#black femshep
bellamer · 7 months
When you’re trying to defend the thingy from Collectors and take cover but Garrus puts his whole pussy in your face
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hum-tittle · 7 months
So I took Wrex on the casino part of the shore leave. And he's so adorable in his black tie. 😭
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Also, Shepard dances just like him!
Here's the link of the YouTube video a took a screen recording of. https://youtu.be/K0BLd8oO1qY?si=dzyyXm8qVQ1lQGeF
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crqstalite · 1 year
can you imagine being commander shepard’s braider?
like you walk into work one morning, as you do, coffee in hand and looking over your appointment list — and then the hero of the citadel walks in asking for shoulder length knotless and then tips you more than your wage. she talks about friends (who you think youve seen in holovids), talks abt a more-than-a-friend (who youre pretty sure is the second human spectre) and tries to make you feel better about the reaper war.
you are, fairly, bewildered by this course of events. you see her again a year later when she asks for you to ‘touch up’ the braids that saw her through the end of the reaper war. half of them are missing.
she pays you plenty. she leaves you ‘im commander shepard and this is my favorite salon on the citadel.’
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wendeeesaucy · 1 year
Shakarian Family
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Grunt being the child awkwardly in the middle of his parents fighting
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@rngdshep​ ‘s Illusive Woman (a suit for femshep) mod’s most recent iteration includes a variety of: colour options, necklace/no necklace option, flat dress shoes or boots, and a ‘flatter’ option to smooth the chest and make the suit less form fitting. 
(there was also the classic Black suit/white shirt and the Black on Black suit but I’ve run out of space)
I gotta say, I can’t decide which of the colour combos I like best 🤔 - which one do y’all like the most? 
(Detail of the shoes under the cut because I think they look awesome).
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illusivesoul · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
Was tagged by @nowandthane Thank you :)
I'll tag @marythegizka @vorchagirl @judithmactir @drelldreams @messydiabolical and @secretagentdragon . Only if you feel like doing this, of course.
I'll put the blanks here and my answers under the cut.
I am a fan since:
Favourite game of the series?:
MShep or FShep?:
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?:
Biotics or Tech:
Paragon or Renegade:
Favourite Class:
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
My squad selection:
Favourite In-game romance:
Other pairings I like:
Favourite NPC:
Favourite Antagonist:
Favourite Mission:
Favourite Loyalty Mission:
Favourite DLC:
Control, Synthesis or Destroy:
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite Place:
A quote I like:
I am a fan since: 2017. I had finished the Dead Space series and was emotionally devastated, and wanted to try out more sci fic games. I had heard about Mass Effect (in particular the mess that the original ending for me3 had been and the Andromeda hate wave that was going around back then) and decided to give it a go. And I ended up emotinally devastated once more lol
Favourite game of the series?: ME3. The story, the soundtrack, the whole emotional weight and all the heavy moments make it my favourite of the series.
MShep or FShep?: Femshep, but I've definetely grown to like Maleshep over the years, especially cause of the Cortez romance.
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: Most of my Sheps are earthborns, but I have a couple colonists and just one spacer. Love me some tragic backstories lol
Biotics or Tech: Tech 4 ever. Incinerate, hacking, tech armour goes brrr.
Paragon or Renegade: Have always leaned more towards renegade or paragade or renegon, mostly cause I feel that a pure Paragon Shep feels almost too naive and innocent with some of the responses they have.
Favourite Class: Infiltrator, followed closely behind by Sentinel and Engineer.
Favourite Companion: A tie between Javik, Kasumi and Zaeed.
Least favourite Companion: Legion. Not that I dont like Legion in particular, its just that i dont care much about the Geth overall.
My squad selection: I dont really have a set squad. Im always rotating characters to hear their dialogues.
Favourite In-game romance: Shiara was my main ship for many years, but now my favourites are Shaynor and Shortez.
Other pairings I like: Jack and Kahlee Sanders, Javik and Zaeed, Ashley and Samantha, Kaidan and Steve, etc. Rarepairs are my jam and I have so many lol.
Favourite NPC: So many, but just to name some. Gianna Parasini, Kelly, Lorik Qui'in and the turian mechanic in Noveria.
Favourite Antagonist: The Illusive Man without a doubt.
Favourite Mission: ME1 - Feros, ME2 - Kasumi's Loyalty Mission, ME3 - Thessia.
