#borhap hc
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holy shit i've hit 1k!
a huge thank you to everyone who has supported this blog since i started it three years ago. whether you found me back in the days of borhap or you're a new follower who found me from my new eddie stuff, i appreciate you! i've met a lot of amazing people because of this blog and i'm extremely grateful.
so let's celebrate!
this friday, september 2 around 7pm CST, i'll be kicking off my 1k follower celebration! here's how you can participate:
☼ send me prompts!
send me a prompt from list one, list two, or list three (make sure to tell me which list) and a character! here are the characters i'll write for:
eddie munson (stranger things)
tom grant (make up)
adult tim murphy (jurassic park)
eugene sledge (the pacific)
pat murray (undrafted)
☼ send me asks!
send me whatever you want to talk about! tell me about your day, tell me about your latest obsession, tell me about your character hcs etc. feel free to ask me about my fics, my thoughts on various topics, my opinions on stuff, whatever you can think of.
☼ send me celeb names!
i'll rate them on this scale:
no | meh | okay | i get it but not for me | hot | flawless | perfect in every way | omg i can’t
☼ send me celebs in menswear!
y'all know i love to nerd out about menswear, so send me some pics of celebs in menswear and i'll give my thoughts!
can't wait to celebrate with you guys!
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superbatson · 2 years
not really a hc or anything but some of my thoughts and ruminations on Elvis and why it worked so well was how it really had a theme, which is something a lot of biopics tend to lack. I watched walk the line, ray, borhap and a couple of others and while they’re fine on their own (well some of them) elvis just actually had something to say. And didn’t feel like watching a Wikipedia article. I liked the fairytale aspect of it especially towards the end. What a great film.
i can totally see your point. while elvis is generally viewed as a biopic, it absolutely sets itself apart by having overarching themes and parallels and whatnot. baz really made sure to tell a story first and foremost and applied all the great storytelling techniques to the film to make it much more than your usual biopic.
i'm not sure if it's one of the biopics you've seen, but i thought rocketman had a similarly great fairytale/fantasy element to it. at least, it's a musical, so a lot of the numbers play like fantasies existing in elton's head. it would probably make for a nice film to pair elvis with when it (elvis) hits digital/streaming.
honestly i feel like i have to watch more music biopics. i've seen some of walk the line in school (i took a film class in high school where we watched it but i was absent one of the days it was shown) but i never watched it in full. i feel like that's the next one i really wanna watch bc johnny and elvis had similar starts to their career (i believe they both started at sun records?) and of course they knew each other. but also obviously i like joaquin phoenix now and while i might be too chicken to watch joker, i can and should definitely watch some of his other films. and then i'll move on to borhap, get on up, etc etc.
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deakydeaky · 4 years
Having a baby with Ben
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(A/N: Omg hi!! I’ve missed you all so much, and it’s been so long since I’ve written so I thought why not some Ben stuff? I want to thank @cardboardbenmazzello for bringing me out of retirement, your comments really got me going again. I also want to thank all of you for still following me and liking my stuff and what not, it means a lot. And please forgive me for not writing for a minute now, I’ve been super busy and my mental health was going down but I’m back and writing again! Sorry if there are typos, I was really excited to write again. Anyways, please enjoy and I love you, cutie🥰)
Finding out:
You and Ben had a good three months of dating because before that you guys were semi friends
Thanks to Gwil you two saw that you were kind of good together. They was also flirting between you two and you always felt comfortable together
You guys haven’t had the talk about kids or marriage or anything serious
He had also been filming a lot, so dates weren’t really a thing. He was filming or at the gym or something important so time together was amazing
When he came back you guys knew how to fill up time if you know what I mean (Stevie Wonder starts to play)
After that he was back and away at filming. Then, one day, you started to notice things were off
Small things like your boobs hurt or you wanted things that you hated or the smell of everything. You thought, at first, that it was just you’re period. Then, you noticed you were late
You knew right away that it was a possibility. Sometimes things get so wrapped up that you guys don’t think about protection
You couldn’t believe you were so stupid. You called your best friend immediately for them to pick you up a test, if you went the press could be all over you
When they got there you had drunken so much water you thought you would explode. You took the test and you both waited. You went around and around about if you were or not and what would happen but you ended up picking up that positive stick and knew what you had to do
You were of course nervous. Kids never came up in any sort of conversation. Maybe when you saw a fan with a kid and you commented on how cute it was but you never talked about your kids.
You wanted to have it all planned out but when he came home it was a complete surprise. You had no idea he was planning on it either.
He came in really late at night but thankfully you were still up, watching your tv show and eating, while in his pajamas. You looked to see your door being open to just see him
You jumped up out of bed and ran into his arms before he could put his bags down. He hugged you hella tightly as you started to cry. You didn’t mean to, you had kissed him so much and you were scared to tell him because you thought you had more time. As he hugged you tighter you thought you would choke
“Don’t crush us.” You said as you broke apart because you realized what you had said. He folded his eyebrows at you before laughed a little. You smiled widely and then coughed.” Us.” You said as you put your hand on your stomach.
“Are you- are you kidding?” You shook your head as you felt sick.” I’m going to be a dad?” You nodded again.” A dad? I’m a dad!” He hugged you again.
“You’re not mad?” You asked him as you started to cry again.” No I’m not mad. Hey don’t cry.” He said as he put his hands on your cheeks.” I love you, I love you guys.”
The pregnancy/labor:
He was doing a lot of press tours but he was there as much as he could be, along with the others. You told him not to stress because it wasn’t a big deal. You both agreed that the last month and a half he had to be there no matter what and it seemed like a really good deal.
When he wasn’t there the first few months it was always Gwil or Joe. Simply because Joe had basically moved in and Gwil was there Incase you killed him. The others were visit but weren’t there as much as those two
Everyone kept you comfortable and safe. They made sure you ate right, took your vitamins, hold back your hair and always had someone there to cuddle with.
When Ben was there he did those things but better? You liked him there better because he always helped by talking about how excited he was to be a dad and all of those dad things
Joe tried but the second he got on baby names you thought you would lose your mind
“We’re not naming the baby after you!” You would yell from the kitchen. “Why not?” Joe would yell back at her. “Joe please.” Gwil would try to help. “Do it coward!” Joe would yell at you as you came in. You would look at Gwil as Joe kept yelling as to why the baby should be named after him. “We’re going to fight.”
Being pregnant was actually kind of fun for you. You didn’t have to do anything and it was great, sometimes you hated how much you did nothing but you got use to it because you knew the next eighteen years weren’t going to be like this
You were eating a lot of foods that you use to hate as well that made Ben laugh. You were eating his food, the food you made fun of him for. “It’s a boy, I just know it.” You would tell him as you ate his food. “Or it likes to be healthy.” You gasped. “Our baby is already weird.”
You also loved when you saw Ben get so protective of you two. He was always on something. Making sure you were laying right, not letting you do some things because of the baby, little things to. “Ben I can drive a car.” “You two are fine right there.” You nodded. “Is the three pillows necessary?” “Yes.”
You two got a dog because you would cry if someone wasn’t by you most of the time, you had no idea why but it was just what happened.
