#collected tales and poems
midnights-wish · 1 year
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Lately, I've been feeling dissatisfied.
The biggest reason for it is that I'm far behind my reading plans for this year; I've read six books so far, while I usually would be around 12 by now, as I tend to read four books a month.
I spent some time thinking about this the past few days, trying to think of ways to get out of this reading slump - the only thing I figured would help me catch up to my reading goals and habits would be to drop Edgar Allan Poe; I like spending some time reflecting on what I read, so whenever I'm done reading one of his short stories, I take a break, and spend the day thinking about it. This slows me down dramatically, as I've been reading this since mid-february, switching between the short stories and the other book I'd be reading at the time - currently it'd be 'The Disappearing Spoon' - whenever I'd be on my way somewhere.
However, I definitely won't be dropping this book: I like most of the works so far, I've been looking forward to the poem section, and it's a book that's been recommended to me by my dad (who, whenever he gets the chance, tells me that this is his favorite author and that I should read him).
I wonder if I'm being too serious about this, if I should relax a bit about hanging back. It's not the first reading slump I've ever had by any means, and I've always managed to recover from it. Maybe I'm just focused on the usual numbers because I caved in and made an account on StoryGraph; I barely use it, but it could be that it's bringing out my competitive side, having to absolutely need to complete the challenge goals I set.
I'll have to see about this - if I can't get rid of looking at the numbers, I'm going to remove the challenges and see if it makes me more relaxed. I'll also be using my vacation next month to try and catch up a bit. I definitely want to complete 'The Disappearing Spoon' by tomorrow. I'll be focusing solely on it.
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llovelymoonn · 5 months
favourite poems of december
a.r. ammons collected poems: 1951-1971: "dunes"
jennifer robertson shrill shirts will always balloon
n. scott momaday in the presence of the sun: stories and poems, 1961-1991: "the delight song of tsoai-talee"
ted berrigan the collected poems of ted berrigan: "bean spasms"
natalie diaz when my brother was an aztec: "abecedarian requiring further examination of anglikan seraphym subjugation of a wild indian rezervation"
greg miller watch: "river"
joanna klink excerpts from a secret prophecy: "terrebonne bay"
dorothy dudley pine river bay
brenda shaughnessy our andromeda: "our andromeda"
frank lima incidents of travel in poetry: "orfeo"
lehua m. taitano one kind of hunger
no'u revilla kino
linda hogan when the body
paul verlaine one hundred and one poems by paul verlaine: a biligual edition: "moonlight" (tr. norman r. shapiro)
mahmoud darwish the butterfly's burden: "the cypress broke" (tr. fady joudah)
mahmoud darwish the butterfly's burden: "your night is of lilac"
amir rabiyah prayers for my 17th chromosome: "our dangerous sweetness"
sara nicholson the living method: "the end of television"
charles shields proposal for a exhibition
ginger murchison a scrap of linen, a bone: "river"
tsering wangmo dhompa virtual
anne carson the beauty of the husband: "v. here is my propaganda one one one one oneing on your forehead like droplets of luminous sin"
muriel rukeyser the collected poems of muriel rukeyser: "the book of the dead"
anne stevenson stone milk: "the enigma"
david tomas martinez love song
robert fitzgerald charles river nocturne
thomas mcgrath the movie at the end of the world: collected poems: "many in the darkness"
linda rodriguez heart's migration: "the amazon river dolphin"
donald revell the glens of cithaeron
sumita chakraborty dear, beloved
angela jackson and all these roads be luminous: "miz rosa rides the bus"
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luthienne · 1 year
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Jack Gilbert, from Collected Poems; "Myself Considered as the Monster in the Background"
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We drift between dreams
So endlessly
We forget that we
Create reality
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the-book-ferret · 1 year
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“Make them rue the day they underestimated you.”
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
By the Shores of Silver Lake was my least favorite Little House book as a kid, and upon starting the reread, I could see why. Earlier books had Laura as a child observer--not engaging in or totally understanding the wider world of the adults, but still engrossed in the simple joys of childhood. In this book, Laura is neither child nor adult--she's too old to play like a child, but she's too young to take an active part in adult life, so she's stuck in this awkward middle ground.
Yet as the book went on, I started to see that that was the point. This book is about growing up, about being on the brink of adulthood and trying to hold onto childhood while also becoming someone new. Laura's growing-up is paralleled with the "growing up" of the country around her. Both the old and the new ways of life have their benefits and their downsides, and Laura has to figure out how to hold onto the best of both.
The prairie is beautiful, wondrous, free. Laura would love to just roam forever, always traveling west, always seeing new places. She doesn't want to marry, doesn't want to teach school, doesn't want anything to change about her way of life. But one can't stay a child forever. Eventually, the infinite possibility of childhood has to turn into the definite identity of adulthood. She has to take responsibility and settle down. The arrival of the town brings that adult life to the prairie, and in doing so, it destroys the innocent wonders of nature--the majestic wolves lose their home, the buffalo are gone, and the ducks no longer land at Silver Lake. Laura has to wrestle with this--is childhood, for herself and the prairie, gone forever? Does she have to let go of childlike wonder and embrace the mundane responsibility of adult life?
