#joe mazzello angst
Ik you’re busy but if u have time n if u feel like it could you pls write one where ben makes a comment to joe about his gf being very clingy/needy but she overhears ben so she tries to tone it down. when joe finds out he gets angry at her bc he never said that to her and he doesn’t think she needs to change. but ending in fluff. u don’t have to but thnks :*
Sure thing! Here you go!
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It was harmless, harmless you told yourself.
But it stung like the sting of a wasp.
"She's like a bloody koala to you! You got to make sure you have your own life, mate!"
Frozen in your place, you felt your bladder harden despite your recent bathroom trip. Your heart was racing, and you breathed in...and out...and in...and out...but it was not stopping. You felt the rage, thick in your body. Screaming. Ready. The distant 80s tunes blasting from the Bluetooth Speaker felt distant even though it was near you.
So, you charged from your corner in the party. The red cup, drained of drink, almost crumpled in your hand as you slowly, angrily crushing it. Words pouring out before you could control them.
“I heard that, Ben,” you said.
The blonde and red heads whipped towards you. Their faces pure white.
You looked right at Joe.
“So, I’m clingy, huh? Like every other girl, huh? Won’t let you even play one video game while sucking your dick because I’m just a girl, isn’t it?”
“Y/N, please…”
“How dare I like you, Joe, how dare I…I even show myself- that’s not what you wanted. You wanted a maid you didn’t have to pay, right?”
“I didn’t, please!”
You turned around and marched out. Though Lucy ran up to say hi, you ignored her and marched away. You opened the door and stepped out. The thick summer air was filled with heat contrasted to the icy Air Conditioning of the house. You heard crickets chirp and there was a firefly or two floating around. A big landed on your leg and you swatted at it with a “HRRGH” from your mouth. Secretly you wished it was Joe’s face.
“Y/N, listen, please, I’m begging…”
Speak of the devil.
You turned around to see him. Him. Him, him, him, him. Your chest burst with a bittersweet love. The angry kind. The kind that made you so furious because the attack came from someone you loved so much. A random stranger? Not as much. But coming from Joe? You might as well be shot, you emotional mind thought.
“Why should I? I heard Ben’s words…” you spat.
He walked forward, extending his gentle hand.
“Y/N, here’s the context…are you ready for that?”
His hazel eyes looked big and sad. His mouth in a slightly open frown and his face pale. Hesitantly, you accepted his hand.
“I was telling Ben about the time I didn’t want to go shopping and how you had this pout that you do…you know…”
He mimicked it and you had to admit, it was exact.
“And how you asked me why…and it was because, you know, how I’m trying to budget so I can have that trip. Okay?” he explained.
You nodded, recalling. A couple tears welled in your eyes, and you wiped them with your sleeve. Another one came up and he wiped it with his thumb.
“Sweetheart…I know we…we’re a PDA couple…like, you’re so damn hot I can’t keep my hands off of you anytime…” he quipped.
You couldn’t help but smile and look down for a bit. Even in arguing Joe was a giant flirt.
“You know Ben saw that and he…can jump to conclusions. You know…” he explained. “But I never, never called you too clingy or any of that…why would I?”
You sighed and looked up at him. The dance music changed to a more soulful ballad from inside.
“I just…I was scared that…that when I thought I could totally be myself around you I…” you explained, words fumbling.
“Well, how many times have you seen me scream at baseball while stuffing half a hot dog down my mouth at once?” Joe asked.
You couldn’t help but chuckle a little.
“Several times!”
“And how do you think of that? Gross? Stupid?”
“No, it’s endearing!”
He looked at you, holding your face and listing your qualities, your silly, goofy moments that were completely, uniquely you.
“Why would I love you less for that? Or that you like to hug on me all the time? It’s you!”
“And you’re you Joe…”
“But anyways, I am very sorry…. for all of this. That you even had to…had to doubt that I didn’t…didn’t like you as you are.” He explained.
“I…I just didn’t hear the whole conversation…I was being silly…”
“You were protecting yourself. That’s one reason I admire you, Y/N…”
You reached over and kissed his cheek kindly. You heard the door creak open. Ben stood there; cheeks flushed.
“Y/N, Jesus Christ, I’m a dickhead, please…please forgive me! I wasn’t thinking!” he begged.
Breathing easily, you put a hand before him.
“I…I forgive you, Ben. I’ve said things I regret too!” you reassured.
His shoulders relaxed. For the rest of the night, he chatted to you. Getting to know you better, sprinkling in the extra apology or two.
And with Joe holding your hand, you smiled, nodded, and laughed. At peace.
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deanscroissant · 1 year
Reunited…and It Feels so Good
Joe Mazzello x fem!reader
requested by: @borhapgirlforlife19 (i hope you like it, hun xx)
warnings (im terrible at these): mentions of smut but nothing that deep (twss), lots of fluff, and a tiny bit of angst.
a/n: my first joe fic in a year or so 😬 i took a brief hiatus from writing in general so pls be gentle with me. im getting back into the swing of thangs. 😁 i hope you guys enjoy!
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It's a special day today because someone is celebrating a birthday: your husband Joe of six years.
You couldn't wait to celebrate it with him because he's been gone for a long time—half of the year just about. But having him home safe and sound with his family has been such a relief. You missed Joe, but not as much as your four-year-old daughter Jade (Jay Jay, as you and Joe, would call her). That girl loves her father more than anyone in the world. Sometimes it'll make you a tad bit jealous when she shows more attention to him than you, but the thought goes away when you see them playing and laughing together.
She wanted to sleep with you two last night, but Joe wanted to spend some alone time with you. So instead, he decided to lay with her in her room until she fell asleep. Joe felt terrible, but his attention was entirely on her the whole day. Not that you both mind it; he just missed you and wanted to show you how much he did.
You looked over at him and smiled softly. Joe was sleeping peacefully. His under eyes showed how exhausted he was. Without waking him, you slowly removed the covers and left the bed. You tipped toed to the other side of the room to look for your night clothes, where Joe threw them, then quietly left the room, closing the door behind you.
You figured Jay Jay was asleep because it was almost seven a.m., but the sound of hard plastic and animated mouth sounds flowing through her cracked door told you otherwise. You softly giggled while opening her door wider. She was fully awake on her floor, playing with her Barbie dolls that she recently got from your parents last week. Her precious green-hazel eyes averted to you, and they lit up as she leaped off the floor and into your arms.
"Hi, princess," you said, smiling while hugging her back and kissing her temple. "You're up early…as always." you chuckled as you tickled her side, her giggles filling the air.
She calmed down and said, "I wanted to play Barbie with daddy when he wakes up. I was just waiting for him." He did promise her that he'll play all day with her. But, unfortunately, he didn't get the memo when she wanted to start bright and early. "Well, I think daddy needs to sleep a little longer."
"Why?" She pouted while moving her unkempt hair from her eyes. You began walking to the living room to sit her down with you to explain why.
"Because we need to surprise him. It's his birthday!"
Her eyes widen as she lets out a gasp, "Really?! I have to make him something!" She slides off the couch and runs back toward her room but stops before going further. "Wait! Mommy, you can make breakfast for daddy. Don't make him cereal. Make eggs and waffles for him, okay? And bacon!"
You couldn't help but laugh at the little diva toddler. "Yes, ma'am, I got it. Thank you for telling me."
She gives you a cheeky smile before running off, following to get off the couch to start Joe's birthday breakfast. Jade returned with her supplies and paper and asked you to help her put her things on the table. Once she got in the chair, you resumed back to cooking.
Joe eventually woke up when the smell of his favorite waffles hit his nose: Chocolate chip. Also, the sound of his daughter's laughter abrupted his sleeping. Hearing her laugh made his heart warm. He was so happy to wake up at home with his family instead of in a small rental apartment that gave him restless nights. He felt awful for missing half of the year without seeing Jay Jay, but he knew he could make it up to her soon enough.
He got out of bed to use the bathroom and brush his teeth before joining his family. Jay Jay was drawing while you made the next batch of waffles when Joe stopped in the living room to admire you both. Joe sometimes can't believe he has a family of his own, which he wanted for a long time—way before he met you. When he got to know you more, he was happy that you were on the same page as him wanting to start one someday. You were perfect for him and his daughter. Joe couldn't think of anyone better to be his wife and the mother of his children.
Jay Jay's attention turned to the movement she saw from the corner of her eye. Her hazel-green orbs met the same set staring back at her—gasping in surprise at the sight of her father. "Daddy!" she screeched, jumping from the chair and running into his embrace when he got down to her level to embrace her back. "Good morning, baby girl!" He pecks her cheek before picking her up.
"Happy Birthday!" she said with glee, her little arms stretched out, making Joe grin even harder.
"Well, thank you, Jay Jay. I appreciate it!" He gives her cheek some more kisses, which sends her into a fit of giggles. Joe has yet to shave his beard that he had to grow for the project he worked on, only because hearing Jay Jay laugh hysterically gives him a dopamine rush when he gives her kisses. You started to laugh while listening to them as you began whisking the eggs. Jade had a contagious laugh, and it was hard not to laugh with her. It was one of the cutest things about her.
Joe places her back down, and she grabs his hand (well, two of his fingers) to lead him to the table, "I made a gift for your birthday, daddy." She climbs back in her chair while Joe sits beside her, propping his arm on the back of the chair she was in to look at what she crafted for him. She picks up her handmade card buried underneath a pile of gold and red glitter, blowing off the excess before handing it to him carefully. Joe's mouth agape dramatically at the crafty card made from printer paper. "For me? You shouldn't have!”
With a cheeky smile, he opens it and laughs when more glitter spills out. 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY,' it says across the paper, written in marker with each word in different colors. Below it was stick figures of you, Joe, and Jay Jay standing outside our house surrounded by trees and hearts. It made Joe's heart swell. "Oh my gosh, thank you, baby girl! It's so beautiful!" He says while pulling her into his lap and kissing her cheek. Her small hands tried to pry his head away as another round of giggles escaped her mouth.
"You're welcome!" she says in between laughs. Joe could do this all day and never get tired of it. Jade returned to drawing, and Joe put the homemade card on the fridge. You had just finished the eggs and got ready to set the plates when Joe came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing gently on your neck. "And good morning to you, gorgeous."
You had wished Joe happy birthday around midnight after doing "late night activities" with him, which led to another round after you teased him about getting old and not being able to do that "thing" you always loved him to do.
Proving you wrong was an understatement.
"Good morning, birthday boy." you smiled, turning your head to kiss his lips before finishing up what you were doing. "How did you sleep?"
"I slept like a baby, thanks for asking. I missed that bed so much." He sighed as he placed his cold hands under your shirt, rubbing your warm tummy. "And I missed you laying next to me."
"Aww. Likewise, babe." You cooed, now placing a stack of waffles on Joe's plate. "I was asking if you were still interested in going out today. That's if you're too tired to."
"Well, I did want to go eat pizza for lunch, then come back home and enjoy the rest of my day with you beautiful humans." He tightens his arms around you, burying his face in your neck as you roll your eyes. "By that, you mean let your four-year-old boss you around all day."
"You know it." he chuckled, "You guys are my birthday gift."
"Oh, you are such a sap," you teased, turning around to peck his lips. "This is the only thing I'll ask you to do today: Will you help Jay Jay clean the table, please?"
"Yeah, right. Let's see how long it will take for you to ask me to do something else. I bet five minutes." He teased back before turning around to help little Jade with the table. You giggled when you saw a trail of glitter coming from the table to the fridge where he put the card. "You're probably right because you left a trail of fairy dust behind." you pointed out on the floor, and Joe looked down, a laugh escaping between his lips. "I did no such thing!"
"Yes you did, daddy!" Jay Jay giggles as she runs back to her room to put her stuff away. Joe fake gasped at her. "Not Jay Jay ratting me out."
"She's an angel, unlike you." you poked out your tongue, making Joe scoff. "Who said I was?"
Another giggle came out as you returned to finishing Joe's plate. You wanted to surprise Joe by putting whipped cream and sprinkles on his waffles. You set the table once it was clean, pouring everyone's favorite morning drink with the delicious dish you were about to demolish.
Joe marveled at the sweet breakfast treat before him, his smile resembling Jay Jay's on Christmas. "Oh, I'm just getting spoiled left and right today." He said. Jade walked back in and gasped. "Oh my gosh, Mommy, these look amazing!"
"They do, huh?" Joe said, pulling you into his side and looking up at you. "I think she did a pretty good job. Thank you, honey." You grinned and kissed his cheek. "Anything for you, babes."
Joe felt content now that he was home, even though he got home a few days ago. It doesn't steer away from the fact that he missed so much time away from his family. He missed birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. So he did feel a little guilty that he was celebrating his birthday. But if it meant he could return home to his beautiful girls, he wasn't complaining.
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rossmccallsqueen · 1 year
Alone - Joe Mazzello x Reader (smut)
Summary: You were feeling a bit lonely lately, but Joe knows how to fix it. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: SMUT. Also some angst. mentions of anxiety and depression, but there is a good ending i promise!
*pls dont read if under 18. srsly please no under 18!!!*
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For you, it had been a long day. A long week, in fact. The only solution you could think of when you were by yourself is taking a long hot shower. You need to feel the steam deep in your soul, relaxing you from the inside out. You had not seen much of your fiance during the week, he was on set most of the day and you were usually asleep by the time he got home. It did not leave a lot of time for the two of you to spend together, and you didn’t want to cause him any issues during his work when you could handle your stress on your own. It couldn’t be as hard as everyone says it is, you were a big girl and could handle your own problems. 
Not that you were not grateful for the fact that because of the pandemic, your job was almost entirely remote and you could work from anywhere. That meant that you could follow your love wherever he went. That is what the two of you always wanted, to travel the world together. You always said that the most important thing was that the two of you were together, and as long as you had the other you would be fine. But after a few months, it had become a lot of being alone. The apartment they set up for you seemed empty, there weren’t a lot of decorations on the walls and the only thing that made it different from the base apartment was the few pictures and memories that you thought to bring with you this time. 
You knew that picking up your whole apartment back home and taking it with you every time didn’t make sense since you would be back there at some time anyway, but you just wished that your current abode felt like it had more life and love in it. As the water dripped down your back, you thought about Valentine's Day coming up. Joe had tried asking the director to make sure they ended on time that day but you didn’t necessarily believe that he would make it possible. The only light that was on in the bathroom besides the fan lighting from the shower, was the moon through the window. The lights were on in your bedroom outside, so you felt okay enough to have minimal lighting. Lots of bright light just made you more anxious when you were stressed and tired, so mood lighting for the shower it would be. 
The work that you did would make your hands hurt a lot at the end of the day, so most days you couldn’t even shower by yourself. You had tried when you got in, but for now, it was just standing in the hot water and hoping it did enough. It was still only around ten at night, which you considered late due to having to get up early for work with timezones. You were so in your own thoughts that you didn’t even hear the front door open. 
“Hello? Y/N? Are you home?” You heard Joe shouting. 
“I’m in here.” You said, but not very loudly. You just couldn’t make yourself be louder, you didn’t have the energy in you. 
“Are you okay?” He sounded like he was outside the door now. You turned and looked and there he was. You almost didn’t want him to find you like this. He helped you with so many things, you didn’t know if you could actually function without him. He helped you do basic everyday things, like making the bed and folding all of the laundry whenever it needed to be done. He would always make dinner, as long as you could help point him in the right direction. He even did things he knew you could do, but he could always sense when you just couldn’t do them yourself. When you didn’t answer, he opened the bathroom door fully and saw you standing in the shower by yourself, just letting the water fall all around you. 
“Hey, you.” He said, his face softening. You could see the relief he felt in his entire body once he laid eyes on you again. You felt the same in yourself when your shoulders relaxed just enough to where you felt better. It was like seeing him was instant serotonin 
“Rough day?” He asked, waiting for your response. You just nodded back at him. 
He gave you a gentle smile and started taking off his clothes after a long day. The shower door opened and you briefly felt a cold burst of air. The shower had become your own personal sauna and you did not like the cold one bit. His arms wrapped around you and you knew then it was your favorite place to be. His fingers gently grazed your back, a sensation you couldn’t quite describe but it was one that gave you immense comfort. When you could finally stand up on your own again you slightly pulled away so that you could look at him. 
“Just let me help you okay? I’m here.” He grabbed your shampoo off the shelf, and you turned around so that he could wash your hair. It was so gentle you almost couldn’t feel him doing anything. He ensured that getting the knots out didn’t hurt you, and when the suds were completely out of your hair you felt like a whole new person. You could only feel you and him, the feeling of your body touching his felt like home. 
