#artemis x reader
starless-nightz · 17 days
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acradelius · 2 months
So can you please do young justice miss martian and Artemis (seperate) X GN Reader who's Lobo's kid who's a hero and when Lobo finds out Reader is dating he kidnaps them and leaves a note on where to find him and he does the parent interrogation on them and he approves of them in the end and releases them
"Sorry, Apparently My Dad's Overprotective."
Fandom: Young Justice
Pairings: Artemis Crock x Gender Neutral! Reader, Miss Martian ("M'Gann M'orzz") x Gender Neutral! Reader
Rating: Lime [🟢] - (Equivalent to PG-13)
Warnings/Mention Ofs: General Neutral! Reader, They/Them Pronouns For Reader, Alien x Alien Relationship, Alien x Human Relationship, Unmentioned - Reader Is An Adult, Reader Technically A "Good Guy" Despite Loba's History, Fake Kidnapping, Parent Interrogation, "Good Intentions" Interrogations, Loba Threatening Reader's Partner As A "Parental Warning".
Word Count: 1,353 Words
Notes: It's been quite some time since I've actually watched Young Justice again, so these characters are probably OOC. My apologies.
If you want to be tagged for all posts, for certain fandoms, or certain characters then feel free to message me!
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There wasn’t no doubt that “The Main Man” was nothing less than a ruthless alien bounty hunter. How he would happily oblige when told by those who hired him for his missions to “put on a show for the locals”, recklessly making his way through anything that happens to stand in his way, completing his missions with maybe just some scratches. An indestructible killing machine with absolutely no weakness, at least without being dismembered, but even then that doesn’t do much but buy people maybe a couple of months without his presence. Yet, there was one thing that he considered to be his weakness, not that he would just openly state what it was to everyone he came across but it was his own child, his own offspring: (Y/N).
Whenever the conversation had come about and (Y/N) had expressed their interest about wanting to stay upon Earth for the time being, despite being hesitant about the decision, Lobo had agreed. Upon discovering during one of his own bounties that his child had joined what was known as “The Team”, which was a group of young superheroes that were assigned to undertake covert missions on behalf of the Justice League, he was also hesitant about their decision, but decided to support them either way and they exchanged a nod of acknowledgement and understanding. (Y/N) was beginning to finally grow into their own individual as they departed from their father’s side and began to make their own decisions and choices, to finally forge their own path in life. Lobo couldn’t say anything else besides that he was proud and ultimately excited to see where (Y/N)’s choices would take them in life. Yet, that was until Lobo had discovered that they were in a relationship with another member of the team, and those paternal instincts within him knew that he had to take action.
Artemis Crock:
They had been planning this date for ages now, probably a couple of weeks to a month now. A chance for the both of them to get away from the busy things that kept them occupied within life. For (Y/N) to be able to take a breather from taking on countless missions with the Team, while Artemis would be able to take a break from grading countless literature essays from her teaching classes at Royal University. Yet, when it’s now about thirty minutes past the time that they were supposed to meet up and no communication from (Y/N) stating that they were going to be late, Artemis is becoming slightly worried and slightly on edge. Are they okay? Did something happen to them? It was only some of her answers being resolved once she had made it to (Y/N)’s place of residence and finding the piece of paper left by Lobo stating a location for Artemis to meet him at.
Upon reaching the destination from the note, Artemis is firsthand met with a seemingly pouting (Y/N). Arms crossed while slight annoyance had overtaken their features, that was until they had caught sight of Artemis. “State your business with my child, human.” Lobo’s voice overcomes any other noises in the area, his dark red eyes piercing into Artemis, muscular arms crossed over his chest in an attempt to make himself more menacing. Artemis raises a slight eyebrow in confusion before leaning over slightly to glance over at (Y/N), who has slowly made their way closer to both Artemis and Lobo. “He means that he wants to know your intentions of being with me, revolving around our relationship.” Artemis is almost insulted at hearing that Lobo is questioning Artemis’s intentions with being in a relationship with (Y/N), sort of speaking, and her hands immediately go to land on her hips.
It’s something like an intense staredown between their partner and their father, something similar to those showdown scenes within those old wild west films. (Y/N)’s waiting patiently, seeing who would be the first one to break between the both of them. “You don’t believe that I have what it takes to love (Y/N)? To be able to make sure that they’re happy and taken care of while you go galavanting along throughout the galaxy?” Upon hearing Artemis’s remark in response to him questioning her intentions with (Y/N), Lobo’s eyes widened in not only surprise, but amusement as well. “Well, quite the amusing one, aren’t you, human? ..but, straight-up, brutal honesty..” A soft chuckle leaves Lobo’s lips as he proceeds to turn back to glance at (Y/N), who has a flustered blush upon their face while they stand there almost nervously at what this outcome could be. “Oh, don’t you fret, little one. Your partner gets to live to see another day with you.. But, you make sure that you let me know if this puny human even lays a finger on you wrongly and I will crush them into a pulp.”
M’Gann M'orzz:
It was the actuality that they were both extraterrestrial individuals still adjusting to the quite numerous customs and cultures of that on Earth that had caused M’Gann and (Y/N) to have been brought together. (Y/N) having spent many days assisting M’Gann cook various goods or secretly watching reruns of that show she had based her original appearance on, M’Gann having spent many days watch as (Y/N) would vigorously train just to pass time or spending countless hours talking about the places that them and their father had visited during his bounties, leaving out the parts about how their father slaughtered countless lives. The similarities that the two individuals have grows into a close friendship, which soon results into a romantic relationship with one another. Overall, things were going quite well between M’Gann and (Y/N). Yet, with all good things there’s typically a bad thing that comes along with them. What was supposed to be a relaxing evening after return from a mission turns around to be a moment of panic as M’Gann comes upon the destruction of the headquarters of Mount Justice, and a note that had been left by Lobo stating M’Gann meet him at a location if she ever wanted to see (Y/N) again.
