#haikyuu suggestive
kageyamatobiyogurt · 1 year
“i’m just too dominant” - miya atsumu
a/n: i saw this video — will link when i find it again where this exact scenario happened and i thought of miya atsumu
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the two of you were sitting in your car and for some reason your boyfriend commented, “i feel like i’m just naturally so dominant”
you fought the urge to roll your eyes knowing how easily he could crumble sometimes. but he kept going.
“i just feel like i would take control—”
you’ve had enough. swiftly, you reach over and place a hand over his neck, not squeezing too hard, but definitely with some pressure.
he’s sent backwards in attempt to escape your grip but the car seat won’t actually let him go back any further. he could easily pry off your hand but a switch in him left him powerless.
“what the fuck?”
your fingers press the sides of his neck slightly tighter
“calm down-” his voice is two pitches higher now, “calm down”
“calm down babe, let me go-”
his mind is reeling and he’s a little ashamed to think that he’s more than a little turned on.
“mommy please-” ah, there it is, you smirk, relentless with your grip.
“a-ah, ugh~” he whimpers, unable to hold back, eyes glazed and definitely under your control.
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hxltic · 17 days
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Bokuto lost.
It was a tight last set filled with anticipation and the arena erupted when the last point was won by two. The players were heaving but the coach didn’t look upset, rather happy with how hard they fought. But it didn’t matter. Not to him anyway.
He has lost games before, but this was different. Maybe it was the sucky last practices or the hole growing in his gut every athlete gets when they underperform, but he wasn’t having it. He doesn’t get paid to try, he gets paid to win.
Before they shake hands and say “good game,” Bokuto glances over to you; face red, sweat dripping down the side of his head, and a heavy look in his eyes as he catches his breath, hoping his hands on his knees will help. You thought you saw his jaw tick from your spot in the stands.
He glances away, keeping his lips in a thin line. He didn’t even try to mask his enjoyment this time, just monotonously giving his congratulations as they walk by, and he steals one more glance before returning to the huddle of his team. It’s mean and nothing like the Bokuto you knew, but you smile.
You knew what you were in for tonight.
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©️ hxltic
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lawlzichat · 5 months
me when haikyuu
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mysterystarz · 2 years
seven minutes in heaven
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genre: fluff
pairing: kuroo tetsuro x g!n reader
warnings: pretty suggestive, you’re in a closet together, plenty of playful banter
a/n: i wanted to try something a little different than my norm and experiment with some light elements to see how it goes <33
pspsps; @kage7ama
reblogs and opinions are always appreciated <3
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you can hear his breathing.
it comes out in its slow breaths, an inhale, followed by a feathery exhale that somehow caresses your face.
it’s nothing more than a gentle sweep of your cheeks, and the nervous shuffling of kuroo, who attempts to find space between you in the narrow closet you’d been placed in together.
the truth was: you weren’t mad about this at all. not in the slightest. sure, plans for the evening weren’t made expecting to be placed mere inches away from the handsome face of the boy you could only dream about, but the reality of it wasn’t startling.
didn’t change the fact that you were nervous though.
“i’ve never seen you so quiet,” kuroo chuckles, “cat got your tongue?”
“what would you want me to say?” you ask, voice peaking curiously at the end. it was a genuine question. you weren’t sure what he expected.
“anything,” he responded simply, “i like your voice.”
the silence continued within the walls of the closet, and you could faintly register the thrum of your heart beneath your chest. the air was tinted with a hint of the cologne he’d always worn, and unsaid secrets that begged to be shared.
“we should figure this out,” you began, “whatever this is.”
“i’ve been wanting that for a while actually.” his hand brushed your own, tangling his fingers into yours. “how long have we danced around it?”
“a while,” you laughed, “where do we even start?”
he shuffled slightly closer, his knees knocking against your own. “the day we met,” he smiled, “you were so genuine.”
“and you were insufferable.”
“hey! i was not!” he protested, “i wanted to see if you’d cave.”
you had caved. caved for his knowing grin, the light in his eyes, and the way he seemed to memorize your very presence.
“well i didn’t.” you said instead.
“come on, we’ll get nowhere if you’re this stubborn,” kuroo teased, reaching his hand to poke your cheek. “don’t get me wrong, i love you holding your ground, but i just want to hear it.”
“what? that i like you?” you laughed, “didn’t think you were one for sappy confessions.”
kuroo leaned forward, and even in the darkness, his eyes glowed with something you couldn’t quite place. “well….i’m not. but you’re different.”
you felt a little heat rise to the tips of your ears. “do you really think a little proximity is going to make me actually say it?”
his lips brushed the shell of your ear. “no, but i like you.”
you paused. you couldn’t believe what you’d heard. “say that again.”
“i like you y/n. for the way you put up with me and are someone who i can truly rely on. i have for months.”
you hesitantly reached for him and cupped his cheek. it was just as warm and solid as you’d imagined, and you whispered your reciprocation before gently brushing your lips with his.
he slowly leaned forward, placing his hand on your side and kissing you softly, as if you were a figment of his imagination came to life. his hands wandered to your cheek, and you found yourself pulling him closer.
his lips traveled onto your ear, nibbling softly and trailing his way down to your jaw. his lips met yours again, and you pressed into him, relishing in the small gasp he let out.
you could kiss him forever. he felt the same.
the door busted open.
“right times up lov— oh.”
kuroo pulled away with a smirk, only to meet the eyes of yaku who looked embarrassingly at the floor.
“that was definitely more than seven minutes,” kuroo grinned, wrapping his arm around you.
“oh yeah.” yaku nodded, “i expected this would happen, but didn’t actually prepare me for it.”
you simply laughed as you shot an apologetic smile at the libero and made your way out of the stupid closet that had finally resolved the lingering tension.
kuroo settled next to you, his fingers intertwined with yours. a look into his eyes told you everything words could not, and as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, you knew in your heart that he’d meant every word.
you were his support, and he was yours, discovered by a closet rendezvous and the promise of yet another kiss.
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©mysterystarz all rights reserved - please do not plagiarize, translate, or modify my fics even if credited
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uravitypng · 2 years
𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮?
┆彡 tadashi yamaguchi x reader
word count: 700+ words
warnings: fluff, slightly suggestive
summary: yamaguchi is a consent king, always checking beforehand if he can touch you. it started when the two of you started dating.
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yamaguchi is a consent king, always checking beforehand if he can touch you. it started with when the two of you started dating and after a few dates he had walked you home, "can i kiss you?" the kiss was exactly like you imagined between you two, shy and nervous and so sweet.
you're in a busy shopping market one weekend buying food for the two of you to cook together later that day, "can i hold your hand? i don't want to lose you in the crowd." it's everything you imagined, tadashi holding onto you like you're the most precious thing in the world.
"can i take this off?" he asked as he brushes along your sides, asking permission to take off your top. you grant him permission and he touches you so gently, taking his time and making sure you're okay, that you're comfortable and safe and that you feel good.
tadashi's checking in has been in a constant in your relationship, always making sure you are okay after a long day, "how are you feeling, love? do you need me to run you a bath?" it's exactly how it's always been, yamaguchi being the most amazing boyfriend in the world.
his caring and considerate nature is one of the many reasons why you love him. "what would you do if i told you i loved you?" it's the first time you've seen him this nervous towards you in a long time and god your stomach filled with butterflies. "i'd tell you the same of course" you softly smile.