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Kasumi's.
Favourite DLC: Omega and Leviathan.
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: Low EMS destroy is my favourite ending, cause I love all the angst and how it really shows just how destructive the war really was, and how hard the rebuilding will be. Its imo the most "realistic" version of the endings. Also really like Control and Refusal.
Favourite Weapon: The Black Widow and the Phalanx cause I like the sound it makes.
Favourite Place: Ilos cause it always makes me so nostalgic about the first time I played.
A quote I like: "There. Earth. I wish you could see it like I do, Shepard. It's so... perfect". This quote from TIM devastated me when I first heard it and it keeps giving me all the feels to this day.
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vorchagirl · 5 months
I'm smashing the Ash & FemShep Sexting button so hard I might break a finger 👀👀👀
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I'm fairly certain that I *must* have actually published this here at some stage, because it uses Celeste Shepard and Ashley from my fic Star Light, Star Bright. It's pretty short, pretty hot, but it does look done, so I'm not sure why I wouldn't have posted it??
Anyway, I'll clean this up and post it at some stage. Maybe at AO3? In the meantime, I'll put a snippet of it below - but be warned, it's a little saucy!
Celeste flopped down on the bed in the captain’s cabin, idly watching the fish swimming about in the tank. They moved in groups and pairs, happy in their little families, oblivious to the war raging. She envied them and their simple lives. They didn’t have to deal with politics or reapers.
Or loneliness.
She sighed and flicked open her omni-tool, firing off a message to Ash, asking what she was up to. It had been too long since they’d seen each other. Touched each other. Kissed each other. Spectre business kept them apart more often than they liked.
Ash replied back a few minutes later, and Celeste grinned at the photo she’d sent. She could see her long supple body stretched out in a bath, the water dark and shadowy, lit by candles on the edge of the tub. Bubbles floated on the water, and the tips of Ash’s breasts poked through teasingly, as did the tops of her adorable toes.
Celeste bit her lip, her breath catching as she replied.
CS: The water looks hot. You look even hotter.
AW: Mmm. I’m feeling pretty hot. Wish you were here though, skipper. The tub is big enough for two and I’m lonely :(
Shepard grinned, one hand sliding down to unsnap the button on her trousers before she replied. She snapped a photo of her hand sliding into her lacy black panties and set it back.
CS: Me too. If I was there I’d slip in between your legs and kiss my way down each one. They look so pretty in all that water. So wet.
AW: Looks like they’re not the only thing that’s getting wet.
CS: Not my fault I have a sexy girlfriend. What are you doing?
AW: Keeping my hands busy ;)
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nowandthane · 4 months
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
tagged by @menacingmetal thank you!!!! <3
tagging @grim-starling @stormikins @vakariansvixen @westernlarch @illusivesoul @drelldreams @xoshepard (i know you already got tagged but tag me in yours too if u do it i wanna see it xD) <3 and anyone else who wants to do this!!
I am a fan since: I first played in September 2022 and it's consumed my life since! I had the OT since like 2018/19??? but i couldnt play because it gave me motion sickness kjdfhgkdf then I got MELE free cause amazon was doing a thing and by that point i had friends who taught me to mod the game and i can play with relatively few issues now :3
Favourite game of the series?: oooh idk i love them all and i played them first time all in a row so theyre kind of like one game to me... probably me2?
MShep or FShep?: femshep. ive yet to complete a game with anyone other than femshep. well, anyone other than sarani specifically lmao but hopefully that'll change xD
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?: earthborn!! (sarani again xD)
Biotics or Tech: tech (again... sarani. she is not a biotic)
Paragon or Renegade: paragon choices, renegade dialogue xD
Favourite Class: infiltrator!! ive never played a class other than infiltrator (yes, you guessed it, sarani :3) but im trying out vanguard like anytime now so we'll see?
Favourite Companion:
Least favourite Companion:
you could put a gun to my head and i still wont answer those two i will not choose
My squad selection: i dont really have a main i think? it depends on who's narratively appropriate for the mission, then on who will help me most with their build. i try to make sure everyone has equal time cause i wanna see them all....