“I’m always alone.” You finally said.
“I’m right here love, you aren’t alone.” 
“For now, until you’re gone before we wake up and don’t see you until it’s time to go to bed again. I just need to feel you again.” You could feel it in your bones, but at the same time, you felt bad as you didn’t want to make him think you didn’t love him. 
“I know nothing I say can change what it's been like lately, but you are my number one priority. Everything else comes second, it’s important to me that you know that okay? I’m only filming one scene tomorrow. Do you think you could call in tomorrow?” You had never heard truer words come from someone. 
“My love, tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I’ve had a whole day planned for us for quite some time now.” You could feel panic set into your body. You knew it was soon, but you had completely lost track of the days. Everything felt like it was blending together, and you couldn’t even remember what you ate for breakfast the day before. Joe always thought of everything you didn’t, it was hard to remember a time when you didn’t have each other. He could tell you were panicking a little, and pressed the front of his body into the back of yours until he could feel your heartbeat start to slow again. He finished helping you and showered himself, and when you walked out into your room he already had your diffuser going, along with the heating pad you never went anywhere without, and a cup of tea next to each of your bedsides. 
“How did you do all this?” You asked, you didn’t even hear him until he started calling your name and came into the bathroom looking for you. 
“Because I know you better than I know myself.” 
“I love you.” He kissed you gently, before helping you get into bed and then going around to the other side and curling up behind you. You didn’t bother putting on any clothes after you were dried off, the two of you barely ever slept with any on anyway. Joe always joked that they just got in the way of things, and it took too much time to take them back off. You loved the feeling of clean sheets and the way your and Joe’s bodies fit together so nicely. You could be completely intertwined with each other and it would never be close enough. His fingers began tracing patterns all around your back, ever so slightly touching the surface, and the way he was doing this sent shivers through your nerves in a way that felt so good. 
“You know for our wedding I was thinking we could have one of the guys perform the ceremony. It would feel more personal for us.” He spoke softly into your ear.
“You know I think Brian is ordained, we should ask him.” You replied, pressing your body into Joe just so. 
“You want me to ask Brian May to marry us? The Brian May?” Joe seemed a little shocked.
“Joe he was there when you proposed. He just texted you this morning, I do not think it is that far off.” You could feel him smile, like he knew you were right. 
“I’ll ask him tomorrow. What do you want my dear?” He knew you were one of those girls that had their wedding planned out since they were ten years old, but you knew weddings were about what both of you wanted and you wanted yours to be about the life that you shared together. Your wedding wasn’t going to be very big, neither of you wanted a huge affair, you just wanted the people you loved you. Lots of people also made you overwhelmed and it was supposed to be the best day you’ve ever had. 
“I want raspberry filling in the cake,” You told him. 
“I think we can have that arranged.” He squeezed you tightly and helped you turn over so that you were looking at each other now instead. Your faces were mere inches from each other and he leaned in to place a kiss on your forehead. You quickly brought his lips down to yours and kissed him with enough pressure that invited him in closer to you. You wrapped your leg around his body, so he could feel just how damp you were. He brought his hand around to the back of your head so you could feel the hunger in his kiss. It wasn’t rough, no, but it felt needed. You just wanted to feel one another. You wanted to be relaxed so that every inch of your body felt like it was satisfied, and you would do everything in your power to make sure that Joe felt the same. 
You began to feel his hand roam to other parts of your body, cupping your bum so he could bring you closer. You felt him against you, hard and wanting every part of you. His lips began going elsewhere, placing kisses everywhere around your neck, your collarbone, and all the way down to your clit. Joe placed you on your back, bum up on a pillow, and arms raised above your head. They would soon find their way down to his hair like they usually did, as the sensation overwhelmed your body and you didn’t know what to do with them. 
You knew the rule, you were not supposed to move your hands from above your head. Except for when Joe’s tongue began licking at your clit. He went slowly at first, and you needed him to go much quicker. Your hips bucked up into his face, and he used his hands to push you down into the mattress. One of his hands left your thigh and ran up your side to your breast. Your nipple was so sensitive, as soon as you felt his hand on it you felt like you could feel it everywhere in your body. You couldn’t help but move your hands and your fingers laced through his hair, trying to send him the signal that you needed your release and you needed it now.
“Joe I swear to god if you don't..!” The groan that escaped his lips matched the ferocity of his nails when he squeezed your breast. He edged you again and again, getting you just to the point where you would go over the edge and then he would slow down. Each time he did so your hips moved involuntarily, wanting so badly to finish. Without warning, he began kissing his way up your body to your mouth, the taste of you still on his lips. You could move your hands again, cupping the sides of his face like you never wanted to let him go. 
“Can I?” He asked, forgetting how to use your words you nodded ‘yes’ at him and he flipped you over onto your stomach. Once you felt comfortable, he brought your ass into the hair, with it situated perfectly in front of his dick. He gently scratched up and down your back, making you relax into the bed and reach for something to hold onto as you knew you would need it in a second. He leaned over and kissed the small of your back before getting back up and getting himself ready. He took his dick in his hand and rubbed it up and down your wetness, getting it wet and making you even wetter. Once he felt you were good to go, he eased himself in and you could feel every inch of him. Joe’s hands gripped your ass and began thrusting into you, bringing you onto him over and over. The speed that he was going was something completely new. He maneuvered his hand around you bringing his finger to your clit sending you into overdrive. The feeling was almost too much, but you could feel yourself getting close. 
The moans escaping you seemed to give him a new sense of power, snapping his hips in quick motions and hitting the spot you wanted. Combined with the motion on your clit you squeezed around him, feeling yourself cum, and any support you had been giving yourself went away and you collapsed onto the bed. You yelled out, and Joe adjusted so his hips could somehow move even faster. You had never felt him move so hard, but you were loving whatever it turned on in him. The feeling it was giving you was the best thing you had ever felt, and you never wanted it to end. He leaned over and whispered, “I love you” into your ear and one final time he snapped and you knew he had finished too. 
You could feel both of you relax, and since you had collapsed on your stomach Joe laid to the side that your head was facing which was to your right. Joe reached over and brushed the hair out of your face, and nothing could take away the joy that you felt at that moment. There was no pain or the outside world, just the two of you. 
“I promise you, you will never be alone, ever again.”
if you’ve read this far, thank you! if you’ve been following me since the OG borhap era and you’re still here, THANK YOU! I’m back yall. 
also im starting a new taglist so please let me know if you would like to be on it!
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Hello There!
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My loves,
my name is Ronnie and i try to write. I write for some specific franchises and characters because I'm a tad bit uncultured and I have not watched a lot of stuff. This post will be a list of people I write for and you can request fics. I only write OC and x readers though. I am very sorry if that is not what you are interested in.
the people in italics are those I prefer to write the most about right now (bc I'm just a girl and I have phases ok?) and those in bold are the people I have a request in my inbox so works for them are basically coming soon
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Any of the Marauders!
Any of the Daisy Jones and the Six girls!
DJATS; Eddie Roundtree, Warren Rojas
Kingsman; Eggsy, Roxy
Celebrities?; Tom Blyth, Taron Egerton, Taylor Swift, Florence Pugh, Joe Mazzello, Hailee Steinfeld, Suki Waterhouse, Josh Whitehouse, Maya Hawke, Joseph Quinn, Joe Keery
Stranger Things; Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Chrissy Cunningham
misc; tom blyth's!billy the kid, eloise bridgerton, razzle dingley, brian may, roger taylor, paris geller, rory gilmore, lorelai gilmore, jess mariano
Any Spiderverse Character!!
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this list is not limited, if you have any request about the marvel or star wars universe send it around.
I do not write rpf (real people fiction) smut! The celebrity members list only includes fluff and light angst! I am not sure if I will be writing smut in general.
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hi!! can i please request some joe mazzello x male reader fluff? any scenario is good, i'll leave it up to you. thanks in advance!!
Someone Like You
Fandom: American Actor, RPF
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Male Reader
Characters: Joe Mazzello, Reader
Word Count: 1064 // Rating: Gen
Summary: Joe's finally worked up the nerve to tell him how he feels but it seems he never needed to.
Tags/ Warnings: Admitting Feelings, Request, Requested Fic, Love, Friends to Lovers, Dates, Kissing, Angst, Fluff, Jealousy
Notes: I'm working through requests in my own time because I'm not really feeling a lot of them atm. Hope this is okay x
Tags: @borhapgirlforlife19
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Joe was sitting on his couch, nervously watching the door as Y/N whizzed around their apartment. He didn't know how this happened, no matter how close to the deadline of leaving the house Y/N would always find time to be late. Normally it drove him insane but today he was hoping that he’d never make it out of the house. As he sat down and started to put on his shoes Joe looked at him. He looked handsome Joe couldn't deny it. In fact, that was something Joe had been trying to deny for a while now. He couldn't have a crush on his roommate. It was too complicated. A whole can of worms. But looking at him he knew the truth and he wanted to tell him and he wanted to tell him tonight. 
‘So what are you going to be doing whilst I’m out tonight,’ Y/N asked looking up at Joe expectantly.
‘Oh nothing much,’ Joe shrugged, ‘probably play Xbox or something.’ 
‘Without me?’ Y/N chuckled.
‘We can't all have plans,’ Joe smirked. 
‘Well maybe I can find someone for you to date so we can double and you won't be leaving me behind,’ Y/N said. Joe’s heart sank.
‘You’re going on a date?’ he asked trying to sound as impartial as possible. Y/N’s face went to one of surprise before he cleared his throat and said, ‘oh, yeah didn't I tell you?’ 
‘I thought it was those people from work,’ Joe said, ‘must’ve gotten confused.’ 
‘Maybe,’ Y/N said, ‘I probably forgot to tell you.’
Joe nodded and the pair of them shared a look both feeling the palpable awkwardness that had entered the room. Y/N dropped his gaze and stood, smoothing out his outfit before grabbing his wallet and keys from their coffee table and burying his face in his phone.
‘Well he’s here to pick me up,’ Y/N said looking up at Joe, ‘I better get going.’
‘Yeah,’ Joe said, ‘have fun.’
‘I’ll try,’ Y/N smiled though it seemed a little weak and then headed towards the door. Joe’s stomach was in knots. He had finally gotten up the courage to tell his roommate the truth and it was being snatched from under him. He couldn't blame Y/N. It wasn’t like he knew Joe had been building to this moment for weeks now but he also couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. As Y/N’s hand reached the door handle Joe called his name making him spin around and look at him expectantly. 
‘Yeah?’ he asked. Joe could feel his heartbeat in his ears. He could just speak. Tell him right now and see how the night played out. 
‘Nothing,’ Joe said, ‘it can wait. Enjoy your date.’
Y/N seemed confused for a moment before he nodded and headed out the door leaving Joe to flop against his couch in defeat.
It had only been an hour. One hour and Joe was out of his mind. He had tried to keep himself focused on other things. He’d made dinner, played Xbox and even watched some TV but nothing had quelled his anxious mind or stopped him from checking his phone every thirty seconds to see if Y/N had texted or posted something on his socials. He slung his Xbox controller down in frustration and placed his head back on the couch closing his eyes as he did so. He could picture Y/Ns face again, watching him expectantly before he walked out the door and into the arms of another. He was stirred by the sound of the door which clicked open and he watched as Y/N walked through not paying attention. When he looked up he said, ‘oh, hey.’
‘Hey,’ Joe said. He watched as Y/N got situated before eventually falling onto the couch beside him with a sigh. 
‘Rough night?’ he asked disguising the hope in his voice. 
‘Could've been better,’ Y/N said.
‘He’s not the one huh?’ Joe asked. 
‘Nah,’ Y/N said with a yawn, ‘nice to look at but completely opposite of what I'm looking for.’
‘Oh,’ Joe said suddenly intrigued, ‘and what are you looking for?’
Y/N smiled and shuffled so that they were facing each other, Joe did the same too instantly feeling pulled into his friend by his desire to know the truth.
‘Someone nice, someone funny, someone hella cute,’ he said before adding with a shy smile, ‘someone like you actually.’ 
Joe couldn't believe his ears. Someone like him? He tried not to get ahead of himself and waited for the inevitable ‘someone like you but not actually you’ speech to follow but it didn't instead Y/N was watching him with bated breath for his response. 
‘Y/N,’ he said uneasily. 
‘Oh god I knew it,’ Y/N said, ‘I’ve fucked up, haven't I? I’m sorry, forget I ever said anything.’
Y/N was moving to clamber off of the couch, a mortified look on his face, but Joe reached out on instinct and pulled him back until he was facing him. Joe’s eyes roved over his face searching for the flicker of truth behind it. 
‘Do you mean it?’ Joe asked. Y/N bit his lip and then nodded.
‘I do,’ Y/N said, ‘and I get if you don't feel the same I mean I know it's stupid we’re friends and we share an apartment for god sake and-’
Y/N couldn't speak. Joe’s lips were preventing any word from leaving his mouth but in that instant, it wasn’t really that important. He kissed him back tenderly until finally they were forced to part both needing air. When they did they burst out into a fit of laughter which was cut short as Joe spoke, ‘and to think I’ve been worried about telling you.’ 
‘You have?’ 
‘Yeah,’ Joe said, ‘In fact, I almost told you right before you went out but I couldn't bring myself to. I didn't want to ruin your date.’ 
‘You didn't ruin anything. I was over before it started…I couldn't stop thinking of you.’
‘Really?’ Joe said.
‘Really,’ Y/N aid, ‘and about how I was going to beat your ass on Xbox.’ 
‘Oh you’re on,’ Joe said. Y/N leaned in to press a quick kiss on Joe’s lips and smiled, ‘bring it on Mazzello.’
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borhap-au · 3 years
Joe Mazzello - the fluffy chronicles.
Only an assistant. 
It was really weird for you, how often Joe came around you when you were on set. You were working together for a few weeks. He was the star of the movie, while you were an assistant of an assistant, with your basic work requirements being “Hey, Y/N, bring me…” So you could never understand why he would even want to hang out with someone like you, since you were sure that to him, you must be nobody.
“Hey, will you join us for lunch?” he smiled at you one day and you looked at him confused.
“Me? Why?” you were used to sitting away from people, all alone, until somebody asked you to do something.
“Well, because we would all appreciate your company,” you couldn’t help but notice how beautiful his smile was.
“We, meaning who exactly?” he mentioned a few names, most of them actors in this movie. “Why, so you can make fun of me?” he looked at you surprised, not believing what he’s just heard. “Cause that’s why you’re doing it, right? You have like a bet, who brings the biggest loser to the table? Why did you single me out? I was always nice to you, was that not enough?” He looked at you almost in shock.
“You really think I would ask you to sit with us to make fun of you? No, I wanted you to join us, maybe meet some new people. I’ve noticed you’re usually alone, so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to meet someone new,” he explained, and you, of course, got offensive.
“Oh, so I’m a loser after all, huh? Someone you need to help because I’m not capable of doing basic human things, like finding myself a friend? Don’t worry, I refuse to be your charity case so you can go on without worrying about me now.”
“What did I do to you? Why are you mad at me? If I offended you, I’m sorry. I never meant to do that. All I wanted was to be nice and friendly,” he explained. “I promise.”
You didn’t look at him, you were visibly mad. He sighed.
“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean it to sound bad. I just wanted you to join us, well, join me, because I like you and I enjoy your company. But I didn’t really know how to be straight-forward with it, so I asked to join our table instead. Sorry, I really didn’t want to make a fool out of myself.”
“You wanted me to join you?” you looked at him, not quite sure what he meant. What someone so amazing could’ve wanted to do with you, you wondered.
“I wanted to ask you out,” he knew he had to finally be open about it, because otherwise it would just lead to more misunderstandings. “But at first I wanted to test if you even enjoy my company enough to say yes, that’s why I wanted you to join me at lunch. So we could have a real conversation.”
“So ask me out. Don’t force me to spend time with people that don’t want me there. Let’s go out, together, and try things out on our own,” you suggested. He liked the idea, so he nodded, smiling.
“Yeah, I’d like that. So, are you free on Saturday? We’d go to a restaurant. That is, if you want to, of course,” he smiled, still a little shy and unsure.
“And you really want this? Like… not to just make fun of some random nobody?” you asked, disbelieving. You thought there were hidden cameras around you and he will soon tell you it was all just a prank.
“You’re not a nobody,” he said immediately, defending you from yourself. “You’re smart and funny.”
“And I work as an errand girl. Such a prestigious position…,” you said ironically.
