#how do y’all get out of that because I can’t
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*sigh* This article is actually not trying to ignore Doctor Who’s history so let’s take a look instead of screaming about a headline.
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First of all the headline’s been changed on the actual website but it doesn’t seem that Twitter reflects that.
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The lede has always been about how they’re talking specifically about the Doctor only as they are aware side characters have had same-sex kisses. I can’t verify for certain but I believe they added “explicitly romantic” to clarify things as this section always existed in the article:
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They always meant to discuss what’s actually new here: a completely reciprocal same-sex romance for the Doctor onscreen. We can argue about whether Nine was interested in Jack, but I think we can agree there was far more interest displayed by the Doctor when it came to Rogue. But it’s perfectly fine that they wrote an article detailing what actually is a huge moment for the show and honestly that should be encouraged. I want to see more articles writing about queer parts of shows instead of ignoring them.
And yes, this whole thing is a side-effect of Disney but only because their licensing rights (they don't have any control over the show) have made Doctor Who far more accessible in the US. Plus, they're doing some pretty serious advertising to put the show on more people's radars, which is likely why anyone at Deadline Hollywood was even aware of Rogue and wrote this article. No one is pretending Disney has erased the show's past and is doing all these new "firsts".
The issue here is primarily that the headline is disingenuous. Their article has always been about the Doctor’s first explicitly romantic same-sex relationship, but they wanted clicks so they wrote the headline to be vaguer and imply something much more groundbreaking. Even saying “first romantic same-sex kiss” is a bit disingenuous, as it doesn’t clarify the kiss is referring to the title character. (Edit: I somehow missed that the updated headline actually does clarify they mean the Doctor by saying "time lord". This new headline very clearly previews what is discussed in the article and is no longer disingenuous.)
Thankfully they corrected the article after receiving feedback from the fans, which is great.
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But they did their research, which y’all would’ve known if you bothered to look at the article (which isn’t actually behind a paywall! A rarity these days, though I can’t speak to access outside the US). If something seems informationally off to you, go to the source and actually look at what they're saying, then find the facts. We're not going to get anywhere if we just continue to yell about headlines without reading the actual article that, you know, expands upon the snapshot headline.
The topic of critique should be their poor headline, not the supposed lack of truth in their article. It's great to call them out for poor reporting, as they claim to be a news source and those should be factual, unbiased reporting as opposed to a tabloid. But the issue in their reporting here is simply their phrasing. Criticize them for misleading, not for an assumed lack of information that was actually acknowledged and present in the article. They need to improve but they won't until the real problem is highlighted for them.
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halfthebrain · 2 days
Marvey d/s headcanons?
Finally the important questions are asked.
Early seasons dynamic is definitely Dom!Harvey and sub!mike but, generally said, I think in later seasons there’s potential for them to switch. Let Mike build back some calm and confidence after prison.
My favourite hc is that they try so hard to stay professional but can’t. Harvey can’t stop himself from bossing Mike around. Be it work matters or personal ones. And Mike can’t stop himself from trying to live up to Harvey’s demands but also asking without words for his care. In a way that is literally canon writing but the hc starts with interpreting their relationship in a more intimate and sexual relationship. The way they effortlessly fall into their power dynamic is crazy and is easily extended into a Dom/sub relationship that is consensual.
Mike clearly enjoys a leading and caring hand. Gets instantly quiet and overwhelmed when Harvey praises him and that’s saying something for a guy that has a brain which runs a million miles an hour. That is to say, he loves genuine praise from the man he loves.
When they do start their unconventional relationship they really don’t separate work and “life”. There’s no normal work life balance for them anyway so they take little moments to affirm their dynamic and relationship. Things like Harvey squeezing Mike’s shoulder or the nape of his neck briefly but possessively during working hours. Mike making an effort to tease or to banter with Harvey because he’s a brat but at the same time going beyond measure to please Harvey.
I know what comes to mind first for a lot of ppl when they hear “Dom/sub relationship” are whips and chains but that’s a bit shortsighted. While it is part of the BDSM culture a dynamic like that doesn’t always have to involve extreme kinks or fetishes constantly. I don’t think they’d have to time to do only that so in a way they have a 24/7 Dom/sub relationship.
I also think that Harvey doesn’t actually push Mike to fall into subspace a lot (again, they’re busy lawyers). It would be easy for him to do it (case in point when Mike literally goes non-verbal and wide eyed) which is exactly why he doesn’t demand it. Doesn’t need to at all. I like the headcanon that while Harvey is the Dom he reacts more towards Mike’s cues than one would assume. It’s actually Mike that usually initiates a scene or a moment.
For example, when his grandmother passed away I’d like to imagine that instead of sleeping with Tess he’d have chosen to lean onto Harvey. In my mind that was the moment when they could’ve really started their Dom/sub relationship and not just a dynamic at work. Harvey has almost always known instinctively how to rein Mike in but also how to encourage him. Save his ass so many times right up until Mike went to prison to save Harvey and his found family.
When they finally do have a break long enough to act out a longer scene they take their time. Mike canonically likes to put things in his mouth so usually Harvey starts with putting Mike on his knees, ease him into it. He puts his half hard cock into Mike’s wide open mouth, lets him suck and lick until he can tell Mike’s mind has gone cotton quiet, all the boy’s focus on the man standing above him. That’s sort of their routine, from there they can work out the rest of the scene.
And there’s more but I’ll end it with one last head-canon that y’all can try to pry from my cold, dead fingers.
Harvey slowly but surely starts to buy Mike better quality ties and suits. But it’s really the ties that matter, in time Harvey has replaced all of Mike’s old polyester ties with soft silk and one day Mike realises that Harvey has collared him. He doesn’t mind at all.
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smilesrobotlover · 9 hours
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First|| <-previous next-> (soon)
Chapter 8- A Soldier’s Visit to Faron
Link woke up to the sound of talking. He rubbed his eyes and looked out the window where the sun was shining through. He listened more carefully and recognized his pa’s voice speaking outside and he frowned. What was he doing outside? Link stood up and shuffled over to the window, looking out to see Rusl speaking with Auru. His pa’s arms were crossed, and a serious look was on his face while Auru had a more concerned expression. Rusl started speaking again and Link opened the window to hear him better.
“...I only wish I was stronger,” his pa said softly. Auru tilted his head.
“I know! I’m only human, I’m weaker than most of y’all but… I… he’s my son. I should be protecting him but… I can’t.”
Link frowned. Was he talking about him?
“Rusl, even a Hylian wouldn’t be strong enough to fight against a mysterious shadow monster. Be kinder to yourself.”