"do you want to move in with?" he blurts out one day while watching a movie together, the movie quickly became forgotten as you became overjoyed and you both started talking about what decor you wanted in your new place together.
yamaguchi took you to the same place he took you on your first date. it was your anniversary and the time you've spent with tadashi has been the best few years of your life. "will you marry me?" he went down on one knee and you couldn't stop crying. you're with the man you love and want to spend the rest of your life with. "yes. oh my god, i've never wanted anything more"
one of the most important questions in your relationship brings you right up to now. you're so nervous, he isn't even home yet and you're still planning how to say it properly, how to get the right words out. you triple-checked and there's no doubt about it, you're pregnant.
you and tadashi never really talked about having kids before, it's been brought up a couple time but you're not even really sure if he wants them. you use to not know if you wanted them that was until you met tadashi and you fell in love and you wanted everything with him, to spend your whole life together. the trouble is you're just not sure if he feels the same. you can't help but imagine tadashi holding a little child that looks just like the two of you, laughing and smiling, you know your husband would be an amazing father.
your thoughts are interrupted when you hear the door close. you're fidgeting and nervous and preparing what to say. yamaguchi shouts a quick hello before putting all his things away and coming up towards you in the kitchen. he kisses your cheek and can see that somethings troubling you. "what's wrong dear? did you have a bad day."
"my days been fine 'dashi but i need to talk to you about something. can we go sit down in the living room?" you ask while twiddling your fingers. he agrees and you both make your way to sit down.
reaching into your pocket you pull out one of the pregnancy tests you took and places it on the table in front of you. "do you want to start a family with me?" tadashi grins from ear to ear and he looks at you like he did when you were walking down the aisle. he rushes to kiss you and whispers against your lips, "i want nothing more, i love you so much. you mean the world to me and i can't wait for our future together"
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kitashousewife · 2 years
10:41 pm
a/n: another timestamp this time with kuroo because i CANNOT stop thinking about him
paring: timeskip!kuroo x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, angst, fighting, pet names, suggestive ending
tonight could have been perfect. could have. you agreed to accompany kuroo to a benefit dinner, but you wish you hadn't.
"something on your mind, hmm?" kuroo hums behind you as you walk to the front door. you are fuming.
"lots, actually," you spit back at him, stepping aside to let kuroo unlock the door. kuroo raises an eyebrow, but unlocks the door anyway. he chuckles to himself at your appearance. your black mini dress almost covered completely by the suit jacket he let you wear to warm up, your poor toes probably freezing in the heels you decided to wear.
"well," kuroo sighs, opening the door and motioning you to walk in first. shooting him a glare and stomping inside, you throw off his jacket and begin to take off your heels. "out with it then."
tonight was going great. everything was perfect. free drinks and amazing food was really a plus, but the real highlight of the night was watching kuroo interact with his colleagues. he seemed so professional, so confident. making everyone laugh with ease, kuroo knew how to hold a crowd.
that was great, until it wasn't.
you had been behind him the entire night, laughing at his jokes, listening to him and his coworkers go back and forth. kuroo wasn't paying you any mind. it was like you weren't even there.
"so, do you know him?" a voice from behind you stole your attention away from your husband, who was currently in the middle of a wonderful story. you had heard it before, of course, but you weren't really in the mood to talk.
"tetsuro? yeah, that is my husband," you laugh lightly, feeling a little confused as to why someone in his company wasn't aware of who you are.
"no way! wow, yeah look at that. you can't quite miss that ring," he gestures his drinking glass to your left hand, making you raise it in response. the light of the room flashes off of the diamond, causing it to sparkle a bit. looking up at him, feeling a little lost, the man senses your confusion. "he's just never mentioned a wife, that's all."
your stomach drops. are you fucking kidding me?
the man turns to chat with someone else, and you turn back around to kuroo and his group, now laughing together as he concluded his story.
"hey sweetheart," kuroo turns to you, grabbing your hand. you pull away. his brow furrows.
"sweetheart, didn't know you saw me that way." you mumble.
getting your heels off in a huff, you look up at kuroo. his calm posture and the relaxed, almost smug look he has on his face pisses you off even more.
"why ask? not like you give a fuck about me anyway." your voice stays even. crossing your arms over your chest, you look across the kitchen island.
kuroo faces you, his hands grabbing the edge of the counter across from you. leaning forward across the island, he looks you right in the eye.
"what the hell are you talking about?"
"where should i start? should i start with how you ignored me all night long," you tap your chin in fake thought. "or, should i start with the fact that none of your coworkers know were fucking married?"
rolling his eyes, kuroo leans his head back.
"oh, is this boring for you?" you begin to raise your voice. your heart is thumping in your chest.
"no, it isn't," kuroo hangs his head and sighs, looking at the floor.
"whatever, not like you fucking care." you spit, beginning to walk away.
"yeah, i do care actually," kuroo says, turning his head to look at you.
you laugh. "mhm. i bet," walking towards your bedroom, kuroo begins to follow you.
you stand at your bathroom counter, facing the mirror as you take off your jewelry.
"i'll have you know, my coworkers are very much aware that i'm happily married." kuroo leans back against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest just like you did before.
"happily, huh?"
"happily, yes." kuroo says through gritted teeth. you can tell he is starting to get angry.
"if it was so happy, why didn't you pay me any mind the entire night? why didn't your coworker know who i was, hmm?"
kuroo throws his head back and groans.
"it's not my fucking problem if someone doesn't recognize you, is it? is that my fault too?"
"i didn't say it was your fault, asshole!" you shout at kuroo, looking at him in the mirror. "if you talk about me so much, and everyone knows who i am, why did you need to ignore me? pushing me to the fucking side like some pest while you talk with those men, are you that embarrassed to be with me?" you turn around and are now faced with a very furious kuroo.
slamming his palms against the wall, kuroo pushes himself and now cages you in between himself and the bathroom sink.
"if i was you," kuroo whispers into your ear, "i would think carefully before opening that pretty mouth of yours, hmm?"
you feel dizzy. the anger you felt towards kuroo and his stupid antics tonight are replaced with fear, and something else that you can't place.
"don't ignore the subject, tetsuro. i'm upset because you ignored me, and-"
kuroo laughs. he fucking laughs at you. you scoff, and kuroo's thumb and forefinger tilt your chin up. you glare up at him.
"does someone need attention? is that what this is about?" smiling at you, you feel like his prey.
"n-no, i just-"
"just what, pretty? just wanted me to show you off a little bit, wanted me to tell everyone about my pretty wife?" he pulls you closer, lips almost touching.
"how about i give you some attention," kuroo breaths onto your lips, emphasizing his last word by reaching his hand behind you to pull the zipper of your dress down, ever so slowly.
"sit on the bed, and i'll make it up to you, yeah?"
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ushisrever · 2 years
Lost Royals ch. 2
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What does it take to be in your arms? What does it take to finally deem myself worthy of someone as great as my beloved wife - the prophesied fae?
Pair : Oikawa Tooru x fm!reader
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
Summary: Oikawa Tooru (a fae) is set to have an arranged marriage to the high royal princess fae (reader). Though, he has no idea why the high royal princess chose him. Therefore, he does everything he can to be noticeable or acceptable or at the same level as the princess’s great achievements. The only thing is the high royal princess who is one of the three prophesied faes to defeat the dark lord is too busy with her own duties to notice her husband’s efforts.
A/n: It’s been awhile since I continued this. I really hope I get to finish this as soon as possible. 
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"Prince Oikawa!" Tooru hears a familiar voice among the ground in the grand ball where nobles are waiting to enter the great dome for the demonstration.  
As this is a special and formal event hosted by the three kingdoms, the demonstration is being held in the Ancient Mountain.  A palace of sorts placed inside a big mountain.  It was then used as a place for battle tournaments between kingdoms.  It was probably only now when it was used as a place of demonstration.  
Tooru turns to the voice to find a fae with blonde hair and fine black and gold formal military uniform.  
"Prince Miya," Tooru puts on a polite smile.  
"It's been awhile since we met," Atsumu Moya gives Tooru a light pat on the arm.
"I believe two months is not that long," Tooru chuckles.  
Yes.  Two months.  The last time they met was when they were called by the king to finally  give their offering according to the said task.
