#carol danvers fluff
togrowoldinv · 5 months
Meeting the Team
Carol Danvers x Female Reader
Carol brings Monica and Kamala home to take refuge for an evening and to meet her wife. Fluff ensues
Note: I was just thinking about Carol having a secret wife and the lovely Monica and Kamala meeting her. Enjoy this one!
Carol Danvers Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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You’re stirred from your sleep when you hear the sound of a ship landing near your house. You hope it’s Carol’s.
When you hear the sound of the front door unlocking, you roll out of bed and walk to greet her in the front room.
She’s in her suit but it looks a little worse for wear. Carol catches sight of you and the weight falls off her shoulders.
“Hey sweetheart,” Carol says softly, a smirk rests on her face.
You cross the room quickly and pull her into a hug. She flinches due to her own soreness but keeps hugging you anyways.
“Are you okay?” You ask her, grabbing her face in your hands.
“I’m okay,” she says.
Her eyes are determined. You realize she’s here just for a short time to regroup or gather some information.
“I missed you,” you say.
“I missed you,” Carol replies.
You lean in to kiss her but you stop short when you see two women, or rather one woman and one teenage girl, walk in the door behind her.
“Carol?” You alert her to the presence.
“It’s okay,” Carol says. “We’re- well I guess we’re a team.”
“We are so a team,” the teenage girl says.
Carol tries to hold back a smile but you see it on her face that she likes these teammates. She turns around and holds you by the waist.
“Y/n, this is Kamala and Monica,” Carol says.
“Wait, the Monica?” You ask. The woman’s eyes flash to Carol’s at your words.
“Yeah,” Carol says. “Our powers are entangled.”
“Right, okay. It’s nice to meet you both, come on in and make yourself comfortable,” you say.
They move to sit on the couch. Carol goes to the bathroom to freshen up first.
“What was your name again?” Monica asks you.
“Y/n,” you supply. “I’m Carol’s wife.”
“Oh my god,” Kamala says, mostly to herself.
“What?” You ask.
“Oh, she’s just a fan girl,” Monica explains. “She’ll be writing fanfiction later about Carol having a secret wife.”
You chuckle at the girl’s antics. You can’t blame her for loving Carol enough to want to create new versions of her.
“Carol and I got married a few years ago,” you say. “But we really haven’t been able to spend much time together. Planets need saving and all that.”
“Sounds familiar,” Monica says.
Carol enters the room and sits down next to you with a sigh. You want to ask more about her reuniting with Monica but that’s for another time when it’s just the two of you.
“Do you have powers?” Kamala asks. You realize this girl has a talent for breaking awkward silences.
“I do not,” you say. “Although, wrangling this one in should be considered a power.”
“Wow,” Carol says. “I’m offended.”
“Don’t be, baby,” you say. You kiss her cheek and she tries to hide her blush. “It’s a privilege to love you. Even when you run off to space for months at a time.”
“You could go with me if you want,” Carol shrugs.
“Nope. That’s your world up there. Not mine,” you reply. Carol only smiles. “Are you guys hungry?”
“Starving,” Kamala answers. “I mean no, we’re good.”
“Come with me,” you tell her.
You lead the girl into the kitchen and let her take her pick of food to eat. She settles on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Kamala asks you a few questions about Carol and your relationship. She seems genuinely excited with every answer she receives.
Monica and Carol are in the living room still. You don’t hear much talking, so you make Carol a sandwich and go get her.
“Babe, I made you a sandwich,” you say. “Please eat at least half. I know you haven’t been remembering to eat a lot.”
“I’m fine,” Carol says. “I get enough.”
“Go.” You leave no room for argument. She sighs and goes to the kitchen. That leaves you alone with Monica.
The woman is sitting on the couch. You know from her vantage point that she can see the framed photo of Maria that Carol keeps on the shelf.
“I’m sorry to hear about your mom,” you say, not really knowing what to say.
“Oh, thanks,” she replies.
“You know I think Carol has some more pictures around here somewhere,” you say. “Maybe next time you come by we can look for them.”
“Yeah,” Monica says noncommittally.
“Do you need anything? A drink, food, medicine?” You ask.
“Thank you. I’m okay,” Monica says.
“Are you sure? I can tell Carol is sore so I can imagine you all are,” you say.
“You can tell that about her just from looking at her?”
“From the hug. She flinched,” you explain. “She never admits she’s hurting, but I know she is. Although, I do see a part of her healing. Probably from reuniting with you. She seems happier.”
Monica nods. She knows that this has meant a lot to Carol. It means a lot to her too, but right now she’s still a bit hardened to the idea of being in her presence again.
Carol and Kamala come back into the room before you can say anything else. You help show them where to sleep and then end up back your bedroom with Carol.
She changes into some pajamas and snuggles into bed next to you. You rest your head against her shoulder.
“How long?” You ask her.
“Just until morning,” Carol replies. “I need to fix a part of my ship. And I wanted to see you.”
“How are you doing with this whole Monica thing?”
Carol takes a deep breath. She hasn’t really had time to stop and think about it.
“I’m okay I think,” she says. “I’m good. It’s amazing how she’s grown up to be so wonderful.”
“Yeah? She has powers, that’s insane.”
“I know,” Carol says. “I didn’t know that until I saw her with Fury. She’s really a great person too. I definitely couldn’t keep Kamala as safe without her.”
“What’s the deal with Kamala? She’s a kid who loves you?” You ask, a chuckle escaping from your lips.
“Apparently,” Carol sighs. “But I really don’t feel like I’m a good role model for her. Maybe she’s seeing that in the choices I’ve already had to make in front of her.”
“Hey, you always do your best. Sacrifices are necessary. You know that, baby,” you try to encourage her. “The way that girl looks at you definitely makes me know that she looks up to you.”
Carol kisses your head and rubs a hand over your back. It’s slightly warmer than normal, meaning she’s using her powers to help you relax.
“We need some sleep,” Carol says.
“We do,” you reply. “Hey, don’t let me forget to tell Kamala in the morning about how we met.”
“Oh god, she’s going to write a story about it,” Carol says. “Whatever fanfiction is.”
“It’s fantastic,” you reply.
“You know what it is?”
“Of course, babe.”
“And you’ve read it?” She asks. You nod. “About me?”
“No,” you laugh out. “I don’t need to when I have you already, my love. Although, I do need some new content.”
Carol grins mischievously. She’s sent you countless videos, pictures, and voice memos over the years. But it has been a while since she has done that for you.
“Tell you what, when this thing is over I’m coming back home for a while,” she says. “And we can spend our time doing whatever we want.”
“I’d love that,” you say. “Goodnight, my love.”
“Goodnight, my beautiful wife,” Carol replies.
You kiss her lips for a few minutes before you both feel the weight of sleep fall over you.
When you wake in the morning, you spend a few more hours with Carol, Kamala, and Monica. The goodbye is always hard, but you know Carol will come back to you. She always does.
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Carol Danvers x fem!reader Warnings: established relationship, long distance, fluffy times, explicit language, implied sex (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: It's been nearly a year since you've seen your girlfriend and almost two months since you've heard from her. And you're beginning to worry that she's forgotten about you. After all, the universe is a big place.
357 days. That’s how long it had been since you’d seen your girlfriend. You tried to think of yourself like a military spouse. After all, Carol did used to be in the Air Force. And she did travel to far-away, dangerous places to protect people, with very limited communication for long periods of time. It’s just that her dangerous locations were in other galaxies instead of other countries.
You were used to her being gone or, well, as used to it as you could be. The longer her absence went on, the more used to it you got, but somehow it also became harder. When she first set off on this mission, she’d been in your galaxy, so communications had come faster and with more regularity. Less space and time for them to travel through. But the farther away she got, the longer it took her messages to get to you. You were lucky if you got one email a month.
It wasn’t personal. You knew that. She was far away. Even with the best technology S.H.I.E.L.D. could provide to a civilian, her communication with you was still slow and limited. But, god, you missed her. You missed her laugh. You missed the warmth of her next to you in bed. You missed the way she propped her leg up when she sat down, no matter what kind of chair it was. You hung on every word of her emails, going over them so often you’d memorized them.
It had been two months since Carol’s last email. It was a long time to go without communication, even for her. The irrational part of your brain was desperately worried for her. There’s no telling what kind of high-risk situations she got herself into out there. But you knew that if anyone could handle themselves against all the forces of evil in the universe, it was Carol. You also knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have contacted you immediately had anything happened to her.
Another part of your brain–equally irrational but much harder to talk down–worried that Carol had forgotten you. The universe that Carol traversed was huge. Infinite, even. She saw things no one else had ever seen. Met people and experienced cultures that were so different from ours on Earth that we’d never even dream them up. Who’s to say she hadn’t found somewhere–someone–more beautiful than here, with you? She saw entire worlds, the neverending canvas of space and time. How could it possibly be that, of all the things in the known universe, you were the one worth coming home to? You always worried that maybe, this time, you weren’t.
As you climbed into bed, missing, as always, the feeling of Carol’s arms wrapped around you, the rise and fall of her chest as she slept, you once again pulled up her most recent email. From 61 days ago.
Hi, baby. I hope all’s well on Earth. I’m sad I’m missing spring–you know it’s my favorite season. Are there apricots on the tree yet? Or just buds? I’d give an arm for an apricot right now. I’m farther out than normal, so you might not hear from me for a while. One of the Andromedas. 2.7 lightyears away, if you can believe it. It scares me a little to be so far away from you.
I know I’ve said it before, but it gets lonely out here. Sometimes I wish you could come with me, but I know your body wouldn’t handle space-time travel like mine does. Superhero probs. Also, it’s probably not fair for me to make you put your entire life on pause just because I miss you like crazy.
It’s so beautiful out here in a weird, quiet way. I wish you could see it. Yesterday, I passed a pulsar. A star carcass, as I like to call them. They’re these gigantic masses of spinning light that put out radio signals (which might interfere with how quickly you get this, fuck pulsars). You’ve never seen something so big. So big it’s almost hard to believe it’s really there.
Anyway. I’m rambling. I miss you so much. I always miss you, but this time feels harder for some reason. I miss the way your eyes crinkle when you smile. I miss the way your hair sticks up in the morning. I miss kissing you. I miss doing more than kissing you. I just miss you.
I’m not sure when I’ll get home, but I think about you every day, every second. Nothing in this galaxy or the next or the next compares to you. Please stay safe. Don’t be sad. Snuggle Goose for me.
I love you.
You fell asleep reading through the email, again and again, your phone going dark in your hand beside you as you drifted off. You dreamed of pulsars. You dreamed of Carol.
Hours later, you jerked awake, gasping, as you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, hey!” a voice said, calming, reassuring. “It’s just me.”
You’d know that voice anywhere. “Carol!” you squealed, grabbing her and pulling her onto the bed with you, holding her as tight as possible so she could never, ever leave you for so long again. “You’re home!”
You felt her smile against you as she buried her face in your neck, wrapping her strong arms around you. She smelled metallic, almost like gunpowder; you knew it by now–the smell of space. “Hi, baby,” she whispered, breathing you in. “I missed you so much.”
Still holding you close, Carol sat up a bit to just look at you, just take you in. She ran her hand along your cheekbone and pressed a warm kiss to your mouth. A kiss you’d been so desperate for, you thought you might die from relief. Her lips tasted like space, too, the way metal smells after rain. So uniquely her. How many other people could say they knew the taste of space?
“Are you crying?!” Carol asked, alarmed, as she brushed a few tears from under your eyelids.
You sniffed and mumbled, “I thought maybe you forgot about me.”
Carol pulled you to her chest, running her fingers through your hair, lightly grazing her fingernails against your scalp. You shivered at the sensation.
“Oh, baby,” she breathed. “I could never forget about you.”
“But there’s so much out there.”
“Mmhm,” she said, kissing your nose. “And none of it’s as beautiful as you.”
When she moved to stand up, you grasped her hands. “No, no! Stay here and snuggle!”
She laughed, grinning from ear to ear, as she pushed your hair back from your face. “I have to shower, Y/N. I smell like an asteroid.”
