#does this make sense? probably not
crabgirlfriend · 1 year
“WTNV walked so [insert whatever media] could run” no. WTNV did not walk, it was fucking running marathons while other media was crawling on the ground gasping for air. it’s still running and the world needs to catch up
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chronicowboy · 3 months
obsessed with the return of buddie's fucked up, unknowing jealousy. i think that locker room scene does it incredibly well especially for the first episode because both of them are keeping pretty big things from each other that i guarantee they would have told each other about immediately minus marisol and natalia. but eddie doesn't tell buck about christopher's first date, for long enough that it's been planned and he's asked his girlfriend to help chaperone, because a subconscious part of him wants to punish buck for dating natalia. and buck doesn't tell eddie anout breaking up with natalia, which seems like it happened at least a little while ago, because he doesn't want to be single in the face of eddie's new relationship and if there's a little hidden part of him that wants eddie to think he's taken by the death doula just a little while longer well.
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jaroftears · 2 months
POV you live in the same cult as your brother and his partner
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@bamsara The Rehabilitation of Death
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givemeureyes · 1 year
season 2 tma au where instead of michael coming in the archives like twice to be cryptic and stab jon he sees jon and is like “huh why is this tiny man so full of rage” and he decides to study him like a bug in an enclosure. and then he spends the rest of the season popping up at random points to be like “hi archivist :D what are you doing? why are you doing that?” like a toddler
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the0retically · 2 months
Rolan is everything Kian is supposed to be and Kian is who Rolan is supposed to be
Ok hear me out, @plantboiart ‘s post about rolan being not the brightest with numbers made me just start thinking in overtime
Rolan has the skill as a fast and smooth talker and yes he probably got that refined while practicing as a lawyer but I’m sure he used those skills while growing up especially after his “birth” and having to act as human as possible and essentially is the charmer of the group. He’s smart, he’s but his skills really lie in charming others and connecting to others the way Kian claims he does
Kian is the smart one, he calculates everything, he notices when things aren’t correct or when they don’t line up like they should, he hides behind being this grandiose, larger than life person who acts out on these whims, but he is really smart and he is truly the only one that got out of Galloway
They both are trying so desperately to be someone they aren’t but really they are so much like each other. I wonder if they ever realized that or if they looked at themselves in the mirror and notice the similarities to the other before they’re faced with who they actually are
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lover-of-mine · 29 days
it's also not lost on me that the people acting like those who don't care about bucktommy want buck to never have been with another man, are now turning around and saying that eddie should be alone for the rest of his life if he doesn't end up with buck...just say you hate characters of color if they don't exist to serve as props for the pretty white boy and go lol
I mean, literally, people don't even want Eddie to have loved his wife because that would make it so he didn't always exist for Buck. If he's not a prop on Buck's story, he's nothing for some people and that's very telling. Buck needs to fuck all of LA but Eddie needs to be the sad widower forever. Just say you hate Eddie and only shipped buddie because it was the only option and go.