While she’s expecting a full blown retaliation and fight from Lobo, M’Gann is actually surprised to find that it’s just Lobo and (Y/N), and they are currently arguing with each other. She has to take a moment to process the scene in front of her before she starts giggling softly which captures the attention of the arguing duo. “Oh, M’Gann! Thank goodness you’re here! Can you tell me dad that we are perfectly fine and you’re not planning on probing me or sucking my brains out through a straw?” She couldn’t help but to begin busting out in laughter, knowing that (Y/N) must’ve been referencing those old, classic rumors about what extraterrestrials would do to humans after abducting them. Floating on over, she proceeds to take a gentle hold of (Y/N)’s hands, giving a sincere smile while glancing over at Lobo. “I can guarantee that us Martians don’t particularly participate in.. those peculiar rumors.
It doesn’t necessarily take much time to clear up the confusion and rumors from the conversations, Lobo explaining that he essentially had kidnapped his own offspring once finding out that they were in a relationship to figure out what M’Gann’s true intentions of being with (Y/N) were. “Don’t you worry, Sir.. I promise you that my intentions are pure and true, and that I’ll make sure to take care of them as they take care of me.” A moment of silence overcomes the three as they stand there, (Y/N) ultimately waiting for a response of approval, hopefully, or what would be another argument between father and child. “Fine then,” Lobo finally states, turning his head slightly to glance at (Y/N), giving a nod of approval. “I’ll accept that for now, but you hurt even one strand of hair on their head, and you’ll be hoping that I make it quick for you.”
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Artemis: you think you can take me on?
Y/N: yeah. With this.
Y/N holds up a pencil
Artemis goes pale white…
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ficreadergirl · 1 year
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kr1slvr · 5 months
Hello! If you’re still doing Artemis fowl, how about a Yandere Artemis fowl with gn reader with cuddling hc? No worries if you don’t do Artemis anymore, have a good day! :)
A/N: oh my god, i'm so so sorry for not responding to this earlier, i wasn't even aware i had gotten this request! i still write for artemis, yes, i hope you enjoy this <3
warning/s: yandere behavior, envy, mentions of kidnapping, a hint of manipulation
word count:
you lied in your bed, not able to sleep. you turned over to face the clock, 2:34 AM. god.. how long had you been stuck here?
Artemis was originally just a guy you met at school. he was cold, calculating, quiet, but never afraid to show how little he respected someone.
when you met him, you would've never thought he'd end up falling for you. it took weeks before he even started acting like he tolerated you. then the months went by, and you two were growing closer by the day. sadly, he snapped when he saw you interacting with Oliver, the boy who had a crush on you.
if only you had seen the look in his eyes before agreeing to go home with him. now you had been stuck at the Fowl Manor for.. what? three weeks?
Artemis respected your space and let you have time for yourself, but sometimes you'd still feel bothered by his stare as he sat on the edge of your bed.
..would it be so bad to give him a chance? after all this time, you were getting a bit desperate. you did like him before he abducted you, did you not?
you slowly got up and knocked on the door to Artemis' room. he had taken the liberty of making sure you could always reach him— and so he could always reach you.
Artemis opened the door, looking a bit groggy. "did you need something?" his voice was slightly raspy, telling you you woke him up just now.
"a-ah.. yes, uhm.." you took a deep breath. "could we cuddle? i can't sleep." you adverted your gaze, not wanting to watch his reaction.
a minute went by before he responded. "is that all? of course we can." he showed you that oh-so rare smile of his. he led you to his bed and lied you down. he wrapped his arms around your torso and held you with your face to his chest.
he rubbed comforting circles onto your back and occasionally kissed the top of your head. was it so bad to give in...? this felt nice, comforting even.
it didn't take all too long before you dozed off. as you slept, Artemis had to keep himself from giggling. the lower half of his face was pressed into the top of your head, hiding his giant grin. how long had he been waiting for this? months at least. you were starting to accept you were his, and you did it willingly.
he just loved you so much, how could he let you go? his grip around you tightened ever so slightly as he began to doze off as well. "goodnight, darling." he whispered, pressing one last kiss to your forehead.
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Artemis Crock × Reader.
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Artemis laid on the floor holding her, sure to be broken, ribs as she tried breathing properly. "Stop!" You were not a hero like your girlfriend but when this man showed up you didn't hesitate to step in.
"Get out of the way." The man slapped you across the face again.
"Stop!" Artemis cried out making you turn only to get kicked to the ground.
"Stop hurting her!" Artemis begged. The man stood over you grabbing you by the neck then lifted you and slammed you against the wall. You were sure you heard a bone or two breaking.
"Dad please stop." Artemis cried and you were in slightly too much pain to realise what she had said. You felt yourself begining to choke and you tried breaking lose but his grip was too strong.
"Stop you're gonna kill her!" Artemis pulled out something from her back and next thing you know is you drop to the floor then on your knees but before you could fall over Artemis grabbed you in her arms.
You coughed and wheezed trying to breathe again seeing the man had an arrow in his arm and hand he got up and walked away.
You cupped Artemis's cheeks looking in her eyes seeing her tears. "Hey." You coughed wiping her tears away and quickly pecked her lips hissing when you felt yours stinging.
