#hello i love all of you - this is slowly becoming my favourite post just because of how nice it is to read your excitement over this boi :³
willczek-art · 8 months
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Decided to give Dragon Age another try and the first character I meet COMPLETELY wins me over in a matter of seconds-
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luvhughes43 · 10 months
presidential escort | trevor zegras x reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: Trevor Zegras x Mexican!reader where she’s the daughter of a famous singer and actress in Mexico. Reader is also a famous actress and slowly making a name for herself in the US. Her and Trevor meet at like a charity event and she’s taking him home to meet her family and when they’re at the airport he’s shocked to see that him and reader practically need a presidential escort out because of how many people showed up at the airport to see her once word got out that she was coming home. Like Trevor knew reader was famous but he didn’t realize how loved her and her mother are.
word count: 1.3k
you couldn't remember a time where you hadn’t been in the limelight. you were used to the harsh light of the camera as hundreds flashed in your direction, and the symphony of excited shouts and screams that all called your name. your mother was and is an iconic actress and singer in mexico, and so you and your family have always been in the public's interest. you easily followed into your mothers footsteps as you carved your name into hollywood and across the world. 
your big break in the hollywood came with your lead role in a massively successful disney film. you were this year's breakout star, and therefore were invited to every charity and red carpeted event.
“y/n! over here!” your publicist ushered you away from the red carpet. she pulled you aside, quickly explaining to you how the press for this event was going to work. “there's a rep from the anaheim ducks who’s going to do a quick interview-” you nod along to her words, already used to how these charity events work. 
it was not less than a minute later that you were standing in front of a gorgeous boy with a microphone in his hands. “uh, im trevor!” the boy introduced himself clumsily. it was clear he had absolutely no experience in the world of interviewing. 
“hello, im y/n!” you smiled at trevor and watched as his cheeks burned a brilliant shade of red.
“im uh, clearly not used to being the one interviewing people” he said sheepishly, hand coming up to run through his hair. 
“maybe start with asking a question,” you prompt him, giggling quietly as you look at how dumbfounded trevor looked.
“yeah, that's probably a good idea,” trevor nodded, “uh so ! y/n what's like… your favourite memory of being an actress?” “my favourite memory…. i love walking onto the completed sets and seeing everyone in costume and makeup… it's so cool to see everything come together after only reading scripts. seeing everything put together for (your film) was so surreal.” you gave your real answer before messing with trevor. “but… talking to you has also been really fun! I think you should become an interviewer,” you smiled cheekily up at trevor who once again blushed.
the rest was history after that interview. before moving onto the next interviewer, you asked trevor to see his list of interview questions. when he passed the sheet over to you, you wrote your number down for him to call. he called you the very next day. 
7 months later…
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liked by jackhughes, jamie.drysdale, colecaufield, and others
trevorzegras summer lovin’
tagged: ynoffical
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ynoffical my favourite interviewer🫶
trevorzegras my favourite actress!❤️
jackhughes finally ig official
user11 HES DATING YN LN???
user67 HELLOOOO?? 
user99 bro is just casually dating yn ln
user31 who is she?
user99 an iconic mexican actress. she comes from a super well known family. her mom is also an insanely popular actress and singer
user52 MOTHERRRRR ynoffical i love u😫🙏🙏
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, _alexturcotte, and others
ynoffical my boy ❤️
tagged: trevorzegras
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trevorzegras my girl❤️
trevorzegras love you
ynoffical i love you
jackhughes cant believe u decided to date him im ngl
ynoffical hes charming idk what else to say !
user44 this hard launch omggg😓😓🙏
user01 now post a selfie we dgaf about trevor ! user88 YN YN YN
user92 TREVOR???
a few months into dating and your family in mexico were already asking you to bring trevor home to meet him. with it now being off season, and you being in between projects, you had some free time to make the trip to visit your family. 
you had tried to warn trevor about your family's level of fame, but no amount of stories or video proof could really explain the insane pull your family had with the public. 
trevor held your hand tightly as you two exited the plane. “are you nervous?” you questioned him lightly, staring up at him to see his genuine reaction. trevor smiled down at you before nodding. “what if your family doesn’t like me?” 
“they’ll love you,” you easily reassure trevor in the short amount of time you have before you need to step outside and find your car. you squeeze his hand three times, and then your designated airport security guard ushers you further through the airport. 
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“Y/N L/N OVER HERE!!!”“Y/N!!!” 
you heard the crowd before you saw them. luckily, your mom had sent her security to the airport once she caught wind that your flight details were leaked to the public. her security joined you at baggage claim, and trevor looked at you in shock. he knew you were from a very famous family, but he didn’t anticipate all the screaming fans and glaring flashes of the camera as they tried to photograph you two in the airport. 
“your car is waiting outside Ms. L/n” one of the security guards spoke and you nodded in response. 
“are you ready trev?” you asked, taking a minute to gauge his reaction to the crowd he no doubt heard screaming too. Trevor was tense. his shoulders were pulled back and he was standing straight, something he did when he was nervous. trevor nodded to your question but you knew he was lying. “It's okay to be nervous there's a lot of people,” you easily reassured your boyfriend who let out a breath. he nodded a few times, before seemingly relaxing.
“hold my hand again?” trevor asked, holding his hand back out to you. you easily take his hand and bring it up to your lips. 
“okay, we can go out now,” the security guard from before motions for the other guards to be alert as you begin to go outside to your car. 
everyone was shouting your name, you and trevor were being blinded by the flashes of cameras, and you swore you had never seen a larger crowd in all of your life. with you being gone in the usa for the past two years, yours and your families fandom in mexico were going crazy over your return. 
“there's so many people!” trevors shocked voice was loud in your ear as he leaned down so you would hear him. before you could respond, the crowd started to shift as they pushed against the barrier that was separating them from you. all of the security guards were quick to step into action as they pushed against the crowds and blocked them with their bodies. 
you gripped trevor's hand tighter as you quickened your pace to the car that you were less than a foot away from.
as soon as you and trevor were in the car, and the doors were closed, trevor laughed. “that was insane!!” he giggled, looking out his window. “babe, there are so many people here! like i know you said you had a lot of fans but this…” he trailed off, looking at the rows and rows of people who were still screaming your name.
“SUV 1 you can drive,” your driver said into his phone. 
“there's more than one car??” trevor exclaimed, now looking ahead through the front window as a black car started pulling ahead. you couldn't help but smile at his astonishment. “this is literally like a presidential escort… OH baby look!” trevor's voice was loud with excitement as he started to point at various things in the crowds. 
fans were holding posters with your face on it, there were various posters of your mom as well… trevor couldn't believe what he was seeing. 
“this is crazy!” trevor gushed again, detailing every little thing that he was seeing in the crowd to you. he had never seen anything like this before. 
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liked by ynoffical, jamie.drysdale, _quinnhughes, and others
trevorzegras had the most insane time in mexico with my love
tagged: ynoffical
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ynoffical ❤️❤️
ynoffical i had the best time with you
trevorzegras ❤️
jackhughes i wanna go next time ynoffical 
ynoffical i'll book the tickets👩‍💻
user42 okay but is he mom approved? ynoffical
ynoffical she absolutely loves him
user33 u guys look so good im cryinggg😭😭🫶
user21 i got to see u guys at the airport! yn was stunning🫶🫶
liked by trevorzegras
you couldn't have dreamed of a better trip. you got to show trevor all around your hometown, and he got to meet your family who were all so excited to meet the boy you were always talking about. you couldn't wait for the next time you got to go home to mexico again.
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emilybrontay · 17 days
So I just replied to one of your comments on another post and it got me thinking… didn’t you tell us you were going to write/you are writing a fic with Eulalia later in her life? If so how’s that going? @turbulenthandholding and I are soooooo looking forward to it.
HI HELLO yes i did say that and yes i am writing it although it’s going….slowly because i had loads of extremely tedious work stuff going on and also because i REALLY REALLY want to get it right because it means SO much to me that other people love my girl and want to hear about her adventures and i don’t want to disappoint anyone!!! but i really want to get it out before season three drops and syd becomes a canon baby hater and all my dreams die, so. it is coming! it is funny to be like, what’s Sydney going to be like when she’s fifty lol
i love talking about eulalia so if you want to know anything or if you’ve got ideas like idk what people think her life might look like! or fan casts (but not really fancasts obviously bc she’s not real and never will be but you know what i mean) hit me up, she’s my favourite thing
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theshelbyslimited · 7 months
It has been SOOO LONGGG since i've been properly active on here and it'll probably remain that way until December once this final term is over (the pros of having summer at the end of the year is that everything finishes in time for Christmas).
I'm too lazy to fully explain what's been going on bc life has been all over the place but I'll bullet point some 'highlights' (WARNING! IT'S LONG! I WON'T BLAME YOU IF YOU DON'T READ IT ALL)
I've been attending groups at this local 'foundation' that offers wahine/women's groups for those in my area. A Creative Cooking class that's been so much fun and surprisingly beneficial (I'm definitely not the Gordon Ramsay I had myself convinced I was just bc I could make an omelette 🤣), a general Monday Boost group which is basically a space for wahine/women whether they are māmās/mothers or just women seeking a safe space to be around likeminded ppl (we've done some fun stuff in that one) and two more that i'll extend on in the next bulletpoint.
I've been slowly reconnecting my native indigenous realm. So little fact that may not be entirely known is I'm a wahine māori, I'm of indigenous roots to Aotearoa/New Zealand. Although both of my parents are Māori, colonization had a deep impact on my whānau/family went it came to passing down the reo/language and culture. My Dad knew Te Reo Māori and was planning to teach it to me but he passed away before it could happen and my Mum never learnt it as her father/my poppa was raised during the time where our people were punished for speaking their mother tongue at school or even in public space, therefore influencing him to not teach it to his children. As I've gotten older, I've yearned to connect with Te Ao Māori (The World of Maoridom) and connect with the deeper roots and strands of my identity as an indigenous woman. A lot of the women in the groups I've been attending are also Māori/indigenous women so we've all been journeying through, trying to connect with Te Ao Māori in a way that isn't pākehā-fied or basically milked down to fit the white standard in our country. I decided to do a free online Te Reo Māori course I discovered online after reestablishing my deep want to know the language of my ancestors and it's been so fulfilling (I have the worst memory though so utilizing it isn't going too well so far). I've been attending a group called 'Aua Hoki' which basically means 'I don't know' in the sense where we do different things every group class regarding Te Ao Māori whether it be: digging into our whakapapa (our genealogy/lineage), waiata (song/music), pūrākau (stories) and Toi (Māori arts). This particular group has helped me connect so much more with my ancestry and I feel like I've found that part of me that's been missing for so long (partially anyway). I've also only recently started going to a Raranga group. Raranga literally means 'to weave' which is basically what we've been doing and although it's a lot harder than I thought it would be, seeing the end result of ones own creation can be so fulfilling.
I've been HELLAAA baking. I posted before about how baking has become a thing for me but holy shit, my whānau/family are loving it so I'll probably keep it up just for them. It's been interesting trying different recipes whether they be sweet or savoury and being able to share the kai/food with those I love. I think my personal favourites because they're so deeply ingrained in my whānau/family are: Fry Bread and Māori Bread (feel free to look them up). They're basically the same dough but one, you fry and the other can simply be baked in the oven. Such recipes have been baked and cooked all the way back to my Great Grandmother and perhaps, even before then. I think I enjoy those the most because I feel like I'm continuing that tradition on for my generation and hopefully one day, I can pass it onto someone of the next generation.
I think I've rambled moreee than enough. I am so sorry for how long this is, when I get started I just can't stop sometimes 🤣 Aroha nui (much love) to you if you actually managed to make it to the end of this and read every single rambly thought of mine.
I'm sending so much love and awhi (a way of saying support) to every single one of you, it's nearly December (what the fuckkkk 😱) so thank you for being with me throughout the duration of this crazy year. We're in it for the long run now and I know we'll all make it through, I'll make damn sure of it. I'm only a message away for ANYONE who may need someone to vent to, some words of love or just a friend to kōrero/talk to.
