mercurycft · 27 days
## katie mccabe x reader !!
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hi pookies!! once again i apologise for the lateness.. but i really hope you enjoy this.. my little tattoo-lover heart got a little carried away with this, but i love this concept so much and i hope you do too! its a little different than the original idea for the direction of this, but either way, i really enjoyed this!! happy reading! love always - RG! x
i would also like to say! this is inspired by a fic i saw on my feed about a tattoo artist x alexia (i think) and i loved it! if i find the account i will top the link to their fic here!
contains: tattoo artist reader! shameless flirting! angsty make up sex, cocky!katie, fight for dominance, oral - both receiving, rough grabbing, dirty talk, fingering, useless lesbians, top!katie and brat!reader, foul language.
r's masterlist - requests open!
4.6k words
a knock at your door was a disruption to your night time routine - pyjamas already on, makeup off, hair tied back and your toothbrush hanging from your lips. you slipped on your slippers and headed down the stairs, still brushing your teeth when you pulled the door open to reveal a familiar face.
she was in a similar state. hair tied back messily, loungewear on and no makeup accept for her eyelash extensions. your eyes lifted from the floor to finally meet hers on the other side of the threshold
“can i come in?”
3 months ago.
a notification past 7pm would usually be ignored.
and it was the first time, then the second, then the third. the fourth, however, was followed by a groan from your sprawled-out position on your sofa. although tempted to put your phone onto 'do not disturb' and continue the twilight marathon you started the previous night, you stretched across the empty space and patted around to locate your phone - simultaneously pausing the tv and shifting to sit with your back against the pillows for a change.
katie_mccabe11 liked your story.
katie_mccabe11 liked your post.
katie_mccabe11 started following you.
you have 1 new message.
"katie mccabe.." you whispered into the emptiness of your apartment, crossing your legs beneath you and clicking on the notification on your screen. "why do i know her.." you racked your brain, pursing your lips. you noted the football shirt in her profile picture alongside the blue verified tick beside her username and used your critical thinking skills to put two and two together, chuckling at the thought of your younger sister losing her mind at another footballer dming you.
you waited a few seconds before opening her message, reading it carefully and silently. "that's how i know her.." you replied to yourself, whilst alone.
last week you had beth mead in your seat at the shop, getting a small paw print behind her ear and chatting yours off in the process. you spoke about a lot of things, you're used to that though. sometimes people just need someone to talk to - and who better than their tattoo artist? you liked beth, she was lovely, easy to talk to. the kind of person you would be friends with. she wasn't with you for long, an hour tops and it flew by. at the end of the appointment you exchanged socials and she left with a 'i'll tell the girls about you!".
you didn't really watch football, but you knew enough - and you would be lying if the thought of your name being chucked around between a very attractive group of women didn't make your stomach twist.
you typed your reply to katie quickly. starting with your usual friendly opening, explaining your upcoming availability and then ending with a single kiss. you had no available appointment spaces for the next three weeks, but you hoped that beth really sold you and your passion enough that she would consider waiting. she read it almost immediately, making your eyes widen and quickly swipe away from the message in an effort to not seem like a total weirdo.
her reply flashed across the top of your screen a few seconds later.
'ill take it x'
appointment day.
it was appointment day and god were you a nervous wreck. you arrived at the shop an hour earlier than normal to open up and clean before she arrived - she was your first and only appointment of the day and you wanted to make a good first impression. you prepared what you would need, laying your tools out on the table beside you and making a coffee - which would no doubt be freezing cold by the time you actually got around to drinking it.
you connected your phone to the bluetooth speakers around the room and shuffled your playlist just as the doorbell rang from the front of the shop. 7:59. you didn't know much about katie, having restrained yourself from going full-on stalker mode over the last few weeks leading up to her appointment. but clearly she was punctual.
as you unlocked the door and smiled to her through the glass, you couldn't help but realise how strikingly attractive she was. her hair pulled into a tight and slick ponytail at the back of her head, a deep green tracksuit complimenting her tanned skin and bright eyes.
"good morning!" you greeted cheerfully, welcoming her in.
you watched as her eyes scanned around the room, studying the artwork on the walls before they landed back on you and a smile spread across her face to match yours.
"mornin' hope i've not been a fuss this early.." she joked as you embraced each other in one of those awkward-but-friendly-first-meeting hugs, causing you to laugh softly.
"oh it's no bother, serious." you waved her comment off, shutting the door behind you both and leading her over to your station at the back of the shop. you didn't expect her accent to be so thick, but the way her voice sat heavy in the space between you had you clenching your jaw.
the pair of you made small talk as she got situated and sat on the leather bed whilst you pulled up a stall and your phone to take another look at the pictures she had previously sent, grabbed a pen and then pulled a pad of paper onto your lap. laying the phone down so she could see as well.
you sat across from katie, discussing designs and what she would and wouldn't like. she was engrossed in the conversation, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm as you shared ideas and suggestions. you found yourself doodling on the paper, absentmindedly drawing whatever came to mind as she chatted about the specifics of what she wanted. every now and then, your eyes would meet hers, and a playful smile would tug at the corners of your lips.
there was silence between you for a few beats as your pen etched across the paper and completed the first sketch of the possible design. when you finished you looked up and turned the paper towards her before you could ask how she felt about it she spoke up.
"how do you do that?"
"do what?" you replied playfully with a smile.
"how can you just listen and draw? it's so cool.." she sounded genuinely bewildered for a moment and you couldn't help but laugh lowly.
"honestly, it just happens. when someone describes what they want i see it in my head and just let my pen translate it." you explained with a shrug, looking at her again.
"well its sick, i won't lie!"
"thank you.. i'm a woman of many, many talents.." it came out a lot more suggestive sounding than intended, mental cursing yourself and begging internally that she wouldn't see the pink tint you could feel spreading across your cheeks. you looked back down at the page before she could notice, avoiding her eyes.
"oh i bet." she added, smirking across from you.
you both sat like that for another ten minutes, brainstorming ideas and katie watching you bring them to life like a magician until you both finally settled on a design. you couldn’t believe how natural the interaction was coming and conversation flowing. you embraced the shared banter between you and leant into her jokes.
the design she had settled on was small and intricate but you knew you could free-hand it, so decided against using a stencil for the work. “right, i am gonna wash my hands and get everything sterilised, you get comfy and have a think about where you want it. okay?” you said as you stood up and ripped out the page you were using, placing it beside your other supplies so it was easy to use as a reference. katie replied with a small “sounds good to me,” and you heard her shuffle around the bed and as you made your way to the sink you could feel her eyes on you, following you away.
when you returned to her, she was sat more comfortably and had discarded her hoodie. the ribbed vest she was hiding left little to your imagination, revealing her arms and more of that heavenly tanned skin to your prying eyes. you tried not to look, but were made too aware of yourself failing miserably when she caught your gaze and you watched her suppress a chuckle.
once you were situated on the stool again, you took a deep breath and turned towards her. “so where are you thinking?” she sat silently in response, deep in thought.