"I'm so sorry." She apologised and you shook your head. "I'm not mad at you. I'm not going anywhere. But I think we both need to go to a hospital." You said and she smiled softly.
"No hospital is gonna take as good a care of you as I will." She picked you up bridal style then walked you home.
//At Home//
Artemis walked in and to her room where she put you on her bed. Rushing to get the first aid kit.
"I need to see if you got hurt underneath your shirt." She said and you nodded lifting your arms as she took your shirt off. You were surprised by how good she was at being a medic. She even walked you through helping her get bandaged.
"This isn't how I imagined being the first time to see you shirtless." You admitted with a sheepish smile. "Oh really?" She smiled before sitting down next to you on the bed.
"Wasn't mine either." She admitted making you chuckle then rest your head on her shoulder while taking her hand in yours.
"We'll have to do it again." You said making her laugh as she laid down pulling you into her arms. "We most definitely do." Artemis agreed making you smile.
Despite the terror you felt earlier being in her arms once again brought your mind to ease as you fell into a tranquil silence.
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rory-cakes · 2 years
I can't get the idea of being in a love triangle with wally and Artemis from young justice out of my head
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buckysdarling · 1 month
watching bucky's dog tags while he fucks you <3
"mmm, sweetheart. pussy feels s'good," he murmured as he laid on top of you. but you're too dizzy to respond to him. even if you were, it wouldn't matter. all you can let out is "fuck" and pieces of his name. instinctively, your eyes land on his dog tags dangling over you as he's fucking you. soft, damaged hints of gray with a name you'd yell until your lungs gave out. the name of a man who knew he was the only one who could get that out of you. "you still with me, pretty girl?" he asks. of course you weren't, though. the only sounds you let out were whimpers and gasps that made his cock twitch every single time. he knows that he's fucked you a little too good when you're all shy with him.
he loves to think about it all the time. just another way for him to remind you that he's the only one who could make you scream like that. after all, it's his proudest achievement. <3
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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diordeer · 4 months
“it's never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter. it's never over, she is the tear that hangs inside my soul forever” - jeff buckley (smau)
CONTAINS charlie bushnell x fem!reader CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR BOOK THREE, this is a bit shorter bc i cant do much drama in the comments considering they dont know eachover yet
DESCRIPTION reader plays as artemis in season 3 of percy jackson (can we pls pretend artemis is in an older body), and also does ballet .. there is no specific face claim but she is white with blonde hair
TAGLIST @amoreva @liviessun @reet8713 @m00ng4z3r @tortured-poets-depxrtment @izuoyarmin @perseus-jackass @poppyflower-22 @pleasingregulus @balletfilmss @bowerfeithwk @tomblythsslut @mysterioussmae @niktwazny303
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Liked by leahsavajeffries, dior.n.goodjohn and others
yn.ln life rn 🩰
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user1 did u guys see the percy series post??
↳ user2 omg shes playing artemis!!!!
user3 ur account is so pretty
↳ yn.ln 😘😘
user4 i cant wait for artemis and zöe they are my favs!
↳ user5 i dont think i will be able to deal with her death!
user6 omg AND ariana greenblatt?! we are getting fed!!
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Liked by walker.scobell, iamcharliebushnell and others
Percyseries joining the cast of season 3 of ‘Percy Jackson & The Olympians’ are yn.ln and Ariana Greenblatt, as Artemis, and Zöe nightshade
Ln’s Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, is a daring and brave warriors who leads the group of her ‘Huntresses’.
Greenblatt’s Zöe Nightshade being one of those, as a loyal lieutenant. She is a determined, yet stubborn character, who leads the quest in saving Artemis.
tagged yn.ln, ariana_greenblatt
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user1 OH MY GOD ?!?!
user2 the hunters of artemis are my roman empire
user3 the artemis and zöe we deserve!!
dior.n.goodjohn excitiinggggg
Direct Messages:
Dior: heyy yn!
You: hi!
Dior: i was just wondering if u wanted to meet up with a few of us before filming? Like to meet eachover ☺️
You: omg obviously!! When?
Dior: maybe this weekend? Its not everyone, like just me, charlie, walker, and aryan, i think leahs busy not sure tho 😞
You: alr!! Ill check if im free!
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Liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries and others
yn.ln had so much fun meeting everyone 😋
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aryansimhadri THAT MUG OF ME?! UNCALLED FOR!
↳ yn.ln you posed for it… all i did was post 🤷‍♀️
leahsavajeffries i cant believe i couldnt make it!! argh im so upset, i have to meet up with u soon!
↳ yn.ln ikkk 😖 give me a date and time ill come at ur will
user1 how is luke still alive this man is invincible
↳ user2 are we complaining tho 🤷‍♀️ like anything for more charlie screen time lets be real
dior.n.goodjohn already missing u 😖
↳ yn.ln im suffering withdrawal!
walker.scobell that food was banging
↳ aryansimhadri i want it again NOW!
user3 i love how she just met them and they already seem so close
↳ yn.ln who said that? I literally hate them all
↳ iamcharliebushnell yeah this girl is the bane of my existence, i saw her and instantly knew i didnt like her
↳ user3 exactly my point!
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starless-nightz · 29 days
Btw i also write for ships, even if I dont write for the said character, if I write for at least one character i will write the ship! I also write poly! ship x reader (unless its a straight ship) :33
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 1
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader)Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 3631 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
(21 years old)
'All right, team,' Y/N Prince addressed her small group of young heroes. 'Good work today. Now go hit the showers and enjoy a nice quiet night in. You've earned it.'