Favourite In-game romance: well it's def thane if youve known me a while youd know i used his name for like over a year while i was figuring out my gender stuff xD also garrus and tali ofc <3 but tbh they're all good!! with the exception of jacob cause bioware did him so dirty ugh
Other pairings I like: joker/edi, miranda/ashley, miranda/jack are some of my faves but tbh this world is my playground i WILL mix and match them xD
Favourite NPC: jenkins nihlus and aethyta, i kind of really want her to [liara shoots and kills me]
Favourite Antagonist: Saren for sure i need him to choke me
Favourite Mission: Priority: Tuchanka probably... i love mordin so much and his arc... beautiful
Favourite Loyalty Mission: Tali!!!
Favourite DLC: arrival. ok no lmao. omega probably!
Control, Synthesis or Destroy: destroy i guess but only because i pretend the geth and edi dont die lmao.
Favourite Weapon: black widow!!!!!
Favourite Place: Rannoch
A quote I like: Tali's 'The difference was you.' and 'I got better. I got you.' (very romance specific i know i love her okay) garrus's 'gray... i dont know what to do with gray.' legion's 'do these units have a soul?' kolyat saying 'the prayer was for you' when wrex says shepard is a sister to him
im gonna go cry now
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milkywayes · 3 months
i was tagged by @thefloatingstone to do this mass effect questionnaire! thank you!
under the cut cause it’s long.
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1-3 is garrus. i love him an ungodly amount and he’s a squadmate in all three games so that’s what it is. i realize that’s boring though so i’ll state my second favorites:
me1: wrex
me2: tali
me3: james
4) widow
5) black widow
6) infiltrator or soldier. just let me use that damn widow.
7) i’ve thought a lot world-building wise about palaven, but we never got to go there (blessing in disguise as i suspect) so i’ll say sur’kesh. i’m also partial to illium just for the aesthetics.
8) uhmmm ilos
9) garrus recruitment. shocker
10) this game has so many good missions. i can’t pick. priority: geth dreadnought for the brief spacewalk and banter, maybe
11) HA. i’m sure you can guess
12) femshep/miranda
13) MAKO are you kidding
14) I feel like answering this question would be very unwise. you are welcome to infer whatever scandalous opinions i might hold from this.
15) underrated!! most characters seem to be very beloved so i’m not sure. i’ll say ashley.
16) - 17) N/A
18) sr2 because it’s fun but my shepards always prefer the sr1 lol.
19) destroy all the way.
20) paragade
tagging: @gammaraydeath @lilmissnatcat24 @westernlarch. no pressure as usual!
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thefloatingstone · 3 months
Tagged by @craftylittlenerd
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Garrus is a mainstay in all 3 games so for any "Fave squad member?" question it's always gonna be Garrus. So He just goes without question and I'll answer for everyone BESIDES Garrus to make it more interesting;
1: Wrex
2: Mordin Solus my beloved
3: I actually vary a lot in ME3 because I love so many of the characters, but I'll usually rotate between Liara, Tali and EDI
6: Infiltrator! because you can set things on fire and go invisible. You don't even need anything else.
7: oh oof that's actually VERY hard... Guessing the Citadel doesn't count because it's not a planet. The one that keeps coming to mind is Sur'Kesh for some reason. Although Rannoch is also really really good. As for favourite planet you never actually land on, I am a big fan of Klendagon with it's huge scar inflicted by a reaper
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8: Virmire
9: Mordin's Recruitment, Garrus' Loyalty mission, or the Normandy's final resting place
10: Leviathan, Rannoch and the entirety of the Citadel DLC.
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12: Tali/Femshep. I know the dumb reasons Bioware didn't include it but not only is Tali canonically jacking it to Femshep, she ALSO drunkenly admitted she wants a threesome with her and Garrus. It's not even subtext it's just fucking text. (also Miranda/Femshep is also a massive oversight). I think Javik/Shepard COULD be interesting from a writing perspective as well.
13: Mako forever
14: I don't find any of the characters overrated?? The ones that are very mid are not very popular (looks directly at Jacob) so I can't say there are any that get too much love.
15: Mordin and Legion but I am incredibly bias. I always felt I like Mordin more than Shepard likes Mordin which is a damn shame. Other MASSIVELY underrated character as a whole tho is Aethyta. I actually had a bug in my last playthrough where she just... never spawned on the Citadel which means I completely missed out on tying up the strings of that storyline which I am very annoyed about. Oh ALSO an underrated character is Bray!
