#hockey! Gale
shanediomorrissey · 5 months
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A sneaky right winger and a sniper left winger exchange some words.
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swifty-fox · 2 months
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Harry Crosby your crimes will never be forgiven
Doodle requests from the other day!!! I’ll probably open them up again soon!
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1343-40 · 2 months
He finds out Brady is gay. Well— Brady tells him, compelled by something as the both of them escape the chaos of the lounge room their teammates have taken hostage and settle on the back porch, heads thrown over the back of the sofa to watch the starry sky. Gale is silent for a long time, at a loss for words. He wouldn’t have guessed—he doesn’t know any other gay guys in the league, always shied away from the opportunity to find out, to seek them out. Not like there’s a fucking group chat he could join, anyway, just a careful word of mouth at best, one Gale has carefully steered clear from in his attempt to avoid self-sabotage, utterly futile in the end.
He doesn’t end up telling Brady what he would’ve two years ago, when the tone of Brady’s voice when talking about Blakely finally starts making sense. Doesn’t think Brady would appreciate it, anyway. He must’ve seen something in Gale, to take a gamble this risky. So Gale tells him he’s gay too, even though he suspects Brady already knows. He vaguely hints why he didn’t get re-signed with the Jets—figures Brady deserves to know. In response, Brady gets weirdly passionate about it, in his own way. Tells Gale he has his back, says fuck ‘em more times than necessary, but Brady’s drunk and Gale would feel bad making fun of him. He tells Brady he has his back, too, blushes embarrassingly when Brady places an arm around his shoulder and squeezes and doesn’t let go. He’s eternally thankful Brady is still staring at the sky and doesn’t notice—Gale feels too naked, bare under the weight of the confession, too unused to sharing this part of himself with people.
Curious, Gale asks him about Blakely and watches the way Brady’s usually impassive face transforms. Wonders, distantly, if he would look the same if somebody asked him about Bucky.
They spend the rest of that evening shittalking past teammates that never grew out of saying faggot and calling things gay, until one of their defense rookies finds them and tells them there’s a mandatory game of Monopoly starting in ten minutes.
Gale puts a hand on Brady’s shoulder when Quinn leaves and they muster up the strength to get up. He gets enveloped into a tight hug, immediately. He laughs, tells Brady that he’s too drunk and Brady agrees with a scoff, slaps him on the back one last time and promises not to steal any districts from him with a smirk.
- another excerpt from the running out of guts to spill. @swifty-fox sold me on brady/blakely so hard i had to include them lol. are brady’s feelings mutual? guess we’ll never fuckin know (we’ll know. we’ll for sure know. i’ll shoehorn it in idc. what the fuck is this ship. douglass i’m sorry for stealing your boyfie)
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clevenhq · 2 months
the strong urge to write the most random au’s ever
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lgbtqreads · 4 months
Fave Five: M/M Hockey Romance
Icebreaker by A.L. Graziadei (YA) Gravity and The Rest of the Story by Tal Bauer On the Board by Anna Zabo and L.A. Witt Penalty Box by Ari Baran Scoring Chances by Avon Gale
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sbbarnes · 7 months
Hockey Romances. Why?
So I was taken out of work a couple weeks ago due to ~pregnancy stuff~ (mostly just stress, the baby and I are fine) which has left me with a lot of spare time on my hands. And as one does, I have been filling my time reading lgbtq+ romance novels. Because I can.
In this time, I have fallen headfirst into the hockey romance novel subgenre, and I ask myself, as I have done every time I see these books advertised, why? I am not a sports fan. One time, my husband was watching football (European), and a team in red kits was playing against yellow kits, and I started laughing because "it looks like ketchup is playing against mustard". His expression was great, but he hasn't taken me seriously since.
So why is hockey of all things such a draw for the mlm romance subgenre? Especially given the NHL's apparent fear of rainbow tape? Why do I now know what the word "celly" refers to and what an "enforcer" is? Why why why?
