-consumes-him ass just absolutely seething about the matter on the regular energy & i love that. like how this man (now permanently rent free in his head) just woke up with all his stats coincidentally minmaxed into fucking hypnotizing dan feng specifically with his autistic rizz who never stood a fucking chance. countless lifetimes spent in solitude regal and unattached and unaffected by others and then yingxing goes oh bet? and its all over. falling head first. swept off his feet. dumbstruck. sighing like a maiden. losing sleep to longing. knees weak. absolutely owned. and he KNOWS this.
ya id call him an arrogant fuck to cope too
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luvtak · 29 days
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mr. sandman, bring me a dream
✧ pairing 7 dream x reader
✧ genre/tw fluff fluffy fluff fluff, what i think dating them would be like <3 an embarrassing amount of run-on sentences i'm sure.... the dreamies being the most perfect boyfriends to exist, mostly unedited
✧ w/c 2293 (about 300 words each!!)
✧ a/n back to my roots writing for nct... also,,, not the dreamies being my ult group but my last group to do these headcanons for :/ i have so much fun writing these little ideas and dreams about them let me know if you want more!
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MARK truly the definition of wrapped around your finger… tells everyone about you every day of his life. Smiles at everything you say and calls you the cutest names. Makes sure everyone knows that you’re taken for life–no ifs about it. Tells you about his whole day, down to the most unimportant details. Kisses you all around your face and gets red seeing you so flustered. Constantly saying the worst pickup lines. Always always makes time for you even with his busy schedule. Talks to your family on the phone and becomes best friends with your siblings. Lets you win during video games and pretends that you’re just so much better than him. Never comes empty-handed–if you invite him over he’s bringing some sort of present he can’t help it. Wraps you up in at least three layers when it looks a little cold outside. Starts bringing up ideas for a Halloween couple’s costume in January. Celebrates your birthdays and accomplishments like his own. Holds you close to him in any moment of rest, the members are around? He’s only bringing you in closer. I’m sorry to say this, but he is definitely one of those people who refer to you as a “we”... “we watched that movie last week!” or “sorry, we can’t come, we have plans.” Would never even think about fighting with you and when it can’t be avoided, he is always the first to apologize. Walks around draped over you, his neck falling onto your shoulder and clumsily shuffling you along. Steals your phone to take silly pictures of himself, and you end up having 500 selfies of Mark making the same five kissy faces. Fixes your clothes/jewelry/hair as the day takes its toll. Kisses your wrist whenever you hold hands. Lovely and forever committed to giving you the sweetest existence possible.
RENJUN  My angel boy<3 would be the most loving boyfriend if you’re able to get past him giving you sm attitude. Lovingly scolds you 24/7 365. Pouts if you don’t say you love him back or forget to kiss him before you leave. Steals your sweaters and jewelry. Makes you laugh so hard you cry, then kisses the tears away. Has the worst case of cute aggression when he see’s you like he can’t help but take a bite out of you. Whenever you ask him to do something he’ll roll his eyes and scoff but still gets up to do it anyway. Says your name so sweetly and with so much love it could be a term of endearment. Sings to you when you’re sad. Holds you so tight when you sleep, like he could absorb you into his own skin. Carries a picture of you in his wallet everywhere he goes. Gets genuinely annoyed when other people know something about you that he didn’t–wants to know everything, especially the embarrassing stuff. Acts of service king, does things for you and expects nothing but a kiss in return. Gives you the first bite of his food. Forehead kisses 100% of the time. Extremely tenderhearted, wants to be loved and love in return with nothing holding him back. Knows your schedule down to a T. Shakes his head at every joke you tell, but still grants you a laugh. Kisses you slowly and earnestly even if theres people around. Drops the most earth-shattering confessions of love at random moments and just expects you to move on. Matching accessories are a must!! And he will be ready to break up if your forget it one day (we have seen how he is with the dreamies friendship rings). Wraps himself completely around you when no one is around, and stays that way until one of you has to get up. Loves completely and wholeheartedly and is a perfect perfect boy. 
JENO Shy and perpetually flustered, cannot believe he got you fr. Alternates between the cockiest boy you’ve ever met and the most oblivious creature around. Is so in awe of you, cannot get over you choosing him. A big baby of a boyfriend. Body slouched over yours at all times. Tells everyone it isn’t obvious how unbelievably whipped he is for you than giggles when you call him a pet name. Loves when you fawn over him lol, would feel so good about himself when you laugh at his jokes or wear an outfit because he said you looked pretty in it. Definitely the kind of boy who gets you a necklace with his initials on it. Is somehow even more smiley when you’re around. His love language is 100% acts of service–helping you with chores and making dinner, he desperately wants to wash your hair and help take your makeup off. Always takes you home himself and makes you call him before you go to bed. Kisses you all over when you’re sad and squeezes you so tight you can’t breathe. Puts his lips right over your ear and whispers so you can hear him in loud places, sometimes telling terrible jokes to see you laugh. Constantly on the phone with you–will get yelled at by his members and staff to focus on his schedule. Takes you on long drives and lets you have the aux the whole time, smiles even when he hates the song.  Snuggles up to you and has you in an iron grip all night; wakes up periodically to tell you to stop wiggling. Literally a broken record of “oh my s/o would like this!” and “you would never believe what my s/o told me…” Tucks you into his sweater when you’re cold and always carries extra clothes because he knows you’ll forget. Could never hide his feelings for you, it’s written all over–hairbands and your favorite snacks in his cabinets. Is so so so in love with you, and would never even think about being embarrassed of it. <3
HAECHAN Sweet as cherry pie. Silly and charming and the kindest boy you know. Lives his life attached to you, hands on your hips and kisses pressed everywhere he can reach. Never goes a day without telling you he loves you in the most sickeningly sweet ways possible. Listens to every word you say, goes as far as telling other people to be quiet so he can hear you better. Serenades you with the most obnoxious renditions of love songs and coos when you make faces at him. Teases you endlessly–tickles and jokes and ridiculous nicknames, but would never let anyone else make a joke at your expense. Sleeps fully on top of you, head pressed under your chin and hands slipped under your sleep shirt. Celebrates you and your relationship with all of him, always the loudest voice singing happy birthday and the prettiest flowers congratulating you for an achievement at work or school. Speaks to you so softly and with so much compassion you almost get whiplash when you see him around the dreamies. Brings home sweet treats and little keepsakes from his day out. Will watch a movie or listen to a new song and note all the parts you’d like so he can play it for you later and speak to you about it. Unbelievably protective, not in a toxic way, but he wants so much to be able to take care of you and keep you safe–hand pressed on your back while you walk through crowds, and his hand protecting you from hitting your head as you get in the car. Has lists of important days in his notes app, cataloging gifts he could get you and your order at all your favorite restaurants. The perfect silly boyfriend, caring and lovely and everything you need
JAEMIN Marry this man. Has been committed and steadfast in his dedication to you since you met. Extremely serious when it comes to your heart and your feelings. The first to say I love you or to apologize after a fight–would never raise his voice at you or say things he didn’t mean. Is always feeding you, either a complete meal that took him an hour to make or the most perfect bowl of ramyeon you’ve ever had. Constantly sending you pictures of the cats. LOVES pda–kisses you in front of everyone and laughs when they groan, cuddles with you on the practice room couch, and rolls his eyes when the dreamies gag. Always kisses you with soft hands on your cheeks and the prettiest smile. Buys you a keepsake from everywhere they go on tour and gives it to you in a huge suitcase and will not feel ashamed in the slightest. Somehow finds out how to bring you up in every conversation, “oh they really like this song” or “thats actually their favorite movie you know…” you would truly never have to worry about anything with this man, he’s gonna take care of everything, a future airport dad if i’ve ever seen one. Sends tiktoks of cute animals and pouts if you don’t like them right away. Buys you silly sweatshirts and phonecases and demands you wear them proudly as a symbol of his everlasting love. Out of all of the boys, I feel like he is the most likely to give you a promise ring, and in my heart, I know he would have his name engraved on the inside–a quiet confession only the two of you know about. Sleeps directly on top of you, I just know it… holds onto you in every crowd. So many conversations between little kisses and I love yous. Always carries your things, whether it be a bag or shoes that got too uncomfortable his hands are open and ready whenever you need them. The most perfect boy in the world, and whose surprised? 
CHENLE truly your best friend in the entire world, f2l in its entirety… would roast you every minute of every day but if anyone else even dared he is shutting that shit down right away. His arm has a permanent residence on your waist. Giggles at you when you’re annoyed at him but apologizes anyway. Makes you watch him play basketball at 11 pm and laughs when you say you're cold and sleepy, but takes you home right away. Will kiss you in front of anyone–loves it when you get all shy and flustered. Always trying to give you expensive presents and rolling his eyes when you tell him to reign it in. dog dates with Daegal!!! Talks about you so causally that the dreamies didn’t realize you were his girlfriend until he kissed you goodbye, and they were all so dumbfounded. Will watch anything if you like it and will tell you it sucked with a smile on his face before kissing you as an apology. Huge bouquets for any anniversary or birthday. Wraps his arms around you and rocks you around, whispering sweet words that he’d deny if you told anyone about. Stares at you 24/7 and gives you his 100-watt smile. Goes out of his way to help you–buys your groceries, helps wash your hair, picks you up, and takes you wherever you need to go–but always denies it. Begs you to wear his clothes, bonus points if it’s something that has his name on it, or some nct merch. Has an iron grip on your hand at any given point and giggles when you try to get free. Will listen to literally anything you tell him. Smiles into kisses and sighs when you pull away. Is so domestic and lovely in everything he does, even if sometimes he is the biggest menace. 
JISUNG so so so shy, truly does not know how to have a s/o in public lmao. When you’re alone he’s the cutest most confident boy in the world but as soon as there is another person around he does not know you. He makes it obvious that it's just because he’s awkward, but sometimes you definitely do have to tell him to stop being a weirdo and to hold your hand. Constantly makes fun of people with you and is always ready to hear some hot goss. Is always listening to you–even if everyone in the room is talking over you, he will be looking at you with his full attention and urging you to go on. Laughs at everything you say even if it's not funny. Kisses your cheek every morning first thing, and thinks you look so cute cuddled up into the covers. Piggy-backs you everywhere: you drank a little too much or it's too early… up you go! You being comfortable and happy is his priority in any situation, and if anyone including himself is disrupting that he is dealing with it immediately. Whether that means complaining to one of hyungs to help him or going straight to the source of the issue, he’s going to try and help you, even if it’s not like him to speak up for himself–you’re the most important thing to him. Tries to teach you nct dances and gets unbearable secondhand embarrassment when he sees you mess up. Almost exposes your relationship once a month. Is wrapped around you every single moment you’re alone, even if it’s just for a second–someone leaves the room? Jisung is suddenly fully enveloping you. Thinks pda is so embarrassing but would try so hard to be more openly affectionate with you. Blushes to his roots when you sweet talk him no matter how long you’ve been together. Kisses your hands when it’s cold outside and wouldn’t even think about giving you anything of his if you needed it. The sweetest, shyest boy, and so wonderful–loving him and being loved in return would be the loveliest gift.
