#charlie writes things
xenon-demon · 1 year
only one (1) coherent thought in my skull right now and it’s domestic steddie with Steve washing Eddie’s hair after he’s discharged from hospital post-Vecna.
I’m imagining Eddie’s being discharged to Steve’s house, because Steve is but a simple man with a saviour complex (and also a crush on Eddie) so he’s letting Wayne and Eddie stay with him. Partly so they have somewhere to be while the government sorts out some new housing for them, but mostly because Eddie needs support for these first few weeks out of hospital and Wayne is away at work a lot. Having Steve around as well means Eddie won’t end up in a situation where he needs a hand but is stuck home alone for hours.
Eddie’s recovered enough for discharge but still requires a lot of physical therapy, and one of the things he still can’t do is raise his arms above his head. He can’t wash his hair pretty much at all, and while the nurses washed it for him in hospital, they didn’t do it frequently enough for Eddie’s standards. His hair has been driving him insane, as the limp, greasy feeling against his face, neck and scalp makes him want to claw his skin off. When he’s told how long it’s expected to take before his arms have full range of motion again, he makes a joke-that’s-not-really-a-joke about going back to his buzzcut days just to avoid dealing with the feeling.
Steve is horrified at the suggestion, and immediately offers to wash Eddie’s hair for him. He also divulges that part of the reason he styled his hair the way he did in high school was because he played a lot of sports, and couldn’t stand the feeling of sweaty hair against his neck and face. Sure, he genuinely did want his hair to look good, but styling it up so it was out of his face was an added bonus.
Eddie’s hair is driving him so crazy that he says yes, especially once he realises Steve might actually get where he’s coming from.
Cue an emotionally tense shower, where both Steve and Eddie are stripped down to their boxers because they don’t want to this fully clothed but they sure as fuck don’t want to do it naked, either. (Spoiler alert, they’d both actually love to have a naked shower together, they’re just both too nervous to bring that up at this stage!)
But then Eddie slips while in the shower, still unsteady on his feet and learning to adjust to his bad leg, so Steve makes an executive decision to switch over to the bath. After a bit of manoeuvring they find a comfortable position to do this; Eddie sitting in front of Steve in the bath, Steve’s legs stretched out either side of him. Between the physical intimacy of having your hair washed by someone else, and the way they don’t have to look at each other’s faces as they do this, they end up talking. They get a lot more personal than they were able to in hospital or during Spring Break, and it’s such a nice experience that they’ll each happily put up with the sensory hell of waterlogged boxers.
Eventually - after Eddie and Wayne have moved into their new place, but Eddie and Steve are over at each other’s houses often enough that they might as well still be living together - Eddie can move his arms enough to wash his hair on his own. He’s gotten more used to his bad leg and can stand long enough to even shower if he wants to. They go about three weeks with Eddie washing his own hair, both of them desperately missing this little routine they’d built but not wanting to admit it. One day, however, Eddie feels so lonely and so tired from physical therapy that day that he asks Steve to wash his hair for him. Steve accepts in a heartbeat, almost before Eddie’s even had time to say the words.
It feels different that time. The energy between them is charged, everything feeling more intimate somehow. It’s so palpable a difference that after Steve runs the conditioner through Eddie’s hair to let it sit for a few minutes, Eddie turns around in the bath to face Steve. He takes a breath, trying to steel his nerves, and asks: can I kiss you?
Steve doesn’t answer him; he thinks the way he leans in and slots his lips in between Eddie’s is answer enough.
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teethkid67 · 4 months
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aka a valentine for the lovely @itsnotmystic / @corvids-calling - fanart for stars fic of the same name, which you can read here !!! i really enjoyed this concept and wanted to do some art for it :3 hope you like it because i REALLY loved your work & i hope this shows that !!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !!!!
this is also a loose love-letter to the wonderful @arginnit 's crazy background-drawing-ability and style/skill at portraying environments . wadds your stuff is insane and i love it
happy @mcyt-valentines exchange !!!!
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the-ace-with-spades · 11 months
Eddie knew Buck was going to cry the first time Chris called him any variation of dad.
It'd been weeks since Chris asked Eddie about this and he'd been thinking about what to call Buck because I can't call you both dad, it'll get confusing. He had concluded that he was too big for daddy, father was way too serious for Buck, and they didn't talk enough in Spanish for papi to sound natural for Chris.
Despite that, Eddie wasn't surprised when finally, while Eddie and Bobby were lying the table at Athena's place and Buck was entertaining the kids with Maddie, he heard Chris grumble at Buck's lame joke, "Pops, that's so embarrassing."
He had expected Buck to cry and he did cry and he was holding Jee at that moment so she started crying, too, when she noticed her uncle crying and it looked comical.
Eddie couldn't not smile at the scene, fond.
He had expected Buck to cry but what he hadn't expected was for Bobby to cry.
And yet here he was, still holding a plate in his hands, practically sobbing silently next to Eddie.
"You know, Buck used to call me Pops too."
"He did?" Eddie asked because he didn't know what to do - he wasn't best at comforting people in general but that had just taken him aback on whole another level. "Why did he stop? I'm pretty sure you're more of a dad to him than his own father."
"I told him the station isn't a family," Bobby said. "Then I fired him."
Eddie had heard that Buck's been fired straight out of probation, but he had never heard the details. Definitely nothing about this.
"He got the job back on the same day but he has never called me Pops again since."
"Maybe you should tell him to call you that again, then," Eddie said, pointedly. "You know he's not the sharpest tool in the shed about this stuff."
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achillean-knight · 5 months
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Safe Haven.
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inamindfarfaraway · 4 months
The Exorcists’ Masks of Virtue
The vast majority of Exorcists in Hazbin Hotel have a notable design element that other angels don’t: their masks are missing an eye. Specifically, the right eye.
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I believe this is a reference to the Bible, Matthew 5:29. Jesus says, “If your right eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.”
He’s being hyperbolic. Mr Free Healthcare was not pro-mutilation. What he means is that you have to be willing to make sacrifices to prevent sin. The context of the eye metaphor is him condemning adultery and warning that even something as easy, casual and small as a look full of lustful intent can lead to further, worse sin if you don’t notice your sin, hold yourself accountable for it and do the work to not let it influence your decisions. This will probably be hard. It could be very, very painful. Changing your perspective can feel as horrible as plucking out your eye, so many people can’t bring themselves to do it. But although it won’t feel that way in the moment, it’s healthier for our general wellbeing in the long run to abandon traits and behaviours that damage ourselves and/or others.
(You may notice that Jesus’s teaching that you can have sinned, redeem yourself by giving up sin and thus escape damnation is the founding principle of the Hazbin Hotel. You may also notice that it contradicts everything the Exorcists believe.)
The Exorcists seem to follow this idea of painfully excising badness for the sake of the greater good devoutly to the point of placing it above teachings like ‘Thou shalt not kill’, with their job being to remove sin, in the form of sinners, to protect Heaven. Hence the missing right eyes. They’re a declaration of moral righteousness and inability to stumble.
But the truth is that the Exorcists all have their right eyes. Their flawlessness is a facade. Underneath, they are untouched, think themselves morally untouchable and, as shown by their horror and outrage when even one of them is killed, would much rather be physically untouchable too. This perfectly represents their complete unwillingness to acknowledge their own faults, let alone improve. They are never the ones who sacrifice. They force the sinners to sacrifice and don’t compensate it with any salvation. They metaphorically rip out the sinners’ eyes, but still condemn their entire bodies as inherently, permanently sinful. So they’ll just have to do another Extermination to get the other eyes! And another one to cut off their right hands! And so on until there’s nothing left.
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The only exception to the rule is Vaggie, both in appearance and character. Her mask has the left eye crossed out instead. Even before her expulsion, she’s set apart to the audience as an Exorcist who has the capacity to, shall we say, see a different side of things. Her mask having its ‘sinful’ right eye reflects her understanding that the Exorcist worldview is wrong.
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When she almost kills a demon child, her hateful vision clears. She discards the part of herself that’s an unquestioning, merciless agent of death, terror and grief… and as punishment for what Lute perceives as treacherous weakness, gets her eye plucked out.
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Of course Lute leaves her with only the ‘sinful’ eye. It brands Vaggie forever as the inversion, a perversion, of what the Exorcists are meant to be.
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You know, all this talk of eye removal in the Bible reminds of another line - ‘an eye for an eye’. Adam directly quotes it in “Hell is Forever”. He uses it to frame the Exterminations as Old Testament-style punitive justice; the sinners did harm and so they receive it. But putting aside the debate about how ethical the concept of revenge is, the entire point of taking an eye for an eye is that it’s proportional. The punishment fits the crime. If someone cuts your eye out, you shouldn’t murder their whole family in front of them and then slowly disembowel them to death. That would be the sin of wrath. You should just make them pay without excessive pain or collateral damage. This is the fairest form of revenge.
The Exorcists don’t do that! The Exterminations aren’t proportional to the wrongs of all they hurt, nor was Vaggie’s brutal punishment equivalent to her extremely mild insubordination. Lute literally takes Vaggie’s eye, and more, after Vaggie does nothing to her! That’s the opposite of the phrase! Adam and his soldiers are wrathful and cruel, deriving satisfaction from others’ suffering. But they just can’t stop going on and on about how disgustingly evil the sinners are, in total hypocrisy… despite some of the sinners being far better people than the genocidal Exorcists are… it’s like they’re obsessed with specks of dust in the sinners’ eyes when they have massive logs stuck in their own. Oh hey, that’s in the Bible too!
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ohmyenjolrass · 4 months
take a chance on me | charlie dalton x fem!reader
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summary: charlie dalton is obsessed with you and man up to ask you out on a date. you are secretly in love with him, but you can tell his intentions almost immediately.
pairings: charlie dalton x fem!reader
word count: 0.5k
warnings: none, but welton is a boys and girls school.
n/a: i was really looking forward to write something with charlie, and i am so excited for this one. i really hope you enjoy it. feel free to request anything! as always, english is not my first language, so there might be some mistakes, sorry in advance x
masterlist :)
"i'm gonna ask her out", charlie repeated for the thousandth time, staring at you from the other side of the common room.
"yeah, right.", knox teased him. "you always say the same thing but you never really do it."
"and also, what if y/n doesn't like you back?", wondered neil.
but charlie's ego was too big to break like that. and also, he had noticed how your eyes fixated on him when he wasn't looking, so, at least, you were interested in him.
"you can mock me all that you want, but i am going to do it.", charlie said, as he stood up. the rest of his friends stared at him in disbelief, with their mouths open.
you saw him approaching your group of friends and returned your sight to your latin homework, playing dumb. you knew your friends couldn't tell, but your heart rate was alarmingly fast as charlie was closer.
"hey, girls", he greeted you and your friends. "do you mind if i steal y/n from you one sec?"
you knew charlie wasn't asking for permission, he hardly ever did, so you stood up, closing your notebook. "what is it, charlie?"
"just a thing i wanted to ask you. come with me?"
you followed him to the corridor, which was empty, and waited for him to start talking. you and charlie weren't exactly friends, but you liked him. he was funny, and smart, and didn't have any problems to cause some trouble in school. he was also devastatingly charming, and every single girl in school would agree on that.
"so...", he started. "how was your day?"
"did you actually dragged me out of the common room to ask me about my day?", you laughed.
charlie fidgeted with the collar of his school shirt. "actually i wanted to ask you something."
"ask away, i'm not gonna bite you.", you said, jokingly.
"i was wondering if you had any plans this friday evening.", charlie said, and you flustered to your ears. your cheeks were so warm you even wondered if it was possible to be that red.
don't be an idiot, y/n. come on, woman up, you thought.
"um, no. i don't think so. why?"
"would you like to go out? like, with me?", he asked, and you could tell that he was blushing too. it was a rare sight to see charlie dalton blushing, but it was a very cute one.
"sure, yeah.", you replied, your hands trembling. you couldn't believe that. "anything planned?"
"i thought we could go to the cinema? if you're up to it."
"yeah. i love the movies.", a weird silence formed between the two of you, both too happy to say anything. then, you cleared your throat. "so, friday, 6pm?"
"perfect. i'll pick you up on your dorm."
you nodded, going back into the common room. a few moments later, charlie entered too, sitting with his friends. you could see his face between todd's and meeks' shoulders. he noticed you staring and winked at you. you lowered your head back to your homework.
and friday couldn't come fast enough.
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spookyghostbunny · 4 months
I missed your smile too
Alright everyone, come get your yummy bread crumbs!
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Lucifer was pacing back and forth in his room full of rubber ducks. That fight with the hotel's busboy really got to him. What was his name again? Doesn't matter. He stops when he sees a duck that looks like Charlie. He picks it up, beginning to rant aloud.
"That busboy is insane! He really had the fucking nerve to call him your dad to my face! Me! Lucifer!The King of Hell! Your real dad! Your flesh and blood! Your kin! He can't possibly think he's a better dad than me!? No one in Hell is a better dad than me!" He paused, looking down at the Charlie duck. "Right?"
The duck of course didn't respond.
He lets out a pathetic sigh, holding the duck close and flopping on his bed. Who was he kidding? Anyone would be a better dad to Charlie than him. He was barely in her life! He doesn't know her favorite drink, her favorite color, anything! He didn't even know she had a girlfriend until today!
Lucifer rolled over, shoving his face into a pillow with a groan. He was the worst dad in the universe!
The sad little man looked up from his pity party when he heard a soft knock on the door. He quickly gets up, clumsy running around and fixing his appearance. "Uh- C-come in!" He answered once he looked mostly presentable.
Charlie opens the door, peaking around the messy room. She doesn't remember there being this many ducks.
Lucifer stared at her in complete shock. His daughter? Here? HIS DAUGHTER WAS HERE!!!
He coughs, trying to act cool. "Heeeey, Char-Char! What- what are you doing here? Couldn't get enough of your old man today, eh!" He rubs the back of his neck. What do you do in a situation like this? It's been years since Charlie came to visit him. Did she somehow know he was thinking about her?
Was the princess psychic this entire time!?
Charlie carefully steps into the room. "Hey, dad. Nice ducks?" She picks one up to examine. The ducky flipped in her hand before it suddenly started spitting fire. "AH!-" She yelps, dropping the duck and jumping away in fear.
Lucifer freaked out. "CHARLIE I'M SO SORRY THAT DUCK WAS A NEWER ONE I KNEW IT WAS STUPID PLEASE DON'T HATE ME-" He was cut off when Charlie placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Deep breaths, dad. It's ok. I don't hate you. I never hated you." She helps him get his breathing normal as she leads him to the bed.
They sit down, Charlie taking her dad's hands in hers. "I just wanted to thank you for... Everything. I know we were... Distant- But today was a huge step forward!" His daughter smiles, and Lucifer had to hold back tears. "You're an amazing dad. I wouldn't want anyone else."
That did it. That broke the camel's back. He choked on a sob, pulling the sweet princess into a tight hug. His daughter really was psychic!!
Charlie hugged back just as hard. She didn't like seeing her father cry. A frown wasn't a good look on him. Like Alastor says: You're never fully dressed without a smile!
And she knew just the trick to bring his back.
Without any warning Charlie pulls back and tackles her dad.
"Oof! Wha- Charlie! What are- Oh no. Nononono!" His eyes widen with panic from the mischievous smirk on her face.
"Who's this Charlie you speak of? I'm.... The Tickle Monster! Rawrrr!" She broke character for a second to giggle. Lucifer used to use this trick on her when she was sad, so now she's returning the favor! She formed her hands into claws and wiggled them above his stomach. "I'm here to feast!" She growled in a deep funny voice.
Lucifer panicked more, but he also felt a mixture of silliness and pride. It's been a long long time since him and Charlie played together. He thought she wouldn't remember this game. His smile turned wobbly, deciding to play along. "Pl-please, Miss T-tickle Monster! Have m-hehehercy!" He was already starting to giggle.
Charlie broke character again to squee in pure happiness. She didn't actually expect him to go along with this! She clears her throat, putting back on her scary tickle monster persona. "Silence! My meals don't talk!" She dives in, attacking his belly with many scribbles and pokes. "They laugh!"