This theme is resolved when Laura finds Grace in the buffalo wallow. It's a place of impossible magic and beauty, a carpet of fragrant violets hidden away from the world with butterflies flying overhead, so perfect it seems like a fairyland. Of course Grace, the innocent child, is the one who was able to find it. When Laura asks Pa about it later, he explains that the "fairies" that made this magical ring were buffalo. There's a mundane explanation for the phenomenon, but that doesn't destroy the wonder and beauty of the place--adult knowledge enhances, rather than destroys childlike wonder. The buffalo might be gone, but there's still beauty left behind. Laura can move forward into the future and know that there are still wonders to find. She can be an adult and still maintain a childlike wonder, can take responsibility and still find comfort in the safety of home and family.
This thematic resonance made so much about the book so much deeper. It's the message of the entire series distilled into story form. Remember the past, children, but go forth boldly into the future. It's a message much easier to see with an adult's eyes, so I'm so glad I gave this book another chance.
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prismatic-skies · 2 months
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So, while going through old files of old artwork that is unfinished because I either lost inspiration and stopped or I just completely hated what my brain come up with, I came across some pieces that I drew, painted, photographed, and/or distorted heavily in Photoshop, that I thought might be cool for my new melt creation that I am calling, 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑇𝑒𝑙𝑙-𝑇𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡.
I’m loving this vibe 🖤
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gender0bender · 2 years
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ID: A black and white photograph of Ali Cannon holding his baby son close to his chest and looking at the camera. Cannon is shirtless, and has short dark hair and facial hair. He has been photographed in a room with a sofa, armchair and multiple book shelves. His son is resting his head on his father’s chest and seems to be asleep. There is a tagline at the bottom reading: Ali Cannon is a Jewish writer and poet from the San Francisco Bay Area with a poetry book coming out in the summer of 2005. His wife and photographer, Jessica Israel, is a Jewish bisexual woman who is passionate about her trans husband, and maybe even more passionate about their son, Rephael. ED.
Ali Michael Cannon (he/him) is a writer, organizer, activist, and public speaker who is a recognized leader in the transgender community. Professionally, he has worked in the education field for 30 years, serving as a District Administrator and a Non-Profit Manager. Currently he works as a consultant, supporting schools to become more LGBTQ+ inclusive and address issues of equity and bias. A proud father and husband—he lives in Oakland with his wife, Jessica, an Oakland Public School Principal, and their high school son. He has a godson who just graduated from college, reflecting how much chosen family is a vital part of his relationship to building and sustaining queer community.
His writing has been published in From the Inside Out: Radical Gender Transformation, FTM and Beyond. His provocative illumination of Jewish and transgender themes can be seen in the film, It’s A Boy: Journeys from Female to Male and his essay (co-authored with TJ Michels), Whose Side Are You On: Transgender at the Western Wall. Cannon founded the theater group, Transmen Tell Their Tales, and was a long-time writer, performer, and producer of Chutzpah—a Queer Jewish theater group in San Francisco.
Ali earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Feminist Studies from the University of California, Santa Cruz and San Francisco State respectively.  He served on the Board of Our Family Coalition, the Bay Area’s LGBTQ Family Organization for eight years.
(Note from me: this picture of him was featured in a trans man calender produced by FTM International for 2005-6 called “Heroes: (Trans)Male Role Models, Part 2“, you can view some of the other pictures here)
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freakshowcowboy · 11 months
got a hardcover edition of a book bc i liked the cover better than the paperback but i just. regretting deeply. i love p aperback............
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
I'm very glad that my parents forbade me any access to the Internet until middle school.
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dastardlydandelion · 10 months
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midnights-wish · 1 year
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Reading 'A Tale Of The Ragged Mountains' by Edgar Allan Poe tonight - if anyone wonders which story it is that ends before this one, it's 'The Pit And The Pendulum'. ♡
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coceauxpuff · 1 year
NEW RELEASE | The Wistful Wild : Fairy Tale Poems of Longing & Ferocity
It’s here, it’s here! I am so glad and proud to be sharing this beautiful collaboration between myself, Stephanie Ascough, Caitlin Gemmell, Jess Lynn, Beth Stedman, & Stephanie Escobar. I must admit that this was such a huge step outside of my comfort zone, and I can’t thank Stephanie enough for 1, thinking of me as a writer she’d want to include in this project. And 2, all of these wonderful…
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evermore-fashion · 6 months
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Poem Bangkok 'Tales of Merrymaking' Christmas 2023 Collection
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thestrawberrygirly · 3 months
150 things to do when you're bored 🧸🍰🍓
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make a journal and write down about your dreams.
