#bg3 hcs
phaedrinthefaire · 2 days
I saw a post recently about what could’ve happened to Arabella post-game, but what I need to know is what happened to Yenna.
tldr Larian tell me what happened to my girl wait nvm ik what’s canon to me
Did she stay safe in the Elfsong during the Netherbrain’s attack? How did she feel when all of her heroes left the inn one last time? Whose care did they leave her in?
And then once the dust settles and the fractured remains of the party come back to celebrate, what then?
Maybe after weeks of her helping in the kitchen, the Elfsong’s chef finally begrudgingly admits he’s impressed and takes her on as an apprentice, and she becomes Baldur’s Gate’s finest. She grows up as the gate grows back.
Maybe Rion meets her in the midst of celebration and sees a companion for Fig in her, and asks if she wants a quieter place to sleep. Elerrathin’s Home finds a new balance as she settles in. Slowly, she has a family again. A home.
The companions might have something in mind for her. In awe of Tav’s magic, she could admit she wants to learn, and Gale enrolls her in the finest wizarding classes in Waterdeep. Shadowheart decides a little extra help on the farm wouldn’t hurt. (Dad)Astarion, longing for rest, suggests quietly that she can come with him, just for a while. If she wants! That on the road they might find a little peace, if not a little adventure too. (In my hc he’d only be brave enough to suggest it if he’s with Tav but I digress.)
Maybe her path only crosses with the companions again once she’s a little older. Minsc meets her in the city and recruits her good heart in his quest to change the Guild. Wyll and Karlach or Lae’zel return to the gate and find she’s become a young adventurer, a Baldurian through and through.
My favorite of her potential fates ironically is what’s most likely to be canon—Halsin sees her after their celebrations. She’s so tired. Their fellowship is breaking, and so is her something of a family. He knows the exhaustion hovering over fear in her eyes all too well. He wants to see light in them again.
So he takes her with him. Back in nature, she learns how to be a child again.
Brb going to go cry over Yenna. I love that little girl.
(I know we’re not getting a BG4 from Larian at least, but imagine a little sequel where you play as Yenna a few years later. Or any of the kids—Mol, Arabella, Fig. That would be so special.)
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luvdisease · 4 months
BG3 reactions to "would you still love me if i was a worm?"
DISCLAIMER: i am not a writing blog do not follow me expecting more hcs you'll be greatly disappointment by the fictional men thirst. this is so fucking stupid. characters included: Astarion, Gale, Halsin, Karlach, Shadowheart
"But what if-"
"I'd crush you under my heel."
"A polymorph spell? that should wear off soon enough."
"but if it didn't?"
"I haven't heard of a spell that strong, is there something I should be concerned about?"
Please. just answer the question man.
he starts fucking infodumping about polymorphing.
you cant even remember the question when he's done.
"of course :)))"
what did u expect. man loves nature
"I'd set you free though, i cant bar you from living your true freedom and life as a worm, you belong in the dirt."
you assure him you would way rather stay with him as you live your worm life
He'd narrate the scenery around you... worms are blind
wants to give you a little pat on your worm head but worms are so small and he is.. so so big :(
"Why are you a worm :( who did this"
goes on about how you would travel with her as a worm by her side...
she would keep ur lil worm body warm
"where would you carry me?"
in front of her heart :) worms need a lot of heat
wait that's...
you're currently trying to figure out how to curse yourself immediately.
"What kind of question is that?"
thoroughly confused.
after much persistence you wring an answer out of her
Yes, she'd keep you in a... jar or something.
hopefully she remembers to poke airholes.
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mashiraostail · 4 months
can you do HCs of mundane turn ons for the main companions ? PLEASE <3
These are fun
omg maybe my Wyll bias is showing his is way longer. He just eats like he eats everyyyy time.
Slight nsfw under the cut :3 maybe more than slight
Shadowheart: Watching your hands, especially if you've already slept together or started a relationship. She looovvess your hands, she loves to watch you fiddle with things, thumbing at the pages of a book, picking locks, or spinning a small blade between your hands. She could probably explain it in depth if she wanted to, but she was a lady of simple wants and desires and so she doesn't feel the need. She'll fantasize about your nimble, practiced hands all night if you've managed a particularly impressive slight of hand. She's already attracted to the rest of you, so imagining how skilled you are is the final nail in the coffin for her. She'd want to feel your hands in her hair, grazing down her back, tracing the divot of her spine. She wonders how quickly you could undress her, how quickly you could undo her with just your hands.
Astarion: He enjoys seeing you with Scratch and the owl bear, and Tara and all the other furry (or hairless feline) friends you make on your adventure. He isn't sure why. It makes him feel warm, and after decades of chasing burning hot desire a pleasant warmth is a thousand times more satisfying. Though he'll groan and complain at your acts of benevolence to other people, he can't help but feel a soft spot form for animals. He didn't think he'd enjoy seeing someone be so kind and warm. He does. There are moments where he's watching you befriend yet another stray, scratching behind it's ears or under it's chin where he almost longs to switch places. He'll be the first to admit he's lead such a terrible life, a truly loving and gentle touch has been far and few in between. Seeing you care for the four legged friends you've made makes him feel hopeful, he wonders if you would care for him like this. If you would extend such a gracious and gentle touch to him. He feels warm at the thought of it. Soft lips and a feather light touch tracing down his chest, over his stomach. Would you smile and coo praise at him the same way you did with the cub? Would you call him wonderful and brilliant too? Would you mean it?