Here are my answers:
Extremely organic way to set up some of the most classic romance tropes. Forced proximity? Being on the same team takes care of that. There was only one bed? Shared hotel rooms during away games. Enemies to lovers? Rival teams.
Lots of potential for drama given that players lead very transient lives in terms of the constant possibility of trades. In mlm love stories, even more so given that the NHL is so blatantly homophobic.
Perfect level of fame. Fame and wealth as a draw for a love interest are kind of staples of the genre, and NHL players are famous, sure, but not all of them, and they aren't as famous as football stars (either kind of football). They are still filthy rich, which makes great wish fulfillment. You can have the sexy penthouse and the anonymity.
I would go on to talk about how different roles on the team lend themselves to different tropes (goalie = tightly controlled dude who needs someone to help him cut loose; enforcer = misunderstood fighter with a heart of gold; coach for all your forbidden love/sleeping with the boss desires) but that would very quickly reveal my utter lack of hockey knowledge, so let's not. Instead, here's a quick reclist.
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Rachel Reid's Game Changers series. It's a classic in the genre for a reason and it has everything. Forbidden love? Got that, maybe the definitive example. Redemption arc? Got that. Misunderstood bruiser with a heart of gold? Got that. Age difference? Got that. Also really excellent sex scenes, not gonna lie, and satisfying endings throughout - sometimes a happy end will come a little suddenly for me, but these books really delivered, and the nice thing about how romance series are structured is that you get a little peek at what comes after for the couples in the other books.
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2. Him, Us and Epic by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy. This one surprised me, I don't generally go for first person POVs, but I did enjoy this! Coming-of-age story turned coming out story featuring a budding hockey star and his best friend. Lots of fun.
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3. Scoring Chances series by Avon Gale. This series is fun in that it doesn't focus on the NHL, it actually focuses on the minor leagues in the southeast of the US, a place almost no one associates with ice hockey. As such, there's a chance to tell different stories about professional athletes who aren't super rich and famous, which I appreciate a lot. TBH the first pairing wasn't entirely my cup of tea, but I'm glad I kept going because I especially enjoyed the later books, which tackle tough topics (including eating disorders, abuse etc., so content warning for that). These are still romance novels though, so rest assured that there's a light at the end of the tunnel. What I especially appreciate is that these books don't have relationship drama, in that the main couples communicate and work together instead of a third act break-up-make-up!
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4. Hockey Ever After series by Ashlyn Kane and Morgan James. These are just great. Lots of fun to read, lots of cameos from character in later books, just excellent mood all around. Also features my favorite ever trope (secret relationship, sorry, anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for it I just can't help myself) heavily, which is a win in my book. I especially enjoyed book two, "Scoring Position". Is that because Nico is German and I loved him? Is that because Ryan is my new blorbo? We may never know.
Happy reading and please give me recommendations for more books like these, I'm lowkey obsessed.
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hattrickeryreviews · 8 months
Breakaway (Scoring Chances #1) - Avon Gale
"Drafted to play for the Jacksonville Sea Storm, an NHL affiliate, twenty-year-old Lane Courtnall’s future looks bright, apart from the awkwardness he feels as a gay man playing on a minor league hockey team. He's put his foot in his mouth a few times and alienated his teammates. Then, during a rivalry game, Lane throws off his gloves against Jared Shore, enforcer for the Savannah Renegades. It’s a strange way to begin a relationship.
Jared’s been playing minor league hockey for most of his career. He’s bisexual and doesn’t care if anyone knows. But he’s determined to avoid another love affair after the last one left him devastated. Out of nowhere a one-nighter with rookie Lane Courtnall gives him second thoughts. Lane reminds Jared why he loves the game and why love might be worth the risk. In turn, Jared hopes to show Lane how to be comfortable with himself on and off the ice. But they’re at different points in their careers, and both men will have to decide what they value most."
