#been listening to whatever it takes and having so many feelings about vaggie
blended-ice · 3 months
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One more kiss
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clownhousemargarita · 2 months
Can you do a Angel dust x shy (Charlie’s younger brother) male reader, he’s really shy and introverted but likes to sing and perform just like his big sister.
"Kissed?" -- Angel Dust.
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------- Summary: Despite being the Prince of Hell along side your sister, the Princess of Hell -- you find yourself closed off, just like a certain spider you knew. Pairing: Angel Dust x MALE! Reader Warnings: Sexual implications, Objectification, Suggestive. Enjoy. (I kind of left out the singing part, sorry about that. I sometimes just write and let my hands take me wherever.) --------
You loved your sister, you truly did. But good lord was she emotional. Nothing wrong with that, of course. You found yourself holding complicated emotions -- she had her girlfriend to express her feelings and distress to. You always wondered how Charlie could find trust in someone so easily, especially someone in Vaggie's situation. You envied your sister in a way, that she always saw the good in people. You experienced your family break up all in front of you, so you never had a good example of love and trust in your life. Once your mother and father paid enough attention to how you turned out, they did their best to hide it from your sister. The oldest was always the guinea pig child, as they say. This eventually brought out your introverted self, being a polar opposite to your sister and a great point to compare the two of you. When you arrived at the Hotel project your sister had been working on (because your shit ass father apparently had better things to do) , you felt proud of her. She brought in shitty people, attempted to help them, without working on her own problems. So proud.
You immediately found no connection with anyone there, especially Alastor. He gave you a stomach ache, a stomach ache full of daddy issues. You decided to keep away from him. You saw that Charlie already latched on to him. Another example of her trusting people TOO quickly, especially for your liking. You did find one connection though, someone you enjoyed to listen to. Angel Dust. Yes, they fucking porn star. You enjoyed listening to the porn star talking about whatever the fuck he wanted to talk about. You enjoyed hearing him, knowing there was another layer of him to unwrap. You knew he was much more than what was portrayed on television. He was a pretty spider, you understood why so many people found him so attractive. He was charming, cute, his voice was beautiful. That's honestly all you really thought of him, you never wanted to watch his films. Although he claims he gives consent, you felt as though it was disrespectful. It just didn't feel right to watch a man who you talk to get absolutely railed by some OTHER guy, mind you. It upset you, it shouldn't but it did. Which was a feeling you were going to bottle until it erupts on some inconvenient day. While you sat with Angel Dust as the bar, he rambled about how he thinks pigs are better than any animal to have as a pet. Which you entirely disagreed and continued to fight with him about. "You're biased, you have a fucking pig." You roll your eyes, giving him your hand to talk to. "Exactly! Thas how I know ther the best!" He shoots his hands in the air to emphasize his point. You make a talking motion with your hand as a way to mock what he was whining about. "Fuck you, 'm right. Right fat nuggets? Yes I am! Yes I am, daddy will always defend you, baby." His voice broke out into baby talk as his little piglet began wadding towards him. "Literally hate that you just called yourself daddy right now." Angel grins and shrugs. "I don't do it often, it's the other way around." "Oh, hell no." "What! That's my job!" "Shouldn't be." "Why're you hating on me today? You hate my guts!" "Yeah I do." "You should just rearrange them instead." "That's FUCKING insane, Angel." "Tellin' me you don't wanna?" You groan and slap the back of his head. Angel laughed, letting out a little moan before bringing his arms together to push his chest fluff out. "C'mon." He purrs, leaning closer to you. "I don't wanna fuck you." You flick his forehead, backing him bounce back a bit. He whines again, "Why not! I'd fuck you!" You roll your eyes, though you won't deny your flushed face. "You'd fuck everyone." "Not ya sistah." "That's really comforting actually." "I play for one team." "I'm on the bench." Angel laughed, you loved when you made him laugh. The best word to describe him was always just, 'pretty.' His laugh was pretty, his eyes, his makeup, his voice, everything. You clear your throat a bit before attempting something. "Ever actually kissed someone during a scene?" You ask, not looking him in the eyes. "Are ya dumb? Course I have." He tilted his head, raising a brow. "Nah, like an actual nice kiss. Not something aggressive or whatever." He sits there to think a bit, you knew what the answer was but you still wanted to make sure. He then shook his head.
"Do you not watch my films?" He asks before you speak. You shake your head. Angel looks taken aback. "Rude!" You chuckle and shrug. "Doesn't feel right, you're my friend." Angel felt his face flush up as well. Man, you know your fucked up when basic human decency gets you REALLY going. He only hummed. "Anyway, wanna know what an actual kiss feels like?" Angel's head perked up, his eyes were wide. "You wanna kiss me? Then what?" He grinned at the end of his sentence. "Just kiss, fuck. Relax -- tryna take it to base 34 already." You groan, swatting him. "..okay." He mumbled, his face red. "Never seen you red before." You tease, a smile wide on your face. "Fuck you man! Nobody says shit like how you do." You raise your brow this time. "Whaddya mean?" A smile still visible on your lips as you lean in. Angel feels himself start to sweat. "I dunno." He says, a little to quiet. You think he didn't meant to be so quiet, it just came out that way. Your eyes were lidded, "If you kiss me with tongue I'll bite your tongue, cook it, then feed it to Alastor." You threaten. Angel smiles wide, showing his bright gold tooth. "Thanks for the save." You roll your eyes before finally leaning in and pecking him on the lips. Angel opens his eyes, pauses for a second, before leaning back in for a more passionate kiss. His other arms that were above his waist pull you in, making you sit on his lap as you wrapped your arms around his neck, stuffing your hands into his silky hair. It wasn't sexual, it was loving. And it was a bit too much for Angel. He pulled away, his face felt like it was burning. You looked back at him, waiting for a response. "Are you okay?" You ask. He only whimpered in response, leaning in and setting his head on your shoulder. His grip on your waist was tight, he wasn't crying, just processing. You hear him inhale, before finally saying something. "Thank you." It was mumbled, but enough. You smile softly and pet the back of his head. "Of course, stupid."
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capri-sun-clown · 1 year
Help and Forgive Me
“Evening, Vaggie!”
Charlie's cheery voice echoes through the hotel’s lobby as she descends the stairs. Vaggie has been in the exact same place she’s been all morning, seated on one of the couches next to the fireplace. She is working out some of their plans for the new residents that had agreed to their program. Well, it was less the program they were staying for and more the free booze or protection, but it was a start and those kinds of perks only came later in the day, after they’d put in the work that Vaggie and Charlie had planned. While it wasn’t ideal, it was how they managed to rope Angel Dust into this and he’d been making progress (however slim that progress might have been). As her girlfriend comes into full view, the moth demon notices the determined look that is already plastered on her face. It’s the same look she’d worn to the news studio and again when she agreed to let Alastor help with the hotel. Oh no, Charlie had made some sort of decision on her own. Vaggie stands and moves to press a kiss to the princess’s cheek before leaning back to cross her arms. 
“Hey hon…what’s that look for?” A smirk is painted on her lips, but she’s worried about whatever has been planned without her. The hellborn had a way of getting an idea in her head and feeling the need to act on it right then without any more consideration. Vaggie had seen it before and she was sure this time wouldn’t be any different. “Remember how I reached out to my dad to see if he’d make plans to talk with me? Well, he finally got back to me and agreed to see me tonight!” Charlie explains, bouncing slightly as she speaks. A small smile slips into Vaggie’s features as she watches her girlfriend’s unbridled excitement for a moment. “That’s great. Have you thought about how you’re going to get your plans through to him?” Charlie’s bouncing stops, but the large smile doesn’t disappear from her face. She gives a nod as her hands slip behind her back. “I guess I’ll finally have to take your advice properly. I’ll talk a little less and smile more. Listen to his side of things. I’ll be very diplomatic about it! I’ve got it all planned out!” Charlie’s optimism gives Vaggie a brief burst of fleeting hope before reality comes crashing back into her seconds later. “I don’t know about this, hon. I mean, your dad isn’t exactly the most understanding demon when it comes to what we’re trying to do here. The last time-” “The last time doesn’t matter,” Charlie cuts in, already knowing full well what Vaggie intends to remind her of. “I had nothing then, but we’ve made so many accomplishments already! He’s got to see that and who knows, maybe he’ll change his mind.” The confidence evaporates halfway through her statement and by the end Vaggie can tell there’s no real feeling behind it. Charlie has faith in the hotel, and she has faith in herself, but her faith in her father and his acceptance of her dreams died a long time ago. “Charlie, you know I love your optimism. It’s one of the best things about you,” the moth demon starts, placing a gentle hand on Charlie’s cheek. Vaggie smiles warmly as her thumb grazes over her skin. She loses herself in the princess’s hopeful eyes for a few long beats before her smile drops and her tone becomes serious once again. “But your dad is pretty merciless when it comes to the hotel. He holds a lot of pride in your family’s reputation.” The corner of Charlie’s mouth tugs up into a crooked smirk. It doesn’t reach her eyes as she quips back a response that Vaggie can only describe as on-brand for Charlie Morningstar. 
“Well..Hate the sin, love the sinner, right?” The princess’s eyes drift to the old grandfather clock posted near the entrance and she leans in to press a quick kiss to her girlfriend’s cheek before she can open her mouth to shoot back a rebuttal. 
“Sorry, Vaggie! I’ve gotta go! I’m going to be late for dinner,” she says just before sprinting out the door, leaving the moth demon alone in the entryway of the hotel. “...Good luck, hon.”
- Imposing. That’s the word the princess had heard used to describe her family home ever since she was small. While she hadn’t seen what others had meant by that before, standing there now and staring up at the overly lavish exterior she was starting to see it herself. It wasn’t the luxurious facade that was making her nervous, however, but the uncertainty that waits inside. As silly as it is, Charlie pauses at the front doors and lifts her fist as if she’s going to knock, but catches herself. This is her family home and there is no real reason to do so, she had always been allowed in whenever she wanted, but that was before her family felt so distant and her father became a stranger.
She swallows back the new emotions swirling inside from the unplanned action. There would be time to decipher that all another time, but for now she had a mission to accomplish. Charlie finds her father is already seated in the dining room. Her shoulders slump slightly as she looks over the set table. Their plates and cups are both already filled and Lucifer seems impatient to get on with it. She assumes that he knows why she’s here and is attempting to end their time together as quickly as possible. The feeling stings in both her chest and stomach, but again she forces this feeling back. She smiles at her father and takes her seat. 
“Evening, Dad.” “Evening.” His response is short as he looks over at his daughter. He raises an eyebrow as she fidgets in her chair, placing her hands in her lap. It’s clear that she wants to say something, but she’s trying to hold herself back. His eyes flicker over her face and he realizes she won’t last long. Charlie looks at her father and offers another weak smile before looking over at the chair that would have been saved for her mother.
“Mom couldn’t make it tonight?” She knows the answer. Her mother rarely found time to make an appearance for family dinners, even now that they were few and far between. The princess is just uncomfortable with the silence that quickly formed between them. It felt as though they were two strangers forced to have dinner together. Lucifer shakes his head.“You know how busy your mother can get. With this being such short notice, she couldn’t change her schedule around.” Charlie doesn’t agree that it’s short notice. She had been pestering them for dinner plans for weeks but had received no response from either until that afternoon. They could have picked another night, but she knows her mom doesn’t want anything to do with what would most likely be a fight between Lucifer and Charlie.  She pushes back her disapproval of the statement and smiles instead, like Vaggie suggested she do. “Right. That makes sense. It’s a shame though…” “That it is.” Another short statement from her dad knocks the motivation out of Charlie. He doesn’t even seem to want to talk to her on a normal level. It could be because he knows where this is all leading, but she fears that it is because he doesn’t like speaking with her anymore.    If that’s how he wants to be, she decides that there’s no point in trying to beat around the bush. She needs to attack this head-on and just get all of her thoughts out there as unchallenging as possible. She still thinks Vaggie is right about that. Breaking the silence, Charlie perks up with sudden instilled passion. “So, I know you’ve said you don’t want to hear about the hotel in the past,” the princess isn’t looking up from her plate, pushing small bits of food around with her fork before finally looking up at her father. “But we’ve made some real progress! There are demons-” A wave of Lucifer’s hand is all it takes to silence his daughter before he even speaks. “Yes, yes. The Radio Demon visited and told me all about the progress your little ‘project’ is making.” He says, sounding indifferent to her subtle plea for him to listen. Knitting her eyebrows together, the princess leans back in her seat and stares at her father waiting for some sort of explanation. When she doesn’t receive it she attempts to prompt her father. 
“Alastor told you about the hotel?” Lucifer sighs as if her prodding is nothing more than an annoyance he’d rather not deal with. She’s sure he feels that he owes her no explanation. Charlie’s sure that he’d rather be with his wife and friends instead of listening to her plights or accomplishments, whichever it was at the time. But she’s come too far to back down now. Not this time.
She repeats herself. “Alastor told you about the hotel?” “He didn’t tell me much. Just that he showed up on the hotel’s doorstep to find you in distress and in disarray after that awful news station interview.” 
“O-oh, that…” Charlie starts, shoulders relaxing considerably. It’s not as bad as she had expected it to be. Lucifer nods solemnly before continuing, “you told him you had nowhere else to turn and asked him to help you. So, he arranged your hotel staff?” There it was, the flair and exaggeration that the Princess had come to expect from the Overlord. Part of her wants to ask when Alastor had come to talk with her father; was it after she’d announced her plans to try and convince her father to support her or right after he’d agreed to help the hotel? Either way, it wasn’t exactly helping her case now. She sighs, bringing her fingers to her temple. “Yes, he brought in some staff to help me, but I didn’t-” Lucifer’s impatience gets the best of him and he cuts his daughter off once more. “He also rearranged the hotel’s venue, lodging, and advertising?” “Yes, he did that too…but you don’t-” “Charlotte!” Lucifer’s voice is assertive as it always is, but Charlie thinks she hears hints of desperation in his tone. It’s almost as if he’s pleading with her to come to her senses. Almost. 
He sighs, bringing his hand to his face as he questions her further. “What could he have possibly said to get you to make any sort of deal with him? You realize you’ve given him a new location for his radio station? The same radio station he uses to gain his power? He’ll never leave you alone now. Do you understand how dangerous that could be for you? For that collection of misfits you call your friends?”  “I didn’t make any deals, Dad! A-and it doesn’t matter if his radio station is there. It’s good for us, because the hotel is in the same spot! Demons are flocking to it! W-whether it’s to see Alastor or The Angel Dust or just for the free booze;  they’re there and they’re at least thinking about the hotel! They’re thinking about redemption!” His expression lightens considerably as his red eyes flicker over Charlie’s face. He’s impressed momentarily with his daughter’s tenacity as she makes it known that she’d convinced Alastor to help without some sort of deal. 
“You got more than you gave…” “And I wanted what I got! Demons are at my hotel, trying my methods.” “Methods that won’t work.” “We don’t know that! I know it’s a bit of a dangerous game, but…” There is a pause as she looks down and digs deep for more confidence before her hard gaze becomes fixed on Lucifer once more. “Y-you don’t get a say unless you’re playing the game, right?  I know I get hate for it, a lot of hate, but I won’t get anything if I just…wait for it!” Her words strike a familiar chord in the King of Hell, one that had been long forgotten. For a few brief seconds, he’s transported back to a body and a life he’d buried long ago. He’s staring down the leader of the celestial ranks, the Supreme Ruler, and as he speaks he’s surprised to find his words hold the familiar tone of his daughter’s.
God, help and forgive me. “Charlie…” Lucifer rarely uses his daughter’s self-designated nickname, but he finds that he’s exhausted and hopes it’s enough to pull her out of this resolve she’s put herself in. He wants nothing more than to leave this where it is for some other time. “No…” Charlie’s tone is harsh as she realizes immediately what he’s trying to do. He wants to be done, but she holds her ground as the set-aside feelings from before creep up on her. She can’t let this fall through the cracks, not again. Lucifer can’t help but see that the look on her face resembles the ferocity he felt all those years ago. The only thing that shakes him more is the words that go along with it.
“I want to build something that’s going to outlive me, outlive us! I thought you of all people would know what that’s like.” “Charlotte. We’re done here.” He tries again with her full name and a bolder tone. Though he doesn’t show it, her words bitterly make him consider what she’s saying. He’s decided he’ll think about her words and her hotel’s progress but for now, he won’t openly let her know. Charlie had always been a bit too optimistic at the first sign of him bending to her wishes. For now, he had to remain strong. Charlie’s resolve breaks with his harsh tone. Her hand moves up to her chest as she starts to speak. “Dad, I-” He puts up a hand to stop her from talking and shakes his head. “Just go.” The princess hesitates at the edge of the table, resting her hand momentarily on the back of the chair before turning on her heel. There is a pause as she reaches the dining room’s doors and she turns to look back at her father once more.
“If you stand for nothing now… What did you even fall for?” Lucifer removes the hand that is covering his face to look up at her in shock and dismay but finds that she’s already taken her leave. It seems she’s taken more after him than he first thought and if he’s not careful history may very well repeat itself. 
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siodymph · 3 years
Hazbin Secret Satan 2020!
Hey @integra9000​ I was your Secret Satan! You’re prompt was so cute and I had a lot of fun with it. I hope you enjoy this fic and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
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Kicking the front doors wide open, I made my way into the Hazbin Hotel.
Finally back home after an insane day at the grocery store. Being Hell, every grocery store was over-crowded and under-stocked. Making every shopping experience feel like Black Friday. And it certainly didn’t help the Charlie had asked for so many things. As I nudged the door behind me, I couldn’t help but sigh in relief. Finally be back in the Hotel.
Finally back home.
With my arms full of groceries, I staggered into the front hall towards the kitchens. Everything inside was dark and quiet. It looked like I was the first one home then.
Earlier Charlie and Vaggie decided to give every demon in the Hotel a job to do. Opening day was fast approaching and there was still a lot they had to do to prepare Hazbin Hotel. Everyone had a task to finish, mine had been going to the grocery store and getting some tons of food so the kitchens would be ready to feed an entire Hotel full of demons.
Hopefully we became as popular as Charlie and Alastor claimed. Otherwise then, we’d have a lot of food going to complete waste.
It was when I started filling up the fridge that I heard it. Music.
And not just any music. Super lame, cheesy, doo-wop music. The kind that probably would be playing in some dinner in the 60’s, where kids would wear poodle skirts and drink milkshakes... or something like that.
I had thought I was home alone, but maybe someone else got back before me. Maybe Niffty?
The music was faint. It sounded like I was coming from one of the upper wings of the Hotel.
At first I tried to ignore it and finish putting away everything I bought. But soon my curiosity got the better of me and I couldn’t resist.
Following the music, I crept silently through the halls and up the stairs. Eventually the music grew louder. I was getting closer.
Eventually I found the source.
Right outside of Husk’s room?
Putting my ear against the wooden door I listened in. It was louder here, louder than anywhere else in the entire building.
But there was more. A voice was singing softly along with the songs. Too quiet to echo through the halls the way the doo-wop had. A voice that was a low, gravely baritone. Could it be-
I silently opened the door a crack and peered in. And sure enough there was Husk, singing along with an old record he had playing at full blast. It was the calmest I’d ever seen him. His eyes closed and there was a tiny smile on his face. It was honestly adorable.
Before I could stop myself I laughed a little. Husk’s eyes immediately shot open. Scrambling up, he tried to turn off his record and he glared at me.
“What the fuck!?” He snapped. “I thought I was the only one here!”
“Sorry,” I said, still laughing slightly. “I just got back.”
“Well, give a guy a warning next time.” Husk grumbled. “Jesus Christ, you almost gave me a heart attack!”
With that, he went back to work. Trying to pretend nothing had just happened. Charlie had asked Husk to hand-write some fancy letters to all of the Hotel’s donners, thanking them and inviting them all to opening night. As he scribbled out notes, I couldn’t help but notice how loud his writing sounded without any music playing.
I was still curious about that.
Leaning up against Husk’s doorway, I asked. “So… what were you listening to?”
“Nothing.” Was Husk’s immediate answer. “I wasn’t listening to anything. Never do.”