Gale: Obviously we know he enjoys watching you in a fight, he's said so himself. So I'll do you one better, the inverse. Seeing you freshly cleaned, sparkling with the water of whatever river or lake you'd jumped into drives him just as mad, or maybe it's your wet hair. It doesn't come from the typical carnal sort of desire to make you dirty and sweaty again, no, that's not Gale's style. He just wants to see, all of it, every inch of your perfect, clean skin. He wants to feel your wet hair against his palms, or huddled into the crook of his neck while he touches you all over. The smell of your soap and the way your wet skin looks even more supple than when it's dry is so painfully inviting for him. Some may say that Gale just loves you, dirty, clean, dry, wet, and so on..maybe that is the case. Something about your still slightly damp, freshly cleaned skin is especially intoxicating. He really does just want to touch and kiss, not to sully or dirty just to love and enjoy. He doesn't even know that body worship is a kink that's just how he acts.
Lae'zel: Being an asshole Bickering. At first it actually pisses her off, your snide remarks, the way you brush her off or roll your eyes should make her angry at you, she should hit you, instead she just wants to pounce on you, she wants to wipe that smug look off your face...with her face...while you're both naked. It pisses her off, it makes her stumble over her words, forget herself. She can hardly look at you when she insults you. If you laugh at her, she'll be white knuckling through the end of your argument, then she'll go rub off in private. Unless you notice, and once you get to know her better it probably isn't too hard to see. Turn your rude bickering into coy teasing, egg her on and on until she simply can't help but give into herself ('what are you gonna do about it?' 'ok, make me.' 'I'd like to see you try' etc...) It'll be an angry sort of lay but not a bad one at all, and once you're bent at her will she'll ease up on you, once you've been together a while she may even apologize for being rough with you. No promises.
Wyll: He loooveees when you're sleepy. Propped up trying to read a book but you're eyelids are slipping closed every few seconds? Trying to wash up but having to scrub your face just to get through the routine? Sleepy giggles at Gale's decidedly unfunny joke? He can't help but just imagine you cuddling up to him, asking for sleepy kisses, trying to sneak cold hands into the hem of his shirt to rest on his warm belly. He can't help it, you're so intoxicatingly lovely when you're tired like this and though he feels terribly un-gentlemanly he can't deny the fire in his stomach when you yawn and say his name "Oh Wyll, " you snuffle with the yawn and look at him with tired eyes, "I might need to call it a night." He may have to bite back some strangled noise of arousal, especially if you're already trying to cuddle up with him. He can't help but let his mind wander to how you'd be so sleepy and coy with him had he the mind to take you some place private. It would be a bold faced lie if he said he didn't think about settling down with you, wrapping you up from behind, letting his hands roam freely, and in your tired state he doubts you'd be very hard to work up. You'd be too sleepy to resist all your desires, he thinks about the way you'd release all your inhibitions, he wonders where you would kiss him, you'd indulge him all your secrets biting and licking him in all the places you'd been secretly admiring. He wouldn't complain, he burned to know it all actually, in a sort of selfish way. What were you normally too shy to tell him? What drove you mad for him? He wouldn't mind your sleepy groping, he'd happily let you bite and moan and prod at him. You'd guide his hands to where you wanted them and lazily take what you desired and he would just be so happy to take care of you. You would have a sleepy sort of romp he'd set the pace, huddle you close, kiss you and praise you and it would all be lovely and drowsing and put you both to a great nights rest together.
Karlach: The back of your neck (especially if you have long hair that usually covers it). If she ever tells you and you laugh she'll tell you to fuck right off about it. She can't explain it, watching you pull your hair up, or guide it over your shoulder is entrancing enough but then there it is. The nape of your neck, the short hairs there, your skin looks soo smooth and perfect, she wants to kiss it, or maybe bite it, depending on how frustrated she's feeling. She'll think about pressing her thumbs into it and watch all the tension in your shoulders melt away. She's always favored coming up from behind, she's always pulling your hair over your shoulder, or offering to tie it up for you to 'get it out of your face!'. It's a self serving gesture at it's core. She'll think about kissing it, feeling it flush under her hands and lips. When you do finally get together she'll enjoy seeing the way the nape of your neck glistens with sweat while your together, she thinks it's a great place to have a hold of you for a multitude of reasons.
Halsin: He likes seeing you exert yourself, maybe it's some kind of primal instinct or something, or maybe he just likes to know how far he'll be able to push you later that night. Either way, he can't help it, he thinks it may get better as you grow closer but it only grows worse. Blood and grime caked to your skin don't deter him at all, and if we were drunk enough he'd admit the smell of your sweat, and the salty taste of it on your skin when he kissed or licked or bit you drove him mad. He struggles to be subtle when he watches you after a fight or during a long up hill hike. The rise and fall of your chest makes something in him tighten, the glisten of sweat on your skin, seeing your hair stick to your forehead, the flush of your cheeks and the way your lips part to take in deeper breaths....it all drives him a bit mad. He'll quell his desire to ambush you and drag you off to a secluded forest alcove with a myriad of debauched daydreams, all of them making his stomach stir. First he'll wonder if he could get you into a similarly winded state, if he could make sweat roll down your back, if you would melt for him like you melted at the unrelenting heat of the sun. How would his name sound as a desperate gasp for air? How hot would your cheeks feel under his fingertips when he takes you by the chin and squeezes your face in his hand? The way your lips open to take in deep and thankful breaths only makes him want to completely ravish your mouth. He thinks about what it would take for him to exhaust you so much the weight of own head would be too heavy and he'd have to keep you up with a fistful of your hair.
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tadpolebrains · 4 months
Touch-starved Gale Dekarios
• He spent what, a year in self-isolation in his tower with only Tara for company? You bet this man is touch-starved
• When you take his hand to pull him out of his unstable portal, he’s more focused on the relief than the lingering warmth in his palm
• He doesn’t really know it at first. Doesn’t understand that his longing to be closer to you as you’re traveling isn’t only because it’s his first bit of companionship in a long time.