Rusl sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “I know… I know… It’s just terrifying, you know? It’s terrifying to discover that you can’t protect your family. If that thing got closer to Ordon and took–” his breath hitched and Auru rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t think about that. The beast did not get to Ordon. It didn’t hurt Uli or Colin or Rela or anyone.”
“It did hurt Link though…”
“Well, fortunately it didn’t hurt him too bad, right?”
Rusl shrugged. “Not as bad as me… But I don’t want him to have the responsibility of saving me. Not again.”
Link’s feelings grew conflicted. Was his pa ashamed of having to be rescued by him? Link supposed he understood to an extent. Since becoming a father himself, he’s wanted nothing more than to protect Kori and Midna with his life. If Kori had to save him… he’d probably be ashamed of himself too.
“That’s what you get for raising a heroic boy, Rusl,” Auru joked, and Rusl gave him an annoyed smile.
“It’s not my fault he turned out that way.”
“Oh shut it, of course it is!”
“No it isn’t, Link turned out that way because that’s the way he is.”
“Colin and Rela are the same way though, I think it is your fault.”
“Spirits!” Rusl lightly punched Auru in the arm and the old man chuckled.
“Oh c’mere,” Auru pulled Rusl into a hug, which he melted into. “It sounds like you two went through a lot, I’m sorry.”
From Auru’s large frame and Rusl’s smaller stature, it almost looked like a child hugging his father from Link’s perspective. It made his heart ache for Kori.
He prayed to every deity on the planet to keep him safe from the shadow beast.
The two men pulled away and started to head inside, and Link pulled away from the window as well, letting out a sigh. He knew it wasn’t appropriate for him to eavesdrop on such a conversation, but he couldn’t stop himself. To get his pa to open up about things that bothered him was like trying to pry a deku baba’s jaw open after it closed. But Link didn’t know if he regretted learning how Rusl truly felt about everything. He felt guilty, sad, and mostly confused from it all. He almost wished he was the one to be attacked by the shadow beast, that way his pa wasn’t hurt and traumatized the way he was. Link had dealt with far worse in his life; it would’ve been no different.
He finally went to close the window until he heard shuffling beside him, and movement from the corner of his eye caused him to nearly jump out of his skin. A person was turning around on the bed opposite from the other one Link was in, and Link backed up in shock. How in Din’s name did he not notice this person? Based on the clothes, he recognized the person as Sheik, but when he saw their face, his heart stopped.
It was Zelda who was staring back at him with wide eyes.
Zelda felt her face and her eyes landed on her discarded mark and headwrap on the floor, and a string of curses from her mouth left Link more shocked. He didn’t know Zelda was even capable of swearing. Zelda scrambled for the clothes and nearly tumbled out of her bed while Link remained paralyzed. She finally stood up, her face covered up, yet her stormy-gray eyes couldn’t hide her identity. How did he not know?
“You—” he started, but Zelda stopped him.
“N-no… no I—”
“You– you’re—” Link’s mind was racing, and he was finally able to string a full sentence together. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Th-this was meant to be my room! I didn’t– you– I–” Zelda let out another cuss word which felt like a punch to Link’s face. She never acted in such a way around him; she was always so proper and polite. He ran his hand through his hair and stared at the floor with wide eyes.
“I don’t believe it– oh Goddesses you–”
Rusl burst through the door, interrupting the two.
“Oh Sheik! Link! Glad you’re both awake!” He said cheerily, leaning against the door frame. Link and Sheik only stared at him in shock. “Ya know, Sheik. You scared the living daylights outta me when you came in last night. You poor thing—must’ve been exhausted!”
Zelda and Link continued to stare in shock, and Rusl frowned.
“Is everything alright?”
“Yes, everything is fine,” Zelda—or Sheik—said breathlessly, before moving past Rusl towards the stairs. Rusl stared back at her for a moment before looking back at Link, clearly confused.
“What the heck happened there?”
“I… uh…” Link bit his lip, wondering what he should tell Rusl. Zelda had clearly kept this identity a secret for a reason—was it right to tell his father? “Uh… I was just surprised to see Sheik in here, that’s all,” he finally said, laughing nervously. Rusl stared for a moment before laughing slightly.
“Yeah, he must’ve been awfully tired, huh?” He chuckled, and Link nodded, forcing a smile. The two stared for a moment, Rusl’s smile fading more and more as Link’s fake smile grew bigger. “Well, Telma has some breakfast for us so… you can… come down–”
“Oh! Yes! Sounds great! Thanks pa!” Link said a little too loudly, and marched towards the stairs.
Breakfast was painfully awkward. Link couldn’t help but stare at Sheik, who looked terrified. She would glance at him and Link would look away, only for him to go back to staring at her. The others didn’t notice the tension between them, instead they were chatting happily with each other, unaware of the recent discovery Link made.
Did they know? Did Zelda want to keep it a secret from only him? Or were they just as oblivious as he was before? His mind wandered to Ashei, with their conversation about Sheik before. Did she know? She seemed to know about Sheik not being a man, but was it because she knew that Sheik was Zelda? His mind was racing as he thought about it, not paying attention to the other’s conversations.
“… and she just picked it up!” Rusl exclaimed, his hands gesturing in front of Link’s face, interrupting his staring. “I tell you, that girl was born to fight. We should start teaching Kori some sword fighting too, right Link?”
Link glanced at his father, then at everyone else staring at him.
“W-what?” He muttered, and Rusl raised an eyebrow.
“I was just telling them about Rela, and her first sword-fighting lesson! Kori is ten now, I think it’s about time he started learnin’ too!”
“Oh! Yes, right,” Link quickly said, going back to watching Sheik. Rusl continued to stare at him, the others doing the same.
“Uh, is everything alright, old boy?” Shad asked, looking between him and Sheik.
“Oh—“ Rusl adjusted himself in his seat and pointed at Sheik. “He just broke into our room last night and scared me stiff. I’m sure he must’ve shocked Link this morning.”
Link saw Ashei worriedly turn her head to Sheik, who remained unmoving.
“Oh my goddesses, Rusl,” Auru groaned, “did you take the first room? Sheik is always the one in there!”
“Since when did we have room assignments?” Rusl argued.
“It’s an unspoken rule! Sheik takes the first room. I take the third one, Ashei takes the second and Shad takes the room across, and you and Link take the room in the back!”
“But they ain’t labeled!”
“That’s—ugh, boy…. That’s why it’s unspoken!”
Sheik got up abruptly as the two argued and left the bar. Link stood up as well and followed. He had so many questions for her, and he wanted answers. He found Sheik right outside the bar, and she didn’t look surprised to see Link.
“Link,” she started, and he stopped right in front of her.