“So what? Your job doesn’t define you. Everyone started somewhere. Neither I nor anyone I respect judges people based on their job. Everybody has to earn a living somehow. And I’m sure that thanks to your job, you met more fun people than I did,” he gave you a big smile.
“Well, yeah… You,” you smiled shyly. “I would like to go out with you, if you really want us to. I’m sure it’ll be fun.”
And it was fun. He took you to a very fancy restaurant in that part of the city you didn’t even go to. Of course he told you beforehand that it will be one of those restaurants that expects elegant clothes, so you came prepared. You both, without consulting each other, ordered the same thing, so food was your first topic. It turned out, you had a lot in common. From then on, your conversation went smoothly, and he was able to make you laugh easily.
“You really thought I wanted to make fun of you?” he asked finally, looking at you. You looked down.
“I didn’t want to believe it myself, because you were always nice and I didn’t think you were really an asshole, but… A lot of people make fun of me because of how insignificant my job is. I guess it came out of my insecurities and frustrations. I’m sorry you had to be the innocent victim,” you muttered and looked at him. He was smiling comfortingly.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m not mad or anything. I just wanted to know whether I gave you a reason to think of me this way.”
“No, never,” you shook your head. “I was just hurt too many times I guess. It’s hard for me to trust people.” You smiled apologetically.
“I’m sorry to hear that you were hurt. But you don’t have to worry around me. I have no intention to hurt you. I really like you. And about those people who make fun of you because of your job – it’s the lowest of the low. Like literally, a job is a job and nobody should be judged for how they make money, unless they sell drugs or do other illegal business. And you actually have a cool job. You get to meet many interesting people and travel all around the world. Many people dream of a job like that. I mean it.”
“I don’t think anyone dreams of it, honestly…”
“I disagree. There are people who are introverts, who don’t want to be in the spotlight, but at the same time, they would like to have a chance to meet their favorite actor. So it’s a perfect job for many. Trust me, many people look at you and think you’re lucky. Even the people who said nasty things to you. The reason is always jealousy and their own insecurity. Happy people don’t put other people down,” he smiled at you and you actually believed him this time. You had to admit, he was right. “I know it’s easy to say, ‘don’t worry about those people.’ I know it’s not easy to actually stop caring. But the sooner you accept that they are in fact unhappy with their lives, so in turn, they want to bring other people down, the sooner you be much happier. You’re not the reason why they spread hate, they are. There’s nothing wrong with you and there’s a lot wrong with them.”
“That’s sweet of you to say. Thank you,” you smiled and he smiled back at you. “That’s how you deal with hate? Remember that it’s not your fault, but theirs?”
“Yeah. I know that many people wish to be in the position I’m in, to work with the people I worked with. So if they send me hate, I simply pity them for they have no life apart from jealousy. But if they hate on my fans, I have to react. It’s a different story. I can handle hate. But I won’t accept someone bringing my base down because they like me. It’s a really shitty thing to do. So I have to assure them they’re amazing and the haters are too sad and lonely to find actual friends so they only connect with other haters. Plain and simple.”
“Oh, yeah, I absolutely despise people who make fun of others because they like something else and they’re passionate about it. Like, there is no ‘superior music taste’ that makes you better than people listening to other genres. Or liking different movies. They are all made for the audiences to enjoy it, so if you enjoyed it, good for you. I could never understand how people say others are uneducated or uncultured because they liked something that the person didn’t like. Can we just all enjoy artists’ work in peace? We should only connect over what we like, not how much we hate others who like something we hate. It doesn’t even make sense.”
“I agree. So you understand it yourself, hate doesn’t make any sense,” he smiled and you nodded. “Imagine having nothing better to do than to spread hate. How sad is that?”
“Extremely sad…” you looked at him. “Thanks, Joe. You made me feel better.”
“That’s why I’m here,” he reassured you. “So, dessert?” he smiled and you took a menu.
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mightyfineblog · 4 years
‘Give In To Me’ Joe Mazzello x Reader
Smut, smut, smut; hold it there good girl; teasing; orgasm control; bad girls get punished; l-bomb; don’t get daddy mad;
1.6k words of pure smut
A/n: This one is for all my Joe girls!
“You didn’t just do this!” Joe pulled you in an alley on the side of the pavement.
“Have you lost your mind?” He hissed, squeezing your arm. His eyes were dark and angry.
“Ouch.” You tried to wriggle but his grip got harder.
“Let go of me.” You raised your voice, but his other hand covered your mouth stopping you in place, forcing you to look up to him.
“You, lovely…” he gulped his anger “do not get to act like a brat in public.”
Your breathing and heart beating were getting heavier by the second, the thoughts of his actions were flashing through your mind, giving you the pinch of excitement.
“It’s your fault.” You mumbled underneath his fingers on your mouth.
He lifted an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. Running his tongue quickly to each corner of his mouth, caught your glimpse.
“Hm…” his body oozed confidence and dominance from every pore.
“Is that so?” not releasing his palm off your mouth, he lowered his head to your ear.
“Is my girl jealous?” His breath pierced through and sent shivers all over your body.
You felt intimidated and embarrassed right at the spot, and his body shutting every move you tried to make, didn’t help. You were helpless and all at his mercy.
“I think you, are.” He chuckled from the bottom of his throat before abruptly moving your chin to the side. He inhaled the smell of your neck and sucked his mouth onto it.
“J-Joe.” Your eye rolled back and knees got weak, when you felt his luscious lips against your jaw.
“P-please.” You breathed out when his hand released your mouth and slid down your thigh.
His sweet torture suddenly stopped when he let go of you all at once and turned around.
“Damn it.” He ran his hand through his hair.
“You.” He turned around and pointed at your painting figure, but didn’t say a word more.
“You make me loose control and do stupid things.” You finally spoke.
“You, should be controlling yourself.” He exhaled and took your hands in his.
“Who was she?” you hissed.
“Does it matter?” he pulled you in his brace.
“Okay, okay, I may.. be a bit jealous.” You rolled your eyes and rested your head on his shoulder.
“Wait until we get home, baby girl.” He slapped your bum “I’ll make sure you know that I’ve eyes only for you.” He squeezed your bum and met your lips for a demanding kiss. Biting your lower lip, you were ready to melt in his hands.
“Keep it for later, baby…” his strong hands embraced your whole body.
“Now, behave, or else.” He let go of you and pointed you out. You were all hot and bothered from the adrenaline rush but walked out back into the restaurant.
Though you were sure, you’d be getting it real good when you get home, you were still nervous about this woman shifting around your man in her little number. So that thought kept you on your toes for the rest of the night. Joe, of course, sniffed your tension, and would pay attention to her instead of you, just to give you a hard time.
When the two of you finally got into the car, you were more than hot and certainly more than bothered.
“You are such a dick!” you hit the lid of the compartment in front of you.
“Careful.” Joe hissed in a warning tone.
“Careful? You were the one who was flirting with some other woman the whole night!” you raised your voice.
“I told you earlier. It is nothing.” He hit the pedal making you lie flat on your seat.
“Plus, you’re the one who made a little scene…” his knuckles were white on the steering wheel. His right hand slid off right to your thigh. His touch made the breath hit your throat. He noticed and an evil smirk appeared on the side of his lip.
“And yet, you’re frustrated and” his hand moved up and squeezed, making you buckled your knees together “excited.”
“I’d tell, watching me flirt and pay attention to somebody else tonight, gets you going. Pushes your buttons.” His fingers slid up more until reaching your knickers where he applied pressure.
His actions were already making you wet enough for you to confess.
“Talk to me.” He kept making cirlces againt your core, sendind shiveres all over again and again.
“I….” you moaned.
“It pissed me, seeing you… with … her … and… not… me!” you squeacked at the last word, when his finger passed your underwear and attached straight to your sensitive bud.
“You were sayin, love?” He cooed.
You could feel Joe’s wild side come in, prevailing over his body, like poison taking over his bloodstream. His eyes were dark and body strong and demanding.
“Please.” You mumbled, when your senses started to heat up.
“Please, what?” his lips formed a smirk.
“Please, daddy?” You were hoping for the right guess.
“Ahh, baby. You sound so sweet, I could take you right here, right now.” His husky voice oozed in your ears, giving you shivers.
“What’s stopping, you then?” You bit your lower lip.
“Not when I’m driving.” his hand released the sweet torture on your core, just when your breath had started to hitch your throat.
“I’ll take care of you at home.” He gave your thigh a tiny slap.
You were left panting and anticipating the moment he pulls up the driveway, just to see what he does next.
“Let’s go.” He turned off the roaring engine and hopped off. You followed like a little kid, following lollypop.
Once inside, you waited with anticipation, but Joe didn’t seem too bothered.
“joe…” you walked up to him and situated yourself in his lap.
“Oh Joe…” you rubbed your body against his, resting your head on his shoulder.
“You alright, baby girl?” He nonchalantly asked.
“You haven’t forgotten me, right?” You moaned, rocking yourself against his hips, trying to get the smallest of release, you could.
“I’m showing you, exactly how much I love you.” He hissed and slid his hands up your dress.
“In fact.” He quickly switched places and was on top of you now.
“I’m going to show you, exactly what you’re getting. And why you should never do such scenes in public, little girl.” He stood up and took his belt off.
“What do you say? You’ve been bad, huh?” his raspy voice brought you to your knees.
“Gotta punish you now, don’t we?... bend over.” He demanded.
“W-what? With the belt?...” you bit your lip.
“You’re going to enjoy it more than it would hurt, I promise…” he gave you a sweet kiss on the lips.
“Now bend over my knees.”
You compliantly did so. Joe exposed your bum and played with the hem of your knickers. Massaging your bum cheecks he broke the silence.
“Count with me to 5…” he sounded excited and calm in the same time.
“Only if you kiss it better afterwards.” You perked your arse a little higher.
Before you knew it his first slap had hit your skin.
“Fuck!” you squaked.
“Count!” his hand massaged the place.
“One.” It wasn’t that bad.
“two” you squeaked even higher.
“’three” you cried out when the third slap came, making your eyes blur.
“Can you take two more?” he prompted, massaging the red skin of your bum.
“Yes, daddy.” You couldn’t hold the excitement forming in your stomach.
“that’s right baby girl.” The next two slaps came through very fast.
Before you knew it, Joe had you flipped on your back.
“Will you make a scene like this ever again?” He took off your knickers and slid down his trousers.
“No.” you shook your head with teary eyes.
“Not convinced yet baby.” He lowered himself over you and kissed you passionately.
“I will never leave you for another. You just have to give in to me. Say it.”
“Please. Please fuck me.” Your hands buried in his hair. Digging your nails, pulling his hair strands when he entered your hot and dripping wetness.
“Fuck.” His head fell on your shoulder.
“God, you’re so tiny, you feel amazing.” He kissed you and started thrusting slowly at first. He then picked up the speed.
“I’m so close, daddy.” You whined, being already at the edge for some time.
“Hold it for daddy. Be a good girl and I’ll let you cum with me.” He stated, moving his hand between your bodies. Finding your clit, he rubbed it, makin it harder for you to hold the explosion forming in your stomach.
“Please.” You begged.
“So needy today. Okay. You can cum with me.” He sloppily thrusted a few more times.
“Now.” He grunted, releasing his hot mess all inside if you, filling you completely. This was more than the push you needed to come, you exploded with shaking orgasm. You body convulsing uncontrollably underneath his for what felt like the longest time ever.
“God, I love you.” Je kissed you on the lips.
“I love you too.” You mumbled with last breaths.
“Stay. I want to feel you some more.” You kissed him again.
“I really want you fuck me like this more often.” You managed after you were able to catch your breath.
“Funny. I thought you liked being a good girl….” He poked your nose.
“Just keep cuddling to my arms, please.” He smiled and took you in.
“I can never image me anywhere else…” you sighed and snuggled.
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Party For One
A Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader fic
Word Count: 4k whoopsssss
Rating: PG
Warnings: language, drinking, angst for most of it, a teeny bit of fluff, joe is a bit of a shithead in this one, sorry gang
A/N: hey remember how i was supposed to be finishing doj part two and instead i word-vomited this out in five hours at work yesterday? anyway, enjoy.
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He hasn’t changed a bit, you thought to yourself as you watched him, always the life of the party. He’d been that way all through high school, the summers you saw him between college semesters, and the few gatherings he made appearances at when he was home.
You’d always been right beside him, too. Pre-gaming at a friend’s house, sharing the mic during karaoke, rubbing his back as he leaned over the toilet, crashing on the couch or the floor or wherever you could find a spot.
But now you were out of your element. You were in his other world. You were surrounded by vaguely familiar faces, people you knew you had probably seen in a movie or a tv show but you couldn’t place them exactly. And there he was, across the room, animatedly entertaining a small group with some anecdote you’d probably heard before.
He was obviously the reason you were here. He had been begging you to come out to Los Angeles for years now. Years of you’d love it out here and you and I both know you’d take the industry by storm and I miss my best friend. Eventually, you relented. Mostly because your career in real estate was exhaustingly boring and you needed a change. Acting had always been something you enjoyed but never looked at as a career opportunity until now. But you had to admit, you missed your best friend too.
So you packed up everything, drove across the country, and settled into Joe’s guest room. You had a meeting with his agency on Monday, but of course Joe, always the party host, insisted that you needed a welcoming get-together upon arrival. Which soon turned into a complete blow-out. In fact, you were pretty sure most of the guests in attendance had no idea what the party’s true origin was, let alone who you were.
So there you were, only hours since you had arrived, left to nurse your beer off in the corner. Part of you wished you and Joe could have had a quiet night in, catching up over pizza and a comedy special. But you knew deep down that would have just exacerbated the situation you found yourself in. Seeing Joe in the flesh once again had caused some...feelings to resurface. Feelings that you had worked for years to suppress, and had been hoping were completely gone by now.
All it took was him opening his front door and pulling you into a tight hug for all of those feelings to come rushing right back.
Sometimes he did things that made you feel like maybe, just maybe, he felt the same. Like the way he used to wrap a protective arm around you when the two of you walked around Brooklyn at night. The way he could sense when you were having a rough day just through your texts, and suddenly a delivery of Insomnia Cookies would arrive at your apartment door. The way every hello and goodbye hug lasted just a moment longer than was probably appropriate for two friends. But surely you were reading into it.
You knew he wasn’t avoiding you. No, he couldn’t be. Sure, the second other guests had started to arrive, his focus turned from you to them. And sure, he hadn’t given you the time of day since. But he wasn’t avoiding you, no. He was just a popular guy, he always had been.
You pushed those negative thoughts away, not willing to accept them.
“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” sounded a familiar voice with a British lilt from behind you. You turned and were met with ocean blue eyes and chiseled cheekbones.
“Gwil,” you breathed out, almost in relief. Someone you knew. The tall man pulled you in for a bear hug, immediately putting you at ease. You appreciated the gesture considering you and Gwil weren’t even that close, only meeting each other a few times back when the Borhap cast was briefly in New York.
“Did that asshole leave you here alone at a party full of people you don’t know?” Gwil asked as he pulled away. You chuckled at his frankness.
“You know how he is,” you mused, offering a smile and a shrug. “He’s gotta entertain everybody.”
“Now did I hear correctly that you’re moving out here?” Gwil questioned, casually leaning a shoulder against the wall next to you.
“Got here a few hours ago, in fact,” you explained. “I’ll be occupying the guest room until I find my own place.” Gwil chuckled at that.
“You quite literally just got here and he’s off chatting with people he sees all the time?” Gwil clarified, earning an exasperated nod from you. “I’m going to go ahead and apologize on behalf of that bastard.” You let out a genuine laugh at that, clearly pleasing Gwil if his smile was any indication. “So how was the trip out here?”
And that’s how you found yourself tucked into the hallway of Joe’s apartment, just exchanging stories with Gwil. You welcomed the change in subject, not wanting to harp on the whole Joe situation. You told him about the weird truck stop in Ohio, the delicious pizza you devoured in Chicago, the loud hotel neighbors you encountered in Colorado, and your brief stint in Las Vegas. Gwil offered his own road trip tales before the conversation shifted, and eventually he was regaling stories about various sets he’d worked on, actors he’d worked with, and general knowledge of the business. He even offered some much needed advice, melting away some of your initial anxieties about your career change. All feelings of loneliness and inklings of frustration at Joe were long gone, and you mentally thanked Joe for inviting at least one person you knew.
“Can I ask you something?” Gwil inquired after a little while, the two of you finding yourselves settled out in chairs on Joe’s balcony, enjoying the night air of LA.
