#and yes the cake was very tasty too
canaryinacoolmine · 5 months
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Got married to my best friend of 13 years back in July, and wanted to show off our Mothzilla themed wedding cake!! The cake itself is supposed to be like Monster Island, all tropical on on side and volcanic on the other.
I'd been dreaming of the Mothra & Godzilla cake toppers my whole life 😭💕 KandECustomWerks did the best job in the world 3D printing them, and my husband and I will treasure them forever 💝
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jamesluckycl0ve · 8 months
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my mum made this cake for my birthday :)
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Yandere Best Friend
Tw: childhood abuse, divorced parents, bullying, violence, angstt, parental neglect
ageless blogs n minors DNI blease tq <3
my masterlist
hi guys after a long hiatus i come back , coping mechanism time
i wrote this like from 11pm to 3am in a frenzy so dont exepct much , ridden wih typos, contradiction,grandma misrake and idk if the reader here is fully gender neutral or i accidentally sprinkled some afab in there
thersras like a part 2 to this so eyah stayetuned
He was there from the very beginning, that quiet boy from elementary that you shared your sandwich with when no one bats an eye at him.
He was quiet, you were considered uninteresting. Both of you are somewhat outcasts and the other children held no interest towards you and him. Perfect match for each other, instant best buddies, bonded by mutual loneliness.
Well, maybe, not instant. He was weary and so were you, it took a while before you gained his trust. He made sure you didn't stuff nasty, gritty bugs in that sandwich like how all the other kids would do. You made sure he didn't accept it just to throw it in your face.
Once it was established that you didn't add an extra ingredient and he isn't going to play bread frisbee, the door to a long and strong friendship was established. He doesn't have much to say, but he's never short on kind gestures when it comes to you. Are your bags heavy? Let him carry them, he's a strong boy; he drinks his milk and gets his healthy amount of sleep. You forgot to do your 5th grade long division homework? He is going to swap his completed homework sheets with your empty ones, he's okay with being scolded. He has some stupidly thick skin from what goes on at home.
Your yoyo is really cool, you said. You own that yoyo now. No, really, it's okay. He doesn't really need it and it made you happy when you had it in your small hands. Yes, it took him months of begging his busy, overworked, broken, divorced, struggling, knee-deep in debt dad and a couple of missed lunches to get that shiny yoyo, but he loves seeing your surprised expression and dazzling smile.
Oops, you spilled your drink all over another classmate's book, or you broke a window, or you dented a teacher's car. It doesn't matter how many people witness it, it doesn't matter what you say, he's responsible and will gracefully accept all repercussions and punishments even if that means receiving a couple more ugly bruises on his body that night.
Who doesn't like candy? He sure loves them. That's why, he uses up all his already scarce pocket money to buy you some. You protest, he's confused, don't you like candy? Yes, he knows he won't be eating a lot these few weeks because he can't afford it, but don't you like candy?
Are your hands dirty from eating all that chocolate? Here, use his white shirt as a napkin. No, really, it's okay! He's your friend, he would do anything for you... are your shoes muddy too?
Happy birthday! It's a very special day for you and him too, that's why, he saved up enough to buy you a tasty cake and a pair of beautiful promise rings made up of gold! Isn't that cool? Don't worry about how he got the money and please ignore the giant, bloodied cotton gauze on his head, please ignore his black eye, please ignore the strange burn marks on his limbs. His extra injuries are due to... him falling off a bike. You know that's not true. That's not how he got them. He is going to be really sad if you don't accept his gifts, better just shut up, smile, say thank you, kiss the boo-boos away, stuff your face with delicious cake and wear the damn ring.
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, goodbye, I love you and all the other greetings are something you hear everyday from him. Hm, the teachers are complaining that he isn't that polite to them or to the other children, all they get are silent blank stares at best, a scowl and a spitting hiss at worst.
Halloween's here, you're dressed up as a generic bedsheet ghost because its the cheapest to do. While he's dressed up as a horror movie survivor. Wow, the cuts, tattered clothes, blood, abuse marks and limping walks really sold the costume. But you and him both know very well that these aren't done using makeup or prosthetics.
You and him went on trick and treating quietly.
Aww, you both are so adorable. Candies for days. Your pumpkin buckets filled up quick, that's because your friend keeps piling his candy into yours.
Aren't chocolate bars his favorite? Yes, of course. They're so expensive, delicious and very unafforable. But why does he keep giving them to you and leaving none for himself? Because they're everyone's favorite, including yours, duh!
Such a young gentleman, he is the type to lay his coat over a puddle of water for you to cross over it.
Middle school is where children usually begin to explore the concept of romance. Maybe you saw him as a brother, maybe you weren't attracted to him at the time, maybe you wanted to put his devotion for you to the test. Whatever the reason was, you consistently friendzone him whenever he tried to court you.
But it's okay, he is willing to wait. He is willing to have his eyes sting with tears, heart broken over and over again. He is willing to grit his teeth and clench his fists while forcing a smile, watching you experiment with the idea of having a boyfriend or girlfriend with other people. He is willing to be the third wheel to every single one of your dates with other kids. Your friend is always going to be there for you no matter what, he is your unyielding safety net, he is your second choice, he is always the best alternative or default when the puppy love didn't work out. And, he found solace in that. Others come and go, he is the fucking constant.
Then, he is going to try his luck. He will do it over and over again. You're going to accept it one day.
Your friend loves flowers. He speaks the language and gives you bouquets of red roses and pink Camellias. You usually chuck it in a vase filled with water and let it wilt, they're going to be replaced anyways.
He found that the food in the cafeteria can be awful, with goopy expired milk, to half frozen pizzas, they're bound to cause some poor kid to puke their guts out later in the day. He is making sure you're not that kid, so, he dedicated what precious free time he had to hone his cooking skills. He is a busy boy, working god knows how many jobs a 12 year old can work in a day, just to fund this essential skill of his.
Middle schoolers can be so cruel, your friend may not look the most feminine, but it's the actions he does out of love that makes the children pick on him for being different. Ew! He likes flowers and cooking! Gross! Evil! Unnatural! Independent! So not Alpha!
It starts off rocky at first, bullies will sabotage him whenever they can, kick him while he's down. Ruin his stocks, call him names and vandalize his belongings, but he gets the last laugh when he makes fucking bank by selling warm, hearty, tasty meals. They're a big hit among the staff who have no time to cook for themselves and have half a brain to know eating from the cafeteria is a bad idea.
Of course, his beloved sweetheart gets to eat for free. And has the privilege to go for seconds, thirds, fourths, however much your stomach desires. Yours are always personalized to fit your palate and presented in the most appetizing way.
Soon, other children began buying his meals too. As it turns out, they fucking slap.
He began expanding, selling resold candies at a ridiculously marked up prices, but the way he marketed and packaged them, gave an illusion that he's selling a premium product. They sold out like hotcakes, while you ate wrapper after wrapper without needing to pay a single cent.
Hey, he really has a knack for business! He is raking in profits, bringing you out to eat, spoiling you with riches a self made, young entrepreneur would have, excelling in Business studies, Accounting, Mathematics and Psychology.
He began testing the limits of his trading empire, he began dabbling in service based business such as delivery, doing homework for a price, obtaining blackmail material... that is how he knew your homeroom teacher had an extramarital affair with the principal. Hmm... the principal seems to kiss his ass a lot and you get a bunch of privileges. You wonder why that happened.
His reputation grew as his shrewdness grew. Your friend was too intimidating to be bullied, as one of his business ventures includes hiring others to do some dirty work for him. You don't know the full extent of his giant conglomerate enterprise, and you don't want to know.
You remember seeing a female teacher handing him a wad of cash, her hair tousled, her clothes were messy, her lipstick smeared and weird stains were all over her body. For sure, she didn't just find it laying around in the boys' bathroom... and, there were a lot more boys requesting a bathroom break that day.
Your friend bought you the latest smartphone model on the same day too. You were disturbed with what you saw and the implications, so you asked if she even got anything out of working under him and... if she even agreed to work as... whatever she was. He just smiled, cup your cheek and told you to never, ever, ever, cheat in a relationship. Especially not with him.
He then followed up with his probably hundredth love confession for you. Which you promptly friendzone him again. Your friend would simply sigh and change the subject. Do you like your phone? He asked as you began unboxing it, the loud chatter from the mall's food court drowned the voice of doubt in your head.
His wallet is growing wider, he is growing taller, posture disciplined, voice deeper and he lost the majority of his baby fat. Giving him a sharper, meaner, leaner look, his physique is nothing to scoff at either. All those pastry batter mixing, soup stirring, skull bashing hustling and bustling sculpted those perfect abs and ass. His hair now has a healthy sheen to it since he can afford better things, his skin had no flaw and the protruding ribs on his chest is now covered up with muscular pecs.
Being pretty does have its' privileges, he observed a sale boost in his balance sheets.
Time waits for no man. Before you know it, the both of you are in Graduation togas. Smiling for the camera, you gave your friend bunny ears.
Your friend started worthless in everyone's eyes, something to poke fun at, a punching bag, forgettable and nothing serious. He transformed into this feared, revered, worshipped yet hated entity. Your friend no doubt made as many enemies as allies, that's just how it is in the business industry. Cold blooded, ruthless and absolutely bizarre to you.
He has obviously put some of the staff and students in horrible situations for his benefit and sometimes for your entertainment. They seem to genuinely see him as some sort of god, someone to cleanse them from all their sins. They... loved him. What a manipulative motherfucker.
As for you... your situation is pretty strange too. You are clearly the only person he cared about, the only person he truly ever loved and cherish. No one seem to conjure up the idea to use you against him. You seem... invisible, for the most part. And you are so grateful for that.
At least, that's what your friend wants you to think. You have no idea how many strings he has to pull to keep you safe and oblivious and innocent. You have no idea how much he had to spend to keep you pure and untainted. But, yeah. Keep believing its' due to some sort of cosmic karma system where you didn't incur any karmic debt.
It was the first time seeing his parents at this graduation ceremony, he never liked having you over at his house. They looked like how you imagined them; miserable, horrible, unhealthy and volatile. They really should not be seated next to each other, his parents looked like they're about to strangle each other and your friend at a moments' notice.
His father was smoking, plumes of grey wafted up in the open air. Ashes crumbled and dropped down to his lap. His necktie was undone and his office shirt was disheveled, much like his belt and scuffed shoes. It was a wonder how he's not escorted out of the venue yet.