“either here,” she pointed to the inside of her bicep to punctuate her point “or here..” she added quietly as her thumb hooked into the waistband of her joggers and shimmied them down a couple of inches until you could see the skin at the bottom of her stomach- in line with her hip. perhaps you looked for a second too long, or she heard you gulp, or maybe your fears were real and she could in fact hear your heart rattling against the boney cage of your ribs in your heaving chest - but the way you heard her exhale a humorous breath and tense her stomach muscles snapped you back into reality.
“which one would you prefer?” you questioned, professionally.
“probably my hip.” you nodded in agreement, smiling and internally celebrating at her decision. “and as a bonus i get to watch you gawk at me for however long it takes,” she teased, earning a small smack to the upper thigh and an eye roll.
“i was absolutely not gawking!” you defended with a smile.
“oh yeah, alright then..”
you rolled your eyes again and stood to grab a small bottle of sanitiser and a disposable razor, placing them on the table - once you made sure she was comfortable you sat down again.
“i’m going to pull your joggers down a couple inches, is that okay?” you waited for her reply before making any moves closer to her.
“of course,”
you got straight to work, dragging them down until the area she had pointed out was revealed again - only this time you could see the band of her underwear peaking out from beneath the fabric and it had you drawing in a careful breath. you circled the skin with your pinky finger lightly and showed her the length and width the ink would cover, double checking that was exactly where she wanted.
the tattoo itself took no longer than forty minutes to complete. once you were finished you sanitised and made sure it was exactly how she wanted before moving to discard any disposables used. she took it like a champ the entire time, only slightly flinching when the needle grazed a particularly tender spot.
you spoke to her about the aftercare and how to take care of it whilst it healed, then covered it with second skin and soothed the area - moving to wash your hands and stand against the counter. “any questions?”
you sat speaking for another hour, and you were sure at times she was stalling so she wouldn’t need to leave.
“when do you finish?”
“whenever you want to go,”
“why didn’t you say! i don’t want to hold you up, love..” she tutted and began collecting her stuff. you laughed at her huffing like a child and led her towards the front desk.
the petname made your stomach jump, twisting and twitching in your abdomen as you studied her. the way she moved and smiled, how her eyes pierced through you like she was reading your mind - how you were so sure she actually could see and read the filth behind your own eyes.
at the front she paid and thanked you another couple hundred times as you let her out the door. she stepped over the threshold and gave you another small hug. “thank you again, i really love it.”
“stop thanking me! i’m just glad i could do your vision justice..” you smiled and shrugged, “you’re welcome anytime, just pop me a message!”
“that’s just because you want to look at my stomach again..” she called, walking to her car and waving.
“shut up.” you rolled your eyes, laughing. “don’t be a stranger!”
during the appointment you and katie exchanged numbers and for days, weeks, months you texted each other everyday. you met for coffee, went to watch her and the team (who you got along with swimmingly) practice, you even went to watch all of their matches.
you had been inseparable since that first meeting, you shared things about each other previously unknown by anyone, spent evenings and nights at each others homes and got aquatinted with family and friends.
after spending so long together, the pair of you had become incredibly close - often sharing a bed, and clothes. you couldn’t help but feel things for her, for katie. your stomach became a harvest ground for butterflies and your heart rattled with longing for her.
you came close to telling her, to explaining how you felt - until one day, it just stopped.
the meetings stopped,
then the match invites,
then the messages,
everything stopped.
present day - 2 months later.
over the last months without talking to katie, you threw yourself into work and university in an attempt to distract yourself. you felt like you were going through a break up - could you even call it that? could you categorise this into the break up section? a friend break up? whatever it was, it hurt, and you found yourself still thinking about her.
friday nights felt weird now. usually sat on the sofa with a takeaway, katie sat on the other side with her food in her lap - laughing at some stupid program she had put on. now it was empty in the apartment, and you sat on the sofa alone with a cup of tea watching telly until it was time to get ready for bed.
you showered, careful to avoid putting soap the area of your newest tattoo addition on your wrist - letting the warm water run over the skin. when you were done, you made sure to moisturise and then cover it up again before getting dressed into your pjs.
you brushed your hair, and then began brushing your teeth - staring at yourself in the mirror and studying the ink that now littered your arms and chest.
you were deep in though when a a knock at your door disrupted your night time routine - still brushing your teeth when you pulled the door open to reveal a familiar face. your eyes lifted from the floor to finally meet hers on the other side of the threshold.
“can i come in?”
“uh, yeah- yeah- sure,” you stammered and stepped back to open the door wider for her, stepping away into the kitchen area to spit the froth from your toothpaste into the sink and quickly rinse before running back to shut the door behind her.
it was awkward. she stood in front of you in silence for a few beats, looking down at the ground as if she was figuring out what to say. you stood a few steps away, leant on the wall beside you with your arms crossed across your chest.
"why are you-"
"look i dont know why-"
you both spoke over eachother, breaking the silence that sat heavy between the walls. you shared a smile, it was brief, but it was there as you met her blues and waved your hand - gesturing for her to continue.
"look, i don't know why i'm here. i just got in my car and then i was on the drive and i just needed to speak to you. i just wanted to see you-"
"oh god you never shut up mccabe.." you whispered with an eye roll as you advanced towards her.
one step. what if she doesn't want this?
two steps. what if i've read this all wrong?
three steps. jesus her perfume..
every step you took was narrated by that voice in your head, you know, that one that tells you to shut up in uncomfortable situations and the one that speaks to you when you watch something brilliantly but so stupidly funny. you couldn't stop to think out loud, you couldn't stop full stop. point blank. period.
your feet were moving faster than your thoughts, and your thoughts were moving faster than your logic until you were so close you could feel her soft breath caressing the skin of your face.
"tell me not to, and i won't." you said softly
"god, you've always been too sweet for me."
there was no time to register what she said, her lips were on yours. they were everything you had thought of, they were soft but she kissed you with urgency. breathing heavily as her hands raised to either side of your face, pulling you closer than physically possible. your lips moved together sweetly, full of love.
you stayed like that for a few minutes, soaking each other in until she pulled away. lips swollen, taking a deep breath. there were no words exchanged between you, only eye contact - the sound of breathing shared. then you crashed together again, lips connected for a second time in the space of five minutes.
this time however, was harsher, and fast-paced. she was in control, gagging for it. hands grabbing at whatever fabric they could find on the opposing body, a small moan falling from your lips when her hands squeezed the skin of your waist and her lips broke from yours momentarily to grunt out a "jump." to which you gladly obliged, legs wrapping around her waist and her hands finding the skin at the top of your thighs - she held you like nothing, with no struggle as she passed through the hall and up the four steps to your bedroom.
when she placed you back down onto your feet you were quick to tug your top up and over your head, discarding it on the floor. before you could continue she grabbed your hand, finger tracing gently over the still-fresh tattoo across your wrist.
