#genshin ayaka
eseninkit-blog · 1 month
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kaeya with pretty flowers for rodya from ko-fi🫶🏻
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wonlis · 2 years
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irodori festival made impossible and combined all my favorite genshin characters in one place even little angry hat man my beloved and Albedo with Venti and Kazuha
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callibee · 1 year
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luxthestrange · 4 months
G.I Incorrect Quotes#74 Moronsexuals
Ayaka: So, what's it like dating Itto?
Takuya: He once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter"...
Ayaka: ...
Y/n: We love him so much...
Itto*Coming in with a book*Hey guys, what kind of animal is a pink panther?
Takuya & Y/n*Already turned on, and running to him and pulling him away*-Excuse us Miss Kamisato
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gayassbish · 7 months
Genshin Siblings’ Reactions to Their Sister Having a Girlfriend!
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Genre: Fluff, slight crack, (minor Angst in Jean and Barbara’s part)
Reader: Female*
Characters: Ayato & Thoma with Ayaka, Lyney & Freminet with Lynnett, Jean with Barbara, and Extra! Aether with Lumine
Ayato & Thoma-
On a typical evening when Ayato was finishing his daily quota and Thoma was doing his last rounds around the residence, Ayaka boldly enters in, hand in hand with you.
Ayato immediately takes notice, wondering ‘who tf is this bitc-‘ Kidding, he’s just like ‘who are you?’ in his head. And Thoma smirks, as if he already knows something.
The thing is, Ayaka decided to come out to Ayato when she would eventually have a girlfriend to introduce to him.
So when Ayaka asks if the four of you could have dinner together, with her new “friend,” Ayato instantly thinks something is up. His main suspicions are that you ran away from home with your raggedy looking- But he is worried you’re either homeless or in danger. Not really thinking Ayaka wants to introduce a friend, not even taking notice of the way Ayaka looks at you, and not noting your body language around her.
After introductions, the four of y’all are sat around the square table (Kotatsu). Thoma brings a cake with writing saying, ‘Yay! You’re Gay,’ in frosting but it slips pass Ayato as he doesn’t take his eyes off you two.
Once Thoma sits down, Ayaka clears her throat and breaks the big news. “Okay… big brother please don’t be mad. I know you wanted me to remain single for the rest of my life and be lonely till the ends of time-“
Ayato interrupts, not happy with the accusation that is thrown at him. “What? What nonsense why would I want you to be alone? They would just have to be a sensible guy-“
“Ugh! would you let me finish?” Ayaka rolls her eye and interrupts her big brother back. Thoma gives you a soft smile, mouthing the words ‘You better get used to this.’ “Anyways.. like I was saying. I found someone and they’re not a guy so-” Ayaka turns to look at you and Ayato’s jaw drops.
“You’re not homeless?” Ayato exclaims, shock and surprise written on his face. Evidently, the news for Ayaka and you together hasn’t hit him yet.
“Ayato!” Thoma and Ayaka yell simultaneously, while you laugh. Ayato almost looks embarrassed at his words, but you chime in before he can say anything else stupid.
“No, but I am your sisters girlfriend if you’re okay with that…” You look to Ayaka and give her hand a squeeze. She’s been pretty nervous about this whole meeting and stressing about how her overprotective brother would take it. Therefore she came out to Thoma before hand and asked if he would be willing to help break the news to him.
Ayaka and Thoma eagerly eat up Ayato’s reaction. “So.. you won’t be pregnant right?”Ayato nods to himself. And everyone but him deadpans. “Yea, I’m okay with this. Why wouldn’t I be?” He smiles at y’all and watches how his sister gleams.
Ayaka runs over the table to give her brother a hugeee hug. “Oh my god! Ugh I can’t believe I was scared to tell you!.” Ayato gives his sister a hug back and she sits back down.
“Wait.. Thoma?” Ayato looks to the blonde who’s already laughing. “Did you-?”
“Know? Yea… look at the cake I made buddy.” Thoma points to the clearly rainbow colored cake. “It’s a fruit cake. To celebrate this fruity day.” Thoma explains all excited and quite proud of his work.
“Well I see that now.. gosh.” Ayato mumbles and digs in. He slices different pieces for everyone.
The rest of dinner ends in laughter and more of Ayato’s dumb questions. Like “how do women fu-“Where did you guys meet,” and “Who confessed first,” as both Ayato and Thoma anxiously hear your story.