His mother... she aged horribly. She looks irritated yet distant, she doesn't want to be here. Or does she not want to be with her ex husband? Maybe if they were separated by an opaque wall, the mood would be much more lifted. His mom wasn't mentioned a lot during conversations, you knew close to nothing except the fact that she gets him on the weekends.
Perhaps his mother is simply neglectful and not active, he did mention that its easier to prepare his sellable inventory during the weekends.
You're nervous to meet them, they're really unfriendly and they don't seem to care that much about their son's accomplishments.
Your friend gently wrapped his arm around your shoulders and rubbed his hand up and down your arm. As if to soothe you from the sight of his less than ideal parents.
To you surprise, he just shot them an indifferent look before leading you away. Their relationships must be unsalvageable.
The event comes to an end, your friend mingled with everyone who, the majority, had clenched fists behind their back. He then went to socialize with your parents, he knew them well and they also knew them well. Their opinions on him are lovely.
He continued his endeavors, trying out many different ventures. It was extremely dizzying with the sheer amount of businesses he had. Your friend moved out of his parents' house(s) and struggled with finding a place for a while. So he stayed over at your parents' house with you for the time being. You get to wake up to the smell of deliciousness every morning, the plants would be watered, furniture dusted, home sparkling clean. Though, he was rarely around.
Eventually, he found his footing and lived in his own place. It's a little cramped and it could qualify as a weapon of psychological warfare, but that was all he could afford at the time.
He fought tooth and nail to obtain a massive bank loan for his main business plan, he was stressing over opening his first restaurant. The logistics of it all, the raw materials, the hired help, the equipment, the advertising-- the pressure of it all was enough to break the average person, but not him. Oh, he thrived on this. He was calculating, he knew the costs, the risks and he saved up enough for a rainy day.
It took him many months, many trips to the bank, many meetings, many phone calls, emails, uncountable hours working 3 jobs a day, an eternity in the kitchen, in the sweltering heat of lit stoves heating up pots and pans, many times where he would lose his voice from aggressive marketing, persuasion, severe sleep deprivation, starvation, networking, tears, blood and sweat. There were more times than you can count with your hands that he was almost driven to insanity if it wasn't for you.
The thought of you alone was more than enough to ground him and keep his eyes on the prize, he is going to make so much money that, you and he wouldn't ever have to work ever again. You both would live happily ever after as a married couple, comfortable and never needing to worry if he could afford the next meal or keep the lights on.
That's nice. You wouldn't need to know what he went through, he doesn't want you to go through a life of hardship like how he did. You wouldn't ever need to work a day in your life.
Your friend rubbed his aching, calloused hands, ridden with cuts and scars. The golden promise ring sits around his finger, it wasn't his to begin with, he stole them from his parents when you both were kids. He found solitude knowing that your hands will never be like his, your back will not ache from overexertion, your muscles will be relaxed and your mind will be quiet, at peace. But only if he kept going. Only if he does not give up.
Everything he does, he does it for you. He thought to himself, as he rubbed his bloodshot eyes staring at the screen of his phone. It's showing that 5 more customers placed an order for his famous party platter through a popular social media app. Your friend sighed as he tucks his phone away before opening the door to his mini fridge containing all the ingredients needed for the orders. It's 11pm, he has to be at one of his workplaces at 6am tomorrow.
The day finally came where he would open the doors to his very own restaurant. There was a crowd waiting in front of the shiny, polished glass doors.
His team of service crews, cooks and baristas anxiously watched on as your friend glanced at his old, marred and cracked wristwatch. His hand was tightly gripping on the door handles as he watched the minute hand twitched. His eyes and mouth were dry, probably due to the dehydration he endured for a while now.
As soon as his accessory shows that it's time for the grand opening, he opened the floodgates.
Customers come rushing in like a torrent of water in a river. Some new, some old, some here to do their jobs as a journalist, some are his other associates, some are his estranged relatives, some are his rivals. It was an assortment of people, a mixed bag.
The Chefs are cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the wait staff are serving customers left and right, bringing them to their tables. Baristas are whipping up as much drinks as they can, as perfectly as they can. Not a single foam bubble out of place, or else all those training would have gone to waste.
It was loud, busy and fiery. Chaos yet it was controlled, Disorder but it was ordered.
Your friend was leading the flow, the rhythm. The pulse of the restaurant depended on him. He made sure everything is in line, satisfaction at an all time high and disappointment non existent. He barked commands, firm and domineering, he controls the scene with an iron hand.
Waitstaff were trained to strike up friendly conversations with customers whose orders will take a longer time, to give the illusion of speed. Cheery faces, toothy smiles, giggles and laughter filled the establishment's air, alluring aroma of cooked goods filled everyone's nostrils, making many stomachs growl. It was colourful, it was tumultuously harmonic, expression of glee would made its way to the patrons' face when their dishes gets served. All the meals go beyond their expectations, in terms of smell, texture, taste and plating.
Your friend made sure that the cooling system was working perfectly, as he works in a kitchen, the easiest way to get snappy and grumpy is to be hungry in an oven. Calming music that's faintly playing in the background also helps, but its' mostly for him and the other staff. Everyone else is too occupied with their own matters to notice.
Today should be a day of accomplishment, happiness and gratitude. Why shouldn't it be? Revenue is projected to be high, profits are guaranteed and expected to go through the roof. Logically, this restaurant will be sustainable for many decades to come.
But your friend... he is getting antsy, upset, distressed, unhappy. His staff is noticing that he isn't all there, he's getting crabbier by the second. They were baffled, everything is going well, he is handling it wonderfully and the pressure is actually slightly dying down.
Where are you? He had scanned the dining area many many times now. No sign of you... but your parents were there. That somewhat calmed him down a bit, if they're there, you should be there too... right? You're probably at the salad counter or the bathroom. He anxiously massaged his hands, where are you?
He trusts his staff to handle everything on their own. He decided to take big strides towards your parents. Your friend greeted them with a warm smile, an animated Hello. Your parents mirrored him and returned the affability.
He was desperate to see you again... oh god, how long has it been since he last saw you? Hear your voice? It must have been months. As this realization dawned on him, he felt the coldest chill run down his spine.
Did he... unintentionally neglected you in the process of building the perfect life? No, that can't be. He sent you texts everyday.
He clenched his jaw and pushed his gnawing thought away momentarily. He made small talk with your parents. It was fine until he abruptly cut them off and got to the point; Where are you?
Your parents glanced at each other and a look of discomfort washed over them. Your friend was using the table to support his weight as he leaned forward. His knuckles turning white from gripping the edge of the furniture too tightly.
They're studying abroad. They said. Your friend froze in place and widened his eyes.
What? Why didn't you tell him? Why didn't he know? Why--
He hastily whipped his phone out and frantically tapped on his cracked screen.
He trembled as he realized you never received his texts, let alone read it.
Your parents explained to him that you changed phone numbers two years ago when you left to continue your studies abroad.
Two years...? Its been two fucking years?!
Your friend began hyperventilating, his face was flushed and he was gagging and gasping. No, no, no this can't be. He is nothing like his parents! You meant everything to him, he had never intend to ignore you, he had never meant to neglect you! Your friend is losing grip on himself, he is shaking like a leaf. No one paid any attention to him, as he is simply insignificant at the moment.
Please... I-I need to call them, please let me call them! He was choking on his tears that were streaming down his face, dripping onto the pristine floors below.
Your father handed him his phone, your new number already dialed.
They're probably having an exam today. Your father tried to warn your friend, but he didn't hear a word. All he could think was you.
Your friend snatched it out from his hand and made a dash past all the staff, customers, chefs...
Until he reached the back door, upon which, he exited through it.
He sobbed, pressing the device against his ear, listening to it beep indefinitely.
The call eventually dropped because it wasn't picked up. His face was scrunched and his sniffles were bouncing off the walls and green dumpster nearby.
He tried again. The call dropped. He tried again. The call dropped.
He tried again,
Your friend crouched down to the ground and pulled his knees to his chest. His cries unheard by anyone, everyone else is in the restaurant. He is the only one at the back.
The call dropped.
I'm sorry. He mumbled repeatedly to himself.
He tried again.
I'm so sorry. He sobbed much harder this time, he cradled his face in his hand.
The call dropped.
Please forgive me. He squeezed his arm, his fingernails digging into his flesh.
He tried again.
You're always my number one. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have neglected you. He drew blood from piercing his skin with his nails.
The call dropped.
I'm sorry, I was only trying to build a better life for us. He took much shallower breaths.
He tried again
I would give up everything just to hear from you again, it means nothing to me if you're not here... with me. Please, I'm sorry. He was growing despondent, desolate. He was clutching his head, a ball of quivering mess.
The call dropped.
I love you. He whispered as he broke down completely. Angry at himself, angry at the world, angry at everything. Life isn't fair. He has done everything he needed to do and yet he the only reward he ever wanted isn't granted; you. He ruined everything, all of it, all his hard work, all of it was worthless. He felt worthless. The guilt and remorse and anguish of being a neglectful friend and partner was crushing him to death.
He wasn't there at the very end.
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luffyvace · 2 months
Akutagawa as your boyfriend ☀︎
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Umm happy late b day Aku…😭 I’m totally super late for this I KNOW. But! I’m doing it anyway! >:3 late or not :P Plus I Just wanted to write for him since I really like this dude (〃ω〃) (Light blood, death and killing mentions but not in detail)
Akutagawa b day hcs first >;}
planning everything out and hiding it from him is kind of a task. 😅 the guy’s pretty stealthy himself so ya gotta make sure he doesn’t sneak up on you while your prepping things.
Buuut with the help of everyone from the port mafia (except Mori- joking! he does help but Elise does 90% of the work) you planned a mini party <3
Gin got the food! (Figs and tea enters chat)
Higuchi got the decorations! (streamers, balloons, tables, chairs)
Hirotsu keeps akutagawa busy (tea and chatting LOL)
Elise makes the banners (hints poorly drawn dead versions of everyone—extra blood for aku<3)
Kajii makes (lemon shaped) confetti poppers!!