Stay safe angels ❤️
C x
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emcscared-whumps · 11 months
WiJ 2023 - 01: Introduce Yourself
WiJ 2023 Navigation Post
(I'll put my favourite tropes under the cut because this post is getting a bit long, oops lol)
I've been in the Tumblr whump community for a couple of years now, but hello and welcome to everyone both old and new to my blog! I'm emc, and I'm an Australian writer and artist specialising in the bloodthirsty subject matter we all love here on whumpblr! I mostly reblog at this stage, but I love to participate in community events, and have plenty in the works :)
I create original whump works. I'm only in one fandom, Danny Phantom, so I will occasionally reblog stuff from there.
Project Updates!
I'm completely, totally obsessed by one singular whumpee... so everything I work on centers around him... lol
Anyways, so, it turns out that SP multiplied...
Shifting Phases - This is gonna be a loooooong fic lol, but! I'm making good progress, and I've managed to stay inspired and motivated for +6 years, so you can count on it getting finished, no matter how long it takes :)
10 of 59 chapters are drafted, one of which is pending review,
8 of the remaining 50 chapters are in progress,
The word-count as of writing this post is 23.5k.
I'm sure a few of you have followed for this fic/pieces of the boi, and I think about that constantly especially since it's still a major wip lol ^-^' Not worry, I will not rush uwu
I'll link the masterpost of it though because I keep it updated with my progress, and also any good snippets I write :)
Full Moon Waning - Because I'm horrible and have so many thoughts all the time, I've actually started planning this; the sequel to Shifting Phases! I think I have some cool whump ideas, and it provides another chance to explore the worldbuilding and character backstories, so I think it has a lot to offer and will be fun to write :)
Plotting; jotting down vague ideas and arranging them in a semi-coherent order.
Eclipse Descending (AU) - Oh this one is incredibly fun and fucked up, and somehow manages to be SO much darker in which Pete falls down a terrible path and becomes a hunter. It goes about as well as you'd expect lol. I explained the premise to a friend and she wondered, since it was so compelling, why it wasn't canon, and man, that's a fun thing to hear. It also means it's gonna be an absolute behemoth...
Plotting and detailing scenes simultaneously.
Caesar Salad (AU) - Remember how I said I wanted to stab my whumpee during the Ides of March? Guess which concept got WAY out of hand XD It will be a much shorter fic, but it's still a major project. It's an alternate secret reveal, so, it's an AU.
Detailing the scenes while trying desperately to come up with a resolution ^-^'
Anything Else? - Yep! I have a few other little scene/whump ideas that I'll eventually write out, but for now, I just keep them stored in a little au/idea doc. I'm still also working slowly on my BTHB card, and also the gift and several treats for the exchange I mentioned earlier, but I shan't be spoiling those :)
Favourite Tropes
Those of you who've been around me/know me will find that I am indeed very consistent XD Some of my favourite tropes include:
Bad caretaker/s
Compromised mobility
Dehumanisation and animalisation
Domestic abuse
Emotional whump
Environmental whump
Long-term injuries and scars
Near-death of the whumpee
Nightmares/Night terrors
Nonhuman whumpees (usually vampires, demons... and especially mer)
Panic attacks
Restraints, especially creative ones
Secret angst-- whumpee having to keep their species/identity secret for their personal safety, and because they fear they'll be rejected by the ones they love most
Severe sickness
Species-specific whump
Transformation whump
... and so many more...! Also, caretakers and whumpers are not necessary for me to enjoy the whump ^-^
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raayllum · 1 year
Before s4 came out I didn't follow anyone here (didn't know you guys existed) so I was sitting there trying to point out parallels between Callum and Viren and how wild it would be if in a canon divergence au they would forced to work together and how horrified they would be as they slowly realized shit we are alike, and maybe even a good team and all of my friends were like????? Honey, sit down, maybe to watch something else, touch grass outside?
Which, fair. BUT NOW HOWEVER I know I'm not crazy 'cause your posts are in my dash to not only say yeah, those two nerds have their similarities but to point out so much other things I wouldn't have guessed like never, so all this rant to say thanks, now I can go back on my bullshit with your beautiful gifs as cientifical proof I'm in fact so right
Hello & first off, welcome to the fandom, I hope you're having a great time!! And thank you for sending this ask in because Viren-Callum parallels are literally one of my favourite things in the entire show!!
And have been for quite a while (as this post documents, from post-S2 onwards back in Feb 2019 I've been chugging that sweet foils juice and only getting continually more fed), I always figured S4 would majorly ramp it up (just like S2 did from S1) but I am still thrilled beyond my wildest dreams that the foil dynamic is becoming this richly layered / complex / overt, y'know?
I think in terms of personality presentation Viren and Rayla are very similar as well (which I still need to do a S4 update for them whoops) but in terms of narrative weight and arcs and Viren's personality beyond his independence/paranoia? It's Callum all the way down, 100%
Like, they were already tied together as mages with Claudia's loyalty to each of them pit directly against one another (with Viren unsurprisingly winning) as well as brothers to the king (Harrow, Ezran). As Callum lets go of titles and calls Harrow Dad, Harrow insists on Viren using his title formally (which Viren already often did so) and Viren forsakes him as a brother. The plume of Harrow's funeral pyre in 1x04 going into Callum's primal stone transition shot; Viren going to the butterflies to de-corrupt himself while Callum looks at the Star primal on the cube, etc.
I've always been fond of Callum having to work with Claudia or Viren if/when the two mages come back across the moral horizon line, purely because those dynamics are so complicated and tainted, and yet they are also two people who can uniquely understand Callum's headspace and attachment to magic (or perhaps not unique understanding, but like, mirroring, haha?) I've written Callum and Claudia doing so before but idk if I've written Viren and Callum (although I have written them being on friendlier terms in "looking for a way to break in," although it's a very small part of the fic). I may have to write a canon divergence at one point where Callum is taken on as an apprentice to Viren (or Viren's old mentor Kpp'Ar even) but we shall see
Because like, they're both smart and clever and research focused, and just pragmatic enough to not be completely opposed (if they had a common goal) but Callum would have some lines he isn't willing to cross to the same capacity, which would keep Viren in check, and Viren could bring in knowledge/experience Callum doesn't have by virtue of just being so much younger. As well as primal mage (and friend of Xadians) Callum having access and knowledge of things that may surprise Viren and teach him a thing or two in addition
I think what makes me the most excited though is a couple of things stacked on top of each other, tbh
Viren's speech in 4x04, regarding, "I have always been ready to do anything to protect my family, however dangerous, however vile. In the name of love, you may perform acts so unforgivable, you can never forgive yourself" just as Callum finds a new consequence for doing dark magic way back when
We see Callum in 4x07 is later horrified of the possession mostly because "I'm afraid he'll force me to do awful things. Or hurt people I care about" (as Callum has already done, if not vile, then dangerous things to protect his loved ones, notably Ezran and Rayla)
The fact that Viren doing something awful to save Soren as a kid is now working it's way in the show (also in 4x07) of "You would be dead without Dad's magic" to be explored further in S5
Callum also having to inevitably fail to free Aaravos, with all the symbolism behind the idea ("Accidents happen" "On purpose" / "I hope it was worth it to you, putting everyone's lives in danger" / "This doesn't end well for you" / "It's the key of Aaravos, no good will come of it") that he may have more of an active hand in purposefully freeing him under coercion, also possibly in S5
Like if Callum and Ezran start being tested in s5, and Callum saves Ez at any cost (thus leaping over how Viren and Harrow failed each other bc those sweet generational parallels? Gold). Or Viren wanting to save Claudia and not wanting Aaravos to be freed, with perhaps Callum freeing Aaravos in order to save someone like Rayla but
Just having parallels with Aaravos thus far hasn't been the main reason, it seems, to have such an intense foil relationship between Viren and Callum, but there's still gotta be a bigger reason, and it really feels to me like this aspect of Viren might be why he and Callum have been so contrasted with each other
Other posts u can show ur friends if you want to:
My general Viren-Callum foils tag
A pre-S4 breakdown of all the ways they parallel each other season by season
A post-S4 breakdown of how they parallel each other with some bonus foil stuff
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cg29fics · 2 years
Tags & post showing in feed seemed to work on the previous post but still recommend checking out the last 6/7 chapters if you are reading these to make sure you haven’t missed anything.
🔖 @janetm74 @drileyf @katblu42 @psychoseal @weirdburketeer @alexthefly @misstb2 @thundergeek59 @bonsaiiiiiii @dragonoffantasyandreality
Previous - Chapter 26 - Injuries
Chapter 27: Comforting Words
Jeff stood anxiously waiting outside Virgil's hospital room with his mother and four boys. All of them were desperate to go inside but Doctor Sylvia had asked them to wait while he went and checked on Virgil's condition. After a few minutes, which had felt like hours, the doctor opened the door and smiled at them. "One of my colleagues is just completing a few final checks, once that's done then you can see him. Now, before you go in, you should know that Virgil has continued to drift in and out of consciousness, which is a result of his condition and the medication we have given him. Unfortunately, these drugs can only help him so much. So, when he’s awake he will still be in an extreme amount of pain, and he may not be coherent… Also because of what he’s been through, whenever he’s awake, he will probably not realise where he is, and he may become anxious and agitated."
"What can we do to help him?” Scott asked with concern.
"Talk to him, even if he’s asleep. You can remind him of good times and talk about fun things you can do as a family when he's feeling better. Reassure him of his safety and let him know that you are always there for him... Does he like any specific type of music?"
"Yes, he does," John answered with a smile. "He loves playing the piano and he has a particular fondness for classical music."
"Well, that's perfect! Play his favourite songs, whether he's sleeping or awake, it will help! Also, when he’s awake try and help him focus on his breathing, sometimes repeating a word or phrase can help, this with the music will help his body and mind to physically relax, and will help with the psychological effects and the physical pain."
The door to Virgil's room opened and another doctor made their way out. "He's sleeping but you can see him now."
Doctor Sylvia smiled at her. "Thank you. Oh, I would like you to meet our patient’s family."
"Hello, I'm Doctor Emily Sanderson. I will be helping to oversee Virgil's treatment while he’s with us." They all shook her hand and exchanged pleasantries. "Now, I'm really sorry but I must dash." She said with a smile.
"Can we go in?" Jeff asked, when Doctor Sanderson had left.
Doctor Sylvia nodded. "Of course, I'll let you have some time alone. If you need me, or one of my other colleagues, just press the green button above Virgil's bed and someone will be with you immediately."
"Thank you, doctor," Jeff added. They all watched him leave and then turned towards Virgil's door. Jeff stepped hesitantly forwards. When he realised he was the only one who had moved towards the room he looked back to see Scott, John and his mother holding the two youngest back. "Are you not coming in?" Jeff questioned with surprise.
"We will in a minute dad," Scott replied, "but I know you need some time with Virgil on your own."
"Thank you," Jeff responded wiping a tear away, as he pushed the door open and made his way inside.
Jeff stopped short of the bed and took a moment to process the image that was before him. There was his son, his normally smiling, strong-willed, bright-faced boy that illuminated their home with his creativity, music and deep resonating laugh. Looking lost, frail and completely broken. Jeff stepped forward, pulled the nearby chair towards the bed, and sat himself down. He then placed his shaking hand on the bed, desperately wanting to reach out and hold his son but he was too scared that if he did, then the touch would be the very thing to break him. Eventually, after a few moments of silence while he sat watching Virgil's chest slowly rise and fall, Jeff reached out and gently took Virgil's left hand in his, the only part of his child that didn't look broken or bruised, and he began to speak.
"Did you know that you've been gone for just over six days?" Jeff paused, half expecting Virgil to answer, even though his eyes remained tightly shut. "During those first few days when we thought you were dead, I thought of so many things I hadn't said, so many things that I wished we could have done together as a family, things that kept getting cancelled because of International Rescue. Then we found out you were alive, and I promised myself that if we got you back then we would do all the things that I had been putting off for another day... And I would tell you all those things I should have said but didn't… I planned the conversations in my head and worked out exactly what I would say." Jeff released a heavy sigh. "Now you are here, lying in front of me and I can't remember anything I had planned." Jeff took his other hand and pushed some of Virgil's hair away from his eyes. "You need a haircut!" Jeff released a small laugh. "Seriously, that's the only thing I can think about right now, that you really need your hair cutting... It looks like they've given you a shave though... I'm glad… A beard really wouldn't suit you and I know you hate it when you've not had a chance to shave on back-to-back missions."