16: I can't remember them
17: Firebase Dagger
18: SR-2 (sorry SR-1)
19: Synthesis. It's the whole thesis statement of the entire trilogy.
20: Paragon for life.
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I'm bad at tagging so please ignore this if you want to, I just always feel I'm bothering people when I tag then 😭
@milkywayes @messedupessy @me-and-my-gaster
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clericofshadows · 3 months
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some more Wren looks <3 her three main armors plus her main casual I envision her wearing. like Regis, she's a fan of black and red, turtlenecks, and cool visors. N7 destroyer is her main set, followed by the "Sentinel" set and finally her Shadow Broker infiltrator set. when I get around to porting the warlock Shadow Broker set for femshep she'll wear that too with Regis's color palette :).
and I forgot to remove the renegade scars on her armor pics but its fine. she also unfortunately has a neck gap I need to fix but that's when you choose casuals that hide the neck lol
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bellamer · 8 months
So for Mass Effect 2 I’m gonna give Geena a buzz cut and it’s gonna go something like this
Geena: What…did you do… TO MY HAIR ?!?
Miranda: It was necessary to shave your hair for the procedure-
Jacob: I had nothing to do with the Lazarus project hands on so-
Miranda: If I didn’t shave your head I couldn’t preform the surgery and you’d be dead
Geena: WHO CARES ?!? I’d rather be dead with hair than bald !
Jacob: Just think of it as a big chop, a fresh start to celebrate coming back to life !
Geena: I will kill you and burn Cerberus down TO THE GROUND !
Garrus: I like the haircut Shepard. It really brings out your face.
Geena, giggling like a school girl: Oh Vakarian, flattery will get you no where.
Miranda and Jacob: 😑😑
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flexiblefish · 4 months
Fallen down the Mass Effect relay.
Hi guys, it's been such a looooooong time since I came here. Life happened and everything (mostly good things tho <3).
I started playing Mass Effect a month ago and I can't believe that game has been existing since 2007 and I had NO idea what it was.
The plot, the fabulous characters and their story arcs over 3 games, SPACE on a massive scale, the RPG elements, the voice acting by so many great people! (Martin Sheen, Claudia Black, Carrie-Anne Moss, Yvonne Strahovsky, Tricia Helfer (the fact that they got her to play an AI is hilarious), Seth Green!)
It ticks all the boxes for me. I'm playing original Femshep (DUH) who's been in a faithful relationship with Dr Liara T'soni since the first game (I mean she's a smartass scientist, she's lethal in a fight and, given my long, well documented, fandom history *waves at Dr. Scully* why would my Shep go for anyone else? Also, she's BLUE, like, all over *sigh*.
Yes, it has flaws. The "crazy eyes" of the first game, Samara's outfit (don't even get me started about Cleavage in Space (TM). All the little annoying things that shout: "Made by White Dudes". But hey, they tried, and they got many things right. (and I'll admit, the Uranus thing was juvenile but it still cracked me up)
I just started playing the third game and, oh boy, it's one hell of a ride!
Please rec fanart, well written fanfic and peeps to follow.
I should go.
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synobun · 5 months
One of them tag games
So I wasn't actually tagged by @cour5t in this, but I was tagged by @rosewinterborn in a very similar game, so I'm stealing the first and pretending it's the second, since the second had a few questions that didn't apply to me x)
Last song: I'm gonna do the last song I've had on repeat for this!
Favorite color: I never know what to say for this. Black? Dark red? Dark purple? Dark green? That whole colour palette is the bomb dot com.
Last movie/show: The last movie I watched that was new was Nimona! It was fantastic, 10/10 lives up to the hype. The last show I finished was Reacher. It was okay.
Next on my watchlist: I've finally started watching Criminal Minds, but I'm already kind of burning out on it midway through season two. And there's still like 300 episodes left. Ridic. I should probably catch up on Foundation and For All Mankind. Next movie is the cartoon version of Mulan!
Last game: Prey! I did a replay of Doom 3 a while ago and mused that the horror story-game genre should be revived, and then on a whim I decided to play Prey without knowing anything about it. And it's the exact kind of game I was talking about. It's pretty good.