P.S. Ayato’s biggest fear is that Ayaka would get swept up by some dead beat guy and boom hed become an uncle one day, so he’s really happy you’re here to prevent that hypothetical nonsense.
Lyney & Freminet-
When Lynnett calls her brothers out for a cup of tea, they immediately think something must be wrong.
After all, Lynnett never plans meetings. She doesn’t have too since they all live in the same house.
So they conspire with one another for the reason for this meeting on the way to the cafe. And when they enter the building and see their shy Lynnett laughing and giggling, sat next to someone… Lyney’s first thought is, ‘who is this clone of Lynnett?’ And Freminent looks as if he’s lost his marbles. After all, everyone that Lynnett knows, the brothers already know… well almost everyone, until you stringed along.
They both know that their sister likes women. So you being a girl is no surprise. Mainly because Lynnett’s not the most discrete about her likings. If she likes something, they’ll find herself in her own world staring at the object of her desire or find herself obsessed with it, like tea. (Actually I think that’s just a bRiTisH thing.)
Anywho, neither of the siblings have EVER seen Lynnett like this and their eyes immediately trace to the cause of her giddy behavior. You.
Lyney hesitates a minute before asking,“Uhhh Lynnett?” Lynnett turns to look at her twin, who wears a nervous smile. Lyney swears he feels a shiver down his spine, still not fully convinced the girl, who looks like an identical copy of him, is his sister. “Who that?” He points to you, so shocked he forgot his manners.
“Lyney! Don’t be rude! This is Y/N.” She turns to you, “my girlfriend.” Freminent’s shock didn’t show on his face until now, and Lyney is still in confusion. “I called the two of you here to introduce you guys since Y/N will be around more often.” She takes a sip of her cup of tea, “But that was it, so you guys can leave now.” She smiles and was about to continue talking to you as Lyney and Freminent both immediately pull up a chair.
“Waiter, two cinnamon teas please!” Lyney gets the worker’s attentions and turns back to Lynnett, “Oh we are soo here to stay.” Freminent nods vigorously in agreement and Lynnett sighs.
“Exactly! You can’t just introduce her to us and not tells us anything!” Freminent exclaims, crossing his arms over his chest as he huffs.
Lynnett warned you that they might not take the news too well. It’s been the three of them for god knows how long, and she didn’t think they’d be ready to see her get onto the next phase in her life with you.
But you told her this meeting would be good for the both of you. She wouldn’t have to be so cautious with you around the city anymore and could finally get rid of the rope she used for you climb through her window and meet her. Plus it was about high time her siblings knew about the two of y’all together.
“They have a point Lynnett. How can they accept us if they barley know me?” You look at her and she frowns. She just didn’t want to put you through the trouble of her brothers eating at your head :(. “Please,” You ask her earnestly and she sighs.
“Fine. Out with it you two. What do you want to know?” Lynnett glares at them, communicating with her eyes to not ask anything rude. “You don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to.” She whispers to you and you squeeze her hand in reassurance.
“Oh me first!” Lynnett raises his hand to beat Freminent who slides back into his seat. “Why do you love my sister?” He analyzes you, preparing what he will say if you give him a bad answer.
“Well..” The brothers lean in to hear your answer. “What’s there not to love?” You say with a small chuckle. “But if I had to pick some of my favorite things about her it would have to be… how she looks at me… and how she tries to make sure I’m always okay in her own way. But I think the thing I love the most about her… is her independence.” You look to Lynnett who’s already blushing.
Freminent and Lyney look at eachother and it’s as if they come to an understanding that maybe you really are right for her. They usually aren’t so quick to trust someone at face value with some words, but they know. Lynnett has a wall around people and doesn’t let it down around just anyone. They trust that their sister is good at figuring out people’s good intentions from wrong, and if she’s opened her heart to you. Then they trust her. They trust her judgement of you.
“Well, I’ll admit thats not a bad answer.” Lyney rumbles, rubbing his neck, not so happy with his defeat.
“But I have one last question.” Freminent asks and the attention turns to boy who’s remained mostly quiet throughout this discussion. “It’s a really important one.” He looks to both Lyney and Lynnett, and it’s as if they both already know what he’s about to ask.
“Of course. Ask anything. I’m an open book.” You say with a calm smile.