'So crash!' Bart cried with an energetic jump. If anyone were to guess how the team's week had been solely based on Bart's energy, they would've said it had been cruisy. Not that Y/N had led a covert task force over the past week into Bialya to take down meta-human trafficking outposts.
Y/N watched with pride as Bart and Jaime bantered on their way out, followed by Stephanie and Cassie chatting excitedly about something, all the while Tim and Cassie held hands quietly. It had surprised the team a little how, out of the blue, the two of them were dating. But if Wally's death had taught them all anything, it was that time was too precious to waste in their line of work. They'd been together ever since.
Two years, Y/N mentally noted, and suddenly the adrenaline she'd been running on for the past week died as the last of the team exited the entrance chamber of the Watchtower. Exhaustion weighed down on her spent body, but an extra weight now sat in heart. Has it really been that long already?
So much had changed in that time. Like how the Young Justice began working out of the Watchtower alongside the Justice League, having both the Hall of Justice and Mount Justice destroyed by the Reach and the Light respectively. M'gann and Connor were back together, having finally gotten over their differences and accepted their mistakes. Also, Kaldur had been offered a position in the Justice League following the retirement of his king, and so Kaldur took his place as the new Aquaman in the Justice League. M'gann was promoted to new team leader, with Connor and Y/N assisting her as senior members of the team.
Some things had remained the same, however. Like the team's energy and slight dysfunction that always made Y/N feel at home. They weren't perfect, but what family ever is?
Dick was still gone. So was Artemis. She'd, understandably, retired as Green Arrow's protégé immediately after Wally's death, assuming her undercover identity Tigress instead and going off on her own. Neither had stayed in touch with anyone on the team.
You're my best friend. Always have been, always will be...
'Yeah right,' Y/N mumbled bitterly as she made her way to the conference room. No doubt that'd be where M'gann and Connor were waiting for her to debrief the mission.
Upon entering the room with the long table, she was immediately embraced by M'gann. 'Welcome back,' she said, squeezing Y/N tighter. 'We're so glad you're okay.'
Y/N smiled softly as she embraced M'gann in return. 'You ever doubted me?'
'No,' Connor answered, 'but you can never be too cautious right?'
Y/N let go of M'gann to hug Connor as well. Since getting back together, Connor wasn't as emotionally suppressed as he'd initially been. It was nice seeing him this way, more happy and free. The same effect had happened to M'gann, who (only around the team and the Justice League) revealed her white martian self proudly instead of pretending to be something she wasn't.
'You're right,' Y/N said as she released him, then the three of them took a seat to discuss the mission.
The debrief didn't take long, there wasn't much to report on as all out-posts had been hit successfully, putting Queen Bee's meta-human trafficking at least a little behind.
'It's not much, but it's the best we could do with the little information we got,' Y/N admitted. 'I dislike Queen Bee and her minions as much as the next person, but I've got to give it to her, she knows how to keep things under wraps.'
M'gann reached across from where she sat and closed her hand over Y/N's. 'Y/N, the mission was a success,' M'gann insisted. 'And what's most important is that you brought everyone home. Alive.'
Y/N heard the underlying fear in her words, the memory she was thinking of as she spoke them. Y/N twisted her hand over to clasp M'gann's in return. 'I know,' she said softly. 'But I just... we haven't so much as put a dent into the underbelly of meta-human trafficking in the two years it's been running. Somedays... Somedays I just feel so useless.'
'I know, Y/N,' Connor reassured. 'But we've just got to trust that our hard work will pay off eventually. I know it doesn't seem like much now, but every mission counts. Don't be so hard on yourself.'
Y/N withdrew her hand at the comment, hastily standing up. 'Don't be hard on myself? My mother is Wonder Woman, is the Champion of Themyscira, a World War II hero, and had already saved the world once by my age now. My father was a fighter pilot in the Iran-Iraq war and died fighting for his country,' she said angrily. 'And what am I doing? Hiding under the protection of darkness, taking out small outposts that will just be rebuilt elsewhere just as quickly? How can I not be hard on myself?'
At M'gann's taken aback expression, Y/N felt slightly guilty for raising her voice. But they just didn't understand. All her life, she'd been training and fighting for her supposed "destiny". Surely this wasn't it.
'I'm sorry,' Y/N said, forcing herself to calm down. 'I just...'
'You don't have to a apologise,' M'gann interrupted, standing and walking over to Y/N to clasp their hands together. 'After all we've done together, I understand that what we do now doesn't seem like enough. But I can tell you were made for more.'
Y/N offered her a grateful smile and M'gann let their hands drop. 'I should go. Mother and I have patrol in Washington DC tonight.'
'Already?' M'gann asked, face dropping with disappointment. 'But you just got back. Surely she knows that.'
'Unfortunately, even in the country's capital, crime never sleeps. I'm just grateful it's nothing like Gotham,' Y/N said.
'I agree,' Connor said. 'Visited there once with-' He paused for a moment, eyes growing wary as he looked between Y/N and M'gann. But Y/N already knew what he was going to say and gave him a slight nod to continue anyway. 'With Dick. We did patrol once there together. To put it simply, they're all nutcases there.'
Y/N managed an amused half-smile. 'You're not wrong there,' she said, then made her way to the door. Before she reached the doorknob, M'gann called out.
'Maybe when you're free next, you can join us for dinner at home,' she offered, her eyes hopeful as she waited Y/N's answer.
