#bsd match ups
valyrou · 1 year
hi there, dear! i saw you were doing matchups 🙀🙀 if it’s alright with you, may i please have a bsd matchup? please take your time on this!
my name is ren and i use she/they pronouns. write this with either one! i am omnisexual, but my preference is men at the moment. i am an aries, as well as an intj 6w5!
personality: my personality really depends on my mood. i am usually hella awkward when i first meet a person, and before we really get close i will be quiet and polite. but once you really get to know me, i am positive and energetic, and objectively funny. i’m incredibly kind and sweet and caring i think are the words, and i always put others before myself. i’m what one would call “a gifted kid”, i am very intelligent. i’m very responsible and i am the “mom friend”. i’m very clingy unless you make me uncomfortable. i can usually mask my emotions but if i bottle them up for too long I’ll just break down. i have ADHD and have the shortest attention span known to man, so I’m always off in my own little world. i need someone who can keep me grounded. i LOVE to talk and if you give me a chance, i won’t shut up. i am very insecure and have severe trust issues, unless you have proven to me time after time i can trust you. i fear that people find me annoying and i cry very easily, especially if someone raises their voice at me.
hobbies: i love to read, especially classics and fantasy novels. give me a good book and i can finish it in a day if i work hard enough. i play piano and i do theater and honors chorus, so i love to act and sing. i love writing and always am writing something, whether it’s in my head or on paper. i am an amazing cook and baker and will housewife if i have to 😼😼. i love to have conversations on politics and world debates. i like to play chess (but i suck) and pool (i don’t suck at pool), and i play tennis.
likes: i love music and literature in general. i am definitely a cat person and will pick up a cat off the side of the road and bring it home. i love drama and am a bit of a gossip. i also love fashion and will have a heart attack if i am not wearing something that matches. i love shopping and video games (i am a smash bros and mariokart GOD)
dislikes: i HATE bugs. if there is a bug in my house, i will scream and jump onto the counter to get away from it. you kill a bug for me? you have my undying loyalty. i can’t stand scary movies, especially clowns. i am somewhat of a picky eater. i also hate second chances. it’s not worth it to give hundreds of chances to someone who breaks your trust and heart every single time. i also hate the ocean. you take me to the beach? i will be sitting in a chair under an umbrella reading, looking absolutely disgusted 💀💀
love language:
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A/n: THIS WAS THE FUNNIEST THING EVER LOLOL BUT NO WORRIES IT HAPPENS TO ME ALL THE TIME!! Also we are quite similar :0 thank you for requesting love, stay hydrated yourself and sleep a good amount <33
I will pair you up with…
Kunikida Doppo!
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(Bro looks soo majestic <33)
Kunikida isn’t patient with Dazai since Dazai teases him on purpose, but he would be incredibly patient with you
He understands the struggle that comes with ADHD so he’d make sure you don’t zone out to much, maybe take you places and let you talk as much as you want
He‘s a great listener
Distracts you with something to fiddle with, so you don’t zone out on him
Maybe physical touch isn’t his biggest love language, but Initially warms up to it. PDA maybe too, depends really
Hand holding sure, except you guys work together (If you would work in the ADA as well that is) then it’s just an initial squeeze on the shoulder or a kiss on the head
Kunikidas love language is quality time fr fr
Takes you out all the time, art galleries, museums, ancient library, the park etc.
You don’t have to feel insecure around Kunikida as well. He loves you for you, not for who you‘d wish to be
He would make sure you understood that
Compliments all the way, long talks
He has a literal description of his dream partner like?????
He loves you the way you are and he promises you every time you doubt yourself that he loves the current you <3
As loyal as you Are
Get a bigger beach chair, because this guy won’t play in the water either.
Please give each other book recommendations???????
