lovely-p-issues · 3 days
okay, so let's take Zeus' prophecy a little too directly and imagine that Odysseus actually adopted little Astyanax
Odyseus, mid-heart attack: Is- Is that it???
*looks on the sky and pointing at Astyanax*: HE DID IT, ALRIGHT? EVERYONE SAW IT? HE. DID IT. Throne and house are burning. We're done here.
Odysseus: I take it as yes.
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*rubbing my hands with mischief* guess who found an incorrect quotes generator
So here is a compilation of incorrect quotes from the Astyanax lives/daddy Odysseus AU
Odysseus: Once Astyanax thanked me and I couldn’t decide between “No problem!” and “No worries!” so I yelled “No worms!” to them as they walked away.
Astyanax, smol, facing a threat: I am in charge of this disaster!
Odysseus: I have a name, you know.
Astyanax, smol, a little shit: Polyphemus knows
Odysseus: ...
The threat: HAHAHAHAHA
Astyanax: Hey Odysseus, can I get some ice-cream?
Odysseus: Only a spoonful!
Astyanax: *Proceeds to pull out a comically large spoon.*
Odysseus: ...
Odysseus, tearing up: that's my boy
Astyanax, looking at Odysseus: Okay, so I need to become a therapist faster.
Odysseus: I hEaR tHaT
Astyanax when he's told about the whole horse thing, looking at Odysseus: What doesn't kill me better start running, because now I'm fucking pissed.
Astyanax, at Odysseus: Of course you have blood all over you, and pronouns.
Odysseus: I use he/him pronouns...?
Astyanax: But when all hope seemed lost, I had an epiphany!
Astyanax, earlier while Odysseus was messing up (again): I'm going to throw myself into the sea.
Astyanax "I was raised by Odysseus what did you expect" of Troy: I don’t know the first thing about clothes. Pretty much all I can do is look at something and tell you if it’s clothes or not. This chair? Not clothes. That barrel? Not clothes. That middle-aged man who invaded Troy? Not clothes.
Astyanax: Wow, great work on the Halloween decorations. Where did you get the fake skeletons?
Odysseus: Fake?
Astyanax: ...
Odysseus: We'll talk about this later.
Astyanax: Fine, I won’t be listening.
Odysseus: I will beat all of you in Rock, Paper, Scissors. You go first.
Astyanax: Rock.
Odysseus: Paper.
Astyanax: ...
Odysseus: First rule, never trust anybody
Astyanax: I am going to need you to swear-
Odysseus: Fuck.
Astyanax: ...swear as in promise.
Astyanax: Don't have a bookmark? Try ketchup instead!!
Odysseus: What makes you think I read?
Astyanax: ...right, my mistake, that explains a lot of things.
Odysseus: now I'm offended
Astyanax: like the time I was offended by a wooden horse?
Odysseus: ...
Odysseus: So, I've been thinking Astyanax-
Astyanax, young but tired of this bs: That's dangerous.
Odysseus: Damn, the power went out.
Astyanax: Don’t worry, I got this.
Astyanax: *stomps foot*
Odysseus: What-?
Astyanax: *Sketchers light up*
Odysseus: Hoodie pockets are so great. I can fit like three sandwiches and a grenade in there and my hands are still warm.
Astyanax, looking at the sea: I wish Poseidon would take me now
Odysseus: The joy of hanging out with Astyanax. You look away for 5 seconds to make sure something is set up correctly, and he bites the tip of a marker off.
Odysseus: I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing
Astyanax: bUt YoU dIdN't
Astyanax: Odysseus, when’s your birthday?
Odysseus "I'm still thinking about the infant from that night" of Ithaca: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me?
Astyanax: …So I know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Have some Odysseus and Hermes, as a treat:
Odysseus: Hi, I'm Hermes's emergency contact.
Counter Woman: You're here to pick him up?
Odysseus: I'm here to remove myself as his emergency contact.
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Odysseus: Eurylochus, how would you react if I brought a baby back home with us?
Eurylochus: What’s under your cloak?
Odysseus: I think you already know
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ottoorso · 22 hours
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I'm not immune to Odysseus raising Astyanax/Scamandrius
A mix of me joking to my partner about "what ifs" regarding this alternative and tumblr telepathically knowing to send posts my way regarding the same subject matter lead to this being made.
Athena's goodbye coming sooner than anticipated as well lmao.
The reason why I chose Zeus is because I imagined it takes place during "The Horse and The Infant", with Zeus listing all the reasons Odysseus should NOT take the baby,as Odysseus straps the lil one to himself,nonchalantly.
"He will burn down your house and throne"
"Oh just that? Aight bet,what's a little arson from a little rascal-".
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ala-chrisgoods · 2 days
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some sketch I drew in March;)
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holly-opal · 6 hours
So what if when they get to the suitors, they are killing everyone, and then Penelope and Odysseus reunite with tears, and it's super emotional. And then while they are distracted, a suitor is going to stab them. But then Astyanax just fucking jumps on his back and starts stabbing him repeatedly with Telemachus in the back like 😐
I can imagine the exchange is like
Astyanax: :3
Penelope: Who's that feral child?
Odysseus: Ours. I was pregnant :)
Penelope: [visible confusion]
Telemachus: I think his blood got in my mouth-
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tuba-david · 1 month
Odysseus in Just A Man: how could i hurt you?
Odysseus in Monster:
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kebriones · 5 months
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You were lying to me, when you'd jump on my bed and say "When you die, grandma, I will cut my hair for you, and bring all my friends to sing at your grave."
