#apologies to the like 35 new people who have followed me in the past few weeks because of my riz post djgkdkg
queernarchy · 25 days
recently discovered a personal pattern that when im deeply uncomfortable unsafe and put on the spot in a group setting where i barely know anybody i just start dropping extremely personal information that ive never said out loud before which may be simultaneously the most dangerous and funniest freeze response
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canirove · 9 months
The Princess & the Football Player | Chapter 35
Author’s note: First of the last four chapters...
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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"May I come in?" I ask after knocking on the door.
"Yes, of course" Charles replies. "It's good to see you again, Eleanor."
"Yeah, you too" I smile.
"Please, have a seat. Do you want anything to drink?"
"No, I'm fine. Thank you."
"So…" he says, nervously playing with his hands. "You wanted to talk, right?"
"Yes. I… I owe you an apology, Charles."
"What for?"
"What for?" I chuckle. "Charles, you asked me to marry you in front of a hundred guests and I said no and ran away!"
"You did. And?"
"And? Aren't you mad at me?"
"Not really" he shrugs.
"I mean, I was when you left. But now I'm just… sad."
"And it is all my fault. That's why I must apologize."
"It isn't all your fault. I am the one who fell in love with you despite knowing that you loved someone else."
"I… I…"
"It's ok, Eleanor" he says, taking my hand on his. 
"I'm sorry, Charles. I truly am. I really tried to make things work, to love you the way you love me. But I…"
"You are in love with Declan."
"I am, yes. I tried to forget him, but I couldn't. I just couldn't."
"That usually happens when you meet the one, yes" he chuckles.
"Do you think he is the one?"
"Definitely" Charles smiles. "You've never looked at me or any other guy the way you look at him. Never smiled or laughed with me the way you have with him. And I've always been so jealous… Because I could see that it was true love, the one many people wish to find one day. And you should see the way he looks at you too, Eleanor… Heart eyes emoji."
"What?" I laugh.
"It is the only way to describe it" he shrugs again. "You are destined to be together, and one way or another, it was bound to happen."
"I just wish it would have happened differently. That I hadn't broken your heart in the process and made the press harass everyone Declan and I know because of it."
"Has it been that bad?"
"He's been living at West Ham's training center since Christmas because there are paps outside his house day and night. David still has people keeping an eye on his family because they've also bothered them. And from time to time they also follow Roberta and Mason."
"That sucks. I'm so sorry" Charles says, giving my hand a little squeeze.
"Thank you" I smile. "That's one of the reasons why I wanted to see you. To apologize, but also to tell you that I'm planning on talking with the press. I want to try and answer all their questions so they will leave everyone alone."
"What are you going to tell them?"
"That I said no to marrying you because I wasn't ready to take that step yet. That we discussed it, realized that we wanted different things, and decided to end our relationship."
"And when they ask if it was because you still love Declan? Because they will ask about him."
"I'll tell them that all these years we've remained as friends, and that it still stands, that nothing has changed between us. And then of course I'll ask them to please stop harassing him and his family."
"Will they stop, tho?"
"Knowing them they won't, no" I sigh. "But I have to try." 
"Is that a wise idea, tho? Talking to the press like that? You know they will push you to say more, to doubt and give them what they want" Charles says.
"David says it isn't. Grandmama says that it is the best option, to make things clear and that they hear me saying it. And my parents think the best idea is to release a statement."
"How did they take the news? Your mum must have been pissed."
"She's actually been very supportive, you know how our relationship has changed these past few years. The one who still is a bit confused is my dad. He didn't see it coming."
"Him? The man who knew you liked Declan since the moment you met? C'mon" Charles chuckles.
"That's what we've told him!" I laugh. "But he just says that he didn't notice because he is getting old."
"Could he be thinking about passing on the crown?"
"Nah, not yet."
"But you should start thinking about it…"
"Charles, I have enough problems and things to worry about right now. I don't need more."
"Ok, ok" he laughs. "But one day you are gonna be an amazing queen."
"You think so?"
"I'm sure of it."
"When I'm queen… Will I still have you as one of my best friends?"
"You will. I promise" Charles smiles, showing his dimples.
"Everything good between us, then?"
"Everything good."
"I love you, Charles. Even if it isn't the way you would like me to."
"I love you too, Eleanor" he says before hugging me. "Though one last thing."
"What" I say, moving to look at him.
"Tell Mr. Rice that if he dares to hurt you, I myself am sending MI6 after him."
"Oh, don't worry about that. My family already warned him."
"Good, good" Charles chuckles. "But now, since you've come all the way down to Monaco and the weather is pretty good keeping in mind it is January…  Would you like to go for a boat ride? As friends, of course."
"I would love that."
"On y va, your royal Highness" Charles says, standing up and offering me his hand.
"On y va" I smile as I take it.
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lessonforwholelife · 2 years
back from the dead (sort of) and back on my cobra kai bullshit for like two seconds.
i watched the new season. and i liked it! there was a lot - a lot! - of good, and it was tons of fun. 
there were also some things that i was very strongly meh about, but since this felt - to me - like a set-up season in some ways (if those even exist this late in the game?), i’m willing to swallow my reservations until I see S5. 
some rambling, ill-formed critique under the cut.
four seasons in, one thing that i’m increasingly despairing of is that we’ll get any sort of significant, centered POV for daniel related to his very real traumas. i’ve seen a few people point out that every time he references some critical damage point from his past, it’s almost immediately played for laughs or followed by a joke. and look - i’m aware this is par for the course for the show and i truly don’t need them to cry and hug it out for 35 minutes straight (ALTHOUGH.....). but just ONCE, in one scene, i would like them to give breathing room to one of those moments, in the same genuinely moving way they did when kumiko read miyagi’s letter last season. i just want them to have whoever he’s dialoguing with seriously acknowledge how objectively awful the events in question were.
because there WEREN’T two sides to daniel getting the shit kicked out of him in high school, and i don’t think it’s that funny that johnny doesn’t appear to have made measurable progress in recognizing that. ignoring this is, for me, a huge failing on the part of the show thus far, and it’s getting harder for me to excuse it away.
like i get that daniel can be an obnoxious, self-righteous asshole who needs to be dumped off his high horse sometimes. i do! this season was not especially kind to him in that regard. he did/does deserve to be called out on some of his bullshit, and there was a lot of it in S4 (to the extent that it felt like character regression at times, for both johnny and daniel).
BUT the caveat to this is that he has also always been shown to be innately good, and in the big moments i do think he has been willing to swallow his pride and apologize/make amends (FELLOW TWO-TIME ALL VALLEY CHAMPION). twice now this season (to my recollection), he has been the one to reach out to johnny and apologize for their conflicts (strike first!) - even if he does bungle it the first time. the scenes where he and johnny both separately contemplate and reject the idea of reaching out/apologizing are played parallel for laughs, but still - daniel does eventually follow through.
i do appreciate that once daniel makes the overture johnny is willing to sincerely reciprocate. that’s huge progress! so maybe i’m just being impatient and oversensitive. maybe this is still something they still plan to address in S5 and beyond. CK isn’t always great about balancing storylines between the adults and the teens from season to season, and since this go around the writing for the kids was (IMOP) a bit stronger and more complex than for the adults (silver/kreese being the exception), i’m hopeful we’re due for a POV shift in S5. 
i just can’t help but feel that until we reach that moment of denouement between johnny and daniel - until johnny acknowledges, sincerely and unreservedly, that he WAS the aggressor in TKK and that he was WRONG - there won’t ever be enough mutual trust there for them to move forward and TRULY escape the cycle of making up and breaking up. 
and if i’m wrong - if they keep them together in relative harmony (lol) after S4 without ever confronting any of those truths - idk how i’ll feel. maybe i’ll be too apathetic to care by then, but right now the idea is deeply disappointing.
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mimisempai · 3 years
Wait for me on the other side 1/8
Mobius, a watchmaker, and Loki, a teacher, realize that they are separated by two years of time when they exchange letters from different years in the mailbox of the house on the cliff where Mobius lives. As the two lonely hearts feel they have found their soulmate, will they ever meet?
or the Lakehouse AU that nobody asked for.
This is my very first multi-chapter AU. I hope you'll enjoy it. Chapters will be released on a weekly basis.
3772 words - rating G
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
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When two people "connect" the bond between them can be so pure and simple as to stir hearts in heaven.
When they connect in all the right places at all the wrong times, heaven weeps for broken hearts. To heal these broken hearts, heaven breaks time.
—Blithe Spiritus
Loki took one last look through the rearview mirror at the cottage on the edge of the cliff, which was getting smaller and smaller as he drove away.
Shifting his gaze forward, his face slid to the crate on the passenger seat, where Croki, his pet alligator, was sitting.
"I hope you will like your new home..." Loki sighed.
Then suddenly, he braked abruptly, holding back the cage with one hand as it slid forward. Then he backed the car up.
"Shit. I'm sorry Croc'"
He walked over to the mailbox. He put his hand through the window, opened the mailbox and put an envelope inside. Then his long fingers pulled the red flag in a vertical position, to indicate that there was mail. All this under the eyes of Croki who followed with attention all his gestures.
He tapped the top of the cage, "Come on, this time we're off for good."
He rolled, speeding up, refusing to look at the sign for the tiny village his home was in, New Asgard.  Loki rolled east, the cliff behind him, then passed a sign: New York, 35 miles.
The traffic became heavier as he approached the city.
After maneuvering through the various streets and making his way through the New York traffic, he stopped in front of an apartment building on a busy street. It was a very recent building, cold and sterile. The contrast with the tranquility of New-Asgard was striking.
He parked, got out of the car and took a moment to absorb the change in his surroundings. Then with a sigh, he began to unload his things.
Loki stopped at the steps in front of the entrance to the imposing establishment - September High-School. He inhaled deeply to give himself courage before moving forward, climbing the few steps and pushing open the heavy door. He entered and walked to what appeared to be the front desk where a busy looking secretary was standing.
Loki asked softly, "Excuse me?"
"Just a minute, okay?"
Loki waited a minute, politely, then tried to get the secretary's attention again.
"Ahem... Excuse me, I need to..."
She handed him a stack of paper, while saying, without looking at him, "Just fill this out and wait for me there, okay?"
Loki handed it back to her.
"No, I'm Loki Laufeyson. I'm a new teacher. I was told to report here."
The secretary looked sheepish, "Oh, I'm sorry, Professor. You need to find Principal Romanov. She should be around here. A woman with red hair, dressed in black, you can't miss her."
He did indeed find the Principal in the hallway that the secretary had pointed out.
Natasha Romanov may have looked young to be a high school principal, but everything about her demeanor, her head carriage, her attitude exuded confidence and authority. She walked quickly down the hallway and Loki, though tall, had a hard time keeping up with her.
The principal handed him a large stack of files as soon as they arrived in her office.
"You will be in charge of the sophomores, this morning you will have three classes to teach and three this afternoon."
Loki repeated to be sure, "Three?"
"That's a quiet day, for a first day."
Loki looked a little dazed, he didn't think he was going to jump into the deep end and thought he would have some time to adjust.
The principal turned around, as if she sensed his hesitation, "The teacher you replaced let us down without notice, and it took us a while to find the right replacement, the students lost a lot of time for their final exams. We have to do our best to make sure they pass."
They walked past a student who was sitting alone on a bench, looking sulky. Romanov motioned to a supervisor.
"What's he doing here?"
The supervisor replied, "He was grounded because he took apart a computer to prove Professor Banner wrong and has to do an hour of gym under Professor Odinson's supervision. However, I can't leave the place unattended, and I was waiting for my backup to take him there.
"Peter get up," said principal Romanov in a sharp tone.
The young man stood up, a sulky look on his face.
"Professor Laufeyson, take him to Professor Odinson in the gym and then you can begin your lessons in this class."
The principal pointed to the door of the classroom in question, then turned and walked back to her office, not waiting for an answer.
"Well come with me, Mister...?"
The young boy followed his lead and replied with a pouty tone, "Parker, Peter Parker. »
"Then let's go Mr. Parker, the computer dismantler." replied Loki with a wink.  He knew he couldn't condone what the young man had done, but he couldn't help but find it amusing.
Seeing that the professor didn't look reproachful as he said these words, Peter lost his pout and got a small smile.
"Although I'm curious as to what could have caused you to disassemble a computer."
Peter seemed to come back to life, explained to an amused Loki, that Professor Banner, who taught biology, had said that nothing could compare to the complex construction that was a living being and Peter had wanted to show him the opposite by dismantling the Professor's laptop.
"But I was about to put it back together though, I don't understand why he got so upset."
Loki couldn't help but laugh.
Peter's face frowned because they had arrived at the gym.
They walked through the door and there a giant blonde man came striding in, "Peter Parker, it's been so long! Tell me what you've been up to again." he ruffled Peter's hair who tried to shy away from it, then he held out his hand to Loki who had to hold back a wince at the strength of the professor's grip.
"Professor Odinson, but call me Thor. Nice to meet you. New professor?"
"Yes, I am the new literature professor, Loki Laufeyson, but call me Loki. I'll leave this promising young man to you," He winked at Peter before continuing, "as for me I'll be teaching my first class."
"Welcome here, and good luck!" threw Thor at him before turning back to Peter, "Go change, we'll start with 10 laps running around the basketball court."
Hearing Peter's grumbles, Loki smiled as he walked away.
A few minutes later, he stopped outside his classroom door and took a deep breath.
"It takes a little time to adjust, but most of the students here are exceptional and the teaching staff is really, really nice."
Loki turned to see who had just spoken.
He found himself facing a black man, taller than him, and very impressive. But despite his imposing nature, his smile and eyes were very warm as he held out his hand. "Heimdall, art professor, welcome."
Loki grasped it and replied, "Loki, literature professor."
Heimdall gave a small nod in the direction of the door, "Good luck." then walked away.
Loki, surprisingly relaxed following this little interlude, walked through the classroom door with a confident air, placed his belongings on the desk and with an engaging smile on his lips addressed his first students, "Hello, I am your new literature teacher and I hope we will work well together."
He paused, letting his gaze roam over the entire class before continuing,"O Captain! My Captain! Who knows where that came from? No one? No idea? It's-"
A young boy raised his hand at the back of the classroom.
"Yes Mister...?"
"Keener, Harley Keener."
"All right Mister Keener, I'm listening."
"It's a Walt Whitman poem about Abraham Lincoln. And it's plagiarism of Professor Keating's introduction played by Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society."
Loki didn't lose his confidence at all and replied, "Thank you Mr. Keener. I'm not going to apologize for the plagiarism. I didn't expect anyone to contradict me since this film was released long before you were all born. Thank you, Mr. Keener, for setting me straight. I won't ask you to call me Captain, Sir, or Professor, but simply Loki. Yes, Mr. Keener, Loki, as in the Norse god of mischief... "
The whole class, including Harley, laughed and Loki thought that it wasn't such a bad start.
But he still felt exhausted at the end of the day, and he slumped into the chair at his assigned desk in the teacher's lounge. He leaned in and put his head back, closing his eyes.
"So they've worn you out already?" it was the deep voice, which he recognized as Heimdall's. He opened his eyes to see that the art professor had sat just at the desk next to him.
"Yet the Famous Five keep talking about Loki, the new professor who is super cool. It's been a long time since I've heard a literature professor on such good terms." It was Thor who came to join them and pulled a chair to sit in the space between Heimdall and Loki.
"The Famous Five?"
Thor chuckled before answering, "They're called that because they're always stuffed together, probably five of the smartest minds in this elite school, and as a result always going out on the town to..."
"…the benefit of science." finished Heimdall.
"That's their argument every time they get busted," Thor clarified.
"Who are they?" asked Loki, curious.
"There's Peter who you met this morning, he's in the same class as his two childhood friends Ned and MJ. There's Harley who talked about how you put him in his place, when he thought he had fooled you. Captain my Captain huh?"
Thor chuckled before continuing, "and finally Kamala Khan, the newest one, a little brunette, a ball of energy who always wears a big red scarf, summer and winter and who the other four have taken under their wing."
"Interesting..." replied Loki, thoughtfully.
"Wait until you're the target of their prank and we'll see if you find these kids interesting." said an unknown voice behind him.
"Bruce my friend! Were you able to fix your laptop?" exclaimed Thor with a laugh.
Loki turned around, only to find himself standing in front of a man who was a little older than him. He stood up and held out his hand, "Professor Banner, I presume."
"Am I that famous?" the man asked, raising an eyebrow as he shook the outstretched hand in a firm grip.
"It's mostly that I had the pleasure of taking Peter Parker for his grounding to Thor." replied Loki
"That brat..." harrumphed Bruce. "He's smart... but his habit of proving he's always right..."
The other men laughed in unison.
"So boys? Are we having fun?" a young woman with short blond hair stepped forward and held out her hand, "Carol Danvers, homeroom teacher at this crazy school."
"Nice to meet you," Loki replied, shaking the outstretched hand.
Unaccustomed to being around so many people and especially such friendly people, Loki felt a little overwhelmed and suddenly the fatigue of this first day seemed to fall on his shoulders to the point that he had to stifle a yawn.
Thor patted him on the back and said, "I have an excellent remedy for that."
"What is it?"
Heimdall and Thor high-fived each other and said in unison, "The Bifrost."
At Loki's look of complete incomprehension, Carol explained, "It's a bar two blocks away, good burgers, good beer and for good company, that's us." she finished with a wink.
Loki realized they were inviting him to come with them but he hesitated and finally replied, "Thanks. I better not drink tonight. I'm dead."
Bruce retorted, "We're all dead."
"Yes, but I still have a lot to unpack."
They nodded, and did not seem disappointed by his refusal, even rather understanding. Loki really wasn't used to this kind of company.
Heimdall put his hand on his arm and then said softly, "Next time, then."
Loki, not understanding why his throat was tight, simply nodded.
A little later, they separated in front of the school gates. Loki on one side and the group on the other.
" Bye Loki!"
"See you tomorrow Captain!"
Loki lived only three blocks from the school and soon arrived home. When he entered he realized how sterile and cold his large apartment seemed.
He had not yet had time to unpack all his things and the boxes were scattered everywhere. The first thing he had unpacked was Croki's terrarium, which took up a whole room.
As he closed the door, he heard Croki's typical little paws coming and rubbing against him as usual. He patted his head and headed for the kitchen. Croki was a Cuvier's Dwarf caiman. Loki had once wanted to get a dog, but in the animal shelter he had immediately felt a connection with the animal, perhaps because he was different, like himself.
Loki opened the refrigerator which was desperately empty except for Croki's fish ration. He put it on a plate and put it on the floor while commenting, "Need alligator food. And human too."
He was going to have to do some shopping tomorrow.
After snacking on a bag of chips, exhausted, he took a quick shower before going to his room.
"Good night Croki."
His room was as functional and depressing as the rest of the place. He went to stand in front of the window. Outside it was all stone buildings. It was very difficult to even see the sky. He sighed, "What a view..."
He pulled the blinds and went to bed. Once his head was on the pillow, he fell asleep very quickly, which prevented him from thinking too much about everything he missed.
A red pickup truck passed the New Asgard sign before parking at the side of the path that leads to the house. Its back end was filled with furniture and moving boxes. A mustachioed man with gray hair got out. He walked toward the cottage on the edge of the cliff and stopped, hands on hips, contemplating the view.
He opened the door, looked for the electric power meter. He turned it on and went to turn on the light in the entrance and then in what seemed to be the living room.
Mobius examined the place, satisfied. There wasn't much. A stereo, some books, an armchair. But the bare and cosy furniture matched perfectly with the austere beauty of the small cottage. He looked out the window at the cliff. He was going to like it here.
It took him a good four hours to unload his pickup truck by himself and install just about everything he had brought. Once finished, he grabbed a cold beer that he had put in the cooler and while drinking it quietly walked around the house before getting in the car to go shopping at the local grocery store that he had spotted on his way in.
Once he had gone around the store, with his groceries in his arms, he went to put them on the counter.
The young owner and his wife were behind.
"Hi, are you new around here?" the owner asked him.
Mobius smiled and replied, "More or less. My name is Mobius."
The owner replied, "My name is Clint and this is my wife, Laura."
Laura smiled and added, "You're going to like it. Especially now that the weather is getting warmer." Then pointing to the groceries, she added, "We'll get you some boxes for all that."
"Oh thanks." replied Mobius.
Laura fetched an empty box from a high shelf. Now that she was no longer hidden by the counter, it was obvious that she was pregnant. Clint rushed to her. "No, honey, let me."
Mobius looked at them, feeling moved and at the same time fully aware of his own loneliness. He paid, took his box and left, but not without promising the young couple to return.
He parked in front of the small road with his groceries in the back of the truck and noticed the mailbox with its flag up. He stopped and opened it. There was an envelope.
For the new tenant.
He took in the groceries, put them away, made himself a sandwich tray and taking the letter, he went to sit on the armchair in front of the bay window. He put his tray on a small table next to it, opened the letter and started to read.
Dear new tenant.
Hello and welcome to your new home and congratulations, blah blah blah. You have made an excellent choice, New Asgard is a wonderful place and this house is a gem, as you may have already noticed.
I'm sure you'll love living here as much as I do.
By the way, I'm the former tenant, Loki.
Mobius looked perplexed but also pleasantly surprised.
The post office forwards my mail normally, but if something should happen here, because the post service is what it is and we are never safe, my new address is below. Thank you.
Mobius turned over the letter.
P.S.: Sorry for the pawprints leading to the front door. They were already there when I moved in, as well as the box in the attic. I think it belongs to the owner.
Mobius stared at the letter in amusement and could not help but check the end of the letter.
He went to the front door. The floor was clean. Inside and out.
"What did he talk about?" he scratched the back of his head before heading for the ladder that led to the attic. He opened the hatch, poked his head through and looked around. It was empty. No box.
Mobius went back down, shrugged, crumpled the letter and threw it away.
He finished his meal and went to bed.
The next day, in his clock store, while repairing an antique watch with an extremely complicated mechanism, he couldn't help thinking about the letter and its more or less strange ending when he was interrupted by the doorbell indicating that someone had entered the store.
He put down his tools, wiped his hands, and headed for the store.
"Hey Mobius! I made lunch, shall we share?"
It was the bubbly and somewhat invasive, Sylvie. The owner of the antique gun store right across from him.
He replied, annoyed, because she had interrupted his work that he loved, "I can't, I have urgent work to finish."
"Oh come on Mobius, there's nothing urgent about an old watch."
"It is to its owner."
She made a disappointed pout, "Well, okay..." she sighed and headed for the door, then turned abruptly. "Is it true you bought a house? Where is it? How is it?"
Mobius rolled his eyes, used to Sylvie's chatter.
"It's an isolated cottage, in a small village called New Asgard."
"You're sick to isolate yourself like that!"
"It's what I want and I already feel at home there. And now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get back to my work, which is not urgent." He walked briskly toward his studio, annoyed by the criticism of his choice, and didn't even hear the door close.
In the late afternoon, after his day's work, he decided to repaint the faded fences that lined the small path. The manual work, like his work on watches, helped him to clear his head.
A few hours later, as the day was getting darker, Mobius was kneeling on the steps and applying a new layer of paint to the weathered planks. He finished, satisfied with the result, and began to put his equipment away.
Behind him, a small dwarf alligator trotted along the path. Mobius didn't notice it at first. The alligator sped up and before Mobius could react, he stepped into the paint and left footprints behind him. "Hey!"
Mobius tried to catch the alligator but it ran back inside the house whose door Mobius had left ajar. Mobius was about to follow him, wondering what an alligator was doing here and if he was dangerous, when he suddenly stopped.
On the ground in front of the house, there was a trail of paw prints.
Mobius rushed to the garbage can and searched with determination through his trash when he finally found what he was looking for: Loki's letter.
He stared at it.
Sorry about the footprints leading to the front door. They were already there when I moved in, as was the box in the attic. I think it belongs to the owner.
He remained for a long moment staring at the crumpled note.
Loki went out to have lunch at a place he had spotted not far from the school.
Finding the weather warm, he opened his coat and continued walking.
When he arrived at the place, he sat down on a bench and started to unwrap his sandwich, a book in his hand. He enjoyed this moment of calm, even if the place was crowded on this beautiful day.
Once finished eating, Loki closed his eyes for a moment, letting the sunlight warm him up. Just aware of the surrounding sounds, the water of the fountain, the splashes and laughter of the children playing there, an old man grumbling about global warming, the pigeons landing not far away, hoping to get some crumbs from those who like Loki had decided to have lunch here.
Suddenly, a horrible noise, a high-pitched squeal and a horn made Loki sit up. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.
A few meters away, in front of Loki, a double-decker city bus was trying to stop. It was going pretty fast, although you could tell the driver was trying to brake.
Loki registered it all, the noise, the bus, before noticing the gray-haired man standing directly in the path of the bus. There was nothing to be done, it was inevitable and almost immediate, the man was hit by the bus, and Loki, horrified, saw his distant figure fly ten or fifteen feet into the air before crashing to the sidewalk. The faint sound of the impact reached Loki half a second later, due to the distance.
Loki automatically took out his cell phone and dialed 911. As he walked towards the impact point, he gave all the information to the rescue workers, trying to remain calm.
Once he hung up the phone, he started to run towards the lifeless body.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (End)
As always, bear with me as it is not beta'd and english is not my native language I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless🥰
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ningningsdream · 4 years
keep it low | mk.l
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pairing: music student!mark x music student!fem reader
genre: fluff, angst, roommates-to-lovers
word count: 6.5k
warning(s): swearing, maybe a little suggestive (mention of making out and implicit allusion to sex but no smut)
description: in which you didn’t expect to also be a love counselor when you moved in with your new roommate.
a/n: this is apart of my new series of roommates-to-lovers with the dreamies, sweet life
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when you were younger, you’ve always expected to stick with your best friends after highschool, having the best uni experience together, being roommates and all but you never expected almost all of them to either go study abroad or in a university far away from yours. you went to Seoul Music University, a prestigious school you had the chance to attend thanks to your good grades and the entrance interview you nailed a few months before receiving your acceptance letter. the only ‘bad thing’ about being accepted at SMU was that you lived really far away from Seoul but one of your friends who knew people at SMU told you that there was this building known to house a lot of students from the university. even though the building wasn’t linked to the school, it was treated as if it was part of it since most of the person living in that building went to SMU because it was literally five minutes away from the university.
you asked your friend to ask her friends at SMU if they knew anyone who needed a roommate and that was how you ended up with mark lee’s number.
you: hey, is this mark?
possible future roommate: uhm yes? who is this?
you: im y/n, my friend gave me your number because your friends said you were looking for a roommate? and im actually looking for a place to live
possible future roommate: oh right!
possible future roommate: do you want to come see the place tomorrow?
you: mmh yeah that would be great
possible future roommate: great, just text me when you’re downstairs, i’ll come and get you
you: you’re not a creepy dude that’s going to kill me right?
possible future roommate: no
possible future roommate: even if i was, i wouldn’t admit it
you: really reassuring 😭
the first time you met mark, let’s just say that you didn’t expect him to look like that. you didn’t know what you were expecting but surely not a cute guy with glasses and a dorky smile. as for mark, he almost fell on the floor when he first saw you -literally, his feet somehow got tangled-, he was nervous about the possible idea of having a girl as a roommate. to end the awkward silence he asked you questions about yourself which you returned.
mark learned that you were starting your first year at SMU, that you were going to study musical analysis and songwriting and that you needed a place to stay because your hometown was far away whereas you learned that mark was already in his second year at SMU making him one year older than you, that he was studying musical composition and sounds aesthetics and that his ex-roommate moved out to move in with his girlfriend.
mark gave you a little apartment tour which was surprisingly pretty neat. it was a lot bigger and more luminous than you expected. the room that was supposed to be yours was simple yet cozy. mark told you everything you needed to know about the rent, the neighbors, etc. and you agreed to be his roommate.
living with mark was pretty simple at first. you two didn’t really get out of your rooms so you wouldn’t interact often, just short greetings when you bumped into each other in the hallway or the kitchen. but the peaceful atmosphere changed when uni started. you two saw each other even less than before, having different majors and different schedules but you sure were hearing him more.
well not him, his music.
it was pretty soft at first, you could barely hear it but as weeks passed by, the volume became louder and louder. you would sometimes go to his door, knocking on it with an annoyed expression on your face but every time he would open the door with this apologetic face, looking at you like a stray puppy with his doe eyes while apologizing for the noise, promising to turn it down, you couldn’t be mad at him, not with that face.
every morning for the past month, you needed a cup of coffee - even though you hated coffee - to stay awake all day long.
“why are you so sleepy again?”, lia, the only friend that followed you throughout your entire life, asked you as she saw your half-open eyelids.
“my roommate stayed up so late, blasting his music through the speakers in his room. i’m still surprised we didn’t have any complaints yet.”, you said, before putting a hand on your mouth to yawn.
“tell him to turn it down.”
“already tried but it seems like he instinctively turns it back up gradually.”
“then tell him to shut his freaking music off so you could get some beauty sleep.”
“because he always looks at me so apologetically that i can’t get angry.”
“girl, you have a crush on him or something?”
“nah, he just has that kind of face, you know?”
one night, apart from the beats and music coming from mark’s room, you also heard his voice, stopping mid-sentence every time to see if the lyrics were good. this time the song was a lot slower and softer than the usual stuff he would do so instead of keeping you awake, it kind of lull you to sleep. the next morning, you felt refreshed and more energetic as you had your eight hours of sleep.
“you looked better today girl! what happened?”, lia asked enthusiastically as you sat down next to her.