Luci squealed, bursting into high-pitched giggles. He grabs onto Charlie's wrists, but he made no move to push them away. "Chahaharlie! Ihihit tihihickles!"
Charlie couldn't help but to coo at her dad. "That's the point, ya goober! And that's Miss Tickle Monster to you!" She moved up higher to pinch at his ribs.
The King of Hell's giggles turned into full on laughter. He kicked his feet and squirmed, still not trying to get away.
"My, these ribs give off some tasty laughter! I must have more!" With each pinch she made a nomming noise like she was actually eating his laughter.
Lucifer flushed at the silliness of it all. He had to admit, this was making him feel better. It's been so long since he had a good laugh, and the anxiety from earlier melted away with each "nom."
Charlie stopped to give her father a quick break. "Mmm! Those ribs were delicious! Now I'm craving something for dessert!"
Lucifer froze. He knew what that meant. Still, he didn't want to ruin the fun. He pretended to be curious. In reality, he was preparing himself for what's to come. "What would that be, Miss Tickle Monster?"
"Raspberries!" The Princess leaned down, blowing a huge raspberry on Lucifer's tummy.
Luci went absolutely crazy with laughter! He even let out a few snorts! "OHOHOHO GOHOHOHODNEHEHESS!!" He shook his head, covering his blushy face.
Charlie was delighted by his reaction and laughed along with him. She blew a few more raspberries before deciding he had enough and falling onto the bed next to him. "You alright there, dad?"
"Ihih'm fihihine!" Despite still being giggly he felt great!
Soon enough, they were both taking a well deserved nap.
"That's good. I really did miss your smile too, dad." She hugs him, snuggling into his side.
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madelynraemunson · 6 months
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ang3lofdivinity · 2 months
༘⋆𓍢ִ໋🌷 𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚍𝚊𝚢
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。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
Relationship(s): Charlie Morningstar + Vaggie (romantic), kinda Yan!Alastor + Fallen Angel!Marionette!(implied)fem!Reader (platonic or romantic, whatever you want), slight Husk + Angel dust
Genre: Fluff :))
Warnings/notes: Spoilers(?) For Hazbin hotel, reader is able to make plants and stuff, reader is decently human and fought in war, they fell from heaven too, Emily sees the reader as a “mother” figure, death mentions, Alastor being alastor, Angel being himself as always, Alastor has been made.. somewhat yandere, Drugs and other hell stuff mentioned, ooc? Suggestive content (mostly from Angel), Cannibalism, toxic dependency, SWEARINGGGG
Format: Long/Short stories + Headcanons
A/N: GOD. SCHOOL SUCKKSKSKSKSKKSKS. Sorry i’ve been gone for a bit again- sickness is very much not fun. Anyways, here’s an late Valentines present for you all featuring our favorite deer demon! :)) - Also, you can just see Niffty and Charlie calling you a female (if you aren’t) an accident on their perception— HUGGEEEE inspo taken for an idea/convo in this from @/princekeerys :))
Reminder: YOU are responsible for your content consumption!
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There’s a reason why you’re here now.
Everyone is.
Perhaps heaven made a mistake when they first allowed you to enter heaven after your death, allowed you to live amongst angels and other pure beings whom had never done a single horrible act in their lives- or well, since their creation.
The morals that they purveyed were so.. impeccable, granular too.
Everything here was having a pernicious effect on you, these individuals were so much better than you. They didn’t take the life away from others without a second thought. They didn’t grow up to become a weapon. They didn’t feel wrong for the things they did in their lives or just in the past-
They weren’t like you. A monster.
It’s basically an antithesis. Between you, and the ‘winners’.
But you tried your best to fit in. And it worked.. for the most part..
You decided to pick up working as a gardener and freelance artist, which was.. quite fun. You felt genuinely happy after so long where you have been deprived of it, not allowed it, and not given it before. You actually managed to make it to a high ranking position, The Head Archangel.
“(____)?” A feminine voice speaks up from behind you, it’s gentle- dulcet. It’s like they’re afraid to speak up in the slightest. You pause, removing yourself from your memories. That’s right— you’re painting. You place down your brush into the cup filled with paint water as you shift around on your stool, looking at the woman.
Catherine Stockholms, that’s her name. She’s a young 18-year-old girl who died in the 1940’s due to a train going on the wrong track and crashing into the one she was riding that fateful day. Her light blonde hair, cut short and curly in the back, frames her face with the side parts gracefully reaching just at her shoulders, slightly longer than the back. Her hair is adorned with a dark purple headband featuring a bow. She has pale yellow eyes which are nervously looking around, hugging herself.
She wears a white collared shirt with sleeves that extend slightly above her chest, ending in a square-like shape near the shoulders and neck. Layered over the shirt is a charming dark purple dress that falls to her knees, boasting puffy sleeves and a skirt that puffs out, followed with a nonchalantly worn black coat from her era with some intricate details of flowers vines on it. Her attire is completed with white socks adorned with lace and simple black mary janes.
“Good evening, Catherine.” You say with all of the warmth you can, smiling as you tilt your head to the side.
“Is there something I can do for you?” Tone quizzical as you ask your question, causing Catherine to tense.
She stayed silent for a good few seconds before she answered your question.
“..(____)” She started as her eyes nervously darted around the room.
“You’re being taken to.. the Angelic Court.”
Eyes widened, your mouth went agape as your breath hitched. No.. no way. What have you done?..
“May.. I ask why?..” you mutter your words, almost slurring them as you try to hold back the other words and tears threatening to spill out. You don’t think you’ve done anything wrong… unless… perhaps they figured out their judgment was incorrect—
“They haven’t told me but- they want you to arrive in an hour from now. Today.” Catherine fiddled with a piece of her hair, face painted with worry.
“..I see. Alright. Thank you for letting me know.”
Catherine simply nodded before heading off, leaving you all alone with your thoughts as they raced. Causing you to slowly stand up and start pacing around, hugging yourself. No. Nonononono, please don’t do this now. Not now.
Why does this have to happen now? But hey, at least they could correct their judgment. You would no longer be in a place where you did not deserve to be in from the start ever since you died so many years ago.
Your eyes drifted off to your violin, custom made just for you. Flowers all over, intricate details engraved into the instrument as you stride on over to it within the corner of the room, picking it up. A shaky escaped your lips as you tried your best to keep a cool-head, fingers coiled around the fretted neck of the instrument while the other went to circular body’s strings.
Not playing anything as you simply just tried to remember the good moments as you played it, the times where you made flora flourish and beauteous. Dying plants now brought back to life due to your abilities, that made you feel like something- it gave you a purpose. Something you needed to live.
..God, you hope this is all a fever dream.
You’ve heard how Hell is dirty, filled with disgusting freaks who didn’t deserve the true salvation of Heaven.
But perhaps you should be down there, after all, you killed so many..
Yes… you deserve to be burning with all of those same sinners.
. . .
“(____).” Sera loudly speaks, her voice firm as she looks down upon you. You’re in the supreme courtroom of Heaven and the operating place of the Heavenly Court. The courthouse is quiet, however there are the occasional whispers between the angels as they look down at you in shame, anger, or sympathy.
You try to control your tears as you dip your head down low, gripping your upper-arm as you dig your nails into the flesh of your skin.
“Yes, Madame?” You pathetically utter out as you tried to relax yourself with the thought of you being able to stay here. But either way, it would still be a harsh situation..
Doubt gnaws at your soul, questioning whether you truly belong among the pure and righteous. The fear of being exposed as a true sinner, unworthy of such divine tranquility, consumes your thoughts.
Yet, as you contemplate the alternative, the prospect of hell sends shivers down your spine. The thought of being surrounded by vile beings, perverse and wicked, fills you with revulsion. The idea of enduring torment alongside the depraved and despicable is a horrifying prospect.
“We have found that you are…” The Seraphim pauses for a moment before she continues.
And you almost fall to your knees.
“Guilty, of the sin of Pride.”
"I understand, Madame," you spoke softly as your heart weighed heavy as you watched the angelic court dismiss and the whispers among the decision grew. Guards surrounded you, all with perfect posture as they motioned for you to follow them as hands were put in cuffs.
You simply nodded and you were escorted towards the pearly gates. Your gaze was avoiding everyones as you bit your bottom lip, trying to suppress everything you felt in the moment like you had for years. You’ll remember the feeling of the soft clouds beneath your feet as you walked through these gates the first time, truly a beautiful feeling.
Emily, the second seraphim, slowly walked over to you with her head lowered. She stood there for a moment as she stared at you while the guards stopped in their tracks, waiting for Emily to say or do something. She was the first person you looked at directly, and just looking at your despair-ridden face.. She just collapsed into your arms, emotion crashing over her as she couldn’t even utter anything besides sobs.
"There is no need to cry, dear. It'll be alright," you comforted the best you could, a smile plastering itself on your lips as you awkwardly managed to slightly hug her back. Emily took a deep breath, hiccuping as she handed over your violin.
"I love you.." Emily mumbled through tears. With nods of farewell from the angels, you were whisked away once more, now standing tall at the heavenly gates.
"Goodbye, dearest friend," Sera's voice trembled as tears welled up in her eyes.
"I will miss you too, Madame," You replied with a nod, before you stood near the edge of the giant fluffy cloud that held you up, along with the entire of Heaven. Near the edge, handcuffs forcing your hands to remain behind you just in case before you fell backwards.
You plummet down, it is that of beauty intertwined with tragedy. It looks like a falling star. The descent feels inevitable, as if you're being drawn inexorably into a hellish abyss. Doubt creeps in: do you truly deserve this fate? But nevertheless, you are destined to crash into the unknown location below, a city.
Yes, Pentagram City.
The sky is overcome with a red sky- dark to light, a sun far too bright, no wait. That’s where the angels come down here for the extermination. The city is separated into different sections, as far as you can tell, 7 of them. 7 deadly sins.
You wonder if Lucifer is still here. Alive.
Well… he has to be!
Nevertheless, as you crash with a loud smash of nearby items and such, you can’t find the energy to get up. Your once purely white wings, fluffy and all now covered in dirt along with whatever feculent things from beneath you and with a slight ash gray hue. It feels like you’ve broken something in your body, or maybe multiple things as your once glowing halo that hovers above your head lowers- slightly cracking.
Who knew it could do that.
Taking a guess, you’re probably in the pride ring. What did you even do that was so prideful?…
Although struggling a bit, you manage to lift your head up and survey around.
These.. demons have their businesses in these places, where it seems like they’re allowed to sell everything from cigarettes to drugs. How unholy…
There is a Clock Tower located in the city that seems to be glimmering with a gold shine, which serves as a counter for the 365 days that pass until the Exorcists return for the next Extermination. Yes, you know about the extermination, you once heard Lieutenant Lute speaking of it before to Adam.
Are you to be killed like the rest of these filthy creatures? Criminals, drug dealers?
You don’t wanna get up. Scratch that, you can’t. Your body won’t allow you to do anything besides breathe. This hurts, it hurts so bad, why does this have to happen to you—
Writhing around for a moment, you manage to utter out some words to yourself;
“Am I.. really allowed to live?”
“Just keep living.”
“But am I allowed? Why.. why must this happen to me, they should’ve just sent me here in the first place.”
“(____), stop. Please. Live, even after all of these horrible acts.”
“No. No, I will not have any refutes here, (____). Live, for all of us.”
“..Yes, sir.”
You stumble upwards on your feet, managing with a motion of your hand to put your violin in the safe inter-dimensional pocket dimension, just for you to place all of your items into it, safely. The feeling of your wings heavy behind you as you come to find you’re in a hidden alleyway, filled with cigarettes, condoms— filthy sinners.
Fighting the urge to cry, you intake a sharp breath. An angel would not cry over this. But it doesn’t really work.
But you’re alone, you have no idea about anything in this place of what it’s like, how the people are, you can only imagine all the terrible things they’ve done to be punished and sent down here of all places. Hell is just the definition of unholy, it’s the exact opposite of heaven. The only thing going through your head is to cry, scream, try to get heaven to take you back and get out of this horrible place.
But then again, don’t you deserve this?
You don’t know anymore.
It’s all hurting your head.
It hurts to think about, and the tears which have now started slowly pouring down your cheeks sting.
It didn’t work.
This is pathetic.
Your body reacts before you can do anything else, running in some random direction. You can just feel the millions of eyes staring you down like predators carefully marking down their prey, burning through you. It doesn’t feel safe here, it’s hell after all.
The trial had to have been all a lie, fabricated with evidence that was made up. You haven’t done anything prideful, nor lustful, not even envious or any of those other sins that ended mortal souls or other angels whom were truly guilty of the crime. But you— no, you weren’t them. You aren’t guilty.
Someone must’ve made something up!
That trial was unfair, arbitrary, unjustifiable.
Tears spill as you’re too busy with your thoughts and your legs almost fail on you a few times due to it, well, it does happen when you just can’t do it anymore. Hugging yourself pathetically as you fail to notice how luminescent, thin yet strong strings are tightly wrapped around your ankles, neck, hips, and arms. Yes, hell uses some of the worst things you feared or hated in life, and it’s using the idea of a marionette for you. These strings really won’t do much, but they’re not entirely safe. They just make things.. difficult.
That’s unfortunate..
Just another soon to be hindrance.
Someone’s speaking, but the ringing drumming through your ears is so loud, it’s hard to hear them—
“Hello?..” A feminine voice tries to capture your attention, even going as far as to snap her fingers in front of your face. Your head immediately raises to stare up at her, as she looks panicked.
“Sorry- so sorry! You just..” She stuttered out an apology, but you weakly waved your hand.
“..No worries. It’s okay.” The woman in front of you looks relieved as a sigh escapes past her lips.
The woman is very tall, and slender. She has pale white skin, her cheeks a rosy red that compliment her red eyes. She has long, blonde hair, mixed with a lighter blonde and even pink highlights, which is tied into a twice-banded low ponytail. Her blonde bangs flip to her left with a curl.
She has an untucked white, long-sleeved dress-shirt with a simple black bowtie. Over this she adorns a fitted red tuxedo jacket with pointed sleeves, dark-red lapels and a pair of red fitted dress pants. She wears black and white saddle shoes, which remind you of an older time in human history.
“I apologize- again,” she awkwardly laughs with a somewhat goofy smile on her face before leaning forward and holding out one of her hands to you, which shocks you. Aren’t demons in Hell supposed to be.. well, hellish?
“I’m Charlie! Charlie Morningstar!” As she introduces herself, you take her hand albeit hesitantly, lithe fingers wrap around your hand and she pulls you up. Her touch is gentle, although it feels like her nails are going to scrap you- they don’t. She seems.. too nice as of currently for her to hurt someone she just met.
“..Previous head Archangel, (____). It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Morningstar.” You know that last name. At least it feels like you do. As she lets go of you, you curtsy as Charlie’s cheeks heat up a bit while waving her hand dismissively at your actions.
“Same here! Um… would you mind telling me why you’re down here?..” Her tone is fearful almost as she inquires about your predicament.
“..Some fabricated trial where they found me guilty. But— I….” You halt, taking a deep breath and shaking your head.
“It’s nothing to be worried about.”
She understands before continuing to speak.
“Would you like to try and.. get back into heaven?” The blonde’s question intrigues you as you raise an eyebrow.
“I… that would be nice.” You reply almost monotonously as you lower your head, but the woman places her hands on your shoulders, causing you to tense a bit. But she doesn’t seem.. threatening, not in the way you imagined at least. So you loosen up a bit.
“Well, I think I have the solution for you, Head Archangel!”
“That would be?”
“Coming to my Hazbin Hotel to get redeemed!”
. . .
The idea was ludicrous- or well, close to that. But when you first arrived here, you weren’t expecting any of this to happen. You don’t regret coming here— too much, that is.