The baby kicks were amazing because Ben could feel them when they first happened, until Joe made his way when he heard you guys. “Coming through! What is Joe doing?” You both sighed. “The baby is kicking.” Joe put his hand on your stomach to feel. “It’s a sign he wants to be named Joe.” The baby then kicked, making Joe’s eyes light up. “I think it means he wants you to go away.” You would tell him. “Nope that’s just you, it’s kicking more, oh my god, I love you.”
One day it was you and Joe because Ben has went out for groceries, and by that you mean what you were craving when you felt a pain. You gasped and sat up as Joe was napping next to you. After a few seconds it happened okay. You hit Joe, working him up. “What? What?” He would say groggy. You just let out a groan. “I think I peed myself.” Joe laughed. “Your water broke! It’s go time people! We’ll call Ben from the car, let’s go, I’ve been waiting for this moment!”
Joe stayed with you until Ben could come. And when he did it was like the baby knew it’s dad was there because he started to come out, and fast.
How the gang is with the baby/parenting:
They all love it, very much. The baby makes one single coo and they all lose their minds. They’re over a lot to see the baby too.
They play with it so much, feed it when it needs a bottle, kisses it all over it’s face, the whole thing.
Rami is scared that he’ll break the baby everytime he picks it up. Gwil thinks there is nothing in the world is more pure than that baby. Lucy thinks she would break through walls for that baby. And Joe....
Well Joe thinks that baby is just as much his and the others. He is the most excited about being an uncle, he thinks the baby is cuter than a puppy, he loves this baby.
“Joe... my kid please.” You would say as you had a bottle warmed up. “Sleeping again but we’ll get back to you when we’re ready to eat.” You would shake your head before giving him to bottle.
“Is that a cute baby? Is that a cute baby? Yes it is! Yes it is!” Lucy would say as it was laying on the floor and crawling to her. “Look at them go, see come on baby, you got this.” Gwil would tell it
Rami says he feels like he could break it but when that baby is in his arms they lay there for hours upon hours. Everyone could be doing anything and that baby and him would just be chillin.
Joe lets the baby lay in his chest when it can’t sleep. Or just whenever it wants because that baby is crazy spoiled by him.
Having a hell of a lot of help because of how much they care about this baby. The baby is set for years when it comes to clothes and toys. They all love to see it’s face light up when it plays with a new toy.
You and Ben also love being a parent. You love to see them do the smallest thing because it’s crazy that they can. Their little baby hand holds anything and you two lose your mind
Ben loves being a dad more than anything. They do everything together too. He shops with them, goes to the mall with them, watching learning stuff with them, it was crazy
When the baby slept between you two it was the cutest thing to wake up to Ben cooing it back to sleep or hit him holding it and asleep
Ben would try to sing it songs to fall asleep but it likes it better when their other uncles do it.
“Ben it’s not going to choke on anything in its crib.” You would try to tell him as you found him over the crib again at night. “But what if it starts to eating the blanket.” “No baby would do that.” “But what if ours does?”
You always telling him how good of a dad he is and how much you love your little family.
Bonus! Growing up:
It’s been years later. Another kid and a marriage later to be exact.
It was the kids fifth birthday and everyone was coming over for the party. As more people came in the kid came shooting down the stairs.
“Uncle Joe!” The kid would jump into his arms, making him smile. “They kiddo, happy birthday.” Joe would kiss the top of its head.” Can you show me how old again?” Your kid would put up fix fingers with a smile.
“Growing up fast.” Lucy would say as she hugged you. “I remember their first steps.” You would say back. “Or when they started to crawl.” Gwil said as he hugged you.
“The party’s here!” Ben would yell as everyone got there. He would come over to you.” Roger got the cake, everyone brought a gift and the party is set. You did it, mom.” He said before he kissed you.” When do I get my superpowers?” He asked
“When you push out a kid.” You laughed before you kissed him again.” You’re already the best dad, what more could a kid want.” You both kissed yet again.
“Ew!” Both the kids and Joe would say as they walked in. A kid in one arm as he held the others hand. “Really?” Ben would say before running after them. Joe let them both go and to run off. “Save yourselves!” You smiled to yourself before walking into the living room to Ben grabbing both kids.
“You should have ten more.” Gwil said to you. “Yeah Y/N you two make pretty kids.” Lucy told you. “Agreed.” Rami would say. “Don’t we?” Joe agreed as he put his arm around you, making you all laugh. “I wouldn’t mind another one.” Ben spoke. Roger said back. “Yeah we’re getting old Y/N, they make us young.”
Ben and you both looked at each other. He looked at the kids with a smile before offering a birthday soda. “Not too much before dinner.” You reminded him and he just moved his head back and fourth. “Let’s go before we get anymore rules.” Ben told them both.
“You two are great parents.” You smiled.
“I’m glad you all feel that way because your wishes have already been granted.”
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cupboardzllo · 4 years
being a babie with mazzello | hc
a/n : HIIII welcome back to my writing! I miss all of ya so much :-] the other day i was hit with this thought of just being ababie arpund joe so here's a hc about that. Also, i wanna thank y'all for sticking with me when i was unactive several days ago...it means a lot to me!
also, i'm Chloe! Figured i will reveal my name after a while. People call me coco or cookie sometimes, so...let's be friend, i guess?
anyway, enjoy this hc!! ♡
so we all know about the virus, honestly i think i'm the latest person to write about this
but joe freaking mazzello 'course cannot stay sane that long without you, his 24/7 childhood best friend
so he asked you to move in with him when the whole quarantine thingy started
"Come on!!! You will have the world-famous, fanfastic dino-shaped pancakes by Chef La Mazzello every morning, (Y/N)."
that was his effort to persuade you
of course you said yes
"Fine, but it's only because of the pancakes."
no (Y/N) we ALL know it's because you're head over heels for him!!!
moving-in day
it's not the first time you've stayed at his house
but you were pretty nervous with the idea of living with him, everyday, him seeing you without any makeup, or anything
ESPECIALLY your habits of cleaning products...you tend to use baby shampoo and soaps
when you put your johnson baby wash in his bathroom, Joe frowned
"Whose baby is staying here?."
you stuttered, "uhh...it's weird, but, it's mine...dONT LAUGH OKAY JOE-"
too late
joe's dying on the floor
(((((bathroom floor))))
you tickled him as an escape of your embarassment, feeling shy
"OKAY STOP STOP I'M SORRY!," he laughed
then ruffled your hair
"Even if you use dog shampoo, i'd still.."
you freezed
what's he going to say?!
joe took a moment before finishing his sentence
"....m-make yOU DINO-SHAPED PANCAKES! come on, (Y/L/N)! let's unpack your clothes after this."
then he went out of the bathroom
leaving you
and possibly close to having a sheer heart attack
grocery shopping with joe
on some days, joe (and you) is waAY to lazy to make efforts to eat
but at the same time you guys are hella hungry
so you guys order the classic chinese take-outs, or pizza maybe
but also in some days, you will go out grocery shopping with him and buy ingredients for dinner (with masks of course, wear your masks everyone!!!)
joe will grab cooking ingredients and other products
like milk
dairy-free milk because we all don't want joe screaming
Joe also grabs some chips
and snacks
then there's you grabbing baby snacks
happy baby
teethers cookies
all the good stuff
"Why..are you???????"