“finally got a good night of sleep.”
during your classes, from time to time, your brain would hum what you identified as mark’s song from last night, lyrics popping here and there in your brain, a mix of the one you heard from him and new ones you just made up. you wrote them down on a random piece of paper as they seemed to be stuck in your brain.
later that day, you were sitting on your bed while going through the list of first years in the composition class to find a partner for this project you have to do for your writing class. every year, students from these two classes would collaborate to create a song and it was supposed to represent 35% of your semester’s grade so it was pretty important. to choose a partner, your professors had made this list thing where they put the students’ music profiles next to their name so that everyone can collaborate with someone that had the same interests musically. the few students you managed to pick already had a partner and the process of selecting other students was already tiring you.
as you were about to dive in the list again you heard mark’s voice starting to sing the same song that lulled you to sleep. you could clearly hear the hesitation in his voice as the lyrics came out. your eyes wandered to the stacks on notebooks on your desk in which was the piece of paper you wrote lyrics to his song on and you thought about it for a moment. should you give him the lyrics you wrote or should you just let him do his thing? after all, he never meant to share the song with you.
after a hot minute of thinking, you stood up and went to your desk, taking the piece of paper out of one of your notebooks and headed to mark’s room.
when he heard the knock on his door, mark thought he knew what you wanted to tell him. he thought it was the usual 'can you turn it down?’ question so he opened the door and went, “i’m sorr-”, but you interrupted him by giving him the paper with the lyrics on it before going back to your room without saying anything. mark stood there with a frown on his face, trying to understand what just happened. he looked at the piece of paper you just gave him and recognized some of his lyrics along with unknown ones. he started to sing it in his head as he closed the door walking to his desk and decided to give it a try with the music.
you sat on your bed, waiting impatiently for his next move. a few seconds later, you heard mark singing the lyrics you gave him to his instrumental and found yourself smiling at how good it was. satisfied with how smooth the song sounded now without mark interrupting himself every second, trying to find better words, you were about to dive right back in that list of students, determined to find a partner when your roommate barged into your room.
“sure mark, come in.”, you said, sarcastically rolling your eyes.
“sorry…”, he quickly apologized, rubbing the back of his neck, “the lyrics you gave me, how-”
“i can hear everything coming from your room mark, the lyrics just popped in my head this morning as your song was stuck in my brain.”
“it’s- it’s really good. the lyrics.”
“well thanks. i am studying that after all.”
“i- uhm…are you busy right now?”, he asked, his shyness taking over his body.
“oh uhm i have to find a partner for that composition-songwriting project.”, you sighed before turning your attention back to the list.
mark nodded a little bit disappointed. he wanted to ask you if you wanted to maybe, possibly help him with his song but since you were busy with that project- wait, he too had the same project to do.
“do you want to do it with me?”, mark’s voice suddenly surprised you as you thought he already left.
“what?”, you asked because you didn’t really hear his question as your focus was on your laptop.
“the project. want to do it together?”, he asked, full of hope.
“aren’t we supposed to do it with someone from our year?”
“i’ll ask mr.kim if i can do it with you, only if you want to though.”, he said, rubbing the back of his neck. you nodded with a smile. now, you could stop going through that hell of a list. after receiving a positive answer from your professors, you and mark started to work on your song.
at first, you thought that the two of you would just work on the project, you didn’t expect to actually get to know your roommate more. you spent the last few nights in mark’s bedroom, working on your song while having some extra fun because your roommate was unexpectedly a bigger dork than you thought.
“how about we change these lyrics to those?”, you suggested, showing mark the two sentences.
the song you were making was supposed to be a sad and heartbreaking one and you wanted the lyrics to hit deep in people’s soul.
“damn girl, who hurt you?”, mark’s question made you smile, satisfied with his reaction.
you yawned a few minutes later, falling onto mark’s bed while stretching, “i’m just going to rest my eyes for five minutes. if i fall asleep, wake me up.”
you opened your eyes and it was the next morning, you panicked for a moment before remembering that it was sunday and that you didn’t have any classes to attend. you rubbed your eyes and looked around the room but saw no trace of mark. you heard some rustling in the kitchen so you walked out of mark’s room, stopping by the bathroom before joining your roommate in the kitchen.
“why didn’t you wake me up?”
“you were so cute, i didn’t want to wake you up.”, your ears perked up at the compliment while mark was trying to correct himself out of embarrassment, “i-i-i mean peaceful, yeah peaceful, you looked peaceful. anyway, breakfast?”
you smiled at how dorky he was, realizing what you’ve been missing out on during the first part of your semester.
“what’s for breakfast?”
“i tried to make eggs but they didn’t turn out great…gordon ramsay would be ashamed.”, mark said, rubbing the back of his neck with a little embarrassed smile.
“it can’t be worse than your curry that smelled like burned chicken.”, you commented, thinking about the time your roommate said he would try and cook something new but it turned out real bad and you just ended up ordering jajangmyeon.
“it wasn’t that bad.”, he corrected softly, earning a look from you which made him admit the disaster that was his attempt at cooking.
“oh by the way, where did you sleep?”
“on the couch.”
“that must have been so uncomfortable, you don’t even fit on the couch! you could’ve just lied beside me, it’s no big deal.”
“i’m a sleep cuddler, didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“i wouldn’t have minded the cuddling.”, you jokingly shrugged as mark felt his ears becoming redder and redder. you took a bite of his eggs and frowned a bit, “they are surprisingly okay.”
the more time you spent with mark, the more you learned to love these little things about him, like how he would get excited and laugh his heart out while clapping hard or kicking his legs or how he played his music a little too loud at night because 1. you were now in the room with him and not trying to sleep and 2. you admired how dedicated he was to his music. even if you still asked him to keep it low when you went back to your room, you would always smile when you heard his music increasing slowly.
mark would also slowly get more comfortable around you, letting his weird but cute little quirks come out more often like now when you two go grocery shopping together he didn’t have to hide his excitement every time he saw watermelons.
“you wanna grab dinner tonight?”, lia aked you as you sat next to her in class.
“sorry, i can’t tonight. mark and i are staying late to record our song for the project.”, you said with a little pout.
“oh so you and mark huh? you’ve become quite close.”, lia wiggled her eyebrows at you, subtly hinting at something.
“well yeah, he’s my roommate after all.”, you simply reply, ignoring her teasing.
“you were still calling him 'your roommate’ a few months ago, i didn’t even know his name was mark.”, lia deadpanned.
“i just need time to get to know people.”
“i’m sure you two will really get to know each other in that dark studio all alone.”
“one, nothing is going to happen and two, we’re not going to be alone, mark asked his friend to sing the demo so we’re not going to be alone.”
“mmmh i still ship it though.”, your friend smirked before turning back to writing her notes.
after your last class of the day, you went back to your apartment to take a shower and chill a little, waiting for mark’s 6pm class to end.
sucky cook 🍳: my class ends in 15 minutes, meet me in front of the room?
you grabbed your bag, put your shoes on, and made your way to mark’s classroom on the composition side of the campus. you took a peek into each classroom to see if mark was in there -thanks to the little window on the door. when you finally spotted him, you waited patiently for five minutes before the door opened, startling you.
“it’s me.”, the familiar laugh made you frown and hit the arm of the person it belonged to.
“marrrk, you scared me! you could’ve opened the door softer goddamnit!”, you complained as you two walked to the studios’ area.
“oh come on, you scaredy-cat.”, he said, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and messing your freshly dried hair up.
after you two stopped by the studio reservation office to grabbed the key card of the studio you two reserved for that day, you entered the little dark studio and started to prepare the tracks and everything.
mark’s friend, donghyuck, arrived a few minutes later and introduced himself to you. you discovered that donghyuck was your age and that he wasn’t really a singer or anything, mark just liked the tone of his voice which you agree with. you three were so concentrated on the recording that you didn’t even notice how many hours had passed by until your stomach growled.
“oh wow it’s 8pm already. we should take a break and get something to eat.”, you said after looking at the time on your phone.
“don’t worry, i already took care of that. i texted my roommate to bring us some food.”, donghyuck said.
“oh by the way, your voice is really nice. have you considered being a singer professionally?”, you asked him while you three waited for donghyuck’s roommate.
“no, not really. i didn’t really know that i knew how to sing until mark made a comment about it.”
“you should really consider the option though. i’ve never heard a voice like yours, it’s really unique and recognizable. honestly, you could make it as a singer.”
“it’s not that special…”, mark quietly said, hiding the sulkiness in his voice.
donghyuck eyed mark as the two of you started to argue -not really- on donghyuck’s voice with you being almost more offended at mark’s comment than the one it was about. the younger boy’s eyes went back and forth between the two of you as he would slowly start to realize something.
mark was the first one to tell him that his voice was great and was always the one who praised the uniqueness of his tone so why the sudden change?
was mark lee…jealous?
donghyuck was trying to hide his smile at the thought of a jealous mark lee when you all heard a knock on the door. donghyuck opened it, being the closest one to the door and revealing a short girl behind it, holding bags of food.
“you’re lucky i owe you big time.”, his roommate said, handing him two bags that donghyuck hurriedly took.
“you kids enjoy this.”, he said, putting one of them on the mini table, and then he turned back to his roommate, pushing her outside the studio, “we have to be somewhere.”
before his roommate could even protest, donghyuck had already closed the door, leaving mark and you alone with a lot of questions going through your head.
you two started to eat while talking about your lives, “so how did you meet donghyuck?”
“oh he knew one of my friends, johnny, and we met at a party of his. i thought he was a brat at first.”, mark replied, earning a laugh from you.
“what about now?”
“he’s still a brat…but he’s also one of my closest friends. i-”, mark was interrupted by his phone ringing but when he checked who was calling him, you could see the hesitation in his eyes before he declined it, “sorry, i’m going to put it on mute.”
after mark’s little story about donghyuck puking on his shoes once when he was drunk, not because on the alcohol but just because he wanted to, you two went back to your songs.
“maybe right there we can enhance the-”, mark stopped again in the middle of his sentence to look at the caller id on his phone for what seemed like the hundredth time to you.
along with the calls he has also received some messages which you didn’t read because you respected his private life and at that moment, it was maybe because of your tiredness or just the annoyance of that caller that didn’t seem to understand that mark was busy but you said, “you can answer it if you want.”
“nah, it’s okay. i don’t want to talk to that person.”, mark replied, giving you a sad little smile which you wondered the meaning behind it.
mark continued his explanation and you started exchanging ideas when the caller id appeared, again.
enough was enough for you.
you took mark’s phone and answered the call, “hello, can you stop calling please? we’ll really appreciate it, thank you.”, you didn’t even wait for the caller’s response and immediately hung up.
a sudden feeling of guilt took over you as you realized you’ve just invaded his private life. you shouldn’t have answered that call for him.
without even noticing it you started to ramble, “i-i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have done that. i overstepped-”
“it’s alright, it’s alright. if anything i have to thank you.”, mark reassured you even though you still felt a little bad about the situation.
after you answered that call, the person stopped bothering mark and you managed to finish your song that night. you felt so relieved after that, you had more time to rest and more time to hang out with lia, it felt like forever since the two of you hung out.
“so tell me everything about you and mark? how is it going?”, lia asked, dropping the delivery food you two ordered on her coffee table.
you and lia decided to have a movie night but it was more of a 'catch-me-up-on-everything-happening-in-your-life’ night while you were both eating fried chicken.
“i already told you! there’s nothing between mark and me.”
“you sure of that? nothing happened? at all? not even a tiny teeny thing?”
“i knew it! tell me everything!”
“it’s nothing, really, nothing at all. there was just that one time, we were taking a break from the song for our project and i spotted the guitar in the corner of his room so i asked him if he knew how to play. he said yes and you know me i always talk about my life so i told him that i’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. then he handed it to me and told me it was easy, he started to teach me the basic notes and everything, it even came to a point where his arms were around me because he was putting my fingers in the right places and when i turned to look at him, our faces were so close.”, lia let out a little squeal at your story, “but nothing happened!”, you clarified as your friend’s expression changed from excited to disappointed.
“why not?!”
“because- because we’re roommates!”
“so what?”
“it will be awkward if we broke up. i’m really not ready to find another roommate.”, you explained.
“but what if you’re missing on something?”, your friend argued, not wanting you to regret anything.
“i’ve never been really lucky in that area of my life…”, you stated, reminiscing your past relationship.
“you know it’s been a long time right? you have the right to try with someone new.”, lia reassured you, knowing exactly where your mind was going.
“i know but we were so good together, i don’t know if i can ever find someone like him.”
“y/n, sweetie, you’re not supposed to find someone like him. just find someone who can make you as happy as he did if not even happier.”
“i have you, that’s enough.”, you said, wrapping your arms around lia.
“my girlfriend would not agree with that.”, lia replied with a chuckle.
“why not? we could be the hottest throuple.”, you retorted jokingly.
“never suggest that to my girlfriend, she might accept.”, lia said, making the both of you laugh.
before it got too late, you left lia’s apartment to go back to yours. luckily, her building was just a couple of minutes away from yours, so it didn’t take you long to come back to your dorm. when the elevator’s doors opened, you got out and walked to your door while texting lia that you got home safely but when you looked up, you saw mark and another girl kissing in front of your shared apartment’s door. you froze for a moment as your eyes widened, your phone slipped out of your hands and fell to the ground, causing a big and loud noise to erupt, making the couple stop in their heated action.
“i-i-”, you stuttered, picking your phone up from the ground, “i am so sorry. i-i’m going to go…uhm…you guys…continue what you were doing-”
“no, please stay. she was going to leave.”, mark said, without an ounce of emotion in his voice but his eyes were begging you.
the girl eyed you then mark and left without saying a word. mark walked back into your apartment, letting the door open for you to enter. you closed the door and removed your shoes before turning around ready to apologize again but when you did so, mark had already disappeared into his room. you sighed and made your way to your own room. you changed into your pajamas and lied in your bed. you tossed and turned for what seemed like an hour, failing to fall asleep. the previous scene seemed to be stuck in your head, you felt incredibly embarrassed, not only because you interrupted mark and that girl you’ve never seen before but also by the fact that maybe you were starting to develop a tiny crush on your roommate.
after some more tossing and turning, you decided to get up and made your way to mark’s room.
maybe apologizing to him will make you feel more at ease about the whole situation.
you knocked on the door, fiddling with your fingers while waiting for mark to open it.
as you heard the door open, the words immediately came out of you, “i am honestly so sorry about what happened earlier, i know i already apologized but i feel like-”, you looked up to see mark’s bloodshot eyes, sadly staring at you, “are you okay?”, your roommate just sniffed in response which you took as a no. your expression softened at how he looked…lost and conflicted.
“do you think i should get back with my ex?”, mark opened his mouth to ask and his voice sounded so fragile.
“okay…we definitely need to have a conversation.”, you said, putting your hands on his shoulders and turned him around, pushing him into his room. you closed the door behind the two of you and sat down on his bed. you grabbed one of his pillows and hugged it while making yourself comfortable, “now tell me what’s up.”
mark sighed and sat next to you, “the girl you saw earlier is my ex-girlfriend.”
“well if you’ve been smooching her like that then yeah you should get back together. seems like you still have feelings.”, you said, even though you may had a crush on him, you were mature enough to put your feelings aside and answer honestly.
“she cheated on me.”
your eyes widened and you quickly corrected yourself, “then don’t get back with her. never. EVER.”
“no but! she cheated on you once, if you forgive her now, she’ll think she can get away with it again because you forgave her the first time.”
mark sighed and looked down, his phone vibrated next to him on his bed, “it’s her.”
“don’t answer! give me your phone!”
“mark!”, you almost jumped to reach for his phone and your body was literally crushing his. you grabbed his phone and turned towards him saying, “if she didn’t appreciate you enough the first time, she doesn’t get to have a second chance. please don’t let people you love treat you like shit.”
mark suddenly wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly against his own body. you let out a small surprised noise at the unexpected hug but let yourself melt into it anyway, “can we stay like that for a moment?”
“of course.”, you whispered, wrapping your arms around him, rubbing his back.
after that night, you made a mission to help mark get over his ex.
first step was to make mark block his ex’s number. it was tough but after some convincing talk, you managed to persuade him.
second step was to let mark express what he felt about his ex and the whole situation.
“so you want me to write down…my feelings? how am i suppose to do that?”
“just- just write down what you’re feeling. sad, happy, disappointed?”
“are you sure this is going to work?”
“well, you won’t be a 100% okay but you’ll feel better.”
mark sighed and complied. he looked down at the blank piece of paper and scribbled some words. few minutes had passed as mark tried to word his feelings while you were trying to play the guitar - keyword 'trying’.
“i can’t do this!”, you heard mark complain and put his guitar aside to get up and see how he was doing.
“three words? really?”, you asked, looking at the three scribbled words on the piece of paper.
mark stood up and walked to his bed, “i’m not good at expressing myself with words. you’re the songwriting student here!”, the little pout and frown on his face made your heart do that weird little thing.
“okay, fine. let’s do this differently. tell me how you feel in your own way. let’s start with how you felt when you found out about the whole cheating thing.”, you said while looking at the boy falling down on his bed.
“i-i was…angry? sad?”
“angry at her?”
“at myself.”
“i-i don’t know- i- feel like it was my fault. maybe if i was like i don’t know, a better boyfriend? i should’ve...saw it coming? change things? like say ‘i love you’ more often?”
“so what you’re saying is that you’re angry at yourself because you think it’s your fault? you think that you could’ve done something to prevent it like being a better boyfriend or telling her you love her more frequently so she wouldn’t have gone to someone else for it?”, you tried to rephrase his messy thoughts into something less messy and more structured.
“wow, you’re good.”, mark said, pretty impressed by how quick your brain worked.
“mark…”, you sat next to him, “you really should stop blaming yourself.”, you put your hand over his, tapping it in comfort, “what stopped you from getting back with her?
"i…don’t…really know? i guess a part of me had doubts because i felt betrayed. you know, it was my friend renjun who told me about it, she didn’t even have the guts to do it.”
“see, this part of you knows that you’re worth more than that. listen to it more often.”, you commented, flicking his forehead, earning a complaint from him, “feel better?”
“better.”, he let out a sigh as his body relaxed after letting out all those feelings he tried to suppress.
third step was to distract mark from thinking about his ex.
you barged into mark’s room screaming, “get your ass prepped because we’re going out tonight!!”
“what are you talking about?”, mark asked, removing his earphones.
“seoul’s music festival!!”, you screamed, holding two tickets up, “lia’s girlfriend knows someone that got us free tickets!!”
“well, enjoy.”, mark replied, putting his earphones back on.
you frowned and walked to him to remove his earphones, “what do you mean? you’re coming with me!”
“nah i’m good.”
“i wasn’t asking. this is step three of the 'getting-over-my-ex’ plan. you need to get out and have fun. i’ve never seen you go out to have fun even once.”
“that’s an exaggeration. i do have fun…sometimes.”
“when was the last time you had 'fun’?”
“i-”, he stopped to think about it for a moment and realized that he didn’t even remember the last time he actually had fun outside with his friends, “fine, i’ll come.”
you two arrived at the festival and you already felt the vibe of the outdoor event. it had a really strong korean coachella feel to it. there was a big stage in the middle of the grass, multiple food trucks selling delicious foods, and lots of people dancing. you grabbed mark’s hand and dragged him to the middle of the crowd of people jamming to the group on stage. you joined in and started to jump up and down while screaming the lyrics to the familiar song. mark smiled while following your actions, enjoying his time with you. you two engaged into a little dancing relay as each of you did a funny weird dance that made the other laugh.
when the two of you got tired, you got away from the stage and the people to buy some delicious food before sitting down on the grass a little away from the festival where you could hear each other talk.
“i’m curious about something.”, mark said, taking a bite of his food.
“hit me.”
“how do you know all these things about getting over someone?”
“well first, the internet exists and second, that’s what lia used on me to make me get over my ex.”
“what happened?”, mark asked curiously, realizing that he didn’t know a thing about your dating life when you know so much about his already.
“well, nothing bad BAD happened, we broke up because he was going to study abroad and i stayed here. i was expecting it so it could’ve affected me worse than it did i guess.”
“do you miss him?”
“sometimes, but then i don’t know if i miss him or what we had and that’s a whole other question.”, you sighed before checking the time, “oh, already?! let’s go check the temporary tattoo area!”
you got up discarding your empty plates in the nearest trashcan and grabbed mark’s hand for you didn’t even how many times tonight. mark didn’t seem to hate it, on the contrary, he quite like the feeling of your small hand in his and he wondered how his fingers would feel intertwined with yours. the answer is perfectly. as he slipped his fingers between yours, you turned to look at him with a confused look on your face that turned into a genuine smile which your roommate returned.
you got a temporary tattoo of a poppy flower in color on the inner side of your forearm and mark got one of a lion on his ankle (something like this but like a lion).
“i can’t believe i got a tattoo. what’s my mom going to think?”, mark said in disbelief as you two walked back to your dorm hand in hand.
“it’s a temporary one, you silly. stop being dramatic.”, you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
“thank you for tonight by the way. it was really fun.”, mark let you entered the apartment first still holding onto your hand as you replied.
“see, you should go out more often. get laid from time to time, one night stands are not that bad. i’m going to change out of this now, goodn-”, as soon as you let go of mark’s hand, your roommate grabbed it again.
“wait!”, mark pulled you back, his other hand instinctively and gently placed itself on your cheek and his lips softly landed on yours.
you were surprised but kissed him back nonetheless. your eyes closed as your whole body enjoyed how mark was making you feel right now. you both pulled away for air and you heard mark ask, “wanna be my one night stand?”
you searched his face for any sign of him kidding but he seemed pretty serious about it, “this is completely physical, right?”
“completely.”, both of you knew that it wasn’t only physical but it’ll suffice for now.
your arms automatically sneaked around his neck and his hands grasped on your hips, bringing your body closer to his as you two engaged into a heated make-out session that turned into more for the rest of the night.
the next morning, the light of the sun coming through the window annoyingly stirring you out of your deep sleep.
can’t a girl just enjoy her morning free of any classes?
wait. this blanket didn��t smell like yours.
your eyes widened as you looked at your surroundings, blushing at the memories of last night. you lied back in mark’s bed wondering where your roommate was. you grabbed your phone on the bedside table and noticed that mark sent you a text.
sucky cook 🍳: hey, sorry i had to leave, didn’t want to be late for my morning class. wanna grab lunch together?
the text unknowingly made you smile as you got out of bed to get ready. when you stepped out of your building, the sun was high in the sky, the wind was softly brushing against your skin and you felt amazing. making your way to mark’s class, you politely greeted the people you knew in the hallways.
mark was impatiently waiting for his morning class to finish, wanting to finally be able to ask you out on a real date. he would’ve loved to ask you before what happened the night before but he sure was not complaining. you made his heart do all sorts of flips and just the thought of you made him all giggly.
“what’s up with you today? you look extra happy.”, his friend, lucas, asked him, after noticing a change in his 'aura’.
“really?”, lucas nodded as an answer and mark just giggled while scratching the back of his neck, “it’s nothing- i mean- no, no, it’s not nothing- i mean- i-”
“ooooh you got laid.”, lucas chuckled as mark tried to shush him, “i didn’t take you for a one night stand kind of guy.”
“i’m not- i mean, it was but- what if i don’t want her to be just a one night stand?”
“oooh hooo mark lee, yes man. get your girl.”
you waited outside of his classroom like last time while scrolling through your phone when a girl stopped in front of the class and checked inside before leaning against the wall next to the door. you looked at her for a second before focusing back on your phone. she looked quite familiar but you didn’t know where you’ve seen her.
“excuse me, are you mark’s roommate?”, the girl hesitantly asked you, snapping you out of your thought.
oh right, mark’s ex.
“uhm…yes.”, you gave her a short answer, not wanting to continue this conversation but she didn’t seem to get it as she walked closer to you.
“what are you doing here?”
“i’m waiting for-”
“y/n!”, both of you turned to the direction the voice came from and you smiled at the boy walking towards you, “kyunhee? what are you doing here?”
“i- i was wondering if you wanted to, i don’t know, grab something to eat?”, she asked, bouncing back and forth on her heels while holding tightly onto her books.
“oh, sorry. i already planned something with y/n.”, mark said, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers together, “see you around, kyunhee.”
you still looked at mark with wide eyes as the two of you walked away, “what?”, he asked, noticing your expression.
“you just completed the fourth step without me telling you what it was.”
“what’s the fourth step?”
“rejecting your ex if they come back.”, you proudly said then added, “even though you didn’t have to hold onto my hand to do that.”
“well, i like holding your hand.”
“i thought it was just supposed to be a one night stand.”, you said, hinting at your previous night together.
“what if i want it to be more than a one night stand?”, mark asked, sending a hopeful smile your way.
“i’d like that very much.”, you smiled back at him, giving his hand a light squeeze.
Tumblr media
a/n: alright, i finally posted this!!!!! i hope you like it!! i posted this to celebrate nct 2020 and the two new members hnquhncfjkdfhsyufh i can’t wait aaaah and btw i love jisung’s hair so much rn
taglist: @planetjisungie​ @thatanonymousgirl-as14​ @xiao-zi​
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ledamemangociana · 3 years
this is not a happy post
apologies in advance, especially to anyone who followed me coz of my various gifsets; i know this kind of thing isn’t what you’re here for. 
i’m unfortunately prone to a venting a lot and lengthily when my depression, anxiety and self-esteem issues get the better of me. most of the time, im feels-vomiting on my twitter, mostly coz i havent used my tumblr quite as regularly as i used to 6, maybe 7 years ago. i’m mostly doing this here now coz i feel like i need the writing momentum to not be stilted by having to click the “add new tweet” button over and over again.
so. i’m turning 35 two weeks from now. and it is getting to me, possibly because of the situation that the pandemic has kept me in for the past year and a half, maybe because 35 feels like a milestone adult age, maybe because turning 35 means 40 is right around the corner. and the closer my 35th birthday is, the more i’m plagued by thoughts of where i am now, where i’m probably supposed to be as an adult, where i wanted to be, and the thought that i’m just never gonna be good enough to not be who and where i am now.
in feb 2020, i started my new job as the digital marketing manager for a pair of upscale hotels, the biggest deal of a job i’ve ever gotten since i started working in late 2011, and the biggest paycheck i’ve ever signed on for too. for the first time in a long time, possibly in forever, the few big dreams i had ever had for myself seemed to be attainable; it felt like they could become goals. a solo trip to japan, getting a place for myself instead of living in the family condo, growing my collections, maybe having an actual social life, those kinds of things seemed within reach.
and then, literally a month into my new job, the country went into lockdown, and legitimately has never come out of it. my work situation changed drastically, to the point where i ran up both of my credit card bills before the year was over (i literally only just got one of them fully paid off last week, and only because my sister was a HUGE help), and i was living off the limited family funds and relying on dad to take care of me. i had a freelance client for a handful of months, only for them to drop me without word at the end of our contract, leaving me without a chunk of the only funds i was making on my own for a while. i’m now working sporadically at my regular job, with a significant cut to my paid hours and therefore my paycheck, but the tasks list just seems to grow longer with each task that i check off of it, leaving me overworked and underpaid (but of course,i know im not alone or special in this, some people have it far worse than me and i’m grateful that i even have a regular work schedule, even if it does look the way it does). im 260 lbs., wearing size 22 or 24 clothes, somewhat sickly and prone to constant painful gout attacks that make it difficult for me to walk, living in a condo unit owned by family because they’re letting me live here, making only a third of the salary i normally should at work without the panemic, subsisting on junk food and softdrinks (it’s an addiction) because much of my money leaves my wallet and goes to paying bills and loans as soon as the money comes in, alone, unloved, unlovable, as prone to hyperfixation as i’ve ever been, and putting up with constantly re-attaching bromides and instax pics that keep falling off of my recently completed anime wall.
i’m 34 years old. i’m turning 35 in two weeks.
you know who else is 34/35 this year? the local barangay captain, a member of the local govnerment unit, who was one of my classmates in grade school and high school. a few years ago, i had seen a tarp across the street advertising her local work-out and yoga classes.
i’ve always hated the question “where do you see yourself 5 years from now/10 years from now/in the future?” because i’ve never been able to truthfully answer it, even when i wasnt an emotionally unstable mess (which was all the way back in elementary). i close my eyes and try to imagine it, and nothing ever comes up. i’d like to think i have an active enough imagination to have been able to write fanfic a lot back in the day, so you know it’s bad when i can’t even imagine a lofty future for myself. at this point in my life, i can’t even say “just simply alive” because i truly don’t know if i will be, i don’t see it. that’s fatalistic, maybe, but i really have never been able to imagine myself living to 40, let alone past that. anything i want for myself remain dreams, things i dont deserve because im not thin, pretty, smart, cultured, skilled. and the closer i get to 40, the less of that already non-existent future i see. 
and it’s just depressing, you know. like. it’s already so hard being depressed about and hating myself WITHOUT this added thought of “you are only growing older and fatter and are headed literally nowhere and everyone your age is far more responsible and mature than you could even dream you’d ever be” mixed in there too. maybe this is just me beating myself up and being my own harshest bully, but what’s stopping me from believing that i deserve this bullying of myself by myself, lmao. 
i dread every birthday. i stopped dreaming things for myself a long time ago. these are all things i just know i can’t and won’t ever live up to, because i’m just this useless sack of potatoes rotting away in the corner of some barn while everyone else is finding some use for themselves and able to make lemonade out of their own lemons, and stuff like that. and yet knowing i’ll never be those things or have those things makes me sad. for someone with a laundry list of negative things about myself i’ve just learned to accept so i can somehow function, having that list sure does make me sad. and it probably shouldn’t, if im so resigned to all of this, but maybe that’s just what happens when you hate yourself - there will always be a reason for you to hate yourself.
oh, and i think i’m coming down with carpal tunnel in my left hand. great.