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raspberriesoda · 2 months
jaemin headcanons — how he would treat you on your period
warnings | menstruation obviously, one (1) swear word, a tiny smidge of a mention of nsfw
a.n | felt like i was dying at work today because my cramps were so bad so this is purely self indulgent lmao
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you absolutely cannot convince me that jaemin isnt the absolute sweetest mf to you when you’re on your period
he for sure has a tracker app on his phone so he knows when exactly you’re supposed to start
he makes sure that the bedsheets are clean around that time so you can snuggle up into a nice clean bed
your every wish is his command, and he won’t make you do anything you don’t feel like doing
but one thing he will make sure that you do is eat enough healthy foods and drink enough water (not that he doesn’t do that all the time, but this week is the most important)
he always has the fridge and pantry stocked with the ingredients for your favorite meals and snacks so he can make them for you
he doesn’t care if its the most convoluted recipe he’s ever seen in his life, or even if he has to drive however long it takes to get to your favorite random takeout place
he will make absolutely sure that you have your favorite food
he’s so incredibly gentle and understanding with you, and he’s exactly what you need
he knows every month is different from the last but he can always read the room
if you feel clingy, then he won’t let you go
if you want your space, then he keeps the distance he knows you need, but he’s still just a room away in case you call out to him for anything at all
even if you’re having a particularly bad day and there’s a chance that you might snap at one of your friends or coworkers, you’ve never snapped at jaemin because he just knows exactly what to say and do
if you have to work the day it hits or the day its the heaviest, he makes sure he’s at home so he can be there when you finish your day
sometimes you’ll come back home and you’ll be okay, maybe on a good day where your body decided to give you a break or the pain meds you took really just did their job
other days though, you’ll open the door with a frown on your face, your eyes welling up with tears because the day was so long and nothing was going right and you’re just in so much fucking pain
he immediately leads you inside, helping you take off all your clothes and running a bath for you, complete with all of your favorite bubbles or muscle relaxing salts
jaemin must have an internal thermometer or something because the bath water is always right, never too hot or too cold
he’ll sit in the tub behind you so you can lean back against him while he softly scrubs shampoo into your hair and massages your scalp
he presses little kisses to your cheeks or shoulders or back every time he hears you sniffle, and he’ll give you his undivided attention if you decide to tell him about your day
theres a bottle of cold water right next to the tub for him to grab whenever you bend forward from a wave of pain; he rubs your arms or your thighs softly until it subsides, and brings the straw up to your lips for you
“you’re okay, baby, take a drink” and after you take a few gulps he’ll set it down and pat your flushed face with a cold fluffy cloth
if you’re up for doing your skincare, he’ll do it for you with you
he’ll brush your hair up into a ponytail and/or put on your matching fuzzy bunny eared headbands
he’ll wash your face for you with your cleanser, and his gentle fingers will smooth the face cream down your nose and across your cheeks (he likes to squish your cheeks together and kiss your pouty lips to make you giggle)
if it isn’t obvious by now, jaemin doesn’t let you lift a finger
after drying you off and getting you dressed up in his comfy clothes, the heating pad is already warmed up and ready for you on the bed
and i’ll just say it, i know what you’re thinking
no, jaemin is not at all opposed to helping you out if you’re feeling particularly.. needy
he didn’t necessarily mean to stumble upon the fact that orgasms help with period cramps
he was just researching ways to help you feel more comfortable
but he is more than willing to do whatever you want whenever you want, so this of course is not an exception
“jaem, i’m literally bleeding down there”
“yeah and?? we have towels”
he’s not trying to pressure you into doing anything you aren’t up for
he just wants you to know that anything he can do to make you feel better, he’s 100% willing to do, no questions asked
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grapejuicestyless · 3 months
Orange Juice
JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Summery: High school sweethearts, the picture perfect pair whose story crumbled as quickly as it started. All because of a reckless boy and his addictive nature and an emotional girl and her growing tiredness.(warning: Mentions of addiction(alcohol).)
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“I need you!” He pleads, words broken and grass stuck to his knees as he stands from his spot on the ground where he lay face down, passed out in the front yard of the chateau once again.
He held her hands in his, pulling at her fingers until her knuckles seemed to stretch at his sheer force and determination to keep her put in place, to keep her with him.
“If that was true you would have stopped!” Her voice was shaky, tears burning into her cheeks and her throat constricting with each choked up breath. Still, she couldn’t look at him in the eyes, the same deep blue eyes that held her youth and captured her heart with nothing more than the twinkle of innocence and play.
She knew if she were to look back she would try to keep fighting it, and as much as she longed to always be there to help, it was obvious her help was nothing more than something that delayed his progress. JJ was his father’s son, whether they admitted it or not. No, he never laid a hand on Y/n’s skin, but when he drank his words shot to kill. He carried the same fire in his soul and a pent up rage that seethed through the cracks in his teeth each time he held a solo cup in his palms.
No amount of comfort or persuasion would stop the boy from sending himself six feet in the ground. He had drank them both dry and Y/n hated to admit that she had lost the fight, she had to throw in the towel. He wouldn’t get better until she was gone, and she knew it, even if he refused to admit that he needed to let the harsh slap of reality to beat him senseless for him to find his feet.
“You know it’s not that simple, baby! Please, tell me you know it, I’m trying, I really am. Please.” He cries, lips trembling all ugly as his nose runs and his cheeks become blotchy. He’s a mess, looks it and smells it too.
His boyish smell of sweet cedar and the sandy beaches covered with vanilla are masked with the stench of whatever he pours into his cup and day old cigarette smoke. His blonde hair isn’t messy in the cute way that he wore it when her hands would ruffle through each lock, but because he hasn’t made it to his bed in days, choosing to pass out somewhere from the front lawn to the living room if he ever makes it that far.
“Don’t bullshit me, Jay. You and me both know it, I’ve tried, and I’ve tried and we’ve wasted all that potential to get better and we’ve fought this before. We win the fight, but what about the war? What about me, the bed I sleep in and the pillow that doesn’t even smell like my fiancé anymore because he prefers to be face down passed out in our lawn!” Y/n rips her hand away from JJ’s like it’s poisonous, a bite that stings and slowly works its way into her blood.
Y/n’s not angry at him, her lover, her sweetheart fiancé. No, how could she ever be when even at his worst she can only ever see the good hidden deep inside of his abusive behaviors and dependence on all the wrong things.
“I’ve been waiting for you to come home for so long, so long JJ and you never come back anymore. You’re too far gone to even remember that theres a warm bed waiting for you.” She cries, eyes closing and head falling into the boy’s shoulder as she sobs out sentences aimlessly.
The worst part is that it’s his own fault. His whole life he tried so hard to finally break free of his family’s name, the bitter memories of his abusive father and absent mother leaving him with a motivation to be better than they ever could have been. Yet, here he is half drunk with the same smell stuck on his breath and some half-assed apology ready to spew out at his lover.
“I’ll get better, for you, I will. I’d do anything for you.” She pulls away, looking at him with big doe eyes and a scrunched up nose. He thinks he finally has a chance to change for a second, to fix all his wrongdoings until she shakes her head, looking down at her feet and stepping away from him.
“No, no. Jay, no.” Wiping her cheeks, Y/n seems to finally let go of the innocence that once masked all of his imperfections.
“Your heart has changed, your soul has changed and you aren’t the man I love anymore.” Watching how she fiddles with the ring on her finger breaks his heart, no it absolutely crushes it. Reality is a sour taste to be swallowed down and JJ just can’t seem to get it down now that it’s all right in front of him.
“And I’ll always love you, and if you ever need me I’ll still be here-“
“No, Y/n/n, no.” He tries to follow her, the ring in his palm burning a circle on his skin. A symbol of their eternal love that seemed to redefine what ‘forever’ really meant.
“But I can’t be the one you rely on anymore, it’s not healthy for you.” She tries to reason with him, but he doesn’t want to hear it, he only wants her to hold him again.
“I love you!” JJ tries to make her see it, how his blood only keeps pumping even when he should be dead by now because in his heart he knows he’ll feel her touch against his forehead in the hot summer mornings and her hips against his in the late afternoons that seemed to always slip away far too quickly.
“You’re not your father, Jay.” She reminds him, making JJ stop in his tracks where he debates whether or not to cry or laugh in relief or anger.
“So thats it?” He decides to be angry even if he really isn’t, even if it’s his own fault for driving the girl away. Even if they both recognize that she needs to go away for some time.
“You’re just going to go ahead and carry on? Leave me here alone like I don’t even matter? What, was I pulling you down? Was it just too much?” He spits it like fire at her heart and she tries not to take it too harshly. Y/n knows he gets mean when he’s tipsy, and the empty bottles hidden in the long grass tell her that he’s well beyond that point now.
“I need you to get better.” She begs quietly, looking down as she speed walks down the old dirt roads that lead to a better part of town. She feels naked without the ring adorned on her finger or the weight of her soul hanging over her shoulders.
Y/n swears she can hear his sobs from across town, the broken cries wondering where his lover went in the late afternoon and the even louder ones in the early morning once the fog clears and he comes to terms with his faults.
It’s all in her head, their friends remind her, and they send her photos of him in the mail to tell her how he’s getting better. But the polaroids become further and farther in between, and soon the eyes she swore she never wanted to leave her life became those of a strangers, a stranger who knew everything there was to know about her.
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“I haven’t drank in six months, on the dot.” He leans over the kitchen table, indents from his rings and scratches from pen evident in the wood. His hair is just the same as it was when they first met, a blonde mop of waves that sit perfectly around his tanned face. Only now he doesn’t look so tired and he doesn’t smell so sour.
She can only smile at him, letting the crowd fill in around them and filter out through the door as time passes and the moon sets underneath the horizon. She still thinks about how light her finger feels without the handmade ring on her finger, the promise that was within the bent metal weighing more than any diamond any man could ever buy her.
“Can I get you a drink, to celebrate? Theres orange juice in the kitchen, bought it for our friends. It’s yours if you want it, just glad you could visit.” JJ doesn’t know about the piles of photos she keeps of him, the photos that she never had the heart to unpin in her room in the chateau. He’s acutely aware of the fact his friends had been sending the girl updates, he had even asked them to at some points, just so she wouldn’t carry so much worry and guilt as he put on her all those months ago.
“I’ve missed you.” He says it softly, hoping partly that the faint music and the dying chatter from the outside will drown out his confession of love for the girl in front of him, but the sad smile on her face tells him otherwise.
“Feel’s so empty here without you, like I’ve been waiting for you to come home.” He kicks the splintered wood, hands in his pockets and his eyes darting to the orange juice sat warming on the counter like it was placed there just for him. He knew it was, and he knew who did it too.
But Y/n started to cry before JJ could even begin to thank her for all she has done for him, for sacrificing everything just to see him get better.
Shes blubbering something about regretting how she just up and left him like that, how she keeps his memories with her and still wakes up smiling when she thinks of him in her sleep. But more importantly, she cries about how she doesn’t think that she can ever have him again.
Of course, it’s not her fault that she associates his condition with her. Each relapse happened in her company and each stage was only worsened by her staying. She had to leave for him to get better and now to her, it was evident it was for the best.
JJ knows she’s wrong, but how could she? It’s his own fault for what he’s done to her but it’s really not even his fault. Falling dependent on a substance that only ever caused harm was something he started to do for fun, he never intended to become addicted to it, to become mean. They were both just victims in an incredibly cruel situation.
“It’s like you said, Y/n/n, just like you said. My heart has changed, and my soul has changed, and this town has changed, and this world has changed!” He takes her hands in his, showering her his ring and offering a new beginning to their tangled love story.
“But I have not.” It’s so quiet when she says it, JJ almost misses it. She hesitates, flinching away from the ring and refusing to put it back on for the fear that the reoccurring nightmares she had conveniently left out of his condition would come true again.
“The last time you were drunk you were face down, passed out in our lawn.” She looks at him, closing his fingers around the ring and standing from the table.
“Theres orange juice in the kitchen, bought it for you. It’s yours if you want it, I’m just glad you could visit.” She admits softly, slipping past him as calm as she can keep herself, hoping that he can’t hear the way that her heart cracks with each inhale of air.
He whispers something about still loving her, and even though she never says it back, the fact that she’s just admitted to buying the drink specifically for him with the hopes of him showing up gives JJ hope, a hope that he secretly knows will only leave him more devastated in the long run, but one that keeps him going.