Would start off very shy and akward in the relationship but once you two really get to know every detail about each other honestly anyone would be jealous
Idk if it’s canon or not, but I picture Kunikida a great cook (not so good baker) too, so DUO COOKING
Baking with him is more complicated tho because he has absolutely zero clue what’s going on
He‘d probably even mess up half finished muffins (yk the ones were you only need to put in the eggs and oil and then the muffin mix? Yeah that one)
Kills the bugs for you <3
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Before I send u the information, I wanted to thank u again for being so nice and accepting my request even though the event was already closed, you're such a sweetheart, really! 😣💗
So, starting with my appearance; I have greenish brown eyes, my hair is long and naturally red and I have some scattered freckles. My body is hourglass-shaped, not chubby but not skinny either. I'm 5'2 and I feel a little bad when people comment about my height, especially in jokes. (I'm a little insecure about my whole body itself; I think I'm too short, my breasts are too big compared to the rest of my body and I don't feel confident exposing it, mainly because of my s/h scars... but I'm trying to change it little by little).
As for my personality, Iʼm an intj, and my enneagram is 5w4. Iʼm quite shy and serious when Iʼm among strangers and in social situations, but Iʼm much more energetic when Iʼm with my (few) friends. Iʼm kind of "antisocial"; a complete disaster when it comes to socializing, so I hate going to crowded and noisy shitty places.
Because of my tendency for introspection, I've had a Dark Academy lifestyle since childhood; I read constantly and am passionate about literature, history, classical music, philosophy, and the arts in general. I've been singing and playing the piano for almost ten years, music is one of my biggest passions, as well as art, as I've also been drawing and painting since I was a child!
Talking about relationships, I'd say that I'm not the best person for this. Idk how to handle my own emotions, and expressing them is a bit difficult (I also have trust issues). Although touch isnʼt my love language, I try to show it in other ways, especially through words of affirmation and quality time. Since talking about my feelings is a very complicated thing, the simple act of verbalizing what I feel means that the feeling is huge, you know? I also value experiencing delightful moments with my love, whether they are remarkable or not. Just the opportunity to be by his side and enjoy his company means a lot to me! In a relationship, Iʼm looking for someone intelligent, calm, and who is willing to understand my issues and respect my need for personal space. Iʼm the kind of person who hates clinginess, but makes a small exception just for someone in particular (and Iʼd like my partner to be like me; not so clingy, but also not so cold and distant, yk?). I'm passionate abt people with whom I can have deep and intellectual conversations, especially abt topics such as art, philosophy, history, etc. I also have a certain inclination to seek validation when I'm in a relationship: I do everything to please and expect the person to acknowledge and do the same, making it clear that they love me (sorry but I have a huge praise kink and I kinda like like possessive behavior, because, for some reason, it reassures me that I'm loved💀).
holy shit, I'm sorry for sending this massive ask! I got carried away and said more than I should have. But so, who do you think I'll match with? 🖤
(...and sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language 😭)
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: NSFW! content at the end, MDNI!
Word Count: 1.03K
A/n: Tysm anon, and I'm sorry I forgot to post this. I'm really sorry😭
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I match you with...
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Fyodor Dostoevsky!
Ah look at him in this pic. SO HANDSOME-
I think you're the perfect prey for this mischievous man🚶🏻‍♀️🤝🏻
Like, seriously lmao. He will enjoy teasing you A LOT. IDT he will comment on your body cause you're his S/o and there's definitely something special about you... So he doesn't want to break you. It's just... Fyodor, you know what I mean? He teases in his own way. By doing small affectionate moves like, reaching for your hand when he's reading a book (I can definitely see him doing that because you're not clingy/touchy so he has to do something about it), and suddenly letting go claiming that he wants to turn the page over just to see you pout and look the other way as your cheeks turn red since you're too shy to say anything/protest.
Fyodor doesn't care about body shape, ok? He's not that type of guy. He finds value in your personality. Whether you're cocky and idiotic, or intelligent and mischievous, or a mix of both. He doesn't want a S/o who's dumb, but he also has to have power on you. And believe me, it doesn't matter if your obedient or not, Fyodor will bring you down to your knees if he desires.
"Iʼm looking for someone intelligent, calm, and who is willing to understand my issues and respect my need for personal space" I think you just described Fyodor😭😭😭He will give you personal space maybe a bit too much, to the point that you're begging him to interrupt your personal space lmao🚶🏻‍♀️ But he will understand these all. He's calm, intelligent AF and yet a very simple man. You got it babe, as long as you're willing to be his pretty little mouse🚶🏻‍♀️ (You don't have a choice nut let's not scare you shall we?)
