#clone roy
obsessedftshit · 17 days
Young Justice S3 Ep4 Part 2
Again, Daddy Roy being a full on dad, telling the kids to put on their seatbelts. Nah cause I found this scene so cute and funny.
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Not all the Harper's teaming against Dick. I live for the family team up.
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Ok so, let me just say when we first saw Zatara in S1 with 13 year old Zatanna, he looked like, what 30 years old but he might've been 40 cause he must've had Zatanna when he was 30 smth cause my dad is 47 and im 17 rn but 47-4, my dad waa 43 when i was 13. So let's presume Zatara was 40+ when Zatanna was 13. Since 5 years passed in S2 and another 2 years in S3 Zatara would be at least 47+ so would he have grey hair and a full on white beard? Cause my dad has black hair with a little white and no beard but even when the little pricks come out from my dad's face, it's a mix of black and white. So I'm just wondering, I mean Zatara could have white hair and a white beard since hed be like 47+ but idk. So men usually get white hair and a white beard at that age? I mean I think so but alhamdulillah that hasn't happened to my dad as much as it did to Zatara.
Not me doing maths to figure out how old Zatara is 😭.
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Roy telling Dick that he's gotta deal with the 2 guests he and the others saved from a mission is so real because idk wtf Dick's doing. Like I get he's no Batman and doesn't wanna be a leader anymore and shit but S1 Robin would have already dealt with this by finding a place for them and shit. I srsly don't know y Dick's being lazy and still "figuring" out what to do with them. Step up ur game boy. Your Robin self is probably cursing at u for being stupid and lazy for not doing anything.
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Roy saying "THE BOARD NEVER LIES!" Is my favourite line from now on.
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Their facial expressions r everything.
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Not Roy getting his board before jumping on the truck 😭. He really loves his clipboard.
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I actually feel so bad for Zatanna cause she probably still feels guilty for what happened since her father stopped her from being the golden guy (lmao I forgot his name 😭). It's actually torture how she can't live with her dad or even see him on a daily cause he's trapped in that stupid guys body. That guy is actually annoying.
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Gifs made by me
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hypewinter · 2 months
Much to Danny's horror, it turns out that his DNA was used to stabilize many clones developed by Cadmus and the Light.
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mysterycitrus · 2 months
i think isolating the bats from their teams and external support systems is like….. functionally bad. like wdym red hood is on dicks speeddial but his actual soulmate donna troy isn’t. why is everyone in gotham. why do these people have no friends
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actuallybarb · 2 months
here with me
pairing: male x gn!reader (i tagged with a lot of different male characters i find comforting, but there’s no names used so you can imagine anyone you so please)
word count: 0.6k
warnings: reader is in pain (nothing descriptive), he comforts. just fluff
a/n: i wrote this as a result of my own migraines, but i kept all the symptoms vague because any chronic pain is a bitch, and you deserve to be treated softly by the person of your choice
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The apartment usually wasn’t this quiet when he got home.
Or this dark.
He set his keys on the counter and left his boots by the door, then carefully stepped through the apartment. The kitchen and living room were both empty, and the office looked like it hadn’t been touched all day.
There was no light under the bedroom door. He set a cautious hand on the doorknob, but a quiet whimper had him opening the door without question.
You were laid out on the bed, on top of the covers, with an arm draped over your eyes. The ceiling fan and rotary fan on the ground were both spinning at top speed, and he could just see a dark bag poking out under your neck.
He quietly closed the door and returned to the kitchen, now a man on a mission. He grabbed a straw and a water bottle from the fridge, then took an ice pack from the freezer and wrapped it with a dish towel. He took the last item, a bottle of painkillers, from the cabinet and silently returned to the bedroom, the only sound of his presence being the faint click as the door closed one more time.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
You let out another small whimper.
“How bad is it?”
Unbearable, then, if you were using an actual pain scale.
He set his items on the nightstand and took a seat beside you on the bed.