“Don’t… ah…”
“Oh—right. Sorry. Sheik,” Link pursed his lips and the two sat in silence. Every question he had was gone in an instant. It almost saddened him—they worked well together during the twilight invasion, yet their relationship was never strengthened. Zelda wanted him to be a knight and to be a representative for Hyrule, but Link didn’t want to be stuck with nobles doing useless things; much less being some trophy for the people to gawk at. It put a strain on their relationship, and he didn’t expect to be speaking to Zelda ever again.
Then again, they’ve been speaking for a while now, yet he didn’t know.
“Sorry my pa took your room,” he finally said.
“Oh… it’s alright.”
Link smiled awkwardly and nodded. Sheik nodded back. There was silence again between the two, and Link cleared his throat.
“So… Sheik. What—um—why?”
“Why what?”
Link huffed and ran his hand through his hair. “Why? Why didn’t you tell us? Why are you doing this? I just… I’m curious…”
Sheik’s brows furrowed together and she looked down. “I just… wanted to do more for my kingdom.”
Link frowned. “But you’re the queen. You do more for Hyrule than anyone else!”
Sheik shook her head. “Not enough.” She sighed and sat on a box, rubbing her eyes. “During the twilight invasion, I felt… helpless. I couldn’t do anything for anyone. I was a prisoner in my own home, and all I could do was trust you. I just… I never want to be out of control like that ever again. I want to personally save Hyrule myself if it were to come to it. I felt that… as Sheik… I could do that. I wasn’t a queen anymore I-I felt more like… I don’t know… a protector. I feel like I can actually make an impact doing this.”
Link gave her a sad look and joined her on the box, staring at the door that led to Telma’s bar. “You don’t give yourself enough credit,” he started softly. “You did so much during the invasion. You… you kept Zant from slaughtering everyone in Hyrule. You saved my life and you saved Midna’s life at your own expense. You helped me defeat Ganondorf,” Link looked up at her, but she didn’t meet his eyes. “I couldn’t have saved Hyrule if not for you.”
“But… I couldn’t do more—“
“Goddesses, Sheik, I thought you gave up your life for Midna’s! I thought you died! What more could you have done?”
Sheik finally looked up at him. “I don’t know.”
“Good!” Link crossed his arms and sat up straight. “Now you know. You’re good enough!” Link felt his face flush at the corny message, and he turned away. The two were silent again; the sounds of laughter and bottles crashing were the only sounds heard. Link let out a sigh and turned to Sheik again. “I can understand though, wanting to do things yourself. I guess if I had to give orders and then sit there and wait for it to get done, I’d lose my mind a bit too.”
Sheik looked up at him, and though he couldn’t see her expression well, he did see a glimmer in her eye.
“I’m glad you somewhat understand,” she said.
Link hummed and nodded, and he pursed his lips. “So… why didn’t you tell the resistance?”
“It defeats the purpose of a secret identity, doesn’t it? I can't go around saying that I’m the queen when I… look like this,” she gestured to her outfit. “If they knew that I was not on the throne, they’d probably think me to be lazy.”
“Well, you’re not. You’re a good queen.”
Sheik’s eyes had more of a smile to them from that. “Thank you.”
Link gave her a smile. For once, they were having a pleasant conversation. No evil trying to destroy the world, no enemies needing to be defeated, and no heart broken from a love supposedly killed. They were just two people. Seeing Zelda as Sheik, he saw her in a different light. A simple woman who was trying.
“How did Kori come to be?” Sheik suddenly asked, and Link’s eyes widened. The resistance only met Kori a handful of times, and he didn’t think about how it would’ve affected Sheik. She and Rusl were the only ones who knew about Midna. Rusl found out about Midna’s return, but Zelda never did…
“Uh…. Well… I don’t know what you’re asking specifically but… Twili’s bodies aren’t too different from ours,” he mumbled.
Sheik’s face flushed slightly and she shook her head. “T-that’s not what I meant.”
Link cursed in his mind and laughed nervously. “Oh! Well… sorry.”
“No no, I should’ve been more specific. I meant… How is Kori here? Midna destroyed the mirror, there should be no connection to the twilight realm.”
“Oh… well…” Link stared at the ground, watching bits of dust move with the light breeze. He let out a sigh. “I have no idea. One night, Midna came to my door with Kori in her arms… and now he’s here.”
Sheik studied his face for a moment. “Is Midna still here?”
Link paused. Should he tell her that Midna visited whenever she could? Would Sheik feel left out if she knew that she only visited Link and his family? Did she even care? He didn’t know how close the two were during the invasion; he knew they were acquainted before he came along, but Midna didn’t seem to like her in the beginning. In the end, they were more like allies than friends. But was he wrong?”
“She… visits,” he finally said, and Sheik’s saddened look made him regret saying it.
“I see,” she whispered.
“I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t… you guys… I didn’t know you were friends and—“
“We weren’t,” Sheik said bluntly. “I suppose we never were.”
That stung slightly, hearing that about Midna. He wondered why she wouldn’t tell Sheik about everything, but he shouldn’t be surprised. If Kori never got hurt in the twilight realm, she probably would’ve never come in the first place.
“If it makes you feel any better, she never came back for me,” he started in a cautious tone, “she came back for Kori.” Sheik gave him a confused look so he elaborated. “I don’t know if you remember, but he has a scar up along his arm,” Link traced his forearm to show where the scar was, and Sheik watched carefully. “Apparently, when he was two, an advisor hurt him because… he was scared Kori would doom the Twili. There’s only one female Twili, and she’s meant to give birth to the heir, who will also be a female. But Kori… not only was he a half Twili, but he was a boy. And… They hurt him.” Link frowned. It was difficult saying it all out loud. The familiar rage that he thought he moved on from began to bubble in his chest, and he had to clench his fists to control it. If he ever met the Twili that hurt his son…
“So… you didn’t know about Kori?” Sheik asked, and Link nodded.
“She knew he wouldn’t be safe in the twilight realm, so she found a way back to Ordon. I still have no idea how she’s going back and forth though. She refuses to tell me, but I think she’s afraid of another invasion happening and… destroying the mirror to be a waste.”
Sheik nodded, but she still had a sad look in her eyes.
“Look, Sheik, she’s very secretive. Only my family knows and that’s ‘cause my pa knew her and… she’s never made herself known to anyone. So…. Yeah…. And she’s never left Ordon either.”
Sheik looked down at her fidgeting hands. “I see…”
Link frowned, the silence entering their conversation again. They sat for a long moment, until Link had an idea.
“You know, Sheik… I’m sure Midna would love to see you again.” She looked up, giving him a confused look. “If you ever wanna… I dunno… turn into Sheik and visit Ordon… We’d love to have you. I make great pumpkin soup.”
