nutrajdryfruits · 1 month
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Cashew nuts, often simply referred to as cashews, are kidney-shaped seeds that grow on the cashew tree, scientifically known as Anacardium occidentale. Native to northeastern Brazil, cashew nuts are now widely cultivated in tropical regions around the world, including India, Vietnam, and Africa.
These delectable nuts are prized for their rich, creamy flavor and crunchy texture. They are commonly consumed as a snack in their roasted and salted form or used as an ingredient in various culinary dishes, including stir-fries, curries, salads, and desserts.
Cashew nuts are not only delicious but also highly nutritious. They are an excellent source of healthy fats, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are beneficial for heart health. Additionally, cashews are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins E, K, and B6, as well as minerals like copper, magnesium, and phosphorus.
In addition to their nutritional value, cashew nuts are also known for their versatility. They can be ground into creamy cashew butter, used as a dairy-free alternative in recipes, or incorporated into vegan cheeses and creamy sauces.
Overall, cashew nuts are a delicious and nutritious addition to any diet, offering a satisfying crunch and a wealth of health benefits. Whether enjoyed on their own as a snack or used to enhance a wide range of culinary creations, cashew nuts are sure to delight the taste buds and nourish the body.
Cashew Nuts 1kg - Nutraj India
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pakaomat · 6 days
Premium Cashew Nuts Online - 500g & 1kg Packs, Salted & Roasted
Discover premium quality cashew nuts at Pakao Mat. Buy salted kaju online in 500g packs. Also available in roasted salted cashews in 1kg packs. Find cashew prices!
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acti-veg · 9 months
16 Plant-Based Protein Sources
Protein is often raised as a concern for people considering adopting a plant-based diet, and considering the fact that we've all been taught to associate protein primarily with red meat, this is not surprising.
It is estimated that most adults require 56 grams of protein per day, and you're probably hitting that number if you're not in a calorie deficit. If you're trying to lose weight and so are cutting calories then you may need to track your protein a little more closely, but 56 grams is pretty easy to hit without having to really think about it.
It gets a bit more difficult if you're very physically active, particularly if you're engaged in regular endurance training or are trying to build muscle. There is a great deal of disagreement about precisely how much protein is ideal if you're training intensely, but it is very achievable to hit even the upper end of protein requirement estimates using only plant-based foods. Listed below are particularly good options.
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1) Lentils - Lentils are a cheap nutritional powerhouse, and provides about 17 grams of protein per cup. They're also very flexible, you can have them as your main protein source of a meal, use them to substitute mince in a pasta dish, make burgers out of them, or put them in a stir fry or with rice and veg with some seasonings. They are cheap and convenient if you buy them canned, since they're ready to eat, though I would recommend at least warming them up.
2) Chickpeas - Chickpeas are a popular vegan staple, and it's not hard to see why. At approximately 14.5 grams of protein per cup, they're nutrient dense and very flexible. Use them to make hummus or falafel, as the main protein source of a curry, on their own with rice or worked into a salad. You can also just air fry/grill them with some oil and spices for a convenient, crunchy snack.
3) Oats - A cup of dry oats is around 11 grams of protein by itself. Making it with a cup of oat milk brings that up to 14 grams, throw in a tablespoon of peanut butter and you're up to about 17.5 grams at breakfast, and all those ingredients are pretty cheap and very filling. You could add something like nuts or chia seeds as a topping to stretch that to well over 20 grams.
4) Nuts - Peanuts are 9.5 grams per 1/4 cup, almonds are 7g, pistachios 6g, cashews 5g, hazelnuts 5g, brazil nuts 4.75g, walnuts 4.5g and pine nuts are 4.5g. You can buy 1kg bags of mixed nuts for a little bit cheaper and keep them in a jar for a healthy snack. I find it better to buy a bag that doesn't have peanuts in then add the peanuts later, as mixes that include peanuts tend to be less for your money. Peanut butter is also a cost effective way to add protein to many snacks and meals.
5) Beans - Depending on the type, beans are anything from around 10-15 grams of protein per cup. Some are better than others, like kidney beans, but even your standard baked beans are high protein and good for you. Turn them into a chilli, have them on toast, on a jacket potato, turn them into a bean burger or make them the protein base of a salad or soup. Kidney , soy and edamame beans are particularly good options.