"Stop shaming my snacking behaviour!!! It's good okay,,," you said then running into another aisle
leaving mazzello
like that joe smile we all love
"Gosh, such a cutie..." he mumbled, then pushing the cart, following you
also he paid for the groceries even though you insisted to pay
ugh i love him
dinner time with joe
joe's not actually the worst italian chef
but he does need constant guiding and sometimes can be sloppy
you guys were cooking baked spaghetti that night, and thankfully it went okay
joe almost spilled the whole sauce from the pan but luckily you were there to stop him
so while waiting for the food to cook
joe decided to play some music off of his phone
and guess what he played
not queen songs
the first verse came and you were laughing out loud
"Joe what the fuck???? What is thiiiis?."
joe is already bopping his head and throwing some dance moves
drop it like it's hoooooot-
"Aw come on baby (Y/L/N), bABY SHARK DOO DOO DO DO-"
so you joined him
yeah the clapping hands thingy
you guys were dancing so hard you both were sweating
Joe picked you up with his arms
you were a laughing mess and tried to get out of his grip when you both fell into his couch
you on top of him
and him under you
for a moment you thought joe is going to kiss you
and he reached you cheek
the oven dings
joe shuffled and you quickly stood up
"I'll check it!," you said while running to the kitchen
SIS your heart was POUNDING because was he going to kiss you????
joe was also a blushing mess
"mazzello you dumb...," he whispered while rubbing his face
then chased you into the kitchen
dinner went a bit awkward
because you both are dumb dorks
but it went over and you guys washes dishes together then got ready for bed
Joe does have a guest room in his house
but he said that the room is currently unavailable
under the following reasons of
"it's messy," and "it has a lot of stuff in it!." "my room's more spacious."
he really just want to have you with him in his bed (Y/N) come on!!!!
so you agreed to sleep with him
because of course you also can't wait to cuddle with him
ehm okay moving on so
you changed into your pajama
and it has gudetama patterns
joe chuckled when he saw you after changing your clothes
"I swear (Y/N), you're a baby trapped in an adult's body."
you pull out your tongue playfully then joined him
joe was scrolling his instagram, and you were checking out your emails
joe then pulled you closer to him
"You're cold, you need more warmth from me," he said, as an excuse
you smiled and rested your head on his shoulder
you did not realize it, but you were feeling sleepy and slowly you lulled off on his chest
because this is exactly the thing he loved the most about you
the domestic side of you, your bare face and your sleepy figure
he turned off the lights as careful as possible
he don't want his baby to wake up
he cuddled you closer and realized
this is what he wanted to see before he's off to the clouds
so let's all hope the man will gain the courage to ask you out
because he can't wait to give you
his baby
more warmth every night :-)
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missborhap · 5 years
Going to a food truck festival with Joe would include...
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Your boy LOVES food
Once he hears there is a food truck festival near, he would be dragging you to go to it with him
He basically knows which food truck is good and which one is bad
He would literally buy you anything you want
Like, if he knows your favorite food/food truck, and it’s there at the food truck festival, he’d buy as much as you want
Your boy spoils you with food
You hungry? food!
He sees your favorite snack at the store? He buys too much of it.
Favorite food truck? He’ll buy every item off the menu.
Most of the time, you’d have to stop him from getting too much food
Cause you know he’d be too stuffed to move
Joe loves it when you come to food trucks with him
He’d actually take you on food truck dates earlier in your relationship, then you two practically live at food truck festivals when he comes home/are going some where together
The two of you even thought about starting a food truck business
The world may never know
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imaginesandideas · 5 years
Dating Roger and wearing glasses would include
here’s me writing a headcannon nobody asked for
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you’re surprised when he hits on you
he’s totally not the kind of guy you’d expect to meet at a café, but that’s where you actually do meet
and he starts flirting with you, which is also a unexpected thing to happen
but he’s charming and intimidating, so you let him convince you to set up a date
you have no idea who he is until you notice how people react when you two go out together
like, you’re sitting in a restaurant, enjoying a meal, and at some point group of girls asks for an autograph
and he’s all cheeky and proud, cause he likes to impress you
but you feel like shit, because you don’t think like you match the picture
you try and don’t let him notice that though
when you two start dating, he also takes you on band rehearsals
and you’re out of words, cause they’re Queen, and you obviously love their music, and they also turn out to be great people
Freddie actually compliments your glasses even before you’re properly introduced, and it’s only then when Roger notices the way they frame your eyes
and they do so - beautifully
it’s not like you two normally talk about it
and it’s not like he doesn’t look at you, he’s just too focused on what’s underneath them
he loves your eyes and lashes
what’s around them isn’t that important to him
Roger accepts them as a part of you, so there’s no further conversation
nevertheless, once you’re in his life, you note all the pretty girls hanging around the band
and how they don’t wear glasses
Roger sees that and one night you have a talk about how you truly feel
he’s shocked that you’d even consider yourself something less just because of your glasses, because he thinks they’re the coolest thing
you’re given John Lennon as an example, and you roll your eyes cause of course he would use a Beatle to prove you a point
“If I’m Lennon then who you are?”
“Yoko obviously. Great hair, interesting outfits. Only, my singing is better.”
also he adds how sexy you look like wearing them, and safe to say you finish the conversation the next day 👀
later he admits that his eyesight’s gotten worse over the years, so you force him to get it checked
ever since then, you always leave your flat hand in hand, with glasses on your noses
and Roger is grinning wide as ever, cause you’re the coolest couple to walk the Earth
sometimes you dare to borrow Rog’s prescription sunnies
he loves it
when he forgets his glasses you substitute them (because you never forget yours)
you know he uses it as a reason to be plastered to your back or side the entire evening, but you don’t really mind
“Is it me or John is wearing a hat?”
“Rog that’s his hair. You’re not THAT blind.”
either way it doesn’t matter how poor both your eyesights are, because you only have eyes for each other
(Comments, ideas and words of notice are always appreciated 💜)
taglist: @rogersdrumkit @rogersfalsettos @erinhardytaylor @cyborgfromthesupermarket @sabbrriiinnaa @wolverinesbeer @simplyvictoria-93 @laubluered @ceruleanrainblues @shae-is-not-ok @i-am-sarah @shishterfackisback
also - let me know if you’d like to be on/off the taglist 🙌🏻
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dayoneliveaid · 5 years
send me headcanons/concepts!!
borhap or queen! literally anything!!! i just really want to try my hand at them and think it will be so fun
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rossmccallsqueen · 4 years
HC: Fall activities with Gwilym 🎃✨
He would totally be all over doing cute fall things with you
The first day of fall he was already getting our the Halloween decorations
Honestly you knew you loved this man for a reason
He even went to the store and got pumpkins for the two of you to paint
You chose to paint the pumpkins because who wants rotting pumpkins so fast after they’re carved? No one that’s who 🎃
Gwilym painted a ghost and you chose to paint a black cat!