Did I reread it? Yes
POV: 3rd person limited, alternating between Lane Courtnall and Jared Shore
Tropes: Rivals, Age Gap, Emotional Scars
My thoughts:
Characters/Character Development: 3/5
Lane: Lane is a 20-year-old character that I imagine you either love or hate; I happen to love him. He is absurdly charming, with about no people skills and the charisma to make up for it. He is autistic-coded, and the best part about him is that no one ever asks him or wants him to change. His own character arc is unrelated to any shortcomings of his own, instead following the tense relationship between himself and his parents.
Jared: Jared is a hardened 32-year-old who has seen the ugly side of hockey and is learning to live with it. He’s slightly grouchy and generally rough around the edges, except when it comes to Lane. His character arc revolves around self-acceptance and a difficult family.
Overall, the character development is… okay. We see some changes in the characters, but not much. Lane’s own arc is mostly glossed over and left to the background, and it doesn’t really involve any personal growth as opposed to the growth of the people around him. Jared’s own changes are so incredibly internal that at times it is hard to believe anything is actually influencing them. However, the characters themselves (both main and side) all have very solidly fleshed out personalities that are easy to distinguish and charming. At times, they can be a bit of caricatures, but they are still decently developed.
Believability (Hockey): 5/5
This book specifically follows the ECHL, with accurate depictions of what that means for the characters. The team names themselves are fake, but the structure of the games and league is very real. I can’t exactly say what an ECHL locker room really looks like, nor can I speak on the true personalities on and off the ice of players, but I imagine it could be pretty close to this. Is it a little idealized? Sure. But this is fiction, and I think it’s okay to make things a little better than they probably would be, so long as it’s near the realm of believability.
Believability (Plot): 2/5
This plot is enjoyable, but I didn’t quite believe it. We basically follow two rival teams, yet I’ve been to high school football games with more animosity. I adore happy endings in my romance books, as I’m sure we all do, but I think that anywhere in a book it is important for characters to struggle, and you don’t see much of that here. Additionally, we’ve got a story where everything all works out without really any work done from the characters. Couple in with that an immigration that is way too quick and easy, and you’ve got a book that’s just on the wrong side of realistic.
Uniqueness: 4/5
Every hockey book is going to be at least a little bit similar, so it’s important to look for details you don’t see in other stories. Here, we’ve got our focus on the ECHL, which goes against the common “top in their sport” theme of sports books. The characters have personalities that you don’t come by in many books, especially Lane. Some of the plot points are pretty common in other books, but there’s only so many ways you can write a romance book.
Trope Integration: 2/5
I love the tropes that we see in this book; however, they are criminally under-utilized. We’ve got a sizable age gap, where one character is in his 30s and another can’t even legally drink, but besides a couple ‘old man’ jokes, it doesn’t really play into the plot at all. They’re both on rival teams, but even the rivalry itself isn’t a factor in the romance. We’ve got traumatized pasts and potentially homophobic parents that don’t impact the relationship and are hardly visible in the characters. They are used as talking points more than anything else, but at least they exist in the story at all.
General enjoyment: 4/5
This book isn’t going to change the world, and that’s okay. I love some of the one-liners, especially the ones we get out of Lane. This book is upfront about what it is and unapologetic. At some points I found the humor to be a bit repetitive, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t good. I have read this book one time before, and I definitely don’t regret reading it again.
Overall Score: 20/30 or 3.3/5
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dandelionlovesyou · 1 year
Story: You Realize You're a Distraction
You Realize You're a Distraction by Buttercupbadass (BBA) ❤️❤️❤️
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outbreaksurvived · 10 months
New muses (08.17.23)
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"No, m'am. 'Cause of my boyish good looks, increased muscle mass has increased my acceptance as a police officer."
RANDY MEEKS HAS JOINED @outbreaksurvived
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"See, the police are always off track with this shit. If they watched Prom Night, they'd save time!"
and JASON FUCKIN' VOORHEES has joined @outbreaksurvived
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"Man, that goalie was pissed off about something!"