"Don't be such a killjoy, Prince Oikawa. So, how's the feeling of being engaged to the mysterious high royal princess?" Atsumu doesn't look like he's at a bitter ending with Tooru after finding out who won the task.  It's a pity to lose, but he sure does know that being a high royal prince will sure be quite a pain in the ass.
"Delighted, of course," Tooru said.
Atsumu laughs. "You lucky guy being chosen by the princess herself,"
"The princess?" For the whole time, Tooru assumed that it was the king who chose.  Afterall, that is always the case with these kinds of marriages.  
"Yeah.  I heard rumors that it was the princess who set up the whole thing and she gets the final word as to who she wishes to choose. So I guess you caught her attention," Atsumu explained.  
With that, it even just made Tooru more nervous.  He believes there's not much to see through what he just offered to them according to task.  He can't help but think that the princess might end up more disappointed if he did not reach her expectations.  He also does not know what kind of expectations the princess has?  Does she want a person who will not mind her business? Someone who is romantic?  
"I see," Tooru only managed to answer after all those thoughts.
Atsumu notices the little nervousness. "You'll be fine, Prince Oikawa.  Whatever you are thinking, everything will be much better once we meet them.  The three prophesied faes,"
Hopefully…everything will be better.  
Every fae has expectations of what they'll see.  Finally, the doors open to the dome for demonstration.  Everyone awaits to finally see what they've been waiting for twenty years.
Let the demonstration begin.
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The whole of faeland will finally be blessed with the presence of the three great faes.  The dome slowly being filled ny faes.  On one side the three great high kings and queens reside on their own thrones.  
King Zadkiel of the Domhnall Kingdom sits on a throne placed in the middle.  King Gavril and Queen Adeena Vaughan of the Aglovale Kingdom settle on the thrones to the right of King Zadkiel.  Then King Cillin and Queen Nascha Harcoirt of Abingora Kingdom settled on the other side.  
It has probably been a century since the last great gathering among the three kingdoms.  So, it's honestly been awhile since the three great kings and queens have seen each other.  However, as much as everyone is anticipating the demonstration of the great high royal prince and princesses, one of those prophesied faes are slowly not in its best shape.  
Amara has been isolating herself inside a waiting room alone.  In everyone's knowledge, she's simply in her drawing room to calm her nerves, but that's easier said than done.  The more she tries to calm her nerves, the more she could feel that pinching pain.  Her eyes fixated on the fire and her flat bracelets on her wrists continue to tighten as some sort of dark liquid sips out.  She closes her eyes, but it doesn't take long before she hears someone knock.  The door opens.
"Your royal highness, it's time," she hears the General who she distinguished to have grey short hair spoke.  General Miya.
She opens her eyes and stands from the couch.  She doesn't say anything and simply walks past him and out to the hallway.  
The silence is the only comfort Amara has.  However, as she walks down the hallway, the more she hears the crowd.  Then, it dies down as she hears the echo of her father's voice raise.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen," she hears her father.  The crowd's voices die down.  At that, all she could hear was her own beating heart and her own breathing.  Everything sounds echoey and hollow.  She knows her father is making a big announcement, but she suddenly feels like she's in a bubble.  Everything is mumbled.  
She still walks straight.  On the outside, she simply looks like an intimidating princess as she walks by the guards.  She looks like someone guards cannot mess with.  She ignores them.  
Her fists clenched and suddenly she felt everything stopped even if her body was moving.  
She hears a whisper.  She tries to ignore it.
She takes a deep breath.  As she turns a corner she is met with the entrance to the demonstration field of the arena.  A man in leather battle clothings stands near the entrance and a woman with highlights of silver hair and simple dress-leather battle clothing stands before her.
"You good?" The man which she could recognize as Bokuto ,one of the prophesied faes,  said.
"Yeah," Amara answered.  
"Can't believe we are finally doing this," the silver haired woman, Faelyn, said.
"The battle doesn't end here," Bokuto bluntly said.  
"I know, but it is a beginning to show our hard work," Faelyn walks closer to the entrance.  
Amara takes a deep breath, trying to suppress that urge forming inside of her.  Though, she blinks and tries to hear the words of her father.
"...and now let us not wait anymore.  First of all, the high royal princess of Aglovale Kingdom…Faelyn Vaughan!," Faelyn fixes his dress once more and glances back at Bokuto and Amara.  At that, she steps outside.  
The crowd seems to be holding their breath as Faelyn walks in the middle of the arena.  She stands in the middle and turns to the likes of kings and queens.  She smiles at her parents and they did too.
“Alright, let’s begin,” she mumbles to herself.  At that, she crouches down and kneels down until her hands land on the floor. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.  The moment she exhales, she opens her eyes and her fingers deep down the sandy floor.  Immediately, big lines of trees rise from the ground up.
The ground grumbles as these trees cut through from the ground.  Its height reaches up to the ceiling which is farther up from the audience.  The audience gasps and an eerie silence sinks in.  She walks through the trunks of trees. Then, in that eerie silence, an arrow is shot from afar.  Without turning, the arrow was stopped or rather grabbed by a hanging vine. She only turns with a smile when the moving vine lets go of the arrow. She looks up to find a soldier who was responsible for the shot arrow. The soldier simply bows in respect.
“Now, let us all turn to the only royal prince of the Abingora Kingdom. Bokuto Eldar Harcourt,” one of the king’s announced.
On that cue, a pool of dark shadow crawls across the arena’s ground.  Bokuto walks out from the arch entrance.  The lights become dimmer and the place becomes darker.  A swift sound cuts through the silence.  Faelyn turns around as she catches a glimpse of some kind of wolf-like figure from within the trees.  She pulls her knife and her eyes flow in crystal green. She breathes slowly and without any warning she quickly swifts around.  Her dagger hitting against a dark shadow wolf. The wolf figure disappears.  She walks forward and finally she is met with Bokuto’s dagger blow.   She dodges to the side and grabs Bokuto’s arm then hits down his wrist making him let go of the dagger.
Bokuto however seems to disperse into a shadow. Faelyn looks around.  A twig snaps and she turns. The moment she did, she found a fist about to hit her face.  She dodges once more.  
“No more surprises, Bokuto,” Faelyn chuckles. She lunges forward and they get into some hand-to-hand combat.  
Everyone in the audience is focused on the battle that none are exactly concerned with when the last royal fae will be appearing.  Well, except for the guards near Amara. They have been sensing for a while that there is something wrong. Amara looks like she’s just standing in front of the entry to the arena.  Though, they’ve been noticing the dark aura wrapping around her.  A dripping sort of shadow slips from her bracelets which they know the purpose of the bracelets are.
Amara doesn’t notice anymore the worried looks on the guards’ faces.  She’s more focused on trying to control herself. She takes a deep breath and clenches her fists tighter.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
She can feel herself slipping away.  The pain sinking in and all she wants is to release…to kill.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. KILL!
Everyone doesn’t hear what she hears, but one person senses what might be about to commence.  From near the thrones of the kings and queens stands Ukai, Amara and the two other royal fae’s mentor.  Ukai senses something is wrong.  His eyes pull away from the current demonstration as he pulls out a crystal clear gem.  His eyes widened as the crystal gem showed hints of dark shadows in it. An indicator that something is very wrong. He immediately runs down to where Amara is.
One of the guards near Amara takes up the courage to walk closer to the princess. “Your royal highness, is there something wrong? Are you alright?” the guard asked.
Amara’s eyes are closed.  She could only hear muffled words as something seemed to wrap around her, isolating and imprisoning her own will.  An uncomfortable silence sinks in. The guards keep glancing at each other. Without a warning, Amara opens his eyes and it’s pure black. The guard who just asked her backs down.
Amara pays them no mind as she finally enters the arena. “Your royal highness!” The guard tries to call out, but she doesn’t hear them at all. At that moment only Ukai managed to arrive at where Amara is supposed to be.