You thought Gwilyms was better but he said yours was
Sadly with the coming of fall also means seasonal depression yayyyy
And Gwilym knew you weren’t feeling the best lately
Not only was work exhausting you but the seasonal depression did not help one bit
It was a Friday afternoon when you came home from work and dropped all your stuff at the door because you didn’t have the energy to carry it all the way upstairs
“Babe is that you???” You heard him yell from the kitchen
“Yeah it’s me!” You yelled back, your voice even sounded tired
He came around the corner with a kitchen towel over his shoulder, a sight you were used to seeing. His arms were already out stretched waiting for you
Gwilym was actually a great cook tbh
“Bad day today?” He asked and you nodded against his chest
“Well turn that frown upside down because we have a nice fall night planned!”
“Oh really?” You raised an eyebrow. You hadn’t had date night in awhile
“I have dinner on the stove, an apple pie in the oven, and cider in the fridge. Hocus pocus is ready to go on our tv upstairs and these arms are primed for cuddling!”
The man really had thought of everything ❤️😭
Like for real the night was already perfect
“How about we get you some dinner and warm cider?”
“You really are the best aren’t you?” You asked, giving him another hug
“I mean maybe..!” He leaned down and gave you a kiss, and for dinner for the two of you
After you finished eating you took your cider and pie upstairs because you were too excited to get cuddling
It had been a really hard week and this was exactly what you needed
The room was all lit up with candles and the Hocus Pocus main screen was on. You could even smell your favorite fall candle
“Gwil you didn’t have to do all this” you could almost cry
“I wanted to. I want to give you the best, because you deserve the best.”
You got all settled in and ate your pie, of course with Gwilym’s arms around you
You felt a sense of peace and home and you honestly couldn’t get more comfortable
“It’s not all hocus pocus is it babe?” He asked and you nodded. You definitely felt better now ❤️
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Taglist: @bvnhardy @aussienerdgirl @im-justatrashcan @one-thousandlies @sohoneyspreadyourwings @rogerina-deacon @punkgeekchic @lv7867 @the-baby-bookworm @rogertqueen @danny-fucking-mercury @brownhardyho @wittywallflowersworld @deacytits @rogertaylors-lipgloss @xtrashmammalstefx stefx @happy-at-home @queenbbarnes @joemazzelloswigs @littlemisscaptainfandom @scarecrowmax @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @littledarlingwellaway @thatsjustginarose @instantezra @toomuchtellyneck @spacedustmazzello @darlingmalek @pleasedontlookatmeaight @butlegendsneverdie @jennyggggrrr @cherryhrry @queen-paladin @forever-rogue @isitstraightvodka @brianandthemays @drivenbybri @musicgirlyy @almightygwil @anotherhystericalqueen
❤️ if you wanna be added to my taglist, please let me know! ❤️
Masterlist Masterpost
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thosequeenboys · 4 years
Joe Mazzello Tells You How He Plans to Pleasure You HC
A/N:  Since writing a male version of Joe ‘step-by-step dirty talking’ for my series, Love is Love is Love, I’ve wanted to write a female version. I was motivated of late by recent Joe news and photos (and watching The Pacific-finally!). Bonus: He sings! He dances! He romances!
This fic is dedicated to my dear friend, Kate, aka @warriorteam1924 - my bestie, my confidant, ‘my rhythm and blues,’ sharer of my Joe-lovemaking-aesthetic.  A lovely and talented contributor to the fandom, she is currently on hiatus, but remains in my heart. Tagging some esteemed members, er, wives, of the JM Appreciation Squad, who have provided inspiration as well: @brinteylovesaliens @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @importantpersonllama @spunky-town @johndeaconshands @supernaturalee @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @fairestkillerqueenofall @johndeaconshands @amethyst-serenade @hellysthings @lapofthemusicgods and @hey-holtzy @joemazzhello @marianaletosnape @queensilveryrog @oniriquex @watercolouredreams
Warnings: Some cursing; smut below the cut!
Joe and you are attending your childhood friend’s wedding.
You’re having a great time: tasting the delectable food, sipping the couple’s ‘signature cocktail,’ joking with friends and enjoying festive touches: Couples Bingo and “Spunky Sparks” match box favors with a photo of the couple’s cat.
You touch each other affectionately all night: his long graceful fingers graze your bare arm; your manicured nails outline his scruffy jaw, followed by his kiss into your hand.
While chatting with others, your hand rests on his shoulder and his arm wraps around your waist; he brings you into his long torso, a perfect fit.
The dance floor provides another opportunity for fun and closeness.  You let loose to upbeat tunes (including Don’t Stop Me Now and Another One Bites the Dust!), Motown classics and romantic ballads.
As the evening winds down, Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra plays.
Joe firmly and gracefully leads you to the dance floor after you put down your drinks. He holds you closely as he meanders you both skillfully between other couples, taking you around the entire dance floor.
You feel all eyes upon you and your debonair and hot af boyfriend.
As you move together, he sings softly along to the song, invoking the sultry, passionate intonations of Old Blue Eyes: “Fill my heart with song, and let me sing for ever more. You are all I long for, all I worship and adore. In other words, please be true. In other words, I love you.”
“Baby,” Joe whispers, “I can’t wait to make love to you. Let me tell you how.”
Joe slows the dance, leading you in small circles, intensely looking into your eyes. He kisses your earlobe and rests his cheek against yours before continuing. “When we get home, I’ll dance you backwards to the bedroom as we kiss passionately. We’ll kick off our shoes as I nibble the side of your neck just where you like it.”
He spins you slowly, raising your arm.  He pulls you to him and whispers, “I’ll take you out of this gorgeous, slinky gown, just leaving your panties.”
“I’ll lean you back on the bed, and shift my knee side-to-side to pry your legs open to get you ready for me.  Then I’ll straddle you, hovering over you.  I’ll open my belt buckle and take off my pants and shirt. Real slowly.  I’ll bring your hand to my chest and then, to stroke me. You’ll get me harder with every touch.  I’ll lean forward and massage your breasts.”
You swear you feel Little Joe pressing against you, doing his own dance.
Joe dips you before he shares, “I’ll sit back on my knees and take in your beauty, thinking of how lovely and strong you are, how I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”
You swoon, and fortunately his strong arms hold you upright.  “Oh, Joe...”
Joe’s mouth forms a slight crooked grin, and he plants another kiss on your neck, leaning into your ear:  “I won’t be able to wait any longer. I’ll move your silk panties to the side and slip my index finger in you, feeling you coat and clench around me. Your moans will tell me you want more. I’ll add another finger, and curve them as you thrust.”
Joe releases you again with a twirl and brings you in to continue.  
“Then, I’ll ease you up on the bed and slither down between your legs, my fingers still moving gently in your hot pussy.  I’ll dive to your clit, tonguing you in slow circles, my nose resting on your soft mound.”
“You’ll be getting close and tell me you want all of me.”
“I’ll ease my fingers out of you and lick them. Then I’ll put my hand on your hip and motion you to turn - so I can take you from behind. It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?  Love seeing your shapely ass. Want to see you so open, just for me. Feel you eager and wanting, just for me.”
You say, “Yes, Joe, only you.” as you instinctively grind into him gently.