He pours himself a glass of the orange juice later that night, the crowd long gone and empty solo cups scattered along the lawn. The ring in his pocket weighs down his cargo shorts pockets and burns through the fabric to his skin, but deep down he knows that he’s changed, he’s been better.
Like she had told him the day it all came crashing down, he is not his father, so he will try and try until he can mend what he broke and the wound is nothing but a scar left behind to show his strength and resilience.
JJ prefers apple juice over orange juice, but as he takes a sip of the tangy liquid, he decides it tastes sweeter than usual, and he really likes orange juice better than any other drink.
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spotty-bee · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Headcannon
I've been thinking a lot about Adam, Lute, Vaggie and the exorcists. How they all work and everything that we've learned over the course of the show about them. After looking over the pictures of them without their masks and all the back dealings with heaven I was kinda starting to think...
What if their all related?
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Adam and Vaggie have the same skin colour. Lute has Adam's nose. They all have golden pupils (Though Vaggie's sclera is red, many have head cannoned that being from living in hell.) Vaggie and Lute both have white hair. Theres a lot of similarities between these characters physically and while that can be due to the art style, I do start to wonder.
However WHY would Lute , Vaggie and possibly all the exorcists be Adam's daughters? Well it starts to make sense when you remember that Sera wanted to keep the Exterminations under wraps. If you have Heaven Born or Saint (Dead humans who got into Heaven) warriors doing the exterminations, word would eventually get out. These people have lives outside of their work and all it would take is talking to a spouse or one of them feeling guilty before news spreads. IF you have warriors who's entire life was Exterminations, then they would A- be less likely to tell anyone and B- Be less likely to feel guilty if they weren't taught anything else.
As for where all these woman came from, my guess would be cloning. We know for a FACT that Heaven has Science.
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A good way to get warriors that won't have outside influence/ loose lips is if they don't have any parents that will be wondering whats going on. Cloning would also ensure that warriors will walk off the assembly line fully grown and ready to train. Adam likely used his DNA and then mixed it with donated DNA from other Heavenly Residents . All he then had to do was train his army.
OF course this opens up some rather dark things to consider. There are at least 100 Exterminators. All of them are female. The likelihood of that happening by happenstance is extremely low. Adam had to have chosen to only have woman in his army, and when you factor in Adam's misogynist, narcissistic attitude, that dose not paint a pretty picture. We also need to consider that Adam was left to train/educate these woman with almost no outside interference. Sera made it clear she wanted as little to do with the Extermination business as possible and she maybe one of the few who knew about the army's creation. IN FACT I know she had nothing to do with the army because, apparently, Adam got to name these girls and nobody, and I mean NOBODY, stopped him from naming Vaggie after female anatomy. (I wouldn't be surprised if Vaggie is a nickname and she's actually just named Vagina.)
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They seem to have lived a life of constant training and battle. Its also heavily implied that Vaggie (and Lute to a lesser extent) were taught to view themselves as disposable. Worthless if they didn't have someone to serve. We see it when Vaggie tries to lead the trust exercises, when she beats herself up for not making a proper commercial for the hotel, in fact she seems to have little personal life unless its training or Charlie is involved. Lute herself rips off her own arm just to try and help Adam. If Adam did raise/train them, then these are some pretty bad signs.
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These are just some things I was thinking about looking over the show. I am also not making this to bash anyone who ships Adam and Lute. This is all speculation and personal interpretation. I've just never felt anything romantic between Lute and Adam, but they were clearly close. I took that last, tearful goodbye in the finally as a distant, estranged Father- Daughter relationship.
Anyway, what do you think? Its highly unlikely this is true, but could make for a fun, dark fan fiction or Au!
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cocoagenie · 8 months
Juan Ruiz x black fem
Sister pain.
Angst. [Divider by @grungenglam]
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You skim your nails across your knee and stare deeply into your phone, reading a certain text in a green bubble with the one of the most heartbreaking statements. You shake your head stubbornly to reject your eyes glossing over but warm tears fall over your swollen lids anyway and you turn your phone off before tossing it on the cold side of the bed.
Your hands clasp togther first before squeezing and squeezing. The pressure on your joints not inflicting any pain which blindly makes you clench your hands harder until your blunt fingernails dig inside your skin. And even then, you can't feel anything.
Nothing but pure anguish and gloom. Your heart was the only thing twinging and your lips were caught in the bear trap of your teeth to stop their quivering. You released your hands and shook them out as the dam broke and your throat swelled.
"Baby?" Juan walks in slowly and you quickly wipe your face, not hearing him come in quick enough. You curse and fix your bonnet over your head more correctly than it already was.
"Didn't hear you come in.." your gaze is averted downwards while you got under the covers and Juan stalked towards you before making it to your side of the bed, reaching for the lamp to turn on. You moved the covers to your mouth and closed your eyes. His gaze traveled to your phone abandoned on the sheets before patting your shoulder.
"Scoot over for me, hm" he spoke quietly in your ear as his hand rubbed your arm confortingly. You made some space with your back still turned as Juan took off his pants and discarded them on the floor, afterward sliding in the bed with his boxers and t-shirt on.
Juan carefully took your phone and put it on the dresser, then he wrapped his arm around your waist and brought your weak body into his embrace to hold.
"Whats wrong, amor? Talk to me?" After sensing your uneven breathing he heard the most painful thing from you, a suppressed sob. He cooed in empathy and stroked the outline of your thighs.
"Oh no, no~ Who upset you? Who upset my sweet girl." He kissed your covered hair and eased the cover down to interlace his warm hands with your hot ones, a bit damp with tears. His heart hurt enough to cry aswell but Juan wanted nothing more then to support you.
"I.. it's m-my sister.. she- she" you couldn't get out the words and he brought your hand to his mouth, pressing a gentle and long-lasting kiss onto your knuckle.
"Take your time baby, I'm all ears." You eventually turn again in his hold and hug him close, wrapping his arms around you fully now, Juan welcomes your whole form with locking arms. He'll never let you go and he doesn't mind hot liquid seeping into his shirt or the same thing wetting his collarbone. He doesn't even mind the snot or how hard you're gripping his vintage shirt, nearly ripping the material to shreds.
You know, as you're trying to calm down, that Juan is ready when you are. His back rubs are patient, few words of affirmation start to put you at ease and soon enough you're ready to speak.
"I called my sister.. and found out she wasn't making some wise descions at school. We called eachother, didn't really go well. She hung up on me, a-and.. um– then we texted and I was telling her how she had to get her act together, not only for herself but for mom."
"She works too damn hard for her to be doing dumb shit and I just got so angry so I told her– you know, just do better. But then... she had the audacity to ask me... why do I care? And then I just left her on read."
Juan tries to correlate your experiences with his own dynamics between older and younger sibling but theres nothing compare. The way you interacted with your sister is different from how Alejandro interacted with him. Aside from that, he can tell that you're are a wonderful big sister and would do anything in your power to prevent your little sister from getting into trouble.
But to expeirence ungratefulness from the people you love the most can definitely be fatal.
"I mean, I've been saving her ass for as long as I can remember. I hated to see her get in trouble no matter how she treated me. But I'm not there Juan– and I just.. I kinda feel like shit. You know for my mother cause she doesn't deserve to be dealing with this shit" you huff, voice wavering.
Juan carreses your waist and deeply stares into your eyes.
"I'm sorry, amor" he whispers and you shake your head, yet another tear falling down.
"D-don't be, don't." You pat his chest and rest your hand on his pec as Juan leans and bring his lips to your forehead, giving another lasting kiss while his arms begin to tighten around you. Its like ringing out a rag the way you began to cry again and clutch his clothes.
He just wants to heal you as much as he can. Juan hates your tears but he hopes they cleanse your soul as they roll down your face. He hopes your chest can stop hurting like his own and that your heart can see the serene sun after the melancholy clouds.
"You're a great sibling and your sister needs to realize that soon– deserve so much better." He mumbles on your head before pecking your temple and snuggling his chin on top of your head even though your slightly taller. You drown in his gentle cologne and unknowingly expose your pain like a medallion of your humanity.
A grown woman doesn't rest in Juans arms, a  pained older sister in the form a young black girls body takes place instead. Basking in the comfort and words she should've been given instead being told to step up and raise the bar father then she could reach. Being shamed for not doing enough when that young black girl did everything in her power to care for her little sister.
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crystlizabeth · 9 months
Will we get a pt 2 of Cowboy Cassanova? 🥹
Cold without you…
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Phillip Graves x Blackfem!Shepard!reader
Warnings: angsty, cursing, self neglect, arguing, age gap(24&32), fluffy. Again not proofread.
Summary: months later winter seemed colder and now sad what used to be your favorite time of year was now your most dreaded. But everybody gets surprises during the holidays.
P.1 cowboy Casanova
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You were so angry with him, you wanted nothing more than to scream and cry. Your father tore him away so fast just as you had him so close. How could he seek to hurt you so much your own father, he watched you fall apart and he knew it was because of his doing. He did it wanting to keep his little girl from heartbreak but he was the one that broke it he knew that as soon as you arrived back to your family home. Still in your outfit from the night your tear stained face and bloody red eyes, your broken tone.
You cried and cried to him pushing him away when he came up to comfort you acting stupid as if you didn’t know, yelling all he could say it was for your own good. That Graves isn’t a man to be involved with let alone he was ‘to old for you’. That you needed to accept this and theres so many people in the world for you that school should be your main priority not some man who was taking advantage of you. He made you seem so naive and he knew better he knew that you know what you wanted what situations you got yourself in and that if he really was taking advantage of you, you would have sure as hell known.
Right there was when he knew he lost is babygirl. That he broke her heart into a million pieces not Phillip. Him. He watched as you wailed into your mothers arm mumbling out to him ‘how could you..’, ‘why would you do that..’ and ‘im not your little girl anymore.’ . Your mother comforting you not knowing the full situation but knew her husband had fucked up bad.
Now it was December you where back in Texas from school. The southern winter was different, it used to be your favorite the memories of playing in the snow with your siblings staying home from school and Christmas. But you had a feeling Christmas was going to be different, quite even.. the streets covered in inches of snow the night colorful lights on the trees and buildings around it as the snow fell from the sky. Eventually your older brother picked you up from the airport to take to home.
“You ready to go, see dad?” Caleb asked, the sound of his daughters in the background talking to one another singing the carols that came from the radio.
You sighed softly looking away from the window to face him, the street lights shiny on his face sometimes you forget how easily he lost his color in the winter his freckles becoming lighter his hair short the curls still noticeable. “Not exactly who I want to see.. but everyone is home right now so I don’t just have to see his face.” You laughed lightly knowing all of your siblings were gonna be there.
He hummed in response. There was the silence everyone knew what you dad pulled and why you were so mad at him even after the months passed.
“You know sis, you do look I dont know— good I guess?” He said quietly.
You pressed your lips together. “Im fine just school is hectic.. just be a break..” you mumbled looking down checking your phone.
“Has he tried getting in contact with you.. I gave him you new number.” Caleb said.
Oh? You faced him your eyebrows frowned, “no.. no he hasn’t has he said he’s going to..?” You asked.
Your brother shook his head unsure “I don’t know but he ask about ya, specially since I bring you up near him iv been tryin’..” he spoke.
Phillips been asking about you. But he hasn’t even reached out knowing that you wouldn’t hesitate to pick up the phone, well how could he? You’ve been away for collage and he had been deployed.
“ I have to be honest, your face looks sickly thinner, and you just don’t seem like you..” Caleb spoke.