Koyo hosted/recorded it all 💗
Chuuya brought wine and the cake (both were really expensive and tasty good job Chuuya)
Q brought lots of presents!! :3
Annnnd Tachihara! Brought some ~port mafia style~ party games (you played mafia LOL)
now general relationship things 😚
He treats you like how he does Gin, there is peace between the two of you and you have friendly interactions. (Romantic as well, for you) he will even go as far as to do favors for you but we’ll dabble in that more later ☆)
acts of service is his #1 love language. There’s no convincing me otherwise. When I say ‘he will do anything for you’ besides killing this is what I mean. You really don’t have to ask either. I talk about this some more later but, examples: done with your plate? He’ll take it. He remembers you said you needed xyz, he got it for you. You said you wanted to ____ but you fell asleep, so he did it.
hope you get along with Gin because to continue a relationship with him past 2 minutes, you need to. He will never choose friends over family. I stand on that.
honest man.
Its canon, of course this would apply to a relationship too :)
you never have to worry about him lying, thankfullly. the bad news is…this guy isn’t just honest..he’s brutally honest 😀
which he’s not dumb, but he’s also not one to pacify feelings. So say you created something and you’ve been working on this piece for a while now, (whether your an artist, writer, sculptor, something else—whatever), he takes a look at it and singlehandedly points out all the flaws 🧍‍♀️
not in a rude way-
just genuinely telling your mistakes. Which- I know can hurt because you spent a lot of time on it…..but as lest you can fix it now..? 🤷‍♀️
He respects you. Of course he does! How could you love someone you don’t respect?!
why I’m mentioning this then?? Because to him, respect is very important. There’s few that he respects personally and not because of his job.
like Dazai (sorta bc of his job but shh), Gin or Atsushi (somewhat)
And just to clear it up those he has respect for because of his job would be mori or hirotsu
so the fact that you have his respect is a mile stone!! 👯‍♀️💃💃
He’s loyal but it ain’t a fault 😋🤪
seriously tho this dude is still chasing Dazai even after he “disgraced the mafia’s name” and left to the ada
So for you?? This is simply proof that he ain’t neva leavin you, and you ain’t neva leavin him 😙 (I don’t make the rules)
even If he disagrees with your actions/opinions he will talk it out with you 😱
now he might sound a bit upset, and if your acting absolute bonkers rn and need some sense smacked into you- he might yell too. But that’s mostly if it’s for your well being.
other than that, yes the hotheaded Ryuu will calm down for you (that kinda rhymes ☝️🤓)
living with the Akutagawa’s! ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎
going more into acts of service, you and Gin hardly ever have to worry about chores or errands
he doesn’t really do it for the purpose of your validation, and genuinely doesn’t expect a thank you either
”hm? Oh…it’s nothing.”
Is his response when you try to thank him
he does it because he’s responsible not for praise
although I will say, seeing as though he has a lot of respect for you, as I said earlier, you may get a semi flustered/shocked facial expression
not necessarily blushing, just a expression that shows it caught him off guard ;P
Its not uncommon to see him cleaning around the house and asking if you have any laundry
housewife Ryuunosuke LOL 😂
When goes out to get groceries he asks you and Gin if there’s anything specific you want him to buy and if yes, he’ll get it for you
just like in the anime with Gin, he doesn’t mind doing favors for you as well <3
if you decide you wanna clean up or go to the store yourself he won’t stop you and be like ‘nonono I got it you sit down 🥺’. I don’t mean this in a bad way but he’s not a gentleman on purpose
I feel he’s the type of guy to do things that you consider gentlemanly but he just considers it being polite
oh it’s fine he’s got the groceries 👌
got a order for pick up? Oh well he was going out anyway, he’ll get it 🤷
he’s got the door 👍
don’t worry about the bill he’ll pay it (restaurant or house bill 😉)
another thing…! ♡
sometimes when you and Gin wanna watch a movie but Ryuu’s still doing the dishes….
do the dishes :3 (while he watches the movie with you guys)
I wasn’t gonna write these at first but I’m real glad I did! I love these and finally wrote for our guy Ryuunosuke!!
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hnnnn in my soft era so could i perhaps request a skz reaction to you prepping a whole self care day for them 🥺 like face masks massages everything cuz i love them
stray kids reactions to their s/o preparing a self-care day
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: extremely fluffy
please like and reblog if you enjoy :D
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if there's anyone more deserving of a self-care day, it's bang christopher chan. he's a workaholic, it's in his nature. it's admirable but you want him to have some time for himself. so when he finally has some time off for some quality time with you, you've got a whole pamper session planned out. face masks, delicious food, and pop on a feel-good movie. if you ask him though, his favourite way to relax is by cuddling and/or making out with you. depends on his mood but it's cute either way. it's always a self-care session just by being with you, you don't even have to do anything special for him ;-;
lee know
minho is into skincare routines and eagerly wants to be that couple who do it on each other. he mainly wants to see you with one of those fluff hairbands on because he says you look adorable. he will take lots of selfies of you both with them on because he's cute like that. when it comes to actually applying the products to your face, he's not going easy on you. can be quite brutal and also starts laughing at you because he makes your face look all strange with a mixture of products on #donttrusthim #menacetosociety
changbin will marry you on the spot if you suggest giving him a massage. he goes to the gym every day and works hard on his body. massages are always appropriate and always needed. he will literally melt if you ask him if you can massage his back and he will make happy binnie noises and have that cute smile on his face awww. just the whole routine of it, especially if you use proper massage oil, makes him feel so relaxed and refreshed. he will also return the favour and want to massage you too he's really good with his hands
hyunjin is all heart eyes when you reveal to him you planned a self-care day for the both of you. sheet face masks: on. sad, emotional romance films: on. tissues: ready. let's go. yes, hyunjin likes to spend his self-care day with you by indulging in his emotions and crying over fictional characters. he has you watching the notebook or me before you idk something to make you both bawl. it's so fun, 100% recommend. he's got a cute little candle lit and he's holding you close for comfort. it feels very... hyunjin in there, that's for sure.
hannie just wants to laze around and do nothing. that's his self-care day. because he's always doing something. it's very rare that he actually gets a mental break from things. cuddles are very important to him so he might pop on an anime or a cute little movie whilst being snuggled up in your arms. will 9 out of 10 times fall asleep like that. he's just so comfy and relaxed and your comforting presence creates the perfect mood for sleepy time. you both fall asleep with each other :( it's an adorable sight.
this fluffy boy is having the best time of his life. he has so many ideas for a self-care day that he actually doesn't know what to do first. fluffy blankets and plushies are obligatory. felix wants to binge-watch a load of comfort movies, mostly disney and marvel, you get the idea. he just wants to snuggle up with you and be near you. you both will talk through all the movies and make fun of everything that's happening. for the sadder moments, of course, the laughter will stop and you both will hold each other, holding back tears.
seungmin's idea of a self-care day consists of you, a good book and an unlimited supply of tasty snacks. you knew this, and so preparing a pamper day would be a piece of cake! just laying back with a cup of coffee, you leaning on his shoulder, reading the latest best-seller; he can't imagine being more at ease with life than he is now. it warms his heart that you wanted to day a self-care day with him. he will shyly thank you and shower you with extra love because he really appreciates your efforts.
i really do see jeongin going out in his pyjamas to the grocery store in order to get some snacks for your self-care day. only if you come with him, of course. he's so excited when you mention the idea to him. he feels like it's been a long since he's spent one-on-one time with you. being busy with promotions for their latest comeback and whatnot, he loves to take any opportunity he can to chill out with you. this man is really into marvel so a marvel marathon is not too much of a shock. you guys don't go to sleep until the very early hours of the morning.
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randomprose · 10 months
“Can you make this?”
Mo Guan Shan frowns at He Tian’s phone when he angles it in his direction. It’s a video of someone making cute rectangular layered cakes. 
He tilts his head a little, lower jaw jutting out in consideration, and He Tian knows Mo Guan Shan will make it anyway regardless of whatever he’s gonna say next.
"You into this shit?"
He Tian just shrugs. It's cute. He's into cute shit and he's not afraid to admit it. "It looks tasty."
"Hm," Mo Guan Shan hums with a non-committal shrug. "I'll try I guess."
'Try' he said as if that isn't as good as a yes. He Tian knows Mo Guan Shan won't just try. The second the question left He Tian’s lips Mo Guan Shan already took it as a challenge. He'll fucking do it and blow He Tian's mind in the process at how way better and prettier his version will be than the one in the video. Just like all the other times He Tian has shown him foods he thinks are interesting. It's as good as done at this point.  
See, it’s like this. Outside of work, the foods Mo Guan Shan cooks are just a rotation of his and He Tian’s favorite or any dish He Tian has mentioned even in passing that he likes. Mo Guan Shan has picked up on He Tian's picky eating habits and developed an instinct to mentally cataloguing He Tian’s niche food preferences and all the subtle ways he’s let them known. In his published cookbooks, at least half of the foods featured are a variation of what suits He Tian’s tastes and all of them have ‘For 贺天’ printed on the first page.
God. He Tian loves him so much. What the hell did he do in his past life to deserve such devotion?
The weekend rolls around and Mo Guan Shan presents He Tian with his own version of the cakes. 
He Tian, as he expected, is floored by how pretty they are that he doesn’t even say anything. He just stares at the little rectangular cakes in pastels decorated with intricate shapes made of fondant and meticulously piped icing.
"What's wrong?" There's worry in Mo Guang Shan’s voice seeping into defensive. "What? You don't like it?"
"No, its..." He Tian looks up at him, brows furrowed and a look of genuine conflict on his face. "They're too pretty. I kinda don't wanna eat them."
“Idiot,” Mo Guan Shan just scoffs and rolls of his eyes but the slight quirk at the corner of his lips lets He Tian know he’s pleased. "Just eat it. Food is meant to be consumed. I can always make more."
"These are definitely way, waaaay cuter than the ones in the video I showed you."
"They're okay. You're just exaggerating."
"No, I'm not," He Tian insists. "When have I ever lied to you?"
Mo Guan Shan stares at him. He looks to be considering He Tian's words for a moment before nodding curtly.
He Tian takes what seems like a thousand pictures and sends them to their group chat with Jian Yi and Zhang Zheng Xi, to his brother, and then to Brother Qiu with a very proud caption of 'Momo made these for me~. They’re pretty AND they taste great~.’'
He revels in Jian Yi exploding in the group chat and demanding Mo Guan Shan make some for him and Zhan Zheng Xi too.
‘Heh,’ He Tian types with a smug smile, ‘Eat your heart out, bitch.’
(He Cheng thumbs-upped his message while Brother Qiu’s reply was to tell Mo Guan Shang to bring some over the next time they come to the mansion. To which He Tian replies a very empathic ‘No <3’).