“Sure.” I snorted. “Come on, I won’t judge. I promise.”
At first Husk said nothing. He just continued to write, focusing intently on his work. Refusing to look up at me.
When he finally did he gave a sigh in defeat. And as he spoke, a slight blush dusted his cheeks. “Bubblegum Pop. That’s what I was listening to. When I got something boring to do, it helps keep me focused and pass the time. I don’t like that lame crap though, it’s just to keep me busy.”
“Yeah?” I asked. I had defiantly heard him singing before. Not to mention the look that had been on his face when he thought he’d been alone.
“Yeah.” Husk continued. “Now scram, these rich-people letters ain’t gonna write themselves.”
Part of me was about to go. But another part of me just couldn’t drop the subject. Not yet at least.
Instead of leaving, I walked into his room and went over to the desk. “Well, I finished doing my job. So if you like I could help you finish up here.”
Husk thought for a moment. But eventually he shoved a stack of envelopes my way. “Fine, my hand’s getting sore anyways. Make yourself useful and fill out these addresses for me.”
“Sure,” I said, taking the papers in one hand. “Let’s get some jams going first!”
Before Husk could stop me, I turned back on his record machine and the room was once again filled with loud, cheesy Bubblegum Pop.
Husk groaned into his hands and his face went practically scarlet. “Don’t touch my shit.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it.” I replied. Though to be honest, I wasn’t that sorry.
As the music played, I bobbed my head to the beat. Husk grumbled something under his breath but didn’t say anything else. And we began to work in an amiable silence.
A few times when I’d spare Husk a glance, he still had a slight blush on his cheeks.
I wanted to say something. But I wasn’t sure what. The guy was still clearly embarrassed. And even though he looked a little cute that way I didn’t want him to feel like he had to hide the things he liked.
“You know,” I began. “I think I’m digging this doo-wop stuff.”
“You do?” Husk asked. Purposefully trying to seem indifferent.
I nodded. “Yeah, it’s nice… You’ll have to lend me a record sometime.”
“We’ll see about that.” Husk nodded back. Swaying with the music slightly.
The conversation slowed again after that.
I wanted to talk more but I wasn’t sure what to say. Husk was clearly still awkward about his music. But any time I tried to talk he shut down the conversation. But I was still curious, I just needed to find the right phrasing… Then all at once an idea came to me.
“So… Uh, how’d you discover this kinda stuff?”
“Hm?” Husk asked.
“You know, how’d you find Bubblegum Pop?”
“Oh.” Husk thought for a moment before finally answering. “Well, growing up my older sisters loved this kinda shit. Ate it right up. So every time we were home alone and our old man was out, they’d turn up the radio full blast and dance around the house.”
As he talked, he got that soft smile back on his face. It was the sweetest thing.
“You must have really liked your sisters.”
Husk shrugged, “They was assholes, but they were alright. I guess… Had crappy taste in music for sure.”
“If you say so.” I replied.
“Any time I’d do any work in the house they’d be playing their crap. And it was all they listened to. Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past any of them to end up down here for music taste alone.”
“People have been dragged down here for pettier things.” I added.
I looked down at my stack of envelopes. I was almost done now, only had a few papers left. And the same went for Husk when I spared his stack of letters a glance. A mischievous idea came to my head.
Jumping up from my seat, I extended a hand to Husk.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He asked dryly.
“I was about to ask you for a dance.” I said smugly. “But you interrupted me, asshole.”
That made Husk smile a little but stayed seated. “I still got shit to do. You see all these papers?”
“I see that you’re almost done.” I replied with a little snark. I left my hand hanging. I didn’t want to give up, not yet at least.
For a few moments, Husk just looked up at me with a pointed look. But eventually he caved.
“Whatever, but after this we go right back to work.” He huffed, taking my hand.
“Sure thing!” And with that, I tugged on Husk’s hand and pulled him up to his feet.
We weren’t really dancing. Husk mostly swayed on his feet, side to side. But eventually we started making a little circle. Stepping in unison across the room.
“Not much of a dancer?” I asked.
“Hardly.” Husk replied honestly. “I mostly just listen to the music and just- you know, vibe and shit.”
“I could see that.” I honestly could. Husk always had this aloofness to him. Always hiding behind the bar and hugging the walls at parties. We were sorta the same that way.
As the music swelled I got the sudden urge to spin Husk in a circle.
“Woah!” He started, shaking his head slightly after the sudden movement. “The fuck was that?”
“I thought it’d be fun.” I said, “I’ll give you a warning next time.”
“You better.” Husk grumbled.
Despite the attitude though, I noticed that smile had returned to his face one more time and I couldn’t help but grin back.
I was about to say something else.
But then I suddenly felt the back of my neck prickle.
“What sort of shindig is this?” A disembodied voice purred from the corner of the room. “It certainly doesn’t look like letter-writing to me.”
Snapping our heads, Husk and I turned to see Alastor had teleported into the room. Casually draping himself on the chair I’d been using.
“What the fuck does it look like Al?” Husk replied in a testy tone.
“If you ask me, it looks like two fools are cutting a rug. And quite poorly I must say! Where’s the energy? Where’s the panache?”
“Well, no one asked you!” Husk growled.
Alastor blinked a few moments in confusion. “But… you did ask me.”
Before they could start bickering I quickly cut in. “Why don’t you make yourself useful and help us finish these letters. We’re almost done!”
There was a slight gleam in Alastor’s eye as he replied. “Very well. Hand me a quill and let’s get to work! Though I must say, I find it impressive that a job that only needed one person now has three.”
“Fuck off.” Husk grumbled.
Together, we made quick work of the remaining letters.
And as we wrote, cheerful, sickeningly sweet Bubblegum Pop music played.
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 years
Oblitus Part 22
45 days left until Extermination...
Charlie squealed as she saw several demons lined up in the lobby checking in. Vaggie was helping checking them in while Alastor and Niffty showed the clients to their rooms. To everyone's surprise, Baxter had asked Niffty out on a date. She immediately accepted. As the two left to go on their date, Charlie was greeting more of the guests that came in. But, then from out of nowhere the was a small rumble as the room began to shake a little.
Anna was in the intervention room with Husk. She flipped through the notebook with hers, Charlie's and Vaggie's notes. This was going to be tougher nut to crack. Husk keeps his emotions locked away like a vault. Then, there was a another strange rumble as the room began to shake again. Anna frowned as she looked up at the cat demon.
"Can you get earthquakes down here?" She questioned. Husk looked at her.
"No, we're underground you dumb dora!" He spatted. "Hell doesn't get earthquakes that's ridiculous! I've been down here a long time to know!" Anna frowned, she couldn't have imagined it could she? She shook her head and continued. The more she tried to get Husk to talk, he refused to answer.
"This is a waste of time," Husk growled, irritated.
"You can do this Husk," Anna said. 
"You want me to tell you my fucked up life? Fine, here it is!" Husk snapped. Anna flinched. He continued. "I've been through three different wars, was married once only to find out that my lovely wife cheated on me while I was away. She took the kids and went with her new lover and left me with nothing. I resorted to gambling and drinking. It was the only thing that made me happy, to fill in the empty void. I ended up in debt with no way out. Drinking was the only to escape."
"Husk,-" Anna was cut off by the cat demon as he slapped her hand away. "I don't want to hear it!" He barked. "You can shove that pity somewhere else!" He stood up and walked out, slamming the door hard. Anna sighed.
Well, that went well...
Later on that day, a sudden loud scream boomed in the hotel. It came from one of the client's rooms. Charlie, Alastor and Vaggie rushed towards the room and opened the door to see what had happened. Their gaze was met with a horrifying sight as they saw melted remains of what was left of their client. Soon after, another scream was heard and it was the same case, melted remains. At least their clients will be able to respawn and come back, but, still, a bad way to go.
"Why is this happening?!" Charlie frowned. 
"My dear, it's looks like the hotel's infested with hellbugs," Alastor answered with a smile fixing his monocle. The princess and the moth demon eyes widen.
"What?!" Vaggie shouted. 
"We need to evacuate everyone out of the hotel!" Charlie ordered. 
Soon enough, everyone was outside looking at the hotel. There were several strange creatures roaming around the grounds. The bugs were giant with four long legs and a huge mouth with many rows of teeth. The bugs suddenly turned invisible and buried underground. Charlie turned to Alastor.
"Can't you do something? Use your powers to get rid of them!" Charlie shouted. "They're going to ruin the hotel!" He turned his head to the side with an amused smile on his face.
"I don't have magic strong enough to defeat these beasts." Alastor replied. 
"Bullshit!" Vaggie exclaimed furiously. "Listen here, pendejo, you made a promise to protect the hotel and so far you're doing a shitty job at it! Most of the clients are dead!" Alastor laughed darkly.
"You're right, I did promise to keep the hotel safe. But, whatever happens to the clients is no concern of mine." He smiled shrugging his hands, holding his staff in the other.
"What are you talking about?" Charlie asked confused, staring at the demon in disbelief. Alastor turned to her. He had the most terrifying smug grin on his face.
"You said in your own words princess, "That I may help for as long as I desire." I, now, have no need to." Charlie's eyes widened in realization. She cursed to herself, remembering. He was right that was their terms of agreement. 
 "Alastor, please. You have to help!" The princess pleaded.
 "A deal's a deal's, sweetheart." Alastor smiled. He began to walk away while Charlie desperately called out to him trying to get him to come back.
"Wait a minute, where's Anna?" Vaggie asked. Alastor immediately stopped. Everyone looked around to find that Anna wasn't there.
"Last I saw her, she was in..." Husks eyes widen, cursing. "The hotel." Everyone stared back at the infested hotel.
"You mean she's still in there?!" Angel exclaimed.
Then the door to the hotel opened and Anna stepped out, carrying a her notebook. She headed towards the group, not noticing the hellbug underneath the ground, digging, as it stalked her.
"Husk, we still need to finish your intervention," Anna said. "You can't keep avoiding this."
Everyone's eyes widen as they stared at something behind her. The hellbug has came out of the ground, revealing itself. It was getting ready to strike. Alastor's staff let out an alarm, blaring very loud in warning.
"ANNA!" Everyone exclaimed out loud. 
Alastor twitched as he gripped his staff tightly in his hands with a strained smile on his face. Why did she have to show up now?! Anna stared at the others confused, wondering why they were screaming.
"WHAT?" Anna called out.
"Turn around you stupid bitch!" Angel cried out. "It's behind you! Get out of the way!"
Anna paled and turned her head and her eyes widened in horror to see a giant monstrous bug staring down at her with it's multiple black beady eyes. She gulped and stepped back. The hellbug let out a loud roar spraying a green liquid, spitting acid from it's mouth. It rained down aiming directly at Anna. She screamed as it came closer, there was no way that she could get out of the way in time. Alastor didn't have time to order a shadow or summon a tentacle to help her. He only had a few seconds and it would be too late.
"Shit!" He cursed under his breath. Alastor ran straight towards the creature and Anna, hoping that he would get there in time.
Anna shut her eyes tightly waiting to feel the burning pain from the acid. But, she felt nothing. Something had swooped in and snatched Anna pulling her out of the way. Large wings spread out sailing high into the air.
Anna felt light as if she was flying. She opened her eyes to find her feet was a few feet off the ground. She looked up and her eyes widened in shock to see that it was Husk who had saved her. Alastor smiled in relief. Husk landed near the others and placed Anna down.
"Aw, you do care," Anna teased. Husk let out a surprised meow before he growled, clearing his throat.
"Just be careful next time!" He shouted. "We can't keep looking after you all the time!"
"Well, I'd say it's a work in progress," Anna replied booping Husk on his nose then pointed down. "Check your feet." Husk raised a hairy eyebrow and looked down to see two normal pair of human feet, no paws.
Alastor snapped his fingers and summoned some tentacles to contain the bugs. The tentacles squeezed a few crushing them. Angel shot at them guns a blazing, blasting each one. Husk slashed at a few with his sharp claws. Charlie created a fireball incinerating a few while Vaggie stabbed at some with her angel harpoon. One by one, the hellbugs were defeated and were now a pile of bug juice and guts on the ground. Charlie ran over to Anna worried.
"Are you okay?!" She asked.
"I'm fine," Anna replied. Alastor laughed and walked over to them.
"You sure did give us quite a show!" He said. "I can't believe that you managed to get Husker to fly."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" The cat demon questioned, insulted. "Are saying that I'm lazy?"
 Alastor hummed tapping his finger on his chin. "Hmm," He said , smiling. "Yes!"
 Husk growled wanting to punch the smiling demon in the face to wipe that smug smirk off. But, a loud groan made him stop and everyone turned their heads. At their feet, Baxter laid on the ground, completely bruised and beaten up.
"Baxter!" Charlie cried out running towards him, as did everybody else. "What happened? Where's Niffty?!" The cyclops demon was nowhere to be found.
"Some bastard jumped us during our date and beat me up and took her!" Baxter explained. He growled and slammed his fist on the ground angrily. "I couldn't do anything to protect her!"
"We'll, get her back." The princess assured him. "No matter what it takes."
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dragonshoard · 5 years
Don’t Leave Me (With a Smile) Chapter 1
Charlastor 1920s AU AO3 Link
Summary: New Orleans, 1926. Charlie Magne was the daughter of old money. From the city to the stock market her family had their hands in every pot. In her parent’s ideal world, she was to marry into a wealthy family for connections and continue her mother’s work with the city’s richest, but Charlie never wanted that. Her father was a reasonable man, she could make him see things her way... maybe (though her time was ticking).  
Alistair was a coincidence, a happy happenstance. And her way out. She shouldn’t have been surprised when she fell in love with him. Before, it had been enough to know that he had loved her. 
(If you could call the dark, twisted thing in his chest love)
i’m sorry for any typos ahh
From the glittering skyline to the bustling streets, New Orleans was truly the place to be if you were anybody. Jazz was the city’s lifeblood and the nightlife was flooded with the clarinets and trumpets playing in tune, drawing in people from miles away. 
Men and women dressed to the nines walked the streets, laughing and sometimes dancing their way to their destinations whether it be to another club or the coffee shop still open down the block. 
Similarly, a small group consisting of one man and two women, just at the start of adulthood, barely squeezed their way past the door of a small cafe into the winter air, clutching onto their hats and fur coats respectively. 
“I don’t know why we don’t do this more often!” The blonde with a brilliantly powdered face smiled through the cold, viciously happy to be surrounded by friends and free of the demands of her parents, however temporary it may have been. 
Her clothing was, perhaps, slightly too conservative to have someone call her a “flapper”, but was well within the style. She was fitted in a gorgeous black dress with golden accents and embroidery in a geometric pattern that shimmered in the streetlight. It covered her arms with sheer golden lace and came up to cover her collar bone. The signature sequin tassels swayed at the cut off just below her knees. Covering it was a beige fur coat that screamed wealth. 
Perhaps she was a bit sheltered, but it had yet to cause any issues. Well, besides the teasing from her friends that ranged from funny to rather ruthless at times. 
“You want me to answer that or ya wanna keep walking, Charlie?” The laugh that followed was loud enough to turn heads. 
The young man in question was visibly taller than most people, in general. He was roughly a head taller than his companions. White hairs artfully laced through his slicked back brown hair despite his obvious youth. His eyes were a warm brown, complementing the slightly tanned skin. 
“I know I don’t get out a lot, but things are changin’, Angel! Daddy’s been getting more clients downtown, so he doesn’t come home as much as he used to… Mama’s been really busy too but she’s also willing to give me some leeway…” The girl directed her beaming smile at him as she hurried along down the sidewalk, nearly running into a pole when she turned back around. 
“Careful! You don’t need a bump on the head to ruin your night! And, honestly, do we have to call you that Martin?” 
‘Angel’ gave her a sharp smile, looking every bit the shark that many had claimed him to be. Charlie was, of course, aware but chose to redirect the two of them to other topics. Even if it meant drawing attention back to herself. 
“I’m fine, Vaggie! You worry too much!” Charlie smiled down brightly at the dark haired woman who had pulled her away from what may have resulted in a very tedious evening. Vaggie had sun-kissed skin with dark eyes that looked nearly black in the low lighting. She had been her first (and at times her only) friend that her father had approved of. 
“Says the one who tried to slip in past the broads that you know you couldn’t have fit a quarter in between the three they were so close together.” Angel smiled even wider, before looking over to the side and waving at a group of people across the street.
Charlie’s smile dimmed to a more mute, yet still appropriately impish, grin before she tucked into Vaggie’s side. “It’s just - I’m so excited! Can you blame me?” 
The answer differed from the faces her two friends made at her. One entirely endearing while the other was more… over it, for lack of better words. Charlie frowned a bit, mostly for show. 
She tried to justify herself. “Lights, crowds of dancers, and all the latest music.” She popped up, almost twirling in place. “It’s just so glamorous, and Daddy has been home for days now, and you know how he is,” she drawled, smirking almost innocently up at the tall “Angel”.  
When “Lucifer” (as many of his business partners had taken to calling him) was home, he preferred older tunes that practically put Charlie to sleep. She could barely find moments where she could put in her records or turn on the radio to listen in without her Daddy hollering for her to turn that trash off. 
Charlie’s father was a charming and charismatic man, when he wanted to be. He treated his daughter as if she was the most precious object in the entire universe. The amount of photos stuffed in nearly ten photo albums from ages zero to three showed the dedication he had towards his little girl. 
And perhaps that was the reason it had become a problem, especially as of lately. The only good thing that came out of the attention these days was that it extended the time she spent in the house and not out finding a husband. Even now, he was hesitant about giving her away and having her no longer in his sights (perhaps that was why he was looking so meticulously, to find someone that may easily fit under his thumb). 
“If you ask me, your pops has got a few screws loose up in his noggin. I mean, come on, you’re twenty-one! Practically an old maid, and he hasn’t even let you go out on a date!” He laughed, hand casually hooking her away from Vaggie and into his side, squashing her into his fashionably striped suit. 
They were nearing the club, the music growing audibly louder from the sidewalk. 
“I’ve been on dates before!” 
“Honey, being chaperoned by Daddy dearest who makes it a point to play with the steak knife ain’t exactly what I would call a date.” He flipped his hair up, tilting his head down so Charlie could see the near mocking grin painted across his features. 
“Lay off her, Angel. I don’t see anyone coming to ask to date you.” Vaggie put a protective hand on Charlie’s shoulder and practically yanked her away from him. 
“Aw come on; don’t be such a tart, I didn’t mean any harm by it! I’m just saying that’s it’s not natural. She should be goin’ out! Having the time of her life! Not sitting home all day doin’ whatever her ‘daddy’ wants her doin’,” he made a derisive hand motion, rolling his eyes.
A sly grin took over and Charlie knew exactly what he was going to say. 
“If you’d just let me introduce you to some of my friends - “ 
“You mean some of your family, Matra - “ 
“Shhush!” He nearly jumped over them to cover both of their mouths, regardless of the fact that Charlie wasn’t even saying anything to begin with. It drew a few lingering eyes to their party. “You want me to get ganked? You can’t say that type of shit in these parts.” 
Vaggie didn’t look particularly apologetic and simply shrugged him off, opting to pull Charlie along with her. She gave him a smug look as they stepped up to doors that barely seemed to contain the music inside. 
“‘K, but seriously toots. I got a cousin that goes by Arlo. He’s a bit of a sap, but he’d treat you right.” 
“None of you would get Daddy’s money if he didn’t approve, and I’m not so sure he’d be happy getting involved with your family.” 
New Orleans wasn’t as bad as, say, Chicago or New York when it came to gang or mafioso violence, but it wasn’t the cleanest either. A politician had been mysteriously “removed” when he’d attempted to go after one of the organized crime rings. 
Angel pouted at that, “Come on, you’ve known me for ages! You think I’d set you up just for the money?” 
They both looked at him with the most unimpressed face they could individually pull. Charlie was the first to let up and laughed as she waited for the entryway to clear. 
A man smoking against the wall gave Charlie a second glance, confused but with a look of vague recognition crossing his features. He opened his mouth, likely to ask if they’d met before, only to be cut off by the tall mafioso whose eyes felt like daggers going into his skin. 