Sheik stared at him with wide eyes, before turning away with a small laugh. “I might… take you up on that offer,” she said softly, and Link’s heart swelled. They smiled at each other, and Sheik looked like she was about to say something, but they were interrupted by the door opening. Ashei poked her head through the door and gave the two of them a look.
“Is everything ok out here?” She asked.
“Yes, Ashei everything is fine,” Sheik said, giving Link a look. “He… sort of found out about… me…”
Ashei sighed. “I was afraid that was the case.”
Link glanced between the both of them. “So you did know about her?”
Ashei nodded. “Don’t know if you remember when we were investigating the rogue Bulblins, but our queen here got herself injured. It’s kinda hard to take care of an injured person with a mask covering their mouth, yeah?”
Link shrugged. “I guess so. It certainly explains a lot.”
Sheik nodded awkwardly and sighed. “It was difficult for me at the moment, but I am glad that I didn’t have to hide my true identity from at least one person. But now I guess it’s two people.”
Ashei made a face. “I have a feeling the rest of them will be finding out soon.”
An annoyed sigh escaped Sheik and she nodded. Ashei shrugged and gestured to the bar with her head. “Come on inside, yeah? We’re going to start planning.”
Link and Sheik stood up to follow Ashei inside, but Link stopped Sheik before they headed inside.
“You ready to save Hyrule again?” He asked, his fist hanging in front of her. She stared at it for a moment, then nodded, bumping his waiting fist with her own.
“I’m more than ready.”
“Kori! Pay attention!”
Kori looked up at Rela who had her wooden sword resting on her shoulder. She glared at him, one hand on her hip and one foot tapping impatiently in the Ordon spring water. Kori glanced at his own wooden sword, pouting at his aunt.
“Rela, I don’t wanna do this.”
“Shut it! You’re old enough to learn sword fighting, and my pa ain’t here to teach you. So it’s up to me to do it!” Her sword was swung to the ground and she held it up against Kori. “There’s a monster out there in Faron woods, so we need to be able to defend ourselves and Ordon!”
“Isn’t that why Colin and Beth and Talo are here though?” Colin and the others had been patrolling Ordon, searching for any dangers that could threaten their home. Kori didn’t quite understand what was happening; no one told him anything when he asked. His pa and grandpa left to castle town before he had a chance to think, so he was staying with his gramma, confused about what was happening.
“Colin may need our help if we are attacked,” Rela started to argue, marching back and forth as the sword swung in her hands. “If we’re able to help them, we’ll be heroes! Isn’t that what you want Kori? To be a hero?”
“Not really. I just wanna be a farmer,” Kori said simply. Rela groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Why are you being so boring?”
Kori felt a sting in his heart, but he ignored it. “I’m not being boring! I just… I just wanna play with my toys!”
“Well too bad! Now, block this attack!”
Kori gasped as Rela swung her sword at him. He quickly brought his own up and staggered back as she hit it. He glanced at his sword, then glared at Rela.
“Don’t hit it so hard!”
“You need to block better! Stand your ground!”
Rela swung at him again and he squealed as it smashed against his own. Rela got closer to him and he started to run away, but Rela quickly stopped him.
“Don’t be a coward! Face me!”
“Rela, you’re so much bigger than me! I’m scared!” Kori pleaded, but she only charged at him again. She knocked into him and he fell backwards into the water. He gasped and looked up to see Rela swinging down onto him. He quickly brought his own sword up and was barely able to block it. Scrambling to his feet, he clumsily blocked a few more attacks. Kori grew more focused with each attack, planting his feet so he could stay unmoving in the sparring. She hit his sword a few more times until Kori slipped up, and Rela’s smacked his arm. Kori squealed in pain and dropped his sword, holding his aching arm.
“Ooooow! Rela! You hit me!” He cried, tears forming in his eyes.
“Oh you’re fine. This is why we train with wooden swords, so we don’t end up killing each other!” She took a step forward, her arms crossed. “If it were the real deal, you would’ve lost your arm.”
Kori huffed angrily at her. “I’m telling Gramma!”
Rela’s eyes went big, her tough demeanor dropping instantly, and she quickly jumped in front of Kori as he went to leave the spring. “N-no no no! Please don’t tell my ma! I’m so sorry Kori!”
Kori ignored his aunt’s begging, trying to push past her.
“Wait! Kori! We can play with our toys now, ok? We can do whatever you want! In fact—here!” Rela grabbed Kori and put her sword in his hand. “You can hit me back! Just please don’t tell my ma!”
Kori glared at her as she kept grabbing his arm, then he bit her hand. Rela shrieked and pulled her hand back, giving Kori a horrified look.
“You bit me!”
“Well you said I could hurt you back!”
“I said you could hit me back, not bite me!”
Kori crossed his arms and turned away. “Well you wouldn’t stop grabbing me! I’m tired of playin’ with swords! I’m going back home!”
Kori marched through the water, feeling Rela’s glare at the back of his head. He suddenly felt water splash onto his head, and he gasped as his clothes and hair got fully drenched. He spun around at Rela and snarled at her.
“What? You were wet anyways,” Rela said.
“That’s it!” Kori screamed as he charged at the Rela, and the two started to grapple and become tangled with each other. Rela was much older and stronger than Kori was, so she easily pinned him down, but he kept biting her hands which caused her to pull back.
“Stop biting me!” She yelled.
“Well stop pulling at my hair!” Kori yelled back as she tugged at his hair. The two wrestled for a while longer until they were interrupted.
“What are you two doing?”
The kids stopped and looked up at Uli who was glaring at the two. She was panting and her hands were balled up, a fire in her eyes as she watched the two kids. The two quickly scrambled to their feet, staring at her guiltily. Uli relaxed a little, then glanced at the bridge past Ordon worriedly.
“You kids aren’t supposed to be out here,” she scolded, walking towards the two.
“We’re still in Ordon,” Rela sassed, but she quickly straightened herself out with a glare from Uli. “I-I mean… you said we had to stay in Ordon so… we are still… here… in Ordon.”
“No, you’re staying in the village itself. We’re not gonna be out by the spring or by Kori’s house, ok?”
Rela and Kori glanced at each other.
“Why?” Kori asked, trying not to sound rude or sassy.
“Because it’s too far from the others. If something were to happen, no one would know. Now come on,” Uli gestured to the village with her head, and Kori and Rela quickly followed.
“I hope you two have done your chores,” Uli started as they walked past Kori’s home, “it’s pretty early in the morning, is it not?”
Rela gave Kori a worried look, then looked down guiltily. “Um…. We did some…”
Uli sighed. “Why did you do some and not all?”
Rela huffed and jogged in front of her ma. “Because! I know there’s a monster out there hurting people! It attacked pa and Link! I just want to make sure me and Kori are strong enough for when it attacks again!”