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jinruihokankeikaku · 3 years
Reviewing My Top 40 Most-Played Songs: January 1 - July 2, 2021 (Part 1 of 5, #40-#33 & #16)
40. “Chesapeake” by Better Oblivion Community Center (2019) “Even though there’s no one around You broke a leg and the house came down....” I’ve listened to this whole album A Lot these past few months. It’s good music, better lyricism, and superlative acting. I’m always impressed by a concept album that doesn’t market itself as such, and this....is that. I might be just a bit biased as someone who was already a pretty big fan of both Phoebe Bridgers and Connor Oberst, but the fact that their first collaborative effort as BOCC manages to match or exceed most of their individual works speaks well of their “stage chemistry”, so to speak. While I shan’t to speculate on the private lives of the performers, I will go so far as to say that Bridgers’ and Oberst’s portrayals of their respective characters on this album is engaging and compelling storytelling with a remarkable level of pathos and verisimilitude. And I mean they really sell it - I don’t think it’s overstating this album’s case to compare it to the Mountain Goats’ Tallahassee (2002) or Stars’ Set Yourself on Fire (2004) in terms of its synthesis of deeply humanistic romance-cum-psychodrama and witty, listenable indie-pop. This track especially stands out as an authentic and heartwarming/heartwrenching number about the way the distance between us and those we hold most dear can shift at a moment’s notice, with Phoebe Bridgers’ vocal performance especially standing out as one of the most authentically emotional in her catalogue.
39. “Televangelist” by Julien Baker (2017) “Am I a masochist, screaming televangelist? Clutching my crucifix of white noise and static, All my prayers are just apologies.... Hold out a flare, ‘til you come for me.... Do I turn into light if I burn alive?” When I first heard the above passage, the song’s final chorus, I’m pretty sure I immediately rewound the track just so I could confirm what I had just heard.  has already been said by many critics, Julien Baker is a really good lyricist. This song’s portrayal of the angst associated with finding and questioning faith, trying to perform and trying not to, and interrogating the relationship between the factions of oneself that are one’s body, mind, and soul is....strikingly raw even in plaintext, and made all the more powerful by Baker’s impassioned line delivery and the track’s sparse musical arrangement. It’s rare that a song has an impact on me that is so immediate and so lasting. My personal feelings about the song notwithstanding, I think there’s something to be said for this particular number’s universalising character, also. Who among us hasn’t interrogated their own desires and motivations, as Baker’s narrator does here? And more to the point, who among us hasn’t done that again after hearing this song?
38. “The Bagman’s Gambit” by The Decemberists (2005) “And from my ten-floor tenement, where once our bodies lay How I long to hear you say, ‘No, they’ll never catch me now.... No they’ll never catch me.... No they cannot catch me now.’” This song is over 16 years old now, but it’s a song I’ve only come to fully appreciate this year. I have mixed feelings about The Decemberists’ discography as a whole - often, I think, Colin Meloy is a bit too clever for his band’s own good, and his band is too damn good for some of his lyrics. That said, this song is a masterclass in lyrical storytelling - explicating only what the narrator needs to say, and implying just enough for the listener to infer what the narrator hasn’t the wherewithal to say. That, combined with the number’s Neutral Milk Hotel-esque bridge, its anti-folk aesthetic, and the sincerity with which Meloy portrays the lovesick, doomed, and (presumably) closeted Cold War-era DC beaurocrat, combine to make a song that I feel entirely comfortable calling the band’s magnum opus. If you haven’t heard it in a while, I recommend giving it another spin; it holds up just fine.
37. “Guitar Hero” by Amanda Palmer (2008) “So what’s the use of going outside? It’s so depressing when people die in real life. I’d rather pick up right where we left, Making out to Faces of Death...” Alright. I’m not going to comment on the authorial intent behind this song and its subject matter, nor am I going to try to defend some of the language Palmer uses in its lyrics. I am Well Aware that my fave is problematic. But this is the song that gave us the line, “And I could save you, baby, but it isn’t worth my time,” which, frankly, is enough to make it a gem in my book. All of my comments here are based on my initial experience of a given song and the reasons I spent so much time listening to it. When I first heard this song, I heard it as a commentary on a dysfunctional-but-addictive relationship and the comparable destrudo-ific lure of rockstardom. And as far as that interpretation goes? It’s right effective. If you ask me.
#36 & #16 “Chinese Satellite” by Phoebe Bridgers & “Chinese Satellite (Copycat Killer Version) by Phoebe Bridgers and Rob Moose (2020) “...but you know I’d stand on a corner, embarrassed, with a picket sign If it meant I would see you when I die. Sometimes, when I can’t sleep It’s just a matter of time before I’m hearing things; Swore I could hear you, through the walls... But that’s impossible.)” It’s hard for me to talk about this song, which is something of a comment on how much it’s influenced me. The number of mornings I’ve spent “walking around in circles” to this song is more than I could count. An awful lot has been said about Phoebe Bridgers and her songwriting in this past year, so it’s hard for me to say anything here that’s not already been said, but with regard to this song in particular, I’d like to point out the way the narrator ambiguates the nature of their loneliness by proceeding the line “...you know how I hate to be alone.” with “I want to believe; but then, I look at the sky and I feel nothing...”, suggesting a spiritual element to a song, which element is later reinforced by both the above quotation “...but you know I’d stand on a corner....) and references to the narrator’s subject having been “...screaming at the evangelicals”. These touches, along with the urgency with which Bridgers portrays the simple vignette of her narrator “walking around in circles, pretending to be [her]self”, make for a pop song that’s both catchy enough to hum along to, and thought-provoking enough to make a listener pause in mid-stride.
#35. “Plea” by Say Anything (ft. Kenny Vasoli and Hayley Williams) (2007) “If you should go, right now (I slit this cut in the black, expanding sky...) If you should go, right now (The rain bleeds out, before my jaded eyes...) If you should go, right now (I slit this cut in the black, expanding sky...) To live without your love.... I don’t know how.” “Plea” is remarkably lacking in lyrical density, relative to both In Defense of the Genre (the album from whence it came) and to Max Bemis’ body of work in general. This isn’t a bad thing - its simplicity (along with the fact that it features two of aughties pop-punk’s superluminaries on top of Bemis’ own singing and songwriting) makes it stand out on the album as a deeply human longing, and, well....a plea. When Hayley Williams sings, “Make me believe you mean this!” over Bemis’ plaintive bridge-cum-”prayer”, the listener is compelled to follow along - to not only suspend one’s disbelief with regard to the content of the song, but to believe in the sincerity of the song and its creators. It’s easy and myopic to read of Bemis and his band’s work as pretentious or affected, but songs like “Plea” debunk this notion easily, by displaying a level of candour and vulnerability that is all-too-rare in The Genre At Large.
#34. “137″ by Brand New (2017) “Before the Garden, when you were all alone, You made the atom. Was that some inside joke? Open the gates, and then conceal the path, ‘Let’s load the gun and see how long they last.’?” There was a period of about two between my discovering this song, in the first half of 2018, and my writing this today, during which I couldn’t listen to this song at all. Setting aside the complicated relationship many (current and former) fans of Brand New have with Jesse Lacey’s body of work, this song is heavy enough to discourage frequent or casual listening in its own right, as its narrator comes to terms with the impending end of their life (and everyone else’s) in an apocalyptic nuclear war. It’s grim, and unlike much of Lacey’s lyricism, it contains little in the way of comic relief, romantic sentimentality, or typical Third-Wave-Emo melodrama. Instead, its narrator’s sardonic, singsong meditations reverberate against guitar riffs that repeat their melody through a glass, darkly, and garbled fragments of radio or telephonic messages (ostensibly from the narrator or others in his situation). It’s by no means easy listening, and it could be argued that it’s too “grimdark” for its own good, but even so, it’s a triumph of modern rock that manages to stand out even amidst so many similarly distinctive cuts from Science Fiction.
#33. “Dark in Here” by the Mountain Goats (2021) “Did you leave your house in order, when you came for me? Is this really where you meant to be? Just beyond your limits, find a new frontier; I live in the darkness. It’s dark in here.” Not since 2015′s “Werewolf Gimmick” has John Darnielle portrayed so effectively so intimidating a narrator. As the Mountain Goats have surged in popularity lately (especially here on tumblr), there’s been a proportionate surge of critics calling John Darnielle’s songwriting “predictable”,and there is some truth to that allegation. However, I would argue that in the context of the Mountain Goats’ oeuvre as a whole, their consistency in form is more of a strength than a weakness, especially given the diversity of subjects about whom (or from whose perspective) Darnielle chooses to write. In “Dark in Here” (the title track of what is at time of writing their most recent album), Darnielle portrays an eternally headstrong fugitive, renegade, or partisan, hunkering down amidst a stockpile of ammunition in preparation for a last stand against his pursuers. Another artist might’ve delivered the song’s bitter jabs and desperate threats with more aggression, but JD’s increasingly measured and uncharacteristically stable intonation on this track lend the lyrics an aura of menace without which the listener mightn’’t have found them credible. “Dark in Here”, undoubtedly, sounds like a Mountain Goats song. That’s not a bad thing.
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foryouthegays · 3 years
a new journey [dream SMP] stream liveblog and summary
Sellout pog: 0:29:40 (failed), 0:31:25, 1:00:40, 1:50:17
Dog deaths lmao: 0:29:55 (Mackenna), 1:11:55 (Mr. StrangeTiger & Dream has a house) 1:25:40 (ari), 1:30:55 (unnamed), 1:31:08 (Finn), 1:32:07 (Eyebite),
Other: 1:27:05 [about wildfire prevention] “yeah, i was thinking, we could just make everything so flammable, that the flames won’t have time to spread before it's burned down.” I really hope techno never becomes a firefighter
Twitter Summary (i hate it here): Techno and Ranboo find and raid a woodland mansion, and develop their characters’ friendship.
word count full: 1,041
word count summary: 637
word count liveblog: 293
Overall pretty chill stream, good for some techno ranboo dynamics and no real lore
Techno starts the stream in his base. While people find the stream, he rambles about how Phil doesn’t ever have time to do plot streams with him, and jokingly declares him canonically dead, and asks Chat if they have a grandpa who could replace him. He does a little advertisement for his new Technoplushie, and mentions that he wanted to have a video out this week, and that he actually edited last night.
He talks about how he lost his in-game notebook, but finds it quickly. He reveals that he’s finally ordered new glasses, good for him, and then shows his chat Ranboos shack. Techno repairs his armor a bit, and then gets a friend for Bob, his cow. He also moves his villagers down to the villager area.
Dream joins the server, and Techno bullies him about his homeless status. Ranboo joins his VC, and Techno threatens his parrots because they make Creeper noises while Ranboo tries to sleep. Ranboo has to leave the call, and restart his computer, due to technical issues.
Techno tells his chat that if they donate a Technopepe ($50, i think?), he’ll name a dog after them. He is immediately overwhelmed by donations and spends several minutes naming dogs. Dream asks him to name one ‘dream has a house,’ and Techno says that that would be the favor. He is also asked to name one Technochan.
The dogs kill several zombies, and Techno eventually finishes with the named dogs. There are around 25 dogs following Techno at this point.
0:27:40 Ranboo gives Techno a present, an Efficiency V, Fortune III, Mending, Sharpness V, Unbreaking III Netherite axe, as a replacement for the Axe of Peace. Techno assures us that his heart is not warmed at all, totally, he is still completely indifferent about this child Phil adopted.
Ranboo mentions that he’s going to find another Woodland Mansion, and Techno decides to tag along.
While ringing the sellout timer, the first dog dies. This one is Mackenna, and they die because of the fireplace. While looking at the fire, Edward hits Techno, and the dogs immediately run and attack him. Edward dies. Ranboo mentions that he liked talking with Edward.
Ranboo and Techno eventually leave, and Ranboo shows Techno the stronghold by his house. They go into the Nether and onto the roof, while talking about past events and Sapnap. They move on to bullying Tubbo about his dying habit.
They make it around 1,000 blocks from spawn, and Techno builds an uncomfortably square portal. They find that they’re too far south, and they go back into the Nether.
Techno starts singing ‘99 bottles of beer’ and i just….love his singing voice so much it’s at 0:48:55 and you should watch it. They make a few different portals, and eventually they find the right area and go to the overworld. They find the mansion, and Technos dogs try to kill the vex. It does not work that well. The dogs do attack an evoker, and Techno gets his first totem of the day.
Two dogs die to a creeper, including one named ‘Dream has a house.’
Ranboo lights a fire in a cat statue, and they watch as the mansion burns to the ground. Techno plays sad music.
They search the chests, which don’t burn, and try to find better loot. They do not succeed.
Techno and Ranboo head back home, and they talk about a random pig who managed to go through the portal in, and then out, of the Nether.
They find a Soul Speed highway, and Ranboo has to explain it to Techno. They talk about miscommunication in Dream SMP, and eventually reach the house. After sitting down all the dogs, Techno goes back up to the sellout timer and ends the stream.
Starting the streammmmm
0:00:30 “why havent i ordered a second monitor by now” TECHNO
0:01:45 ah yes, philza minecraft is dead crab rave
0:04:05 “apparently, before phil died of old age, he adopted some dude? Idk abt him, i dont really trust him, but hes there” :LKSFJSDF teCHNO thats so rude go apologize to ranboo
0:09:15 ‘i have to be friendly with the other smp players’ yeah, sure, saying LEAVE when tubbo logs in is sooo nice techno gg /s
Techno freaking out over a villager dying is so funny to me
0:13:00 dream is here crabrave
0:19:55 its high risk, no reward, the best kind of strategy
0:25:00 techno ramblin abt youtube stuff is just,,,i love it so much i would love a youtube podcast by him
00:27:40 the gift pog!!
AALDSKFJASDF there goes mackenna, 30 min in. God that was a chaotic moment, first mackenna, then edward, and now ranboo can talk to endermen?? Alright
0:35:50 ‘you know, as an anarchist, i'm all about obeying the laws to the letter’ mhm sure
0:39:50 ‘doesnt dream have a cat? Probably not anymore…’ RANBOO sapnap did not kill patches i promise a;lkdjfasf
Why is sky immune to portals,,,,
I love how techno just kinda jumps constantly its so cute like he just!! Gotta jump!!! Ik its bc he can see more when higher up but i love it (1:19:40)
1:20:33 break glass to cause fire
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letterstomilen · 4 years
i discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 1) (ASMR)
Childe/Zhongli, Alternate Universe (read part 2 here) When Childe's younger sister tells him about the volunteer at the library, he does not make the connection between that and his new favorite ASMR YouTuber, Rex Lapis.
Childe has a very effective method of getting through college. His little sister, who’s caught him making coffee at three in the morning on more than one occasion the past week alone, would beg to differ. 
“You’re the best older brother,” she starts off, and he’s sure she’s trying to convince herself more than him at this point, “but you need to fix your sleeping habits.” Then, because she’s his little sister, she’d flash him a smile and pat his shoulder reassuringly.
(The comment is not lost on him though. He understands his sleeping situation will eventually wear him down if it hadn’t already, but he believes if he’ll drink a coffee every morning and a Monster every night, he’ll get through three days. By the third day, he’ll hardly be coherent but that doesn’t matter because he’ll conk out for the next twelve hours and then repeat.)
“Don’t worry, Tonia,” he says, trying to sound as reassuring as possible as he contemplates whether it’s worth it or not to swallow a pill of 5-hour energy with his morning coffee. “Once break ends, I’ll get back to normal.”
“You said that six seasons ago.”
Childe frowns, trying to remember if his sleeping schedule was this dysfunctional last year. “Huh?”
“The Walking Dead seasons,” Tonia clarifies, as if she’s not twelve years old and the show is for grown adults. He thinks. He hasn’t checked Commonsensemedia ever since La Signora labeled him as a “helicopter parent” and his Netflix tab has been playing How to Get Away with Murder as background noise for the past few weeks.
Isn’t it a show about zombies though? Tonia’s sheepish smile tells it all, because it’s the same exact guilty look he had when he got caught red-handed as a kid.
(Once he remembers later, Childe promises himself, he’ll check out The Walking Dead.)
“Oh. Well. I have a lot of shows to catch up on, you know. Not to mention a ton of my professors gave me reading for over the break.”
A half lie. They did give him a lot of reading because each professor assumed that their classes were his only one, and with seven days left, he still has a textbook worth of reading to go through. But there are no shows that Childe would sacrifice his precious sleep for. As a matter of fact, he would love to sleep. He’s spent the majority of his classes back in high school sleeping and faking attention, saving his grade at the last minute — it was quite the extreme sport really, if he says so himself.
Whenever he tries to sleep recently, his thoughts run at several hundred miles per hour, and he spends several hours staring at the ceiling before succumbing to the computer at his desk and watching trashy movies. At this point, he must have gone through the entire romance comedy list on Netflix. (Not a proud point in his life but if anybody ever wanted him to give a list of best to worst romance comedy movies, he now has one.)
Tonia, on the other hand, isn’t incredibly convinced.
Admittedly, the excuse was lame. Also, he can’t easily lie to his little sister, who’s far shrewder than he takes her for at times.
“You never start your reading in advance. You like to speed read it right before your class or watch a five-minute video on the chapters while your teachers take attendance. But that’s… uh, ‘a bad work ethic.’” Tonia looks immensely proud of herself as she says this, finishing it off with, “Zhongli told me that.”
“Zhongli?” he repeats, trying to remember if that’s one of her classmates or some stranger that’s hoping to kidnap his sister.
“The guy that volunteers at the library sometimes. He recommended me a loot of good books to read, but he talks like an old man.”
“How old?” Childe can tell she’s enjoying this — talking about her new friend at the library that he’ll probably have to run a background check on.
“Like he’s in his sixties or something. But he looks… actually, he looks your age! And he’s a student too. I told him all about you.”
Well, that doesn’t sound very reassuring coming from the mouth of a twelve-year-old. He’s not sure if that translates to his social security number, his current dilemma, or just that he’s her older brother.
“Like all of the stories you told me when I was a kid. And then when Lumine came to pick me up, she stayed to show him pictures of you too.”
“Of course she did,” he mumbles, ruffling her hair. One of these days he’s going to move without telling his classmates and the twins won’t enter his apartment unannounced. (But Tonia adores their company and the stories they tell her far too much for him to actually do it. But that doesn’t mean he’s above making threats when they tell his little sister about the bet he made about white-out and how it could dye hair. The jury is still out on this one.) “She’s just mad because I get away with it and she doesn’t. But don’t do it yourself. It’s a bad habit,” he adds, remembering that he should at least try to be a good influence on his younger sister when he can.
“Okaaay,” she says unconvincingly, before shaking her hair and running off to her room with lunch he prepared for her.
Watching her close the door and no doubt continue her binge of The Walking Dead, he takes out his phone and texts Lumine.
ur a horrible influence on tonia
and whos this ZHONGLI
also is twd appropriate for 12 y/os
 Twin 1
a normal person would say hi
 Twin 1
also 1. me n aether watched it when we were 12 so probably and 2. some guy at the library that also goes to our school
 Well. At least he’s somebody they know. But The Walking Dead?
thats not very convincing
also dont ppl DIE? get BITTEN???? what if she gets nightmares
 Twin 1
isnt she 12 r u telling me u weren’t watching R rated movies at 12
thats very different from a 10 season long show that is hailed as “one of the greatest horror shows in history” and “paved the way for post-apocalyptic horror”
 Twin 1
well if she has trouble sleeping she could always watch asmr. that helps me during midterms idk
whats asmr
asking for my sister btw
 Twin 1
A feeling of well-being combined with a tingling sensation in the scalp and down the back of the neck, as experienced by some people in response to a specific gentle stimulus, often a particular sound.
 Twin 1
people on the internet make random sounds or just talk into a mic n its supposed to be very relaxing. how have u never found out abt this?????
idk the only thing on my youtube recommended r greatest stunts and chapter review videos
 Twin 1
… makes sense
 Twin 1
check out rex lapis’ channel he looks like ur type
i thought we were talking about my sister????
 Twin 1
[message screenshots.jpg]
 Twin 1
ya she told me everything
 Twin 1
have fun i need to convince aether to not commit arson bc of his TA
hope he does it
He opens his Youtube app, typing in Rex Lapis and expecting Lumine’s suggestion to be a joke. Despite them being friends for nearly two years now, she’s never made any indication of knowing his type. And he’s sure he’s never been that vocal about it either, only shooting appreciative looks at history majors and paying more attention than necessary to the TA for ‘Tradition of Justice and Law.’ (It’s unfortunate that those short-term crushes never led to anything, but maybe that’s for the better seeing that Childe has never understood the appeal of relationships.)
It is an ASMR channel, judging by the ASMR playlist he finds as he scrolls through the account. The icon shows no face — only a microphone — which leaves him skeptical. Most of the video titles belong in a petrology lecture as well, which makes him even more convinced that it’s a joke. He finds a few readings of ancient literature and decides to pick ‘I discuss the classification of igneous petrology as you fall asleep during my lecture (PART 1) (ASMR)’ because that’s exactly what he needs. (Not the very moment — but ten hours later when he’s in the bed memorizing the pattern of his ceiling wondering why he stole from his fifth grade teacher’s candy jar during lunch.)
When Childe opens the video, he damn near gasps.
The man in the video is exactly his type. His eyes are a soft amber color, framed with long lashes, and it’s almost enough for him to lose his dignity and message Lumine a long thank you text about how she is always right and he’ll pay for her coffee for the following week.  He smiles at the screen, albeit a little sheepishly, dark hair framing his face with a long ponytail that Childe can’t see the end of. On his right ear, there are a pair of earrings with a single feather that brush against his neck when he moves his head.
Even before he speaks, Childe is mesmerized, sure he’ll already memorize his features from the curve of his nose to the way he tilts his head, displaying the expanse of his neck.
Really — he reminds him of actors in historical dramas, the way he sits regally, and how he speaks. His voice is low and slow as he adopts a careful manner of speaking, leaning into the mic.
“I’m Rex Lapis, and I’ll be discussing igneous petrology today, which is part one in a three-part petrology series. I apologize in advance, seeing that my knowledge is limited compared to many petrologists out there but my friend Venti said that many of my viewers are here for my voice, so I’m very excited to start today’s video.”
Holy shit.
For the following week, Childe learns less about petrology, the philosophy of economics, and historical revisionism concerning matters of war and more about Rex Lapis, who is not in love with his voice but often finds himself in the middle of long tangents without explanations. His favorite book series is the Legend of the Lone Sword, which he says he’ll look forward to reading out loud for the channel. (Childe replays that part of the video again and again, captivated by his excitement as he mindlessly taps the mic while he speaks, his tangent cutting off mid-word — as it usually does, much to his dismay.)
His guilty obsession is not lost on Tonia, who realizes that instead of drinking Monster every night he’s been engrossed in his phone completely, often not noticing her or when the water starts bubbling. But because his sleeping schedule has been alleviated, she says nothing until Lumine comes over as she always does, not forgetting their weekly schedule of watching trashy movies while leeching off of Childe’s food.
Because he doesn’t trust the twins with the kitchen — even if they can cook — she instead spends her time sitting next to Tonia and spreading more of her anti-Childe propaganda while they wait. This usually involves Tonia occasionally calling out Childe’s name and asking, “Is that true?” or “Did you really do that?”
This time is different though.
Worried that Lumine finally decided to show Tonia a video of last semester’s presentation, he leans over, looking at the computer screen.
And he’s wrong. Unfortunately. Maybe it should’ve been his presentation because even if he botched it and accidentally projected his work process — screaming notes and all — to the class instead of his actual presentation, it would’ve been better than the two of them watching one of Rex Lapis’ videos together.
The ‘I read Erosion: Essays of Undoing to you as it rains outside’ video, to be specific, which is where Rex Lapis is embarrassed by Venti mid video when asked if this was his idea of a date with a lover. (And then it ends with Rex Lapis asking for video suggestions from the commentors, his face still flushed from the previous comments.)
Oh God — oh fuck.
“So he is your type,” Lumine says, her expression a bit too smug for his liking. Tonia looks half awake, scrolling through articles as the video plays, more interested in ‘Top 10 Glenn Rhee Moments’ than Childe’s crush. Her expression is a bit guilty as she does so — she’s biting her lip and avoiding his gaze, but he assumes that it’s just because they went through his YouTube history.
“I can neither confirm nor deny that statement,” he retorts, but the YouTube history she pulls up once Tonia hands the computer over to her says it all. (It’s quite mortifying, really — even Tonia is giving him a look, but it’s not as bad as Lumine’s shit eating grin.)
“Well… he does have a nice voice,” Childe finally says, thinking that perfectly encompasses his most recent obsession. Because he does have a nice voice — it’s soothing and speaks to him without really speaking to him directly. (The good looks are a bonus, he assures himself. A fantastic bonus, but a bonus nonetheless.)
“He does,” Tonia confirms, smiling toothily up at him, and he resists the urge to ruffle her hair with Lumine staring at him so skeptically. “But I don’t understand much of what he’s saying. He — heh — talks like an old man.”
“Don’t worry, Tonia, your brother likes him because he’s attractive,” Lumine informs her, now fast forwarding on one of Rex Lapis’ videos. “Did you know that he lives nearby?”
The knife he’s holding clatters to the floor, and the two look down and back up at him with— hold on, why does it feel like they’re in on a secret he doesn’t know about?
“Yeah, he’s working on his grad thesis I think… Aether told me it was about something on history,” she muses. “That’s why I recommended his channel to you. He’s a bit of a celebrity in his department.” Childe’s sure his jaw dropped now, trying to maintain his facial expression as he takes out a new knife to chop up the onions.
“Really,” he tries to say as calmly as possible, wondering how he should accompany Aether to his lectures without trying to seem as obvious as possible. His voice is a bit shaky he realizes but he can’t quite make the connection between Rex Lapis and actual graduate student that goes to his university.
“Yeah, actually…” Lumine is definitely pretending to think now, enjoying this far too much. “He—”
“It’s Zhongli!” his little sister yells excitedly, practically jumping up and down at this point as if she won the lottery. “Zhongli runs an ASMR channel and he talks just like that in real life! Right, Lumine?”
Childe sighs, holding a hand up to his face. The realization that he’s been obsessed with the same guy that hears about every stupid thing he did secondhand is way too much — and the fact that he’s been listening to his voice every night before he went to bed the past week is way too much. He’s sure his face is redder than before judging by the amused expressions on Lumine’s and Tonia’s faces — really, they’re mirror images of each other right now.
Not for the first time, Childe swears to himself that he’ll never let her into his apartment without signing a contract ever again.
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Merhaba friends - SCK episode 35 asks
(Fragman 36 ask at the end)
Apologies to those of you who sent asks for last week’s episode and I didn’t answer them. The week got away from me and then suddenly it was show day, the episode aired, and the asks were no longer relevant. Even if I didn’t answer I appreciate you reaching out!
Anonymous said: I’m dying to know what you thought.
While my ego would like to think that there are a variety of subjects that people might seek out my thoughts on, I’m going to guess you want to know what I thought of episode 35. 
I had a mixed reaction. I liked a lot of things, loved a lot of things, there were some things I found disappointing, and a few characters I wanted to strangle. So let’s explore from that perspective. 
Romcom feel was back. It felt lighter and was easier to watch than a lot of eps in this arc.
Aydan, Ayfer and Seyfi working together to unite the kids. They were actually funny and trying to do the right thing, even if their methods were a bit morally gray. 
Serkan and Eda’s photo on outdoor advertising and on the cover of magazines. We’ll ignore how quick the turnaround was to get those photos up, it was just plain fun to watch Serkan see himself on his drive into work and be embarrassed and aggravated by the whole thing, while there was also a little spark of excitement from him in being linked to Eda like that. That was enjoyable.
Melo is always the best bestie and Ayfer didn’t suck as an aunt!
Most every individual Edser scene. 
Serkan out-of-his head with worry, planning to jump into the frigid sea, even though he wouldn’t have any shot of saving her that way. That’s my ride-or-die, protective romantic robot! 
Serkan making faces as Eda plans her wedding. Excellent work from Kerem here. 
Eda buttoning up Serkan’s shirt. That was hot. It was also hot that he just let her. 
Sekan buttoning up Eda’s dress (get a room kids and start going the other way... unbuttoning, UNBUTTON) This scene was emotional and the sexual tension! 
Serkan clutching his chest. The poor boy was about to have a panic attack right there. Follow through, writers, give him the full fledged panic attack!  
The hair caught in the button (There’s that button again!) sequence. it was funny and sexy and made Selin into a foolish, immature third wheel. I’m all for it. 
Serkan apologizing to Eda for Selin, that was big because up til now he hasn’t really recognized how awful Selin is in most situations. He has blinders when it comes to her, mostly because he doesn’t pay attention, so it was satisfying to see him acknowledge her bad behavior.
EVERY MOMENT AT THE BOLAT HOUSE. That was a great sequence, and IMO we mostly have Hande and Kerem to thank for it and not the writers. They brought it to life and obviously a lot of it was on them to just figure out what to do in the scene.  I loved that Serkan saw Eda amongst the flowers in that painting. Swoon!  their conversation about how they were both hungry was hilarious. Every moment with them fixing the sandwiches was gold and then it just got better from there. With him being willing to share food, to the throwback “mesala” conversation to her listening to his heart. All so... so... good. 