“Fire away.”
“Did you and Joe ever date or anything?”
You burst out laughing at the question, shaking your head.
“No, no, definitely not,” you replied before taking a sip of your beer. You chanced a look at Gwil, finding him eyeing you warily.
“That’s surprising,” he admitted before pursing his lips and gently caressing his own beard, a gesture you noticed he did often.
“Why is that surprising?” you asked, furrowing your eyebrows.
“Just the way he talks about you…” Gwil trailed off, his gaze focusing on the city lights before him. Your heart slammed against your chest at his words. You tried to keep your face neutral, not wanting to let Gwil know just how important what he was saying was to you.
“How...how does he talk about me?” you followed up, attempting to hide the quiver in your voice. Gwil immediately turned back to face you, his eyes glinting mischievously. His lips curved into a soft smile before he said your name gently.
“He...he’s in awe of you,” Gwil confessed. “I swear he talked about you constantly while we were shooting the film. ‘She’d be a great actress if she wanted to be. She’s funny, she’s charming, and she’s got the looks and talent.’ Everything reminded him of a funny story involving you. We practically knew you before we even met you.” Your heart was practically beating out of your chest as Gwil spoke. Sure, Joe had complimented you before. But something about the fact that he had practically bragged about you to people who didn’t even know you made your stomach flutter.
You realized Gwil had stopped talking and you met his gaze, finding his eyes narrowed at you.
“You should tell him,” he finally said after a few moments.
“Tell him what?” you asked, playing dumb. You knew exactly what he was referring to. The man had seen right through you. He smiled, this time seeing right through your act of denial.
“How you feel.”
You ran your hands over your face and let out a groan.
“I literally just moved in, Gwil,” you reasoned. “I don’t want to make him feel awkward about me staying here by telling him about the feelings he very clearly doesn’t reciprocate.” You gestured inside the apartment, where Joe was still talking it up with a few guys you recognized from Undrafted.
Gwil leaned forward, shuffling closer to you and placing a gentle hand on your knee.
“I know his actions tonight make it seem like he couldn’t care less. But I promise you, he’s so happy to have you here. He adores you. More than you even realize.”
You chewed on Gwil’s words, your mind swimming. You believed him; he had no reason to lie to you. But you just wished what Gwil told you lined up with how Joe had been behaving all night.
Eventually the two of you made your way back inside, to find the party had somewhat died down. Joe had shifted into clean up mode while the last small group was starting to make their exit. You instinctively began to straighten up, grabbing beer bottles and paper plates and disposing of them while Joe worked on packing up the leftover food.
You were tying up a full trash bag when Joe brushed past you, not even acknowledging your presence. Your heart sunk, knowing full well you couldn’t use the excuse that Joe was just distracted by others this time.
He was actually ignoring you.
As you opened a new trash bag, you began to wrack your brain for what you could have done already to piss him off. Gwil pulled you from your thoughts, pulling you in for a goodbye hug and a peck on the cheek. When he pulled away, his brow furrowed.
“What’s wrong?” It was amazing how quickly Gwil learned how to read you. Or maybe you were just that bad at masking your emotions.
Your lip trembled as you tried to prevent the tears from falling.
“He’s ignoring me now,” you revealed, earning a sympathetic look from Gwil.
“I’m sorry, love,” he offered quietly. “He’ll figure his shit out eventually.” Another hug, this one a bit longer as he held you against his chest. “I’ll text you next time I’m in town, we’ll all grab lunch.” You nodded with a soft smile before pulling away, turning your attention back to your cleaning.
Another minute passed, the last of the voices faded away, and the door clicked closed, leaving a silent apartment. You let out a sigh as you tossed the last of the plates you had found in the new trash bag. Pulling another beer out of the fridge, you ventured into the living room where you found Joe pushing the coffee table back to its original position. You awkwardly leaned against the arm of the loveseat as you waited for him to say something.
But he didn’t. After finishing rearranging, he passed by you once again, not even sparing you a glance, before heading back into the kitchen. You let out another sigh, following after him.
“Okay, can you please tell me what I did so I can fix it?” you pleaded, completely at a loss. Joe silently pulled a bottle of disinfectant and a rag out from under the sink and breezed past you another time, heading back into the living room. You scoffed at his actions, your sadness being replaced with anger at his immature way of handling himself.
You placed your beer down on the counter and trudged back into the living room, stopping in front of where Joe was wiping down the coffee table and crossing your arms.
“Joe? Are you going to talk to me or continue to ignore me like a fucking child?”
He froze, dropping the bottle and the rag on the table before finally, finally looking at you for the first time in hours.
“You’ve been here for what, five minutes? And you’re already trying to fuck my friends?”
Your jaw dropped.
“Excuse me?”
“You and Gwil seemed awfully cozy,” Joe replied before picking up the rag and continuing to wipe down the coffee table. You grabbed the rag from his hand, earning a sharp glare. “Hey--”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” you roared, your blood boiling. “I hang out with the one fucking person I knew at my supposed ‘welcoming party’ besides you and suddenly I’m trying to fuck them?” You were shell-shocked at the accusation. Joe simply shrugged.
“The two of you were inseparable all night, what was I supposed to think?” he reasoned as he began to walk back into the kitchen. You scoffed again, tossing the rag onto the table in frustration at his nonchalant tone.
“How about the fact that you left me alone at a party full of strangers so I spent time with Gwil since you were busy with your other friends?” you fired back as you stomped into the kitchen. Joe began to wash his hands, still ignoring your piercing stare. “Like, holy shit, Joe. I know your world does not revolve around me, but the least you could do was acknowledge my existence. It’s my first night here, for fuck’s sake.”
That made him pause. He stared at the counter and you could practically hear how hard he was thinking. Suddenly, he met your gaze once again, a brazen look on his face.
“You could have come up to talk to me. I shouldn’t have to babysit you.”
His words were like a sword through your chest. Your jaw practically hit the floor this time.
“Fuck. You.” You turned on your heels and headed for the guest bedroom, angry hot tears escaping down your cheeks. You thanked your past self for barely unpacking anything before the party as you began to scoop up your toiletries and few pieces of clothing laying out on the bed and threw them back into your suitcase. 
You felt ashamed and so so stupid for thinking that this had been a good idea. And the worst feeling of all was the embarrassment at thinking that there was ever a chance of Joe reciprocating any feelings for you. You were nothing but a burden to him. Someone he felt like he would have to “babysit.” You didn’t fit in in his world and you were foolish to think you could.
“What are you doing?”
You jumped at the sound of Joe’s voice behind you; you hadn’t even heard him approach. You swiped at a stray tear and finished zipping up your bag before lugging it onto the floor and pulling up the handle.
“I’m going to check into a hotel,” you explained as you pushed your way past him, luggage dragging behind you. “I don’t feel welcome here.” You began to make your way towards the front door, already feeling overwhelmed by anxiety. You had no idea what your next move was going to be. Stay in LA and try to figure things out? Go back home to two parents who would chant “we told you so” until they were blue in the face?
Joe’s hand caught your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.
“Please don’t do that,” he pleaded, his tone from earlier completely gone and replaced with a much softer and more desperate one. “I’m sorry. Please stay.” You whipped around to face him.
“Which part are you sorry for?” you asked sharply. “The part where you ignored me? Or where you accused me of trying to sleep with your friend? Or maybe it’s the part where you said you shouldn’t have to ‘babysit me’?”
“All of it,” Joe replied. “I’m sorry I lashed out at you. I’m just--” he trailed off as he turned away, almost bashfully. “I can’t help but feel protective of you.”
You furrowed your brows. It didn’t make sense. He felt protective of you but didn’t want to have to ‘babysit you’? He felt protective of you but he got mad at you for talking to Gwil? You stuttered as you tried to put the pieces together, coming up empty.
“I don’t…” your voice petered out. You were completely flabbergasted. “What do you want from me, Joe?”
Joe’s eyes met yours once again, and you could see the conflict written on his face. He was struggling with something. It was almost as if he--
“I want…” he began, before taking a deep breath. “I want you to stay here tonight.”
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. For some reason, a part of you was hopeful he would say something else. The two of you stared at each other for a few more moments, giving him the chance to say more. But it never came. So with a soft nod, you reached for your suitcase again, pulling it behind you as you walked back into the guest room, closing the door behind you.
You awoke to the smell of bacon wafting into your room. You sat up, throwing your legs over the side of the bed. With a deep breath, you pushed yourself up and headed toward the bathroom.
The sight of your face in the mirror made you cringe. You hadn’t taken off your makeup before crying yourself to sleep the night before, leaving black streaks of mascara across your cheeks. You washed your face before running a comb through your hair. You knew you looked awful, but you didn’t care. Joe had seen you worse, and honestly, his opinion of you was not high on your priority list after his hissy fit last night.
You sauntered into the kitchen with a bit of hesitation, unsure what you’d be walking into. You found Joe, furiously whisking some pancake batter.
He practically jumped out of his own skin, clumsily dropping the bowl of batter to the counter, luckily with little to no mess.
“Hey,” he replied, running a hand over the back of his neck. “How did you sleep?”
“Alright,” you lied. You had agonized over every detail of the evening until practically three in the morning. But you didn’t want Joe to know that. If he knew, he didn’t let on, instead offering you a small smile.
“I made bacon and I’m about to make pancakes,” he stated, gesturing towards the stove behind him. You nodded simply and took a seat at his kitchen island.
Things were awkward. You didn’t even know where to begin. Part of you wanted to tell him to forget everything and start fresh. It would make things easier. But part of you wanted to stand strong, make sure you held him accountable for how he’d hurt you.
You mulled over everything, idly chewing on a piece of bacon as Joe worked at the stove, mumbling under his breath about the pancakes cooking inconsistently or something. After a few minutes, you were pulled from your thoughts by a plate of pancakes being placed in front of you. You glanced up to see Joe eyeing you, an uncertain look on his face.
“I’m a huge asshole,” he admitted. You opened your mouth to agree with him but he kept going. “You were right. I was avoiding you during the party. It was easier for me to convince myself that you were having a good time than to check up on you myself. I thought I…” he trailed off, losing momentum. He shook his head and began again. “I assured myself that I could handle being around you again. That enough time had passed and I could be your best friend again without a second thought. But then you walked through my front door and it all came rushing back and I panicked.”  You shook your head, trying to keep up with what Joe was trying to tell you.
“I don’t understand--”
“I’m in love with you.”
For the third time in less than twenty-four hours, your jaw dropped.
“I honestly think I’ve been in love with you since high school, but it took me well into my late twenties for me to actually realize it. And I got so caught up on this fantasy of you and I being this acting dream team, showing this fucking town who’s boss, together. And then you were here and you had spent the last week road-tripping across the country yet somehow you looked so fucking beautiful? And I just...couldn’t handle it. I invited practically everyone in my contacts to come over right away because I needed a buffer. I turned my focus to everyone else at the party because it was familiar and certain. With you there was so much uncertainty.”
He paused for a moment and collected his thoughts once again.
“And then I saw you with Gwil. I knew it wasn’t anything. But you were smiling and laughing with him and I just couldn’t help but wish you were spending your time with me. I know that doesn’t make sense. But I just got so caught up in my own head so when you finally confronted me, I panicked again. I threw everything back at you because I was afraid and embarrassed.”
You watched him as he plopped down on the stool next to you with a sigh.
“I wish I could do it all over again. There wouldn’t be a party. Just you and me like it used to be,” he continued. He turned to you, eyes sad with regret. “I am so so so sorry. You were right about everything. Except one thing. My world does revolve around you. The day you told me you were coming out here was the happiest day I’ve had in awhile. I’ve thought about nothing else since. But I completely understand if you want to leave. Hell, I’ll pay for your hotel and help you figure out what you want to do. But I also understand if you want me to just leave you alone.”
To say you were stunned would be an understatement. Your heart was pounding out of your chest at Joe’s confession. You didn’t even know what to say. There was so much that needed to be said, but you were frozen in place.
So you didn’t speak. You just moved.
You gripped the sides of Joe’s head and pulled him in for a bruising kiss. He let out a small noise in surprise, but quickly melted into the kiss, his own hands reaching for you and landing on your hips. You kissed him hard, pouring every emotion you felt into it. Every past pang of your heart when Joe had gone out of his way to do something for you. Every past flutter of your stomach when he had wrapped his arms around you. Every ounce of frustration and hurt that flooded your heart last night. He kissed you back just as eagerly, pulling you off the stool and closer to him, your chests pressing together.
You finally pulled away to gasp for breath, your forehead still pressed against Joe’s.
“I love you too, you asshole,” you breathed out, earning a chuckle from Joe. He pulled back to look at you, gently caressing your cheek with his thumb. “You think I’d uproot my entire life and move across the country if I wasn’t completely in love with you?”
Joe’s face lit up before he dove in for another kiss.
“Does this mean you forgive me?” he asked, running his hands up and down your sides. You pursed your lips as you thought it over.
“I’ll only forgive you if you help me finish unpacking,” you reasoned, a smirk playing at your lips. Joe beamed, pulling you closer to him so you were practically in his lap.
“So you’re gonna stay?”
“Of course I’m staying. Why stay in a hotel when I can stay with my former best friend?” Joe’s brows furrowed.
“I guess I just figured ‘love of my life’ was a better title for you,” you revealed with a smile, running your fingers through his auburn locks. Joe pulled you in for another searing kiss, standing up and pressing you against the island, earning a squeal from you. After a moment, he pulled away, grabbing your hand and practically running down the hall towards the guest room, pancakes long forgotten.
Permanent Taglist (crossed out names won’t let me tag): @queenlover05​, @mrhoemazzello​, @madamsledge​, @sadhwstudent​, @johndeaconshands​, @puffnstuff08
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cupboardzllo · 4 years
being a babie with mazzello | hc
a/n : HIIII welcome back to my writing! I miss all of ya so much :-] the other day i was hit with this thought of just being ababie arpund joe so here's a hc about that. Also, i wanna thank y'all for sticking with me when i was unactive several days ago...it means a lot to me!
also, i'm Chloe! Figured i will reveal my name after a while. People call me coco or cookie sometimes, so...let's be friend, i guess?
anyway, enjoy this hc!! ♡
so we all know about the virus, honestly i think i'm the latest person to write about this
but joe freaking mazzello 'course cannot stay sane that long without you, his 24/7 childhood best friend
so he asked you to move in with him when the whole quarantine thingy started
"Come on!!! You will have the world-famous, fanfastic dino-shaped pancakes by Chef La Mazzello every morning, (Y/N)."
that was his effort to persuade you
of course you said yes
"Fine, but it's only because of the pancakes."
no (Y/N) we ALL know it's because you're head over heels for him!!!
moving-in day
it's not the first time you've stayed at his house
but you were pretty nervous with the idea of living with him, everyday, him seeing you without any makeup, or anything
ESPECIALLY your habits of cleaning products...you tend to use baby shampoo and soaps
when you put your johnson baby wash in his bathroom, Joe frowned
"Whose baby is staying here?."
you stuttered, "uhh...it's weird, but, it's mine...dONT LAUGH OKAY JOE-"
too late
joe's dying on the floor
(((((bathroom floor))))
you tickled him as an escape of your embarassment, feeling shy
"OKAY STOP STOP I'M SORRY!," he laughed
then ruffled your hair
"Even if you use dog shampoo, i'd still.."
you freezed
what's he going to say?!
joe took a moment before finishing his sentence
"....m-make yOU DINO-SHAPED PANCAKES! come on, (Y/L/N)! let's unpack your clothes after this."
then he went out of the bathroom
leaving you
and possibly close to having a sheer heart attack
grocery shopping with joe
on some days, joe (and you) is waAY to lazy to make efforts to eat
but at the same time you guys are hella hungry
so you guys order the classic chinese take-outs, or pizza maybe
but also in some days, you will go out grocery shopping with him and buy ingredients for dinner (with masks of course, wear your masks everyone!!!)
joe will grab cooking ingredients and other products
like milk
dairy-free milk because we all don't want joe screaming
Joe also grabs some chips
and snacks
then there's you grabbing baby snacks
happy baby
teethers cookies
all the good stuff
"Why..are you???????"