The hotel is tall, elaborate amalgamation of arched windows and turrets, one of which seems to be broken. It appears to be at least seven stories tall, with at least five of which being guest floors. An ocean liner, a sailing ship and a carousel litter both sides and appear to have been incorporated into the structure of the building itself; there is also a train with some tracks looping the first and second floor exterior. Located on the top right of the building is a small radio broadcasting room, used as the work area for… someone Charlie referred to as ‘Al’.
Many signs are displayed outside the hotel: One atop the entrance reminiscent of the Hazbin Hotel logo, a large pink one atop the building with the hotel's name in lights, a neon 'HOTEL' sign at the bottom right and atop the building where Al’s broadcast room is located, a small 'On-Air' sign is visible. Also located on the outer facade are various arrows pointing to the entrance and the broadcast room.
The entrance has a tented cover with a booth in the center reminiscent of a circus or theater ticket booth. In a sense, at least!
The interior however— theres wooden boards covering shattered windows, signs warning of asbestos, bloodied tools left lying around, and paintings are shown hanging off the walls. Much of the furniture in the lobby are strewn around haphazardly or remain boxed up in several large wooden crates.
The bar, why is there a bar in a place meant to discourage sin? You have no clue, uses skeletons, snakes, and bones as general themes, along with card suits and candles, and advertises itself as a casino. The area the bar in has glowing green wooden walls instead of the usual red wallpaper, given that it’s been sorta… merged with the lobby of the hotel.
Despite the shabby and poor condition of the hotel, the overall theme of the building remains ornate and regal, with stained glass windows, (semi?) lavish furniture, and generous usage of gold. Like the rest of Hell that you’ve seen so far, the hotel has a largely red color scheme.
Along with like.. almost every person here and around the place.
“Charlie?” A more deep, feminine voice calls out. You snap your head in the direction of- …Vagatha?
The silver haired woman appears to notice and remember you as well, due to her expression changing immediately.
“Honey- please don’t attack her!!“ Charlie stammers, moving in front of you. But you gently push her aside and walk towards her.
“..Agatha?” She bites her bottom lip, giving you a look saying: l‘please.’ You know what she means by that.
“I haven’t seen you since.. well, life.” You almost trip over your words, given that you haven’t lied in about a few years or so. Despite that, she looks relieved. She gives you a small nod before looking at Charlie’s surprised expression.
“How.. OHHHH! Wait- you guys know each other from Earth!?” The Blonde exclaimed in absolute delight, cupping her cheeks. Vaggie quickly nodded in response, giving you a look of appreciation before walking over to Charlie who held her captive in a bear hug, babbling on about how she was so happy for the two of you.
You stared at them for a moment before bursting out into a fit of giggles. Vaggie pouted, but she really did love it. Even if it didn’t show.
You’re glad she found someone who made her happy. Even if it’s the daughter of Lucifer.
Wiping away the tears of delight from your eyes, you sigh contentedly before you started to survey around the hotel more while the two lovebird’s were being all adorable. Two figures- a black and white cat wiping down the bar, and a tall spider-like character were talking (mainly the spider one) as the cat seemed entirely done with everyone and everything.
Blinking repeatedly for a second, your head turns to the door of the hotel. You don’t know why, but you almost head towards it, you’re unsure why- but it almost feels like something is beckoning you to leave, to run out and leave this place.
But you can’t.
Simple: you don’t have anywhere else to go.
“ANOTHER WOMAN?” A voice shrieked out, causing you to recoil away and snap your head to the voice.
A smaller demon was looking up at you, a cyclops-like demon with pointed limbs, white skin and one large eye. Her eyes light yellow iris, hot-pink sclera with a yellow gradient were basically the size of atoms as she continued to stare. This is certainly awkward…
Her red-pink hair is kept into a slightly messy bob cut with swirls on each side, and a single light yellow streak located at the top. Her mouth has sharp light yellow teeth inside and black lips, and small hot-pink dots on each of the corners.
The bug-like woman wears a neckerchief around her neck, red-pink maid dress under a white apron with three hot-pink dripping splotches. She also wears long black gloves which covers most of her hands and arms, along with matching-colored tights.
“…Hello, Miss?” Choking out the words, you smile the best you can despite how tense you were.
“Nifty!!! It’s nice to meet you!” She squeals out, a large toothy grin on her face.
“Right well- Hello, Miss Nifty.” You bobbed a curtsy to the small woman who seems far too excited to be here.
“Y’know, I was kinda wishin’ you’d be a bad boy, but whatever! Anyways- this place is filthyyy so, I gotta kill more bugs to make sure they know not to come here anymore!” Niffty bounces up and down elatedly,
“Okay, BYEEE!!” And with that, she was running off in the opposite direction.
Your breath hitches, and your body tensed. Is.. everything super fast here? Everything feels too fast for your liking.
You take a moment to breathe, trying to relax your tense body. It’ll all be okay… you just, need a moment to let everything sink in.
Striding over to a chair, you sat down and leaned your head back, making you stare at the ceiling. A sigh slips past your lips as you rest your hands in your lap. Surprisingly, the couch is.. much more softer and comfortable than you had imagined before.
“Why, another patron?” How many people are going to approach you today?
You tense, turning to the voice speaking- it sounds like that of an old radio…
A slender, darker brownish beige-skinned demon with a dapper appearance stands before you, a slightly messy, red-pink bob-styled hair with black tips and a pair of rather large, black-ended fur-tufts on top of his head which evokes the ears of a deer. On the back of his head is a brown undercut, while small black antlers protrude from the crown of his head.
Kinda cute… you admit.
The man wears a high-collared, fitted red pinstripe coat with darker-colored sleeves, strawberry-red cuffs, white-trimming on darker-red lapels, and the bottom hem being ragged. Under his coat is that of a strawberry-red dress-shirt with a black cross on the chest, and an accessorized black knotted bow tie with a strawberry-red center on the top front.
He has black gloves- are those his hands???… probably not. You hope.
Nevertheless, they have strawberry-red fingertips, black dress pants with cuffs the same color as he coat, and black heeled ankle boots with strawberry-red pointed toes, with his hands behind his back he’s holding a thin cane with a vintage styled microphone attached to it.
“..Good evening, Sir.” You say, voice drained even when you try to keep the politeness you still have left. A drowsy smile plastered its way on your face, attempting to straighten your posture. The man seems amused by your words and current situation as his smile gets ever so wider.
“Manners? My, what a rare thing to come across in Hell, mm?” He quips as he motions for you to stand up. You tilt your head in confusion as you leisurely rise up from your spot to stand up from the couch, and he approaches a bit closer before dipping down, grabbing your wrist while dipping down and kissing the back of your palm.
You don’t think you’ve ever blushed that much before.
A man has never done this to you before, when did this ever happen in time???? Does he just- do this whenever he meets someone new??? Why in heavens name is this attractive and why are you finding it so?????? What is going on..
It takes you a good long minute to process what just happened as the man straightens up his posture once more, letting your hand fall to your side. You can hear him laughing a bit at your flustered expression, making the blush become more apparent and darker in color.
“Now who are you, my dear?” The way he emphasized ‘my’ in his sentence was.. odd, but nevertheless: you didn’t comment on it.
“(____). It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” You curtesy at the man in respect despite your flustered state.
His smile grew wider in amusement and satisfaction- in a way— this is certainly something.
“And, you are, sir?”
“Alastor! Quite a pleasure to be meeting you, my dear, quite a pleasure!”
. . .
Well.. this place has started growing on you.
And the people too.
Charlie by far has been the friendliest to you, trying to get you comfortable over the few months you’ve arrived here. She hasn’t forced you to do anything, only given suggestions and her ideas, asking for your opinions, etc.
But you’ve taken the role of a musician for the hotel!
She could not be more overjoyed.
Vaggie and you don’t speak too much.. but have a friendly relationship. Any chance you got, you would also ask for her opinions on the music you’ve been working on, if it sounded good enough because.. Charlie would just be a bit vague in her rating, but Vaggie could be much more blunt and straightforward.
You’re thankful for that, musically that is.
Even if it might hurt your feelings sometimes, it’s better to know your mistakes.
Husk hasn’t interacted with you much, but has decided to give you a record for you to possibly use as a reference for a song, or even play it! That.. honestly gives you a bit of a confidence boost, given that he really doesn’t reveal much of his past to anyone.
But he trusts you enough to at least give you one of his favorite records!
You’ll make him proud, no matter the cost.
Angel Dust has attempted to make an advance or two upon you, flirting with you like he does everyone, but you’re a bit too awkward for that and instead decide to invite him into your room to listen to you play.
Genuinely? He’s impressed. That façade of being the porn-star that he is fizzes away a bit as he simply stares at you while you play on one of your instruments.
He might just get more fond of you.
Niffty is.. okay!! You find her to be quite adorable like.. 90% of the time, despite her habits with bugs. You try to help her clean sometimes, but most times it doesn’t work. Though the times when it does, she thanks you a lot! And you even let her test out some of your instruments.
As long as she doesn’t break them, or ruin them in any way. To which she promises you she won’t, and you hold it to her.
She enjoys your company quite a lot, though!
Alastor now… he’s quite the character! He was the second person who persuaded you into letting him hear you play your music (with the first being Charlie despite how scared you were.) He even gave you some songs that were some of his favorites to play!!
All of them were jazz, but you didn’t mind. They weren’t too bad, after-all!
However his behavior now has… ringed bells in your head.
Made you frightened.
You decided to ask Vaggie what she knew of him, and eventually told you his story. How he had gained all of his power from those overlords and deals..
It made you unnerved. How could someone of a mortal soul kill so many people???
And despite being an angel, why is he so interested in you?
You, for one, don’t consider yourself to be very interesting. All besides for your species and musical abilities, you don’t see why..
But, you didn’t question it for so long and kept quiet.
He appeared to enjoy your presence more than others, even being as willing as to ask you if you want him to send some of his shadows to follow you around town when you went to do errands for Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, or just one of the members of the hotel.
Of course, you denied but thanked him for the offer. It’s not like it stopped him. It was only for your safety.
What if one of the Vees approached you?? Or Vox used his manipulation powers on you??? What if you got attacked??? He can’t let his new source of entertainment get harmed, or be taken away!
You weren’t some delicate flower.. but he definitely saw you like it.
He even offered you deals.
Ones for your soul.
Denying every-time, of course. You liked your freedom. The mere idea of a deal for your soul felt like every bit of freedom would be drained from you, everything taken away from you. They could do anything to you.. even kill you.
God forbid.
It scared you.
But that didn’t stop him from trying to own you.
Whenever he was listening to you play and you did a wonderful job (especially if it was one of his favorite songs or jazz in general), he would pat you on the head while merrily singing praises to you of how well you played!
It got to the point where Angel Dust even has made some.. inappropriate remarks about Alastor’s words to you. It makes you blush out of embarrassment every time, and you yelp back a response.
“Damn, toots, didn’t know you were baggin’ smiles over there. You two had-“
It’s infuriating at times. And you had to do it by yourself, as Alastor usually wasn’t around during those times when Angel Dust made his remarks.
..It’s.. whatever.
But it doesn’t help your case when Alastor offers you his hand for you to hold, or with his arm for you to link with, to walk around with you, walk you back to Hotel…
Most times you accepted! Back when he wasn’t so…
It wasn’t bad, at first. You thought he was just being kind to you. He had manners- proper decorum. How could you dislike a person with manners, after-all!
You didn’t notice it.
But that possessiveness grew.
Almost like ancorruptive infection.
Now, it’s just straight up.. bone-chilling at times.
It’s like he was infatuated with you, trying to get you to do everything with him—
Most times you deny it now.
Still he was a persistent one.
And even got you to say yes.. a lot.
You don’t even know what even led to this behavior from him, why everything you seem to do he has an interest in already.
He’s even tried persuading you into getting a radio for yourself in order for you to listen to his radio shows! And honestly? The idea didn’t seem too bad, in your opinion. And.. this was before any of the bells started ringing in your head about his behavior, so there was really nothing bad about it! At least, to you. So, you headed out and found yourself a radio (although, you have to say it was certainly quite the adventure).
Alastor was especially pleased by this.
Yet, ever since you got it, you didn’t even feel safe in your own room anymore. Main cause of it being like a thousand eyes watching you when you were just simply trying to work on your music, sleep, draw— anything. The only time it went away is when you were going to dress yourself. Thank whatever saving you for that. But, even around the hotel- you could still feel the hairs rise up on your neck due to the sensation.
A part of you wanted to tell Charlie, or even Vaggie of your troubles. Hell, even Husk or Angel Dust about it. But, Charlie would.. more than likely blame herself a lot more, and you didn’t want her to worry her to the point of exhaustion since she was already doing so much. You don’t believe you’re close enough to Vaggie to even… tell her much, especially about a problem as banal and close to unbelievable as this. Husk could try and help, but probably would be too indifferent about the situation and your wellbeing as the two of you aren’t that close either. And, for Angel Dust… he probably wouldn’t help you as much as you wanted. Niffty? She was kinda out of the question because you really couldn’t see her taking you seriously, nor finding her around much.
So there was only one option, probably one of the worse ones: Alastor.
Honestly, you believed he would probably just laugh at you. But maybe he’d take you seriously. Maybe he wouldn’t.
God forbid, this is horrible.
Like the foolish idiot you were, you told Alastor about your worries one day.
“Mister??..” Your voice is a mere whisper as you gently knock on the door to his room. Knuckles softly hitting the wood, you recoiled your hand back and fidgeted with your fingers as you awaited for a response you were, more than likely, weren’t going to receive. Well..
Those were your thoughts. Before the door quickly opened, causing you to jerk backwards, stumbling over yourself. That’s certainly the fastest anyone has answered the door for you. He took a moment to stare down at you, surveying your expression, you suppose.
“Good evening, my dear!” His normal orotund voice speaks up with the radio-like effect still filtered over it. You nod in greeting, waiting to see if he continues on.
“Is there anything you need? You know, I could’ve been doing something terribly important!” He emphasizes ‘terribly important’, and the way he does it has you worrying now. Did you interrupt him?
“Oh— i’m sorry. I can leave and come back later. Or just,, not come back if you’re not available.” There’s silence that follows your response as you wait. Until there’s..
Hysterical laughter.
“No no! It’s a joke, my dear! I’m available. Come in.” He stepped off to the side, motioning for you to enter. And, you gave a nod of appreciation before approaching any further. So.. now you know that half of Alastor’s room is a bayou.
One that appears to always make it seem like its night. Fireflies flit around, their lights illuminating ever so slightly. The bayou is mainly cool colors, blues, and greens (for the trees mainly, which look reminiscent of weeping willow trees), and even a tint of purple to it, not including the light from the fireflies. The only thing making you uneasy is the fact that there’s a.. dead deer. Resting on a table. In the middle of the bayou area. And a fork is poking out from its chest, with a knife properly placed down on the side of it on the table. There’s even a few puddles around the grassy floor, and a larger lake in the back you can slightly see
For the rest of the room which is decently normal: an intricately designed fireplaces, being its sharp teeth designs, and golden colored swirls. A neon green light is shining from inside, slightly dimmed due to the darkness. Upon it there are skulls, and oddly shaped candelabras with lighted candles. On the walls are pictures within picture frames to which you really can’t depict, some tilted and others straight. Then, there’s the large buck antlers and what you can suspect to be its teeth hung proudly above the fireplace in a wooden frame. A long, red and golden trimmed carpet is spread out from near the door to a small desk off to the side, covering some of the wooden flooring.
The stag sits down in one of the red cushioned chairs next to the fireplace after having the door closed for privacy, and motions for you to sit by the one in front of the other. When you do find yourself comfortably sat in the chair, your eyes drift off to look at the rest of the room.
On a wooden bookshelf, he has… a lot of books, all of different sizes but with a similar, burgundy color. There’s also one of his signature radio’s on the top shelf, along with another on a lower one. An animal skeleton, and a golden statue that’s matched with intricate designs of swirls with a bottom compartment with what looks to be voodoo symbols for the handles. Not even mentioning the gator skeleton on the wall with little fairy lights you can suppose, there’s a small container for papers on his desk, a black and dark orange lamp, and a bottle of ink all neatly placed on it.
