#anti israel
fadisharif11 · 1 day
أكثر من 8 آلاف إصابة.. "الكبد الوبائي" يهدد حياة أطفال غزة انتشرت حالات التهاب الكبد الوبائي بين الأطفال، نتيجة نقص النظافة والمياه، وتلوّث الغذاء، والاكتظاظ السكاني في مراكز النزوح.
More than 8 thousand cases. “Hepatitis A” threatens the lives of Gaza’s children Cases of hepatitis have spread among children, as a result of lack of hygiene and water, food contamination, and overcrowding in displacement centers
Please Donate and Help This Family.
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gryficowa · 2 days
If people boycotted companies that support Israel like they do when they change their logo to a rainbow…
It's fucking devastating the world we currently live in, a rainbow on a corporation's profile is worse than supporting genocide, yes, I also don't like companies that pretend to be pro-LGBT and then give money to anti-LGBT+ organizations, which doesn't change the fact that how to boycott it for everything that is bad, not just for what we bring to the fore
Remember the queer Palestinians who are murdered in cold blood by Israel, which does not kill them for being queer, but for being Palestinians, although Israel itself constantly lies that it supports LGBT+, when the truth is that it murders them because of their ethnicity or persecutes people. trans (What Eden showed at Eurovision towards Nemo)
Stop pinkwashing!
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moonlayl · 1 month
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
As always, the Irish speak nothing but facts.
How many more innocent civilians have to be killed by Israel before you condemn that for it?
That is a genocide.
That this is a crime on all accounts.
And deserves to be punished to the full extent off the law.
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palesoftangel · 6 months
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wonderlandmoonrose7 · 6 months
I’m just here to remind everyone once again that we can’t stop protesting and boycotting and spreading the word for Palestine, even if it’s been a while. The people in power (mainly the Israeli and US governments) are relying on us losing steam.
And I do want to mention that a small bit of hope to be found among all of this is that things aren’t losing steam. I still see dozens of posts about Palestine every day, I see footage of protests almost every day, and the boycotts are working. I just want to encourage everyone that we just need to keep it up! I’ve seen so many social issues fade out over time, a week of outrage and then things settle down, but that isn’t the case here and I really respect everyone who’s still posting and protesting and seeking out information to end this once and for all. Focus on that hope, and use it to keep going :)
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kvtnisseverdeen · 8 months
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Where is the International protection the Palestinian people is entitled to when the occupying power violates international law and harms those it is obliged to protect. Aren't Palestinians lives worth saving?
-Riyad Mansour (Palestinian representative to the UN)
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violottie · 3 months
Hundreds of Jews and allies, including Writers Against the War on Gaza, sagaftramembersforceasefire and Film Workers for Palestine are present in the heart of Hollywood on the day of the Oscars to say: ALL EYES ON RAFAH!
While Hollywood celebrates, Israel prepares for the ground invasion of Rafah, where over 1.3 million Palestinians are seeking refuge. This comes as reports of extreme hunger continue to mount on the first day of Ramadan.
As filmworkers, Jews, and allies, we stand in solidarity with Palestinians. We won’t stop bearing witness. WHILE YOU’RE WATCHING, BOMBS ARE DROPPING" from Jewish Voice for Peace Los Angeles, 10/Mar/2024:
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artcinemas · 4 months
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We don’t talk about this Starbucks feminism enough.
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nando161mando · 1 month
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The most viewed channel in Israel says the genocide is not enough, they want to see rivers of Gazan’s blood
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fireyfobbitmedicine · 5 months
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Free Palestine 🇵🇸
source is political.plushies on insta
other boycotts
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fadisharif11 · 1 day
How long are you going to keep killing us slowly? Don’t you have enough?
Please Donate and Help This Family.
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seohyun0306 · 1 month
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Today, April 27th, marks 30 years since the official end of South African apartheid and the first democratic election ever held in the republic. Like Nelson Mandela said, our freedom is still incomplete without the freedom of Palestine. Just as the South African apartheid regime was crushed, so shall Israel.
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moonlayl · 7 months
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In the WEST BANK. NOT Gaza. I don’t see the world crying for them.
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
To this day people will cry over the knowledge and works destroyed when the library of Alexandria was burned down.
And yet no tears are shed as Palestinian archives and libraries are bombed.
Saint Porphyrius Church, a structure built in the 5th century and the 3rd oldest church in the world has been bombed.
It's not an accident.
Israel aren't simply killing Palestinians, they are trying to erase that there ever were Palestinians in the first place.
Destroying their livelihoods, trying to to destroy their culture and history and pretend this land was never there's.
It's easy to deny someone's existence when there's no record of them.
Which is why it's so important to look at the atrocities and bear witness to what's happening.
But to also recognise that Palestine is more than it's suffering.
There is a living breathing culture, of art, history, literacy which all come from the Palestinians.
Traditions they've carried for centuries.
So while we mourn the dead, we shall fight for the living. Fight for the preservation of their crafts, amplify their voices as they speak on their culture.
Palestinian history and culture is alive. And no matter how much the world wants to erase that, they cannot and will not.
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jouno-s · 3 months
so often i think back to when the notre dame caught fire and how so many celebrities and people with influence rallied to send money for rebuilding
it’s a beautiful building. i do love old architecture. but…
these people have stayed silent for the many beautiful buildings destroyed by the israeli bombardment in gaza. have not said a word for the centuries-old feats of architecture that have been lost forever.
have not said a word for the many thousands of innocent palestinians who have been martyred or permanently injured in this genocide. or, worse, have spoken against these people.
is this the world we live in? where one singular building in a western country is more important than the lives of a whole population? where people struggling to make ends meet for themselves can still put aside money to help palestinians whilst millionaires do not?
i stand with palestine. forever and always i will stand with palestine. and i do not ever want to idolise influential people who do not also stand with palestine.
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