'Yeah,' she eventually answered though it wasn't as enthusiastic as she should've been. 'Yeah, that'd be nice. I'll talk to you guys soon. Don't stay up here too late.'
It had to be close to 7pm in Washington DC at least, so there weren't many people still left in the Watchtower. Just those from the League and her team that were rostered for overnight supervision. Y/N made sure to greet each person she walked by on the way to the Zeta-tubes. But just as she was about to dial in her code to leave, a resounding voice made her pause.
'Wonderess,' Kaldur called. 'Not even a hello before you head off for another mission?'
Y/N smirked as she turned back around to face the new hero of Atlantis. 'I'm sorry, Aquaman,' she said in an exaggerated tone. 'Not all of us can sit around having team parties with our Justice League buddies.'
To anyone else, it would've been taken as an insult. But Kaldur saw her humour and smiled. 'Oh is that what this is about? You know the League do more than just chit chat.'
Y/N shook her head. 'I don't know. The mess you guys left behind in the conference room before I left tells another story.'
As Kaldur approached Y/N, the sarcastic banter dropped as they both embraced each other. Kaldur had grown into a fit, muscular man, and now stood a good head taller than Y/N. His uniform was more or less the same as it had always been, except now both his arms were covered from shoulder-to-finger in gold armour. He certainly was no longer just a young lad, but the man his predecessor saw he could become.
'It is good to see you, Y/N,' Kaldur said softly as he pulled away.
'And you, old friend,' Y/N replied, a genuine smile splitting her lips.
'I heard you went into Bialyan territory,' Kaldur continued. 'I am glad to see you and the rest of the team are unharmed.'
'Well, the team are no longer just children' Y/N said, 'but it was a simple enough mission too. Nothing too dangerous.'
Kaldur's brows furrowed together as he looked over Y/N. 'I sense you are not happy with something. Wasn't the mission successful as I have heard?'
Y/N let out a soft sigh. 'It's not that I'm not happy with the mission's success. Of course I'm happy we all got home okay. I just...' She didn't really feel like explaining herself again, but Kaldur nodded in understanding.
'You feel stuck,' he finished, to which Y/N nodded in confirmation. Kaldur turned so he could look to the giant windows of the Watchtower's entrance chamber. They framed Earth in a way that made it seem both ginormous and insignificant at the same time. 'The League is in a similar position, I am afraid to admit. Some days there is progress. Other days, it feels like I wait so much I am afraid I will freeze in one spot.'
'How do you combat that?' Y/N asked.
Kaldur turned back to Y/N, his face softened with a small smile. 'I train.'
'That's it?' Y/N asked, not quite believing her friend.
He shrugged his shoulders. 'Amongst other things, yes. I train, I go home, I see my family, I laugh with my friends. I do all these things to remind myself why I am here. Why I do what I do. It sounds to me like you need to remind yourself why you are here.'
'Because of the team,' she said without hesitation. He hadn't asked a question, but she felt she needed to justify herself. 'Because I can't just desert them, not when they're working so hard.'
'And yet you feel you are not doing enough,' Kaldur countered, his teal eyes gazing hard at her. 'Why?'
Y/N opened her mouth to answer but no answer came.
'Y/N,' Kaldur continued. 'Why do you feel the need to stay when you don't want to be there?'
'I do want to stay-'
'Don't lie to me, Y/N,' Kaldur interrupted.
Y/N swallowed thickly as she looked from Kaldur, to the conference room door where M'gann and Connor still were, and back to Kaldur. Seeing no escape from his fierce questioning, she caved.
'It's not that I don't want to stay,' she admitted quietly. 'I love the kids, I love the team. I'm just... so tired, Kaldur. Of doing the same thing week in and week out and getting nowhere. But if I leave, I don't want the team to think I'm abandoning them. Not like-'
Y/N bit her lip at the thought of him. No, she wouldn't leave. She just wouldn't.
Kaldur pressed his lips into a firm line. 'Dick needed to reforge his own path. He was grieving in his own way.'
'Well I was grieving, too,' Y/N countered, a sudden surge of anger flaring up inside her. How dare Kaldur defend Dick. 'And I had to get on with my life because the team needed me. We needed him, Kaldur. I needed him, and he just left.'
Y/N bowed her head to collect her thoughts and calm down. That's two friends she had yelled at for no reason. Before she could apologise though, Kaldur placed a hand on her shoulder, and she raised her head to find him looking directly into her eyes.
'I cannot say I am not also disappointed in our friend,' Kaldur admitted sadly. 'I did not expect him to become so closed off for so long. But you've helped rebuild this team from the grief and pain it experienced when Wally died. I think you've earned the right to decide where you go from here, Y/N, without feeling guilty or selfish if your wish is not to stay with the team. In my opinion, you were made for more than this.'
'That's funny,' Y/N said in a flat voice. 'You're the second person today to tell me that.'
'Maybe because it is true,' Kaldur said sincerely. 'You know you still have a place in the Justice League whenever you'd like to join us. I would be honoured and happy to fight alongside a warrior such as yourself again. It would be like old times.'
Y/N offered a grateful smile as she patted Kaldur's hand that still rested on her shoulder. 'Thanks Kaldur, but I'm not ready for that just yet. Besides, you don't need two Amazonians running the show. And let's be real, we would so be in charge of you boys.'
The two shared quiet laughter as Kaldur's hand retuned to his side. 'Very well, then. So what will your decision be, Wonderess?'
Y/N looked to the Earth and space beyond it once more. Her heart and head were tearing her in two. She truly loved being a part of the team, but something inside her agreed with M'gann and Kaldur. Surely she was meant for more. But what exactly that was, she had to go find out.