“At 3.”
Only a couple hours ago, too soon to take more. He put those beside the lamp.
He uncapped the water bottle and put the straw in, then he gently tucked a hand behind your head and lifted. “Drink.”
Your lips wrapped around the straw, and he didn’t pull the bottle away until you’d swallowed at least four times. But before you could lay back down, he replaced your old ice pack with a new one. You shivered a little, but the cold was a welcome reprieve.
“Stay or go?”
You could’ve cried. He’d stuck with you through this so many times he knew your comforts by heart. He read your moods instantly, and most of the time didn’t need promptings, but he always took the time to ask when it got bad like this. And he never shamed you for only being able to say a few words at a time.
It nearly came out as a sob.
He shed his jacket and started unbuttoning his jeans. “Shirt or no shirt?”
He took off his current shirt and replaced it with his sleep one, nothing decorating the black fabric, just ultra-soft cotton.
“Where do you want me?”
It differed every time. Sometimes you didn’t want him at all, the thought of another person with you sending jolts of pain through your body. Other times you wanted him to stay, but on the other side of the bed. Or you wanted him close, but barely touching.
Or sometimes you needed him to put all of his body weight on top of you like a human weighted blanket.
He positioned himself, knees on either sides of your thighs, then he slowly lowered himself until his hands on either side of your face were the only thing keeping him up.
He finished lowering himself and settled his full weight against you.
You sighed in relief.
You nodded and tucked yourself into the crook of his neck. “Better.”
“Three taps if I’m suffocating you.”
For the first time that day, you took a deep breath and relaxed.
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ghostbsuter · 7 months
Yeah, been watching Justice League
Tw!! Mentioned child trafficking, not focused on, just mentioned on the side for reasons.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Again, they lost him again.
Dick hates it.
They uncovered multiple Meta-trafficking bases and put a stop to Every. Single. One.
Yet each time, they lose only single pot with a young teen inside.
Each time intercepted by weaponised meta children and other thugs.
Nightwing swears on the blue logo on his chest, he will get that boy out.
Cost it what it will.
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emptyjunior · 7 months
soulmate AUs are cringey blah blah blah, Roy Harper/Jason Todd soulmate au where they don't meet until they're older but a teen Roy gets up in the night to shake Ollie awake because he felt his soulmate die
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keclan · 5 months
imagine going through god’s most worst teen angst and finally coming out of it in your mid twenties and then having to babysit a teen version of you but this time he has a rocket launcher built into his arm
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skullmoss · 1 year
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normies fucked up about what happened in episode six meanwhile im fucked up because the writers reminded us ted kennedy left a woman to drown
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obsessedftshit · 17 days
Young Justice S3 Ep4 Part 4
Roy: "I think we looked better in our Bo Hunter security outfits.
Dick - "No, you do not.
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Edit by - @mj_baguette on TikTok
Gif made by me
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
The wrong shade of green
Danny’s arrival in Star City is not what you might call, uneventful. He was on the run from the GIW, after a lucky shot they manage to catch him while he was transforming. Unfortunately this lead to Danny being chased out of town, unable to transform lest they manage to track his ecto signature. The only reason he managed to get away was thanks to Red Huntress and his parents. They managed to distract the GIW while he made his getaway. He still doesn’t know how his parents feel about him being phantom but they were ready to help when he needed it and that’s what counts.