• It’s when he’s first showing you the Weave that he gets physically closer, taking your hands to guide you through the motions… and realizing that your touch holds a similar grounding warmth to the hug of the Weave’s presence
• He starts to find excuses to bump into you as he walks, blaming it on his usual clumsiness. Or setting a hand on your shoulder when explaining something, or pointing something out.
• When he reveals the truth of his condition, your hand against his chest, his hands shake slightly as he holds your hand there. Because that very well might be the last bit of physical contact from another person he’d ever have if you cast him out. He’s accepted his fate, his loneliness, his isolation. This short amount of time was a nice reprieve before the end
• But then you don’t, and he realizes he doesn’t have to let this go. You don’t pull your hand away until he lets it slip away, and his gaze might linger on it for a little too long
• And then Elminster gives him his ‘mission’ from Mystra, and he’s forced to resign himself to his fate yet again. He figures it might be easier to pull away. If he starts distancing himself again, the end will come easier.
• You hug him that night, and that mindset is quickly shattered.
• But despite his best efforts, he can’t truly bring himself to pull away entirely. Because even if it might make the end hurt more, he wants that warmth. That connection. That comfort.
• He’d phrase requests for affection like facts. “Are you aware that is is a proven fact that a consistent access to physical touch improves mental health? Fascinating, no?”
• Hugs last for long moments, not just a quick thing. He’d bury his head against your shoulder, inhaling deeply to ground himself with your scent. Thumb brushing over your back as if to assure himself that you’re there, and this is real. He hasn’t completely lost his mind in isolation in his tower and made all this up.
• He complains one day about his hair getting in his face during a battle, and you offer to braid it back. The sensation of your fingers coming through it, rhythmic strokes, blunt nails against his scalp… he is practically melting by the time you’re done, leaning back against you and murmuring something about how he tried to braid his hair once with a mage hand and failed.
• He falls asleep in your arms that night, and sleeps better than he has ever remembered. Waking up surrounded in the warmth of your embrace instead of by scattered papers and books is the calmest he’s felt in a long while
• He feels guilty asking to do it again. After all, why would you? What are you getting out of this? He isn’t providing anything, and he’s selfishly asking this for his own comfort- but when you continually say yes, he starts to consider that perhaps… perhaps this is something he can have without guilt
• Ultimately, when the netherbrain fight is over and he’s still alive, it truly sets in for the first time that… he can have this life
• Days spent waking up in your arms, lazily draped across your lap while lost in reading, or holding you in his, chin hooked over your shoulder as he reads aloud, holding the book in your lap. Holding your hand as you walk down the streets of Waterdeep.
• Suffice to say, he’ll never need to go without contact again
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phefics · 4 months
What about your bg3 cast and pushing their hair out of their face and comparing hand size? Just some headcanons would be awesome! I think it'd be cute! Thanks in advance! 🙏
𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 knows all about seduction, for the wrong reasons. when it comes to actual flirting, he ends up going the sexual route most of the time, not because he necessarily wants to, but because he isn’t sure how else to go about it. one day, you’re in camp, sewing up a tear in your clothes and astarion would comment that you have dainty hands, and when you insist that you don’t, he rolls his eyes and does the classic size-comparison touch. “much smaller than mine,” he says. “adorable.” and relishes im your embarrassed response.
as for hair, he notices it always gets in your face at inopportune times, like in the middle of a fight. the next time you spot enemies up ahead and plan to ambush them, astarion tells you to wait so he can tuck your hair behind your ears for you. “if you keep pushing all this hair out of your eyes, you’re giving them a good shot, and i’m not having your death on my conscience.”
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𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐡 notices so much about you before she is ever even able to touch you. she’s aware of the size-difference between you two and finds it cute, but always wishes she could pull you closer to compare it more accurately. she has craved the little things, like being able to fix your hair or help you tend to your wounds, but she knows it would be too dangerous to even risk. when her engine is fixed up, she’s able to do all that and more *wink wonk*
she likes holding your hand and commenting on how tiny it feels in hers, how much better it feels than wielding a weapon. and she would love to play with your hair, too, and fixing it when it’s in your face is fun too, because it flusters you. she jokes that when she makes you blush, you’re becoming the one with fiery skin.
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𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 is a little more of a romantic than she lets on, but not by much. when you get to know her and see her softer side, you realize that she is a pretty touchy person when she’s into you. she also isn't as tall as astarion or karlach, so her size difference with you isn't as pronounced. rather than comparing hand sizes, she likes to compare the callouses from wielding weapons on your hands, or things like scars. the wound on her hand is a talking point she normally avoids, but she'd tell you more about it during this.
sitting at the campire with her, she'll reach over and tuck your hair behind your ear, then act like it isn't a big deal. "it wouldn't be any help if your hair caught fire and i lost my chance to cure this tadpole." but she's blushing a little as she says it.
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starsspiral · 9 months
Everyone simultaneously agrees that Gale doesn't have abs, we all know hes a chubby king but do you think he'd feel inadequate because of it? For Tav or anyone else really, everyone there is generally in shape or at least very lean and slim. Do you guys think he'd feel embarrassed about it? Try to change it? If he does illusion abs on himself do you think that one time Astarion catches him and has to convince him that hes enough? That having a six pack is, shocker, not what he loves Gale for?
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soldat-buck · 1 month
i had a vision while making coffee this morning
bg3 culinary headcanons: Companion Edition
- Shadowheart: absolute zero regard for contamination while cooking. kitchen habits of a permanent bachelor. licks the tasting spoon clean and keeps using it to cook. eats hot cocoa straight out of the container with a spoon. thinks pouring ranch over an entire head of lettuce and eating it like feral animal while holding it over the kitchen sink counts as "salad". if you can get past the contamination thing, the food she makes actually tastes pretty good, even if it's sometimes odd (she cooks like a stoner, despite being perfectly sober. she is just Like That).