"this is new," katie whispered.
"i had a lot of time on my hands." you replied at the same volume, shrugging. she chuckled lightly, reading the words now littering the skin. "and you were always saying i was sweet.."
"aye, and you're yet to prove me wrong."
"don't start something you can't finish, katie."
"oh i'm very, very good at finishing, actually."
"shut up."
this time you had her, hands on the back of her neck as you pulled her in. grabbing the fabric that sat at the nape of her neck and pulling it over her head, only breaking the kiss until your path was cleared again. you span around, walking backwards until the back of her knees hit the edge of the bed causing her to lay down. you wasted no time in straddling the top of her thighs, arms on either side of her head.
"behave." she muttered, hands gripping your thighs and switching your positions on the bed, now towering over you, arms replacing yours on the bed. mouth moving to your neck, nipping at the skin beneath your ear. "stop acting like you don't want me to have my way with you."
"stop acting like you've got it in you." you quipped back, smirking when her teeth grazed your earlobe roughly. her hand raising to grip your jaw and forcefully turn your head to face her.
"is that a challenge? hm?" it was rhetorical, her eyebrows raised and voice low.
"prove it."
she didn't need further pushing, lifting herself off the bed and taking a few steps back. you propped yourself up onto your elbows to watch, head tilted when she stared at you blankly. eyes flicking to your shorts before back up to your face.
"take em' off."
"you take them off."
"take. them. off. i won't be asking again."
you gave in with a huff, rolling your eyes and lifting your hips to peel your shorts off. biting down a smirk as you lifted your legs back onto the bed - revealing yourself to her.
"awfully cocky there, love."
"as if you don't love it."
"do you always have such a smart mouth?"
"i have a very lovely mouth."
"oh i bet."
she was on her knees then, face level with you. eyes locked on your gleaming pussy, fingers gliding through your folds and collecting your slick before bringing her digits to slip between her lips - tasting you. she laid her fingers back against you, prints flat against your clit, applying the perfect amount of pressure to make your head fall back on the bed behind you with a desperate moan.
she drew tight circles, watching you throb beneath her fingers. you moaned at the contact, your clit already sensitive. you didn't know how she managed it, but she had you falling apart from the pressure alone - and you could tell she loved every second of it with her lips drawn into a cocky smirk at the sight of your mouth falling agape when you began rutting up into hands as a plea for more.
“does that feel good darlin'?” she asked from between your thighs, her lips pressed against the soft skin of your leg, stopping their sloppy kisses for a second. you whimpered in response, nodding slowly. “use your words, love.”
“yes it feels good..” you whispered, licking your lips, your mouth increasingly dry.
“good girl..” she added, jaw clenched when she attached her lips to your thighs again. you savoured the feeling, the delicious feeling as she dragged her fingers roughly against you. the praise made your legs tense against her lips, sending a rush of pleasure down through the depths of your stomach.
“i want more. please.”
"hm? what was that?”
“i want your fingers..” you confessed, dragging your own teeth along the back of your hand which you were using to muffle the sultry sounds tumbling from your lips - biting down against the skin when you felt your face flush.
“please,” you begged, hips rising off the bed in a desperate act for more friction. she shut you down quickly, using her free hand to pin your hips back to the mattress.
“please what, darling..” she stalled, slowing down to an unbearable speed.
“i need you to fuck me,” your words made you squirm, eagerly waiting as you felt a single finger travel down and tease your hole before she pushed into you slowly. her own thighs clenching at the sound of you gasping as she added another finger, curling them methodically inside of you.
she stretched you out perfectly, her fingers moving at just the right speed to have you moaning with every thrust into you. her pace and pressure increased with the volume of your whimpers, back arched into her touch and face buried in your arms as her fingers pressed perfectly inside of you. she curled her fingers to press against your g-spot, mentally noting how perfect you sounded chanting her name. taking advantage of you being preoccupied by the pleasure, she moved to lay her tongue flat against your clit. fingers still moving inside you as she carefully flicked the bundle of nerves between her lips.
a moan rattled from the back of her throat as you coated her taste buds, the vibrations travelling straight to the fire now raging in the pit of your stomach and coursing through your legs - coaxing out a moan of your own.
she felt you tense and squeeze around her fingers, your clit throbbing against her mouth when she lifted her eyes to survey the scene above her. your eyes screwed shut and teeth gripping your bottom lip so tight it was sure to leave a mark. chest heaving and hands twisting in the sheets.
"you going to cum for me?"
“y-yes,” you stuttered, eyes rolling into the back of your head when her fingers curled a final time and she took your clit into her mouth with a pop.
“thats it. good girl.”
that was all it took for you, your orgasm crashing through your body and shaking through your limbs. legs shaking beside her head and cunt tensing around her fingers. back arched and screaming out her name.
katie let you ride it out, only stilling her fingers and withdrawing her tongue from you when your back finally laid against the bed again - catching your breath. she brought her fingers up to your mouth and slipped them past your lips for a second as she moved to straddle you, climbing up from the floor. her fingers dragged down the length of your chin and were replaced with her mouth, her tongue finding yours - allowing you to taste yourself from her mouth.
"wanna taste you," you managed to croak out through the kisses, gulping and lifting your hands to press against her chest. pushing her back and towards the pillows at the head of the bed until she was laid down. "my turn.." you whispered seductively in her ear, lips pursed and leaving small kisses in your path as you travelled down the length of her body.
her tracksuit bottoms were removed quickly and your fingers were hooked into the band of her underwear, pulling them down her tanned legs until they followed the rest of the clothes to reside on the floor. she was dripping, and the sight alone was enough to have you salivating below her.
the scrunchie in your hair had loosened after the previous events of the evening, and your hair was limp enough for her to slide her hand into the back of your locks. gripping tightly and pulling you closer to her pussy.
"go on, make me feel good."
you needed no further instruction, moving closer to her before she had even finished the sentence. you laid your tongue flat against her, lapping her up. she tasted almost as good as she looked. her eyes focused on you and her hand tight against your scalp, guiding you.
you couldn't look away, allowing her to take you as she wanted. moving your head against the rhythm of her hips - moaning your name when your eyes met hers innocently. her head fell against the headboard when you whimpered against her, her own noises mirroring yours as her legs started to close around your head.