His first thought was to meet up with Jazz at her college if things went south, but with his identity revealed he knew going to her would put her in danger. With amity on lock down he’s unable to get to the portal. So he manages to get a ticket out of town and hops from bus to bus. At some point he ends up in Star City. He’s managed to pick a few pockets to keep himself fed and clothed unfortunately one night as he was heading back to his “home” (a condemned apartment building that was fine as long as he didn’t breathe too much) he came across a mugging. As much as Danny knows he shouldn’t he interferes, the woman gets away unharmed Danny is not so lucky. Danny managed to get a nice little bullet wound just barely missing his kidneys. It looked like the mugger was about to go in for the “kill” (boy would he be surprised) when the gun it pinned to the wall by a red arrow. Danny slumps to the ground. Trying to figure out if he needed to leave the city already when a teen about his age pops up out of seemingly nowhere and goes to help him try to stop the bleeding. Danny asks who the hell are you, he looks at him like he’s crazy and they he’s like “you must be new around here, I’m speedy” Danny laughs and starts to get up “okay speedy thanks for the help but I’m gonna get going” he grabs Danny like “you are bleeding out you’re not going anywhere” Danny looks him straight in the eye and says “who’s gonna stop me?” And keeps walking speedy follows him and says “im just trying to help! Your gonna die if you don’t get medical attention!” Danny mumbles “too late for that” not realizing speedy heard him.
He pauses and says “at least let me help you get where you need to go” Danny hesitates but accepts and speedy wraps Danny’s arm around his shoulder and helps Danny make it back to where he’s staying. Speedy looks more than a little worried about the state of the building but doesn’t fight him. Once they get inside speedy takes out all the medical supplies he has and gets to work. If he’s surprised by the scars scattered around Danny’s body he doesn’t say anything. Once he finished up he helps Danny lay down and says he’ll be back tomorrow to check on him “so make sure you’re here ‘cus I’ll be pissed if I come here and you’re gone” Danny laughs and says okay. This continues for about a week as Danny slowly begins to heal. Speedy would bring food and supplies then they would sit and talk and at some point or another Danny starts to tinker with speedy’s arrows, improving them. But eventually speedys mentor notices that he seems to be disappearing consistently and coming back with improved equipment. Worried that he’s gotten involved with someone he shouldn’t he follows speedy to the condemned building.
What he finds is his apprentice wrapping fresh bandages around the torso of a teen who is in the process of taking apart his arrows. He slowly leaves the shadows with his hands up to show he’s not a threat. “So this is where my young apprentice has been sneaking off to every night” speedy looks nervous and Danny looks ready to run until speedy puts a hand on his shoulder “I’m not here to stop you I just wanted to make sure you were okay, your friend appears to be hurt, do you mind if I take a look at it.” Danny hesitates but nods, green arrow removes the bandages once more and when he sees the scars littering his body he looks worriedly at speedy who just shakes his head. Green arrows mouth sets in a determined line “it looks like it’s healing pretty well” he looks around the building “this place isn’t the safest though, I have a safe house nearby you can stay in.” Danny looked surprised at the offer and looked to speedy for confirmation, he grinned at Danny. Danny rubbed the back of his neck and reluctantly agreed on the condition he can leave anytime he wants. Speedy immediately agrees and the get Danny to the safe house.
It takes time but eventually Danny tells speedy what he is running from and why and speedy in turn reveals his identity as Roy Harper. They swear each other to secrecy, even from green arrow. After about a month green arrow eventually reveals his identity to him and invites him to join the team doing weapons maintenance. This is when he is introduced to Dinah who he comes to greatly admire, Ollie thinks he has a crush on her because he always watches her train and is more than happy to join in every time. Danny agrees on the condition he’s getting paid for his work. Eventually Danny comes to see Ollie as a kind of uncle and Dinah as a sort of aunt, about a week after this development however Roy goes missing. Danny starts learning to hack, searching for any hint of where Roy disappeared to. Dinah and Ollie search on the ground and between the three of them they find Roy or so they think.