You leapt out of bed to stand next to her, looping your arm and hand through hers and leaning against her shoulder. You couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t get close enough. You never wanted to let her go.
“Can I join you?” you asked, blushing a little. After all, it had been nearly a year.
Carol looked at you lovingly, smiling softly, a few of her own tears building. She squeezed your hand and dragged you after her into the bathroom. “God, yes.”
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olsenmyolsen · 6 months
I'm Free Tonight
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master list
dark master list
MCU Compliant (Female Reader X Carol Danvers)
Summary: A lovely stranger saves you from a boring Christmas Gala.
Word Count: 2.8K
Content: Just Fluff
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"You alone?"
You looked up from your seat at the round table and saw the blue eyes of a blonde you'd never seen before.
She wore a beautiful maroon and blue dress with a gold chest piece. Your dress looked silly in comparison, no matter how much your girlfr- ex girlfriend(?) paid for it.
And she wasn't cheap.
An heiress, some would call her.
Others used the word bitch.
You tore your eyes away from the blonde and gestured to a woman at the bar. Clearly drunk and openly flirting with one of the groomsmen. "Supposed to be with her."
The blonde looked where you pointed, and the curiosity on her face turned into one of disappointment.
Followed by a smirk.
"Well, I'm Carol. Carol Danvers." The blon- Carol switched her champagne flute from her right to her left hand. She extended the right to you when you looked up to her.
"Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N." You shook her hand and were surprised to feel a tight grip. You quickly realized how strong Carol was as you checked out the definition and muscles on her arms. "May I?" Carol pointed to the seat to the left of you. "Go ahead." You said with a smile that Carol reciprocated.
Carol also chose this seat so you'd be facing away from the bitch that left you alone.
You turned away from the bar and towards Carol. "How do you know the couple hosting?" Carol asked. "I don't. My date does."
That made sense. Since Carol noticed you hours earlier, she couldn't figure out how you wound up at a place like this. Surrounded by people whose hands were never clean. Politicians and models. Wall Street bros and CEO's. You stuck out—a ray of innocence and good radiated from you. Kind hearted.
Carol knew it to be true when she saw how awful your date treated you.
"Ah," Carol said as she lifted the glass and took a sip of the golden bubbles. "I hope you don't mind me asking... Who is she? Your date?" Carol set her glass down and looked at you in the eyes. "Oh, her name is-"
"Oh no, I'm sorry." Carol stopped you as she reached a hand out to your arm. "I meant, who is she to you."
It felt like a trick question, like Carol knew the truth.
Carol kept her fingers resting on your arm while waiting for your eyes to meet hers. "She's..."
You sighed.
Carol patted your arm. "Think about it." She removed her touch from you, and you missed her warm fingers.
You watched as they wrapped around the glass of champagne. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not supposed to be here," Carol spoke up with a shrug.
"You're not?" Carol watched your forehead crease when you didn't believe her. "No. I'm here doing a favor for a friend." You looked around the room, and like Carol did with you earlier, you couldn't believe someone like her could be here. "What friend?" You asked, making Carol smile.
"The King of Asgard, Valkyrie." She said casually without hesitation.
"Oh!" You said, surprised and bewildered. "I still have yet to visit New Asgard.." You really have been meaning to, but it's not like money grows on trees for you. "I hear it's lovely."
"It is," Carol replies. "So.." Carol leans closer. "Are you done thinking about my question from earlier? What is she..." Carol gestures to the woman you came here with. "..to you. Because she sure as hell isn't your girlfriend."
You followed Carol's eyes and saw the woman kissing the neck of a man you wouldn't give the time of day.
You turned back and looked at Carol.
You sighed and put both arms on the table in a defeated position. "I was her date for tonight, but no, I've never met her until two days prior when I was introduced by her team. I was hired to help clean up her image, but..." You looked back. "Looks like that's not happening."
Carol hummed. "So you're an escort?"
"Blunt, but yes... that's one word for it." You replied. Carol leaned back into her chair and appreciated the honesty coming from you.
"How much did she pay you?"
You certainly weren't expecting that question, and you couldn't tell by the smirk Carol was hiding behind her glass if she was serious or not.
So you decided to forget about the girl you came with and play the game Carol was hopefully playing.
"Why? Think you can afford me?"
That made the blonde laugh. "I know I can." Her voice was lower as she spoke to you. "But I'm not looking to pay. I want you if you want to come along."
That made something in your stomach twirl.
"And where would we go?"
"Wherever you want. But hopefully far away from here."
You peeled your eyes away from the blonde and looked around the room. It was dreadful and boring. This was presented as a Christmas gala, but it was nothing more than a night to fuck and make business deals to everyone else but you.
You were here for a job, but you were clearly left to your own devices.
Until Carol showed up.
"Okay." You said as you turned back to the blonde and nodded. "Let's get out of here."
Carol's eyes lit up. She watched you stand up and down your glass of champagne before extending your hand to her. Carol did the same with her glass before taking your hand. "Thank you." She smiled as she rose to her feet. "No, thank you!"
Carol led you out of the grand mansion you couldn't for the life of you remember the name of and to the valet kiosk. Carol handed the greying man a ticket stub and wrapped her arm around you as you two waited for his return.
"Is this okay?" She asked, forcing you to look up to her eyes. "Me... touching you? Holding you?" You nodded. "It's great." Carol smiled. "Good to know."
Carol felt your skin become scattered with goosebumps. She thought it might've been from the cold wind in the air, but if asked, you would've been honest and told her it was because of her—the blonde with her hand moving up and down your arm.
She smiled.
You two stood in silence, accepting the comfort the other one brought when the valet pulled up in a black sports car that would never be in your tax bracket.
"What a beautiful car, Miss. Please enjoy your evening." The man said to Caol as he handed her the keys before scurrying away.
She simply smirked and moved her arm from around you to your arm closest to her. "Shall we?" You nodded and let Carol lead you to the passenger door. She opened it for you and let go of you as you entered.
She watched the slit of your dress rise as you sat down in the brown leather seat. Her eyes then traveled down to your legs and the heels that went perfectly with your dress. "Good?" She then asked. "Good." You replied before Carol smiled and closed the door.
You watched her move around the front of the car and slide into the driver's seat. The seat adjusted to her, and you watched the steering wheel move to compliment her. "Wow." Carol turned to your voice.
"Kind of a lot, right?" You shrugged and looked into her blue eyes. "It's kinda cool." You tried to be nonchalant, but you were in awe of everything, and Carol knew it.
Carol hit some buttons on the display in the middle and found a radio station playing a pop hit.
Olivia Rodrigo specifically.
The music was kept at a lower volume as Carol waited for you to buckle up. "Safety first, sweetheart." She said, making your stomach flip at the pet name. "Sorry." You mumbled as your cheeks grew red, and Carol buckled herself up before turning up the heat and placing the car in drive.
"You hungry?" Carol hadn't eaten any of the fancy shit the gala was offering. It was all themed around the holiday, and she knew for a fact that you hadn't had a single bite.
You wanted to lie, but with Carol asking in a honey-dripping tone, and one look at her made you nod. "Starving." You said.
However, food wasn't the first thing you were thinking about eating.
Carol smirked as if she could read your mind.
She removed her right hand from the steering wheel and placed it on your thigh as she kept her eyes on the road. The speed of the car picking up.
Her palms on your skin burned with waves of pleasure. "I'll find somewhere for us," Carol said, making you nod. Carol briefly looked over at you and smiled.
She was loving the game that was being played.
In addition, she loved the touch of you. The feeling of your goosebumps spreading across your body every time her fingers lifted up and down your soft, ample skin.
She was also enjoying you—your company.
Carol never got to do stuff like this.
But she was making the most of tonight.
"Is this still okay?" Carol asked as her hand moved slightly up your thigh. Pushing your dress up. "Yes." You said as you buried a moan in your throat.
"Do I feel good? My touch against your body?" Carol asked as she turned her head to you. She watched your side profile nod and swallow before you parted your pink lips. "You feel so good, Carol."
Her blue eyes found the road again.
"Good, sweetheart." Carol patted your thigh and kept you wanting more. "You're doing so well for me."
You whimpered upon hearing the praises of a woman you just met. "Ah, here we go," Carol said, making you do your best to focus on what was worth pulling off the side of the road.
Surprised, you looked at Carol as she put the car in park.
Carol turned to you.
"What's wrong?" She unbuckled her seatbelt and brought a hand up to your face. Moving a hair behind your ear. "You said you were starving." You leaned into her touch ever so slightly and nodded. "I am."
"Then let's eat." Carol smiled and removed her touch from you again as she climbed out of the car.
You kept your eyes on Carol as she closed the door. You watched her pass in front of the neon 24/7 Diner sign before she made it to your passenger door. She opened it and quickly helped you out. "It's somehow gotten colder. Come on." Her hand and fingers became intertwined with yours as she pulled you to the front of the restaurant.
You two seated yourselves in a booth once you entered like a bunch of giggly teenagers.
There was only the waitstaff and three other patrons inside. You and Carol were obviously dressed the best.
"This definitely beats the Gala," Carol said, making you look up from your menu with a smile. "It does."
Carol placed her elbows on the table and rested her chin on her hand. "Tell me something," Carol said with a teasing smirk. "Are you enjoying how the night has gone?"
You dropped your menu onto the table. "I'm loving it. Thank you."
Carol shook her head. "No, thank you." Her leg rubbed up against yours in a gentle manner. "Now, what are you thinking about having?" Carol's eyes found the menu again, but you stared straight ahead.
Carol knew it.
"They don't have me on the menu." You brushed your leg higher against Carol. "Shame. Because I'd love a taste."
You were bold, and you didn't know where it was coming from, but tonight, with Carol, you felt free. You weren't being paid to be someone else. You felt like a new person. Or maybe it was just you being yourself? Regardless, you loved it.
After a waitress came by, you and Carol Danvers ordered cheeseburgers with a basket of fries and a shake, to split, obviously.
The food was wonderful, and the flirting mixed in with conversation was even better.
The highlight might have been when you showed Carol that you could, in fact, tie a cherry stem into a knot in your mouth. You held it between your teeth with pride as Carol smirked at you and, without warning, connected your lips together. Her tongue swiping the stem out of your mouth and into hers.
When she smiled a few seconds later, the knot was undone, and Carol couldn't help but wink at you.
You felt your stomach flip again.
"Whenever you're ready to leave, we can," Carol said to you, only to earn a nod.
Carol laughed at that and stood up as she placed a stack of uncounted bills from her clutch.
"Okay, so maybe you could afford me for the night." You said, taking Carols' hand as you slid out of the booth. "I told you." She smugly replied as she led you out of the diner.
The cold air catching you off guard, but your grip on Carols' hand remained strong. "Come on." She squeezed your hand and bit back a smile before you two ended up on the driver's side of the car.
Carol held the key in her other hand.
"What?" You asked as Carol looked at your eyes. "You're just beautiful." The blonde said, moving her body to be pressed up against yours.
You stumbled a step back as you found your back up against Carols car.
"Is this still okay?" Carols breath was shaky as she held her lips dangerously close to yours.
In the neon glow of the diner sign, you nodded. "Just kiss me again." Carol held in a moan as she did what you asked. The softness of her lips landed on yours.
You pulled her body closer.
Her hands found your hips and squeezed them, making you squeal in delight. "Fuck Carol!" You laughed into Carols mouth.
"Oh, you're such a pretty girl," Carol replied in a hushed tone as she pushed her front up against you more. Feeling the tremble in your legs and warmth from your pussy.
But the sweetest bit was the taste of chocolate on your lips.
"I want you." You moaned into Carols ear.
Carol couldn't be happier. "I want you too." She kissed your neck, jaw, and lips again.
You bit your lips and looked up at her. "Let's go then." You turned around and pressed your ass against Carol and made a gesture for the car keys, but Carol smiled before laughing. "Oh, no, baby. I don't think so."
You tilted your head as you were still catching your breath. "And why is that?" You opened the car door and waited for Carol's answer.