6) Seitan - When cooked, seitan closely resembles to look and feel of red meat. It is made of wheat gluten and has 25 grams of protein per 100 gram serving. It is not very widely available in supermarkets, but try your local Asian market, where it will usually be cheaper as well. It's a bit of a hassle, but you can also make your own at home, which is extremely cheap as it's just wheat gluten, yeast, plant milk, miso and spices.
7) Tofu/Tempeh - A staple in Asian cooking, don't be afraid to try this one. Think of it as doing all the same things chicken does in terms of recipes, it soaks up the flavour around it. It needs to be pressed before use, or you can avoid that by just draining the liquid and freezing it, then thawing over night when you want to use it. 100 grams of tofu (less than half a small block) contains 8 grams of protein. Some tofu, like Naked TooFoo, is pre-pressed for you.
8) Faux Meats - Faux meats are an easy way to add a protein base to your meal, and has the advantage of serving the same function on a plate as the foods you were used to before you went vegan. A Beyond burger, for example, has 19g of protien per patty, though you can get much cheaper options that have a similar nutritional profile. Pair that with a wholemeal bun and something like brown rice/quinoa and vegetables and you can create a very high protein meal.
9) Grains - All grains are good for protein, these include quinoa, spelt, brown/wild rice, teff, amaranth and sorghum. They can range anywhere between 5 and 8 grams per 100 grams, and you'll usually be serving them with some sort of protein source. They're also an excellent source of fibre and carbohydrates, which are also important for training and general health. Quinoa in particular provides all 22 essential amino acids.
10) Peas - Green peas are not mentioned much when it comes to high protein options, but a cup of cooked peas is a respectable 9 grams of protein, and it's worth mentioning here because they tend to be used more as a side than main, so can be paired with other high protein options. They're also very cheap, freeze well and are easy to prepare.
11) Seeds - Just a tablespoon of chia seeds is nearly 3 grams of protein, and the seeds are so small and tasteless that you don't actually notice them in anything you put them in, making them an easy way to add protein to just about any meal. They're pretty cheap to buy in large quantities, particularly good to replace eggs in baking, to add to bread flour, salads and oatmeal. Other high protein seeds include pumpkin, sunflower, linseed, hempseeds and buckwheat.
12) Bread - Bread may not immediately come to mind when you're thinking about protein, but wholegrain/rye/spelt breads can be very high in protein, anywhere from 3 all the way up to around 10 grams per slice, particularly for seeded loaves. If you really want to turn bread into a high protein food, invest in a bread maker or bake it yourself, that way you can add nuts, seeds and oats yourself to up the nutritional value. That's just the bread too, a hummus and falafel sandwich with a high protein bread can be very nutrionally dense.
13) Fruit and veg - Worth mentioning here, as they're something you'll need to consume to maintain a healthy diet anyway, and some options have moderate protein. The higher protein options include broccoli, spinach, asparagus, artichokes, potatoes, sweet potatoes and Brussels sprouts, which all contain 4–5 grams of protein per cooked cup. Likewise, blueberries, guava, bananas and nectarines contain about 2-4 grams of protein per cup, as well as many other vitamins important for training.
14) Nutritional Yeast - No vegan list is complete without mentioning it, it's a vegan staple for its nutty, cheesy flavour, as well as being an easy source of vitamin B12. It's a complete protein that has 8 grams of protein per 16 grams serving, making it an easy way to add more protein to things like pizza, pasta dishes or a jacket potato. Use it to make cheesy sauces, or just sprinkle it on anything you'd have previousy added parmesan cheese to.
15) Protein Bars - They tend to be  on the expensive side, but there are a few plant-based options. I'd recommend Misfit bars if you can get them online, they're low sugar, 15g of protein per bar, and you can buy them in variety packs of 40 which works out cheaper. Trek also have protein flapjack bars, less protein (8-9g) but are much cheaper in packs of 3 and frequently available at a discount (as little at 85p for three in Heron here in the UK).