When Ollie comes home with “roy” Danny refuses to believe it’s him, he can’t explain it but he knows it’s not him. The duo try to win him over, after all who else could it be, but Danny refuses. You couldn’t say they were on terrible terms, but Danny didn’t trust him, not one bit and he continued to search for the real Roy to no avail, despairing in the knowledge that he can’t use his powers without being hunted, but it would make things so much easier. One day after a year of searching, the fake Roy officially wins his trust, but not in the way you would think. He’s by himself in the apartment when “Roy” comes rushing in panicked talking about how he was right he was always right and how he found out he was a clone. Danny tries to calm him down and tells him that they need to tell green arrow, they split up, but by the time Danny finds Ollie, “Roy” is already there acting as if nothing happy as can be chatting about how excited he is to finally be welcomed into the league base. Ollie laughs and says “we’ll that’s not the real base, the real one is a satellite in space” Danny is shocked, but he now understands that “Roy” is not fully in control. He decides to play nice and pretend he let the matter drop but continues to search.
After Cadmus happens Ollie invites Danny to work with the young justice team, helping them improve their equipment and helping out. The justice league knows about Danny and knows he’s hiding from something but something (tucker and technus) has prevented them from finding out exactly what. Batman agrees with Danny helping out the team but gives robin the mission of trying to figure out who he is and what he’s running from. Danny agrees knowing that the old league base most likely had much better access than Ollie’s. He joins the team in training and everyone is shocked when he manages to take down superboy, Dinah laughs and says it’s only to be expected from her star pupil. Danny does everything he can to make sure no one knows about his research, however after Kaldur returns from Atlantis earlier than planned only to find Danny hacking into secure documents. He raises his weapon and tells Danny to step away from the computer. Danny backs up and manages to play it off as he was worried about the people who took roy trying to do so again, especially since he’s on his own now, and what their intentions were to begin with. Kaldur reluctantly accepts the answer and even more reluctantly agrees to keep it a secret as he told Ollie he would drop it, on the condition that he would keep him informed and promise not to act on any information he finds. After that the two start to hang out more and Danny start to feel bad about lying to Kaldur but knows hed be putting everyone in danger if he were to try to expose Roy without proof. Everyone starts to slowly realize there’s something off about Danny but they just can’t put their finger on it. When Shazam starts hanging out with the team and later Zatanna this becomes even more evident as the two seemed to have a high respect for danny that neither can really explain.
Everything comes to a head at New Years when red arrow is inducted into the league. When it was revealed that red arrow was to mole all along Kaldur immediately looked to Danny who refused to look him in the eye. He says bluntly “you knew” Danny sighs and says “of course I knew, he was practically my brother. But without proof I would be putting the real Roy, the clone roy and all of you in danger. This isn’t the first time he realized a clone and everytime his mind is wiped and he simply forgets.” He looks away “I checked the DNA they are a perfect match, I had to find a way to solidly prove that he wasn’t Roy otherwise everyone would think I was delusional…again.” With Danny’s help they track down the fake Roy and they manage to take back the watchtower. After winning the day danny and the newly named will team up to continue the search for the real Roy.
Onto season 2 of young justice
It’s been 2 years now and Danny is not 18-19
Will and Danny are in a safe house searching for Roy when they get word that Artemis is dead. Danny is devastated. They might not have gotten along in the beginning but he had come to see her as a little sister. As much as he cares for Kaldur he is determined to get revenge. Luckily will manages to get a lead on roy before Danny does something he would regret. They manage to get Roy back and he’s in the hospital. They won’t let him see roy until roy finally asks for him. “How did you know he wasn’t me, how were you the only one who knew?!” He grinned and said “oh he was much less of a dumbass and I just knew it couldn’t be you.” He laughed “but to be honest I don’t know, he just didn’t FEEL right if that makes sense, like he was just out of sync.” Roy seems to accept the answer and thanks Danny for never stopping his search.