- Astarion: perfectly capable of cooking, and actually can cook quite well. food may not taste the same after becoming a vampire, but his enhanced sense of smell tells him nearly everything he needs to know about how to season and cook food properly. he doesn't cook because he doesn't like to (washing dishes? by hand? no fucking thank you, being undead is harsh enough on the nails and skin. finding a good lotion for normal undead dryness is already impossible)
- Lae'zel: in the modern world, if her life took her in a chef direction, she'd be in a Michelin star restaurant as the world's best and most terrifying sous chef. she absolutely would throw a knife at you for fucking up her plating (she'd intentionally miss. the first time). no nonsense is ever tolerated in her kitchen, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's got temper issues (her coldness and lack of tantrums is what makes her terrifying). she'd put Gordon Ramsay in his place for his rage theatrics and then make him weep with joy after serving him the most competent omelet he's ever had in his life. if she likes you, you may address her as "Yes, Chef!" outside of the kitchen.
- Karlach: uses 4 pots to make ramen. not because she's doing anything fancy or elaborate with it, the first pot was too small and started boiling over (whoops). the second one was, oh hold on, that's a cast iron pan, maybe you're not supposed to use that for boiling liquids, huh? wait shit, can't use this one either, i'm not supposed to use metal spoons on nonstick, don't want to scratch it. There we go! this one is the right size! and if i scratch this one, it's fine! wait, where the fuck did the flavor packet go (you should definitely be concerned about leaving her alone for the weekend)
- Wyll: very resourceful cook due to his Blade of the Frontier days. can improvise a meal out of damn near anything. can identify every edible plant and mushroom and tell you how to use it in a dish. would carry an herb garden in his adventure pack if he could. would absolutely thrive on the show Chopped (he's actually banned from auditioning again because it's not fair to the other competitors to have him on). he could make you a dessert featuring rattlesnake and fresh picked clover, and you don't know how or why, but you actually like it
- Gale: approaches the kitchen the same way he approaches most things in his life - academically. knows the proper safe temperature to cook meats/etc to, knows how to brown an onion, knows what seasonings are typically used together for certain flavor profiles and how to match seasonings to proteins. knife work sucks because he uses mage hand for mise en place and his mage hand has shitty DEX, but he's scared of his chef knife from the one time he sliced his thumb open (he was cutting an onion with improper hand placement and the knife slipped)
- Minsc: would exclusively eat by dumpster diving if it weren't for Boo's disapproval. eats like a human garbage disposal. he will eat a n y t h i n g that fits in his mouth, he is the least picky eater you will ever meet. does not understand how food challenges in the show Fear Factor are supposed to be challenges
- Halsin: world class forager. very competent hunter. prefers to eat everything as raw as possible. understands but doesn't believe in strict food safety because obviously stomach acid kills germs (and anyway, a little dirt here and there never killed anyone; exposure to germs is good for your immune system). open-mouthed kissing him is gambling with your health. makes the best vegetarian salads but do not trust any chicken he has "cooked". people with weak CON might want to consider avoiding his food
- Jaheira: uses Talk to Animals to Cinderella/Ratatouille rodents in the kitchen. she commands them like she's in perilous battle and the entire world is at stake (also rodents are worse to direct than cats, they do not know the difference between left and right. there's a lot of "No! Not that cupboard, the other one! NO, the OTHER other one! Flank him, he's off balance!"). making a cup of tea is a convoluted, stressful process that takes 10 times longer than just boiling the damn water yourself
if you want more bg3 culinary headcanons, there's also: the Absolute Edition
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aeshttp · 4 months
gale x librarian / bookseller reader hcs
this is totally not self indulgent
when he first meets you, he's convinced it's fate (he was going to run into you eventually you work there)
proceeds to go everyday as if he needs a new book everyday (he does)
he picks out one of your fav books by coincidence and when you come over to him and tell him "oh I hope you enjoy it, I loved it personally", he makes it his life's mission to finish within a day
ends up really enjoying the book too and is like "holy you have amazing taste"
works up the courage to talk to you properly (he just asks for recs and where a book would be)
buys you a book and the bookmark has his number scribbled on it ( has that ultimate rizz)
pretends he's not staring at his phone and jumping at every notification
far too mortified to go back into there and avoids the place like the plague
when you FINALLY message him he doesn't have the self restraint to wait a bit and answers within the same minute
you guys just talk abt books and analyse texts and gossip like two English teachers
wonders how a person can be so incredibly witty and entertaining and understands him SO WELL
and when you listen to him info dump? he's already planning the wedding and the home library y'all will have in his shared apartment
AND THE CATS!! you guys are gonna be cat parents 🙈
parallel play :)
both of you reading together and just enjoying each others company and being huddled under blankets as jazz plays in the background and
he's so perfect!!
literally the perfect couple
I am totally doing gale domestic hcs later HOLY-
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sorn-orlith · 7 months
BG3 Companions + M!Tav || Favorite Positions [18+]
He’s versatile. There’s nothing he doesn’t enjoy when Tav is being brought to ecstasy. But when pressed, he may admit that his favorite is the lotus — soft, close, sexy. Whether he's underneath or the one holding and grinding on top, he's most content when the two meet at their sexes and again at their lips in a chain of kisses that last as long as they need to to send each of them over the edge.
I won’t sugarcoat it. Tav is getting pegged on the regular. He’s treated like a prince, with reverent attention lavished on his back and shoulders while he lays flat on the ground and she takes him from above. She's been in the Hells for a decade -- she won't deny herself the pleasure of feeling her hips bounce off of Tav's ass after she's used her tongue to prep his hole to the point of incoherent whimpers.
This vampire isn’t too interested in penetrative sex; it’s a bit overwhelming. He enjoys the quiet intimacy in facing one another, laid up on their sides and letting their sexes touch in between them. Astarion doesn’t even need a hand; he gets off on the grinding, gripping Tav’s hip and feeling their hot panting on his face.