Most brands won’t be suitable as a daily option for many people given the price, but great for when you're need a protein boost on the go. You can also just make your own protein bars using nothing but oats, cinnamon, baking soda, a little maple/golden syrup and a scoop of plant-based protein powder.
16) Protein/Meal Powders- Even the cheaper powders are around 18g of protein per scoop, so a shake is an easy way to add more protein to your diet, or you can stir it into oatmeal to get most of your daily requirements over breakfast. Some meal replacement shakes, like Huel Black, are around 40 grams of protein per serving (2 scoops) even when made with just water, providing a cheap and easy way to have a high protein and nutritious meal without any prep or fuss. Add some peanut butter and plant milk to make them tastier and even higher in protein. (I don't accept sponsorship or commissions from any brand and I don't have any affiliate links. Any product recommendations are based solely on my own experience.)
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suzieb-fit · 3 months
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I'm all about the nuts! After my low level 13hr fast (hey, I'm on holiday!), it was mixed nuts rubbed with olive oil and salt with grapes. I'm missing my collagen coffee, but I'm coping with boring old instant this week.
I found a wonderland in the town close to where the motorhome is pitched up today. A natural/wholefood shop. A veritable Willy Wonka paradise for me! I treated myself to 3kg of nuts. Yep. A whole lot of nuts at a really good price. 1kg each of almonds, walnuts and cashews. And an added bonus - this packet of cooked chestnuts. Not even ashamed to admit they're already gone 😂😂.
Plus my favourite coffee treat, too.
And a bit of walking. I'm having a great week away from home 😊
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lingsingthai · 3 months
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Actually, ECommerce is exactly the same as doing business in retail or offline.
Last weekend, I went to Hatyai. One of the morning, I went to hunt for cashew nuts. One of the place famous to get cheap cashew nuts is Kim Yong market. When I reached there, hundreds of people flooding the roadside stalls until cars also hard to pass through. Those high traffic area is the same as paid ads ranking. Haha
Then I bought the things I’m don’t want at the roadside and after that I went straight into the Kim Yong market to hunt for better deals for cashew nuts. As I pass first stall, one woman shouted 80 baht for 1kg. Wow. It is indeed cheaper than outside stalls, but I still want to walk further in. 2nd stall woman shouted 100 baht and I have the thought of making u turn to walk back to first stall to buy. Anyway, I still hesitated as I noticed I not yet walk until the middle of the market. Then, another woman shouted 70 baht. Ok, I immediately stopped. This is called cheapest price win first. It already attracted me to stop at her stall.
Then the woman let me test the cashew nuts and I only found out that is the lowest quality variation of cashew nuts available. Knowing that, I did not go back to first stall to compare if she’s selling the same thing assuming this is the cheapest stall. Then, the woman showed me 3 variation of 120 baht, 100 baht and 70 baht. I’m interested in the highest quality cashew nuts and immediately she recommend 3kg for 350 baht. This is called wholesale price. Haha
As we stopped already we ask for further discount if we buy dried mangoes, pistachios nuts and dried longan from her. Yes, she agreed. This is called increase basket size by bundling, giving discounts for example voucher and free shipping. Haha
She happily packs all our items and gave 2 jelly for my 2 kids. She even helped to fill up our water bottle with drinking water when she saw we are all thirsty. This is called kiss your customer goodbye with free gifts.
ECommerce is really very similar to retail except the commission and charges getting higher and higher. The cost of doing business previously is lower in ECommerce compare to retail but now it is comparable if not higher in ECommerce. Recently, a lot sellers also started doing retail when they already have the stock on hand and many doing O2O concept similar in China now to further expand their sales channel.
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macadamiasales · 8 months
Website : https://www.macadamiasales.com.au/
Address : Queensland, Australia
Macadamia Sales, nestled in the Sunshine Coast hinterland of Queensland, is a family-run business dedicated to delivering premium Australian Macadamia Nut products. With a rich history rooted in the native Australian Macadamia Nut, the business offers a diverse range of products, including savory snacks, sweet treats, and specially curated gift hampers, ensuring quality and sustainability in every bite. Their offerings, processed to the highest standards, are available for delivery Australia-wide, celebrating the exquisite, healthful delight of Macadamias in various forms.