Danny went to get the two of them food and when he came back roy was gone. Luckily he was considerate enough to leave a note. “Not kidnapped gotta go kick ass” Danny laughs and throws the note in the trash after all he’s gotta a new search to start and ass to kick of his own. He begins his hunt (he learned from the best). Danny manages to hunt down Kaldur to a submarine 10 of the coast of biallya. When Kaldur enters his quarters and starts to take off his armor he catches some movement out of the corner of his eye, narrowly dodging a very sharp, very deadly arrow. Kaldur find himself in a fight to the death as Danny comes at him with all of his training from both canary and arrow. The fight is just loud enough to draw attention, Kaldur just barely manages to pin Danny to the wall when a henchman knocks on his door, Danny is certain he’s about to need to use his powers when Kaldur tells him to leave. Danny looks shocked as Kaldur slowly lets him go. Not one to waste an opportunity Danny knocks Kaldur to the ground turning the tables on him and holds a knife to his throat. Danny demands an explanation. Kaldur says I could ask same how did you get here. Danny pushes the knife a little more against Kaldurs throat and says I’m asking the questions. “Why did you betray us?! You killed artemis! And why did you protect me?!”
Kaldur looks him in the eye and begins to explain everything, about how his father is black manta and he used that to infiltrate the light and how Artemis is alive. Danny reluctantly moves the knife from his throat. “Why should I believe a word you say? This could all be a trap?” “You and I both know it’s not, but if you need proof I can call her here, assuming you’ve disabled the security in here” Danny scoffs “do I look like an amateur to you?” Kaldur takes a small item out of his pocket and sends a signal about 15 min later Kaldur is handcuffed sitting on his bed when tigress enters the room. As she’s turning around she asks what the emergency was and get tackled by Danny. “I’m so glad your alive!” Artemis laughs and asks what he was doing here, he steps aside to reveal the bound Kaldur and says “ the original plan was to come here and take revenge but clearly that’s not needed” and he goes to uncuff Kaldur. Artemis covers her mouth trying desperately not to laugh as Kaldur moved to stand. “To be fair he was able to take down Conner on his first time don’t feel to bad” the three catch up a bit before Danny leaves in order to make sure he doesn’t blow their cover. They ask if he need help getting out but he winks and says “I have my ways” after Danny is gone Artemis gives Kaldur a Look and he says “not a word” she grins “I didn’t say anything, but if I did I would say you were looking mighty happy to see dear old Danny. But seriously when this is over if you don’t ask him out I will personally tie the two of you up and lock you in a closet.” Kaldur smirks “noted now you should head back before they get suspicious”
Okay I’m not sure what else I want to add if anything, I don’t know all that much about green arrow, but I get the feeling Danny would study canary’s form religiously so that when he had to use it he could use his wail without being hurt in the process.
In the meantime who do y’all think I should do next?
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boggsart · 4 days
So, I fixed the phone at the start cuz I admit the old one wasn't the most intuitive choice 😬. Also, this is my first time doing a walk animation, and of course, I'm not totally happy with how it turned out. But honestly, I don’t think I’ll ever be completely satisfied with anything I do but at least that mindset keeps pushing me to get better. Once again, all credits go to @highgroundanimations for letting me include all his bois in this project 🫶🏻 Good news: I only have Fox and Cody left to animate for the menu, and then I can finally start working on the game trailer. I’ve also completely remodeled my clone models, fixing all the mistakes (and the major inaccuracies lol), so now I can finally use them in Unreal. I’m a bit bummed I couldn’t animate this one with the new models, but I’ll make up for it in the trailer (or at least I’ll try, lol). Fox and Cody’s menu animations will use the new models, so yay for that (and they look so good i can't wait to show them) 😁
Here's one for Tech
Here's one for Hunter
Here's one for Rex
Here's one for Echo Here's one for Wolffe
taglist: @callsign-denmark @techwrecker @dahscribbler @lightspringrain @dreamsandrosies @brainless-tin-box @thecoffeelorian @luzfeather @burningfieldof-clover @99tech99 @theglitterdark @fangirl-goes-nova @foundenterprisefamily @fanfictasia @jedi-hawkins @megmegalodondon @lifblogs @photowizard17 @isthereanechoinhere96 @inthemiddle0feverywhere @namechange-mykidfoundmyblog
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rolex-kaard · 1 year
pizza tower + dhmis crossover :0?/nf
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you were insane for this
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just-bendy · 8 months
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BENDY: Looks like we found three more clones havin' fun in little mall cars! Hello here, you three. My name is Bendy, won't ya come with me ta search for other clones in the mall?