That's when you watched Carol's hand curl and close around the key. Suddenly, her hand began to glow bright and orange. You couldn't believe what you were seeing, and when she opened her hand again, the key was nothing but a pile.
You waited for an answer.
"Remember that story I told you? About the pilot?"
Carol tilted her hand, and you both watched the remnants of the key fall to the asphalt.
You looked up to Carol and thought back to the story she told you across the booth earlier. "So it was you? You have powers?" Carol nodded and made her hands glow again. "What about your car?" You asked honestly.
"The car and cash were never mine." The glow from her hands faded as she stepped into space between your legs. "It was your awful heiress of a date."
Carol touched the top of your head and ran her hand down the side of your face. "I think you and I had a better time than you would with her." She purrs as she kisses your cheek. "Don't you think?"
You nod and move your lips to brush hers. "I do." You find Carol's hands and hold them. "I can work with this."
"Are you sure?"
Carol asks, even though both want this.
Carol kisses you and pulls you close. "Hold on to me." You wrap your arms tightly around Carol's body, and slowly, you feel your feet leave the ground. "Keep your eyes on me," Carol said, and when you looked at her, you saw that her dress had changed into a suit.
One a superhero would wear.
"You brought us back..." You whispered into the space between the two of you. She heard you.
You watched as Carol glowed brighter, and the speed at which you two were flying increased.
You and Carol slept together that night, and you remember the feeling of warmth when you woke up next to her and a cat named Goose in the bed on her spaceship.
That was five months ago, and as you watch Carol fly down to a planet below, you can't help but smile.
You weren't alone.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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steinfellds · 3 months
carol danvers x fem reader fluff/comfort pls!! 🙏🏼
Safe and Sound - C.D
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Pairing: Carol Danvers x Fem!Reader
a/n: if you've apart of the tlou fandom and you've seen this fic before...no you haven't
The lump in your throat is starting to hurt and your tears are almost impossible to hold back.
The only thing keeping you together is the thought of Carol, and it's a miracle that you've managed for this long.
After what felt like hours of walking down the corridor, you finally arrive at Carol's apartment. Shaky hands slot the key into the lock and you open the door.
The scent of Carol immediately has tears leaking down your face. You need her.
"C-Carol?" Your voice breaks.
You hear a loud bang and '"Fuck," before Carol appears in front of you, wearing her black tank top and sweats. Her smile turns into a frown when she notices your expression.
"Baby? What's wrong?" The moment she pulls you into her chest, you can't control your sobs.
Carol brings you over to the couch, pulling you into her lap and kissing your forehead. Her warm hands rub soothing circles on your hips as her free arm is wrapped tightly around you, keeping you snug against her.
"It's okay, I got you." Carol coos "You’re safe with me, I promise, sweet girl.”
Her words make you feel warm and safe.
You stay like that for a while. Carol whispering sweet words and praises into your ear while rubbing your hips and holding you close. It was all you needed.
She was all you needed to feel better.
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oneofstarkskids · 5 days
learn a thing or two
genre: flufffff
pairings: WLW, fury!reader x carol danvers
summary: carol has tried everything to get you to realize she's flirting. when nothing seems to click, she starts to wonder if she's falling for an idiot.
*not my gif*
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carol was walking down the halls of SHIELD, smirking at the gasps and whispers she would hear. "oh my god, she's here!" "i've never seen her in person." "isn't that-"
she took the elevator to the floor that held fury's office. to be perfectly honest, she didn't need to be here- on earth- anymore. surely there were other places in the galaxy that required her attention and specific skill set, but she had been distracted as of late.
and there it was once again. that pretty little distraction standing in the center of fury's office holding a stack of files. her eyes trailed up your body. the pantsuit you had on was nice, but carol couldn't help wondering what it would look like on the floor.
"fury," she nods as she enters the room. you turn around at the sound of her voice. she looks like the personification of sunlight. dammit. focus.
nick responds, "carol. surprised to see you still here."
she never takes her eyes off of you, "actually, i was talking to this one." you raise a brow ever so slightly in surprise. your father just frowns.
carol let's a playful smirk dance across her lips, and you quickly turn back towards your father. "if that's all, then i will take these down to central and have someone organize them."
you're walking down the hall for only a few moments before the tall blonde appears beside you. "need any help with that?" she offers flirtatiously.
you don't seem to pick up her tone and shake your head, "that's alright. it's just files, but thanks."
her brows knit together, "okay well...maybe after work we can go for drinks."
you think it over for a moment, "can't. i have an early takeoff tomorrow. romanoff and i are busting some drug traffickers in peru. we've had surveillance on them for months now and they're finally letting their guard down."
carol laughed, "you could learn a thing or two from them."
"what do you mean?" you asked, completely oblivious.
she scanned your face for any sign of sarcasm. you were painfully serious. could you really not tell that she was hitting on you? carol didn't know how to make it any more obvious. "nevermind."
"you know...you better get back quick because i'm only going to be here for a couple more days," and when you didn't say much in reply she stopped walking.
you turned to see why she had stopped so abruptly. she had this exasperated look on her face. "is everything okay?" you asked.
carol's frown only deepened, "jesus, fury, what's it gonna take for you to notice a girl?"
"fury's my dad-" you corrected her.
she ignored you. it wasn't her fault you shared a last name with the man.
"i've been dropping hints all day. actually, screw that, all week!" she said in frustration. she was starting to wonder if you didn't like her back, but she'd seen the way you looked at her. she knew gay when she saw gay.
the only other explanation was that you were just plain stupid. "i don't know what you're-" you started.
carol couldn't bear to listen to that pretty little mouth say one more thing. she slowly made her way towards you, "let me put it simply."
"i've stayed on this planet longer than i have in a while. i spend every second that i'm at SHIELD trying to get your attention and i'm practically begging you to go on a date with me. how can you not see that?" she asked.
you looked somewhat confused and even a bit terrified.
"i thought you just saw me as fury's daughter," you said.
carol shook her head and reached up towards your chin, "i don't think about fury. i think about you."
her eyes fell down to your lips.
you'd had feelings for her before, but it always felt like she was off limits. carol just seemed emotionally unavailable in some ways, but then again...some could say the same about you.
but standing here with her looking at you like she'd set the world on fire just to touch your skin, it made your whole body light up.
you could feel electricity surging through you, but all you could focus on were her lips. it didn't even seem to matter that you were at work and anyone could be watching.
carol didn't move. she wanted you to put in the effort and you were more than willing. you leaned in quickly and suddenly all the built up tension was set free.
her hands found your waist and pulled you even closer.
"uh ehm," someone cleared their throat. you pulled away, flushed, to find your father standing a few feet away.
and despite the discomfort in his face and awkward energy that filled the air, you couldn't help but he grateful that he interrupted the kiss.
otherwise, you weren't entirely sure you'd be able to stop.
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marvelwomen-simp · 7 months
Were you jealous? | C. Danvers
Summary: Your best friend is a little bit drunk and too touchy to you and your girlfriend doesn't like it.
Warnings: it's short but fluffy :D
Library blog | Masterlist
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For your taste Tony's parties were too extravagant. But there you are, walking down the hallway with Carol because she begged you to come with her.
"I'm going to get some drinks, go with Nat so you're not alone" Your girlfriend said with a smile releasing your hand and heading to the bar.
You start looking for Nat. When you found her, you started to approach her, but you bumped into someone and started to apologize.
"Heyy Y/N/N, how are you?" A very drunk Wanda said to you while hugging you.
"Wow, hey, I'm doing great" you said laughing at the state of your best friend. "Enjoying the party?"
"What kind of question is that? Duh" She said in an obvious tone pulling away from the embrace. "Come dance with me" She took your hand and dragged you to the dance floor.
"Wan, I don't think it's a good idea, I don't want to left Carol alone"
"Shut up and dance" As the music pulsed through the crowded room, you found yourself caught up in the rhythm, dancing with Wanda. The laughter and joy were palpable as you twirled and swayed together, lost in the moment. She began to move closer to you and wrapped her arms around your neck. You laughed and put your hands on her waist.
Your relationship with Wanda was the best. Everyone knew that you two were inseparable and in your relationship physical contact is as natural as laughter and shared secrets. That's why you were surprised to see out of the corner of your eye that your girlfriend was watching you with a frown on her face. Sensing her gaze, you met her eyes and smiled reassuringly, but she seemed unconvinced.
As the song reached its peak, you and Wanda shared a playful exchange of spins and dips. Carol's unease was evident, and she finally approached, still frowning.
"Y/N, I'm tired. We're leaving" She said before turning around and leaving the dance floor. Worried about her attitude, you nodded and quickly said goodbye to Wanda before following the blonde.
The engine hummed softly as Carol steered the car through the quiet night, the rhythmic hum of tires against the road the only sound in the car. The silence between her and you felt heavy, pregnant with unspoken tension.
You stole glances at Carol, who stared at the road, seemingly lost in thought. The soft glow of streetlights painted fleeting shadows on her face, highlighting the furrow in her brow.
Finally breaking the silence, you ventured cautiously, "Is everything okay?"
Carol looked to your side for a moment and looked forward again making an affirmative sound. That was the only thing you said on the entire trip.
When you arrived to your apartment, she dragged you in to your bedroom and waited until you changed only to then drag you again into bed and lie down with half of her body on top of yours.
You laid in silence with her for a while until you realized something. You sat up suddenly and looked at her. The blonde made a sound of discomfort at the sudden lost of warmth and hugged a pillow.
"Carol... were you jealous?"
"No..." She said looking everywhere except your eyes while fidgeting with the edge of the pillow. You smirk at the clear signs of her lying about your accusation. "Maybe." She said sitting up, pouting.
"Oh my God" You let out a loud laugh while you bring her closer to you, making her straddle you. Placing a hand on her cheek, you bring her face closer to yours and gently kiss away her pout.
"Carol, I love you and only you." You look straight into her eyes. "you're the only one I will ever need or want," You tell her, trying to reassure her.
"I just don't want you to leave me for anyone else. I'm scared that you won't love me anymore." She hid her face in your chest, hugging you tightly.
"You have nothing to worry about, truly. I know I may be close with other people, but you are the only one I truly love and need in my life. Don't ever forget that, because nothing could ever change my feelings for you." You scratched her head and kissed it. "Jealousy is a natural feeling, but please know that you are the light of my life and the only person I could ever imagine being with." She lift her head from your chest smiling to you, feeling comforted and reassured by your kind words. "Thank you, Y/N. I love you too" Carol replied. You share a sweet kiss, feeling closer than ever before.
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beyondspaceandstars · 7 months
Relationship Quizzes
Relationship: Carol Danvers x Reader Warnings: fluff!!!! Summary: Based off a random prompt: Person B and Person A taking couple quizzes on the Internet. A/N: I just saw The Marvels today and I am HAVING THOUGHTS. This is a short little thing. I was a little tipsy when I wrote this but I had fun. Also - I did take these quiz titles from actual Buzzfeed "relationship" quizzes I found so if they sound fun, they are out there. and it just so happened to work out really cute. You'll see. And I'm not lying about the quiz result in this one shot.
"What are you up to?" Carol asked as she approached your sitting form. She had just finished some maintenance on the ship while you were cuddled under the one blanket on the bed in her ship. Your laptop was sprawled up on your lap.
"Did you ever used to take those couple quizzes that would come in magazines?" You asked while your eyes remained on the webpage in front of you. You had been browsing some social media when you came across one of those silly but cute Buzzfeed-like quizzes. An idea immediately popped in your head
When Carol asked if you'd like to spend some time in her world, you had eagerly agreed. When you met your girlfriend you hadn't been ignorant to the fact that she wouldn't be like the other girls you had been with and you were constantly amazed by her skills and dedication. So, taking some time off Earth to really see everything, see the galaxy, you were so pleased. But a couple of hours into your adventure you realized you were missing something: WiFi. The internet. Connection. It had taken you a hot minute to figure it out but you got it. And you were quite proud. Carol was a wizard with fancy space technology but when it came to your dedication to the internet, she didn't quite get it.