“So.. what is it you need from me, darling? Perhaps a deal?” Again with the deals..
“No. I just— .. you have to promise me you won’t laugh, even if you find it stupid.” Please, please, please, agree. You cannot deal with these thoughts and feelings anymore, god forbid.
“Mm… Is it that serious?”
“To me- yes. To others I might just seem.. delusional or paranoid.” Replying to his inquiry, he hums a noise of satisfaction.
“Alright. Go ahead then.”
With those words, everything you’ve been holding in ever since these sensations have started spilling out almost naturally. You tell him almost everything, how you’ve been feeling someone watching you, how you’re scared for yourself and the rest of the hotel staff if its soon going to happen to them, if anything bad is going happen to the hotel itself- or any of the residents. Being the bleeding heart you are, now?
The overlord quietly listened, grin never leaving his face as he felt so many things at once. It’s almost annoying to him why you’re like… this. The fuming hatred is something that cannot be fathomed by merely anyone, something so deep, it’s incomprehensible for him even. Someone who has murdered so many innocent people, someone who can never show his true emotions beyond that cursed smile that’s plastered on his face. He loathes you so much for simply everything you do. Isn’t that the reason he liked you for the things you did??..
But then there’s the other feeling.
It’s confusing.
Say, if you were to start… disliking him, ignoring him, avoiding him at all costs. He feels like he’d go insane. Like he needs your attention on him, or else he cannot function. And yes, he likes the attention from everyone on him, but if he lost yours- dear satan, he could actually be insane. Why do you think he’s offering you so much?? A twisted part wants him to own every little piece of you, everything about you, and he cannot deny that he likes that idea more than you could ever possibly imagine. Ripping away every little bit of innocence you have would just be delightful to him, it’s all making him have this awful feeling swirl within his chest. One that twists and tugs at his dead, tar colored heart.
He wants to rip it out.
He needs to. Perhaps then these vile feelings that you’re causing him will eventually.. wither away.
This is making him weak. Making him go soft.
And what will that do to his reputation?
“Well, my darling..” Alastor cleared his throat.
“If you would like, I suppose I can offer you a deal.”
“Not for your soul, this time. Just a simple deal between friends!”
To say this intrigued you would be an understatement.
Well now, you’ve made a deal with the devil!
Or, a devil.
He offered you his protection in the way of being by your side for most of the time, or having one of his shadow spies with you, in exchange for a favor from you later on, of his picking. And you were desperate, you didn’t even think first about negotiating the terms of your now first deal in Hell! With.. the Radio Demon!
And thankfully, not for your soul.
Oh freedom how you love it.
He’s thankful you still haven’t figured out who has been watching you all this time, who you were worried about.
Nevertheless- ever since you made that deal, you and Alastor were practically connected at the hip. But the rare times where you weren’t together, one of his shadow spies was with you! You have to admit it- they were adorable. You had to at least pet them a few times on the head while gawking at them. Of course, they squealed in delight due to the sudden display of affection shown by someone. Even when they at first, didn’t trust you, they definitely started to warm up to you now.
Charlie, Vaggie, nor any of the other residents have said anything about this so far- besides Angel Dust and his usual remarks.
..But then Husk spoke up one time.
Being at the bar, resting on a stool as you tried to unwind a little bit, and given it was quite lonely at the time- you decided to just.. simply relax for a moment in the company of probably one of the quietest people within the Hotel. It was the right opportunity for him.
“Kid.. a word of advice: don’t get too close to that asshole. He may seem all nice and charming, but he’s in Hell for a goddamn reason.”
Those words stick with you.
And with passing months, you think more deeply and deeply about your deal. And those little spies don’t seem so cute in a way anymore. And Alastor..
Maybe you’re overreacting.
“Okay, okay! So.. I have a great idea!!” Charlie merrily exclaimed as she clapped her hands together, bouncing up and down in delight. Her smile was wider than ever, and her girlfriend beside her was softly smiling with hands planted on her hips. Vaggie was so in love with that princess..
It was adorable!
Charlie had called a staff meeting to the living room, where everyone (Including Husk even) were resting on the couch or floor.
“I thought, if we wanted to get more in touch with the idea of rehabilitation, we might want to become more.. human! By getting in touch with certain, good aspects of human life!” The princess continued, surveying everyone’s expressions.
“So, me and Vaggie picked some holiday’s we could possibly celebrate here at the Hotel!” She motions to a writing board where the handwriting is rushed but, legible. Some ideas on the board are scribbled out, and 3 main ones are circled, followed bullet points displaying what each are about, what they would do, and how the Hotel would celebrate.
‘Halloween’ , ‘Valentines Day’ , ‘Christmas’
“..Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?” Husk huffs out, grimacing.
“Language. And, seriously?? Let’s just try it.” You try and persuade the cat.
“I’m with Husk on this one, toots.” Angel adds. Your head snaps to the Spider, furrowing your brow as he simply shrugs in response.
“Don’t care for these anymore like I used to. I bet most of us even celebrated ever since getting here, including you! Whens the last time you celebrated goddamn Christmas?!” He continues on, raising an eyebrow at you.
“..When it last happened in Heaven?” The confusion in your voice had Angel looking at you in an awkward manner as he just… turned his head away from you.
“That’s even more of a reason!” Charlie exclaimed, quickly turning to her girlfriend and motioning for her to speak which led to her giving a small sigh, and a gentle smile before turning to the rest of the group with a now blank expression.
“So- we want you all to take a poll. You’ll all get a small slip of paper, and a pen. Then write down your answer. After you’re all done with that, then just slip in into the bowl.” Vaggie explained, gesturing to the bowl resting on the surface of a wooden table with a dark pink cloth draped over it.
And just as said, Vaggie and Charlie gave everyone (including themselves at the end) a small slip of paper and a pen to write with. Husk grumbled about how stupid this was, but still scribbled something down, Angel doing the same but with a huff of annoyance beforehand. Niffty had to be more excited than either of them, being the first to put her answer into the bowl. Then Charlie put hers in, then Vaggie did, then Angel and Husk (begrudgingly- that is). So there was just you, and the Radio Demon.
You didn’t know what to put down.. honestly. Biting your bottom lip, you slowly wrote something down onto the slip. Arising from your spot, you treaded over to the table and dropped the paper into the bowl.
“Pardon me, darling!” Alastor excused himself, causing you to come to the realization that he was standing right behind you. Turning on your heel, you held out your hand.
“Sorry— here, I’ll put it in for you. As… an apology? Of sorts?” You awkwardly chuckled.
“Well, aren’t you a lamb!” He laughed, placing the folded piece of paper into your palm and you turned back around and dropped it in, before heading back (being that Alastor has already went back to his seat) to your spot and sitting down.
Charlie almost jumped out of her seat, rushing on over to the table while gripping onto Vaggie’s wrist. She was practically bouncing up and down as her girlfriend first picked up the bowl, shaking it gently, before she pulled out the first slip and cleared her throat.
“First holiday of choice...”
“Christmas.” The angel stated as the princess happily clapped her hands in delight, before she was given the bowl where she shoved her hand inside of.
“Next isssss…”
“Valentine’s day!” She beamed, grinning widely. The couple went back and forth passing the bowl.
“Valentines, again.”
“..Whatever Angel said!!..I guess..?? Huh.. Okay um, so whatever Angel answered…”
For the last one, Vaggie allowed Charlie to say it (to which she was ecstatic to do.)
“And last but not least.. Valentines!!”
. . .
“Soooooo..” Charlie started as she looked at Vaggie, holding her hand tightly as they smiled at each other before once again turning to the group.
“The holiday is that we’re going to be celebrating is going to be..”
“Valentine’s day!!”
This was going to be fun.
Charlie had husk save all of the red wine possible, Vaggie was discussing possible decorations for the hotel, and you were left to find some romantic music to play on your violin and possibly on the piano.
Niffty was making sure that the Hotel looked more perfect than ever as to not have to worry about it after the soirée, and for the after party for just the employees and patrons of the hotel. (although, got more distracted by roaches more than ever.)
Angel Dust was feeling especially romantic, trying to advance upon Husk at the even more than usual, to which Husk had to endure and ignore.
For Alastor? God knows up to what he was doing.
Like— you could barely find him around anywhere..
But nevertheless, you tried to play some romantic pop tunes, romantic jazzy tunes, anything that would work for this holiday. Took you quite a bit, but when you got it- you felt very accomplished!
And this.. got Charlie to actually get a venue where you could play at..
Oh lordddddd….
Of course, you asked for Charlie and Vaggie’s opinions on it, and they were elated to hear it. (Mainly Charlie!)
You’d tried figuring out what outfit you were going to wear for the holiday, searching and scanning everything you possibly had in your wardrobe for something.
And you found that very something.
The outfit that you’d chosen was lovely, in your opinion. A white collared dress up shirt underneath a red, button up tailcoat. The back was a large ruffled fishtail hem, and with puffy sleeves that turned into long, fitted sleeves to the wrists. 4 golden buttons embroidered onto the chest area where the coat ruffed out into a darker red. The buttons had small, thin chains that connected them to the one across from each other. White fingerless gloves where a bit of it wrapped around your middle finger looked… nice. Nicer than you thought. This was then followed by some black pants, which were a bit baggy and flared out near the ankles And to top it all off, you put on some black heeled boots.
If you were to say you weren’t excited to show everyone your outfit and see theres, you’d be lying to yourself.
..this holiday thing actually might be a bad thing!
(Not that you thought so in the first place.)
You’d even play in that outfit as practice, just to see if it was comfortable and playable! (Which it very much was).
With every passing day approaching the Holiday, everything mainly felt like bliss. Charlie was more elated than ever, starting to teach more lessons about how Valentine’s day could help the Hotel more, Vaggie was.. very high strung (yet tried her best to relax for her girlfriend when asked by her). You yourself even started helping with decorations around the Hotel just to get the couple to relax for at least an hour. You ended up working for almost a whole day, yet it was worth all of that time and work. They deserved all of that resting. And the best thing at that? You did it mostly by yourself!
Very rewarding, if you might say so yourself.
Before you got self-conscious about everything you helped on.
Especially when the special day had arrived.
What if they don’t like it?? What if they don’t like your music? Don’t like your outfit???? If you make a fool out of yourself, then what next?? You’ve become so tense, your shoulders almost reaching to your ears— this is not going as ‘stress-free’ as you’d planned.
Fidgeting with the cuff of your overcoat, you bit your bottom lip and anxiously awaited for the inevitable knocking that would arrive at your door soon. As an angel, you’ve gotten quite stressed due to a multitude of reasons, but this might be one of the more stressful and worrying situations you’ve been in since.. a bit.
The hand twiddling with the cuff then turned to your other hand, playing with your fingers. A part of you really didn’t want the string of knocks to arrive, but.. there was really no control over the current circumstance. Only to freak out about something you’ve worked so hard in, something you thought you’d looked decent enough in, decorations they’ve probably already seen and possibly laughed at- your breathing hitched at the thought. God, you feel so stupid. They’re going to hate it, you’re going to embarrass the Hotel, aren’t you?
Knock, knock!
And there it is. That dreaded sound. Your nails started digging at your hands, and you felt your stomach drop. This is going to be ruined- you’re going to ruin it.
Hesitant to open the door, another knock sounded out as you further approached the door. And with a final deep breath, your hand rested gently on the cold metal of the doorknob before twisting it and swinging it open.
To someone you.. weren’t exactly suspecting to see!
“…Good evening, Alastor!” You almost stuttered over your own words, forcing a smile to plaster itself onto your lips.
Even more surprising, the man was dressed much more differently!
A black, long collared dress up shirt where it’s sleeves slightly poke out with a red cross on the chest under a Bordeaux red pinstripe coat with same colored lapels. A ribbon red waistcoat with rosy pink colored, vertical strips decorating it along with 2 wine red buttons. A pair black dress pants and his usual shoes, along with his gloves.
It takes you a moment to realize the stag has put up his hair into a small ponytail. Good grief… how can a man be so attractive.
“Good evening to you, my dear! I do believe it’s time for your little performance soon at this soirée!” His head tilts to the side a bit, trademark smile always on his face as per usual as he stares down at you. Your smile immediately turns into a small frown with a sigh from you, causing you to bury your face into your hands.
He halts for a moment, before continuing on.
“Now, what’s got you all a mess? I thought you would love this!”
“I do!! It’s…” The words lodge in your throat as you falter to continue on, turning away from the man with your arms wrapped yourself in a hug.
“..What if I fail- what if I look tacky?? In my performance, and by just.. looking at me and my appearance!!” Facing the man once more, you motion to your ensemble with a fearful look as your gaze downturns to the ground.
“If I fail.. I ruin the image of the hotel. I ruin my image, I ruin everything!! If i’m not perfect in this.. I don’t even know anymore…” Internally, you’re questioning on why you’re telling your deepest fears to an overlord known for being mostly apathetic to most. Who knows.
The overlord grin remains the same as his eyes narrow looking down at you. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t like the little thing you had going on here! He enjoys the amusement of people failing so much!!.. but, theres something that pangs him right into his unfeeling and dead heart like a knife.
An exhale escapes past his lips as one of his rest upon your shoulder.
“Darling.” The biggest part of him is telling himself to say something akin to his normal snarky remarks.
But he can’t now.
Whats stopping him? Has he gone soft?? What in hell is wrong with him??
“I’m more than certain you’ll do wonderful in your little show for the Hotel. Have you disappointed us before?” Your head raises a bit as you open your mouth to speak, before a clawed hand reaches for your jaw and lifts it up to fully face him, making you avert your gaze almost instantaneously.
“You’re going to say ‘oh, I don’t think so. At least I hope so.’ And darling, only half of that is semi-correct. Your performances have not once failed to amaze us, including me, beyond belief and words that could describe it. Your voice is delightful, and your playing is even rivaling one of my favorite jazz songs from back in the day!! I can understand your stress, but you shouldn’t worry much about it, my darling doll.”
The mans words had you actually speechless.
“However, you can never beat me at piano!” He laughs, and you huff in response before he clears his throat.
“Now.. hasn’t this been enough dawdling for now, doll?” Alastor inquired, to which you leisurely nodded due to yourself still processing his words.
He hand already laced his arm with one of your arm, almost making you squeak out from surprise in response. Like a second instinct, you moved slightly closer to him, mainly behind, and bit your bottom lip once again.
“Off we go, now!” The deer explained in a sing-song-like tone, marching out of you, trailing behind while struggling to close your door…
Walking down those stairs is nerve racking as you keep your gaze downcast at the steps and your shoes, almost clinging to Alastor’s arm now with both of your arms wrapped around it.
As much as he despises touch- ..he doesn’t seem to mind this much.
“..Tell me if my touch makes you uncomfortable.” Oh? How thoughtful! His grin strains a bit as he strides on over to the group, you clinging to him as you take a moment before you start raising your head to the couple to which you have stopped in front of within the lobby of the Hotel.
And, they’re certainly matching.
You have to stop yourself from squealing like a fangirl.
Vaggie's ensemble has a black and purple mauve dress featuring asymmetrical layers and a feathered tailcoat of a matching red that Charlie has, eye-like designs embroidered into the fabric. Similar colored fingerless gloves she now wears, with a black ring with a bunch of hearts on her ring finger. Her hair has been tied up with her usual bow but now into a ponytail. A shawl-like garment is adorned with three bold red hearts along the left side in a line. She finishes up with dark lace stockings and white flats.
Charlie wears a black overcoat draped over her shoulders that reaches to her upper calves, and small golden sun shaped pins on both sides of the coat with a thin chain connecting them across her chest. She wears a black choker with a dark red heart pendant hanging off of it, and a golden bracelet around her right wrist. They even have matching, black rings with hearts all over it with each other!! Black petals adorn her hair, which is tied in her usual hairstyle. She wears a sleeveless, red top followed by a black and golden belt where the center is a golden shaped, empty heart. To top it off, she wears black baggy pants with black boot heels.