Last book: Rebirth of the Sigil by Peri Akman. It was disappointing. :/ Especially since I know what the author is otherwise capable of. I had the same thing happen with John Gwynne recently as well.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Savory, I think? I don't have an instinctive sense of what savory is. Google says it's a meaty taste, and I rely heavily on protein, so I guess that. I have a pretty low tolerance for sweetness despite liking sodas and such. I don't like most desserts or can only eat a tiny amount. Spicy is alright but my digestive system disagrees.
Relationship status: *vague gesturing*
Last thing I searched online: The hours for my pharmacy to see if it was too late to pick up my medication.
Current obsession: I am generally not an obsessive person when it comes to, like, interests and activities. But I am an obsessive person when it comes to thoughts and emotions. Lately I've been struggling a lot with thinking about eternity. It has not been fun. On a lighter note, I have also been thinking more regularly about writing. Perhaps someday that will translate into action!
Greatest flaw: How much time do you have? This is actually something I have difficulty answering, because the line between something forced upon me and something that is actually inherent to me is blurred a lot of the time.
I think I'd say how I behave when I'm spiraling mentally. I close off and disappear from almost everyone in my life. Occasionally I can keep up appearances with one group but not the rest, but by and large I become a ghost. When I am in a conversation during those cycles, it's crazy how badly I'm affected. I don't become cruel or mean toward others, but my speech becomes jilted, I can't make eye contact, and I am just devastatingly hateful against myself.
It's partly why I isolate, so that I don't have to expose others to that behaviour. It happens on a yearly basis though, and it can last for weeks at a time, so it has a pretty negative impact on my relationships. I also have no idea how to navigate being in one of those moods while part of a relationship where daily contact is an expectation. When I was part of a romantic relationship, instead of having one big prolonged dip, I would fade in and out of it. A couple weeks good, a couple days bad. Rinse and repeat. Awful. Terrible. Annoying. There's almost no predicting when it'll happen either.
Fic I’m currently reading: I rarely read fics because I have no patience for wading through wish fulfillment, horny writing, and "He would not fucking say that" fics, so there's only one that I vaguely keep up with. My friend has a Mass Effect fic, which can be found here. It focuses on femShep(/Kaidan) and Tali(/Garrus) and is post-ME3.
I tag anyone who sees this and actually made it to the end, tbh. But for sake of poking, I tag @rosewinterborn with this variant, and also @deadlyessencewhispers, @tananaphone, @stupid-elf, @carrotblr, @atinydroid, @imtryingx, and, uh, uh... I don't know... let's see... @kkshowtunes, @d3viantvanguard, and @awritingcaitlin. I probably just tagged everyone who follows me. Anyway thanks bye
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lilmissnatcat24 · 5 months
Turn Left Ch 27- The Monty Hall Problem
Forces work to separate Shepard and Garrus just as things heat up. (CW: drug use)
Relationship: Femshep/Garrus Vakarian
Archive Warnings in author's note
Additional tags: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, slow build, alternate universe- canon divergence, detective noir, sex club, anonymous sex, canon temporary character death, murder mystery, drug use, dom garrus vakarian, whump, smut, heavy angst, alien sex, dual pov, an overly sexual elcor named candy, earthborn, ruthless, fake/pretend relationship, dead dove: do not eat, identity porn, minor character death
Detective AU mixed with identity porn mixed with so much whump my fingers are bleeding
(or, start from the beginning here)
lil text blurb:
“You wanted to see me, sir?” 
The glass case that surrounded Medina’s office gave Shepard the distinct feeling as if she were a lobster in one of those all-you-can-eat buffets just waiting to be boiled alive and dunked in obscene amounts of butter. She always liked to say that Medina had a glass office because he was into some kinky exhibitionist shit and enjoyed torturing his officers with everyone else in the precinct watching as if it were some gruesome spacecar crash that they couldn’t turn away from. Today was no exception. 
His voice on the tool was strained and oddly formal when he asked Shepard where she was. Of course, she couldn’t exactly say she was hosting two fugitives in a C-Sec appointed safehouse, now could she? So she lied, like she did so often that came out easier and faster than the truth, spinning some yarn that she was meeting one of her moles that was starting to feel a little queasy about their placement. Medina didn’t yell, he didn’t raise his voice-- which for him was absolutely a first. In a chokingly polite way, he asked that Shepard come see him as soon as she possibly could, as it was a sensitive matter of great importance. And he actually said those words in that order like it was fucking 1876 or something. 