Is 69 too obvious? Most people can’t focus on giving and receiving pleasure simultaneously, having to resort to choosing one. Lae’zel is not most people. Once she really gets going Tav barely has to put in any effort; she grinds on his lips and chin until he feels his jaw may break. It’s worth it. Her tongue doesn’t let up for a moment when she finishes; Tav certainly won’t be far behind her.
Weave sex is his all time favorite, of course, but on this plane of reality he’s a missionary man. It’s a classic for a reason. The fact that he can go from doing his favorite thing in the world — driving Tav mad with his tongue from between his thighs — to sliding up and in and smothering him in kisses in one movement is simply sublime.
I’ve written about this before, but Shadowheart is on top. Always. She pins him down with thick thighs and takes exactly what she needs from him. She’s been known to get greedy about it in the moment, but ultimately won’t let her lover leave without getting his.
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lynnlovesthestars · 2 months
Okay I only read ONE of your fics and now I’m obsessed, I’m doing one request for Wyll then a second for Gale- you could do either, neither, both- whichever lol
Wyll x Tall!WaterCreature Tav
Idk I just like the thought of a very intimidating/tall creature that even acts tough but completely fumbles and gets insecure once after dating Wyll. Maybe seeing Wyll as the most beautiful thing in the world then getting insecure about being treated so nicely. (Perhaps this could be a smut?)
Pairing: Wyll x Reader (Tall! water creature- water nymph)
Genre: fluff smut, slight body worship, oral reader recieving, improper use of horns and mentions of forked tongue
WC: 1.5k
Master list
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Wyll had many reasons to be intimidated when you two met: years of wandering through the wasteland of the hells made the vastity of the sea foreign to him, including those who lived amongst them. So at first glance he couldn't tell the difference between a Rusalka and you, a simple water nymph.
Initially, when he first started doting you he was always wondering if it was possible for you to be so breathtaking or you charmed him with your voice like sirens were rumored to do. He was relieved- and low-key flustered, when he realized that it was way beyond siren's lullabies, you had lured him with your kindness and those stunning blue eyes he hardly could resist.
He was in love and- despite his poor attempt at hiding it- everyone noticed how his eyes gleamed with a different light when he looked at you. 
You had disappeared in the woods to take a bath, no more than a couple hundred meters from camp, while Gale started fixing dinner for everyone, as much as Wyll wanted to resist the urge to join you, fully aware of your shyness, when Gale asked for a volunteer to fetch you, he didn't hesitate to suggest himself.
He quickly scurried through the trees, uncaring if the roots of the trees or the branches would slap him, quickly making his way to the clearing.
You were truly a work of art, swimming fluidly around the lake, with nothing to cover you but water. It was as if you melted in the cold water, becoming one with it and mixing with it in a mesmerizing swirl.
He was so focused on following your movements that he almost forgot why he rushed to find you, and barely made a sound.
His eyes lingered on your hips, and on the curve they formed, they lingered on your chest rising rhythmically as you started another lap, and he wondered what your skin tasted like.
Was it sweet like lake water, or was it salty like an ocean? He wondered what it felt to trace the curves of your body with his devilish tongue, whether it would make you squirm or leave you breathless.
He snapped out of it when he heard the sound of leaves crunching and your figure slowly- or so it seemed to him- leave the water behind you, emerging with grace from the surface, as if the water was a veil over your form.
He quickly cleared his throat, taking a step closer and gently cupping your cheek. “Truly breathtaking” He smiled as he rested his other hand on your naked hip. You couldn't help but blush, the blueish hue of your skin turning a pretty shade of purple in with a blush so warm it would have made water boil.
“I didn’t expect you here” You smiled softly, a smile that would snatch Wyll’s soul away in the blink of an eye.
“Couldn’t resist you” He smiled smitten as he kissed your cheek lovingly. The sweet taste of lake water lingered on his lips as he kissed your jaw, and then right underneath on your neck, sending waves of goosebumps down your spine. The lingering feeling of his lips on your skin almost cut your breath away as he took one long moment to worship your skin.
“Let me taste you” He whispered after hearing your soft moan, giving in to the ache in his stomach for something more;
“What happen to waiting until marriage?” You chuckled as he guided you down to lay on the grass, the pinpricks of the thousands of strands of green grass delicately scraped against your skin, just enhancing your senses. It was pointless to cover yourself, he had already admired every inch by the time you were conscious of his lingering eyes. 
“I’m just gonna leave a few kisses, promise” He murmured as his lips trailed down your neck with open mouthed kisses. His touch, his mouth, they were languid as he traced every inch of your skin with it, as no matter how many times he had grasped at your hips, they were never enough for him, they were never engraved well enough in his mind, and so he had to start anew with kisses, fleeting touches, sinking nails, hot tongue until he was satisfied again. Despite the amount of times he spent worshipping evert inch of your body, he would never cease to make you blush, to give you the sweetest of praises, to make you shy under his touch.
His forked tongue quickly found its way to your nipple, gently parting and teasing the peak, flicking it between the two ends before moving to the other. He was already drunk on the sweet moans you were gifting him as he couldn’t help but suck on the other nipple, leaving a small bite before resuming his descent towards your heat.
He traced your stomach with his tongue, down to your navel till your hip, biting, kissing licking as if you were a meal he had been starving for, yet when his breath hit your inner thigh, and you let out his favourite mewl, he sat up, earning a yelp in complaint as you wished to feel his lips scorching your skin again.
His palm reached for your calf, gently bringing it to his lips and leaving another kiss, yet all you could focus on was the way his pants couldn’t hide his hard cock, desperate for his own release.
You were going to ease his pain just like he was easing yours, yet the moment he noticed you sat up, he admonished you.