"Couple quizzes?" Carol repeated and thought for a second. "Like, those ones you'd take to figure out if you and your crush would be together?"
You nodded, eagerly. "I found some online that looks fun." You shifted over on the bed to make room beside you. "Come take a few with me."
Carol laughed and threw down a dirty towel she had been using during her ship maintenance. "What, are we twelve all of a sudden?"
You rolled your eyes and patted the space next to you on the bed. "Babe, come on. Humor me."
Your girlfriend sighed and finally caved. She slid under the blanket, your legs pressed against one another. You shifted the laptop so it was half on your thigh and half on Carol's.
Carol immediately started reading the page pulled up on the computer screen. Her brows furrowed. "'Create An Outfit From Urban Outfitters And We'll Reveal What's Missing In Your Relationship.' Honey, are you being serious?"
You couldn't help but laugh a little at your girlfriend's expression. "Yes, I know it's silly but come on, it can be entertaining."
"Fine, fine," Carol sighed as she took the helm and clicked the 'Start Quiz' button. The first question popped up.
Question 1: Let's start off with picking out a bra.
"Seriously?" Carol smirked.
"You read the title," you pointed out. "You know what you were in for."
"Fair enough," your girlfriend agreed. "Let's go with the white one. Keep it simple."
You agreed and made the selection.
Question 2: Pick a pretty dress.
"Oh, that's cute," you said as you pointed to an off-the-shoulder multi-colored dress.
"It's not bad," Carol agreed, "but you'll be able to see the bra straps and I don't think it'll work with those patterns. We should go with the white one, it has thick straps and it's flowy. Could be comfortable."
Your jaw went slack as you processed Carol's words. "You're taking this seriously now, huh?"
Carol laughed. "If we want to know what's missing in this relationship—as the quiz promises to tell us—we gotta be realistic here."
"Alright, alright," you caved. "White, flowy, thick-strapped dress it is." You selected the photo and moved on to the next question.
Question 3: Won't you need a jacket? Pick one.
"I don't know, will we need a jacket?" Carol asked in somewhat disbelief.
You shrugged. "Maybe it's fall time in the midwest. They didn't really set the scene for this outfit. I say we go with the leather jacket."
"I won't argue with that."
Question 4: Pick some comfy bottoms.
"What? Are they going under the dress?" Carol asked in confusion.
"I mean… Maybe?" You frowned at the computer. "These aren't very scientific."
"I need to manage my expectations. Go with the jean shorts, they should be fine."
You agreed and clicked the high-rise jean short photo.
Question 5: Of course, you can have the shoe of your choice.
"Oh, how nice of them, of course I can have shoes," Carol laughed.
You scoffed. "Stay focused, it's almost over. I think the black slide-ons will work."
Carol nodded. "Ties in with the leather jacket."
Question 6: Lastly, accessories make the outfit, so pick one.
"We are in the homestretch," you announced. "I think we should complete the look with sunglasses."
"Not the purse?" Carol asked.
"We have pockets on the leather jacket."
"You're so smart, babe."
You blushed as you selected the sunglasses and held your breath dramatically for the reveal… And there was nothing.
No results populated. It was blank. Whoever had made the quiz had apparently missed a crucial component.
Carol gasped. "We did all that for nothing?"
You bit your lip to stop yourself from bursting out laughing. "Maybe it means…nothing is missing. We're perfect."
Carol sighed and turned to face you. "My little optimist."
You giggled. "Well, what did you make of these results? Or lack thereof?"
Your girlfriend shrugged. "Maybe it means we're both cursed."
Now you could laugh again. "I actually think we're perfect."
Gently, Carol leaned in for a kiss, which you happily reciprocated.
"Should we try one more?" You asked after your lips separated. "These are really ridiculous."
"But you were right, they are kind of fun."
You smiled. "Awesome, one more it is then."
Carol agreed and gave you a full reign of the laptop. You typed and clicked away with Carol watching you closely. She liked your laptop, probably even like the idea of having it on board, but she never really used it when you offered it up to her.
After some browsing, you finally settled on a neutral but interesting-sounding quiz. "This one could be fun: What Relationship Type Do You Have With Your Partner?"
"There are different types of relationships?"
You nodded. "The quiz says so."
"Well, if the quiz says so," Carol smirked and motioned toward your laptop. "Let's go."
Question 1: How much do you and your significant other talk?
You and Carol both skimmed the options. And settled on the exact same one.
"We talk at least 100 hours a week."
"I can't get enough of you," you admitted and made the selection.
Question 2: How far away does your partner live?
"Oh, this was so not made for us," you laughed.
"Hey," Carol said in faux defence but she started laughing as well. "We make it work."
"Would you say we're in a long-distance situation? Or do we just live far apart but make time to see each other?"
"We make time, right?" Carol asked. Her tone dropped significantly. "I make time to see you."
You gave her a soft smile. "Of course you do, babe. You go beyond what I expect. I mean, I'm in space, right now. For you. With you."
Carol grabbed your hand and gave it a quick squeeze.
Question 3: What do you and your partner have in common?
"I want to say loyalty. Or everything."
"Yeah," you nodded, " but you don't like my music taste. Or my food preferences."
"I'm sorry I'm not into jazz or eating ketchup on scrambled eggs."
"Loyalty it is," you decided.
Question 4: What's one thing you'd change about your partner?
"Kind of a rude question," Carol mumbled. "Absolutely nothing, right? Unless you're going to take this as a chance to admit to me what I don't want to hear."
You shook your head. "Nothing." You could worship Carol. "Nothing at all. I'll take all of you. Flaws, perfections, and everything in between."
Question 5: What's something you'd leave your partner for?
You both read through the responses.
"Communication could ruin us," you pointed out.
"You're always right, babe."
Question 6: If your significant other was sad, how would you cheer them up?
You let out a light laugh at the options under the question. "You either shower me with so much affection when I'm upset or don't know what to do."
Carol lightly bumped her shoulder into you. "I like the more flattering option. You also shower me with affection. I almost have to peel you off me."
"You never peel me off you."
"I love you too much."
Question 7: Your significant other is working themselves way too hard. What do you do?
"Oh, this is so you," you point out to Carol. "All work, I swear."
"I am not-,"
"I am in your bed and you spent hours working on this ship."
Carol humphed. "Well, I'm here now."
"I would say I try to express to you how concerned I am about your…working habits."
Carol agreed, reluctantly. "You are allowed to express them."
"I am. And I will."
Question 8: Oh no – your S.O. is sick! What do you do?
"Soup," you decide as you read the options. "You do like to me soup when I'm sick. And watching movies. I love watching movies with you even when I'm sick."
You saw Carol's cheeks get rosy. "Do you enjoy my soup?"
"Your soup?" You smirk. "I didn't know you owned Campbell's Soup."
Carol laughed.
Question 9: How well do you think you really know your partner?
"'I feel like I know every facet of,'" you read off the webpage.
"Yeah," Carol agreed. "That one."
You placed a quick pack on her cheek. Her skin was still rosy and pink.
Question 10: And lastly, do you see a future with this person?
"Of course," you whispered. "I never want us to be apart even for a second."
Carol said nothing but gave your thigh a tight squeeze. You could've pounced on her then and there.
As you made the final selection, you once again held your breath and waited on the edge of your seat for the result.
This time, it actually worked. A confetti animation decorated the screen as your quiz result populated.
"'The super-love relationship,'" you read off the computer screen, "'Wow, your relationship is like one of those whirlwind Hollywood romances that everyone dreams of having! It's like some sort of fairytale, but it's clearly not fiction.'"
Carol let out a surprised but pleased yell at the results. "We actually are perfect," she noted. "You were right."
You hummed in agreement. "Like some sort of fairytale. That sure does describe how I feel."
You nodded. "Sometimes I can't believe you're real. And that I'm here. And you're mine."
Carol subtly intertwined her hand with yours. "I'm always gonna be yours, babe."
"We're so cheesy," you muttered. "I love us."
Carol smiled. It was so genuine and intriguing. "I love us, too."
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spiderfunkz · 7 months
silk duvets ─── send me a scenario / blurb / au + a character and i'll make a moodboard out of it! ( ex. baker!reader x coffee shop owner!natasha • going on afternoon walks with carol danvers ). also includes short headcanons.
AAA i am a carol defender 4 life.
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— cozy nights in the spaceship w/ carol.
🚀 cuddling. keeping eachother warm under the mountains of blankets. playing boardgames. matching socks. intertwining hands. forehead kisses. being eachothers company. borrowing her jackets & sweaters. admiring the starry skies in space. playing with goose.
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archivomeow · 8 months
when you lost control
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read on ao3
summary -> Carol Danvers can keep her cool… just not when a guy obviously is hitting on her uninterested girlfriend.
pairing -> Carol Danvers/Reader (Established Relationship)
a/n -> If you guys could check out my pinned post, it would mean a lot <3 Also enjoy some protective & gay Carol. This is a very short one shot, like definitely shorter then my usual ones. ALSO TITLE IS A TAYLOR LYRIC (“when you lost control, red blood, white snow” aka “is it over now?”)
You and Carol have been a thing for quite a while, it was tough, she was busy a lot and not-on-earth a lot… But you made it work.
Finally there was a moment where both of you had free time, time to talk, to do anything and everything, so you figured a date is a good idea.
There was one bar in particular that you two haven’t visited yet in the area of your apartment, so that’s where you agreed to meet up, the only issue being that Carol was late. You didn’t expect her to be early, but at least on time. There wad a chance she had to cancel and you two were stuck not seeing each other again, but you still had hope.
Checking your phone made you even more anxious, especially when the time hasn’t changed. As the seat next to you was taken, your annoyance was growing, your disappointment, anger, everything that you weren’t meant to he feeling today is what you were feeling.
“So, what’s a pretty girl like you doing alone?” A voice next to you caught you off-guard, you turned your head just to meet eyes with a man, you in fact didn’t know.
He was about your age or older, smirking at you, his eyes were busy in the mean time looking at your tight dress, which in fact was not for his to look at.
“Waiting.” You kept your tone cold, making sure to not seem interested, him continuing this conversation was the last thing you wanted.
“Well, why don’t I keep you company, hm?” He chuckled like he just said something funny, nothing about this was funny.
There was a pit growing in your stomach and you were just praying for the phone to ring, for your girlfriend to show up, however all you got left was sitting at a bar, stood up as of now and talking to a guy who wanted to score.
“No, thanks.” A polite smile appeared on your face for a moment, just enough for him to see it as an invitation to place his hand on your shoulder.
You could feel his cold fingers brushing over your shoulder, you wanted to run, just leave, instead you…froze. He was in fact talking, but you were in fact not paying attention, you just had to figure out a way to get out…Fast and safe.
The man got quiet, looking behind your back, at something you couldn’t see.
“Hey there, sweeth—“ He didn’t got to finish, as the woman behind you twisted his hand, the one placed on your shoulder before hand.
The blonde pushed him, with a lot of strength, as the guy yelled out for help, she moved closer whispering something into his ear before letting him go.
She turned to you, worry on her face, well after all maybe your date wasn’t ruined, just late.
“Carol.” You sighed in relief, as you shoulders relaxed and soon enough wrapped around the woman.
“Hi honey…” She whispered, her voice was calming you even more, you finally felt at home.
“God… He just came out of nowhere and I—“
“It’s fine… I say we get out of here, hm?” She smiles at you, leading you out of the bar.
The cold air hits your warm skin, making you shiver, the good side is that you get to wear your girlfriend’s jacket.
“So… What did you say to him?”
“Oh, you know… Only nice stuff…” She chuckled before opening the door to her passager seat for you.
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togrowoldinv · 4 months
To Love Her
Carol Danvers x Reader
You help Carol calm down after she has an intense day in space
Note: Carol Danvers just needs a hug and someone to tell her she’s good enough. And you know, her abs to be admired. Enjoy this one!