The man quickly turned away and Angel seemed to do a one-eighty, once again smiling at his friends as they were finally able to push open the doors. 
“Welcome to the Lodge! It’s been open for a few years but they added a few ah features that made it more popular over the last couple months.” 
Charlie’s eyes seemed to glimmer as she took in the large space, absentmindedly taking off her coat and hanging it to the side. The Lodge was absolutely luxurious, from the wallpaper to the nearly reflective wood flooring. The band was booming, but not loud enough to drown out the laughter and chatter that was a testament to the hall’s popularity.  
“Oh my - “ Charlie was practically hopping in place, excitement practically vibrating off of her. 
“Hey! Careful, lets not get separated, okay?” Vaggie, being the voice of reason and caution, was quick to hook elbows with Charlie, the only thing that had kept the girl from shooting off into the crowd. 
“Aw, come on, there’s a ton of people here! Not to mention the bulls in literally every corner.” Angel discreetly let his eyes wander around the room as he leaned against a pillar. 
If anyone were to pay close attention, they would notice the men in unremarkable suits lingering near the bar and every little hideyhole you could think of. It made Charlie shift, unsure of how to feel about the knowledge and and slightly concerned. If any of them were in her father’s pockets she was so dead. She ducked her head at the thought, almost attempting to hide via Vaggie despite their height difference. 
“Speaking of the ‘bulls’, should we be concerned,” Vaggie questioned. “I’d rather not get arrested or hauled away in a cab tonight.” 
“Don’t worry about it! They’re the reason the club gets to keep their juice.” Angel was quick to get distracted by a handsome fellow on the other side of the club. “I hate to cut this gaggle short, but I got some tail to catch, if you get my drift. See ya ladies later!” And with that he was off in the other direction. 
Vaggie was thoroughly unimpressed and neither of them looked surprised. Charlie couldn’t help but shake her head. It was a common trick he pulled after they’d all been to a few places; always looking for a guy to end the night with. Charlie admired his boldness; however, couldn’t imagine herself dating so many men, much less having sex with them. 
And it wasn’t like she was there for any of that nonsense to begin with. She was there to dance.
“Come on, Vaggie!” 
The look of sheer panic on her friends face was telling, but it didn’t stop Charlie from dragging her to the packed dance floor. Charlie knew that her dancing was a bit intense for her friend’s (most people, really) liking, which is why she usually ended up dancing solo, but it didn’t mean that she couldn’t make them try for a while before they wore out. 
Charlie tapped her slight heels to the dance floor, tuning into the beat and began shimmying sideways until her hip bumped Vaggie’s. Her glittering smile almost effortlessly brought her friend out of the doom and gloom the thought of dancing with Charlie had put Vaggie in. There was some exasperation, but it was mostly fond. Charlie would take what she got.  
Giggling, she did a small spin. Her feet followed the basic steps of the Charleston to warm up, surprisingly considerate of her reluctant dance partner. Charlie gave Vaggie a mischievous smile that Vaggie had come to know as the turning of the tide against her favor. 
Heart pounding already as Charlie began to speed up, smiling so wide that her face was beginning to hurt: one foot to the side, back and forward. The music seemed louder like this, as if it had drowned out everything else: from the slight static of the stereo someone seemed to be playing in the background to the dancers who seemed to have begun to back away. 
So engrossed in her own movements, she didn’t notice when Vaggie tapped out, unwilling to try and compete with her. And even had she been paying attention, she wouldn’t have noticed that she had caught someone’s eye in a unique way. 
A man, who had taken the invitation for a night on the town by a fellow colleague and had been regretting it deeply, was watching her with the hungriest gaze anyone on that side of New Orleans had ever seen. A tall man with slicked back dark brown hair in a fairly tailored pinstripe suit with a burgundy tie to match similarly colored dress pants. His eyes looked nearly red in a certain light, pulling the look together flawlessly. 
A few years ago, no one would have noticed him, but these days he was too public for at least a few people to recognize the voice of the Alistair Trahan. 
He watched as she pulled up her dress every now and then to perform a kick or jump. His grin grew in glee as she practically leaped across the dance floor, feigning falling a few times only to skip and tap away unscathed. The grace in her movements was uncanny. 
She teetered in between stages of nearly falling and stability so often, he wondered how she hadn’t become dizzy from the whiplash. Perhaps it was the danger that bid her to prefer the dance style (or maybe she just enjoyed it). 
Her energy was something he had rarely seen before. What made it even more energizing was how she never stopped smiling no matter how her dress clung from the sweat that must have been pouring off her in waves or how those heels must have been a pain to dance in. 
She caught his gaze for a split second and those eyes. Dark and piercing as they were compared to his own dreadful gaze. He imagined what it would be like to have those eyes on him and only him. 
He raised a hand to his face, surprising himself when he noticed how flushed he was. He was brought back to reality when he noticed that the band had stopped playing. She was practically glowing as she panted, looking victorious in her stance (and a part of him imagined it as a form of armor, and he wondered what she would look like bound in steel). 
It would be a pleasure to pull apart that cheerful manner and see what was underneath it; see if she was just as golden inside as she was out. 
His mood dimmed slightly (though his smile didn’t show it) when he noticed that another woman had tucked herself into the personified sunshine’s side. 
It seemed there were obstacles that needed to be removed.
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radianhazbin · 5 years
Do you believe in Love on first sight?
A sharp pain. Pain, she never felt before in her life. She tried to scream for help, but it was too late. The knife slit through her thin skin, the few muscles and lastly, through her trachea. She tried to scream, but with every attempt, just more and more blood shot out of her throat. She went to her knees, desperately trying to keep her vital liquids inside her, with her right hand. She tried to grab her attacker with her other, but without any luck. He punched her hand away, and countered with another thrust of the knife. This time in went into her left eye. The pain she felt was like nothing she ever felt before. She tried to desperately scream for help, but no one heard her. No one came. 
I will die. 
She thought. The girl closed her only eye that she had left and hoped for the sweet release of death to come soon. She released her grip from her throat, and let the blood run out. 
Please. End this suffering. 
She prayed.
Moments later, she stopped to feeling the pain. She stopped to feel anything. Her head sunk down, and fell to the ground. Everything went black. 
There was nothing. She saw nothing. She heard nothing. She felt nothing. 
But then, a crash. Everything was still dark, but she began to hear loud conversations all around her. She felt the hard, course surface she was laying on and the smell of rotten flesh in the air. 
She slowly opened her eyes, just to feel another sharp pain in her left eye socket. The 
women slammed her hand against the source of the pain, just to notice something unusual. She slowly moved her fingers over the location, where her eye should be. She felt two, overlapping scars, that where forming a cross. 
"what the fuck?", she whispered to herself. 
"Oh hello."
She heard a high pitched, female voice above her. The girl slowly lifted her head up from the ground, and spotted a beautiful young girl right in front of her. She was around the same age as herself, and had thick makeup in her face. She was looking down on the woman. 
"My name is Charlie!", she said, while stretching out her hand, to help the young girl standing up. 
"Where am I? What is this place?!", the girl demanded to know, while grabbing Charlie's hand. 
"Well, how do I say this?", Charlie crossed her arms behind her back, and wiggled back and forth on her heels. "You're in hell!", she answered happily, with a big smile. 
"What?!", the girl screamed out. "this can't be. No, this isn't happening… Fuck!", the young woman grabbed her head, and stumbled around. 
"Don't worry, it isn't so bad here. I have to know, I lived here my whole life!", Charlie assured the girl. 
"you're whole life?", she asked confused. . 
"Well, yeah.. Lucifer, well, he is, you know, he's my father.", Charlie answered cheerfully. 
"Wait, Lucifer? The fallen angel? But if you're his daughter that makes you-"
"yeah, yeah, princess of hell, I know.", Charlie interrupted her. 
The girl looked at her in fear, while stumbling backwards. 
"What do you want from me?", she asked with a shaking voice. 
"I saw you on the street, and assumed that you would either be a newcomer or a passed out drunk. I just tried to be nice, I'm sorry.", Charlie admitted, with a hanging head. 
The girl was surprised. Did the princess of hell, daughter of lucifer, just apologized to her? 
"Uhm, no… No Problem. I'm sorry. My name is Vaggie, and you're right, I am a newcomer. Just died.", she said with a voice crack, trying to cheer the demon princess up. 
"well, then welcome to hell!", Charlie celebrated with wide open arms. 
"Uhm thanks.", Vaggie replied, still a little uneasy. 
"Oh, don't worry, you'll love it here! We have drugs and booze, all a sinner could ask for!", Charlie explained happily. 
"I just died because of a drug deal gone wrong. I won't touch this stuff no more. This could be a new beginning for me.", 
Charlie inhaled deeply, her grin grew from ear to ear. 
"Is everything okay?", Vaggie questioned. 
"Yeeeeees!", screeched Charlie, "hey, do you want to eat something? Come on, let me show you around!"
"I mean, sure we can whoaaah! -", Charlie grabbed the newcomer at her wrist and dragged her with her down the street. 
What's wrong with this girl?! 
Vaggie asked herself. 
If she's telling the truth with her heritage, shouldn't she be more… Threatening? She's less of a demon princess, and more like an overly excited cupcake! 
After a few blocks of dragging, they stood in front of an small building. The bright red DINER sign, that rested on its roof, illuminated the street and people beneath it. Charlie moved up the two steps, and opened the glass door. Vaggie followed her inside shortly after. The door slammed shut behind the two girls. 
“Good morning! I’ll take a coffee and some pancakes, and my friend here can have whatever she wants!”, Charlie enthusiastically told the bartender. 
“Uhm, I think I’ll take a just a water for now.”, Vaggie ordered shy. 
The bartender was a tall, sweaty taurus demon. Around twice as tall as Vaggie or Charlie themself. He nods with a grunt, and turned around, to prepare their meal. 
Meanwhile, the two girls walked around in the shady room. Demons sat in the chairs around them. Some were eating, some drinking, many were drunk or doing drugs. But not a single one of them even looked at the girls. After a bit of searching, Charlie found an empty table at the far side of the small restaurant, where the girls settled down. 
Vaggie started the conversation: “Say, if you’re the princess of hell, shouldn’t these guys like, bow down or something? Or at least recognise you?” 
“No, they won’t.”, Charlie stated, with a hanging head. She exhaled some air, before continuing to talk, “I may be the heir to the throne, but that title is worth next to nothing down here. I have no special rights, no special treats. And, then there's the thing, that, I’m not the daughter, my father wants me to be.”, A tear ran down Charlie’s eye, which she quickly wiped away, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t tell you this, we just met, and what kind of an impression does that make?”, Charlie chuckled a bit. 
Even though, she was still very confused, Vaggie felt bad for the girl sitting opposite of her. 
“Hey, don’t worry, I mean, my father never liked me either. So I guess we’re even in that.”, Vaggie tried to cheer her up. 
“Thanks, but, I feel so selfish right now. Alright-”, she wiped the tears away from her face, and took a deep breath, “calm down Charlie”, she whispered to herself, before looking up again, “So, Vaggie, how do you like hell so far?”, she questioned her with a big smile on her face, that felt somewhat off. 
“Well, so far, I’ve met pretty nice people here, despite it being hell.”, she replied with a smile.
“Wait, but you’ve only met me so far-”, Charlie broke up her sentence herself, when she realized who Vaggie was talking about, “Ohh, thank you!”
“Haha, no problem Charlie! Hey, but, uhm. Can I ask you a question?”
“Sure thing!”
“Why were you so happy, when I told you, that I would stop drinking and doing drugs?”, she questioned.
“Oh well, it’s a stupid idea I have, no big deal.”, Charlie tried to dodge.
“Oh come on tell me! It sounds interesting!”, Vaggie insisted.
“Okay, okay.”, she readied herself up, then proceeded to explain: “Well, we down here have a small problem with overpopulation. And so far, my father simply killed off many poor souls, to keep space for everyone. But I simply can’t see my people being killed off every year, again and again. I’ve lost many friends because of that. So I had the idea that, instead of killing them off, I would instead rehabilitate them! I know it sounds stupid. But if it works, I can safe so many souls, who would otherwise be dying in the streets.”
“And where do you want to rehabilitate them? Just here on the streets?”
“Of course not! I managed to get my hands onto a hotel, just on the other side of the town. I will send them there, and then, I will help them!”, she further explained, “that’s why I was so happy, that you wanted to change your ways. You’re proof, that not every demon inherently evil.”
“Oh, no no. I’m not a demon.”, Vaggie explained.
“Uhm, Vaggie, I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’re in hell. Everybody is a demon.”
“Really? I don’t feel like one!”
“I can assure you, you are. Why do you think your hair got so long all of the sudden, and that your eye got replaced with an X?”, Charlie told her with a smile.
Vaggie hesitated to answer, at first. She didn't even really listened to her. Her thoughts were somewhere else. 
Was her smile so cute the whole time? 
She thought to herself. 
“Well… That sucks.”, she admitted. 
“Oh, it’s not too bad! I’ve been a demon my whole life, and I’m feeling great!”, Charlie jumped on the chair, and swung her arms wide open.
“HEY! Get the fuck down from the chair! NOW!”, a deep voice screamed at her. It was the bartender. He was standing right next to them, with their order in his hands. 
“Sorry, hehe”, Charlie apologized and climbed down again.
The taurus demon grunts again, and threw the order on the table, before turning around and leaving again. Charlie took the fork, and impaled one of the pancakes.
“Do you want some?”, she asked Vaggie, while holding the flat cake in front of her.
“Oh no, thank you. I don’t want to eat something away from you.”, she refused.
“Don’t worry! It’s too much for me anyway. Here, we can split.”, Charlie shoved the plate with the food in the middle of the table. 
I can’t remember the last time someone wanted to share something with me.
Vaggie thought, before grabbing one of the pancakes with her hands, and biting a piece out of it. 
“So, what do you think?”, Charlie asked while chewing on her own pancake.
“It’s great! Thank you!”, Vaggie responded. 
The two girls smiled at each other, while eating their meal. After they had finished, Charlie left some money on the table for the taurus, and they both left the restaurant. 
"Where do we go now? What is a usual day down here?", Vaggie asked. 
"Well, most people take drugs, get drunk or fuck around. Literally.", Charlie responded. 
"Wow, the f-word out of such a cute mouth? Didn't expect that.", Vaggie said, smiling. 
"Oh, shush!", Charlie's cheeks got red, when she heard that. 
They both chuckled a bit, before Charlie continued the conversation: "Well, I know a nice park, not too far from here. If you want to, we can go there." 
"Sounds great.", Vaggie responded smiling. She wasn't interested in the park itself. But that women had something on her, that Vaggie couldn't describe. 
They walked down the street, and the newcomer looked around. All around her, were demons. Vaggie was a little creeped out, and kept herself close to Charlie. 
Soon they arrived at the park, where they sat down on a bench together. 
"This feels so odd.", Vaggie whispered to herself. 
"What feels odd?", Charlie asked. 
"What? Oh just, all of this. Hell, meeting you, it all just feels so weird. Like in a fever dream."
"Well, sorry to hear that. But I can imagine. Suddenly a new life, some girl who you never seen before wants to go on a date with you-" 
"A what?", Vaggie interrupted her surprised. 
"Did I say date?! I meant going to eat dinner together! Not a date! Haha, why would I go on a date with you? Hehe", Charlie chuckled between the words, while nervously playing with her fingers. She didn't even looked Vaggie in the eyes. "I mean we're both women, wouldn't that be odd?" 
"Well, I've been on multiple dates with women on earth.", Vaggie explained. 
"Wait, you guys can do that?", Charlie questioned confused. 
"Of course. You guys can't? I mean we're in hell. I wouldn't expect someone being gay is anything odd down here.", Vaggie explained. 
"Well it isn't, but my father, you see… it… It's complicated. I mean, I myself can't even sort my feelings out!", Charlie began to get louder, "I mean, I obviously like guys, I even had some boyfriends in the past, but, then, some girls grabbed my attention too! I just don't know what to feel anymore! And my stupid father hated when I brought a women back home!", tears began to roll down Charlie's face,"he said, that no princess of hell can be gay! But what if I am, dad?! What the fuck if I fucking am?!", she slammed her fist on the empty seat next to her, while out of a few tears formed many. 
She started sobbing, while her head slowly, went down. Through her wet eyes, she could see, how they fell to the ground, when suddenly, she felt something around her shoulders. It was Vaggie's arm, that had hugged the young princess. Charlie was dragged closer to the newcomer, until her head rested in Vaggie's chest. Charlie replied the gesture, and hugged the girl back. Now, her emotions knew no borders. She let everything out, that hat piled up over the years. 
"He was only ever happy with me, when I was a child! After that, I was never good enough. Never! When I told him about my idea, he rejected it. Said I should do something useful with my life.", she sobbed. 
Vaggie stroke her soft, blond hair, and kissed her softly on the forehead, which finally brought a smile to Charlie's face. The crying girl slowly lifted up her head, and looked Vaggie in her eyes. 
"I'm sorry, Vaggie. Not all demons are a crybaby like me. I'm sorry for-" 
"Stop.", Vaggie interrupted her, with putting one finger on her lips, "no more sorry. No more apologies. Let out, what you need to let out, okay? I'm here for you.", she explained, while wiping away some of Charlie's tears. 
"Thank you.", Charlie said under her breath, "hey, can I show you something? It isn't far from here.", she asked. 
"You can take me anywhere you want, Charlie.", Vaggie replied with a smile. 
The two girls stood up, and walked not far. Charlie lead Vaggie through the park, still crying a little bit, but soon they arrived at a small bridge over a river. Charlie rested her arms on the bridges railing. 
"I always come here, when I feel sad. Which, with my family, is quite often.", she chuckled.
"It's beautiful.", Vaggie stated, while looking down at the shining, blue water. 
Charlie turned her head away.
"Your parents never said anything, when you brought women home?", she asked. 
Vaggie rested one hand on her shoulder. 
"I never told them. My father was a strict Christian. And I was drug addicted and gay. I never told him anything.", she said. 
"And your mother?" 
"Died when I was eight. I never really knew her much." 
"Oh, I'm sorry, Vaggie.", Charlie apologized. 
Vaggie rested her arms on the young girls shoulders and smiled at her. 
"What did I tell you about apologizing?" 
Charlie smiled at that answer, and decided to ask a question, she wanted to ask Vaggie the entire day. 
"Vaggie. I know what I'm about to tell you is ridiculous. But", she breathed in deeply, "Do you believe in love on first sight?", Charlie looked Vaggie deep in her eyes, with a serious stare, "you know, when two people just love each other without any reason, even if they just knew each other for a few hours, you just know that… You love this girl, and want to spend your whole life with her." 
Vaggie looked back a Charlie and smiled. 
"Yes.", she said, and slowly moved her head forward. She grabbed Charlie's head with both hands and buried them deep into her golden hair. She then proceeded to press her lips against Charlie's. 
Charlie closed her eyes, hugged Vaggie, and let her emotions free. But this time, it wasn't sadness it was love. 
Hope you like it! 
Happy Varlie week everyone! :)
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Satan’s Plan Chapter 18
Meanwhile, the Egg Bois were passing the broken bits of the elevator up the ladder from the bottom of the shaft where the elevator had fallen.
Toulouse was giving orders diligently while Charlie watched on feeling genuinely impressed at the Egg Bois' organization. She was honestly impressed with Sir Pentious' minions' skills and cooperation. These guys had managed to accomplish more work then she or anyone else had done in such a short amount of time. Despite their clumsiness, they were highly efficient.
The work was going quickly until a voice called out of the elevator shaft.
"Hey, Toulouse!" an Egg Boi in the shaft called out. "I think you need to look at this!"
"What is it?" Toulouse called back.
"I don't know! Just get down here!" the Egg Boi replied.
"Okay, I'm coming!" Toulouse replied before turning to Charlie. "Will you please excuse me, princess? I have to help my clones."
"Oh, don't worry about it," Charlie replied. "Just don't get yourself hurt. Angel has told me about how easily you die."
"Oh, I can't die," Toulouse reassured her as the other Egg Bois moved aside to allow Toulouse to go down the ladder. "Every time I get hurt, I instantly heal and the piece of me that broke off makes another clone. The others become ghosts if they die since they're just familiars, but their dead bodies make more clones if you give them some time. That's why there are so many of me."