Freminent takes a deep breath, “If you want to be a part of this family then… do you promise that no matter what you hear… or what you learn.. you’ll try to see things from our side?” All three of them look eagerly towards you.
Lynnett has told you seldom about her life outside of magic, but you know in your heart that no matter what, Lynnett will always be someone you cannot live without.
“We all have a story don’t we? …When you trust me enough to tell me yours, I know that no matter what I hear or see… I will wait for however long it takes to hear that story before coming to any sort of judgement.” You say softly, looking at them all and see the brothers tense figures lighten. When you turn back to Lynnett, her eyes tell you everything you need to know and how touched she is.
“Well shit.” Lyney says. “Welcome to the family.” He exclaims, and their drinks have arrived. The rest of the lunch continues with the exchanging of stories from embarrassing moments Lynnett’s had as a child to great epic moments of the high time in their careers. Though they don’t talk anymore about their past, you know when the time is right the occasion will come. :)
P.S. POV: You actually infiltrated their family to learn their magic tricks >:)
When Jean patrols Mondstat’s forests for any lurking danger, she sees her sister sitting next to someone on dock of the lake. Their legs dangling and feet touching the water. She was about to walk up to say hi until she sees her sister kiss the person next to her.
Jean drops her sword and a loud thud startles both you and Barbara as the two of you turn around to look at the cause of the sound, only to find the shocked expression of the Acting Grand Master.
“Sister!” Barbara looks as if she’s seen a ghost and gets up to run to her.
“Wait Barbara your shoes-“ You get cut off by Jean running away and Barbra chasing after her.
You sigh, grabbing Barbara’s shoes and wearing yours, while following the shouting of the ladies. You even pick up Jean’s sword that she’s left on the floor.
You and Barbara haven’t been together for very long, but you’re both serious about each other. However, every time you would mention if it’s time to introduce each other to one another’s family, Barbara would avoid the topic. You later learned it was cause Barbara’s sister is extremely overprotective of her.
And it makes sense after all. Barbara has been known to have stalkers and crazy fans (IFHY ALBERT). You yourself know how naive Barbara can be at times and how she doesn’t really take the best care of herself. After all, most of the time you’re picking up after her.
You find the sisters deep into the forest. Barbara sitting down on a rock, her pale feet covered in mud and gunk. And Jean pacing back and forth with a hand messing up her pony tail.
“I can’t believe you went behind my back!” Jean shouts. “A girlfriend? Seriously Barbara? Do you think you’re mature enough to be in a relationship? Do you think that girl is trustworthy?” Jean turns to her sister.
“How dare you! Y/N is a great partner and we’re doing really good! And I’ve learned so much being with her than I have before!…Gosh I knew you were going to react like this so I hid it from you.” Barbara continues the shouting, but then starts to weep and Jean sighs. Jean hates it when her sister cries. And she hates it even more when she’s the one who makes her sister cry.
“Oh Barbara, please don’t cry-“ Jean kneels down, about to wipe her tears.
“Tell me, is it just a thing in your family to leave your stuff everywhere?” You interrupt, and the stark difference in their reactions almost makes you laugh.
Barbara exclaims your name and runs up to give you a hug, while Jean stands back up and crosses her arms over her chest. She wears a furrowed brow on her face to match the tense body language.
“You got mud all over you.” You tell Barbara softly and Barbara giggles. Once she lets go of the hug, you kneel down to clean her feet with a cloth. You put her shoes on her as well, and when you stand back up, you’re met with a distraught look on Jean’s face. “Here. Your sword.” When you walked to her to hand it back to her, Jean looks even more lost.
Jean, for the past years, has been the one taking care of her sister all the time. And though what you did just now might seem small, Jean didn’t even notice her sister was walking around barefoot. ‘What if Barbara got a thron stuck in her foot and her whole leg got infected?’ She beats herself up about not noticing sooner.
“Thank you,” Jean speaks very softly. Almost as if she’s trying to counteract for her shouting earlier.
“Don’t mention it,” You give her a genuine smile. You get where the older sister is coming from after all. “Now, how do we resolve this?” You look at both the sisters.
Barbara walks closer to where you and Jean stand. “Jean… I know I’m asking a lot from you to accept us given how bad I can be at judging people… but I swear. I swear on Barbatos that Y/N is a good person.” She looks at you and you smile. You can’t help yourself but to pat her head.
