theambitiouswoman · 4 months
Success Requires Discipline To:
Exercise & eat healthy
Manage time better
Invest money wisely
Maintain good relationships
Set & achieve goals
Stay organized
Control emotions
Chase personal development
Continue learning
Wake up earlier
Be consistent
Keep focus
Face challenges
Not give up
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wealthwisdom2k23 · 1 year
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You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great. - Zig Ziglar
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courtingwonder · 1 year
"Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want."
-Naval Ravikant (Indian-American entrepreneur and investor)
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buggo-buggo · 11 months
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flawless-beauty1 · 11 months
Hi, sign up to be a Spark driver at the link here: https://drive4spark.walmart.com/Join%20Spark%20Driver. Once approved, install the Spark Driver app and complete the in-app setup using my referral code “GCY9GMQH” so that we can both earn an incentive once you complete enough Spark trips! Note: incentive details will be shared with you within 1 day of finishing app setup. See list of eligible Referral zones: https://drive4spark.walmart.com/Spark%20Driver%20Referrals
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Confidence is not a feeling. Confidence is simply values plus action.
Read: Self-Confidence Workbook by Barbara Markway and Celia Ampel
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drivetoempire · 1 year
Start making $1k to $5k per day
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slinkywhat · 1 year
Opportunity Cost & AI
[An off-the-cuff essay no one asked for but I word-vomited anyway because I am exhausted]
I literally started a Python coding course on Friday so that I can ask ChatGPT or other AI tools to write me scripts to execute basic, tedious tasks that currently take up an absurd amount of my time.
I work a highly-paid role that’s supposed to be very strategic, but I’m easily spending 40-60% of my time executing repetitive, tactical tasks across multiple, disparate systems because my company (and every company prior—it’s not unique to this place) won’t pay for productivity software, automation plug-ins for our project management software, actual project managers, or additional junior headcount, our third-party agency partners don't have access to work inside internal systems, etc. etc. etc.
People spend more than half their day doing busywork, according to survey of 10,000 plus workers | CNBC, 2022
“The amount of time office workers have to spend doing their primary job duties decreased in 2016, from 46% to 39%. When asked what gets in the way of work the most, workers say wasteful meetings (59%) and excessive emails (43%) are the biggest offenders.” U.S. State of Enterprise Work Report | Workfront, 2016-2017
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If you take just my salary and calculate the opportunity cost there, it more than justifies the cost of at least one or two these tools—then multiply that by all of the other employees in the company with the same or similar barriers to actual productivity and it’s literally a no-brainer.
opportunity cost (noun) • the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen; can be implicit (intangible) or explicit (tangible, dollar amounts); often calculated as the difference between the return on investment (ROI) between the most profitable business decision and the current/chosen one.
Alas, almost every company I’ve been at or heard about from others is short-sighted when it comes to realizing opportunity cost—whether from the ROI on investments like software, ongoing training, professional development, employee satisfaction and retention, systems maintenance and technological upgrades, user experience, or bare minimum marketing strategies—because they “cost money.”
I’ve never understood this, because humans have an inherent loss-aversion cognitive bias—psychologically, we’re twice as motivated by avoiding potential loss than we are by pursuing potential gain, and we’re more likely to take risks to prevent loss. I suppose the problem is that the culture of busywork is so ingrained that it’s perceived as the baseline, where “increased” productivity is viewed as a potential gain, rather than decreased productivity as a major loss.
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Hasn’t anyone ever heard of short-term pain for long-term gain?
So, please hit me up if you have ideas on how to leverage ChatGPT and other tools to do things like batch cloning Jira tickets and generating documentation from templates; managing an overflowing email inbox; logging system data into disparate, static spreadsheets instead of intelligent, connected systems; manually searching old Jira tickets to append implementation dates to that data; finding and replacing duplicative instances of copy that aren’t using global elements/a single database source for management; pulling, consolidating, and analyzing reports from multiple disconnected systems; etc.
I’m really, really tired of spending my time and energy on easily automated work that does not challenge me or contribute to my sense of pride or satisfaction in my work, but does radically waste my time and my employer’s money.
Let’s help each other automate some shit and work smarter, not harder. It’s 2023 and we have not made all of these technological advancements just to ignore them and perpetuate the arbitrary 40-hour work week.