"fuck, thats it. i'm gonna cum," she groaned, both hands on the back of your head as you drank her in. nodding eagerly between her thighs, silently begging for her to cum for you.
and she did. hard. crying your name out into the room around you, followed by a string of curses until she finally released your head from her hands and her legs laid limp beside her on the bed.
"jesus christ."
"nope, just me." you teased, now occupying the space beside her on the pillows. both of your bodies coated in a sheen layer of sweat and your eyes threatened to close with the sound of her steady breathing when her arms moved to embrace you.
"i didn't mean to just disappear how i did," she began, causing you to look at her again. "i just didn't want you to get caught up in the shit show that is my life,"
"katie, you could've just said you needed a bit of space,"
"but i don't think that's what i wanted, i just didn't to ruin what we were doing, and well, making.." she paused, taking one of your hands into her own and bringing her lips to press against the skin.
"you were just too sweet to me,"
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orangeboulevard · 4 months
One: The Lies You Told (TWD, Reader Insert x Rick Grimes)
Summary: A supply run of yours goes wrong and leaves Rick spiralling.
Word count: 968
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Safe, you had said. Not going to take any unnecessary risks, you had promised. You'd be back in an hour or two, you had assured.
Yet, as Rick Grimes paced back and forth in the prison yard, he couldn't help but think you were a liar. The sun had started to dim and painted the Georgian landscape in vibrant shades of vermillion and saffron-orange, its beauty was lost on the agitated man. If you came back When you came back, he was gonna give you a piece of his mind, bar you from leaving for the next couple of weeks, kiss your stupid face, and hold you close. 
The familiar rumble of Daryl's motorbike met his ears, Rick hastily ran over to the gate and unlocked it. When you hadn't returned in the designated time limit, Daryl offered to search for you with a mumble of Rick being unfit to search for you. Rick couldn't help but agree that he was losing his cool, the thought that you may not be coming back scared him, terrified him even, it filled his stomach with painful feelings of a familiar grief. 
Daryl stopped his bike inside while Rick closed the gate with shaking hands. Rick turned, blue eyes finding the sight of the redneck's face splattered with blood, a limp body held in his arms. Your body. 
Your hand fell from your lap, and your headphones and walkman clattered onto the gravel road. Your hair was plastered to your bloody forehead. Your normally animated eyes were now glassy and dazed. 
"We need Hershel now! Where's he at?" Daryl grunted, readjusting his grip on you. Rick led the charge inside, pushing past people who stood about idly. 
It felt like Hershel had been treating you for hours but Rick knew, realistically, it had been little more than an hour. With all the pacing he was doing, Rick was sure he was going to run a hole in the floor. 
Finally, the old man limped out of the cell, wiping his bloodied hands with a cloth, his white beard was speckled with red. His kind and tired eyes met Rick's fearful ones, Hershel offered a nod and a smile. Rick sighed, falling back onto a seat as all the tension and worry seeped from his figure. 
"You can see 'em in the mornin', jus' unconscious righ' now. Rick, I won't lie to ya', it was close. Too close." 
"Wha' was it?" Rick asked as he ran a hand through his damp hair. 
"By the look of how straigh' the lacerations were and by the brute force damage to the cranium, I have ta' say it was human, no walker did tha'." 
Rick's jaw clenched at that, a deadly look flashing in his eyes. 
"Get some rest." Hershel patted the younger man's shoulder.
Rick was gently awoken from his slumber by honey-yellow rays of light, he stretched- his back felt tight and awful after sleeping in a chair by your bedside but, damn it, he wasn't going to leave you to wake up alone. 
His eyes flicked over to you, last night he had carefully wiped the dried blood from your face- avoiding the bruises that coloured your skin and the gashes in your cheek and the bridge of your nose. In the warm morning sun, you no longer looked ashen from blood loss. His fingers ghosted the curve of your jaw, the bow of your life. 
Rick had decided that when you woke up, he was going to kiss your stupid face and hold you close first, then he would give you a piece of his mind and bar you from leaving for the next couple of weeks. 
A cough from the door of the cell drew his attention away from devotedly tracing your imperfect perfect frame with his fingers, Carl held plates of food and bottled water in his hands. Rick offered a small smile, gesturing for his son to come in, the teenager passed him a plate, sat himself at the foot of your bunk and ate his breakfast. 
"I won't ever consider 'em a parent, but... If you're happy." Carl's face was obstructed by the large sheriff's hat upon his head. "You're happy, right?"
Rick hummed, eating his own eggs and vegetables. 
"Well, glad that we have your blessing, Carl," you croak, eyes fluttering open. 
Carl choked on his eggs while Rick quickly offered you a bottle of water, and you gratefully took it. Suppressing a pained groan as you sit up -despite Rick's protests-, you lightly touch the bandages around your head and side.  
"Fucker beat me up real good, huh?" You hiss as accidentally graze the gashes on your face, Rick forces your hands into your lap. "Rick, I'm sorry. I really am. I tried to bail at the first sign of funkiness but-" 
"Hush, you jus' woke up. Don't need ya' passin' out cuz' ya' used up too much energy." He held one of your hands in his own, and Carl, after a look of hesitancy, took the other- both wary of the skinned and split knuckles. 
"I don't think that's a real thing, cowboy." 
"Sure it is." 
Carl withdrew his hand and reached into his pockets. "You think finders keepers rule applies to this?" He pulled your Walkman and headphones out.
"Aw, hell. I guess it does," You play along, sighing dramatically. "Whatever, I was getting bored of the tapes anyway." 
Carl's eyes widened, "Wait, seriously?" 
Rick looked at his son with an expectant look, it was a very 'dad' expression. 
Carl muttered out a hasty, "Thank you." 
"Whatever, little man." You chuckle, pushing his hat down and over his eyes. 
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vikilinda · 1 year
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pairing(s): Georgie farmer x fem!reader
Summary: Your roomie asks you for a favor that you charge him in a scene, and it ends up being the best favor of your life.
"Oh please"
"You just have to put on the wig and no one will notice"
Emma, ​​your co-star and friend, begs you to cover her in a scene, the two had become friends when they were both in the final casting test, it cannot be said that both had gotten the role.
"Come on, you don't have to say any dialogue"
Emma had been begging you to cover her in a scene tomorrow, of course you had been telling her no all this time. Something interesting about both of you was how much you two looked alike, not enough to be twins but you do share quite a few similar traits.
"And why isn't Jenna covering for you!"
Jenna, who has been watching you fight Emma, ​​peacefully shakes her head as she continues to eat popcorn.