'I think you're right, Kaldur,' she finally said, turning back to face her friend. 'I think I need to remind myself why I am here in the first place. And that comes from knowing who I am to begin with.'
Kaldur's face pinched in slight confusion. 'I'm sorry, but I do not follow.'
Y/N didn't answer straight away. Instead, she turned to dial in her code to exit the Watchtower. 'B-00: Wonderess,' the computer announced as the Zeta-tube activated.
She then finally turned back to Kaldur. 'I need to know where I've been to then know where I will go,' she said. 'I need to go back to where it all started.'
'And where's that?' Kaldur asked.
'With my mother,' she answered, then spared him one last sweet smile. 'Tell M'gann and Connor and the team I'm sorry.'
Kaldur looked as if he wanted to say something, ask more questions. But Kaldur was always more insightful than the rest of their group. He didn't always need an explanation. He just somehow knew, and so Y/N was grateful when he accepted her words with a simple nod of his head.
'Be safe, dear friend,' he said in farewell. 'May destiny be kind to you, wherever it leads you.'
Y/N nodded her appreciation and entered the Zeta-tube. It was always a weird sensation travelling by Zeta-tube, like a million light pricks into every part of the body. Thankfully the trip was quick to the Zeta tube depot in Washington DC, with Y/N walking out of an abandoned janitor's closest in the post office down the road from her apartment.
She smiled and waved down to civilians as she flew over the busy streets, but she flew as fast as she could to the meeting point.
Her mother casually sat atop the Washington Monument as Y/N approached, floating just in front of her. 'I was starting to worry you had gotten caught in Bialya,' Diana joked as she stood to greet her daughter. 'Welcome home, my daughter.'
'Good to see you, Mother,' Y/N said, and the two briefly embraced.
'Now that you're here,' Diana said, prepping to take off for the usual patrol, 'why don't we get going.'
'Actually, Mother, there is something I wanted to talk to you about first,' Y/N interrupted.
Diana raised an eyebrow. 'Really? And what would that be?'
Y/N took a deep breath in before she spoke the words. But when she did, she had never been more sure. 'I want you to take me back to your home. To Themyscira.'
Since she was a little girl, Y/N had heard hundreds of stories from her mother about the homeland of the Amazons. How beautiful it was with its architecture, its nature, and the women who ruled the island. She'd always dreamed of someday going there, but her mother said it was impossible to find it.
Except she failed to mention that despite leaving the island and forgetting where it was located, Diana had been gifted a compass that would always lead her back home, but only if she used it. It would not work without Amazonian hands.
So after all the storytelling and all the dreaming, nothing came close to actually witnessing Themyscira in the flesh.
Y/N stood speechless on the beach, looking up at the steps that led up to the first level of the city that seemed to climb higher and higher towards the sky. It was something out of the Ancient Greek text books Diana used to make Y/N read as a child, but even more fantastical and wondrous.
It wasn't just the visuals, though. Since the Invisible Jet broke through the barrier that hid Themyscira, Y/N had felt a pull of sorts towards the island. Now that she stood on its soil, she felt a warm energy wash over her, strengthen her, pull her into its embrace as if to say, Welcome home at last.
An entourage of women in red leather slitted skirts, plated tops, and armour while holding spears followed behind a woman dressed in white and purple robes. Ebony hair billowed out behind her golden leaf crown, the grey strands in between looking more silver as they caught the midday sun.
Y/N knew immediately who she was. Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons. Her grandmother.
As Hippolyta approached Y/N and Diana, she opened her arms to take her daughter's face into her hands. 'Diana,' she said, bringing her lips to her daughter's forehead in a simple kiss. 'Welcome home.'
'Thank you, Mother,' Diana said, and Y/N could tell by her mother's smile that she was joyous to be home. 'I'm sorry it took me so long.'
'Do not worry about that, child,' Hippolyta reassured. 'You are here now.'
She then looked over to Y/N, and for some reason Y/N straightened up, flattened out her Wonderess uniform, made sure her hair was tucked behind her headband. Y/N was briefly taken back to the time she (consciously) remembered meeting her grandparents on her father's side. All dressed up so as to make a good impression.
Y/N held her breath as Hippolyta walked slowly over to her, grey eyes scanning every inch of Y/N's figure in silence. When she'd done a cursory glance, she then stepped closer and took Y/N's face into her hands. Y/N was unable to look away from Hippolyta as the older woman caressed and poked and prodded at her features.
At last, Hippolyta stopped and her hands dropped to Y/N's shoulders. A kind, joyous smile graced the older woman's features. 'You have my daughter's eyes,' she said quietly, as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. 'So kind and forthright. What is your name child?'
'Y/N Prince,' Y/N managed to get out once she caught her breath. 'Daughter of Steve Trevor...' Her gaze flickered to her mother, and the two shared a smile. '...and Diana Prince, Princess of Themyscira.'
Y/N looked back to see Hippolyta tearing up as realisation finally hit her. 'I have a granddaughter,' she said as she finally embraced Y/N completely, to which Y/N reciprocated and the entourage of Amazonians cheered and smashed their shields with their spears in celebration.
Hippolyta let go of Y/N to clasp one of her hands as she went to grab her daughter's hand. She then turned the three of them to face the crowd. 'My daughter and your champion, and my granddaughter have come home!'
More cheers erupted.
'Let us prepare a feast in their honour,' Hippolyta continued, and when the crowd began to disperse, she turned to Diana and Y/N to speak more quietly. 'I am sure you have both come here for a reason, and not just to say hello.'