ROY: Yer name is "Bendy?"
DOTS: Woahh, how'd ya score the Bendy name like that?
ROY: He calls himself Bendy coz the rest of us were dead, ain't that right? With the rest of us outta the way, this clone went ahead and swooped up the Bendy name fer himself.
DOTS: Oh, is that it? Haha.
BENDY: ... pretty forward, ain't cha? That mouth's gonna get ya in trouble.
ROY: Huh? Did I say somethin' wrong?
BINDY: Why does HE get ta be Bendy!? Oh, if only I was there when it happened, then the name would've gone ta me, coz I'd make a better Bendy than you, purple bow! I'm almost perfect, see? I just have a little mark on my horn. If I could just cover it up, then I'd be a perfect Bendy! And I don't even have a tail! Until then, I'll just call myself Bindy! Bindy the dancing demon!
BENDY: Man, this group is gonna be a handful.
[ Bendy has found Roy, Dots, and Bindy at Pie Crust Mall! ]
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kaminocasey · 4 months
Beauty and the Grump (Part 1)
Pairing: Roy x Reader
Summary: You run into one of the grumpiest men you've ever met and then when you think you don't ever have to see him again, boom. Life has a funny way of working out!
WC: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Angst-ish? Drunk friends.
A/N: Everyone meet Roy from @highgroundanimations's Tukk Tales (Which we are all highly anticipating I'm sure and are patient as can be!) Jan has done something magnificent. He's given us new clones and therefore we must cherish them and hold them near and dear! Thank you, Jan for letting me write this! <3
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The cool nighttime Coruscant air hits you perfectly in the face as you exit 79s with your friends. It’s refreshing compared to the stale air inside, making your flushed cheeks finally cool down. It’s the first night you’ve had off in two weeks since you’d started your new med job with the GAR. You’d decided you were gonna let loose a little but ultimately decided the exhaustion in the morning wouldn’t be worth it. 
You’re now officially a medic of the Grand Army of the Republic. Wow… All that hard work finally paid off.
“Oh! Sorry!” You trip over your feet, bumping into someone as they round the corner of the bar. 
“Hey! Watch it!” The person yells, but still catches you anyway. 
You look up, and are met with hard brown eyes and firm arms around your frame, holding you up right. Your hands find hard muscled arms and you can’t help the flush that creeps its way back into your cheeks. 
“I’m really sorry.” You give him a sheepish, apologetic smile, admiring the way that the neon lighting casts a glow over his warm skin. 
“Drunk idiots… I swear.” He stands you up straight and pulls away, shaking his head at you.
Okay, wow… 
“I said I was sorry.” You tell him. “And I’m not drunk.” 
He stops and turns toward you, eyeing you up and down. “Right.” 
Your eyes widen with hurt. Normally, you try your best in not letting strangers hurt your feelings. But this man… this incredibly handsome man… who doesn’t even know you, seems to have you pegged as some ditsy drunk. Two things you’re not even remotely close to being… 
“Whatever…” You try to will your tears back, but his eyebrows furrow quickly, obviously noticing them. “I said I was sorry. Have a good night.”
You just hope that he doesn’t notice the slight quiver of your lip as you turn away to catch up with your friends who are indeed drunk. 
You wipe the tear that unfortunately escapes down your cheek and pull the sleeves of your jacket down over your hands, immediately appreciating the safe warm feeling after your embarrassing moment. Your friends didn’t even notice your run in with that jerk… or your absence. Oh well. The likeliness that you’ll see your friends again anytime soon is incredibly slim for the foreseeable future. 
The GAR is well known to keep you busy. You were told today that you’d be with Hill Company from here on out, starting early tomorrow morning. 
“I’m heading home.” You tell the girls. 