But seriously Fyodor isn't a bad man =| IK that he likes to be the one in charge and stuff but don't tell me that you aren't enjoying it?! Like, it's FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY?!! He has some goals he needs to achieve, but he might will make time for you as well.
I think he would be into someone who's not goofy y'know? Someone who's maybe a bit quiet, shy when it comes to touching and stuff because he needs to see his effect on you(the blushing/getting flustered), obedient or he will make you be🚶🏻‍♀️, and maybe a bit idk... crazy? About him of course. Like, be obsessed with him. You're personality is kinda close to that, so yes, I can see something happening between the two of you.
Imagine him sitting on the sofa taking a sip of his tea with his eyes closed as he listened to the delightful melody of the piano. How your talented hands run around on the keys, creating such beautiful symphony. He will smile by the end of the song and praise you as he stares into your eyes that are filled with the need of his approval😭
"So elegant of you, my dear. Being able to play such tricky instrument like you were born for it. As expected of my little Myshka"
His praises are rare so enjoy these little moments-
Fyodor is delighted by you. You will have so many discussions when he has free time, about anything related to Philosophy, etc. He gets fascinated by your view on things when it's not similar to his; and if you point out something that he surprisingly hasn't considered/ thought about? He admires you. Might not straightforwardly tell you, but you can get it from his soft smile and his stare on your face when you describe your theory, meaning that he's interested in you.
POSSISSIVE. I actually cannot say that enough🚶🏻‍♀️
Fyodor is picky about his significant other, and if he chooses someone, it means that they're his and only his. No man will live to see the next day if he even dreams about laying a finger on you. Like, the barista tries to flirt with you? You will not see him at the coffee house the next day. And as much as you feel bad for the poor guy, it makes you feel butterflies in your stomach knowing your boyfriend had taken care of him. It means that in his crowded complicated mind, you're there somewhere, important enough for him to stop planning shit for a moment and take care of people who dare to take a liking toward his belongings. It makes you feel important, proud of yourself.
If you ever wear a lingerie for him... OMG
He appreciates it a lot. Will teasingly caress your scars, smiling at how you shudder at the feeling of his cold fingertips on your warm breast. Oof, he might even kiss them if he's in the mood that day, and YOU WILL LITERALLLY FALL INTO HIS LAP IF HE DOES THAT CUZ YOU JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK OMG-
You're shy and quiet? OH, that's funny, cause you're the exact opposite when you're in this guy's hands🚶🏻‍♀️🤝🏻
He will have you whining, moaning, crying, begging for him to touch you more, and it will just make him smirk at how you're this needy for him despite not being touchy with others. He loves it. It feels his ego knowing he's the only one in your heart, Which is why he will treasure you and make you come if you've been acting like a good girl for him.
Holds you close to himself. Don't you dare break eye contact or tilt your head to the other side. He will grab your jaw and force you to look back at him, and might punish you if it pisses him too much. He needs to see your pretty face. He needs to see how much he got you worked up, how much of a mess you've become for him, and only him. He needs to see your face turning red, and he loves it when your moans get so loud that he has to silence them with a deep, passionate kiss ♡
Tysm for participating and giving me the opportunity to write for this man anon, GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL-
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pillow-anime-talk · 11 months
match up. {1}
request (match up) ; @ a23--un66-u77: i’m a 5’2 female with short brown hair that reaches my neck and with curtain bangs, i have hazel eyes and i’m a bit chubby in the lower body. i’m a sagittarius, an esfp and i tend to be an ambivert leaning to extrovert, i also tend to overthink a lot and often feel guilty and insecure but otherwise i’m really cheerful and dirty minded. my hobbies are drawing, watching anime, writing stories; bungou stray dogs characters + platonic relations
# tags: match up; platonic relations; mostly fluff; a bit of comedy; slice of life; compliments and hugs; sfw
includes: atsushi nakajima, edgar allan poe, gin akutagawa & nikolai gogol {bsd}
author’s note: my first match up ever so... i just hope it's okay for you! thank you so much :)
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↘ It’s hard not to be friends with Atushi. He really likes people and he really appreciates having a best friend like you. You are very similar in that you both think a lot about life, problems and not being enough for others. Nevertheless, you two are always very supportive and I have a vision in my head that you like spending time with a cup of hot tea in complete silence. You don’t need words to communicate, just the presence of the other person will significantly improve your mood.