“Master Ukai,” One of the guards couldn’t even explain out of fear, but Ukai already knows the situation.
“Tell them to put the barrier up NOW!” Ukai orders.  One of the guards immediately runs up to deliver the order.
Due to the dimmed lights, no one even noticed Amara coming up to the two who were fighting.  Her eyes are pure black.  Her fists are unclenched and golden glowing strings float around her. It is only that time that Faelyn caught a glimpse of Amara.  Faelyn pulls back from Bokuto. Bokuto on the other hand turns to where Faelyn is looking.
“Amara?” Faelyn said with worry. Amara doesn’t respond and immediately they know what is happening.  It’s now two against one.
“Amara, snap out of it.  Listen to my voice,” Bokuto tries to talk to her. Guards with each of them holding the staff surround the arena on the upper level. They put the staff in front of them and in every tap against the ground the staff seems to turn on and eventually an invisible sort of shield covers the battle area - which is away from the audiences.
“Calm down, Amara,” Bokuto said once more.
Amara immediately stops from her tracks. She tilts her head to the side like a predator figuring out a prey in front of him.  Her hands open wide and immediately close. A strong force spreads around which causes the branches to crack in the middle.  Bokuto and Faelyn almost stumbles back if not because of the vines that held them still.
Faelyn is released from the vines and immediately comes close to Amara and swings her leg up to take a hit. Amara dodges. Faelyn kept blowing hits, but she knew that it won’t stop calming Amara down. One hit. Two hits. Three hits.
The last one had Faelyn flying back and landing hard on the ground.  Faelyn immediately turns to Bokuto. Bokuto nods his head as if it’s a cue.  She then stands up and puts her hands on the ground.  Branches crawl up to Amara and create a dome around her.  Bokuto walks forward with his hands opening and closing.  The ground begins to grumble, but he doesn’t budge at all. Everyone else seems to think this is a part of a demonstration, but the king himself seems to know what is truly happening.  
The ground grumbles once more.  The branches turn into bits as an invisible force explodes from Amara.  The golden strings glow brighter around her.  She walks forward and Bokuto does too to the point that the distance between them grows smaller and smaller until Amara lunges forward.  She swings a fist and Bokuto does as well.
An invisible explosion comes from the both of them like a contained force.  The silence falls on them once more as everything settles in. Bokuto stopped Amara’s punch with his own hand. Both of them stay still.
“Calm…down,” Bokuto doesn’t let go of Amara. “Listen to my voice,”
Amara breathes in. Bokuto notices a hint of the black color covering Amara’s eyes that seems to fade away. Therefore, he continues.
“If you do calm down…I’ll give you my cupcakes,” Bokuto gritted his teeth and his eyes glowing a hint of crystal blue.
Amara doesn’t talk for a minute, but her eyes slowly turn to normal.  Bokuto loosened his grip on her fist.  A small smile appears on Amara’s lips.
“The chocolate ones?” Amara lightly said. Bokuto sighs in relief. The whole place goes back to normal. The light came back which finally gave the audience a proper look at the three prophesied faes.
King Zadkiel , Amara’s father, stands up from his throne with a proud look on his face despite the fact knowing as to what just happened.
“And lastly, my own daughter… Amara Cleremont,” Everyone draws their eyes on Amara. She in return looks at her father.
“I give you…the three prophesied faes,” he added .  The audience gives a loud cheer. Amara straightens her back and the three of them stand side by side with each other.
It’s a spectacular demonstration as almost everyone thought, but there is Oikawa Tooru in his own special seat for his own court trying to process what just happened.  As Tooru tries to clap as well, one information is getting in his head.
He’s marrying a very powerful fae.
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byunbqbes · 2 years
⟶ ft. kuroo, suna, ushijima
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♡ kuroo
"kuroo? kuroo testurou?"
kuroo whips around, ready to apologise to whoever that the nekoma volleyball team is currently rushing to catch their bus back to school, when he's suddenly hit with...
kuroo's jaw drops.
he doesn't even know how to describe what he's seeing. all he knows is that he's currently staring at the girl of his dreams.
"um, could i take a video with you?" you give him a tentative grin, before rocking back on your heels, adding, "and if it's okay, could you wish my friend to get well soon?"
kuroo immediately closes his mouth, aware that he looks completely stupid in front of the cutest girl he's ever laid eyes on. he gazes at you with his iconic half-lidded eyes, hoping he sounds more confident than the way his heart is clenching in his chest, "oh? a video? and what's your friend's name?"
"misaki! she's your biggest fan but she couldn't be here because she's sick today." kuroo nods empathetically at your explanation, internally swooning because you're going to such lengths for your sick friend? that is so cute.
"sure! a video's nothing! hang on - kenma, help us take a video!"
kenma turns around, about to protest how they have no more time to entertain fangirls when he sees kuroo slinging an arm around you. kuroo shoots kenma a pleading look and kenma finds himself sighing because, of course, kuroo is absolute putty for pretty girls.
when coach nekomata calls for kuroo and kenma, kuroo frowns as he removes his arm around your waist, before he gets an idea.
he leans in closer to you, pressing something into your hands, smirking, "return this to me in school."
before you can even open your mouth and protest, kuroo's gone.
you look down in your hands and see his nekoma jacket crumpling between your fingers as you giggle to yourself.
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♡ suna
suna is normally cool as a cucumber, eyes glued to his phone nonchalantly whenever a group of fangirls approach his teammates and gush animatedly.
he thinks he's being slick when he sneaks a few glances your way, heart clenching in his chest as he sees you move closer - or rather sees your friends drag you towards...him?
suna quickly assesses his situation and scans the area around him - no, the miya twins were not around him. this could only mean one thing - you're headed straight in his direction.
before he has the time to really freak out about an angel of a girl approaching him, you're already getting pushed towards him, with your friends' soft snickers in the background. and you're beaming up at him softly.
he feels his heart in his throat when he hears you repeat, gesturing to your friend who's holding up a polaroid camera, "are you okay to take a photo with me?"
okay? fuck. he is more than okay.
suna blinks, regaining a little composure. straightening his jersey, suna nods at you silently and wraps an arm around your shoulder, hoping you don't hear the way his heart is hammering thunderously against his chest.
holy shit. how do you smell amazing too? what was that - vanilla or something floral?
as suna tries to figure out what exactly is the intoxicating scent wafting around him, the photo is over, a little too fast might he add. he feels you pulling away from him and his arm drops back to his sides.
he knows he sounds uncharacteristically simp-y and even cringes a little at himself, but he knows he will forever regret it if he didn't ask you.
"do you wanna have another photo? with the polaroid camera, i mean."
suna may or may not have left his number behind the second polaroid.
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♡ ushijima
ushijima feels a gentle tap on his shoulder right after he hears you. he turns around slowly and -
there is no way you are real.
"hello." he greets, looking stoic in contrast to the way he's internally panicking.
ushijima feels his grip tighten on the volleyball he's holding, taking in the way your eyes shine under the harsh gym lights. he listens to you ramble something about being a fan of his and a reporter as his eyes continue to glaze over your angelic figure, only snapping out of it when he feels kageyama nudging his side.
"so ermmm, what do you do in your free time?" you repeat helpfully, prodding a pen against your notepad.
"uhm." ushijima feels his face heating up. "i take care of my plants."
you're immediately gasping, "no way! i'm a plant mom too!"
"oh, uhhh," ushijima swallows, growing impossibly redder at the revelation of your shared hobby, "what do you grow?"
of course. that suits you, he thinks, pretty flowers for a pretty girl.
before ushijima knows it, he's spluttering nervously, "there's...actually a nursery around here..."
you look up from your notepad, eyes crinkling excitedly as you listen to ushijima explain how to get there. but after a couple of failed descriptions, ushijima scratches his head, "i-if you're not too busy afterwards, i could take you there?"
your eyes widen at the insinuation, before you nod shyly and give ushijima a small smile, which he finds himself melting at.
did ushijima just score himself a date? maybe.
is he complaining? oh hell no.