Ed Sheeran’s Perfect plays as the last dance, and you both rock in place from foot to foot.  Joe kisses your forehead and leans into your other ear.
“I’ll get our underwear off and you’ll move onto all fours. You’re fucking gorgeous and I’m throbbing.  I’ll kiss down your back and leave a mark on your hip.  My rock-hard cock will spread your parted lips and feel you gush. You’ll raise your ass, and I’ll press into you slowly while draping over you, leaning on my arm. We’ll moan as my cock climbs into you.”
“With my other hand, I’ll circle your clit with different fingers, different pressure, matching my deepening thrusts. The anticipation of not knowing what the pressure will be will make you crazy, moaning with desire.”
“You’ll shift your hips back to meet me, over and over - controlled but graceful-just like here on the dance floor and I’ll grunt, feels so good.”
“You’ll moan my name over and over. God, I fucking love that. Love to hear you fucking saying my name...We’ll both be close.”
“I’ll tell you to come for me. And you will, screaming my name, and I’ll follow right after you, riding it out, my heart pounding.”
“We’ll collapse into the bed, releasing a final chorus of moans.”
The song ends. Applause erupts as the newlyweds yell a final thank you!
You and Joe separate. Your chests are heaving.  He grabs your hand and quickly leads you out the door. You know your friends will understand your hasty departure without goodbyes when you tell them that Joe dirty talked you and got you in such a state.
Joe takes the curves of the road confidently -  just as he’ll take yours soon. He pulls into the driveway and jumps out of the car.
He opens your door, takes your hands and helps you out.
Gazing at you, he sings from Perfect, “Darling, just hold my hand. Be my girl.  I’ll be your man. I see my future in your eyes.”
Joe turns you and his backwards dance of you begins.
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Queen On Their Wedding Day || Head Canon
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Freddie Mercury (platonic)
He always said he’d have a grand wedding
But honestly it was probably just for show
He never really did officially marry Jim, but he still referred to him as his husband
He always said that you’d be his guest of honor if he ever did have a big white wedding
Honestly you were surprised the honor didn’t go to Mary, but goodness you were so over the moon when he said it
Of course you’d be there for your best friend’s wedding!
You two would sit around planning if they ever did have a big white wedding
Honestly, he just wanted it to be him, Jim, you, Mary, the boys, and family
That sounded perfect in your opinion.
Seeing how in love Freddie was with Jim.... it really made you hope you’d find someone like that for yourself.
Freddie always told you you deserved that kinda love- whether it came from a friend or a lover. Unconditional. Unending.
You loved those two just like that anyway. And they loved you too.
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John Deacon
You married quite young actually.
He already knew you were the one for him the second he layed eyes on you
He’s never been one for wanting to be in the public eye, so you both agreed on an intimite wedding.
On that day he was INCREDIBLY nervous. But it was a good nervous. Excited to be able to call you his spouse.
Of course he wanted things to go right, but he honestly was just enthralled by you that he knew anything would be nothing less than perfect.
The day came when he saw you coming down the isle.... his heart nearly stopped.
Your vows to one another will heartfelt and sweet.
He nearly cried when you read yours. How you promised to continue being his best friend. After all, you had to live up to the song he wrote for you.
Which he played and (nervously) sang at the reception with the help of the boys
Truly that day was the happiest he’d been in such a long time, and he got to spend it all with you- the love of his life
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Brian May
You two had been dating for a very long while before he proposed.
On the wedding day he was jittery but kept his cool generally
He was so happy to be surrounded by friends and family and to show them how much he loved you
When you came down the isle, he had to contain his excitment and not run down to hug and kiss you.
You were just so breathtaking to him...
Your vows included inside jokes and loving promises to one another that made each other melt.
Honestly he almost forgot to say “I do” because he was too busy making goo goo eyes at you and just taking you in completely.
When he was able to kiss you, he immediately envaloped you in his arms and placed a very sweet and passionate kiss onto your lips
This was followed by an incredibly tender hug as he whispered “I love you” to you.
He was so excited to start this journey with you at his side!
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Roger Taylor
Your wedding was just a tad more formal
But damn did your man clean up well for you
He was ABSOLUTELY terrified. He wanted everything to be right
You told him everything would be fine, but he wanted to make sure this was something you both would look back on and be proud, yknow?
Whenever people asked him if he was okay he would kinda just yell “I’m FINE” but try to keep his cool
Ran his hands through his freshly cut hair a lot as a nervous tick
He was so rigid on thr alter but when you came down the isle, he felt like every worry went away.
He was immediately back to normal and just so in love with you as if he was falling in love all over again
Your vows were silly and full of jokes that had everyone chuckling
He said waffly wedded instead of lawfully and you absolutely lost it
Of course he played off it which made you lose it even more
Hearing you laugh put him even more at ease that he forgot anyone else was there
When he kissed you at the end it was the most passionate he’s ever done it, sending you both spinning after.
You came off the alter giggling and staying connected at the hip.
@littlemisscaptainfandom @jiswoogannon @brianharoldmaysguitar @deakysgurl
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ai-suru-hito-yo · 5 years
Sleeping with the Boys HCs
What would it be like sharing a bed with each of the BoRhap boys?
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Sleeps mostly on his back.
Is an absolute furnace. You never have to worry about being cold at night because he alone keeps the whole room noticeably warmer than the rest of the house.
You love to fall asleep with your head on Ben's chest and legs tangled up with his, but often have to fight Frankie for this position.
But it's totally okay because she's the cutest and sweetest pup and you can't stay mad at her.
You love being able hear Ben's heartbeat in this position, it's your personal lullaby.
And your head is at the right place for Ben to tilt his head down and brush his lips over your forehead and bury his nose in your hair as you drift off.
Most mornings you are kissed awake, but not by Ben. Frankie knows when breakfast is, and so, when she's feeling hungry, she'll take turns licking everyone's face until somebody caves and goes to fill her bowl with kibble.
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Also very warm.
Sleeps with a fan on in nothing but his boxer-briefs every night, be it summer or winter.
Loves to be your big spoon. There's nothing he loves more than holding you close. You use his outstretched arm as a pillow more often than your actual pillow.
You love the feeling of Gwil's arms wrapped around you, keeping you warm and secure.
You sometimes drift away in the night, but always manage to come back together in the quiet hour or two before you have to wake up.
This position allows him to easily bury his nose in your hair, which to him, smells amazing. He often ends up waking with it in his mouth, but it's totally worth it.
In the morning, he'll wake you with kisses all over the back of your head and neck.
If he's feeling particularly frisky, he'll lean over you and trail kisses across your jaw and down your neck. This always pulls you quickly from your slumber.
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Not particularly an all night cuddler.
You two usually start off facing each other, sharing soft kisses and talking about your day.
Once you let out the third yawn in as many minutes, he knows it's time to switch off the lights and settle in.
He needs space while he sleeps, but still loves to be in contact with you, so often he will raise your hand to his lips, leaving a kiss and a whispered, "Good night, my love," on your skin before either intertwining your fingers or dropping your hand on his chest and covering it with his own.