Carol Danvers Masterlist, Main Masterlist
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Every so often Carol asks you to spend some time in space with her, and you always say yes. How could you not when she’s such an alluring woman?
Most days flying around the universe are pretty uneventful. But the intense days are nothing short of insane.
Today has been one of those days. Carol woke you up urgently when she was notified of a disturbance on a planet that you were nearby. She kissed you briefly, cloaked the ship, and flew off to investigate the scene.
You’ve been watching from afar since she left. You’re not really able to tell what’s happening, but it’s been so long you can’t imagine that it’s anything good.
After hours, you finally see Carol flying towards you. She uncloaks the ship and flies into the hatch. When she lands, she stumbles a bit.
“Are you okay?” You ask her, rushing to her side.
“I’m fine,” she says, but you can tell she’s lying. She types in coordinates for the next location.
You pour her a glass of water. She drinks it down quickly and sits on the edge of her bed. Carol unzips the top half of her suit and pulls it down to her hips. You love when she does this. Her arms and abs are on display.
“What happened, baby?”
“The Kree. Again.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, knowing of her long history with them.
“I just hate that I hurt them even though I thought what I did was the right thing to do. Even though they are the evil ones,” Carol explains.
“I think it’s okay to feel guilty for hurting them even if they hurt you first,” you say. “And they have the wrong perception of you.”
“The annihilator,” she says dryly. “Maybe they’re right.”
“No,” you immediately say. “They couldn’t be more wrong, Carol. You are so good. So so good.”
She stands abruptly and speaks again, “I just cause destruction. I’m no good.”
“Carol,” you say. “Carol, look at me.”
When she doesn’t, you walk to her. You try to take her hands but she pulls away.
“I don’t want to hurt you too,” Carol says.
“You won’t.”
“I will. In fact, I’m sure I already have.”
“Sweetheart, please just give me your hands,” you try. “Please?”
She looks at you reluctantly, but lets you slide your fingers into hers. You step closer to her, looking her in the eyes.
“You are not an annihilator,” you say firmly. “You’re Carol Danvers. You are the love of my life. You are the most beautiful, loving, and badass woman I have ever met.”
“I’m not- I’m not good for you,” she says. You haven’t seen her lack this much self confidence before. Today really rattled her.
“How can I prove to you that you are?” You ask. “Because you are, my love. You’re so good for me. You make me a better person.”
“I do?”
“Oh yeah.”
“I just- I got scared today. Truly terrified. I’m sorry I’m taking it out on you.”
“You do seem shaken up. Can I help you calm down?”
She nods. You lift her hand to your lips and kiss it. And repeat it with the other.
Next, you hug her. You wrap your arms around her waist while she embraces you back. One hand comes to the back of your head to pull you closer while the other drifts down your back.
“I love you,” you whisper with your head buried in her neck.
“I love you,” Carol says. “Thank you for being here.”
“Of course, my love. Do you want to lie down?”
You feel her nod against you. Maneuvering the strong woman as best as you can, you move to the bed with her. Carol lets herself relax against you.
Her body weight against you calms you down as well. You hadn’t realized you needed to relax so badly.
“If we stay like this, I might fall asleep,” Carol says.
“What’s wrong with that?” You ask in a tone so cute Carol chuckles.
“Nothing at all. It always feels like nighttime up here anyways.”
“It does,” you agree. “Get some sleep, baby. I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” Carol replies. Her voice is sleepy. Her arm wraps tighter around your body as she buries herself impossibly closer to you.
“I’ll let you win this time,” you say. “But I love you most and you know it.”
“No way,” she mumbles.
You rub your hand over her back as she falls asleep. Eventually you fall asleep too.
Carol is so glad that you were here this time to save her. You’ll always be there to remind her just how good she is.
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kasdan · 6 months
in which you convince carol to wear her dress she had on in Aladna for you
marvel masterlist
a/n: after i've seen the marvels this mf dress has been engraved into my mind ever since i had to write something about it. she looked so good in it i just widhwjsnwao
pairing: carol danvers x f!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: slight spoilers from the marvels, both carol and reader being menaces, reader is put in a dress, fluff, mild language, suggestive themes
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You sat there at the kitchen island, staring at the back of Carol as she stood at the stove, cooking breakfast. You had your hands folded under your chin, elbows resting on the counter as you watched her move.
You've been trying to get her to put on the dress she had on at Aladna for weeks now. You wouldn't even have known about it if you didn't get a text from Kamala with a picture of Carol in the dress and a vast array of emojis to go along with it.
It is safe to say you were not expecting the photo and were completely caught off guard, not ever seeing her in a dress before, and definitely not expecting she would look that good in one.
When you confronted her about the photo, she rolled her eyes and muttered something about killing Kamala before she explained that it was "nothing" and to forget about it, but you definitely didn't forget about it.
Ever since you've been trying to get her to wear the dress for you, even giving her the best puppy dog eyes you could manage, but all you got in return was a smile and pat on the cheek before she moved away from you, ignoring your pleas. Unfortunately for her, you don't give up that easily.
You would find every small opportunity you could get in order to subtly (and not so subtly) remind her about the dress. Casually walking down the street, hand in hand, I saw a dress shop come up, and before I could stop to look in, Carol was dragging me along the path, past the shop, knowing about my antics.
"I didn't even do anything." You laughed as she just shook her head and dragged you further down the path, so the shop was out of sight.
Every time I made the slightest note to a dress, she immediately shut it down, and I knew there was a different reason to her reacting like how she was other than her simply not liking dresses, but I never pushed her on it.
"No." A voice shook me out of my thoughts to see Carol placing a plate of food in front of me.
"What?" I looked up at her, standing with her hands placed on her hips, staring at me.
"I know what you're thinking; you're always on that damn dress." She couldn't help but let out a chuckle as she looked at you filling your mouth with food.
You swallowed the food you had in your mouth and opened it to speak, but before you could, Carol put up a hand, stopping you. "Okay." You lifted your eyebrow at her in question before she sighed. "I will put on the dress." You shot up out of your seat in excitement at her statement, but she was quick to add on to her sentence. "But I will only wear it if you're also wearing one; it's only fair." Your face dropped, and you just saw her smirk at you from her spot on the other side of the island.
You also hated wearing dresses and how they felt, and it was clear that Carol was betting on this one factor in order to get out of the situation completely, but the need to see her in person with the dress on overweighed your own discomfort in the situation.
"Okay, deal." Her facial expression didn't change, and you could see her trying not to show the shock on her face when I agreed.
"Okay." She spoke slowly, as if trying to find a bluff anywhere as an escape from the situation she found herself in.
"I'm guessing you're picking out the dress I'm wearing." The smirk grew back on her face at the statement, and I was immediately wondering if it was too late to back out.
It was. It was way too late to back out as you stood in the bathroom, inspecting the dress you had on. It took Carol no less than a day to find a dress for you to wear, which made you wonder just how long she had been planning this before. It was honestly the worst-looking dress you've ever seen, from the color to the design. Of course, she had to go and find a dress in your least favorite color and the most obnoxious design.
"Are you ready in there, or do I need to break the door down in order to get you out?" You heard Carol's voice from the other side of the door, and you couldn't help the groan that left your mouth as you took another glance in the mirror at the dress. "You know, we could just get dressed in our regular clothes and pretend none of this ever happened." You shook your head and forced open the bathroom door, not going to let anything stop you from the opportunity.
You stop in the doorway speechless as you find Carol standing in front of you, fully dressed in the dress you've been trying so hard to get her to wear for the past few weeks, and it made the feeling of you wearing whatever she put you in worth it. Somehow the dress looked even better on her in person, and it amazed you how someone could look that good in something.
You're interrupted in your daze by the snort that she let out before quickly covering her mouth, even though it doesn't do much when you can see her shoulders shaking gently in a silent laugh.
"You're an ass." You let out a laugh of your own and shoved her shoulder back when she only started laughing harder.
"Okay, no, I'm sorry, you look great." Her statement was extremely disbelievable, as she couldn't get out the full thing without laughing at it.
"I hope you're enjoying me in misery."
"I could say the same for you." You just rolled your eyes at her and instead grabbed her arm, forcing her to follow you.
"C'mon, just because of that, we're going to dance in these now." 
"Woah, hey, that was not in the deal." She made a poor attempt to break free of my grasp, which didn't get her anywhere as you led her to the living room. You make a poor excuse for a stage, sliding the table out of the way and going to turn on the speaker in the room. Carol rolled her eyes when she heard the song that was put on. You were making sure to find the dumbest song you could.
"May I have this dance, milady?" You made a dramatic bow at her, holding out your hand toward her.
"You're so dumb." She laughed and grabbed the outstretched hand towards her, pulling you into her. She made an attempt at trying to teach you basic moves, but she quickly stopped when you just kept stepping on her instead of moving the way she was trying to show you. You both jump and spin around the room until you've collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.
She grabbed your hand and started to rub small circles in the skin as she turned to face you. "I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time with the whole dress situation." You opened your mouth to tell her that it was fine and you shouldn't have pushed her that hard to do something she didn't want to, but she squeezed my hand, wordlessly telling me not to say anything. "I've never been that comfortable in dresses; they've never been my thing, and having to deal with assholes asking me why I never wore them and telling me that I would look better in one, I just kind of swore them off from my life, not seeing the use really." She's spaced out, looking at the wall over your shoulder as she continued to softly rub circles into your hand.
She let out a breath and fixed her gaze on you, the corner of her mouth lifting up into a small smile. "I was scared to put on the dress for you because of it, but I realized that there was no reason for me to be so resistant in doing it, and that it was dumb for me to act that way because I trust you."
"So you're telling me I didn't have to wear this awful piece of clothing?" A loud laugh escaped her, and she rolled to lean over your body.
"No, this was definitely needed. It will forever be engraved into my head."
"Hey, I'm sorry." She chuckled, moving her hand to your cheek. "I could take it off for you if you'd like."
"Oh, I think I definitely need you to do that." She let out another smile at your statement and leaned down to bring her mouth to yours. That dress was definitely worth it.
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buy me a coffee ♡
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wannabe-fic-writer · 6 months
Carol Danvers x Reader : Wherever You Are
Summary: Going the extra mile for your girlfriend is never a problem. Covers the ‘Flannel PJs’ square of Holiday Bingo.
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1k
* * * * * * * *
With a smile, you grab the bag off the counter, and say,“ Thank you so much. Have a wonderful night.”
The shop owner returns the sentiment, thanking you for your patronage as you leave the shop and step onto the pathway. Just like when you came in, the sky is painted brilliant shades of purple, blue, and pink. Jellyfish shaped clouds are scattered about as the smoky pink moon shines its light. 
Pulling your hood up, you begin your walk down the wooden, bridge-like pathways that are suspended above the ground. The alien city is practically split in two levels, the ground floor connected by stairs which you take down and head to the ship.
You landed on this planet with your girlfriend the other day as she received a message from an old friend of hers who needed her help and while she handled her business, you were off on a mission of your own.
It’s been almost three years since you and Carol were back on Earth and you could see the toll it was taking on your girlfriend. At first she was fine, obviously missing family but she wasn’t too down as she believed she’d be back soon enough. However, as it usually plays out, she gets caught up in being a hero, saving lives and the like, and gets so far out in the universe that she loses track of time.
Still, she eventually feels the effects of the distance between her and the people she calls family. Almost a week ago, the sadness she felt over being away nearly doubled as she realized that Christmas was literally two days away.
She had missed so much time with Monica and Fury already, so many holidays, and she now was more than fond of Kamala Khan. Her wish was to be on Earth, participating in cheesy, cliche traditions with her family and instead she was millions of lightyears away.
That night, while she thought you were sleeping, she’d broken down. Her soft sobs filled the silence of the ship and broke your heart in two. 
At the time you let her have her personal moment since being locked on a ship with someone doesn’t grant much of that. While you didn’t say anything to her at the moment, you promised yourself that you’d do everything you could to make her feel even a fraction better than she did. Which is why your exploring yesterday and your shopping today was so important. 
Now, with the necessary supplies, you boarded the ship and got to work, knowing Carol would be preoccupied until much later in the day.