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each feeling absolutely disturbed before Charlie regained her composure and managed to say, "That is…good to know, Toulouse."
"Yep," Toulouse said flashing a large smile as he began descending the ladder. "I'll see you in a minute."
Meanwhile, Sir Pentious was standing to the side looking at the blueprints for the elevator. This hotel's model was older than his. The elevator box fit, but the whole damn contraption ought to be replaced. His own model would be much more efficient.
"Your majesty?" Sir Pentious asked. "Might I suggest replacing the elevator entirely? This model is quite old and I have a model that is much more efficient…"
Vaggie snorted.
"And what was that?" Sir Pentious asked showing his disgust.
"I know what you're doing," Vaggie said stepping over to Sir Pentious and summoning her spear. "You're suggesting putting in a completely new model as a way to screw us over somehow."
Sir Pentious scoffed in disbelief and said, "My lady, why in the hell would I do that?"
"Vaggie…" Charlie said.
"I know how contractors in hell work, Charlie," Vaggie spat back. "Unless you work for someone rich and prestigious, they will half-ass the whole thing and leave us in a worse position than before."
"You have nothing to worry about then," Sir Pentious retorted. "Charlie is a princess. Besides her parents, she has the most prestige out of anyone in Hell. It would go against my honor as a gentleman to do anything to harm her."
"See, Vaggie?" Charlie said trying to calm her girlfriend down. "Let's just give him a chance."
"If you say so…" Vaggie said putting her spear down. "But I'm watching you, snake."
"Whatever," Sir Pentious said rolling all his eyes at once. "Just please stay out of my way."
"Hey, boss!" an Egg Boi called out from the hole. "Could you come down here please?!"
Sir Pentious sighed dramatically and said, "Do I have to?"
"But boss, Toulouse is down there," Thryce protested.
"Oh," Sir Pentious said suddenly remembering. "Alright, I'll go down."
"I knew Toulouse was his favorite," Thryce muttered to Austen while Sir Pentious slithered down the ladder.
Sir Pentious slithered down the ladder as quickly and carefully as he could trying his best to avoid the debris and exposed wires of the shaft.
"Toulouse?" Sir Pentious asked. "Toulouse, where are you?"
"I'm over here, boss," Toulouse replied waving his flashlight around at the bottom of the shaft.
Once he was clearly in his sight, Sir Pentious hopped off the ladder landing on the ground with a thud.
Sir Pentious sighed in relief as he dusted off his coat and said, "Toulouse, what have I told you about being aware of your surroundings so that you don't get yourself in situations like this?"
"Don't worry about that, patron," Toulouse replied. "Look what Joey found."
Joey hopped around in place as he had that day when he was riding in the boss's death blimp, pointed at the wall, and said, "Yeah, boss! Look at this!"
Sir Pentious looked at where Joey was pointing and saw a safe in the wall. It was small, the size of one of the Egg Bois. It was the jackpot Sir Pentious had been hoping to find.
Sir Pentious smiled evilly and asked, "Toulouse, could you tell the Egg Bois to distract the princess for me?"
"What do you want them to do, boss?" Toulouse asked.
"I don't care," Sir Pentious replied. "Any kind that will keep them distracted. Better yet…"
Sir Pentious picked up Joey, threw him up to the ladder, and continued, "…Joey, come up with a distraction that you and the Egg Bois can do to keep the princess and the others occupied until Toulouse and I exit the vault. Someone of your distractibility should have no problems coming up with ideas. Can you handle it?"
"Yes, sir, Mr. Boss Man," Joey said climbing up the ladder.
Joey climbed up to the top and ran over to where Charlie was standing and talking with Delilah and Vaggie.
"Hey, guys!" Joey called out getting their attention. "Do you wanna hear a song?"
Meanwhile back in the pit, Sir Pentious was holding in his arms while he used a stethoscope to open the safe's lock.
"Are we in?" Sir Pentious asked impatiently.
"Just about there…" Toulouse said just before the safe unlocked. "And we're in."
The safe cracked open and Toulouse pulled open the door before Sir Pentious placed him on the ground to look inside.
Sir Pentious was astonished to see a safe packed with gold. The snake demon picked up a gold brick to see an apple insignia imprinted on it.
"Of course," Sir Pentious said taking a picture of the safe and its contents with his miniature camera gadget. "It makes sense that our king would stash his gold somewhere hard to get to."
"Can I see it, boss?" Toulouse asked.
Sir Pentious picked up a gold bar, handed it to Toulouse, and said, "Here, hide this in the work bag."
"Are you going to examine it, Patron?" Toulouse asked curiously.
"No," Sir Pentious said with a smile shutting the safe and scrambling the lock so that no one else would be able to tell they were there. "King Lucifer might want to see the gold for himself so I think it's best if we have one on standby. Besides, he may let us keep it as a reward after we're done with this whole mess. There are many machine parts I could purchase with this…"
"Or you could pay for an expensive wedding," Toulouse added.
"What was that?" Sir Pentious asked confusedly.
"Nothing," Toulouse said climbing on his boss's back. "Let's go back to the top."
"Right," Sir Pentious replied jumping to the ladder and anxiously trying to push Toulouse's comment out of his head so he wouldn't have to think about it. "I only hope that Joey and the others have managed to keep the princess and her associates occupied enough to not worry about our whereabouts."
"I wouldn't worry, boss," Toulouse said as his patron continued climbing up the ladder. "Joey is the most easily distracted of all my clones. I am sure he has found something to distract everyone…"
"Hush," Sir Pentious commanded as he stopped climbing.
"What is it, boss?" Toulouse asked quietly focusing his hive mind.
"There is something going on upstairs and I'm trying to listen to hear what it is," Sir Pentious replied. "It sounds like…"
"Singing," Toulouse said opening his eyes.
"What in the world are they…?" Sir Pentious paused as a terrible thought crossed his mind. "Oh, no…"
Sir Pentious pushed his slithering into overdrive as he slithered up the anxiously praying that the song was not what he feared
Unfortunately, as soon as he and Toulouse reached the top of the ladder, they heard the Egg Bois singing, "Every day that you think of her succulent vine is another day that you could spend becoming divine. Every day that you dream of holding her hand is a day you could be entering the Promised Land. You think it is your destiny to be her mate, but little did you know that it was far past too late…"
Sir Pentious and Toulouse climbed back onto the ground floor and yelled, "No, stop that!"
Sadly, the command fell on deaf ears as the transfixed patrons continued to listen to the Egg Bois sing, "Your desire for her body is like a flame, but you must know this love is a fruitless aim. You think it is the will of God to marry her when you could be seeking life beyond the barrier. You must continue to make your way not matter how much longing for her makes you gay…"
"Shut up!" Sir Pentious yelled slithering across the room and interrupting the performance only to be frozen in place by Alastor.
"What's the matter, Sir Pentious?" Alastor asked with a mocking smile. "This song is lovely."
"Yeah, and these Egg Bois have great voices," Angel added.
"Charlie, stop this!" Sir Pentious pleaded desperately to Charlie, who was standing there next to her girlfriend transfixed with her mouth hanging open. "Charlie! OW!"
Alastor let Sir Pentious fall to the ground with a thump.
"Shut it," Angel replied. "We wanna hear the singing."
"No, Joey, I command you and the clones to stop," Sir Pentious commanded to his Egg Bois.
"Okay, boss," Joey and the other Egg Bois said kinda sadly.
"Nah ah, we wanna hear," Angel said with a chuckle. "It was so juicy."
"I think we've heard enough of Sir Pentious's prose," Vaggie said since Charlie was still too stunned to speak. "We've heard 30 verses already."
Sir Pentious's eyes flashed in a panic as he asked incredulously, "30 verses?! What did they sing?!"
"You should know," Alastor said. "Your servants said their lyrics were based on your poems written about your unnamed secret love. Or should I say Queen Lilith?"
Sir Pentious's face flushed in embarrassment as he noticed Charlie's stunned expression.
"Do you want us to sing it again?" Joey asked.
Before Sir Pentious had time to respond, Crymini gestured to her phone and said, "Don't bother. I got the whole thing on video."
"You what?!" Sir Pentious yelled. "Delete that right now!"
"No way," Crymini said with a smile. "Besides, I've already uploaded it to HellTube."
"What?!" Sir Pentious, Charlie, Vaggie, and Delilah asked simultaneously.
Angel started cracking up. Alastor did the same while Nifty tried her darndest to suppress a smile.
"That's amazing," Angel said. "Does it have any views yet?"
"Let me check," Crymini said looking at her phone. "Oh, shit! It's got 1000 views already."
"Damn, 1000 views already?" Angel asked. "It hasn't even been 5 minutes."
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sir Pentious shrieked at the top of his lungs as he swiftly slithered down the hall with Toulouse still hanging onto his back.
Delilah watched sympathetically resting her hand on Charlie's shoulder while Vaggie stewed next to her and the other demons laughed in the background.
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sevensstories · 4 years
I Thought I Knew You Chapter 4: Day 2
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Characters: Angel Dust, Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie, Husker, Nifty, Cherri Bomb, Fat Nuggetz Ships: Radiodust slowburn Updates: Maybe every Thursday depending on my schedule Warnings: Alcohol mention, drug mention, mature content, mature language
Chapter 1: House Arrest Chapter 2: Contraband Chapter 3: Day 1  Chapter 4: Day 2 You Are Here
Read it on AO3, or just read under the cut!
Author’s Note: It’s my birthday today! I know this is supposed to go up on Thursday, but I wanted it up today so the comments would be like a little gift to myself. Don’t worry though, there will still be another chapter on Thursday so stay tuned!
Mistakes had been made.
Why did he think making a deal like that was a good idea? What if he lost ? He certainly didn’t want to uphold his end if he did, but considering they had made a demon deal of all things he wouldn’t exactly have much of a choice. This had been a bad idea from the start, and he was kicking himself for ever thinking of it.
Alastor briefly wondered if Angel Dust had the same regrets.
He was pacing in his room, and had been for at least half the night. This seemed as good a time as any to consider his options. Normally Alastor wouldn’t be worried about Angel Dust possibly making it through a full month. He had no impulse control to speak of, and even if he did, he wasn’t exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer and thinking over any consequences before he acted wasn’t likely. However, one thing Alastor didn’t doubt was Angel Dust’s dedication to making Alastor as uncomfortable as possible.
And Alastor had gone and made a very lopsided deal that was sure to do just that.
The way Alastor saw it, Angel Dust didn’t stand to lose much. From the way he spoke, he was still on wonderful terms with Valentino. To be entirely honest, Alastor wasn’t even entirely sure why he bothered to stay in the hotel in the first place. Boredom, perhaps? It was difficult to imagine Angel Dust sharing any motives similar to his own, but it was certainly possible. Whatever his reasoning may be, it didn’t seem as if he would face any real consequences if he lost.
Alastor, on the other hand…
He was sure attempting to purchase Angel Dust’s contract would result in nothing less than an all out war with Valentino. Though the likes of Valentino didn’t exactly worry Alastor, that didn’t mean he had the time to deal with such conflict. To make matters worse, he wasn’t sure what he would do with the contract once he acquired it. Given Valentino’s status, he was sure it was something far more binding than simple pen and paper. That would imply it to be unnecessarily difficult to dispel, even for the likes of Alastor. If he had to spend the rest of his eternity with Angel Dust following him around like some kind of lost puppy, he wasn’t entirely sure his sanity would be able to handle it.
Truth be told, he would never had made the deal had he thought it through. He had expected for Angel Dust to ask for something ridiculous, such as drugs or… other things Alastor would rather not think about. He was not at all expecting something so calculated, so long term . So when Angel Dust asked for Alastor to purchase his contract, he had felt so put on the spot that he had agreed without thinking. And oh, what a mistake that had been. He had been able to hide his concern at first, but the more he thought about it the more he realized he had put himself in a bit of a bind.  
A knock at his door startled him to attention. He looked up, halting the loud radio static and screeching he hadn’t been aware he was emitting. He hesitated only a moment before speaking, giving him time to compose himself. “Yes?”
“Alastor?” Charlie’s voice came from the other side of the door. Of course it was Charlie. “I was just coming to check on you, normally you’re up by now. Are you okay?”
Up by now? A glance to his pocket watch showed it was nearly nine in the morning. He had been pacing far longer than he realized, it was a wonder he hadn’t worn a path into the floorboards.
“I’m perfectly alright, my dear.” The lie was effortless, as they always were. “I was just preoccupied with a…” Well, maybe not effortless. He did have to take a split second to think of something, he just hoped Charlie didn’t notice. “...aaa lesson plan for Angel Dust! Yes, I believe I’ve come up with just the thing to get him through this… difficult time.”
“Oh, that’s wonderful!” From the excitement lacing her tone, it was safe to say she hadn’t noticed a thing. “I can’t believe I was worrying, you’re always such a great help! I’ll leave you to it!”
His sensitive ears twitched slightly as he listened to her footsteps fade down the hallway. Well, that was one crisis avoided. With that, he supposed it was time to leave his room. As much as he could pace and fret over this all day, he really didn’t have the time. More importantly, he couldn’t let Angel Dust know he had any doubts. The key to winning this was confidence, and in that category it would seem the two of them were nearly equally matched. If Angel Dust knew Alastor was even the slightest bit concerned, it could turn the tables of their deal faster than Alastor would be able to stop them. If he were honest with himself, the only way to really guarantee a win would be sabotage.
He froze mid-step, his eyes widening. Oh. Oh that wasn’t a bad thought at all. Sabotage would certainly get the job done, as dirty as it was. If he could tempt Angel Dust into giving up on this whole ordeal and indulging in sin, as was his nature, Alastor was certain he would fail within days.
It would seem he hadn’t lied to Charlie after all. He really was going to come up with lesson plan for Angel Dust, just not one that worked in his favor. Alastor materialized a pad and pen in his hands, furrowing his brows in thought. Now, what exactly would guarantee his victory? Angel Dust was very easily tempted, that much was easy to tell, but the key to this was to nail down his specific triggers and desires. Desires were simple enough, he clearly loved nothing more than to muddle his mind with drugs, liquor, and positively atrocious activities. But why? That was the important part.
If Alastor had to guess, it was more than likely due partially to low self-esteem. Someone seeking that much notice clearly needed it, and it was no secret that Angel Dust got a fairly significant amount of gratification from attention, positive or otherwise. So, in theory, without said attention he should seek to drown his sorrows with whatever means necessary. That was simple enough, seeing as how Angel Dust wasn’t even allowed to leave the hotel without approval. But would it be enough? And even if it was, Alastor hadn’t exactly left him with any means to break the rules of their little arrangement. He may have been to thorough in his impromptu room search. Luckily for him, that was simple enough to fix. He opened the bottom drawer of his nightstand, finding the bag of contraband he had stashed there two days prior. It was filled with drugs, alcohol, and… other items. Surely at least one of these would be enough to tempt Angel Dust into the familiar hold of sin and indulgence once more, thus delivering Alastor to success.
Alastor dumped the bag out on his floor, sitting to sort through it all. He separated the drugs and the alcohol, but elected to leave the tools where they lied. There was no need to touch them a second time, he had had to take a rather long shower to feel clean again after the first time. Now, what out of these three would tempt Angel Dust the most? He couldn’t very well go giving him everything, he had to make it seem as if the item had been overlooked in his initial search. If he put too many things back, or even just something too big, it would give away his scheme and he couldn’t have that. No, he needed plausible deniability, especially if he intended to stay at this Hazbin Hotel. Something small…
He briefly glanced over the various substances, but he had a nagging feeling those may not be the best idea. There weren’t many of them, and considering they had all been stuffed in the floorboards it would be difficult to make it look as if some had been left behind on accident. The tools, on the other hand… he hesitated before he shifted his gaze over to the various toys, more than he was sure even Angel Dust knew what to do with. There were a handful of smaller ones, it wouldn’t be hard to believe that one of them had been left under some furniture or something of that nature. Even better, if it was something small Alastor would imagine it would be rather difficult to get any real gratification. Horrible disappointment and having to leave the hotel for good? Now that would be satisfying to watch.
He considered a moment before gingerly picking up a small, pink one with an odd shape to it. He had no idea how it worked or what its purpose was, but he supposed it didn’t really matter. What mattered was it would tempt the harlot right into failure. Planting it should be easy enough, he could waltz right into Angel Dust’s room as he pleased. He would come up with a, aehm, lesson plan, walk in to inform Angel Dust and go over the main points, and casually slip the toy somewhere inconspicuous. He stood and slipped the item into his pocket, making a mental note to burn this particular coat later and get himself a new one. Now all that was left to do was create the lesson plan. Figuring out the exact triggers to make Angel Dust relapse wouldn’t be an easy feat, but he had a feeling Charlie would have more than enough information on him to at least get him started.
Alastor would just have to pay her a little visit.
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Chapter one “Radio demons and frozen static.”
“Hmm….” Charlie hummed nervously. “What’s wrong?” Vaggie asked. “I don’t know...It feels like we’re missing something…” Charlie trailed off. “Well, I do have one more favor I could call on if you feel it necessary, dear~!” Alastor hummed. “Really?” Charlie bounced in place. Alastor nodded. “If you so wish~!” He beamed. Charlie nodded. “If it’s no trouble!” Charlie added. Alastor chuckled. “Of course not, dear~! You need all the help you can get~!” Alastor grinned, snapping his fingers. (Elsewhere)
A plush demon banged their head on the table before them, sighing exhaustedly. “Come on, sissy! We’re so close this time! We can’t give up now!” Sugar pleaded. “We’re Eighty down, Sug. We can’t pay rent.” Ebony sighed tiredly. “Maybe if you work another shift-” Sugar started. “IT WON’T WORK, SUGAR!!” Ebony snapped, lifting her head from the table. “Yipes!” Sugar yelped. “It won’t work. And it won’t work because I was a dumb-a and snapped at my boss!” Ebony snapped, exhaustion clear in her tone. “And I was a dumb-a for even THINKING of following in dad’s footsteps!! I CAN’T be a radio show host, performer, singer, voice actor-actress-whatever!!!! I DON’T have his talent, and I never WILL!!!! I’ll live eternally in his shadow, no matter what kinda magic happen-” Ebony started before being surrounded by a ribbon of red and being teleported elsewhere, along with Sugar. (At the hotel)
“Ta da~!” Alastor announced, gesturing grandly at Ebony and Sugar. “Meet my little compatriots; Ebony Agony and Sugar Agony~!” Alastor announced. Ebony slowly took in her surroundings after making sure Sugar was okay. “Hello~? Anyone home~?” Alastor sang cheerily, waving a hand in front of Ebony’s face. Ebony caught his hand, pushing it away. “I’m fine. Would have been better if I had SOME FORM OF WARNING.” Ebony growled. Alastor chuckled, laugh track not far behind him. “Ugh…What didja need?” Ebony asked begrudgingly. Alastor grabbed Ebony by the shoulders turning her towards Charlie. “Ebony, this is my friend, Charlie~! She needs help with her hotel~!” Alastor said. Charlie waved sheepishly while Ebony grew an unimpressed frown. “Well~?” Alastor asked, looking down at Ebony. “So, lemme get this straight; ya wanna rehabilitate sinners in this hotel so that the Extermination doesn’t affect too many people?” Ebony asked, clearly unimpressed. “Yes…?” Charlie said shakily. “Well that ain’t gonna happen.” Ebony said coldly. Charlie’s shoulders slumped. “Wait for it~!” Alastor sang. “-Not with THIS colour scheme! I mean, hello?! Red and purple?! NOT warm colours! Ya gotta have warm and inviting colours! Oranges, maybe a bitta yellows! Red? Red SCREAMS ‘DANGER, STAY OUT OR RISK PERISH’! Warm colours? They’ll give the place a nice welcoming atmosphere and instead say ‘hey there! We can be trusted! Come ‘ere pal!’, ya know?” Ebony ranted. Charlie was speechless. “How do you know so much about colors and how well they go together?” Charlie asked, flabbergasted. “Al didn’t tell ya?” Ebony asked, raising an eyebrow. Alastor cleared his throat nervously. “No, he didn’t, what didn’t he tell me?” Charlie asked. Ebony chuckled darkly under her breath. “Course he didn’t.” Ebony sighed. “What am I missing out on here?” Charlie asked. Ebony sighed, figuring she’d have to tell her. “Well, Charlie, the reason why I’m so well educated on colour combinations is because my dad...Is one of the most well known performers here in Hell right next to Al here.” Ebony said. “Wait, you mean-” Charlie started. “Yup. My dad is the one and only Ink Demon himself.” Ebony said, shrugging. “No way!” Charlie said. “Anyways, I could help ya make the place more welcoming if ya want, no pressure.” Ebony shrugged. Charlie shook her head. “It wouldn’t be too much trouble?” Charlie asked. “Nah. I’m always willing to help a friend.” Ebony said. “Okay! How long will ya need?” Charlie asked eagerly. “Meh, maybe like...An hour, hour and a half tops.” Ebony shrugged. “Really? That little time?” Charlie asked, now feeling worried about the short time span. “I work fast.” Ebony shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. Charlie gave a shaky thumbs up. “Don’t worry, nothing will catch fire.” Ebony sighed. “Besides, if something does, toon logic will sort it all out.” Ebony assured. “Toon logic…?” Charlie asked. “It’s her little quirk~! How do you think she can fit so much into her hoodie pockets~?” Alastor laughed. “Untrue! Well, maybe a little true.” Ebony said shoving a notebook back into her hoodie pocket. Alastor hummed, shrugging whimsically. “Anyways, I can get the stuff to help tomorrow and be done by about...2:00, 2:30, somewhere around there.” Ebony said. Charlie was surprised. “Are you sure you don’t need longer?” Charlie asked, worried. “Look, do ya want the help or not?” Ebony asked. Alastor could hear the irritation slipping into Ebony’s tone and he tapped her shoulder, gesturing into the kitchen. Ebony understood and followed him back.