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hycinthrt · 9 months
no!! stop running!!!
i need to tell you that he held out his arms to take his baby!!!
but the child squirmed around and began wailing terrified by his father’s helm!!!!
and his father began laughing and his mother laughed as well!!
and from his handsome head he took it and placed it on the ground!!
and he kissed his son and swung him around!!!
and prayed that he would become better than him!!!
stop running this is important!!!!
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nikoisme · 7 months
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how could i hurt youuu
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wolfythewitch · 9 months
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Little Iliad Pre-Order!
This pre-order will last three weeks and end on the 28th! I do not have the stocks as I will order them in bulk after the pre-order finishes, so they should start shipping out in November if my estimate is correct.
There are seven designs in total, I might add some more in the future if I do another run :D Apologies in advance for the picture quality, I only have my phone camera and it isn't the best haha. Hope you like them!
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lovely-p-issues · 1 day
What if Zeus just really really wanted to create his own ✨ancient tragedy✨ and totally made up all alternative endigs for Astyanax, like I could raise him as my own?
Like in Witcher 3, there is no third option, just deal with it
Odysseus: What if I-
Zeus: Nope, it won't work.
Odysseus: Well, it's not-
Zeus: Just trust me, no.
Odysseus: But I could-
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In this whole scenario where Astyanax lives, I guess the encounter with Poseidon would have been a loooot different...but not much because then we would have no Odyssey.
And because Odysseus does actually have braincells (I know, shocking, but he has his moments), he also asked Aelous for some kind of baby float, because guys, we are on a ship, in the middle of the sea, ANYTHING COULD HAPPEN.
So burrito baby is safe in Ruthlessness. But hear me out, I think it would have gone like this:
🎶And now it is finally time to say goodbye, today you die
Unless, of course, you apologize
For my son's pain and all his cries🎶
🎶Poseidon, we meant no harm
We only hurt him to disarm him
We took no pleasure in his pain
We only wanted to escape
A father's rage
Is righteous in nature
As a father
That much I can underst...🎶
*music stops*
Poseidon: wait a minute, how would you know? You haven't seen Telemachus in a decade, give it or take
*Odysseus gestures vaguely at Astyanax in the baby carrier wrapped around his torso*
Poseidon, deadpan: where did that thing come from
Odysseus: I'm sure I don't have to explain reproduction to you, keeping in mind the number of demigods...
Poseidon: don't play with me mortal, where did that baby in particular come from?
Odysseus: well, I'm sure you are in touch with your brother Zeus, king of gods?
Poseidon: go straight to point
Odysseus: well he asked me to unalive a baby back in Troy...
Poseidon: and you dare to keep the infant as yours???
Odysseus: I was left without a choice! Curse me if I do, curse me if I don't! Keep the child or end his life! A god who demands a baby's life is not worthy of workship
*Eurylochus is doing that gesture thing with his hands of "dude stop talking now" where Poseidon can't see him* (but when has that stopped Odysseus?)
Poseidon: you dare to commit blasphemy in exchange of your enemy's son life?
Odysseus: as far as I'm aware, my enemy is dead, and there's no one to take care of this baby, may as well take him with me back to Ithaca. I'm sure as a father you will understand, but it's a shame the very same thing can't be said about your brother
*at this amazing point of the conversation Eurylochus is no longer looking at his brother in law, he is in fact looking at the stormy sea, probably thinking about trying to reach Ithaca by swimming*
Poseidon: and yet I can't left you leave now, you have wronged my son, and by doing so you have wronged me
Odysseus, quick thinking about how to bullshit his way out of this once more: but lord of waves, how would you go on knowing that you left this child become an orphan twice?
Poseidon, now getting why Athena likes this mad lad in particular and because of that, despising him a lot: no need to worry, he'll die too and he'll never know
*music starts again and it ends as we know*
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myblacknightworld · 3 months
Do you ever think about how both Odysseus and Hector were yanked into the war by their relations, how they both have small children they must leave to fight, how they both were so gentle with them and are so vicious in battle. The hands that rock the infant are the hands bathed in the blood of enemies, dripping red but comforting notheless. And do you ever think about how Odysseus couldn't see his son grow, day by day, but will, ultimately see him as a man, and how Hector has seen his own son grow day by day but will no more, a dead child? Why does this father and this son live? Why doesn't this one and the other?
Hector and Skamadrios have been reunited in death, at peace, finally, and Odysseus and Telemachus have been reunited in life, but will still have to spill blood to be at peace and idk where I was going with this but it's making me feral
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crownedcupcake17 · 4 months
Grabs you by the arms
Did you know? Did you know Hector, with his handsome face and brow clutched his son? Did you know that he removed his great helm to press kisses to the boys crown? Did you know Hector told his lovely Andromache, go to your handmaidens and do your weaving, leave all men to their fate at the call of the war, me especially? Did you know she mourned him as he walked the great streets of troy for his fate was sung long ago, to die for the city he so loved? Did you know he gazed into the eyes of his foe, godlike Achilles, and asked only for his body to be returned to his high father Priam to be buried? Did you know he faced the best of the Greeks bravely even when he swore his skin would serve as feed for his dogs? Did you?? Did yo-
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flaroh · 10 months
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Hector's Farewell 👪🏼💔⚔️
Andromache and Astyanax watch Hector leave from the battlements of Troy, not knowing they will never see him alive again... Thank you to my patrons for the subject suggestion 🧡 Patrons in August will be receiving digital downloads, wallpapers, and a print of this illustration, as well as a Trojan Horse sticker  🧡 Patreon.com/flaroh
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