Jeff stroked his hand through Virgil's hair and then looked at the door. "Your brothers and grandmother will be in here in a minute." Jeff looked back towards Virgil. "Your grandmother has missed you like crazy, I know she's planning all of your favourite meals for when we get you back home. If we don't keep an eye on her, or you, I know you'll get nice and fat." Jeff looked over Virgil's gaunt features. "Although, it does look like you could do with some fattening up!" Jeff continued to watch the rise and fall of Virgil's chest. "Oh son!" He now sobbed. "I'm so sorry you've had to go through any of this... If there was any way for me to take your pain and endure it for you then I would do it in a heartbeat... Before this happened, I never said it enough, and I know you are all going to get sick of hearing it... But, you are so, so precious to me... And I love you so much!"
"Love you dad."
"Virgil?" Jeff cried, taking in the sight of his now half-awake son. Jeff hit the green button above Virgil's bed and then took his sons only good hand with both of his.
Doctor Gerry Sylvia came running in the room followed closely by a very concerned Ruth, Scott, Gordon, John and Alan.
"He's awake!" Jeff said, stepping out of the way so the doctor could do his work.
"Hello there, I'm Doctor Gerry Sylvia. Now, Virgil can you tell me on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is the pain?"
"Not bad,” Virgil stuttered.
Jeff, Virgil's grandmother and all four Tracy boys let out a laugh.
"Mm... Really?" Doctor Sylvia remarked. "Well, from the look on your face I would hazard a guess at a 9 out of 10?" Virgil winced when Doctor Sylvia touched his arm. "Or maybe even a 10... Now I'm going to give you something for the pain okay?"
"Mm... Okay." Virgil muttered.
Doctor Gerry Sylvia finished administering the medication and then turned his attention to Jeff. "Unfortunately, until the Rynax his out of his system this will be the only medication we can administer to him. So, while he’s awake it's best to keep him calm."
Jeff nodded and thanked him, when the doctor had left the room, the family all gathered together around Virgil's bed.
"Hello young man." Ruth said, tears trickling down her face. "I've missed you."
"Mm... Missed... Y... You!" Virgil stammered.
"Shush... Don't try to talk too much" Jeff said, stroking his hand through Virgil's hair.
"Ss... Safe?" He asked, tears filling his eyes.
"It's okay!" Scott soothed.
"We're all here with you!" John consoled.
"Ll... Love all!" Virgil replied, the tears now flowing freely.
"And we all love you very much!" Alan responded, with tears of his own.
"And we're not going to let anyone hurt you again!" Gordon stated.
... ...
The Hood stood pacing in his prison cell, cursing International Rescue for once again stopping his plans, cursing the day he first met Jeff Tracy and swearing revenge on him and his sons.
At that moment, the flap of his door opened, and a prison officer peeped through. "Foods ready... Step back from the door, there are two of us and we are both armed." He warned.
The Hood stepped back and took a seat on the single bed that was in the cell. The prison door opened, and the two officers entered, one with a tray of food, the other with a gun aimed at the Hood.
"Now, stay where you are!" The prison officer who held the gun demanded, while the other officer put the food tray on the floor.
The Hood smirked. "Now officers... What on earth could I do from here?"
The prison officers glared at the Hood and were instantly transfixed when his eyes turned to a penetrating golden yellow.
Info: This was the original point I was going to end the story. The next bit was meant to be a separate one. Decided at the last minute to continue it as one bigger fic.
NEXT: Chapter 28 - 3 Days
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Hello! I followed your blog because of Graceland (I saw a gif on my dashboard and just couldn't resist the guy in the bathtub) and you've introduced me to a lot of awesome-looking shows! I'm a particular fan of your fic recommendation list, I've gone through all the Mike Warren ones and might even write one myself despite not having watched the show.
I hope this message isn't unwarranted, but I was just wondering whether or not you had ever watched a show called Haven? It's about a show where a lot of people have problematic superpowers called 'Troubles' in a town that's fifty-fifty- there are some people who have no idea that the Troubles exist, some people hate those with Troubles, and some of the people with Troubles either want to get rid of theirs or are proud of theirs and want to keep it.
Some of the main characters are a dude with a Trouble that doesn't allow him to feel. Like, nothing. He can't feel wind, can't feel touch, can't feel heat, can't feel clothes, and, for your purposes, can't feel pain, so he often gets beaten up pretty badly and doesn't even know
There's also a guy who has to wear a bulletproof vest all the time because he attracts bullets, so if you shoot a gun and he is anywhere near you, the bullets will automatically go towards him.
(There's also a woman who is technically the main character who is immune to the Troubles and is also the only person that the guy without feeling can feel, she's important but not for your usage)
And my favourite, the town outcast who may or may not be a criminal, who comes from a family of 'serial killers' where if he kills someone with a Trouble and touches their blood, he gets a 'high' and becomes super strong, and the family line of that person killed loses the Trouble. He's super whumpable, there's lots of blood and inner turmoil involved.
I know that this is a weird and convoluted ask, but I just felt as though you might appreciate this show and all the characters that are often whumped in it, and I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't at least give you a base outline haha. Love your blog!! Am once again telling you that I'm slowly going through your fic list
Hi there!! You're so sweet! I love hearing that people check out shows I post about!I'm so glad you've found stuff you enjoy. And I'm even happier that you got into Graceland!!! It'd be amazing if you wrote fics for Mike! If you do send them my way! I'd love to read them!
I've heard of Haven but I've never watched it. I remember when it came out cause it was around the same time as Eureka and Warehouse 13 and Colin Ferguson did a guest spot in it. I never did watch it but your description sounds soooooo good!!! Why didn't I give it a try when it came out!? I'm definitely putting it on my to watch list!! Ahh that all sounds so amazing. What a great concept and the whump potential sounds so good! Thanks so much for the rec!!
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Small Comforts | Obey Me Brothers
Hello lovelies. I accidentally posted this with just the a/n bcs I usually write that first. Mainly to limit myself to the restraint of the warnings (which doesn't usually work) but anyways. I'm back! Sort of. I'm busy, very, very busy. Feel free to skip the rest of the paragraph for the *personal circumstances*, summary and warnings just below. I'm a very sickly person. It's never been anything very serious, I just get sick a lot really badly. Colds take me out for weeks, so I get really bad anxiety about my health, which paired with my general anxiety means I get stressed very easily. Plus, I'm so bloody busy this year. I'm going to try get better. Easter was a bit of a yikes moment for me.
Summary: hand kissing headcanons
Warnings: none today! tried to make it gender neutral, since I actually messed up on the nicknames one. i also apparently popped off with a few of them and i have no idea why. with love to satan, he is most definitely not my favourite,
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Happens most often when he's working and you're just sat beside him. Usually, you pull up a chair and just lean on his shoulder, watching as he works. On the rare occasions that he'll entwine his hand with yours, he'll usually follow it up by bringing your hand to his lips and pressing gentle kisses to it.
"My love, are you not tired?"
You were exhausted, in fact, but your precious time with your boyfriend could not be interrupted. On weekdays you only had so many hours by his side that spending the evening like this, in the quiet, tranquil warmth of his office, had become a staple.
There was no way you would dare to miss it.
Snuggling further into his shoulder, you hummed. "No... all good."
The sound of the pen hitting the table rang out and you could feel him pick up your hand. Cold leather fingers wrapped around your own, lifting it like it was something precious--which, to him, it simply was.
Your eyes opened when you could feel the warmth of his lips press against your knuckle. Slowly, gently, he pressed more kisses against each individual knuckle. "Rest, my love. I'll be here tomorrow."
Another kiss to your knuckle and you closed your eyes again.
Only when you’re both in the safety of your room (or his) will Mammon reach out for you at all. Usually he’s a bit sleepy, which makes him far more clingy, and he’ll just grab your hand.
It was a more quiet evening for the both of you. Originally, he had planned a night at the casino (a place he refused to take you, as he explained, “because there’s no way I can take care’a you.”) but a tiring day at school had brought him to your door. Now, some new fantasy movie was on and you were curled up on your bed. Mammon’s breathing had slowed, eyes falling shut.
Stroking his hair, you pressed a kiss to his temple. “G’night, Monnie.”
You moved to settle down beside him, but he managed to snag the hand in his hair. A calloused thumb brushed over your knuckle, slowly and gently. “Monnie?”
“Sh,” he sighed out, “j’st really want you t’stay.”
He pressed a kiss to the middle of your hand, before entwining your fingers and pulling you towards him. Realising that he was trying to call you to sleep, you settled down and snuggled closer.
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t going anywhere.”
A hum, pleased. “Good.”
It’s so rare you can count the few times it’s happened on one hand. The Avatar of Envy and insecure side of Levi were at constant war with each other when he got particularly jealous. It’s compromise was taking your hand and pressing kisses to your fingertips.
To be honest, this demon was being particularly annoying. You had told them to leave you alone several times and they had either not heard (unlikely) or ignored you (likely) but alas, you were at the end of your tether.
Thankfully, you could see Levi somewhat to the back of the crowd. He hadn’t wanted to come but he had been forced to do so by Lucifer. Something, something ‘Avatar of Sin’, something, something, ‘Lord Diavolo’, something something. Boring really. Personally, you’d rather be at home, nestled under a thick blanket and watching one of Levi’s slice of life animes he’d found.
“Sorry, I can see my boyfriend over there,” you explained, managing to dodge around the hand coming for your shoulder. “Excuse me, sorry.”
You were bounding towards him when you felt the demon grab your arm. Levi had clearly heard you, his face, now brightened, searched for you around the hall. Unfortunately, you didn’t get very far before you were forced to spin around and face the little—the demon that was digging their nails into your flesh.
A simple stomp on their foot and you were easily freed, hurrying to Levi’s side. His face had darkened considerably and, in his demon form, he looked far more terrifying than he had ever been, which was saying something.
As soon as you were close enough, you tried to step near enough to him without moving over his boundary. But, a hard tail curled around and pushed you against him. You saw his glare over the top of your head and felt him grab your hand. It was out of the ordinary for him, so far out of his comfort zone, you could hardly say a word.
He kissed your knuckle but kept your hand close to his lips. Looking back, you could see the demon that had been chatting you up glare straight at the pair of you. You laughed, “Cute.”
“Shut up,” he huffed, cheeks a burning, rosy hue. But his glare did not soften and the grip on your hand only tightened.
Satan is one of the more adventurous of the brothers. He rarely does it to be soft and sappy, but more as a way to annoy you and get you as riled up as possible. As with everything he does, he puts his all into making you flustered. You’re pretty sure he’ll be the death of you at some point.
To be honest, you were surprised that Satan hadn’t tried anything whilst you sat next to each other. He was usually all over you, especially in the library but he was just ignoring you. It was weird and you didn’t like it. Was it making you a bit needy? Sure, but you didn’t care. Your boyfriend was being strange.
“Satan.” No answer.
A brief tilt of his head. You leaned in to kiss his cheek, trying to get something out of him but he simply moved away. “MC, you should really be studying.”
At this point, you had worked out he was trying to rile you up. And, unfortunately, it was working because you’d taught the most infuriating how to mess with you. That’s the price you have to pay with a boyfriend like Satan. “Please, kitty?”
He put his book down then. “You’re playing a rather dangerous game here, kitten.”
Ha! He absolutely hated being called kitty in public, and you knew hell was coming if you continued. But... you had his attention, which was a fair trade in your opinion. You should have guessed though, that he’d always find a way to come back and bite you. Sometimes literally.
Reaching out for his cheek, he caught your wrist and placed a delicate kiss against your palming. It felt so cliché, like a moment out of his novels, which it probably was. But none the less, it had you pulling at your wrist to free it and staring straight at him.
Not letting go, he leaned in closer. “Want to try anything else, kitten?”
This man doesn’t need a reason to just kiss your hand. He will do it when he likes, no matter what, but he was often like that when it came to PDA and affection in general. Kissing your hand was just another thing he loved to do.
