#be kind to yourselves
Gentle reminder: “bear witness” means “learn about what’s happening, so you can talk about it, agitate for change, and help where you can”
Not “you must watch X number of snuff films and look at X number of dead children, in order to be a good person”
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aimseytv · 5 months
to be slightly more transparent regarding me taking a few days off, since starting the new year i’ve just had constant things happen where i can’t even keep up anymore - which isn’t too good for my mental health, which im struggling with right now anyway
i’ve got to figure out a lot of things and then i’ll be back, love you gamers, im sorry this always happens
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ofduskanddreams · 8 months
daily affirmations of a fic writer no. 2
“My writing is a gift, not something I owe anyone.”
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radiotransmissionaac · 4 months
This morning I woke up more exhausted than usual after being kept awake at night due to pain in my joints. My brain fog was so thick I could only use my communication board and not my text to speech.
I had to take at least a half hour nap between each task, the kinds of which society views as part a normal morning routine (making and eating a meal, having a shower, sending an email).
I couldn't mitigate the fatigue, caused by the pain, because I had run out of anti-inflammatories and compression bandages. And I couldn't get more because I was too fatigued to leave the house and drive the five minutes to the shopping centre.
After spending the entire afternoon resting, I finally felt able to making it to the grocery store and still, Still, when I got into my wheelchair to go inside, I thought "but surely I'm just pretending. I need to stop faking this. Some people have Real Disabilities."
And I realise now, nothing that could happen with my condition could make me feel like I'm "Actually Disabled" and deserving of my accommodations and aids and rest, if I don't let myself believe it.
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spiritualseeker777 · 1 year
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snarky-magpie · 5 months
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noa-nightingale · 2 months
can someone pat me on the head please
like, i am trying
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katherine-ophelia · 6 months
I’ve noticed the only thing to ever quiet my mind is you.
i. In the darkness my mind screams for you but you’re quite fond of the color black.
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letstalkbeautyuk · 3 months
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💚 Mental Health Matters Badges, for Mental Health Awareness week in May
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melloneah · 4 months
gender used to be so strange to me. i couldnt be full on masculine or feminine or i would literally combust into flames. i always had to be BANG ON in the middle, wearing super baggy, masculine clothes that hide my body BUT never daring to leave the house without eyeliner or pretty nails. little me was so confused but never dared to try to identify with being anything but cis for fear of disrespecting the community in case i ever changed my mind.
im so glad ive given it a lot of thought in the past year and realised im just non binary and i dont have to cosplay being a girl
and i started identifying as it before i was certain, and it felt so natural i stuck with it. and that is SO OK!!!!!
so im here to spread the message: it’s okay to discover who you are slowly, even misunderstanding yourself along the way. the community is here to support you, not shame you for a rocky journey to healthy self perception ❤️
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jerirose · 1 year
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Ah... where to begin, hm? Well, I guess I'll start by saying that this is my New Year's Post - please feel free to ignore. Firstly - to everyone that follows this Blog - Thank for you enjoying my art - thank you for believing in me. 😭 I hope I can make more pieces you like and love this year!!
There's a lot I could say here - 2022 was.... it was a rough year, there were many highs, but the lows were ever so close to taking me out. I've never felt so defeated in my life than I did this year, a lot changed - I finally found myself but during that process I had to bend and break and learn how to connect all the shattered pieces that were scattered and flung around, all in darkness. If I could compare 2022, at least the first half of the year, it was like walking through a cave, alone, with a broken phone and no lights to guide me, and the further I walked, the harder it was to breath and the walls just kept closing in around me. I've felt trapped before but... nothing compared to the isolation I felt in this cave - Having that gender identity crisis was so, so, so lonely, and I was so lost. I busied myself with friends, streaming, reading, exercising, running, dancing, TV series and finally - it led me to art and somehow... Stray Kids? It's so funny how a friend talking me in to downloading a stupid little app on my phone, managed to change my life so drastically. On the 1st July '22, 8 silly little men walked into my life and... they saved me - that dark cave? I was no longer alone in it and there was a light to guide me, the weight of my boots lightened, and there were hands to hold. I wasn't alone or afraid any more.... - I know it may sound really fucking stupid to some; like how is it that 8 random men did that, but your friends couldn't? The people around you couldn't? I... I can't explain it - But I will say... my friends? My Twitch community? They were the reason I continued walking, they were the backbone holding me together, I will always be grateful for the strength they gave me to push through, even when I really, really didn't want to. But Stray Kids? I can't explain it... I just know I'd probably still be wondering that cave alone if they hadn't found me, maybe I wouldn't have made it out... I honestly don't know, and I really don't want to think about it... My love for Art & Stray Kids meeting at the same time took me in a direction I never thought I'd go - and my love for art exploded and through my love of art I began expressing my love and gratitude for my boys, my 8 guides. When I started my Music Video Portraits I NEVER in a million years thought I'd become so attached to them, that I'd be where I am today with them but
am I soooo thankful I did because... it led me here? It led me to Stayville and Stayblr, to all the incredible friends and people I've met in this amazing community both on Tumblr and off of Tumblr. I'm not amazing at making new friends - or at least, I don't feel like I am. I overthink, and I'm awkward, and I feel like a constant fuck up and annoying. But I've met some amazing and incredible people these last few months, and I'm so grateful for all of you welcoming me, a Baby Stay, with open arms - it really means a lot.... being able to share my love of the boys with other people? It makes it that much more special to me. I can't wait to continue to build our friendships more and get to know some of you more! Thank you, for being a part of my 2022! Wishing you light and self-love, compassion and kindness in 2023. May your year be gentle to you &lt;3 @purple-belle @happysmilebtr @snug-gyuu @shmalll @hanjesungs @changbeens @winterfloral @hailng @abiaswreck @agibbangs @quokki @jinniebit @lecknow @mixtape-channie @njaems @milfho @chanizard @ggthydrangea @missyedits @juiceofmoons @bangchanies @hoerachas @babychicklix @svintsandghosts @lonelystreetlight @seonghwaminho @sstarryoong @jisungsjaistandjeekies @geniaparadox @cb97percent @septicrebel @catsaenen @skz-films @minzbins @cheekyquokka @hyunpic @dongjusmilf @seo-changbinnies @xuseokgyu @chanstopher @gymleader @hyunebear @brianbangs @grzvya Apologizes if I forgot anyone <3
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mauvereveries · 11 months
Idk who needs to hear this, but it’s okay to reread that books as many times as you want. It’s okay to watch that move over and over again, even more than once a day. It’s okay to play through that video game more than once, even if you’ve beaten it a thousand times. Chase that dopamine with no shame, fam.
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ofduskanddreams · 8 months
daily affirmations of a fic writer no. 1
“My worth is not determined by my daily/weekly/monthly/annual/total word count, published or otherwise.”
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mycollectioncloud · 8 months
Relaxation Time.
Taking the time To slow down And let the mind and body rest
Refuels you in many ways Clears the clutter And reminds you of plans pushed to the wayside
Reminding you of your worth And lets you focus On making your life happen
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
pulls my blankies up to my chin on the dash !!! >:( say goodnight !!!
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thatdamnokie · 8 months
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