"I have scenes tomorrow, even if I wanted to I can't"
"Oh come on y/n, you're my only hope, if the scene doesn't shoot tomorrow they'll have to push everything back to January"
You deny.
"It won't be that someone is like this, it's because of her scene partner"
You quickly give Jenna a dirty look. As much as you wanted to deny it, Jenna was only telling the truth, if you accepted your scene partner, it would be Georgie, of course that wasn't the problem, the real problem came with the scene, which was a kiss between Enid and Ajax.
¡You couldn't kiss Georgie!
You and Georgie were good friends, spending almost every day on set together, even seeing each other for off-set dialogue practice quite often. But you couldn't kiss him, not after you'd tried so hard to drown out every little hint of any feeling for him.
"Is this all about Georgie? But if you guys are good- OH. MY. GOOD"
Emma, ​​who seemed to have understood the situation, looks at you with flashing eyes and open mouth. Apparently your little secret had been discovered.
"All the more reason you have to cover me tomorrow"
"I can't"
"Y/n this may be your best chance to find out if he has feelings for you."
"And in the worst case you'll have kissed your crush and you'll have the whole spring break to forget about it" Interjects Jenna.
"Oh thanks"
"Oh come on Y/n, Jenna's right, this is a win/win for you. Please"
You sigh. You were definitely going to regret this.
"Fine…i do it."
Both girls jump on top of you to celebrate, the three of you end up on the ground laughing out loud.
"I'm going to regret this so much"
Your heart gallops when you see how Georgie finishes the short sentence of her character, your scene was the last one to shoot so when you turn around you see almost all your friends and setmates, that only makes you more nervous.
Georgie starts to get closer to you but you just freeze to the ground. Why can't you just be professional, kiss him and end this.
You don't wait for an answer and you just run to the closest place you can find, of course it ends up being one of the corridors of the school set. Why couldn't you kiss him? Why did you have to run away? God, what is wrong with you!
"Hey…are you alright?"
You don't know if you are exalted by the shock of not knowing that you had someone behind your back, or by the specific British accent of that someone.
"Yeah, I just needed to get some air"
"Are you sure?"
You nod. You still had your back to Georgie but it didn't take much of a look to know that Georgie was far away from you, you felt how close her body was to yours.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
Georgie, seeing that you wouldn't turn around, he does, you look at the ground but he bends down in search of it. Georgie knew something was wrong, he knew you perfectly, you never got like that for a scene, not even that time you had to jump out of a window; So seeing you in that state he can't help but worry.
"Is it because of the number of people? Because I can tell Percy to distract them while we record"
"It's not that"
Georgie was a very patient person, very few things managed to get on his nerves, this was one of the few things. You kept looking away while giving monosyllabic answers, was he the problem? Had you been angry with him and hadn't noticed? He hadn't brushed his teeth?
Georgie takes your face in his hands and gently lifts it up so you can look into his eyes.
"Is it me? Can't you record the scene for me?"
Your lack of response confirms it. The look in his eyes kills you and makes you feel like the worst person in the world, he had only cared about you and instead you just avoid because you can't admit that it makes you so nervous that all body heat runs out of you.
"I'm sorry, I never wanted you to feel uncomfortable. It's because of the breath, right? I never should have let Percy do the shopping."
You laugh and that makes Georgie feel better at least you're not mad at him.
"You don't make me uncomfortable and your breath is fine, I swear."
"And what is it? If you don't tell me I won't be able to fix it, y/n/n"
Here you were, if you were going to take out the bandage you were going to do it in one move.
"It's just… It's just that you make me nervous"
Georgio was a poem, you didn't know if he was confused, scared or surprised. Or if he at least had understood what you wanted to say.
"I can't kiss you because every time you got closer I felt like my heart was going to explode or run away. And I couldn't tell you anything because I didn't want to damage our friendship, although from your face you may not even understand what I'm trying to tell you…"
Georgie doesn't give you time to finish when he locks your body in his arms and his chest, making sure that this time you weren't going to run away anywhere. Join your lips with his.
You were kissing Georgie! After all they had ended up kissing and you had to admit that it was much better than you had imagined. When they separate, Georgie runs her gaze over your face, smiles.
"I was the one who asked Emma to switch scenes with you."
Your eyes widened at her confusion, a smile beginning to escape from the corner of your lips. Georgie had planned all this.
"I couldn't leave without at least trying something. Those two months would have eaten my head"
"So you convinced Emma that she'll help you?"
"It was more blackmail on her part, but let's say yes. Are you upset?"
Emotions did not fit in you, how could you be upset? Georgie had gone to all the trouble to come up with a plan and blackmail your roomie just so he could kiss you.
You don't answer, not with words at least. You take her face in your hands and kiss it. Georgie takes a few more seconds to react, but when he does, he encloses you more in his arms, letting herself be guided by the dance that guides your lips.
They both smile when they see each other.
"How about we finish filming the scene, and after what it takes to get all this blood off of us, we go on a date"
"I'm lovin 'it"
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kararomanoff · 1 year
my baby
this was written by a minor, if that makes you uncomfortable then feel free to not interact
warning: fingering (r reserving), mommy kink (n), pet names (baby, sweetheart)
hiiiii this is my first post, im very excited but this will probably be really bad
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you where lying on the sofa watching friends waiting for Natasha to come out the shower. You and Nat have been dating for 3 months now and you couldn't be happier and you hoped she felt the same way.
'' hey sweetheart'' you hear for behind you and you turn around to see Natasha standing there in with only a towel covering her bare body ''baby?'' she rasps
''hm?'' you reply shaking your filthy thoughts away but still not being able to tare your eyes away from your lovers glorious chest, Natasha starts waking forward until she is close enough for her to pick up your chin ''what you looking at baby hm?'' you shrug to embarrassed to say it out loud ''was it these honey?'' her voice was now low as ask and gropes her own chest while dropping her towel.
you accidently let out a moan at the sight before you and Nat smirks ''underdress for mommy baby'' she didn't need to ask you twice, you hurried to lift your shirt over your head and pulling both your shorts and panties down in one go ''aww look at my baby so obedient for mommy'' she chuckles as you hastily nod wanting to be filled with her fingers.
Nat sits down on the sofa and pats her lap indicating for you to sit ''yes mommy'' you answer shyly ''good girl'' once you straddle her lap she starts to kiss your neck as she trails her hands down your body grabbing at everything she can ''mommy pleaseee...'' you beg feeling her hands but not where you needed them most ''sweetheart if you don't tell mommy what you want i cant do it'' you knew she knew what you wanted but she wasn't going to give you it till you asked so....