When he’s done gloating, He Tian turns back to Mo Guan Shan and knows by the look on his face that he’s already thinking about including the cakes in his next cookbook. He thinks that if Mo Guan Shan ever gets his own restaurant, he’ll make it so at least half of the menu will be to He Tian’s liking. 
"I love you," He Tian says and means it. Because he really does and because he doesn’t know any other way of saying it. 
"Wha—" Mo Guan Shan blinks, a flower fondant halfway to his mouth, and looks at He Tian weirdly. "Just because of this? You're too easy."
For Mo Guan Shan? He really is. Always has been and always will be.
"You take care of me so well." Mo Guan Shan's loudest love language has always been food and He Tian still can't believe how lucky he is that he gets to have this. “I’ve gotten spoiled.”
“You’ve always been spoiled,” Mo Guan Shan retorts as he bumps a forkful of chiffon against He Tian’s lips. "Shut up and eat your damn cake." 
I love you too.
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taduki · 11 months
M6 w/ on MC’s birthday
Happy belated birthday 2 me and @iliveforyouilongforyouvesuvia!! Thank you for the help with my writer’s block too.. 🥺 Written using voice recognition, my fingies hurt…
Will never forget your birthday. Always wants to go all out for you. They get so excited decorating the place for you, they try really hard to hide it from you but always fail. Oh, and get ready for streamers EVERYWHERE. On the floor, on the walls, streamed across the ceilings, and probably in their hair too if I’m being honest…
It’s up to you if you want them to bake you a cake or not. Selasi is always prepared to make one if anything goes wrong. If anything, he already has the cake batter prepared each year…… Asra is quite experienced in baking anyway. What’s the better than baking you a surprise cake? Baking one with you! Azz just wants to be close to you on these special days and has little to no problem if you want to join him in preparations. They wanted to be able to serve you in this way, but they’ll toss it aside if it means they get to hold you while you mix frosting!
As for presents, they definitely overthink it. Should they make something? Should they take you out for dinner? Will it be good enough? Or should they do all of the above? Oh, DEFINITELY all of the above. The entire day is your birthday! (He definitely joked that he was your present at least once, c’mon).
Faust: The Cake Thief™️. You know she’s up to some thievery when you hear a faint, “Ooh, tasty!!”
If you didn’t know any better, you’re skeptical if Asra had some sugar or coffee early in the morning. They were gentle waking you upppp and walking you down the stairssss, but they seem to be literally rattling with excitement…
To tell you the truth, they were making homemade decorations all night after you fell asleep. They slept a little! Just not enough. So they found this “morning tea” stocked in their surprise cabinet, and they just assumed it was like a gentle coffee, and they were SO wrong. It was basically a double shot of espresso, and now they’re trying not to bounce off the walls all morning. When you tell him you guys can do something with that energy, he lights up and skips his merry little way to the musical side of Vesuvia with you to dance it off!
All in all, your birthday celebrations with Azz are very spontaneous and never secluded to just one day. They planned way too many things to fit all in one!
No! Nobody had to remind him what day your birthday is! …. Oh GOD he needs a notepad STAT.
Okay, actually he did remember. As soon as you told him what day it was months in advance, he wrote it down! …. Somewhere…….. He ended up forgetting about it surprisingly close to your birthday, but luckily for the both of you, Jules can’t keep his mouth shut, and the entire South End remembers your birthday and the plans.
The poor guy drives himself a little nuts trying to get everything in order, especially with so many people wanting to help. Like, just when he thinks he’s done, someone brings up something else he told them and he’s like “Why would I say that??”
The day is planned as such: First, a casual picnic breakfast by the docks together. Then, a nice walk around Vesuvia and maybe some undercover window shopping at the Red Market. Once he thinks you’re in need of a little rest, he tells you he’s got this truly amazing nap spot…. Yes, it’s the up in the theater rafters. He’s basically got a nest up there, real nest in the corner courtesy of Malak.
Malak brings his present before Julian gives you his. 💀 He gave it to you after Julian left you to take a nap. It was a stolen earring, of course… You made a mental note to return it to its owner once you had time.
Julian uses your nap as a means to prepare the stage for his short play. Since he kinda forgot a couple days before, he really wants to get this right for you and freaks out when he sees you peering at him from the rafters in the middle of setting the stage. He scrambles up to you and mumbles a bunch of different stuff about “Please go back to sleep”, “I’m sorry I’m so frazzled — I just wanted to dazzle you”, and “Wow, I should write that one down.”
You tell him you really don’t mind and he doesn’t have to stress so much about a day that you’re both supposed to enjoy, honest. It takes a bit more reassurance, but he caves in to the treacherous healthy habits and hugs you. He’ll still try to salvage your surprise though, and he asks you to chill out up there for a little longer.
As it turns out, he had a whole short play planned out for you! He had a couple of friends who owed him a favor or two and he performed a short and sweet show just for you !! He booked the stage for the bit and sat with you for the next show after his performance.
At the end of the night, Julian handed you this small, twine-wrapped parcel. He nudged you to go ahead and open it with a tired smile. When you opened it, it was a single earring. He explained he must’ve dropped the other one somewhere backstage and didn’t want to disturb the stage technicians for the moment, so you brought upon god’s wishes and showed him the other earring to his pleasant surprise. You told him Malak took it, and Julian just did nothing but smile and look at you, lovingly. He didn’t have to tell you happy birthday.
Ohhh, she remembers every year. She’s one of those gals that prepare a party like a month in advance.
She is VERY good at hiding the preparations. She is the gaslight gatekeep girlboss of birthday parties. She actually talked about it a lot with her friends and acquaintances! … and ended up hosting a potluck for your birthday. Everyone was just so excited! They couldn’t help it! Now, Portia doesn’t have to decide on a menu because it seems like every food you could possibly think of is laid out on the dozens of tables.
For the most part, Portia set up a simple, traditional birthday party surprise. The day started with you two going out to the market for some frivolous spending. She keeps a really good eye out for things you take a liking to and also finds a super cute new outfit for you to wear for the day! You tell her you didn’t have any big plans for the evening though, and Miss Girlboss just tells you she likes it when you dress up and winks. You know the wink.
Now, she has to keep you busy for a little longer without tiring you out too much so her friends have time to set everything up. So, she takes you on a little street food stall date where you guys try unusual flavors of jalebi and bara — where you try a couple jalebi with voice-switching syrup and try to make each other laugh the rest of the trip.
She didn’t actually have an idea when her friends would be done, so she was really risking it all, taking you back to the cottage. It’s not like you could tell, though. Her confidence was impenetrable on the walk home, and her intuition served her well because you two showed up just in time.
She covers your eyes before you walk into the clearing andddd SURPRISE !!! There are people here !!
She has to hold back from hugging and loving you up the entire time you walk around to explore. There are activities you would find at festivals here like apple bobbing and craft-making, along with the excessively long food stands, of course. It’s a very social event, so she’ll understand if you want to get away from the buzz most of the time, but she’ll still want to come with you! She values the quiet time.
The party itself goes on into the later hours of the night and the dancing just gets crazier and crazier. (Portia likes to be twirled). It doesn’t go into the early morning since some of Portia’s friends brought their children, but you say goodbye and thanks to everyone as they leave and you feel your body crumpling a little as the last few people go. With a lazy, goofy smile on your faces, you both leave the cleaning for the morning and crawl into bed together while Portia gives you one last mustered, “Happy birthday, MC…”
Obviously, she goes all out every year for you! Banquet? Vacation? Party? Honey, she’s got it covered months in advance. All complete with a super tall cake you could swear was designed for a wedding and anything you could possibly ask for, honestly.
If there was ever a year Nadia forgot your birthday, she would’ve had to have been SWAMPED with work and burnt out to the point of forgetting days or even months. The last thing she could’ve imagined was forgetting such an important day, and she assumed she would be reminded by an advisor or just being brought up mid-conversation, but she was reminded by YOU. OF YOUR OWN BIRTHDAY.
It’s literally the five stages of grief for her, and she’s in denial until she checks her calendar and remembers the dates leading up to today.
She throws her arms around you in a tight hug and apologizes deeply and repeatedly. She tells you of all the things she had planned as if she doesn’t have the power to set aside all her duties for the day just for you. She’s aware of this of course, but she feels so guilty for forgetting… When the palace servants and advisors realized she’d forgotten, they went into a frenzy, asking her if she’d like them to have preparations done as quickly as possible. It’s up to you if you try to stop her.
If you allow her to go through with the emergency preparations, she’ll feel a little more relief that she can still pamper you. She’ll line the dining table with your favorite foods and at the end of the meal, you’ll have a — Nadia’s definition of— modest sized birthday cake, gorgeously decorated with edible flowers and tasty treats. Every servant working that day was paid extra for the trouble. Honestly, Nadia probably prepped the rest of the WEEK for you on the same day.
If you opt to stop Nadi in her tracks and explain you really didn’t want anything too big anyway, she’ll be gracefully surprised and a little disappointed in herself. She has the resources to treat you and your refusal feels like you’re disappointed in her too! But she understands and asks you what you really wanted for your birthday after assuring you she can give you the world.
And so Nadia allows you to have a modest birthday… on her yacht. She couldn’t help it !! Your skin glows in the sunlight and you look cute in a big floppy hat! She packed some fancy snacks, supplies for things you’d like to do on the yacht and beach, and a cute bakery-sized cake with “Happy Birthday, My Love” written on it in cursive. She will insist on feeding you if you’d like, like always. She wants to do anything you want to do today! And I mean anything, alright…
One of Muriel’s bad habits included not keeping track of the days. The only times they really mattered were when seasons changed. Slush on the forest floor meant it was time for him to stock up on food and wood. Smells like a rainstorm? He’s gotta get those holes in the roof patched up before dusk.
But NOooOooOoo, you just had to show up and show him life is beautiful! Disastrous for the poor guy, truly. Now, he goes to bed thinking about nice things that happened during the day like how sleepy your face looked during breakfast or how cute you looked carrying that basket of herbs.
The point is, he knows how important birthdays are to people, (He’s learned his lesson from the “Asra-stravaganzas”), and he wants to make the day special for you too! So, he double checks with Asra a couple times just to make sure he’s got the day right. His preparations include: pancakes, flower garlands, and a mental list of embarrassing things he wants to say to you (literally just romantic stuff like I’ll love you always).