“Are you okay?” Alastor asked. “Yeah, fine. Why?” Ebony asked. He gestured to her cabby cap. “You haven’t taken your hat off since arriving. Not to mention your demeanor towards others has been more hostile than normal.” Alastor explained. Ebony sighed. She hated when others cared about her. It made her feel fragile. It made her feel weak. It made her feel...Like a little kid again. “Hello~? Is this thing on?” Alastor smiled, tapping his cane’s head. “Arright, arright, fine. I’ll lighten up.” Ebony said. “Good, but you dodged one thing.” Alastor said. “What?” Ebony asked. He pointed at her cap. “That.” Alastor said. Ebony sighed, head bobbing. “It’s nothing, Al.” Ebony said, turning to leave. “Whenever you say that, it’s everything.” Alastor said flatly. “Just forget it. Okay Al?” Ebony asked. Alastor glowered disapprovingly at Ebony deflecting. “You do know I ask this because I care, right?” Alastor asked. “Caring about others only gets ya hurt, Al. Trust me. I would know. (It’s why I’m down here, for God’s sake.)” Ebony grumbled. “Ebony, Ebony, Ebony…” Alastor chuckled. Ebony raised an eyebrow, confused. “We all know that’s not the true reason you’re down here~!” Alastor grinned maliciously. “Al, listen, I know that I did some…..Questionable stuff while I was alive, but…Those things aren’t the reason I’m down here probably…” Ebony winced. Alastor put a hand on Ebony’s shoulder, ignoring that she tensed up. “Deerheart, listen, you and I both know that those things are exactly the reason you’re down here~!” Alastor hummed quietly. Ebony shifted uncomfortably. “W-Well I-” Ebony started before Alastor put a finger to her lips. “You weren’t exactly the cleanest person alive, remember~?” Alastor hummed. Ebony sighed. Whenever he dragged up old info on someone, it wasn’t without reason. “What do ya need, Al?” Ebony asked, exhaustion evident in her voice. Alastor chuckled. “Glad you asked~! You see, Charlie isn’t the only one who needs your help here~!” Alastor hummed. “Whaddaya mean, pal? Cut to the chase.” Ebony huffed. “My, my, my~! Someone is impatient~!” Alastor laughed, laugh track following close behind. “Guess ya don’t need my help after all.” Ebony said turning and leaving. Before she could make it fully out, Alastor grabbed her hoodie hood, dragging her back in effortlessly. “Listen my dear, I know we have a...Rocky relationship, but still, I do need your help~!” Alastor hummed. “What if I don’t wanna?” Ebony asked sarcastically. “Hmmm...How do I put this~?” Alastor hummed thoughtfully. Ebony rolled her eyes. “Ì̴̱̖̄̕ ̷̢̪̖̑͝W̶̗̒Į̷̘̂L̵̘̤̘͑͠L̶̢̤̜̓ ̴̡̼̠̐̍M̴̢̡͚͈̎͌͛͠Ả̷̬̺͌̐͘K̸͖̭̻̰̃͌͝E̶̤̹͚̒̊̈́̚ ̶̢̞̈́̅̅̕S̶̜̺̭̏́U̷̲̅̈͝R̸̙̭͕̀E̵̦̲̘̺͐ ̸̣̥̈́̏Y̴̩̻̎̉̍̎O̵͇̟̽̆U̴̥̓͐͋R̶̜̼͍̹͛ ̷͎̣̖̉͂F̷͖̭͎́͐̎͝A̶̦̮̾͛͛Ṁ̷̭͑̈̈́I̵̟̪̺͑͌̚̚L̶̺̻͓̲͊̋Y̶͇̻̊ͅ ̴̢̲͕͚̆͋̀T̸̪̾̕͜H̴͚͒̑͋Å̸̫͓̣͚Ṫ̵̮̜̃͌ͅ ̸͍̮̳̂͛̂̀Ȳ̶̹͎̟̒̿͝O̷̮͆Ű̷̢̓̂͝ ̶͉̪̳̆̓̾̂Ľ̶̡̰͙̙̓̊̀O̶̫͉̖͎̍Ṽ̴̮͇̞͎̒̑͝Ȩ̸͉͇̞̈́͛́̓ ̵̱̤̮͑͒͐I̸̞̼̎̇̃͜Ṣ̷̹͚͇͆̀́͊ ̸̧̙̪͗́̆̒T̶͓͕̭̀Ö̸͖̻́́̕R̶͚͎̼͊͝ͅT̵̨̛͝Ũ̶̻R̷̨̀͛E̴̢͔͖̤̔̋͠Ḑ̶̀̈̌ ̷̨̻̮̜̎͋͆͝Ą̶̤͒N̷̨̥͇͍͒̈́̉̄D̶̡̠̼̥̀̎ ̷̰̼̳͝ͅK̵̰̫͓̘̉̾͐̈́I̵̹̍͆L̸̤̓̌͝͝Ḷ̶͚͕̟̂͛Ę̵̧̨͆̉̍̊D̴͙̲̎̋ ̷̺͉̎̿Ĭ̷̧̥͔͇̍̓̑Ǹ̸̼ ̸̧̹͇̹͛F̵̠̮̘̽͒͋R̵̳̭̠͍̽̕O̴͔̅̆͐̒Ņ̴̠͓̓̿Ṯ̸̜͋̈̆̿ ̶̨̒O̵̗̙̞̭͒͂͊̚F̴͓̰̀͒ ̷̰̄̎̇Y̶̝̚Ǫ̸͉̼̳͗̇U̸̺̔͝ ̵̢̛̬͗W̷͔̒̑H��̗̼̗͗͗̍̂Ỉ̶̙̠͉̍͑͘L̷̙̟͕̍͊̎́Ḛ̵̚ ̷̝̔̇̓Ÿ̴̨̻͜͝O̶̧̳͇͎͗̀̕͝Ư̸̤̰̫̺͝'̵̗̫̤̾̊̓̑R̸̗̝̭̙͐̈͐͆E̷͇̖͙̱͌͂́ ̴̫̗̰̬̈́͌̈͘H̸̬̦͕̆̎E̴̠̰͋̇L̶̙̭͌͆̑D̴͍̂ ̵̧̔̆͒̀B̴̥͓̕Ȁ̸͓͓̿̄͘C̴̦̊̕̚K̴̢͕͂ ̶̢̡͚́I̴̡͇̟̬̾F̸̭̑̓̿̀ ̷̮͕̤̯̏̎̒͘Ẏ̶̝̪̩̈́̽Ö̶̫̘̜͓̂͐̒U̴̱̥̭̖͊̎ ̴̫͖̰̂͆͠D̴̜̍E̵͙̼̖͑̿C̸̨͙̈́̈́̉̏I̶̼̔͗͝D̵̺͓̋̄̆͗E̷̫̮̠͈͗̿ ̸̝̩͌T̴̙͔̝̱̓̃O̴̯̒̂͑ ̵̡͖͖̐̂͋͑N̷͎̂Ő̶̺͈͙T̸̬̯͗́̂̕ ̵̯̪̇͠ͅH̵̹̲̪̓͝E̸̳̰̣͗L̷̰̟͛̋̄Ṕ̷̰͐̇ ̴̞̭͔̎̆͜M̵̙̳̮̬͗̅E̶͚̲͌̾͝” Alastor said darkly, eyes changing to his hostile ones. Ebony’s ears fell back. “Y-You wouldn’t…!” Ebony snapped. “W̷͓͎̟̍͝O̴̞͎͌͒͛̌U̸͖̙̙̲͆̏̌͛L̷͙̰̻̀̔̊͛D̶̳̲̮͊̚Ñ̸̛̝̾̈ͅ'̴͓͘T̵̥͓͇̠́͋̄ ̶̭͆͌̐Ḭ̵̔̒̚,̸̗̘̭̱̊ ̸͙̆D̷̪̠̈̆̿͝Ę̷̻̍ͅA̴̫̼͍͚̾R̴̫̅͘~̸̧̝̆?̴͎͎̓̀” Alastor chuckled. Ebony nodded nervously. Alastor held out a hand to shake, eyes returning to normal. “Splendid! Now let’s seal the deal, shall we~?” Alastor grinned. Ebony hesitated a moment. “Tick tock Ebony dearest, remember your family’s on the line~!” Alastor said in a sing-song voice. Ebony sighed, knowing there was no winning. She eventually gave in, shaking his hand. “My goodness, dearheart~! We simply MUST work on your handshaking abilities~!” Alastor laughed heartily. Ebony grumbled under her breath. “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that, care to repeat~?” Alastor asked. “I said, I don’t care.” Ebony snapped. “We’ll see about that, sweetheart~!” Alastor said. “Now then, about what I needed you for~! What I needed you for was~” Alastor said, whispering what he needed her for.
Alastor went to leave the kitchen, gesturing for Ebony to follow.
“Charlie dearheart, after Ebony’s done helping make the place look the part, what job would you like her to partake~?” Alastor asked, gesturing to Ebony at his side. “Well...I don’t know, what are we missing?” Charlie asked. Alastor hummed, bringing a hand to his chin as he thought. “How about she takes the job of concierge~? I am lead to believe that Ebony’s demon skills leave much to be desired and this could be good practice~!” Alastor suggested. Ebony shook her head no violently. “I don’t think she likes that idea.” Charlie objected. “Well, we have a front desk manager, being Husk, a room attendant, being Niffty, what else is there~?” Alastor asked, clearly stumped. “Well I could always be janitor…” Ebony mumbled. Charlie brightened up. “What did you say?” Charlie asked. “Sorry, um uh, I *Kaff* I could be the janitor if ya want.” Ebony said. Alastor ruffled Ebony’s hair. “Brilliant, my dear~!! You were always quite the good cleaner~!!” Alastor complimented. “Oh hush you..!!” Ebony mumbled shyly. Angel raised a hand. “I got an idea..!” Angel said lazily. “Oh? What might that be?” Charlie asked. “She’s the janitor, but if we or any patrons need help, she gets t’ help ‘em too.” Angel said. The room was covered with a blanket of silence. “Look, if it’s that stupid I can-” Angel started. “No no no! I think you’re onto something!” Charlie said. Angel’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wait really?” Angel asked, starstruck. “Yeah! Angel’s got something there!” Charlie said excitedly. “WHAT?!?” Alastor and Angel gasped in unison. “YOU’RE surprised?! Imagine how I feel!!” Angel said nervously. “Charlie dearest you MUST be joking!!” Alastor said, typical sing-song tone gone with the wind. “No, he’s got a good idea. For once.” Vaggie added. “I don’t believe this!!” Alastor sighed. “Calm down, Mister Drama King.” Ebony scoffed. All eyes in the room fell on Ebony. “......What?” Ebony asked, shrugging. “Did...Did you just Sass the RADIO DEMON?!” Vaggie gasped, awestruck. “Well, yeah. What? Is that weird or some’n?” Ebony asked. “YES!!” Everyone but Alastor said. “Man!! This kid is braver than I thought!!” Angel laughed. “Nah. Not brave. I just know that he can’t hurt me because we-” Ebony started before Alastor rushed over, covering her mouth to prevent her from finishing her sentence. “Because we’re friends…~! Is what she was going to say…~! But I have a reputation to uphold, so that information can’t get out…~! You know how it goes..~!” Alastor said, grip remaining firm. “Ooooh! Okay! Got it!” Charlie said. “R-Right…!” Vaggie said nervous at how quick Alastor was to shut Ebony down. Ebony remembered one of the self-defense tips her dad gave her and put it into use. Alastor shivered, swiping his hand off at a swift speed. “DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND?!” Alastor gasped. “Self defense.” Ebony shrugged. “N-Now now, let’s not get testy…!” Charlie advised. Ebony shrugged, turtling inside her hoodie. “Wait-!” Charlie started. “Give her a moment, she’s just grabbing something~!” Alastor announced. A few minutes later, Ebony popped back out with a few decorating supplies. “Okay, so I have everything I need, so whenever ya guys need me to, I can get started!” Ebony said. “Really? Just like that?!” Charlie gasped. “Yup. Toon logic helps a lot.” Ebony smirked. “Okay, you just need to be alone for this?” Charlie asked. Ebony nodded. “Yeah, it works best if I’m alone.” Ebony reported. Charlie nodded. “Maybe you guys can go out and pick out bed sheets or something. Other...Hotel-y stuff..” Ebony trailed off. Charlie nodded and everyone headed out. As soon as they were gone, Ebony got started. After the wallpaper and everything else was laid out and drying, Ebony went to carry out a part of what Alastor needed her to do.
Hours passed while Ebony worked. Three hours later, A knock came on the door and Ebony rushed putting everything back correctly and unlocked and opened the door. “Wowie!!” Charlie gasped in amazement. “That looks...Not terrible.” Vaggie complimented. “Cozy~!” Angel smirked. “So clean…!” Niffty gasped in awe. “Looks passable.” Husk grunted. “I for one, think it looks darling~!” Alastor announced. Husk trudged back to the front desk to grab a new bottle of booze as he had just run out. Ebony smiled, cabbie cap askew. “Oh! Your cap’s a little crooked!” Charlie said. Ebony jumped, cap falling off and shadow disappearing from Ebony’s face, showing what was hiding underneath. “Oh my…!” Niffty gasped. “What in the world…?” Vaggie gasped. “What’s goin’ on? I can’t see!” Angel said, trying to get a look. Ebony scrambled to grab her hat, but it was snatched away before she could reach it. “What’s goin’ on ‘ere?” Husk asked, returning with a fresh bottle of booze. Ebony turned and waved to him. “HOLY-” Husk yelped, jumping back. “WHAT ‘APPENED TO YOU, YA LOOK DEAD ON YOUR FEET!! AGAIN!!!” Husk hissed. Ebony sighed heavily. “This is why I didn’t tell ya guys…” Ebony wheezed. “MY LUCIFER, YA SOUND EVEN WORSE!!” Husk exclaimed. “Dearheart, what happened~?” Alastor asked. “Don’t wanna talk about it.” Ebony scoffed. “Are you sure…?” Charlie asked worriedly. Ebony nodded no. “Listen, we’re here to talk if ya-” Angel started. “I SAID I DON’T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!” Ebony snapped, ink webs crawling over the walls. Alastor looked around in alarm. “Okay, that’s fine…~! No need to talk~! Just please calm down…~!!” Alastor hummed. Ebony calmed down, the ink webs slowly disappearing. “Whawazat?” Angel asked. “Another quirk of hers.” Alastor and Vaggie said in unison. “Please, ladies first~!” Alastor said. “Thanks, I guess. Anyways, she’s the daughter of Inky the ink demon. The webs of Ink are her way of showing that she’s reaching her limit.” Vaggie explained. “What if she reaches her limit?” Angel asked nervously. “Stay outta her way.” Vaggie shrugged. “Why?” Angel asked, fear creeping into his tone. “Trust Vaggie on this, Angel. She’s seen Inky reach his limits. It wasn’t pretty.” Alastor said. “Eh, she’s tiny, she couldn’t do any harm.” Angel shrugged. “I can still reach your huge moneymaker, Angel.” Ebony growled. “Ohohoho, trust me Angel my dear, she doesn’t let height get in her way.” Alastor laughed. “Whaddaya mean?” Angel asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “Why do you think that she’s so well known~?” Alastor asked. “Uh...Cause she’s good at That?” Angel guessed. Alastor whacked Angel on the head with his cane. “GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER.” Alastor growled. “Ow!!” Angel winced. “Yeah, that’s not why she’s so well known, Angel.” Vaggie said. “Oh~! It looks like someone knows her history~!” Alastor announced. “I gotta. Gotta know who your enemies are so you know how to defend against them.” Vaggie said, narrowing her eyes. “Would you care to enlighten Angel~? Or shall I~?” Alastor hummed. “You seem to know why. Why don’t you?” Vaggie asked. “Well, if you insist~!” Alastor hummed. “Ebony may look defenseless, but she’s far from it~!” Alastor began. “Being the daughter of the Ink Demon, she possesses many powers~! Most of which are dangerous~!” Alastor said, putting dark emphasis on the dangerous part. Ebony’s head bowed in shame. “She was a scourge on any demons who crossed her path~!” Alastor continued. “It was messy~! It was messy and loud, but by Lucifer, I’ll be DEAD if I say I wasn’t impressed~!” Alastor hummed. Ebony’s face heated up. “She can’t have been that bad, right?” Charlie asked. Alastor laughed, shaking his head. “No, no, no, my dear~! She was that bad~! She made my little ‘hissy fits’ look like a joke~!” Alastor laughed heartily. Charlie’s shoulders sunk. “But, sadly, as the years went by, she started killing less and less and my entertainment ran dry…~! But, now that she’s here, maybe that metaphorical entertainment river will flow aplenty again~!” Alastor sang. “Mmm…” Charlie winced. “As long as she doesn’t kill anyone, she can stay.” Vaggie said. “Of course, my dear~! I wouldn’t DREAM of her doing anything sinful here~!” Alastor said crossing his fingers behind his back. “Good.” Vaggie huffed. Ebony’s gaze fell to the floor. Husk tapped Ebony’s shoulder. “You gonna be okay kid?” Husk asked. Ebony opened her mouth to speak, but closed it and nodded. “Couldja at least say it? It’s really friggin’ weird not hearin’ ya talk.” Husk said. “Right, yeah, I’ll be fine.” Ebony confirmed. Husk sighed. “Ya know, ya don’t suck as much as the others.” Husk admitted. “Awww…~! You’re softening up~!” Ebony teased. “Oh, shove it!!” Husk growled. “What~? I’m just saying that ya said something nice~!” Ebony teased. “Don’t make me take it back!!” Husk growled. “Wouldja really~?” Ebony teased. “I WOULD, AND THEN SOME, SO BACK OFF!!!” Husk hissed. Ebony winced, stepping back. “Now now, Husker, let’s not upset our new coworker, alright~?” Alastor smiled. Husk sighed heavily. “Fine.” Husk trudged back to the front desk.