Uli stopped and gave Rela a sad yet proud look. “Rela, it’ll be fine. Your pa and Link are taking care of it, while Colin and the others are protecting Ordon. You don’t have to be responsible for our safety.”
“I know you’re excited to use your sword techniques your pa taught you, but it’s not enough. For now—just—focus on your chores, ok?”
Rela pouted and glumly walked to her house, her head hanging. Kori stood by his gramma, leaning his head against her leg. She chuckled and ruffled his hair.
“Did you do your chores today, Kori?”
Kori pursed his lips. Rela had lied about them doing some of their chores. They actually did none of their chores. But unlike Rela, Kori was a horrible liar.
“N-no… we didn’t do anything,” he mumbled, but then quickly added, “I mean, I didn't do anything! Rela did though!”
Uli gave him a soft smile. “You don’t have to cover for Rela, dear. I know she was lying.”
Uli let out a loud sigh and rubbed her head. “Go and do your chores dear, luckily there’s not a whole lot for you to do since you’re not at home right now.”
Excitement swelled within Kori and he nodded. He heard his gramma giggle as he ran to the home, barged into his room, and ran past Rela who was grumbling to herself. He quickly picked up his area in his grandparent’s home, plucked the weeds in the gardens, and collected the ripe fruit, though there wasn’t a lot. There wasn’t much else for him to do—he couldn’t help Fado with the goats since he was too small, and he couldn’t clean up his home since he wasn’t allowed in there. So he started to wander around Ordon, watching the villagers go about their day. He couldn’t help but focus on Coro, the man who started staying with Fado. Kori had rarely talked to Coro before, and the man’s carefree attitude and animals that hung around enticed him. But Kori was too shy to approach the strange man—he didn’t know how Coro would react to him.
The best way for Kori to learn more about Coro was to sneakily follow him around Ordon. It was always easy for Kori to stalk the humans in Ordon; their round ears didn’t pick up on sounds like his and his papa’s did, so he followed the man around for a while without being noticed. He watched Coro simply sit by the pond for a long time, talking to his funny bird pet who chattered to him back. Smaller birds floated around his head, and even nestled inside it, and the cuccos trotted around him. Kori wondered if birds generally liked him, and how he could make birds like him as well.
Kori’s stalking didn’t go unnoticed forever, however, and Coro spotted him hiding behind a bush. The two made eye contact, and Kori ducked for cover, but it was already too late.
“Uh, hello,” Coro called out awkwardly, and Kori shyly popped up from the bushes. Coro smiled gently and gestured for him to come closer. “No reason to hide, tiny guy.”
Kori looked behind him and shuffled over to the strange man.
“Hi,” he greeted quietly, and the parrot resting on Coro’s knee squawked a greeting back. Kori jumped at the sudden sound and Coro chuckled.
“Trill, you don’t need to be that loud,” he said.
“Sorry,” the bird squawked, not any quieter than before. Kori giggled slightly and held his hand out to Trill.
“Careful, he might peck at you,” Coro warned, and Kori drew his hand back, giving Coro a guilty look. Coro reached up and gently grabbed the smaller birds in his hair and offered it to Kori. “These guys are much nicer.”
Kori smiled and offered his hand again, and the tiny bird peeped, hopping into it. Kori giggled at the tickling feeling of its tiny feet against his palm and gently stroked its little head.
“That one is named Chickie,” Coro started to explain, “he was born not too long ago.”
Kori’s eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yep! His family is here somewhere,” Coro started digging around in his hair, pulling out different tiny birds from the nest on his hair and showing them to Kori. He made a whistling sound and the birds floated over to Kori and landed on his arms and head. Kori froze, feeling the tiny talons lightly digging into his skin. Coro chuckled again. “They’re friendly! Don’t worry.”
Kori grinned and watched the birds hop around, giggling as they tickled him when they moved.
“Yeah, Trill here is nice enough, but you need to be careful. He can be a little aggressive if you freak him out,” Coro explained, petting Trill gently. “He’s had so many people steal from him, he has to be aggressive, you know?” Kori nodded seriously. “Apparently, a few years ago, some green guy kept stealing his lamp oil and red potion, no matter how many times he fought back! Can you believe that? What kind of horrible person steals from a bird?”
Kori nodded again. His pa always taught him to not steal, so he knew to take that very seriously. One of the birds flew back to Coro’s nest-hair so Kori allowed the others to return as well.
“Um, thank you for letting me hold your birds,” Kori mumbled, and Coro grinned.
“Of course! It’s easy to be scared of animals, especially birds, but I always think we should be more understanding of them. It’s best to learn young, anyway!” Coro lifted the smaller birds to his hair and gave Kori a look. “So… if you don’t mind me asking, tiny guy, what exactly are you?”
Kori thought for a moment. “A Twilian.”
Coro frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that. Well, it’s nice to officially meet you, tiny guy.”
Kori nodded excitedly. “My name is Kori.”
“I’m Coro.” He offered his hand to Kori and he gingerly took it, letting Coro shake their hands. Coro pulled away and went back to petting Trill. “Do you like animals, Kori? I assume that’s why you decided to follow me.”
“Oh! Yeah, I love animals.”
“What’s your favorite animal?”
“I love kitties.”
Coro smiled warmly. “I think I saw kitties by Sera’s shop, did you see them?”
Kori nodded, but a sense of dread entered him when he thought about Sera. He hadn’t seen the kitties in a while.
“That’s good, they’re so cute and tiny,” Coro continued when Kori didn’t say anything. “But I’m more of a bird person myself. I forget how great the cuccos are here in Ordon.”
Kori nodded again and looked around him, spotting Rela who was stomping around the village. They made eye contact and his aunt began to angrily stomp towards him. Uh-oh.
“I think cuccos are misunderstood creatures,” Coro continued to ramble, not caring if Kori was paying attention or not. “As long as you respect them, they respect you. That’s why you should always treat animals with respect. Because respect is a two-way path and—”
“Kori!” Rela shouted when she got close enough and put her hands on her hips, glaring at him. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be doin’ chores?”
Kori glanced at Coro who was still rambling about animals. “I got them all done! There wasn’t a whole lot since I’m not at home right now.”
Rela huffed and said a bad word under her breath. “W-well, help me with mine so I can get done!”
Kori scrunched up his face. “I’m not gonna do your chores! You have to do them yourself!”
“But what will you do? You’ll be sooo bored.”
Kori gestured to Coro who finally stopped talking and was observing the two kids. Rela squinted her eyes and faced him fully.
“Weren’t you the guy who came here crying like a baby?” She sneered.
“Yes,” Coro said simply. “And if you saw what I saw, you’d be crying like a baby too.”