Winter could be rough sometimes but you had been falling apart just a soon as the wether started to get colder. You had more than enough people around you that gave you comfort and all the love you needed yet it was still so cold without him. This was about the time Phillip and yoh started messing around talking more, going out, eventually sleeping together to him coming to your family’s Christmas party. Spending the new year together and soon enough becoming a couple. But now he wasn’t with you anymore, you never hated the cold as much as you did right now the Christmas light that’s hung from the houses and the music that played it made you want to cry and curl up in a ball.
Upon arriving to your family home the big white farm house decorated, walking in you were welcomed by everyone your sisters and other brother. Your mother happily taking you into a hug kissing your face, then your father he smiled lightly at you hoping to maybe get a hug maybe even a hello but you just nodded at him giving him a half smile.
“I know mama but I’m tierd and have a raging headache.” You spoke to your mother as she tried getting you to get some food, saying the same as your brother that you looked sickly and food was what you needed. She soon gave up letting you escape to your room for the rest of the night.
Opening your doors it looked the same besides the white Christmas lights hung around your room giving it a little bit of light, but in your bed laid a small present and letter with a note on top of it ‘made sure your daddy didn’t get to it - love mama’. Made sure he didn’t get to it? Putting the note to the side you took off your big jacket hanging it on your closed door along with your boots.
Walking up to it it was a small gift wrapped up in sparkly blue paper with a gold ribbon. There was a letter under it so you opened that first it read.
“With you I was so warm you were the source of my warmth and just as I knew it you were gone. It got so cold, did it for you? I have so much I was to ask and tell you I know, everything reminds me of you I find you in every small thing. But this was my favorite, something that reminded me you were my warmth my Sun. So every time you feel cold remember this gift. Merry Christmas My dear.
You read through the note the small tears falling off your face onto the paper, you analyzed his cursive written so delicately. Slowly placing the letter down you grabbed the box unwrapping it slowly, you wanted to savor this moment. The blue paper tarring off revealing a little velvet box, opening it your eyes met a gold necklace. The necklace having a sun on it.
Pulling the necklace up you pulled its cushion revealing another small note.
“may you shine brighter than the sun ever could.”
Oh Phillip.. the way he could break your heart all over again. You brought the necklace up to your mouth your lips pressing a kiss against the cold material. You sat there for a moment trying to pull yourself together soon enough being able to get up and put the letter and not on your night stand with the box, you had put the necklace on it sitting a little past your collar bone.
For the next week that’s all you could think about, you sat wondering if he was in the country maybe you could get into some sort of contact with him. Your brother was your only option to go to, but you didn’t exactly know how to approach him you weren’t sure if Caleb had Phillips number. But it never hurt to ask right?
Pulling your brother to the side you asked. “Do you have Phillips number? Email? Anything Caleb please.” You pleaded.
He looked at you, you could sense the light feeling of worry, “I don’t..” he spoke. You groaned out in frustration knowing he had changed his number as well but you never thought of getting Phillips email.
“But I do know he’s home.” Caleb said holding his daughter.
He haven’t moved, you mentally screamed at yourself of course he hadn’t moved and you knew where to find him. Was is risky yeah but he definitely couldn’t come here. After hours of mentally preparing yourself you grabbed the two notes along with an old box that held more letters that you had written and he had written. you borrowed your sisters keys walking out the door. The drive seemed so dreadfully long you began to think maybe you should go back doing this all you would be doing is causing more problems. But you couldn’t let the thought of your fathers disapproval hold you back anymore. You were grow and able to make your own decisions either is be physically or mentally, your love life had both to do with your father. But as of now you risked throwing away your relationship with your father for a man. A man that treated you so gently, a man who even spent months away still communicated so damn well, a man who made sure you stayed focused on the things you wanted to do, a man that loved every inch of you and could handle your mood swings. Maybe it would all be worth it in the end, maybe your father would turn out to be right to remove him from your life that was a risk you were willing to take.
Glancing over at the clock it was almost 10 when you pulled you to his gate. His property was covered in snow a path way could been seen of his truck coming in and out, you could see the light in his house but there were no Christmas decorations on display. Opening the door the cold air hit you as you opened the gate quickly getting back in the car driving up next to the his GMC.
Taking one more deep breath you turned off the car. Getting out walking up his porch, the sound of the dogs barking made you smile light you finally heard his voice telling them to quiet down and ushering them into the side room. His footsteps quickly came back the sound of the locks of the door being unlocked.
His face soften as soon as his eyes meet yours, silence not a word. The cold December air blowing but it didn’t seem as bad as before, it wasn’t freezing. His blue eyes looked over you gently taking you in his hand reaching out he pulled you inside quickly closing the door behind you. He’s hand didn’t leave your arm, he just continued to look at you he looks as if this was his breaking point that he had been just a cold with out you.
“You can’t be here..” he whispered, his brows frowned.
You stood there looking at him with big eyes that if you were to look away he would disappear. “I got you gift Lip…” you said quietly watching his face closely looking for any signs he didn’t want you here. But there wasn’t anything.
“Surprised your dad didn’t get to it first…”
“My mom did, she put it on my bed.” You reassured.
You saw the corner of his lips rise a bit. His hand didn’t leave your arm you felt his thumb start rubbing against your sleeve lightly. Neither of you needed to speak as of now just needed this to be in each others space, the comfort of each other was all you needed.
You felt his warm hand touch you, the coldness that covered your face absorbing his warmth. “You’re not taking care of yourself are you..?” He asked his eyes running over your features.
He could saw how full you’d become you didn’t have that glow he saw you with last, the bags under your eyes still noticed under your makeup. He could tell your habits of self care had changed, he let his other hand leave your arm touching your face. He was so gentle with you his calloused hand held your face close, you wanted nothing but to pull him in and feel his lips on yours but you controlled yourself just letting the moment pass.
“Lip..” you spoke softly.
He hummed, “Do you think we can try again-” you said he quickly gave you a look.
“You know what your dad-”
“No, no I don’t care what he thinks I will make sure you keep your rank. I’m old enough to make my own decisions especially when it come to my love life. Phillip your all I want, I mean that I can’t see myself with anyone else we both know this would happen me right back on your front step.” You said your hand laying on top his forearm.
He knew you where right he’ll you both said I love you when he left. He knew sending you a gift would bring you right back to him, shit if he could have done it the other way around he would’ve been on your front step as soon as you got back from college. Little did you know he had fallen apart just as much as you, but he managed it differently. You both knew that being with each other right now was enough to build that warmth once again.
Five months that’s how long you both went without eachother, but it wasn’t the same no letters, no calls nothing. And you where right your father had no reason to control your love life, and Phillip knew how much you meant to Shepherd he wouldn’t let his little girl leave compromise was something he could work with.
His lips came close to yours, your lips quivering just to feel the touch of his chapped lips. He waited ther watching you hold back from kissing you “Are you sure?”
You nodded, “No darlin’ I need you to use your words..” he whispered his hot breath hitting your lips making you lick them slightly.
“Yes, Im sure.”
That was all he needed to hear his lips touching yours softly letting himself sink into your kiss, you put the box to the side letting your hand wrap around his neck him adjusting moving his hands dow to your waist holding you in a tight embrace as you both kissed. God did you miss his taste, the strong coffee and whisky always seemed to linger on his lips such a different combination but so addicting.
To put it simply you didn’t go home that night.
His arm wrapped around you as you laid on his chest. For once you were warm again, warm with him. But the peace has to me distrusted at some point, you phone buzzed again groaning you realized you still have your sisters car your location is off and you’ve been gone all night.
Quickly getting up you rushed over to your sweat pants grabbing your phone out of the. ‘23 missed called Mama’, ‘16 messages Nessa’ and ‘54 missed calls Daddy’. Shit..
For all they knew you where dead. “Whats wrong Darlin’?” You heard lips voice say.
“Nobody knows where I’m at.” You spoke sending a text to your mother and Sister quickly.
“You didn’t tell them where you were goin’? What bout nes?” He asked sitting up.
You shook your head wiping your eyes putting your phone upside down on his dresser giving your full attention back to you.
Through out the morning you both caught up, the two of you catching up. So much had happen in the last five months you opens up about your mental health throughout it and the downfall of your and your fathers relationship that you had turned 24 and lived in campus now your apartment from before empty and most of that stuff in a storage unit and at home. Also That you even made a attempt to move on failing horribly, he admitted the same that he couldn’t find a smile that lit him up. That he was going down mentally as well this made you two realize that maybe you two were co dependent on each other but also just heart broken.
“What do you plan on telling your father?” Phillip spoke sipping on his coffee his hand on the small of your back.
“Well he’s not gonna like what I have to say honestly but I could careless and I plan on taking you if that alright?” You explained picking at your breakfast.
He hummed “ I wont get shot on sight right?” He half joked.
You slapped the back of your hand to his chest playfully. “Shut up. Plus mama keeps them locked away when we have guests because she has curious grandbaby’s for their safety and now yours.” You smiled at him kissing his cheek softly.
“Let do this yeah?” He said giving you a reassuring smile.
“Yeah, as long as your with me.” You said softly your voice slightly shaky.
You both had driven separately him following behind you, he did the same while walking into your family home stayed behind you as you gave your keys back to your sister. Nessa giving you a look as she saw the man, your mother shaking her head slightly “he’s in his study upstairs.” She said he face turning to Phillip giving him a sympathetic smile. She knew all hell was about the break loose.
Walking into your fathers study he saw you the relived happy look quickly changing.
“What is-”
“He’s here because I asked him to, because I went to go see him after 5 months of no contact.” You said cutting your father off.
He stood up going to say something but you quickly spoke before him.
“Sit down. —For a man who raised me to be independent you hind me back. It was never him, or me is was you. Because your scared to lose me and if you couldn’t tell when you told him to leave me I lost all sorts of respect for you you lost me right then and there.” You said, you heart racing.
“I want to make this clear i really do dad. I am 24 years old, one of the highest and hardest worker in my classes and through out the years. I have done everything to please you and when I finally have something of my own you take it from me. You— you threaten his rank a rank he’s spent years to get to something that means so fucking much to him I made sure he picked that because if I didn’t he would have dropped that job turned in his rank and gone home to me. But you couldn’t come to that fact that I a grown woman had found someone I loved I’m not naïve dad.” You spoke sternly you didn’t want to cry but god was your heart beating out of your chest.
“I need you to understand that if you want to continue to see me you will treat him with respect in and out of the base. You will not make any remarks about my relationship about him you will keep your negative opinions to yourself because you are the only one that has a problem. And if you don’t I will leave, I’ll keep in contact with mom but I will not. I will not fucking speak to you do you understand.” You spoke looking into your fathers eyes.
His brows frowned but he nodded “I understand.” He spoke softly.
“I really hope you do..” because if he didn’t you wouldn’t talk to him maybe ever and that hurt you. But he can’t control you and you had to make that clear.
You walked around his desk hugging him your fathers arms holding you tightly. Even if you were a daddy’s girl he was the only man that had broke your heart, and that’s what hurt the most. He knew how bad he had hurt you yet didn’t regret what he did but now he had to come to terms with it, you weren’t his babygirl anymore.
But that you were Phillip Graves, that man would hold your heart gently never seeking to break it.
Winter wasn’t sad anymore, yet the joy had come back to it. Spending the remainder of Christmas break with Phillip and your family, everyone officially meeting him as your boyfriend. You had your glow back, crazy how one person can bring you back so quickly. There was no thought of him leaving again he wanted to down every last moment with you, and he planned on it. The winter once again had become your favorite.
And you weren’t cold without him anymore.
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Soo here’s part two I know it’s not alottt of Phillip and reader but I wanted it to be dramatic and I love a Christmas/winter themed fic!
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plutopitou · 1 year
◇ A Favor to God
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getou surugu x female reader
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drabble, wc: 1.1k
Getou wants to keep you as his sick side fantasy, absolutely eager to break your spirits like the rest of your pathetic human race. You’ll let him do it to you, won’t you? | 18+ MDNI
warnings: brainwashing/dark themes, dubcon, asphyxiation (what else is new), degradation, cult leader getou (he hates mortals lol), worship themes
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Theres a soft caress to your hair like you would a dog at your feet.