Ebony smiled nervously. “Did you do as I asked~?” Alastor asked, leaning over. “Yeah. I almost didn’t clean up in time though.” Ebony said. Alastor grinned. “Excellent~!!” Alastor smiled, clapping happily. “By your tone I can tell that this wasn’t the, ah, only thing ya need me for?” Ebony asked exhaustedly. “Yes, but the rest can wait~! Now then, the other day, you weren’t at the theatre with your father, where were you~?” Alastor asked, closing the door as he walked Ebony to a private room. “W-Well...I got an animation opportunity and…” Ebony started. “And~?” Alastor asked. Ebony fell silent. Alastor grabbed her chin, tilting it upward so she’d make eye contact. “Eyes up here, sweetheart~! And speak your mind, I’m not a subtitle maker, you know~!” Alastor chuckled. Ebony frowned. “Well~? Speak up, dearest~! No need to be afraid of me~!” Alastor purred. “Well, with the guy who gave me the opportunity, yes, I do.” Ebony grumbled. “Dear, we’ve talked about your grumbling~!” Alastor said. “Who gave the opportunity, dearheart~?” Alastor asked. “Vox…” Ebony mumbled. “What was that~?” Alastor asked. “Vox…!” Ebony mumbled louder. “One more time for the audience, if you would please~?” Alastor asked, leaning his cane towards Ebony. Ebony growled. “VOX!!! VOX GAVE ME THE OPPORTUNITY, OKAY?!?” Ebony snapped. Alastor drew back as though he were just attacked. Ebony took a deep breath, collecting herself. “I...Took an animation opportunity with Vox.” Ebony said calmly. “Ebony, you know how-” Alastor started. “I know.” Ebony said. “You know how dangerous V-” Alastor started. “I. KNOW.” Ebony said cutting Alastor off again. “W-Well, did it go okay…~?” Alastor asked. Ebony sunk her head into her hoodie. “Ebony, did it go okay?” Alastor asked, melody gone from his tone. Ebony’s face heated up and tears started filling her eyes. Alastor scowled. “Was there ever any animating?” Alastor asked, voice going serious. Ebony shook her head no. Ebony went to open the door, but Alastor held the door shut. “Are you okay?” Alastor asked. Ebony was silent. “EBONY. WHAT. HAPPENED?” Alastor asked sternly. Ebony shook her head no. “Ebony. Talk to me.” Alastor said sternly. Ebony shook her head no violently. “Well, I suppose there’s no way to make you talk about it.” Alastor said flatly. Ebony sighed before Alastor hugged her tightly. Ebony was surprised at first, but eventually collapsed into the hug, bursting into tears. “No need to talk, just give thumbs up or down as a response, okay?” Alastor asked gently. Ebony shakily nodded. “Did you animate?” Alastor asked. Thumbs down. “Was there any animating equipment in there?” Alastor asked. Thumbs down. Alastor scowled, already jumping to conclusions. “Did...Did he, at any point, make you uncomfortable?” Alastor asked. Thumbs up. “Did you ever make physical contact at all?” Alastor asked. Dual thumbs up. BAD. SIGN. “Was it a hug?” Alastor asked, hoping that was all it was. Dual thumbs down. TERRIBLE. SIGN. “A boop?” Alastor asked. Dual thumbs down again. “...He didn’t.” Alastor growled. DUAL. THUMBS. UP. “HE DID.” Alastor growled. Ebony nodded sadly, hiccupping. “Worry not dear, he won’t get to you ever again.” Alastor promised. Ebony hugged him tightly. “I know, I know, it’s okay now. He won’t hurt you anymore. Not while I’m around.” Alastor promised. Alastor booped Ebony gently on the nose, smiling again. “Come now, my dear~! No use dwelling on the past~! How about we get that beautiful smile back on that beautiful face of yours again~? As I always say; you’re NEVER fully dressed without a smile~!” Alastor grinned. Ebony chuckled, smiling slightly. “Oh, there we go~! Beautiful smile for a beautiful demon~!” Alastor hummed, booping her again. Alastor opened the door, walking out with Ebony hopping behind.
(Timeskip to Sir Pentious arriving.)
“Well well well, look who’s harboring the sssstriped freak~!!! We meet again, Alassstor~!!” Sir Pentious grinned. Pentious’ gaze drifted to Ebony. “Oh, and he hasss a cute little ssssidekick now, too~!!” Pentious cackled. “I AIN’T NOBODY’S SIDEKICK!!!!” Ebony snapped. Alastor patted her shoulder gently, trying to calm her down. “Thisss time, I have the element of ssssurprise~!!!” Pentious cackled. Using his Radio Demon abilities, Alastor took Pentious down with minimal effort. A few moments passed before he shook his head, returning to his cheery self. “Well, I’m starved~! Who’s hungry for some Jambalaya~? My mother once taught me a recipe that was so good, it nearly KILLED her~!! Ohohoho!! It was almost like it was straight out of HELL~!!! Ohohoho!! I’m on a roll~!!” Alastor laughed as he and the others started walking back. Ebony smiled as she realized; with this new job and her new friends, for the first time ever, she’d be okay. Sure, she’d have bad days, but they’d probably be there if she needed them. And, for the first time in ages, she felt she could trust them if she needed help, mental or physical. And she was okay with that. Maybe one day she’ll work up the courage to talk to everyone about her whole family situation. She should tell them, they deserve to know, if not her actual family, about her future career path plan. Al was the only one who knows about it, but not the full thing. Something tugged at Ebony’s hoodie and Ebony looked down at Niffty. “Ya coming? Alastor’s making dinner and he’s a good cook!” Niffty asked. “Yeah, I’ll be along in a moment, tell them I’ll be a few.” Ebony smiled. Niffty smiled and ran back inside. Ebony looked at the part Niffty tugged on and winced. Good thing Niffty didn’t take too close of a look; that coulda landed her in some hot water. Maybe she’d tell them about that too. No. That was too private. So long as she wasn’t too frequent or go too deep, she’d be fine. Now to work up the courage to talk to them. Ebony spaced out for a few minutes. “-Ebony!?” Charlie called. “Oh! Uh, coming!” Ebony said, hopping back inside excitedly, grin spread across her face.
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kylendooleydesigns · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel and My Thoughts on Feminism
This review is in no way aimed at any one specific group or ideology. These are mere opinions that people can choose to agree or not agree with. I am no way trying to sway the minds of anyone who chooses to read this review, people have their own opinions and have the right to express them. Thank you.
First, let me begin with my thoughts on the "modern feminist", I'll get to what I mean by that in a moment. For now, let's start with what the definition of feminism is; Merriam-Webster defines feminism as the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes and the organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests.
Now, with that said, I'd for everyone to pay attention to the word "equality". Feminism's roots can be traced all the way back to Plato and his classic Republic, where he advocated that women had the "natural capacities" that were equal to that of men for governing and defending Ancient Greece. (Olson, John, History.com) Ever since Plato's advocation for women's equal standing to men, women have been protesting and fighting for their rights to stand at the same political and economic point as their male counterparts. It wasn't until the late 18th and early 19th centuries when women were finally given their right to vote, New Zealand being the first sovereign state to give these rights to their women. After this revolutionary change, women joined in the war efforts of WWII, the Civil Rights movements, and began the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which still continues to this day.
Now, while I admit that the idea that the Equal Pay Act was created in 1963 and we are still dealing with the unfair distribution of pay between men and women, I'd like to bring up a personal point. My mother, who was born in 1963 mind you, has been working since her teenage years. She joined the military, got married, had a kid, divorced, remarried, and had another kid after her time in the military had come to an end, she fighting in the Gulf War before then. With only a military background and no college degree, my mom continued and still continues to work for the government through checking military helicopters for cracks to keep them from falling apart from atmospheric pressure. She's worked like this for over thirty years, seeing people come and go, men getting laid off or getting paid more than her fellow female co-workers. With that said, my mom actually gets paid more than most the men she works with, not only because she's the only one at her workplace who has the qualifications to do her line of work, but because she rarely ever takes time off. In fact, while she was pregnant with me, my mom refused to take maternity leave and went on working in this hazardous workplace despite the many objections of her male co-workers all the way up to my birth, my dad having to travel back and forth to see both my mom and me while he got our current house ready, meaning he wasn't always there to take care of her.
Years later, a female co-worker of hers got pregnant, took her maternity leave and when she got back, she found out a male co-worker had gotten paid more than her since her time away. She of course went off on her supervisor, but here's the thing: because she had taken her maternity leave and was unable to work, her male co-worker had to basically take on a double-shift and do the work she was in charge of, thus receiving pay for doing so.
Growing up in an environment with a mother who was a strong, independent woman after her divorce with a daughter and having to fight in an actual war that may or may not have lead to her sleep apnea and a dad who supported my mom from a different state while she was pregnant, I never saw there being that big an issue with the equality of men and women.
Now, I will say the unequal pay issue does get under my skin; however, the thing about equal pay and equal rights, is that women have to put in as much work and as much effort in their workplace as their male co-workers. Like I said, my mom worked while she was pregnant, thus getting the pay she deserved for the work she put in and her female co-worker who took  her maternity leave and got mad for the work she didn't do went to her male co-worker. I can only imagine how she'd feel about it if the co-worker was a fellow woman.
This brings up my issue with the modern day feminist. Back in the day during the early growth of feminism, the issue was about equality. Now a days, it seems that "equality" is being replaced by "superiority". Here's an example of what I mean, I have more guy friends than girl friends, and most my guy friends are huge gentlemen, always wanting to support and keep us women's spirits up, meaning they enjoy paying for their food and opening doors for them. One such friend was sweet enough to open a door for a complete stranger who happened to be an older woman. Instead of thanking him for his kindness, with no real care that she was a woman, she went off on him and told him that just because she was a woman didn't mean he had the right to treat her like some delicate flower. He was, rightfully so, very confused and a tad hurt. I, Original Fox, a woman, upon hearing this story, called her a "bitch". Here's the thing ladies, people who are nice and do things out of the kindness of their hearts do it because their cool people, they're not doing it to make fun of our physical differences.
With that said, my conclusion to the feminist movement is that I believe in equality, equality meaning we are all treated, act, and do things as equal beings, not one being above the other. I don't care who you are, what you identify by, what your background is, how you handle a situation as a person, or what issues you're dealing with, if you put in the time, effort, strengths, and fight to do what you think you deserve without blaming a certain group: men, women, religion, politics, whatever, I'm rooting for you. Don't listen to the racists, sexists, and closed minded people who want to bring your personal views down and prove to them without putting yourself at the top of the advocate pillar and saying you deserve better without even proving it.
Now, on with the review of Hazbin Hotel.
For those who don't know, Hazbin Hotel is a pilot two years in the making created by YouTube Animator Vivziepop or Vivienne Medrano, who is best known for her Die Young music video by Kesha using her Zoophobia werewolf character Jay Jay. The story centers around Charlie Magne, the princess of Hell, and her hopes to open a hotel for rehabilitating demons and sinners. This plan contrasts with that of the yearly "cleansing" where non-angelic looking angels come and slaughter the inhabitants of Hell to make room for more sinners. Wanting to find a less violent way of hindering this overpopulation, Charlie, along with her manager/girlfriend, Vaggie, and their first client, porn star, Angel Dust, must prove their cause will work in order to keep the Happy Hotel running.
When I heard of this, I was excited and had high hopes. I had been a fan of Vivziepop's work for a long while, enjoying her animations and loving her now on hiatus, Zoophobia webcomic, and when I heard a project she had a huge passion for was going to air a pilot with the help a whole production team, voice actors, and some genuine talent, I was at the edge of my seat and had anticipated the pilot being aired. Does it live up to all the hype? Let's find out!
Well, off the bat, I wasn't all too crazy about the opening. I had been, admittedly, overly excited for the pilot and was expecting something... Different. The opening is your basic musical opening where the main character sings while images of what the world is like moves about around them, which wouldn't be so bad, if the musical number was original. The opening song "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" was written by Joseph McCarthy and was first performed by Dolly Sisters in the musical Oh, Look! When I found this out, I was a little disappointed. I was probably expecting way too much from this pilot, but at the very least, I was expecting a more original musical number written by the team Vivziepop worked with in bringing this pilot to life. But that's probably just a nit-pick on my part, like I said, I was expecting a little too much from these people.
After the opening, we're immediately introduced to everyone's favorite, slutty spider, Angel Dust and his sassy attitude toward people who want to slut shame him. What follows is what I can only describe as being a story on crack. Everything is shown to us super fast with little time to breathe and explore the setting we are in, which I can understand with Sir Pentious and maybe Cherri Bomb, but with just getting out of the musical number of Charlie singing about how her world isn't the way she wants it to be and being introduced to Angel through a "don't slut shame, because it's their body and no one else's", it just seems like everything happens way to fast and everything is thrown at us without really letting us appreciate what we're looking at, the news scene being no better as they zip through the report of the fight going on and the introduction of Charlie and her "passion project". Again, that may be a little nit-picky as I did have higher expectations.
It's here that I also would have liked to know what the two little demons that help Charlie with her second musical number were and what role they play in her life. I mean, they must be either her mom or dad's henchmen or "help" wherever Charlie's used to live, but I would have preferred they played a bigger role than just singing and playing their instruments.
The third issue I have at this point is the use of sound effects. Again, a little nit-picky, BUT, I feel the use of sound effects with every movement and moment a character is on screen is a little too much. It doesn't help that the soundtrack never shuts up. Music or a sound is always playing, never allowing for us to take in what the character is saying on a more complex or understanding level. The only parts that are quiet are the limo scene and the Charlie calling her mom scene, which are honestly two of my three favorite parts because we get to see and meet these characters, understanding them and their personalities, as well the relationships they have with each other. Except maybe Charlie and Vaggie's, but I'll get to that later.
I enjoy the relationship Charlie does have with Katie Killjoy (in fact I enjoy Katie's relationship with Tom as well), the only critique I have here is Katie's "I don't touch the gays. I have standards." This just seems to be an add-on to make us despise Katie as a character, because of her views on the gay community, basically saying homophobia is a bad trait of a person and makes a character more of a villain, which I've known homophobes. They're not evil, they've just been raised in an environment where being gay isn't the norm and, in a strict background, "the gays" is a mental illness that can be easily taken care of through the proper therapy. As for Katie's "standards", again, this doesn't mean she's a terrible character. In fact, look at it like this, it's an adult cartoon and the jokes are meant to make you laugh, not judge a certain group in a cold and harsh way.
However, Charlie's relationship with the people of Hell as their princess and heir to the throne, I find a little off pudding. I'm sure there's some kind of hidden meaning to how the royal family is treated as celebrities over that of rulers of a certain area, but for now, I'm just gonna nit-pick a little more. My opinion on princesses in the media is at a bit of an all time low. Ever since the birth of the Disney Princess Trope, the views of a princess in any form in the media has been to hate being a princess, sing about how much it sucks to be a princess, remain princess when it's obvious they're no longer a princess and should take the title of Queen. Charlie is sadly part of this trope, the only good part of this being that no one but her girlfriend takes pity on her. What I mean by this is that Charlie shows signs that her father has high expectations of her becoming the heir to Hell and taking rule in his place as the future queen, making her status something to sing about how much that sucks, of course her dreams contrast with that of her father's expectations, like most Disney Princesses. That being said, I'm not exactly sure I see the purpose of her being the princess of Hell when no one treats her as one nor do they seem to care that Lucifer is her father, other than to make her relationship with her father strained, which isn't bad don't get me wrong, but there are other ways to work that subplot in without adding the title of princess to her name.
After the whole fight scene, we get the scene where Vaggie goes off on Angel for making the hotel look like a joke. This coincides with my issue with the whole feminist aspect and her and Charlie's relationship, so I'll get to that later. But I like this part because of the quiet moment we get, so there we go for whatever that was.
When the trio gets home, I do like how we see a subtle hint to the fact that Angel does want to reform and go to Heaven and escape his abusive sugar daddy by how he makes a crack at the lack of food to feed all of the non-existent souls and immediately feels bad. Of course, you can't force change on someone in the blink of an eye, so I give him a pat on the shoulder for not knowing how to apologize for his assholiness.
This then leads us to the calling mom scene where we see Charlie struggling to prove her father wrong and asking her mom for advice for feeling this way. From what I can assume either her folks are divorced, her father is dead and Lilith is in charge of Hell, or Lucifer left that part of his family to marry Narissa from Zoophobia and had Damian. I mean in the opening we see a shadow of Lucifer taking the shape of Zoophobia's version of the Devil, so that's my fan theory and I'm sticking to it! And before people say that's impossible, if that's the case, then Charlies is no longer the heir to the throne, but here's my response to that: Charlie was born first and is the daughter of Lilith, who I'm not gonna get into, because this isn't part of the review, therefore making her take the throne before Damian by political standards. Anyway, this scene was fine, I wish there was more info on exactly what her relationship is with both her parents, seeing as they never make a real appearance in the pilot to show their personalities, but I'd also like it if there was a main character whose relationship with their parents isn't severed because of the character's dreams, a strict family, or dead.
And then HE comes into the picture. THE one character I lost my mind over. Alastor, the Radio Demon!!! I LOVE this character! While I'm sure most fans find Angel to be their favorite character and don't get me wrong Angel is awesome, Alastor is what has me hooked to the show. To compare him to Charlie, Vaggie, or Angel, Alastor, in my opinion, is an optimistic pessimist, something I find myself as being on a daily basis as I too find good entertainment in the destruction of others as they fall into the fiery pits of failure. Not only that, but each moment he's on screen there's this mysterious vibe about him with his permanent smile and his end goal in helping Charlie, something I find rather attractive of my demon... I mean... Men. His interactions with the other characters is fun, he's got a classy excitement to him, wanting to provide and receive entertainment in the most morbid and old times of places. His version of "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow" is a hilarious change to Charlie's cheery, uplifting view of her people, his version being a look at the souls in Hell as lost causes, their punishments being eternal, there being no escape except for the life they've lived before and the agony they have to face now is bliss. His take down of Sir Pentious was like a huge "bitch please" which was absolutely wonderful, from his power to his facial expression in the end.
With that said, is this pilot flawless...? No, absolutely not, far from it. There's some things, like the soundtrack, the opening song, and the sound effects I'd think about doubling down on and allow us to take in the world we're being introduced in to. If someone came into this show completely blind, they'd probably be a tad confused as to what's happening and why. Fans already know Charlie is an overly optimistic demon spawn, Vaggie is a pessimistic feminist with no care for men, Angel Dust is a cross-dressing spider who enjoys being the "bad boy", and Alastor is a deer with a need for endless entertainment. People who don't know VivziePop and her work, won't know/care much about these characters going straight in and will most likely like to explore the world and its why.
And now, the coup-de-gras: my one issue with this pilot and what it seems to be shoving down pessimistic people like me's throat. Women rule and straight men suck. Do NOT quote me on this. I do not know Vivienne or the people she worked with to make this pilot. This is MY opinion after having watching the pilot, listening, reading, and following the creation of this show from the beginning. They can correct me on this in future episodes or deeper dives in to characters and development.
So, off the bat, we're introduced to a male gay character who dresses like a woman and is slut shamed by everyone except his friends who have similar views as he does. In my opinion, this doesn't work for me. I get wanting to "represent the minority"; however, the depiction of straight, heterosexual characters slut shaming or having sexual encounter/feelings toward said character with cruel intentions to bring someone down isn't something I see as a good representation. Granted, there are several people out there who will make a person feel like shit for having views that do not conform to what society deems as normal, but in today's world, where media and the children of today are exposed to these views, the "minority" becomes the majority. I get it, life sucks, oh darn, well then fight for equality, don't fight to make straight cisgender community seen as the closed minded community that doesn't give a damn. There are plenty of cisgender heterosexuals who support the LGBTQ+ community and have no problem with anyone who doesn't fit the old views of the world. It just seems, from what I've experienced, that if you're a straight, cisgender human being that has no real tie to the Pride Movement, you're a homophobic monster who takes the side of all the haters. That's not true, we just aren't playing for the same teams nor do we believe we were born in the wrong body.
