#child endangerment
sm-baby · 3 months
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Has anyone seen my son?
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odinsblog · 1 year
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More than 300 children, including two 10-year-olds, were found working at McDonald's restaurants across Kentucky and several other states in violation of federal labor laws, the Labor Department said Tuesday.
In one case, investigators found two 10-year-olds were working unpaid and until as late as 2 a.m. at one McDonald's restaurant in Louisville operated by Bauer Food LLC, which is based in Louisville, the department said in a news release.
The two children prepared and distributed food orders, cleaned the store, worked at the drive-thru window and operated a register, investigators found. One of them was also allowed to operate a deep fryer, a task prohibited for workers under the age of 16 under federal law.
Most of the restaurants, 45 of the 62, were in Kentucky, according to data released by the department.
The revelation was part of an investigation into the child labor law violations in the Southeast. The agency also found three franchisees that own more than 60 McDonald's locations in Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio, "employed 305 children to work more than the legally permitted hours and perform tasks prohibited by law for young workers" the Labor Department said in a statement.
The franchisees, Bauer Food, Archways Richwood and Bell Restaurant Group, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. CNN has also reached out to McDonald's for comment.
(source) (source)
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gwydionmisha · 10 months
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lasagnaprince · 1 year
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man this douche really can't get over the goblin joke huh
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for helping my daughter bond with her dog?
Ever since my (50M) wife passed away a few years ago, it's just been me, my daughter (5F, lets call her N) and the family dog. She's a well behaved child, although unfortunately I haven't been able to spend much time playing with her due to my demanding government job. As a result of this, N has grown very attached to the dog.
For some context, I'm known in my field for having done something no one else could years ago. My job's been putting more and more pressure on me to recreate that success ever since but I've never been able to again, and recently I've been told I'd lose my job if I could not recreate the results. As you can tell, this has been weighing down on me but thankfully my job sent over some teens (lets call them E and A) who needed my help and didn't mind looking after my daughter so I was able to focus more on work. They were getting along really well and got rather close even.
It all came to a head when I found the solution to my problem. My little girl's always wanted to help out her papa and has been begging to recently so I decided, why not? And with her help, I was finally, finally able to recreate the results that would save my job. She and the dog has been invaluable to my 'research' and now they're closer then ever. E and A did not react well to this, even though they should understand the importance of our work more than anyone, and E nearly beat me to death. So tell me, am I really the asshole in this situation for trying to keep my job?
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onlytiktoks · 3 months
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pespillo · 7 months
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Captain Avery vs The Thing from Another World aka "what if instead of possessing Hunter, Philip went onto possessing Jacob instead and tried getting revenge on Gus for the illusion spell in King´s tide?"
this is how things go in the timeline of Emperor´s Acolyte AU , i wanted to explore more on Gus n Philip´s squandered potential for a dynamic and how would Gus act under pressure of being isolated by a very dangerous man , doesnt help that such man also decided to kill another human right in front of him (yes, Jacob does not survive this timeline) , Gus cant even properly do his breathing exercises while cornered so he resorts to counting numbers , but Belos trying to shush him in the way that he would with Hunter pulls him outta the fear out of shock as you can see. Gus isnt kidding when he says he saw - everything -.
other things of note is that Belos didnt get splatted in King´s tide by Collector like in canon, so his form Was more stable, and his stay in the human realm went differently , more disappointment, more fear and desperation building in naturally from actually confronting the town and the way things inevitably change and religion breaks down, in a way Gus goes thru that journey as well in realizing just how utterly flawed the Human realm is ,trying to come to terms with a loss of innocence and trying to find wonder in the people and the variety of experiences humanity has.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 2 years
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What did they do as their new friend was taken away? I’ll leave that to your imagination!
In the flipparoo au, Sun and Moon have never had to handle children before, even if they were programmed for it they were shut away before they ever had the chance to actually fulfill their reason for being. So, naturally, they long to be with the kids during open hours! But Reader has specifically told them that they can’t yet, and that they should just be in a recharge state until the kids go home. Of course, they don’t always listen.
Why so much paranoia?? Well, firstly, they’re still pretty unstable, if you couldn’t tell. The other reason is that they still don’t know how to control their strength or curb their enthusiasm- which would be more than a little dangerous for any kids in the vicinity
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davekatzdefensesquad · 3 months
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sm-baby · 2 months
Well can we see Mei-Lyn as a baby?