🤍 reblogs are very appreciated!
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hinamie · 22 days
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updated version of the 6 fanarts challenge to celebrate 30k !!! thank u all for suggesting and for continuing to support me n what i do <3
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kageyamatobiyogurt · 1 year
8:44 p.m [kuroo tetsurou] 
a/n: heyy it’s been a min 
gosh imagine doing some work on your laptop on the kitchen table. just you, minding your business and being quite focused so you can get this out of the way. 
it’s up until kuroo walks up to your seated figure, resting a hand on the back of your neck with a gentle squeeze as he observes your screen. you look up to him and pucker your lips for a peck and he has no reason not to oblige. 
you return to your work pretty quickly after the kiss, used to tetsurou lingering around you anyways. it’s when he casually comments, “look at you being so studious.” 
“mhm,” you hum, still typing before going back to read over your words. 
then he bends down to your ear and in a low voice says, “what a good girl you are.” 
he leaves the kitchen after this like it was the most casual thing in the world, taking your focus with him. 
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hxltic · 3 months
Im not sure how to request cause this is like my first time doing it but would u write anything w iwazumis timeskip? like how hes an athletic trainer.. YK DO UR MAGIC idek how to request also x reader if thats ok. THANK U
Hey ofc!! You can be as vulgar and straightforward as you want, this is a safe space😘 (idk if you wanted nsfw or not so if not I’m sorry! I just made it suggestive because I was unsure :P)
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The ass crack of dawn peeks through your window, enough to have your body twisting and turning until you’re inevitably forced awake.
Of course you drag yourself to the bathroom and check yourself out a bit, admiring how your new waist training is going and your puffy lips of the morning before brushing your teeth to start the day. Some argue you’re a morning person, but you aren’t. And you feel no kind of guilt admitting that.
You only get up because you have to—to remain consistent, especially with allowing yourself to grow not only physically, but emotionally, finally feeling free from the weights of stress by exercising and feeling good about your figure.
Also, the routine is great for you. It makes you feel productive in the morning, so now when you reflect before, there was this emptiness that came with sitting at home with the same three things you have to do on repeat.
And then of course, the motivation of going to the gym for a man you’ve been seeing around recently. He recognizes you now, probably casually assuming the relationship is nothing more than a mutual gym buddy.
And it’s likewise; you wouldn’t call it a crush. The both of you are grown, just two adults with the same hobby even though you are relatively newer to the activity.
So you pack up your bag and tip your head back for a swig of the protein smoothie you prepared and head out the door.
The gym doesn’t smell anything like how you imagined it would when you first cluelessly walked in. It actually smells clean (mainly from the overwhelming scent of chlorine in the pool water), and it wasn’t super busy around this time. If there were people, they definitely weren’t teenagers coming for their afternoon rounds. The receptionist waves back at you as you pass.
Today was legs. You recognize how far you’ve come, because initially, no day was your favorite, each as long and tortuous as the last. But this has got to be what it means to become accustomed to the pain. Does that make all gym-goers masochists?
If so, Iwaizumi has got to be the worst, because the only other person insane enough— that even remotely looks like he does anything other than train— to be here before you, is him.
“Morning,” you chime. His headphones are off, so the switch that usually tells you when people don’t wish to be spoken to doesn’t go off.
To your delight, he responds with just as much pleasure without turning around, currently sitting on the Lax machine and tugging the resistant handles. “Good morning,” he grunts.
He eventually does, even as he attempts to convince himself to stay focused on his set, but even the discipline he’s built over the years couldn’t prevent him from catching a glimpse of you. You were sitting your stuff down nearby, relocating to the floor to stretch.
He’s been watching you. Not in a creepy way, he justifies, but it becomes a habit when you’re working how he does.
Your progress is a miracle. He could count on one hand the amount of people that come in fresh and immediately get to working, just to return consistently, and cycle through this process until they reach their desired figure and continue after that. You, however, stepped in with a determination on your face he’d never seen before.
You hadn’t requested a trainer, and by what he sees, didn’t need one either. He remembers when you came in talking about how badly you wanted to rid of your little tummy, as well as slim down your plush thighs, pleading someone to teach you how. Of course he knew how; he keeps his work strictly professional with the women who came in asking for the same thing.
He’d always found the little pudge attractive, but it’s your body. It’s just somehow, he wasn’t on the verge of telling them how good it looks or the pure desire he has to press on the fat while his head is between their thighs like he was you. Someone must have heard his prayers though, because instead of slimming your legs down, you became comfortable with the idea of them getting stronger, ultimately making them slightly thicker.
The man was close to finishing the set but that one glimpse of you had him do five extra for good measure since he lost count. How could he focus?
As you split your legs and tilt to one side, you watch the man not too far. The black compression shirt he wears hugs his carved body perfectly, only cementing this fact as his back and arm muscles flex with every controlled pull of the bar. Everything about him was sharp from his shape to the hair on his head.
It was no doubt he was attractive, and since having graduated, attention wasn’t just found anywhere. Maybe some small talk will help?
“What are you doing today?” He hears you call. He almost flinches with what he thinks you’re asking until you add, “Workouts I mean.”
Iwaizumi chuckles at your mishap, more for himself, but it flushes your cheeks nonetheless. It’s a genuine, gentle sound. “Arms. Tomorrow is core,” he says coolly.
“I hate arms. I should probably do them more often, but lifting is only fun if you’re already strong.”
“I see where you’re coming from,” he pulls off the machine, rotating himself on the seat to face you. You’re in a lunge now, oversized t-shirt covering half of the skin tight shorts desperately trying to contain the glutes you’ve grown. He makes sure to force his emerald green eyes to yours. “You won’t get stronger if you don’t give it a try.”
You scoff, “You sound like my old therapist.”
The humor you two shared was nothing more than the surface level awkward kind so this unexpected comment from you had him laughing. Actually laughing. “And you sound like an old friend of mine.”
Smiling at this, you get one more good stretch in and come to your feet. You stand proudly with your hands on your hips, staring at him.
He blinks around happily, “What?”
“You said to give it a try right? Show me the way."
“I can’t do this,” you say, already struggling just with the form part of the exercise. You switched positions with him since it was closest machine. “How do I pull it if I can’t move my back?”
“Well, that’s the workout part,” he walks around the seat while inspecting you, waiting for you to figure it out with his advice. “Sit up completely straight and slightly lean back. Stay in that position the entire time, but try to pull the bar down to you instead of pulling yourself up to it.”
You try to replicate what you saw him doing. By this point, you had gotten majority of the positioning right, even keeping your back straight, but the damned bar wouldn’t move an inch. “Are you sure the setting on this thing is right?”
“Oh shit-” He pauses at this, then renders that you’re completely right. You’re trying to pull his weight.
As he shuffles over to the side of the machine to adjust it, you watch him with a smug expression and your arms crossed. I’m not just that weak, I knew it, it reads.
Moments later he comes back around, “That’s my bad, try it now.”
And you’re finally able to do it, but your form falters when you successfully pull the bar to your chest. He knows you know, you’re a smart girl, so he gives you a few more tries to correct it. “I feel like I’m about to fall,” you say finally.
“Here, that means you’re leaning too far.” He comes and presses a hand to your back, pushing you forward. “Don’t think about it too much. I’ll hold you right here for a few until you can support yourself.”
He was already hovering beside you, lurking and seeping into all your senses, making the air warmer than it usually is in the gym. With his palm on your back too, you’re starting to think this little affection of yours is getting out of hand. You don’t even look to see how much it has helped.
Somehow, you do eventually get through the sets, but you hadn’t realized that during that time he would actually train you. It was progressive overload, and he brought the weight up to what he thought you could handle each time. You were on the last few.