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/macadamiasales.com.au/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/macadamiasales.com.au/
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foodnutra · 8 months
Blueberry flavoured cashew kernels are one of the delicious flavours you like; it can aid your little sweet carving  with some health benefits which you like . Generally it can be served as morning  or evening snacks or as a dessert. Blueberry flavoured chocolate is poured all over the cashew kernels for this amazing result, Shop now.
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navkaardryfruits · 8 months
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ajfanstore · 9 months
Discover the Finest Dry Fruits and Dates at Unbeatable Prices - Ajfan Store
Dry fruits and dates stand out as traditional favourites for healthy snacking and nourishing pleasures. Your go-to place for dates and dry fruits of the highest quality at affordable prices is Ajfan Store.
Let's explore the world of dates and dry fruits, their health advantages, and why Ajfan Store is the best place to get these delicious treats.
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What Are Dry Fruits?  
Fruits that have been thoroughly dried to reduce their water content while retaining their nutritional value are known as dry fruits, sometimes known as dried fruits or nuts. These nutrient-dense gems are a good source of fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. 
Benefits of Consuming Dry Fruits
Powerhouse of Nutrients: Each bite of dry fruit provides a wide range of vitamins and minerals, making them a concentrated supply of vital nutrients.
Heart Health: By lowering cholesterol levels and fostering cardiovascular health, they support heart health.
Digestive Aid: Dry fruits, which are high in dietary fibre, promote a healthy digestive system and ease constipation. 
Booster of Immunity: Dry fruits, which are rich in antioxidants, support the immune system and improve the body's capacity to fend against infections.
Energy improves: They naturally improve your energy, making them the perfect snack to get you through the day.
Why Choose Ajfan Store for Dry Fruits Online?
Our goal at Ajfan Store is to become your go-to supplier of dates, dry fruits, nuts, and other foods. We place a strong priority on providing consumers throughout India with the freshest and best products possible. We stand out because of our dedication to upholding worldwide quality standards, organic date farming, and locating premium nuts, dry fruits, exotic fruits, veggies, and beverages.
If you're searching for the best Dry Fruits priced at 1kg, look no further than the Ajfan Store. We make sure you get the best value for your money by providing top-notch quality at affordable costs. Almonds, cashews, pistachios, raisins, and other premium dry fruits are among the items in our extensive selection.
What Are Dry Dates?
A delicious alternative to this sweet fruit is dry dates. They are dates that have been dried, emphasising their inherent sweetness and preserving vital nutrients while prolonging their shelf life. 
Benefits of Consuming Dry Dates:
A powerhouse in terms of nutrition: Dry dates are a healthy snack option because they are loaded with fibre, vitamins, and minerals.
Energy Source: They are a great choice for a mid-day pick-me-up because they offer a rapid and natural energy boost. 
Digestive Aid: Dry dates can help with digestion and can also ease gastrointestinal discomfort. 
Natural Sweetness: These dates fulfil your sweet needs without making you feel bad because they are a healthier alternative to refined sugar. 
Why Choose Ajfan Store for Dry Dates Price?  
For dates and dry fruits of the highest quality, turn to Ajfan Store. We are steadfast in our commitment to offering products of the greatest calibre and freshness. Discover our wide selection, easily place an order online, and enjoy the goodness of nature in every meal.  
When it comes to Dry Dates Price, Ajfan Store offers unmatched quality and value. You can rely on us to provide you with the highest-quality dry dates at reasonable costs because we only purchase dates from the best farms across the world. Ajfan Store carries dry dates, whether you want to eat them as a nutritious snack or use them in dishes. 
In addition to being a store, Ajfan Store is also your ally in leading a healthier and happier lifestyle. 
For inquiries or orders, contact us at +917034900009 or email us at [email protected].
Visit our website for more details and to shop our premium products today.