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ninelivesastrology · 1 month
People who hate children would definitely look the other way if any kind of harm was coming to one, if not partake in the harm themselves.
It's cool to be child free, even to be like, "Yeah, children aren't in my life path." God knows I don't care, but if hating them is a part of someone's personality, it's very obvious what type of person they are.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Raphael’s Amputation Saga:
Warning, I had absolutely no idea how to end this one
He shouldn’t have been playing alone. He knew that, in the back of his mind. If any of the others tried to do what he was doing he would chase them down and drag them back home.
But Raph was different. He was bigger and smarter and stronger. He could find his way back because he was older and he knew how to not get lost. Plus, Leo had gotten Mikey and Donnie to play a game of knights and dragons with him and Raph hated that game. Leo always made him be the dragon. He didn’t like being the dragon. The dragon was the *bad guy*.
He also knew which sewer grate usually dropped all the coolest toys. From above he could hear human kids yelling and laughing, but he knew not to look. Looking meant someone could see him.
So he waited, holding onto his tail as he splashed in the water. It was getting really long, just like Dad’s. He liked using his tail to copy what Dad’s did, practicing to make it move the way Dad moved his when he taught them their ninja stuff.
He could swear he was getting better with it every day. He didn’t trip on it as much and he was good about making sure it wasn’t dragging where Mikey could step on it (even if Mikey thought it was funny). He could move it around easier, too! Donnie and Leo played a game to see who could jump over his tail longest while he was wagging it and it was the funnest most greatest game ever.
But now he was waiting.
He held his tail in his mouth as he bounced in the water of the drain pipe, giggling as he went. Maybe no one would drop a toy today. That would be sad, but at least he had some time to play by himself!
If he didn’t get any new toys today maybe he could come back and sneak up when it was dark. Sometimes kids forgot toys on the playground itself and he could take them to share with his brothers. Donnie was really good at fixing anything broken, too, so he could just grab anything!
Maybe he could convince them to play superheroes again and they could-
Something terribly loud happened up top. It was sharp and painful, banging multiple times. Something smashed against the grate of the drain and Raph froze, terrified.
He bit down.
He didn’t know why he bit down, but he did.
Raph knew he had sharp teeth. He’d bit Leo once when he was mad and Dad had had to give him stitches. Leo had been angry and scared for days after.
He didn’t realize just how much his bite hurt.
He kept his teeth clenched, though. Why wasn’t he letting go? Why couldn’t he let go?
His teeth sunk deeper into his own flesh.
The noises up top were still loud. He could hear some people screaming. He couldn’t understand their words but they were loud and there were so many and everything smelled like blood- so much blood.
He didn’t remember getting home. He must’ve let go of his tail at some point, but his mouth still tasted like blood.
He looked down at his tail. He must’ve dragged it through the water because it was less gross than he thought it would be, but it was still bleeding.
He had to hide it. Dad hated when they got hurt. He’d been in big trouble when he bit Leo and Dad would be so mad that he’d hurt himself. How could he do that? Why did he do that? Why didn’t he just *let go*?
He ran to the bathroom and tore into the first aid kit. They had to keep lots of stuff in it because Mikey was really good at getting scraped up and Donnie got sick a lot, so it wasn’t hard to find some bandaids to cover the bites.
He whimpered as he stuck the first bandage, the fabric soaking through with blood almost immediately.
He was gonna need a lot of bandages.
His tail wasn’t getting better. The bleeding had stopped but now it was turning gross colors and it was turning black. It hurt really bad, too.
Thankfully, Dad hadn’t noticed yet. He had been a lot more cagey lately, determined they didn’t leave the lair. Apparently whatever that loud thing was the other day was actually really bad and dangerous. He pretended to be scared to hide in his room but his tail hurt so bad he couldn’t help but cry.
The gross colored bit was spreading too. At first it was just in the scab, but by now it was spread almost halfway up his tail, making it hard to move it at all without hurting really bad. Worst of all, the bite started smelling bad and was oozing some gross stuff that he knew was bad.
He cried, hating himself for running away. He should’ve just listened to Leo and played the dragon. If he was a dragon he wouldn’t be hurting. He wouldn’t be hiding from everyone under his bed, sobbing, wishing he could curl his tail around him for comfort.