A good hour or so later and the ship was, in your opinion, a masterpiece.
Having used the materials you were able to find and scrounge together, you made the ship as festive as you possibly could. 
Some makeshift tinsel was hung about with multi-colored lights attached. Handmade ornaments and more lights decorate the little Christmas tree you and Carol acquired last year. Stacked beside it are a few wrapped presents. Lastly, hanging from the ceiling, are custom mistletoes, your favorite part.
Knowing Carol was likely on her way back, you dimmed the main lights in the ship, turned on the multicolored ones, and pulled on a pair of pajamas. The warm, comfy, red flannel pants complimented with one of Carol’s band shirts set the perfect vibe and you made sure to set a matching outfit on the bed for her.
With all the craziness that accompanies space travel Carol is always more than thrilled to come back to you. The ship had become her safe space but with you there it became home and she quickly realized that her home was always wherever you are.
She couldn’t describe how she felt having your arms to fall into after a long day but this, coming back to a fully decorated ship and you standing in the middle of it, mug of hot chocolate in hand with a smile on your face, multiplied that feeling.
“What is all this?” Her question follows her stepping further onto the ship, eyes drifting over every square inch in an impressed manner.
“This,” you emphasize with a few steps closer to her,“ is the beginning of a very Merry Christmas.”
Shoulders sagging and a sigh falling from her lips, she looks at you with pure adoration and love in her eyes.“ Y/n, baby, you did not have to do all this.”
“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” 
You set the mug on a nearby table, then pull her into a hug with your arms around her neck. The blonde doesn’t hesitate to reciprocate the embrace, her own arms wounding around your waist to pull you even closer. Her warm breath fanned across your neck and you could tell your gesture made her a little emotional from the way said breath stuttered ever so slightly.
After a moment you speak.“ I know how much you wish you could be on Earth and I know how much it sucks to not be surrounded by the people you love, especially this time of year, but I wanted today to be as special for you as it could be.”
“Y/n,” she practically whimpers, holding you tighter.“ I-” Her words are cut off by choked sob.
“Please don’t cry, babe.” You whisper, feeling tears of your own gathering at your waterline.“ You mean the world to me so doing this was nothing. I just- I want you happy, always.”
Slipping away just a little, her hands cup your cheeks and teary brown eyes lock with yours.“ I love you so much.” She says, a tear escaping that you’re quick to swipe away.“ You make me so happy. The fact that you did all of this just adds to the already infinite reasons why I love you.”
“Well I love you too. As long as you know that every day that we’re together, I’m happy.”
She rapidly blinks away the tears in her eyes, sniffling a little before she pulls you into an intense kiss. Gentle hands slip up into your hair to hold you close, even after it becomes a little hard to breathe.
Eventually though, you part, dorky grins on both your faces. Despite trying to fight them off, a few more tears had fallen down her cheeks.
Softly squeezing her waist you tell her,“ I do have a few gifts for you but you're only allowed to open them after you put your PJs on.” She giggles at your words, eyes rolling playfully.
Before she can respond however, the familiar tune of her ship receiving an incoming call sounds through the space.
“Oh, that’s your first gift, hurry up and go change.” You lightly pat her butt, rushing over to sit and accept the call.
“Wh- what gift do you have-”
“Go change and come find out, Danvers.” Fury’s voice sounds from the call, followed by the familiar sounds of Monica and Kamala laughing.
Carol’s jaw drops slightly, tears welling up in her eyes again as she looks at you.“ You’re so getting a ring on your finger.”
Heat rushes onto your face at the looks you receive from Nick, Monica, and Kamala and you can do nothing but grin like an idiot.
* * * * * * * *
Taglist: @owloftheshadows @blackxwidowsxwife @b-5by5 @lostandsearching @iliketozoneout @alotofpockets @storiesofsvu
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dnvrsmedia · 2 years
can’t stop thinking about how carol would soooo be into inspection 😵‍💫😵‍💫
god just her opening your legs at random parts of the day with no warning.
“gotta make sure everything is okay with my bunny, isn’t that right princess?” she sweetly replied as she sticks her two fingers into you and spreads.
she has no remorse doing this wherever and whenever.
gotten to the point where it’s in your rules to not wear underwear unless she says so
she thinks it just gets in the way of what is rightfully hers
ooooh & one day she notices that natasha can’t keep her eyes off of you.
one day carol decided to corner natasha into your shared room
eyes wide, nat walks in to see you bent over on your desk, hands cuffed, and skirt hiked up onto your stomach.
you whimper at seeing Natasha’s strong hands flex at the sight of you all bent over and needy
“i’ve seen the way you’ve looked at my bunny and we all know that this slut here looks at you the same.” Carol growls and plants a firm slap on your ass.
Natasha groans at the sight of your cunt glistening and your innocent eyes basically pleading for her.
Carol takes Natasha’s jaw into her hand and whispers in her ear
“Why don’t you help me inspect my pretty little bunny, hmm?” her hand slides down to her throat and places a kiss at the corner of her mouth.
“bunny isn’t the only one who’s got their eye on you.” Carol lets out a growl and presses her crotch into Natasha front
Nat let’s put a groan and you swear this is the hottest thing you have ever bore witness to
you let out a whine of desperation for both of them. they snap back out of their little world and focus on you
“god, detka such a sweet little one. never would i have thought you were such the whore.” Nat walks up to you and rubs her two fingers up your slick
it doesn’t last for long as she pops her fingers into her mouth
carol let’s out a deep moan at the sight
you’re feeling dizzy, you’ve never been in this deep of a headspace. all you can think about are these two strong women.
god i need to write an inspection fic it has my brain all 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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queen-of-the-avengers · 6 months
Captain Marvel: Final Part
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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With the Skrulls now saved from the Kree, at least for right now, you and Carol met Maria and Fury back at Maria's house for a last-dinner kind of thing. Most of the Skrulls decided to go back to Mar-Vell's lab to prepare to move again while Talos, Soren, and their child join you back at Maria's house. She did a really good job flying the plane to avoid whatever Kree was on her ass, and Fury won't let her forget it.
"That's some nifty flying you did out there. SHIELD could always use a good pilot like you."
"I'll consider it, as long as you don't call my flying nifty again."
Fury's eye is all scratched that you assume came from Goose.
"How's your eye?" you question the agent.
"Getting better every second. I'll be fine."
"Is it true that Goose scratched your eye?"
"I will neither deny nor confirm the details of that story."
"She did. I saw it happen," Maria confesses, making you cackle.
"Just so I'm clear, you were Soh-Larr and the SHIELD agent?" Carol asks Talos.
"Yeah, he tied my boss up and stole his identity," Fury interjects, ignoring your teasing remarks about how a cat got the better of him.
"I borrowed his likeness. I'm no thief."
"It's a little like a thief," Soren shrugs.
"Whose side are you on?"
"You're good to go here until you recover, but you and your family will need a new look."
"I could go back to being your boss."
"Please don't."
"Come on. I love sporting his beautiful blue eyes."
"I'll help you find a home and finish what Mar-Vell started," Carol offers.
You open your mouth to agree but nothing comes out of it. First, you think about Bucky and Steve and how you left this planet to get away from the pain it caused you, but then you think about how you promised yourself that this would be your new home away from Xenia and Markus. You fled once, you can't do this to Earth again. It needs protecting, and who will protect it if you leave?
"They can stay here with us, can't they, Mom?" Monica asks from the stairs where she and Talos' daughter are.
"They won't be safe here, baby. Auntie Carol is right. They need their own home."
"I'll be back before you know it," she says.
"Excuse me," you whisper.
You grab your plate of unfinished food and walk into the kitchen to do the dishes. Carol and Fury look at each other before getting up and doing the same. Leaving Carol behind and staying on Earth hurts differently than when you lost Bucky. Bucky died and you didn't have a choice but to move on with your life. You're deciding to leave even though it hurts you to do so.
"Are you okay?" Carol asks.
"Let me help you with that," Fury offers and takes the wet dishes to dry.
He notices dry tears on your cheeks and gestures to Carol to talk to you.
"We beat the Kree and Ronan. What's wrong?"
"I don't know if I can go with you when you leave," you whisper.
This is a conversation to have privately so she puts it on the back burner for now. She rubs your back in a comforting way and takes out the pager that she took from Fury. She's modified it a bit so that he can always contact her whenever she may be.
"Here, there is something I want you to have. Plus, I need you to keep the Tesseract hidden here on Earth." She hands him the pager. "I upgraded it. The range should be a couple of galaxies, at least. For emergencies only."
"What? Do you think I'm gonna crank call you?"
"For emergencies only. From the looks of it, you'll have Y/N in case something goes wrong."
"Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout," he says. "I can finish up here. You two can take off."
"Come on."
Carol takes you outside to have a private conversation with you. She knows what you're going to say but lets you say it anyways.
"As much as I want to go with you, I can't leave Earth. The universe needs you, Carol but Earth needs me. The Tesseract is here, so someone is going to come for it sooner or later. She'll need someone to protect it."
"I agree."
"I'd be too selfish if I kept you from everyone else," you sigh sadly, "but I don't want to leave you. I love you."
"I love you, too. I'm not asking you to choose but I do have to leave. I can't stay on this planet knowing wars are going on out there that I can help fight."
"I know."
She pulls you in for a hug and allows you to cry on her shoulder for however long you need. 
"This doesn't change anything between us. I want you to live your life. I don't know when I'll be back, but I don't want you to be lonely. I want you to meet someone, fall in love, and live your life. You'll always have a special place in my heart."
"So will you," you sniffle and pull away from her.
"If we are meant to be, we'll find our way back to each other. I can guarantee that."
"I should go, then. I wish you the best of luck, my love."
"Same here."
You kiss her one last time knowing this will be the last in a while. If you stay any longer, you're going to cry so you pull away from her and take off toad the sky. With no viable threat over your life, you can pick a place and settle down. You haven't had a home for at least fifty years.
New York has too many painful memories and London reminds you of Bucky. When you first came to Earth with Carol, you landed in Northern California. The beaches there are beautiful so maybe living in that state won't be such a bad thing. You can get a place along the beach and enjoy your life by yourself.
Malibu is nice this time of year, and you settle in quicker than you thought you were. You have a bit of money saved from the 40s that you never got to spend, so you use it to buy yourself a house on the beach. The town of Malibu is compact and busy but you don't mind being surrounded by this many people. It gives you an opportunity to learn about humans from what you missed over the years.
It takes a week after moving in to explore the town, so you're walking along the coast when you pass by a tall man sporting white hair and a mustache and a shorter woman with blonde hair.
You stop and face the couple with a confused look on your face.
"Yes. Do I know you?"
"It's me. Howard Stark."
"Howard? Wow, you've grown."
"You stayed exactly the same."
Hearing him say this makes you a bit sad knowing you'll probably never grow old. You'll always be the same age as you were when you first injected Markus' serum.
"Well, you know..."
"Wait, I thought you died. I thought you and Steve died when the plane went down. We searched for you two for months after the wreck."
"Steve died. I left Earth for fifty years."
"She's the one you were talking about?" Howard's wife says. "She's the Avatar?"
"That's me," you shrug.
"What are you doing here?"
"I bought a place on the beach. I spent the last sixty years fighting in wars I shouldn't have been fighting in. I figured what harm will it do if I take a few years to myself. What have you been up to?"
"I'm retired now. I have a few billion dollars to my name. I got married and had a son. Would you like to meet him?"
"Of course."
Howard and his wife, Maria, take you back to their house where their young adult son is.
"Tony? Come down here. There's someone I want you to meet." Tony comes down the stairs with a bored expression on his face. "Tony, this is Y/N."
Tony's heard the stories his father used to tell about a righteous man with super strength and a woman who can control the elements. He didn't think those stories were true until he sees you. There are very few pictures of Howard back in the day, but some of them contain you and Steve.
"Is this the same Y/N that you worked with back then? The one with Steve?"
If you're going to be in Tony's life, then he has a right to know exactly who you are.