Indulge in the finest dry fruits and dates with Ajfan Store, where quality meets affordability.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Almond Associates Healthy Sports Mix 1Kg, -( Almonds, Cashews, Pistachios, Dried Blueberries, Cranberries and Raisins )- Healthy Snack, Dry Fruit Nuts, Seeds & Berries Organic Mix, Jar Pack High protein, high dietary fiber, no gluten, no GMO, zero trans fat, zero cholesterol ALL-DAY SNACK: An healthy evening snack or combo with your breakfast cereal or a sports mix before your workout - customize as you wish! This Healthy Nutsmix Hearts best friend, improves cardiovascular system High protein, high dietary fibre, no gluten, no gmo, zero trans fat, zero cholesterol, healthy nuts and dried fruits, good for an active lifestyle, low in fat, calories and sodium, ideal for weight watchers, high in proteins and anti oxidants, slows the ageing process and keeps diseases away, rich source of minerals, folic acid, calcium and iron, improves digestion, immunity, mental health, stop urinary tract infections DIET SNACK: Being a rich source of dietary fibre, these seed based snacking munchies are fulfilling enough to keep you satiated for longer duration. Ready to Serve and Eat; rebuild your taste when you add in some of your caramel, desserts or something special like that [ad_2]
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leandra-winchester · 2 years
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I’ve started experimenting with baking bread (I keep typing breaking bad, even though I never even watched that show 🤣). 
I’m too lazy to try a sourdough, as you have to feed it for 5 days in a row and get the measurements right. So far, the breads I’ve made were still pretty good. 
The first few were 50/50 wholegrain wheat and spelt. This one here is mixed with plain wheat flour as well - couldn’t tell you how much of each because I just eyeballed it. 
This time, I also added one small cup of Greek yogurt to give it at least a hint of tartness since it’s not sourdough. I’m gonna try buttermilk next, as I’ve heard that’s also good. 
I’ve added pumpkin, pine and sunflower seeds (all soaked in water for at least an hour to soften them up), and caraway. It tastes amazing. Very crunchy crust, soft and moist inside. Just perfect. 
The last bread I baked had cashews in it which was also fucking delicious. 
I’m not sure I’m ever gonna buy bread again. First of, proper bread from a bakery is really expensive these days, and secondly, I can add all the flavoring ingredients here that I like that I wouldn’t get like that from a baker’s bread. And lastly, it’s really immensely fun and a lot less effort than I would have expected. 
What I love most is that you can just eyeball things, can experiment with ingredients without having to follow a fixed recipe. As long as you follow the principles (start with a higher temperature, reduce it after 15 minutes; put a bowl of water in your oven; use one cube of yeast for 1kg of flour), there’s imho not much you can do wrong. Try different types of flour, add nuts and spices (I also did one with baie rose and fennel seeds, and I plan to do one with roasted garlic and bacon cubes next). 
I should have started doing this much sooner. 
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cashewzantye · 3 years
Zantye’s is currently leading the cashew processing industry in Goa, selling quality authentic Goan cashews. ​​Completing nearly a century of business, the Zantye’s brand has grown to become a major cashew processing enterprise, while being the first to employ the organic method of cultivation in Goa. We aim to provide our customers with the means to buy cashew nuts online and across numerous outlets.
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jerasphealth · 3 years
15 Weeks Pregnant: Body Changes, What to Eat & More
15 weeks is around the second trimester of the whole gestation period.
Body changes in the expectant mother’s body.
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Weight gain-this is completely normal as the baby is going a lot more than the first trimester. Measure your weight regularly and it should be about 0.5 kg a week on average.
Enlargement of the rib cage around 2 to 3 inches to accommodate the widening of the lungs to carry more oxygen to the baby since the capacity increases.
Body pains and aches- unless they are unbearable this is completely normal. The uncomfortable pain may be a result of the growing belly that put excess pressure on the muscles and skeleton. All this to accommodate the growing fetus accompanied by the weakening of abdominal walls and increasing strain of muscles. In addition to that, hormonal levels are heightened (especially relaxin hormone) causing stretching of joints and ligaments in the body and this change correlates with back pain.
Nipples become darker and bumpier; the hormones cause the skin cell to produce more pigment. there also is the secretion of oily substance so that the nipples can become oily and soft during breastfeeding the secretion of this oil substance is due to the gland called Montgomery tubercles that are only visible during pregnancy. they are found around the nipples on the areola, they re-raised white bumps around the areola(the dark area surrounding the nipple, just like goosebumps).