“Alright! Be safe out there! Thanks for coming out with us tonight!” Your friend, Lili tells you, hugging you.
“And definitely find yourself a cute clone boyfriend!” Your other friend, Teia giggles.
You roll your eyes as you hug her goodbye. “I’ll see you guys in a few months.” 
“Remember what I said!” Teia points at you as the cab door closes on her. 
She starts pointing past you with a big goofy grin on her face, but you don’t have time to ask her what she’s pointing at, because you hear a low cough, indicating someone is behind you. 
Turning around, you find the clone from earlier, the one you ran into. “Oh… you. Great. Come to berate me some more?”
“I… uh…” He looks visibly uncomfortable. 
“What?” You cross your arms, confused. 
“I just wanted to… apologize for my… rude behavior a moment ago.” He tells you, looking behind him. 
You lean slightly to your left, following his gaze and find two other clones, grinning wildly at their friend. When they see you, they quickly turn around, pretending to look elsewhere. The one with the wavy hair keeps subtly glancing at you and the man in front of you.
“Right…” You stand up straighter, ignoring his buddies. “Well, forgiven. Have a good night.” 
Starting to turn away, you hear his friends hollering at him to offer to buy you a drink, but you put your hand up, pausing him in his tracks. 
“I don’t drink. Have a good night.” You quickly glare at his friends and then get in your speeder, closing the door behind you. 
As you start the speeder up, you glance one last time at the man just standing there, staring at you with a slightly bewildered look on his face. He insulted you. There’s no reason to give him a chance, his friends were the ones forcing him to apologize. Why should you give him the time of day? 
You surprisingly wake up before your alarm. Probably from the sheer excitement you’re feeling. You’re shipping out, finally. Your whole life, you’d been stuck here on Coruscant. But now… you actually get to go somewhere. Be something. 
As you pull yourself out of bed, you start your caf pot and then hop in the shower. It’s good to enjoy it now, because you heard that the showers in the barracks weren’t as pleasant. So you let the water flow over you as you wash your hair and then your body, standing there for a few extra minutes. 
When you get out, you look at the chrono on the fresher wall and realize you’re running two minutes behind. 
“Kriff…” You groan as you quickly dry off and then your hair, throwing on your clothes as quickly as possible.
Good thing you double checked your pack last night. Everything is ready to go, and so are you.
The cab ride to base isn’t that long, thankfully. When you arrive, you quickly book it to your assigned gunship in the hangar, where they’re going through their checklist of soldiers, medics, and other staff. 
You can’t help but look up in awe at the gunship that’s taking you to the Star Destroyer above the atmosphere, which you’re even more excited for. You’d only ever seen them in photos or on the news.
You hear your name behind you and when you turn, you find your former trainer. A clone medic named Fin, carrying a crate of medical supplies. 
“Morning, Fin.” You smile. 
“How’d you sleep?” He smiles back.
“Like a baby.” You reply, picking up a crate and following him to the storage area.
“Good. That probably won’t happen again for a while. Get yourself a last good shower too?” He teases.
“Sure did.” You chuckle. 
You and Fin walk back down the ramp to grab the last two crates and you stop dead in your tracks, nearly dropping your crate when you look up and see the three clones from last night. 
“Captain.” Fin nods, his hands full. 
“Captain?” You ask, looking at the wavy haired clone with furrowed brows. 
“Captain Tukk, ma’am.” Tukk winks.
Oh great…
The rude one from last night finally looks up from his data pad and stops dead in his own tracks as he stares at you, mouth slightly agape.
“This is Roy.” Tukk smirks, patting Roy on the back. “And Checklist.” 
“Alright.” You smile, politely and then continue taking the last crate to the storage area with Fin. 
What are the odds that the men from last night are a part of Hill Company? Of course that’s your luck. It doesn’t matter, though. You need to focus, be your usual chipper self and let last night roll off your back. 