"Yes, it is." You stick your hand out for him to shake, and you give him a polite smile. "It's very nice to meet you, Tony."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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marie-swriting · 1 year
You Love Fall - Carol Danvers
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Marvel Masterlist
Summary : the story of you falling in love with Carol Danvers.
Warnings : set before Captain Marvel, mention of misogyny, shitty teacher, fluff, happy ending, alcohol consumption (be careful with your alcohol consumption), maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 3.1k
French version
Prompt used : "A's car breaking down as they're driving to their destination, so instead of that nice play they were going to see, they spend the night with their heads buried in the hood of the car and fixing the engine." 3rd prompt from this prompt list made by @novelbear
Song inspiration : We Fell In Love In October by Girl In Red
September has finally begun so you’ve started working at the bar near your medical school again. You’re washing a glass when you hear the door opening, you turn your head and see two unfamiliar women walking in. They sweep the place with their eyes before coming to the counter, in front of you. You put the glass at its spot then look at them with a friendly smile.
“Are you new here ?”
“Why do you think that ?” the blonde woman questions.
“I’ve been working here for a year now so I know the regulars and you’re not a part of it.”
“Yet. I’m Carol.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Y/N.”
“We just got into the United Air Force Academy. You have two future American pilots in front of you.” Carol states with a cocky expression.
“Congrats ! What can I get you ?”
“We’ll have two beers, please.”
“Coming right away.” you say before doing their drinks and putting them in front of them. “Here you go.”
“Thank Y/N.”
You give Carol one last smile then with Maria, they go to a table at the back of the bar. You look at them, intrigued by the two women, more specifically Carol. You didn’t say a lot to each other but you instantly loved her confidence. 
During your whole shift, you keep making orders for the other clients and serve some of them again, Carol and Maria included. Without paying attention to it, you catch yourself looking at them from time to time, mainly Carol. You think she’s pretty with her blonde locks and her Gun N’Roses tee-shirt, you totally love this view. You’re looking forward to only one thing : having Carol as one of your regular clients.
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After a few weeks, you’ve had the opportunity to see Carol and Maria again several times. Sometimes, they just drink and talk calmly. Other times, they play some games in the bar. One night, they even participated at the Karaoke night of the month. That night, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Carol, resulting in you making some mistakes in your orders. It was at this moment you realised Carol was slowly starting to be more important to you. Now, you just wait for her to come impatiently. Behind the counter, you’re cleaning several glasses in the sink, waiting for a new client. You finish rinsing the last glass when someone walks in. you raise your head and discover Carol walking toward you, alone. She gives you a big smile before leaning on the counter.
“Hey, how are you today ?”
“Pretty good, it’s calm today, surprisingly.” you answer her before frowning. “Where’s your acolyte today ?”
“She’s sick so she couldn’t come.”
“Same as usual ?” you question, ready to serve her.
When her drink is ready, you give it to her. She thanks you and you go to another customer while Carol takes the first sip. Once the order is served, you go back to her with a smile.
“When do you finish your shift ?” she asks you.
“At eleven, in other words, not now.”
“What would you say about sharing a drink with me after ?”
“I… I’m not gonna make you wait three hours.” you stutter, taken aback.
“I don’t mind. Besides, we’ll get to know each other. I’ve been coming here for almost a month now and I still know nothing about you. I want to change that. If you’re okay with it, of course.” Carol states with a smile you give back.
“I’m OK with it.”
“Perfect, I’m gonna let you work, then.” Carol informs.
She winks at you before walking away and going to her usual table. For the rest of your shift, you try to relax and not stress about your future moment with Carol. You’ve already talked together a few times yet never did you sit at a table and really discuss. You’re afraid you might say something wrong or worse, she might realise you’re annoying. You care about her, you don’t want to ruin your chances the second you get your first big conversation with Carol. 
When the clock shows eleven, whilst Carol is starting to drink her third glass, you inform her you’re going to get your stuff from your locker before coming back. When you get your bag, you go to the employees restroom and you look at yourself in the mirror. Upon seeing your reflection, you can’t help but best your eyes wide open ‘Did I really look like that the whole night ?’ you exclaim, horrified. Quickly, you try to fix yourself as much as you can. You take your lipstick, hoping the natural colour gives less the impression you just finished work. You put some deodorant on before putting everything in your bag and telling yourself some words of encouragement and finding Carol back.
When she sees you coming, she smiles widely. As soon as you’ve joined her, you put your bag on the floor and sit in front of her.
“I really like your lipstick.” she notices and you feel your cheeks heating up.
“Oh thanks.”
“I’ve ordered us a cocktail. While we’re waiting, tell me more about yourself. What do you do when you’re not a barmaid ?” Carol enquiries with an interrogative look.
You see in her eyes she’s genuinely curious which makes you glad. You don’t wait before explaining to her you’re currently in your second year at medical school because you’ve always dream of being a surgeon and that the bar helps you pay for your studies. Carol quickly asks you another question about your passions and you answer her with joy. One thing leading to another, you get to know each other more and you start laughing with each other. Without really being able to explain it, you feel deep down something bounding the two of you. You drink your cocktail slowly, enjoying a drink you didn’t have to make for once whereas Carol is ordering a new one. Gradually, Carol becomes more tipsy. You listen to her saying some sentences that don’t make any sense and you laugh out loud. After a moment, you need to use the bathroom so you excuse yourself before going. When you come back, Carol is not at your table anymore but at the back of the bar, a mic in hand, singing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. You look at her making funny faces as she tries to sing several voices at the same time. When she notices you, she invites you to come next to her. You’re, at first, reluctant however Carol takes your hand and forces you to follow her. She hands you the mic and you start singing together whilst your colleagues and boss laugh at your performance. 
When the song is over, you catch your breath. Carol starts looking for another song when you look at the bar’s clock and see it’s 00:40 A.M.
“Come on Freddie Mercury, it’s time to go home.” you announce and she pouts.
“Just one last song ! Come on, let’s do Killer Queen.”
“Tomorrow you have class, remember ?”
“Party pooper.”
“You’ll thank me tomorrow. Besides, your roommate is sick, so you shouldn’t leave her alone any longer.”
Finally, you manage to make her leave the bar. Once you’re outside, the coldness of the night attacks you both with full force. You can feel fall being closer. Carol comes close to you while rubbing her hands on her arms. She says some more nonsense, giving you an idea how intoxicated she is which is enough to not drive.
“Keys.” your order, holding out your hand.
“But my car !” Carol protests but you insist.
“Maria will come with you tomorrow to get it. You won’t drive, future doctor’s order.” you order and she gives you her bunch of keys. “Come on, now.”
With a pout on her face, Carol accepts to follow you. When you’re finally in your car, you turn the heater on before leaving the parking lot and driving to Carol’s. The whole ride, you keep getting to know each other even more, talking about your childhood.
When you’re finally at her place, you turn off the car while Carol takes out her apartament’s keys. She’s about to leave when you hold her back.
“Do you want me to accompany you to your door ?”
“No, don’t worry. I’m trained to handle myself in every situation.” she assures you.
“As you want. Wait !” you exclaim, taking a random piece of paper and a pen. “It takes me about fifteen minutes to get home so call me.” you say before giving her the paper with your number on it, “and if I don’t get your call by then, I’ll know you haven’t found your door and I’ll come help you.”
“Do I officially have a personal doctor ?” Carol laughs, taking the paper in her hand.
“Only if you accept the risk of me not curing you correctly, I haven’t finished school yet.”
“I accept it.”
Carol smiles at you one last time before leaving your car. You watch her leaving until she’s out of your sight. You turn on your car and drive to your place, satisfied by your night. You know for sure you and Carol will get along pretty well.
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October is slowly going by and Carol and you are spending more and more nights together, sometimes with Maria as well and other times just the two of you. You quickly become best friends and your feelings for Carol are getting stronger and stronger. 
One night where Maria didn’t come since she wanted to rest, you found Carol at your table at the back of the bar after your shift. As soon as you’re sitting, you let go of a loud sigh, tired of your day.
“Tough day ?” Carol interrogates you with a compassionate look.
“Don’t get me started ! Medical school is slowly killing me.” you sigh, putting your head in your hands.
“You’ll get through it, I’m sure of it. You’re smart.” she affirms, stroking your hand.
“Go tell this to Professor Stevens.”
“Who ?”
“He’s one of my teachers. He only puts me down, I can’t stand him anymore.” you start explaining, “I can give my everything and it’s never enough for him. He gave us an assignment back today and I didn’t get a good grade. He didn’t hesitate for a second to show some parts of my essay as a bad example to others. Fortunately, he didn’t say it was me but I felt ashamed nonetheless.”
“Wow, he’s the teacher of the year !” Carol exclaims ironically.
“You have no idea. I admit it, I made some mistakes in my essay, but I’m here to learn, it’s normal I’m making mistakes ! I’m still in my second year, I don’t know everything about everything ! I swear I could make the smallest mistake and for him, it’s the end of the world. I’ll never be a doctor and if I ever am, he’ll never come see me for a consultation, like he always says. And the worst part is that there’s this George guy who has about the same grade as me and yet, when he makes a mistake, it’s always ‘it’s okay’, ‘you’ll do better next time’, ‘you’re still learning’, ‘don’t worry, you’ll be a good doctor, I’m sure of it’. Honestly, I don’t know what I did to him to deserve this kind of treatment !” you say, outraged.
“He’s just a dickhead. You’ll see how stupid he’ll feel when you’ll be a reputed doctor !”
“If I finish school. I gotta tell you my motivation has been lacking a lot lately.” you confess with a small voice, “I have Professor Stevens for the most important subject of the semester, in other words, if I fail his exam, I’ll have to retake my year except that I’ll still have him the year after that, if that’s the case. I don’t know what to do to be on his good side. It annoys me so much because, besides his subject, I’m doing pretty well ! I’m usually among the top of my class but this teacher does nothing but discourages me. Sometimes, I want to give up.”
“You’re not gonna give up !” Carol retorts with a determined tone. “You’ve worked very hard to go to that school. You told me yourself. You had to start working when you were sixteen to put some money aside, you’re always studying, even during vacations. You can’t give up now. You might have a few years left however you’re made to be a doctor, that’s what you told me the first night we shared a drink. You can’t give up because of one teacher. Prove him you can do it, in spite of him. No, better ! Prove to you you can do it.”
“It’s easier said than done.” you let go, still unmotivated.
“I know that, trust me ! If you knew how many people have told me, and still tell me, I’ll never be a pilot ! They say I don’t have enough physical or mental strength, they’ll never let a woman fight. It also discourages me as well, it’s true but then I tell myself I can’t let close-minded people destroy my dreams. And you can’t let your teacher or anyone else destroy yours either. Promise me you’ll never give up on your studies.” Carol states putting out her pinky fingers in front of you. “I want to be able to tell people that this doctor who cured cancer was the one serving me drinks and who worked her ass off to get here.”
You look at Carol lovingly. Despite everything that happened to you that day, she’s managed to cheer you up. Even better, she’s managed to make you want to outperform yourself. You smile at her, determined before putting your elbow on the table and showing your pinky finger.
“OK, but only if you promise to come see me when you’ll get injured from your missions because you’ll be the greatest pilot of the US Army. The new Amelia Earhart. I want to say that the one who is breaking all these aviation records was one of my clients during my studies and I always knew she was a strong woman.”
“Deal.” Carol smiles, linking her finger to yours.
At that moment, as the same pace as the leaves are turning yellow, you realise you’re falling in love with Carol Danvers, if it was not already the case. Your pinky finger around hers, your eyes deep in hers, you know she’s everything you want. Her personality, her determination, her stubbornness and her confidence are all that you always want close to you. You always want her to be close to you. You want her to be your girl.
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A few weeks later, Carol finally asked you out. When the day of your rendezvous comes, you spend your day looking for the perfect outfit until Carol’s arrival. As soon as you find her leaning against her old car, you can’t help but think she’s beautiful. Upon seeing you coming her way, Carol gets closer to you and kisses your cheek, giving you butterflies in your stomach, before inviting you in her car. 