He’s surprised he’s actually kind of excited — or is this nervousness? You’ve always told him those two are hard to differentiate between…
When the day comes, he wakes up first as usual and goes about his daily routine. The only thing that changes is that he regrets not practicing how to make pancakes in advance… Not to worry! He read up on it before and knows exactly which ingredients to use and what to do. Thank goodness it actually comes out properly and just in time for you to wake up. He’s never been so excited to tell someone “Happy Birthday…”
As for his present, he realized he dug himself a hole because he regularly gifts you things. Some things that require a lot of time! He probably gifts you a handcrafted wooden figurine every month because it was simply his go-to, but now he’s gotta step out of his comfort zone. So, what does he do? He makes another wooden craft. Except it’s not a figurine, it’s a 3D model of your name with stories of the adventures you’ve gone on carved into the letters. You spend a good part of the day tracing your fingers over them and reminiscing with him (while trying to rearrange the letters to spell other words).
He takes you on a late picnic so you can watch the sun set and the stars fade into the sky, and if you fall asleep, he’ll carry you home and tuck you in.
Surprisingly (sorry, Lucy), Lucio remembers your birthday and anticipates it for like a month before the actual day! Lucio’s birthdays were big excuses for throwing extravagant, luxurious parties and what better to do than throw you one?
Obviously doesn’t have the resources anymore to give you the type of party he always threw, so he starts thinking, and then worrying. He figured this would be the last thing he’d ever worry about. Just a couple of drinks, some music, and a cake, right? Except now, he wants the best for you, regardless of luxuries, which means he has to be willing to do what you want. What DO you want??
Aaaaand that question opened up a can of worms. What if you want to spend your birthday without him? Maybe with Asra? That guy is annoying, for sure, but they DID bring you back to life after he killed you. They’re basically your family. But you’re also HIS family… right?
The days keep going by and he tries not to think too hard about it, being his happy-go-lucky self, picking up a bottle of something or two, but every other purchase in your spirit urks him. It’s a miracle he gets to sleep the night before your birthday.
He gently wakes you up with a little ache in his heart and kisses you out of bed. You two have the whole day for yourselves !! Now you get to do what you want to do today as Lucio is secretly clenching his heart that it involves him.
As soon as you say you wanna do something with him, he crumbles and clings onto you and lets all the troubles flow out of his mouth. He was so worried. He loves you so much, he wanted to spend today with you more than anything. He saved his money for the occasion, and he’ll take you wherever you want to go. Hell, he doesn’t care if you wanna celebrate the whole week! As long as you’re with him…
(Feel free to make fun of him, just a little. He’ll allow it, but he’ll grumble and huff about it all day, all week how, “This counts as your ONLY birthday present, MC! You’re not getting anything else!”)
You end up going a couple of places he suggested like a diner that overlooks the marketplace and going to see a “very overrated showing” at the theater, as he claims. (He ended up just watching you laugh half the time). As for your present, he gifts you a shiny box that Mercedes steals immediately after he takes it out and proceeds to throw it around with Melchior. Lucio is definitely humbled by how worried like hell he was about how expensive the contents were. Once he’s worn out and ready to give up, Mercedes just walks up to you, sets it on your lap, and plops beside you for belly rubs. It was a custom made silver bracelet with two wolves chasing each other around it. Lucio and Melchior plop down on your other side and Lucio tells you one last, exhaustive, “Happy birthdayyyy!”
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rosehiroto · 1 year
MC makes lunch for tired datables that have been stressed due to non-human related problems
All I have to say about this is yes.
And I am very sorry for taking so long to post this I'm currently very busy and very sick so I'm just trying to take it easy I hope you enjoy this 💙
Mc is non-binary pronounce is they/them
Fandom: obey me!
Pairing: datebles x mc
Category: fluff, comfort.
Taking care of my beloved
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Dia always feels stressed to some level the responsibly of being the prince always put a lot of pressure on his shoulders.
He tries not to stress too much sometimes but it does get to him if there's a lot of work that he has to finish.
He sometimes destress by making activities, he has fun and so does everyone else except luci.
So our dear mc decided to make him lunch, they went to Barbatos asking him if they can take care of Dia for the day
Barbatos hesitated, but let mc do what they want in the end.
Which resulted in mc making Dia one of the human world foods that he enjoyed their eyebrows furrowed as they focused on making food for Dia.
After mc finished they went to Dia's office smiling proudly at the food they made, knocking on the door softly.
Mc entered the office after hearing Diavolo telling them to come in, as he focused on his work.
Mc smiled softly at the male moving to stand infront of his table placing the plate with food down.
Mc walked behind the male placing both of their hands on his shoulders massaging them softly, as they kissed the top of the male's head.
Diavolo ate his food enjoying the affection and the massage that definitely helped his very tense shoulder and back.
Mc left Dia after a few hugs, kisses, and a promise of cuddles after he finishes his work.
Dia goes back to his work definitely more energetic and motivated than before.
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Barbatos is almost the same as Dia, always feeling stressed with duties around the castle and taking care of the adorable puppy like demon.
The sight of mc always helps the male feel relaxed though.
Mc once asked him if they could do anything to help him relax, he only answered with 'all I need to relax is you by my side'.
Mc almost melted on the spot, and showered the male in kisses and cuddles.
Mc decided today to ask Dia for permission to have Barbatos for the rest of the day, the prince agreeing almost immediately knowing his butler worked too hard sometimes.
Mc set up a picnic for themselves and Barbatos with tea and different types of sandwiches, and pastries they got help with from Luke who thought them almost everything he knew.
Mc asked Barbatos to come with them after he finished getting some tea to the prince taking hold of his soft gloved hands leading him outside the castle.
Barbatos may have thought about looking into the future to figure out where mc was taking him, but he decided against it trusting his beloved to take care of him.
Barbatos smiled softly at the cute picnic set up by his adorable partner kissing their knuckles softly.
Mc ushered the man to sit down serving him some tea with some herbs that they and Barbatos liked since trying it out a while ago.
Mc then brought out the tasty snacks showing them to Barbatos, letting the male decide for himself watching him with sparkly soft eyes.
The male decided to try a piece of cake his eyes closing softly as a his lips twitched into a gentle smile at the sweet treat.
Barbatos spent the rest of his break time trying out the snacks mc made as mc talked about their time making it, snuggling next to each other after enjoying the beautiful sky full of stars.
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Simeon is more of a relaxed person only getting stressed during certain situations.
One of the situations was writing.
It was more stressful than usual since the man had writer block, his mind getting blank anytime he thought about anything really.
Mc noticed that since it really showed on the angel when he was stressed his usually good posture got a little too stiff, his grip on things were a little tighter, he would clench his jaw more often then he normally did.
And he most importantly of all he was more quiet than he ever was, spacing out during most conversations and during classes.
Mc decided to treat their second favourite angel to a treat, their most favourite being Luke of course.
Mc got some help from Levi deciding to recreate a food from the beloved series Simeon wrote.
After reading the recipe almost ten times carefully mc decided to start cooking taking it slow as to not ruin the food.
After almost three hours mc successfully finished cooking, taking hold of the tray which had three plates on it full of different types of foods for the male.
Mc walked towards the angel's room, who was cooped up in his room trying to get any form of inspiration.
After a few soft knocks on the door Simeon opened the door gasping softly at the sight of the food in Mc's arms.
Simeon's eyes kept moving from the food to Mc's eyes as his eyes lit up in happiness a soft smile adoring his adorable face.
Simeon invited mc in marveling at the food asking if it was what he thought it was, only getting a soft chuckle and a kiss on the cheek for confirmation.
Simeon enjoyed the wonderful food kissing Mc's cheeks repeatedly as thanks.
The male got a spark of inspiration immediately pulling out his book and pen writing down multiple ideas down before going back to enjoy the food.
Simeon didn't let go of mc that night feeling very grateful for his human spending the rest of the night in the soft warm arms that made him feel like everything was right in the world.
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As fun and cheerful may this man seems to be he definitely feels stressed alot of the time.
His head filled with problems, worries, and other things that always clouded his heavy mind.
He always tries to take it easy, but the stress does catch up to all of us at one point or another.
And today was one of those says for the male.
He couldn't bring himself to get up from his bed feeling like his mind would explode if he had to do more things.
He decided to not go anywhere today and to only chill in his room and make spells that were fun to mess around with.
He informed mc of his absence in school getting a call immediately from a very worried mc.
His choice of words seemed to worry mc, he quickly explained saying he was just a little stressed and tired nothing else.
Mc finally calmed down deciding it was Solomon time.
Mc finished all their classes going to the grocery shop and buying a bunch of human foods going to visit Solomon and make him some nice cooked lunch.
Mc decided to not tell the male they were there until they finished, worried that he might try to help them since he wasn't allowed in the kitchen since he can't cook at all.
After an hour or so Mc went to Solomon's room greeting him with a soft kiss to his forehead sitting him down and telling him to eat.
The male definitely didn't eat anything since he woke up but he will never admit that.
Mc spent time with the male after snuggling him until they both fell into feel slumber their warm bodies making them both feel safe.
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated 💙
This is my writing please don't repost copy or claim as your own
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lovinglyinlove · 1 year
tsukishima kei
summary: your boyfriend and you go on a date!
note: just pure fluff! no mind breaking plot, just vibes and love (literally the description of all my works lol) hope you enjoy!
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walking down the street holding hands with kei was a normal occurrence in your relationship.
people often assume that tsukishima is not an affectionate boyfriend. however, they couldn't be more wrong. he is a very doting boyfriend, he just doesn't show it in public. he's obviously not a fan of PDA but he will hold your hand and occasionally give you a small peck on the cheek.
in your opinion, that is all you need.
"what are you thinking about?" suddenly, kei pulls you out of your thoughts with that question.
"just how much I love the way you are." you reply while turning towards him with a radiant smile. he squints his eyes not expecting that answer, while he turns away a little so you can't see the small temporary blush that now adorns his cheeks.
even though you love to see him a little flustered, you don't say anything else.
tsukishima quickly changes the subject of the conversation. "have you thought about what you are going to order? I don't want to fight an angry lady because you take too long choosing again." he didn't want to, but he would do it if it happened again. after all, nobody shouts at his girlfriend and gets away with it. kei doesn't care if he's mean to a stranger, he only cares about you.
"I have actually. I'm in the mood for a hot chocolate. and you can't blame me for last time, it was our first time visiting that cafe and that lady was bitter for no reason." you say, aware that he was trying to tease you.
whenever a stranger tries to be rude to you, you don't even bat an eyelid because you know that your lovely boyfriend always has your back. he doesn't like speaking to random people, but for you he would do anything. you don't even have to ask him, he immediately feels the urge to protect you.