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tlonista · 5 months
goddamn I'm not a huge bloodweave person but a Dark Academia AU for them would rule. middle-class teacher's pet Gale and tormented adoptive rich boy Astarion get stuck partnered on a project together and have to make out in the library about it. superstar prof Mystra leaves Gale in the lurch over the holidays for a conference and Astarion's one of the only other students left in the dorm. wyll is a disowned politician's son and mizora's the shadowy corporate patron paying his tuition. shadowheart matriculated from the world's most cultlike private religious school. lae'zel is a scary-devoted Officers' Training Corps prodigy. karlach is on the hockey team.
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coolseabird · 7 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Favorite Sport Headcanons
Gale - Ping Pong
Wyll - Fencing
Astarion - Archery
Karlach - American Football
Lae'zel - Soccer/Football
Shadowheart - Volleyball
Minthara - Ice Hockey
Halsin - Rowing
Dark Urge - Lacrosse
Tav - League of Legends (I said what I said)
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shanediomorrissey · 5 months
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swifty-fox · 2 months
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Alexa play Levels by BigXThaPlug
Some NHL Gale while I continue plotting the fic
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1343-40 · 2 months
the hockey au fic is 20k words long now and shows no signs of stopping so to.. bemoan celebrate it here's yet another snippet lol
also i keep calling it hockey au fic but it has a title - it's running out of guts to spill. from this absolute banger which everybody should listen to
also an obscene amount of this fic is porn which.. is whatever. i didn't plan for that. these guys just can't stop fucking ig
Gale just can’t get used to it, even though deep inside he’s always known there was…something there, some kind of potential. He would deny it if asked, but John’s chirps made him want to smile more often than not. He could never help himself but talk back, and maybe to a more observant eye he was obvious—taking any excuse to skate past John’s net, putting a little extra into his shots at the net every game John started in, answering questions about John during post-game media he could’ve ignored or been more careful about with his wording. That fucking goal back in 2019 that Gale, too, could never forget, because it was pure manifestation of his desire to get under John’s skin as much as John got under his.
Gale doesn’t think sex between two guys who are just teammates is supposed to feel like this. Maybe at first it did, back in the hallway. It would have been incredibly easy to write it off as blowing off tension and frustration from the season, the bittersweet giddiness of winning that game, the left-over adrenaline from the fight and whatever complicated feelings John was battling with, watching Gale lose his shit. Hell, it could have been something as simple as taking the opportunity to hook up with another guy you know for sure is gagging for a cock in his mouth.
Whatever it could have been, it wasn’t, in the end.
What it was—it was John kissing him with an irrefutable intent, it was them touching each other like the both of them had been yearning for it for months on end, it was Gale’s tears and John’s unbidden affection.
It’s Gale letting John spoon him and kiss his neck, it’s Gale lying there, mind and heart racing, as he listens to John’s quiet snoring.
It’s Gale realizing he’s fucked up, because if John leaves him in the morning, if he acts like they’re friends after, Gale wouldn’t be able to collect all those pieces of himself John had so deliberately picked apart, into a shape that could even closely resemble a human.
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middlingmay · 15 days
I've seen a few Hockey AUs around here.
And for someone who's never seen a game of hockey in their puff, I do love a good Hockey AU.
So whilst I'm 100% never going to write one, how about this? :
Imagine John is one of the biggest Hockey stars in the US. Mahoosive. And he's known for being the sweetest guy with no ego about it, too.
He constantly talks up his team mates and is the biggest team player. He's openly critical of the coaching team when he thinks it's called for. He tries the direct approach first, but when they won't listen, the next time someone shoves a camera in his face, something's going to go down. This is usually when there's been an avoidable injury.
He pops up at local kids club games whenever he has downtime, wherever he is, and spends loads of time with them and is really encouraging.
And Gale, being woefully ignorant about the land of sport has absolutely no idea who he is.
Maybe he takes Marge's kid to practice sometimes, and he sees John there and just thinks he's a friend of the coach, given how delighted the coach is to see him (and maybe how the coach hangs off him, too).
