#child AU
roseburning · 1 day
Vox has a son.
He has an iPad for a head.
Valentino is his stepdad.
Vox says that Alastor is his biological father.
Alastor despises that kid will every fiber of his being.
Alastor and Vox were never a couple.
Vox just says that to annoy Alastor.
Vox is not good at daddying.
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twisted-dork · 4 months
Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse Child au Incorrect quotes #2 Jail
Lilia trying to call giyuu after an incident with baby dragon Malleus
Lilia: come on pick up pick up
*Giyuu!Yuu picks up the phone wondering where Lilia is*: Lil wher—
Lilia: Hi!!! I love you so much!!
Lilia: Can I have $2500?
*Giyuu!Yuu holding Tanjiro!Yuu while on the phone*: NO??
Giyuu!Yuu: Why on earth do you need 2500 dollars?
Lilia: Oh, you know…
Lilia: for an escape room..
*Giyuu!Yuu puts Tanjiro!Yuu down on their bed*: You’re joking right?….
Lilia: …prison.
*Giyuu!Yuu deadpans*: I’ll be there in 10
Lilia waiting in prison taking the blame for Malleus burning a forest down: Love you
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crowliphale · 1 year
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How do you know? ( @littleswordsman-au )
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colourstreakgryffin · 3 months
I read your fic where Alastor and reader had a baby and it was so cute! Can I request a scenario where Alastor and reader went out cause they haven't gone on a date in a while, so Husk was in charge of babysitting? (cause Alastor cased him to)
Awww! I almost forgot I wrote that fic for real! I mean… I can try this out. Thank you, let’s just pretend Sinners can reproduce and Al is a demisexual!— Hope you guys are okay with the name and gender I gave the baby of this fic-scenario! And also, kinda short!
Alastor- Three Glowing Candles
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After you and Alastor’s precious son, Isidore, was born. Your relationship with your beloved husband… it got different. It definitely didn’t get rocky or loveless. No, no! No! You two are an effective parenting team. Getting up together, going to Isidore together, putting him back to bed together
As you rock the crying Isidore in your arms, Alastor is right there snuggling you and forcing himself to stay awake. He needs to be there for both of you, his wife and his son
Of course, you both focus so much on Isidore that there is only little pieces of time you two can spend together. But then again, you two are nowhere near on tense terms. Anytime Alastor is caring for or playing with Isidore, the moment you come over. Alastor is pulling you down to join in and it’s a family play together
But trust me, even a healthy strong marriage like yours and Alastor’s crave the old times where you were both just spending all the day with one another and going out on nice cute dates together. So, after maybe a few months with Isidore, you two begin discussing arranging a number amounts of dates
And this plan you two discussed is arranged very quickly. Alastor was on the case right away, so excited at being able to go date his wifey again and as soon as he gets the call back, he is calling his most reliable… acquaintance to handle their son and he may or may not have both threatened and bribed the poor sinner to be the on-call babysitter for his and his wife’s son
You two even got dressed up together for this important date night and you both had Isidore right next to you two whilst doing so. As soon as the babysitter arrives, Alastor tries to gently beckon you to come with him to make it to the restaurant in time. His heart breaks to leave his son but he also wants more time with you
The dear husband is struggling a bit to pry you off your son…
“Goodbye, Issy. Me and Daddy love you so so so much—“ You didn’t even get a chance to finish your goodbye to your adorable hybrid sinner demon few month old son, Isidore. Looking into his gorgeous crimson red eyes and playing with his little hands, the tiny fingers clutching your own
Isidore‘s adorable and content coos and babbles out, anytime it’s silent, whilst comfortably laid in his new babysitter’s firm arms, Husk. Before your beloved husband, Alastor, begun dragging you away from both yours and his baby son. He didn’t want to leave his son either but he needed to be the stronger one here
“Come, darling. Issy is in safe hands” Alastor speaks soothingly and comfortingly with his transatlantic accent ringing through, rubbing hands over your shoulders to try ease you. You’re both brand new parents, you having given birth to both of yours’ son just five months ago, and after discussing with your longtime husband, Alastor. You two decided to go out on a date, to relive the days of just dating with no stress of a child. At least, for just one night
You definitely trust Husk, Alastor had used his power over the poor ex-Overlord to ensure he won’t mess up with Isidore in any way or style but you’re naturally protective over the infant. He won’t have his parents for a whole night!
That’s making your heart crack but you trust both your husband and your new babysitter so you willingly follow your husband, smaller arms wrapping around one of his bigger arms
As both of you leave the room, leaving your newborn with the patient child-handling expert. It hurt your heart, it hurt your husband’s heart but you both want some time together. It’s been way too long now and as soon as you’re pass your protective concern over little Isidore
You’re snuggling into Alastor’s bicep, whilst both of you two’s arms are linked together in a cute lace style, you’re more upbeat and excited to attend such a lavish dinner with your man, a wonderful private date Alastor had booked to be empty and peaceful, where you both forgot you were married to one another and forgot you even had a son
It was just like when you were dating the Radio Demon. No responsibilities, no wedding band, no little deer-featured boy in his cot
“Are you having enjoying our night, my dear? I am quite enjoying my time. You look so beautiful, this restaurant is wonderful. Is the dinner nice?”