"bitter woman aside, you do take a lot of time when you have to pick stuff." he started the sentence seriously but when he finished it, he was grinning.
"no, I do not!"
"yes, you do. you take time choosing what to eat whenever we go out, what pen you should use when you're taking notes, what book to read next..."
"ok, I get your point!" you said while letting out a laugh.
"not that I mind, I love the way you are, indecisive and all." he said while looking straight at you and repeating the sentence you had used to make him flustered.
but it had the opposite effect on you. instead of getting shy, you looked at him with a huge smile.
you were about to respond to him, when you both realised that you had arrived at your destination. kei quickly opened the door for you and suddenly, you received a strong aroma of coffee and chocolate.
this cafe was the one you often frequented, it was small but never empty. the decoration was simple yet homely looking and it made you feel safe at all times. the staff consisted of teenagers that were dedicated and always willing to help. the menu was diverse, it had drinks of all the flavours you could imagine. the pastries always looked fresh and each one looked more tasty than the other.
honestly, you don't really know why you tried to go to a different place that one time. a friend had recommended it to you and you thought it would be great to change air for a little bit but obviously it hadn't gone well. if it's not broken, why fix it?
"I'll order for us, go take a seat." kei said. without waiting a second more, you went directly to your favourite seat. it had the best view of the entire cafe, right next to your seats there was a huge window where you could see a dog park. tsukishima liked dogs and whenever you saw one, you without fail pointed them out to him.
after five minutes of using your phone, kei came back with your drinks and a small strawberry cake to share. whenever you go out, he insists on paying for both of you. you don't really complain, knowing that later when he isn't paying attention, you slip money in his wallet. somehow, you have the inkling that he knows, but so far he never said anything, and you enjoy this little agreement that you formed.
"I forgot to ask you yesterday, when is your next match?" you questioned while taking off your gloves.
"next friday. why?" he answers observing your face and thinks that you look cute bundled up in your green scarf.
"oh nothing, just curious." your tiny smile made kei suspicious but he didn't comment anything else. he knew that whatever plan you had in mind was well intentioned, and he didn't doubt for a second that his brother was scheming with you. kei always tells you that you getting along with akiteru is a curse for him, but none of you ever take him seriously.
your evening went on as usual, talking about whatever came to mind, completely relaxed and content of being with each other.
holding hands over the table, drinking hot chocolate and enjoying the weather.
just another normal occurrence in your relationship.
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weatheringtea · 1 year
FMA Cafe
While I was in Japan, the FMA cafe opened up :D I've never been to an anime cafe before, so this was perfect! I went once a week (so 3 times in total) so I could try a bunch of different dishes and collect coasters lol
I tried to put this under cut because it's long and full of pics, but adding the read more ruined the formatting of the pics so I'll leave it.
The first trip was March 22, kind by accident LOL. I was in the area to see Shinjuku Gyoen and the cafe was on our walk back to Shinjuku stn. The lobby was empty, so I gathered my very out of practice JP skills and asked if it was possible to get a seat as a walk-in. They said yes :D
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Word hadn't gotten around yet it seems, so it was very empty upstairs too LOL. Great for pics :D
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There's a ¥1,000 sitting fee and you get a drink with that. There's a QR code given to you for the menu (it matches to your table number so your orders are tracked). Menu was a bit clunky, probably because my JP reading skills are in the toilet, but I figured it out! They played the same 10 minute video the entire time (for the FMA mobile game).
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Because I showed up late I only bought one thing to eat (last order for food was 18:00 and I didn't really sit down and get things figured out until 17:45-ish), and it was Lust's chocolate cake. It was very good (and very heavy lol). I got the Edward Elric drink first and the Roy Mustang drink second. Both came with mystery coasters. Ed's drink was better imo.
At the end the couple of us on the 2nd floor snuck up to the 3rd for pics before leaving.
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I went back the day before I left for Osaka :D (27th)
Word had gotten around by now about the cafe and merch shop and it was busy this time! I popped in at 12:15 and asked if they had any seats available. No, they're full. He offered to book me in for 14:30 though! So I putzed around Shinjuku for 2 hours and went back :D
It was packed this time!! On both floors.
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Winry's pie was alright. Heavier than I was expecting. Ed's fries were fun! They came with a white paper bag that you transfer the fries into, and you add whatever mix of spices you want from the spice cups it came with, then shake in the bag. Neat! Also tasty.
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Drinks were Olivier's, Bradley's (with matching coaster!) and Ed's drink again (I should have gotten Roy's again dammit, I tried to take his glove hand home from the first time, but it got wet, the ink bled, and it ironically fell apart...)
Olivier's was the neatest looking drink, but also my least favourite. Bradley's was my favourite drink - very good!
I went back on April 4 before I went home ;A;. This time I made a reservation. I asked for a seat on the 3rd floor, since my first 2 had been on the 2nd, but I think seating is actually based on how early you get in line. I got in line early and noticed everyone in front of me also got 3rd floor, so I think they just fill the 3rd before dealing with the 2nd.
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Great seat. A+. My spot had 2 table numbers and I asked if it was okay and they just were like "yeah yeah it's fine no worries". Okay!
By this point they must have been besieged with tourists. Poor woman hosting the floor couldn't speak English to save her life (and half my floor was tourists). She got to me and tried to suffer through a few English words and I stopped her. I'm fine with the instructions in Japanese :') please don't suffer more on my account.
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Bradley's drink again, Ed's Milk Hater drink, and the classic FMA drink BECAUSE I CONTINUE TO FORGET ALL ABOUT ROY...
Ed's milk drink though... you pour the milk into the mug filled with soda(??) and ice. It tasted like a float without the cola?? It was unique... the most interesting drink to try for sure (Bradley's still my favourite).
I bought the mug at the gift shop :')
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LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS AL PUDDING. This was amazing and fun. There is a little cake, there is a little ice cream, there is a little pudding, there's a little idk what it was but it was chocolate and good, and there are cat themed cookies under the pudding cup LMAO. Then there's the blood seal inside the tin. A+ Al wins. That was so much fun, I'm sad I left that until last, I probably would have gotten it again.
You could have totally sold me on this mug too if it had been for sale.
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Look, I did remember Roy sorta :') I got his doughnut. It was HEAVY and the icing was so thick on top it was rock hard. Sticky, messy finger food.
So that's it :D I've run out of picture space lol. I wish I'd gotten to taste test things in the second round later in April (ARMSTRONG'S HASHED BEEF ;____;) but I hope they enjoy all the money I gave them while I was there LOL. I had some neat food and had fun doing it :)
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benwvatt · 11 months
links to all my heartstopper fics!
hello! I am a fanfiction author! please enjoy links to all my 7 heartstopper (nelspring) fics so far. they’re all hyperlinked up at the fic title.
all of my heartstopper fics can be found here
memories painted in much brighter ink (4.1K, rated G, set in canon + light angst and healing)
Nick groans.
“I heard you got a boyfriend.”
“So?” Nick responds, and then he wishes he’d had the heart to make up a better comeback.
“I -” Harry fumbles. “I’m… happy for you. I think it’s, er, good.”
Harry Greene realizes how awful he's been to Charlie and Nick, and he apologizes to them after some deep thought and realization about what an cruel person he's been.
i like you inconveniently, you’re bringing out my dopamine (1.5K, rated G, set in canon)
“I think that’s because you have inner beauty,” Nick murmurs softly. “It’s not just your looks.”
Charlie really tries not to, but he blushes madly. “Dammit, Nick. That was so - ugh, so ridiculously smooth. Are you sure you don’t have this spell, too? ‘Cause I think I’m getting attached to you.”
“Well, maybe your magic’s rubbing off on me.”
Nellie yawns, clearly bored by the boys. They’re too busy flirting to pay any attention to her. The sheer nerve! She is the most important thing in any 一 no, in every 一 room!
can’t keep this beating heart at bay (2.0K, rated G, canon divergence)
Charlie laughs. “Sorry - you were telling me about teaching?”
“Yeah, I really like it so far! I’m a third-year, so I started getting some actual fieldwork to do recently.” Nick kicks a stone by the side of the road. “Your brother’s cute.”
“...Just my brother?” Charlie catches Nick’s gaze.
“You-” this is a disaster. “Listen-” This is a bisexual disaster, specifically. “I think you’re cute too.”
In which Nick is Olly's French tutor, Charlie has a crush on Nick, and Olly is so tired of watching these disaster gays try to flirt.
retriever? I hardly know her! (2.2K, rated G, dog walker AU)
'Oh god, oh god, he’s wearing rainbow shoes. Is he gay, or just extremely unaware that gay people exist?'
So there’s this boy. Man?
Boy? Fellow? Gent?
Cute Park Guy™ is either a professional dog-walker or someone with a large, bumbling group of pets. This is probably his day job; he plays tug-of-war with leashes and chew toys and, from time to time, Nick’s heartstrings.
In which Charlie is always at the dog park with a group of dogs, Nick is there with Nellie, and they both pine after each other softly from across the field.
it’s all an epiphany (0.7K, rated G, canon + light angst)
“Hey, weirdo,” Charlie whispers. “Whatcha doin’?”
“Oh! Hi. Sorry.” Nick rolls over between the comforters, hair on his legs grainy against them. “Dozed off for maybe two hours.” He smooths the longest curls back from Charlie’s temples and kisses there.
“Nghhh, Niiiick, go back to bed. That’s not enough time.” And, after a pause: “Are you feeling okay about David’s birthday coming up?” Charlie asks.
In which Nick despises his brother, even if they're only arguing in his head, and he falls even more in love with his boyfriend.
you make my dreams crumb true (1.8K, rated T, canon + wedding planning fluff)
“Hey, do I get to smash cake in your face at the wedding?” Charlie asks. He tries a slice of raspberry, closest to him. “Wow.”
“Depends, do I get to do it to you?”
Charlie gazes over Nick slowly. “Uh - yeah!” He’d misheard that at first. ‘You can do stuff to me after, too,’ he considers, except this is a public place.
In which Nick and Charlie try to pick a wedding cake flavour and flirt madly the whole time. Late-twenties Nick, unfortunately, still thinks bubblegum is tasty.
it’s an extremely rushed love story (baby, just say yes) (1K, rated G, fake engagement)
Dear god, this plan with Tao had spun wildly out of control. “You’re-” Tara sat down very slowly. “Engaged.”