Sometimes, though, after a particularly difficult day on set, he craves that closeness. On these days, he likes to be the little spoon. He needs that security, and so he will flip over and press his back to you, silently asking for comfort.
He still drifts away slightly on these nights, and you tend to wake up with him facing you and your hand pressed lightly over his neck. By then he almost always feels better, and will greet you with a smile and a kiss.
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Absolute clingiest person you've ever shared a bed with. But who's surprised?
Definitely an all night cuddler.
You are a tummy sleeper, though, and this poses a little bit of a problem at first.
Until Joe finds a solution in his sleep. You wake up one morning with him almost totally on top of you, his head resting on the back of your shoulder.
At first you think he's messing with you and had climbed on top of you to wake you up, but you realize he's most definitely asleep as you can hear his light little snores.
You're surprised to find you love feeling his weight and presence on top of you. The pressure and warmth are instantly relaxing and reassuring. You lay there for another 20 minutes until he wakes up.
Joe snuffles awake and as soon as he becomes aware, he's instantly rolling off you and spilling apologies. "Oh my god are you okay?!" "Y/N I was totally crushing you!" "Why are you laughing?"
You assure him you love it, and every time it happens after that, you let it, even laying in bed for a little longer just to feel him.
And if you sometimes wake him by wiggling your ass against a noticeable hardness pressed against you, perhaps that makes it even better.
EDIT: I'll eventually be doing a Queen one. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in it!
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Hardzello finding a lost kid - HC
@captaincoffeegirl515 asked: So to start off, can I request HC of Ben and Joe finding a lost kid and helping them find their parents? And I mean like a genuinely lost kid, not one of those kids that pretend to be lost so they could lure you away to some empty place to get robbed by the kid’s parents.
It’s one of those rare times that both of them are free in between work. 
So they take their time to go grocery shopping at Marks & Spencer. 
Once there, they split up and while Joe goes to the cleaning supplies section, Ben is roaming around the food section, more specifically, the candy section.
While stocking on his Galaxy Minstrels, Lion bars and other chocolate type of candy and loading them to his cart, he sees at the far end of the aisle a little girl sitting on the floor, hugging her knees and hiding her face.
He looks around to see if her parents are nearby but he sees no one so he approaches her. 
“Hi.” He says and the girl looks up. “Do you need any help?”
The girl hides her face again and he notices she’s weeping. 
He puts his cart on the side and crouches in front of her. 
“Are you lost?”
The girl nods a few times.
“Okay. Why don’t I go get security?”
When he’s about to stand up and leave the girl tugs at his sweatpants a little.
“I don’t want to be alone. I’m scared.” The little girl whimpers
“That’s perfectly alright. Let’s go to the front together then.” 
The girl nods. 
“Do you want to sit in my cart?” 
The girl nods again so Ben carefully lifts her up and puts her on the kids sit. 
“What’s your name?” he asks as he pushes the cart through the place with one hand and looks for his phone with the other.
“Anna.” The girl says and with her little hand, she grips the cuff of Ben’s hoodie.
“That’s lovely. And who were you with before you got lost?” he texts Joe with one hand letting him know what’s going on and telling him to meet him by the door while he asks her this.
“My mum.” 
“Okay, we’re going to find your mum. Don’t worry.”
When they get to the front of the store, Joe is already there talking to the security guard. 
“That’s him.” He points at Ben coming at them. 
Ben explains the situation and they’re walked to the information desk where they announce that there’s a girl named Anna that’s lost. 
“Can we stay?” Ben asks to the security guard worriedly. “Do you mind?” He asks Joe next. 
“Of course we’re staying with her.” Joe rubs his arm. “Hi, Anna right? I’m Joe. Your mom will be here any time, I’m sure. Is it okay that we wait with you?”
Anna nods, rubbing her eyes. She still seems a little scared.
She tugs at Ben’s hoodie again. “Would you like to hold my hand?” 
“Yes, please” The girl says and grabs the hand Ben’s offering and holds it tight. 
“Anna, tell me, what do you like watching on TV?” Joe asks as he leans in to be more on her eye level. 
“I like Disney movies.” She replies shyly at Joe’s attempt to distract her with conversation. 
“Disney movies are great! Which one was the last one you watched?” 
“Frozen!” Anna says enthusiastically
“Let me guess, Anna is your favorite.”
“Yes!” She giggles. “And Olaf. I have a stuffed Olaf at home. Would you like to see it?” The question is for both of them, she looks from Joe to Ben. 
“We’d love to, yeah” Ben nods. 
“What’s your favorite disney movie?” Again, she asks both of them.
“Mine is The Lion King.” Ben answers
 “I’m more of a Jurassic Park kind of guy” Joe says and Ben rolls his eyes.
“What’s Jurassic Park?”
“It’s a movie about dinosaurs.” Joe says wiggling his eyebrows.
“That she’s too little to watch.” Ben shakes his head.
“No, I’m not little! I’m big! My brother is little!”
“You have a baby brother?” Joe asks and she nods. 
“Look there, he is!” She points behind them and there’s a woman running towards them with a baby in her arms. “Mummy!!”  
“Anna you scared me half to dead!” The woman hugs her daughter and pressed between them is the baby giggling. “I’m so sorry.” She turns to Ben and Joe. “Luke started crying and wanted to be fed and I turned around for a second and she run off.”
“That’s alright, she was really brave.” Ben says. 
“Mummy can I watch The Lion King when we get home?” Anna asked as Ben picked her up from the cart and put her down.
She run off and hugged her mum’s legs and she caressed her daughters hair. “Of course darling.” she then said to them. “Thank you so much.”
The woman left and Anna gave them a little wave on her way out as Joe relocated next to Ben, slipping an arm around his waist and Ben threw his around Joe’s shoulder. 
Ben brings Joe to him and kisses him on the lips swiftly. 
“You looked cute with her.” Joe states.
“You were amazing.”
“Nieces and Nephews, you know?” Joe shrugs. “Come on, let’s finish shopping and go home, you look a little shaken up.”
Ben just nods and kisses him one more time before they continue.
Permanent taglist: @oniriquex @igotsuckedintothevoid @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels @warriorteam1924 @thosequeenboys @cardyandy @doctorqueensanatomy @angels-fall2 @lovebirdy93 @halfasleepoetry @discodeakyhasmyheart
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miojodetomatin · 4 years
i need a photo of Joe Mazzello shirtless
no questions allowed
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deakydeaky · 5 years
HC: Going to the lake with Joe and the BoRhap Boys
(A/N; I put Lucy in it too bc I’m that bitch xx)
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Joe and you wanted a small vacation out together to clear your minds
It would have been a first away for you
So as you are with Joe and Ben, Joe tells Joe that he was planning a vacation out to the lake
“Alright mate I can see when the others are free.”
Because you and Joe love Ben and the others you decided not to say anything
You knew the trip wouldn’t be ruined or anything but you did kind of want time away from everyone with Joe
Needless to say two weeks later you were checking into a cabin with the others
You all shared a cabin with three rooms and one bathroom, and that was not ideal but you could make it work
The joke was funny at the time that Ben and Joe would book a small cabin but now it wasn’t
You and Joe of course shared a room but the problem was Gwil and Ben shared a room right next to yours
And not like a wall away, no no, like there was a window you could open to see the other room
So every minute or so Ben would open the window and say something like “it’s almost like we are sharing a room.”