"Stop shaming my snacking behaviour!!! It's good okay,,," you said then running into another aisle
leaving mazzello
like that joe smile we all love
"Gosh, such a cutie..." he mumbled, then pushing the cart, following you
also he paid for the groceries even though you insisted to pay
ugh i love him
dinner time with joe
joe's not actually the worst italian chef
but he does need constant guiding and sometimes can be sloppy
you guys were cooking baked spaghetti that night, and thankfully it went okay
joe almost spilled the whole sauce from the pan but luckily you were there to stop him
so while waiting for the food to cook
joe decided to play some music off of his phone
and guess what he played
not queen songs
the first verse came and you were laughing out loud
"Joe what the fuck???? What is thiiiis?."
joe is already bopping his head and throwing some dance moves
drop it like it's hoooooot-
"Aw come on baby (Y/L/N), bABY SHARK DOO DOO DO DO-"
so you joined him
yeah the clapping hands thingy
you guys were dancing so hard you both were sweating
Joe picked you up with his arms
you were a laughing mess and tried to get out of his grip when you both fell into his couch
you on top of him
and him under you
for a moment you thought joe is going to kiss you
and he reached you cheek
the oven dings
joe shuffled and you quickly stood up
"I'll check it!," you said while running to the kitchen
SIS your heart was POUNDING because was he going to kiss you????
joe was also a blushing mess
"mazzello you dumb...," he whispered while rubbing his face
then chased you into the kitchen
dinner went a bit awkward
because you both are dumb dorks
but it went over and you guys washes dishes together then got ready for bed
Joe does have a guest room in his house
but he said that the room is currently unavailable
under the following reasons of
"it's messy," and "it has a lot of stuff in it!." "my room's more spacious."
he really just want to have you with him in his bed (Y/N) come on!!!!
so you agreed to sleep with him
because of course you also can't wait to cuddle with him
ehm okay moving on so
you changed into your pajama
and it has gudetama patterns
joe chuckled when he saw you after changing your clothes
"I swear (Y/N), you're a baby trapped in an adult's body."
you pull out your tongue playfully then joined him
joe was scrolling his instagram, and you were checking out your emails
joe then pulled you closer to him
"You're cold, you need more warmth from me," he said, as an excuse
you smiled and rested your head on his shoulder
you did not realize it, but you were feeling sleepy and slowly you lulled off on his chest
because this is exactly the thing he loved the most about you
the domestic side of you, your bare face and your sleepy figure
he turned off the lights as careful as possible
he don't want his baby to wake up
he cuddled you closer and realized
this is what he wanted to see before he's off to the clouds
so let's all hope the man will gain the courage to ask you out
because he can't wait to give you
his baby
more warmth every night :-)
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Horror Movie (Right There On My TV)
Request:  hi there! i feel weird requesting a sequel to this one since it’s so recent, but i loved it so much and i love your celebration so: do you think you could do more in the Horror Movie (Right There On My TV) universe? maybe a sequel where they’re all settling into the more serious/newer aspects of the relationship, or ben and reader missing joe when he has to go back… or literally anything lol it was so perfect and i’m so starved for bxrxj content and the way you wrote them was so perfect!!
Pairing: Ben Hardy x F!Reader x Joe Mazzello
Warnings: Angst city my dudes, implied sex, one mention of daddy kink but nothing explicit, it’s really just new relationship woes and adjustments.
Words: 7851
A/N: Written for my 1000 Follower Celebration . I was so so glad to get a request for more bxrxj because I just adored writing them but I wasn’t sure what to do with them next. Halfway through plotting out this one I came up with a concept for a third part as well so, keep an eye out for that lmao
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Taglist:  @laedymoon  @dtfrogertaylor   @ezmina98  @vee-ndetta @atomic-watermelon @kellypenac @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor  @hannafuckingsucks  @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely
@mrbenhardys @sitonmyhot-seatoflove​
It was quiet when you woke, the morning air crisp and still though you felt overly warm from where you lay between the two boys. Your boys. The previous night’s confession came back to you along with the sore muscles and satisfaction left over from the reward you’d earned. Carefully, so as not to wake either of them, you disentangled yourself and scooted out of bed. It was while you were in the kitchen making coffee that Ben emerged, hair mussed and eyes still scrunched up against the morning light.  “Morning,” you said softly, unable to keep the smile from your face, “you want one?”  “Please,” he pushed his hair out of his face as he looked at you, “you beat me to it.”  “The coffee?”  “No, last night. The thing you said,”  “The whole I love you thing?”  “You meant it right? Because I was- that’s what I was trying to say when Joe was off looking for the blindfold but I-I wasn’t…I couldn’t quite bring myself to say it. In case you didn’t.”  “I meant it, Ben.”  “Okay good,” he sighed in relief as he accepted the mug you were handing him, dropping a peck to your lips as he did.  “D’you think Joe meant it too?” you hadn’t thought anything of it last night but you were hit by a sudden pang of worry, “It wasn’t just because he was caught up in the moment or anything like that?”  “He meant it. Me and him stayed up talking a bit last night, after you fell asleep. Said he’d been wanting to say it for a while but didn’t want to ruin things if we weren’t on the same page. The only question now is, what does it mean for all of us?”  “I don’t know. Guess I didn’t really think this part through.”  Ben hummed as both of you took a sip from your respective mugs, thinking things over.   “Well, we’ve never really labelled anything before, right? Do we have to start now?”  “I s’pose not,” he still looked concerned.  “Unless you or Joe want to, what’s wrong?”  Ben bit his lip and then took another sip of coffee, stalling, “Do you think this could be a bad idea?”  “You mean the three of us being together?”  “Yeah. I don’t know I’ve just… I’ve had my concerns for a little while. Nothing serious just, like, a couple things in the back of my head. But if this is going to be a real thing now then they become real concerns.”  “What sort of concerns?”  “Well, with me and Joe being actors, like,” he paused and sighed, “Bo Rhap took off and it’s opened a lot of doors for us both, 6 Underground and this thing joe’s working on and everything else, and that’s great but it also means we’re getting a bit more attention than before and I know we don’t have to label anything but if the press got hold of it they would and they’d probably spin it into something weird or bad. And then on the other hand there’s fans and stuff and that could end up with all of us getting unwanted messages that are either really negative or proclaiming us as some sort of representation we aren’t necessarily aiming to be. And I know me and Joe have made our peace with living in the limelight and having people be constantly interested in our personal lives, you don’t get into Hollywood without thinking about it at least a little. But you didn’t. I don’t want this to backfire and get you caught up in something we can’t control. What happens if someone hacks our phones and finds our messages? Or if we go visit Joe in the US and the paparazzi get photos of you kissing both of us or something like that?”  “Neither of you are quite that famous,”  “I’m serious, Y/N. There’s a big-” Ben stopped and looked towards the doorway as Joe joined you.  “Couldn’t wait for me?” he said as he made his way to the bench, pulling down his own mug from the cupboard.  “Sorry. Mostly just been filling Y/N in on what we talked about last night. The,” Ben pointedly looked back at you, “big risks involved.”  “And I’m trying to tell Ben the risks aren’t as big as he’s worried they are.”  “Y/N, come on,”  “Joe can you back me up?”  “Awww our first argument,” Joe laughed until he turned and caught sight of Ben’s face, “fine. Y/N, I’m sorry but I gotta agree with Ben here. There are definite risks and we need to discuss them.”  “I’m not saying there isn’t. I just think you’re making mountains out of molehills. Also it’s unfair that you’re both teaming up against me on this.”  “Thought you liked being double teamed? Joe wiggled his eyebrows at you, earning a laugh from you and an eyeroll from Ben.   “Look,” you said softly, “Joe’s only here for a little while longer. Paparazzi aren’t a problem for us right now. Let’s just try this and see how it goes okay? We can play it by ear and work out all the kinks as we go. Don’t.” you held a finger up at Joe whose mouth had opened at the word kink.  “I wasn’t going to!” he protested as he took the seat between you and Ben.  “You absolutely were.”  “Oh for fucks sake you two, can you at least pretend to be interested in this conversation?”  Joe sighed and patted the back of Ben’s hand, “okay I’m taking it seriously, I promise.”  “Good, now explain to Y/N why this could go bad because apparently she won’t listen to me.”  “I am listening Ben, I just don’t understand why you’re being so pessimistic about it all.”  “I don’t think he’s being pessimistic,” Joe cut in, “you have to admit this isn’t the easiest situation in the world and it’d be unrealistic to expect everything to be smooth sailing. Not just from a we’re-working-in-an-often-intrusive-and-voyeuristic-industry way but also because I think it’s safe to say none of us have ever dated two people at once before.”  Ben opened his mouth but Joe cut him off.  “I mean two people who know about each other.”  “Pretty sure it’s called a throuple,” you shrugged, earning a chuckle from Joe and a reluctant laugh from Ben.  “Well, whatever it’s called,” Joe continued, “it’s probably going to take some getting used to.”  “Okay but isn’t that every relationship?”  “You really want to go through with this? Even with…everything. The press, the fans, explaining it to our families and friends, the fact that Joe lives in another country? There’s a lot that could go wrong without even taking into consideration normal new relationship shit, and this is your chance to decide if it’s too much and back out.”  “I think you’re forgetting I’m the one who had the balls to verbally admit how I was feeling first. I’m not backing out.”  Ben’s eyes met yours and he nodded, seemingly persuaded, “Okay then, as long as we all know what we’re getting ourselves into. Is it horrible of me to suggest we come up with some…I don’t wanna say rules but like just something so we can guarantee this stays between us until we’re ready to be open about it.”  “What sort of non-rules?”  Ben smiled at the word, “I don’t know. Maybe um, no PDAs? And that includes holding hands and stuff as well as kissing.”  “I can do that,” you said with a nod, “never been hugely into PDAs anyway.”  “Yeah, makes sense not to,” Joe said, “Though Ben if anyone’s gonna struggle with it, it’ll be you. So very clingy,”  “I’m not clingy.”  “If you say so. I know this probably goes without saying but, since we’re talking about it, I don’t think we should tell anyone until we are all in agreement that it feels right, if even one of us is unsure then it stays secret. And that includes telling our families. Even if they keep offering to set you up with someone or things like that.”  “Your mum still going on about that friend’s daughter?”  “Yes,” Joe sighed, “But I’m going to keep putting up with it for the sake of you two. Anything else?”  “Maybe,” you ventured, “Maybe keep each other off our insta feeds and other social media. I mean, you two can post whatever you want and it probably won’t matter, but I think it’d be best to keep me out of it so that people don’t start speculating.”  “Yeah, okay, that’s easy. Is that everything?”  “I think so, yeah. S’pose we just see how it goes and figure things out.”  “Okay. So what happens next?”  There was silence as you all looked at each other and then Joe piped up, “Celebratory date night?” 
After some discussion you landed on dinner at a restaurant you’d gone to together when Joe first came to visit. Ben called to make a reservation and that night, after a day mostly spent lazing around the house and relishing each other’s company and your mutual happiness, you got dressed up and hit the town.   “You look stunning,” Joe said, eyes taking in the elegant dress you’d chosen and the heels that bumped your already tall frame just a smidge higher over his and Ben’s heads.  “You scrub up pretty well yourself,” you adjusted his collar as you spoke, fingers brushing lightly over his neck, before reaching for your coat.  “Allow me,” he said softly and then, much louder, “Ben, you ready?”  There was a muffled noise from the bathroom in reply.  “I swear if he’s still styling his hair.”  “I heard that,” Ben held up a finger, pointing it at Joe as he came towards you.  “Love when he gets all stern like that,” you nudged Joe’s shoulder.  Ben stuck his tongue out at you both sending you into a fit of giggles, “Dorks,” he laughed as led you out to the car.  
The drive itself was fun, singing along to the radio and discussing how hungry you suddenly were while Joe turned in his seat every few seconds to make a comment or joke and Ben stole glances at you in his mirror. When he pulled up Ben opened your door, and gave you a hand out of the car.  “And why didn’t you open my door Benjamin?” Joe said, mock aghast, “Terribly bad manners.”  You all laughed though there was a sudden slight tension in the air. It wasn’t by any means the first time you’d been out with the two of them. Plenty of days had been spent showing Joe the sights – trips to museums and art galleries and parks, dodging couples holding hands and parents trying to stop kids from touching what they shouldn’t. And you’d been out for dinner together more than once, fancy restaurants and the local sushi place and everything in between. But that was all before when you were just friends who sometimes slept together. If Ben had grabbed your hand to pull you to his favourite exhibit or if Joe had offered you his coat because you looked cold, it was all done in the name of fun, accompanied by jokes and laughter. But now there was meaning behind it. Ben’s fingers brushed yours as you walked up the street towards the restaurant and he quickly pulled his hand away.  
It got easier as the night went on. The table you were seated at was towards the back corner of the restaurant, so it felt a little more private than walking along the street had. And the longer you were away from the bubble you’d created in Ben’s home and car, the less worried you were that people were watching you, staring, trying to figure out your relationship. There were still a few awkward moments when one of you would go to do something that previously you wouldn’t have thought twice about, only to second guess yourself and falter. When Joe asked how your meal was, your first reaction was to offer him a bite from your fork though you stopped yourself this time, quickly shoving the food into your own mouth to cover the stuttered word that escaped too soon. Ben kept moving as if to touch your hand or Joe’s shoulder, only to remember what you’d agreed upon that morning and stop, leaving his hand resting awkwardly in the middle of the table. Eventually though he contented himself with playing footsie with you both, hidden by the tablecloth and each other’s chairs. So, by the time you were looking at the dessert menu, you felt much closer to your usual selves than you had at the beginning of the meal, laughing easily, mostly unworried by the people around you. You ordered a cocktail once the bottle of wine had been polished off, handing it around so Ben and Joe could taste it, and you opted to share two desserts between the three of you, no one hungry enough for their own.  
The second Ben turned the key in the lock to let you back inside, Frankie could be heard bounding towards the door.   “Hey girl,” he cooed, dropping to his knees to pat her as you and Joe stepped around them into the hallway.  “That was really nice,” you said as you hung your coat up by the door, “going out on a date, I mean.”  “Yeah it was. We’re straight up crushing this throuple thing.”  “Took a little getting used to though. I kept feeling like everyone was watching us.” Ben stood up from the doorway, lifting Frankie into his arms as he did so, “here go to mummy for a sec while I get your dinner,”  “Mummy?” you laughed, following Ben towards the kitchen, “Since when am I mummy? Thought I was auntie Y/N.”  “Auntie doesn’t fit now,” Ben shrugged, a can of dogfood in one hand and a can opener in the other.  “That raises so many questions,” Joe butted in, fingers wildly scratching under the dog’s chin, “The least of which is, if Y/N’s mummy does that make me daddy? And do those names transfer to the bedroom?”  “Absolutely not,”  “Spoil sport.”  “Alright you can put her down now, her dinner’s all sorted,”  With a final pat you placed Frankie on the floor. She stood staring at you and Joe for a minute before Ben clicked his tongue. Her ears pricked up and she followed the sound, faster once she realised food was involved.   Ben washed his hands and turned back to you, “Anyone want anything while I’m here?”  “No thanks, couldn’t possibly eat another bite.”  Joe shrugged, “I could go a snack, something a bit sweet?”  Ben and Joe shared a glance from across your shoulder and the next thing you knew Ben was sweeping you up as you squealed in surprise. He hoisted you over his shoulder, holding your legs still, as he carried you towards the bedroom.  “Show off,” Joe said as he followed, grinning, while you banged your fists against Ben’s back.  “Joe help me,” you whined, almost laughing as Ben adjusted his grip on you.  “Sorry sweetie, been thinking about getting you out of that dress since I saw you in it,”  “Me too,” Ben dropped you to the bed with a grunt that made you thankful the dress was easy to remove, “but the shoes stay on.” 
Despite Joe’s assertion that you were crushing it, your new dynamic turned out to be harder to adjust to than any of you had imagined it would be. When things were good, they were really good. The domestic bliss you’d fallen into over the previous few weeks continued, but small things began bugging you. Since Joe had moved in with Ben there hadn’t been any worries about leaving him out, no more distance to contend with, so there hadn’t been any problems when you spent the night with one and not the other. It was just how things shook out and no one made a fuss about sleeping alone. But now that you were dating it seemed they both expected you to spend every night with them. When you slept in Ben’s bed, Joe would start joking just a little too much about being excluded. And when you stayed in Joe’s, Ben would spend the next day being extra clingy, barely masking his jealousy. You briefly tried sharing a bed every night but found it untenable. It was lovely sometimes, but somehow you always seemed to end up in the middle and you very quickly got tired of waking up sweating and unable to easily get up to pee or grab a quick drink. Plus, before when you’d stayed over it was generally because of the sex. There’d been a few nights, particularly leading up to the night you’d admitted your feelings, where you’d stayed because you’d been too drunk to drive home or you’d fallen asleep on the couch or just because Ben said you should, but for the most part if you were staying over it was to hook up. Now though, things weren’t solely based on the physical so you didn’t always have sex before you fell asleep in one of their beds, and it led to accusations of favouritism and more than one argument.  