Nick pulled her into a bear hug across the sofa. “And all because of you two!”
Darcy settled into the couch cushions as if they would fall apart if they hit the cotton too quickly. “Right.”
To get revenge on Tara, Darcy, and Tao for setting them up on a blind date they didn't agree to, Nick and Charlie pretend they're sickeningly in love and engaged.
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sunshine-overload · 3 months
[BSTS] Ran Valentine’s Day 5* Card Story
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Chapter 1 -starless kitchen, table area-
kongou: Sorry for the wait. These are prototypes of the chocolate cupcakes we’ll be selling during our event. 
ran: Oh, here they are!
mizuki: Oi Ran, don’t eat them all yourself.
ran: I won’t, I’m not you.
hinata: Let’s see~ I’ll take this one!
mizuki: Hey that’s the biggest one of the lot! Gimmie it!
lico: They’re all the same anyways. But still, make sure you leave some for Heath and I.
mizuki: If you miss out it’s your fault for being too slow.
heath: …I’m ok with just this one.
ran (eating): Hm? Don’t thwese ones twaste different from ya fwirst batch? They’re even tastier!
kongou: I’m glad to hear it. It’s tedious making desserts. Even the smallest change in the amount of an ingredient used, or the temperature you bake them at can change the flavour. Appears this prototype is a success.
lico: Don’t they smell really good?
kongou: That’s because I tried adding some liqueur. It’s very fragrant. 
lico: Oh I see.
hinata: What’s liqueur?
mizuki: Food right?
ran: No no, liqueur is a type of alcohol.
hinata: Huh, it’s alcohol then?
kongou: The alcohol burns off, so it’s fine for people who don’t drink to eat it.
ran: Ooh, informative~
mizuki: Quit talking about complicated stuff, lemme eat more.
heath: Mizuki, how many have you already eaten?
kongou: I whipped up some prototype cookies for decorating the cakes with too. Here, you can have some of these.
mizuki: Woah! They look super tasty!
ran: As I thought, with Kongou here B’s Valentine’s Day will be the best!
Chapter 2 -starless kitchen, table area-
ran: I’m baaack~!
lico: Aren’t you a bit late? Where the heck did you wander off to—
saki: Oh, Lico-san, sorry for intruding.
lico: If it isn’t Kotori-chan. You’re not intruding at all, you’re welcome anytime. Here, come take a seat.
heath: You’re here, Saki.
saki: Yes, I happened to run into Ran-san on the way here…
mizuki: Whatever, let’s get started already.
kongou: Ok, here are the cupcakes we talked about previously. So that they’re easy to decorate I made them in a simple shape. I planned to make it so that you can eat it at the store or take it home with you.
lico: Nice.
kongou: Today’s just a trial so I prepared a few different topping candidates.
hinata: Woah, there’s so many to choose from! So we can decorate the cake with these?
kongou: Yeah. Let me know which you prefer or if there’s any that can be improved.
ran: Then let’s get into it already. Nee-chan, let’s decorate them together!
saki: Yes.
-time pass-
lico: And then I’ll put this here and— It’s done, doesn’t it look great?
kongou: I see, you carefully stacked the chocolate to make it look like a rose. You’re skilled, Lico.
lico: This much is nothing.
hinata: There’s so many decorations here that I’ve never eaten before. What else should I choose~
mizuki: What even is this? Cream? (he eats it) Bleh, it’s so sweet…
lico: Hey are you planning to just put every single topping on there? Put some more thought into it.
hinata: What-! I thought it was a really good idea though~
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ran: If I put the dog shaped cookie here then… Ooh~! It’s super duper cute!
kongou: Hahah, it’s fun trying all sorts of combinations isn’t it?
saki: (Fufu, it looks like everyone is having fun.)
heath: Saki, is this good?
saki: Uwah, your decorations are beautiful, Heath-san.
heath: Last year I made chocolate by myself, so I’m glad to be able to make it together with you this year.
saki: Yes, me too.
ran: Ah, Nee-chan! What do ya think of my puppy choco cakes?
saki: The puppies are playing with each other on top of the cakes right? It’s very cute.
ran: Hell yeah! It’s got Nee-chan’s seal of approval! White Day is next month but doesn’t it suck havin’ to wait that long? That’s why I wanted to make it so we can repay the sentiment right away.
saki: I see. I’m sure the other guests will like that too.
ran: I know, how about we trade cupcakes right now!
saki: Sure.
ran: Yay! I hope ya enjoy Valentine’s together with us this year!
Chapter 3 -break room-
lico: Our event this time has been getting lots of good reviews. The ladies and everyone else all seem happy with it. Well, it means they enjoyed decorating cupcakes with me specifically right?
ran: Well it’s true that you’re good at it, Lico.
kongou: I’m glad it’s popular. Depending on the toppings you choose the flavour and appearance changes, so it appears we’ve been getting a lot of repeat customers.
lico: See I told you women are into this sort of thing. They love traditional Valentine’s Day stuff.
mizuki: All we’re doing is putting things on a cake and they eat it.
lico: Do you, the person providing the service not even understand what you’re doing? When you’re on the stage, you hear the fans cheering in the audience don’t you? I’m happy they’ve come to watch of course, but hearing them do chants or wave their penlights is nice, y’know?
ran: Ah, I get ya! Ya can really feel that they’re here to support us.
lico: Yeah exactly. What I’m trying to tell you is that the goal of this event is to repay them in a similar way that reflects those feelings.
mizuki: Oh shut up, quit yapping at me about everything little thing.
heath: …It’s not that hard to understand. The fact we’re putting our souls into the show hasn’t changed. We’re just giving it a physical form.
mizuki: Oh… The heck, just tell me that from the start.
lico: I did…
Chapter 4 -backstage-
ran: …… (seems nervous)
saki: Ran-san…?
ran: Oh~ Nee-chan! You’re here to watch us!
saki: …Um.
ran: Hm?
saki: Are you… ok?
ran: What makes ya ask? I’m full of energy today like always!
saki: Is that so? Sorry for asking something strange then.
ran: ……
ran: Ya don’t need to worry about me. But well, it is true that we’ve had plenty of ups and downs since our first ever performance, ‘Eclipse’. It’s not like I don’t understand why you’d be concerned. However, we’ve overcome all sorts of hardships.
saki: Yes.
ran: First and foremost, B’s shows are packed full of fun. Even when Heath was missin’ from ‘Idaten’ and when Mizuki didn’t show up for ‘Island of Rabble’. And of course when Heath came back and we performed ‘Total Eclipse’! Lots of things have happened, but there’s still plenty of things that haven’t changed either.
saki: Things that haven’t changed?
ran: The fact that once we’re up on that stage, we have a blast! That includes for this show too of course. Thinkin’ about it though, even recently Mizuki and Lico have been buttin’ heads and Hinata’s been actin’ recklessly. It’s been a mess~ Wherever B goes, discord follows! I kid, I kid. But well, when you take everythin’ into account, it does kinda suit us.
saki: Fufu, that may be so.
saki: (That’s good, Ran-san seems to be his usual self…)
ran: Ah, you finally smiled. That’s our Nee-chan.
saki: Yes. And the Ran-san that sparkles on the stage is the usual you.
ran: …….
ran: Yeah. Because while I’m here— I want to entertain you as both a member of B and as ‘Ran-chan’.
saki: Thank you. I’ll always be supporting you.
ran: Yeah, it’s a promise, alright? Enjoy watchin’ my sparklin’ self!
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footballerimaginess · 8 months
Baking gone wrong
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Footballer Imaginess Does Halloween Rasmus Højlund Word Count: 384 My first time writing for Rasmsus, hope you enjoy it. Feedback is very welcoming and reblogs too. You were having a lazy day with Rasmus and all you were in the mood to do was some baking.
You had seen so many amazing Halloween themed baked goods when you were looking on Instagram and Tiktok, so you decided it was time to go and try that. "Oh fuck off" you screamed as you dropped yet another baking tray from the cupboard. It was at this point you were getting sweaty as you were stressed with how much mess you were making. "What is going on here? The amount of noise your making these cakes or whatever you're attempting to do" Ramsus laughed, standing there with his hands on his hips. "I was attempting some Halloween baking, I wanted to make some biscuits I saw some tasty ones" you smiled as you showed him the recipe on your phone. "That sounds lovely, they look great but guessing they won't look like that" Ramsus teased. "How dare you, now leave me alone and you'll find out very soon what they look like" you groaned as he walked out of the kitchen. As you started to make the mixture for your ghost biscuits, you realised that you had missed an ingredient out. You scanned the recipe up and down again and again, you were so annoyed with yourself. But carried on getting the mixture complete. "Done" you smiled with yourself as you completed the mixture. "Right all in the oven" you smiled as you put them into the oven ready to bake. Whilst you waited for the biscuits to be made, you cleaned up the kitchen after you and made yourself a cup of tea so you could enjoy them in peace. You took them out of the oven to realise that they were completely burnt and crispy. "Oh fucking hell" you groaned as you threw the tray on the top of the counter. "Well there goes my carer in baking" you heavily sighed as Ramsus walked in with the biggest smirk on his face. "Wipe that smile off of your face this instant, yes they look like shit and I know they do. No need to rub it in my face, maybe I should just get some when I go shopping" you laughed. "Good job you are a pretty face huh?" he teased.
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kiigan · 2 months
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ㅤThe crow lands near Boruto, careful to not ruin the package it's carrying - it's not heavy but it is voluminous, large enough for an adult person to cuddle in their arms. Attached, a note done in Sasuke's handwriting, though the author is someone else:
Axolotls are unusual amphibians. More specifically, a type of salamander. The pale pink ones with black eyes are called leucistic axolotls and are the most well-know mutant color. I saw (...well, no, I didn't, but you know what I mean) a few when last I visited Kirigakure, maybe next time you'll come along too to meet them in person.
ㅤDutiful that it is, the crow is also instructed to, once Boruto unwraps his present, get his attention and direct him to another gift - this one already waiting nearby, carefully balanced atop a wall. And, yes, the cake is very sloppy and clearly shows who baked it and under what limitations, but hey - it's the intention that counts, right? Besides, it is indeed very tasty! And another small note:
Please don't eat it all on your own. Although I can tell you from self-experience that your father lacks the moral high ground to scold you on this, should it come to happen. Happy birthday!
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inviiberu · 1 year
{Unexpected Memories and Hospitality} - Shylock SSR Card Story Translation
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‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ Shylock's 2023 White Day SSR ☽༓・⁺˚‧͙
Ft. Akira and Murr as... cats?