Rela seemed surprised at the response and she turned away, her arms crossed. “Well, Kori needs to help me with my chores so we can hang out—”
“No I don’t!” Kori shouted.
“Yes you do! You still need more training!”
Kori groaned. “We’ve been training all morning! I don’t want to do that!”
Coro glanced between the two. “Training? For what?”
Rela gave him a look but once again faced him. “Training to protect Ordon of course!”
Coro’s eyes widened and he nodded slowly. “Ok.”
“So I need to get done as soon as possible so we can keep training and—” Rela’s eyes widened and her hands shot up to her head. “Oh no! The swords!”
Kori raised an eyebrow and Rela suddenly grabbed his hands, pulling him away from Coro.
“H-hey, wha—Bye!” Kori called out to Coro, and the man waved back. “Rela! What’s going on?”
“I left the swords at the spring!” Rela cried. “They’re gonna get ruined in the water! And pa will be so mad if he finds out I left them soaked!”
Kori tried to pull free from her grip, but she was too strong. “But we’re not supposed to go to the spring!”
Rela stopped and spun around to face Kori. “We won’t be gone for too long, ok? We’re just gonna grab them and come right back! But I need to get those before they’re ruined forever!”
Kori frowned but was immediately grabbed and pulled behind Rela again. The two sprinted towards the spring, Kori feeling more and more anxious as he looked around the forest. Every bone in his body was telling him to leave and that he wasn’t supposed to be there. But he continued to follow Rela, not wanting either of them to be left alone in these woods. They made it to the spring and Rela sprinted to the water, grabbing the soaked wooden swords.
“Thank the spirits I remembered these!” She said, relieved. “Hopefully they’re not ruined…”
Kori stared at the wooden swords and sighed. “Can we go back now? We’re not supposed to be here.”
Rela rolled her eyes. “Ok, yes we can go.”
The two kids started to leave the spring, but Kori heard a strange noise. He frowned and turned his head to hear it better. It sounded like the trotting of a horse. He found himself wandering closer to the bridge, and he spotted something walking towards him and Rela.
“What is it?” His aunt asked, but Kori was frozen. Whether it was of fear or anticipation, he didn’t know, but he couldn’t move his eyes off of the moving figure. As the figure got closer, he recognized it as a rider on a horse, and he got filled with excitement.
“PAPA!” He shouted, running across the bridge and towards the horse. But as he got closer, he realized that the horse was not Epona, and the man riding the horse was neither his grandpa nor his papa. He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the strange man with wide eyes, and the rider stopped, the five other horses and men stopping as well. The man stared back at Kori, his green eyes observing him. Rela caught up to Kori and quickly got in front of him, glaring at the man.
“Hello,” he greeted, “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“What do you want?” Rela spat, and Kori was surprised at her hostility towards an adult.
“Easy now, me and my men are just investigating some disappearances,” he explained. He hopped off his horse and took off his helmet. The man had brown hair that stopped beneath his chin, and Kori noticed his delicately pointed ears that labeled him a Hylian. His tan brown skin made his emerald eyes stick out and his mustache was curled up in a gentle smile. He bowed his head slightly with his right hand over his heart. “My name is Hoz, I am the captain of the Hylian guard. I just have some questions I need to ask the villagers near this area. May I speak with the adults there?”
Rela puffed her chest and crossed her arms. “You can speak to us.”
Hoz stared at her for a moment, then glanced at the soldiers behind him. “Uh… I’d prefer to speak to an adult. Where are your parents?”
Rela frowned. “We can speak just fine!”
Hoz began to look around, noticeably uncomfortable. “Right, well, is your village just down the trail?”
“I’m not telling you!” Rela yelled.
“Yes,” Kori answered softly. Rela spun around and shot him a glare while Hoz smiled warmly.
“Thank you. It’s quite a long walk isn’t it? Would you kids like to hitch a ride on my mount?” He gestured to his large speckled horse, but Rela quickly shook her head.
“My parents told me I shouldn’t ride with strangers.”
Hoz chuckled and bowed his head again. “Understood.”
“Hey now! You can’t go to the village!” Rela hopped in front of him as he started to move, pointing her wooden sword at him. “We’re on high alert right now! There’s somethin’ out in the woods, so me and Kori are here to keep it safe! You got that?”
Hoz’s eyes widened at the wooden sword and he gently redirected the sword and started to walk forward. “I promise we mean no harm to your village—”
Rela repointed her sword at him. Hoz took a deep breath and moved it again.
“We’re just investigating some disappearances and—” Rela insisted with her sword once again, and he gave up on moving past it. “Whatever information your parents may have will be useful for the protection of Hyrule.”
Rela squinted her eyes and Kori heard the soldiers behind Hoz groan.
“Will you just move, you little brat?” One of them called out, and Hoz shot them a warning glare.
“Listen, we don’t have time for this,” Hoz sighed, rubbing his eyes. “You said there was something in the woods, correct?”
Rela squinted her eyes, not saying anything. Kori walked up to Hoz and the captain glanced at him.
“I think my papa was attacked by a monster,” he said softly, and Hoz’s eyes went big.
“What monster?” Hoz asked, kneeling at Kori’s level.
Kori shrugged, staring at the ground. He heard more footsteps and he looked up, noticing Colin jogging towards the group.
“What’s going on?” His uncle asked, eyeing the soldiers with a threatening glare. Hoz stood up and gave him a slight bow, looking relieved.
“Hello my good sir, my name is Hoz. I am the captain for the Hylian guard.”
Colin's eyes widened and he nodded. “R-right, of course,” he turned his attention to the kids and grabbed Rela. “What are you doing out here? You’re supposed to be in the village!”
“I left the wooden swords in the spring!” Rela defended herself, gesturing to them.
Colin rolled his eyes and turned to Hoz. “I’m so sorry about my little sister and nephew, they’re not supposed to be out here.”
Hoz waved his apology away. “It’s no trouble. I’m just glad that…” he gave Rela a look, then cleared his throat, “I’m just glad that I can speak with an adult.”
Rela made an offended noise and Colin pushed her behind him.
“Of course! What do you need?”
Hoz straightened his posture and cleared his throat. “These men and I were requested by Queen Zelda to find information on disappearances that have been happening throughout Hyrule. I just wanted to ask if you knew any information on this.”
Kori watched the gears in his uncle’s head turning. Were these disappearances what Barnes was talking about? Colin ran his fingers through his hair and nodded.
“Yes, actually I think I do.”
Hoz’s eyes widened and his polite demeanor dropped instantly. He ran up to Colin and grabbed his arm. “You do? What did you find?” Colin leaned back slightly and Hoz quickly jumped back. “A-apologies. I just… I’ve been searching for a while and haven’t found anything.”