However, while we definitely deserved those nice, long, funny, heartwarming scenes, I must say the writers didn’t use them to their fullest potential. How did the night end? How did they part? Why was no progress made after spending the night that way?  If the writers were even half decent at their job they would have had Serkan confess some feelings while high, but not remember in the morning thus giving us the parallel with episode 11 when he was sick. Eda would have felt defeated when he didn’t remember, again, and it would have made more sense why she thought the fake wedding was her last shot at getting through to him. 
Characters I’m mad at:
Ceren knows the whole episode that Deniz loves Eda, she knows he’s being weird about it, she makes up with Eda, and stills says nothing? WTF?
Engin makes it to the wedding, he knows Serkan has his memories back and he doesn’t stop the wedding to let Eda know before she says yes? WTF?
Ferit allegedly has the photos and he thinks the wedding is real, but he doesn’t show Eda the photos so she has a better idea of what she’s getting into? WTF?      (though through that whole Ferit/Selin scene I wondered if Ferit was just playing along with Selin, trying to get info out of her and he’s not really the one who has the photos. Time will tell. )
Selin/Deniz- Obvious, psychos, I need them freaking gone. How Deniz can claim to love Eda, but sit there and watch her look devastated and cry her eyes out at the thought of fake marrying him, while knowing he’s about to pull a disgusting trick is unfathomable. He needs to be committed.
To be clear, I no longer care, but I can’t believe how badly they flubbed this storyline. That? That was the payoff for the hell we’ve been put through for 7 weeks? Wow talk about not worth it and anti-climactic. I’m not going to go on about all the ways they failed, but I could. 
While I fully believe that Serkan fell back in love with Eda before he got his memories back (see this post) he should have confessed to Eda before he got them back. That was the whole point of this entire storyline and they carried that the entire time, but then fumbled the ball at the 1 yard line. Good grief, these writers are bad. 
Serkan gets his memories back, he knows time is of the essence, and he still is torn and has to think about it? WHAT? Just no. Ridiculous. I realize they did it for maximum suspense, but they shouldn’t have. They really shouldn’t have.
That was their reunion after all we’ve been through? Come on, writers, step it up. I realize we no longer have the writers that gave us his love declaration in 11 or Eda’s and Serkan’s proposals, or their make up scene in 28 or their goodbye scene in 28, but this was lackluster. 
So, in summation, there was a lot that I really enjoyed, I thought the episode flowed better than some of the others in this arc, and lots of great individual Edser moments, it’s just the way they flubbed the whole storyline. I’m just so glad the amnesia is over, that thankfully I don't really care.
Anonymous said: when pushed by engin and aydan multiple times in the episode he never denies he ISN'T in love with her and rather skirts around the issue and deflects with "she's marrying deniz!" which should be proof enough he fell in love with her especially considering in 29 he was telling eda that "there was no such thing as love" between them. it was almost reminiscent of eda in 10/11 where she doesn't tell him her feelings bc she believes he wants selin, this time in reverse bc he believes she's moved on.
This came in response to this ask, and yes I agree. I should have hit that point harder, that Engin and Aydan ask him and he never denies it. When this arc started he would have denied it in a flat second. 
He fell in love with her again, full stop. It’s just a shame that they didn’t make it the entire crux of his love confession, we deserved to see that. Just one of the many ways the writers dropped the ball with this storyline. 
Anonymous said: The whiplash we got going from 26-28 to the drag of 29-35 though. 🤦🏼‍♀️ and you really could cut out that entire storyline and you wouldn’t be missing anything because really nothing happened. They didn’t even have Serkan stopping Eda before he got his memories back to fulfill a basic assumed foreshadowing. Like....huh?
I don’t want to be negative, but it’s crazy to me that they sped through wedding prep at a lightning pace and then went through this painful amnesia storyline at a snail’s pace. They should have had at least 5 episodes of wedding prep, doing just one pre-wedding activity per episode, but kept Babaanne around to create the drama. I wanted at least one episode of them back together, but keeping it secret so they could work against her. We were robbed of that!
Anonymous said: I know we’ve been hating a lot on the new writers but the showrunner still has to sign off on these scenes right? And it’s been the same one this whole time. What has she been thinking? Maybe the writers didn’t do their homework but surely she can tell that scenes being very out of character wouldn’t make sense?
Bold of you to assume there’s a showrunner as we know them on a Hollywood show. I assume you’re talking about Asena, but I always think of her more of a cross between an EP and a network exec. A bit more removed than a showrunner.  I have no idea who the guiding light of this show is since Ayse left. The production timelines are so tight, I don’t think there’s time to review scripts and reject them. Sometime I think it’s a wonder anything makes sense at all. 
Anonymous said: I see you've giffed some of the edser "questionable positions" bookshelf scene. (Awesome gifs btw). Honestly, that entire scene was really funny, with the rest of the art life crew jumping in. Even Selin made me laugh when she came in there and said "how did her hair get stuck?!" and Serkan very sarcastically replied with something like "I wound it up in there, what do you think??" Not to mention all the very close face talking that was going on!
Great scene! Here’s the gif set you’re referring to.  I suppose the writers proved they could do fun, and romantically comedic scenes if they want to. More like this, please. 
Anonymous said:
With these past 5 (?) episodes with these last set of writers, I truly believe that they did not go back to watch SCK at all before writing. Any past references were probably given to them on a checklist or something. Like I don't know if they even watched episode 28 with how they ended up doing away with the memory loss. Its kind of astounding how much they dropped the ball. Hopefully the rumors of new writers are true and they get enough episodes to give us a good ending to this story!
This came in right after the episode, but unfortunately, we learned today that we are apparently not getting new writers, at least not for episode 36.I was fully convinced we were since Sefkat (the production company twitter admin) liked Yasin’s post when he said we’d be getting all new writers for 36. Normally I don’t believe anything Yasin says because he has lied so many times that any info he actually has just comes across as a clock being right twice a day.  However, when she liked it, I found that convincing.  Also the way they cancelled shooting on Saturday and H/K were in for a meeting on Friday. Seemed like it was all adding up. We’ll see, maybe there will be new ones for 37??
As for not watching what came before, it certainly feels like they only skimmed and watched certain scenes and didn’t do a deep dive on the series. Watching all the eps in full should be a requirement before they start the job. I always feel they are  just off with Serkan’s characterization, they don’t quite get him and they turn him a bit into a cardboard cutout of early Serkan. It’s like the character sketch outline of Serkan, but with no depth. 
Anonymous said: When I saw the character description of the new cast member added to the show I was like "great, another possible screen space filler in regards to Aydan" but after watching the episode, I was actually really intrigued by his character. I know there's a bunch of theories out there that Serkan is actually his son, which I don't really buy into right now, but nevertheless he was a real potential to be a father figure in Serkan's life... and maybe the only guest character to not be a villain lol.
I’ll tell you this, that casting makes it seem like they at least want us to think he’s Serkan’s father.  He’s way better looking that Alptekin and he just looks like he could genetically be responsible for the magnificence that is Serkan. 
We’ll see what they do. I think it could be interesting, just because until Serkan met Eda he was so invested in being “Serkan Bolat” that having his identity shaken like this would be seismic for him. It could create some really good drama for him in all his relationships without tearing apart Edser. Also, if Alptekin knew it would go along way in explaining that relationship. Alptekin always demanding perfection and the cold way he sent him away to boarding school. It would explain why he could never earn his father’s love or approval, and that knowledge might give him some peace. 
In addition, and a big plus, it would mean that his biological father was NOT responsible for the deaths of Eda’s parents. 
Anonymous said: 1/ everyone for weeks was waxing poetic and had super detailed headcannons of how serkan would remember in really specific ways when he realized he was in love, something that ayfer kinda poked fun of at the beginning of the ep talking about the fake wedding, but i was genuinely laughing out loud at serkan and engin accidently getting into a fight and him yelling throughout it that he remembers and engin pushing him in front going "can you give him one good hit?!" lmaoo
2/ getting a good hit to the end to unscramble your brain that is already giving you flashbacks is more actually more realistic than the usual fairytale way.. sure, less romantic, but definitely more realistic. the man was already in love with her, super confused on what to do since he genuinely thought she was marrying deniz, and was already having flashes, all he really needed was good hit in the head lol. maybe eda should've kept going when they were boxing 😂
I like your take on it.
Anonymous said: i think they saw the fandom complaining week after week that there was too much heaviness/drama in their romcom and said "so you guys want romcom? here i'll give you full on romcom" which is what i thought this episode was! and i really appreciated such a fun ep overall to watch to bring this otherwise really sad and emotion heavy memory loss plot to an end.
Yes, the episode was a lot more fun than most that had come before it. If only they could have tied it all together. 
Anonymous said: Something that just occurred to me that's so crazy in addition to wrapping an episode days before it airs, is that in Turkish television, a series has like 1 permanent director and a small writing team that writes ALL of the episodes. In US TV, that's pretty much unheard of - different writers rotate owning each episode and the same director will shoot maybe 2-3 episodes at most a season. The production turnaround time is so short that it's insane that we don't hear of more last-minute delays
I know, I think about this all the time. It’s crazy to me that there’s only one director. Which is why there’s not a lot of added layers to this show.  When a director just has one episode on their plate and they spend a couple of weeks prepping to direct, every shot, every angle, every bit of set dressing can be meaningful. This show doesn’t have that kind of visual depth.  On the other hand you do get a director that knows the actors and crew inside and out and they all have a short hand which allows them to get to what they want faster and easier. That can’t be replicated with directors who come in for one episode. 
Anonymous said: Over the past month or so, I’ve been seeing so many people cancel Serkan and wanting Eda to leave him forever and move away, but she really never gave up on him and she might finally get him back this week 😭 in fact, Eda and Melo are the only people we’ve seen who have tried to help get his memories back! Everyone who has been friendly to Selin can disinvite themselves to the Edser wedding
I’m glad I didn’t see a bunch of this nonsense myself.  But, honestly, anyone who wants Eda to leave and not end up with Serkan... why are they watching this show to begin with? Did they take a wrong turn somewhere? How did they last this long watching it? We’re 35 episode in and this entire show is their love story, beyond that story and it being a vehicle to showcase Hande and Kerem’s awesome chemistry, it really doesn’t offer many other reasons to watch. 
And yes to jettisoning anyone who was friendly with Selin. PIRIL I’M LOOKING AT YOU. I sure hope Piril finds out exactly how low Selin will sink. She needs to feel ashamed for welcoming her back without question. 
Anonymous said: That fragman for ep 36...part of me wants to hope that it will all be solved pretty soon, since we got edser separated for so long we deserved them together now. But part of me also knows these writers suck so I’m expecting the worst. I just wanted edser together again 😭
I know. When I saw the full fragman my initial reaction was to yell “WHY CAN’T WE HAVE NICE THINGS!!!!!!!”  But I’ve calmed down now. 
It seems to me that we have Serkan and Eda together and working together to figure this mess out, which is good. we have romantic walks on the pier, and Eda spending the night at his place and a sweet breakfast setting with Eda in jammies. All good.  
But then we also have Selin and Deniz refusing to quit.  Selin comes up with the plan that if Deniz doesn’t sign the papers in time, then they will have to get a divorce which means Eda can’t marry for 300 days. So then, what? Deniz steals Serkan’s car and goes on the run? 
What they hope to accomplish with this, I don’t know. Because even if they succeed and Serkan and Eda can’t get married right away, it’s not like they’ll just magically decide that they want to be with those two psychos instead.  I can see Selin doing it just for revenge so she can make them miserable, but what’s Deniz’ motivation? The further psycho he goes, the worse Eda will think of him. Bizarre. 
As for the pregnancy thing. It sounds like Eda must hear that from someone. My money is on Deniz. That’s his Hail Mary to try and drive a wedge between Serkan and Eda. Because seemingly when Eda brings it up, Selin asks where did you hear that. Also, phew, Eda says right away that if its true that Sekan deserves to know, which hopefully will clear things up (because the writers showed us over and over and over again that they weren’t sleeping in the same bed) and it will show Serkan just what kind of crazy he’s dealing with. 
Anonymous said: I was pretty excited after watching the fragman, but surprised when I went on twitter and saw that almost everyone was really upset by it. I’m sure most people know Selin isn’t actually pregnant, but they all still somehow hate the storyline (possibly bc they think it’ll drive edser apart?) idk am I crazy for thinking that we’ll still get good edser moments and them staying together and fighting together? I guess the show needs drama to continue but I’m not mad because I think good edser will outweigh bad/miscommunication edser.
I’m sure we’ll get good Edser moments, but I can’t really fault anyone for being extremely annoyed by this fragman. I think this little plot point will end up not being a big deal at all, however, I can see how it feels like a kick in the face after what we’ve been through the last 7 episodes. It’s like can we get one happy episode? Just one?
Also it’s just very uncomfortable. I’m in the camp that currently thinks it’s impossible for her to be pregnant because they haven’t slept together. He was too fragile and injured before they came back to Istanbul (sleeping on the couch with his PTSD) and after he was too confused and consumed by Eda and just uninterested in Selin. I have to believe they kept showing us them not spending the night in the same place for a reason. 
However, if they were to have had sex, it’s very unsettling because it’s a little too close to him not being able to give consent. It’s Rape by Deception. He had a brain injury, amnesia, was suffering a myriad of traumas and was not in his right mind. He did not have the full set of facts on where their relationship stood, but she did (she knew he wanted nothing to do with her and told her he never loved her and didn’t even want to be friends) and instead of being honest she abused him. She lied to him. She didn’t tell him the truth about what had happened. She isolated him from anyone who could tell him the truth and manipulated him into thinking that she was the only person in the world he could trust and the person he loved and trusted most was untrustworthy and an enemy. 
However, as the audience we know the things she’d done in the past to abuse his trust, and we know for certain if he remembered, he would never consent to sleep with her. Never. So even beyond the cheating and the romance it would rob us of if they did have sex, it’s ICKY and GROSS and none of us want to even think of it.  I don’t expect TV writers in Turkey to be on the forefront of thought when it comes to issues of consent, so I’d rather this door just not be opened at all. 
But here we are, they opened it. Now all we can do it hope that it is a device to hear Serkan say that it isn’t impossible and for Selin to be fully exposed as completely unbalanced and a lying, manipulator.
Anonymous said: the fandom by use of sheer will forced this selin plot line into existence LOL. i swear since the beginning of the memory plot in 29, the "selin will lie to eda she's pregnant" rumor has been constantly making rounds, and i guess it's time to cash in. i will say that i've seen ppl thinking know that somehow serkan and her were intimate even though she's clearly lying.. guys, if there was even a POSSIBILITY she would've used this way back before now and would have told everyone, including serkan.
I agree with this. If this was a card she could play with Serkan, she’d play it. She’s been getting more and more desperate. And in the fragman there she is coming up with ways for Deniz to run away so he can’t sign the papers. If there was something she could hold over Serkan, she would, She’s not because then the con would be up, we’ll just have to wait and see how big of a lie she’s willing to tell. 
Anonymous said: I wonder if Selin was a spy when she was younger! That woman is always watching everything from her car! Even in the new trailer.
Ha! Let’s hope that in the end she’s not a very good spy and they finally get one over on her. Oh please oh please oh please let the stable boy be the one who has the photos and let him have more on her. I want there to be tons of photos of her in her car spying on them. That would be so humiliating for her. 
Seriously, though, who knows what happened to Selin to make her the way she is. Frankly, I don’t think my assessment of her has really changed (most of my old posts on her are tagged with “anti Selin”) She’s just a spoiled, selfish, entitled brat who thinks she should get anything and everything she wants. If she wants Serkan, she should have him, doesn’t matter what he wants or who she hurts, she’ll do whatever she has to do to make that happen. She was probably never told no as a child. So when she’s thwarted she thinks she’s entitled to whatever reaction she wants to have, if that’s ruining other people’s lives, so be it.  No one can be happy if she’s not. 
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mascbi · 3 years
(This is a copy of a post made on the original mascbi tumblr, now deactivated, on June 29th 2020)
Nonbinary survey results
My nonbinary survey has garnered 2940 responses, which I would consider to be enough responses to post results. The survey is open again and can be taken here.
As with my last survey, some disclaimers:
One online survey is not an academic source or a proof of truth – but it can be an indication of a trend. Specifically, this survey was only published by this blog on Tumblr and on a few Discord servers; as such, it cannot be considered to be representative of the entire nonbinary community, but only of a portion of the nonbinary community that had access to this survey. It may be considered to be an indication of opinions and experiences within the nonbinary community on Tumblr, but certainly not worldwide. To reflect this, this survey will not make claims such as “40% of nonbinary people think that…” but will instead use the word “respondent”, such as: “40% of respondents think that…”.
This blog is not targeted towards nonbinary people, but primarily towards bisexual people. It’s likely that there is some degree of overrepresentation of bisexual nonbinary people in the sample of the survey. I personally wouldn’t consider this to be very relevant to the results since the survey spread mostly by reblogging and a large majority of people reblogging the survey are not people who follow me, which will even out the results with a large sample size, but I felt it important to still disclaim it.
Please pay close attention to the “demographics” portion of this survey: it is very relevant to inform just what parts of the community are represented. It is very important to note that there is a vast underrepresentation of people affected by transmisogyny within the sample, and it therefore cannot be truly representative of the experiences of transmisogyny-affected nonbinary people. The majority of respondents are white, therefore the survey cannot be fully representative of the experiences of nonbinary people of color, etc. Another note here: I dumbly forgot to add an “are you intersex” question. This was a silly mistake since I added this question in my previous survey. I realized fairly early on that it was missing, but by the time I did, adding the question would falsify its results due to it being absent from a number of responses already given. I apologize for this oversight.
The percentages in this survey are rounded up to the nearest whole number. For example, “19.3%” will be indicated as “19%”, or “21.8%” will be indicated as “22%”. The reason for this is mainly that I re-open surveys after counting their results, so the results will change somewhat over time (with a large enough sample size, they don’t change past 1 or 2%). If the survey gains enough new answers, I’ll make a new post reporting changes in results – otherwise, the results are approximate due to their potential of change. I do not claim that the numbers presented here are exact numbers to the decimal.
Linked at the bottom of this post will be a spreadsheet of all answers to the survey - you can use it to run your own data analysis if you want, or to read personal answers given by participants.
With that all being said, here are the current results to the survey. Should it get significantly more results, I’ll update it with a new report.
Most of the survey’s respondents are older teens and young adults: 42% are 20 to 25 years old; 40% are 16 to 19 years old;  10% are 13 to 15; 8% are 26 to 35; Less than 1% are under 13; less than 1% are 36 to 45; less than 1% are over 45.
The majority of the survey’s respondents are white (72%). Other ethnic groups include people mixed with white (17%), Asian people (all regions confounded: 8%, by region: 3% East Asian, 2% South-East Asian, 2% South Asian,  less than 1% West Asian, less than 1% Central Asian, less than 1% unsure of region)  ethnically Jewish people (6%), Black people (5%), Mestizo/a people (5%), Native Americans (3%), Middle Eastern people (2%), African people (all regions confounded: 3%. By region: region uncertain 1%, Sub-Saharan African less than 1%, North African less than 1%). Pacific Islanders, Romani people, Maori people, Aboriginal Australians, Fijian people, and Papua New Guinean people were all represented by percentages under 1% of the survey.
6% of respondents indicated being unsure of their ethnicity or belonging to another ethnic group.
55% of respondents are not disabled. 23% of respondents are disabled. 22% of respondents do not know whether or not they are disabled.
79% of respondents are mentally ill. 16% percent aren’t sure whether they’re mentally ill. 5% are not mentally ill.
75% of respondents reside in North America, 18% in Europe, 3% in Oceania, 2% in South America, and 1% in Asia. Less than 1% of respondents reside in Africa or in the Caribbean.
34% of respondents are lower middle class. 28% are low income/working class. 27% are upper middle class. 4% of respondents live in poverty. 1% are upper class. 7% indicate being unsure of their economic background.
A bit of a parenthesis. This was a really hard question to count up. I defined transmisogyny in the beginning of the “demographics” section with this: “"Transmisogyny" is the prejudice against or oppression of trans women and transfeminine people. Transmisogyny does not affect people who are not trans women or transfeminine but may be mistaken as such (eg. feminine men, trans men who are mistaken for trans women), nor does it affect AFAB nonbinary people who identify partially as women (they may be affected both by transphobia and by misogyny, but not by transmisogyny).” This was my best attempt to have a question asking whether someone is transmisogyny-affected or transmisogyny-exempt, which I think is a very important one to ask in a survey about gender and nonbinary experiences, without asking “are you a trans woman or transfeminine”, which I think many nonbinary people would have trouble defining very clearly, and without using the terms “transmisogyny affected” and “transmisogyny exempt”, which I think many people do not know.
I left “other” answers open for this question because I expected that some people may not be sure of whether or not they experience transmisogyny – notably because nonbinary gender is not clear cut.
A large part of “other” answers were, however, disappointing. 2% of respondents indicate that they are transmasculine, AFAB, or generally transmisogyny-exempt, yet felt the need to still use the “other” answer, either simply to state this (not sure why they didn’t simply answer “no”), or to say that they are affected by transmisogyny because they are sometimes mistaken for trans women or because they are affected by both transphobia and misogyny, which are both answers I specifically requested NOT be given, as can be seen above. Some people also said they didn’t know what transmisogyny was, again despite it being defined above. This question also got an openly transmisogynistic answer. I considered going through individual responses and deleting this person’s response but decided against it, because while the response of this person being in the survey was very uncomfortable, it would be intellectually dishonest to delete answers given to the survey. I think the response that this question got ironically outlines how present transmisogyny is in the nonbinary community, yet how ignorant we are of it.
Of the “other” answers that actually answered the question, most either indicated not facing transmisogyny due to not being out, or being uncertain of whether they face transmisogyny, notably due to intersex conditions blurring the notion of AGAB.
As for yes or no answers – 81% of respondents said they were not affected by transmisogyny. 15% said they were.
459 respondents left other personal comments regarding the demographics they belong to. These will be available in the file linked at the bottom of this post. Many of these comments are specifics about ethnicity or sexuality.
Upon being asked what genders or gender labels they identify as:
88% of respondents identify as nonbinary.
27% identify as agender.
24% identify as genderqueer.
23% identify as transmasculine.
21% identify as genderfluid.
20% identify as gender neutral.
17% identify as women.
15% identify as men.
11% identify as butch.
10% identify as androgyne.
7% identify as femme.
6% identify as demigirls.
6% identify as demiboys.
5% identify as bigender.
4% identify as multigender.
3% identify as neutrois.
2% identify as transfeminine.
2% identify as neurogender.
1% identify as polygender.
1% identify as genderflux.
1% identify as two-spirit.
Other labels provided by the survey were represented by less than 1% of respondents.
7% of respondents gave other answers, often either indicating a label not provided by the survey, or that they were still questioning.
Regarding whether or not they identify as transgender:
69% of respondents identify as transgender.
25% identify as neither transgender nor cisgender.
6% identify as cisgender and nonbinary.
Regarding how long they have identified as nonbinary for:
49% of respondents have identified as nonbinary for 2 to 5 years;
22% for 7 months to a year;
14% for 6 to 10 years;
12% for 1 to 6 months;
2% for less than a month;
1% for 10 to 20 years;
Less than 1% for more than 20 years.
When asked whether they had identified as genders other than cisgender before identifying as their current gender (“check all that apply” question):
21% have identified as their current gender for as long as they’ve known they weren’t cisgender.
34% of respondents identified as questioning, or didn’t use a specific gender label.
25% identified as a binary trans man or a binary trans woman.
24% identified as multiple other nonbinary genders.
19% identified as one other nonbinary gender.
18% have gone back and forth identifying as cisgender and as nonbinary.
When asked how they came to identify as nonbinary:
64% of respondents learned about nonbinary identity from social media;
22% from nonbinary people they knew;
4% from people they knew who were not nonbinary;
3% from contemporary media (eg. TV shows, movies, novels, non-fiction books and essays)
2% from real-life activist spaces;
Less than 1% from older media;
Less than 1% were taught about nonbinary genders growing up (from parents, siblings, or authority figures);
Less than 1% have a culturally-specific gender that they learned about while researching their culture;
Less than 1% have a culturally-specific gender that they knew about from their upraising in that culture.
4% of respondents gave other answers, with the leading answer indicating they learned about nonbinary genders from multiple sources.
When asked whether they feel they are aligned with a binary gender:
21% are unaligned or “in the middle” of alignments;
20% see no relation between binary gender and their identity and don’t use alignment terminology;
19% of respondents say they are aligned with womanhood;
14% are sometimes aligned with womanhood and sometimes with manhood;
12% are aligned with manhood;
3% are aligned with womanhood and manhood at the same time.
11% gave other answers, with a tendency for indicating uncertainty or fluctuation in relationship to alignment.
When asked if they have one singular gender:
22% of respondents have one specific gender (that they may or may not label) and are that gender all the time.
20% don’t have a gender at all.
12% sometimes have a gender and sometimes don’t – but when they do it’s always the same one.
12% have more than one gender and fluctuate between different combinations of genders.
11% sometimes have a gender and sometimes don’t – but when they do it’s one of multiple genders.
10% don’t know what their gender is, or don’t feel that there are different nonbinary genders.
4% have more than one gender and are always all of these genders.
4% have more than one gender but are only one of these genders at any given time.
5% of respondents gave other answers.
When asked how they feel about having a gender:
23% of respondents feel they have a gender, but it’s not as clear-cut as “man” or “woman”.
16% use a term to describe their gender, but just because it feels good to them or they like it – it doesn’t describe a specific group.
14% don’t know what their gender(s) is but aren’t questioning it – the uncertainty is their identity.
11% are very sure of what their gender(s) is/are. They have strong feelings of what their gender(s) is/are and may use specific labels to describe it/them. Their gender(s) feel/s as tangible of a concept as “man” or “woman”..
9% feel their lack of gender is their gender (eg., agender, genderless…)
8% aren’t sure of what their gender(s) is because they’re still questioning
8% don’t have a gender at all.
7% use a term like “agender” or “genderless” but it simply describes their experience – it isn’t their gender.
Less than 1% have a gender that, in their culture, is an established gender category in the same way “man” or “woman” is.
4% of respondents gave other answers, with the leading answer being not having strong feelings about or caring about gender.
On the topic of self-doubt, internalized binarism, questioning and struggling with gender (“check all that apply” question):
75% of respondents often feel or have felt that they are not “nonbinary enough”, and that there are real nonbinary people but they’re not one of them.
74% often feel or felt that they are faking their gender and are really a binary gender (cis or trans).
64% feel or used to feel silly or ridiculous for identifying as nonbinary.
55% put off coming out as nonbinary because they felt it wasn’t important enough to warrant coming out.
33% used to not understand why people identified as nonbinary and why that identity was relevant.
31% used to think that nonbinary genders were fake, made up, attention-seeking, or biologically impossible.
27% feel or felt that identifying as nonbinary isn’t as important or relevant as other LGBT identities.
22% go back and forth identifying as a binary gender (cis or trans) and nonbinary and are not sure which one they are.
19% fear or used to fear that there are actually no nonbinary people and that all nonbinary people are wrong or confused.
17% previously identified as a binary trans person because they didn’t know that they could be nonbinary.
4% previously identified as a binary trans person because they didn’t believe in nonbinary genders.
580 respondents gave personal answers about their gender identity.
When asked what pronouns they use (“check all that apply” question):
83% of respondents use they pronouns.
45% use he.
40% use she.
7% use it.
6% use xe.
3% use ze.
3% use ey.
1% use hir.
Less than 1% use thon.
Less than 1% use sie.
Less than 1% use co.
17% don’t have a pronoun preference and can be referred to as any set of pronouns, or any pronouns with some exceptions (EG. : “all pronouns but he”, etc)
7% use another/multiple sets of neopronouns.
4% use another set of pronouns specific to their language.
2% don’t use pronouns at all.
When asked how many sets of pronouns they use:
25% use only one set of pronouns.
25% use at least two sets of pronouns and don’t care how people use them so long as they use the pronouns they’ve chosen.
24% have one main set of pronouns, and also have one or more auxiliary sets.
10% use at least two sets of pronouns and prefer people alternate between them.
4% use at least two sets of pronouns and prefer for people to pick one set and use it to refer to them.
4% use at least two sets of pronouns and change them at different times, such as on a daily basis.
6% of respondents gave other answers, such as using different pronouns with different people or in different circumstances (for example based on being out or not).
When asked whether nonbinary people can use he/him or she/her pronouns:
More than 99% of respondents said yes. Less than 1% said no.
When asked whether nonbinary people can use they/them pronouns:
More than 99% of respondents said yes. Less than 1% said no.
When asked whether nonbinary people can use neopronouns:
97% of respondents said yes. 3% said no.
When asked whether binary people (cis or trans) can use pronouns other than he or she:
72% of respondents answered that anyone can use any pronouns for any reason.
9% don’t believe that any binary person would use pronouns other than he or she, and that if they do, they’re nonbinary and won’t admit it.
9% said yes – but they shouldn’t use it/its pronouns.
5% said yes – but only trans people. Cis people should only use he or she.
Less than 1% say that pronouns other than he or she should be reserve to nonbinary people.
Less than 1% said yes – but only cis people. Binary trans people should only use he or she.
4% of respondents gave other answers, many expressing confusion as to why a binary person or a cis person would use pronouns other than he or she, but most noting that they support anyone using the pronouns they choose. Several people noted that pronoun use is often linked to non-heterosexuality.
When asked whether people (of any gender) can use it/its pronouns (“check all you agree with) question):
57% said anyone can use any pronoun for any reason.
16% said yes, but only trans and nonbinary people – cis people can’t use them.
14% said no - it/its is used disparagingly against trans and nonbinary people and using it is encouraging it or making light of it.