“..You both look-“
“WONDERFUL!!” Squealing, you start happily bouncing up and down, gawking at the couple with linked arms in front of you.
“Oh, thank you!! YOU LOOK AMAZING TOO!” Charlie beams, stars practically shining in her eyes.
Vaggie gives a nod as agreement with Charlie, and one of appreciation at the same time.
As the couple and Alastor engage within a conversation for who knows whats, you find your eyes wandering off to look at the rest of your friends to see what they’re doing.
Over at the bar, a certain well dressed spider demon and a slightly underdressed cat demon are.. ‘interacting’.
“Ohhh c’mon, babycakes. We could-“
“No. Go fuck yourself..”
“Only if ya’ watch me!” Husk groans at Angel, who has now slightly climbed onto the counter of the bar, to which Husk pushes him off.
You try to suppress the urge to giggle out-loud and decide to look for a certain small bug demon.
But.. you can’t find her—
“WOAHHHH!” Gasping, you almost recoil at the familiar voice, but ground yourself as your head snaps down to look at Niffty- who is all spiffed up!
Niffty’s hair has been put up into one that appears to look more like one from the 1950’s as it’s far more curly than before. It’s accompanied by two white roses which are held together by a thin, red wine piece of rope in the shape of a.. bow slightly sagging.
Her outfit incorporates a short sleeved, white dress up shirt, matched with 5 coral pink buttons aligned in the middle of the shirt. Added on, she has two pearl earrings and a white, and pink pearl necklace which is matched with a silver chain. The skirt of her dress has a sort of.. belt incorporated into it already as it has a slightly white, rectangle belt holder in the center of the blush pink skirt- which reaches to her ankles. White polka dots along with venetian red roses matched with a Russian green stems are embroidered on the skirt scattered all over it. To top it all off, she has simple white Mary Jane-like shoes.
Heat rushes to your cheeks as you smile.
“Awwh! Nif, you look adorable!!” You pat the small demons head. Not in a condescending way.. just.. as a spur of the moment decision.
“YOU LOOK VERY PRETTY!!” She squeals out, bouncing up and down.
And before you could actually start speaking once again, the small demon… bunny hops onto your chest, making you stumble back with a squeak-like sound and unlace your arm with Alastor’s in order to have both hands on Niffty to make sure she doesn’t fall either..
You’ve noticed that the couple and Alastor have stopped their conversation, probably looking at you and Niffty now…
“I could add something to make you look better!”The words don’t sound too sinister, but she’s grinning like a maniac.
“..Like?” You anxiously smile. Her toothy grin grows wider.
“ROSES!! IN YOUR HAIR!!” Yelping out her words, which makes instantaneously nod her request, she giggles happily.
Suddenly the small demon… now has a bouquet of red and white roses. How? You have no clue. While she climbs her way to your shoulder, plucking some petals from both colored flowers. You try your best not to move as your gaze drifts off to look at the trio beside you.
Yep.. they’re staring at you.
“..You guys good?”
“Of course, my darling!” No. Nothings alright. Why is that little miscreant touching you?- why did she make you stop being so close to him now? He’s owned her soul for quite some time now, and knows how she acts, being quite fond of her! But, why is she acting ever so.. friendly with you?..
His smile has become more strained than ever as his head turns to the couple still looking at the display of you and Niffty. Charlie looks more excited than ever, and Vaggie is.. more surprised.
“Now! Where were we?”
As the conversation now resumes, Niffty finishes up with placing the rose petals in your hair, and actually plants on red rose near your ear!
“Okay!! I’m done!!!” Niffty practically shrieks out, clapping her hands as shes placed down on the ground.
“Thank you, Nif. It’s beautiful.” The small demon merrily bows before rushing off… somewhere else.
Nervously, your head turns to the center of the foyer, where the piano to which you’ve avoided up until causes to gulp. But, in response, you take a deep breath.
You just.. need to be calm. You need to relax.
What causes you to come back to your senses is a small tap on your shoulder.
“You ready?” Vaggie quietly asks, moving closer to you. And you pause for a moment before nodding, now putting a smile onto your face. She even gives a smile back.
“Alright, everyone!! Gather the hell up!” Angel and Husk both appear from the darkness of the Bar, approaching the center to where the small stand with the piano atop of it rests. Niffty has rushed into the room, happily bouncing from adrenaline, you suppose..
“We’re headin’ out. And we aren’t going to mess any of this up for the hotel.” She loudly exclaims, resting a hand on her hip as the rest of the group nods. Safe to say you’re panicking so much internally
Please, please do not let this venue end horribly because of you…
. . .
Backstage, you’re pacing.
The venue is lovely from what you’ve seen so far. Velvet curtains shroud the stage as of currently, which has you awaiting for your time to step up and play those lovely songs you’ve been practicing all this time.
As you had first entered: seating area is adorned with cushioned chairs arranged around tables draped in cloths of white, pink, red, or regal purple, each adorned with intricate heart designs. Silverware gleams under the soft glow of candlelight, while glasses of wine shimmer with anticipation. Plates overflow with delectable cuisine from most sinners and overlords who’d arrive here at the Princess of Hell’s invitation (of course, with threats unknowingly added by the Radio Demon!!)
Candelabras cast a warm, flickering light across the room. A polished and lavish golden chandelier hangs from the ceiling, its crystals catching the light as dangling heart pendants gently sway, casting a romantic glow over the scene.
At the bar, being ran by Husk, patrons are usually having ‘lively conversation’, as they await for their entertainment.
But thats also worrying for you, adding more stress. They’re awaiting you.
What if—
The curtains part slowly, and you tense. Goddamnit, no time to think, and no time to have these silly worries replay in your head. You impatiently wait for the curtains to fully open, as rehearsed before. And when they fully do, you can see the eyes of thousands just.. staring inside, from the wings. It takes every last string of restraint for you to try to relax yourself during this.. ‘predicament’.
Taking one last deep breath before the inevitable fate for you on that stage.
You stride with as much perfect posture you can, hands clasped in-front of your lap as you make it to your grand piano, stationed on the mahogany floorboards of the stage. It takes you a second to settle down upon the stood, but when you do, you hover your fingers over the keys of the instrument, recounting every single one in your head as best as you can.
With nothing more to think of besides playing, you start playing the first few chords..
And just like that, you’re immersed within your passion, and everlasting fears as you play key after key.
To say each of the residents and sinners were baffled would probably be an understatement. A great understatement.
You’ve been practicing.. so hard for this very moment, and everything you’ve done has been paying off. Charlie is just absolutely blown away, Vaggie is.. speechless, Husk has his eyebrows raised and arms crossed as his listens to the tune and your singing, Angel Dust is just grinning with an ‘I knew it’ look, Niffty looks like shes going to… explode, and Alastor.. is smiling. Smiling more than ever before- no, this is.. a genuine smile.
Turns out his word really was true.
As the last chord of the piano and last note of your singing lingers within the air, you awaiting for well.. anything.
Booing, laughter, anything.
It only took a few seconds for loud clapping to echo throughout every nook and cranny and your head snaps to the audience. They’re all cheering, all in a slightly similar way of course. Husk is nodding, softly clapping his hands with an amused smirk plastered on his lips. Charlie is vigorously clapping, bouncing up and down merrily as she hugs her girlfriend who was clapping at your performance with a small smile, as well. Angel is cheering the loudest, proclaiming “THATS MY FUCKIN’ BESTIE!” Or… something along the lines of that. Niffty is actually about to jump from her seat, and people start whistling in awe at your play.
Heat crept on your cheeks as you gave a sheepish smile towards the crowd, standing up to slightly shift away from the piano in order to curtesy in respect as they continue on with their cheering. Before you could process, flowers- specifically roses were being thrown onto stage. With widened eyes, you stand up straight again and stare at everyone, trying your best to ignore the heavy light which felt too warm for your liking- but you shouldn’t complain..
Flowers are constantly being tossed onto stage, the applause continues and you take another curtsey before scurrying off stage, making the lights dim.
You don’t really know why you ran off in such a beautiful moment, but you were going to have to leave eventually. The main thing is that you really aren’t.. used to such big crowds applauding for you. It feels much different than just being in a theater, for example.
Finding yourself backstage into the single dressing room it has, you almost collapse onto the sofa with a drawled out groan. You haven’t even bothered to turn on the lights within the room, or the lights on the vanity off- being your only light source as of currently.
..Not gonna lie, you’re probably going to fall asleep if you lay down like this for the rest of the evening.
That would be nice.
Yeah.. you might just do that.
Your eyelids slowly start to get heavier and heavier, making you shift to your side and slightly curling into yourself for warmth. May all be damned because this was surprisingly comfortable despite how you were dressed and.. well, everything else. And with just a few more seconds, you shut your eyes with a content smile gracing your lips.
“Now.. was I wrong, my darling doll?” A voice beams from the side, causing you to immediately rise up out of fear and shock. Well, so much for getting some rest now.
“Oh— Alastor! Hi!..” Trying to pull yourself together, ruffling up your hair a little with a hand, leaning back on the couch as you sit more in a tailor position on the couch.
He takes a moment survey the room, tapping a clawed finger against the side of his microphone before turning to face you. You swear you can see him hiding something behind his back- but you can’t prove anything, can you? You’re too tired for this anyway..
“What are you doing? Don’t you know, the people are quite excited to see you outside?” The inquiry has you blushing even more from embarrassment and hope that the floor magically eats you whole.
A huff escapes you, now turning to bring your knees up to your chest and bury your face into your legs instead of facing the one man who would make fun of you as he found you just trying to rest. It’s.. irritating. And, not really because of Alastor. Just, upsetting.
“Sorry. I’ll.. be out in a moment.”
“Before that, my darling. I have another question for you.” It takes you a second to raise your head up at the stag, staring at him as a motion for him to continue on speaking. He seemed almost hesitant to continue, but slowly managed to get the words to come out.
“Do you have a Valentine so far? Has anyone asked you?” Oh fuck.
He’s so going to mock you. Holy shit.
“..No.” Please please, please do not make any remarks. Don’t. Please.
“Mm.” The mere hum in response freaks you out, but you manage to keep a straight face as you’re internally screaming at the top of your lungs, probably crying as well.
Biting the inside of your cheek, nails digging into the cloth of your pants, close to the flesh of your legs as you await the interchangeable fate from this encounter.
“How would you like to be mine then, darling?”
You’re honestly.. shocked by this. The amount of time it takes for the cogs in your brain to process this new information is.. quite a bit. And, just before you can even utter a single word to the man’s advance- he reveals what he’s been hiding behind his back this whole time: wilted red roses. How romantic.
Blinking repeatedly at the gesture, you find yourself leisurely getting up and walking closer to the buck, gently wrapping your hands around his holding the roses.
“..I would love that.” Simply staring at the roses, you can’t help but smile and then look up at the man.
“And, is this you asking me out?” The query is mainly a joke as you chuckle a bit, his face still the same as ever: smiling, staring back down at you. However, you thought this mainly as a platonic gesture instead of a romantic one, being that you know a lot better. He chuckles for a moment before clearing his throat.
“Perhaps. Would that be so bad?” That definitely had your heart fluttering.
You’re still reeling from the unexpected gesture he’s made. His usually charismatic demeanor has softened, revealing a vulnerability you never thought you'd see in him. He should be withholding this. His eyes, although still half-lidded have a.. gentle warmth that draws you in. The air is charged with tension, a palpable mix of anticipation and uncertainty as you try to comprehend the depth of his actions. And with your thinking in that moment, you realize that this enigmatic figure before you is more than just ‘The radio demon.’ More than just a demon that has been feared for centuries.
He’s another mortal soul. Just like you.
Yet however, curiosity pangs you right in the heart as you recount the things he’s told about himself to you.
“Wait, Alastor,, are you sure?.. Please- I would not want to lose you over this. I know-” The more you overthink this and try to babble on, he slides his hand from under yours and brings it to cup your cheek.
“My darling doll, do you think I don’t love and cherish your company more than any of the others at the Hotel? it’d be a downright shame to not have a beauty as talented and great like you on my arm. Yet, I don’t believe you feel such similar feelings, no?” He laughs obnoxiously at his own words, but inside he’s.. he doesn’t know what he’s going to do if you don’t-
“Oh- no, of course not!”
He swear he can feel his undead heart halt like it had been beating all of this time.
“I wouldn’t want to ruin your image anyways..” With a shrug, you feel guilt wash over you. Why did you lie?
“..It wouldn’t, my darling doll!” The reaffirming words seemed much more disappointed than before and it almost made you freak out even more. Did he know?
As silence passes through between the two of you, trying to figure out what to make of each other’s feeling and words. You start to speak.
“Alastor.. are you actually trying to court me?” The words come out as a whisper, a hand of your own reaching up to place over his on your cheek while the other still held the rose bouquet.
Radio static fills the room.
You’re afraid.
“My darling doll.. would that be such a problem?”
“…No. I don’t think so..”
His grin widens even more than you could possibly think of after being strained for such a long while. His thumb brushes downwards to your jaw and tilts your head upward more, stopping as soon as he has you looking more at his own jaw and the lower part of his mouth.
“Now tell me, why would you lie to me? Quite the bad habit, doll!” That static from earlier has still not left- in fact, it’s gotten louder than you’ve noticed up until this point in this encounter. He’s even lowered his head to go face to face with you this time.
“I didn’t want to make things awkward between us. I truly value our friendship, and I didn't want to risk losing that by admitting.. that I saw you in a far different way than probably you did for me. It's not that I don't appreciate your affection or the effort you've put into courting me before or even now, it's just that I didn't want to lead you on or give you false hope. Not only that- I was certain that you didn’t have any romantic attraction to or for anyone for a matter of fact.” Speaking faster than you intended made it harder to even keep up with your thought process.
“Not in a rude way! Just- I care a lot about making you comfortable and not passing any boundaries of yours. You don’t like romance much, you don’t like when people touch you if you don’t initiate it first.” Your shoulders slumped as you continue to ramble on, or at least try.
“All that? Dear.. I told you exactly how I felt. I wouldn’t mind if it was you.”
“..Are you sure you like.. aren’t pressuring yourself to feel this way?? Or something?”
“Darling, I force myself to do nothing. It all comes naturally!” Oh yes, naturally. That obsession? As much as he despises it- it did happen.. naturally.
“Besides…” The feeling of his claws starting to dig into the flesh of your cheek causes you to whine in pain, flinching even. You almost drop the roses due to the sudden reaction. This.. is not something that’s happened before.
“You aren’t dating anyone, correct?” His odd sing-song-like tone made you so.. uncomfortable. Dear goodness, all the color drains from your face as your eyes widen a bit at this. Immediately pulling your hand off of his, now wrapping both arms around the bouquet.
His claws stop digging into your cheek, almost making you instantly cry if you weren’t restraining yourself, wanting to run away, yet he brushes his thumb against your bottom lip ever so gently. How can the same person who just hurt you be the same person with such a gentle touch, told you such comforting words and possibly be the same person who just hurt you?
Stumbling backwards away from the man with hitched breathing, your eyes anxiously survey the man who hasn’t moved but, his smile has become more tense as his eyes have become narrowed as he stares you down like prey.
Why in Heaven’s great name is this happening??
Feeling a warm liquid trickle down your cheek, you instantaneously raise a hand to feel the damage done- already knowing what it is. It’s fucking blood. The sensation of tears start welling up and you lower your gaze for a long moment as you try to piece everything together.
“You- why!?” You cried out, with the tears now pouring down and mixing with the blood on one side. Unintentionally, you back yourself against one of the walls of the dressing room.
Oh you’re so screwed.
“Oh? Are you against me now? But, you don’t know even the beginning of how deep these vile feelings course through me for you!! You started this, darling.” Screwing your eyes shut as you hear his footsteps start to approach, you can’t help the whimpers that leave you.
With the subtle touch of one of his hands on your shoulder, you no longer think you can see him as the same person you did before, even after the sentimental moment. Even after the few times you’ve revealed your feelings to him, no matter how kong you’ve spent time together.