Medina, not looking up at Shepard, gestured down to the seat in front of his desk that she was convinced was designed with absolutely zero comfort and one hundred percent torture in mind. His eyes, jet black and piercing, were trained on his hands, his periwinkle tattoos bisecting his face in half down his nose and mouth. Shepard didn’t know if it was because she was spending a whole lot of time with turians lately, but she swore she could hear his subvocals. Or at least, she could feel the rumbling underneath her feet, as if they were an old generator running in another room. 
“Sit. Please. Do you want a water? Coffee?” Oh fuck. Medina was not a nice man. He didn’t do polite smalltalk. Either he was about to hurl the table across the office and shatter one of the walls, or he was about to tell Shepard that he was terminally ill, there was no in between. She shook her head. “Alright then. I’m going to give you a chance first. Do you want to tell me why you think you’re in my office right now?” 
Shepard had no clue. And this time, she wasn’t kidding around. She had gotten into so much trouble lately, the list of Reasons Why Medina Would Call Her Into His Office was so long that it stretched out past her desk and snaked itself onto the floor. So she shook her head, staring pointedly down at her knees. She figured the less blabbing she did, the chances that she would park her foot right in her mouth were present. 
“Nothing? Nothing at all that would make you think that I would want to talk to you?” 
“I paid Trent in Hacking fifty creds to jimmy the vending machines to my touch ID so that I get free protein bars,” Shepard blurted out. Medina just stared at her for what seemed like minutes, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. 
He reached underneath his desk for a datapad, tossing it forward until it skidded to a halt in front of Shepard. Hands shaking slightly, she picked it up, expecting the very worst. Her leading a charge against Fist in Chora’s Den, her breaking Wrex out of prison, her housing a fugitive, her letting Benezia’s daughter murder two asari in front of the precinct…
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supervoldejaygent · 1 year
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder
Fandom: Mass Effect
Pairing: Garrus Vakarian x femshep
Summary: Garrus catches Shepard in the act of singing a lullaby
Word Count: 1.3K
A/N: Hello, my lovelies! I'm not going to note much as this was written like an hour or so ago (so there may be some spelling errors). I do love all that of y'all that take the time to read my work, even if my angsty writing says otherwise >.< thank you to all that have followed me on this crazy journey! I hope you like the next installment of my Masterlist. Enjoy(:
SONG REC: “Tomorrow Will Be Kinder” by The Secret Sisters
~ ~ ~
Black clouds are behind me, I now can see ahead
Often I wonder why I try hoping for an end
Sorrow weighs my shoulders down
And trouble haunts my mind
But I know the present will not last
And tomorrow will be kinder
Garrus wasn't sure at first where the voice was coming from. He originally thought it was coming from behind him, the sweet, soft voice whispering its way through the ship and its crew. The beautiful melody swept itself around Garrus, a bitter meaning to its hopeful words.
It was mourning.
It had been a draining day for the Normandy crew. The Genophage had been cured, but in return, Mordin had sacrificed his life.
Most of the crew had hidden away in their rooms, Garrus included. He wanted to be with Shepard, give her his attention and love, but she asked for space.
Which he gave.
Tomorrow will be kinder
It's true I've seen it before
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder
The hushed voice grew as the chorus arrived, twisting the fluttering butterflies that had already made a colony in his chest when the news of Mordin had dropped.
Somewhere, it hid within the Normandy, much like everyone else. He began to follow the voice, venturing out of the shadows and away from his distractions.
Lost in his thoughts, Garrus took a step back to reality when he knocked into something around him. It was the new kitchen counter that had been added to the SR-2 Normandy. He never understood why the counter was placed where it was, always directly in the way of the clumsy turian. Something Shepard always made fun of him for.
She would shake her head as she drank her tea, laughing at his antics and the curses that followed from his mouth each time.
"One day, Shepard," he would say. "I will destroy this counter. Mark my words."
She would laugh harder at that, as it was something he would say a lot. Still, she would reply, "I believe you, Vakarian," giving him a kiss on his cheek before returning to their conversation.
When he looked up from his once-again-run-in, he noticed a familiar face, but it was not Shepard's.
It was Wrex.
Garrus was surprised to still see him aboard the Normandy, as he was sure Wrex would've left the moment the Genophage was cured.
The turian smiled politely when he caught Wrex's eye. "Tough day?"