''Please finger me mommy please'' as soon as you finished your sentence Nat had shoved two fingers into you not leaving anytime for you to get used to it ''mhmm mommy'' you moan ''you like that baby? being mommy's good obedient girl?'' you nod not being about to say anything coherent ''aww poor baby is mommy making it hard to speak?'' you nod yet again ''maybe i should stop hm''
''NOOOOO'' you scream feeling the coil in your stomach, she adds another finger moving her hand faster ''hmmmm...'' she pretends to think ''I'll stop in... one minute, if you haven't came by then... well that's it i guess'' she threats
''nooo but-'' she stops moving her hand ''no- mommy please- i-i need to cum... please mommy'' you beg feeling the tears in your eyes, she starts moving her hand again, faster this time ''you only have thirty now, if i hear you complain again I'll stop'' you didn't want her to stop, in fact you never wanted her to stop ''mommy i need to cum''
''then do it baby, be a good girl and come for mommy'' as soon as she said that you came with Natasha prolonging you high and then holding you close ''my baby'' she mumbles ''your baby''
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kinjisroom · 1 month
when katsuki’s facial hair starts to grow masaru teaches him how to shave his little ugly teenage mustache OMGGG father&son bonding moment 😭😭
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I have just posted the first few chapters of my story, Object of Desire! I’ve been working on this story since February and finally have a cohesive storyline. This is going to be the first story of many in my line of novellas around the band Ghost! I’m so very excited to be starting this journey and am looking forward to those who will join!
Please, if you have any constructive criticism, positive feedback, basic advice, knowledge, and suggestions, send them my way! I’m always looking to improve my writing and would love to do so through the community.
As always, Elizabeth Stonewell
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sisiofthemultifandom · 7 months
Which pairing choice for Byleth would ideally work for a swan princess AU; Edelgard, Dimitri, or Claude
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knightjane · 1 month
My pet peeve is people automatically assuming I’m normal. Like I’ll be talking to this guy and he’ll ask me out and I’ll think, “Don’t know have any idea how much fanfiction I write? You couldn’t handle me buddy boy.”
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tobimilobi · 10 months
Chapters: 7/10 Fandom: The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Luigi (Nintendo), Mario (Nintendo), Princess Peach (Nintendo), Bowser (Nintendo) Additional Tags: luigi - Freeform, Bowser - Freeform, mario - Freeform, bowser jr - Freeform, Princess peach - Freeform, Deaf Character, luigi can't hear, Bowuigi, Bowser & Luigi Friendship (Nintendo), The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) Spoilers, Enemies to Friends, I need it to make it, Cute, Luigi Needs a Hug (Nintendo), overprotective brother mario, a little bit of bowuigi but not really?, I'm not shure, For now is one sided ok?, Sorry Not Sorry, Slow Burn Series: Part 1 of The Sound of Silence Summary:
"Go away! You and the Princess are evil!"
Suddenly, Junior appeared in front of Mario and pushed him back hard, then snuggled up to Luigi's side.
"Leave Lu alone, you nasty Tomato!"
Mario's face was priceless, and the insult he was given made Bowser snort uncontrollably, but he quickly covered his snout with his paw. The first to break the murky silence was none other than King Boo.
"Okay, since the wedding clearly didn't work out, I'm going back to my place" He darted past Bowser and backed away suddenly. "If you find that annoying dog, you can keep him. I'm sick of the gnawed furniture in the Haunted Mansion.”
Before Bowser could protest, King Boo disappeared along with several of his smaller copies in the floor. He growled slowly. He was really hoping to get rid of that damn mongrel, and King Boo had just left him here brazenly! Son of a...!
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am0ng-the-starss · 3 months
Struggling with how to start my fanfiction
i've never written fan fiction before and I have the idea and plot ironed out jut no idea what the first sentence should be.
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dei2dei · 2 years
I see a lot of fanfic authors wail about wordcount and treat it like it's the holy grail or a dick-measuring contest. I write 500 words a day, well I write 1500! I can write 900 in an hour! Someone gave me a funny look when I said I do 6000 a day, is that not enough? and so on.
It makes me livid because I see a lot of new writers thing they're Doing It Wrong if they're not hitting giant wordcounts, or artificially inflating wordcount to try to fit in (yeah, some of us will check your alleged write-and-post-daily-no-buffer 100k epic, and when it's 46k that's not a good look).
I've been following some tradpub authors on social media and one thing I've noticed is that a number of authors who do this for a living seem to come in around the 2,000 words/day.
Stephen King in On Writing says:
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Rhianna Pratchett says about her father, the late great Sir Terry:
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And recently from Kate Elliott:
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From John Scalzi's blog post Jan 3 2022:
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Fellow fanfic writers, please stop beating yourselves up and holding yourselves to giant numeric standards. If the people paid to do it are shooting for 2k/day, you-doing this as a hobby-have no reason to feel like you must exceed that. We're already under enough self-imposed pressure to WRITE ALL THE THINGS!
This is a hobby. Pursue it at your pace, your speed. Readers are not expecting paid professional wordcounts from you. Don't push yourself like that unless you want to.
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mercurycft · 4 months
## lucy bronze x reader !!
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Hi all! Enjoy this very very smutty imagine with jealous and top!lucy.. there's also a possibility a part 2 if people want it!? Love always.. RG x
contains: jealous!lucy , top!lucy bottom!reader, fingering, strap-on, mentions of leah williamson, teasing, dirty talk b
1,413 words.
Oh dear this is bad, you thought. It had been months since you had last seen Lucy in this state. Her hair was loosely thrown over her shoulders and cascading down her back, still dressed in her outfit from the party - her white shirt now unbuttoned and exposing her bra as she stood before you.
She was fuming. Not only could you feel it rattling around the room, you could see it. A fire of rage sat heavy behind her deep eyes, jaw clenching periodically as she studied you - her chest heaving as she inhaled and exhaled. You stood like a dear caught in headlights before her, eyes wide and mouth hung slightly agape at the sight of her. You had made it through the door only having it closed for maybe 30 seconds when you heard her voice ring through the room, your shoes were barely off when you turned to follow her voice.
She had gotten home before you, leaving the after-party early and ready to call it a night. The night was still young when she had decided to leave so, you stayed. Draped across your teammates as you collectively laughed, danced and sang horribly through the DJ's playlist of old-school hits.
That was two hours ago now, and after stumbling through the door of your shared apartment as quietly as possible - you were caught.
She wasn't upset you had stayed out, it happened often between you both. She wasn't upset you were dancing on tables in a dress that fit like a glove - clinging to your curves and leaving little to the average imagination. You internally ran through the possible causes of her current situation but were stumped. Then you remembered, the way she had her eyes locked on you from her seat. Your back pressed against Leah's front, bodies swaying to the beat of the song that echoed through the place. Fuck you thought, remembering how she clenched her glass and jaw in unison at the sight of you grinding against your captain.