“C’mon, you got it.”
“I don’t,” you grunt while somewhat laughing, still pulling it to your chest. His voice is more declarative now. You deem it as his professional tone. You also wonder which voice he tends to use in—
“You do. It’s one more—make it your best.”
“Ready for the next?” His lips stretch into a smile, already predicting your answer.
And you do just that, slumping on the seat in victory.
“Good girl,” he praises, clapping, and he changes the weight on the machine to just five before twisting around and holding a hand out. He helps you up when you take it, but you’re really trying to figure out if what he said was professional if it made you clench your thighs.
You bend and get your smoothie, popping the top and drinking, “There’s a next? What’s next?”
“Pull ups of course.”
Truthfully, doing pull ups right after lax for someone who doesn’t really train arms is a death wish. It’s just this once though and your arms will already be sore so he might as well make the most of it while the adrenaline is there.
“Oh dear God,” you sigh.
“I’ll do them with you,” he reassures.
And he stands on his word, because after walking over to the bar, he clips the belt attached to weight around his hips. The bar was relatively high, even he can admit, so he isn’t surprised when you ask how the hell you’re supposed to get up there.
And you weren’t even necessarily short, it’s just the bar was made for 6’0 and over men, and athletes, so people like you were left out, hence the stacked boxes meant for help beside it.
Iwaizumi makes sure the belt is secure around himself before walking over to you, taking a stance directly behind.
He commands, “Arms up, sweetheart.” And it must be the proximity, because you do just that without a fight. The pet name contributed too.
But when he lifts you, he first drags his hands from your shoulder blades, to your ribs, and into the small of the your back. So smooth you’re questioning if he did it on purpose.
He couldn’t help it. Not when he’s hovering behind you, almost a foot taller. With one small nudge of his hips forward, he’d rest comfortably right between your ass, smelling the coconut shampoo of your hair. Though instead of being a pervert, he’d stick to the nicknames and the gentle touches until you get the damn hint.
Sometime later he’s effortlessly hauling himself up, counting one by one with you. He says you’ll only do 3 sets of ten. Either way it was burning by the ninth.
Finally you’re done. The only reason your arms aren’t completely limp is the adrenaline of just being around the attractive man next to you. He literally regulates your blood flow.
And you regulate his.
“Okay, now you have to do my workouts.”
He unclips the belt, turning to face you, amused. “I have to do your workouts?”
Your arms come to a cross offensively. “What does that mean? Yes. I did your arm day, now you have to do my leg day.”
He throws his hands in the air defensively, the curl of his lips threatening to break his character, “I’m just saying it won’t be the sa—”
“This way!”
This was a horrible idea.
He’s situated on the angled leg press machine at a diagonal, now gripping onto the handle bars. The amount of circular plates you usually have on it are already there. You’re standing beside him.
“Are you sure you don’t want to add weight? I usually go more than this,” he challenges.
“Fuck you— no.”
His laughter intensifies at your irritation. Then he brings his legs down slow and controlled, somehow still managing to appear like he could do it with his fucking finger if he tried. You’re not surprised, he’s extremely fit; though you had already catered to this by going whatever your highest weight was.
He guffaws again at your blank expression. “Fine. How much more do you need?”
He appears to think for a moment. Instead of calculating the math like he should be, he’s actually doing nothing of the sort. “Get up there.”
He bends his legs as if confirming he’s dead serious by allowing you to actually step foot on the back of the plate. You stand there still, having not even realized what he’s asking you to do. “What?”
“Get your sweet ass up there and that should be about what my usual weight is.” He shoots a nonchalant glance to the machine. “You won’t fall, if that’s what’s bothering you.”
After a few moments, with an incredulous look painted on your face, you slowly step to the lowered machine, and push yourself up and on to the back, past the weighted plates, to sit not-very-comfortably in the middle. “Uhm…”
This time, it didn’t look as easy, but he very much did an entire press to extend his legs out. You watch in wonder over the plate as he carried your weight and plus some just in his legs.
It was his arm day, and you didn’t get to fully watch him do the pull ups since the focus was keeping yourself on the bar. But you got a glimpse when he finished, biceps flexing and pulling extra weight then too. He was strong. You wonder if he puts it to use with his partner?
With his partner. What if he does have a partner? You shake your head, no, he wouldn’t have asked you to do what you’re doing if he did.
His grunts were a nice addition too.
Counting for him aloud, and not completely sure if you didn’t skip a number even though you’re only going to ten, you helped him through the set. It had been a while since there was someone to cheer him on. He was always doing the cheering.
“Okay okay,” you wait for him to finish the set, then get off. It feels so good to have your feet on the ground, sure that you won’t be yelled at by the gym staff to remove yourself from the equipment. “You’ve proved yourself, muscleman.”
“Great, I’ll take you out Saturday then?” He asks, pressing up the remaining weight easy and locking up the machine so he can leave it.
A flush runs across your cheeks, driving you to pick up your drink and sip to hide it. “You don’t know me. What if I have a husband and kids at home?”
You were projecting, you know that. It was fresh on your mind since you slightly wanted to ask him the same question. He stalks over to you.
“I don’t see a ring on your finger,” he observes, nodding to your right hand, making you look as if you didn’t know it was bare. He only stops walking until you’re face to face, way too close to just be a professional interaction. It only worsens when his thumb and index finger pinches your chin, his eyes sending flames through yours. “And let’s both be honest— if there was someone waiting for you at home, you wouldn’t be here with me.”
Let alone at the gym at all, he wanted to add. Whatever pussy was letting you come here to workout instead of telling you how good it feels to have your thick thighs ricocheting off his skin or how good your stretch marks look after being swollen with a child for nine months, doesn’t deserve you anyway.
He doesn’t kiss you, but he swipes your lips with his finger and retreats. The heat doesn’t dissipate.
“Saturday at 7?” You speak softly. So softly and breathless you aren’t even sure if he heard it as he walks away.
“My number’s in your bag, beautiful,” he winks, and then he’s turning the corner, back to where you met earlier in the morning.
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If you wanted like actual nsfw, (whoever sent the ask) just send in another into my inbox or just dm me asking!! LMAO
You get unlimited access!!
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lawlzichat · 5 months
kenma laying down between your thighs while he plays his games. but once you squeeze your thighs, he caresses them softly. he'd also kiss your thighs when he wins a gameeeee (or he just kisses them if he wants to more like he'd kiss your thighs every time while playing)...
and he would suffocate between your thighs if he could.
(i was listening to this while thinking bout this)
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215-luv · 2 years
SUNA: a deep yelp comes from his lips, the usual bored look he had on his eyes now replaced with shock as his hands naturally lands to the nearest surface, trapping you in his arms. with his face now inches closer to yours, he looks down at you, the tension between you two now rising. he raises an eyebrow with curiosity in his eyes as his deep voice flows through your ears, “hm, what’s going on in that little head of yours, bun?”
KUROO: a startled expression etches on his face, not expecting you to do such a bold action. although, he’s quick to recover from his shock as he shoots you a cocky grin, letting his hand fall to rest on your hip. “what’s this, kitten? if you needed me, you could’ve just said so yourself.” he chuckles, “but this,” his eyes then wander down to where you were holding his belt, “this is probably much better.”
ATSUMU: literally gasps out loud in shock, “oh SHIT you- you really just did that huh?” he curses, trying his best to compose himself although he’s actually a stuttering mess. with a deep inhale, he lets his hands find their place on your hips as he looks down at you with a certain look on his eyes, clearing his throat. “are we gonna make out or..?”
IWAIZUMI: he looks down at you, surprised. letting an eyebrow raise as if he’s asking for you to explain what was that for. however, with that look on your eye, iwaizumi swore something had bursted inside him that lead him unable to restrain himself as he slowly slithers his arm around your waist, the action sending you shivers through your spine while you watch as he reaches your hand that was holding his belt, raising it to let it rest on his shoulder. he chuckles under his breath while he keeps eye contact with you, “god, you really don’t know what you’re doing to me, do you?”