Numbing, tingling Hands and feet- you’ve ever slept on your arm for a long time or sit on your leg and had that tingling feeling? That is the body’s way of telling you a particular area is not getting enough blood or you are compressing a nerve. However, this is just temporary during the second trimester and very common in the last trimester caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.
Sexual arousal(increased libido)- estrogen whose level rises during the second-trimester causes an increase of blood flow in the vulva and vagina lubrication hence heightened arousal and pleasure. The genital blood flow makes the clitoris hypersensitive. there is no harm in enjoying sex in this period is advised until the very late stages of your pregnancy.
Sensitive teeth and gums-it may be accompanied by bleeding gums especially during brushing teeth, it’s the pregnancy hormones making your gums swell hence likely to bleed. these same hormones make your sinuses to clog. If the symptoms of sinusitis are brutal seek medical help to get relieved.
Nose bleed; same thing hormonal changes cause a nose bleeds and if you are not losing a lot of blood do not be terrified as this is completely normal.
The good news is by this time nausea and vomiting symptoms are fading, unlike the first trimester, so the expectant mother is likely to get her appetite back. this is not a privilege for all women some women experience hyperemesis gravidarum which is an intense morning sickness accompanied by extreme vomiting and may require hospitalization, this may lead to complications like premature detachment of the placenta from the uterus(womb), which causes deprivation of the nutrients and oxygen to the baby. So go see the doctor!
Changes of the baby during 15 weeks of pregnancy’
From the size of kiwi fruit in week fourteen to the size of an orange or apple   fascinating right?  It is about 4.5 inches a nd weighs about 144 grams.
The outer part of the baby ears can be recognizable through the inner year continues to develop, hearing though not yet it's happening and you can start singing or read to that baby.
The skin is still translucent and vessels and skeleton can be seen, some bones like collar bone have already the development process through the bones from the hands and feet harden and become stronger this week.
Baby hair might appear on the scalp and eyebrows.
By 15  weeks the bay can make whole-body movements, their arms legs, stretch and breathing motions, they can go as far as sucking thumbs. When very still, focused and attentive some women can feel their baby moves as early as 15 weeks, they aren’t as strong as the “it kicked” during the 20- 22 weeks. these are first fetal movements and are known as “fluttering” and they are very subtle that some mothers don’t feel them at all.
FOOD A PREGNANT MOTHER IS ADVISED TO EAT AT 15 WEEKS A pregnant mother should consume a balanced diet to avoid pregnancy difficulties like high blood pressure, premature birth, preeclampsia (rise of blood pressure, swelling of face, hands, and feet. Although a balanced diet should be  some nutrients are very essential including
Protein- this is essential for the growth of the abyss brain and other tissues to grow, it also helps the growth of the mother's uterus and breasts. for every 1kg of a mother, she should aim to eat 1.52g of protein every day. So if the expectant mother is 65 kg she should eat 98.8g of protein daily. The protein foods include lean meat(low-fat content), nuts, eggs (not undercooked to avoid the risk of salmonella), fish,  and beans.
Iron; supplies oxygen to the baby and voids anemia and complications such as premature birth and pots Partum depression (feeling down after giving birth) is a mental health condition. The foods containing iron are meat (lean), green vegetables, groundnuts, cashew nuts, bread, cereal foods. Iron from animal products is absorbed way faster than that from plants. For those who are vegans  foods rich in vitamin c like oranges are highly advisable
Fluids- pregnant women need to stay hydrated at all times (8-12glasses a day). Water is essential for the formation of amniotic fluid, carries nutrients and wastes to and fro respectively, produces extra blood, lack of water can cause premature labor, neural tube defects reduced milk production, and low amniotic fluid. Stay hydrated queens!