Donnie had already come in to check on him, but Raph had been able to get him to go away. Mikey and Leo wouldn’t be as easy to convince, and if Mikey or Leo found out he was hurt then they’d tell Dad and Dad would yell at him.
He was already in pain, he didn’t want to be yelled at.
He clutched his teddy bear close, burying his beak it its matted fur, staining it with more tears.
“Red! Why didn’t you say anything?”
Raph wailed, clinging to Draxum’s neck hard enough to start choking him.
“Why the hell did you let it get this bad?” Draxum hissed, trying to pull Raph’s arms looser around his neck while not dropping the already injured child, “This is terribly infected! Spirits alive, the end of it is practically already dead.”
In the end, Mikey or Leo didn’t have to find him. Draxum stopped by for a random visit and came looking for him. Now Mikey was crying and Leo and Donnie were holding him, looking at him like he was dying.
“What the hell do we do?”
“Well first we need to clean it and see how bad it is. Fuck, this is *not* what I meant when I said I had a doctorate, rat.”
The tub’s water was cold. He cried as the water touched his burning hot tail, painful and so shocking his vision went white.
Dad and Draxum continued to argue.
One of them grabbed his tail and pain laced through his body, ripping up through his spine, and he passed out.
When he woke up he was cold. He had a blanket placed over him and he was laid on the couch. He carefully moved to look at his tail.
It wasn’t better.
Someone had wrapped it in some white bandages, but he could see the gross ooze seeping through, and it still hurt.
He whimpered, pulling the blanket over his head, trying to hide.
“You have to consider that it will have to be removed.”
That was Draxum. He was using the voice he used just before him and Dad started yelling.
“Removed? And who will do that, Draxum? You?”
Dad was also using his going-to-yell-soon voice.
“Would you prefer the infection spread?” Draxum snapped, “It’s no wonder that it got infected in the first place, you’ve made your home in a den of filth.”
“Yes, let’s change the subject from you wanting to mutilate my child to the state of the home I’ve struggled to build for said children.” Dad hissed and something smacked against the stone.
“They are my children too!” Draxum finally yelled, “You think I want to remove his tail? I’m not the one who let him play in disgusting waters!”
Raph sobbed, quiet and muffled beneath the blanket.
They wanted to cut his tail off?
He wrapped the blanket tighter around himself, sliding off the couch, whimpering when his tail slid down onto the floor.
It hurt, but he didn’t want to lose his tail.
He could fix it.
He always fixed it.
Whenever Mikey got infections they cleaned them with cold water.
He knew where to get really cold water.
He could fix his tail and come back and show Dad and Draxum and they’d stop yelling and be so proud of him for fixing the problem all alone.
Maybe they’d even give him a reward for being brave and smart.
He stumbled across the lair, heading towards the east, where the coldest water was.
He could fix this.
Raphael was gone.
Splinter had lost the kids before, usually while they were playing, and he’d had his fair share of heart attacks from searching for the missing turtle.
This was different.
Raphael was ill. Not like Donnie, who got sick practically every other week, but actually ill. His tail was severely infected and the fever resulting from it had him delirious. He talked in his sleep and cried more in the past day than he ever had in his little life. The sound was both grating and heartbreaking.
He didn’t understand how this happened. Or, even worse, when. As much as he was loathe to admit, Draxum’s words stung and he was overly aware of all the unclean spaces of their lair. He would have to have the boys help him clean from now on. Their little hands would be able to clean the harder to reach spaces easier.
“This way.”
Draxum held some mystic compass in his hand. They’d had to dig one of the filthy bandages out of the trash for the magic to connect to Raphael, guiding them through the sewer tunnels to find where the boy had wandered off.
He couldn’t quite tell if he was furious at his son for wandering or terrified that perhaps he was having another delirious episode induced by the fever. Perhaps it was both.
Draxum lead them down a tunnel, his leggings pulled up and cinched tight around his thighs so they wouldn’t get soaked in the frigid autumn waters. They moved as quickly as they could, only communication through directions and an occasional grab of the hand.
(He did not enjoy holding Draxum’s hand through this. It was not comforting and did not help him through his panic.)