“Jean, I know how worried you must be. You’ve just seen your little sister being affectionate with some random stranger… but I promise you that this random stranger.. will take even better care of Barbara than you have over the years.” You make a challenge to yourself at Jean and she finally loosens up.
Jean exhales deeply. And shakes her head at how she jumped to conclusions about you.“I will take you up on that.” She looks at Barbara and then at you and noticed how she hasn’t really seen Barbara this happy and free in a while. Being stressed AF runs in the their family and she tells herself that maybe you’re good for her Barbara. And that maybe it’s time to let her sister experience the world for herself, without Jean’s watchful eye. “But.. I think we’re all do for a shower and a proper dinner after. I have many questions.” You and Barbara agree, sticky from the lake and the humid air as the three you guys walk back.
But this time instead of someone running away from another, someone shouting, and someone crying, you guys walk together. This marks the new beginning of getting to know each other and the rest of your lives.
P.S. Even if Jean ended up accidentally slaying your ass out of anger, C6 Barbara would’ve brought you back <3
A/N: I did a Barbara version where Jean introduces you as her girlfriend but I second guessed myself thinking that might be weird after I did the Jean version… (._.)
Aether doesn’t believe his sister got a partner before he did. Questions his rizz. The end ;)
Kidding, he doesn’t even know his sister has a girlfriend because he hasn’t found her-
A/N: How do people write traveller?? What even is their personality, like are they pretty? Yes. Do they speak? No. What do you guys go off of?? [・_・?]
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mushm00nsblog · 4 months
“A flower for you, my dear!”
Featuring: venti x reader, lyney x reader, ayaka x reader and lisa x reader (separate)
Synopsis: you’re on a date with them, when they suddenly give you a flower! how cute <3
Warnings: fluffy! Readers are already dating the character, reader is an implied female but there isn’t any pronouns used! Pet names ‘cutie’ and ‘dear’ are used! (Edited and refined)
Mush’s two cents: hello! this was just a cute lil idea for all these flirty genshin romancers that came to me as a shower thought. I originally thought of only the lyney one, but then I was like “erm I just wrote for lyney?? I need more characters!” and thought long and hard (it took me a few seconds) to come up with these. I wanted to make them all have different stories but make them off of the same concept, so I’m sorry if the repetition of the flower quote as you’ve seen before gets old... alas! I hope things appeal to your expectations. enjoy!
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You swung your legs back and forth slowly to the melody venti plays beautifully for your ears only on a branch of the Windrise tree.
His eyes were closed as his experienced fingers plucked the strings, you watched him closely, sighing an admiral sigh as you take in his painting-like appearance.
A sudden breeze flows up through the open air, and you watch as the god of anemo’s braids flow along with it— allowing the wind to guide your hair in the same direction as well.
The breeze doesn’t last long, but by the end of it, you eye a flower flying towards your direction, not batting an eye at it as all that mattered right now was your rhythmic lover..
Suddenly, right as the flower flies past both of you in the current, venti sticks an arm out to catch it swiftly, ending his lyre playing abruptly and pulling you out of your trance.
“Oh look! Here’s a flower!” He exclaims when he grabs it out from the gushing winds grasps.
Venti holds the flower up to you, chuckling softly as your expression changes to widened eyes, clearly not expecting that. “For you, my dear.”
The wind had stopped and all that you’re met with is ventis eyes, his hand extending a lovely Dandelion up to you.
Your cheeks warm up as you take the flower from his hands, smiling sweetly before looking back up into your lovers eyes.
“Thank you, venti..” you speak, softly, watching your lovers eyes flutter closed once more as he picks up a different melody on his instrument.
Afterwards: “venti! how’d you grab that flower so quickly?” “ehehe.. who’s to say I wasn’t the one that sent it this way?”
Having not had seen your boyfriend, lyney for a while, you both opted to make time for each other at your place, setting up a comfortable space on your sofa for some quality time.
You were both on separate cushions, a card game of Genius Invocation TCG plastered out on the center cushion in the middle of you guys.
As far as it seemed, you were winning the card game so far, having all 3 of your cards still playing as only two of lyneys were left.
He let out a playful gasp when you took down his first card, having him looking up at you with a little pout before he resets his facial expression to his usual smile.
“I admire your handiwork!” *he says with a playful glint in his eyes, before he suddenly looks as if he’d noticed something.