Colin smiled nervously. “I understand.” He glanced at Kori and Rela, then looked up at the captain. “My pa and brother were attacked by a monster a couple of nights ago.”
Hoz stared for a moment, almost looking disappointed. “A monster? Is that it?”
“It‘s not an ordinary monster,” Colin looked back at Kori and Rela again and stepped closer to the captain, speaking so softly that Kori could barely hear him. “Do you remember the twilight invasion, with the black beasts roaming Hyrule?”
Hoz’s eyes widened. “I do remember. They stormed the castle. I could’ve lost my life if Zelda had not surrendered.”
Colin nodded and Rela gave Kori a confused look, hoping he knew what they were saying. Kori almost wished he didn’t; black beasts roaming Hyrule… it sounded terrifying.
“My pa and brother were attacked by one in Faron woods a couple of nights ago. It could still be here, or it could’ve moved around,” Colin continued, looking around at the trees nervously. “But it’s what’s taking these people. I don’t know what it’s doing to them, but it can’t be anything good.”
Hoz nodded and smiled at him, resting his hand on his shoulder. “Thank you, young man. For once, we actually have a lead now!” He turned around to his men and nodded, gesturing to Faron. “We’ll investigate these woods, the rest of you should remain indoors—“
“No no no, wait,” Colin moved in front of Hoz, stopping him in his tracks. “I don’t think you should go hunting for it. It’s… it’s dangerous.”
“I know,” Hoz said, “I fought several of them and I don’t think I ever killed one. They were always revived before my very eyes.” Hoz glanced at the children. “But I think me and five other men can handle one.”
Colin shook his head, once again stopping the captain. “My older brother fought and killed hundreds of them. He couldn’t even defeat this one. It’s more dangerous; you need a plan.”
Hoz frowned. “Who is your brother may I ask?”
Colin fidgeted slightly and pursed his lips. “He—he’s the hero of Hyrule, sir.”
Hoz stared blankly, then he let out an exasperated sigh. “Alright.”
“I’m not lying!”
“I didn’t say you were lying,” he quickly defended, but his tone didn’t convince Colin. Kori’s uncle gave him a glare, clearly using his taller height to try to intimidate the man, but the captain didn’t waver. “Look, I know a hero of Hyrule existed during the twilight invasion; who else would’ve saved Hyrule if not?”
“Then what’s your issue?” Colin pressed, and Hoz finally began to shift uncomfortably.
“I–I… It’s nothing,” Hoz let out a sigh and looked around. “Show me where this monster was spotted. Me and my men will take care of it.”
Colin pursed his lips, the gears turning in his head as he thought of what to do next, but he finally relaxed and started moving towards Faron Woods.
“It was by a house in front of the caves where it was first spotted,” he started to explain, Hoz following on foot. Kori glanced at Rela who started walking with Colin, a determined look in her eye as she clutched her wooden sword. “It moved around as my older brother and pa fought it though, so I can’t promise it’s still there.”
“That’s quite alright, we can make do,” Hoz said, an excited gleam in his eye. The group was silent as they marched through the woods, and they stopped right outside a house. Kori had seen this place before, but he never visited it. He wondered if Coro lived here.
“Well… Uh… here it is,” Colin said awkwardly, gesturing to the home. “Faron Woods in general is where it was, but this place is where they found it.”
“Fascinating,” Hoz muttered, his eyes fixated on the home as he walked towards it. “Men, look around and let me know if you find anything.” He turned to Colin. “You may return home if you wish. We’ll handle this.”
Colin sighed and nodded, turning to Kori and Rela who stood watching. He began to nudge them back towards Ordon, keeping them from moving away from him.
“You two should’ve gone back home,” he scolded, his hand never leaving Kori’s back.
“But I want to help fight a monster!” Rela protested, but Colin shook his head.
“Trust me, Rela, you are not ready to fight this monster,” he said, a nervous look in his eyes. “I don’t know if these guys will be ready to fight it either….” Colin’s voice trailed off and he stared at the grass with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Rela grumbled and crossed her arms, glaring at the grass as well. Kori only stared ahead, spotting the Faron spring coming into view. But as he got a better view, he noticed something that made him freeze in fear.
A large, black creature stood out from the bright, colorful spring. Arms hung awkwardly on its back as it paced the holy waters, and it turned to the group, with its yellow teeth being the only visible facial feature. Kori felt Colin’s hand grip on his shirt, and he was slowly pulled backwards away from the beast.
“What are you doing?” Rela yelled, annoyed, but Colin shushed her, his eyes never leaving the beast. She squirmed in his hold and Colin gripped her tighter.
“Rela, stop moving!” He hissed, his voice shaking slightly as they backed away.
“Let go of me!” Rela began to shout louder, and Colin quickly put his hand on her mouth. The black beast began to move closer to them, moving just as slow as they were. Rela squealed as she was muffled, but it turned into a gasp when she noticed the monster. The beast got low, and Colin let go of the two, shoving them back towards where Hoz was.
“RUN! NOW!” He shouted, and Kori’s adrenaline spiked, causing him to sprint. He fell behind Rela quickly, and he felt like he wanted to sob, but Colin kept nudging his back. He heard crashing behind them, but he didn’t dare look. He saw Hoz who looked startled at the sudden action, and Kori gasped as he tripped over his own skirt. He felt Colin lean over him protectively, hugging him close to shield him from the monster. Kori twisted his neck to look behind him, and he saw the beast snarling down on them, black spit pouring out of its mouth. He curled into Colin who had his sword drawn, but his uncle was shaking uncontrollably.
“Good goddesses!” Hoz exclaimed, his own sword being drawn. Kori heard the men let out a battle cry as they charged the creature, and Colin finally scrambled to his feet with Kori in his arms. He was looking behind his uncle as he ran, and saw the black beast swatting away the soldiers as if they were annoying flies. Some of the soldiers who were hit got back up and ran away, soon leaving Hoz alone to fight the beast.
“Get back here, you cowards!” Hoz yelled as he dodged a swipe from the creature, and Colin reached Rela who was crying. He set him down next to her and gestured to the house.
“Hide yourselves in there, ok? I’m gonna go help him,” he said quickly before giving the two a quick hug. Kori felt himself freeze up again as he watched Colin run towards the monster distracted by Hoz. He didn’t know what to do; he was too scared to move. He just wanted his papa.
Rela grabbed his arm and ran into the home, trying to move the boxes in front of the door while Kori stood there shaking. She shifted the home around to the best of her ability, straining to move the heavy boxes to the door.