Next is Charlie and Vaggie's relationship. Don't get me wrong, having a gay lead is no skin off my nose, if anything, I don't give a damn what their attracted to. If their a good character and have good development and don't let their sexual identity get in the way of their goals, I'm good. But when it comes to Vaggie and Charlie, there's just something I personally find "off". For one, VivziePop actually brought this up in a Tumblr post in response to another about how they didn't like the idea of Charlie and Vaggie being a canon couple because it'd just be another way of representing the gay community through the media's abuse of showing how open minded they are, to this VivziePop revealed that Vaggie and Charlie are indeed a couple, but she'd rather not focus on their relationship and instead focus on the story. But upon the pilot's release, their relationship is already put a slight focus on from Katie's "I don't touch the gays" afterwards touching Charlie who Vivzie revealed may be a Bisexual characters having dating a male character in the past and to the overly cutesy peppy girl and her overly protective, pessimistic girlfriend. I honestly don't care about whatever relationship these two have, so long as it doesn't effect the plot in a negative way, one example being that they fight, break up, and get back together through some TV show bullshit that has little to do with the rest of the show's running. This show is about getting demons into Heaven, it's not an after school soap opera.
This brings me to Vaggie's character as a whole and to her views affecting that of the central tone of the show itself. Vaggie is clearly a feminist, this being brought up when Angel reminds her that she doesn't seem to trust any man, any men... Men. She punches a guy who calls her girl a bitch, gets angry at Angel only when Charlie screwed up too by both singing and getting in a fight with Katie when Vaggie specifically told her not to sing as what they were doing was serious, refuses to trust Alastor without allowing him a second chance, something she is helping Charlie to achieve and support despite Charlie herself being open to helping Alastor understand where she's coming from, and calls the hotel a "man cave" just because Husk gets a bar in order to keep him working at the hotel. I get it, alcohol is somehow a sin to the hotel, most likely because it can lead to drunkenness or sloth and gluttony, but that doesn't make it a brothel or a man cave. In fact, she doesn't seem to argue having Nifty, a female character as part of the staff as she just zips around cleaning, but here's the thing about Nifty: it's clear she's straight and how they portray how straight she is contrasts with the other female main characters. Nifty is boy crazy and a clean freak, being confused as to why the hotel is such a dump when everyone living there is ladies, not knowing Angel on a personal level yet and wonders where all the men are. This to me, is a stereotypical straight cisgender female: wanting to clean, make new friends, and meet some men. Being a cisgender, straight, female myself, I can tell you, that's not who I and I hope some other girls are. I've never been much of a clean freak or boy crazy, in fact I'm a bit of a slob and don't really give two shits about men; I've honestly got more important things to concern myself with than over getting a boyfriend. Nifty is a fun character and I enjoy her place in the show, but I would have liked it if Vaggie immediately wanted her out of the hotel as she did with Husk and Alastor, showing some God damned equality as a feminist and if Nifty was a little less concerned about gender roles and having men around. Depicting feminism is fine in media, but don't go overboard with it. Make some straight, cisgender males actually great people who support the ideals of women and don't want to see them fail, show the equality we as women fought so hard to achieve, by making the roles of men and women equal, not one gender being better than the other morally. Alastor is a great character, but he did slap Vaggie's ass, which was unneeded, but I'll admit I found that hilarious. I can only hope Alastor is only fucking with Vaggie and her views on men and turns to a pretty awesome guy who, while not believing in her cause, supports Charlie anyway he can.
All in all, I loved this pilot and see great things coming its way, I just think things could be tweaked and lessened down to be less of a huge middle finger to certain groups of people and less of an Ed, Edd, and Eddy soundtrack of unnecessary sound effects. I'd recommend this pilot to anyone with a passion for animation and wanting to put something you've worked years for to give them that jolt of ambition. If you're bothered by too many loud moments, less quiet moments, too many jabs at the heterosexual cisgender community, and lots and lots of sex jokes, this probably isn't for you. Check it out on YouTube and give it a try.
P.S. to those of the religious community, me being part of it, if the version of this Hell is off pudding and isn't how it should be depicted in comparison to that of the biblical version and it offends you, I suggest either ignoring the pilot completely and its growth, or you can see the horrifying reality behind it... It's... An... Adult... Cartoon!!! *collective gasps* for more information please check Family Guy, South Park, and, I know I'm dating myself here, but literally every episode of the Simpsons ever.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with this rant/review. These are just my personal views and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Eat chocolate.
Imma take a nap!
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petitprincess1 · 4 years
Good Evening Ch5 (It’s a Deal Then?)
AO3 Link Summary: Charlie and Vaggie talk about Al’s proposition, more questions about this permanently smiling man arise, and Angelo get texts from an associate of Valentino. Words: 1,787 Sorry for any typos, been sneezing all day and don’t have the energy. ~~~ Charlie walked up the stairs and through where she a door still open to a random floor. She went around the corridors, hearing Vaggie speaking to the guest that stole some alcohol. The blonde girl was expecting to see her lover arguing with the thief, but when she rounded the corner and peeked into the room, she saw Vaggie simply explaining the rules of the hotel. The guest seemed ashamed and desperate for the vodka. 
The goth girl gave a small sigh as she looked around the room, trying to find something to pour it into. Vaggie grabbed a glass nearby, went into the bathroom, and poured a little bit of cold water from the faucet. She came back with the glass and told them, “Give me the bottle.”
The guest hugged the bottle close to their chest for a few seconds, glanced at the alcohol, back at Vaggie, and then sighed as they handed the bottle to her. The sex worker uncorked the bottle and poured a bit of the vodka into the cold water, watching it fill up. She handed the half-water and half-vodka to the guest, making the guest take the glass with a slightly grateful look. Vaggie gave them a small nod before leaving out the room, causing Charlie to quickly move away from the door. The goth girl walked out the room, closed the door, and then jumped at the sound of someone squealing.
Vaggie quickly turned the person in apprehension and raised the bottle to smack them with, just to immediately calm down at seeing Charlie. The mayor’s daughter was rocking on her heels with a large grin on her face and looked as if her eyes were sparkling. The silver-haired girl turned her head and asked, hiding a blush, “Wh-What? I’m not that hard-hearted.”
“I’m just…so happy to see you showing your soft side!!” Charlie exclaimed in such joy, prancing a bit in place. Seeing her apple dumpling so excited made Vaggie blush a bit more and tried to hide behind her hair a bit, while asking, “D-Did you c-come see me fo-or a reas-son?”
Charlie then swiftly went serious as she pressed her fingers together and explained, “Oh! Right, uh, well, Al suggested- well…more like asserted that he wants to help run the Happy Hotel with us, which you know, but he also is cooking for us. I don’t know why and I don’t know what to say. Vaggie, what if he holds what I did against me? What if-”
Vaggie tried to calm her by saying, “Listen to me, Charlie, we don’t know what he’ll do. So…I guess we will go along with whatever it is that he has planned, but just set some parameters. Keep him away from these people as much as possible, okay? We don’t know how dangerous he is.”
Charlie took a deep breath and nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I guess you’re right. What’s the worst that could come from-” before she could finish, there was the sound of what seemed like very muffled yelling coming from downstairs. The two gave each other concerned stares before running off down the hall to get to the stairs.
Angelo looked at what was going on with the three in the room, watching Niffty yell up at Husk for breaking plates, while the old man glared vehemently at Alastor, who was just casually humming as he placed the large pot on the stove. The younger man shifted a bit in place and repeated, “So, do ya two know each other or…?”
Husk yelled at Angelo, “What made you realize that, smartass!? I’m always havin’ to clean up this shitbags mess! No matter what it is that I’m doin’ or where I am, I gotta come to help this fuckin’ clown!”
Angelo looked at Al to see his reaction and the man was just stirring around the pot gumbo, making it seem like he wasn’t paying attention. The porn star hummed, raising an eyebrow at Husk and smirking, “So, ya two are fuckin’ then?”
Alastor suddenly stopped stirring and shouted, “Ha! No.”
Husker agreed, “Fuck no. I’d rather stick my dick down a garbage disposal and turn it on than the inside that dumbass.”
“Oh, I hope that you use protection, Husker,” Al joked, giving a quiet chuckle and grinning widely. This just made Angelo even confused, since neither of the two specified how they met one another or what they did with one another. He was about to ask what it was, but Niffty ended up shoving a broom and dustpan into his arms. She huffed, “Less talking and more cleaning!”
The small girl shoved Angelo towards the broken ceramic and then went to make the rice. The fluffy haired man huffed as he began to sweep up the shattered plate. As he was doing this, Charlie and Vaggie came sprinting into the kitchen. Charlie took a few deep breaths and then asked anyone, “We…heard shouting…what’s…going on?”
Alastor shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, wrapping an arm around Husk and pulling him down to rub his cheek against his, “Nothing more, but a tearful reunion, doll!”
Husk grumbled as he pushed Al away and left out of the kitchen, going to possibly drink and pretend to give a shit about his job. Charlie decided to question that later as she looked back at the creole and announced, “By the way, Al, I’ve thought about your proposal.”
Alastor stopped stirring, placed a lid on the pot- making Niffty sigh at the heavenly, savory smell of the gumbo being taken away -and turned to the blonde-haired girl. He grinned and hummed, showing that he was waiting for her to continue. Charlie went on, “Alright, so, you’re sketchy as fuck and you wishing to run this hotel because of boredom is…odd. However, we don’t have a lot of staff members and you being on the radio could offer great promotion for the hotel. So, I am taking your offer, on the condition there’ll be no tricks or twists attached.”
Al held out his hand and smiled, “So, it’s a dea-”
Vaggie quickly added, “However, you cannot stay at this hotel. This is meant for those going through rehab and…despite some problems, you appear to be mentally sound.”
The creole’s smile seemed to lessen just slightly as he hummed, “Well, I already have brought my possessions with me. It seems rather rude to turn me away, don’t you think? After me helping you…”
Niffty chimed as she stirred the gumbo and paid attention to the boiling rice, “It does seem weird, since he’s making this meal for us.”
While that also made sense, Charlie, Vaggie, and Angelo knew exactly what “help” that the man was actually referring to. Angelo then suddenly jumped up from cleaning up the shards of plate and suggested, “Well, uh, I got someplace ya can hang out in, at least for right now.”
Charlie cleared her throat and also said, “I…can also, maybe, ask my parents if you can stay over, but that also may take some time…and convincing.”
Alastor’s smile became more sincere as he walked over to Angelo and Charlie, wrapping his arms around the two and hugging them. He jovially said, “My goodness! Such fantastic people you are! I cannot wait to get to know you both over time! Now,” he then grabbed Angelo and practically ordered, “come along, my friend. You need to show me to this new keen abode of yours.”
Angelo clarified as he got dragged off, “Well, it ain’t really mine and…uh…” he trailed off when he saw Niffty drain the rice and then taste the gumbo. It immediately made his stomach turn when Charlie and Vaggie go over to the pot. The thought of the eye just floating around in the thick stew. He shouted, mostly to the girls “Hey, uh, maybe we should stay! Don’t want your food ta-”
Niffty assured Angelo, which only made him more stressed, “Don’t worry, Angie! We’ll save you some after we serve the guests!”
Angelo wanted to say more, but he was yanked out the door by a way too excited Al, who called out to the three girls, “Make sure to properly season that gumbo, you lovely tomatoes!”
The last thing the two heard was Vaggie questioning as to why they were called tomatoes.
When Angelo were outside, Al looked him up and down and mumbled, “First, we need to change your outfit.”
Angelo, despite feeling nauseous, flirted, “Why? Afraid ya gonna fall for temptation~?” ~~~ Angelo sat in the seat, looking grumpy, since he was forced to change into a white dress shirt, dark dress pants, pink suspenders, and a pink and gold bowtie. He absolutely hated this outfit, mostly because he was sure how Al procured this outfit. Alastor just said that he won it in a fair game…whatever that meant.
However, Angelo was also busy texting someone he labeled as “man with crazy clown bitch”, who was asking where Valentino was and demanding answers from him. Angelo just texted back:
Angelo: Listen, Voxxie, I’m dealing with family business. Ya know how serious my dad is about family and ya don’t wanna fuck with that, right? Just give me like an hour. I’ll be there.
Crazy-bitch-having-man: Make it 20. You hardly have the power to call the shots here, sweetheart.
Angelo huffed as he slid down the car seat and rubbed at his temples, not knowing what to say or do. Alastor glanced at Angelo and asked him as he parked in front of a small house, “Are you alright, ethel?”
The mob-child shrugged his shoulders as he mumbled, “Yeah, it’s alright. I can handle this shit.”
The creole looked at him again and grinned, “I can be quite persuasive, cher. …Are you sure?”
Angelo flinched at Al’s voice slightly dropping a bit in pitch and making him slightly tremble, but it definitely wasn’t only in fear. The two then jumped when the car window got tapped on quite loudly. Al rolled down the window and saw black, long-haired man, who Angelo knew immediately. He grinned, “Hey, Pen.”
Pentious stared at Alastor and then smirked, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t smarmy nutter with the ladylike chap! It’s quite nice to see you again, Alastor. Still yakking in your fancy-shmancy radio tower and having a good ol wank at hearing your repulsive voice?”
Once again, Angelo was feeling uncomfortable at how many people Alastor knew and, apparently and possibly, fucked over. He was expecting the creole to say something sarcastic or be oddly kind like he was to Husk. Instead, Alastor just asked with a giant grin, “Do I know you?”
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snarkybluechristian · 4 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 31
Vaggie reluctantly rested her head on Alastor’s shoulder as their limo drove to an unknown destination.
After a long day of being dragged all over Pentagram City for errands, only getting a break for lunch and for dinner, all Vaggie wanted to do was return to the manor to check on Angel.
Alastor hadn’t said a word about Angel all day. Even when Vaggie asked about her injured friend, Alastor hardly acknowledged it with more than a shrug. That did nothing to calm Vaggie’s fears. The more the day wore on, the more time Vaggie spent hoping and praying that each stop would be at the manor so that she could speak to Angel for herself.
Every time Vaggie thought they were done, Alastor sadistically added another destination to make their day together even longer, much to her chagrin. The day already felt like it would never end, and Alastor sadistically made sure that didn't.
However, since dinner was eaten and the sun, or whatever you called it in hell, was setting, Vaggie was certain that they would be returning home.
Unfortunately, when she felt the limo stop, Vaggie lifted her head to see that the limo had pulled up to yet another building that she did not recognize.
Vaggie sighed in disappointment as Alastor exited the limo, held open the door, and gestured for her to follow him.
“Here we are, dear,” Alastor said. “Our last stop of the day.”
“Great,” Vaggie replied sarcastically as she begrudgingly stepped out of the car.
Alastor shook his head with a chuckle and said, “Come now, Vaggie my dear. Haven’t we had a good day today?”
“Hardly,” Vaggie replied. “You’ve been dragging me all over Pentagram City to set up the auction for Angel!”
“I’m only establishing your status as my wife, dear,” Alastor said taking Vaggie’s arm in his, much to Vaggie’s obvious chagrin. “As you will learn, among us overlords, asserting your status is everything. Now, come along. Our hosts are waiting.”
Vaggie fumed silently as Alastor walked her down the path to the front door of the mansion ahead.
It was a gorgeous Italian-style mansion that Vaggie only recognized from travel magazines. Statues of famous men dotted the garden. In passing, Vaggie recognized the names she could see as being Italian as well.
Wait a minute.
Vaggie suspiciously examined the house and noticed that the windows were detailed with art nouveau-style stained glass images of spiders.
Oh, no.
“Alastor, where are we?” Vaggie asked.
Alastor smiled at her, clearly thrilled that she had finally caught on to what was going on.
“You already know the answer to that, Vaggie, my dear,” Alastor replied. “We’re at Angel’s family’s home.”
Vaggie narrowed her eye and simply asked, “Why?”
“Simply to meet with them, dear,” Alastor said stepping onto the stoop of the door.
“There are other demons bidding on Angel,” Vaggie said finally pulling her arm away from Alastor’s. “We haven’t spoken to any of them…”
“An astute observation,” Alastor said with a light chuckle as he leaned down to her eye-level, reached his hand towards Vaggie, and gestured for her to come back to his embrace.
“Why are we here?!” Vaggie growled.
Alastor, completely unfazed, gently took Vaggie’s hand, pulled her into another unwanted hug, looked into her eyes, and said, “I told you, my dear. Simply to meet with them.”
Vaggie’s eye settled into a glare before looking away as she realized she wouldn’t be getting any more answers out of Alastor for the time being. She would have to observe and figure out what was going on from there.
Alastor took Vaggie’s arm, rang the doorbell, and waited until the door opened revealing a short grey spider demon with red but cold, almost emotionless eyes. Vaggie knew him from Angel’s description to be Arackniss.
“Good evening, Arackniss,” Alastor said, confirming Vaggie’s suspicions.
“You’re here early, Alastor,” Arackniss said, cutting straight to the point.
“Well, we had some extra time and thought that we’d take care of this meeting a bit early,” Alastor replied. “Is that alright?”
“Sure, Dad and I have nothin’ else goin’ on,” Arackniss said before looking at Vaggie curiously.
Vaggie greeted Arackniss’s gaze with a nasty glare.
Arackniss smirked in amusement at her and said, “So, you’re the dame everybody’s been fussin’ over.”
Vaggie scoffed and said, “I guess word travels fast.”
“Well, you and your fiancé did announce it over the radio…” Arackniss replied.
“He is not my fiancé!” Vaggie snapped.
“That’s not what Alastor told us,” Arackniss said with a shrug.
“Well, he…!” Vaggie began. “Hey!”
Alastor had wrapped her arm around her waist, gave it a squeeze, chuckled out loud, and said, “Oh, Vaggie. Aren’t you just a peach?”
Vaggie growled at Alastor under her breath in response, but her protests were ignored.
“Uh huh,” Arackniss said gesturing for his guests to follow. “Come on in.”
Alastor and Vaggie entered the house arm in arm. Vaggie glared at Alastor and continued glaring as Arackniss shut the front door and began speaking with Alastor.
Vaggie quietly listened while pretending to look at the home’s lavish and somewhat gaudy décor, but besides plans about the auction that Vaggie already knew, Alastor and Arackniss did not say anything knew.
When Alastor and Vaggie finally arrived in the living room, Arackniss turned to Alastor and said, “You two can make yourselves comfortable. I’ll go get my father.”
“Will do,” Alastor said merrily as Arackniss exited the room to find his father.
Alastor sat down on the red leather couch and pulled Vaggie down next to him much to her obvious chagrin.
Alastor not-so-subtly put an arm around Vaggie and asked, “So, do you like it, dear?”
“Not really,” Vaggie said pulling her arm away from Alastor and instantly scooting to the far side of the couch. “Can you please quit touching me?”
Alastor instantly appeared on Vaggie’s side of the couch, wrapped his arms around Vaggie, and protested, “But a husband always holds his darling love close.”
“I liked you better when you didn’t like being touched,” Vaggie snarled as she angrily pushed Alastor away.
“Oh, Vaggie,” Alastor said with a chuckle as he put his arm around her waist again. “Your love has changed me. I love feeling your skin against mine. I don’t mind you touching me.”
Vaggie scoffed, removed Alastor’s arm from her waist, and said, “Well, I don’t need to be held. Besides, if you really love someone, you let them go.”
“But there’s always the risk that you’ll run away from me,” Alastor said, looking into her eyes with a condescending smirk.
“Where would I run to?” Vaggie retorted.
Alastor relented and said, “Good point.”
Just then, Arackniss entered the living room with his father Henroin.
Henroin was taller than Arackniss but smaller than Angel with an intimidating demeanor only accentuated by his eight red eyes and his slightly more humanoid features that distinguished him from either of his sons. He appeared to only have one pair of arms. His bulky, muscular body was covered in grey, fluffy fur. He wore a red tie with a fedora hat similar to the one Angel would occasionally wear.
Vaggie knew all Angel had to say about Henroin and greeted his arrival with another glare, just as she had with Arackniss.
Henroin stared back at Vaggie as he lit his cigarette, seemingly amused that she was not afraid of him despite his intimidating status.
Henroin took a puff of his cigarette and exhaled the smoke before he said, “So, this is the whore we’ve heard so much about, Radio Demon…”
Alastor narrowed his eyes, summoned his static, flashed an angry smile, and said, “Sir…I must ask you not to refer to my wife this way.”
“Very well,” Henroin said with a shrug. “Would you and your wife like some brandy?”
The static instantly disappeared and Alastor’s smile returned in a flash.