“I take it you already met our captain?” Fin chuckles.
“Ummm… not in so many words.” You rub your neck as you find a seat. “I ran into Roy last night on my way out of 79s. Quite literally ran into him. He was less than… pleasant.”
Fin lets out a laugh. “That’s Roy for ya. Grumpy as can be. But don’t let it deter you from him. He’s got a heart of gold.” 
“Right.” You smile, then glance over at the open hatch as Tukk enters with Roy and Checklist behind him.
Roy doesn’t even so much as peek at you. Clearly he’s over last night as well. 
So why can’t you stop looking over at him?
When you exit the gunship into the hangar of the Star Destroyer, you nearly fall over. It’s so much bigger than you’d ever imagined. 
“You dropped your jaw onto the floor back there.” Fin teases, elbowing yours.
“Wow…” You grin.
“Let me show you the medbay. You’ll definitely need to have your jaw fixed after that.” He gestures for you to follow him. 
You start to walk down the ramp but not before nearly bumping into Roy again, of course.
“Oh, excuse me.” You smile up at him. 
He does a small, subtle double take and Tukk doesn’t even try to hide his smirk. You ignore the teasing looks and continue walking with Fin into the corridor and down to the medbay.
When the doors slide open, Fin is absolutely right. You drop your jaw to the point where you’re not sure if it’s going to reattach. It’s so big. 
“Just remember, the field isn’t this nice.” He leans against a desk, crossing his arms. 
“Right.” You nod.
“Hey Roy, what do you think of the new girl?” Checklist asks Roy as he starts taking his inventory. 
Roy looks over at Checklist as he holds a crate of weapons.
“Yeah, Roy. What do you think of the new girl?” Tukk teases the grumpy man in front of him. 
Roy glares at his brothers, completely irritated. Why do they have to be so nosy? He’s not really one to notice women. Not because he wasn’t attracted to them, but because he figures why waste his time? He’s busy, he’s tired, and he’s usually in need of a drink when he gets planetside.
“Don’t you have something to do?” Roy grumbles to his brothers, walking away.
But you… You’d not left his thoughts since the moment he saw you tear up at his rude comments. He’d felt like such an asshole when he saw your lip tremble. He’s not one to normally dwell on people’s feelings, but when Tukk told him to go and apologize, he didn’t take any coaxing to do it. He wanted to. And then today… when he saw you again… He nearly dropped his data pad. He thought to himself maybe he could finally right his wrong and truly apologize. But then you acted like nothing happened. You even smiled. It didn’t feel like a true smile but it still made his stomach do something it’d never done before. And he didn’t much like that.
TAGS: @twistedstitcher27 @rebel-finn @rexandechosandwich @madameminor @dumfanting @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @brynhildrmimi @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin @padawancat97 @hated-by-me @sleepingsun501 @idledreams @redheadgirl @themcuwriter @ashotofspotchka @sunshinesdaydream @crosshairsimp73 @ariadnes-red-thread @rosmariner @heyitsaloy @starstofillmydream @high-ct5555 @echos-girlfriend @sleepywych @nekotaetae @justanothersadperson93 @aconstructofamind @book-of-baba-fett @chopper-base @palliateclaw @501st-rexster @dead-poolz @nahoney22 @where-is-my-mind-tho @jediknightjana @erishimoon @witching3 @queen-of-many-fandoms @wizardofrozz  @burningfieldof-clover @rebelsriley
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cat-blob · 2 months
Dani/Ellie and Conner/Kon are not clones they are test tube baby's. If they were clones they would be exact copies of Danny and Clark but they aren't, they have there own personalities that differ to the 'originals', and they aren't even the same age. Roy on the other hand is a clone he's a complete copy of the original, he replaced the original. The other two cant and didn't replace the original. They don't have the right age or right personality.
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azaasterblue · 9 months
I wonder if Artemis ever thinks abt the fact that her sister ultimately left her life of crime for will and lian and not her. anyways.
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