“Everything I’ve done for you so far was because of these wretched emotions started fluttering around, making me feel so much at the same time. It’s infuriating. They’re filthy, disgusting, but they’re still there. But, perhaps if I finally do something about these, I’ll finally be able to be rid of them. Perhaps it’s time that I take action on these, no?” You desperately want to shake your head no- but being frozen with shock with everything currently happening does you no good.
“You’re my valentine, darling. Always mine, and mine alone!”
Those are the final words spoken as your tears continue to pour, but he couldn’t care less and kisses them away. He enjoys this anyway. After-all, you’re helpless. The entire situation is helpless. And with no other thought in mind, he finds his lips on yours in a chaste kiss.
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You physically have no idea why this took so long- and I’m sorry y’all. ILY POOKIES, ENJOY YOUR FOOD.
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captaincanonly · 2 days
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xenon-demon · 11 months
breaking the ice
written for the prompt 'pool' | word count: 442 | rating: T | cw: swearing, alcohol mention (they're in a bar), suggestive flirting but nothing explicit, background rockie (robin/vickie)
A/N: if you're not aware already, @steddiemicrofic is doing a monthly challenge where you get a prompt and a (strict!) word count between 300-600 words, so this is written for the july prompt! this was a Lot of fun and i highly recommend giving it a shot if you have time <3 also if you don't play pool: 'breaking'/'the break' is what it's called when you start the game by hitting the cue ball into the rest of the balls to scatter them.
One of Steve’s favorite things about Vickie is her knack for finding really cool places to hang out.
Tonight, the three of them have landed at a pool lounge. Steve hasn’t played pool in years, not since he moved out of his parents’ home and lost access to their table. Robin has never played a game of pool in her life, so Vickie – apparently a regular here – is oh-so-generously offering to teach her. Steve can see the flush spreading across Robin’s face from the other side of the table, so he excuses himself to head to the bar for a drink; he doesn’t want to get hit by a stray pool cue while Robin's distracted.
Steve orders himself a beer, aiming to thread the needle between “sober enough to drive them home later” and “drunk enough to third wheel without crying about it”. He loiters at the bar after getting his drink, not wanting to interrupt the girls, when the loud clatter of pool balls catches his attention.
Steve turns his head towards the noise and oh, shit. There’s a guy a couple tables over who’s just broken, pool balls spinning out across the table, but that’s not where Steve’s looking. He’s looking at the man’s ass in those jeans as he leans forward – the sight makes something in Steve want to sink his teeth in. Steve watches the guy straighten up and pace around the table, evaluating the outcome of his break. It lets Steve take in the rest of him; the glint of his rings under the dim lights, the dark curly hair cascading around his shoulders, the doe-like eyes that are looking right at Steve.
The guy grins. Winks at Steve.
Game on, Steve thinks.
“I think this is supposed to be a two-player game,” Steve says as he reaches the guy’s table. He somehow looks even better up close.
“Maybe I like playing with myself," says the guy, giving Steve a (pretty blatant, if you ask Steve) once-over. Well, if he wants shameless, Steve can absolutely do shameless. It might even distract him from how nice the guy's voice is.
“Maybe so. But I think you're looking for someone else to do it for a change." That lights a spark in the guy's eyes, a flash of hunger that darkens them. He leans in. 
“I'm Eddie. What's your name, pretty boy?" Something swoops in Steve's gut at the pet name.
"So, Steve," Eddie drawls, his eyes flicking down to Steve's lips momentarily. "Think you can handle playing with me?"
Steve smiles, wide and eager. "Only if you buy me a drink when I win."
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farfromstrange · 4 months
Tell me why I’ve been struggling to get inspired to write for WEEKS when I had the time to actually do it, but the second I sit down to work on my academic responsibilities, my writer’s block vanishes and the creative juices start flowing. It’s like my brain WANTS to find ways to procrastinate being responsible, and for me to turn my focus back on Matty and other dark-haired sad boys™️ played by Charlie Cox. What is this madness?
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prince-liest · 2 months
The way you write Alastor sometimes comes across as very agender to me and idk if you do that on purpose but I love it
I do, actually! He strikes me as the kind of person who is invested in the performance of masculinity and being a gentleman because it's a part of the way he wants the world to see him, and I don't think he would be very tolerant of people trying to emasculate him in any way because that is an insult with heavy connotations, especially during the time he's from. At the same time, though, I feel like if he'd been assigned female at birth, he would see the presentation of his femininity (and anybody questioning it) exactly the same way.
I write him as seeing gender as a role performance that has important traditional social values, but not ones that are inherently related to who he is as a person. Basically, he's a demon and a monster first, and everything else... I'd say "second," but frankly he barely tolerates people seeing the humanity in him at all.
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vcgardenia · 2 months
Luke Castellan x Chrysanthis Green (OC) - One Last Time
wc: 2358
cw: angst, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it unless it's for story purposes), kissing
a/n: writing this made me rly sad so I'm gonna go eat some chocolate now
Chrysanthis wanted to kill him. She wanted to punch him in the face, then kick him, then drown him, then stab him. Then she would watch as he withered away into oblivion. Instead she just walked away. 
“Chrys, wait!” Luke ran after Chrysanthis, “I wouldn’t have come here if I didn’t need you.” That made Chrys stop. Need her? He had seemed to be able to function just fine without her for the past two years, why on earth did he need her now?
“Why. Are. You. Here? ” Chrysanthis said her sentence slowly, enunciating each word so he perfectly understood her question. 
“Percy’s a damn good swordsman.” Luke chuckled as he opened his jacket and lifted his shirt, showing off a wide gash across his abdomen. 
“Oh gods.” Chrys instinctively went to touch the wound, seeing the level of damage it had caused to his organs. She caught herself and stepped back; returning to a cold face of indifference,
“Why should I help you?” This took Luke a bit by surprise, which only infuriated Chrysanthis further. Did he think he could just waltz back into her life, did he think she would of her own will help the enemy? 
“I-i, I don’t have anywhere else to go. My best healers are gone and, you're the best healer I know.” Chrysanthis rolled her eyes, trying to hold back a smile, 
“Flattery will get you nowhere.” She started walking again and Luke followed behind her silently.
They continued walking until they got to her apartment, where Chrysanthis turned around to Luke,
“You aren’t going to make a sound. I’ll step in and make sure the coast is clear, then you’re going to run to my room.”
“Trying to hide me Chrys?” She glared at him.
“You’re lucky I’m helping you at all. Now wait here.” Chrys went into the apartment, leaving the smallest crack in the door. After a few seconds of waiting, Chrysanthis stuck out her hand, and waved him in. 
As he stepped in he couldn’t help but have his mouth agape,
“You have an apartment this nice in New York?” Chrys hushed him, trying to get him to her bedroom door. All of a sudden, she heard voices from the other room, shit. Scarlett walked out of the room, and stopped in her tracks when she saw Luke. 
“You’re back early…” she went to the kitchen to get some food, “Who might you be?” 
“I’m uh, just a friend.” Chrysanthis scoffed. He was not a friend.
“Okay ‘just a friend’, would you like some water?” She handed him a cup and then grabbed Chrysanthis by the arm, dragging her out of Luke’s earshot to yell at her in a hush, “Christi, you have not brought a man home in years. What is going on right now?” Chrysanthis sighed,
“It’s complicated. I just have to help him out right now okay?” 
“Okay…” Scarlett eyed Luke up and down, “He’s really hot Chris.”
Luke put his cup in the sink and gave Scarlett his signature Hermes grin. Scarlett had to restrain herself from giggling, not her fault of course, it was one of Luke’s gifts. That and his shit-eating grin.
“Thank you so much for the water, I was very thirsty.” Gods, Chrys wanted to get out of this situation.
“Luke, let’s go.” Luke gave her a sarcastic look, aw man, I was having so much fun! She returned it with another one of her glares. He quickly obeyed.
They went into Chrys’ room and she quickly shut the door behind them. Chrys turned her head when she heard a snickering sound, it was coming from Luke.
“I haven’t done one of those smiles in years,” he paused to chuckle more, “her face was absolutely priceless.” He couldn’t hold it back any longer, he started laughing.
Chrysanthis couldn’t help but laugh too, thinking back it was a pretty funny face. They both were laughing so hard she started to fall down to the ground, and Luke had to hold onto her shoulder to keep her steady. After a few minutes of them just laughing in each other's presence, they died down. 
Chrysanthis quickly took Luke’s arm away from her shoulder, standing up straight so as not to make any more movements towards him. 
“I’ll get the disinfectant.” She opened her cabinet, pulling it out, along with some ambrosia she kept in case of emergency. “Sit on the bed.” 
Chrysanthis gave him the ambrosia to drink while she got some gauze and cotton for his wound. 
“Okay, let me see it.” Luke took off his shirt, wincing at the contact between fabric and wound. Chrys carefully inspected it, placing her hand on the open wound.
She sealed it shut by using the ambrosia within his system and directing it towards his wound. Then she got out the stitches. As she was stitching his abdomen back into one piece, Luke piped up.
“How have you been?” Chrysanthis tilted her head, her eyes still focused on the stitching,
“Well after you up and left, I thought a change of setting would be good for me.” 
“I-i never meant to up and leave you. I was going to tell you I swear it’s just-”
“If you had asked me I would have gone, Luke.” Chrysanthis blurted out. “If you had talked to me about it, if you had-, if you had just told me what was going on in that head of yours, I would have.” Luke was silent, tears threatening to leave his eyes and spill. But he couldn’t let them. If they did they would be spilling out of him for ages. 
“Chrysanthis I-” he choked out.
“Don’t worry about it. It’s no use now is it? I have my life and you have yours.” 
She went back to her stitching, already halfway done. Luke marveled at how efficiently her hands worked. The speed, the precision… the softness. Her hands were still just as soft as they were years ago when they belonged only to him.
Chrysanthis on the other hand, marveled at how much Luke had changed. His entire figure was more rugged and built from the battles. She grieved the loss of his once soft and beautiful skin. What had the world done to him? To her love? No. It was no use thinking about the past, Chrysanthis knew that. So she focused back on work.
“What’s your job? We used to talk about it all the time, what job we would have if we made it past the age of 18.” He chuckled, reflecting back to when they were so young, so naive.
“I’m a biochemical engineer. I work in a research lab at a university and make enough to afford this place.” She gestured to the apartment around her, the smallest smile cracking on her face. “Oh my gods.” Chrysanthis stopped her stitchwork.
“What is it what’s wrong?” Luke stiffened his body, more attentive of everything around him.
“Remember when you said you wanted to be a firefighter.” Chrysanthis broke down laughing, “And then you- for Halloween you dressed up as one, and it was the most dollar store looking outfit ever made but you were so happy so no one said anything-” 
Chrys took a few more seconds to compose herself, as Luke relaxed his body and put his hands over his face, trying to get the image out of his head. “Why would you remind me of that?”
“I still have pictures from that stupid polaroid camera I bought at the dollar store.” She giggled guiltily.
“Well hey one of us is like, helping find the cure to cancer and the other is holding onto big aspirations of being a firefighter so I think we both know who won.” Luke chuckled. 
“Hey, that is a very noble aspiration, don't be so hard on yourself.” Chrysanthis joked. Luke looked into her eyes with sincerity,
“Seriously Chrys, I’m really proud of you.” Chrys smiled up at him before continuing with her stitching. “Hey, random question, why did your friend call you Christi?” Chrysanthis half smiled as she moved her head down to focus on Luke's stitching.
“Well Chrysanthis doesn’t really roll right off the tongue and it kinda puts a big ol’ target on my back, so I changed it.” Luke furrowed his brow, bringing up her head with his hand,
“Well, I like Chrysanthis a lot better than any other stupid name people call you.”
She gave an unfeigned smile, forgetting the last time someone had called her that. Chrysanthis leaned in, allowing their lips to be mear atoms apart. They just stared at each other, neither one looking away from the other's gaze. Chrys sighed, blowing air into his face.
“We can’t do this Luke…” She tilted her head, not changing their distance. 
“I know.” Luke cupped her face in his hand, shutting his eyes and sighing deeply. His eyes glistening once more with tears he refused to shed.
“Gods. I miss you so much Luke.” Chrys’ eyes were now also filling up with water, tears that had been stored inside of her for 2 years, 5 months, and 16 days. 
Luke lifted up Chrysanthis from her kneeling position, placing her on top of him on the bed. She laid down on his chest, earning a short groan with a mix of pain and lust from Luke. She could feel his heartbeat flutter at her touch. Chrys looked up at Luke’s face, slowly making her way to it so that they were once again only atoms apart. 
“You-” Luke whispered into her mouth, “You would have left your entire life behind for me?” 
“Oh Luke,” she sadly chuckled out the words, “I would have done anything for you.” Chrysanthis finally planted a bittersweet kiss on his cheek, refusing to feel his mouth on her own. 
Luke carefully unzipped the dress that Chrysanthis was still wearing from the night's festivities. Being sure not to damage it in its beauty. He quickly took off his pants and boxers, allowing himself to be completely vulnerable and naked in her presence.
She took off her panties, caressing his face as she entered him. They both whimpered at first contact, it had been so long since they had taken each other. There was no doubt they had taken others in between, but this was special, this was different.
Chrysanthis could feel the veins in his member as they perfectly brushed her clit, allowing a feeling of absolute pleasure to move through her body. Now that they had settled in, Chrysanthis set a pace. She rode on his dick, remembering every sensation, every part of the interaction, knowing it could very well be their last.
Luke kept hold of her hips, ensuring that she was stable and steady. His eyes were already rolling to the back of his head, trying to keep control of himself for her. Chrysanthis took hold of Luke's curls, feeling out the texture she had so long been deprived of. 
The feeling of their bodies moving together was addictive. She never wanted to stop feeling him inside of her, he was a piece of her that had been missing for over two years, and she wasn’t quite ready to take it out yet.
The feeling of taking him raw was heavenly, and as Luke reached his peak inside Chrysanthis' vulva, an all too familiar warm liquid filled her hole with joyous contentment. Chrys reached her peak soon after, however she did not allow it to stop the rhythm. 
And so they continued for as long as their bodies would allow them too. Until they were passed out in each other's arms from pure exhaustion. Until the hearts inside of their bodies halted in resignation. 
It was late, late night when they had finally finished being inside one another. They collapsed, side by side, just as they had all those years before. 
“I love you.” Luke whispered out. Chrysanthis just laid there refusing to acknowledge that he had actually said that to her, “I love you” he repeated. As if saying it again would create less of a pit in her stomach.
“No, you-”
“I know. Just let me say it.”
“No. You can’t just say you love me and then up and leave again!”
“For fucks sake Chrysanthis I had no choice! That was two years ago!” Chrysanthis was now sat up, the tears rolling down her cheeks coming straight from her arsenal.
“Let’s make sure we make one thing very clear. You… are a selfish, self-serving piece of shit.” She took a deep breath, “You abandoned me 2 years ago. Because you couldn’t even be enough of a man to ask me if I would go with you. Tell me why that is Luke.”
“Chrysanthis I-”
“Leave my room, and my apartment. I never want to see your fucking face ever again.” 
Luke thought of saying something, but he went against it. He rushed putting back on his clothes, forcefully opened the door to Chrysanthis’ room, and walked out. Chrys sauntered over to the front door, only doing so out of courtesy.
As Luke put on his coat to leave, he turned around to face Chrysanthis once more,
“You’re going to end up sad and alone, you know that right? All the defensive shit is just one of your fucked up coping mechanisms.”
“Yeah and why do you think I have coping mechanisms in the first place? Whose fault is that daddy's broken toy?” Luke shook his head.
“You know for the record, I didn’t not ask you to come with me because I was scared, or because I thought you would side with that shithead Percy.” He opened the door out of the apartment,  “I didn't ask because I didn’t want you seeing what I would turn into.”
“Well then, I guess we both dodged a bullet then huh?”
“Yeah, guess we did.” Luke slammed the door behind him, leaving both of them in buckets of tears that would never be able to fully empty the loaded tanks of tears they had inside of them.