He swore they would never find him. They had been running through the sewers for what felt like hours. Would Raphael even be alive at this point? Would they be able to revive him? Would he lose one of his children? Would he have to explain to the others why they would never see Raphael again?
“He’s here.”
Splinter’s breath stuck in his throat and he dropped Draxum’s hand, hurrying forward into the tunnel. He could smell his boy, his nose twitching as he hurried forward, almost falling onto his hands as he forced himself to keep moving, to find his baby, his little boy-
Raphael was curled in on himself, half submerged in the frigid water. His face was under the water, oh fuck, what if he’d drowned?
He grabbed him, dragging him out of the water and off to the side of the tunnel, unable to hear anything but the blood in his ears and the frantic pounding of his own heart. He checked for a pulse, for signs of life, anything to tell him that his child was alive.
Raphael coughed.
Splinter nearly sobbed.
Raph wasn’t allowed to play for a long time.
Dad tried to explain to the boys as best be could, but Mikey didn’t understand. Donnie got sick all the time and he was able to keep playing after a few days. Leo got hurt constantly and he never had to stop playing. Why couldn’t Raph play with them?
“Raphael is very hurt and needs to heal. Playing could make it worse. Leave him alone.”
Playing never made anything worse, though! And Raph was the best to play with because he was so big and his shell was super easy to climb and his tail was the best jump rope ever.
Leo listened to Dad, but he clearly wasn’t happy about it. Mikey had found him sitting in front of Raph’s door a few times, claiming to be “guarding” him. Mikey knew he was just waiting for an excuse to go in.
Donnie locked himself in his room. Whenever Mikey snuck in he found Donnie on his computer, looking at things with way too many words for him to care. A few times he managed to get Donnie to take a break and play with him, but that usually didn’t last long.
Mikey missed Raph.
So obviously the only logical conclusion was that he had to go see Raph.
From an outside perspective, it wasn’t actually that hard. But to Mikey it was a super dangerous stealth and infiltration mission with probably dire consequences. His obstacles: Leo and Dad. He’d have to distract them both if he wanted to get into Raph’s room.
He hurried to the kitchen, digging through the pantry until he pulled out Leo’s favorite cereal. With a mischievous giggle, he upended the box, dumping it onto the floor in a big mess, leaving the box aside before running off again to hide.
Sure enough, eventually, Mikey heard Splinter shout for Leo, sounding very upset. Leo hurried off from his spot in front of Raph’s door. Mikey dashed over, sliding in without a sound. He flapped his hands, grinning as he tiptoed over to Raph’s bed.
Raph didn’t respond.
He circled around so he could see his brother’s face, and frowned when he found he was asleep. It was the middle of the day!
“Raphie.” He pushed his hand against Raph’s nose, “Raphie, wake up.”
He grinned when his brother’s eyes finally slid open and landed on him. His pupils were HUGE, but he looked at Mikey with familiarity. He trilled, soft and sad, his hands moving slow to reach out for Mikey’s.
“What’s wrong?” Mikey climbed up onto the bed, laying down next to him, “Are you hurt?”
Raph chirped an affirmative. He wrapped his arms around Mikey, resting his head against Mikey’s plastron, churring sleepily.
“You can’t play?”
Raph shook his head.
“Oh. Can I stay and nap with you?”
He nodded.
“Okay lemme get comfy.”
They adjusted a bit, laying down together so Raph could hold onto Mikey like a big teddy bear, and Raph quickly fell back asleep.
Mikey didn’t. His mind was going way too fast, so instead he imagined cars racing on the back of Raph’s shell, humming their engine sounds as Raph snored on his chest.
He didn’t understand why Raph couldn’t play, but it was easier to accept after seeing him himself.
Mission successful!
Draxum watched Michelangelo sneak into Raphael’s room from his spot in the corner. He went completely unnoticed, glancing up from his book as the children spoke for just a moment before curling up together. Splinter would want him to chase Michelangelo off, to let Raphael rest after his amputation, but it seemed the usually overly-excited child was willing to be calm and so he saw no harm.
Plus he really didn’t want to deal with any crying.
Later he would chide Michelangelo for breaking the rules, but for now he supposed it was okay.