The arguments themselves were unfair too. Before, disagreements were quickly solved with a round of rough sex or at the most a couple of days apart before one of you pulled your head in and apologised. But, though you tried to continue that pattern, it didn’t seem to work anymore. Disagreements spawned arguments, often forcing someone to take sides. It was shit being dragged into the middle of an argument you had nothing to do with and it was shit when the person in the middle took the other’s side leaving you feeling ganged up on and attacked. Joe was best at mediating, so fights between you and Ben never seemed to last long but when Joe was involved in the argument things tended to escalate. Neither you or Ben were particularly good at staying impartial or coming up with compromises, both too stubborn to give in without a push from someone else, which just led to more hurt feelings. You ended up going back to your own apartment more often. It was smaller and dingier and lonelier but at least it gave you some space and didn’t gang up on you when you loaded the dishwasher wrong. 
On one evening, after a particularly long day at work when you were feeling extra snippy, Joe called you and Ben into the kitchen. You found him leaning against the bench, three mugs laid out in a row as the kettle boiled – a tea for himself, an instant coffee for Ben, and a chai latte for you.   “This isn’t working.”  A cold fist clenched around your heart as the words hit you. You began to protest the breakup at the same time Ben did but Joe held up a hand to stop you.  “I didn’t mean it like that. Shit, sorry, badly phrased. I just mean something about this isn’t right and we need to talk about it so we can fix it.”  You breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.  “Scared us, fucker.”  “Sorry, didn’t mean to,” he pulled out a packet of biscuits and placed them in the middle of the table, “All I want is to talk.”  “About?”  Joe brought the mugs over and took his own seat before he continued speaking, “I was reading some stuff online last night about situations like ours, relationships with more than two people, and every single site I found really hammered home how important good communication is to make them work. A normal couple takes a lot of communication as is but there are three of us – three personalities, three sets of opinions, maybe even three ideas of what this means or what we want from this – so we need to be better at talking about it. And I know it’s not easy, I don’t love talking about my feelings and stuff, but I think if we’re serious about this then it’s a discussion we need to have.”  “Makes sense,” you said softly, “how do we start?”  “I guess…maybe if we take it in turns to talk about anything that’s been bugging us lately? Y/N do you want to go first?”  “Oh, um, okay. The thing that’s been annoying me most is how um…”  Ben placed his hand on yours, “go on, we won’t be offended,”  You took a breath, weighing up the best way to say it, “it’s how, uh, how possessive you guys have been.”  “Is this why you’ve been disappearing a bit lately?”  “Yeah. It’s… you know I love you both but sometimes it feels like you’re fighting over me and expecting me to choose between you. I mean, like, I don’t have my own bed here so when I stay over I either have to sleep on the couch, which feels stupid, or I have to sleep in one of your beds. But no matter who’s bed I choose one of you always seems to be pissed off about it. It’s like you’re both trying to be The Boyfriend without considering each other. You don’t have to compete for me or whatever I’ve very clearly chosen you both.”  “Oh my god, I didn’t even think it might be making you feel like that,” Ben said with an apologetic smile, “I know I can get a little jealous and I’ve been trying not to but I guess that’s what I’m used to. In every other relationship I’ve had, it’s like, we agree to be serious and we share a bed, those things go hand in hand. So seeing you in someone else’s bed feels wrong, which is unfair to Joe and you.”  “I get it, Ben, I do. This is all very new and a little weird and I knew there’d be teething problems to start. But it’s tiring always feeling like I’m being pulled in both directions.”  “Can I just point out, and this isn’t meant in a bitchy way,” Joe said, “but you’re the one who ruled out all of us sharing one bed. So do you have a solution? Because, I admit I’ve been a bit of a jerk about it. Like Ben said I still kind of feel like you should spend more time with me, which I know isn’t right but it’s hard to just switch those feelings off.”  “I might have an idea,” Ben dunked a biscuit into his coffee, although he didn’t seem particularly interested in eating it, “Your problem is how stuffy and claustrophobic it can get when we’re all crammed into one bed right? Well, what if we bought a new bed? King sized so it gives us a bit more room.”  “That could work, but might I suggest something else on top of that. What if you were the one who slept in the middle, Ben? At the moment it seems to always be me, which is very sweet of you both and I do enjoy it, but you are definitely the biggest cuddler of the three of us and you tend to not need to get up to pee as much as I do. Not that it has to be a structured thing, obviously, but I think I’d be more comfortable on the end more often.”  “I am completely fine with that and I kinda feel a little dumb for not thinking of it earlier.”  Joe grinned at you both, “It’s working,” he sing-songed, earning eyerolls from you and Ben.  “Yes okay Joe, you’re very smart for thinking of this.”  “Thank you,”  “Was there something you wanted to talk about?”  “Now that you mention it, yes. The arguments.” the laughter dropped from his voice.  “Yeah, figured this would be brought up,” Ben said, rubbing the back of his neck. 
By the time you were done talking the biscuits were gone, your mugs were empty, and you all felt closer as people and partners. It took a while to sort out why arguments seemed harder to break now than before, but you came to the conclusion that it was largely because you hadn’t really talked about how each of you felt since that first day, each of you making incorrect assumptions because of it. The conversation covered a range of topics from how to split household chores to what you had imagined being in a throuple would mean. It took a lot of work to actually be able to voice some of your concerns, and you were sure not everything that could be said was, but you all had the chance get things off your chest, frustration and feelings of inadequacy and concerns about what the future held for you. Together you came to the conclusion you needed to make some changes. Some, like the bed situation, were easy to fix, but others were harder. You decided to set a weekly check in time. A time when you’d all have a chance to talk about how things were going, discuss where you stood, and if your expectations had changed, and work out any problems that arose. The aim was to get to a point where you could have that kind of discussion at any time it became needed, but you all agreed setting a specific time would be a good way to start building the habit.   “One final thing,” Joe’s voice sounded horse from talking, “Sex.”  “Not sure I’m in the mood Joey,”  “No, dingus, we should talk about it a bit. I don’t think it’ll take as much to sort out as some of this other stuff since we’re already pretty familiar with our boundaries and everything but, I figured we might as well while we’re here.”  “I don’t really have anything to say about it,” Ben shrugged, “I like how it’s been going so far.”  “Yeah what are you expecting us to say?”  “Well, okay, um, one of the articles I read mentioned how some people might not be comfortable knowing the other two are screwing, or they might only want to have sex as a threesome,”  “I don’t think those really apply here,” you said, “I mean, obviously we like the threesome stuff. But I also like having time one on one sometimes and I don’t expect you to always need me there when you two wanna fuck.”  “Yeah, same here,”  “Told you it wouldn’t take as long. But I think that’s it then, unless you have anything to add? No? Okay cool. I don’t know about you two, but I’m ready for bed.”  You and Ben agreed, yawning. Being so emotionally open was tiring.   “Where do you want to sleep Y/N?”  “Your bed Benny, but I want Joe there too. As long as I’m not stuck between you two.”  Ben gave you a sleepy smile as he wrapped his arms around you and dropped a soft kiss to your lips, “of course, love.” he turned towards Joe, catching him in a kiss too, “Joe I hope you’re ready to have the shit cuddled out of you.”  “Gosh I’m lucky,”  “Just saying, gotta thank you for forcing us to have that conversation somehow and it’s absolutely going to be cuddles all night. Maybe a morning blowjob too, haven’t decided.” 
After your big discussion things began to run smoother. The process of checking in with each other became a regular part of your week, more than a little uncomfortable at first but the more you did it the better you got at it and the less you held back. It mostly happened sitting around the kitchen table with a packet of biscuits and mugs of whichever steaming drink you fancied. The routine setting helped you adjust fast. Within a few weeks you felt comfortable enough about how everything was going to tell some close friends. Rami, Lucy and Gwilym were invited over for dinner one night so you could explain it and answer any questions they would subsequently have. You barely ate a bite of the dinner you’d helped prepare, much too nervous about actually telling others. It wasn’t that you were worried about any of them taking issue with your relationship, or even that you had misgivings about whether they could be trusted to keep your secret safe. It was that up until that point you, Ben and Joe existed in your own space, and didn’t use specific labels to describe yourself, but by telling people you were willingly breaking those boundaries. If you’d thought the word boyfriends or girlfriend, that was fine, but saying them out loud confirmed that this wasn’t just a fling or fucking around or casual anymore, there were real feelings involved and a real chance of getting hurt and no matter how much you wanted to be with them, that was a scary thought. Plus you were all still learning how to manage the relationship. Everything was better now that you’d started talking more candidly but there were still bumps in the road, and part of you felt like if things weren’t perfect then you shouldn’t tell anyone. It was likely that a relationship like yours was not something any of them were familiar with and you couldn’t help feel like you were becoming The Face of Throuples for them, and what right did you have to take that on if you still hadn’t worked out every aspect of how to be in a throuple? But, thankfully, it all went well. They’d been curious but most of the questions were easy to answer. How long has it been going on? How did it happen? The sort of questions you’d usually be asked upon introducing a romantic partner to your friends. And, of course, there’d been some teasing, particularly directed at Ben and Joe for taking so long to actually get together. Gwilym made a toast in which he declared he didn’t need either of them, playing up the jilted ex-lover role to much laughter. It felt nice to talk about it with new people, even if you still felt a little queasy. And it was even nicer knowing that when you were next invited to any of their places for dinner, you and Ben and Joe wouldn’t have to worry about pretending. There‘d be no need to hide your affection under the table or steal kisses in empty rooms, you could just be together.  
After the dinner went so well you felt more okay with telling people, inviting a few of your own closest friends over to your place one night so you could let them in on it and swear them all to secrecy. You talked about it with the boys first, just to make sure you were all still on the same page.  A small part of you was terrified that they’d let slip to someone who’d let slip to someone else who’s let slip to a reporter or, god forbid, your family. Telling close friends was one thing but you were nowhere near ready enough to explain it to your relatives and both Ben and Joe seemed to agree with you, especially with the holidays approaching. But neither of them were overly worried about it which made you feel less anxious too. There was still that niggling worry that your relationship wasn’t perfect enough to warrant anyone knowing - by telling them about your relationship you were voluntarily becoming the person your friends could use to earn gossip points or praise for having such diverse friends. You could almost hear the smug well I’ve got this friend, bizarre girl, in an honest to goodness throuple. But talking it through with Joe and Ben helped alleviate that too. They helped you stay relaxed on the day as well, dividing the hosting duties with you and checking on how you were going whenever they could. Telling your friends went well, although it was different to telling the other three. Your friends seemed more surprised by the news, perhaps because they weren’t as acquainted with either Ben or Joe. One or two of them had known you were sleeping with both boys but never suspected it might go further, or at least not with both of them. But you felt calmer after you’d answered their questions and stressed to them how important it was that it remained secret. It was a nerve-wracking experience, having to explain it and feeling like you had to justify your feelings but ultimately it was good, the spaces where you could comfortably be yourselves becoming more and more.  
Unfortunately, just as you were finally feeling settled in your relationship everything was turned around again. Joe’s movie wrapped and he began preparing to leave. You’d known it was coming, but still, walking into his room to find him packing shocked you, made you feel like the air had been knocked from your lungs. Mostly you’d all ignored it, pretended like it wasn’t creeping closer and closer, but you couldn’t avoid it forever. Joe looked over to where you were leaning in his doorway and smiled.  “When’s your flight?”  “Thursday afternoon,”  “So soon?”  “Yeah, kinda sucks right?” he dropped the shirt he was holding into his suitcase.  “Little bit. The selfish part of me wants to tell you to stay but I know that’s not right,”  “If it helps you can blame my family for being American, they’re the main reason I want to go back.”  “Helps a little,” you chuckled, pushing off the doorway and stepping into the room, “at least we know your ditching us for a good reason,”  “A very good reason. You’ve seen photos of my nephews; you know how fucking adorable they are.”  “Adorable as shit, no better reason to go.”  “I’ll come back as soon as I can, promise,”   “Oh I’m sure you will, you won’t know what to do without us. But maybe we’ll take pity on you and visit.”  You both broke out giggling for a moment, though the air hung heavy again before long. Joe wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug and you sighed as you buried your head in his neck.  “Are you worried?” you almost whispered, half afraid to hear his answer.  “About flying? No,”  “Joe,” you leaned back so you could look at him properly, “you know that’s not what I meant.”  “Fine. Yes, I’m a little worried. More than I’d like to be. Just feels like we’ve finally worked out how to do this and I’m ruining it. Long distance is hard and I can’t help but think it might fuck everything up.”  “You are not fucking this up Joe,” you placed your hand on his jaw and felt him lean into it, “Me and Ben won’t let you, even if we have to kidnap you or something.”  “You’re so sweet,”  “I know. But seriously, you have done so much to get us where we are now. You’re the reason we didn’t fall apart early on and that won’t change even with an ocean between us. We’re going to message all the time and we can do video chats and still organise time for our weekly check ins and date nights and everything, so you don’t feel left out. And you’ll have to come back because you’re contracted to do promo stuff for your movie here and you can’t get out of that. And, like I said, if you’re away for too long we’ll come to you. Ben’s got that audition tomorrow so he might end up working near you anyway and I can take some time off work if he does.”  “Plus, Christmas shopping will be easier when I don’t have to hide what I get you.”  “Exactly! Bright sides everywhere.”  “I love you,”  “I love you too.” 
The last few days before Joe left seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. His final night arrived before you knew it. None of you mentioned it though Ben, always a little clingy, spent most of the day with him, almost joined at the hip. Not that you’d done much better. The poor man could barely go to the bathroom without one of you offering to accompany him. But he didn’t mind. He’d mostly encouraged it. You made Joe’s favourite meal for dinner and Ben found his favourite movies on Netflix and as the hour grew later you’d ended up in a tangled pile on the couch, Joe in the middle with Ben’s head on his shoulder, their fingers intertwined, and your head in his lap, his other hand resting on your side. As the credits rolled on the final movie Joe cleared his throat.  “About tomorrow.”  Ben hummed to show he was listening but didn’t move.  “I don’t know if you should come to the airport with me.”  “What?” You and Ben spoke at the same time, both of you pushing yourselves away from Joe, sitting up.  “I just think it’s going to be easier to keep this secret if neither of you are there.”  “Fuck off, of course we’re going to be there. Friends can still wave each other off at the airport you know. The don’t hold a gun to your head and demand to know if you’re dating or not.”  “Ben, that’s not….” he sighed, “Won’t it be easier to do the goodbyes here?”  “So what?”  “Fine, come along then but we’ll need to discuss how it’s going to work.”  “Well Ben will drive us in a-”  “Not the part I’m worried about. It’s not like we can do the whole romantic farewell kiss thing. Aside from our no PDAs agreement, after I leave it’ll be both of you here and if people are going to think anything it’s that you two are dating. And maybe that’s not a bad thing. If people think you’re a couple, it’ll take a bit of pressure off and there’ll be less chance of us being exposed before we’re ready.”  You crossed your arms and bit your lip. There was sense to what he said, no matter how much you hated it.   Ben scoffed and shook his head, “bullshit,”  “You know I’m right. Y/N is here almost every day and people already suspect you’re together. In the first week I was here I had multiple friends of yours ask me if I knew what was going on between you, and that was when you were just fucking.”  “I can know you’re right and still dislike it.”  “I don’t like it any more than you. But I think we might as well use it to our advantage. And it means you won’t have to be quite as careful about going out together. You could go out and hold hands and kiss in public and people wouldn’t catch on to the reality of our relationship. They wouldn’t realise I’m part of it.”  There was silence as you all paused.  “Stop being so melodramatic Mazzello,” Ben crossed his arms over his chest, “We have a no PDA rule, you just mentioned it before, and that won’t change just because you aren’t around. Stop acting like we’re going to run off without you or something, that’s never going to happen. Also we’re coming to the airport tomorrow. We don’t have to stay and wave you off but we are at least taking you to the drop off zone and you will give us both a hug goodbye.”  You were a little stunned by Ben’s sudden burst of dominance, but Joe just smiled, and let out a breath he seemed to have been holding.  “Well?”  “Deal,”  “Deal,”  “Deal,” Ben stood, grabbing Joe by the hand and pulled him off the couch, “Now come on, last night means farewell sex and you clearly need a strong reminder of how much you mean to us so get ready to have your mind blown.” 