“Ah, let me worship you” He leaned forward to place his free hand on your still naked chest and gently pushing you back down on the grass. “You have to worry only about my lips, love” He purred as he nibbled again on the soft skin. He was slow and determined, unhurried as he marked and tended your precious leg, it was like a sonnet written with his lips on your flesh only for you to read, and the rhymes where your gasps and his grunts.
It was moments later that his hot breath hit your wetness just enough to leave you yearning for those lush lips around your arousal.
“Say the word and I’ll stop” He murmured before lowering and kissing your swollen sex. 
“Don’t you dare” You moaned as his forked tongue traced your length, slowly tantalizing, savoring every centimeter and every drop of slick you were gifting him.
His grip was ironclad on your hips, keeping you in place as he couldn’t help but lick and nibble and dive between your tights, as he helped them around his head.
In the silence of the forest all you could hear were the soft mewls you’d let out and his muffled moans and coos.
He desperately sucked and feasted as his own cock started aching, desperate for any friction, yet when you reached to grab on his horn he knew he was done for, he was going to cum so quickly his eyes rolled back. 
Before you knew he was teasing your entrance as well, his dripping finger prodded at your hole a few times before sliding in effortlessly, stealing a hum both from you and him.
He couldn’t help it anymore as he rutted desperately against the grass while he pumped his finger insatiably in you.
It built up quickly, as he stimulated your every sense, clenching eagerly around his finger and already oozing on his swollen lips while he fucked the ground, so quick that you barely had time to register his blissed face that you were taken over by your orgasm.
Wyll drank and drank from your sex, every drop as if it was sustenance he was deprived of all his life, and only when you both were back on the material plane, he rose from your legs.
His pants were unmistakably stained by his own release while his lips glistened with what was left of yours. “I apologize for being so quick” He shook his head with crimson cheeks. “But you were ravenous, my love” H
“Wyll Ravengard, If you apologize again I will punch you” You threatened him softly as you recoiled in your little shell, shy. Pulling your legs to your chest and resting your chin on your knees.
He couldn’t help but laugh as he crawled closer ready to wrap himself around you and shield your body despite he was shorter.
“My precious” He whispered as he placed a soft kiss on your temple. “Want to stay here for a while longer, or would you rather go back to camp?” He asked as he helped you on his lap.
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vampiricgf · 7 days
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⤷ headcanon request for @adevilyoudo as part of my hcs for gaza which you can find out more about here! If you can donate and would like to receive a hc too in exchange please do! <3
SA + AA hcs on astarion reacting to a cats company. no tw. sfw
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Spawn Astarion
I think spawn astarion would be a little like the "dads with the cat they said they didn't want" meme only because if he's solo with no romanced tav/durge I think he'd be a little resistant to the idea of having any living thing with him at first
that ties into his obvious personal issues with his past and his trauma, he can barely keep himself together and has to figure out this living life free from a masters confines thing how could he be responsible for another little living creature in the middle of all that?
slowly but surely though as the cat hangs around more I think he wouldn't be able to help himself. he's a cat person anyway (as we know) and I think the contact plus affection from an animal would strike a part of him he maybe wouldn't want to identify at first
but it's the loneliness that cracks him first. it feels nice for him to be needed in very basic ways and by a being that is non judgemental in its appreciation of him, no strings no expectations beyond "you provide me food/a snack and I choose to stay in your home". it's comforting
over time the cat becomes an indispensable companion that he adores completely, a source of incredible comfort and a baby step towards exploring his inner feelings regarding himself and his past
wouldn't be able to help himself either and many, many cats would be calling his home theirs over time. from having more house cats to feeding strays in the surrounding area cats would become pretty synonymous with him
Ascended Astarion
a cat is a necessity. one with cattitude to match its owner, preferably
I think he'd enjoy having a cat around to admire, the way they sun themselves and play at their own whims and demand a degree of independence from their owners is something he finds appealing in a creature
it's truly the maintenance of boundaries that cats have, they engage in things on their terms or not at all. it's something he also finds himself doing post ascension, there is no more master no more forcefully following commands. it's entirely his choice to do or not do something, and anyone asking anything of him would have that made extremely clear to them. similarly to a cat not being afraid to voice it's displeasure
truly he respects cats for their nature
would also find them comforting for similar reasons to spawn version, it's nice to be loved by a creature that isn't asking anything of you in any greatly complicated way. the simplicity of it is perfect
The cat goes where it pleases, nobody is allowed to try placing restrictions on them. It doesn't matter if it's countertops, furniture, beds, ect. if the cat wishes to be there then it will be and everyone else can work around it
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mashiraostail · 4 months
Can I request hcs for Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor with shy gn s/o?
omg im such a Zevlor lover idk like I know it was Wyll's intro scene but I was like "MEOW who is that." DLC to smash Zevlor when???
Dammon: He doesn't mind that you're shy, it may take a while for the pair of you to get together though, since he doesn't want to overstep and make the first move. He can be a bit awkward at first too.
Once he recognizes how you feel he'll feel much better asking you about it.
He likes to keep to his work, he isn't perturbed at your soft spoken nature.
He'll enjoy it most of all if you seek solace with him at social gatherings, murmuring to him under the lull of the crowd.
He doesn't mind speaking for you, or running the errands that make you nervous.
If you're still shy with him after getting together he'll be sort of flattered in a way. He may joke or prod at you, asking if you think he's handsome and that's why you're so shy.
Loves that you find comfort in him, he always saves you a seat and makes sure to keep an eye out for you if you separate for whatever reason.
He'll remind you of all of this if you seem particularly nervous about an outing or gathering. He doesn't mind being you crutch, he actually really enjoys it. He likes taking care of you in every sense of the words.
Rolan: He's such a stubborn bitch.