try baking a cake.
draw sanrio characters.
learn choreo of the song 'war of hormones' by bts.
stream bts songs or your favorite band's songs.
clean your room.
play any cute mobile games like Purrfect Tale, Resonance of Ocean, Resortopia, Sumikkogurashi Farm, Rhythm Hive, HelloKittyWorld2 Sanrio Kawaii and more. (these are available on android)
plant some trees.
watch any ghibli studio movie.
declutter your phone.
watch some aesthetic japan vlogs.
read a book.
do some skincare.
make a playlist on spotify about the songs you would like to play if you owned a cute café.
write a book about your dream world.
do pilates.
try coquette aesthetic makeup.
start crocheting.
go for a bicycle ride.
have picnic with friends or alone.
watch youtube videos.
go stargazing.
try skateboarding.
go for a walk and observe the beautiful nature and then journal about it.
try cooking with your partner or friends
make a youtube channel.
start a side hustle.
start blogging.
read your favorite blogs.
listen a podcast.
write a song about your favorite person.
make music on bandlab.
write down goals you want to achieve.
learn new language.
re-organise your closet.
take a day off from social media.
take a nap.
organise your pinterest boards.
write a poem.
write a letter to yourself.
make a cute diy necklace.
invent a cute game to play with your friends.
learn to count in another language.
look through a cookbook and try something new.
water the plants.
try meditating for 5 minutes.
read my blogs :) <3
draw cute doodles.
make cute things out of air dry clay.
create cute diy stickers.
bake cookies in cute fun shapes.
build a blanket fort and read a book inside while eating snacks.
create a scrapbook of favorite memories.
paint rocks with colorful cute designs.
make cute bracelets for your bestfriend.
write a cute story about fairies.
make homemade popsicles with fruit juice.
watch the sunset or sunrise and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature.
go for a nature walk and collect interesting leaves or stones.
have a movie marathon with your favorite films.
have a fashion show with clothes from your closet.
design and decorate your own phone case.
create a memory jar filled with notes of happy moments.
design and paint your own ceramic plant pots.
learn about law of attraction.
do research about the history of something of your interest like 'how it was invented?', 'who started it?'.
create your own font.
play an old online game.
try a coloring app.
work on your wish list.
paint your nails.
take a bubble bath.
start a garden.
make your own short movie with your phone.
complete a puzzle.
write about the most beautiful dream you have ever saw.
organize your house.
make a smoothie.
put an appreciation message on a balloon and let it go.
complete a challenge like 30 day self care challenge, 30 day writing challenge and more.
visit a local art gallery.
watch a lecture or TED talk.
read a self-help book.
read a book on astronomy.
click aesthetic pictures of nature.
make your phone look aesthetic.
give your bedroom a makeover on ghibli studio aesthetic.
create a toothpick tower.
practice writing from your non dominate hand.
write about what a day in your dream life looks like.
take out your pet for a walk.
make something wearable for your pet.
learn about how to beat procrastination.
make a little plushie out of your old socks.
learn a new skill.
make a cute website in carrd.co.
write down 10 things you're grateful for.
sit by a river.
visit a local bakery.
walk around a lake.
scroll on pinterest about nature.
walk in the rain.
watch classic films.
watch fashion shows on youtube.
get a haircut.
drink water, take care of yourself <3
read some beauty tips.
watch ballet videos.
write a quote on moon.
say yes to everything for a day.
read some interesting articles.
watch your comfort movie.
write a fiction story.
make your own calendar.
have an indoor picnic with your partner.
write a list of things you will do with your bestie.
crochet something for your loved one or yourself.
learn graphic designing.
write 10 beautiful things about yourself.
make paper stars.
explore interesting websites.
explore your neighborhood.
make a yummy snack.
make hwachae.
try origami.
write a list of your favorite songs explaining why you love it.
watch run bts.
read some manga.
make strawberry cake.
watch conan gray's old vlogs <3
watch onegai my melody :D
design and launch a cute social media challenge to spread positivity and creativity online.
host a themed dinner party with your friends where everyone dresses up and brings a dish from a different culture.
have a spa day at home complete with homemade facemasks, bath bombs, and soothing music.
design a pretty jewellery.
draw your dream house.
try out guided meditation videos (you will find in youtube).
learn about a new culture.
make homemade jam.
do a random act of kindness.
research and plan a future trip.
try a new type of workout video.
research and practice self-defense techniques.
try a new type of creative writing (screenwriting, playwriting, etc.).
try a new type of DIY beauty product (lip balm, body scrub, etc.).
watch a documentary.
learn about constellations and stargaze.
practice calligraphy.
do a riddle.
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🌷follow me on instagram <3🌷
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prismatic-skies · 2 months
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𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐒𝐄: A new custom VMT original fragrance blend called, 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑇𝑒𝑙𝑙-𝑇𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 | More details soon
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