Currently, your boyfriend had you in another self care day. These had become semi-regular once Asmo realised how easily stressed you were but especially after very bad panic attacks, which was why you were now sat cross legged on his bed as he picked nail polish colours out. “Oh, you would absolutely sparkle if I added a glitter in there, don’t you agree sweetness?”
“That’s the point of glitter,” you giggled.
Even though you were being slightly sarcastic, he still laughed and picked your hand up, gently moving your fingers away from each other. He lifted them and kissed your fingertips. “So the glitter then?”
“Just for you, Asmo.”
Beel is definitely an affectionate person by nature. There’s a lot of love in him that he needs to show in some way. Mainly by giving you food and hugs, but sometimes, he really does try to be sweet. That’s when he tries to kiss your hand.
Your boyfriend was a sight to behold when working out. If you didn’t know he was a glorified teddy bear, watching him lift weights would be the most intimidating thing you’d ever seen. Fortunately for you, you did know better.
“Babe!” you called out to him, walking towards him with a large bottle of water in your hand. You were struggling to hold it, but once Beel spotted you, he was quick to put the weights to the floor.
Reaching for the bottle in your hand, he took it from you with an appreciative hum, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Thanks, MC.”
“You’re welcome, but I’m here to get you for the Student Council meeting.”
Beel was still leaning down to you, and he smiled. With his free hand, he picked yours up, pressing a kiss to your palm. “You’re the best. Can you give me a moment?”
“Of course, I’ll be right here.”
... He gave you the heavy water bottle back and jogged away. You kind of regretted saying that. Why did he require such a massive water bottle??
Belphegor doesn’t ever do it intentionally. It would be sad if you weren’t used to your boyfriend’s antics already. However, it’s much cuter when he does it in his sleep.
Usually, you were good with not getting caught by your boyfriend’s grabby hands and steel-like grip. This one occasion was simply the exception, you were too sluggish and tired yourself to be able to manoeuvre yourself away from him before he could get you in his hug.
So, there you were, facing a fast asleep Belphegor as he kept you snug against him. He kept stirring and shifting, but eventually you found your hands reaching out for his cheeks. If he wasn’t going to let you out, then you were going to have some fun.
However, you didn’t really think that his tail, in his relaxed, demon form, would wrap around your hands and bring them to his lips. To your surprise, the tail just kept them there as you could feel him pressed up against your curled fingers.
Later, he would wake up and pretend like it never happened. But, for now, you were quite content to just lie there while he slept soundly due to your comfort. You moved closer to him, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Love you.”
He must’ve heard you, because his tail tightened just a bit more and he let out a hum against your hands.
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smileysuh · 2 years
okayyy im in a fluffier mood so what do you think about like sleepy morning sex with nct?
ooof, this is a cute one :) thanks for sending it in! 
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kink [18+] - morning sex - most to least
–▸ pairing: nct 127 x reader  –▸ word count: 600 words
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Members who love morning sex: Jungwoo & Haechan
these two loooove waking up and immediately seeking out boobs, or at the very least, a warm body to latch onto
the types to be half asleep while making out with your neck, and slowly shift to be laying on top of you
low groans, lazy humping, clothes being haphazardly pushed to the side, the blanket making you both so hot that it probably ends in giggles and just really soft feel good times 
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Members who enjoy morning sex for the aesthetic: Mark, Taeyong
soft boys who are dtf when you wake up, but they’re not the types to go reaching for you immediately
slow build up of you both being awake, cuddles that turn to kissing that organically becomes soft morning sex
whispered sweet nothings, lots of hand holding and grabbing at each other, the types to cuddle after in the sunshine
i can really picture either Taeyong or Mark having a stray lash just on their cheekbone, and when you brush it away and tell them to make a wish, they’d be like ‘but all my dreams have already come true’ and hold you tighter... round two anyone? 
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Members who enjoy morning sex for the sin: Yuta & Johnny & Jaehyun
these three strike me as the types to have weird sleep schedules, in the way that, when you wake up, Yuta might sleep another few hours past you, Johnny might already be awake and with coffee in the kitchen, and Jaehyun is probably doing something Jaehyun like in the mornings: they’re not big cuddle bugs that are gonna stay in bed if you’re still asleep
so morning sex would almost always start with them initiating it and waking you up with kisses- however i do see morning horny Johnny being more patient than Yuta and Jaehyun, and being able to wait and do a few morning tasks, but the moment he hears your alarm go off, or hears you get out of bed, boy is dropping everything to come and give you a proper hello ;)
morning sex would often be spur of the moment/surprising, but really good, because it usually means they’re worked up and have a lot to give ;)
morning sex with these three would be less about the bedroom aesthetic- these 3 would 10/10 join you for a morning shower unannounced, not one word of ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’ before they’re railing you against the wall
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Members who are meh about morning sex: Taeil & Doyoung
These guys just have a lot on their plates okay? To get Doyoung to stay in bed and relax, let alone fuck, when he has a list of shit to do every day- it might help with his sanity tbh, but good luck akskajsakjaskasj-
and Taeil is also busy, i definitely see him as more of a classic: lets have breakfast together, share quality time this way, go our own ways for the day/work, and then reconnect in the evening, and once all the stress of the day is gone, then he can focus on making you feel good
neither will say no if you initiate morning sex- well, Doyoung might give you a time limit of ‘i have to be somewhere in an hour’ and be stressed about it- but i think you could get them to both relax and enjoy it, especially if it was one of your favourite times to fuck- Taeil would full on wake up half an hour early to mAKE time for you if you told him how much you love riding him before work asjkajskajkaskjas 
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PATREON I Kofi I Paypal I Masterlist I short writings masterlist
© smileysuh — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any fic, reaction, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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sailormoonblogs · 3 years
My Favourite K-drama's
Hello Everyone!!
As requested, I have created a list of some of my favourite K-drama's that I recommend! I have seen so many so I picked some of my favs! Please let me know your thoughts if you have already watched them! 🥰
1. True Beauty
SO GOOD! A beautiful love story that teaches you the importance of loving yourself! I highly recommend this one it is definitely one of my favourite K-drama's.
2. Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
I literally have no words to describe this one. It will forever remain in my heart. This is a historical K-drama. I cried for months after watching this one. I still haven't recovered...
3. Hotel Del Luna
VERY EMOTIONAL! A story about a woman running a hotel for ghosts. IU is such an amazing actor and plays a great role in this one! Also, the OST will make you cry nonstop. Overall, a beautiful story about learning how to move on.
4. Start Up
SUPER MOTIVATIONAL AND VERY INSPIRING! Makes you want to start your own company lol. Also, the storyline is so beautiful and the chemistry between the characters is ughh just perfect.
5. It's Okay to Not be Okay
I highly recommend this one! It's a mix of mild horror and romance. It touches base on mental health and revolves around the lives of people in a physiatric hospital. Overall I really like the storyline. Also, I think that Seo Yea ji did an excellent job at portraying her character. Most scenes in this drama with her are really funny.
6. Love Alarm
One of my first K-drama's. A beautiful story about a young girl experiencing love while coping with personal adversities. Wasn't a huge fan of the second season because it seemed like it was rushed, but overall I love this drama and the OST.
7. Goblin
Gong Yoo... I think that pretty much sums it up iyk... Lol anyways, this is a beautiful story about an immortal goblin searching for his human bride to remove an invisible sword in his chest to end his life. This drama made me cry so much. The OST is incredible! My favourite song from it is "Beautiful" by Crush.
8. Vincenzo
This is a really good K-drama I highly recommend it! A Korean-Italian mafia lawyer named "Vincenzo" wink-wink, battles against the evil conglomerate of Babel. If you like action then I highly recommend this one. I also thought this drama was really funny.
9. Bring it On, Ghost
I love this K-drama so much. Such a cute story about a man who has the ability to see ghosts and decides to work as an exorcist. He ends up meeting a cheerful ghost who becomes his partner. They slowly fall in love.
10. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo
This K-drama is about a group of college athletes who work towards achieving their dreams while experiencing love. I really like this K-drama because it’s not the typical high school love story. It’s a very unique storyline. I also like that it doesn’t follow the usual standards of what a “pretty girl” should look like. It focuses on body positivity and also displays the hardships that the young athletes encounter within their lives.
These are all perfect binge worthy K-drama’s! I hope you guys like this post! ☺️💗
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kirschteinsj · 3 years
Pinky Promises
Nanami x fem! reader
Warnings: nothing too much! maybe language but overall just a bunch of fluff and lovey dovey stuff 
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: Domestic Nanami and reader, just thinking about how much they love each other. sappy and cute stuff.
A/N: Hi! ^_^ Second time posting, I’ve had this one shot saved for a bit now! finally posting it lolz. I've noticed a lot of people have written domestic Nanami pics or drawn art, very glad society as a whole has this perception of him. it truly heals the soul I think. anyway, I hope u like this and sorry if there’s any grammar errors I wasnt able to catch U_U im thinking of doing a hc post next.... unsure hm, we’ll see ^_^!!
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“I’m hooooome.” He says loudly as he steps through the apartment door, setting his briefcase down and taking off his beige coat. Putting down the grand kitchen knife she was using to chop up spinach, she rushed to the door with a smile and engulfed the tall blonde into a tight hug, saying hello. She took a deep breath, inhaling the soft scent of his cologne, the smell of something sour and musty soon taking over. Her face scrunched up and she let out a giggle.
“Oh god, Nanami, you stink, what did you go against today?”
“Nothing too bad. Just a grade 3,” He sighed “A smelly grade 3.” He sounded disappointed, probably because he knew he stunk too. Though the smell was horrendous, she still remained in his arms and he still held on just as tight.
“Are you tired? I was thinking of making dinner with you tonight but if you’re too tired I can-”
“No no. I’m fine. Just let me wash up and I’ll help out.”
“You sure?” She asked looking up towards him, questioning once more to reassure. He looked down and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.
“I’m sure, dear.”
While he showers upstairs, she gets back to readying the ingredients so they could begin cooking their masterpiece as soon as possible. Tonight she had chosen chicken alfredo with a tossed salad; One could say it was her favourite, but saying that would imply that she would eat it when cooked and served by whomever. But to her, she would only eat it when it was him who had made it for her.
Y/n adored him. He adored her. To her, he was her light. She could simply not imagine life without him, not after he had come in and changed her in such a way. She never in a million years would have thought to be so in love with someone. To have known someone who cared enough to hear all about her day or listen to all her tangents, whether they made sense or not. Who listened to her talk forever about anything just so he could see the faint glow of passion in her eyes. Someone who remembered the small details in regards to the things she loved and the things she despised; Like how she hated the feeling of peanut butter on her fingers and how she absolutely admired the scent of fresh pages in a new book. Sometimes, she felt undeserving of him.
He admired her like no other. Never did he believe he’d be capable of opening up to anyone in such a way, at least not until she walked into his life. He could write a million lists, all full of everything he loved about her. The way she smiled cheekily at him after a witty remark, how she'd give every hug as if it was the last, the way she was oh so patient with him. It took him time to become vulnerable in the slightest, he just didn’t know how to do so without burdening her. She knew his job was hard, he’d told her. But rather than running away like he expected, she stayed with him right by his side. She refused to leave him over that. If anything, it made her want to stay more since she felt the need to be there for him. It felt like a punch to the gut but a good one. “So, is this love?” He had asked himself then. Nanami had someone who brought out the much more joyful side to him. At the end of the day, he knew he’d walk through the front door only to see her, arms wide open and with a big smile offering a cozy hug. She was his home. Sometimes, he felt undeserving of her.
Putting the final piece of broccoli into the container, she tidies any clutter and went back to their shared bedroom. Sinking into the bed and falling on it with a plush thump, she lets out a deep sigh mixed with some sort of a groan. She herself was exhausted from work too to say the least. She didn’t deal with curses or anything like that, but she did teach a class of 9 year olds which one could consider just as frustrating. Yawning, she checks her phone to read the time: 6:15 PM. Nanami hadn’t been in the shower for too long, a small nap wouldn’t hurt. Quickly, she settled for a little 30 minute nap. That way, she could get up soon enough to help him out in the kitchen and not abandon him to do everything on his own. She turns her phone off and slowly, her eyes shut.