“Hey.. what’s that behind your ear?” he questions, making you take your eyes off the card game and focus on what exactly is behind your ear.
He leans forward, moving his hand behind your ear, reaching for something before pulling his hand back into your view, holding a rainbow rose!
Your eyes beamed as you gasped. “Oh look at that! It’s a flower!” he exclaims, putting on an act as if he wasn’t the one that made it appear. “For you, my dear”
You take the rainbow rose into your hands excitedly, your eyes shining as your admire the rose, blushing softly when your eyes meet his as you remember the meaning behind gifting rainbow roses.
“Thank you lyney!” You thank him, excitedly leaning in close to him and hovering over the cards to place a quick kiss to his cheek. “Let me go put this somewhere safe now..”
With that, lyney nods and watches you walk not too far away, placing your lovely new rainbow rose in a vase and setting it down on your coffee table in front of the sofa.
“There!” As you set down the flower, you admire it proudly, taking your seat a few seconds later.
“hey! what happened to my cards??” “now you see it now you don’t! looks like I win!”
You watched mesmerizingly as Ayaka finishes her Sakura Bloom Dance in Chinju forest, applauding once she finishes and watching her bow with a sweet smile on her face.
“Wow, Ayaka… I’ve seen this dance so many times.. but each time I see it I’m always amazed.” You say, sighing out when you finish speaking, and she lets out a little giggle at your compliment.
“Thank you, I do appreciate your admiring.” She replies sweetly. “There is something different about this dance in particular though..”
When she mentions that something was different about the dance she performed this time, you were lost. You hadn’t noticed anything but to be honest, you also felt like nothing changed about it.
You tilt your head, straightening out a bit as you wonder what she’s referring to, inevitably drawing a blank and asking her what it was.
She chuckled softly, looking off to the side and opening her fan to block her face before walking towards you, hiding something behind her back.
When she reaches you, she pulled out a bouquet of Sakura Blooms, handing them to you with her face hidden behind her fan.
“These flowers are for you.. my dear.”
Once you take the flowers: “ayaka? are you blushing?” “ah.. perhaps— maybe a little bit.”
You often find yourself in the Favonius Library, reading countless of books all afternoon alongside your girlfriend, Lisa when she voices her complaints about nobody coming into the library as of late.
It had turned into a regular occurrence, and now the two of you find yourself here for dates as well.
That brings you to where you are now, sharing some tea with your lover whilst reading separate books at one of the library tables.
You had your head down in a book when she closed hers, letting out a yawn before she begins to play with some electricity in her hands.
Noticing her immediately once she closes her book, you pick up your head and look at what she’s doing, noticing that she’s forming something out of electro!
“Oooh what’s that, Lisa?” You ask, leaning forward a bit.
She looks at you once she notices you’ve seen what she was doing, her usual smile appearing on her face as she forms the object she was making quicker and placing it on the book you were reading.
“Hm..? See for yourself.” She says, pointing towards the object on your book before leaning her hands on the table, watching you look down to see… a purple rose!
“Wowww..! It’s so pretty!” You say, reaching your hand out for it before feeling a sudden zap against your fingers- making you pull back with a gasp and look at your hand.
Lisa only chuckled when she watched this, making you blush a bit out of embarrassment.
“Did you feel the spark, cutie~?”
Afterwards: “lisa! thats not funny!” “awh.. well what did you expect cutie~?” “..staaaaaaahhhp…”
aaaaaaah it’s currently 1:50 AM 😭😭I’m so sorry if this is out of character or doesn’t make sense, I was a little out of it while making it tonight since I’m a bit tired.
Reblogs are deeply appreciated!
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pluvioseprince · 1 year
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Springbloom Missive
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squibtopus · 10 months
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Kisses for Thoma
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shizuku1473 · 5 months
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Happy new year!!!🌅🎍
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petalologist · 5 months
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dancers 🪭⚔️🪷🌸
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yumenosakiacademy · 6 months
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4.3 || Roses and Muskets
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ventibesito · 10 months
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them!!! 💙🧡
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neulicius · 1 year
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happy birthday, ayato!
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mellysketches · 1 year
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Pastel 💗
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luxthestrange · 4 months
G.I Incorrect Quotes#75 AyaLumi
Ayato*Coming to your side hearing there was a fight going on* What's going on,Dearest?~
Y/n: Lumine thinks homophobic means 'Afraid of gay people'
Lumine, standing in the middle of an anti-gay protest with Ayaka: If I don't have a million Mora on our doorstep by tomorrow I will kiss this woman on the mouth in front of your children!!!