“We’d be delighted,” Alastor replied.
Henroin walked over to his alcohol cabinet to prepare the drinks.
Meanwhile, Alastor’s arm stretched and snaked around Vaggie’s waist. Much to Vaggie’s chagrin, Alastor swiftly pulled her close to him so that they were practically touching.
Vaggie growled as she pushed Alastor away from her just as Henroin came back with four arms summoned to hold each glass.
Henroin chuckled as he passed out every glass at once and said, “Your wife is quite spirited.”
Alastor sighed lovingly glancing in Vaggie’s direction and said, “It’s one of the many reasons I love her.”
Vaggie responded with an eye roll and sipped her brandy as Henroin took his seat.
“Now then,” Henroin said, leaning back in his chair. “Shall we talk business?”
“Of course,” Alastor said, pausing only briefly to take a drink from his glass and pull Vaggie back to his side before he continued. “Your son will be healed as of tomorrow. I had him bathed today, but I will still have Rosie thoroughly disinfect him tomorrow to make sure he doesn't carry any diseases. As you requested, he is weak and underweight, but he still has quite the attitude. He wasn't too happy when I told him you were coming. He tried to attack me when I let him and Vaggie eat breakfast together this morning. I have had to keep him tranquilized today except for his meals. I can't imagine he'll be too happy when he sees you.”
“Anthony has rarely, if ever, been happy to see us,” Arackniss replied with a sigh.
“Why are you bidding on him then?” Vaggie asked suspiciously.
Everyone turned to look at her. Vaggie glared back. There was so much wrong with this scenario and she was going to find out what was going on.
Henroin finally broke the silence.
“Because, unlike you, that man-fucking slut needs to let his family fix him and make him into a normal person,” Henroin replied between sips of brandy.
Vaggie scoffed and said, “You really think you could control Angel?”
“We can and we will, doll,” Arackniss answered with a dark smile. “Don’t you worry your little head about it.”
“Whatever,” Vaggie said disdainfully. “As fucked up as Angel is, he is one of the hotel’s best patrons. He was seeking redemption long before any of you fucks got involved.”
Henroin rolled his eyes while sipping his brandy, set the glass down and said, “A mistake like Angel can never change. Unlike you, Anthony needs actual psychiatric help.”
“You’re the ones who need psychiatric help,” Vaggie spat back angrily. “Angel wants nothing to do with either of you, and you have left him alone for decades. Why do you care about him now?”
Arackniss shrugged and said, “No real reason, other than it has been too long for him to be this loosey goosey.”
“Loosey goosey?” Vaggie said incredulously.
“Dearest, do we really have to spell it out for you?” Alastor asked with a chuckle. “I mean, you and he have similar backgrounds. Do you not? He is in the same background you used to be in.”
“I’m still a lesbian, you moron…” Vaggie said through gritted teeth.
“That was before you accepted my proposal,” Alastor retorted. “But that’s beside the point…”
“That fuck needs to be reeled in and taught how to behave like a normal, fucking person, instead of a slut who sleeps with any man he lays his eyes on,” Henroin interrupted before an argument could break out between the couple.
Vaggie was stunned for only a second before she angrily narrowed her eyes and thought of a decent reply, “And you three are ones to talk? I cannot believe how hypocritical you all are considering I am in the presence of two Italian mobsters and a voodoo-practicing serial killer! Yeah, Angel’s a slut, but if I remember church correctly, Jesus spent more time with prostitutes than with rich people and said they were closer to heaven! I also seem to remember that in terms of deadly sins that lust was considered less offensive than stealing or murder…”
Arackniss’s lips curled into an amused smirk and he said, “So, what are you sayin’, doll?”
“I’m sayin’…” Vaggie said mockingly imitating Arackniss’s accent. “…that, in terms of offenses against God, Angel is still less offensive than any of you!”
After a moment of silence, Alastor cracked up laughing. Henroin joined him while Arackniss simply cracked an amused smirk.
“What is so funny?!” Vaggie fumed, angrily getting to her feet while waiting for the men around her continued to stop mocking her with their derisive laughter.
“Doll,” Henroin managed to get out as he tried to wipe his tears and stifle his own laughter. “You say that like you actually know who or what he is, and he’s not normal.”
“He’s still a better person than any of you,” Vaggie growled, clenching her fists. “Besides, what is normal anyway?”
“I don’t know,” Arackniss shrugged. “But we’ll find out once we get to put him through therapy.”
Vaggie paused as she felt her heart skip a beat and asked, “Therapy?”
“Gay conversion therapy,” Alastor added right before Vaggie felt herself getting pulled back to the couch right against Alastor’s side. “Isn’t that right, Henroin?”
“Yep, Dr. Red has set it all planned it all out, complete with electric shock therapy and a lobotomy if Anthony refuses to cooperate,” Henroin said as his lips curled into a sadistic smile.
Vaggie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. They couldn’t do that to Angel. It was too cruel.
“You wouldn’t,” she said in shock.
“I would and I will, toots,” Henroin retorted.
“You, son-of-a-bitch!” Vaggie shrieked, trying to launch herself towards Henroin only to have Alastor pull her back. “How could you?! He’s your son! You don’t feel anything for him! Do you?! No wonder he fucking hates you!”
Henroin chuckled out loud as he set his finished drink aside and said, “You say that as if I should give a damn about how he feels. Anthony spent his life being a failure and has spent his afterlife screwing up our name by turning himself into a fucking slut for the masses, on the silver screen no less. All I ever wanted for him was to make him a good made-man like his brother, but no, he was too busy being a fucking screw-up! If Anthony had just listened to me, his life would have been easier. He would have been living large instead of dying like a dog in the gutter from an overdose and spending his eternity as Valentino’s prized fuckboy. Anthony doesn’t know what’s good for him. He never did. You don’t know either, doll face.”
“And you fucking do?!” Vaggie asked with a scoff. “I know Angel better than you ever have. He is an idiot who screws up, but he is truly pursuing freedom from this hellhole and that’s something you won’t ever be able to stop. Even if by some miracle you managed to outbid Valentino and subjected Angel to your stupid therapy, we all know he would never crack. Not to you, motherfuckers.”
Henroin and Arackniss’s faces lit up in confusion. They looked over to Alastor who simply winked. None of that was lost on Vaggie.
Vaggie delivered Alastor a particularly pointed look and asked, “What are you…?”
“Are you done insulting us now, darlin’?” Arackniss cut her off with annoyed exhaustion behind his voice.
“Of course not,” Vaggie replied with a snarl. “I could keep this up for all eternity.”
Arackniss smirked amusedly, leaned on his hand, and asked, “Is that a fact?”
“Shall I count the ways, you pompous jackass?” Vaggie spat back.
Vaggie heard a dark chuckle, felt the familiar clawed hand squeeze her shoulder, and heard a lowered voice say, “Vaggie, darling, you need to zip it. Or, I can make Angel’s life more hellish after he’s sold.”
“What are you talking about?!” Vaggie snapped as she smacked Alastor’s hand away. “You have no idea who’s going to buy…”
Vaggie’s eyes fell on Alastor with his smug, unwavering smile and saw the same smiles on the two other spider demons in the room. When their expressions didn’t change, Vaggie instantly understood everything.
“YOU BASTARD!” Vaggie screamed at the top of her lungs as she sprung to her feet and began punching Alastor’s chest with all her might. “YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARD!”
Henroin and Arackniss sat nonchalantly in their chairs watching the scene in amusement. Alastor did the same.
“So, I take it you didn’t tell her you sold my brother to us,” Arackniss quipped as he sipped his brandy.
“No,” Alastor replied, completely ignoring his fiancée punching him in the chest. “I couldn’t. She would have told Angel.”
“STOP FUCKING IGNORING ME!” Vaggie shrieked with tears of anger rolling down her cheeks as she continued wearing out her knuckles on Alastor’s frozen-meat hard chest. “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! HOW COULD YOU DO SOMETHING THIS CRUEL?! YOU COULD LET ANYONE ELSE BUY ANGEL!”
Alastor caught one of Vaggie’s knuckles in his hand, stopping her mid-punch, pulled her gently onto his lap, stroked her hair, and said, “That bluenose is the one who stuck his nose where it didn’t belong. If Angel valued his freedom so much, he shouldn’t have tried to take you away from me.”
Henroin and Arackniss’s mouths fell wide open. Vaggie had slapped Alastor across the face.
Vaggie angrily hopped out of Alastor’s lap and growled, “I don’t belong to you. I belong to Charlie, you son-of-a-bitch. I belong with her, at the hotel, with all its inhabitants, even with Angel, but not to you. I will never ever be yours.”
Vaggie threw another punch aimed at Alastor’s face, but he caught it in his hand, sighed tiredly, and asked, “Are you quite finished?”
Vaggie knew she wouldn't win this way. She had to think of something, anything that could help Angel. So reluctantly she sat back down on the couch and turned away from him.
Henroin chuckled out loud and said, “Are you gonna put up with this disrespect for all eternity?”
Alastor looked at Vaggie and then back at his host and said, “My bride will learn to love and respect me in time. But for now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to finalize the last details of our prisoner transport.”
“Of course,” Henroin said.
“How will you be transporting my brother?” Arackniss asked.
“With a muzzle, a straitjacket, and shackles around his feet if he doesn’t behave,” Alastor responded with a sadistic grin. “Should that suffice?”
“It should,” Arackniss said placing his empty glass on the table. “The good doctor is also preparing syringes of sedatives just in case we need them...You have something to say, darlin’?”
Vaggie didn’t respond but glared at them disgustfully in a desperate attempt to hide her fear and the bile rising in her throat.
“That reminds me,” Alastor said turning the attention back to himself and his hosts. “When do you plan on beginning Angel’s therapy?”
“As soon as he arrives,” Henroin replied, taking a final sip of his drink before setting the empty glass down on the table next to his chair.
“Really?” Alastor asked springing to his feet excitedly. “Does that mean you have all the accommodations together already?”
“Yep, the builders finished just today,” Henroin said getting to his feet. “Would you and your girl like to see it?”
“No,” Vaggie said getting to her feet and attempting to walk towards the front door. “I think we should...”
“We’d love to see the accommodations,” Alastor practically sang out as he pulled Vaggie back into his arms.
“Alright, then,” Henroin said nodding gesturing his head towards Arackniss. “You have the keys, Arackniss?”
“Yeah,” Arackniss said, literally hopping to his feet and walking in front of the group. “This way...”
Henroin followed him with Alastor and Vaggie following right behind.
Vaggie tried pulling away and even suggesting that she could wait in the car but Alastor simply dismissed her words and kept pulling her along.
After walking to the back of the house through the large dining room and into the hallway right before they reached the kitchen, the group finally made it to a large metal door of stainless steel.
“Here we are,” Arackniss said sliding open the lock to the basement door. “We used to use the basement for interrogations and ransoms, but we decided to make it the place for Anthony’s therapy. Dr. Red thought the area needed to be spruced up to be more therapeutic, so we decided to let him renovate. They got done renovating the room today.”
The large door swung open. Arackniss flicked on the light switch and gestured for his father and the unhappy couple to follow behind him.
Henroin and Arackniss walked down the stairs against the wall first followed by Alastor and Vaggie.
The stone stairs echoed as the group made their way down to the basement below.
Vaggie looked around to get a view of Angel’s new prison.
The basement was laid out like an apartment.
The basement walls were painted clinically white and the floor was covered in dark hardwood. The ceiling above was lit with fluorescent lights.
In front of where the stairs ended was a door leading to a bedroom and an open door next to it revealed a white-tiled, porcelain bathroom with two doors connecting it to the bedroom and to the rest of the basement. On the other side of those doors, there was a kitchenette area with all the normal appliances that looked quite pleasant. There was even a narrow basement window to let some light in.
On the other side of the basement, there was a fainting couch with off-white fabric and a brown leather chair sitting right next to it, both sitting on top of a navy-blue rug. The area looked cozy enough to sit and relax in.
Back against the stairs were a washer and dryer followed by a storage closet of some kind sitting to the left of them.
At first glance, the room looked nice enough to be a decently-price separate apartment, but unfortunately, Vaggie had to take a second look.
In the middle of the basement was a chair with straps and a car battery sitting next to it on a cart with pliers connecting to some head gear with a bit for the teeth, a makeshift electric shock machine straight from the days of old. Sitting on top of the machine was an ice pick and a chisel for carrying out a lobotomy.
Vaggie began shaking in both rage and fear. She couldn’t believe that all this had come together in less than a week. How long had Alastor been planning this?
Henroin’s smile turned into a grin and he asked, “So, what do you think, Alastor? Is this to your satisfaction?”
Vaggie could see Alastor’s smile grow wider in a sadistic smile, imagining all the torture that would be carried out on Angel, before he finally said, “Henroin, my good man, this is absolutely marvelous. Your renovators did a fantastic job. Is that room there where Angel will be sleeping?”
“Yes,” Arackniss replied as he opened the door to the room at the bottom of the stairs and flicked on the light switch. “This room required the most work. This is where Dr. Red said Anthony should sleep.”
Alastor and Vaggie looked into the room and beheld a white-padded room cooled with a vent pumping air into the room and lit with another narrow window and fluorescent lighting. The room was bare except for the long single bed in the center of the room with leather cuffs meant to restrain Angel’s arms and legs while he slept.
“Oh, Henroin, this is wonderful!” Alastor gushed. “This looks exactly like a room from an asylum back in the day!”
“That’s the idea,” Arackniss said with his lips curling into a smirk as he walked into the room and picked up some clothes off the bed. “And this will be Anthony’s uniform...”
“Uniform?” Alastor asked bemusedly. “You mean, your brother won’t be wearing his normal clothes?”
“No son of mine is dressing like a fucking fruitcake,” Henroin scoffed.
“Dr. Red recommended it,” Arackniss said showing Alastor and Vaggie the plain gray, long-sleeved shirt, the gray slacks, and gray loafers. “Neither of us think Anthony will like it, but I think he’ll learn to appreciate it in time.”
“Fat chance,” Vaggie muttered out under her breath.
“Excuse me?” Arackniss replied raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, dear,” Alastor goaded. “Please do speak up if you have something to say.”
“How could you treat Angel like this?!” Vaggie snapped, pushing Alastor off her and getting right into Henroin’s face. “He’s your son and your brother! But you’re going to lock him away to be tortured!”
“Only until he cooperates, dear,” Henroin said with a scoff. “We don’t just want to keep my son locked away for all eternity. We want to restore him as a member of the family. If Anthony decides to submit and do what we want, he’ll start getting privileges back...”
“And if he doesn’t?” Vaggie snarled.
Henroin walked over to the chair, picked up the ice pick, and said, “This will go straight into his brain.”
Vaggie glared angrily until she remembered something very important and her features relaxed back into a smirk.
“That isn’t going to work,” Vaggie replied calmly.
“What do ya mean?” Henroin asked.
“Angel’s a demon,” Vaggie explained. “The brain you remove will grow back no matter how many times you remove it. You’re wasting your time.”
Henroin smirked back and said, “Not with this one, sweetheart. Look closely.”
Vaggie looked at the ice pick more closely, and sure enough, it was the same kind of metal used in exterminator weapons.
Vaggie gasped and backed up in horror until her back hit the stairs before she stammered out in almost a whisper, “W-why? Why are you doing this? Angel will be useless if you lobotomize him. He’ll only be a shell of who he was. You might as well send him to the void. He wouldn’t ever be the same.”
Vaggie thought she saw Arackniss shrink back for a second as if he were thinking and hesitating, but before anything could come of it, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said, “It won’t come to that, doll. We won’t let it. Even if it did, we’d keep him comfortable. It’d be for the best.”
Vaggie couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
Vaggie shook in fury and in rage and shrieked, “PUTAS! YOU SONS OF WHORES! I’LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS!”
Vaggie ran for Henroin and Arackniss, but Alastor came up behind her, held her arms back, and began dragging her towards the stairs.
“I think it’s time for us to go,” Alastor said before Vaggie somehow managed to get worm her way out of his grip.
“Tell me the truth,” Vaggie demanded Henroin and Arackniss. “You never outbid Valentino. You never even wanted to take Angel back. What is Alastor giving you to do all this?”
“Lots and lots of territory,” Alastor answered with a flourish before returning his voice to an unsettling normal tone. “But you ought to know, Vaggie, that the Spider Family did win the bid for Angel. You see, my bid wasn’t for money. It was for who could make Angel the most miserable in exchange for territory.”
Vaggie couldn’t find the words to speak as she shook angrily at the Radio Demon in front of her, so instead, she pushed past Alastor and ran up the stairs to get out of the basement.
With a side movement of his finger, Alastor locked the door so that when Vaggie tried the handle it wouldn’t budge.
Vaggie turned around just as Alastor reached the bottom of the stairs and asked, “How long have you been planning this?”
“Only since Angel tried to take what was mine,” Alastor explained with a demented smile as he began climbing the stairs. “I wasn't going to originally settle for Angel's family. I met with others who I thought would want him for some reason or another. There were some good candidates. Cherri Bomb was willing to do anything to save her friend. She begged, pleaded and she even wanted to give me some territory. All just to save her friend. There are things I could have used her skills for, but I decided against her because I knew she would let him go. Rosie and others wanted him for pleasure, but I had to decide against them. Angel would have enjoyed that far too much. Sir Pentious wanted to burn him alive. Valentino was desperate to get his number one star back. The Spider Family just wanted the territory. They made it to the top three. Sir Pentious was willing to give me multiple weapons but I decided against him mostly because burning would have been too easy. Valentino was the next obvious choice. He wanted to get Angel back and lock him away in the studio for all eternity as punishment for running away from him and trying to get out of his contract, but I know Valentino has a soft spot for that lout. Even if he locked Angel away and worked him like a pack mule like he said he would, Valentino would have made his life too bearable. I wanted that bluenose to be trapped in a world where he would never be happy even for a moment. So, when Angel’s family told me what they were planning, I just couldn’t say no.”
“Then why would you set up the auction?!” Vaggie asked with narrowed eyes that angrily glared right into Alastor’s. “What was the point?”
“Simple dearest,” Alastor chuckled darkly with a sadistic smile as he leaned his head down until he was looking directly into Vaggie’s eyes. “Just to watch his hope fade and die. To break and crush him to nothing like the scum...”
Vaggie punched Alastor square in the jaw. Every fiber of her being was pulsating in fury as the angry tears began falling from her eyes.
“YOU’RE A FUCKING BASTARD!” Vaggie shrieked. “I HATE YOU!”
Alastor straightened up, took Vaggie’s hand in his, held it against his cheek, and said, “You don’t now, but you’ll grow to love me in time.”
“Bastardos menos hijos de putas!” Vaggie yelled in Spanish.
“What the hell does that mean?” Henroin interrupted.
“YOU BASTARD SONS OF WHORES!” Vaggie shrieked as she attempted to bold past Alastor to attack Henroin and Arackniss. “I’LL KILL YOU! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU! I WON’T LET YOU HURT ANGEL!”
Unfortunately, Alastor grabbed onto Vaggie and held her back as she strained and kicked and screamed and writhed desperately while the tears continued falling down her face.
Alastor used his tentacles to open the door, ignored Vaggie’s thrashing, walked back into the hallway, and said, “I need to take my bride home, gentlemen. Thank you for having us.”
“You’re welcome,” Arackniss answered, him and his father climbing up the stairs behind them. “Please have Anthony ready to go so that we can take him home after the real auction is over.”
“Of course,” Alastor said with a smile in his voice as he picked Vaggie up off her feet so that her feet were kicking the air instead of at his shins while he walked down the hallway back to the house’s entrance. “I’ll see you both tomorrow. Please feel free to bring another guest if you feel so inclined. We’ll have plenty of food.”
“Will do,” Henroin said with a smile flicking off the basement lights as he waved to Alastor from the basement’s doorway while his eldest son lit a cigarette next to him. “See you tomorrow.”
Alastor was eerily silent as he dragged Vaggie kicking and screaming through the house and back to the car. All the while, Vaggie was screaming with rage, tears dripping down her eyes.
Once they finally got to the car, Alastor pushed Vaggie into the car before climbing behind her and driving off without saying a word.
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