All you seem to possess now and days is free time. It causes you to sit and think as to why you still breathe in his presence
A large warm hand combing down your hair so comfortably it causes you to doze off at his side as he tends to his honorable patrons.
The same hand that has held it like a vice grip, forcing your throat to down his dick so harshly it makes you wonder if he still adores you. So harshly you see multitudes of polka dots coercing you to give out, crying out a “please, please, please” just from your eyes peering up.
Sitting and knitting every day routinely, helping your mother prepare warm dishes- yet it was chaos in just only a second.
You believed God must have relinquished his powers to Getou himself, making him the strongest man in the world. However with all this power he walked and talked with nothing less than modesty. He was your savior.
Still, your mind refused to forget watching him slaughter entire villages, including your own. Even after your family gave him everything to who you thought he was. Now your knitting is unfinished and all your dishes are cold with no family to serve them to.
A morning had never passed by without the immense feeling of guilt as to why you still feel the fresh grass and waves of wind. To make matters worse, you want to die from just how much you actually loved the treatment he gave you.
There was something so sweet in the way he calls out for you every sunrise, that feeling of specialness never wears off. You loved waking up every morning and having people he assigned come in and get you ready with beautiful clothes that he thinks are gorgeous on you.
A side of hot tea in the morning, feeling like the Devil dragged you down to hell and warmed you up himself.
It all made the long black-haired man wonder as well. Wonder how you’ve yet to realize it.
Getou plunges himself so deep within your throat so you can finally see it. Your head hangs off the mattress, choking trying to get away and breathe that regretful fresh air. Getou holds a still grip on the base of your neck, mouth gaping as he continues to thrust in your pulsing mouth trying to push him out from reflex. He loves seeing you struggle so much, eyes focused on your bulging throat and the beautiful spittle falling out the sides of your mouth, coating him further.
“All of this is for me,” he sighs to God. After every gag you give, he lowly moans, thrusting faster. “Fuck, y/n.. can’t you see it?”
He can’t get enough of taking from you people. He can’t help but revel in the pleasure of being above you, taking advantage of your soft body for himself, continuing his prophecy. Fulfilling his manfiesto through you.
“You people are so weak- one broken bone and even after a long exhausting healing process it will still never be the same.” His hips stutter against your mouth, he grips his cock through the soft, thin flesh of your neck- pumping himself to ecstasy. “You people posses no abilities where you can proudly title yourself as something special, because you aren’t.”
Your face feels so fucked out it’s a strain to process the words coming from his mouth.
Not special
A weak human
Tears can’t help but fall shamefully down your face, alongside the weeping heat of your pussy. His words feeding it more and more until it’s perfectly lubricated for the rough nature of his hard cock, just enough to break you.
He can see the growing wet spot in your white underwear, watching your withering hips so eager for any type of release. Getou can’t help but admire how much you take it better than the rest of your pathetic race. It was no secret to himself you should have never been alive this long. When he first met your family, his eyes stared back into your shy ones as you looked away in embarrassment. He took an interest for no other particular reason other than you being his little guinea pig to fuck with whenever he liked.
With how tight your little throat and pussy is, taking you was a decision he will never regret.
Your weak slaps to push him away turned him on even more, furthering his climax. You want to be good for him, take all he has to give but you aren’t sure just how much more you can withstand. The pressure from your head hanging off the mattress, your lower region tingling with desperation, the gagging on his cock.
“You want to prove how special you are then take it all.” Getou holds down your panicked hand and jerks off his cock with your neck one last time before he gives a series of faltering gasps of release. He mutters how much you deserved this, low moans with his hips stumbling from the sensitivity. “Fuck..”
He slowly pulls himself out of your wet mouth with a sigh, strings of cum and spit keeping you attached at the base. Immediately you jolt heaving for air, more air, more, more.
Coughing, his cum still hangs from your mouth to chin. Cheeks flushed from the blood rushing to your head, skin perfectly sheen with sweat making you the centerpiece of his vision. Getou thinks this how you were always meant to be, to look like. He is who you should have worshipped all along.
“There is no one else who will ever give you what I give you.” He leans to your level with a warm damp towel, wiping his fluids off your face back to your previous innocence.
He’s suddenly so close, a breath away. His eyes are so beautiful, piercing onyx orbs and fair skin like honey with milk. He whispers so only you can hear with a soft adoring expression, “Your kind have no place in my world other than serving us.” He combs your hair back like you always loved. “Worthless, spineless beings. With me you are at your fullest potential,” A soft caress to your cheek, “This is who you were always meant to be.. alright?”
Your body still riddled with cold shivers from overstimulation, mind still fuzzy after being fucked. And every word he said is true. You don’t want to live with guilt anymore, you want to have purpose again and Getou wants to be the one to give it to you.
Your worship for him was how it was always meant to be. You are below him. Sitting by his legs like a good little baby was what you were destined to do until he decided otherwise.
A gentle nod is all he needs..
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Yay I really enjoyed this little fic, I tried to do a drabble but I have a habit of word vomit which is something I should work on
Hopefully Aizawa fic or Hawks again (or pt 2 to this?), ok bye bye thank you guys for the support it means and helps a lot ♡
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kynrki · 2 years
023. the truth
WARNINGS: swearing
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you were nervous as you sat and waited for sunghoon to arrive. you wiped your sweaty palms on your thighs and let out a sigh. you weren’t ready to tell him, but it was better to tell him now than never.
“hi sorry im late” sunghoon said as he sat next to you and let out a breath. “its no worries, i jus got here” you replied as you smiled at him.
“so” you said as you looked around slightly. “i have something to tell you too, but only when you finished telling me what you were supposed to okay?” you continued in one breath. sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows as he realised how nervous you looked. “hey calm down, theres nothing to worry about” sunghoon said as he grabbed your hand in his. you looked at him and blushed at the contact. you nodded your head.
“okay please talk” you said as you tried to get your mind off of things. “okay where do i start..” sunghoon said before he started telling you everything from the beginning.
you held your tears in after he finished everything. you let out a sigh and looked down. you let go of his hand as a tear fell out of your eye. “im sorry” you said as you quickly grabbed your things and ran away. “yn love wait” sunghoon called out for you but it was too late.
he let out a sigh and ran his hands through his hair.
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masterlist | previous | next
PAIRINGS — idol!park sunghoon x idol!fem!reader
SYPNOSIS — yln yn and park sunghoon are sworn enemies ever since highschool. unfortunately for yn, she had undeniably huge feelings for sunghoon and wrote love songs for him. now they both are out of school, one being an idol, the other still writing songs in the comfort of their home. what happens when yn accidentally leaks one of her songs that miraculously ends up blowing up? and why does her voice sound so familiar to sunghoon?
TAGLIST (closed) — @yunki4evr @ijustmetyouandthisiscrazy @thisisnotjacinta @trsrina @liliansun @shinsou-rii @seosracha @notdrunkbutdazed @shoooobin @vatterie @kimmchijjajang @ilvsoup @sungookie @vampsvngie @winteringdream @hikyeom @raimbows4u @gfksn @enhasengene @luviehyck @nyfwyeonjun @allcra @luveuly @jwsflower @jihyoscrown @wooniy @fadedluvv @jakelux @enheyy @y4wnjunz @yjwluvs @kyanmeai @indelicate-macalino @sophhloaff @02zluvbot @lowxkie @ohmyhuenings @nomniki @lost-leopard-beanie @captivq @cosmicwintr @ahnneyong @diamondx211 @cyuuupid @lvepsh @xtra-cheese @jeongintwt @butterflyy-ningg @dasa3040 @meiiiwa
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carbonfiction · 2 years
Love me tender
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A/n: This last week I've come to the conclusion that, for some unknown reason, writing fluff is so so difficult for me, or maybe its just me and my lack of experience lmfao. This is a little out of my comfort zone but it just felt like something i needed to express ig? Plus, it felt appropriate to share today with it being his birthday! So happy Birthday Aus, you beautiful,gentle and dedicated sweetheart! Anways! I hope y'all enjoy and that its not too unbearably cheesy or trash. Ps, theres more regular filth content comin soon!
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Words: 976
Summary: set around canne film festival. Theres no words to describe the pride you feel after seeing the product of Austins dedication to his role in Elvis.
Warnings: honestly this is just tooth rotting softness, boyfriend!Austin is my beloved, a few mentions of being overwhelmed? Shoddy fluff writing but Again it’s just a massive love fest.
There's nothing that makes you feel as content as Austin's presence.
It's been a day of excitement, filled with love and happiness. Your sure tonight has been the proudest you've ever been of another person.
There are no words to describe the pride you feel after seeing the product of Austin's dedication. Let alone bearing witness to the ovation of his peers and Elvis's family.
It doesn't seem to sink in, even as you Sit atop a blanket on a hiking trail, both still in your finery, looking over a lit-up Canne. Or as he does something as mundane and gentle as plucking a chocolate-coated strawberry from a gift box before bringing it to your lips. It had made you smile, the sweet berry and bitter darkness of his favourite chocolate swirling over your tongue and down your throat.
The world around you both is dark, save for the dotted lights of lanterns strategically placed around the area. It's a breathtaking light show, You, Austin, and a picnic spread.
In truth, it’s everything you both need after the stress of the day.
Even now as you glance over, everything around you seems inconsequential, compared to him. Still clad in his tux, with a guitar strewn across his lap, Austin looks a picture. Handsome and gentle all in one as he strums away, voice gently serenading you through the chords of love me tender.
Love me tender, love me true,
All my dreams fulfilled,
For my darling I love you,
And I always will,
A wave of emotion spills over you as he plays, remembering the call that had Kickstarted the events of the last few years. Your head resting on top of Austin's thumping heart as Baz dramatically delivered "are you ready to fly, Mr Presley?"
Love me tender, love me long,
Take me to your heart,
For it's there that I belong,
And we'll never part,
And yet, despite the repetitive nature, you'd listened to him practice his lines, prepare his scenes and talk your ears off as he studied Elvis's iconic southern drawl. You'd even helped him dye his hair black. But never once did you grow tired of your boyfriend's obsession, not with the way his eyes would light up as he learnt something new about the king.
Love me tender, love me dear,
Tell me you are mine,
I'll be yours through all the years,
'Til the end of time.
Tears spring to your eyes, clouding the sight in front of you and for a brief moment, you are thankful that Austin's so focused on the song.
That is until he hears a muffled sob break from you.
Immediately, he puts the instrument down on the blanket, shuffling forward until his warm hands are on your cheeks. Thumbs catching the few free-falling tears. Concern laces his voice as he speaks "Oh darlin' girl, what's the matter? What're the tears for hm?"
"Nothing Aus, m' just overwhelmed" you reach his eyes, still sniffling.
Confusion covers his features for a moment before he speaks again. "Overwhelmed? Talk to me Darlin, s'okay, I got you"
a few softer sobs rack your chest at his response, your boyfriend ever being the understanding sweetheart. You can't explain it but your sure he has to be an angel sent from above. And my god are you thankful.
Reaching a hand up, your palm rests on his cheek, heart skipping a beat at the way he looks at you. "I- i just can't believe you're all mine Aus, l-love you so much a-an I'm so so proud of you. Feel so lucky to have you baby"
You just wished you knew how to pour all of the love you had for Austin into your stuttered words. You loved this man more than anyone else and he was, without doubt, the most important part of your life.
Austin's eyes soften more, an adorably bashful pink tink covering his cheeks all the way down to his neck. And Within seconds of the words tumbling out of your lips, he has you pulled into his lap, his arms encasing you to his chest. Having always been a shy kid at heart, rather than endure your overwhelming endearment his face lands in the crook of your neck. The smile on his face presses softly onto your skin. your words rendering him speechless.