If we can spend half the time or less to reach our goals at work, then we can actually focus on the strategic parts of our roles to move the needle and invest more time in ourselves. We have the tools to be able to spend more of our time on personal passions and pursuits, family and friends, travel, leisure, hobbies, community engagement, volunteering, political activism, exercise and health, financial planning and management, home improvement, or whatever is currently being neglected or would improve our quality of life, happiness, and in return, our contributions to our workplaces.
Automation is the future. Contrary to much of the fear-mongering around the topic of work automation, four out of five knowledge workers see it as a chance to rethink work in new and exciting ways. Sixty-nine percent believe work automation will give them back time to perform their primary job duties better. The only hesitation that exists seems to lie in how much of work will ultimately be done by machines and how much will still require the human touch.” The State of Enterprise Work, U.S. Edition | Workfront, 2017 - 2018
It’s literally a win-win—except, perhaps, for the politicians and systems of power that seek to limit our financial flexibility, ability to organize, and the security to push for change.
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P.S. Call and email your representatives—repeatedly—and tell them you will donate, campaign, and vote for their opponents in the next election if they do not vote NO on The Restrict Act.
More reading for the nerds:
“Digital workers won’t settle for bad tech - Nearly half of workers say they’re likely to leave their current job if they’re unhappy or frustrated with workplace tech. (49%)” The 2021 State of Work — How Covid-19 changed digital work. | Adobe Experience Cloud, 2022
“Wasteful practices and tools—namely email and meetings—continue to thwart worker productivity. As in years past, poorly used meetings and email topped the list of things that keep knowledge workers from getting work done, with U.S. workers having an average of 199 unopened emails in their inboxes at any given time. This report certainly makes the case that email has reached the limits of its effectiveness as a work management tool.” The State of Enterprise Work, U.S. Edition | Workfront, 2017 - 2018
Why Busywork Is Making Your Employees Spend Less Time Doing Their Actual Jobs | Inc., 2016
Opportunity Cost: Missing the Mark on Motivation for Two Types of Employees | Maxim Kind, LinkedIn, 2018
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sarojnip · 2 days
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BLOG 4: Final Pitching
One of our respondents would love to try the service that we offer if it is implemented or launched. The reason they are convinced is that it is very convenient, has easier access to healthcare services, and is very reliable when it comes to having real-time information on the nearest clinic's availability.
Our team decided to make it a more specific service to offer to our customers than before. It came up with this idea: a website that provides the exact location of clinics and their availability. Our service aims to help people who are experiencing difficulties in finding the nearest available clinic, and we are collaborating with clinic owners if they are willing to use our service. Moreover, everyone can access our service for free. However, some features need to be unlocked by paying for premium access.
The lessons that we learned in making our business is that it should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Because of that, the goal of our business is now clear and easier to understand. It is good to dream big, but we realized that it should be realistic and attainable, so we started it from small.
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theambitiouswoman · 8 months
Living a soft life doesn't mean abandoning your ambition, goals, or your business pursuits. It's more about approaching these things with a sense of balance, mindfulness, and well being. Here's how you can create a healthy balance for both.
Set clear goals that align with your values and passions. This ensures that your pursuits bring genuine happiness and don't just serve external pressures or societal expectations for your life.
Prioritize time for relaxation, hobbies, and self care. Taking breaks can actually boost productivity and creativity in the long run. If you are not operating at 100 you can't produce 100.
Operate your business ethically and sustainably. This will lead to a deeper personal satisfaction and actual long term success.
While hard work is commendable and at times necessary, consistently overworking can lead to burnout. It's important to recognize when to push forward and when to rest.
Embrace a growth mindset. This means viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as setbacks.
Set clear boundaries between work time and personal time.
Don't be afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks when needed. You can't do it all alone.
Celebrate small wins to stay motivated.
Be selective about the things you take on, the partnerships you form, and the way you market your products or services.
Even as you achieve success stay humble. As quickly as you make it, you can lose it.
Be open to change and adaptability. Being flexible allows you to navigate challenges more effectively.