Y/n slowly opens her eyes and notices a grey throw blanket placed on her, something that she doesn’t recall going to bed with earlier. “Must’ve been Nanami.” Grabbing her phone, she turns the screen on, wincing at the incredible blue light piercing into her skull. “Fuck.” she mumbles. Once her eyes adjust, she glances back at the screen for the time: 7:30.
“FUCK,” she says, voice croaking “I overslept.” With the speed of light, she leaves bed and runs down the hall to the bathroom to freshen up. She soon makes her way over to the kitchen silently, slightly ashamed and guilty. Y/n mumbles a whine with a frown, “He’s probably done making things now. I could have helped.”
The kitchen is filled with the delicate scents of sauces, cheese and herbs. She watches him from the door frame, admiring her boyfriend. He stood in front of the stove mixing at the sauce for the alfredo, which scent alone made her mouth water. Nanami seems to be in his own world, as he stands humming to himself softly, stirring the pot of sauce and adding in the broccoli and spinach, not seeming to notice y/n. With a final stir, he carefully sets the lid and turns to rinse his hands. Her gaze sits upon his figure, how his grey oversized shirt slightly clings to his shoulders and loosens as it goes down his body. Looking down, she noticed the bright red christmas pyjamas he had on, the ones with adorable little reindeers all over them. Grinning, she remembers how she had bought those for him. She purchased a matching set for the two of them and insisted on wearing them all day on Christmas last year. Nanami had responded to the idea with a stern “No” which left y/n in shambles. She didn’t expect him to agree, but hey, a girl can dream. However, on Christmas day, lo and behold, she had woken up to find Nanami sitting on the couch, watching the news with his reindeer PJs on. Immediately, she had attacked him with hugs and kisses and all Nanami did was sit there and accept them, secretly loving it the whole time.
A deep voice throws her out of her thoughts. “You know, it’s rude to stare, right?”
Y/n chuckles quietly and makes her way over, wrapping her arms around him from behind, snuggling into his back.
“I like to stare at you, you’re cute,” she breathes in his scent once again, “ah, you smell so much better now. Like the nami I know.”
“I am not cute. I am a grown man.”
“C’mon, you can’t possibly be saying that right now. Not while you’re wearing these pants.” She coos, gently patting his butt. He goes silent, refusing to rebuttal knowing that he’s lost. He leans against the counter, his front facing her. Though he didn’t say anything, y/n sees this as an open invite to his arms. The rope of his arms finds her waist this time, her arms in an embrace around his neck.
“Whatever, tell me, how was your day, hm?” He posed, changing the subject.
“Same old, yenno. The kids and I had a discussion today about drugs and safety. It was cute, hearing them rat out their neighbours for smoking cigs and talk about how yucky they thought alcohol is. It was… sweet. How was work for you, hon?”
“Shit.” He retorts, closing his eyes, “Work is shit.”
“Oh come ON, I’m sure it’s not always that bad, right? Say, how’s your friend doing, you know, the one who kinda looks like one of my makeup brushes! Isn’t he good company?”
“Yeah, if good company means having to deal with a nuisance to society on a daily basis then by all means, yes, Gojo is wonderful company.” He joked, loosening his grip on her and making his way over to the stove to check on his sauce. She follows, opening the first drawer and pulling out a silver spoon, “You’re so mean sometimes. I think he’s a great guy to be around! I met him once, such a flirt.”
He teases calmly, “If you love him so much, why don’t you get with him?”
Taking her spoon, she lowers it into the pot and brings it back up to her face, blowing on it carefully before she puts it to her lips to taste. “Hmm, I would. But I don’t think he’s as big as you. I’ll have to pass.” She smirked, putting the spoon into her mouth as he watched and sighed in disappointment.
He glares,“God, you’re something else.”
“I’m just kidding, babe.” Bringing her spoon down for another taste. He swats at her hand and she retreats it with a whine. “Don’t do that. You’ve tried it already, and will again when we get to eat.” He scolded tenderly, “Plus, you shouldn’t be given these privileges anyway. It’s not like you helped out or anything.” He smiled, teasing her.
“Nanamiiii, I’m sorry,” she whines, half laughing, “I promise, I was going to help! I just got a little bit sleepy and sort of lost track of time…” He turned over to her and lifted her face with a finger under her chin. Laughing, he delicately caresses her cheek, tapping it admirably with a curled finger. The blonde chuckles and looks her in the eyes, “I’m just joking with you, love. I know you’ve been tired lately, I can tell. Why haven’t you been resting?”
Her smile falls and she sighs. Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist and brought him into her, hiding her face into his chest. It was true, she was exhausted but she didn’t deem it to be anything so serious. Work was just heavy this past week from having to grade her students’ work in time for report cards. All she wanted was the best for her kids and was finding ways to get the kids out of their comfort zones enough to do well in class. That reminded her, Nanami also mentioned having a student of his own.
She takes her face out of his chest and glances upwards. “It’s just this week of work, I promise I’ll be back to normal soon. I’ve just been busy with lesson plans and activities, yenno. Anyway, speaking of students, how’s the one you’ve been assigned to?” She posed in a soft tone. Half smiling, he turned around to add the strained pasta to the sauce, scattering it into the pot.
“He’s special. Quite lively. And cheerful. He reminds me of you sometimes,” his voice strains as he stretches to grab the bowl of cooked chicken to finally add into the pot, finishing the meal, “He’s got potential.” Y/n beamed with happiness. Nanami really seemed to like this kid and if he thought you had potential, then it sure as hell meant you had it.
She lets out a squeal, “EEEEEEK!!! That sounds amazing! I’m so happy for you!” Nanami suppressed a laugh and rolled his eyes, “It’s not that-”
“This calls for a drink, don’t you think?” She babbled with excitement, “We should have some wine! Right?”
Grabbing her wrist as she skipped her way over to the bottle, he reminded her, “You have school tomorrow. You always end up having more than needed and struggle to wake up in the morning.” Y/n frowned at his words, to which he noticed and tried to fix, “Tomorrow’s Friday, you can drink plenty tomorrow, hm? I’ll drink with you.”
“Ugh, fine. You’re right. But you have to promise.”
“I promise you ca-”
“No! You have to pinky-promise.” She demanded, pouting as he stuck out her pinky finger.
His heart skips a beat. Was she always this cute? Her angelic eyes stare into his tired ones. Bottom lip poking out, awaiting Nanami’s pinky to interlock with her own. He knew she took pinky-promises very seriously despite her grown age. It was among one of the many petty details that he cherished. Something about this pinky-promise was enough for her to ensure trust onto someone, it made him laugh. Her naivety is what made her so kind hearted, what allowed her to see the best in people. He felt that this naivety is why they’re together to begin with. He didn’t ever think she’d give him a chance. He reminisced of their first few encounters. The way she did her hair back then, the way she dressed, her shy smile and how she’d look at the floor whenever she’d blush. Maybe it was her timid nature that made him fall head over heels for her. Or maybe it was her generosity. Perhaps her beauty. He was unable to simply confine the reasoning for his infatuation with just a few traits. She grew overtime, more comfortable and less shy, she was more confident around him but he knew he could still make her blush so badly that she’d have to hide her face from him. He enjoyed their banter, her company. He felt it was luck. Or maybe it was fate. Who knows. He didn’t want to think so much about it. He wanted to live in the moment, adore her in this present time. In that instance, he felt the strong urge to kiss her. And so he did.
The kiss was short and sweet, yet full of an unfathomable amount of love. It took her aback, she didn’t quite see it coming. She too stood in the present moment, then and there, cherishing the man she loved.
His lips leave hers and he extends the smallest finger on his hand, declaring, “I pinky-promise.” And a ginormous grin washes over her face. In a whisper, she squeals and scoops her arms around his torso, resting her head onto his chest. They stay like this for a while, not too long really, but to them it felt like an eternity being in each other’s affectionate embrace. He goes to speak and she feels the vibrating boom of his voice make his way up from his chest.
“I love you.”
She sighs, “I love you too.”
Turning her head, y/n smoothly gets on her tip toes and clasps her arms around his neck, giving it a tender kiss and attempting to make a trail leading up to his sharp jaw. Catching onto her tactics he laughs, putting his big hand against her face and pushing her back.
“Seriously?” He chuckles, “You couldn’t wait till after dinner? Come on, take out the plates.”
“Wait for what? I was just kissing you! You’re so dramatic, Nami.” She lies, playing innocent. She knew damn well what she was trying to do. She wasn’t going to admit to it though. Taking out the plates and utensils, she readied the table.
After dinner and meaningless conversation, the two lovers tidied and headed towards their room. “Do yo wana wah a mohee tomowwow nie?” Y/n proposed from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth. He perks his head up, confused, “Do I want to what?” She spat into the sink and rinsed her mouth, repeating her question.
“I said, do you wanna watch a movie tomorrow night? Like at home? There’s this documentary I saw on Netflix, it looks really good! It’s crime related.”
“That sounds fine with me. Though, that’s only possible if you don’t end up drinking too much. I always have to get you to sleep early when you drink.” He states nonchalantly, nose poked into a thick book. She rolls her eyes and smiles, “I promise I won’t drink all that much.” Shifting his book to the opposing hand, Nanami silently takes his pinky finger and holds it out to y/n. She snickers and reciprocates.
“You’ve now pinky-promised. Don’t break it, y/n.”
“I never do.”
The nightstand lamp illuminates the room with a soft yellow glow. Shadows of objects on the nightstand hang on the walls. Laying in bed on her phone, y/n turns over to Nanami, who was still reading his book. “Nami, come lay next to me, I wanna cuddle. Please?” Her voice faint. He looks down at her and puts his book away immediately. He could use a cuddle too. Bringing himself down, he lays on his back, y/n closing the gap between the two. Their legs intertwine, her arm and head resting on his chest while one of his hands rested on her bum, the other dotingly playing with her hair. Neither of them spoke a word for a while. Until y/n broke the silence.
“So, were there no other pairs of pants you had left to wear or-”
“Please, be quiet.”
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omgrachwrites · 3 years
Playing The Hero - Chapter Two
Pairing: Harry Potter x Ravenclaw!Reader
Summary: Soulmates have a way of seeing and feeling each other’s emotions by a gem that is set in the palm of their hand which glows with magic. The colour of the gem on the palm of your hand, erratically changes between different colours. Unbeknownst to you, every time the gem on your soulmates palm glows blue he feels very over protective and worried. That’s just what happens when your soulmate always plays the hero. Soulmate Au
Warnings: fluff, swearing, mentions of blood, mentions of death
Words: 2282
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know what you think, and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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Yellow - Happy, Secure, Excited
Red - Scared, Nervous, Unsure
Grey - Stressed, Worried
Blue - Sad, Hurt, Frustrated
Orange - Overprotective
Chapter Two
Harry gingerly raised a hand to his swollen face, wincing as he pulled his hand back and saw that it was sticky with blood; it was a good thing that he didn’t have a weak stomach. Tonks had presumably done a decent job of fixing his nose because it felt as though it was straight again. It was still extremely sore, though not as bad as it had been when Malfoy had stamped on it.
Harry sighed, dragging his feet across the moonlit lawn as he followed Snape who was walking ahead of him, his long black cloak billowing out behind him, making him look like a vampire bat. The late summer breeze blew across the castle grounds like a whisper. Harry could hear Snape’s monotone voice but he manged to block out all the words – it was no doubt a lecture – after five long years of suffering in Snape’s class, it was a skill that Harry had managed to acquire.
After what felt like an eternity, he walked into the castle and a great sense of relief washed over him as the candlelight in the Entrance Hall reflected on the glass of his glasses. He smiled, he finally felt like he was home. As he looked down at his gem he beamed when he saw that it was glowing bright yellow. Y/N was standing in the doorway of The Great Hall, clutching a huge, warty croaking toad. She smiled as she glanced up; the smile soon fell from her face when she nervously looked at Snape before honing on in the state of Harry’s face.
“Merlin, Harry! What the hell happened to your face?!” Harry opened his mouth to reply, Y/N’s worried face making an unfamiliar feeling churn in the pit of his stomach.