So you hold him close to you, one hand gently playing with the hair at the base of his neck. The other strokes up and down his suit-clad back, just as he does for you.
Moments pass, just embracing each other, as your sobs turn to gentle, barely noticeable hiccups. And when Austin's head does finally lift from placing kisses along your neck he just stares, completely awestruck.
God, we both look like first-time lovesick teenagers, you think humorously.
The air around you both is silent, swirling with feelings and emotion in such a magnitude that it's vocally inexpressible. Meanwhile, Austin's fingers tangle with yours, his lips plant soft kisses from your temples down to your cheeks and then finally, your lips.
It seems to take him a moment to find the words before he's speaking softly, words trembling on his tongue. "You know, i- I should be thanking you. f-for everything. You put up with me obsessin, day and night, over and over an I- I just can’t tell ya how much it means, that you stuck by my side a-an that you cheer me on. You love me like nothin else in the world matters, i- I just know I Couldnt'a done this crazy ride withoutcha by my side Darlin”
Despite his thankfulness, there’s no need for any verbal response. Instead, you simply wrap your arms tighter around his body. Forever just needing to hold him, love him, tenderly.
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stuck-in-2012 · 11 months
Theres nothing wrong with you, its true, its true
“Hey, have you seen...” Peter trailed off as he looked around the room searching for the one missing face among his team.
“I thought they were with you?” Ava asked, watching Sam’s face slowly contort in worry, hand reaching out to his helmet, ready to zip away in a blur of blue light.
“Yeah… they were. I’m here for…” Peter pointed at Sam.
All eyes turned to Nova as he stood slowly, nerves getting the better of him. Something was wrong. Not ‘time to dive over the tricarrier and make a dash before they hit the ground below’ level wrong, but Webs’ brows were knit and he came looking for Sam specifically. That only happened when a special kind of TLC was needed. “Where?” Sam’s terse voice came out like a demand as he put his helmet on.
“The usual”. Peter hadn’t gotten three syllables before Sam was gone down the hall.
“So what happened?” Ava asked as Spidey sat down.
“Fell into the wrong corner of the internet.” At Danny’s confused look Peter went on. “ ‘Phobes, “that doesn’t exist”, just crummy people being crummy people.”
Iron First nodded and frowned at the hall sympathetically.
 Nova stopped outside the locked door. “Babe? It’s Sammy, can I…” He paused, not so much waiting for a response but listening for… The door panel light changed to green indicating it was open from the inside. As Nova opened the door, light flooded the room. …’sign 1: sitting in the dark’. “Oh, honey…”
He took his helmet off and sat nearly flush on the bed. Sam held his arms open slightly. Not a demand, just an offer. A welcome one at that, tangled hair got pressed into the side of his face as he was pulled close. Sam could admit he wasn’t the best at comforting and worse at offering affirmation but thankfully he was dating someone that gave really good preemptive instructions for how to help and what to do when/if they get like… this.
“Mm?” Sam prompted, nuzzling.
“Mm-mm.” Well, alright then… ‘sign 2: not having emotional energy to communicate verbally’.
“Do you…” before Sam could offer things he knew they liked they started to cry. “Yay, there you go I gotchu…”
“It… it sucks!” they clutched onto the gold straps of his suit as shaky breaths turned into earnest sobs. “Just, sucks.”
Gentle pets and tight hugs, helped the tension ease and the tears flow. Letting it out always was the best thing for them. Sam took a deep breath -one they mimicked trying to calm down. “No, no no, let it out, gumball, let it out”- hearing them sob like this was always contagious, making his eyes water. Sam reached for their phone, their ears must be ringing like sirens in the silence... ah, yup. A familiar icon; four houses: three blank, one with colorful stripes.
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As the emotional chords and lyrics filled the small space as did more tears and sobs. Sam held the shaking body close as the song looped again and again. When the first yawn broke through he knew they’d feel better soon. They tugged at the strap they still held getting Nova’s attention. When he looked down they pressed the tips of their fingers to their chin and pulled a flat hand away from their face.
“Don’t thank me, baby. You don’t have to thank me. I love you, I’ll always be here when the world sucks.” That got a little giggle, before the sobs came back and they latched on like a vice. A few tears slipped down his own face. He couldn’t help it, as much as he’d like to be a calm and collected comfort watching the dysphoria hit always broke his heart to see.
“Ooh! Hol’ on a sec.” They let go and scrubbed their face as their boyfriend searched through their regular day bag. “Ah ha!” he sat down just as they tossed away a soiled tissue. “Bam. Passport and driver’s license are next.” Sam set a small card in their hand. They looked at the piece of plastic and smiled before clutching it to their chest. Their S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D. was the only official document they had that had the correct name on it. It was useless everywhere else but still made them happy to have.
“I love you, Sammy.”
“I love you, too, handsome.”
A pause. “Promise?”
“Yeah. The real you.” His statement accentuated by running his fingers over the bump of each scar on their chest. “We can talk to Connors about bottom and T. tomorrow if you feel like it then?”
They nodded and presses kisses to his shoulder as they pulled him to sit in their lap, tangling themselves together snug. More tears flowed, again and again as they curled tight. After what felt like could be an hour a knock tapped at the door. They nodded into the boy clutched in their arms prompting Sam to hold them tighter and turn to the door, “It’s open.”
The team peered in with matching sorrowful expressions. Sam may be the one actively in a relationship but all five of the team had grown to need the young agent. Danny held out bottle. Sam looked down. “Do you think you could try and drink some water, love?”
They sniffled and sat up eagerly, nodding and pulling stray hairs off their wet face. Danny smiled at their immediate interest in hydration. Sam pressed a kiss to their temple after they swiftly downed 3/5 of the liquid. When they yawned for the n’th time Ava ushered the others to leave and let the couple be.
“What’s up?” Peter asked from the doorway.
They pointed to Sam, then to the team, then snuggled back into their boyfriend. Surly they weren’t asking for Sam to leave (they didn’t do it like that). At Peter’s confused face Sam spoke to his partner loud enough for the others to hear the message being translated to them, “they’ll grab me if Nova’s needed.”
“Nah, dude stay, we go-” Sam cut Luke off with a shake of his head and continued quieter, “they’ll spiral if they think they’re keeping me from something.” The taller boy nodded as the four heroes bid the two goodnight and closed the door.
“Think you could sleep?”
The start of a nod before a shrug.
“Wanna try?”
Soft nodding.
“Okay,” Sam sighed as he spoke and laid down. He felt the familiar weight and warmth as they curled around him and pressed a few gentle kisses to the back of his neck.
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st4rgzer · 11 months
PINKY PROMISE charlie (tpobaw)
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summary: charlie gets a surprising visit from his girlfriend after the incident
genre: angst and fluff
cw!: implication or suicide, use of she/her pronouns, mentions of mental hospital?, a one time mention of cigarettes
a/n: this is for the beloved ciara, so, enjoy girlie😝 (also i apologize if theres mistakes or its bad, its my first time writing a fic and english is my second language so go easy on me😭) And at the start is a lyric from the 30th by Billie Eilish, Its not important I just thought it was suitable
“in a hospital bed, i remember you said, you were scared, and so was i”
When your mum called me that night, I didn’t believe her, i refused to, i cursed myself. I hated that I wasn’t able to help you, I wasn’t enough for you to try and stay, but i knew I shouldn’t look at it that way, you were still here, with me, thats all that mattered. I sat in the waiting room, the hospital lights were dizzying, absurdly white.When they called my name i let out a breath I didn’t even know i had held.
“Miss y/l/n, Charlie is ready to see you” said the doctor.She had a pretty smile, her voice was soft, i hope she was soft with Charlie, i really do.
I nodded and went through the door, and i swear, when i saw him, my heart stopped. His brown hair was messy, strands going in different directions, his head was slightly leaned on his shoulder, asleep, and the bright light’s accentuated his pale skin. I came closer to the side of the bed, it felt like i was walking on eggshells, trying not to make a noise, he looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to disturb him, but as i sat down on the chair beside him it was like he could feel my presence.
“hey…what are you doing here?” His voice was hoarse, i imagine from all the crying, i tried not to think about that.
“I um, i came to visit you” i said reaching out my hand, i almost couldn’t look at him in the eyes, it hurts to see your favorite person like this, and it hurt a lot. His hand found mine and he started tracing small circles in the palm of my hand, looking down at it, he wanted to say something, he always did that when he was unsure of himself
“yeah?…” I whispered.
“Im sorry”
He apologized. He was the one in the hospital bed and he apologized. It felt like time stopped, i was so confused, what could he possibly be sorry about? He was perfect, he was so hard on himself and it pained me to hear the quiver in his voice when he said it. I shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows
“No…no, Charlie, don’t apologize” i held his hand tightly and looked at his eyes, nearly wincing when i saw the tears, and the dark eye bags under them.
“You have nothing to be sorry about ok? Nothing.” I stated firmly, i softened my gaze as tears fell out his eyes
“Shhh, its ok, its ok” i reassured him stroking his hand, he looked up at me
“Can you lay with me here, just for a bit…please?” his eyes were begging, pleading almost. I immediately agreed and crawled into his bed, his head laying against my chest, i stroked his hair, untangling all the knots he had, he sobbed against my chest, his hand wrapped around my waist, holding me tighter, i closed my eyes, and held him close.
“There is…so much pain. And i don’t know how to not notice it” i felt his voice tremble, i closed my eyes harder, trying not to cry in front of him, he didn’t need that, i sighed.
“I know, i know that char, you just…have to notice the good things ok? The things worth staying for” i continued playing with his hair to try and distract him, i felt his tears soak my shirt. “Like, remember when we went to that record store? And you were going to buy me that Smiths record? Because of how much you loved it and how you wanted me to love it too, and when we went to checkout, this sweet old lady bought it for us, remember?” I felt him nod, my hand rubbed his back softly “or when we were in Sam and Patricks pick up truck? And we were in that tunnel, and the perfect song was playing, and we all felt-“
“Infinite, we felt infinite” he finished for me, i smiled, it was a relief, he laughed too.
After a moment of sitting in silence, comforted by each others presence, our heartbeats were the only thing we were able to hear, and our breathing had synced up.
“Promise me you’ll never leave me” he whispered, his hand fiddling with the fabric of my shirt.
“Pinky promise” i said, extending my pinky to him, he sat up and looked at me with surprise, a hint of glee in his eyes, i swear i could see the corners of his mouth upturn.
“Pinky promise” he replied back, linking our pinkies, we laughed, we laughed like we always used to, like two silly teenagers in love, we both leaned against the wall catching our breath, looking at the ceiling, our hands intertwined under the scratchy hospital blanket and his head resting on my shoulder.
I turned to look at him, i admired the upturn of his nose, his rosy cheeks, my attention turned to his lips, the subtle pink pigment on them, i could look at him forever and find new things I loved. I cupped the side of his cheek and he looked at me, he smiled softly and sat up straight, re gaining the advantage of him being taller than me, when he’s not slouched. My thumb stroked his cheek, his soft, cold skin leaning into my palm, he rested his hand on the back of my neck to push me more towards him, he glanced at my lips, i looked at his. I could smell his old cologne and a faint cigarette scent, his eyes meet mine, his cheeks take on a much more rosy tint than usual, it feels like one of those moments where you know that even though everything has happened, you still have each other, and you’re sure of it. His lips hesitantly press against mine, making me smile into the kiss, my hand tangles in his hair and his hand move delicately to my hips, resting them there softly, tugging me slightly towards him, his lips are soft against mine, slow, delicate, he hums as i tug his hair just a little, we tear from the kiss reluctantly, after all, this was a hospital.He smiled, i could see the spark in his eyes again, just a little, i couldn’t help but giggle a bit at his swollen lips
“What, whats so funny?” He laughed at me, amused
“Nothing just…” i shook my head, a grin plastered on my face. “You look very pretty thats all”
his eyes widened at the compliment, and his cheeks burned up as his smile faded and turned into a flustered smirk and looked down, regaining some confidence.