It's entirely possible to be driven and successful while also prioritizing peace, joy, and a deep sense of purpose. The soft life isn't about doing nothing. It's about making healthy choices in how we live. It means finding a good balance between work and relaxation, being present in whatever we're doing, and valuing meaningful experiences over having a lot of them. It's about being kind to ourselves and others, making choices that are good for us and the world around us, and finding joy in simple things. Even when pursuing our goals, it's about doing so with purpose and happiness. In short, the soft life is about living in a balanced, genuine, and joyful way.
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wealthwisdom2k23 · 1 year
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Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
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jastynneyap · 9 months
Who Shapes the Economy?
Over the years, the economic landscape has undergone significant transformations. These changes have been driven by the efforts of businesses (both large and small) to foster economic growth. They deploy scarce resources to develop a more productive way of providing goods and services. However, where do these businesses come from? Who identifies the problems of the community and provide these goods and services that people can avail? Who is the backbone of the economy? In this blog, we will look into the critical role that entrepreneurs play in shaping our economies.
Defining Entrepreneurship
In 1934, a concept was introduced by the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter:  
Economic growth is ignited by individuals known as entrepreneurs.
These people are visionaries. They are individuals who found fulfillment in creating and producing goods. They desire to bring innovative ideas to life. Their entrepreneur-centered perspective became the cornerstone in the quest for socio-economic development.
As visionaries, limitations does not stop them from creating products they can share to the world. They take opportunities from the signs of times. They recognize and take opportunities to producing goods (even in the middle of calamities). They understand the people and their concerns, therefore, their ideas are in trend and are relevant. Entrepreneurship, at its core, is the process of identifying or creating opportunities and taking action, regardless of the resources currently under one's control.
Rebellion of Startups
Entrepreneurship is often associated with startups, and as the words of Ken Singer:  
"A startup is an act of rebellion."
They challenge the status quo, disrupt established industries, and bring fresh ideas to the market. They can even make other industries reshape their brand to catch up with them. They forge new paths and rewrite the rules of the market they participate in.
Why teach entrepreneurship?
The significance of teaching entrepreneurship extends far beyond the realm of business. It is about molding a mindset of continuous learning, problem-solving, and resourcefulness.
Entrepreneurship encourages self-learning. As students engage with real-world problems, they can interact directly with challenges, make decisions, and learn inductively from their experiences. The program also exposes students to real-world competition to encourage innovative thinking and adaptability.
To conclude, entrepreneurship is a powerful force that drives economic growth and innovation. It encompasses a mindset of seizing opportunities regardless of resource constraints and empowers individuals to become proactive problem-solvers. As we continue to explore new ideas and adapt to an ever-changing world, entrepreneurship remains a beacon of hope for a brighter future.
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ebookstuff · 9 months
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A book titled "The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads: A Step-by-Step Guide to Boost Your Business" is likely to cover the following topics:
Introduction to Facebook Advertising:
An overview of the importance of Facebook as an advertising platform.
Why businesses should consider using Facebook Ads to reach their target audience.
Setting Up Your Facebook Advertising Account:
Step-by-step instructions on creating a Facebook Ads account.
Guidance on configuring your account settings and preferences.
Understanding Ad Objectives and Targeting:
Explanation of different ad objectives (e.g., awareness, consideration, conversion).
How to define and target your ideal audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Creating Effective Ad Campaigns:
Tips on designing visually appealing and engaging ad creatives (images, videos, ad copy).
Guidance on selecting the right ad formats for your goals.
Budgeting and Bidding Strategies:
Strategies for setting an advertising budget that aligns with your business goals.
An overview of bidding options and how to optimize your bids for better results.
Monitoring and Optimization:
How to track the performance of your Facebook Ads campaigns.
Techniques for analyzing data and making data-driven decisions to improve campaign performance.
Advanced Facebook Advertising Strategies:
Information on A/B testing and split testing to refine ad campaigns.
Retargeting and custom audience strategies to re-engage potential customers.
Troubleshooting and Common Pitfalls:
Common mistakes to avoid when running Facebook Ads.
Solutions to common problems that advertisers may encounter.
Case Studies and Success Stories:
Real-world examples of businesses that have successfully used Facebook Ads to grow their customer base and revenue.
Future Trends and Updates:
Insights into the evolving landscape of Facebook advertising and potential changes on the horizon.