That was the last time Chrysanthis Green ever saw Luke Castellan.
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
if you'd let me want you
also on ao3 thank u @lunaraindrop for the help <3 cw: angst <3 arguing, brief panic attacks
“I’m just saying, man,” Eddie says lightly, leaning against the counter, watching Steve lift a box and set it on a cart. He lets himself watch. Steve isn’t looking at him. He can practically feel the ground shake as Steve rolls his eyes to the ceiling. “You guys make sense together.”
“Just because something makes sense doesn’t mean it…” Steve rips the box open. Eddie wills his face not to flush with heat. “Make sense.”
“That didn’t make sense.”
Steve shoots him a look.
“I don’t like Nancy like that anymore,” he says, almost grumbling. His mood shifted as soon as Eddie brought her up a few minutes ago. He smiled when Eddie showed up at Family Video, greeting him with a bright, “Hey!” but the second Eddie asked if he’s seen Nancy recently, the perpetual soft smile that lingered on his face faded and he looked away. His cheeks flushed pink. So Eddie doesn’t really believe him.
“You know I don’t believe you, right?”
Steve sends a look over at him. But it’s not really a look. He glares at him.
Eddie’s eyebrows raise as Steve looks away again, his stomach twisting.
“You don’t have to believe me, Eddie,” Steve says, his voice twinged with annoyance. “It doesn’t make it… not true.”
“Well, you get all uptight and stiff every time I bring her up,” Eddie says, crossing his arms over his chest like he’s defending himself.
“Yeah, maybe I just don’t wanna talk about my ex with you,” Steve says, his voice firmer, annoyed and slightly louder. Eddie’s chest tightens, and he furrows his brows, his breath caught in his chest.
“This is the kind of thing friends talk about,” he says defensively.
“Maybe I just wanna hang out with you without talking about my fucking love life,” Steve snaps, putting a tape up on a shelf a little too hard. Eddie blinks.
“Why are you pissed?”
“I’m not pissed.”
“You sound pissed. You look pissed.”
“I’m fine, Eddie,” Steve says, sounding even more pissed. “I just don’t wanna talk about it.”
Eddie has a problem. He’s had this problem his whole life.
“Why don’t you wanna talk about it?”
It’s gotten him in trouble before. Many times. At home, at school, with his friends, the assholes that shoved him around in the hallways, against lockers.
“You talk about it with Robin,” he says. “Why is it such a big deal to talk about it with me? What’s your problem?”
He pushes. And prods. And pokes. And annoys the fuck out of whoever he’s talking to, until—
“Jesus, Eddie, I don’t fucking know, just fuck off.”
Eddie stares at him as he looks up at him. His eyes are gleaming, his brows are furrowed, and his cheeks are red, and he looks angry, and for some fucking reason it just pisses Eddie off.
“I wanna help you,” he snaps. “I know you like her, and you guys would be perfect for each other, fuckin’ mister and missus America—”
“I don’t fucking like her,” Steve almost shouts, and Eddie almost flinches back, the volume making its way under his skin, pulling at him and making him ache.
“What’s your fucking deal, Harrington?” He matches his volume.
Steve recoils like Eddie’s slapped him across the face, his eyes wide, and he blinks, his shoulders falling.
“Don’t call me Harrington,” he says weakly. Eddie exhales, staring at him. “You never call me Harrington.”
The door opens across the store, the bell shoving it dinging brightly, and Robin greets them with a cheerful, “Hey, dinguses.”
Neither of them look away, their eyes locked, and Eddie barely even heard Robin’s tentative, “What’s going on?” Steve looks like he might cry, his cheeks still flushed, his eyes shining, and Eddie scoffs, shaking his head and tearing his eyes away from Steve, ignoring Robin and heading to the door. It slams shut behind him.
His hands are shaking as he fumbles with his keys, biting his trembling lip as he slides into the driver's seat, and he looks up into the store as he starts the van. Robin is looking at Steve, confused, still holding her bag in her hands, and Steve is covering his face, holding a tape before he shouts something Eddie can’t hear and throws the tape across the store.
Eddie’s vision swims and he pulls out of the parking lot without buckling his seat belt.
He doesn’t see Steve for another four days.
He doesn’t really have to. It’s not like they tend to hang out every day. (Every other day, maybe. Sometimes more. But they don’t have a strict schedule, and Steve doesn’t come inside when he drops the kids off at Eddie’s for Hellfire on Thursday.)
Four whole days.
Is it pathetic that he misses him? Probably. It’s only four days, but Eddie feels hollow, like something is missing just because he hasn’t heard Steve’s voice.
Steve seems to feel the same way, which doesn’t really make Eddie feel better, even though his heart fucking soars when he opens the door to his apartment to find Steve standing there, his hair damp from the rain. He’s somehow looking up at Eddie despite being almost the exact same height as him.
“Hi,” Eddie says quietly, holding the door open. Steve rocks up onto his toes, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, and he glances past Eddie into the apartment.
“Is Wayne here?”
Eddie blinks, his heart falling, and Steve seems to notice it, because he hurriedly says, “I’m not— I just wanna talk to you, like, alone. I just… wanna make sure.”
“Oh.” Eddie blinks again. “No, he’s— he’s at work.”
“Okay.” Steve pauses, swallowing, swaying. “Can I… Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says after staring at him for a moment. “Yeah, come in.”
Steve exhales as he enters, pushing his hair back. His jacket is spotted with rain. Eddie forgot it was raining at all. He can’t hear rain much in this apartment. Unless it’s pouring.
“Talk,” Eddie says, heading into the kitchen. The kettle isn’t boiling yet, and he feels underdressed next to Steve, who’s wearing jeans and a tucked-in button-down, his jacket neatly pressed except for the rain. Eddie’s just in sweatpants and a grey sweater that’s two sizes too big.
“I, uhm.” Steve hesitates, taking a breath.
Eddie leans against the counter next to the stove, crossing his arms, looking up at him.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” Steve says, leaning against the wall across from Eddie. It’s a small kitchen. Their feet are almost touching.
Eddie doesn’t say anything.
“I was…” Steve pauses, swallowing anxiously, his hands shifting in his pockets. “I was upset, and I lashed out at you, and I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”
Eddie looks into his eyes. They’re shining again. They always are.
“I don’t get why you were upset,” Eddie says quietly, feeling like he’s confessing something. He often doesn’t get why people feel certain things. Why people get annoyed at him for the things he does when he isn’t hurting anyone. Why people laugh when there’s nothing to laugh about. Why people get upset when he tries to help them.
Especially with something like all this with Steve. He and Nancy would be perfect together. Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. White picket fence and a soccer team of children and yearly vacations and everything someone like Eddie Munson could never have.
He hasn’t told anyone that he doesn’t understand what they’re feeling in a long time. The last few times he told them they’ve scoffed and rolled their eyes and accused him of lying to get away with being an asshole, even when he was so adamant he worked himself to tears.
But Steve doesn’t do any of those things. He looks at Eddie and believes him.
“I don’t like Nancy anymore,” Steve says. He sounds close to tears. “And it just… pissed me off that you just didn’t believe me.”
He must see the doubt on Eddie’s face.
“I don't like her anymore,” Steve says. “I swear.”
Eddie looks back and forth between his eyes.
“I see how you look at her, Steve,” he says softly, and he wants to go throw himself out the living room window. Because he sounds so desperate, so fucking honest, and Steve can probably see right into him.
“How do I look at her?” Steve asks desperately, his head tilting forward.
“Like she’s perfect,” Eddie says, his arms uncrossing. The kettle is starting to boil, the whistle low and quiet. “Like she’s fucking flawless, like she’s… the fucking sunset or something.”
“Eddie,” Steve says weakly, his shoulders slumping.
“I don’t get it,” Eddie says adamantly. The whistle is growing in pitch. “I don’t get why you don’t like her, she’s— she is perfect, she’s the one for you—”
“No, she’s not,” Steve says angrily.
He doesn’t even seem to notice the kettle whistling loudly, screeching at them, and Eddie huffs, turning away.
“Jesus,” he mutters, turning off the burner. “What do you want from me, Steve?” he asks, pulling the kettle off the burner, feeling it vibrate as it whistles.
“I don’t want anything from you, I want you.”
The kettle falls quiet.
The kitchen is silent.
Eddie blinks at the kettle, the words washing over him like cold water, and he almost drops the kettle as he sets it down heavily. It lands loudly on the stove, clattering on the burner, and he turns around to look at Steve.
Steve’s eyes are wide as he realises what he’s just said, and Eddie isn’t breathing, and he’s trembling, and Steve takes a sharp breath before he turns away.
Eddie reaches out and grabs his shirt, pulling him back.
Except he doesn’t do that.
He yells, at the top of his lungs, as loud as he can, I want you too. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything.
Except he doesn’t do that either.
Steve leaves, slamming the door shut behind himself.
Eddie lets him.
Six days.
Six fucking empty days.
Wayne notices that something is off, but he doesn’t ask, because he knows Eddie won’t tell. If he were to ask, Eddie would probably just burst into tears, and Wayne had never known what to do when Eddie cries. It’s not like Grandpa Munson was a touchy-feely guy. Wayne’s always just brought him tea and tissues and given him a hug if he wanted one.
Eddie covers it up when the kids come over to the apartment to hang out. Lucas tells him he asked Steve if he wanted to come up to say hi, but that Steve has errands to run. Eddie just quips that Steve is a big boy, all old and mature. The kids laugh, living in their sweet, sweet ignorance.
When the kids aren’t over, and Corroded guys aren’t over, he’s holed up in his room, staring at the ceiling with his headphones on. (He can’t use his speakers anymore because of complaints from the neighbours.) Trying to let the music drown out the words that are bouncing around his skull like a pinball.
I want you. I want you. I want you.
On the seventh day, Robin calls him.
He doesn’t want to answer the phone, but he trudges up out of bed, pushing his hair out of his face. He’s still wearing the same sweater.
She tells him the Party’s having a movie night at Steve’s.
Eddie’s chest aches at the sound of Steve’s name.
You’re gonna be there, she says, because she seems to know how his brain works better than anyone else he’s met. You’re gonna be there gets him to change his sweater.
His eyes meet Steve’s when he goes inside, but they both look away, and Eddie immediately swerves to the other side of the living room, scooping El into his arms and cackling evilly when she screams his name.
Steve sits with Robin on the sofa. Eddie can tell Robin knows something is up, but he can also tell that Steve hasn’t told her anything because she glances at Eddie, then at Steve, and Steve ignores her, his eyes trained on Dustin as he argues with Will about something.
The lights shut off when the movie starts.
Steve leans against the armrest of the sofa, Robin leans against him, and Nancy leans against her. Jonathan and Argyle are on the floor, Jonathan’s head on Argyle’s shoulder. The kids are all on the floor, tangled and piled on top of each other like a litter of puppies.
Eddie doesn’t even know which movie is playing. He keeps looking at Steve.
He feels like his veins are filled with wax, his body tense and stiff and so anxious he’s shaking a little bit.
I want you.
Eddie looks over at him again, the words echoing in his head, in the exact cadence and emphasis that Steve spoke in, adamant and angry and desperate.
Steve’s eyes meet his across the room. They’re shining. Reflecting the flashing lights of the movie.
Eddie tilts his head, gesturing silently, weakly, toward the kitchen.
Steve inhales, his jaw working, and he sighs quietly, squeezing Robin’s arm and moving to get up. She looks up at him, then at Eddie, then at Nancy, moving so Steve can get up, pulling Nancy closer.
Eddie gets up quietly, stepping behind the sofa so he doesn’t get in anyone’s view of the movie before he follows Steve down the hall to the kitchen, shutting the door behind them.
Steve crosses his arms when he enters the kitchen like he’s protecting himself, looking sulky and upset and so small it makes Eddie want to cry. He leans against the island, looking at the floor, biting his lip, and Eddie steps to be in front of him, leaning against the wall.
They're both quiet. Eddie can almost hear the movie, muffled and quiet through the door and down the endless hallway. Eddie can almost hear his own heartbeat. He listens to Steve’s breath.
“Did you mean it?” he asks softly, almost whispering.
Steve looks up at him, his eyes flicking back and forth between Eddie’s before he looks away, at the floor, his eyes moving like he’s looking for something.
“Steve,” Eddie says weakly when Steve doesn’t say anything. “Did you mean it?”
Steve takes a sharp breath, his lip trembling.
Eddie exhales.
The floor is solid beneath his feet.
Holy shit.
He steps forward, looking at Steve’s face. His eyes are squeezed shut.
Eddie reaches up to his cheek, wiping away a tear, and Steve startles, his eyes flying open to look at Eddie, his eyes filled with tears, scared and desperate. He’s breathing hard, blinking.
“I want you too,” Eddie whispers.
“Don’t fuck with me right now, Eddie, please.” Steve’s voice squeaks, breaks and chokes, and Eddie reaches up to hold his face between his hands, wiping away the tears that fall from his eyes. Steve is gasping for breath, and Eddie presses a hand firmly against his chest as it rises and falls quickly.
“I’m not fucking with you, Stevie,” he murmurs. Steve’s hands grab at Eddie’s waist, gripping the fabric of his sweater. (This one is black.) He’s holding him too tightly, but Eddie doesn’t mind. “I want you, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
Steve closes his eyes hard, his brows furrowing as he pants, and Eddie leans close, pressing their foreheads together, murmuring to him. Breathe, Steve, slowly. You got it.
It takes a while for his breathing to slow, and Eddie slides his hand up his chest when it does, moving it up over the collar of his sweatshirt, over his neck, to his cheek.
“Why’d you push me to go with Nancy?” Steve chokes, blinking tears out of his eyes, and Eddie’s eyes burn, aching because he can’t explain it.
“I don’t…” He hesitates, shrugging weakly, holding Steve’s cheeks carefully, tenderly. He sighs, letting his head fall forward so their foreheads meet as he thinks. “Because boys like me don’t get things like this,” he says softly, quietly.
“Yes, they do,” Steve whispers.
Eddie’s eyes squeeze shut.
They’re quiet for a moment, sharing breaths, until Eddie slowly slides his hands across Steve’s neck, hugging him tightly, and Steve’s arms wrap around his waist, pulling him against himself harshly, strongly. A soft sound escapes Eddie’s throat, and his eyes burn more, and he buries his face in Steve’s neck as Steve’s shoulders shake.
Their friends are down the hall. Anyone could come in for chips or soda or water, and find them here, crying in each other’s arms, and the thought of the absurdity of it makes Eddie laugh. Steve’s hand slides over his back, holding him so tightly Eddie can barely breathe.
“Holy shit,” he breathes, burying a hand in Steve’s hair. “Holy shit, holy shit.”
“Eddie,” Steve says softly, pulling away and looking at him, and he lifts his hands to Eddie’s face, wiping his tears away so tenderly it just makes Eddie cry more.
Eddie’s eyes flutter shut when Steve pulls at his face, pressing a hard, lingering kiss to his mouth, and when they part, Eddie gasps, opening his mouth for him and pulling him closer until Steve kisses him again.
Steve’s hands reach down and pull at Eddie’s legs, picking him up with unfair ease, and Eddie clutches at him desperately as Steve turns to set him on the counter. Eddie’s legs wrap around him tightly, whimpering when Steve’s hands press to his back and waist and his hips.
“‘M sorry,” Steve breathes between frenzied kisses. “‘M so sorry.”
“Me too,” Eddie says, panting. “I’m sorry, Stevie, just… I need…”
“Breathe,” Steve says weakly. Eddie closes his eyes. He didn’t even realise it, but he’s gasping for breath, each one getting caught in his throat, hiccupping and choking, and he grips Steve’s shoulders tightly, so hard it probably hurts, but he can’t let go, and Steve doesn’t say anything except, “Breathe.”
Eddie hugs him tightly, desperately, and Steve hugs him back just the same, pressing a hand to the small of his back. Eddie is swaying back and forth, which he doesn't realise until after a few seconds, and he stops himself. It makes people seasick, distracts them, he's heard it all, and he's just gotten Steve's arms around him. He doesn't want to mess this up.