"Did I stutter? I said, strip." Her voice ripped you from your thoughts, eyes now meeting hers. Noticing how she admired you from across the room, eyes sweeping from your head to your toes - lingering on your chest for almost a second too long.
You remained still for a moment after she spoke, thighs pressed tightly together. Don't push her, you thought. Slowly and carefully lifting your hands to clasp the fabric of your dress, pulling it up and over your head without argument - now exposed to her.
"Bedroom." She whispered, but it wasn't weak, it was strong. A command. An order. You followed it willingly, moving towards your bedroom with her following behind slowly. She couldn't help but watch how your hips moved when you walked, eyes fixated on the way they swayed with each step.
Once you had made it, you stood next to the bed back towards her. Before you had the chance to turn around and speak she had closed the gap between you, her front was pressed against you, her hand up and twisted your hair - pulling you closer against her chest.
She seemed to tower over you, five inches feeling like a foot when the back of your head met with the hot skin of her chest. Her mouth was instantly on your neck, peppering rough and needy kisses below your ear and down the length of your shoulder. Her breath was warm, goosebumps following in her path.
Your eyes were closed tightly, licking your lips as you felt her tongue travel up towards your jaw and stop when her lips pressed against your ear. "Bend over."
You and Lucy had established a long time ago that she liked to be dominant in the bedroom, giving orders and overall giving but it was rare to see her like this. You would be lying if you said it didn't set your body on fire, hairs all standing on end and heart thumping behind its bony cage at the thought of her having her way with you.
You were bent in seconds, weight resting on your hands and head facing down between them - gathering your thoughts and shuddering a deep breath in anticipation. You were left like this for a minute or two. First, there was a shuffling behind you as she searched through the drawers beside her and then silence when she had found what she was looking for. Deep down you knew what it was and the burning in the pit of your stomach increased, sending shockwaves through your lower abdomen and down your legs at the mere thought. Lucy, however, was busy admiring you from behind - on full display for her, clearly enjoying you trying to squeeze your legs together for some form of release.
When she finally caved it was her fingers, tracing through your slick folds methodically. Collecting the wetness on her fingers and circling your sensitive clit. She always knew how to please you, using the perfect amount of pressure with the pads of her fingers. You craved her, whimpering at the feeling of her fingers on you - pushing your hips back to meet her hand, begging for more friction where you needed it most.
You could practically hear her smirk from behind you, moving her fingers to circle your entrance now. Hesitating for a moment before she pulled away completely.
"Lucy, fuck, please.." You pleaded, head lifting in a contest to her actions.
"Get on the bed, on your knees." and you did, scrambling on top of the covers and planting yourself on your knees and elbows, head down facing away from her. You could hear her shuffle again, the sound of her clothes hitting the bedroom floor and her feet navigating their way into something new making your stomach somersault.
She made you wait longer, adjusting herself on the bed behind you. Amused at the way you whined for her, tossing your weight between your knees and squirming for her. Then, you felt it. The tip of her strap caressing you gently. She was gentle, but firm with her actions. Sliding the head between your folds, coating the silicone in your slick before sitting at your entrance once more.
"What's your safeword, baby.." She whispered, breaking character momentarily. It made your heart swell in your chest, perking up to reply.
"Good girl.." She praised lowly, pressing into you. Stretching perfectly until it sat snug between your walls. She waited a minute until she was confident you were ready, bracing her hands on your hips as she began to move.
Her thrusts were calculated. Slow and hard. You whimpered into the sheets, eyes rolling into the back of your head as she filled you perfectly. Pulling out slowly just to force herself back into you, pulling your hips back to meet her halfway. Her pace increased with your volume, moaning out as the harsh slaps resonated through the room.
You could hear her breathing, it was erratic. Low curses under her breath matched her thrusts, watching as she stretched you around her.
"You take me so well, don't you baby?" She queried, voice hoarse.
You nodded below her, scared if you tried to speak you would scream out. Though the sheets did a poor job at muffling your moans when you felt her let out a breathy laugh from behind you. Your sultry noises ignited a wildfire in her veins, her hand moving to grip your hair roughly.
"God don't stop, Luce.." You begged, mouth left agape when she grumbled.
"Could she fuck you like this?" It caught you off guard, and you shivered beneath her. "Could she? Would you let her fuck you like this? Stretching you out? hm?" You knew it was rhetorical, but shook your head furiously. Unable to speak. As if she had snipped your vocal chords and stolen them straight out of your throat.
"That's what you want huh? Do you want her to fuck you? Maybe I'll send her a message... I know you love being used." You blushed at the thought, a deep pink cascading over your face and chest. You had never thought about it before, but the images she was feeding you were filthy and they contorted your stomach as her other hand snaked down to toy with your clit. "You want us both? Want us to take turns hm?"
That was all it took for you, overwhelmed by her thrusts and the images now prominent in your mind, your first orgasm ripped through you harshly. Clenching around her strap-on and crying through the room. she didn't stop though, instead pushing your head down further into the sheets and continuing.
This continued until you were spacey, head filled with the images she was compiling. The filthiest thoughts you can imagine, now after 3 orgasms you lay with her head between your legs. Her tongue grazed your swollen clit, lapping your juices up as you squirmed.
When she pulled away, her lips were red and her chin glistened with you. Smirking as she raised to kiss you passionately, passing your taste on.
She stroked your hair gently as she readjusted you and moved you to lay on the pillows, praising you for taking it so well when your eyes met hers and her shit-eating grin. She made sure you were comfy, kissing you softly in direct contrast to her previous actions.
She went to leave the room, off to grab water for you both and a towel. Though she only made it two steps out the door, poking her head back inside and you couldn't help but laugh when she uttered a low. "Maybe I'll give Leah a text.." fuck.
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orangeboulevard · 2 months
The Comforts I Find In Your Shadows
(Rick x Gojo, Gojo x Aragorn, Aragorn x Rick)
I can't even say I was double dog dared to do this because I wasn't. Also I haven't watched jjk I watched one video of Gojo for this amazing opportunity.
Words: 842
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In a world ravaged by the undead, Rick Grimes had learnt that good things don't often come by but when they do, you better hold onto them.
Gojo Satoru was his good thing. Gojo was his best friend, his support through the hard times -when they were starving and dehydrated, burning under the summer sun, when Lori died and when they were being threatened and attacked by The Governor.-, he had saved his life countless amounts of times back when Rick was still a naive and wide-eyed sheriff from Atlanta and he was what was keeping him up in the dead of night. Those blue eyes stirred hot feelings in his lower abdomen, they were in his mind when he was gasping and whimpering, they were in his mind when he felt disgusted with himself afterwards.