The krogan grimaced. "Something like that."
Garrus was usually better at carrying on conversations with his friends. Today, however, he felt the weight of their current circumstances and hushed up. No one was in the mood for talking.
"I'm sorry about Mordin."
Garrus looked up at his friend's words. "What?"
"I'm not one to repeat myself, Vakarian."
"I know that, but why are you apologizing to me?"
Wrex turned his head towards the turian. Garrus knew he wasn't a sentimental kind of krogan, but when he looked at his friend's eyes, he could see the hurt that roared through them.
"I was hoping by telling you, it would make it easier to tell Shepard."
Shepard. The one who was probably taking this the hardest. Garrus wasn't with her on this mission, but Liara was. She told him how she saw Shepard run after Mordin, like her life had depended on it.
How she looked to be begging Mordin to leave the building.
How the tears escaped her face when she was unsuccessful.
How she wiped them away when they got back to the Normandy.
How she put on a brave face for her team.
How they all knew she must've been obliterated on the inside, but was too concerned for everyone else to be concerned about herself.
How she was selfless, just like she was everyday of her existence.
Garrus looked away from his friend, not ready to see the old krogan break down before him. "Did it?"
The turian received no answer, but it was enough of an answer.
Of course it didn't. How could it? How could one possibly prepare such an apology to someone who cared so deeply about every single squad mate they ever had?
Shepard had already lost a great deal of her life before this moment. How could she possibly continue to lose more and not lose herself once again?
"If it helps," Garrus began, looking back at the krogan before him. "I think speaking to her will do more good than anything else."
Wrex nodded at Garrus' words, already beginning to leave when his friend stopped him, the voice coming back in verses of silk and velvet.
Today, I've cried a many tear
And pain is in my heart
Around me lies a somber scene
I don't know where to start
But I feel warmth on my skin
The stars have all aligned
The wind has blown but now I know
That tomorrow will be kinder
"Do you hear that?"
Wrex nodded.
"Who is it?"
The krogan leader slipped out a small smile, "It's Shepard."
Shocked by this discovery, Garrus learned quickly from Wrex that Shepard had locked herself away at the front of the Normandy with Joker and Edi. Lost in her own thoughts, she had started to sing a lullaby she had learned from her parents. Joker was so moved by the song that he had turned on the ship's overhead speakers, allowing everyone to listen to the Commander's words.
Garrus wasn't sure what was more shocking: that Shepard knew a lullaby or that she could sing so sweetly and still kick ass out in the field. Either way, she was the woman he fell in love with, and he would continue to love her and all her secrets.
As he approached the pilot's doors, he paused, taking a minute to collect himself as her voice sang sweetly to him and the rest of the crew.
Tomorrow will be kinder
I know I've seen it before
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes tomorrow will be kinder
The doors opened at his knock, revealing a passed out Joker, a tired but focused Edi and an exhausted, beautiful Commander, softly singing her lullaby.
She looked up at him as he walked over to her spot on the floor of the cockpit. She had been crying, her eyes red as the blood that coarsed through her veins. No words were spoken between the two as Garrus sat next to her, her body instantly fitting into the puzzle of his own.
The soft sniffles that escaped her sent his heart ablaze. He wanted to make every bad feeling leave her being and enter his. He wanted to take her pain away and carry the world for her. She was the strongest human he had ever known, and it absolutely destroyed him to see her in such a state.
Finally, as she rested her head upon his shoulder, she spoke. "I couldn't save him."
A new tear ripped through Garrus' heart at her words.
"There was nothing you could do," he tried to reason.
"There's always something to do."
He shook his head, gently moving her off of his shoulder. He placed a finger underneath her chin, lifting it up so he could properly look into her eyes. "Sometimes, there isn't. I know it's not something you want to hear, but not everything is your fault, Shepard. There are times when things are going to happen, and you can't control the outcome, but you can't blame yourself."
She nodded softly at his words before he continued, "you're not alone in this fight. You never were."
He gently let go of her chin, allowing her to place her head back on his shoulder. He hoped his words helped calm her mind, and a part of him believed they did as he watched her slowly succumb to the overbearing need for sleep.
Letting a small smile grace his face, Garrus placed a kiss on his girlfriend’s forehead before relaxing himself, the last of Shepard's lullaby ringing through his mind.
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder.
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