Snape’s lip curled as hissed beneath his breath, clenching his teeth, “in, both of you!”
Y/N frowned at him, a muscle fluttering in her jaw, “I was just asking if he was okay, what’s the problem with that?” Harry bit his tongue so he wouldn’t suddenly burst out into peals of laughter.
Snape’s nostrils flared as he narrowed his eyes and whispered in a deadly voice, “don’t make me tell you again, Y/L/N!”
Y/N and Harry exchanged a scowl at Snape’s expense before they walked into The Great Hall. A gasp seemed to ripple through the sea of students as they all turned to look at Harry’s face. He swallowed nervously before fiddling with his sleeves and he glanced over at Y/N. She smiled softly at him as the toad croaked in her hands.
“Is that Trevor?” he laughed.
Y/N giggled, “yeah, you know that Neville is always losing him. Though, it did take me ages to find him, maybe a Hufflepuff could have helped more.”
“Well, I’ve heard that Hufflepuffs are exceptionally good finders,” he smirked making Y/N burst out into laughter.
“Yeah, I’ve heard that too,” she paused and bit her lip, “what happened to your face?”
Harry sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets, for some reason he didn’t want to tell her, “how do I look? I mean does my face look fairly normal?”
It sounded like Y/N was choking back her laughter and she shrugged, “apart from all the blood over it, it looks fine.”
Harry was very relieved that his face would heal properly, “Malfoy did it,” he muttered but didn’t elaborate.
A look of understanding passed over her face and she glanced over at Malfoy who was guffawing and pointing at Harry, “I see,” she sighed, “I’ll see you later, Harry. I’m gonna go and give Trevor back to Neville,” she nodded at the worried looking boy who was sitting further up the Gryffindor table.
“Bye, Y/N,” Harry smiled and watched her walk up to Neville, Neville’s face lit up as Y/N passed him Trevor and he clutched his toad close to his chest. It looked like he was about to cry. He smiled as he sat next to Ron and Hermione.
Hermione gasped as she looked at his face, “what happened?!”
On the other hand, a grin slowly spread across Ron’s freckled face, “I think that you look badass, mate,” Ron clapped him on the shoulder and Harry couldn’t help but grin, being careful to not split his lip again.
“That’s not funny, Ron!” Hermione gave Ron a sharp look as her eyebrows shot up her forehead before she folded her arms and looked questioningly at Harry.
Unfortunately, Harry could hardly say because he was painfully aware of Ginny and Dean staring at him, “I’ll tell you later,” he shook his head.
Ron leaned closer to him, “have you heard the awful news? Snape is the new Defence against the Dark Arts Professor.”
Harry’s blood turned to ice, in what world could Dumbledore let Snape have that post? “ugh, great just great. At least he’ll be gone by the end of term,” he ignored Hermione’s gasps as he pulled a plate of treacle tart towards him.
Even the mere succulent smell of his favourite dessert considerably lifted his spirits, unfortunately he only managed to stuff a heap full of the sticky dessert into his mouth before the food disappeared, leaving the golden plates sparkling and spotless. He groaned through his mouthful of food as he tried his best to savour it before he rolled his eyes and got to his feet.
As Prefects, Ron and Hermione walked ahead of him to lead the new Gryffindors up to the common room. However, Harry noticed that Malfoy was still seated at the Slytherin table, completely throwing away the chance to bully the new Slytherins. Before Harry could muse upon it any further, a sleepy musical voice reached his ears.
“Hi Harry.”
Harry turned his head to see Luna and Y/N; as usual Luna was carrying a copy of the Quibbler, her dad’s magazine. She was wearing her huge radish earrings and she’d slid her wand through her dirty blonde hair, “Hello, Luna, how was your summer?”
“Dad and I went to find Nargles,” Harry glanced over Luna’s head to look at Y/N, she was looking at Luna lovingly but her shoulders were shaking with silent laughter. When Y/N met Harry’s eyes she almost lost it, “will the DA be meeting this year?”
Harry shook his head, “there’s no need now that Umbridge has gone,” he shrugged. Snape was the new Defence against the Dark Arts Professor – he’d always wanted the post – and Harry hated that fact. But hopefully they would be at least learning some defensive magic this year and Harry would be one step closer to fulfilling his ambition of becoming an Auror.
He watched Luna’s face fall with a sharp pang of guilt, he’d never really seen Luna upset before, “oh, I see.”
Y/N spoke up quickly to diffuse the tension and she smiled at Luna, rubbing her arm, “you guys will still be friends though, right?” she gave Harry a meaningful look.
He winced as the gem on his palm quickly burned, sending a sharp pain up his arm, he glanced down at it to see that it was glowing orange. He quickly glanced back up at the girls and offered Luna a small smile, “of course.”
Luna nodded, “I’d like that,” she smiled serenely, looking a lot happier.
The three of them said their goodbyes as they went to their separate common rooms and Harry smiled as he climbed through the portrait hole. Hermione already had her head in a book, in the comfortable armchairs that were seated next to the roaring fireplace. Ron glanced at Harry as he entered the warm common room and he shook his head.
“Bloody nuts she is,” he muttered, “c’mon let’s leave her to it,” as they climbed the stone steps, Ron turned to Harry, “what took you so long?”
“I ran into Luna and Y/N.”
Ron smirked, his ears turning red, “do you actually have a crush on Y/N?”
Harry shook his head as he ran a hand through his thick messy hair, “I mean she’s nice and all but I hardly know her and I’m not interested in dating anyone at the minute, not after what happened with Cho.”
Ron whistled, “yeah, that was a bad one.”
“Fuck off, mate.”
Ron pretty much fell asleep and began snoring as soon as his head hit the pillow but Harry stayed awake for a little, grinning into the darkness like a maniac. He was so glad to be back at Hogwarts, this was the first time that he felt truly complete since Sirius died.
Before walking into the dungeons on the first day back at school, you braced yourself before walking into the usual gloomy room that normally had disgusting things floating around in jars. It always felt really hot and stuffy that didn’t make for a great lesson. However, you were pleasantly surprised when you walked into the dungeons to see that it felt somehow light and airy and pleasant smells were wafting all around the room.
Even Slughorn with his friendly grin had a good aura about him and you couldn’t help but feel very relieved. You smiled as Slughorn greeted you and Neville as you made your way to the front desk where all the cauldrons were emitting their steam. There was one potion in particular that was producing the most gorgeous smell, silver vapour rose from the cauldron. You leaned closer to it and took a huge deep breath of it, feeling slightly lightheaded, the potion smelled of Butterbeer, wood from a new broomstick and another scent that you couldn’t place.
“Doesn’t this potion smell of Butterbeer? It smells so good,” you sighed happily as you glanced at Neville.
Neville gave you a strange look as his eyebrows knitted together in a frown, “it doesn’t smell of Butterbeer, it smells like freshly cut roses and vanilla.”
You scoffed, what the hell was wrong with Neville’s sense of smell? However, before you could argue with him about it, Slughorn began the lesson and started running through the different potions that were on his desk. To your extreme annoyance before he could tell you about the one that smelled like Butterbeer, the door to the dungeons opened quietly, interrupted Slughorn’s speech.
Next to you, you could see Lavender Brown perk up and she was gazing at something with wide eyes, and when you followed her line of vision you discovered that she was staring at Ron Weasley. You smirked to yourself as you glanced at Harry who was giving Slughorn an apologetic look.
“Harry, m’boy! I was beginning to worry that you wouldn’t be coming!” Slughorn boomed with an easy grin on his pudgy face.
“Yes Sir, I’m sorry that we’re late, you see, we haven’t got our books or supplies yet. We didn’t know that we’d be here,” Harry bit his lip nervously as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
However, Slughorn waved Harry’s worries away like this sort of thing happened all of the time, “not to worry, get what you need from the cupboard.”
Harry nodded and he smiled gently at you as he slipped past you on the way to the supply cupboard where there was a lot of loud banging for the next couple of moments. You rolled your eyes and glanced over your shoulder and you had to cough to cover up your laughter when you saw the two best friends fighting over a book. It seemed that Ron had one the fight because Harry smacked Ron’s hand with the heavy potions book.
As Harry walked past you, you glanced down at the book to see the yellowing pages and the scribbles that were across the front cover, “lovely,” you laughed.
Harry chuckled as he rolled his eyes, waving the book around, “you’re telling me, a fat lot of good this book will do me.”
It turned out that the ruined book did do Harry a lot of good because the object of today’s lesson was to brew The Draught of Living Death and a little vial of liquid luck would go to the best potion. Seamus blew up his cauldron, Neville’s potion smelled so bad that you had to stuff a wad of tissue up your nose to get yourself some relief from the horrible smell, and in the end it was Harry’s potion that came out on top. You felt mean for even thinking it but you wondered how Harry had got so good at potions. Maybe it was due to the fact that Slughorn actually liked him and he wasn’t looking for an excuse to take away as many points as he could.
You caught up with Harry as you were walking out of the dungeons, “hey, that must have been one hell of a potion; I thought Slughorn was going to start snogging your cauldron.”
Harry snickered as he shrugged running a hand through his hair, “you’re not pissed at me too are you?”
You frowned as you tilted your head, you had no reason to be, sure it would have been nice if you would have won the luck potion but you potions weren’t really your strong suit, “no,” you trailed off, “I’m not pissed at you, even if you did cheat,” you laughed, turning around so you were walking backwards.
For a fraction of a second, Harry’s emerald eyes widened before he covered it up with a smile, “I didn’t cheat, you’re just mad that I’m better at potions than you,” he teased.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll see, Potter.”
“Is that a challenge, Y/L/N?” he smirked, raising his eyebrow.
“You bet it is!” you laughed, sticking your middle finger up at him before disappearing into the crowd.
@annemagus @smiithys @elayneblack @amelie-black @pregnant-piggy @justadreamyhufflepuff @esmelily123 @firewhiskyss​ @potters-heart​ 
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larentsaloud · 2 years
Gorya—the iceberg is melting
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When Gorya made the decision to run to Thyme at the end of episode three, everyone was expecting THE iconic hug. Me too BTW.
Interestingly enough, we never got it. Not yet. But the internal conflict that she had to go through, to abandon her friend, decide not to repair her phone — hello gen Z and millennials — would you leave ALL of these important things / people behind to check if the person who’s been bullying you… might be waiting for you in the rain? I’m never going anywhere without my phone. You have to appreciate the monumental weight of her actions, and considering their past and how she perceived him.
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Did something shift, when she heard him talk about how he would NEVER wait for anyone? Or when his sister said he never chased after a girl before? Or the sleazy man telling her in the escort bar that she should take interest in someone who likes her? (I hate that logic, BTW but for someone like Gorya stepping outside of her MO to bridge the gap between them is essential to the story.)
Being the first is intoxicating.
Lemme explain.
Once you know you’re becoming someone’s first love, that something inside you / about you evoked their romantic feelings ABOVE anyone else and this boi rich— you’re likely not going to ignore it.
Especially since Thyme broke so many boundaries to get to her in the most childish— bordering on obsessive behaviour. He cute tho excuse doesn’t cover the fact he nearly had her shave her hair off. I will never forgive him for that lol since I mention it in every post.
So she runs to check. But in her head she’s calculating. He won’t be there. Not for me. I’m not that important. I’m not special. He won’t be there.
Right? And then she sees him standing there, soaking wet and her heart extends and olive branch in the form of an umbrella and…
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Thyme thrusts the umbrella away. Legit slaps it out of her hand.
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I died.
Thank you show writers for not underestimating her feelings and the characters sticking to their true selves.
Thyme: anger (misplaced. What he really wanted was that hug obviously!)
Gorya: sympathy / confusion / shock / shit shit shit / puppy look cute all wet *scratch that*
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Which he rejected, right? By getting angry. He’s glad she’s there but wants to grasp why she made him wait and it’s him being scared that he actually waited and she showed up. Now what?! Like for real. She came???
For a boi who’s sitting alone in his mansion waiting for his family to show up and they rarely do and when they do barely acknowledge him and if they do it’s to fight… I mean you can see how easily he’d interpret her fighting as invitation to love. Innit?