↘ This boy is the most supportive guy we all know; he’s always praising your haircut and eyes, he’s always saying you look great in >that< outfit or make-up, he’s complimented your paintings and stories more than once... He is such a good and loving boy who knows well that such small things work best on another person. You appreciate it very much.
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↘ You both love to write, so Edgar really enjoys your company and you exchange ideas, opinions and comments about books together. You go to a coffee shop together and discover new places on the map of Yokohama or nearby towns. You are by far the best duo ever made! Oh, of course, let’s not forget about Karl, who senses human intentions perfectly – but luckily this adorable raccoon adores you so bad, so you don’t have to worry about anything. For a small and sweet pet, you are the second parent.
↘ God, I have the thought in my mind that you help each other with the smallest and often the stupidest requests/things like cutting your hair or choosing an anime you should watch tonight. There’s nothing better than a friend for better or for worse, and Poe is exactly that kind of buddy.
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↘ She’s a calm and graceful woman so having such a friend/sister/soulmate is really amazing for you and it’s damn reassuring. Gin understands your problems and listens to you carefully (she is the best at it). Her advices are the most important and valuable to you. When you have your silly moments and suddenly you burst out laughing, she’s also happy and smiles slightly. You really appreciate the time and the opportunity to spend it together.
↘ You like to go for walks and relax in your/her apartment. If you like shopping at the mall, she will certainly always accompany you (she loves to buy cosmetics and new hair products, I’m pretty sure about it). You always advise each other on clothes and makeup. I am also sure that these afternoons always end with a cup of coffee and a portion of cake, as well as a conversation (or rather gossips) about your friends, family or co-workers.
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↘ If you say you have extroverted moments, you like naughty jokes and anime in general, then Nikolai really suits to your person. You are like two lighters that ignite the wick of the same bomb. You always have huge fun together and do crazy things, sometimes betting on which of you will buy food or movie tickets (e.g. for the latest ‘Barbie’ movie).
↘ Even if you have worse moments, moments full of doubt and uncertainty – don’t worry. It’s only a matter of time before Nikolai comes to your house with a cat (or other animal) taken from the middle of the street and a bag filled with your favorite snacks/sweets and thus cheers you up for the rest of the day or even the week. You always evaluate the time spent in each other’s company as successful and used as much as possible.
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dracones24 · 2 years
It probably wont be possible until I acquire some followers, but Im thinking of doing some BSD match ups? If anyone does see this feel free to send asks for a character match up! Please specify if youre looking for platonic specifically or nsfw specifically, otherwise romantic will be assumed.
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originalartblog · 9 months
pamper tiny chuuya tooo pleaseeeee (also can i see tiny verlaine and rimbaud) 🙏
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I tinified them :)
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yaolmao · 19 hours
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You’re the same as me
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sableeira · 3 days
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You know that one screenshot from the stage play? Yeah…
If you don’t know, here is the reference:
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yeah Chuuya isn’t grabbing Dazai’s coat here and looks angry… I took some artistic liberties in the name of being annoying about skk 🫡
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carrotkicks · 10 months
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why do you REALLY want to show him your car, girl?
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anyanary · 1 year
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The birthday outfit was such a slay. Manifesting Bones doesn’t fuck up chapter 88
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petitesmafia · 1 year
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seven years since we met, and we've done nothing but quarrel with each other. but...now that i think about it, there were some moments where we did connect. like that time—
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sskklvr · 8 months
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Art requests ‼️
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littencloud9 · 2 months
instead of writing i did this. picrew kunichuuranzai
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Hello!! Remember me? we talked about bottom fyodor 😭 help. All the best for your exam and Congratulations on your 300 followers!!! So umm....
I'm an enfp scorpio.
I love dancing in the rain. love gazing at the moon and stars. like spicy food. can play violin. Know how to ride a bike. natural trouble magnet And I do a lot of artistic stuff aside from writing fanfics :3
Fandom: bsd please
Remember to take care of yourself love and drink a lot of water :) 💕💕
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Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None
Word Count: 0.6K
A/n: All those hearts are for me🥺? Ok come closer a little bit *Mwah!