First day out;
Rami had rented a boat for the whole week
As him and Joe got the boat ready, you and Ben packed the cooler
Lucy and Gwil were trying stuff onto the boat to do, like tubing
You all got into to the boat, ready for a day out of the lake
You thinking it’ll be peaceful and full of tanning and drinking but not really
It was loud. Music blared, everyone drank, there was jumping and pushing off off of the boat
You were a bit sour because water also got on you as you tried to tan
To get you out of this bad mood, Ben threw you in the water
“I’m going to kill you!” You yelled as him and Joe laughed
“Babe it’s funny and have some fun.” He told you helping you back onto the boat. You grabbed your towel and smiled at him as he turned to you before you pushed him off of the water
“You’re right babe! It is fun!”
“Did we ruin your vacation with Joe?” Lucy asked you as you sat next to her and Rami
“There will be other vacations with ones that don’t involve children. Besides this is kind of better with you guys.”
“I’ll hold that to you.” Rain told you as he got into the water
“You better not do anything stupid since I told you that!”
“Stupid? That’s what we can here to be!” Joe told you
“Rather than any other day?”
“So brave when not in the water!” He then splashed water onto you
“You’re dead Mazzello.”
Other things you all do on the trip;
Fight over who drives the boat
Playing cards
Seeing who can chug beer the fastest
Taking a lot of pictures
Tanning with Joe and Gwil
Water fights, which also include getting on someone’s shoulders and fighting the other
Going to the store everyday because all the snacks on the boat get eaten
Trying to get the cabin free with Joe whenever
Going out to dinners
Dancing on the boat
Seeing who can push people off the boat the most and whoever does it the most wins
Only one person isn’t aloud to get drunk so they can drive the boat
Jumping off the boat drunk once because why not
Floating in the water and Joe flips you over
Floating with Joe
Taking cute picture of him with him wearing your hat
Him showing you off when someone is taking a picture
Joe getting really bad sunburn the second day out but that doesn’t stop him from being on the boat
Seeing who can hold their breath under water the longest
Getting super tan
Inside jokes getting made
Gwil and Ben making fun of you and Joe whenever you do something cute
Lucy and you posting best friend pics on insta
Never wanting to leave
Getting hella good sleep at night bc sleep hits different after a day on the lake
Dying Ben’s hair when down there
Then everyone else joined in
Staying for longer than planned
A road trip back filled with a lot of sleeping and saying “remember when..”
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rogerina-yee-haw · 5 years
dating ben hardy (and being younger than him) would include...
request: “I read your Joe one so can you do a dating Ben Hardy and your younger? Like 19?“ “can you please do a Ben dating a younger girl like you did for Joe? I loved it 💓💓”
tagging @chicagoblackhawkslover96 as promised <3
get on with it, babes xx
warnings: some implied smut (cause I’m always horny yikes) (18+ only pls), fluff, virgin!reader cause I feel like it; also the reader is 19; some language, typos (as always lmao), slight (???) angst
a/n: Ben Hardy’s amazing personality stealing my uwus?? it’s most likely to be happening right now, I love this man with my whole ass heart
this is Ben, and this is the reader
it’s bad I’m sorry!!!!
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I’ve read somewhere that Ben is on dating apps
let it be tinder here lmao
so you two met through it
you didn’t believe it was really him before you met
and you were really self-conscious because you had no idea why Ben Hardy would swipe you right and invite you to go somewhere
because you were just a basic university student
but your best friend/roommate practically pushed you out of your dorm room and said, “go get this dick, you dumb bitch!”
she agreed to go with you in case it was a catfish
but it wasn’t
it was Ben Hardy in the flesh
your friend gave you a “thumbs up” and a grin when you approached him
Ben was nice since the very first second you met
you’ve talked the entire time
his soft and soothing voice was like a beautiful song that took you to another dimension
you could sit and listen to him for hours
and you did
throughout the night he couldn’t stop complimenting you at literally anything
“that’s a great choice of biscuits, y/n”, “yeah, it’s amazing that we both hate fish”, “I really like your coat” (the last one is a direct reference to BoRhap, yes)
you could tell you were falling in love with him
and it wasn’t just a simple celebrity crush anymore, you were falling hard for this incredible man
he was admiring you every chance he got, because, besides being crazily beautiful, you were really smart, funny and just amazing
so when it was time to say goodbye, ben gave you the tightest hug you had ever had in your life
your hands went around his neck, pressing your body to his and feeling his warmth
when you pulled away, he whispered, “I really want to see you again, y/n”
and you had to restrain yourself from screaming
so when he texted you, “Are you free tomorrow night?” twenty minutes later, nothing stopped you from hollering and getting multiple complaints from the neighbors in your dorm
that’s how your relationship started
you decided to keep it on the low because neither of you craved the attention from the media
you only craved each other
your first kiss happened a week after your first date
you were hanging out at Ben’s place, binge-watching some Netflix show after a hard day at uni
your legs were across his lap and he was absentmindedly drawing circles on your ankles with his fingers
at one moment, Frankie decided it was a good idea to jump right on your stomach and start licking your face
you laughed and started petting her as she continued her shenanigans
Ben watched the two of you in awe and with the biggest smile on his face
he loved his two favorite girls interacting
so when Frankie chased the stuffed animal you threw away just for her
Ben stroked you cheek gently before kissing you
and it was perfect
before you knew it, the kiss turned into a heated make-out session
Ben was hovering over you, one of his hands under your shirt, cupping your breasts through your bra, and the other one on your face, caressing your cheek
you could feel yourself grow wetter when he started leaving open-mouthed kisses alongside you neck
and when he sucked on that sweet spot right under your earlobe, you let out the most tremendous moan Ben had ever heard
it suddenly became tighter in his pants than before
he took off his shirt and helped you remove yours
“God, you’re beautiful”
you could feel his bulge through your jeans, and you rocked your hips against him to create some friction
he whined into the kiss
“You keep doing this and I won’t last long, baby”
his words worked as a stop sign for you
not that you didn’t want to have sex with him, you just didn’t feel like you were ready to do it just after a week of knowing each other
Ben understood you completely
“I’ll wait as long as you want. I won’t pressure you into anything”
if you didn’t know you loved this man before, now you certainly did
so at this moment, you’ve been in a relationship for four months
and it was amazing
you spent Christmas together, watching movies and cuddling on the couch with Frankie
your dates are always filled with blissful and delightful moments
you may go to the park and just walk while talking and laughing at each other’s jokes
or you can spend the day at his place, watching TV and cuddling and making-out
you keep forgetting that he is eight years older than you
because it seems like he’s actually eighty-five
as he always grumbles about the silliest things
“stupid kids and their stupid ball”
“it barely touched you, Ben”
“well, it could hit me on the head!”
“this dog came straight up to Frankie and started barking! So I had a little backchat with her”
“what did you say to that dog?”