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bearsandswears · 17 days
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Childhood encounter AU! BabbyGale got separated from his mom mushroom hunting and rather than stay put he ended up more lost trying to show off his navigation skills, luckily helping people lost in the woods is literally Asena’s whole upbringing.
They’re the same age but Asena is a runt.
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bastart13 · 2 months
It's been a while since I did some writing, so here's more of the "Lucio and Nadia had children" AU
tl;dr: Nadia and Lucio still suck together but Portia reminds them they have to be better
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lambiewrites · 6 months
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Letter To Santa
TaskForce 141 x Child!GN!Reader
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Warnings: none, be prepared for teeth rotting, sweet fluff. We believe in Santa on this page. This is primarily center around our dear Capt. Price because seeing him as a father figure would cure my woes. This is not proof read and I just woke up so have fun ❄️🎶🎄
Word Count: 1.29K
The stocking were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St.Nicholas soon would be there.
Little hands eagerly worked at a red pen and delicate paper, smoothing out wrinkles. Fingers grazed papyrus with ease and little barefeet barely brushed against the cold floor. Brows knitted in concentration as the wee babe bite their tongue in thought.
“How do you spell Santa?”
The sweet voice echoed through the barrack walls quite the contrast of its usual interior.
“S-A-N-T-A. Here little one, I’ll write it down for you.” The gruff voice bent down with a crack of his spine before letters curled one by one to spell the jolly fat man’s name.
“And how do you spell Christmas?”
A gruff sigh came from the man’s beard lips as he spelt out the words CHRISTMAS in extra large font for the babe.
Captain Price was a man well into his years, beaten and broken down from multiple years of war and hardship but, somehow or another you wiggled your way into his heart. He most certainly thought of you as his own and cared for you like such.
Calloused hands tending to your every need such as tying your shoes, reaching top shelves, teaching you sight words and so on and so forth.
“Kid, what are they teaching you in school? Do I have to spell everything for you?” He teased, running large calloused digits though H/C hair, ruffling it a bit but quickly slicking down its strands back in place.
“Could you write my letter? Please? I’ll tell you everything you need to write!?” Eager pleads filled the air and brought about the rest of the men to seek out your woes.
“Just this once! And I won’t ask for anything else!”
A half snort left the masked lips of our dearest stoic, balaclava covered “friend”. Deep voice for a large man indeed. A bit scary but, you were never scared of the one in which they call “Ghost”. Oh no, quite the opposite. You played with him, hugged him, snuggled up to him, had breakfast with him, much like everyone else who you had wrapped around your little tiny fingers.
“I find that rather hard to believe,love” He stated rather promptly, leaning back against a rickety chair, stretching his limbs out a bit.
“It’s true! I promise! And I can’t lie because Santa is watching AND, unlike some people-“ You shot glares at Ghost and Soap, Soap whom shot you a half innocent look back as if he had no idea what you were even rambling about. Ghost, if at all possible rolled his eyes beneath the mask at your little rambling. At least Gaz was safe from your rambles and tales of the “naughty and nice list.” You were certain your name and Gaz’s name was on the nice list, and maybe Price’s, but Ghost and Soap’s? Absolutely not!
“I’m gonna be on Santa’s nice list so I can get lots and lots of presents. So I can’t lie. Just, someone please write my Santa letter for me!? That’s all I ask! Please!? Pretty please?! Pretty please with sugar on top?!”
Little hands clasped together eagerly begging and pleading for your letter to be written, feet bounced from one heel to the next, little E/C eyes looked up to the men round, full of light and wonder but pupils wide and begging almost like a puppy who wanted a treat.
“Tch, fine. Only this once. Got it? Now, come here, little one. I’ll see to it that your letter is written and fit for Santa.” Captain Price patted his knee and you eagerly abided, settled atop his knee as if he were Santa himself. Come to think of it, if he had a longer, white beard and was a little fatter and more jollier, he could be Santa. You giggled in thought, earning a brow raise from Price before he carefully held you steady.
The hand that was holding you, held that same bright red ink pen gently against the notebook paper that you had originally used to write your own, little letter.
“Ready Captain? I gotta big list of things to write and say. Think you can keep up?” You teased the old Captain though you did this quite often and found joy in joking about his age. Though, the Captain wasn’t that old. He was in his late 30’s, early 40’s but, to you he was ancient.
“Take your best shot, kiddo.”
He chuckled before the tip of the red pen pressed against the crinkled paper, whereas you rambled on about your list, Price was lightly writing out as followed:
Dear Santa,
I have been really good this year. I have done all of my chores without complaining and been on my best behavior. For Christmas this year I want (insert toy list here) and for my “pretend” family to get everything they want Christmas. Oh! And I want them to be able to go home and spend Christmas with the people they love. Because that’s what Christmas is all about. Family and love.
P.S. Can you please get my Uncle Ghost a boyfriend/girlfriend. Thanks. He’s really lonely.
