#anti islam
formywriyinglalala · 3 months
this genuinely breaks my heart
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radykalny-feminizm · 1 year
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Another based TikTok woman being 100% right about religion, love the tendency ✊
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athenawasamerf · 3 months
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Saudi Arabia never fails to send me into a rage. What the fuck do you MEAN sharia compliant scrubs??????? Do you know what the fuck the point of scrubs is??????? Can she run during a code?????? She’s a walking tripping hazard. That skirt will get caught on all sorts of shit, and will be sweeping the hospital floors all day long. It’s inconvenient, uncomfortable, and ridiculously restrictive.
And of fucking course they took off all the pockets.
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ultraericthered · 7 months
What I say:
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What I mean:
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cannibalspyre · 7 months
women & "feminists" who shut down discussions on how unregulated immigration of *males* from islamic countries *do* pose an additional threat to the safety and freedom of local women & girls are simply spineless.
this is not a "our males vs their males" comparison, which is unnecessary, considering all men harm all women around the world.
this is about opposing the import of potential rapists, which would only add to the existing population of them. they are men who disproportionately leave their women and children behind when immigrating to other countries.
women from islamic countries are aware of how men view the "western woman". we know about their rape fantasies. i will never prioritize my nationality or the comfort of foreign/familiar men over my loyalty to the protection of women & girls.
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studyingnstruggling · 10 months
I can’t wait until I no longer have to wear hijab. I can’t wait until I finally feel the sun and wind blowing in my hair. I can’t wait until I get to wear what I want, and experiment with different clothing and hair styles. I can’t wait until I no longer am hearing my mom nagging me about wearing pants (in my house) and telling me to lower my hijab. I can’t wait to wear normal gym clothes at the gym. I can’t wait until I’m no longer wearing multiple layers all the time. I can’t wait to feel more confident and comfortable. I can’t wait until I no longer have to wear hijab.
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mandyfem · 2 months
Muslim moids deserve absolutely nothing.
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sweet-nothing26 · 4 months
TW: the mention of suicide
No one and i mean no one talks about the loneliness you feel and social isolation you experience as a non believer when you live in an islamic country. I lost everyone in my life recently because no one wants to get bad rep by associating themselves with the atheist girl. Feeling beyond depressed and suicidal. I tried to hang myself earlier today but the excruciating physical pain made me back up. Wish i had a shotgun i can use to blow my brains out and leave this world painlessly.
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magnificentempress · 2 months
Sorry but I will never accept hijab and other muslim clothes as some neutral free choice. It is April and here it is already 25C°(77F°). Very soon it will be like 35C°(95F°). In the shade. I'm not kidding. 30°C(86F°) is like a normal cool summer evening.
Last summer I couldn't buy meat or dairy for 2 weeks straight because the temperature hit a record 40C°+(104F°) for weeks, and fridges in the stores began to break down. I slept in the daytime for 2 weeks under a wet bedsheet because it was so fucking hot, I could try to function only at night. I wore wet shirts in a desperate attempt to cool down in the house. Let me tell you, the feeling was a sensory nightmare.
The sun is scalding. I can feel the heat from the asphalt through my shoes.
So, whenever I saw a muslim couple walking in the street and the man is wearing comfortable loose shorts and a tank shirt, and the woman is fucking wrapped in blankets (bonus point if it's visibly some synthetic fabric because guess what, cotton and linen are expensive), I want to violently kill that man. This is abuse, this is fucking torture. He is an asshole. He is actively endangering her health and her life.
I don't care if she "chose" it, in that case it would be his responsibility as a partner to point out that this shit can kill her, and insist on making a better choice. I DON'T CARE.
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kanelia · 7 days
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radykalny-feminizm · 4 months
Multicultural societies can be great, but there's one condition: different cultures must be willing to learn from each other and respect each other's values.
If people from one culture are open and welcoming, but people from the other culture want to enforce their own rules and take away people's freedom in the name of their religion, then the results are going to be catastrophic. This is why Europe is suffering right now and it's women who will pay the highest price.
Wondering what I mean? Let's have a look at some statistics:
Poll: 46% of French Muslims believe Sharia law should be applied in country
Over 40% of UK Muslims support “aspects” of sharia law
If it doesn't terrify you I don't know what to tell you. It surely terrifies me as fuck.
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we-the-human · 14 days
Saw some muslims in germany saying "we want a caliphate". I think that western societies need to defend their values more.
I agree. We’re being wimps about this.
Muslims who are advocating for a caliphate in western countries can fully fuck off.
Don’t move to places where your values completely clash, maybe?
Don’t be so entitled as to demand the entire fucking country you were GRACIOUSLY WELCOMED INTO change to match your values?
Sorry if in-fighting between Islamists makes your countries awful - so why would you fight to ruin everyone else’s?
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ultraericthered · 8 months
Normally I prefer to keep current events, politics, foreign affairs, etc. at a minimum on this blog. But I feel I need to be truthful about where I stand and I don't care if any non-Muslims take offense....
*deep breath*
I stand in solidarity with all among the world's Muslims who are as decent, peaceful, friendly, faithful and good as any human being I could have the pleasure to know.
But absolutely FUCK the Middle Eastern world, the unreformed, primative, barabaric, radical "Jihad Islam" religion of uncivil unrest and extremism that comes from it, and the heartless, cowardly, inhumane terrorist scum who pratice it via deadly attacks of mass destruction and unspeakably horrific, repugnant crimes against humanity. Any person, regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political/ideological leaning and faith, who brings about such evil is themself evil.
All those to whom the first paragraph applies: please know that you are loved. You are valid. Your lives are worth so much and your human rights are to be respected.
ISIS, Al-Quaeda, Hamas, the Taliban, the Iranian Mullah Clergy, the Assad regime and the Salman regime: the Muslim world is to be a better one without you all in it. To Hell with every last one of you. Every. Last. One.
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sickofthis666 · 1 year
"Hijab is feminist/a choice" must be one of the worst takes Ive ever read on this website.
Like you're just gonna ignore all the women forced to wear it in the middle East?? You're gonna ignore how its a tool for men to control women and their place on society? You're gonna ignore the inherent misogyny of 1. Having women covered but not men 2. Having women covering their skin and hair SO MEN DONT SEE IT???? AND HOW DO YOU KNOW ITS A CHOICE IF YOUR FAMILY PRESSURES YOU INTO IT??? Like no nerd to live in Afghanistan to be forced of it. You can live in a western country and be forced all the same.
Hijab will stop being misogynistic the day men wear it too. There is no other option.
"You must respect other people's culture/practices" Only if they're harmless. I will never respect a culture which is misogynistic.
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I hate Muslim men, majority of them are disgusting hypocrites who condone and defend child marriage. They allow themselves to have 4+ wives, defend sexual slavery, and then will kll their sister if she has a bf (honor killings) they will force their multiple wives to wear niqab, but will go out shirtless & in shorts. They love to act like they’re better than other men (especially Christians & atheists) because these men aren’t forcing the women in their life to cover their whole body. They prevent women from leaving or getting an education or job and guilt trip/brainwash them with “this is God’s will”. They claim even a woman’s voice is “arousing” so she can’t even speak in public or online! I am *sick* of being called “racist” when I point out their religious violence, despite being from a Muslim background myself.
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wyaqf · 3 months
Islamophobia is not real!!!stop fucking tryna victimize the oppresor!!
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