“….you too” he said softly, i tilted my head and pouted, it took a lot in him for him to say that, of course, he wasn’t the most confident person when it came to romance, but he always tried, because it was you. I kissed his knuckles gently and slipped back under the blanket, his head rested on my stomach and my hand once again began stroking his hair, his arms were tangled around my waist.
“Im always here for you Charlie, no matter what” i said, whispering, he had his eyes closed, he was surely asleep, but i still felt the need to say that. I knew he would know. I rested there a little bit, humming peacefully a bit more until he let out small snores, with his mouth slightly agape. I checked the time. 10:45. It was definitely time for me to go home, I didn’t tell my mum i was staying overnight and i didn’t want her to worry. I place a gentle kiss on his forehead, lingering slightly, but being careful to not wake him up, i slowly slipped out of bed, resting his head on a pillow, i stared at him for a little longer, then left.
He woke up a few hours later, panicking that he wasn’t in contact with you, that he didn’t feel your heartbeat, and didn’t hear your breathing.
“Ah Charlie, you’re finally awake dear-“
“Where’s y/n?” He cut off the nurse, looking around the room nervously, waiting for an answer from her.
“Who?” She asked with a confused smile, trying to be understanding
“Y/n, my…girlfriend” he said more softly, getting up hurriedly and going over to check outside
“Oh- Charlie- you shouldn’t go out! I think she left, i can have someone call her if you want?” The nurse stood in front of the door, and tried calm Charlie down. He wasn’t sure where you had went but he just knew he wanted you back, he realized how rude he was being to the doctor, so he calmed down a little and rubbed his eyes
“I just, i need her, i need y/n, please” he said, making his point with drastic hand gestures
“Ok, ok, I’ll have the receptionist call her darling, that sound good?” She asked, rubbing his shoulder
“Mhm” he nodded, not very sure of the nurse’s promise, he went back to his bed and patiently waited for you. He realized how that was the first time he had had a proper sleep since he got there, in your arms.
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hazel-of-sodor · 4 months
A Life Well Lived
Ch.4 Exit Stage Right
Other Stories
Other Chapters
The cool September air was a welcome feeling on Topham's skin as he leaned against Edward. He had walked over to speak with his old friend while waiting for his train. Edward was telling him about some of the antics the others had gotten into since he retired, but he just couldn't seem to focus. He was so tired... Oh.
"Edward?" He interrupted.
"Yes sir?"
"Could you call Lady Jane over here?"
As Edward whistled for her, Topham lowered himself on to a crate that had been left in front of the engine.
"Sir, are you alright?" Edward asked with worry.
"I'm sorry Edward, but I don't think I'll be getting back up from here."
Edward looked confused for a moment before he understood. "Sir..."
Edward sounded smaller than he had in years.
"It's quite alright, Edward," Topham reassured him, placing a hand on the nearest buffer. "I've known this was coming."
His wife rounded the corner of Edward only to stop cold, "Oh...Derek..." She whispered.
"I'm afraid we'll be late to the picnic my dear." 
 "You'll make it up to me, you always do," she said, brushing away tears.
"I'll be waiting for you with the basket ready my dear."
"You had better be." she said with a broken laugh.
Topham chuckled weakly only for it to break into a coughing fit. When it stopped he turned back to Edward.
"If I may ask one last thing of you, Edward?"
"Anything Sir."
"I've been advising Charles as best I could, but he will need someone else he can trust to advise him as controller now. Will you help him for me?"
"Always. I promise Sir, I won't let you down." Edward said, tears finally hitting his footplate.
Topham smiled, "You never have old friend."
The station porters ran up with a stretcher. "Don't worry Sir, well have you to the hospital in no time."
"Its too late for that I'm afraid."
"Its alright boys, I've got him from here." A man with white peppered hair and white coat strode up.
"Doctor Stephens. I knew I should have had an apple this morning." His laugh quickly turned into a shaking cough.
The Doctor pulled out his briefcase. When he laid his stethoscope against Topham's chest he sighed deeply.
"You had to be right one last time, Derek."
He looked up towards Jane, "I'm sorry Jane, but it would be best just to take him home.  He'll be more comfortable there, and theres nothing I could do at the hospital that I cant do there."
Derek reached up and grabbed Jane's hand. "Thank you, Doctor."
Dr. Stephen closed his brief case, "I only wish I could do more old friend."
He helped the porters lay Derek on the stretcher, and the group began walking towards a tram waiting to take Derek home.
Edward watched the tram until it was long out of sight, tears coating his running board.
Sir Topham Derek Hatt passed away at his home in Wellsworth on September 5th, 1956, surrounded by his family. Moments later, whistles and horns began sounding out across the Island. One last farewell, to the Fat Controller, and a life well lived.
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moonchildstyles · 1 year
okay this https://www.tumblr.com/moonchildstyles/714451320581603328/so-like-ummm-prosecco-sitting-at-the-end-of-the but what if she really did try to stay up for him:(( like she was planning on being awake when he got back, so all the downstairs lights are left on, and she left a plate with dinner leftovers covered on the counter so he could pop it in the microwave once he got back if she knew he didn’t eat yet bc she wants to make sure he’s taken care of since he always takes such good care of her:( and bc the lights are all on and things are left out, he’s assuming that she’s awake, so when he’s going upstairs into the bedroom he’s talking to her, “sorry, sweetheart, I got a whole stack of paperwork out on my desk right at the end of the day that-“ but he’s cutting himself off immediately bc he sees her propped up on some pillows against the headboard with her head slumped over on her shoulder and a book barely held open in her lap while the tv is on low in the background since he knows she doesn’t like how quiet his house is when she’s there alone:( and he’s just:(((( she’s just the sleepiest thing, but she tried so hard to be awake for him!!! so he’s turning off the main lights and switching on a bedside lamp instead, bookmarking her page and putting the book on the nightstand, and then carefully readjusting her body so her head is properly on the pillows so she’s not hurting in the morning:( and she’s waking up a little bit and whining at the disruption so he’s shushing her and “it’s just me, baby, go back to sleep” and petting her cheek to settle her until she’s snuggling into the blanket:( and then he’s brushing the hair off of her forehead and he has to tear himself away from her to get changed and get himself ready for bed, but when he’s finally crawling under the covers it’s like she can sense him in her sleep and shuffles over to him, burrowing into his chest when he takes her in his arms:((( and he’s kissing her forehead and telling her goodnight and that he loves her and his heart just about breaks when he hears a murmured “love you” coming from her:((( 🐢
WAIT WAIT WAIT :(((((( THIS IS LITERALLY :( SO :( like this is.......so good:( and sooooo them:((((((( her little ways of taking care of him and him ofc like just being so happy to see her after such a long day and just :((((( the idea of him like fixing hr up and saving her space in her book and making sure shes comfortable :( and like helping her back to sleep when she starts waking up like :((((((( bestie theres nothing for me to add even like this is so :( special and sweet and cute and so them ad wonderful:(( like :((((
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quodekash · 1 year
AIGHT its saturday, i finally have time, lets binge the final abaab episode and then the two os2 episodes and then watch the trailer for next week and cry because holy hell patpran are coming back to us guys how does one deal
but first, let's focus on the task at hand: jack's amazing hair. and threezo. and also the actual plot i guess.
i literally just cracked my knuckles in preparation for this
NOOO I FORGOT HOW THE LAST EPISODE ENDED (its been literally two weeks since jack's hair this show was last on my screen what the hell)
ignore my 'nooooo', its fine
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cher with his hands in the air like he's a farmer in a drought and its finally raining for the first time in months
jack not going insane but hes so clearly HAPPY and i LOVE HIM and with his hands on his hips and his perfect hair and his hair that is perfect and his happiness and his happy hair
tub going insane because MONEY
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i love three so much
he looks like he feels like hes in a dream
like he cant believe the trophy hes holding is real
i love this music theyre playing
the video game music
theres a word for that
its like something bit music
im thinking 3 bit or 8 bit
i dont know things
i love the music
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HES SO PRETTYYYYYY (youll never guess who im talking about)
also i freaking love aoi and her reaction
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"my script hasnt been completely said, boss. can i say it first?" he wants his essay writing skills to be appreciated
cher leaned forward. gun's gonna kiss him.
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i love them so much
smoochy smooch in front of everyone
so sweet
so happy
i love themmmmmmmm
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everyone freaking out and jack sitting there, happy for them but also like 'GUYS CALM DOWN' but mostly amused and most of all HAPPY HE IS HAPPY
im gonna have a mental breakdown later in the episode cos theres no way theyll all stay so happy the whole way through. theyll be happy at the end. but we're only at 1/4. i know how they do these things. 1/4 is happiness and you think nothing can go wrong, and then 2/4 will lull you into a false sense of security, and then 3/4 will crush your soul and rip it up then cry on it then put it through a paper shredder and then, near the end of the part, will try to put you back together like a puzzle near, and then 4/4 will have the pieces glued together and yeah youre permanently damaged but youll be happy about it.
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hes gonna take that as a challenge
he will battle you to the death to try and be the first one to propose, mark my words
"weve been together for less than 10 minutes, youre thinking about marriage already?" "yes." lmao simp
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oh look at that, angst has entered the building
get the tears ready, folks
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okay then never mind
but the angst will come in a different form, and itll come soon, mark my freaking words
bro cher is so freaking charismatic, how does he do it?
imagine him as a bard
hed never fail anything
everyone would love him
hes so naturally charismatic, and being a bard would just increase that
now im picturing bls but dnd and holy hell i do not have enough mental stability to handle that rn
"i havent taken off my underwear yet" "let me help you" I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
"lets not talk about this anymore" theyre gonna make out instead arent they
yup theyre making out
enjoy that, guys
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i love thoop's mum but shes so short its hilarious
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this is so funny to me and i cant explain why
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he looks so done
i love him
i also love his hair
idk if ive ever mentioned that before but i do in fact love his hair
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"if i got 1K every time you said love, id be a billionaire" cher, if everyone got 5 bucks every time i said love, we'd solve world hunger
Gun: "yes boss" Cher: "good job, intern" is this them foreshadowing os2?
ooooo new year party
zo getting three to correct the sign very specifically??? autism.
"when you say perfect, do you mean the sign, or us?" TUB'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND- I CANT
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im with you there, tub
just in a different way to you
theyre too cute for me to handle bc i love them so much
tub jsut finds it too cheesy for his lonely heart
"when will this honeymoon phase be over" N E V E R.
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hey thats what i said!
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awwwhhhh just cheek kisses
i love cheek kisses but cmon guys, let threezo have their main character moment. just for a sec.
cher failing at cooking, i love this
"you dont let me shine" "please dont shine. im afraid youd explode my kitchen."
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guys i mightve been wrong, this episode might actually be entirely happiness and good vibes
pls let there be a threezo new years kiss
i need it
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close enough
i love them
awwwww this new years surprise is so cute
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"i love you all year, forever, and all my life" NOOOO I CANTTTT
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"youre the best new year gift for me" WH- AWW
its so cliche but its so cute
i love this
i love that thye ended the series on new years
if it were like any other series or movie or anything at all id probably gag but i love them all too much to gag
i feel like its important to know that the italian version of "youre the best new year gift for me" translates roughly to "for me, you're the best gift of new year's ive ever received" and im-
"except when im using the bathroom. thats my personal time" PFFFT
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im sensing a parallel to episode 2
(which, btw, its insane that they kissed in episode freaking two)
(tinngun almost didnt even get to it in their final episode for goodness sake)
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overall: criminally underrated show, incredible characters, incredible chemistry, incredible acting, holy hell i cant believe its over. i love this show.