He'll secretly be sooo nervous he did something to offend you if he isn't sure why you're averting your gaze or acting especially soft spoken with him.
It will take him FOREVER to work up the nerve to ask if something is wrong, and he might not believe you if you don't give him a thorough enough answer.
He'll have to see you shyness out in the open with everyone to realize it's not a personal thing.
I don't think he's someone who likes to make the first move, that being said if you've got that sort of infatuated, flustered nervousness around him he'll pick up on it quickly. He'll be flattered and take that as a good enough sign to move forward with you.
He'll try to inch you out of your comfort zone as much as he can, especially since you operate on a similar social battery.
Once he's noticed it's too much he's happy to bring you home and retire for the night with a good book and quiet conversation.
Even when he's trying to push you he's never too far away for that exact reason. He'll even offer you some rare praise when you've been especially self serving for the day.
He doesn't mind your shyness since he has a similar distaste for people at times, though maybe less for nervousness and more for sheer annoyance. He appreciates that you open yourself up to him, and couldn't ask for much more.
Zevlor: Oh he's been around waayyyy to long not to notice how into him you are.
He'll let you be shy around him for a bit though, maybe it's cruel but he's flattered and he finds it a bit cute.
Eventually when he gets you in private he'll be happy to make the first move.
When you're at the grove he doesn't mind you always hiding out with him, your shyness and dislike of crowds is all the more reason to spend time alone together, something he's keen to do.
He'll try to push you out of your comfort zone, and like Rolan he won't be too far away from you.
He'll actually probably be right behind you, arms crossed, giving whoever you mustered up the courage to talk to a warning glare to be nice to you.
When you've exhausted yourself he's happy to take leave with you and reward you in private with anything you ask, though he will make you ask, explicitly, and probably in great detail. He can't help being a little mean, not when you make it so easy.
Out of the three he'll push you the most, but he'll also be the most rewarding for it. He's secretly afraid something will happen to him, and then who will be there to help you out? He hates the idea of someone taking his place, so he tries to help you be more self serving.
He likes that you're shy and nervous around him, it makes him feel younger, handsomer, just good all around.
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tadpolebrains · 3 months
Astarion taking to sleeping more often rather than trancing after the events of the game.
When elves trance, they relive memories. In an Astarion origin playthrough, we see how his memories of Cazador tend to invade his trances. And trance memories are exact. Vivid. You can literally choose to have him try to make out what the scars on his back say by having him relive the carvings through that trance. Right?
So, post-game, he tries to stick to trancing. It’s more convenient. It’s what elves do. It’s what he’s always done.
Every night, it’s visions of Cazador.
One night, he’s so exhausted from reliving those same damn memories that he just passes out on a bed the moment he hits it. He sleeps fully. And sure, he has some nightmares. But they’re nowhere near as vivid, as real, as trancing makes his memories feel. They’re fuzzy. When he wakes, he finds he can barely remember the specifics of them.
And that’s so much better. Not perfect- he’d rather not see Cazador’s face ever again, but fuzzy was better than clear.
So Astarion takes to sleeping rather than trancing whenever he needs rest. And he’s an absolute ugly sleeper. He’ll sprawl all over the bed, wake up with his hair every which way, drool, hell, he even snored one night and wouldn’t believe anyone telling him that. He’s too dignified to snore, you cretin.
He wakes up groggy and oftentimes takes at least an hour to get himself up, drifting in and out of consciousness, but… he also doesn’t constantly feel on edge as much as he used to. He can afford to be groggy so long as he’s safe.
And he is safe.
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phefics · 4 months
What about the BG3 cast and helping reader with period cramps? I just think karlach would be the best heating pad 💕 I didn't see period stuff on your boundary list so I hope it's ok! Thank you!
hi, this is perfectly alright to request!! i hope you enjoy!! xo
𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐧 isn't great at the whole...taking care of other people thing. he would need a nudge in the right direction to know how to help you out with anything period-related, but he isn't like completely clueless or cruel about it. he just doesn't know how to comfort you until you kind of spell it out for him. so, however you prefer to be cared for - chocolates, massages, medicine, orgasms to help cramps, etc. he'll do his best to make you feel better!!
𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐡 is so caring and warm (both physically and emotionally lol) and also understands your pain (i can't imagine she currently menstruates while in the state you meet her in? but idk the science of how her body works lmfao) but she just treats you so well. when she is able to touch you, her skin is still quite warm and so she will rest her hands against your lower belly and be your heating pad. she also will bring you whatever you need, and will just totally dote on you!!
𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 isn't very soft and sweet by nature, but if you two are dating, she's more likely to let you see that side of her. you see it when you're injured or in pain, like on your period. shadowheart has her strange relationship with pain due to shar's teachings, so i feel like she would be the kind of girl that thinks menstruating is like, some sort of blessing lol. "your body is built to withstand this," she'll say, her voice gentle, rubbing your back. she assures you that you will be alright, that the pain will pass, and offer to distract you in the meantime with conversation or...other things...
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mahiiimahiiii · 4 months
Ok hear me out: once the crew gets to bauldurs gate they have mini funerals ala good place.
(part 1)
I'll give you a taster (+ my beautiful redeemed bhaalspawn):
Gales "funeral" would be at a library. He would pile books together as a makeshift coffin and wear a bright pink night robe with fuzzy slippers and curlers in his hair, as well as a dusty pink eye mask. Everyone would be wearing some sort of robe, his flowers of choice for the event would be lilly of the valley.
"gale died doing what he loved, learning."
"some might say this would be the ultimate fate for gale"
He would interject, eating the cucumber on his eye, "I do not think the best outcome for me would be turning into an ilithid. But I must admit- it is fitting."
Later events would be a wine tasting and going shopping for new books.
I feel like hers would be a moonlight bonfire, lots of ring dancing and setting her old sharran armor on fire.