14% said yes, but only if they’ve been called “it”, as a form of reclamation.
14% said no, it/its is dehumanizing and people using them are hurting themselves.
5% said no, it/its is for inanimate objects and is grammatically incorrect.
2% said yes, but only nonbinary people – binary people can’t use it/its.
14% gave other answers.
When asked whether they use the same pronouns in real life as they do online (“check all that apply” question):
37% say they use they/them in real life as well as online.
33% say they use they/them online but other pronouns in real life.
30% say they use he or she online as well as in real life.
23% use several sets of pronouns online, but only one or a few in real life.
7% use he or she online but other pronouns in real life.
5% use neopronouns online but something else in real life.
3% use it/its online but something else in real life.
2% use neopronouns in real life as well as online.
1% use it/its in real life as well as online.
14% gave other answers.
For respondents who use different pronouns in real life as they do online, when asked why (“check all that apply” question):
74% are not out as nonbinary in real life.
64% think people wouldn’t agree to use their pronouns.
63% are afraid of facing prejudice if they use their pronouns.
13% say the pronouns they use online are in a different language to the one they speak in real life and may not have a direct translation.
8% are out in real life as a binary trans person and use he or she for that reason.
4% say their pronouns can’t be or would be very hard to use in real life (such as emoji pronouns or not using pronouns at all).
9% of respondents gave other answers.
401 respondents gave personal answers regarding pronouns.
When asked how they would describe their gender presentation (“check all that apply” question):
48% of respondents have an androgynous presentation.
42% can’t present the way they want due to circumstances outside of their control (not out, can’t afford clothes, hair cuts, body modifications…).
36% say their presentation fluctuates from day to day.
31% have a feminine presentation.
30% have a masculine presentation.
26% don’t think their presentation is gendered or refuse to gender it.
14% say their presentation can be described by a specific term (eg. butch or femme).
4% gave other answers.
When asked whether they are usually satisfied with the ways people perceive their gender:
53% say that no – they want people to be unable to gender them as a binary gender, but they are usually gendered one way or another.
30% can’t ever be satisfied with being perceived within the framework of gender - people gendering them or being unable to gender them both make them uncomfortable.
20% don’t care what people see them as and whatever gender they’re perceived as doesn’t bother them.
13% prefer to be perceived as a binary gender, but are not usually perceived as that gender.
12% say no – they have a specific nonbinary gender and would like people to be able to identify it based on their presentation, but they can’t.
7% say yes – they prefer to be perceived as a binary gender and usually are.
6% say yes – they want people to be unable to gender them and they usually are.
1% says yes – they have a specific nonbinary gender and people are able to identify it based on their presentation.
Less than 1% say no - they have a culturally-specific gender but the people around them can’t identify it based on their presentation.
Less than 1% say yes - they have a culturally-specific gender and the people around them can identify it based on their presentation.
7% of respondents gave other answers.
When asked how, in an ideal world, they’d want their gender to be perceived and read:
48% say gender would still exist, but they’d be able to opt out of it – they would never be gendered against their consent and people would only need to have a gender if they wanted to.
15% say gender would not exist at all – there would be no question of gendering someone whatsoever.
14% say they would be able to get across their nonbinary gender through their presentation and people would be able to infer what their gender is based on presentation, as is most often the case for cis men and women.
11% say people would be unable to gender them regardless of how masculine or feminine their presentation may be.
7% say people would be unable to gender them because their presentation would be completely androgynous.
1% say nothing would change about the world’s perception of gender, but they would always be perceived as one binary gender that they are not usually perceived as.
Less than 1% say nothing would change about the world’s perception of gender, but they would alternately be perceived as a man or a woman.
Less than 1% say they don’t wish for anything to change about the ways people read gender currently.
3% of respondents gave other answers.
For respondents who are consistently read as one binary gender, when asked what their experience of it was (“check all that apply” question):
91% say they are usually read as their assigned gender at birth.
57% say being read as the gender they are read as makes them uncomfortable.
43% say being read as this gender makes them dysphoric.
33% say they’re fine being read as this gender, but they’d prefer to not be gendered at all.
29% say they’re read as this gender despite their best efforts to be read as another gender or no gender at all.
19% say they’re fine being read as this gender, but they’d rather be read as their specific nonbinary gender.
8% say they enjoy or prefer being read as this gender.
7% are usually read as the opposite binary gender as their assigned gender at birth.
7% are fine being read as this gender, but would rather be read as the opposite binary gender.
5% are read as the gender they’re read as because they make specific efforts to pass as that gender.
339 respondents left personal responses about gender presentation and perception.
As was stated in this section, this survey used the medical definition of gender dysphoria whenever dysphoria was mentioned, which is “the distress that may accompany the incongruence between one’s experienced or expressed gender and one’s assigned gender. Although not all individuals will experience distress as a result of such incongruence, many are distressed if the desired physical interventions by means of hormones and/or surgery are not available.”
When asked whether they’ve taken steps to transition (“check all that apply” question):
71% of respondents say they’ve undertaken social transition online.
57% use hair cuts and hair styling to express their gender.
57% use clothes and accessories to express their gender.
40% have undertaken social transition in real life.
15% use makeup to express their gender.
13% use body modifications (such as piercings, tattoos, or dermal implants) to express their gender.
9% take hormones to express their gender.
8% have legally changed their name.
3% have legally changed their gender marker.
3% have had one or more surgeries to change primary sex characteristics (chest or genitals)
Less than 1% have used cosmetic treatments such as permanent hair removal or permanent makeup to express their gender.
Less than 1% have had one or more surgeries to change secondary sex characteristics (such as facial  feminization/masculinization or body shaping).
30% aren’t sure what kind of transition they want yet.
25% can’t transition because they aren’t out.
21% can’t transition because they can’t access tools to transition.
17% don’t want to transition.
3% of respondents gave other answers, such as using a binder.
For respondents who want to transition, to the question “If you want to, have, or are transitioning, what best describes the transition you want/have had? Please describe your ideal transition, if there were no limits or struggles in achieving it.”:
53% say they would medically transition and their transition would be close to that of a binary trans person, but not quite the same – they want to do some things but don’t want to do others, or want some parts of transition to be different (such as wanting surgeries but no hormones or the other way around, or seeking atypical surgeries).
12% would medically transition and their transition would be exactly that of a binary trans person – they would take hormones and undergo surgeries as typically expected of a binary trans man or woman.
10% would medically transition and their transition would look nothing like that of a binary trans person: the results they’re looking for are very different (such as seeking complete removal of all sex characteristics).
47% would socially transition and their transition would not at all be like that of a binary trans person. They want to be known only as a nonbinary person and will not use typically gendered names or pronouns.
29% would socially transition and their transition would be close to that of a binary trans person, but not quite the same, for example using he or she pronouns but a gender neutral name.
11% would socially transition and their transition would be exactly that of a binary trans person: they would change their name and pronouns to typically male or female name and pronouns and would want to be seen as the opposite binary gender to their AGAB.
When asked whether they experience gender dysphoria:
47% of respondents say yes, but their dysphoria fluctuates in intensity or isn’t very strong.
33% say yes, but minimally: they sometimes feel dysphoric in specific situations, but usually don’t.
8% say they have strong gender dysphoria at all times.
6% say they do not and never have experienced gender dysphoria.
5% say they used to experience gender dysphoria but no longer do after learning coping mechanisms or changing their view of themselves.
Less than 1% say they no longer experience dysphoria after transitioning.
For respondents who have experienced gender dysphoria, when asked whether they have experienced bodily dysphoria or social dysphoria:
81% of respondents have experienced both social and bodily gender dysphoria.
12% have only experienced social gender dysphoria.
8% have only experienced bodily gender dysphoria.
For respondents who have experienced gender dysphoria, when asked how they experienced it (“check all that apply” question):
56% experienced dysphoria without being able to tell what would make it better: they feel or felt dysphoric about parts of themselves but didn’t know what they wanted those things to be instead (such as being dysphoric about a flat chest but not necessarily wanting breasts either) or about specific situations without knowing how they’d want the situation to go instead (such as dysphoria about being gendered, but not sure how they’d want to be gendered instead).
53% experienced gender dysphoria only about one or a few specific things or situations (such as only have dysphoria about their height or voice, or only getting dysphoric when being gendered).
43% experienced gender dysphoria not commonly associated with a binary trans person: they want or wanted to have a body, voice, appearance or experiences not associated with either men or women.
41% experienced gender dysphoria commonly associated with a binary trans person: they want or wanted to have the body, voice, appearance, or experiences of the opposite binary gender to their AGAB.
For respondents who have experienced gender dysphoria, when asked about the relationship between their dysphoria and their nonbinary identity (“check all that applies” question):
65% have dysphoria because of social standards. They’ve been taught that they way someone looks equals their gender, and because they aren’t their AGAB, they feel uncomfortable with their body.
44% have dysphoria because they get misgendered.
27% have dysphoria because they’re nonbinary: they want to look like their gender.
18% are nonbinary because they have dysphoria. The dysphoria is what makes them understand that they are not their assigned gender at birth.
12% say there’s no relationship between their dysphoria and their nonbinary identity. Gender dysphoria is an unrelated condition that they don’t link to their nonbinary identity.
5% of respondents gave other answers.
306 respondents gave personal answers regarding gender dysphoria.
When asked what their sexual orientation is (“check all that apply” question):
37% of respondents are bisexual.
36% are queer.
26% are asexual.
24% are lesbians.
15% are gay.
15% are pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual/other m-spec labels.
6% are bisexual men.
5% are gay men.
4% are bisexual women.
1% are aromantic.
Less than 1% are gai.
Less than 1% are strait.
Less than 1% are demisexual.
5% can’t define their sexuality with any established term.
4% use no label.
Less than 1% are questioning.
8% of respondents gave other answers.
When asked whether they identify as a man-loving man (MLM) or a woman-loving woman (WLW):
46% of respondents identify as neither.
32% identify as WLW.
13% identify as MLM.
8% identify as both.
When asked whether they use another “x-loving x” label to describe their sexuality:
64% of respondents don’t.
25% identify as nonbinary-loving nonbinary (NBLNB).
22% identify as nonbinary-loving women (NBLW).
15% identify as nonbinary-loving men (NBLM).
10% identify as woman-loving nonbinary (WLNB).
9% identify as man-loving nonbinary (MLNB).
3% of respondents gave other answers.
When asked how they navigate sexual orientation labels as a nonbinary person (“check all that apply” question):
60% of respondents identify as bisexual, pansexual/omnisexual/polysexual, asexual, queer, or another identity term that isn’t associated with a binary gender.
30% identify as a gay man, a lesbian, or straight, and say these orientations are inclusive of nonbinary people.
18% say their orientation is their gender (such as: “my gender is lesbian”, “my gender is bisexual”); they are linked together and can’t be separated.
12% say they can’t find a label that would describe their sexuality without taking their gender into account.
9% say they would like to identify as a gay man, a lesbian, or straight, but they feel like these labels are too tied to binary gender and using them would be misgendering themselves.
2% use a nonbinary-specific orientation label.
5% gave other answers (with the leading answer being saying that they’re asexual so it doesn’t matter, though this was already included in the first answer).
261 respondents gave personal answers regarding sexual orientation.
When asked whether they consider themselves part of the LGBT+ community:
99% of respondents say yes. 1% say no.
(All following questions about participation in the LGBT+ community ask that respondents who do not identify as LGBT+ skip them.)
When asked what real-life LGBT+ spaces they are present in (“check all that apply” question):
43% are unable to frequent real-life LGBT+ spaces: it’s not safe, they’re not out, they aren’t accessible, or there are none nearby.
29% have frequented real-life LGBT+ spaces on a couple occasions, but it’s never been a regular thing for them.
23% are somewhat involved in real-life LGBT+ spaces: they occasionally attend meetings, events, or visit organizations, but it isn’t a big part their my life.
8% choose not to frequent real-life LGBT+ spaces.
6% heavily participate in real-life LGBT+ spaces: they’re a part of organizations or activist groups, they attend LGBT+ meetings, events, and protests frequently…
58% have many real-life LGBT+ friends: most or all of their friend group is LGBT+.
17% have a few real-life LGBT+ friends: their friend group has an even amount of LGBT+ people and people who aren’t LGBT+.
13% have one or two real-life LGBT+ friends, but the majority of their real-life friends aren’t LGBT+.
8% are unable to have real-life LGBT+ friends: it wouldn’t be safe to be around other LGBT+ people, they don’t know any LGBT+ people around them…
Less than 1% choose not to be friends with LGBT+ people.
When asked what online LGBT+ spaces they’re present in (“check all that apply” question):
61% are somewhat involved in online LGBT+ spaces: they may follow a few pages or content creators, and they talk about LGBT+ topics on their personal social media, but their online presence doesn’t revolve around it.
22% heavily participate in online LGBT+ spaces: they run a website or social media page dedicated to LGBT+ topics, they follow and engage with similar content, they create LGBT+ content and/or consume that content.
16% frequented online LGBT+ spaces on a couple occasions, but it’s never been a regular thing for them.
4% choose not to frequent online LGBT+ spaces.
1% are unable to frequent online LGBT+ spaces: it would be unsafe for them, their Internet access is limited or supervised…
70% have many online LGBT+ friends: most or all of their online friend group is LGBT+.
7% have a few online LGBT+ friends: their online friend group has an even amount of LGBT+ people and people who aren’t LGBT+.
2% are unable to have online LGBT+ friends: it wouldn’t be safe for them, or they can’t come in contact with people online for one reason or another.
2% have one or two online LGBT+ friends, but the majority of their online friends aren’t LGBT+.
Less than 1% choose not to be friends with LGBT+ people online.
For respondents who have contact with real-life LGBT+ spaces, when asked how their nonbinary identity has been received there (“check all that apply” question):
36% are not out as nonbinary in real-life LGBT+ spaces.
31% feel their nonbinary identity has been very well received: other LGBT+ people give them great support and they don’t feel disrespected.
25% feel their nonbinary identity has been fairly well received: they’re overall supported, but some people are dismissive or disrespectful of their identity.
14% feel their nonbinary identity has been neutrally received: they don’t get particular support for it, but they don’t feel specifically targeted or disrespected.
10% have experienced very different reception of their gender in different real-life LGBT+ spaces.
8% have only experienced support from transgender and nonbinary people.
6% have specifically experienced rejection from binary trans people.
4% feel their nonbinary identity has been poorly received: they get some support, but a lot of people are disrespectful or dismissive of their gender.
3% have only experienced support from other nonbinary people.
1% feel their nonbinary identity has been very poorly received: they get little to no support, but are frequently faced with dismissal or disrespect.
1% have specifically experienced rejection from transgender and nonbinary people.
1% have specifically experienced rejection from other nonbinary people.
Less than 1% have only experienced support from binary trans people.
For respondents who have had contact with online LGBT+ spaces, when asked how their nonbinary identity has been received there (“check all that apply” question):
9% are not out as nonbinary in online LGBT+ spaces.
52% feel their nonbinary identity has been very well received: other LGBT+ people give them great support and they don’t feel disrespected.
28% feel their nonbinary identity has been fairly well received: they’re overall supported, but some people are dismissive or disrespectful of their identity.
15% feel their nonbinary identity has been neutrally received: they don’t get particular support for it, but they don’t feel specifically targeted or disrespected.
10% have experienced very different reception of their gender in different online LGBT+ spaces.
7% have specifically experienced rejection from binary trans people.
5% have only experienced support from transgender and nonbinary people.
3% feel their nonbinary identity has been poorly received: they get some support, but a lot of people are disrespectful or dismissive of their gender.
2% have only experienced support from other nonbinary people.
2% have specifically experienced rejection from transgender and nonbinary people.
1% have specifically experienced rejection from other nonbinary people.
Less than 1% have only experienced support from binary trans people.
Less than 1% feel their nonbinary identity has been very poorly received: they get little to no support, but are frequently faced with dismissal or disrespect.
When asked whether there are other LGBT+ groups they feel particular solidarity with (“check all that apply” question):
30% of respondents feel the same solidarity with all LGBT+ groups.
44% feel particular solidarity with binary trans people.
44% feel particular solidarity with bisexual people.
39% feel particular solidarity with queer people.
37% feel particular solidarity with lesbians.
31% feel particular solidarity with asexual people.
20% feel particular solidarity with pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual people.
16% feel particular solidarity with gay men.
10% feel particular solidarity with intersex people.
3% of respondents gave other answers.
When asked whether there are other LGBT+ groups they feel less or no solidarity with (“check all that apply” question):
35% of respondents feel the same solidarity with all LGBT+ groups.
32% feel little or no solidarity with asexual people.
28% feel little or no solidarity with pansexual people.
22% feel little or no solidarity with gay men.
14% feel little or no solidarity with intersex people.
12% feel little or no solidarity with lesbians.
11% feel little or no solidarity with queer people.
4% feel little or no solidarity with binary trans people.
2% feel little or no solidarity with bisexual people.
4% of respondents gave other answers.
When asked how they feel other LGBT+ groups receive nonbinary people (“check all you agree with” question):
51% say bisexual people are particularly supportive of nonbinary people.
50% say queer people are particularly supportive of nonbinary people.
42% say lesbians are particularly supportive of nonbinary people.
40% say binary transgender people are particularly supportive of nonbinary people.
40% say asexual/aromantic people are particularly supportive of nonbinary people.
35% say pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual people are particularly supportive of nonbinary people.
34% say pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual people particularly tokenize or fetishize nonbinary people.
33% say intersex people are particularly supportive of nonbinary people.
16% say gay men are particularly supportive of nonbinary people.
16% say binary transgender people are particularly hostile to nonbinary people.
14% say gay men are particularly hostile to nonbinary people.
9% say lesbians are particularly hostile to nonbinary people.
8% say asexual/aromantic people particularly tokenize or fetishize nonbinary people.
8% say queer people particularly tokenize or fetishize nonbinary people.
6% say gay men particularly tokenize or fetishize nonbinary people.
4% say lesbians particularly tokenize or fetishize nonbinary people.
3% say bisexual people particularly tokenize or fetishize nonbinary people.
3% say binary transgender people particularly tokenize or fetishize nonbinary people.
2% say pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual people are particularly hostile to nonbinary people.
2% say asexual/aromantic people are particularly hostile to nonbinary people.
1% say bisexual people are particularly hostile to nonbinary people.
1% say queer people are particularly hostile to nonbinary people.
1% say intersex people are particularly hostile to nonbinary people.
Less than 1% say intersex people particularly tokenize or fetishize nonbinary people.
8% of respondents gave other answers.
282 people gave personal answers about their relationship to the LGBT+ community.
When asked whether nonbinary people have always existed:
96% of respondents say yes – there have historically always been nonbinary people, just as long as there have been men and women.
Less than 1% say no – nonbinary genders are a recent creation. It wasn’t always possible to be nonbinary, or nonbinary people are a recent reaction to discussions of gender.
4% of respondents gave other answers, such as questioning the historical relevancy of the gender binary, or indicating that they simply don’t know.
When asked whether you need gender dysphoria to be nonbinary:
94% of respondents say no – gender dysphoria isn’t the only indication of being nonbinary.
3% say yes – the only way you’d know you’re nonbinary is if you have nonbinary gender dysphoria.
3% of respondents gave other answers, many saying they don’t know or don’t care.
When asked whether you can be both nonbinary and a man, a woman, or both:
89% of respondents say yes: you can be a nonbinary man or a nonbinary woman.
5% say yes, but you can only be both at once. Being a mix of a man and a woman is nonbinary, but if you’re only one of the two then you aren’t nonbinary.
1% say no – you can only be nonbinary if you’re neither a man nor a woman in any way.
5% of respondents gave other answers, many giving their personal experience of being nonbinary and a man/a woman/both, or saying they don’t know.
When asked whether you can be nonbinary and a gay man or a lesbian:
62% say yes – you can be a nonbinary man or a nonbinary woman, so you can be a nonbinary gay man or a nonbinary lesbian.
34% say yes – those orientations don’t necessarily describe gender exactly, so if you’re close enough to a gay man or a lesbian you can call yourself one even if you’re nonbinary.
2% say no – those orientations are for men and women, nonbinary people should use other terms or create their own terms.
Less than 1% say you can be a nonbinary lesbian, but you can’t be a nonbinary gay man because it contains the word “man” and you can’t be a man and nonbinary.
2% of respondents gave other answers, many giving a “yes” answer but providing another reason.
When asked whether you can be nonbinary and bisexual:
More than 99% of respondents say yes – anyone can be bisexual since the word “bisexual” doesn’t indicate gender at all.
Less than 1% say no – bisexual only includes binary people.
Less than 1% of respondents gave other answers, most agreeing with the first answer and indicating their belief that you can be nonbinary and bisexual. (This happens with basically every question that has an “other” option. Not sure why everyone keeps adding “other” answers to repeat what I already provided as an answer. Please just pick the answer that I already put in the survey. It’s past midnight it is very tedious counting these.)
When asked whether all nonbinary people are transgender:
82% say all nonbinary people can call themselves transgender, but they may choose not to use the term transgender.
11% say all nonbinary people are transgender whether or not they use the label. Nonbinary people who won’t call themselves transgender are dealing with internalized transphobia.
1% say no – nonbinary people who aren’t aligned with their AGAB are transgender, but those who are aligned with their AGAB aren’t.
1% say no – nonbinary people who are aligned with the opposite binary gender to their AGAB are transgender, nonbinary people who aren’t are not transgender.
Less than 1% say no – nonbinary people who transition are transgender, nonbinary people who don’t transition aren’t.
Less than 1% say no – nonbinary people with dysphoria are transgender, nonbinary people without dysphoria aren’t transgender.
Less than 1% say no – no nonbinary people are transgender. Transgender only describes binary people and nonbinary is a separate category.
4% of respondents gave other answers.
When asked whether gay men and lesbians can be attracted to nonbinary people (“check all you agree with” question):
91% say yes – gay men and lesbians can be attracted to nonbinary people.
15% say yes – but only to nonbinary people who consider themselves aligned with men or women.
1% say no – gay men are only attracted to binary men and lesbians to binary women.
Less than 1% say gay men and lesbians are only attracted to cis people.
1 person said gay men can be attracted to nonbinary people, but lesbians can’t. 1 person said lesbians can be attracted to nonbinary people, but gay men can’t. I thought it was funny that it was just 1 person for each so I included it.
When asked whether bisexual people can be attracted to nonbinary people:
68% said yes – bisexuality includes attraction to all genders.
32% said yes – bisexuality includes attraction to at least two genders, which can include nonbinary people.
Less than 1% say no - bisexuality only includes attraction to binary men and women.
1 person said bisexuality only includes attraction to cis people.
When asked whether straight people can be attracted to nonbinary people:
82% said yes – straight people can be attracted to nonbinary people.
11% said yes – but they can only be attracted to nonbinary people aligned with men or women.
7% said no – straight people are only attracted to binary people.
Less than 1% said straight people are only attracted to cis people.
When asked whether anyone can be attracted to and be in relationships with nonbinary people:
92% say yes – anyone of any orientation can be attracted to nonbinary people.
6% say no – straight people can’t be attracted to nonbinary people but anyone else can.
1% say no – gay men and lesbians can’t be attracted to nonbinary people, but bisexual people and pansexual/omnisexual/polysexual/queer people can.
Less than 1% say no – only pansexual/polysexual/omnisexual/queer people are attracted to or are in relationships with nonbinary people.
297 people gave personal answers about nonbinary topics and issues.
261 people gave personal answers about topics brought up in the survey in the “last thoughts” section.
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Talk + Vodka = Truth (Marvel AU)
Plot: AU The Avenger caught the blonde stalking him for the past few weeks and he wants answers.
Characters: Hawkeye/Ronin!Changbin (SKZ) x Yelena Belova!Felix (SKZ), plus mention of Black Widow!Minho, Kate Bishop!Yeji, and other MARVEL characters
Rating: PG-13 (Language, spy behaviors, the Snap/the Blip, Red Room, assassin work, death, drinking, mention of PTSD)
Notes: This one shot is based on the MARVEL x SKZ moodboards I’ve been making for fun. The story is set between the events after Black Widow, Avengers: Endgame, and before the Hawkeye Disney+ show. If you’ve not watched the first two films and wish to avoid spoilers, please skip this story. Additionally, the contents of this one-shot are fictional and were created for fun.
Happy Birthday Changbin!
“You sure you’re old enough to be here, Kid?”
The blonde rolled his eyes, before reaching into his jacket to produce an ID.
The waiter and the man seated across from him watched as the ID was handed over. The former scanned the front and sighed as he passed it back to the blonde.
“Sorry, guess The Blip screwed you over - you look young for your age,” the waiter apologized. “What can I get you?”
“Vodka,” the blonde replied. “How much for the bottle?”
Changbin raised a brow and stared at the young man seated across from him. This guy could put away a whole bottle of vodka? It didn’t seem right, plus that was pretty unhealthy to be drinking that much. 
“Let me check with the bartender on that,” the waiter said. He turned to face Changbin and asked if he wanted the usual.
“Unless he intends to drink the entire bottle, I’ll take whatever vodka he wants,” Changbin responded.
The waiter excused himself and went to check on the vodka situation.
“Drinking a whole bottle of vodka in one go is bad for your liver,” Changbin noted as he folded his hands in front of him.
The blonde snorted and quipped that Changbin sounded like his brother. The comment made the Avenger raise a brow and he straightened up in his seat.
“The bottle is gonna cost you $35, tip not included,” the waiter announced when he returned.
Before Changbin could grab his wallet, the blonde beat him to it and placed a crumpled $50 into the waiter’s hand. “Keep the change.”
The waiter unfolded the bill and immediately left to grab the bottle and some glasses for serving. The place wasn’t busy for the early to mid-afternoon, but Changbin had a feeling the waiter wasn’t used to getting a larger than average tip during this time. The pair watched as the waiter returned within seconds with the bottle and two glasses.
Changbin flashed the waiter a light smile and told him to take it easy. He slid the bottle closer and opened it, before pouring some of the contents into one glass and nudging it across the table. “So, wanna tell me who the hell you are and why you’ve been stalking me for 2.5 weeks?”
The blonde barely had the glass raised to his lips when he heard the questions. He looked up from his glass and parted his lips slightly in shock. This made the Avenger snicker as he poured some vodka into the other glass for himself.
About a month and a half after burying Tony and Minho, Changbin noticed that the same blonde guy would show up in various places around the same time. The guy tried to be less obvious with disguises and using remote ways to track him, but after working with Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. for years, the Avenger’s picked up on people attempting to trail him.
Earlier today, he sensed he was being followed and urged his new protege to take Lucky and get somewhere safe. Sure Yeji gave him lip for trying to protect her, but the last thing he’d want is for her to get killed, thanks to someone hunting for him. Once the young woman had left with the dog, he hung around the area and pulled his bow on the blonde, who had a regular sidearm pointed at him. For a while, he tried urging the blonde to drop the gun before he shot first, but the blonde remained defiant with his gun pointed at the Avenger. What made them stand down was the sound of a siren and the blonde looked a little concerned when he heard the alarm.
Changbin made up his mind and told the young man to follow him so they could get under cover somewhere to finish the matter. He chose this hole-in-the-wall place that he visited at times during The Blip, often sitting and brooding over his missing family in between kills.
The blonde swore in Russian and put his glass down. “All right Old Man, I’ll make this easy for both of us. Name’s Felix. My employer told me you killed my brother and that I’m supposed to bring you in. But before I do that, why did you do it? He was telling me before The Blip that the Avengers were his real family, not me or our parents.”
Changbin tilted his head as he looked closely at the blonde across from him. If the kid wasn’t an assassin, he looked like the good kid you’d find in a suburban neighborhood, probably playing sports and making lots of friends. But the Russian, the mention of his brother again – wait, was this...?
“Min,” he offered in a soft voice.
The blonde nodded sharply and he picked up his glass again. “He’s dead, thanks to you. I’d like to know why you killed him, before I decide if I wanna bring you in dead or alive.”
The Avenger stiffened when he heard the accusation. His partner told him to go for counseling after fighting Thanos, as he was suffering terribly from losing Tony and Minho. Talking to the counselor about Minho was hard and the former couldn’t convince him that it wasn’t his fault that Minho insisted he sacrifice himself for the Soul Stone. Telling his kids that their Uncle Min wasn’t coming home was horrible, as they asked where he was and talked about their favorite memories of the red-haired “uncle” they had come to love.
“Do you know anything about Thanos and the Infinity Stones in that goddamn gauntlet he wore?” Changbin asked after prolonged silence.
When Felix shrugged, Changbin sighed and pushed his glass away as he recounted the attempts to stop Thanos from killing Vision for the Mind Stone, losing everyone he knew, then trying to get the stones again to undo what happened 5 years ago.
“It was the shrinking guy’s idea, some kind of time heist,” Changbin said. “Minho and I went to some planet in space, while the others went elsewhere in time for the other stones. We get there, this creepy red skeleton guy tells us that one of us has to sacrifice ourselves –”
“So you chose my brother?”
“YOH! I wasn’t done talking, you little shit,” Changbin snapped as he narrowed his eyes. He took a deep breath and groaned as he tried to explain what happened next. This was the hard part whenever he went to therapy – it was difficult to talk about Vormir without getting choked up and replaying the images of Minho using a stun function in his cuff to distract him, and Changbin trying to grab his hand to stop the former spy.
“Damn it, I told him I was supposed to do it!” Changbin yelled as he slammed his fist on the table. “He actually tried to keep shit together after The Blip. Me, I, I lost it. I lost my whole family. My partner. My kids. All while we were at home, having a normal day. Then I went out and I hunted down every bad guy, every gang, every criminal organization, everyone that survived and didn’t deserve it!”