'You are correct, Mother,' Diana said. 'It seems as though I have neglected our origins as Amazonians for too long and can no longer teach Y/N our ways.'
'I wish to learn who I am,' Y/N added. 'I wish to know where I come from, so that I may know where I must go next.'
'And how long do you believe that will take?' Hippolyta asked.
'As long as it takes,' Y/N answered, more certain than ever before. 'I don't care what I must do, Your Majesty. I will follow your guidance, as my mother once did.'
Hippolyta considered Y/N for a moment, then spared Diana an impressed smirk. 'Well, you taught her one thing, Diana.'
'What's that mother?' Diana asked.
'Your steadfast stubbornness.' Hippolyta looked back to Y/N. 'Very well, granddaughter. You will train among the other warriors. I just hope you know it won't be as easy as you might think.'
'Trust me,' Y/N replied, 'I'm hoping it isn't.'
Hippolyta's smile widened and her eyes sparkled with excitement. 'That attitude is already a good start. Come, we will talk of this later. First, let us celebrate this homecoming.'
That night Y/N ate and drank and danced among women like her, some older, some younger, some taller, some stronger. And she had never felt more at home, more recognised and celebrated. She'd had her doubts if she had made the right decision, but now she had no doubt.
She was where she belonged.
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
More Artemis Crock (Stargirl)?
Artemis holds a crossbow at Y/N...
Artemis: out of my way
Y/N: or maybe I'll remain in it.
Artemis: you got a death wish?
Y/N: no this is just the longest you've stared at me. I like it
Artemis finds herself blushing...
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soft yandere Apollo x reader x artemis (heal) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
you laid against the chest of Apollo, one of the gods who had taken you captive a few months ago. he ran one hand through your hair placing kisses along the side of your neck, the other around your waist holding you close to him. "you are looking beautiful today my sunshine" he whispered in your ear, causing you to blush a little. even though he and his sister stole you from the mortal world and forced you to become immortal they had never mistreated you, it was hard to ever stay mad at them. "i would have to agree with you brother, our moonlight is looking quite lovely today" Artemis says as she enters the room, apollo looks towards her resting his chin on your head. "you're home early from your duties dear sister" he says watching as she sets her bow down, "i wanted to return home to our darling" she answers sitting next to the both of you on the bed. she leans down to kiss your wrist but as she brought it to her lips she noticed a large bandaged along your arm. "what is this? what happened?" she asks concerned, moving to hold your face and check for more injury. "they had put their hand a little too close to one of my horse's manes and burnt their arm." AApollo says calmly stroking your hair. "you haven't healed it?" Artemis asks glaring at him. "he did, but he kept the bandage on in case." you say, not wanting to start a fight between the two. both of their gazes soften at your voice, Artemis holds your face in her hands softly stroking your cheek. "you need to be more careful, I do not know what I would do if we lost you." she says sternly before kissing your forehead. "you won't lose me." you reassure, holding her hand. "it is quite late, I would like to get some rest before my duties tomorrow" apollo says before falling back on the bed, pulling you down with him, you let out a laugh when you land back next to him, Artemis laying next to you pinning you between them. "goodnight sunshine" apollo says kissing your nose, and cuddling his face into your shoulder. "goodnight moonlight" Artemis says kissing the back of your shoulder. they may have taken you, but you couldn't resist falling in love with them.
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o . - - - - -
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kr1slvr · 2 years
Artemis fowl request:
Artemis gets sick and tries to hide hit but it doesn’t work
word count: 477
warnings: post arctic incident, ooc, artemis being lowkey insecure, fluff
author's note: this was fun to write 🤭 also, you didn't say if you wanted yan or normal, so i went with normal. hope thats okay!
artemis hiding he's sick (and failing)
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you woke up feeling extremely worn out. what happened yesterday? you asked yourself. you looked around noticing this was not your room. right, you were hanging out with artemis.
"i dealt with enough cold weather when we were in russia" artemis complained. you were trying to get him to have a 'snow day' with you. however, he wasn't budging.
after some more bickering, you forced got him to agree with you. you guys spent most of the day outside making snow angels, ice skating, and all sorts of things in the snow. you noticed him smiling a lot more than usual. every time you looked over he had that adorable look on his face.
you chuckled to yourself at the thought of his smile, before getting up and changing out of your pajamas.
walking to the living room, you saw artemis sitting on the couch alone. "hey artemis," you said as you sat down next to him. "hello darling," he said with a slightly raspy voice. weird. his face looked even paler than usual, except for his nose which was tinted a light red. his eyes also looked tired.
"are you okay, arty? did you sleep well last night?" "yes. i'm fine, dear." you didn't believe him, but decided to take his word for it. for now.
it continued like this for the rest of the day. he'd be acting strange and you'd point it out, but he kept denying it.
artemis was standing in front of the bathroom mirror. why'd he have to get sick while you were here? he was supposed to be 'big' and 'strong' and show that he could protect you. so why did this happen to him? he felt bad for lying to you, but he didn't want you to see him like this.
artemis wiped his nose before leaving the bathroom. what he didn't expect was for you to be standing there waiting for him with a worried expression.