He shook himself from his thoughts, they served him no purpose besides conjuring painful feelings of want and desire in his chest, and clambered out of bed, he was due for patrol around the perimeter of Alexandria in about twenty minutes which left him with just enough time to brush his teeth, change his clothes and grab a bite to eat before leaving the house. He rubbed at the stumble that was starting to break on his jaw as he breathed in the fresh air, this was something he had missed and would never take for granted again- waking up to a beautiful neighbourhood and feeling somewhat secure.
He greeted the few people that were awake and about their business at the early hours of the morning, one of these such people was Aragorn. Rick offered a friendly smile that was met with a respectable nod. Aragorn.... Aragorn was a tricky subject to approach, the poor man did not speak English nor any other language the residents of Alexandria spoke.
His steely grey eyes were aged by years beyond him, Rick guessed that they were around the same age- late thirties, early forties-. His rugged countenance was emphasised by his choices of clothing, archaic looking trousers and shirts- when he'd first arrived, he was wearing a cloak, an actual cloak. Rick figured that either when the apocalypse had started, Aragorn had been at a fancy dress party or Aragorn was some sort of LARPer, it made some certain degree of sense, the man did bear a sword on his hip at all times and his mannerisms were entirely bizzare- it may just be a mental disorder, however.
Rick found himself forced from his musings by a gentle touch against his lips, he flinched back as his eyebrows raised in shock and confusion. Aragorn was holding a strawberry to his lips with an expectant look. Rick couldn't help but break out in a smile, sure the man was... odd but he was sweet and he took his job as a gardener in Alexandria very seriously. Rick closed his lips around the strawberry as he took a bite, he missed the way Aragorn flushed and had to look off to the side.
Rick's eyes closed and he let out an involuntary sound of satisfaction, it had been too long since he'd savoured the sweet taste of a strawberry- another good thing he'd better hold onto. He opened his eyes to see Aragorn gazing at the ground beside him, Rick offered him the last of the strawberry and tried to convey how good it was with his bright grin. Aragorn pushed Rick's hand towards his mouth, taking the rest of the small fruit. Aragorn let a small smile paint his features, making him look a lot younger than he did normally.
Rick patted the man's shoulder before continuing on his journey to Alexandria's gate, he missed the way Aragorn's disappointed gaze followed his shrinking figure.
Gojo was there to greet him at the gate and Rick hoped to God his best friend couldn't hear how his heart sped up at the sight of him, the traitorous creature that it was.
"Rick! My student, there you are! I was starting to wonder if I'd somehow been scheduled for a double shit," Gojo joked as he ran a hand through his platinum locks, his eyes locked onto Rick's own behind his dark shades.
"Ahah, sorry, got caught up back there by Aragorn. Didja' see? He's got some strawberry plants goin' on, real ripe," he swallowed, why did every word seem to stick to his gullet and refuse to come out?
"Aragorn?" Gojo's voice became slightly higher, "No way! I gotta get some of those."
"Uh, yeah but befo-"
"Sorry, Rick, I'm just gonna go see Aragorn, I'll see ya later, buddy," Gojo playfully punched Rick's shoulder and Rick just grinned and nodded, hoping his disappointment wasn't too evident on his face.
Rick sighed as Gojo practically skipped off, he decided to concentrate on the task at hand: boring, monotonous walking around the whole of Alexandria.
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kararomanoff · 1 day
you’ll never miss behave again
warning: gun play, slapping, bdsm, daddy kink
When Maria starts sharing to much you decide to tease her off…
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Maria’s assistant comes over to your desk as you sit in boredom wishing you where on a mission instead
“Miss hill would like to see you in her office” he tells you, you smirk knowing what Maria wants from you is definitely not some papers or mission updates.
“tell her I will be there in 5” you tell her nervous little assistant, why did she even hire him? As much as you wanted to rush down the halls enter her office and do her every command, you where gonna make her wait, After Tony’s party last week where you overheard her telling Natasha about how you always do everything she says, how much you beg her. Natasha and Maria had been friends for a very long time but you had no idea that they spoke about such personal things considering they’re both so closed off.
so sense you’ve been trying to piss her off to prove that you don’t just come when she calls, you’ve been wearing short skirts and dresses ‘ accidentally’ bending over in front of agent morse and flirting with Wanda, each and every time making sure maria show.
you walk as slow as you possibly can on the way to her office, you know that Maria will be watching you on the security cameras, when you arrive at her office you go to knock on the door but before you can, the door is opened and Maria pulls you in by your neck.
she pushes you down atop of her desk, staring in your eyes with so much anger “what’s wrong with you? Wake up on the wrong side of the bed hm?” Before anything else comes out of your mouth Maria slaps you across the face.
“Oh you spoiled little brat, you never know when to stop do you? Well don’t worry cause after this you’ll never do anything like this again” she said while she caresses your face so softly, exactly where she slapped you. “And as an apology you’re going to get your little pussy off on my gun” Maria smirks so happy with her idea.
“What? Maria no! Thats so dangerous!” Another slap lands on your face, this time much hard than the last.
“I’m sorry sir but I- it’s so dangerous” your voice shakes
“that’s the point pretty girl, then you’ll never mess with me again” she was right, you never did mess with her again
“Fuck daddy” you moan as she pushes her pistol in you as you sit in her lap
“oh look at you baby girl riding your daddy’s gun, moaning so much after telling me it’s to dangerous”
“daddyyyy-“ you stop when you hear coulsons voice
“don’t worry sweetheart it’s just a call” you freeze, can the most high up boss, see you?
“How is everything at the trescelion?”
“it’s all good but agent y/l/n name is being a whiny bitch”
“Mariaaaa” you whine
“shhhh princess or there’s no cumming for you”she whispers “sorry coulson i have to go” she says and hangs up on him in the middle of his sentence. She slaps you on the face again “what did I tell you hm? That’s not my name”
“but you where-“ before you could finish your sentence Maria starts ramming her gun in to you, so fast “I need to- daddy I need to- please” you beg her to let you cum
Maria laughs “ oh princess your not getting to cum after the way you’ve behaved” she pulls it out and pushes you off her lap “ off you go”
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kinjisroom · 1 month
bakusquad is good, but i think katsuki’s music band friends have a special flavor
i need him to hang out with jirou and tokoyami more!!
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Three more parts have been uploaded.
So very sorry my my delay (yet again). I’ve been very busy with work lately and have had hardly any free time. As for my Secondo short story, I am still working on it unfortunately. Writing is really hard lol.
As always, Elizabeth Stonewell.
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