The Avenger hung his head and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to keep it together without crying. He could hear Minho’s voice, urging him to let go of his hand on Vormir.
“Let me go.”
                                        “No. Please don’t.”
“It’s okay...”
The blonde took small sips from his glass as he watched and listened to the Avenger. Despite hating his time in the Red Room, he has to give his instructors some credit for teaching him the art of lying and reading a target’s body language. Based on what he’s seeing right now, the Avenger is telling the truth and Minho actually sacrificed his life to save the world. Which means, his employer lied or she exaggerated the story a bit, just to force him to cut his time off short. It wouldn’t surprise him – Val refused his request for a pay raise before handing over Changbin’s information for his next assignment.
Sometimes I wonder if I’m working for a female version of Dreykov, Felix thought. He put his glass down and stared across the table at the Avenger.
“Surprisingly, I believe you,” Felix replied. “Last time I saw my brother, he was going on about how he was trying to do good and forget about...yeah, well he was telling me how great things were with the Avengers before the Accords.” He played with his glass and tilted his head slightly. “You weren’t...dating my brother, were you?”
Changbin jerked his head up at the question and he paused for a few seconds, before laughing loudly. The blonde shot him a quizzical look and Changbin shook his head as he tried to compose himself.
“Oh man no, no way. Min was my colleague and sometimes, he thought it was funnier to ignore most of the shit I said,” Changbin said. “I swear he did it to piss me off, but other than that, we were friends.” He propped his elbow on the table and looked thoughtful as he recalled their mission in Budapest.
“He ever tell you about Budapest?”
Felix nodded and recounted his story of running from Dreykov’s project, otherwise known as Taskmaster, while protecting a serum to remove the brainwashing effect on the other Widows. “He makes me bleed out a bit, then we’re crammed in an air vent. An air vent. Think I saw tic-tac-toe games scratched inside the vent.”
“Wait, in the subway?”
“You mean it was the same vent you two hid in after you tried to kill Dreykov?” Felix asked. “That must have been...”
“Oh that was a weird three days!” Changbin laughed. “He got so annoyed by me complaining that I was hungry and said I was too loud. Once we got outta Budapest, he complained on the Quinjet that it was amazing I had someone in my life at all. But wait, what do you mean by ‘tried to kill Dreykov’? I thought Min said it was a hit – I saw the building go up in flames after the guy’s daughter went in. Don’t tell me that guy’s your employer.”
Felix made a face and he picked up his glass again.
“We’re going to be here a while...”
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justshekthings · 3 years
just for a moment - park jisung fanfic (part 1)
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“Continuing to run you turn around with a huge smile across your face, locking eyes with the boy whos awestruck expression turns into a comforting smile. Somehow without even knowing each other's names you both felt as if you've managed to escape reality, like the two of you were the only people in the universe, a feeling so rare, a scene only in movies, an occurrence never forgotten and yet was just experienced by these two individuals, even if it was just for a moment.”
Park jisung  x reader 
Word Count: 8731
Reading time: 1h 7m
Italics = thoughts
“normal” = spoken 
Authors note: Since this a fanfic, therefore fiction, there story is set in your last year in highschool with the rest of the dream members who are all the same age. The school year will also be following the korean academic year system, just for some realism. I also made up a few characters with a korean name generator so please don’t overthink! I will also be releasing this story 4 chapters at a time with 3 parts in total, making a total of 12 chapters #quickmaths. Apologies in advance if my uploads are slow or my grammar is awful. Make sure to like and comment any suggestions or thoughts, but try to be kind, it’s my first time writing a fanfic. 
Enjoy reading~
March: March, although somewhat an afterthought or rather a shadow of winter, left with only it’s remains, it sets the groundwork for the rest of the year. March plants seeds that grow from mere sprouts to full grown plants during the course of the year. 
It’s early March, the month when the snow starts to thaw in preparation of the well anticipated season of spring. The feel of the winter air has managed to remain in Seoul, resented by the thousands of students forced to return back to school for the first semester. One of those poor unfortunate souls is you, y/n l/n, an 18 year old girl and you’ve come back to start and, hopefully, finish your senior year at Seoul Highschool. Although what does seem to make your experience there a little more bearable are your two friends Seo Kyung-Hu and Hu Mee-yon, while those two have been friends since primary school, you only met them in Middle school when you first transferred and they being the only nice enough kids willing to approach you, the three of you clicked instantly and ever since your trio have stayed a complete set.
Unlike your two friends, you could care less about school purposefully staying up late in hopes of sleeping through your alarm and having a valid excuse to miss the first day of school. And your plan worked… to some extent. Your mother on the other hand was keen to send you to the school you paid money for, as you should. You were fast asleep dreaming about exo performing as ot9 was suddenly awoken by the screaming of your mother. “YAH Y/N WAKE UP AND GET TO SCHOOL BEFORE I TAKE ALL YOUR EXO POSTERS AGAIN!” hearing that was enough to make you jump out of bed and start getting ready, not without a few complaints of course. Walking into your washroom you take one good look at your face in the morning, “oh god” you’re at least grateful your skin decided not to break out on the first day of school however your face was still puffed and quite dull. You continued washing your face, brushing your teeth and putting on that god awful, ugly, disgusting, and horrific uniform, as you described. Objectively your uniform wasn’t at all bad however you had the tendency to well… overthink. (the uniform looks like the A-teen beige uniform)
It being 8:35 and school starting at 8:45, you speed walked and slightly ran to school attempting to cut the initial 10 min walk in half with at least 5 mins to spare just in case. Fortunately enough you managed to get there on time to check what your classroom was, before the bell. Room 215? Ok… WHERE IS THAT AGAIN?! Somehow the break managed to erase most of your memory of the school, although there wasn’t much worth remembering about your most hated location on planet earth. You run around frantically desperately trying to find your homeroom before a teacher, or worse a hall monitor. You stop in the middle of an empty hallway to text your friends where the hell room 215 is, until you hear a unfamiliar voice reach out to you, “Are you lost babygirl” WHAT THEEE it took a second for you to process what the guy had said until out of instinct you start to laugh uncontrollably with your eyes starting to tear up. You turn around, hand holding your stomach, “What did you just say?” you ask, unable to take the male standing in front of you seriously. He stares at you, seeming to enjoy that you understood his reference, “What so you’re telling me you’re not totally turned on by that comment?” With a slight over exaggerated gasp at the end of his sentence, obviously showing that he was joking. “No no your question was valid just-” unable to finish your sentence you rerun the moment that had just unfolded through your head, succeeding in making you burst out in laughter again. His voice cuts through your laugh, “No but seriously you seem lost” finally regaining your composure, you take a minute to examine his appearance, and his attractiveness, and realizing you’ve been staring for a bit too long you panic quickly trying to cover it up, “YEAH UM i'm lost do you know where room 215 is?” “New student?” “no just dumb” He laughs at your honesty and points you in the right direction like a true gentleman. “Oh my god thanks so much, hope I see you again cute stranger!” you end your sentence with a wink and then run off after getting a glimpse of his dumbfounded expression although close enough to hear him yell out, “The name’s YangYang!” 
The odds were in your favour managing to slip into class before your teacher arrived and you had a mini-mental celebration before choosing to sit in the empty window seat in the middle row with an empty seat beside you to limit the amount of human interaction you get. Sitting down in your seat and see the teacher walk in and start the generic beginning of the school year talk, you text your friends to pass the time, who were lucky enough to have their class together, while the class goes through the course outline. After waiting a few minutes at the front, you see both of your friends, Kyung-hu and mee-yon or as you called them kyuhu and mimi to simplify their names, walk out and you guys greet each other before the three of you walk in the direction of your neighborhood, talking about what you all did during the break, all the annoying teachers and most recent gossip. 
You’d notice that the first week of school would follow this routine, passing by quite quickly and finding it uneventful as your teacher didn’t give a lot of homework as it was the first week of school. During the first week you concluded that there was no one in your classroom, or in the school for that matter that piqued your interest except for the fellow that helped you on the first day but has managed to slip your sight every time you scanned your surroundings to find him. Although just as fast as the first week passed by, the weekend went just as fast, and based on how your school operates, it’d be the only free weekend you’d have in a long time. And much to your dissatisfaction, you found herself in the same situation from a week ago, tired, lazy and lacking any motivation to go to school. Despite this you actually made an effort to wake up early, too early, to get ready for school to escape the never ending nagging from your mother over calls from the office over your tardy attendance. After eating a good enough breakfast, you open your door expecting a cold breeze to meet you as it did last week but to your surprise the outside was bright and dry, with no traces of snow, almost as if the weekend magically changed Seoul from winter to spring. However the leaves on the trees would need a lot more time than a weekend to grow back to their former glory. Remember when I mentioned you woke up too early, you were exactly two hours early when you arrived at the school, which suddenly made sense to you when you realized that no one in your house was awake yet and the roads in your neighborhood felt deserted. After walking around the campus you finally settle on a familiar tree on the outskirts of the school grounds, its location the very reason why you and your friends chose it as your casual lunch location for the past two years. You set your bag on your lap hugging it like a pillow laying your head on it for support and almost immediately you start drifting off the sleep. 
Unbeknownst to you, your perfect sleep would be ruined by one Park Jisung, you see park jisung made the mistake of waking up 20 mins before school started not taking into account it was his very first day at the highschool and he was bound to get lost on the way to school and if he even managed to find the school, he’d have no idea where his classroom as he also missed orientation for all new students. Late and lost, jisung looked around the front of the building in search of someone to help him but since school had already started most staff and students were already inside. Although it would’ve been easier for jisung to walk inside the building somehow he noticed a figure under a tree not too far from him, jisung assuming it was a student figured it’d be easier to ask a student then suffer a scolding or even awkward small talk with a teacher. He runs up to the sleeping person under the tree and realizes it’s a girl from the long hair and skirt, legs criss crossed under a bag you is hugging and sleeping on. Reluctant to grab your attention, awakening you from your slumber, but he must do so if he ever wishes to get to class. “Excuse me?” Jisung repeats this a few times first with a shy voice growing in volume in desperation to wake you up. In your dream EXO OT9 were just about to sing love shot, one of the comebacks lay missed out on, when you heard a reluctant voice repeatedly saying excuse me disrupting your peace and not to mention exo’s performance. Jisung seeing that his voice was not enough to wake you up he starts to get physical. You try to ignore the voice hoping it’d go away until it actually starts poking your shoulder, now you have no choice but to let go of your perfect dream and wake up to respond to the thing that dares interrupt your nap. Jisung notices the girl moving, satisfied that he finally woke you up, he watches as you yawn and rub your eyes, cute he thinks to himself admiring the girl’s sleepy and adorable state. You open your eyes to see a timid but tall boy crouched beside you, finger still pointed after persistently poking you. “Yes?” glaring at the poor boy with the rudest voice you could muster expecting him to get the hint to leave you alone. “U-um can u help me?” Looking at the nervous state of the boy you empathize with his confusion seeing as you were in a similar dilemma a week ago. Softening your expression you say, “yeah what's up?” using a tone completely opposite of the one a second ago, causing Jisung to relax and become more at ease after noticing your change in attitude, “oh can u tell me where this classroom is?” Jisung points at his paper, saying Room 215. He watches your face light up, “Oh! That's my classroom you can just follow me!” And you give the boy an eye smile, happy that you can help him and possibly become friends with the boy. Jisung’s ears turn pink admiring how cute your smile is and touched by your hospitality. you stand up dusting off your skirt and checking if you had any dirt on your clothes or legs. Putting your backpack on and adjusting the straps you ask the boy what time it was. “Oh it's 9:00 am” Jisung says to you sheepishly hoping he doesn’t shock you by how late they both are, “OH SHOOT'' After hearing the time realizing just how fucked you were, acting quick you grab the new boy’s hand and start running towards the building. Jisung trailing behind the small girl is blushing due to the sudden skin ship and can feel his heart pounding due to the spontaneousness of the girl's actions along with the running not at all helping with his heart rate. Running across the field underneath the sunlight causes an increase in heart rate, a mutual feeling felt by the two, but you both recognize it as a mere adrenaline rush as you both try to take in the predicament you find yourselves in. Jisung staring at the hand who had taken his own so boldly, looked up staring at your hair that had turned from a raven black shade to a chocolate brown in the sunlight admiring how it swayed while you ran. Continuing to run you turn around with a huge smile across your face locking eyes with the boy whos awestruck expression turns into a comforting smile. Somehow without even knowing each other's names you both felt as if you've managed to escape reality, like the two of you were the only people in the universe, a feeling so rare, a scene only in movies, an occurrence never forgotten and yet was just experienced by these two individuals, even if it was just for a moment. 
April: April bears us spring, which in turn prepares us for summer. The weather is unlike any other, it follows the frigid temperatures of winter and yet precedes the intense heat of summer, the month is in equilibrium. 
You watch from the safety of the other side of the field as Jisung is teased yet again by his new found friend group. As cliche as it sounds he managed to land himself with the “popular kids'' group despite this school not caring much for social norms, even if there was a popular group it’d be them and they’ve accepted him wholeheartedly as if he spent the last two years with them. Much to everyone’s surprise Jisung was capable of fitting in despite him being the new kid and it being the last year, it was almost as if he was the missing part of their friend group. The group consisted of Chenle, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Haechan and Mark and they weren’t just popular, they were rich and attractive as well. “Oh how he’s blossomed” you say to yourself while admiring Jisung for coming out of his shell and express himself freely “Oh god please don’t tell me you just said that” “You sound like a pedo” As if on cue your two friends arrive at your spot under the tree, slightly creeped out by your confession. “YA I didn’t mean it like that!” you say pouting at your friends' judgmental remarks. “It’s just that he’s grown so much and it’s only been a month'' taking one last glimpse at Jisung having fun before turning to your best friends who have already started to eat. “Jisung was an innocent shy boy when you met him, your maternal instincts kicked in when you first saw him, so helped him out and get comfortable at the school and now you feel like you’ve raised him but now that he’s found a proper friend group you’re sad blah blah blah yes we get it.” Shocked and speechless at what Mee-yon just said, you shake your head looking down before resting your head on your arms placed on your knees while meeting their gaze, “Did I really sound like a pedo?” this time Kyung-Hu was the one to reply “yes you definitely did” nodding innocently while getting it to you straight. And with that final blow you hide your head in your crossed arms similar to a fetal position, accepting your defeat at their teasing. 
As you hear your friends move on to a new topic you just keep your head down too tired to raise it and decide to take a mini nap to hopefully make up for the 3 hours of sleep you got the night before. It wasn’t like you and jisung falling off bothered you that much you actually rarely thought about it, but for some reason today you were bothered. I guess we were never really friends. I guess more like friendly acquaintances? What about the time we hung out after school or skipped class together, did that mean anything? You sighed letting go of the memories of jisung and started falling asleep unaware of the glances from the same person you were just thinking about. You dreamed about the day you two met, after getting too tired to run the whole way there, since the two of you were already late you decided to just walk the rest of the way to your classroom while in the school, to give Jisung a mini school tour. “You just transferred here right?” “yeah I used to live in Inseon” “so why’d you decide to move here and transfer just a week after school started?” “My mom got an unexpected promotion she couldn’t refuse so we had to move to Seoul, but you sure ask a lot of questions'' you remember him teasing you for that “Well do you blame me? I’m curious.” You catch him off guard by your retaliation, “so do you miss it?” asking another unexpected question that causes a change in mood after bringing up his old home. “Of course I do, I grew up there, I had friends there and I had memories” you turned around noticing his melancholy expression while reminiscing and looked at him with concern, feeling sorry for the boy who was just staring at the ceiling almost as if he was trying to find something that was not even there. He notices the silence and makes eye contact with you realizing he must’ve worried you. “Oh but it’s better this way!” He says happily to ease your obvious concern and you stare at the nervous boy, eyebrow raised not convinced by his sudden change of heart. You let it go and the two of you walked a little bit more in silence before stopping, well at least you stopped, Jisung was absent minded enough to not realize you had stopped walking and bumped into back, you instantly looked up and stared at the boy directly over you. Jisung as the shy boy he was, panics and steps back slightly red which causes you to chuckle at his innocent behaviour. “Well here we are room 215” but before jisung was able to walk into the classroom, you turn around and stop him holding out your palm showing the universal symbol to stop, before extending it as a handshake. “Before you hear it from anyone else, I'm y/n” while grinning from ear to ear and jisung grasps your hand and gives you a light handshake, “hi i’m park jisung” returning you the same enthusiasm through a smile. After holding each others hands a little longer than expected, you let go awkwardly and enter the rowdy classroom filled with talking, laughter and pure ruckus. 
You didn't know one was capable of dreaming of a memory but you just did, and just as it was before, your nap was interrupted by noise, this time in the form of whispers, many whispers. You lift your head using your right hand to rub your eyes to adjust to the light and you meet eyes with the very boy you were dreaming about. “Jisung?” you ask with open eyes, confused and surprised. “O-oh hi y/n we meet here again” he answers, scratching the nape of his neck sheepishly. His friends beside him, snicker at his awkward response and continue laughing amongst each other mocking him, jisung notices this and pretends he’s about to hit them so they’d stop making you feel uncomfortable. He looks back at you even more embarrassed to explain his presence in front of you, “so-” “Why are you here, and where's kyung-hu and mee-yon” You notice that your two friends are nowhere to be found and you become more and more anxious being alone with practical strangers. “Funny you should mention that, they actually-” “We went to get some snacks!” Although kinda mad at them for leaving you alone, at least they showed up before this conversation could get any more awkward than it already was. Jisung feels quite relieved sparing him from the awkward exchange however his friends can’t get enough of his uncomfortableness bursting out in laughter when he was interrupted, not once but two times. Jisung and his friends move themselves to the tree beside you guys resting under the shade after mee-yoon and kyung-hu return back to their seats. After waiting until they were at a comfortable distance you start yell/whispering at your friends, “WHat the fuck guys you dont leave me alone with strangers!” “Oh don’t worry at least you finally talked to him instead of staring at him all day. Plus we needed to get enough snacks for all of us and we all know one person can’t carry all of that food. So please consider this strawberry milk as an apology.” Kyung-hu offers you the drink with Mee-yoon nodding her head in agreement. “Ugh I guess this was worth that horrible experience”  you take your favourite drink after barely eating anything due to your lack of appetite. 
The bell goes off and everyone starts to leave the field and head under the main building including you and your friends and since those two had a class together you took a different hallway hearing footsteps behind you before realizing the only person that could’ve been behind you was someone in your class, god please kill me now. And before the awkwardness kills you, you turn around and break the silence “hey thanks for watching me while I slept I understand my friends prolly asked you to do it as a favour and I really appreciate it” Jisung looks up after staring at his feet initially scared to stare in your direction. “No problem, i'm sorry that woke you up from your nap under that tree, it feels almost like deja vu” Both of you shyly laugh at his reference to your first encounter reminiscing the past memory. “Tell me park jisung why is it always you that must ruin my napping time? What have I done to deserve such cruelty.” Your exaggeration and choice of words managed to put a smile on his face and even a chuckle out of him. “Hey that's not my fault you’re obsessed with sleeping under that tree.” “But it’d be a waste not to, the weather this time of the year is just right, you can feel the heat but it's not overbearing it comforts you, it doesn’t require you to add layers nor remove any. We don’t need to change, not one bit. I can’t afford to take these moments for granted.” Jisung stares at your back taken aback by your sudden seriousness, not to mention the topic being the mere weather. Coincidentally the roles were now reversed, it was now Jisung that was perplexed by the change of mood similar to how you were a month ago. Although he could tell your words held more depth than they let on and decided not to speak on the matter moving on with the conversation. “But seriously no need to thank me after all I do kinda owe you for helping me out, plus you’re my friend, actually my first friend at this school” flashing you a smile which eases the awkwardness of your conversation. “Friend?” you widen your eyes at the title, unaware he saw you like that considering the limited time the two of you spent together. “Yeah that's what you call people you care about right?” your eyes follow his figure with a speechless expression on your face as he passes by you and walks ahead to go back to class, but just before he walks in he steps back to look back at you, “are you coming, friend?” before winking at you, emasked in the sunlight coming from the classroom, changing his eyes a lighter shade, before completely walking into the classroom. He leaves you baffled and blushing at his new found confidence and you are still processing what just happened, did he just wink at me? You shake your head trying to forget his words in hopes of calming your heart rate and enter your classroom sitting in your seat, on the other side of the class. Despite how much you try to hide your embarrassment, you just couldn’t hide how pink your ears were, same as jisung who might have put on a brave front, is slightly regretting and yet at the same time, proud of what he said. Both of you refusing to look anywhere else but down and especially not at each other, lost in your own thoughts but if the both of you had just looked at eachother even if it was just for a moment, you both would’ve found out something crucial about each other. 
May: May does not only serve as the last stretch of spring but as a period of freedom. It enables the ability to be free enough to have dreams and independent enough to act on them. 
Unlike the last two months you and jisung actually managed to talk more, although more doesn’t necessarily mean a lot but considering you and him have only shared a few meaningful conversations over the span of two months, your current relationship was a huge upgrade. Disregarding the occasional partner project or pairing in physical ed, in which you and jisung had always chosen each other considering both of your friends were in different classes, you’ve developed somewhat of a casual and low maintenance friendship, that didn’t need frequent conversations but had few but worthwhile moments, all of which were cherished by the both of you, as they reassembled the same serenity the two of you shared the first day you met each other. The moments you shared rarely felt forced and if they were, due to the immature pressures of both of your friend groups, the two of you had no trouble slipping into your own world. As naive as it sounds the friendship the two of you shared was purely platonic, no doubt there were moments of butterflies and heart racing however it only lasted just for a moment, quickly fading away. However someone you were interested in was the guy that helped you on your first day, although all that you knew about him was his name, yangyang. 
You and your two friends approach the stands taking your seats to watch the soccer game hosted by your school after getting invited to sit beside jisung and a few of his friends to cheer on Jaemin, playing as a forward and Jeno, the goalie. As you look forward at the field and someone wearing the number 24 caught your eye. You found the haircut and build of number 24 familiar. You struggled trying to figure out just where you saw someone with similar features as 24, but it was only until he finally turned in your direction, getting a good look at his face. “That's him!” you accidentally stood up, hands covering your open mouth and jisung who was having a conversation with his best friend chenle, turned around to look at your stunned expression. “Hm? What happened?” You looked around embarrassed by drawing attention to yourself and sat back down awkwardly, leaning towards jisung who sat in the row in front of you to whisper, “do you know who number 24 is?” “Yeah that’s yangyang but what about him?” “Yeah I KNOW what his name is, but like who is he?” “I hope you realize how stupid you sound, but why are you asking me, I’M the new kid remember? Not the person who has been attending this school for the past two years.” Jisung raises his eyebrow to you confused as to why you don’t know who this guy was, expecting the both of you to have already met at least once. “So what you’re basically saying is that you got nothing?” “No I never said that, for your information yangyang is our age but he only transferred here last year from Germany. I guess he keeps himself lowkey, soccer is really his only extracurricular.” “bruh you should’ve just led with that, not with any of this new kid bs” “I think you meant to say thank you” Jisung gives you a deadpan look disappointed by your ungratefulness, you catch a glimpse of his face and laugh at how annoyed he is. Hoping not to make your friend upset, you lean in and stick out your tongue playfully in a teasing manner before flashing him your signature smile, “Thank you Jwi~”. Taken aback by his nickname (jwi means mouse in korean) along with the hint of aegyo in your voice, blood rises to his cheeks and to his ears but before you properly see it, he covers his face with his hands while looking down although his ears, like always, were giving him away. 
But before you could tease him the announcer's voice filled the outdoor stadium, “Ladies and gentlemen the game between Seoul Highschool and Apgujeong Highschool is about to commence!” Suddenly you hear everyone in the stands start screaming yelling to the top of their lungs. “We will first introduce the starting lineup of the home team, starting with co-captains Na Jaemin and Lee Jeno!” You, jisung and both of your friends stand up and start cheering on the duo running onto the field, as you have become quite friendly with jisung and his friends so it was only fitting for you to support them. After their introduction you paid no attention to the remainder of the names until, “Now introducing number 24 yangyang!” Your head that was previously resting on your palm was raised after hearing that familiar name and you lean in trying to get a closer look at him before going beside jisungs ear. “Ya” Jisung, scared by the sudden noise, flinches back leaning on to chenle, who was too distracted talking to Renjun to notice his best friend but jisungs reaction does cause you to grin. Pointing at the smiling boy on the field, you say “Do you know what class he’s in?” “Oh him?” He takes a double check looking you up and down weirded out by your enthusiasm and interest in the soccer player. “Yes we were literally talking about him like 10 seconds ago” you rolling your eyes at his forgetfulness, you find it hard to believe he could be this oblivious knowing he was acting like this to tease you. “Yeah I know what class he’s in” you glare at the boy already knowing you’d have to do the most for him to finally spill the tea. “Uh would you like to tell meee?” you, not caring if you seemed desperate. “Lemme think, hmmm yeah no i'm good” “YAH PARK JISUNG'' you see his amused expression before coughing to regain your composure and trying another strategy “Can u please tell me~” you try to act as soft and cute as possible and although aegyo tears away at your soul, you know jisung couldn’t bare the sight of it. “STOP OH GOD” He tries to cover your face so he wouldn’t need to watch your aegyo any longer but you being determined, keep dodging him so he could see every cute action you’d do. “Please jisung~” “OKOK FINE JUST PLEASE STOP!” You quickly change your expression to a serious one which slightly scares jisung “so tell me what his classroom is” you say in a threatening tone while stabbing his ribs with your fingers causing him to flinch away, he sighs and slouches showing his surrender, caving into your antics, “fine it’s room 105” “Thank you! See that wasn’t so hard now was it?” You happily smile at him but you can see he obviously didn’t reciprocate the same feelings of joy and instead glaring at you. “Easy for you to say I have to bleach my eyes and tend to my wounds” Jisung cries out while holding the ribs you just stabbed, you roll your eyes yet again and scoff at his over exaggeration. “You’re such a kid.” “I'm legit older than you soo you’re the child here” him feeling proud at his comeback, looks up to catch your reaction but you’re pouting, hand crossed over your chest upset by the undeniable fact, which he finds kind of adorable. “Anyways why are you so interested in this guy anyways? Do you like him or something” jisung asks with his eyebrow raised while poking your leg suggesting that you do hold feelings for the boy, you feel your face become slightly hot by his suggestion. You swat his hand away and say, “N-no, the answer is no. How can I even like him, I hardly know anything about him. I’m just...” “you're just?” you start glaring him for interrupting your sentence and for teasing you. “I’m just interested” you finally end your sentence returning a playful wink to jisung just as he did a month ago. “Uh huh” Jisung says with a suspicious tone before turning around showing his back to you and properly watching his friends play in their first game of the season. Not satisfied with his answer you decide to talk a bit more, “what, can’t a girl be interested in a guy? I can’t just sit around dreaming about the day he approaches me, when I want something, whatever that may be, I go get it! Plus don’t you have anyone you’re interested in?” Still refusing to turn to you, you assumed he was just ignoring you, not paying attention to your question but jisung’s act backfired when you noticed his ears turn pink after hearing what you asked. “Heoll~, our jisungie has a crush?” (heol is korean slang for omg) you start shaking his shoulders out of excitement of this discovery. Still not looking at you, jisung puts his head in his hands to hide his embarrassment, amused by his timidness, you try to make him turn to you but he won't budging, unable to look at you to spare himself further embarrassment. In truth jisung didn’t have anyone he was interested in, so he was confusing himself but it was probably the question itself and the possibility of him having a crush that made him embarrassed, or at least that’s what he told himself.  “Yaaaaa jisunggg tell me~” You say in a teasing voice but realizing your strategy wasn’t gonna make him turn your way, you smirk hoping that if anything were to get him to turn around it’d be this. So you start tickling him hoping he was even ticklish which fortunately he was, severely ticklish at that too. He starts to spasm due to the tickling laughing uncontrollably using his hands to block your hands and move away from your grasp. “YA STO-” turning around to yell at you, unaware at how close you got when trying to tickle him, he stops mid sentence finally realizing the lack of distance between the two of you. He takes a small gasp interrupting what he was going to say, speechless by the sudden eye contact, but it’s too late your eyes were already locked. “Ah there you are~” you say that in such a gentle tone that it was more of a whisper, inaudible to anyone besides you and jisung. Once again you guys find each other in the sunlight, which lights up both of your eyes making them seem as clear as honey, unaware of everyone standing up, cheering as yangyang just scored a goal. Both of you too lost in each other's eyes to notice anything else besides the smallest details in each other's iris’. However the gaze is suddenly broken when you look around and realize the cause of celebration, clueless to jisung's lingering gaze. “Oh my god look yangyang just scored a goal!” You tell the boy in front of you eyes glimmering with admiration, much to jisung's displeasure. Jisung was slightly upset at the soccer player who was the reason for breaking your eye contact, along with the fond expression brought to your face when looking at yangyang rather than himself. And although jisung might never admit it, deep down he’d wish for you to look at him like that even if it was just for a moment.
June: After months in the cold waiting for the arrival of summer, at last June has arrived. The month does not only represent a drastic change in temperature but in emotions as well, this month is when mere feelings can finally develop, for better or for worse. 