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gayassbish · 7 months
Genshin Girls and Love Languages!! Receiving and Giving!
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Genre: FLUFFF, just real pure stuff out here
Reader: Gender Neutral
Characters: Keqing, Xinyan, Jean, Dehya, Ayaka
Receiving - Quality Time: Having you spend your time with her means the world. If anyone can fully understand how special a mortal life is, it’s her. The fact you want to spend your fleeting seconds getting to know her means the world. (and no you’re not dying lol) but she acknowledges how you’re both on borrowed time with the inevitable end. So, just the fact you are CHOOSING her over spending your time on anything else means everything.
Giving - Acts of Service: This girl will do ANYTHING and I mean anything for you. She is at your beck and call ready for you give her an order. You constantly have to tell her she doesn’t have to go to the extra mile like that but she can’t help it. She loves you too much >:).
P.S. She is such a home maker mwah.
Receiving - Words of affirmation:
While Xinyan is the definition of optimism and hard work, it can be upsetting sometimes when no one appreciates her talent. So you being there as her biggest fan, her number one cheerleader, and just generally a supportive as a lover really pulls her out of those tough time!! You get her head out of the dump and she couldn’t be more greatful!
Giving - Physical Touch:
Xinyan is good with her words. She knows all the words to call your pretty and special, but she’s even better with hugs, kisses, and cuddles. She loves holding your hand. She does get a little insecure about her hands so loves it even when you trace over her chipped finger nails from her strumming the guitar. She likes to run her hands in your hair (or give you head pats) while y’all are cuddling too.
P.S. She’s definitely written multiple love songs about you. <3
Receiving - Acts of Service: Running her a warm bath after a long day of work and making her dinner makes her heart go to the moon and back!! She’s so greatful for you in her life as her biggest supporter and energy recharger. Oh yeaa, after cramming in a bunch of work, she’s all cuddles and snuggles to recharge and make up for lost time ;) She also hates working overtime once you come into her life. She really starts to fix her schedule so she can spend more time with you!
Giving - Gifts: Jean shows her love for you through gifts. Even if she can’t always be there for you on special days, she wants to show that that doesn’t mean she has forgotten about you. And while you might tell her it’s okay, and that she doesn’t have to give you anything, she’ll still spoil you with the most expensive things. she knows your tastes down to the ‘T’ and constantly tries her best for you!
P.S. She always tries to out do herself when it comes to gifts.
Receiving - Physical Touch: She just needs you in her arms. She feels the safest when you’re nearby her, and while she might not want to admit it, she can get quite clingy when you’re not around. She’s been through a lot and witnessed a lot of violence first hand, so having you nearby means she never has to go far for her to protect you <33
Giving - Quality Time: She’s a lady kept busy with her mercenary work. But she will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS make time for you. You’re her special someone, her most precious person, and she wants nothing more to spend the whole day with you. But when that isn’t possible, and she does get time with you, her full attention is on you. Eye contact, nodding along to whatever you blabber on, and always give you the “mhmmm,”and “yeah?” while listening
P.S. Her eyes light up when she looks at you, and is always smiling when you talk.
Kamisato Ayaka-
Receiving - Words of affirmation: Poor girl just wants to know she’s enough. You telling her that she’s more than enough and comforting her, makes you her safe space. She feels as if she can be the most of truest self around you. And if you whisper strings of praise in her ear or shout the words “I love you!” with a big smile, it would still gets her all red in the face to this day!! She never gets tired of hearing, well basically anything, from you. Could probably listen to you talk about quantum physics or something boring like that for hours and still look at you with hearts in her eyes <33
Giving - Gifts & Words of Affirmation: She wants nothing more than for you to known how much you mean to her. She secretly makes a goal to herself to make your day each day and see a toothy smile of yours. She mainly does so by hand made crafts, like origami or painting, with love poems written somewhere on them. She also writes you a lotttt of thank you letters with a whole thesis and conclusion (kidding, just she fills the whole card). When she’s not with you, her favorite past time is thinking of things to give or make for you.
P.S. She writes a lot of the ‘P.S.’ too.
A/N: Kicking my legs and giggling writing this
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