This book is likely to provide practical, step-by-step guidance for both beginners and experienced advertisers looking to leverage Facebook as a marketing tool to boost their business. It may also include screenshots, examples, and actionable advice to help readers create and manage effective Facebook Ads campaigns.
sign up and get your E-book
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awakeclub · 10 months
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Wealth Creation
Becoming affluent is an acquirable expertise.
Prioritizing the creation of wealth surpasses the pursuit of status symbols.
Money functions as a tool traded for goods and services.
To generate affluence, contribute value to society.
True wealth entails owning assets that generate income as you rest.
Becoming perpetually educated is the paramount skill for achieving wealth.
The goal is to acquire expertise that sets you apart when the demand for those skills arises.
Master both the art of selling and the craft of building. If you can excel in both, your potential knows no bounds.
Devoting an hour each day to studying disciplines such as science, math, and philosophy is likely to position you within the highest ranks of human achievement. Reading in general is one of the pillars of success
Immerse yourself in subjects you are passionate about until that passion translates into a love for reading itself.
Dedicating one to two hours daily to reading places you in the most exceptional 0.00001 percent.
Maintaining a traditional 9–5 job often poses challenges in wealth creation.
Relying solely on exchanging time for money is unlikely to lead to affluence, as time is a finite resource. Harness leverage (through labor, assets, and capital) to magnify your impact.
Asset ownership serves as the lever that constructs wealth and augments income.
Play Long-Term Games With Long-Term People
The principle of compounding operates across relationships, businesses, and finances. Instant success is rare; persistence is key.
Continue investing effort in significant endeavors that require time. Your aim is achievement over the span of years and decades, not just within short intervals of days or weeks.
The primary motivation for many individuals to seek wealth is to attain freedom. True freedom involves commanding your time, unlike the constraints of a typical 9–5 job.
This concept of freedom evolves from "freedom to" do something to "freedom from" certain limitations.
Freedom is an intrinsic state. It pertains to emancipation from reactivity, anger, and sadness.
Play To You and Work For Others
Find what you love to do, and you will enjoy it.
When you are passionate about something, it is not a job anymore, it is a necessity.
What may seem hard to others is a delight and a source of motivation.
What’s that thing for you?
Happiness is Learned
Happiness is an acquirable skill that can be cultivated over time. We possess the ability to learn how to cultivate happiness and direct our attention towards the present and more significant aspects of life. True happiness arises when the feeling of something lacking in our lives is dispelled.
Life is a Single-Player Game
Many of our life pursuits are driven by the desire for validation from both our parents and society. In truth, you come into this world alone and will depart from it in the same manner. Your perceptions and recollections are inherently personal experiences. Ultimately, you're in competition with yourself, striving for self-improvement and growth.
Know Yourself
Find your own path.
We try hard to mold ourselves into society to get validation.
The way to get out of the competition trap is to be authentic, to find the thing you know how to do better than anybody.
No one in the world is going to beat you at being you.
Priorities and Decisions
When a matter holds true priority, you'll uncover a means to accomplish it.
Life's three significant priorities encompass prosperity, well-being, and contentment.
Early in life, you make three pivotal choices: your place of residence, your companions, and your occupation.
Find your Passion and Be the Best
It's feasible to excel in just one or two areas simultaneously, typically those you're fervently fixated on.
Channel your energy into subjects that captivate your curiosity. Recognize your strengths and extend assistance to others. Share your expertise.
Engage in benevolent actions. In due time, your aspirations are likely to materialize.
You will do what you want with your life but:
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eazyarchive · 10 months
EP: Are you making quality decisions?
No making decisions when I’m not in a place of abundance
abundance: your thought process is free to dream, free to be confident in the decision that you make
Is my decision sustainable? 
What decisions have I made this year from a low frequency / place from anxiety? 
We find comfort in the broken spaces in our lives 
Your instant reaction to situations of pressure is your comfort zone → Talk to high level friends/network to refresh your mind and make new/different decisions
Don't act like the victim in the situation 
Calculate your lifestyle based on where you wanna be not where you are
Don't operate from your cheapness 
Mindset: Only the best
Mindset: The sniper > observer, skilled target, knowledge, focus
Stop what you’re doing and seek out what you need 
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