"I think-" karlach would start up "a lot of us would be dead if we didn't have our cleric. So shadowheart has earned her props.. not only is she reliable- she is resilient, she is strong."
"despite our quarrels, I am glad to fight with you. I have watched you bloom into a magnificent warrior, for what force? We will see soon enough. May your death be glorious." La'zel quipped.
Her flowers of choice would be night orchids. she would then insist on learning how to swim and manage a doggie paddle.
I feel like hers would be on the beach with a fruity drink in hand as she floats around in the water. The fish around her have probably boiled, which is more incentive for a fish fry.
Everyone gets like a back breaking hug. Lots of physical activities party games wise, be drunk and merry. Most likely people get a bit sunburnt and burnt burnt.
There is no speeches as Karlach is too busy expressing her gratitude about everyone else.
She gets withers to do limbo with her
Her choice of flower is sunflowers.
She would like to opt out of this. a simple "thank you la'zel, may you die horribly in battle. May your wounds bleed out and may you suffer immensely" will suffice.
(her choice of flower is snap dragons)
Hers would be a touristy walk of bauldurs gate.
She talks about her life, a sense of oral history to pass onto others. The night ends with root veggies chips and cheese, and a generous donation to animal sanctuaries within the cities from the Harpers.
Her idea of fun is bastardizing the ballads that volo wrote via mad libs. Which immature humor ensues.
The mighty _____ o' noble _____ (noun *x2)
Found ___ and sent them back to ____ and ____ (noun, adj*x2)
She would rest in a fainting couch in a puddle of sun in the wildshape form of a big cat, tail swishing idily as people read off their bastardized poems.
Her choice of flowers are jasmine blooms.
His would be a picnic in the park, as people read their speeches to him in comfortable sun dresses and loose cotton clothing, he would hold a little bouquet of daisies resting on a soft gingham sheet with a crown of flowers.
He would insist of going to his favorite pastry shops in the city. Sweet wine, tarts and small cakes. A day of sweets to remember the sweetest person in the camp.
His whole funeral was about allowing everyone to experience the childhood he knew, which wasn't much, but was something he knew they needed.
The look of pure joy in everyone's faces was enough to sustain him for the rest of his days.
The goals were, teach karlach hopscotch, double dutch with Wynne, climb a tree with astarion, and show la'zel some human dances. The older people in the group were less inclined to indulge, taking the roll of the gossiping parents to the 20 something aged other members in the band.
The night ended with dances and fiddle music.
His choice of flowers are thistle blooms
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soldat-buck · 1 month
holy shit you guys, look, there's more.
bg3 culinary headcanons: Absolute Edition
- Minthara: would accidentally fit in as the Addams Family home chef (and be angry about it). Gomez would praise her assassination attempts which flusters her (internally) because she's cooking with the normal amount of poisonous mushroom and not an attempted murder amount (and also she would hate loud, in-your-face-chaotic Gomez SO MUCH. if she wanted him dead, he would be dead, do not insult her assassinating abilities). makes the coolest Halloween party food until you realize it's not fun, spooky-mimicry decoration, those are real black widows on those cupcakes (what? they're venom and merlot flavored) (she used cricket flour, too). you don't know where she gets the "red" for her red velvet cakes, but you *do* know that ignorance is bliss and this is a pretty bitchin' birthday cake, so don't think too hard and just eat it
- Dark Urge (pre-game/embrace): slaughterhouse nightmare aesthetic - chef's apron is leather and something more appropriate for blacksmithing, there are way too many cleavers around (why in the blue fuck is there a meat hook over a drain in the floor?). some people watch tv when they cook. some listen to music, podcasts, or nothing. Durge listens to the Toy Box killer kidnapping tape (not to be mixed up with the (not safe for LIFE) Tool Box killers torture tape. that one is for relaxing baths). watches Dahmer documentaries for culinary inspiration. Hannibal Lecter would find most Durge dishes tasteless and over the top.
- Ketheric: listen, he didn't want me to tell you this [so you did NOT hear it from me], but he actually doesn't eat. he has a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria and fungus that keep his body animated and undying (they're why his blood is black). he consumes rotten things to keep his corpse puppet fungus happy and the corpse puppet fungus allows him to keep his consciousness/sentience and keep serving Myrkul. Myrkul's cool with it, as long as his bidding continues to get done
- Orin: Martha Stewart would have a nervous breakdown upon entering Orin's kitchen. the average person would consider Orin's cooking to be a hate crime. if someone doesn't vomit uncontrollably upon first sight, she considers it an insult (she grew up with a gross misunderstanding of what a Roman vomitorium is). her spaghetti and meatballs is wrapping a handful of uncooked noodles in unseasoned ground meat (she neither knows nor cares whether it's fish or chicken or cow. meat is meat), then baking it in a casserole dish sprinkled with still-condensed tomato soup from a can. Midwestern casserole cooking brought to you by Hell. doesn't use salt because she finds it too spicy. she has an entire pantry section for savory jello
- Gortash: culinary techbro. kitchen is spilling over with unitasker gadgets ("and THIS contraption evenly distributes heat for the perfect boiled egg! what do you mean 'what else does it do'. it boils eggs perfectly i already told you, why the fuck weren't you listening"), and the most stupid, overengineered 'smart' devices ("no no no, you don't understand, this is so helpful. the fork connects to the plate to measure the temperature of the food, and then the plate changes color to warn me if it's too hot, and then i don't burn my tongue, because i really hate that"). despite all of the pricey kitchen shit that he keeps buying, he's skilled at making exactly one dish: microwaved Totino's pizza rolls
(i'm sorry if Gortash is out of character; my brain replaced his voice with John Oliver's and won't put the original back)
if you want more bg3 culinary headcanons, there's also: the Companion Edition
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