You woke in the morning with Joe between you and Ben, your arms tangled together where you held him. For a while you just lay there, intermittently making out and talking in soft voices, as if worried that being too loud would scare time and make it bound away. It did so anyway. The afternoon arrived sooner than any of you wanted and before you were ready you were parked in the lounge room, Joe’s luggage piled by the door, saying goodbye.   Joe squeezed you tight as you tried not to cry into his shoulder, “promise you’ll look after Benny for me.  “Of course,”  “And I expect you to tell me everything that happens, no matter how boring. You’re going to get so sick of your phone vibrating because I’m gonna be sending you so many messages,”  It was getting harder to hold your tears back, voice thick with them, “Not if I annoy you first. If I so much as eat you will hear about it.”  “Good, don’t think I could get through a day without hearing about yours. I’m going to miss you so much.”  “Me too. It’s going to be weird without you here. What if me and Ben can’t make it work without you?”  “Don’t be daft, you’re perfect together. Almost perfect anyway.”  You let out a watery laugh.  “Seriously though, you’ll be fine. I know you’re both stubborn asses but you will be fine.”  “Yeah, you’re right, I’m being dumb. You were right back at the beginning of this too.”  “I know I was, but about what specifically?”  “We’re crushing this throuple thing. And we’re going to keep crushing it, no matter where we all live.”  “Damn right. I love you,”  “Love you too.”  It didn’t matter that your voice cracked halfway through or that you were trying to blink back tears because Joe kissed you then, his hands trying to pull you even closer into his body. You kissed him back, trying to put every ounce of love into it you could manage. It was the kind of kiss that left your lips tingling and your head feeling vaguely dizzy when he finally pulled away, a slightly dazed expression on his own face. Gently he cupped your jaw, thumb stroking over your cheek to wipe away a fallen tear. The gesture was followed with another, softer, kiss to your lips and then to your forehead.  
When he let you go you stepped back and tried to fade into the background while he and Ben had their moment, though it was hard not to watch a little even if you couldn’t hear what they were saying. Seeing Ben lose his composure didn’t make it any easier to stop yourself from crying. When they broke apart Ben’s cheeks were stained pink and his eyes were watery but he cleared his throat and shook his head.  “Spose we should get you loaded into the car then.”  Joe let out a shaky breath as he ran his hand over his own face, “Okay, I’m good,” he made his way to the door and picked up the suitcase while Ben grabbed his carryon luggage. Ben winked as he passed you, both of you trying not to laugh despite how sad you felt. Joe would be very surprised when he got home and found the bundle of polaroid photos you and Ben had hidden in his suitcase, pressed between two of his shirts. You wished you could see his face when he did. Instead you contented yourself with trying to imagine the message he’d send you, finding it useful to stop your emotions from getting the better of you as you hopped into the backseat and Ben started the engine.  
The drive itself was more than a little tense. It felt weird to have done your goodbyes, emotional as they ended up being, only to trap yourselves together in an inescapable enclosed space. There was no singing along to the radio, just some soft conversation, mostly about Joe’s flight. Though you wouldn’t have missed the drive for anything, wanting to spend as much time with Joe as possible even if there was a weird vibe to it. The vibe shifted as you got closer to the airport, less weird, more straight up depressing. You and Ben climbed out of the car with Joe, Ben heading to pull his bags from the boot.   “Have a safe flight,” Ben said, dropping the bags to the ground and moving to give Joe a final hug, “Look after yourself and text us as soon as you land, okay?” You could see the way his hand lingered on Joe’s back, how he squeezed just a little tighter than he normally would, but to an outsider it would have looked like nothing more than good friends parting. You felt the tears beginning to form again and desperately tried to hold them back.  Joe nodded as they broke apart and then pulled you into a final hug.  “Don’t cry Y/N. Gotta keep it together so Ben doesn’t break down bawling,”  “Oi, I heard that, jerk,”  “Not disputing it though are you?” Joe laughed, “but seriously Y/N, there’s no need. I’ll be back as soon as I can be and then you’ll feel like a right dork for getting so emotional.”  “Better come back fast and prove it. Tell your nephews they’re lucky little jerks.”  Joe just laughed as he stepped back, “See you next time, then. Thanks for… everything.” There was a second where you had to fight the urge to leap at Joe and pull him into the sort of big romantic kiss reserved for romcoms but then he grabbed his bags and headed off towards the entrance, the moment gone. He paused once to look back and wave before he disappeared amongst the crowd. You and Ben stayed for a few seconds, watching the entrance just in case he appeared again but he didn’t. 
By the time you got home both of you felt exhausted, drained. Without saying a word you headed to the room that Joe had claimed as his own, Ben following without really seeming to realise. It already felt too quiet with just the two of you there. You toed off your shoes and lay down on the bed, Ben collapsing beside you, his hand falling to your waist.   The bed still smelt like Joe and you sighed, “It’s going to be different without him,”  “Yeah, probably. But it’ll be fine. It’s so easy to keep in contact, we’ll manage.”  “I know. Just gonna take some getting used to I guess. I already miss him so much,”  “I know babe,” Ben’s arms tightened as he pulled you into his chest. For a moment you just lay there and then the silence was broken by both of your phones buzzing in sync. There was a new message in your group chat, both of you clicking to open it, hoping just a little that Joe’s flight had been cancelled or something similar. Instead you were met with three words that made both of you sob. 
Miss you already
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Hi!!! Hope ur okay Can I request a headcanon with Joe Mazz inspired in “dancing with our hands tied” by Taylor Swift 😫💓 Lots of love 🌟
Sure thing!!! I’m doing much better now! Sending lots of love back!! 💕🥰😘
You knew you loved Joe and would walk through fire for him if you could.
But he was an actor. You couldn’t be in public without at least two or three people recognizing him. And then asking about you.
One tabloid magazine read “TIM MURPHY GROWS UP” with a pic of you and Joe. You sighed and prayed interest would pass soon.
There were even a few anonymous emails and direct messages threatening you and it made you cry. The comments constantly had a mean streak
So one night you tell Joe how hurtful people are about you, he lets you lie your head right on his chest
“Here you go, Y/N, deep breaths, you can talk it out...” you feel your forehead being kissed. And there was a gentle smile on his face. Not mocking. But soft, strong for you alone.
You cried it out and let it out, free from the pain.
The next morning you both laid in bed, cuddling and kissing, only sometimes speaking. It was like a breath of air after being choked by smog.
Though the next night there was a movie event and you were brought as a date and to meet Rami there was well.
Cameras flashed lights at you, even during the cocktail hour, disturbing the polite chatter and jazz.
As you put your drink down, one jerk woth a notepad ready asks “Y/N, what is Joe like in bed? Do you fit that?”
You even set your cocktail down, almost ready to forget your fine getup and fight him.
So Joe swept you into his arms immediately and began dancing with you close.
It was just swaying at first while being pressed together.
And then he moved more and twirled you and dipped you down, you laughed at the feeling.
“I’m so glad to see you smiling,” he mumbled into your ear.
Photos clicked, not even stopping for the brassy crescendo of the current song. Joe caught your back, pulling you down for another dip.
“Might as well give them something babe!” He jokes when he pulled you back up.
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Taglist: @queenlover05
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deanscroissant · 4 years
Enemies with Benefits
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Request:  Anon: (I know this is A LOT, and also a bit weird, so it's totally okay if you don't feel like writing it) Being enemies with benefits with Joe, but secretly loving each other... then he finds out your feelings and keeps teasing you and making you jealous to make you admit them... so you have a fight, but then you talk it out and finally get together
Parings: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word Count: she’s lengthy (3,182)
Warnings: Asshole Joe, angst, fluff, a dash of smut, implied smut. Also, don’t ever get with a dude like this. This is purely fiction. 
Beta’d by: @beesonestopcurioshop​ (thank you so so much 😭💛)
A/N: Soooo this request was from waaay back in October, along with two other posts. This is why I can’t do requests because I’m too much of a perfectionist. If you remembered requesting this please message me so I know you’re still around. 💀 But anyway, hope you all enjoy and feedback is greatly appreciated! 💕
Tags: @mrsmazzello @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @joemazzelloisboredandsoami​ @pastelhybristophiliac​
gif credit: @esmeralda​
“Your stroke game was weak.” You said bluntly to Joe while panting as he collapses onto the bed next to you from throwing his condom away.
“Oh, fuck off.” He replies back with an eye roll, knowing that you were lying. “You weren’t saying that yesterday when you were begging me to make you cum.”
“Because I had work and I didn’t have the time for teasing!” You jolted out of bed frustrated to put back on your clothes. “And, plus, that was yesterday. Today’s a brand new day with countless disappointments!”
“Well, at least I was satisfied.” He smirked as he watched you get dressed, loving the fact that you were ticked off. 
“Of course. All you think about is yourself.” You were looking around to find your phone when you didn’t see it on Joe’s nightstand. “Where’s my phone?”
“You left it downstairs.” Joe yawns. “Wow, you wore me out... and not in a good way.”
You rolled your eyes as you slipped on your pumps, “You wore yourself out.” You stood from the bed to slip your coat on. From the corner of your eye, you could see Joe watching your every move.
Honestly, you wanted to jump back into bed with him. But you’re not going to let him know that. Instead, you put on a look of exasperation to hide what you’ve felt for the ginger man since you’ve met him. 
“What, puny?” you say with a hand on your hip. 
“Nothing.” He scoffs before sitting up from the bed, also covering up what he’s been really feeling about you. 
You roll your eyes, “Same time Thursday?”
Joe shakes his head while crossing his arms, “Can’t. I’m meeting someone.”
“What do you mean ‘someone’? That’s against the rules!” 
“How would you know if it's a girl or not? As I said, I’m meeting with someone. It’s really none of your business.” He says bluntly, making your stomach drop hearing him say that. 
Deep down you were jealous. Whenever Joe was going out with someone, who he never mentions their name, you’d get extremely jealous and guilty. You never knew if he was sleeping around with other people, but he says he isn’t.
Sometimes you can’t believe everything he tells you because he’s always lying to you. You don’t even know why it was such a good idea to have this friend with benefits thing going on between you two. 
You’ve known Joe for a few years from working in the same company together back in your college days. You both hated each other the minute you met. He was always competitive but you were the total opposite of him. You were so glad that you didn’t have to deal with him or see him ever again after you graduated.
After almost fifteen years of not seeing his annoying ass, the asshole finds you on Tinder of all places. It was odd seeing him on there, and it pissed you off that he found you. You figured if you acted like he didn’t exist it would help, but to your luck, you ended up seeing him days later in a grocery store… of all places.
For some reason, you couldn’t get away from this guy no matter what you did or how hard you tried. You’d actually give him a chance if he wasn’t so bad. Back in college, he was good looking, but now he looks sexy as hell. 
He wanted to catch up so you invited him to your apartment later that day around seven. The conversations you were having we're going well. He told you about being a well-known actor, which didn’t surprise you because you knew he had the talent when he did Jurassic Park. But then the asshole started bringing up old shit that pissed you off.
You fired back at him about himself, which made him pissed as well. You both were going back and forth arguing until Joe just kissed you. 
Of course, you were taken aback, but you both knew the sexual tension was there for a while. One thing led to another, and the next morning he was gone. He did send you a text message saying how awful last night's activities were just to hide the fact that he actually enjoyed spending time with you, and wanted to meet up again. 
You told him to fuck off and to not speak to you ever again and blocked his number. 
Fast forward a month later and Joe shows up on your doorstep. He was a little drunk and before you cursed at him he pleaded that he needed someone to talk to. The kind person that you are, you let him in and you two went into your kitchen, going to your fridge to grab two water bottles. You handed him one and sat next to him to listen to whatever he needed to get out in the open. 
He flat out told you that he was lonely and wanted a friend with benefits thing going on between you two. You looked at him like he was crazy. “Are you off your meds? Why the hell would I want that with you? First off, what possessed you to think that?”
“Well,” he sighed. “I actually enjoyed sleeping with you, surprisingly.”
As Joe took a sip of his water your mind began racing. ‘Did he confess that he actually likes being around me? Is he gonna say that he likes me?’ The thoughts ran through your mind, but you were interrupted by Joe’s laugh. He almost spat out his water when he looked over at you. “Damn, don’t think too much about it. I just enjoyed the sex.”
You rolled your eyes, “Whatever. I actually liked it as well. But what makes you think I could trust you?”
“Well, we’ve known each other for a long time...and I can prove it to you that I’ll follow the rules. I mean come on, when have I ever broken the rules while competing with you?” He gives you a knowing smirk. 
It was true, admittingly. You guys competed at almost everything together which you’re too embarrassed to say out loud. But Joe knew your weaknesses and strongest points about you. If he really disliked you he wouldn’t be sitting here in your kitchen and made you his worst enemy possible by now. You’ve seen Joe ruined a few people’s lives before, so it’s weird to think that he didn’t destroy yours...yet.
“Give me tomorrow to figure out what I want to do,” you said while screwing the top back on your bottle. 
“I want an answer now, y/n,” he says sternly. 
“I said what I said, Joe,” you said back in the same tone with your arms crossed. 
“And I said what I said.”
You let out a huff. “I’m not letting you win this.”
Joe gives you a wide smile with a small chuckle, “You know better than to go back and forth with me of all people.”
“Well, I don’t know yet, Joe. I need some time to think over some things.”
“To think over what? We’re just hate fucking, basically!”
“Yeah well, how do I know if you’re clean or not? Are you sure you’re not seeing anyone just to get back at them for who knows what?” 
“Oh honey,” he cooed with an evil smirk, knowing what he’ll say would tick you off. “I didn’t know you wanna go raw. So kinky.”
“Over. My. Dead. Body.” you grunted.
“You and I both know that’s not true.” He got a little closer to where his alcohol-smell breath fanned your face. Your heart picked up a little bit more speed as he scanned your face, then stared at your lips while licking and biting his. Gosh, you actually wanted to kiss him right then and there. The tension in the air had become heavy, and Joe knew what he was doing was going to convince you to give him his answer at this moment. 
“If...if I say yes, would you stop eye-fucking me because it’s making me uncomfortable.” you lied. 
“Oh sorry. I forgot you’re not used to that,” he said with a proud smile at his joke, which made you heated. 
“I’ll do it, now get out!” you shouted while pointing towards the door. Joe laughed and happily jumped from his seat, saying his goodbyes and telling you that he’ll call you for more details. 
And here you two were five months into it. The same days, the same routine. Joe almost made you late once for work and you let him have it the next time you saw him. He knew that one thing you don’t play about is your job and it meant the world to you. Shockingly enough Joe respected it and ever since you’ve always been on time. 
But right now you don’t know if you wanted to risk it. It would bother you all day if you didn’t know who Joe was going to see. You weren’t in a relationship with him so why did it matter? Maybe because you think you’re really into him...or maybe because you’re always staring at him, or you’re always thinking about him and you genuinely want the guy to be happy. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts when Joe waved a hand in your face. He was already dressed and a look of concern was on his face. “Are you good? You’ve been zoned out for a while.”
“I’m...I’m fine.” you started to pick up your clothes off the floor, “Just let me know when you want me to come over.”
Joe stares at you for a minute as you rush around your room. You trusted Joe enough by now to let himself out and to come in whenever. But before he left he couldn’t help but think that something is quite off about you. Well, he always thought there was something off about you, but it rubbed him off the wrong way the way you zoned out just now. On Thursday he really wasn't going to meet anyone. He was going out to buy some stuff to set up a dinner date in his house for you and him. Until then, he’ll want to know what that was all about, so he’ll make sure to drain every piece of information from you.
It was around six o’clock when you’d got home from work. Once you got out of your clothes to whine down for the day, you get a text from Joe saying, ‘Come over. Now.’
You let out an annoyed groan. You honestly didn’t feel like having sex tonight. When the other wouldn’t feel like doing so, we’ll respect it. But when Joe sent back a ‘You have to. It’s important.’, it made your ears perk. He never sent anything like that to you which was concerning. 
“So much for binge-watching Tiger King the rest of the night,” you say aloud before getting up and rush to go get ready. 
When you get to his place you pull out the key that he gave you to open the door. When you walked in you were welcomed with the aroma of freshly baked bread and garlic. The lights in his house were dimmed, and the door to the dining room was illuminated by firelight. Scrunching your face you quickly walked into the room. What you saw made you let out an audible gasp. 