Calcium &folic acid- calcium helps to strengthen a baby's bones and teeth and improves its circulatory system. Folic acid prevents neural tube defects (birth defects of brain, spine, or spinal cord including spina bifida which is the failure of the baby’s spinal cord to develop properly and anencephaly which is a baby born with brain or incomplete skull and normally becomes stillborn or dies few hours after being born), reduces risks of premature labour.No expectant mother wants any of that to happen to her baby. So take these calcium foods which include dairy, eggs, sardines, and salmon (with bones), fruit juices and greens, and foods containing folic acid include oranges, grains, green vegetables, cereals, and legumes.  The folic acid increment is available as one may not get enough from foods.
Vitamin D and fatty acids – like calcium vitamin d  in building the baby’s bones and teeth.it is not present in many foods but can be obtained from the morning sun even though the body generates it's own vitamin D. Cereal and milk, egg yolk, beef liver, cheese 9 just to mention a few the supplements can be obtained especially fr those who live in polar regions. Fatty acids support the heart, brain, and eyes, prevent premature labor, increase birth weight, and reduces the risk of the mother falling into depression. Vegetable oils, fruits, nuts animal fats, are some of the sources of fatty acids.
Alcohol in the first trimester can cause the baby to have abnormal facial features however alcohol deprives growth and cause harm to the central nervous system, refrain from it at all costs!
Do not smoke
! It causes baby defects like the sudden death of infant syndrome or cleft lip or cleft palate( this is an opening on the baby's lip or in the roof of her mouth. Of course, it can be treated but if you can avoid it you should.
Working out is good as it helps reduces aches, bloating and constipation helps a woman to sleep better. It also helps one to have a normal delivery, without unnecessary complications. Avoid being idle unless strictly advised by the doctor to have a bed rest. Almost there queens, a new life is about to join yours!.
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Buy Almonds Online
In our school days, most of us used to eat dates in the morning or munch a handful of soaked almonds. Our mothers gave us milk with dry ground fruits to keep us healthy and increase our immunity. Dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, dates, raisins, etc., are traditionally known to be a powerhouse of nutrients. Like any other product, customers prefer online sites over manual shops for purchasing dry fruits as well. This gives them the availability of several categories and products from several corners of the world at discounted rates.
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Anaha is the best place to buy premium quality dry fruits online. At Anaha, we aim to provide the best quality, dry fruits, nuts, and seeds. Along with this we also make sure that only the best product reaches our customers. Each product of Anaha is handpicked and purely natural.
Why choose Anaha?
Certain distinctive features make Anaha the best platform to buy dry fruits online, nuts, and seeds:
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Quality satisfaction
While purchasing dry fruits online, quality remains a major issue for the buyers. There exists a doubt in their minds, regarding the quality of the product they are paying for. At Anaha, the dry fruits are sourced from high-quality growers; therefore, they are premium in size, taste, and flavor, ensuring 100 percent quality satisfaction.
We have a state-of-the-art cleaning and packaging facility to ensure quality in all our processes – from sourcing to delivery.
Fast and free shipment
This gives you a reason to buy from us. You receive your package on time with no extra charges.
Easy payment options
We have made a purchase easy with many payment options includes COD/Card/Net-Banking/UPI/Wallets.
Low costs
Purchasing dry fruits from Anaha is never a burden on your purse. The rates are comparatively cheaper and much affordable. Along with this, there always remain various discounts throughout the year besides festive seasons, which is again an incredible aspect of Anaha.
Best packed
The dry fruits packets at Anaha are well designed according to the themes of festivals. These are best suited as gifts, especially at festivals. Whether for a festive occasion or a normal purpose, the dry fruit packets of Anaha are way too tidy and presentable.
Introduced by Shri Radhe Food Products, Anaha has been serving its customers for almost six decades. Working on the principle to maintain the standard of products and customer service reliability, we keep on innovating and introducing healthier variants. We offer products at the most competitive and affordable prices without compromising on quality.
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onemarkets · 2 years
Agronut 100% Natural Whole Cashew Nut W320, 1kg (500gX2)
Agronut 100% Natural Whole Cashew Nut W320, 1kg (500gX2)
Price: (as of – Details) Agronut Brings you the natural nuts which captures the authentic crunchy flavors of cashews. Our nuts are handpicked, premium packed and rich in healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fiber and carbs. Cashews helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases, boosts immunity, strengthen bones, and also helps to keep blood pressure under control. We aim to be the best cost…
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