You’ve agreed on going to the movie and then to eat at the restaurant a bit outside of the city. On the way, there’s not awkward silence. Your conversations go smoothly as usual which reassures you. You didn’t want to lose your unique bound just because you’re officially going on a date.
You’re currently telling her about your expectations for the movies you’re going to watch when the car starts making weird noises and smoke appears in front of it before stopping in its tracks. Carol rolls her eyes and groans ‘not again’ whilst you give her an interrogative look.
“Does this happen often ?”
“Yes. I’m finally bringing it to the shop in two weeks. Don’t move, I know what I have to do.”
Carol leaves the vehicle and opens the hood. You wait on your seat, looking around. After a few minutes, Carol asks you to try to turn on the car. You go to the driver seat and turn the key but nothing. She tells you to do it again without any improvement. You hear Carol sighing in frustration and swearing. You get out of the car and go to her.
“Technically, it’s supposed to work.” she whines.
“I wish I could help you but I gotta admit I know nothing.”
“I don’t know what’s the problem, usually it works.”
“Don’t worry, someone is gonna drive by.” you say with a small smile.
“Almost no one drives here.”
“We can walk until we find a phone booth.”
“It’s a thirty minute walk to the nearest one. And by the time the mechanic comes, the movie will have already started, if not almost over.” Carol informs running her hand in her hair. “Argh !”
“It’s okay, Carol.” you assure her by taking her hands in yours.
“But you wanted to watch this movie so bad !”
“We can always go another time.”
“True but we might lose the reservation at the restaurant. I had everything planned ! Why did this damn car have to act up today ?”
“Maria is right, you need to change it.” you state, hoping to ease the atmosphere. “Carol, don’t worry about it.”
“I know, I just wanted tonight to be perfect. I was hoping…” she starts then stops, “forget it.”
“Hoping what ?”
“Nothing. Now, I’m sure everything is lost, seeing how our first date is going.”
“Carol.” you sigh but she doesn’t listen to you.
“I was planning on kissing you when I brought you home.”
Following her sentence, Carol avoids your gaze for a second, afraid of rejection. Though, hearing she wants to taste your lips gives you the confidence boost you needed to put your hands on her cheeks and kiss her. Carol’s hands find their way to your hips, bringing you closer. The kiss is sweet and full of love. The feeling of Carol’s lips on yours is officially your new favourite sensation. You kiss until you’re out of breath.
“No need to wait this late.” you mutter against her lips. “I’ve been dreaming about kissing you since we first met.”
“That makes two of us then. I really thought everything was over for a second.”
“It’d take me more to run away from you.” you assure her before pecking her lips. “Anyway, we’re going to call this mechanic or what ? I gotta confess I don’t really want to have my name in the news.”
“Don’t worry, I’m able to protect the both of us.” Carol affirms taking a superheroes pose.
“I don’t doubt it.”
Your hand in Carol’s, you start walking in the direction to the city nearby. On the way, you keep talking with a big smile on both of your faces. Frequently, you stop in your tracks to exchange a few kisses under the coldness of November. It’s official, you love fall.
Marvel Masterlist
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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18250mm · 6 days
Cherry Wine | C. Danvers
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Gif not mine, credit to creator
Pairing: Carol Danvers x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,916
Warnings: Angst, Carol being a brat towards R for like, 3/4 of this fic… use of the f-bomb a couple of times — but trust me, it’s still fluffy ☁️ (also this being in my drafts for way too long)
Summary: You and Carol get paired up for a mission, but she’s drunk for most of it. You’re angry; until you find out the reason behind her drinking problem.
You were pissed. No, pissed couldn’t even begin to cover the rage you were feeling right now.
Carol Danvers had single-handedly managed to blow your cover on a mission, all because she couldn’t heed simple instructions.
It was supposed to be easy; a simple in-and-out deal — but all that changed when your ex-girlfriend went ahead and got drunk right before the quinjet took off.
You were seething.
“I don’t get why you can’t just listen to me, Danvers!” you scolded, back-facing her as the HYDRA agents secured the rope around the chairs and both of your wrists. “If you didn’t go in there like I specifically told you not to, we wouldn’t be in this mess right now.”
“Oh, shut up,” the blonde spat back with just as much venom. “Even if I hadn’t gone into that room, you probably would’ve screwed us over too. You always do, Y/N.”
Truth was, things hadn’t always been this tense between you and Carol. When the two of you had been introduced to S.H.I.E.L.D., you guys were civil. You’d often see her in the gym when you went for your morning workout and would have breakfast with her after you both were done training.
In fact, you’d both become such good friends that your feelings for her only grew with how much time you spent together. And those feelings were reciprocated, because after four months into your lives as Avengers, you began dating.
Everything was fine, until Carol was sent to protect the galaxies in space — and you weren’t allowed to go with. When she finally returned to the Avengers Compound, five years had passed and things definitely weren’t the same.
You rolled your eyes at her words. Being on the receiving end of that pent-up anger wasn’t new to you. “I told you to leave it alone, at least until the guards were gone. And what did you do?”
Carol remained silent, though the tension in the air was clear that she was challenging you, as if to say, ‘go on, tell me’.
So, you did. You cleared your throat with gusto. “Yeah, I’ll tell you what you did. You said ‘The sign says Do Not Enter. Of course we’re going to enter!’. Who the hell does that? You’re fucking crazy. I’m never letting Fury pair us up again.”
“Shut up, the both of you! No funny business until the boss gets here,” the same HYDRA agent that tied you up instructed before bending down to retrieve the silver flask Carol had dropped a few minutes ago. He opened it and took a whiff of its contents before smirking. “Thank you for this. I think he would be pleased to hear that we managed to capture not one, but two Avengers… because one of them came to a dog fight drunk.”
You should’ve guessed it; nothing your enemy said should’ve come as a shock to you, but it did. Maybe it was because a small part of you still hoped that the old Carol — the one you fell in love with — wouldn’t do something as stupid as drinking on the job, or perhaps it was the fact that you thought she was more than capable of holding her liquor that you didn’t suspect anything to begin with.
Whatever the case, her actions had completely screwed the both of you over.
As soon as the guards left the room, you worked on freeing yourself so you could get out, grab the files and leave the building — preferably in time for dinner at the Avengers Compound.
Wanda was cooking tonight and you didn’t want to miss it.
“Just a little bit more–” you grunted, tugging at the knot. “Are you planning on helping at all?”
Carol shot you a sympathetic smile, and for just a moment, you thought you saw the slightest bit of remorse for her actions.
“Here,” she whispered, channelling the heat from her photon blast to the tip of her fingers and burning through the rope. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I really am.”
You didn’t know why she was apologising all of a sudden; but you weren’t going to let it distract you.
“We really don’t have time for this, Danvers.”
“But we do!” the former pilot protested, quickly undoing her own ropes and standing up to hold you in place. “You don’t have to talk, okay? Just… just listen.”
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to give her another chance. You did, but you didn’t know if it would go to waste like every after opportunity you’d given her to change.
The look on the blonde’s face, however, tugged at your heart strings and made you feel butterflies in your stomach. That was a feeling that hadn’t dissipated, no matter how long you guys were apart or whatever it was that you fought about.
So you listened.
“Y/N… the day Fury sent me to protect the stars from the threats they faced, I was devastated. I didn’t want to leave you, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to fulfil my duties if I told you about it — because then I’d want to stay behind. With you.”
You worked in silence as your ex-girlfriend spoke, scouring every corner for enemies while Carol worked on retrieving the manila folders from the HYDRA workstations.
“I thought it was the right thing to do at the time; leaving without so much as a word. The moment I stepped onto that aircraft, I knew I made a mistake… but it was too late. I had a feeling you’d be more than pissed at me if I tried to explain everything, so I didn’t reach out. Instead, I found myself drowning my sorrows in other ways,” she told you solemnly, holding up the flask she’d snagged on the way out of your holding room. “I started drinking and I couldn’t stop. It became my addiction, but I realise now that I was only substituting one addiction for another. What I craved was you.”
Your ears pricked up when your brain finally registered those words. Carol had poured her heart out to you, telling you about her struggles and how her drinking problem had started — and it was all because she missed you.
“Carol, I– I don’t know what to say,” you admitted, thoughts jumbled from all the new information.
You tried anyway.
“I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. You really should have come to me about it… I’d never turn you away, no matter how badly you fucked up,” you joked, grinning when the blonde’s lips curved into a smile. “That aside, I understand why you didn’t tell me when you left. It was hard, I know that now. And I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner. I’m sorry you had to come back and face someone entirely different from who the person fell in love with. I’m sorry… I’m sorry I became the cause of your alcoholism.”
You couldn’t remember the last time you apologised this much. You didn’t think it had ever happened.
Then again, Carol had a strange way of making you do things you never thought possible.
The conversation was cut short when the both of you finally got what you came for. “You know, for someone who didn’t know what to say... you sure found the right words,” she smiled, taking hold of your hand and heading for the exit. “Let’s get out of here. We’ll talk about this after the mission.”
*Some time later*
After receiving an earful from Fury about taking too long and another lecture from Steve for missing training because of the mission, you and Carol found yourselves in her bedroom.
“Geez, I haven’t been here in a long time,” you mumbled, looking at the space before you. “Not much has changed.”
“Well, I don’t exactly have time to decorate when I’m almost never around, you know?”
You nodded and observed quietly as the blonde poured herself a glass of water before taking a seat on her bed. You noticed how a bottle of wine sat beside the jug, but decided not to comment on it.
Instead, you stood idly, not sure if Carol wanted you beside her. You fiddled with your fingers and looked everywhere but at the Avenger, though you knew you couldn’t avoid her gaze forever; no matter how hard you tried.
“You can sit. I don’t remember having to tell you what to do whenever we’re in my room,” she said, patting the space beside her. “I’m not gonna bite, Y/N.”
Nodding, you willed yourself to take a few steps forward until you were seated beside her. Carol pulled you closer and you instinctively gripped her shirt tightly, so much so that your knuckles turned white.
God, you missed her so much.
It didn’t occur to you that you were crying until the blonde wiped a few stray tears from your cheek, letting her finger smooth over the skin comfortingly.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, pressing a kiss on your forehead. “I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N/N. Tell me what to do to make it better.”
You couldn’t speak; you didn’t dare to, in fear that you’d say the wrong thing or not be able to say the right words at all. Instead, you kissed Carol.
Passionately, too, as all the emotions you withheld over the past few years came pouring out like a river. Luckily for you, it didn’t take long for her to kiss you back. Soon, the two of you were fighting for air, but neither of you wanted to pull away.
Your lungs burned but your heart loved the heat. You melted into Carol’s arms as she held you tight, the two of you fitting like two pieces of a puzzle.
The only difference was that you had the glue to hold you together now:– the transparency between the two of you after confessing everything you both had kept hidden for much too long.
When air really became a problem, you two finally broke the kiss, foreheads touching as your breathing found steady paces.
“I love you, Carol. I never stopped loving you. Don’t you dare leave without telling me again,” you mumbled, snuggling closer to her.
The blonde chuckled in response but nodded along to your statement. “I promise, Y/N. And I promise I’ll try to get better.”
“I know you can. We can,” you said as you stood up now, making your way over to where the bottle of wine sat. “I reckon the first step would be to get rid of this cherry wine, though.”
Carol smiled warmly and nodded, allowing you to toss the bottle into the bin. “Let’s hope Stark doesn’t find out about what you just did. Above all else, that was a good bottle of wine.”
You only rolled your eyes playfully at the Kree, getting back under the covers with her. It was official (you don’t think there was ever any doubt); you were insanely and utterly in love with Carol Susan Jane Danvers, cherry wine and all. If she was willing to make changes to her life for you, that much was enough.
It was you and her forever, you were certain of that now. So, you let her stroke your hair and press kisses on the top of your head as you whispered, “Whatever happened between us or will happen in future, we got through it once and we’ll get through it again. It’s like you always say… higher, further, faster, baby.”
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