#autistic feels
themaskedlady · 2 days
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dimentiorulesblog · 2 months
“Autistic people need special accommodations” and “autistic people should not be infantilized and talked down to” are schools of though that can and should co-exist.
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flamboyantinsomniac · 11 months
Weighted blankets aren't enough I need to be crushed in a hydraulic press
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brandyschillace · 1 month
Just a reminder that adult self diagnosis of autism is completely valid; the tests are not geared toward adults and miss plenty anyway. For more, may I suggest Eric M Garcia’s WE’RE NOT BROKEN or Steve Silberman’s NEUROTRIBES.
You know yourself pretty dang well and that counts.
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fandomcat2930 · 9 months
being autistic is like using google translate for emotions. like, yeah, its right sometimes, but a lot of the time its a little bit off and sometimes its completely fucking wrong
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antelopelovefan · 16 days
Can we talk for a moment about how lonely being autistic is? Nobody sees what you see. Nobody hears what you hear. What resonated with you doesn't resonate with anyone else.
Craving connection and nobody can know you.
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autball · 2 years
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A non-exhaustive list of the ways autistic people may show empathy even though we are assumed to not have it.
Are these exclusive to autistic people? No, not at all, we're just more often pathologized for them.
If I'm in a relationship with someone who does this, does that mean I just have to suck it up even if it doesn't work for me? No, it doesn't, but you do probably have some adjusting to do. You'll need to treat it as a mutual miscommunication instead of something it's all on the autistic (or ADHD, or whatever) person to fix. You'll have to change some of your expectations and get comfortable asking for (and explaining) the show of empathy you need - and you may even find out that the way you show empathy isn't working so great for them either. 😉
[Image description: AUTISTIC EMPATHY CAN LOOK LIKE… - Infographic by Autball.
White translucent boxes with black lettering inside on a magenta to purple diagonal gradient. The first four boxes read: (1) I’ve been through something similar, so maybe sharing my story will help; (2) Ooh, I know how to fix that! Maybe helping them solve their problem will make them feel better; (3) Oh man, now I have big feelings too! I just feel this so much!; (4) My favorite thing always calms me down, so maybe it’ll help them too. I’ll ask them to do it with me. These four are grouped together with a blue line and labeled: Misinterpreted as “Making it All About You.”
The next four boxes read: (5) I’m not sure how to help, so I’ll leave it to that person who looks like they do; (6) When I’m upset or overwhelmed, I prefer to be left alone, so I’ll bet they would like the same; (7) If I get involved, I’m gonna become overwhelmed myself, and that will take attention from them, so it’s best to just stay out of it; (8) I’m not sure how to help, and I usually make it worse when I try but get it wrong, so it’ll be better for everyone if I just do nothing. These four are grouped together with a blue line and labeled: Misinterpreted as Cold and Uncaring.
At the bottom is one last sentence, in white bold lettering, that reads, “Just because we don’t show it the same doesn’t mean we don’t feel it.”]
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vi-visected · 1 year
my therapist: how are you feeling in the wake of your (autism spectrum disorder) diagnosis?
me: well it makes sense doesn’t it? i was the one who requested testing. like on some level i kind of figured.
my therapist: yes, i’m personally glad we pursued it because it helps me better understand parts of your behavior and how to accommodate you. but how do you feel about it? you said before that you were in heavy denial about the possibility when you were younger.
me: well yeah, i had a preconceived idea of what autism was that i know now wasn’t true. but at the time it was distressing and i didn’t want to think about it too hard.
my therapist: how was it different then? what was your idea of autism then?
me: it was, you know, severe developmental delay. i never thought i had developed abnormally at all, so to try and match up the severity i associated with autism and the way i viewed myself, i just couldn’t.
my therapist: but you did.
me: sorry?
my therapist: you did develop abnormally. both socially and academically.
me: socially yes, but i had no problems with academics. i always especially excelled at reading comprehension, more so than anyone else in my grade. i started lagging in high school but i think that was a lot of burnout and depression and ptsd, probably. i was incredibly smart. hell, i spoke in full sentences earlier than most of my peers.
my therapist: violette, that’s still abnormal development.
me: …huh?
my therapist: developing abnormally fast is still developing abnormally.
me: oh.
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animentality · 1 year
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galacticscrotum · 10 months
I didn’t fully realize the extent to which I am affected by sensory overload until I decided to accommodate myself anyway. Wearing headphones in public keeps my anxiety so much lower.
It’s kinda ironic that the reason I didn’t notice I’m autistic is because I’m autistic. My struggles with interoception made it hard for me to recognize my sensory issues.
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neurodivergenttales · 8 months
I wish people understood that special interests aren’t ‘cringe’ or ‘just phases’
Some days they are the only thing that will get me out of bed and keep me going
I don’t care if they make me look ‘weird’ or ‘obsessive’
They make existing in this world one tiny little bit easier, so I’ll take all the teasing and the laughter that people throw my way for being ‘strange’ and ‘too much’ if it means that I can escape into my favourite things for a while
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themaskedlady · 2 months
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imautistsick · 1 year
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candlesnuff404 · 1 year
We’re inbetween hyper fixations so we’re kinda bored and sad all the time
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finnslay · 11 months
My entire childhood: Don't use that tone with me!/Don't talk to me like that!/Why do you have such an attitude?
Me, who didn't know about autism: What?
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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