I loved writing Splinter being scared for Raph’s well-being. Dude’s just trying to keep four kids he never asked for alive and now one of them is sick and missing???? Shit fuck fuck shit oh fuck oh shit
Featuring half-decent Dad(?) Draxum.
-Monster Anon
FUCK I FORGOT TO POST THIS when i first read it SOBB
no but i fuckin !!! LOVE THIS!!! I love the way Mikey's little kid brain doesnt really understand until he sees raph SSOBBBb Raph leaving to try to fix it and cause he's scared of draxum & splinter shoutinggg, guhhhghasgdhsdf
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
AITA for not going through with a plan?
Okay, let me explain. I (15M) along with fifteen other students, were stuck in this school surrounded by a giant dome. There is no way out, except… killing someone and getting away with it. Basically, this group of robot bears forced us into this school and told us the only way out was to kill and get away with it, damn things even called it a game. Because of this, along with some motives given to us by the bears, a lot of us have… died or gotten killed. One of us, the one we’ve known as a liar (15M, I’ll call him K) came up with a plan once there were seven of us left (or he’s been planning once since the start. It’s… kinda hard to tell with him.) K would surprise the real mastermind by outing himself as the mastermind behind the killing game, in the process, he kidnapped me and explained everything.
K wanted to make an unsolvable case, one that would cause the bear in charge (??M, I’ll call him MK) to make a mistake, one where nobody, not even S (15M), our detective, or MK would be able to figure out the victim and the culprit. K said that if MK (and therefore the mastermind) made a mistake, we could use it to stop the killing game. I didn’t want to help K, mainly because I didn’t want to be a killer, and because I didn’t trust K, but one of the other students (15F, I’ll call her M) broke in and shot K with poison. She was going to shoot him again but I took the second hit. When M brought us the antidote, K pretended to drink it and gave it to me once I told her to leave.
I really didn’t want M to be the killer, so I agreed to go with K’s plan. I won’t go into how I killed K, but with some of the technology K was able to scrounge up, and a video with a certain camera angle, I had convinced them that I was dead, and K was the killer. At least, that’s what they believed at first. S figured it out, he figured everything out, but when he realized what K and I were trying to do, he started to lie, and MK reminded everyone that if they were wrong, they would die. I couldn’t let them die. So I went against the plan and revealed myself. I wanted to stop the killing game, but I couldn’t let my friends die for it.
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awetistic-things · 1 year
there’s this trend going around on tiktok right now where moms record a sort-of daily vlog of their toddler/young child, then do a voice-over parody of what they think their child is thinking about their mom and the overall situation
now, lots of these videos are super adorable and funny, but then you see the amount of saves, and you scroll far down in the comments and see some very, very concerning things
in the world we live in, there isn’t a fail-safe way to protect your child from any and all types of harm. i mean, you can teach your child traffic safety all you want, but there’s still a chance of them being hit by a car
but, when it comes to this current trend and social media in general, parents severely miss out on the opportunity of protecting their child by simply not posting them online to millions of strangers
it doesn’t matter how cute you think this video of your child is, at the end of the day, you are exposing them to millions of people with no regard for basic morality and ethics, and i desperately hope parents start to accept this fact sooner rather than later
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seadragon-sailing · 7 months
Baby versions of everyone?
((Sorry that this took so long. I also apologize because I decided to be a jerk, and add a little bit of character lore that turns this cute idea into something sad... ^^; I had fun thinking about it, tho))
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For the most part, things weren't too bad for Luka, Tamara and Lee when they were babies! Grew up pretty happy well-provided for.
But for the others...
Tw; death, and child endangerment(?)/abandonment under the cut
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Things were a little rough.
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Two people were arrested at a transphobic protest that took place outside a Calgary high school on Wednesday.
The demonstration on the grounds of Western Canada High School in the 600 block of 17 Avenue S.W. was led by Josh Alexander, an Ontario teen who previously protested the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board’s decision to allow transgender teens to use bathrooms according to their gender identity.
It was also organized by True Dominion Canada, an ultra-conservative group led by Nathaniel Pawlowski, son of Calgary street preacher Artur Pawlowski.
The poster for the protest featured transphobic and homophobic statements, claiming “radical gender ideology” is “sexualizing children.”
Both Nathaniel and Josh were met by a group of counter-protesters, some of which are students at the high school. [...]
Continue reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @abpoli
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