But, anon, darling, since I'm going controversial right now because I don't give a fuck anymore and I'm just tired, I'm gonna use this to say my most controversial Buck/Eddie thought ever. I think narratively, you can introduce a love interest for Eddie, man or woman, that would be a satisfying endgame relationship for him in a way you can't do with Buck. Obviously, it wouldn't be as satisfying as if he ends up with Buck, I think that buddie is the natural progression of the narrative for both Buck and Eddie. And I desperately want that payoff. That being said, considering the way that what stops Eddie from pursuing actual happiness in a romantic relationship is pretty much his status as a widower, the way he can't let go of what he thinks he could've had with Shannon if he had made different choices, and this idea of what he needs to provide in a relationship that goes against what he actually needs, to have him realize that and meet someone who helps him be happy that he is alive again could work. To suddenly give him that spark he keeps saying he wants and let him settle into it could work. It would have to be constructed carefully, but it can be constructed. Buck on the other hand, his endgame relationship needs a level of construction that would take an amount of work the show just doesn't have the time to build anymore. Unless the show is gonna have 20 seasons and give grey's anatomy a run for its money. Because considering the way Buck keeps letting himself be chased because he wants stability but he's too scared to actually do something about it and end up making the wrong choice, he needs a friends to lovers arc for it to be satisfying. Buck needs that initial level of partnership outside of the physical connection before he gets into a romantic relationship in my opinion. Even more considering Buck's relationship with sex, his own body, his sense of self worth, I think he needs someone who will see him fully before wanting to add romance into it and that's Eddie. They don't have the time to introduce someone who will take this spot in Buck's life and have it naturally progress into something romantic because that spot is already filled. Buck has been consistently shown as someone who jumps into the physical aspect of a relationship first, from groovyheels to Tommy, so I think that the only relationship that would feel truly satisfying for Buck to end up in, is one with someone who loved him without the physical first. And that's always gonna be Eddie. There's no way to add a second best friend for Buck at this point of the show. So someone else is never gonna live up to this need Buck has to be understood beyond what he can offer. To be loved anyway. For Buck it's always gonna be Eddie. But I think Eddie could learn to be loved by someone else if the show really wanted to keep them apart. I don't want it to happen, I want both of them together, I think it's the best ending for the story they are telling, but in a reality where buddie is not on the table, I think it makes more sense for Buck to end up alone than Eddie. It would be tragic. But it would make more sense than Buck with whoever and Eddie alone.
And also the people who want Eddie to be alone need to go. Along with the people who want Eddie to die so that bt can raise Chris. Along with the people who think Eddie is a prop on Buck's story. Along with the people who can't seem to see Eddie beyond what he can offer Buck. Along with everyone who can't seem to understand Eddie is also a main character. Anyone who doesn't see Eddie as his own character needs to go.
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Faust Limbus Company radiates teddy bear energy, but not in a cute wholesome fluffy way she's like a weird fucked up slightly uncanny teddy bear you see in a thrift shop who just sorta begrudgingly lets itself be hugged
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corvidcall · 9 months
i feel like i saw someone else say this, but i cant remember where. but its weird to me that people will present current beauty standards as so much less restricting than they used to be in days of yore. as someone who has never met beauty standards, it seems like the shift has been less about embracing peoples natural beauty and more about like. mandating that you must be beautiful but also mandating that you deny that you're trying??
people used to wear hairstyles that took hours to construct, and sure we dont do that anymore, but it's not because we dont care about you having the correct hairstyle. we just dont want you to admit you put effort into it. is a 1920s full face of makeup actually less work than the elaborate skincare and makeup routines girlies do on tiktok? have we embraced "natural beauty", or have we just made it abberant to admit that it wasnt natural?
is athleisure being so popular really a positive change in fashion? is it really embracing comfort? or is it just denying anyone who doesnt already meet the standards any place to hide? corsets were restrictive, sure, but you could pad a corset. You can tailor a suit to accentuate certain features and downplay others.
idk. i dont think im articulating this well enough. but i feel like its weird to demand constant beauty and also demand like it was natural. and it's even more frustrating when people look back on fashions of the past and be like "wow im so glad i live now, where nobody forces me to wear a corset or a long skirt or a suit!!!" yeah those garments were probably taxing, at least occasionally! but are you more free now that you're expected to wear tight, stretchy fabrics every day? where theres no way to hide every unslightly bulge or dip in your skin? where you cant pad anything or strategically arrange any fabrics to make you look better, so the only option is to undergo surgical alternations if you want to feel good in your own body??? i dont know. i just think its fucked up that a transition towards alleged "comfort" seems to have, instead of making people more comfortable, just given them fewer options when it comes to how they can make their bodies look good.