Thank you so much @amorest-viesse for proof reading <3
Chapter 1
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While strolling through the Blue Rose Garden with Shylock, we stumbled upon a rest area with a beautiful view.
Shylock: What do you think, Master Sage? Would you like to relax a bit here?
Shylock: If you'd like, you can take the sofa there.
Akira: Thank you very much. In that case, I'll take up on that offer.
As I sat down on the sofa, a man pushing a trolley with a pot of tea on it walked by.
Server: Would you like a cup of tea? This rose-tea was brewed using the very pride of our garden; the blue rose.
Akira: Huh? T-thank you very much.
Shylock: Thank you very much, Murr. That's very considerate of you.
Akira: Huh? Murr??
Server: …
Particles of light started swirling around the man and the next thing I knew he had turned into Murr.
Murr: Wehehe, busted!
Akira: I didn't notice it was you at all! Why did you disguise yourself like that?
Murr: I saw some people servin’ the guests earlier and I thought it looked like fun!
Shylock: It was certainly a sight to see you pour tea with such courtesy and sophistication.
Murr: That was me, but it wasn't rea~lly me... was it?
Murr: Perhaps the answer is right in front of our eyes! Come on, Master Sage! Drink some of your tea!
Akira: R-right… Huh?
Just as I bring the cup to my lips, the tea flies out. Then, it starts swirling around me as if it was dancing.
Akira: T-the tea?! It's dancing?!
The liquid floats around in the air, transforming itself into different shapes. I blinked repeatedly as the tea moved like it was alive.
Murr: A tea greeting to you, Master Sage! It's a treat from me!
Akira: Amazing!! And kind of cute too.!
Shylock: Fufu, all this spinning about is fine, but… I’d much prefer to savour the scent of the tea as opposed to watching it dance.
Shylock murmurs as he turns his gaze towards the flying tea.
Shylock: Why don't you take a rest in a teacup like the quiet, reflective surface of the water at night.
As if prompted by Shylock’s words, the tea slowly returned to its teacup.
Chapter 2
Shylock: Now then, Master Sage. Kiss it goodnight.
Akira: S-sure…
Akira: (Kiss it goodnight? Does he mean to drink it?)
Akira: …Mmph! It’s super tasty…!
Murr: Do ya like it? What dance would ya wanna see next?
Shylock: Dancing tea is nice, but if you’re up for it, how about some blue rose cake?
Shylock: You can only find such fine decorations hidden within this garden. They'll be sure to please, Master Sage.
As Shylock spoke, he lifted the clear tray cover by the teapot that Murr had brought.
Akira: Woah, it looks just like a jewellery box… It’s so beautiful.
Shylock: Allow me.
Akira: Thank you very much…!
With an elegant hand, Shylock cut the cake with a smooth stroke. His sophisticated movements fit perfectly with the gorgeous atmosphere.
Akira: (That’s just like Shylock. He always pays great attention to detail. I wonder if it’s okay for me to just be sitting here…?)
Murr: Hm, Master Sage? Are ya feelin' nervous?
Akira: Ahaha, well… It does make me a bit nervous to be treated so well in a place as beautiful as this.
Shylock: There’s no need to worry. People are here to relax with their loved ones.
Shylock: Master Sage, please enjoy your time here to your heart's content.
Akira: Thank you very much. I guess…
Akira: (I said that but…)
Shylock: ...Your expression remains the same.
Shylock: In that case, why don't you learn a little something about being carefree from a familiar figure and let loose for a bit?
Akira: A familiar figure...?
Shylock: Yes. Close your eyes, Master Sage.
Akira: Sure…
Shylock: 《Invibelle》
Shylock: … Now then, open your eyes again.
Akira: (...Hm? This..?)
When I opened my eyes, the world seemed much larger around me. As I was about to ask Shylock what he had done…
Akira: Meeoow. … Meo-?
Murr: Master Sage turned into a cat! Meow!
At Murr’s words, I quickly looked down at my body and noticed it was covered with fluffy fur.
Shylock: Fufu, cats are masters of doing whatever they like no matter where they are, no? I thought that if I turned Master Sage into one it would help them relax.
Akira: Meow!? (Huuuh!?)
Chapter 3
Shylock: While the Master Sage is always adorable, I must say, this form is quite cute as well.
Shylock smiled as he slowly bent down and gently stroked my head.
Akira: Meeooow…
He strokes my head with such expertise that I can’t help but start purring.
Akira: (It feels nice to be petted. Cats have it good…)
Shylock: Fufu, oh my.
Murr: Ah that looks so fun, Master Sage! I want to be a cat too!
Murr: 《Eanul Rambul》
Akira: Mya?!
Murr: Meow Meow!!
Akira: (Murr really became a cat!?)
Murr: Meow meooow!
Akira: Meeow…
Murr began to happily chase me around, and for some reason, with my newfound cat instincts, I enjoyed it as well.
Shylock: Oh my, this…
I stopped when I heard a voice above me, and Shylock bent down to stroke my head again.
Shylock: That might be a little too much.
Shylock: My dear kitty, would you like to play with me next?
Akira: Mya?
As Shylock offered his hand to me, I found myself reaching out as if giving him a pawshake. Suddenly, my whole body begins to glow.
Akira: Mya.. Ah.. Am I back to normal?
Murr: I’m back too! Well then, let’s add the finishing touches!!
Murr: 《Eanul Rambul》
Akira: Woah, fireworks…!
Shylock: 《Invibelle》
As the fireworks exploded, their falling sparks transformed into blue roses. It was magical to see the petals fall down as if they were colouring the sky.
Akira: How lovely…
Shylock: Then, Master Sage. Did you enjoy our hospitality?
Akira: Yes! It was a lot of fun… Did you two plan this ahead of time?
Murr: What what? What are ya talking about?
Shylock: It appears our hearts resonated with one another, and all we had to do was listen.
Shylock: Though… I suppose Murr gave me the idea.
Shylock: Master Sage, why don't I treat you to something special next time, just you and me?
Murr: Ah!! Shylock is trying to hog Master Sage all to himself!!
Shylock: Shh.
Shylock lightly teases Murr who responds with a laugh.** Looking at the two of them I can't help but laugh too.
Akira: Ahaha, I’m looking forward to it!
Then, with Shylock leading the way, we began to walk through the garden as flower petals danced all around us.
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Chapter 4 
Tomoya: Um, Narukami-senpai? What are you doing? 
Arashi: Hey, don’t move! 
Arashi: I’m using a looottt of energy to hide behind Tomoya-chan! If you move, then I might get spotted by that person. 
Tomoya: S-sorry. Who do you mean by that person-? 
Arashi: Sigh. It’s Mama. Mama’s gonna go help out at the pastry shop again today, and it’s pretty close to where we are. 
Arashi: I refused to help him. If I bump into him here, isn’t that embarrassing? 
Tomoya: Okay…I don’t really have any problem with that…
Arashi: Eek! That scared me! Eh….eh…eh?! Is that Mama?! 
Arashi: I say, Tomoya-chan! Someone just tapped on my shoulder, but I don’t- I’m not brave enough to see who they are-! 
Arashi: I’m begging you! Can you tell me who they are? 
Tomoya: Y-yes…
Tomoya: Eh? Anzu-senpai? Hi! You said you were meeting with Hajime, right? 
Arashi: Oh? It’s Anzu! Phew. You should’ve said you were Anzu from the beginning!! 
Arashi: Hm? What are we doing? Hm~ We’re here to investigate Hajime cheating on Tomoya! 
Tomoya: NARUKAMI-SENPAI!! Anzu-senpai’s confused, okay? We’re idols, and suddenly now we’re detectives. 
Tomoya: Oh- oh. We aren’t- we aren’t investigating a cheating incident, okay?! The reason is complicated…
Tomoya: Ah, right! Anzu-senpai’s arranged a meeting with Hajime, right? Hajime said he asked to do embroidery work with you. 
Tomoya: You…didn’t arrange for a meeting with Hajime? Anzu-senpai’s only here because you heard the decorations looked pretty? 
Tomoya: A-ah. I see…that means, Hajime did lie to me…
Arashi: Tomoya-chan, don’t look so depressed…Even though I don’t know why Hajime-chan would have a reason to lie, maybe there’s something hidden that he doesn’t want to tell you…like hidden feelings~ 
Arashi: Hajime-chan is a good kid. He must have had something in his mind like “I want to help other people” before he did this. 
Arashi: I don’t think he lied to hurt Tomoya-chan. 
Tomoya: Narukami-senpai…thank you for praising Hajime-chan so much. 
Tomoya: Hajime isn’t the type of person who can lie very well. 
Tomoya: When he said he had something to deal with, and told me to go home first, his face looked like he was in pain…
Tomoya: I think he’s feeling guilty because he lied to me. 
Tomoya: So I also encouraged him. “Really? Good work, Hajime, it must be really stressful for you,” and then, I let him go. 
Tomoya: He’s been friends with me for so long, I can tell if he’s lying immediately. I think he must know this as well. 
Tomoya: I think he has something important to do. Something so important he forgot I could tell if he was lying or not. 
Tomoya: The reason I feel hurt isn’t because he lied to me…
Tomoya: To tell the truth, it’s because there’s something more important than our friendship. 
Arashi: ….Tomoya-chan and Hajime-chan really are good friends. 
Arashi: I also have good friends, so I understand why Tomoya-chan is hurt right now. 
Arashi: Even though stalking someone secretly isn’t the best of ways to fix that, but since we’re already here, let’s find out the truth of everything. 
Arashi: …Oh, Hajime-chan’s turned a corner. Let’s follow him…. 
Arashi: Eek! 
Madara: Come all, come all! Come and see! Do you all like fruitcakes? Or puddings? Or chocolate cakes? 
Madara: There’s a lot of different tasty cakes stocked in the pantry…! Even looking at them makes you drool already! 
Madara: There’s also a dining area within the cafe, so everyone here is free to take a sip of tea too~
Arashi: That scared me!! Sigh, I’m not really in the right place or time to meet Mama right now…
Arashi: If we continue forward like this, we’re going to bump straight into him. I need to move sneakily. 
Arashi: Eh, Anzu’s going to distract Mama and let us follow Hajime?
Arashi: Thank you so much! Come on, Tomoya-chan! 
Tomoya: Y-yes! Thank you, Anzu-senpai! See you later~ 
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