“I like you” the words you hear coming out of your newest friend, whom you’ve become quite close to and bonded with over the past month. “Yangyang I-” “it’s okay you don’t have to answer, I just wanted to tell you” The boy says before winking and smiling at you with confidence. In the distance you could hear his friend Hendrey call out to him in a distance and you see him turn around to wave at his friend and turn back around, “anyways y/n I kind of need to go now, my friend is calling me” He says scratching the back of his neck, reminding you of another male friend of yours, using his thumb to point back to hendrey. He runs off to his friend, not forgetting to turn around, giving a cute wave before Hendrey wraps his arm around his shoulders walking off to who knows where. Now you’re left alone dumbfounded, behind the school building with a stunned expression, while physically you look as if your mind is blank your thoughts were far from that of panicking at your friends sudden confession. In retrospect you were kind of expecting this to happen as at some point considering your relationship was never just friends, you yourself started talking to him with slight romantic interests involved. Although it was, at least for you, a bit too soon. Still baffled by recent events you failed to notice the running footsteps of two boys come from behind you. “YA CHENLE GIVE THAT BACK!” You remain stuck in your headspace as both boys suddenly stop when they notice your strange figure and start whispering to themselves. “Yah isn't that y/n?” Chenle says to the jisung who steps closer to get a better look at you standing alone, he turns back to his friend “Uh yeah I think so?” There’s a second of silence as the boys try to figure out the odd circumstance, before Chenle says, “oh well HAVE FUN!” sticking out his tongue and running away while laughing uncontrollably hoping jisung doesn’t try to go after him after successfully figuring out his password and stealing his phone. “YA” jisung lets out a heavy sigh giving up trying to get his phone back and turning towards the dazed girl, shaking your shoulder a bit to get you out of your trance “Y/n?” “H-huh? Jisung? W-what're you doing here?” “I should ask you the same thing, I mean you're all alone out here” “Oh I was? I guess I didn't notice.” You shake your head trying to forget yangyang’s confession and bring yourself back to reality not noticing jisung turning his head to the side to hide the slight blush after seeing you in a confused state. Confused as to why he had suddenly spaced out looking in another direction, “Jisung?” You ask him while tilting your head cutely, an action jisung was still able to see in his peripheral vision which made him want to keep his head turned away even more. It was now you trying to get his attention so you smile realizing the irony of the situation,”Y-yeah?” “You wanna go to class now?” You say smiling before walking ahead of him with a slight skip in your step. “Yeah sure” you hear him say awkwardly following you to class. The two of you walked in silence from that moment on side by side, you taking a few glances to check up on him as he did with you and whenever you two did make eye contact you both gave each other a smile that although a bit awkward, was comforting in some way. 
It was almost a week after yangyangs confession and since then you’ve fortunately managed to avoid him, still confused with what your answer, but it wasn’t whether or not you had feelings for him or not because you knew the boy could make you laugh, smile and give you butterflies at soon as you laid eyes on him, but you felt as if it was rushed. You considered it as only a crush than deep feelings for a committed relationship, simply put it was too early. And yet you knew you’d regret rejecting him because you didn’t want your relationship to end, rejecting him would risk losing, what would've been a perfect relationship due to your own indecisiveness. Ugh I hate feelings, you trying to decide your answer, was exactly what caused you to get lost during your late night walk you took to clear your head. Realizing that you’d been spacing out, you take a look at your surroundings and you had absolutely no idea where you were. “Oh shit” although what you could recognize is a neon sign at the end of the street that spelled out Convenience Store with a couple tables and seats at the front for eating. Feeling your stomach give a loud growl, you unlock your phone just to check if you have time to spare to eat some ramen, before your mom yells at you for staying out too late, 9:00 only? “OK! Lets go!” you celebrate to yourself, pumping a fist in the air before skipping towards the store and greeting the cashier. While you run your finger through the shelfs scanning the inventory trying to find your favourite ramen, “cheese ramen, cheese ramen, cheese ramen” All of a sudden you hear the door of the store open due the iconic bell and you hear a voice, a male voice greet the cashier as well, “Good evening~” FUCK! You instantly recognize the voice cursing inwardly at the chances you’d bump into him at a convenience store of all places. You immediately move to the next aisle, away from the entrance praying that he wouldn’t see you hiding behind the end of the aisle. “This literally cannot be happening to me” “What can’t be happening to you?” you let out a shriek, jumping back startled to hear ANOTHER voice. Please don't be him, please don't be him, you open your eyes that were shut due to fright, to look up at the stranger that just scared you “J-jisung?” “Yeah who else?” You wonder why you didn’t recognize his voice initially but you see his confident grin while looking at your distressed state, it somehow pleased him to see you like this. “So you gonna answer my question or are you gonna keep on staring at me?” Realizing you must look completely crazy, you fix your posture to look at jisung straight in the eye, “none of your business.” And you walk away from the boy taking your former spot using the aisle to block anyone’s view of you. You occasionally peek your head out just to check on the whereabouts of the mystery boy and jisung takes notes of this, standing behind you, hovering like the giant he is. He chuckles at your childishness, “who are you hiding from?” He asks out loud not caring if anyone heard him, you panic quickly putting your hand over his mouth to shut him up. “Jheez can u be any louder? Plus did I not make it clear, none. of. your. business.” Jisung pouts at you before licking the inside of your hand causing you to let go of him and give him a look of a disgust while you try to wipe his saliva off your hand with your sweater, but all he does is flash you a playful smile satisfied with your reaction. You roll your eyes at jisungs shenanigans and turn around to continue your spying seeing that the boy stayed by the cashier examining the gums and candies. Jisung follows your gaze tryna figure out just who you’re so afraid of before realizing who it was and his smile then turned into a thin line. “Him?” “Ya what do you mean him? That's yangyang!” You hit jisung offended by his reaction to your crush. Jisung flinches pretending that your hit actually hurt, “yeah did I stutter?” you ignore what jisung just said, too focused on predicting the movements of yangyang, maybe focusing too hard that just when you thought he was going to leave without noticing you, you two accidentally make eye contact and you quickly hide behind the aisle hoping he didn't see you. With your chest going up and down, you struggle to control your heart rate placing your hand on your chest to hopefully help lower it down. Jisung widens his eyes seeing you so flustered, “why what happened?” he looks at you, concerned thinking you’re having a heart attack. “He saw me” you slide down now sitting on the floor with your legs folded in front of you while you hide your face in your hands breathing into them, trying to calm yourself down. “What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do” you continually repeat those words slightly scaring jisung in the process, although after seeing you in this condition he realized he needed to help in some way. “Okok just stay here” patting your head before walking off leaving you to curl up on your own. Jisung walks down the aisle that yangyang just saw you in, already meeting face to face with the boy that had walked in your direction trying to check if it was really you or a hallucination. He stops when he sees jisung, taking a step back confused as to why he’d see him there of all places, “Jisun-” “Oh hey Yangyang funny seeing you here, isn’t it a bit late tho? Based on what jeno and jaemin were talking about I swear you guys have soccer practice in the morning tomorrow at 6, no?” Jisung interrupted yangyang, rambling on about a made up soccer practice, jisung thought of on the spot, while putting his arm around the clueless boy's shoulders pushing him until they made it out of the store and before yangyang could process what was happening. “O-oh they never told me we had practice” “oh well good thing you heard it from me, tho you might wanna double check just in case, ok?” “y-yeah ok, but wait-'' but before jisung could hear his question concerning you, and then be forced to answer it he turned around and walked away allowing the convenience store door to shut thus ending their interaction, leaving yangyang completely dumbfounded as to how he ended up outside of the store instead of inside looking for you. Jisung gives a sigh of relief upon returning to the scared figure on the ground in front of him, “It’s okay now” you hear those comforting words escape his mouth and you lift up your head to look up at him, “is he gone now?” Suddenly, jisung feels heat rise to his cheeks when looking down at your curled up body, resembling a scared child and somehow your question triggered a protective instinct in jisung, who felt the need to protect you from all the things wrong in the world well at least all the things that you couldn’t protect your own self from. Finally calming down after your nervous breakdown you stand up wiping away the dust on your clothes before turning to jisung with a smile on your face, “Now let's go eat some ramen!” 
Both of you walk out of the convenience store after finding your cheese ramen and his spicy one, cooking it using the hot water at the store. You both sit down on one of the tables in front of the store met with a cool breeze that cooled the two of you down a bit from the summer heat. After taking a few bites and many loud slurps from the ramen, the two of you take your time to chew creating a moment of silence so jisung turns to you, “so you wanna tell me what happened in there?” You feel obligated to give him an explanation especially after how he helped you out, swallowing your food you lay your chopsticks down and explain to him the situation of yangyang confessing to you and you being nervous and confused. “Heol, yangyang actually likes you? Whaa” You throw a piece of your trash at him offended by his question, “Ya what do you mean actually liked me, what is their not to like” you say while flipping your hair back confidently, “Mhm you keep telling yourself that” his comeback slightly surprising you but you stop there not trying to take anymore insulting comments. “Ok but I was really nervous back there, if I wasn't so antisocial or if I actually understood my feelings then maybe yangyang and I would’ve already been dating and doing whatever couples do.” Thinking about the possibilities you pout and shove a bunch of noodles in your mouth to chew angrily, showing just how stressed out you were. Jisung lets out a laugh which earns a glare from you after being charmed by your inexperience and instead of making fun of your fantasies with yangyang, he empathizes with your situation thinking of a mature answer to help you out. “Do you seriously think anyone understands themselves? Because they don’t. People may put on a convincing facade but trust me when I tell you everyone is just as confused as you are. We’re teenagers for god sakes, we’re supposed to be going through this. You may not know what you want now, but in the future you will and how are you ever gonna figure it out unless you try? I have no idea what you’re feeling right now but I do know it’d be a waste to push those feelings aside because you’re scared. You’re the only thing stopping yourself and for whatever the reason is to why you're scared, whether that be getting hurt or getting embarrassed, just know it's natural and what’s meant to happen will happen but only if you allow it to.” In awe of jisungs words and yet curious as to how he developed all that wisdom. You stare at him, trying to read his face trying to understand what he was thinking. Instead you notice the soft glow of the neon sign on his features, his hair and face slightly lit up. You soften your expression while examining the details of the boy in front of you, who’s sitting with a slight slouch while spacing out, looking down at his ramen that makes you giggle inwardly because it looks like he’s glaring at his own food. You notice just how innocent and vulnerable he looks, and yet on the contrary you are unable to understand his thoughts now matter how you try. You find yourself spotting traits about jisung that you never realized before, like the glimmer in his eye or the sound of his sniffle while eating hot noodles, or how his cheeks puff out in the slightest and his hands inter cross when trying to focus. Even if he was sitting right across from her, he felt beyond reach and in the perspective you found jisung in, he was what they call picture perfect. If only I could just read his mind, even if it was just for a moment. However you stop yourself from staring at your friend for any longer and look down to take in his words, the same words that caught you off guard. You take a minute to absorb jisungs advice and just as quickly as yangyang said those three words to you, three words of the same nature slip out of your mouth, delivering the long awaited answer you were trying so hard to figure out, “I like yangyang.”
If you were able to read this far, I love you~
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Banished (Part 35)
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*Not My Gif*
~Banished Master List~
Summary: When the 100 was sent to the ground, Y/N Y/L/N was one of them. Having been locked up for almost 8 years, how will she react to surviving on Earth? Especially when she gets banished…
Post Date: 2-16-20
Paring: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
~Master List~
~The 100 Master~
*Based on episode 3x06 of the 100, Bitter Harvest*
It’s been over a week since Octavia and Clarke left Arkadia. Clarke went to Polis, back to Lexa to convince her not to go to war and Octavia had been your outside man, keeping her eyes on everything outside the wall and reporting back through a radio. You hadn’t spoken to Bellamy since that day he tried to turn you, only glances across the room. He’s tried to talk to you, heading your way in rooms to apologize but you left the room before he could.
You just dodged Bellamy in the mess hall, heading down the main hall before running into Kane.
“Octavia radioed, there’s news.” He said as you looked over your shoulder, hearing footsteps behind you before shaking your head.
“Not here. Too many ears.” Kane led you to his room as you followed, no longer hearing someone follow you. Kane and you sat on the bed facing each other. “What’d she find out?”
“They’re still taking samples at the river bank. She doesn’t know what they’re doing but they’re armed and willing to kill a kid to cover it up.” Your eyes went wide, covering your mouth with your hand.
“They’d kill a kid?” You couldn’t imagine Bellamy being okay with this. But then again he did just Murder 300 grounders who promised your protection. Kane put his hand on your knee, knowing your thoughts.
“There’s another meeting today in the chancellors office. We need to know what’s happening in that room.”
“So what? We spy on them?” You asked him. You both slouched against the wall, trying to come up with something before Kane sat up, looking at you expectedly.
“We spy on them.”
You hoped he’d say more but he didn’t, only standing up and looking around his room. “Repeating what I said isn’t making anything clearer.” You told him as he pushed aside a stack of paper before find a metal disc.
Raising a brow at him, he explained. “We plant a bug in the office and listen in on the meeting.”
You guffawed at him, taking the piece into your hands. “We’d know all their plans.”
“Just one problem.” He frowned, crossing his arms in front of his chest and tapping his lip. “How are we going to get it in place?”
You looked down at the disc. You needed someone who was on your side. Someone who was quick witted, knew how to get in and out of places. You met Kane’s eyes with a smirk, clutching the bug in your hand. “I think I know someone who can help.”
You left Kane’s room, walking around the ark and trying to not to raise suspicion before stopping outside, seeing Miller and Harper talking. They smiled at you when you approached, Harper wider than Miller’s as you looked towards him. “Can I borrow you?” You asked. He looked taken back but nodded, saying bye to Harper and following you back to Kane’s place.
Kane was pacing in the room when you entered, stepping aside to show Miller. He looked confused, licking his bottom lip and scoping around the room. “What’s going on?” He closed door, eying you who sat onto the bed.
You held out the disc, watching Miller raise as brow at you. Kane and you told him the plan and after a few minutes Miller was fully informed, deciding if it was something he could do. “And if this doesn’t work?”
“It’ll work.” You assured him as he shook his head.
“And if it doesn’t?” He needed more than just your assurance if he was actually going to break into the chancellors office.
“You’re a thief Miller. You’re telling me you can’t plant a bug?”
“You’re forgetting the part where I got arrested.”
“Easy.”You smirked as you tossed him the tech. “Just don’t get caught.”
“Will you two knock it off?” Kane rolled his eyes as he checked the bug making sure it worked before the three of you headed out, stopping to set up a room to listen in.
As you got closer to the office you hung back, not wanting to seem weird while walking with the men. You rested against the wall, keeping an eye out as Kane put the code in the door.
“Good afternoon, Chancellor Pike.” Someone said down the hall as you warning Kane, nodding towards the hallway. Kane slipped Miller the bug and let him in the room. He started down the hallway as normal, you following with him when you run into Pike and Bellamy. You only spared Bellamy one glance as Kane and Pike began talking.
“We need to talk about these things Jaha’s been giving out.” Kane said as you kept quiet, hoping Miller would hurry.
“That’s Abby’s department. I have more pressing concerns.” Pike said, pushing past you and Kane. You felt your heart race faster as you turned around, getting them to stop.
“Like the imprisoned grounders?” You spoke out of turn as Pike turned around, narrowing his eyes at you. Bellamy was concerned, stepping closer to the conversation and keeping his eyes on you.
“Interned.” Pike said. “For their safety as well as ours.”
“Imprisoned.” You repeated yourself, standing your ground. Pike didn’t expect to be having with conversation with you of all people. Kane put a hand on your shoulder, pulling you behind him.
“They wanted help. If we won’t give it to them, then we should at least let them go.” He suggested. Bellamy spoke up, calling them a liability and saying they would reveal their defenses to their people.
You scoffed, coming out from your spot and finally acknowledging Bellamy. “We’re talking about Lincoln here.” You reminded him, disgusted in the way he’s disregarding your friend. Lincoln saved your lives, how could he just talk like that. Bellamy’s eyes softened as he looked at you, suddenly feeling his stomach twist.
Miller drew your attention away from the group, coming down the hall behind Pike and Bellamy. He nodded to you as he passed, indicating he was successful as you sighed, feeling a little better in this moment. Bellamy, who hadn’t stopped watching you, caught the moment, furrowing his brow. You and Miller never got along before, so this exchange here unnerved him.
He knew something was up.
He was so focused on you that when Pike and Kane walked away he wasn’t aware, only snapping out of his thoughts when he met your eyes. “I didn’t know you and Miller were so close.” Your stomach flopped as Bellamy nodded behind you.
“Why do you care Bellamy?” You asked, hoping to divert the conversation.
It seemed to work as Bellamy took a second to answer, placing his hands on his hips. “I’m just saying be careful. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
You watched Bellamy leave, following after Pike as you took a deep breath before following Kane into a new room with a table in it.
“Are you okay?” He asked as you entered the room, closing the door softly behind you. You knew you should’ve told them Bellamy was on to you all but instead you just nodded, watching Kane get set up. “Y/N, can you grab the radio and get Octavia on?”
You reached for his bag, pulling out the radio and turning it on. “Hey floorgirl, got your ears on?” You smirked into the device when you heard Octavia chuckle from the other side.
“Hey Y/N, good to hear your voice.” She said as Kane got your attention, telling you they were starting.
“We bugged the chancellors office, O. Pike’s having a meeting.” You sat on the couch next to Miller, holding down the button for Octavia as Pike introduced Monty and Monroe to the group, making you bite your lip.
Pike went on, telling them all about planting agricultural and fields. Until Monty pointed out a flaw in their plans.
A village in sector four, people who weren’t threats at all.
“We need that land.” Pike told them. “Arkadia will be starving in a year.”
Hannah told him about the child they found, saying the grounders lost their army and wouldn’t resist but Monty just shook his head. “They’ll resist. They’re grounders.”
“Even if they don’t, the commanders message was clear. But that doesn’t mean we can start taking-“
Pike cut him off. “What would you prefer, die fighting for your home or starve to death? Will you do what needs to be done for your people to survive or what?” Bellamy didn’t need to think before knowing he’d do whatever he needs to protect Octavia and you.
“What needs to be done.” He assured Pike who just nodded at him, wanting to believe Bellamy knew where his head was at.
The meeting ended and you all stayed silent, processing what you just heard. You could hear Octavia running through the walkie-talkie when you cleared your throat, running a hand over your face.
“So whats the plan?” Miller asked, hoping someone came up with something.
“I need my horse!” Octavia shouted over the radio.
“Miller? You got the horse?” Kane asked as Miller nodded, leaving you two in the room. Kane moved to sit next to you, putting an arm on your back and his hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, whats going on?”
“What if we’re too late?” You whispered, clasping your hands together and leaning into your bouncing knee. Kane sighed, looking at the empty wall in front of you both. He honestly didn’t know what to do if it was too late. He was blind to the village with no way to make sure Octavia got them out.
“We’ll figure it out Y/N.” He promised you. You smiled at him, reaching up to grab his hand.
Kane felt normal with you here now, as if your past was just that and you could move on.
Miller came back in, telling you he was setting out as you stood up, pushing yourself away from Kane.
He didn’t object as he stood up himself, both of you following Miller out of the room and going your separate ways.
You spent most of the day worrying yourself, wishing you had gone with Miller to give Octavia her horse. You watched from afar as Bellamy and Pike took a group out, headed towards the village. Bellamy and Kane were talking before hand but not for long and the moment Bellamy walked away he saw you across the room. But unlike all the other times, he didn’t start to come over, instead telling everyone to get a move on it.
You couldn’t help but admit it hurt a little as you left the room, hearing the sound of the rover die out meaning Bellamy left.
Off to go destroy a village.
You must of look pretty distraught as you sat in the mess hall, sipping on a bottle of beer because the seat across from you was taken. You looked up, seeing Jaha’s face before he slid the chip he showed you last week on the table. You looked at it, not saying a word as you took another gulp of your drink.
When Jaha matched your silence you groaned, slamming your fist down on the table. “I’m not taking that.” You told him, pushing the chip back at him.
“Tell me Y/N. If you could erase all the pain you’ve experienced in your lifetime, would you not?” His voice was unwavering as he spoke, making you sit back in discomfort.
“Of course I would.” He gave you a smile, one that didn’t show happiness but opportunity. He pushed the chip past the middle of the table, looking at you dead in the eyes.
“Then take this. Let it take your pain away.” You narrowed your eyes at the white chip. “Pain makes you human. Without the pain, what would I be?” You leaned onto the table, your hands inches away from the chip. Jaha reached forward, putting his hand atop yours.
“Happy.” He said simply before getting up and leaving. You sat there, staring at the supposed ‘happy chip’ that Jaha left you.
There was no way some little chip could wipe the years of damage and pain brought onto you. You picked it up, running your thumb over the infinity symbol.
“No pain.” You whispered, twirling it in your fingers. You felt someone’s eyes on you but you didn’t see anyone stand out after a quick sweep around the room. You looked down at the chip again. “What a load of crap.” You mumbled, shoving it in your pocket.
You spent the rest of the afternoon there, trying to distract yourself from everything happening outside the gate. You mind travelled back to the chip in your pocket through out the day. There was no way it did as Jaha said, there was no way it would ‘erase your pain’.
Miller walked into the Mess Hall frantically, looking around before his eyes fell onto you. He quickly went over, taking the seat next to you as he leaned onto the table. You knew something was wrong by the way he kept moving his eyes around the room. “Miller what happened?” You lowered your voice, keeping the conversation between the two of you.
“They’re back. And they’re missing people.” You felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“W-who?” You didn’t know if the words actually made their way out of your mouth or if you just mouthed it. You tried to repeat yourself but you couldn’t, clearing your throat and taking another drink.
“Monroe and Lacroix.” He told you and you hated the fact you could breathe again. It wasn’t Bellamy. He was still alive.
“Ok. Let’s go.” Miller and you stood up when your hand found the chip once again. You closed your eyes, giving it one last squeeze before following after Miller.
Later that night, Bellamy knocked on the door to the Chancellors office, coming inside to see Pike at work. “You wanted to see me, Sir?” He asked as Pike nodded, leaning onto the table next to him.
“How you holding up?” Bellamy sighed, breathing out heavily and saying he’s been better. Pike nodded, understanding. “We need to talk about your sister. Two people died today because of her and the soil’s poisoned from the ash.”
“The grounders did that. Octavia tried to warn us.” Bellamy argued for his sister, trying to get Pike to let up on her.
“After she warned them. Bellamy you know as well as I do that someone is giving her information in the camp.” Bellamy didn’t say anything, hoping he wasn’t going where Bellamy thought he was headed. Pike looked at the board containing all his plans. “Kane and Y/N.” He announced bringing Bellamy’s fears to life. “We need to find proof.”
“Yes sir.” Bellamy agreed before Pike dismissed him. Bellamy left the room, taking a moment to think over his actions. Biting his lip he let his head fall, making his way down the hall. He looked over his shoulder as he approached his destination.
“Just a minute!” He heard after he knocked on the door. There was a moment of silence, Bellamy thinking of retreating before the door opened into your room. “Bellamy?”
“We need to talk.” He sounded serious as you hesitated but ultimately stepped aside, letting Bellamy into the room. You checked the hallway, seeing no one before closing the door.
A/N: I know it’s kind of late but oh well! Tell me whatcha think! Not really proud of this chapter, I don’t know really. Guess they can’t all be good. 🤷‍♀️ What do you guys think is gonna happen next?
*Reblogging with Banished*
Permanent: @literal-fand0m-trash @just4muggles @saturn-aka-six @nathaliabakes @whyamihere-bro @colored-confetti @wiseeggspickleslime @btsiguess-kpop @galacticstxrdust @independentgirl @wellhellotherelovey @hollymac79 @delicately-important-trash @emcchi @rauwz @herondalescecilys
Bellamy: @jodiereedus22 @nyxxxwtp @danielabetancourth
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middleinthenight21 · 4 years
Damirae 2020- Day 4
Forbidden fruit
(Inspired by Mr. and Mrs. Smith)
How has your marriage been?
Damian: Alright.
Rachel: Not so much… We are busy people, we have a job to keep and issues to resolve, it may not be going as we want, but it happens to everyone. It is normal.
He needed to know how they feel about each other. Can you summarize your partner in three words?
Rachel: Damian is ... Distant, arrogant and insufferable.
Damian: His judgment is terrible, difficult to read and is sarcastic.
How long have you been married?
Rachel: We've been three years.
Damian: Three years, eleven months and one day. That is more than three years.
This may be a question that will surprise you, but I need to know. If you would rate your sex what numbers would you give it?
Rachel: Excuse me?
Damian: What does that have to do with it?
You came to couples’ therapy; I am also a sex therapist. My diplomas are hanging on the wall, I thought you had seen them.
Rachel: Isn't it wrong to rate sexual intercourse?
Damian: It would be a 3, or a 4. What, Rachel? We have been without sex for months.
That is not a good thing, Mrs. Wayne. Let's move on to another question, are you honest with one another?
Rachel: Yes. Quit.
Damian: I am honest, but I am also a believer that not everything can be counted.
Damian was running late. Lying in bed she looked askance at the clock that read 3:35 AM, there was no trace of his presence and she tries to give her an excuse; Maybe he was late for his job at the company or delayed because the trip from Gotham to Jump City is long.
Their marriage may not be having a good time, but that does not make them precisely unfaithful. Rachel still loves him, he still has his heart in her hands, but she feels how the wall that separates them becomes thicker.
How long before it’s too late for apologies? because one of the two would get tired.
She wants a home, a place to call her own, but she gets an empty bed, hollow glances, and short answers. Damian could call her whenever he wanted, he would have her, but he knows it doesn't work like that, because the last time they opened their hearts to each other was to admit that this marriage was not going as they wanted and they agreed that they would work on their relationship, they would do their part.
By being late without justification, was he doing your part?
Damian had given her a beautiful house, stability, and a love match. He is an ordinary civilian, they had promised not to be left alone, but she was. Maybe she was more sincere….
Looking at his empty spot, his side of the bed has the sheets intact and a small pile of poetry books on the nightstand, she feels her heart drop to her stomach. She can't help but feel hurt with him for leaving her with the uncertainty itching inside her, her mind flies to directions she doesn't want, and everything is about to fall apart.
Her phone rings, and it's not personal.
"We need you here. Now. "
Kory's voice is clear, it sounds urgent and there is a sound of explosions in the distance. Her mind clears, she has to go help her friends now.
With a gesture she summons her uniform, her hood is over her head and his identity as a superhero takes place, he sticks the cell phone to his ear "Who attacks? "
"It is the League of Assassins."
She frowns.
And opens a portal to the area where the fight is.
I won't be able to go to sleep.
Family problems.
Starfire asks them to meet in the tower when the fight ends. The sun caresses the mountains dyeing the sky a pink tone, and sighs watching the message on his phone, at least, she would not have to give an explanation why she did not spend the night at home.
The battle with the League of Assassins was not so long, she had stayed in a hiding place where she could control, while the young Titans fought with the criminals, she covered the team's back. Something about this group made her uneasy, it was like walking in the dark only guided by movement, she compared them with the followers of HIV, there was no soul or feelings to manipulate, they seemed like empty bodies. It gave her the chills just remembering it.
They congregate around the central panel, where an image of a dagger sheltered in the cellars of the bank is observed, it has a transparent reddish blade and it looks sharp, along with a leather handle. At first glance it does not seem harmless, dare to say that the dagger is for decoration, that it is intended to be beautiful, but to not be used.
It is not true.
According to the investigation of the Titans, the League of Assassins is behind a dagger made of a precious stone called ´´The Blood Diamond´´, it belonged to Ra´s Al Ghul and ended up in the cellars of the Bank of Jump City, after the Dark Justice League destroyed his plans to eliminate all magical beings, at the request of the Justice League.
It is said that the blood diamond is made from the bone and cartilage of the defeated, these are cooked in an oven to the ashes, the ash is compressed and the diamond is obtained, a single cut of that gemstone could invalidate beings magical, like her.
She can't imagine how many bones it took to forge a dagger.
Heroes that their powers are born from magic would be affected by the diamond cut, most magical beings have accelerated healing abilities and with a single cut they could never heal.
Raven flinches.
Kory's gaze pierces her "We've already relocated it to our warehouses. They must know that it is imperative that it be protected from all threats. "
There is an assent, she feels the fear of Halo, that her powers of regeneration also come from magic, without them she would have died a long time ago. There is an atmosphere of uncertainty when the new members leave, it is dangerous to keep such a dangerous object in their warehouses; they had made the tower of the titans a target for the league of assassins.
"Where's Dick?" Beast Boy asks. He hadn't seen him in two weeks, as he is currently an active member of the young justice team, he is surprised at how little has changed since he was a teenager. He looks at Kory. She was not here.
The alien keeps her gaze on the screens.
"He had a private matter to solve," he answers softly.
Richard can be as reserved as Batman when he wants, but he shows more emotions and had received her with open arms when he felt lost, when he was a girl who had escaped from a hellish dimension carrying pain and suffering that she wants to bury in the deepest Deep in her being, he had helped her, given her a family and showed a way of life: Protect the innocent, but he is also an idiot, dense as a brick and emotionally hurt by a past that he cannot push aside.
She knows that Kory will not share information about Dick, she would keep his secrets, although they will beg her to open up, she wants to ask her how she is carrying him; Marriages are complicated and she did not expect a path covered in rose petals, still they make it look so easy.
"How's your husband doing, Rae?"
His eyes are on her and she can't tell them he hadn't gotten to sleep, that she ran away as soon as they contacted her to run away from an empty bed and the feeling of loneliness that was killing her. She had that whole huge house to herself in that posh neighborhood, but she felt trapped.
He wanted to go back to the moment they met on the undercover mission in that bar in Miami. Raven was on a covert mission with the Titans, they had to gather information about a merchant in the open market, and they knew that the man used to enjoy the city's nightlife.