Their feelings are respected so thank you writers 💋
What does happen though during the episode is that they become vulnerable with each other and start relating to e/o like two teenagers, sharing the trails of tribulations, learning things about e/o, getting curious and gently & slowly peeling layers.
Gorya is staring to see that he’s more than just
- a posh gangster
- Dummy
- Tiger print
- Pretty face
- Rich spoiled brat with mommy issues
She sees that
- he cares enough to bring her medicine
- Meets the parents wearing actual good boi clothes outfit ™️
- Is polite ??? at dinner
- He’s an abandoned puppy
- Wants his friends to treat her with respect
- He reads her when she’s uncomfortable
- He isn’t a complete cesspool person because he cancels her red card
- Likes her
- Offers to help with the fallen gate (my favourite moment)
- He is willing to be open even in front of her family
- He doesn’t get jealous 🥰 and instead ends up foreshadowing the romance while shitting on himself and praising Ren I mean Gorya’s iceberg is melting and we are here to witness it ladies and gents and non binary friends.
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Things I’ll never get over:
Gorya standing up against the gate at her house when Thyme drops her off.
She says she wants expecting the (they dropped calling it non date so it’s a date MFs) date to be like *points to disaster*
He stands closer to her.
Gorya realises she’s outnumbered.
I can hear her internal panic when he leans in to remove the piece of fluff from her hair…
Wow. I think she realises he’s pretty good looking…
Only for Thyme to sneeze.
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nctsjiho · 3 years
Lost Boy
warnings: none
era: fall 2018
❀ JiHo and Winwin go on a little mission to find a lost child’s parents
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“I don’t know who’s idea it was to leave an 18 year old and an awkward foreigner boy alone in a foreign country, but the idea doesn’t sound the brightest.” JiHo noted while she scanned her surroundings. Winwin took slight offence to the comment and pushed her arm. “Hey! I’m not awkward.” The girl only sent him a smirk before looking around again.
The pair were outside in a less busy area of LA, while their manager went inside a store to grab some essentials. Normally something like that wouldn’t be allowed by the company so the manager had made JiHo and Winwin promise they wouldn’t tell anyone about it. Of course JiHo took advantage of the situation by requesting the manager would buy them some snacks - which also wasn’t allowed during JiHo’s diet, but the manager had to choose between potentially loosing his job, or just getting told of for letting JiHo break her diet. The decision was easily made.
While Winwin and JiHo immersed themselves in a casual conversation, JiHo suddenly felt a tug at her jacket. A little shocked at the unexpected movement, the girl looked down to see a small boy looking up at her. He must have only been around 5 years old, which made JiHo confused about who would let such a young child alone. But by the looks of the boy’s wide and teary eyes, it was definitely a case of a lost child, probably scared out of his mind.
JiHo’s features immediately softened, not wanting her underlying panic and concern for the boy affect the kid. “Hey little guy, what are you doing here alone?” JiHo asked in English and crouched down so she was at eye level with him. The little boy, however, didn’t respond. His lips were slightly trembling and his tears pooled at the corner of his eyes.
Winwin, who felt as shocked to see the lost child, crouched down as well and when the boy faced him he waved. “Hello.” He greeted in Korean, which had JiHo roll her eyes. “You weirdo, he doesn’t understand Korean. We’re in America.” She scolded, hitting her friend’s arm lightly. “You don’t know that.” Winwin retaliated. 
Before JiHo could fire back, the “arguing” friends heard a little giggle from the young boy. They both looked at the boy with smiles growing on their faces. “We sound funny don’t we?” JiHo asked and the young boy nodded, causing JiHo to laugh. She quickly translated to Winwin who found it endearing as well.
“What’s your name?” “Jonas.” The boy started to feel shy and casted his gaze on the floor. “Hi Jonas.” Winwin’s sweet tone completely stole the young boy’s heart as he now confidently smiled at Winwin. “No matter where we are, no matter who it is, everyone always falls in love with you.” JiHo snickered to which the older boy shrugged and then continued to wave at Jonas.
“What happened Jonas? Where are your parents?” The boy looked up at JiHo before explaining that they were with him at the park nearby and then suddenly he couldn’t see them anymore. “Did you cross the street all by yourself?” Jonas nodded as his eyes began to fill with even more tears. “Hey, don’t cry. We’ll go find your parents, but you should never cross the street by yourself okay?” Again the boy nodded and JiHo stood up.
Not really understanding what JiHo had just said, Winwin followed her lead and stood up as well. “What are we doing?” Winwin asked and JiHo’s eyes fell on the store their manager walked into about 5 minutes ago. “We’re going to find Jonas’ parents.” She looked at the small boy who was holding onto her hand and looking around the street, hoping to find his parents.
Winwin felt a bit uneasy, even though he wanted to help the child, their manager had no idea what was happening and had “ordered” them to wait outside and not move until he was back. JiHo noticed her friend’s inner turmoil and groaned. “If I have to I’ll go alone, but I’m not letting a kid go and find his parents alone in the late afternoon.” “But can’t we wait till hyung is back and go together?” Winwin tried to compromise. “We don’t know how long he’s going to be in there, and I don’t know how long his parents have been looking for their son. They must feel devastated.”
JiHo noticed how cold Jonas’ hand was so she took her jacket of and wrapped it around the little boy’s shoulders. “I’ll carry you.” She crouched down and Jonas wrapped his tiny arms around JiHo’s neck as he let her pick him up. “I’m going to look for his parents. You’re free to come or stay here, but I’m going.” JiHo told Winwin and then left in the direction of the park.
Winwin did a double take of the store before running and catching up to JiHo and Jonas. “I’m not letting you go alone.” He mumbled, to which JiHo felt a smile creeping on her lips.
Once they enter the park, JiHo asks Jonas a few questions like, “Where was the last place you saw your parents?” and “Did you see in which direction they left?”. Jonas wasn’t much of a help since he didn’t remember much. Yet JiHo completely understood, the boy lost his parents, he must have been so scared and panicked.
5 minutes went by, but they felt like at least half an hour and still they hadn’t found Jonas’ parents. Noticing how the small boy started to become a bit more restless Winwin came up with an idea. “I’ll carry him and you can run around and ask people if you have seen his parents.” Winwin suggested to which JiHo agreed. She handed over Jonas to Winwin who tried his best to entertain the boy. His English skills were very minimal, but Jonas seemed to prefer him saying things in Korean anyway. Each time he did, it elicited a giggle or a smile.
All Winwin had to do was keep Jonas calm, so JiHo could run around and hopefully find Jonas’ parents as soon as possible. He hated the fact that JiHo was running around alone at 5 pm on a particularly cold day, in nothing but a t-shirt and jeans. Her jacket was still wrapped around Jonas, who seemed to appreciate the warmth it provided.
Winwin’s mind was clouded with so many thoughts, what if they didn’t find Jonas’ parents? What if something happened to JiHo? She was only 18 - technically speaking 17, her birthday was in a few months -  in a foreign country, with no supervision. Speaking of supervision, how was their manger going to react? Had he already left the store? Had he noticed him and JiHo weren’t there yet? How-
“Jonas!” “My baby!” Winwin’s head snapped to the direction of the screams. There he saw JiHo and two adults running towards them. “Mommy! Daddy!” The little boy screamed, happy to see his parents again. Quickly, Jonas was scooped out of Winwin’s grasp by the little boy’s father. “Thank you two so much! Oh my God, I was so scared!” The mother cried and pulled JiHo in a hug.
Once the mother stopped crying and had hugged her child, they turned to the two idols. “Thank you again! Thanks for taking care of my little boy.” The father said, trying to calm down his rapidly beating heart. “No worries, your son is such a nice boy.” JiHo explained while she got her jacket handed back. “How could I ever repay you?” JiHo held up her hands explaining that they were okay and didn’t need anything. “Did they take good care of you?” The father asked Jonas who then excitedly started telling about how nice JiHo was and how funny Winwin and JiHo talked to each other. It melted both their hearts and then they waved the family goodbye after getting a last hug from the boy.
“He was cute.” Winwin smiled to which JiHo agreed. She then poked his shoulder twice. “We should head back, oppa isn’t going to be happy-” “YOU TWO!” As if on cue, their manager appears, sweat was dripping of his temples as he approached them. “I told you to wait in front of the store! I could already see my career- no, my whole life flash in front of my eyes!” JiHo and Winwin look at their manager with a sheepish grin. “Why are you here?” Winwin then explained what happened and their manager’s gaze softened.
“Next time, don’t forget your phones in the hotel okay? I was worried sick, but thank God you’re both fine.” The manager patted both idols’ shoulders. “And you did something amazing. I’m happy you found that little boy’s parents. I think I almost can relate to his parents.” JiHo cooed at their manager and looked up at him with big eyes. “Aw~ You care about us like we’re your own children?” JiHo teased which caused Winwin to laugh. “Never mind. Maybe I shouldn’t have come to find you.” He groaned.
“Me?! Why are you looking at me only? What about Winwin?!” JiHo asked offended. “What do you mean, JiHo? Didn’t you say everyone always falls in love with me?” The boy wiggled his brow as he mocked the girl. She rolled her eyes while looking at the manager. “Yeah, I think I prefer Winwin right now. Here you go buddy.” He hands him the snacks he got for him earlier. “What about mine?” The manager laughed. “I stress binge ate your snack while I was looking for you guys.” JiHo stopped in her tracks, mouth fallen open while the other two continue to walk. “That’s so unfair.” JiHo mumbled but quickly rushed to catch up with the others.
“Be careful what you say oppa. I can tell SM about how you left us alone outside-” “Here!” He shoved a bag of snacks into JiHo’s hands which made her smile sweetly. “Have I ever told you, you are my favourite manager?” JiHo beamed while opening the snack. “Shut up and eat.” He grumbled.
Side Note: Long overdue Winwin writing, there’s still a few members that I haven’t written for, so I’m slowly getting there. The member’s I haven’t written for, funnily enough, are some of the ones that I want to write for the most, but I’m having a hard time finding the perfect stories for them. Just letting you know, so you know that I love them as much as the other members. I know Haechan and Doyoung appear on this blog the most, (and I might have another Doyoung angst in my drafts) but that isn’t because I like them more, I love all NCT members equally. <3
Also posting 2 days in a row because I felt inspired and I might have given up on an assignment for this
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milkbaer · 3 years
love to hate you | Part 1
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“The prince of Prussia asks the princess of Bavaria for a dance; both absolutely hate it.”
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• Pairing: Prince Friedrich x Reader (Princess of Bavaria) • Word count: 2.8k • Warnings: none, except for spelling and grammar mistakes, and historical inaccuracy ✨ we alter history to make it fit the narrative ✨ • A/N: @netflixton on made me write it! Well, somehow. But I really have to thank both her and @onlymexsarah because they did not only bring me much joy with their stories but also lots of inspiration. Thank you so much! Really 🥺💖 I hope reading it brings you as much joy as I had writing it. Oh, and I had planned to post another Friedrich story first, but this one was faster. Ah and btw, I’m not Bavarian, sorry my dear Bavarian friends if I fuck up :’) • Small dictionary: Griaß di – informal, like Hello! or Greetings! Pfiad de – informal, goodbye Eure Hoheit – Your Highness Kruzifix – usually a plastic of Jesus hanging at the cross, but it’s also used as a way of cursing. Here it’s a curse.
Berlin, Prussia, 1812
To celebrate the birthday of her son Friedrich, Princess Frederica hosted a big soirée, a ball like usual. Her son might not be heir to the throne, well he was in line somewhere, but he needed a celebration worth a member of the royal family. If he was the son of the king this ball would be bigger and even more marvellous. For her son Frederica would do anything. So, she has had the ballroom decorated with his favourite flowers, colours and had adorned at least every window with candles. She had gotten the best Prussian musicians for him, and even the loveliest voices of Hanover.
Only the best for her son’s birthday.
With his constant travels to the British Isles Frederica often didn’t see him for at least a month. And she knew that he’d soon sail away again, maybe this time it would be Scotland or Ireland. She didn’t know exactly. But she knew that she wanted to see her son happy. When Friedrich was happy, Frederica was happy too. But she feared that if he’d marry an English lady, she’d see him even less.