SAKUSA: both his eyebrows shoot upwards and his body freezes momentarily. you watch as his eyes looks at you with shock written upon them. he could barely let out a steady statement as his breath wavers, “..w-what.. what are you doing?”
OIKAWA: “okay, so, remember when iw— AH! OH MY GOD!” he screeches out dramatically when you unexpectedly pull him by his belt and his heart runs in laps. he looks at you with shock as you only shoot him an innocent smile. “sweetie, what was that for?!” he lets a hand hover his chest as you giggle, about to give him an answer when he adds, “but that was kinda hot though..”
YAMAGUCHI: a high pitched yelp comes from his lips and he stares at you with wide eyes, a flush creeping across his cheeks. never have you seen your boyfriend look so embarrassed and surprised your whole life that you had to let out a laugh, your reaction worsening the blush on his cheeks as he holds the wrist of your hand that was holding his belt. “H-Honey.. S-Stop..”
KITA: when you pull him by his belt, he let’s out a tiny oh, peering at you with curiosity. smh innocent bb. he gives you a look that encourages you to explain what you did, but somehow, inside him, he thought it kinda felt nice to have you pull him towards you that way.
KENMA: he tenses. it honestly never crosses his mind once that you would ever do the action of pulling him towards you by his belt—the gesture so unexpected that it leaves him a blushing mess. his body freezes in place and you watch as he looks at you with wide eyes. “(y-y/n).. what was that..?”
KAGEYAMA: he really went “oh shit” as soon as he feels that force on his hip—not expecting you to suddenly pull him in that way. his eyebrows raises in surprise while his head tilts in confusion, not sure what to expect when you’re innocently looking at him in the eye. and he blinks, “uh. hi?”
ASAHI: “AH!” he lets out a yelp that could possibly be heard up to the second floor. he looks back and forth from your face then down to where your hand connects to his belt, letting him compose himself for a few moments as he freezes in place. his eyes widens and he stammers like crazy. “S-Sweetheart.. What- What did you just do..?”
USHIJIMA: both his eyebrows raise upon the sudden pull of force on his hip area. he looks down at you as he holds a potted plant on his hand. you watch as he blinks down at you, as if looking for any answers through whatever emotion your face has on. you let him place his plotted plant on the nearest surface and he faces you, holding your hand that was on his belt as he raises it to his chest, letting his thumb softly rub on to your soft skin. “is there anything you need, honey? you can tell me anything.”
MATTSUN: when you pull him by his belt, he lets shock overcome him, both his eyebrows shooting upward. and yet, that shock is quickly replaced by a smirk as he looks down to where your hand is holding his belt. he lets out a deep “oh?” with a certain glint on his eye that deeply intensifies your need for him.
BOKUTO: “AH! WHAT AR—wait what’s this all about baby?” his mood alters in the quickest because one moment his eyes were widened like saucers and now he’s peering down at you with expectation. and you’re starting to think he’s just realizing how much he likes the way you pull him to you by his belt. you could see the blush appearing on his cheeks as he scratches the back of his neck bashfully—a rare thing to be seen from the bokuto kotaro. and he suggests cheekily, “you know.. maybe you should do this more often.. hehe.”
AKAASHI: he lets out the softest gasp from his lips as his widened eyes wander down to where your hand grasps onto his belt, and his mind really goes ‘oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god-’ but then he scratches that by clearing his throat, trying his all to keep his composure while barely managing to keep eye contact with you. “w-what is it you need, honey..?”
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rijhi · 5 months
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geto, gojo, toji, sunarin, atsumu, oliver, reo + ur faves
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atsumu, yuji, meguru + ur faves
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gojo, atsumu, sae, oikawa, reo, + ur faves
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nagi, that’s it
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kitashousewife · 2 years
gimme more!
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an: been thinking about this all day. i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did!!
pairing: timeskip!sakusa x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol consumption, reader is wearing a dress and lipstick, sakusa is a little mean in the beginning, suggestive, slight atsumu x reader (for purposes ;))
hinata was a great friend. he always has been, even in high school. since he was such a great friend, hinata invited you to japan to spend a week with him on his week off. he even introduced you to his teammates!
this week was packed, hinata pulling out all of the stops to make you feel special. he took you to his favorite restaurants, paying for you of course. after a couple days together, he decided to introduce you to his friends and teammates.
well, you knew bokuto from a few tournaments in high school that you attended to support your friends. you knew atsumu as well, from similar events. and you knew who sakusa was as well, but only from hinata's stories. he wasn't as...friendly.
at the beginning of the week, you decided to watch the last part of MSBY's training they held, even though they had a week off. it was light, everyone was having fun. you watched from the sidelines, watching the boys joke around while going through their drills. you cheered them on as they went, earning you a few waves and cheers back. sakusa, though, was not as excited.
"are you trying to be distracting?" a raspy voice over your left shoulder fills your ears. sakusa stands behind you, grabbing a stray ball that rolled over to you.
"e-excuse me?" voice meek, you avoid eye contact. even from a distance, sakusa was quite tall.
he sighs. shaking his head as he walks away, you see the confused looks on his teammates faces. you copied their looks.
what a dick.
the next few days were similar. great interactions at lunches, sightseeing, and hanging out at hinata's house with his friends. everyone was wonderful, except for sakusa. what was his problem? anytime you started to have a good time, sakusa just had to make a comment. are you always this loud? shoyo-kun didn't mention you were this annoying.
you hated him, you were pretty sure.
but it was so tough to do so.
even though he was an asshole, sakusa was extremely attractive. he was so tall, he had the most gorgeous hair, a great smile when he decided to show it.
everyone noticed you stealing glances, including sakusa. he noticed only because he was doing the same.
he wishes hinata didn't bring you out here, because you were so distracting. your cute laugh, pretty hair, and sweet smile were always in his head, and he was sick of it. what made him even more sick was the fact that hinata decided to reserve a club for the five of you, on a friday night in the middle of the city.
"could you have picked a busier night? jesus," sakusa spits as he fixes his hair in the mirror.
"loosen up omi," atsumu joins him in the mirror, slinging an arm over his shoulder. "it will be fun! plus, y/n will be there!" atsumu looks over at sakusa in the reflection. sakusa’s cheeks heat up.
"oh my god, i knew it!" atsumu runs out of the bathroom. sakusa lets out a loud groan. "omi likes her! his cheeks got all pink, and-"
"omi-kun, why didn't you say anything! i could've set up a date for you guys or something!" hinata peaks his head in. sakusa feels like he is going to explode. thankfully, a knock at the door grabs everyone's attention.
"y/n! right on time, you look great!" hinata's voice fills the room.
"thanks shoyo! are we ready to go? i'm sorry if i was late, i had a tough time getting here," your soft voice is much more calming than hinata's, sakusa thinks. sighing, he decides to come out of the bathroom.
he wishes he didn't.
there you are, adorned in a black slip dress and the prettiest heels. following the thin straps of your dress, sakusa's eyes drag up from your shoulder, to your neck, and stop at the pretty red tint of your lips.
jesus christ.
"something wrong, sakusa?" your hand waves in his vision, pulling him back into focus. the guys all laugh behind him.
"yeah, omi omi, you feeling okay?" bokuto nudges him with his shoulder, leaving him behind as the rest of you walk towards the door.
"shut the fuck up, bokuto," sakusa sighs, voice unamused. underneath the facade, sakusa knows he us absolutely fucked.
the volume inside the club is shocking. squinting at the many strobes in the building, you flinch at the feeling of the bass thumping through your body.