Joe was sitting at the table that was full of food smirking. There were two lit candles sitting in the middle of it, and an ice bucket with wine sitting to his left. You were getting ready to speak, but Joe cut you off, “There’s this girl that I’ve known for more than a decade. When I first laid eyes on her she gave me this feeling that I’ve never felt before. Getting to know her was the fun part because I found out that we had almost everything in common. But it was hard trying to express my feelings to her, which resorted to me being vile towards her.”
Joe got up and walked to you with his hands in his pockets while looking down, trying to find the right words. “She acted the same towards me, which,” He looks up at you with a shrug. “was expected.” 
He stops and stares at you, a small smile forming on his lips. “After parting ways when we graduated I thought I would never see her again. All these years I tried to find her. She didn’t have Facebook or Twitter or any type of social media. She probably did but used a pseudonym for them.” he lightly chuckled. “But when I found her I felt like I had found my other half that I lost. We’ve been seeing each other for months and I have yet to tell her my feelings. Do you think it’s too late to tell her?” 
The rhetoric question flew over your head when you spoke, “Are you talking about me?” you stammered while pointing to yourself. Joe rolled his eyes, “No, I’m talking about Ke$ha.”
You stood there shocked. Here he was confessing his love to you and you couldn’t find the words to confess yours. “Joe...oh Joe, this is so overwhelming.”
“What’s so overwhelming about it?” he asked, confused. 
“Joe, you don’t want me. I think you’re getting too comfortable.” you crossed your arms and looked down at your shoes. “So you broke the rules.”
You couldn’t tell Joe how you felt because you think he was lying to you. There was no way in heck that he loved you because in your book actions speak louder than words, and his actions confirmed that he’s playing a trick on you. He’s probably doing this because he wants to remind you that no one would ever do anything like this for you. 
Joe’s heart broke at what you said. “Y/n, what are you talking about? I don’t want you? Look at all this food I cooked from scratch! I spent almost four hours busting my ass to cook this lovely meal for you, and finally confessing how I felt about you. And you think all of this came from the sex?”
“Well, Joe, I can’t take you seriously, alright? The text that you sent me earlier was the only time out of however many years I’ve known you that I took you seriously.”
“Yes, really.” you retorted. “I don’t know if you’re doing this to crush my self-esteem, even more, to get a kick out of it later.”
Joe looks at you stunned. “That’s what you really think of me?”
“You’ve portrayed the asshole persona for all of the years I’ve known you so no shit, Sherlock!” 
“Well, for now on I will never put you down. I’ll never act like an asshole to you ever again because I’m in love with you!”
“Shut up! You sound ridiculous. I’m leaving!” you get ready to turn to leave when Joe grabs your arm. 
“It’s the truth, dammit! I’ve never wanted to be with someone so badly in my life. Out of all the girls I’ve been with they don’t compare to you, y/n. I’m telling you, you’re it for me. I can’t let you leave me. Not again. I don’t know how I’ll act if you walk out that door and never speak to me again.”
At this point, you were in tears. You were conflicted at his words, yourself. You didn’t know what to think. “Joe, I don’t know.”
“Let me prove it to you.” he moves his hands down to yours and holds them. 
“You always say that,” you said while wiping your face. 
“But I do it, don’t I?”
“I just...I just don’t get it. All these years—the way you treated me…”
“I wasn’t the only bad guy here. We both were assholes to each other,” he said with a sad smile. 
“But you made me act like an asshole. Like you said earlier, you acted vile to me which led me to retaliate.” you look up at him and he sighs, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand. 
“I know. I understand if you don’t want to be with me, but I want you to know that I truly love you and I want this relationship to work.” He lifts your chin up with his finger for you to look him back in the eyes. He wants you to see his pleading eyes, to know that he means everything he’s saying. “I promise you from this day forward that I won’t be a dick to you. I want you in my life, y/n.”
You were crying again and Joe cupped your face and wiped your tears with his thumbs. You close your eyes and sigh heavily. “Joey…” you said softly, which shocked both of you but you both didn’t show it. It felt right when you said it and Joe’s heart felt like it was melting. He wants to hear you call him that for the rest of his life. 
“Yes?” he said and smiled softly. 
“I um…” you couldn’t find the words, so you cupped his face in your hands and kissed him. It definitely wasn’t like any of the other kisses you had with him, but it felt like it was your first time kissing him. It was a kiss that you both longed for and you finally broke the seal. The warmth courses through your veins that heats up your body. You felt like you were floating.
When you pulled away Joe slowly opened his eyes and his lips formed into a big, genuine smile. It made your heart flutter and you smiled back at him shyly. “So is that a yes?” he asked while wrapping his arms around you to pull you close to him. 
You rolled your eyes but let out a laugh. “Of course, stupid. Do you think we should eat now before the food gets cold?”
“Oh! Right.” he laughs before pulling your chair out for you, to which you thanked him. You watched as he grabbed the wine bottle from the ice bucket and poured both of you a glass of wine. 
After you toast and began your meal, Joe had to ask you an important question. “What’s that?” you asked before eating a forkful of mashed potatoes. 
“That day when I asked you if you were okay because you had zoned out, what were you thinking about?” 
Your face flushed at his question. “Do you really want to know?” 
He nods while smiling, waiting for you to answer. As you explained to him what you were thinking the other day you could see how your words were affecting him. It was something that made you realize that you want to speak these loving words to him for the rest of your life. He was meant to be in your life for a reason and you couldn’t imagine avoiding him anymore. 
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crazylittlethingg · 4 years
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Masterlist by @crazylittlethingg​ 
♡ Fluff    
✱  Smut  
♕  Angst 
Ben Hardy :
Call me first ♡ (mentions of ✱)
Summary: Ben is coming home after months of shooting and you decide to set him a little surprise with the new lingerie you bought especially for him but what he didn’t tell you was that Joe was also coming
Joe Mazzello :
He doesn't love me anymore ♡
Summary: Joe had to leave you and your newborn son, Joey for 2 months because of a project he had. He didn’t want to leave as he loved you with all his heart. What happens when he comes back. Will Joey recognize his dad?
Gwilym Lee :
No more surprises -♡
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sherlollydramoine · 4 years
You've been dating Joe for over a year. He gets home from a month of filming out of country. He really fucked up. Tells you he got drunk and cheated with his co-star at the wrap party. You fight. You both cry. He begs. You kiss. You cry more. You have to decide if you can give him another chance. ANGST ANGST ANGST! (maybe with a tiny bit of smut? maybe they have sex but you tell him your leaving him after?)
Here ya go. Hope I did your vision justice. I started it off with the implied smut instead of ending it that way. :) Enjoy!
Warnings: Angst. Smut Implied. Themes of adultery. Some language.
Word Count: 542
You were currently resting your head on your boyfriend’s shoulder both of you still sweat soaked and trying to catch your breath. 
“Oh my God Joe, I swear that was the best sex that we’ve ever had. If it’s always going to be like this when you get back from filming we really need to make sure you work more often.”
“Yeah… I,”he hesitates and you pull yourself up onto your elbow.
“Joe what’s wrong?” 
“Nothing YN, it’s just that,” he lets out a loud sigh and it causes alarm bells to start ringing in your head. 
“Joe?” you ask again, this time your tone is one beyond mild curiosity.
You are now sitting up completely pulling the sheet up around your body as you are trying to get to the bottom of whatever is bothering your boyfriend of just over a year.
“YN, baby, I-I- I fucked up.”
“How? What did you do? I’m sure nothing is so bad that we can’t fix it together.”
“No baby we can’t fix it. I have to fix it.”
“Joe, what the fuck is going on? I’m really worried.”
“YN-You know that I love you so much right?”
Tears started to gather in your eyes as you realize where these words might be headed. You’d heard rumors on some gossip sites and from some random fan accounts online that Joe had hooked up with one of his gorgeous co-stars during the wrap party for his latest film. Trusting your boyfriend completely you’d not paid much attention to the gossip figuring that if it were true, the man himself would tell you.
“Joe, is it true? I’d heard rumors but I dismissed them. Did you hook up with Anabelle at the wrap party?”
His eyes went wide, and for a moment he just sat there in stunned silence before his gaze moved downward and his beautiful mouth also turned into a frown. He almost breathlessly mumbles out,”Yes.”
“But-it-it was stupid. I’d had too much to drink, I was missing you so badly, and I know-I know it’s not an excuse but I. Baby, I’m soo fucking sorry.”
You say nothing as you climb out of bed and throw your crumpled clothes on. With tears stinging your eyes, threatening to fall at a moments notice you manage to barely choke back the sob that was trying to make its way out of your throat.
“Joe. I- I- I can’t. You know how badly this shit hurts, and I’m sorry isn’t good enough for me. You’ve thrown away over a year of happiness for some other woman that you barely knew. Joe. I’m. I’m. I”m leaving and I’m not sure what is going to happen from here, but I will let you know when I’ve figured something out. I need to think and I need to be away from you for a while.”
Grabbing your shoes and purse you walk out the door. Once seated behind the wheel of your car you allow the tears that had been threatening to fall finally release as you allow yourself to be consumed by the pain. You’ve never felt so betrayed and honestly are not sure if you’ll ever forgive Joe for this. Only time will tell.
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rossmccallsqueen · 5 years
Something angsty/fluffy where Joe’s trying to apologize after he upsets you and he’s just too cute you can’t help but forgive him
You really didn’t like being upset with joe ever actually
It was just one of those small things
He had forgotten to tell you that he was going to be on set late
So you’d made dinner and everything and he hadnt let you know
You were just frustrated and a little upset because now dinner was cold and it didn’t taste well heated back up
He came home, tiptoeing once he realized that the smell of dinner still lingered in the kitchen
“Yes Joseph?”
“Babe I’m so sorry I forgot to tell you I’d be later. We had to reshoot some scenes and I lost track of time”
You didn’t take your eyes away from the tv, you didn’t want to look at him
“Calling me babe doesn’t make it okay joe! I made a whole dinner for us thinking you’d be home.”
He sighed, trying to get you to look at him
“Please look at me. I need you to know how sorry I am.”
You looked up and he was kneeled right in front of you, only inches from your face
You could see it in his eyes. Joe always wore his emotions on his face and it was one of the many reasons that you loved him so much
You’d already forgiven him, just with that look in his eyes
“I’m sorry. I know that dinner together is important, and I always look forward to it. I will be better about it I promise”
He took your face in his hands and kissed you on your forehead
“You know I love you more than anything right? More than anything in the world?”
“You love me more than cardboard Ben?”
He smiled and you laughed a little bit, cardboard Ben would always make you laugh when you needed it
“Of course I love you more than cardboard Ben. I love you more than all the clouds in the sky, and more than all the fish in the sea.”
He kissed you on the forehead one more time and stood up
“What are you doing?” You heard him banging around in the kitchen
“I’m going to make you dinner!”
How could one man possibly be so adorable???? Like he was the actual cutest
He was getting all the ingredients out from what you had made
Soon the smell was wafting through the kitchen and it brought you a sense of comfort
“Who knew you were such a good cook Joseph mazzello?”
“Well you know, I did learn from the best girlfriend ever.”
He made a kissy face at you
“I can never stay mad at you ya know. I love you too much.”
“I love you more!!!”
He really was trying to make it up to you and somehow you now loved him even more than before
It was one of your favorite meals to eat together and it wasn’t that hard to make
But the fact that he was making it himself and putting the effort there meant the world to you
It was the little things that made a relationship work and this was one of them ❤️
Those beautiful eyes and smile of his always made it so you couldn’t stay mad at him for long
And honestly you wouldn’t have it any other way bc you loved each other ❤️
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Permanent taglist: @jiswoogannon @aussienerdgirl @im-justatrashcan @one-thousandlies @deja-entendus @butlegendsneverdie @tichtaylor @goodoldfashionrogerboy @sohoneyspreadyourwings @rogerina-deacon @punkgeekchic @super-hereos-are-my-life @benfckinghardy @lv7867 @the-baby-bookworm @rogertqueen @danny-fucking-mercury @bensrhapsody @brownhardyho @wittywallflowersworld @joemhazzello @deacytits @rogertaylors-lipgloss @thelastgalacticcat @xtrashmammalstefx @happy-at-home @queenbbarnes @ezmina98 @joemazzelloswigs @littlemisscaptainfandom @scarecrowmax @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @littledarlingwellaway @thatsjustginarose @instantezra @toomuchtellyneck @leatherjacketmazzello @rogmeddows @spacedustmazzello @darlingmalek @pleasedontlookatmeaight @puffnstuff08 @thosequeenboys
❤️ if you wanna be added to my taglist, please let me know! ❤️
Masterlist Masterpost
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goldenmazzello · 3 years
Never gonna love again.
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Everything started when you met Joe on set of Bohemian Rhapsody in London, working as a makeup artist.
You were friends from day one.
Joe would always be joking around with you. You both were a crazy duo that made everyone chortle.
You had so much in common. You loved the same music, movies and food.
You were used to having long conversations in the morning while you were doing his makeup and drinking coffee.
Or when you had lunch during a break.
Two months into shooting the movie, you started to develope a crush on him.
At first, you tried to forget about it, since you wanted to keep everything very professional, but it was unlikely to happen.
You cannot choose when or when not to fall in love.
You remembered details about him that others didn't. And you were embarrassed because you couldn't hide it.
You would listen intently to him, even if it wasn't important.
You smiled at him a lot, often with a big goofy grin.
You fell deeply in love with Joe and the very first person to find out about your feelings was Rami.
You didn't tell him but he noticed it. It was obvious. The way you looked at him not only while you were getting him ready for his day at work but also when you were having lunch, the way you always seemed to be around him.
You begged Rami not to tell Joe about this and he agreed, saying he woud try to find out if he felt something for you.
You started to have high hopes when you heard Joe in between takes telling Gwilym he would ask "her" to go out next friday. You were sure he was talking about you and you were desperate for his question.
" I'm going to ask her to go on a date next friday after work, what do you think?"
You were kind of surprised because Joe could have waited for you to be out of earshot before saying anything.
"It's amazing Joe, I hope she says yes!"
Of course you were going to say yes.
Days went by and you were still waiting for Joe's question. You daydreamed about taking the friendship to the next level.
You started to give him signs so he could see you paid attention to every little detail.
You knew how he took his coffee, what he usually ate for lunch and his favorite songs by heart. The signs you were giving out were like a blinking neon light, but nothing seem to happen.
You thought he might forgot about it.
But he didn't.
It was thursday when the four boys were getting ready with you and your assistants when Ben spoke.
"So you have plans for tomorrow." He turned his face to see Joe, who was adjusting on his broccoli wig.
"Did Grace say yes?!"
So Joe shared your feelings, but for someone else.
She was the costume assistant of the movie and of course she would spend a lot of time with the cast too, with such luxurious outfits.
You were doing Rami's makeup when you heard her name leaving Joe's lips. You felt your heart dropped and Rami noticed. He could see it in your eyes.
He looked at you with compassion and as soon as you finished with him, you left the trailer.
Since that day, your mood changed. You were always with a big bright smile that could light the whole town, but it hasn't been seen in a while.
As much as you wanted to forget about everything and feel better, you couldn't.
Joe and Grace went on more dates.
You felt broken and the worst thing was you had to face him everyday. It was your work.
He could notice you weren't doing ok, but you avoided his questions.
"Are you sure you're ok?"
"Yes, I'm jus stressed." You said, emotionless.
Everytime you saw them together, you wish you were her.
You really wish you could be her.
You felt like a sixteen-year-old girl, with these crazy thoughts, but you wanted to be her.
You wanted her long blond hair, her precious smile and her perfume.
Maybe then, you thought, he'd like you more.
And you would be good enough for him.
You tried so hard to be everything that he liked.
But nothing seemed to work.
You felt he had found someonе more exciting than you.
You didn't get peace when you thought about her, you even imagined being in her place.
You were so blinded that you thought you really had to change for him.
You were like the song said, Losing my religion.
One day you were found crying in the bathroom by Lucy.
She was worried so she called Rami and they both tried to calm you.
"I've never felt this way before."
It was like your first teenage love, but in your late 20s.
"I'm so sorry sweetie, I really mean it." Lucy held your hand while talking. "I'm sure you'll find someone who would feel the same."
"I thought he was into you...but I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry too." Rami said with a sad expression on his face. He was one of the sweetest actors you've ever worked with and now, he was a friend.
They were all your friends.
But you didn't want Joe to be your friend.
You never wanted to trade places so bad in your life and be his partner.
He broke more than your heart. But it really wasn't his fault.
You took a deep breath and said. "I'm never gonna love again."
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