Gale lets himself look. It's been a while and John is cute. All bright, easy smiles and patience with the kids, even as they try scaling his legs and back like a jungle gym (but only when their skates are off).
And John notices Gale and keeps catching him looking and they both keep looking away and looking back and blushing like children. Idiots, I stg.
And Marge's kid - let's call her Andy - chatters a mile about about how great John is and Gale figures it's not an uncommon occurrence for the coach's friend to come around if Andy knows him that well, but he makes a note to ask Marge about it. And maybe offer to take Andy to more practices. Give Marge and Rosie some time to themselves after work (because fuck it, Marge is married to Rosie in this).
On their way back from practice, Gale sees a hoard of news vans going the opposite way and just thinks, "Huh. Weird."
So he asks Marge if she knows about John - she does, of course. Andy does not shut up about him - and she clocks right away that Gale has no clue who he's been flirting kindergarten-style with and elbows Rosie in the ribs before he can blab. Oh ho, she's going to enjoy this.
John isn't at the next practice, or the one after, and Gale is disappointed, but he can't focus on that for long because his car won't start to take Andy home.
Who arrives on the scene? John Egan.
He offers them a ride and Andy does not give Gale a chance to say no.
Gale is hopelessly, awfully flustered in the front seat. John talks almost as much as Andy and the two chatter and bicker back and forth, because yes John does argue like a 12 year old.
But, he also gesticulates, and his hands get everywhere and if they brush up against Gale one more time, surely his heart can only jolt like that so many times before it's not good for him??
And cute or not, Gale finds it difficult to talk to strangers. Maybe John notices, and asks Gale yes or no questions, offers him little jokes and pretty much doesn't demand any input from Gale which is...New.
He finds himself laughing and offering little bits of conversation unprompted which have John beaming.
John walks them to Marge's door (he thinks it's also Gale's because Andy has blonde hair, too). And when Marge opens to door and Andy says, "Mom, look who it is!" John's face falls - until Rosie appears and Andy calls him Dad.
Marge, seeing an opportunity for mischief, invites John in for dinner as a thank you whilst Rosie calls Ken to get Gale's car. She drops hints about John's work which sail right over Gale's head:
"All that travelling must be hard. And surrounded by all those screaming people?"
"Oh you're in just about every paper and news report on tv."
So Gale, obviously, comes to the conclusion that John is a journalist.
It takes a very, very, very long time for him to find out the truth. Far longer than it should. They've been dating for a while, but with John's travelling and Gale's studies and his work, it just doesn't come up much. When they're together, work isn't at the forefront of their minds. So Gale doesn't quite cotton on to the fact that the sudden uptick in photographers he sees about town are following him and John. And he doesn't really follow the news, so yeah.
I may post more thoughts about this, but I just love Sports AUs in general. I will read every fic any of you write, God help me
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polifandom · 2 days
NEW AU IDEA: figure skater gale x hockey player john
just picture this:
Gale Cleven, the once poster boy of figure skating, goes mad when he is all but robbed out of the gold during the last Grand Prix Finals. Now, he's all but unapproachable –  practicing long odd hours, not talking to anyone, blasting his songs louder than what was really allowed at the ring...
John Egan, left wing for Winconsin on the college hockey league, had quite the opposite road. With his drinking habits and tendency to say stupid shit, he wasn't really taken seriously when he was first recruited.  It wasn't until his third season, when he had proven his value to the team over and over again, that he actually started being viewed as a necessary member. Unfortunately, that meant having to start actually training as much as the rest of them.
So when John gets out of yet another hockey practice at odd hours of the night and there's music blasting from the building next door (when there had never been before), he's inclined to check it out.
Kill of the Night by Gin Wingmore grows louder the moment he enters the place, and there's a few people scattered around the bleachers – but one's talking to each other and not a single one of them notices his presence. They're all looking at the ring, unblinking almost.
So John looks over too, and well... fuck.
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