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I match you with...
Dazai Osamu!
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Ok first, let me just say how jealous I am of you :') Bruh I want him so bad! Can We like make a bargain? I'll give you Chuuya and you give him to me T^T
I just feel like that this hottie would match your energy so much. I was struggling on whether match you with him or Nikolai, but I ended up going with him when I read about your zodiac sign.
Dazai is a really cool partner; and by that I mean he's in whatever crazy shit you wanna do. You wanna go rob a bank at 4am? He's in! Wanna eat dozens of spicy food? He wont particularly enjoy it, but he's still in! Wanna go on top of Everest and scream until you collapse? He's in! Wanna run around in the rain without an umbrella while others are glancing at you as they run to their homes? Ooh Boy he's definitely in!
So, I heard that Scorpio people are very sexual :D And it's not just because they're horny, but they seem to enjoy the closeness and affection they receive in the act. So, um, He's 100% and a thousand times in :> He loves giving/receiving affection, tho he might not open up about other stuff...
I'm guessing that you're not much of a morning person, and same as him! Ok ok imagine this- you're both on the mattress (I wish he had a bed) clinging into each other's arm as the clock starts to ring, reminding you that it's another damn morning and another damn day (I'm saying that because you're studying at this moment lol), And Dazai also has to get his ass up and go to work; but the warmness of the blanket and your embrace is too addictive for him to get up. So he reaches for the clock, takes a deep breath, and throw it at the window causing it to break and make you full conscious; And he does that without opening his eyes lol. And then you shrug your shoulders, leaning into his embrace even more, saying "That's my boy"
I know🚶🏻‍♀️
BTW if you manage to have a stablished relationship with him, you have my respect bro-
I have a feeling that you would tease Kunikida with him, even though you might not be much of a teaser (?). Hanging around with this guy can be way too effective.
"Scorpios strike when other people least expect it" can I just say that's soooo DAZAI? like, other people cant even believe that he's a detective or has a gift, but then he makes a move and others are like Damn bro! What have you been hiding up your sleeves all this time! He's like that, and since he loves mysteries and riddles, he would definitely love the company of a folksy but actually smart and observant kind of person- YOU
Natural trouble magnet? Hehe, same as him! I can totally see you guys running away while Kunikida trouble is following you to beat the shit out of you lmao. Trust me- You two are gonna pull a lot of pranks on people, and might feel a little bad if your target is Atsushi
Please punch him in the nuts when he flirts with other women; tysm in advance🚶🏻‍♀️
There are days that you're on your bad mood; and he compromises with you. Depending on whether you wanna be alone or have someone to comfort you; he makes a move. Clears up the space around you and hugs you from behind, leading you to a comfy worm place, without saying anything or asking what happened. He already knows (Probably)
That's it. That's all I've got🚶🏻‍♀️
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evilkaeya · 8 months
Would Fyodor and Nikolai adopt a child???? By accident ofc - probably not on purpose.
I love how you had to point out it happened by accident. You're so right. They would never adopt on purpose.
Also for some reason all I can think of is fyolai adopting yumeno. Idk why I thought that but it's in my brain now and I'll be thinking about it for the rest of the night.
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sugutoad · 2 months
Welcome to Sugutoad Matchups! 
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Matchups will all be exchange! So which ever level you wish, you will write that back
What to expect (you can only select 8 options for this matchup out of these)
A ship
How you met
3 Ship tropes
Ship song
Best friend
Relationship with characters of your choice
Family and Children
Anything specific to that fandom (quirk, house, cabin etc.)
Personal/ship moonboards - send in either a character, a matchup or simply an aesthetic to receive a moonboard of your liking
Appearance Matchups - send a few pictures or picrews to figure out who seems to fit you based solely off looks
*all information will be kept private and you will simply be @/ on the post
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Zodiac and MBTI
A little bit about your personality 
Likes and Dislike
Love language
Ideal type 
Fandom of your choice
Any characters you don’t want 
Colour and aesthetic
The more information you send in, the more I can write for you. 
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originalartblog · 1 year
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(domestic skk?? here???)
Sometimes it's hard to be vulnerable but they're working on it.
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