She met him in a bar, when she entered the terrace he had looked at her, she felt him like the flames on her skin and when he leaned down to ask her to dance he did not think twice; She'd never let anyone touch her like that in one dance and she wondered what their hands would do if they shared more time together. She learned his name is Damian Wayne, the son of billionaire Bruce Wayne, she bit her tongue not to mention Dick's relationship with the millionaire, he has other things on his mind anyway. She had never moved like that against another person, but he had made her feel like a dangerous woman.
Damian had woven a web around her, but if he is a spider, then Raven is his predator.
They had moved against each other, together her hands behind his neck caressing from the nape to the waist, she was surprised to feel the muscles through the clothes and wanted more. Damian touched the contour of her torso, one of his hands slipping under the shirt circling her skin, she continued to rock to the rhythm of the song, as if his touch wasn't driving her crazy.
She brushed her lips to his neck and felt him tense up.
They were so close together that they felt each other's breath on their faces. Looking at it from the outside it was fortunate that they had been in a dark place, because it would have been uncomfortable for others.
After the dance they exchanged phones, and each left.
She was surprised when she could not stop loving him in her life, she became a hungry person for being touched, for feeling loved and every time he put a hand on her, the chills ran through her. There was a first date, a second and when she least thought she wondered which part of her he hadn't touched. Every time she was with Damian, he put her to sleep, her life had been full of missions, thinking about the innocent and stopping the sea, but she found a rest with this man.
Maybe they would have known each other better ... If everything had been slower, but they were a whirlwind of emotions and feelings.
Now she wonders what would have happened to her if she had not accepted his call a few days later, she knew something clear and that was that she had lost her mind for this man, only one dance and one look had been enough for him to decide to continue with this, as it was the first chapter of a novel and she needed to see what happened to the rest. Maybe she had thought he was a masterpiece, maybe he was made to be an adventure and not a marriage.
He finds himself returning to that summer night in Miami, wondering if there was any difference that could have been.
"He's fine." She can't tell them about the distance, the couple’s therapy they were attending, and the loneliness. "Everything is great."
Kory gives her a sympathetic look, like she knows something she, herself doesn't. For a second, her heart skips, she thinks Damian said something to his brother, but knowing her husband, she doesn't believe it.
"I haven't seen him a while," Jaime says, scratching his hair.
 "He's been busy," she replies.
"Yes. "
Kory looks down, looks distant. The team leader and surrogate mother had been an important point of support in Raven's life, she thought that when she told her about her relationship with Dick's younger brother she would be happy, then everyone would be a small family, but she did not have a good or bad to comment. It was weird.
"I have an interview in ... "
"Silence, Garfield."
They exchange glances. Kory had rarely been spoken like this, only when they had something important that ...
"They're robbing us!"
The camera shows the cellars, figures dressed completely in black escape through the ventilation and run towards the cellars, Kory runs, and she follows her. Her heart is a time bomb, and she thinks how dangerous the dagger would be, he feels guilty for trusting herself.
Observing around and taking care that there were no more roaming assassins.
Starfire shoots fire at the cellar door, the door crashes to the floor, and the place is quiet. Alarms sound throughout the tower, there are red lights that prevent them from seeing normally.
"Why did you do that? " Garfield observes the destroyed door, he is transformed into a snake trying to track the intruders.
"The quarantine protocol will be activated, nobody will be able to leave or enter," Raven responds. His eyes move, she summons her powers and tries to search for the assassins; they should be trapped by the ventilation duct. "They will be trapped. "
"I have a visual! " He yells from somewhere.
Suddenly the room filled with gas, and she felt her throat close and her eyes turn glassy, ​​it was impossible to keep them open. She tried to call her companions, but she did not hear or see anything, her hands traveled to his neck if it would clear her lungs, her head hurt, and she supported her hand against a wall.
They were trying to get out, out of the corner of her eye she saw bodies breaking the glass of a window with a piece of furniture. She stretched out her hand with difficulty, a black spider web shot out in a burst of energy and caught one of the assassins before he escaped through the broken window, the intruder gasped, fell to the ground with a loud sound, and writhed.
He was strong.
He was not going to be able to resist; he could hardly breathe ... His mouth felt dry, his throat was sandpaper and he had trouble standing up.
The killer curses and another returns, pulling so hard that he has to give in. The larger shadow burdens the laggard by wrapping his arm around his shoulders and throws himself out the window.
"No, no, no…"
By then her vision is clouded and she falls into unconsciousness.
Raven is angry when she wakes up, because it is 7 AM and she is still not allowed to go home. The dagger made from the blood diamond was stolen from the Titan's cellars under their own noses, Starfire paces back and forth thinking how strangers had not triggered the tower's sensitive alarm system.
The leader looks tired, she thinks it looks like when Nightwing becomes obsessed with a criminal repeating the robbery video repeatedly. If Raven hadn't had coffee, she'd already be yelling at her to stop, because she was freaking her out.
"Kory, you won't find anything. We can go to Nanda Parbat to retrieve the dagger" she offers. She takes a long drink at the coffee, holding the bitterness. "Please. "
The other members give her appreciative glances, knowing that it would be impossible for the leader to rest.
Starfire can be more stubborn than Nightwing or Damian when she wants.
Chance, Damian!
"I have to go." Raven stands up. "Damian should already be in the ... "
"Back up there!"
Garfield sighs, but heeds her. Starfire makes the image stop that shows the killer that Raven made fall to the ground, her hood had slipped off her head, but the image is blurred and is only a black stain, she orders the image to be clarified and brought closer to her face .
Raven comes up carrying her coffee, now interested in the results, but he's just a pixelated face. It does not prove anything.
"I'll clarify the image again."
Now there is the computer charging. Starfire twists her hands, at least she is going to have a goal, Raven is happy because at least they would have a face that could be guided, it is better than being guided only in assumptions and in paranoia.
When the face appears on the screen, she holds her breath and the cup almost falls from her hands ...
Damian Wayne's face appears on the screen like a red flag, and the whole room stops, like paralyzed.
Are you waiting for me for breakfast? -Rachel.
Yes- Damian.
"Did they bring the dagger?"
Richard leaves the dagger in Batman’s possession. He doesn't like the idea of ​​having to rob the young Titans, after all, they were his team and he has personal attachments with members, he doesn't want to hurt them. They are also heroes.
Damian understands his father, knows how the assassin's league operates. They would soon attack the tower without caring if there were teenagers who depend on the team and the news of the infiltration of strangers would spread faster, that Batman had asked to keep the weapon. The Batcave had been compromised before and his father was not trusting, so he ordered them to infiltrate, pretend to be part of the Shadow League, thus diverting the attention of the young Titans.
He takes off his boots, finding a bruise around his ankle, he growls, "That witch girl."
"Something happened? " His father narrows his eyes.
"Nothing. "
"Raven attacked Robin," says Dick.
"Try to pretend you're not proud."
Richard smiles.
Batman growls and heads to the bat computer, entering a code that gives him access to the tower cameras a few hours ago. The security guard leans over the screens looking at the images frame by frame, Damian looks away in response to his wife's message and crosses his arms.
He's not interested in anything to do with the young Titans, so infiltrating the tower isn't a problem for him, but he hadn't expected Raven to have intercepted him. The smoke they used to neutralize the Titans was medium intensity, but the heroin had withstood it.
He growls when his foot hits the floor, he will have to justify to his wife the bruise on his ankle.
"I have to go, father."
"Damian, come here." Dick gives him a worried look. His father's back is to him, he's bent over the bat computer. "You’ve got to see this. "
"Bruce ... "
Damian approaches the screen and is surprised.
Both arrive at the same time. Raven squeezes her hands on the wheel, she has a grocery bag next to her on the passenger seat, and her head is a tangle of emotions; she had taken care of her whole life so that the feelings did not overwhelm her, a part of herself was always contained, but this time she wanted to scream and pull her hair.
Damian had lied to her. He entered the tower of the Titans, stole a dagger that could surely affect her in the name of the League of Shadows. She had lived with a murderer the past two years.
She feels betrayed, although that sounds hypocritical because she also hid her identity as a heroine; her mind fights with her, half reminds her of guilt and the other shouts at her to run.
No, she needs to stop him.
She taps her fingers on the steering wheel, waiting until he pulls up and tries to remember Starfire's words: I’m sorry, Raven. We have to know where the dagger is. We need to know if he is working for the League of Shadows.
He opened the car door, his black jaguar had been a wedding gift from his father and when Damian walks into the house, there is a frown on his face that only appears when something is bothering him, but it is like a shadow and disappears instantly. Titus makes his way through the front yard, jumps on the grass, and his tail wags, excited to see his master.
Damian caresses the Great Dane and now there is a small smile on his lips.
She looks away, reminding herself that he can be an enemy, but the man she lives with every day has never made a single move to hurt her, he did not behave like an assassin would. Perhaps she is underestimating him, her mother spoke as she had been taught by her demonic father, at first, he had shown himself as a desirable man, the one they write in novels, but her is far from being so.
Not everything is as they paint it.
When she gets out of the car and looks at her own house, she did not expect her heart to squeeze in her chest, they had looked for this house in the suburbs of Jump City, decorated it and dreamed of a future together, Raven had fallen in love with normality. Choosing a carpet for the living room, worrying about repairing the leak that wet the floor in the hallway and the quiet dinners, but it had been too silly.
Her old anger turned into a nostalgia that threatens to eat her up inside.
As much as she thinks he lied to her, that they were built from a web of falsehood, she still loved him.
He was looking at her from a few meters away, she gave a greeting and carried the supermarket bags ready to prepare breakfast.
Titus follows her into the house, she can feel Damian's eyes on her body, and decides to ignore it.
Raven walks to the kitchen, places the bag on the counter and strokes Alfred, the cat rubs himself on her legs, she swears she has never seen a cat this big; he is so fed that his belly is like a balloon.
"You bought strawberries," Damian says.
She puts on a kitchen apron, brews hot water in a kettle, and leaves two cups on the counter.
She sits on the stool, Damian is now chopping the strawberries and the knife in his hands is small, she almost gulps when she sees the instrument and remains alert.
"How did it go last night? "
The cuts are now louder "well, how did it go for you? "
They looked at each other and she knows those eyes, it's like he was going through her, wanting to see beyond appearances. Damian had rarely looked at her this way, it was when he knew she was hiding something from him and that she would not admit it unless he pushed her.
A panic button is activated inside her. He couldn't know, how? It is impossible.
"I was waiting for you all night."
His muscles relax and he looks up, the lines of expression on his face are neutral.
"Sure." Cut half a strawberry. "You always get up very early" emphasized the word "very".
Raven looks at him.
Damian looks at her.
The atmosphere feels tense, it is as if an electric current dances through the oxygen ready to ignite everything in a short circuit and she finds herself standing up to store each of the groceries, prefers to focus her attention on something more productive than having a fight of looks.
"You must be tired; it would do you good to rest" she gets a box of tea and sugar.
Damian keeps his eyes on the fruit "I'm not tired. "
Why was everything so difficult? It is she who should be angrier, if it were not so complex perhaps this marriage would go for better ways, perhaps she would have been sincere before and would have already revealed her true identity, so they can save this shit.
He can't be acting like she's the one who made a mistake, he's surely a murderer!
She can no longer bear this silence. Raven is in charge of putting on music, does not care what it is and leans against a piece of furniture. He may be a dangerous person, but she is too, and she would get the location of that dagger made from the red diamond and save the day.
If he can lie, then Raven too.
"Of course not, my dear."
Damian frowns and the knife stops, as if suspended in midair. They are not a sentimental couple, the number of times they have been named affectionately are few, they were always formal.
She turns to look into his eyes. She never used her powers over her husband, she knows that they share a bond, her soul had intertwined, but she did not dare to see further; now it could be different.
"I am a strong man," he pauses. He slides the fruit into a bowl with the flick of his knife, setting it aside, "my dear."
She raised an eyebrow.
The music and their pets are the only thing that is moving, the melody is jazz, and it feels very different from the energy in this room. Raven rests her hands on the counter, inches from Damian's knife and her hands, if she made a single movement, she could change the atmosphere in a second.
She is more interested in concentrating on the color of her husband's eyes, since it would be easier for her to use her powers on him, if he was lucky she would hardly notice it, she only needs to go into his mind to return to the moment he infiltrated the tower and find out where the dagger is located.
Damian smiles and of course she has seen that smile on his stupid face before.
He puts a hand on top of hers. "Do you think I'm a fool?"
Had he noticed?
The line hints that he is angry, yet the smile lingers on his lips and his hand glides to her forearm gently stroking his fingertips against the skin. Raven feels as if a chill ran down her back to her feet, and this shouldn't be happening.
She has work to do.
"I would never think that."
He narrows his eyes, abandons the touch and she think that he is going to move away, however, he walks to her side, looks her in the eye. She holds her breath, her hormones appear out of nowhere, and this is a bad time for her body to remind her that they haven't touched in months.
Damian does nothing, burns her with his gaze and can't think of anything else to where this scene can end.
It is she who first leans over, stands on tiptoe and places a kiss against his lower lip, it’s soft and subtly feels proper. He shouldn't slide so simply, he still has to answer the Titans, even after all his criticism of their bad judgment, he was still wrong.
Damian caresses her neck and his hands are familiar, safe.
Her interior cries.
How can she live without this? How can she be with someone who she thinks they belong to be part of such a dangerous organization? She is the daughter of an intergalactic demon, a conqueror of worlds, a genocide, she is no one to judge the past or the life of another person, she curses her own bad luck for getting involved with someone dangerous.
Damian knows how to play in the right places, knows her weak points, her erogenous zones, slides a hand under her shirt right on his hip, her hand remains in circles and she is sighing against his lips.
Raven caresses his torso, from the hips to his heart, her hand remains on the organ and she feels his heartbeat, kisses him so hard that he stumbles and one of hid hands wraps around her waist raising her a few centimeters. Now they are face to face.
He kisses her back with the same intensity, caresses her hair and pulls her ponytail leaving loose on her back. Raven growls but is silenced when he meets her lips again and now it's like a fight.
She remembers the moment when she realized that she could live her whole life with Damian, when the lights had adorned the city at night, and they met for dinner at his apartment in Gotham. They had only known each other for two months and she had escaped in a portal at night just to see him, because a voice she did not know begged her because she wanted to have more of him.
He has the look of a bad boy, an arrogant posture, full of pridefulness, at first glance the type of man you do not want to run into because he will steal your heart without a drop of remorse. He will run away with your heart in his hands and he will throw it away, but he thinks she is a generous soul, she believes that Damian Wayne can be a beautiful person, difficult to find, one of those who prefers actions to words.
Everything is going so well that it scares her too much, but she doesn't want to run away. She thinks how difficult it is to maintain a relationship with her other identities, the dangers and death that surround them, she really wants to be honest and tell her story, but it would also be something harmful for someone with Damian Wayne, son of a billionaire, who has had stability all his life (Later she would find out that he did not always have a privileged life). She would screw it up and she doesn't want to.
They had been talking about Oliver Twist, oriental spices and new tea that she wants to try while drinking wine in glasses. This is comfortable, she could feed on his company alone, she would be happy; her life had not been fun, she thought that her twenty-one years was beyond her expectations, but she found himself wishing for this.
He now holds a glass of wine in his hand, sitting on the couch with his eyes fixed on the city lights, she thinks she has not seen anyone more beautiful.
She smiles "I'm in love with you. "
Damian raises an eyebrow, leaves the wine glass on the table, and smiles at her. "Me too."
Raven feels something melt in her heart. It would never be the same.
She walks towards the sofa where he is, sits on his lap and Damian surrounds her waist interlacing his hands on her waist, they press their bodies together and Raven rests her head on his chest, contemplating the set of buildings that make up the city.
Her heart feels full.
She looks him in the eyes "Hello, stranger," Raven says with a small glance, it is as if they were looking at each other for the first time, she remembers that stranger in the bar who had tied her up with just a dance.
Damian smiles.
Raven remembers that moment.
Now everything has changed, they have been married for years with a commitment that was breaking in front of their eyes, perhaps if they had been more honest with each other, but still taking her breath away when looking at him, Damian's kisses make her feel that others do not compare with him.
They are kissing in the kitchen without caring about the sound from the outside. Raven can melt right now, stroking his short hair through her fingers and pulling, wanting them to pressed closed together even more.
Lust fills the room with a carmine red color. Many had thought of passion and lust is a fiery red, like anger, but it is carmine like the shade of blood, just as dangerous.
Suddenly they are struggling to remove the other's clothes, pulling so hard that they pull buttons, new threads form and when she struggles with his shirt. She feels like he growls when he feels the pinch of a nail on his skin, but only pushes him to want to kiss her with more strength.
"I know about you," Damian growls between kisses. His palms run over her collarbone, between her breasts and down to the base of her stomach, he stops there as if he was mocking her. "I know who you are. "
Raven gives him a push, putting distance between their bodies, as if she wanted to establish distance. She needs distance, she knows that the sight of their bodies could be tempting, so she struggles to focus on what is important and not on his bare torso, his skin is golden and strong. He had recently kissed her mouth and tried to touch every part of her body.
They gasp for air.
Raven's skirt is torn, he had made a cut at the waist and now she has to hold it so that it falls to the ground, the shirt she had worn is open revealing a bodice made of lace. It is a disaster; they are a disaster.
 "How do you know that?"
Damian frowns "I saw you. My father reviewed the recordings, as I think the Titans did. "
"Your father? "
He is not a murderer, but the son of Batman, how ...
"My father wanted the dagger made of the blood diamond. He needed to trick the Titans into not becoming a target for the league."
She is not surprised by Batman, he is always one step ahead of the other heroes, playing their battles and establishing plans that would make them pawns with a one-piece move.
Her father-in-law is Batman.
"He could have asked us for the dagger."
A smile glides over his lips. "Where would the fun be in that, Raven?"
His voice takes on a dangerous tone, it is like an animal preparing to attack its prey from the unknown, but she does not intend to fall for this. This day started in a strange way, she could pray to Azarath for normality to return to her life, but was it ever?
The world is a small place, of all the men that she could have ended up with, she chose the son of Bruce Wayne, who also acts as a vigilante. She should have known.
She is glad that the dagger is in the hands of Batman, she is glad that he is not a murderer, but she still feels that they have to fill empty spaces in her story.
If only the mind will not travel to dangerous places, perhaps they could have a moment to confess, they would take their time to explain their story and listen, but their imagination is like a closed room, it cannot escape.
He extends his hand caressing her cheek, traces the line of her lips with his thumb and is looking directly into her eyes, they look as if they have just met. She returns to that apartment in Gotham City when they behave like two heated teenagers for maintaining physical and emotional contact for the other. His eyes had been like jade, shiny and new, the color of hope and life, it represented a new beginning and she had thought that he had bewitched her because every time he gave her a look, she felt that he has her in his hands.
At what point had they cooled down?
She runs her hands on his shoulders, she feels like he relaxes instantly. She leaves a palm over his heart; it still beats with the same intensity.
They look into each other's eyes "Hello, stranger. "
Damian raises his eyebrows recognizing that phrase and captures her lips in a deep kiss, pressing hard on her lips.
She was getting lost; they could set the end of the world and she would only care about holding this moment together with Damian. Holding him in her arms and kissing his lips is her vice, he would not leave him for anything.
Hours later they are crammed on the sofa, Raven is wearing a shirt that she had found in the closet, it is not hers, she had been too lazy to dress in her own clothes and they decide to spend the afternoon lying down ordering food at home and they eat from the leftovers of the breakfast strawberries.
It touches her lips, it is something subtle, almost accidental, but she gets his full attention and rolls her eyes because she feels Damian is like the forbidden fruit to her. Every time he feels that she perceives herself as a dangerous woman, he would never get bored of this and he is willing If he break the rules, he can't resist Raven's touch.
He doesn't care what his father has to say.
She doesn't care what the Titans say.
69 notes · View notes
a-duck-with-a-book · 3 years
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REVIEW // Seven Blades in Black (The Grave of Empires #1) by Sam Sykes
Disclaimer: while I was reading this book, I found out that Sam Sykes has been accused by numerous women of sexual harassment. You can find more information about it below: - a post listing several accusations of misconduct - twitter post responding to the situation - one of the accusations against Sam Sykes - his quickly-deleted apology Suffice to say, I have no intention of continuing this series or reading any more of his books.
I have a lot to say about this novel, so I’ll begin by making a quick bullet point list outlining what I liked and disliked:
Cavric <3
Lisette deserved better
Some interesting concepts in the world building
Sal as a narrator
Sal as an antihero
Sal as a person in general
Writing style
Constant interruptions
Meandering narrative
The “narrator knows something but the writer avoids revealing it until the end for the drama” trope
This is a Big Tough World and Nobody Gets To Be Happy
Lesbians written by a man who harasses women
Unnecessarily long
// image: official cover art Jeremy Wilson //
Let’s begin with the full review by starting with the (few) positives, shall we?
First and foremost, I genuinely enjoyed Cavric and Lisette. It is unfortunate that they had to deal with Sal for the entirety of the novel, but we’ll get to her later. If this book had been a buddy adventure with these two, in which Cavric slowly shows Lisette that she is in a toxic relationships and deserves to move on and find someone better for herself, I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more. Secondly (and finally), Sykes introduced some genuinely interesting world building. The background of the Empire and the Scar was fascinating to read, but unfortunately did not save the rest of this mess.
Alright now let’s rant.
I have 35 notes and 52 highlights from this book, so this might get block quote heavy. (Go check out my notes if you want to see me slowly lose my sanity)
Sal is awful. I know she’s meant to be awful, but she’s not flawed in the way that I think Sykes was trying to write her. I believe she was intended to be a scruffy, lovable antihero who fought her way through a dangerous landscape with her sharp blade and even sharper tongue. A girl who had wrongs committed against her in the past, who did terrible things but is now on the road to an epic redemption arc. She shoots bad guys, she says f*ck and a*s a lot, and she is morally complex. That’s the character that Sykes was trying to make. The one he created, however, is a genuinely terrible person who I had no desire to see come out on top. I have a myriad of issues with her, but let’s outline a couple below: (1) She is incredibly toxic for Lisette. Am I getting a bit too heated about a fictional relationship? Sure. Was I happy to read a toxic lesbian romance written by a man who sexually harasses women? Nope. It kind of grossed me out, actually. Anyway, let me give you a run down of their relationship. Sal arrives. Sal and Lisette sleep together. Sal asks Lisette to give her weapons and or fix things for her. Sal sneaks away, telling herself no good will come of this relationship and they will only cause each other pain. Sal needs something. Sal comes back. Repeat over and over. She constantly says, throughout the book, that it would be better if they just left each other, but then again Sal is the one who goes back to Lisette over and over, causing her renewed heartbreak. I don’t know if Sykes thought that simply making Sal aware of how terrible this behavior was was enough, but it just made me incredibly frustrated. At one point Sal says:
”Intellect like hers is a curse. The more you understand of the world, the less of it you trust.”
Yes, Sal, that’s what’s giving her trust issues. Her intelligence. Nice. By the end of the book, it seems that they are on the mend-I’m getting end-game vibes from these two. But honestly, I spent the entire time thinking that Lisette deserved so much better than Sal. Like literally a chicken would have provided healthier companionship. I’ll end with this quote, in which Lisette outlines perfectly why Sal does not deserve her:
“What am I doing wrong that you’d choose this over me?”
(2) Sal is annoying. Really, really annoying. I kid you not, half of this book is made up of Sal’s snarky comments. She is badass. She has a gun. She is an outlaw. And she will never, EVER shut up about it. Imagine a quirky line after an otherwise dark or action-packed sequence. Funny, right? Might break the tension, make the narrator more endearing, etc. Now imagine one such line after every. Single. Paragraph. Picture a violent battle scene where the protagonist is fighting for their lives against a ruthless opponent. Now insert a snarky comment after every other paragraph and watch the entire flow of the scene fall apart with constant interruptions. That’s what this book is-which brings me to my next point.
The writing isn’t great. There are constant interruptions, meandering narratives, and the trope that haunts me in nearly every dark fantasy novel I read-This is a Big Tough World and Nobody Gets To Be Happy-is shoved repeatedly in your face. Let’s start with the interruptions, returning to my previous point (ie. Sal never shuts up), by looking at this sequence:
I  followed the shrieking wind. I had come here prepared for something bad. But I wasn’t prepared for just how bad it was. I rounded the corner of the hall, came out atop a battlement. The wind struck me with a screaming gale, forcing me to shield my face and cling to the stone for purchase. My eyes squinted against the harshness of the light, the kind of offensive pale you only see in your nightmares. And through them, I could see the bowed shapes of towers sagging, the flayed flesh of banners whipping in a wind that wouldn’t cease, the shadows of figures frozen in a death that had brought no peace. And I knew where I was. There was nothing that had ever made Fort Dogsjaw special. It had never been crucial for defense, never a hub for trade, it hadn’t even been named for anything special—the commander just liked the sound of it. It lived its whole life a regular, boring Imperial fort on the edge of the Husks. It only got important at the time of its death. Over three hundred mages and a few thousand regulars had assembled here in one day—some to receive assignments, some to man the garrison, some to head back to Cathama on leave. They had been laughing, cursing, drinking when the news came that the new Emperor of Cathama was a nul, born with no magic. And then there had been a moment of silence.
I’ve bolded for emphasis, but do you see what I’m talking about? The paragraph-line-paragraph-line format is so annoying to read, I had to put the book down at certain points because of how frustrated I got. It interrupted the forward movement of the story, making the novel drag on and on.
You know what else makes this feel like the nightmare version of the Never-ending Story? The page count. I don’t mind long books-The Priory of the Orange Tree is one of my favorite reads so far this year, and it’s longer than this one-but they have to have a reason for being so hefty. As I mentioned earlier, a considerable chunk of Seven Blades of Black is Sal making her awful, awful, AWFUL asides. I literally cannot express how much I despise those comments. Okay, let’s move on before I get hung up on THOSE STUPID COM-*cough*
This novel is marred by unnecessary lines and a meandering plot that drag out the story. One instance is the amount of times that Sal is a second away from killing someone and, for some reason (usually not a good one), fails in her goal. She places a gun at someone’s head and goes through a whole monologue in her head until the person miraculously escapes. This type of subversion of expectations is fine every once in a while, but if you are going to build up to a crucial moment and then take away the satisfaction of the defeat of some villain (or mini-boss, as many of the antagonists in this book feel like), then you need to have a good reason for doing it upwards of twenty times in ONE BOOK. Secondly, if you spend almost the entire novel setting up more and more villains and stressing how hard they are to kill and how dangerous their powers are (and presenting them separately and isolated), then when you have them all in one place at the end, at which point the protagonists starts going through them like a plate of french fries at a seagull convention, then you’re kind of taking away the satisfaction of the death. Somehow, this book manages to do both. We are constantly teased with almost-kills, then at the end Sal just blows through everyone in five seconds, easy-peasy.
I’m almost done, I swear-just two more gripes.
So much of the tension of this book rests on the fact that Sal, our narrator and our main viewpoint into the story, knows something that we don’t. I’ll be upfront with you-I hate this trope. If our POV character, the one whose mind we are in constantly, is entirely aware of something that happened before the beginning of the novel, and the author keeps from revealing that something for the entirety of the story solely to add drama, then I will not be a happy reader. Where is the logic. We are in this person’s mind. Just show us already and add tension ELSEWHERE.
And FINALLY (as painful as it was for you to read this, it was worse for me to write it), another issue I have with a lot of dark fantasy (see my review of Nevernight) is that the author really, really wants us to know that this is an incredibly dangerous and dark world by filling it to the brim with edge lord narrators, Big Guns, and, usually, women being harrased-because why not force all your female readers to constantly have to read about women getting assaulted? Apart from Sal’s 300,000 comments explaining to us that she is an asshole, that the Scar is Dangerous, and that she has Killed A Lot of People, we as readers must sit through hundreds of lines of dialogue and exposition that beat us over the head with the fact that this is DARK fantasy. This isn’t your nice little fairy adventure-no sir. Here we have Swear Words and Violence and Men writing Queer Women. To emphasize just how blatant Sykes is with the dark part of dark fantasy, let me tell you about an exchange Sal has with three old ladies who run a criminal empire. In the 2-3 pages that these women appear in, we are told, in some form or other, that they are grandmas who kill people, a grand total of, I kid you not, ELEVEN TIMES. Here are some excerpts from that whole situation:
”“Now, now.” Yoc, old and white haired and sweet as a grandmother—if that grandmother also had people killed on the regular—smiled at me. “I’m sure she has a good reason for being here.” She raised the hand that had signed the contracts that had killed a thousand men and women and took up her whiskey glass. “After all, I’m sure she knows how much we don’t like having our game interrupted.”” *I counted this as one since it’s in the same exchange but technically he mentions it TWICE
”…one didn’t waste the Three’s time if one didn’t want to end up with their teeth pried out.”
”How often do you meet the three old ladies who have people killed for money?”
”I said we should kill her on principle.”
”“But you know how many orphans I’ve made, don’t you, dear?””
”“He’s not so unlike us, is he? A murderer, yes. A monster to some. But, at his heart, a businessman.”
”Theirs were the hands that signed a thousand death contracts a year.”
”When they could be bothered to look up from their game, they decided who lived and died with a stroke of their pen.”
”At a word, they could have me stripped, tied, tortured, and cut up…”
”the Three don’t lie. Their assassins do. Their thieves do. But they don’t.”
”I had already wasted their time and I knew the Three were being generous just letting me fuck off instead of having me killed for the effort.”
TL;DR - Sal is annoying, Sykes is a bad writer, and Someone should have stopped me from reading this book
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