"artemis please just-" you were cut off by him sneezing. shit. he thought. "you're sick, aren't you? you could've just told me." he sighed out of frustration. "i know that. but," he paused before sighing and looking down at the ground. you put a hand on his shoulder. "hey, it's okay. we can cuddle if that would make you feel better." you smiled a little. "you would also get sick then." he said, looking back up at you. "who cares? we can just be sick together. plus, there are worse things that could happen."
you both lay down on his bed and you wrapped your arms around him, his face in the crook of your neck. it felt nice to hold each other like this. artemis was honestly glad that you'd seen through his lie. soft tender moments like this weren't rare. but he still treasured every single one just as much. <3
// this is short and rushed ik ik but aaaa, its like 12 am rn lmao //
(i'm rambling here sorry,, also, ive been getting into fnaf security breach again and like kskahekwjsb 🤭🤭 )
requests are very much always very much appreciated &lt;3
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mrkeatingsblazer · 26 days
The Prophecy [Oh, Was It Punishment?] Part One
Apollo x Child of Hermes! Reader
Part one Part Two
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“No man of mortal blood could ever love you.”
It rings in your ears; the words of Eros haunting you till this day. It was no major exposure like that of Nico’s, who was forced to come out to both Jason and you to appease the love God, but still; you felt as though the ugly truth of your soul was revealed to the two boys and you recall that you never liked surprises. Even though the sentence rushes and pillages through your mind like a crazed wave, you’re strangely enough soothed by it. To know that every worry and concern of your ability to be loved was not from any fault of your own but rather the weaving of the fates comforts you to the point of sighing in relief. It’s not you but what was forced of you, a true demi-god faith if you do say so yourself.
You have never been a stranger to a prophecy, being a big aid to Percy during the war against Kronos and your half-brother, Luke, and being a member of The Eight, destined to defeat Mother Earth herself, Gaia. As much as you despise prophecies you can’t help understand the glory of the previous ones you’ve been a part of. Sure, a couple friends and families die but at least you get the title of Hero of Olympus, am I right? This prophecy [is it even a prophecy or just a God's way of giving a diss] is just downright depressing. Almost as depressing as when your Godly parent was revealed.
At 15 years old, after defeating Atlas and rescuing both Lady Artemis and Annabeth, you stood as an unclaimed child watching as the Gods debated if you should all just be killed. It was only when Artemis was asking you, along with Thalia and Annabeth, to join her hunt did anyone question parentage.
“And you [name], who has not been claimed by God or Goddess alike, allow me to claim you as my own and join as a member of my hunt,” Artemis spoke with such kindness, almost reminiscent of a mother. You shook your head at that thought; she was definitely more like a big sister. Before you could even begin to respond to the Goddess, Zeus raised his hand into the air.
“The child's parent should be given the chance to claim her,” he declared with an air of authority, “before any decisions are made.”
“She is 15 solstices of age, has that not been enough time for the child's parent to claim,” Artemis rebukes with narrowed eyes only to be met with the same expression from her father.
“You first take my daughter, whom I allowed to be given,“ you heard Thalia scoff from beside you, “and now you fight against my order, purposely trying to disobey me in public.” His voice comes out icy and dangerous.
“father -” Apollo nervously begins from the throne beside his sister.
“Quiet Apollon!” Zeus demands. “If any one here owns the child speak now.”
The zoom grows silent, you watch as the Gods’ and Goddess’, interested or not, scanned the zoom waiting for someone to pipe in. Tears built up in your eyes and a lump began to form in your throat, you didn’t even have time to process or even blush when Percy slid his hand into yours, giving it a comforting squeeze.
Your eyes landed on Apollo, to his concerned frown and his perfectly furrowed eyebrow. You recall meeting him barely weeks before now, finding him alluring and bubbly as he chatted with you during the ride on his Sun Chariot. When we got to camp, you remember him engaging with his children in envy. He swung them around and messed with their hair, conversing with them with questions about their hobbies while also never failing to make them all laugh and feel included. You always kind of hoped he was your father ever since you found out you were a demi-god. You sloppily used a bow for a month straight before giving it up; everyone knew Apollo always claimed his kids a month into them being at camp. That didn’t stop you from hoping, from writing poetry and sending offerings to him every meal. Even now you hope he says something, eagerly looking at him like a moth to a light.
“She’s one of mine.” Everyone turned towards the direction of the voice, to Hermes who looked as though claiming you was the last thing he wanted to do that day. It made sense, really, and made you feel stupid for not realizing sooner. Grover always said you were a built in lie detector and you ran faster then anyone in camp, probably anyone in the world. You look up hopefully above your head to nothing; he didn’t even use his sign.
“So,” Artemis said, bringing back the attention to herself, “knowing now the God who conceived you, do you accept my offer to join my hunt?”
All eyes were on you, the deities’ large and looming forms leaned closer as if to hear your answer better even though they had perfect hearing. You once again looked, from Lady Artemis, to Lord Zeus, Lord Apollo and back to your father, Hermes. You caught a hint of interest in his deep brown eyes and sadly, that was all you needed.
“I appreciate your offer, my Lady, but I must decline.” you hear sighs from your friends beside you. Percy once again squeezed your hand, sending you one of his charming smiles that made your stomach weak. Hermes seemed quite happy with himself at your decision, as if he wasn’t forced to claim you moments prior, while Lady Artemis gracefully nodded in acceptance and that was it. There was no pulling you aside to talk with your father or even a look as far as you were aware. He partied into the night during the biggest moment of your life.
That memory fades from your mind, the lavish party of Olympus merging into the end of war celebration at Camp Half-Blood. Just like the former, you had no energy to join in with the festivities. With Leo dead there didn’t seem like there was much point to, the rest of The Eight agreed. From across the haggard bench you sat on, you watched as the sun set down upon the camp. It was poetically finite but still you had a stabbing feeling that this wasn’t finished, you weren’t finished.
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