“Is that good?” You asked the Captain with a small tilt of your head, holding up the crinkled paper reading over each and every sentence you made Price write.
“Men, Do me the honor of looking over their letter. Tell me, is it Santa Clause worthy?” Price held the crinkled paper up for Ghost, Soap and Gaz to look over.
Gaz was the first to read it, chocolate hues scanning the paper over and over again with a small chuckle at the last sentence. A hand went over to tuck strands of H/C behind your ears and compliment your work, though Price wrote you you worded it.
Soap was next and as azure blue eyes looked over the paper he chuckled whole heartedly.
“Ya really are doin’ poor L.T. a favor here aren’t ya lass/lad?” Soap chuckled wholeheartedly before Ghost snatched the paper from the Scotsman.
“Johnny what’re you laughing at-“
He breathed in a heavy sigh at the last little sentence you had, had Price write.
“Bloody hell…”
He grumbled, large digits pinching the bridge of nose through mask and balaclava.
“It’s funny.”
You giggled, peering over Price’s tired shoulders to see Ghost’s reaction.
“Aye lass/lad, it’s also Santa worthy.” Soap got in another chuckle before snatching the crinkle red written letter back from Ghost and letting Price read over it one more time, before sealing it up into an envelope, licking it shut and sticking a little stamp on it.
“Say, Y/N? Do you know what Santa’s address is?” The Captain arched a brow at you as you seemed to be falling somewhat sleep in his gentle hold.
“Uh uh. But I bet it’s on your maps. Somewhere. You got lots of them. You can find it, I believe in you.”
You chuckled in a half sleepy manner, leaning back against Price’s broad chest, H/C and H/L falling over your tired features.
Price turned your body, so you were tucked tightly into his arms gently moving strands of hair out of your face. He thought for a moment at your little request and a subtle hum came from him.
In a hushed tone he whispered a simple,
“Don’t worry little lamb, St.Nicholas will get your letter, my men and I will make sure of it. “
He pressed a soft kiss against the crown of your head before letting you slumber and dream in his arms. He fetched the other men to quickly find Santa’s address for your silly, one of a kind letter.
A/N: I suck at accents and writing but, my brain has been turned off recently because ya girl graduated last Saturday and I threw everything I've ever known out the window haha. I love writing fluff and I will die on that hill. This idea also came to me from a couple of AI chat roleplays and simply, well Christmas spirit. I know the gang is probably ooc and I sincerely apologize for that. I will get better, trust me! Reqs are open forever and always! Reblogs are def appreciated!
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sillypikmin · 8 months
dweevils come across this Child (louie) and decide “yeeees new hat” and he just kinda lets it happen
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& a friendship is formed
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killocal · 9 months
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loadinghellsing · 8 months
Please do baby vlad and Anderson doing the classic walking across a fallen log in the woods panel from Calvin and Hobbes
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things I didn't know I needed until now
Calvin and Hobbes is by Bill Watterson, this is the panel referenced/used;
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Child Au
*Azul tries to teach child Mc to recognize different Merfolk types*
Azul: And what Merfolk is in this picture? (Shows an octopus picture)
Child Mc: Oh I know it's Octopussy!
Azul: What?!
Child Mc: It's Octopussy
Azul: No Mc! It's Octopus not a Octopussy.
Child Mc: No, it's an octopussy.
Azul: Mc who taught you that?
*Tweels start laugh in other room*
Azul: Of course. Should have guessed
Just wait until Child Mc realise that Azul is Octopussy
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atemins · 4 months
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“I will protect you this time!”
Nahida and Alhaitham from my child au. I imagine this after some sort of altercation with the doctor or possibly one of Azar’s followers because Alhaitham in this au is an experiment, he was fused with memories of King Deshret so the sages and Dottore probably find him fascinating
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twisted-dork · 2 months
Demon Slayer (Yuu)niverse Child au Incorrect quotes #6 GIYUU!YUU?!
*Giyuu!Yuu is tucking Child!Silver in his bed and giving him a good night kiss*
Giyuu!Yuu: I got to get back before your father realizes im not in bed
*In their bedroom*
Lilia: *Rubbing his eyes looking around* Giyuu!Yuu?...
Lilia: *Starts to panic and running around the house*GIYUU!YUU!?
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irunaki · 5 months
Child Holly but she has shrimps as friends 🦐
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leggyleggington · 7 months
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So I decided to draw Hyde as a mischievous little 5 year old gremlin. (Basically his mental age). I find the idea of Hyde being Jekyll's inner child interesting, and of course, hilarious. Hyde would throw temper tantrums when he isn't let out and as soon as he perceives the faintest hint of something romantic dramatically gag *cough* Henry and Robert *cough* and he'd constantly pester Frankenstein, the creature and Jasper. These characters are from a comic called the glass scientists by @arythusa
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fizzy-dizzie · 8 months
Ok so I read this fic that was a re-write of the pilot episode, where Dean is still 26 like normal but Sam is 4 and it is SO cute and very fun. (safe by hubbabubbaac18 on ao3)
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I don't know what a 4yo looks like but I hope I'm close enough 💀
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