But Steve tugs at his back, stepping closer to the island so his chest is pressed to Eddie, and he starts to sway. Eddie buries his face in Steve's neck, his eyes stinging, and he lets Steve move him, weight dropping off his shoulders, his breaths coming out easier and easier until he's breathing normally. They don't stop swaying together, rocking back and forth slowly, carefully, until Eddie lifts his head and touches his face. His skin is tacky with drying tears, the streaks shining in the dim light of the kitchen. Eddie wipes them away before he leans in and kisses him softly.
"Do you wanna go finish the movie?" Steve asks when they part, his lips still brushing Eddie's as he speaks.
"I don't even know what movie it is."
"Me either. Do you wanna go be confused together?"
"Yeah. That sounds nice."
They pause to sip at a glass of water together before they head back to the living room, their fingers laced. No one pays them any mind except Robin, whose eyes catch their hands, and she raises an eyebrow, smiling up at Steve as he sits next to her again. Robin moves, nudging Nancy so she shifts to lean against the opposite armrest, and Eddie squeezes in between Steve and Robin. Steves's arm makes its way around Eddie's shoulders as they look at the television. (Eddie can't even guess what's happening in the movie.)
Eddie closes his eyes, leaning against Steve, pressing his face into his chest, and he pulls one of his legs up, setting it across Steve's. Steve pulls him in closer, tighter, his cheek resting on Eddie's head.
Eddie shifts to face him, nuzzling into his chest and wrapping an arm around his waist, cuddling as closely and as tightly as he can as he takes a long, deep breath and exhales slowly. Steve smells like his cologne. Eddie wants to keep the smell. Maybe find it on his pillows.
He falls asleep to the sound of Steve's heartbeat.
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hermitthebee · 4 months
More of my Charlastor Feedback Au. (Since you all liked the first one so much)
I apologize for any mistakes, as I stated I’m in no way a writer. That being said, if anyone wants to use my ideas for their own stories I’m completely okay with it! If you all enjoyed this let me know. I’d be happy to share more about it.
(Link to part one for anyone interested )
Somehow Alastor has accidentally started to care about the hotel residents. He hadn't realized just how much they had grown on him. He even started seeing them as friends. He hates it. To Alastor friendship is just a weakness anyone can exploit. It’s something others can use to control him. Friends are just setbacks to his rise to the top. He’s terrified, He needs to be on top. In control. He would have left this rotten hotel if it wasn’t for the deal he’s trapped in. He still needs Charlie for his plans. Closing himself off is the second-best offer. Stop this friendship nonsense before it gets worse.
It had been easy enough to wane himself away from the other residents. Half of the residents were still skeptical of him. Husk and Vaggie practically avoided Alastor for him. And the other half was easy enough to push away and distance himself from. Like ignoring the spider demon until he got bored and went to bother someone else. Alastor did have to snap at Niffty to distance himself from her. He does not feel about it. He doesn’t hate every time she hesitates around him now. That’s what he wanted after all. Distance. Unrelatedly, He avoids Charlie's gaze every time Niffty pauses (stupid bond.) The distance is nice he enjoys all the time he has without those annoying residents. He is not lonely. He doesn’t miss everyone. 
Everyone except Charlie. Who for some reason wouldn’t leave him alone. Even with their annoying bond  (that he is trying frantically to fix) she couldn’t care that much. She was simply being stubborn. But it was a minor setback Charlie will see he's a lost cause, beyond redemption, soon enough..right? She just forgot who he was. 
Charlie isn’t stupid. She knows who Alastor is, and what he's done. That being said, He’s still her friend. Through the months she's grown increasingly close with the deer demon. Especially over the month with their shared bond. Alastor, without her realizing, had become one of her closest friends. (She’s adamantly avoiding thinking about how her heart pounds around him) 
She can feel (though he tries to block it) how much he's hurting. Alastor is right about one thing Charlie is stubborn. Too stubborn to stand by as someone she loves cares for is suffering. She’ll stop at nothing to help him. 
Wounds from angelic weapons aren’t something that can be healed quickly. The holiness acts like a slowly seeping poison eating away at a demon’s soul. To heal it you need to quite literally drain the holiness out of the wound with magic. Draining too much at once can also poison the demon though, so it has to be done in phases. On top of all this, it takes a lot of energy to keep the holiness from spreading faster, which drains magic. Often this leaves demons too weak to heal the wounds themselves. (It’s also why the extermination goes for weaker Sinners with less magic).  For a wound as big as Alastor’s it could take up to 2 months to be fully healed.
Despite this Charlie insists on helping him daily. Charlie insists that she (loves) cares for him, and wants to help. Alastor is unconvinced. Alastor tried a total of once to deal with it himself, to show the princess he was fine on his own. (the attempt ended with him almost passing out, Charlie having to steady him) but decided that Charlie could waste some energy if she wished. It just gave him more power. 
It becomes a nightly routine. After the others go to bed Charlie heads to Alastor’s room. She works on draining the wound for about 30 minutes.  She uses a little more energy than she should, but she has to. Alastor got hurt defending her hotel, it's her fault she should at least try and make his recovery as quick as possible. It’s surprisingly pleasant. They have conversations that last hours after the session ends. (they both secretly look forward to it every day)
Charlie keeps Alastor’s injury a secret. Which isn’t the best move, when Alastor is asked to help with the hotel just as much as she is. But Alastor tries so hard to avoid being seen as weak. She can briefly feel the rush of adrenaline Alastor gets when he’s asked to perform a usually effortless task. How could she betray his trust and tell everyone just how weak he was currently? She can’t. So she just starts taking his jobs for him. She tells the others to come to her first for tasks. (refusing to answer why.) It’s double the work now, on top of healing Alastor but she’s fine. A temporary solution until Alastor is back on his feet. She didn’t tell Alastor about the extra jobs, convinced he’d worry too much. not because she knows just how thin she's pulling herself.
The others are suspicious but no one has figured out why Charlie is always tired and working or why Alastor is acting weird. (well weirder than normal at least) Charlie’s not the best liar and typically just changes the subject when asked about it. Alastor is a great liar about his issues but is just as confused/worried as everyone else about Charlie.
The extermination didn’t only affect Alastor. The other residents have their own issues. They all deal with the aftermath in their own way. Charlie works hard to try and help them, along with helping Alastor. This doesn’t leave a lot of time for her mental health, but that's okay. She can deal with it when everyone else is content again. Everyone is dealing with so much, what right does she have to worry about her as well? She’s just a bit tired.  Her job as manager of the hotel is to care for her guests and coworkers, which comes first. The others need her. She’s adamantly ignoring the glances Alastor sends her. She refuses to acknowledge the worry she can feel through Alastor. She’s fine. 
Charlie is getting nightmares bad enough that they wake Alastor. He jolts awake in a panic that is not his. It’s always so loud, too loud to drown out. Even when she wakes the bond doesn’t calm till hours later. He doesn’t mention it at first. Hoping it's a one-off thing. But he decides to watch her just in case. Not out of worry, it would just affect his plans if she’s not mentally well. Once he starts though he can’t stop noticing how off she's been.
 She has almost a frantic energy as she helps around the hotel. Her appearance is slightly messy, with ruffled hair and a lopsided bow. Her smiles felt fake, strained. Her feedback (now that he's not blocking it out) felt wrong too. Simmering around him it felt almost jittery. Like tiny needles pricking his skin. As the days go by this feeling only grows. 
The biggest thing he notices is, however, how exhausted she is. Her drooping eyes seem to have darker bags every day.  Her movements are sluggish and delayed. And More than once he’s caught her nodding off at her desk, only to jolt awake seconds later. One time she had even fallen asleep during one of their dinners. Her head rested on Alastor’s shoulder as he panicked debated on whether to wake her or not. (He was still debating 15 minutes later when she woke up. She apologized for another 15 minutes afterward.) 
 It’s only after the 4th time he’d been woken up in the same week that he decides he needs to do something. After all, he and the princess need sleep to execute his plan. It's completely selfish. He isn’t increasingly worried as Charlie looks and feels more and more tired. Her feedback becoming more and more frazzled as time went on. 
The next time Alastor is woken up he quickly goes into the kitchen. He makes two cups of tea before heading to Charlie’s room. When she sees him, Alastor can’t help but notice how the bond calms almost immediately. He doesn’t understand how she can feel safer with him around. She’s super apologetic, she hadn’t realized her ridiculous nightmares were enough to wake Alastor. But Alastor just brushes off the apology and asks what’s wrong.  She’s unusually tight-lipped at first. He urges her to talk about all the nightmares she’d been having. It takes a lot of gentle prying to get the details out of her. In her dreams, she’s back at the extermination, when their bond suddenly cuts off. It's completely silent as she rushes to him. Finding his bloody and beaten body, she tries hopelessly to help him. But nothing is working and he’s gone. Charlie wakes up after that. But even with their bond active his feedback a steady hum she can’t sleep. 
Alastor is shocked. He’d assumed her dreams were about the extermination, but he assumed it was about losing the hotel, not him. It hadn’t even crossed his mind she was worried about losing him. He has a million questions he wants to ask. But Charlie falls asleep soon after. She’s comforted by the steady static Alastor makes. A constant reminder that he’s safe and here.
It becomes the norm for Alastor to go to Charlie’s room when he’s woken up. (More often than not he ends up staying the night)
During the day, Charlie starts using the hotel as a reason to be around Alastor. Suddenly She and Alastor are Co-Hosts and need to have meetings to work on the hotel. She starts (forcing) enforcing morning meetings, and mid-day meetings. Any actual work rarely gets done. Morning meetings are just having breakfast together. Mid-day meetings are no better as they usually and quickly devolve into just hanging out. Any time Alastor tries to get out of these meetings, Charlie will invent problems they “have to” fix. Charlie will also add a ‘surprise’ meeting whenever Alastor’s feedback feels wrong. It is designed to comfort Alastor as much as she can. He tries to hide it but she can tell he's hurting even if Alastor won’t admit it. These meetings feel different, softer. Alstor is often quiet so Charlie just talks. She rambles about the hotel, her day, and anything else that comes to mind. She pauses in case Alastor decides to speak and then continues when he doesn’t. She hopes he’ll eventually talk to her but until then she’ll comfort him any way she knows how. 
Immovable object meets unstoppable force.
Alastor didn’t eat dinner with the group anymore. In turn, Charlie starts to seek him out to eat with her. Now they can both be found in Alastor's room eating together every other night. 
Alastor tries to get out of “group bonding activities” but suddenly, Charlie insists that as co-host, he and her must set an example.
This is only made worse with the bond. 
He’s as stand-offish as possible with the princess without ruining his plans. But, despite his best efforts, she hasn’t been put off at all. It's like she can see right through him. If anything she’s spending more time with him than before.
Alastor is confused annoyed. He’s annoyed by how much Charlie acts like she cares about him. How she, despite his best efforts, wants to be around him.
Alastor is quickly at his breaking point. He’s a few earnest acts of kindness from shattering. Letting his walls down and letting her in. So he deflects. He tries to scare her off. Talking about the worst things he’s ever done. Going into gorey details as graphic as possible. Any other demon would run for the hills. Charlie doesn’t. She doesn’t even feel scared..just worried. 
Scaring her isn’t working so in a last desperate action to push Charlie away, he tries a different tactic. He focuses on sending nothing but hatred through their bonds. He draws as much malice in his voice as he starts his performance. He’s as cruel as possible. He picks at every insecurity, every failure. Doubling down each time her feedback sparks with hurt. He calls her worse than the cruelest overlords. How she ruined his life and wishes they’d never met. Anything to get her away from him. and the emotions he feels around her. It works.
She completely shuts down. She runs out of the room in tears mumbling a quick sorry. Alastor refuses to acknowledge the guilt he feels, blocking out Charlie’s feedback as much as he can. he feels nauseous, he’s shaking slightly and all he can think about is the look on Charlie’s face.
Charlie hadn’t wanted to hurt Alastor. She feels awful realizing how much she had. Yet deep down She’d already known that it was her fault. Her fault that he was here, her fault he was injured. She’d almost gotten him killed. For what? Her stupid dream?  She has to fix it. To make amends. She leaves him alone as much as she can. She takes up more of his tasks (even ones he’s completely capable of doing.) She still heals him every night fixing another one of her mistakes. but it's a silent affair and she leaves right after. She pushes herself harder to heal him, doing it longer with more energy to heal him. It takes a lot more out of her but it is the least she can do for him. She also takes great care to close off the bond as much as she can. Closing both the give and take of their bonds. So he doesn’t feel her negative emotions and so she doesn’t invade his privacy. 
Alastor hates it. He’d wanted the princess to shut him out but now that he has it he misses her. He’s left alone during meetings and left out of activities. There are no mandatory meetings or dinners anymore. Hell, most days he doesn’t even see Charlie till night. It's too quiet now, he realizes. He changes his schedule more than once to try and see her but it seems like no matter what he does she avoids him perfectly throughout the day. She’s withdrawn at night only giving one-word answers at his attempts at conversation. Her feedback has never been more quiet.  He doesn’t even feel her nightmares anymore. (but judging from the bags under Charlie's eyes, she’s still getting them) Her bond was always so honest before. He didn’t know how she could be so truthful about it. And due to his own actions, it was more guarded than ever. It seems she was blocking him out too. 
He’d tried a few times to get Charlie to come to him using their bond. Sending a brief pulse of sadness or anxiety. Something she’d react to. She doesn’t. 
He’d gotten so used to Charlie comforting him when his feedback sent something to her. (So much so that he unintentionally started to seek her out when he was distressed.) It’s jarring and especially hard for him when she stops. When that source of comfort he’d gotten so used to is gone. And he’s the only one to blame. He cared a lot more than he realized about her efforts to reach him. He’d never admit it but he was so surprised someone thought there was something good in him. He honestly didn’t expect her to care that much. He could feel how earnest she was too. He doesn’t know what it means for him if not even Charlie can see good in him anymore. Thinking about it for too long though makes him feel sick. 
He still tries to convince himself that this was the right move. it's less and less convincing every time he repeats it. 
Charlie is overworking herself. The constant work and healing, the not sleeping taking its toll on both her mental and physical health. It eventually catches up to her. She’d felt fuzzy all day. But insisted on helping everyone despite her discomfort anyway. It had only gotten worse as the day progressed. It's bad enough that she considers canceling her and Alastor's session. But that wouldn’t be fair to him. Alastor’s wound is almost fully healed by this point, Charlie just needs to push herself a little harder. Alastor notices something wrong as soon as he sees her, but he doesn’t know what. (it will occur to him later that it was her eyes that had bothered him. Unusually dull and unfocused). 
She ends up fainting during the session. It turns into a nasty fever soon after. She’s delirious and bedridden for a week. Alastor refuses to leave her side the entire time. He keeps her cool gently dapping her with damp rags. He gently tries to get her to eat and drink a little. He uses his shadows to do any work that needs to be done around the hotel. The first few days he tries to play his worry as an act. Playing his worry as a joke, at least to the other hotel staff. It’s a lot harder to try and convince himself. He can still feel the jolt of fear he felt when she suddenly dropped. The rising panic as he tried to wake her to no avail. Not even her feedback was present. Like she wasn’t even there.
 By day three the act is convincing nobody. He still plays up the worried doctor bit (which is starting to feel less like an act as time goes on). But It’s hollow, without any real conviction. And everyone can tell. 
On day four, He takes to talking to her quietly as she sleeps. At first, it's just news about the hotel. Then Alastor scolds her for her actions. Using her own words against her he comments on how he “Cares about her and how she doesn’t have to do everything herself.” 
Day five, He’s more quiet when he talks about being sorry, and talks about missing her. He’s thankful Charlie won’t remember such sappy nonsense. Unfortunately for him, Charlie is more lucid by this time. She’d been confused as to why he was there and kept silent. Listening to everything he said. Fortunately for him if there's one thing Charlie is good at it's second chances to her friends. 
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