“I told her to back off and not to bother my daughter ever again”
“so you were basically screaming at the barking dog in the middle of the park at six in the morning”
“she was being rude to Frankie, y/n!”
such incidents happen all the time
but you don’t mind
you’re already too in love with each other
so once your birthday comes, you decide it’s the time to get rid of your virginity
you don’t really know what’s been holding you back since you two were sinning on a regular basis
like you’ve been practicing your blowjob skills
after you went down on Ben for the first time, he just lied in bed for a while and then said, “That was so fucking good, baby”
and you suddenly became really shy and flattered
and when he went down on you
you were a whining and trembling mess and he had to hold your hips firmly because you were squirming under him
you couldn’t walk properly after it for a couple of days
so now you are ready for another big step
and you know it should happen on your birthday
so you get prepared: you buy really pretty lingerie and put on the perfume that drives Ben crazy
as you have lectures at university and it’s just a regular weekday, you delay your twentieth birthday party to Friday
but it doesn’t mean you and Ben can’t have fun
so you drop at his place after uni
you also ran some errands before it, hung out with your family and came to him at about seven pm
when he opens the door, he pulls you into the most heated kiss you’ve ever experienced
“happy birthday, baby”
the dim lights and the candles all over his flat make your heart skip a beat
turns out he’s made you dinner, cooked your favorite meal and bought your fav cake
“it’s not everything you’re getting tonight”
and you know your panties are soaked through thanks to only the sound of his voice
you eat the dinner, talking about your day, and just smiling at each other
once you’re finished you decide it’s time
so you get up and come across the table, where Ben sits
and you sit down on his lap, your hands around his neck
he’s completely taken aback
“what are you doing, love?”, he asks in between kisses
he’s already a mess while you kiss his neck and run your hand through his hair
“I want you”
and you’re both breathing heavily as you look into each other’s eyes
“are you sure? We don’t have to do it now, you should-“
but you cut him off with a kiss“
I want it, Ben. I want you. I want to have sex with you”, you state firmly
he gulps and draws his lower lip between his teeth
his green eyes are now dark with lust and love
“you want it?” he whispers, kissing alongside your jaw. “Want me to make you feel good?”
and you just sigh and nod, cause you can’t speak already
so Ben picks you up bridal style and carries you to his bedroom
and – oh God – he makes you feel good indeed
you go in for two rounds before you fall asleep
you’re really happy Ben is your first
because he’s been really gentle and loving with you, asking if you were okay all the time, looking at you so tenderly that you almost started crying about how much you love him
so when you two lie in bed next to each other, panting and sweating
Ben takes a small gift bag out of his drawer
“here’s the actual gift for you”
he got you exactly what you wanted and also a necklace with the letter “F” on it
“stands for Frankie”, he explains, “thought giving the necklace with yours or my initials was boring. And now you’ll always carry our daughter with you”
you melt at “our daughter” and kiss him fondly
“thank you, Ben. I love it. I love you”
and it’s the first time you confess your feelings
his whole face brightens and he beams before kissing you
“I love you too, y/n. So much”
after that, you two start fucking like rabbits
you do it at every place, on every surface, in every position that’s possible
you also decide it’s a good time to take your relationship to a new level
which leads for both of you meeting each other’s families
Ben’s family is everything you could ever ask for
his mum is this amazing woman, who greets you with the most heartwarming smile 
you talk with his siblings about everything
and by the end of the night, you’re already in love with all of them as they’re with you
your family is on the opposite side of it, as your parents don’t approve of you dating an actor who’s eight years older than you
“y/n, he’s going to play with you and then ditch you for some pretty model!” you father says while you’re helping your mum to prepare dinner several hours before Ben’s about to come
“so you think I’m not pretty enough to date him?” you furrow your brows. “As if I already didn’t have issues with self-esteem, dad”
“darling, that’s not what your father means”, your mum chimes into the conversation. “He just thinks that Ben isn’t good enough for you because he’s an actor. He’ll always be away filming, and God knows how many women would be around him-“
“so you think just cause he’ll be away surrounded by other girls he’d want to cheat on me? That’s quite an opinion of someone whom you haven’t met”
“what we mean is that he has different things in mind”, your father continues. “He’ll be thirty in two years, he probably wants to settle down already. And you’re so young for it! You’ve got your whole life before you! Why would you want to waste it on someone who’s likely to break up with you when he realizes he doesn’t want to be with someone like you?”
your father’s last words are really hurtful
because you feel like he’s right, as you've got these thoughts floating in your mind the second Ben’s lips fell on yours several months ago
as your parents are clearly unhappy to see Ben you leave their house in the worst mood
they’re not actually against canceling the meeting with Ben because they don’t like him already
so you go to his place
and it breaks your heart when he opens the door, almost dressed up and excited to meet your parents
“hey, y/n! I’ve been actually thinking to call you. What tie should I-“
you push him away and come into his flat
“baby, is everything alright?” he comes up to you and cups your cheeks in his hands
as you lose the ability to fight the urge to cry, you shake your head and tears start running down your cheeks
“just hold me. Please”
later that night when you cuddle on the couch, you’re wearing one of his shirts and he’s caressing your sides gently
and Frankie’s sleeping in the armchair near you
Ben can’t stop whispering sweet, reassuring things into your ear
“I love you. I love you so much. No matter what happens, I’ll always love you. You’re my soulmate, my love, my everything. I love you. I won’t ever leave you. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted”
you don’t bring up the topic of meeting Ben to your parents after this
they can’t actually stop you from dating Ben
and they cannot do anything when he asks you to move in with him
and you happily agree
you become even more inseparable since you start living together
you also go official on social media
Ben posts a pic of you playing with Frankie with a heart-emoji in the caption
and everyone goes wild
especially your groupmates from uni, who bombard you with questions on a daily basis
your best friend brushes them all off and you’re incredibly thankful to her
some people on social media are rude to you, but you ignore them because the rest of Ben’s fans are really nice and sweet
they somehow found your tumblr and tagged you in one smutty fic about you and Ben someone has written
Ben and you recreate it later
everything goes just perfect
you’re both crazily in love with each other
and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your lives together
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missborhap · 5 years
Joe having a stretch mark kink would include...
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Let me tell you...this man loves you, no matter what size you are!!!!!!!
The first time he gets his hands on the bare skin of your thighs and feels your stretch marks, this man goes BALLISTIC
He loves to feel them and kiss them and be able to rub them
If you’re self cautious about them, he would love on you
Joe might even go down on you rub your stretch marks
He would PRAISE them
Stretch marks on your thighs? Oh GOD, this man goes CRAZY!
Stretch marks on your boobs(if you have boobs)? He goes CRAZY!!
Stretch marks emdmdmdmdijd, this man CAN NOT help himself!
Like, a night would start off with you two eating dinner, him eyeing you down the whole time
Like a usual stay at home date night, the two of you would watch a movie, giggle at each other
His arm would make his way around your waist, pulling you closer towards him
Joe would leave kisses along your neck, then lead you towards the bed room
Once he sees your stretch marks, you can tell he gets crazy, biting his lip
He is VISIBLY hard as his hands wander over your stretch marks
Joe does admit it and it’s clear he gets over the top while thinking about your stretch marks
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