#high five heroes
bthemistake · 15 days
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- "I don't recognize you" -
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[Image description:
The characters from the adventuring party Rat Grinders from the web show Dimension 20 Fantasy High: Junior Year, excluding Buddy Dawn.
Lucy Frostblade stands, sullen and blue, staring outwards to the viewer while the ghosts of her old party stand behind her, eyeless and red. Lucy has her hair in braids tied back into a messy updo and a knitted sweater-dress that reaches halfway down her thighs, paired with knee-high socks and heavy boots. She has vitiligo and elfish ears, turned down rather than pointed upwards.
Kipperlilly Copperkettle, Ruben Hopclap, Mary Ann Skuttle, Ivy Embra, and Oisin Hakinvar hang behind her. Kipperlilly has a dagger in hand and is poised to stike, expression concerned. Ruben has his guitar, pick in hand and pulling down on the strings. Mary Ann looks unbothered and off to the side. Ivy has her body turned in the opposite direction and looks over her shoulder with a smirk, bow ready in hand, and Oisin smiles.
In a turn of the tables, they're all dead and Lucy is the lone survivor of the Rat Grinders party. She struggles to recognize her friends, so warped by their anger and rage, and can't even ask them why because they're gone. There's no High Five Heroes, no Rat Grinders, there is only Lucy and she must find her answers by herself.
The first image is in colour, the second is just the line art, and the third is the on-paper sketch that was traced to digital.
End of image description.]
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robinante · 2 months
Brennan Lee Mulligan: just made a dark, fucked up, gender swap au of The Bad Kids haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality
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ghostcashewart · 1 month
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drawing mary ann while we watch the new episode
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maybeimmac · 2 months
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ever think about what they were like in freshman year?
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doomed-to-wanda · 26 days
doomed yuri, toxic yaoi, a mirror skeleton boy born of lies, a cat with a kill count, an 'alter emo' ("she's so fooking small mate!"), MAXIMUM LEGEND (roboto), my clerical gnomance, a homunculus named 'Cloaca', aka Chloe, a 4' tall goblin boy with a giant gun, a presidential race, lesbian divorce, and a shrimp jump. what the fuck else could you want. junior year is a goddamn masterpiece.
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d3ad-squid · 28 days
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Before the storm❄️🦋🩵
I love me some doomed by the narrative yuri🫡 frostkettle nation rise up✊✊
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aro-aceattorney · 26 days
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high five heroes!
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kermit-coded · 1 month
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Fire and Ice, Rage and Sorrow
are we still friends? by tyler, the creator // dimension 20: fantasy high junior year // i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red // dimension 20: fantasy high junior year // i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red // dimension 20: fantasy high junior year // jealousy, jealousy by olivia rodrigo // dimension 20: fantasy high junior year // not allowed by tv girl
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hashbrowne08 · 2 months
Dude I'm listening to the new ep and I love in the square up moment when oisín plays peacemaker
Like he's my fav character and he's just so chill like he doesn't seem malicious or anything love him
(AND ADAINE QUIETLY MENTIONING "the wizard seems pretty cool)
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djampuu · 3 months
I think the rage god killed Lucy Frostblade somehow (possibly like a previous theory mentioned, Porter who's ancestors might've worshiped the rage god) and used the anger the Rat Grinders already had for the Bad Kids and the grief from the death of their friend to manipulate them into what they think is a grand plan to revive Lucy but is actually a plot to revive the dead rage god. They saw it was possible because their former partner Cassandra was brought back.
I also think that relationship was real bad based on the way how often acts like she seems heavily traumatized by something in her past pre-kristen.
PS. i think the rage god will also attempt to get Bucky to be their paladin
PSS. Porter is also training Fig to become a paladin of the rage god
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kindacutebutaloser · 3 months
Hear me out, my current theory on Lucy’s death is that the rat grinders killed her by accident somehow. They showed some fear shit next episode with Baron, maybe they were under a spell that made them see her as something else? Or they were taken over by rage??? That would explain the multiple assailants and the obvious guilt from Ruben in a way that doesn’t mess with my feeling that Brennan wouldn’t make these kids straight up murder their friend. Maybe a ritual went wrong? I dunno. I think they were involved, at least saw it happen, but I don’t think they directly and methodically murdered their own party member. I do think they covered it up though.
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as soon as kipperlilly killed buddy i knew with certainty this is gonna blow up in the bad kids faces. because buddy died it’s so tragic! it’s a mystery! the bad kids obviously didn’t do it… at least the council and admin know that. but the rest of the school? what really happened in there?
and of course kristen applebees would blame her opponent. earlier that week they were seen squaring up with the rat grinders, and kipperlilly is so upset that buddy is dead, of course she has to be telling the truth. who would kill their own party member?
do you remember kipperlilly, the winter cold of her flesh tearing under your rage
as soon as that blade sliced across his throat i feared the inevitable: that kipperlilly and her party are going to be a united front against an accurate accusation with no proof besides a known adversaries say so. and if someone believes her? well. we have devils honey to sweeten our tongues
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lightning-system · 27 days
We don't even know if Lucy liked Kipperlily. There's so much talk about how Kipperlily lost her friend and Lucy and here were close and we really have no idea if that's true. We know Lucy supported Kipperlily keeping the name of the High Five Heroes and that's about it.
When I think of Lucy, a kind soul, I see a girl who sees Kipperlily's struggles and wants to help, wants to ease her pain and anger. But I don't necessarily see them as friends. I see Lucy giving selfless energy to Kipperlily, supporting someone who she saw needed it. But did Kipperlily do the same for Lucy? Did Kipperlily treat Lucy with the same care Lucy gave her?
Did Lucy's party care about her the same way she did, before her death, or did her death just make them reflect more fondly on her?
Were they kind to be before she died? Or was it another case of too little, too late.
I wonder if people cared for Lucy. I wonder if people cared for Lucy when she was alive.
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hi-intrepid-heros · 1 month
Do we think that Oisin was in on it? Or is it possible that he found out what Kipperlilly was doing and pulled her away, but was just a second too late? With how hard Brennan was trying to sell Oisin as a good guy (Calroy Cruller exists I am aware) it wouldn't surprise me if Oisin was trying to do a good thing in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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remarcely · 16 days
I haven't even considered the thought of all the Rat Grinders dying and Lucy Frostblade being resurrected.
Imagine that.
Imagine your best friends and adventuring party slowly being indoctrinated by two teachers, taking advantage of their anger and sense of injustice, and they kill you. You reject the rage and then, almost a year later (but for you likely seconds) you wake up and they're all gone.
You meet The Bad Kids, the people who killed them, and they're heralded as heroes and you can't muster up the argument to disagree because they're right. The people you cared most about did horrible things, tried to end the world, and were stopped.
While the world takes the story of the Rat Grinders as a cautionary tale, you are stuck grieving the High Five Heroes. Alone.
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d3ad-squid · 29 days
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Give it up to Foot-Face Figetspinner!!
Also known as kipperfuck cleric-killer🔪💎🪦
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