AIGHT, time for os2.
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my-mummy-dust · 1 year
Blood on your hands - Rossi x reader
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Idk who made the gif I’m sorry. The fic is inspired by this gif! Thank you so much @0and0its0doctor0 for helping me with this 🤍
Warnings: blood, suicide, criminal mind’s violence, prolly some grammar mistakes somewhere. Word count: 2.5k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚:
It all happened so fast. Uncomfortably fast.
The case was nothing out of whatever you considered ordinary. It was a hostage situation. You were the first one in the building. You herd in your earpiece Hotch and Rossi telling you what to do. No sudden movements, stay as calm as you can, let the unsub think he’s in control of the situation, but make sure to keep the upper hand in case something were to go south. Nothing you couldn’t do. So where did it all go wrong? What happened?
The unsub had a knife to the victims throat. He told you that if you were to come one step closer to him, he’d kill her. Okay, thats fine. Breathe. No sudden movements. You put your gun back in its holster and raised your hands, showing him that you didn’t have anything in your hands. He turned the victim around harshly by her shoulders and for a second you thought, you really thought he was going to let her go. Then it happened. A guttural, pained scream ripped through the poor girl. You watched in shock as the unsub pulled back and kept stabbing her in the stomach. You couldn’t scream, you couldn’t make any noise; just a horrified gasp.
Before you knew what you were doing, you were lunging towards the victim as she crumpled to the ground. The panicked voices of Hotch and Rossi in your earpiece sounded muffled, as if cotton had been stuffed into your ear. The unsub panicked and quickly ripped the knife out of the stomach of the victim and shoved it into his own throat. The heavy thumping is what sent you over the edge. You turned an dropped to your knees, scrambling to stop the blood pouring from the victims stomach. You tore your FBI vest off and quickly took your shirt off, momentarily thanking yourself for wearing a tank top underneath it. You bunched up the shirt holding it firmly on the spot where the most blood was coming out of. The blood quickly soaked through the shirt and onto your hands, covering them in an unnervingly warm blanket of deep red.
You were muttering incoherently under your breath as you pressed the soaked through shirt harder on her abdomen, tears blurring your vision. A firm hand was felt on your shoulder. You jumped but didn’t look to see who it was, nor did you stop applying pressure to the wounds.
“Hey, Y/n, she’s gone, come on”
It was Morgan. His voice was steady. How could he be so calm at a time like this? You ignored him, refusing to leave until you felt the hand from your shoulder move to your forearm; starting to pull you away. You tried to stay. Tried to save her, but Morgan pulled you away.
‘No! Morgan…you- you have to let me stay! She’s dying, shell bleed out if i dont help her!”
Your vision was still blurred as you tried to pull away.
‘She’s gone, kid. She isn’t coming back’
‘No- no how can you say that! Theres still time…theres still something i can do…there has to be something…..”
You voice trailed off to nothing, getting caught in your throat. He let go of you, turning to look at you, ready to grab you if you decided to bolt. You couldn’t. You didn’t even want to keep standing. Looking down at your hands you felt sick. Bending over, you rubbed your hands on your pant legs, trying desperately to get the caked on blood off. You couldn’t take it anymore, you rubbed your hands on your pants until you felt another Hand on your back. You stood up and turned around. Instantly recognizing the silver hair and bushy eyebrows. You felt your shoulders drop. You spoke before he could, sounding calmer than you actually were. Your voice small, barley audible.
‘I didn’t move until he already stabbed her…i did what you told me to….i-i don’t..’
He held his hands out in front of him, his voice nicer than you thought it would be, considering you got both the victim and the unsub killed in one go. He looked you in the eyes, worry painting his expression.
‘Hey, hey, None of this…is your fault.”
He spoke slowly, annunciating his words; making sure you herd what he was saying. You just nodded, dropping your gaze to the ground, looking at his shoes. You looked up when you saw prentiss in your peripheral vision, walking slowly over to you.
‘Hey, the medical team wants to check you out.’
You nodded and followed her, walking away from Rossi.
The rest of the day went by in a haze. People talked, you pretended to pay attention. The only thing you herd clearly for the rest of the day was Hotch telling the team to make their way to the jet.
You took the window seat farthest away from the rest of the team, not wanting to make yourself try to hold a conversation. The jet took off and you found your mind drifting back to what happened. Drifting back to every possible outcome. She could have lived if you had done something different. You looked down at your hands, clasped tightly together in your lap. Turning your hands palms up, you zoned out. You blinked a few tears away, then held your breath when you saw the same uncanny shade of red covering your palms. Your brow knitted together as you sat up straighter in your seat, hunching over slightly; your feet flat on the floor and your knees together.
You flipped your palms over and started rubbing the blood off your pants once again. But this time it didn’t wipe off. Your breath hitched, a lump in your throat as you rubbed your hands harder on your pant leg. You rubbed your hands until your hands started to burn. Your thoughts were in a jumble until you felt two hands covering the top of your own, stopping them.
You looked in front of you, sniffling as your eyes met Rossi’s. You shook your head, looking back down at large hands on top of yours. Watching as his hands slid under yours, making a barrier between them and your pants. Focusing on the rings he had on.
Rossi was putting his coffee cup back with the others at the coffee bar when he saw you tense up and hunch over slightly, starting to rub your hands on your pant legs just like you had before. He had been keeping an eye on you ever since he saw how morgan had to almost pry you away from the victims body. He didn’t want to make it obvious, but he couldn’t not keep an eye on you. He set his coffee cup down and walked over to you. He called your name quietly a few times and when you didn’t respond, he crouched down in front of you, resting his hands on your own to stop you.
‘It’s not your-‘
‘No but it is. I did everything i could.’
You didn’t mean to cut him off, but you couldn’t stop yourself. Your voice was still hushed but panicked.
‘Exactly, you did everything you co-‘
‘No. Dave you don’t understand. If..if I hadn’t-‘
‘If you hadn’t what? Darling, you did exactly what we told you,’
His voice was calm and steady. The anchor in the seemingly never ending storm you so desperately needed.
‘That’s what I’m trying…i did everything you said…so why, why is she..’
You couldn’t bring yourself to say the word. You pulled your hands away from his and covered your face with them, hunching over farther and resting your elbows on your legs; letting out quiet, muffled, sobs. He stood up, taking off his suit jacket and draping it over your shoulders as best as he could since you were in an undershirt; your button-up shirt left abandoned at the crime scene.
His jacket was warm and comforting. You smelled his cologne, basking in the familiarity of it. You sobbed into your hands for a moment longer before rubbing your eyes and dropping your hands to your lap, looking up at Rossi with tired, tear-filled eyes.
‘You did everything right y/n. This is not your fault. We didn’t know the unsub would act out like that.’
Once again he spoke slowly and clearly. He sat in the chair next to you and took one of your hands in his, bringing it to his lips and gently kissing your knuckles, then resting your hand in his lap; interlacing his fingers with yours, rubbing the top of your hand with his thumb.
‘Do you understand?’
He tipped his head down a little, urging you to look at him. When you didn’t he squeezed your hand a little. You looked up in response, sniffling as you nodded a little.
‘Hey, i need to know that you understand, okay?”
His voice kept the softness, but you could hear the more demanding undertones. You finally met his gaze, nodding once again.
‘I know…’
He nodded in return and smiled a little, reassuringly squeezing your hand once again.
‘When we land, I’m taking you straight to my house ok?’
It was a question, but it really wasn’t. You knew that if you objected he would reason you into staying with him, so no matter how you’d answer, you would end up at his house. Not that you were planning to object. A weight felt as if i was lifted off your shoulders when he said that. You didn’t want to ask if you could stay with him, but you knew if you did he would happily say yes. You hummed in response, looking out the window.
The car ride to his house was silent. You had put your arms in the sleeves of Rossi’s suit jacket. One leg was crossed over the other, your arms crossed over your stomach. Rossi wanted desperately to comfort you in any way he could, but he knew you didn’t want to be messed with.
He pulled into the driveway and got out, walking to the passenger door and opening it for you, holding out a hand to help you out. You took the offer and got out of the car, the corner of your lip twitched up in a smile when you saw him get your bag to carry for you. He closed the car door and walked you into the house, once again opening and closing the door for you. He set your stuff next to his by the front door, carefully guiding you up the stairs and into his room.
You didn’t realize how late it was until the red flashing time on the alarm clock reminded you.
‘I can only assume you want to change, you left some pajamas here a few weeks ago.’
You nodded and he got them for you. Mumbling a thanks as you took them, you made your way to the bathroom to change. When you came out of the bathroom, he was in a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt, pulling the covers back on the bed.
He saw you and walked over to where you stood, taking the bloody pants and setting them on the back of the chair that went with the little desk in his room.
‘Do you need anything? I haven’t seen you eat since lunch, but i can see why you wouldn’t have an appetite. Water?”
You shook your head, walking to the bed and climbing under the blankets. It never failed to amaze you how comfortable his bed was. It was like sleeping on a cloud. The sheets were cool and silky. The duvet was always so fluffy. You were lost in thought when you felt the bed dip next to you, adjusting to the weight of a second person.
The moment he was in the bed you scooted closer to him. He turned on his side and pulled you into his chest, one hand rested on the back of your head, the other on your lower back. He rested his chin on the top of your head, completely covering you in his embrace. You tangled your legs with his, grabbing tiny fistfuls of his shirt; worried that if you were to let go, he would fade away into the darkness that surrounded the two of you.
Rossi felt how tense you were and started slowly rubbing your back in an attempt to calm you down. While you weren’t saying a word, you didn’t need to for Rossi to know the chaos that was taking place in your mind. He knew that your head was swarming with what-ifs and thousands of questions, all consisting of ‘why?”
‘I love you y/n, i really do.’
He sounded tired, but he would be dammed if he fell asleep before you. He’d tape his eyelids open if thats what it took to keep himself awake for you. Your thoughts stopped at the sound of his voice. Your grip on his shirt loosened, but you didn’t let go.
‘I love you too’
There was still a shake to your voice. When Rossi herd it he held you tighter.
‘I’m proud of you.’
He couldn’t be joking. You got two people killed. The only word you could get out was
‘You handled the situation way better than I’ve seen other people handle it. I wont go into detail, but compared to them, you handled it very well.’
He felt you shrug.
‘It’s okay to not be ok. It’s normal to be upset by this darling. It’s actually a good thing. It means you still have a heart for the victims.’
His words were bouncing off of you, some of them sunk in. You tried your best to focus on the way his hand rubbed up and down your back, how his other hand was resting on the back of your hand. You tried to focus on the way it felt like his chest was vibrating when he talked. The way you could feel his heartbeat if you were still enough. You tried to focus on the remnants of his cologne.
Eventually, every one of those things worked together and calmed you. Eventually you felt your shoulders drop, your muscles relaxing in his arms. He felt you melt in his arms and he couldn’t help but smile out of relief, knowing that you were finally calm. When he felt your breathing slow just a bit more, he kissed the top of your head. You wanted to break the silence and say something before you fell asleep.
‘Thank you…for everything’
You hated how much of an understatement that was. How you felt like you were downplaying just what he had done for you today. But it was all you cold manage.
‘You deserve all of it, and so much more.’
His sleepy tone matched yours. Calm and loving.
‘I love you’
He repeated, feeling you hum in response. Once your breathing evened out and he was sure you were asleep since your grip on his shirt reduced to you just holding it, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep; not daring to let go of you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚:
A /n: wow! This was something else. I loved writing it! I hoped you liked it 🤍
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