"this way!" hinata shouts, unbothered, and bokuto grabs your hand to lead you towards their table. you gladly accept and follow them through the crowds, around some tables, until you end up a booth right next to the floor.
yelling over the music, atsumu saunters over to the table. "bottles are on their way, so we're all good to go!” you slide into the booth, your seat directly across from sakusa’s.
"atsumu, relax. you haven’t even had anything to drink yet,” sakusa stretches his arms up and around the edge of the booth, looking out to the floor.
“c’mon, at least pretend to enjoy this,” atsumu smirks back, just as the bottle service arrives. bokuto hands you a glass, which you quickly accept. with sakusa’s attitude, and the crowd you’re with, you’re gonna need it.
throwing it back, you shut your eyes and shudder at the taste. the liquid drips down your throat, each drop burning a little more than the last. already feeling a little more at ease, you open your eyes and are met with sakusa’s staring right back. you squirm.
“let’s get out there,” atsumu stands up and offers to the table, which nobody accepts.
“sure, why not?” you smile at atsumu and take his hand, heading out to the floor.
the music is almost electric. the bass thumps through your body, heart beating along with the brittany spears song that plays. laughing, atsumu spins you around and dips you. you giggle, the liquor you had making you feel a little more at ease. pulling you up, he pulls you back against his front and begins to sway with you, hands holding your hips against his own. moving your hips with the song that plays, you begin to let go and fall into the rhythm.
sakusa slams his drink on the table and rolls his eyes. give me a fucking break. whatever game you're playing is working.
"everything okay, omi?" hinata smirks at him from across the table, sliding into the seat next to him. sakusa scoffs.
"yeah, just lovely," sakusa puts his phone in his pocket and starts to get up. hinata laughs in response. sakusa looks towards the floor and is greeted with the sight of atsumu's hands all over you, swaying together to the music.
sakusa isn't an angry guy by any means.
but that? his blood boils.
"aw, it looks like we made someone a little mad," atsumu says in your ear. you throw your head back on his shoulder and laugh, which is quickly interrupted by rough fingertips grabbing you by the wrist.
"hey omi, where have you be-"
"get out of here miya, you've done enough for one night."
atsumu's laugh fades away as sakusa pulls you into his chest. your heart skips a beat as you realize who’s hands have replaced atsumu’s.
sakusa leans down, smoothing his hands up and down your hips, feeling every curve and dip in your sides.
“why do you always have to be so aggravating,” he breaths into your ear. even though you’re flush against his warm body, a chill shoots up your spine.
“what do you mean, omi?” you push yourself back a little, to which he pushes his hips up into you. you gasp.
chuckling, sakusa moves your hips side to side, and slides one hand up your body, smoothing over the thin material of your dress. fingertips snaking their way up your side, across your collarbone, lightly feeling the sides of your throat, and stopping to tilt your chin up. you whimper at the feeling of his rough fingers on your skin.
“i’ll look past your…display with atsumu this time,” he mutters into your neck, lips barely brushing across your skin, sending goosebumps throughout your body. his thumb moves from the side of your cheek to wipe across your bottom lip, smearing the red lipstick slightly.
“but i think it’s my turn to have some fun with you, yeah?”
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stawbeemilk · 1 month
⤷ his s/o is insecure about their small chest – hq
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✩ characters: kuroo, kenma, hinata, bokuto
✩ warnings: f!reader, suggestive
✩ a/n: finally doing some more small-chested reader content, i'm sorry this took so long!!
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⭑ kuroo
⤷ kuroo is so good at comforting you when you're feeling insecure, he'll hold you in his arms as he places gentle kisses along your neck and collarbones, mumbling compliments and reassurance against your skin as his hands caress the small of your back
⤷ he's definitely someone who likes seeing you in his clothes, but he especially loves when you wear one of his shirts and no bra— as much as he tries not to he always ends up staring, and he never means for you to feel that he's judging you, it's just that he thinks you're so hot and can't take his eyes away <3
⤷ if you're someone who's ever been made fun of because of your chest size, kuroo will tell you that you shouldn't listen to anyone who feels the need to project their own insecure feelings onto others as a way to feel better about themselves
⤷ he reminds you that you're beautiful no matter what and says that you shouldn't let other people’s opinions determine the way you feel about yourself
⤷ if you're still not convinced, then kuroo will happily tell you what he likes about your body, reminding you of all the benefits that come with having a small chest— he always finds himself going into a little too much detail and ultimately flustering you
⤷ he's determined to get you to see yourself the way he sees you, and will tell you how gorgeous you are as many times as it takes until you start to believe him <3
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⭑ kenma
⤷ to be honest it probably didn't take kenma long to pick up on the fact you were insecure about your chest
⤷ he noticed how you always seemed to wear clothing that covered certain parts of your body, the way you had a tendency to slouch instead of sitting up straight, and not to mention the countless times he'd caught you staring at your own reflection for an unusually long time
⤷ while he did manage to piece things together rather quickly, that isn't to say he understands why you feel the way you do about yourself, he thinks you're so pretty!
⤷ he has an endless supply of hoodies for you to wear when you're feeling self-conscious, and he'll make sure to give you one of the softest and warmest ones before quietly asking you if you want to cuddle with him
⤷ speaking of which, kenma loves to rest his head on your chest when the two of you cuddle, and listening to your heartbeat always manages to put him at ease— there have definitely been times where he's fallen asleep in your arms because he just finds it so comfortable <3
⤷ when he knows you've been feeling bad about yourself he'll give you his card and let you do as much online shopping as your heart desires, encouraging you to buy as many new outfits as you want to give yourself a little confidence boost
⤷ kenma might not always be the best with words, but you can tell from his actions alone just how much he cares about you and wants to see you happy <3
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⭑ hinata
⤷ hinata is so confused when he finds out about your insecurity, because he genuinely thinks your body is perfect the way it is and so in his eyes you have literally nothing to be insecure about
⤷ your boyfriend is such a sweetheart, as soon as he realises that you're unhappy with yourself he starts showering you with even more compliments and affection than usual and doing whatever he can to see you smile
⤷ with the way he was teased about his height growing up, he definitely knows what it's like to feel inferior to others because of something you have no control over, and so he can empathise with the frustration you feel and the way you can't help but compare yourself to those around you
⤷ but that doesn't mean he won't do whatever he can to try and change the way you feel about yourself
⤷ while hinata is the literal definition of a ray of sunshine, if he ever overhears anyone making a joke or comment about your chest size you'll see a completely new side to him— his smile will vanish and he'll become incredibly serious and hostile, glaring daggers at the person who dared to speak about you like that
⤷ while he knows he won't be able to magically get rid of your insecurities, regardless of how much he wishes he could, he hopes that if he keeps on telling you just how perfect you are that one day you'll start to love yourself as much as he loves you <3
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⭑ bokuto
⤷ it never even occurred to bokuto that you were self-conscious until you decided to open up to him about it
⤷ your boyfriend literally adores you and thinks he's so lucky that he gets to wake up next to you, and so he never imagined that someone as wonderful as you would ever think so negatively of themselves
⤷ when you did finally open up to him about your insecurity he honestly couldn't believe what he was hearing— he thinks you're so beautiful, how do you not see yourself the way he does?
⤷ bokuto didn't hesitate to engulf you in a big hug, pulling you into his broad chest and telling you that he loves you just the way you are
⤷ he's another one who is big on complimenting you, and he'll probably become a lot more touchy with you as well— but only if you're comfortable with it!
⤷ he also isn't the type to judge if you need a shoulder to cry on, and he will always be there for you if you're having a bad day and just need to be held as you let it all out
⤷ bokuto gets so upset whenever you make self-deprecating jokes or negative comments about your chest size, not only does it hurt to hear anyone talking badly about the literal love of his life, but it also breaks his heart that you don't see yourself as the amazing person he knows you are, and he's determined to convince you otherwise <3
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⤷ please do not repost my works on any other sites!
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