Maybe she’d have to settle for England too …
 Friedrich loved his mother and not only because she was the only parent left to him. He loved her dearly. It sounded cheesy but she was the best mother he could’ve ever wished for. He was thankful for the party; he knew how much work his mother has put in it. But this evening was delaying his departure for England by two days.
He loved his mother, really, he did. But instead of dancing with debutantes, daughters of family friends, and cousins, he wished to feel the rocky movement of a ship under his feet. Instead Friedrich had to be careful so that no feet would land on or under his.
After he had danced with three of his cousins, he was in desperate need of a break. Especially after having danced with his cousin Charlotte, who was a very passionate and fiery dancer. Instead of leading her, it felt like she was the one who swept him across the ballroom.
But as a prince, and birthday boy, it wasn’t easy to reach the plate filled with lemonade. Everyone needed to talk to him, and Friedrich was too polite to reject them. So, when he gulped down a glass of lemonade it felt like heaven trickling down his throat. He reached for another one, the glasses were far too tiny, when they announced the arrival of another “important” guest.
“Prince Karl of Bavaria and Princess Marie of Bavaria!” they announced when the couple entered the ballroom. Friedrich groaned, not because of them, but because of what, or better who, had to follow.
“And their daughter, Princess Y/N of Bavaria!”
The devil’s spawn.
Grunting in frustration Friedrich grabbed his glass and sprinted off, vanishing in the crowd. He needed to flee, before one of them saw him and decided to talk to him. Talking to the prince would be okay, but he wasn’t too keen on it either.
He needed to get away them – no, from you, as far and soon as possible.
Of course, his mother had invited them. They were her friends. But couldn’t they have left their daughter at home, far, far away in Bavaria?
Hiding amongst other men silently nipping at his drink, Friedrich hoped that he was invisible. He had avoided the middle of the room and the most obvious corners and pretended talking to other gentlemen. In his mind he was unable to be found.
“Griaß di Friedrich! We haven’t seen each other in ages.” Horrified Friedrich spit out his lemonade. Immediately apologizing to the gentleman, who’s coat he just had stained with the sugary drink.
How the hell did you find him?!
He could hear you laughing, maliciously laughing at him.
Your high, gleeful laughter made his skin prickle with anger, and yes, embarrassment. Only by the sound of your voice he could perfectly imagine how you must look like right now. And when he turned around, gritting teeth, he was absolutely right. You wore the same sly grin and superior face as usual.
Of course, he could tell by your sound how you looked like.
You always looked like this.
Looked at him like that when you met.
Usually Friedrich wasn’t petty when people didn’t follow the etiquette. He preferred not to be addressed as your Highness or Eure Hoheit actually. But he hated that you never addressed him correctly. Since he could remember you called him by his Christian name, always.
He hated how you said his name Friedrich, lightly pronounced with your Bavarian accent and hint of mockery. Especially the way how you rolled the first R made him furious. And it appeared to him, that you knew that and only did that to bother him.
“Eure Hoheit, good to see you,” Friedrich lied through gritted teeth. He never understood why he couldn’t bring himself to call you by your baptized name. According to court, he also bowed to you, but only lightly. He would never fully bow down or worse, kneel for you.
“Hm, the pleasure is all mine,” you replied, but your voice said the opposite. You weren’t pleased to be here, he knew that. But he wouldn’t be pleased to be in Bavaria to face you either.
Oh, and you never curtsied for him. You curtsied for his mother and everyone else but not for him.
“The ball looks lovely,” you said and didn’t sound malicious at all. To his surprise you sounded like you meant it. But he wouldn’t trust you, he wouldn’t do that mistake again. Deep inside he knew that this wasn’t all you had to say. You always had something to add.
Wary he nodded. “Indeed.”
“It’s good to see that one of you has taste,” you said, examining the decorations with a smile. Frederica made an amazing choice with adorning the windows with candles and adding flowers to the room that matched its colours. You really liked it. Friedrich knew that he was meant by your words. To you he had no taste at all.
His frustration slowly grew to anger. Silently raging with gritted teeth, a strong grip on his glass and a forced smile on his face, he asked you. “What do you want?”
Why couldn’t he believe you?
“Just formal greetings. And now my deed is done. So, pfiad de Friedrich!” You bid him goodbye in a singsong with wiggling fingers..
Before Friedrich could say anything in return, you walked off to god knows where. Gulping down his drink, again, in anger he watched you waddle off, until you merged with the crowd. Friedrich sighed in relief; he hadn’t even realized that he was holding his breath. Frustrated he rubbed his free hand slowly down his face.
Why was interacting with you always so exhausting?
 Friedrich wished to enjoy his birthday; he did. Not only for him but also for his mother, Frederica put so much effort in this evening and she was bursting with joy. But with Y/N of Bavaria attending he couldn’t relax. Even now, standing beside his mother, it was impossible for him to loosen up. Somewhere in the back of his mind was you, cackling like the witch you were, constantly reminding him that he did not want to encounter you again.
“I know you wanted to depart for England today,” Frederica suddenly said. “I’m sorry.”
Her apology took him by surprise. She doesn’t need to, sure he had had different plans, but he was enjoying his feast in the presence of his mother.
“For what?”
She smiled sadly at him, looking up at her taller son. “For keeping you here when you could be in England instead.”
Frederica warmed his heart, she always did. He clasped his mother’s hands in his. “Mother, I love it. England will still be there in two days or a week. It can wait but my mother cannot, you’re more important to me.”
Giggling she slapped his arm in a friendly, loving manner. “Oh, you. – I see you’re becoming a real charmer.”
Friedrich laughed at that. He didn’t know if he was that charming.
Princess Frederica looked proudly at her son, a warm smile tugged at her face. His father hadn’t been the best and their marriage a disaster, but she was proud of what Friedrich has become. He was so different than him. She just hoped that Friedrich didn’t end up like them and found love, and happiness in marriage.
 The party was going on for hours, and the prince slowly grew tired. His unwanted meeting with Y/N and the fiery dances with his cousin Charlotte, after the second dance she accused him of being a bad dancer, tired him out. Tonight, Friedrich had talked a lot, danced a lot, bowed and kissed hands a lot. He was tired and hoped to retire soon. Maybe if he talked to his mother …
But to his resentment she had a different plan in mind.
“Do me a favour,” Frederica said and pushed his arm towards the crowd. “And please ask Y/N to dance, will you? – She didn’t get to dance a lot, I can’t let the poor thing leave like that.”
Her son snorted, rolling his eyes. You were everything but definitely not poor.
The last person he wished to see was you, but he was too tired to protest so he marched unenthusiastically to the crowd. It took him some time to find you, to be fair, Friedrich didn’t do his best to find you. His subconscious led him the wrong ways, so he wouldn’t have to dance with you.
But there you were, standing beside your mother and looking almost as tired as he felt. He had no idea if you had arrived this day or yesterday at Prussia, and he didn’t care, but it sure must have been tiring. Sluggishly he approached you and greeted both you and your mother with a friendly fake smile. By the look of your eyes he could see that you were surprised to see him, and as uninterested as he was.
He took your hand, no, he had to grab it and hold it firmly for pretending to kiss it. The day his lips would touch your hands, or any other part of your body, would be the end of the world. Some sort of apocalyptic scenario. As soon as he had taken your hands in his, he had felt a small tug from your arm. You had wanted to pull your hand away, and still wanted to do so. But to your dismay, his grip was too tight.
Annoyed you pressed your lips together, which delighted Friedrich. Most of the time he despised you, but he loved it when he managed to irritate you. Oh, he’d surely frame this picture in his mind and put it to his gallery of ‘Y/N vexed faces’.
“I’d be more than honoured if you’d dance with me,” he lied, and you knew.
“No.” was all you said. And for a second, he taught that it was done, and he could retire to his mother. But your mother, Marie of Bavaria had other plans.
“She’d loved to, more than anything else.” She shot you, her daughter, a chiding look and shoved you right into his arms. Which mother would let the opportunity slide for her daughter to dance with a prince, even if she was a princess herself?
 Both young adults groaned but didn’t object. Friedrich rolled his eyes in annoyance when he dragged you to the dance floor. And yes, he really had to drag you. You put much effort in not entering the dance floor.
To both of your dismay the following dance was a waltz.
Grunting he put himself into the right position, squeezing your hands in his and tugging it with him. His grip was a bit too strong for your liking, but you showed no signs of it. You didn’t even wince. You’d would rather chop of your hand than give him the satisfaction of having power. So, you returned his action, and gave his hand a tight squeeze.
“We don’t have to dance,” you said a bit glum.
Friedrich shared the same excitement, but he had – more or less – made a promise to his mother. It was more of a silent promise.
“Yes, we do,” he grunted. “I gave my word to my mother.”
So, this was all Princess Frederica’s fault? You huffed in annoyance. You liked that woman but maybe not so much anymore. But how could you fool? You’d never despise his mother, for that Frederica was way too nice, unlike her son.
“I forgot that you’re a good son,” you mocked him with a perfectly surprised voice. As if he’d usually disappoint his mother. He’d never.
Following the music and other dancers twirled Friedrich you around, savouring that one second of freedom. But far too soon where you back in his arms and the fight for the strongest grip continued. Friedrich knew that he was squeezing hard, even a bit too hard. But your face showed no signs, not even a flinch. You seemed unbothered by it. And he hated it.
So, he changed his grip, squeezed your hand a tad different and harder. You gasped, not able to contain yourself any longer.
Damn Prussian.
“Pardon me, your Highness. I fear my grip was too strong.” Friedrich apologized smoothly with a charming grin. You gritted your teeth; you knew that it wasn’t an accident. He smiled, enjoying his small moment of triumph.
“You did this on purpose,” you snarled. All your dance partner did was feigning his innocence.
“I would never.”
Friedrich twirled you around again. Your mother might have partnered you together but none of you bothered to pretend enjoying this. You only did it because of them.
You two followed the flow of music, the sound and rhythm, which didn’t reflect your emotions. The tune was elegant and yet cheerful, switching from strong and louds chords to gentle and hush. Waltzing to the song would’ve been lotsof fun if you were only dancing with the right man.
Friedrich flinched slightly, pressing his lips together, when you suddenly trod on his toes. Usually his boots would protect him of the stomps of a light, delicate lady. But you tod on his feet with force, with all your power.
“My mother said you were a good dancer,” he said, ignoring his slightly throbbing toes.
Your foot accidentally hit his leg.
He tried not to flinch.
“I never thought of her as a liar, but maybe she did exaggerate your dancing skills.”
Your foot flew against his other shin.
“Oh, I am,” you assured him with an innocent smile, which he knew wasn’t innocent at all. “I think it might be my partner. A dancer is only as good as the one who leads. – Ow!”
“Kruzifix!” you cursed under your breath.
Now it was Friedrich turn to tod on your foot. Thanks to his boots and physiques, and your shoes, he needn’t much to coax out a reaction from you. He sighed theatrical. “I think you might be right.”
And looked at you with a certain grin, you wished to wipe from his face, stepping on your other toes. You glared at him. If eyes could kill, he would’ve been stabbed a dozen times by now.
“It is me who is the bad dancer. But as you said.” Following the tune, he pulled you towards him, making you gasp in surprise, your chests almost touching. You knew that this move was coming but his movements were so abrupt it surprised you. “It is the leader who has the other in their hands.”
According to the rhythm you had to break of, bring some air between you, only to come together again. This time it was you who stepped on the other’s foot again. Your dance was more of a fight and continued until the end. There was a lot of treading, kicking, and squeezing involved but neither of you thought of surrender. Surely several parts of your body would be bruised blue tomorrow.
 When the music grew silent, prince and princess were glad that the dance was over. Except for a formal farewell they said nothing to each other. Worn out did Prince Friedrich returned to his mother and Princess Y/N shuffled grimly to hers. The prince was more than relieved that this farce was over.
In two days, he’d be off to England and Y/N would be stuck far, far away in Bavaria. You and your spite would be far away from him. Friedrich probably had to encounter you next year, at his birthday, again but he’d make sure to never dance with you ever again.
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