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bitchapalooza · 6 months
Actually thinking about it, I don’t think a lot of the Asian countries call China dad/mom in a serious or joking manner like I’ve seen portrayed in many fics. I feel like it’s CHINA who does this himself because it genuinely makes him feel like he has control and yeah I honestly think he has control issues tbh
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numnue · 1 year
thinking about how in tfc andrew is the “lalala” and neil is the “okokok” but in tkm neil is the “lalala” and andrew is the “okokok”
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chronicowboy · 2 years
thinking about the choice to have buck babysit jee-yun at his apartment when it would have made infinitely more sense to have him go over to maddie and chim's where all of jee's things are and where there aren't, you know, steep steps with child-sized holes in between them. but that deliberate choice to centre buck in his home (👀🤨) with his niece, with a child, the episode after he donated sperm. that deliberate choice to centre buck in a space so heavily permeated by christopher with his niece. its kids today and eddie dropping chris off with buck, its searchers and eddie telling buck that there's nobody he trusts with his son more, its fallout and chris sandwiched between his co-parents on the couch, its breaking point and chris running to buck when he's upset and buck being a good friend, its let the games begin and eddie and chris teasing him around the kitchen table as he cooks for them like a family. its that direct contrast between buck struggling with his niece, a blood relation, against buck being an almost effortless part of christopher's life, linked only by love and care. and this is not to invalidate buck's relationship with jee because that is so important (to me, especially) but its just in the context of the whole sperm donor arc, to have buck struggling to keep up with someone biologically linked to him in a space where he has only thrived as christopher's buck. feels like a very, very deliberate choice to me.
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cgi-heart-eyes · 6 months
i remember being a really avid steddie shipper back in the day (literally like a year ago) and uh. the hermie situation feels similar but at the same time…not. with eddie dying i remember it was like a week of grief and then…. everyone just decided “screw canon eddie’s alive”
this may be the case with hermie but also.. i don’t think so. with stranger things there was just. one scene. and then he was dead. but in dndads. he’s for sure dead. no doubt. he doesn’t even have a soul so he is fully gone. and we get new content every two weeks. he’s not coming back.
my point is, i don’t think there’s going to be a denial phase. i think it might just be grief.
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the bittersweet feeling of moving on
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octobot-king · 1 year
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pizza tower is hero's journey-coded
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melanodis · 1 month
Why’s your Mike design so pretty
cause he's my ultimate girlfailure malewife. and she's just like me fr
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
MR!George having a specific image of dream in mind from a time of power, and now he sees him scarred, disheveled and one-eyed in the snow, barely able to walk. How did that affect him? Seeing how much he had changed? Maybe he'd rather not know, maybe he's scared to know the truth.
there are a lot of subtle ways that it changed his perspective that you can see in a few of the comics (this one came to mind first, though this one somehow hints at it as well)
it rattles him, at the end of the day. his world turned upside down and he has to let the truth in but he doesn't know how much of it he wants to accept and how much of it he wants to pretend to be how it fits him best. if he wants to think that Dream is thin due to his own neglect rather than the neglect of his warden, that he is blind in one eye due to his own cruel plan instead of the server turning on him and letting him be executed, twice, weak despite everything against the masses. even with all of it staring him in the eyes, with the countless scars that could have been caused by nothing but torture, George pretends he doesn't see.
the first thing he feels when he realises it's Dream in front of him is fierce overprotectiveness. worry and guilt and something ugly coiling in his stomach as silent shock washes over him, and once that passes and Dream is safely in Kinoko Kingdom, he pushes it down. it's an odd kind of paradox, to have Dream in the palm of his hand, weak and maluable and so easy to cling onto like it is an early summer day in the community house, but so terribly different and far too weak to resemble anything like the knight that stood by his side as the days grew shorter and colder and he was crowned king.
he tends to Dream, cleans his wounds, checks on him late at night and sleeps by Dream's side, holds him through fevers and nightmares and sees that the wounds heal proper, that his cheeks fill out once more. and it might be love, a rekindling of what they once had, the friendship and the care as George finally has all that he holds dear on this server and tries to turn it into the patchwork of the past he yearns for.
he doesn't know himself, if he worries for Dream for Dream's sake, or for his own. but he'd be damned if he let Dream be hurt again
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