“Kori, help me!” She cried, but Kori couldn’t move. Rela was only able to move a couple of boxes to the door, with a chair under the handle, and she finally pulled Kori into a cupboard, hugging him close as they stared wide-eyed in the darkness. Kori heard the muffled shouts of men along with roars from the monster. He cried quietly with his head against Rela’s, the sounds becoming agonizing to his long ears. It felt like hours that they were in the cupboard, fear of being found making Kori feel sick, but it eventually went silent. He glanced up and stared, straining his ears to hear something, anything. But it was silent.
“What is it?” Rela whispered, her voice shaking. Kori continued to listen, and he screamed when he heard loud banging on the door. Rela slapped her hand on his mouth and the two whimpered and shook as the banging continued. Kori curled further into Rela, trying to keep himself from sobbing. There was one more loud bang, then a crash of Rela’s makeshift barricade, then groans from two men.
“Rela? Kori?” The two heard Colin call out, and they scrambled out of the cupboard, ramming into Colin’s legs. Colin melted to the floor and hugged the two, a sigh of relief escaping him. “Thank the spirits,” he muttered in Rela’s hair.
“W-what happened?” Rela asked after pulling away. “Did you kill that monster?”
Colin sighed and shook his head. “No, but we led it away.”
“One of my men distracted it further into the woods,” Hoz continued to explain, staring anxiously out the door. “Glad to know that they’re useful for something.”
Colin gave him a look and stood up. “Shadow beasts are terrifying, give them more grace.”
“They are terrifying,” Hoz growled, stepping further into the home. “I fought them when they first invaded the castle ten years ago. I know how they work and what they are. But it is my duty to protect Hyrule, and it is their duty as well!” He turned away in a huff and looked outside again while Colin remained quiet. “I will not give them grace. If they didn’t want to be soldiers of Hyrule, then they should’ve stayed in the comfort of their home.”
Colin sighed and stood up. “Well, we’re not safe here. Let me take my sister and nephew back to Ordon, and I’ll help you chase after it.”
Hoz’s eyes widened and he nodded. “Very well. These young ones do not need to see such action.” He gave them a sympathetic look.
“Yeah, I saw a shadow beast when I was about nine,” Colin muttered, ruffling Kori and Rela’s hair. “It’s terrifying… I know it.”
Hoz hummed. “Yet you still came to my aid when my own men abandoned me.” he let out a chuckle. “You are the bravest man I’ve ever met.”
“O-Oh! W-well… I don’t know about that,” Colin laughed nervously, beginning to nudge Kori and Rela out the door.
“No, without a doubt. Your courage exceeds most of the soldiers of Hyrule! Have you ever considered joining the guard?”
Colin let out a sigh and drew his sword, watching the trees with unease as Kori and Rela stuck to his legs. “L-look, there are more important things right now.”
“Right,” Hoz cleared his throat and walked out of the house, his own sword drawn. “Let’s get these children home, then.”
The group quietly walked through the woods; despite it being light out, Kori couldn’t help but feel the danger of a shadow lurking in the corners. He kept his eyes sharp, looking for anything that moved. They reached the Faron spring and Kori hugged Colin’s legs tighter. It was uncomfortably silent, but from a distance, Kori heard the sounds of screams. Hoz seemed to pick up on it as well, and he looked around him, a worried look on his face. Colin and Rela seemed none the wiser, however, and they continued onward. A snap of a twig filled the air, and he felt Colin tense as a horse burst through the entrance with a distressed whinny.
“Penelope!” Hoz called out, and stopped her from charging, attempting to calm her down. But right behind the horse, a soldier came running before falling to the ground.
“C-captain!” He cried, and he screamed as he was pulled away. “Help me!”
Hoz ran to him, but he slipped from his fingers as the large shadow beast lifted the squirming soldier. Kori gasped when he saw other soldiers inside its abundant hands—one having two uncomfortably squished together. The shadow beast observed the soldier, but its gaze turned, and it fully faced Kori. Though it had no eyes, he could practically feel its gaze burning through him. He whimpered and hugged Colin tighter. Were they going to die?
The shadow beast dropped the soldier in its hand and charged at Kori. He let out a scream as Colin grabbed him and Rela and attempted to dodge the beast. They were successful in not being trampled, but the beast’s hand snagged Kori, and he laid in between the monster and Colin. He was frozen while laying on the ground, too scared to move and too scared to cry as the beast faced him again. It went in for another charge, but Hoz scooped Kori up and ran out of the way. Kori didn’t comprehend that he was being lifted onto the horse that charged through, and the captain dragged Colin and Rela to the horse as well.
“Young man, get to Castle town, tell Queen Zelda and King Edmund about this. I’ll hold it off.”
Colin climbed onto the horse with Kori in front and Rela behind, and he frowned at Hoz. “I can’t just leave you!”
“You must protect these little ones.” Hoz turned to see the shadow beast recovering from its second failure. The soldier it dropped earlier charged at it, and Hoz turned back to Colin. “What’s your name, young man?”
“I—Colin, sir.”
“I’ll never forget your courage, Colin. Now go! Tell her Highness about this!” Hoz hit Penelope’s behind and she took off running. Kori turned behind him to see Hoz draw his sword, facing the shadow beast with his one remaining soldier, the others remaining in its hands. Kori faced the front and let out a sob, wanting so badly to go back home to his stuffed animals with his papa and mommy holding him. Colin’s arms wrapped around him and he gave him a small peck on the head.
“It’ll be ok, Kori,” he said, his voice shaking as the horse ran through the woods, the trees looking like a blur of green and brown. Kori closed his eyes, praying to the light spirits and goddesses of Hyrule that he’d soon be waking up in his home, with this nightmare behind him.
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heartss4matthewq · 23 hours
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SUMMARY: eva hangs out with matt at a party, it takes a strong turn of events
contains: smut, cockwarming, dom!matt, matt’s pov, no y/n 🥰
a/n; i wanted to use a name lmk if that was a bad idea also i have SO many fics in my drafts like holy shit ima finish them soon i promise 💪
chris: orange
nick: purple
matt: blue
eva: green
  ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧ ୨୧
i walked downstairs and sat down on the couch trying to find something to do for the day.
“we could go to top golf..?”
“nah that’s boring, matt what do you wanna do because you haven’t spoken up ina while” just when i was about to respond, my phone rang.
“guys eva is calling wait” i answered and put it on speaker.
“heyy evss what’s up?”
“yo you’re on speaker btw so we can all hear you”
“heyy guys so i didn’t know if y’all were busy tonight but i heard madi is having a party at her house i think we should gooo!!!”
“wait bet” i said hoping for approval of nick and chris
“yeah one-hundred percent we’re going because we were literally just trying to figure out something to do tonight”
“alright yayy, see u guys tonight love you so muchhh”
1 hour later
i was walking past nicks room when i heard him on the phone with eva
“but nickkk, pink is my favorite color”
“yes i know girl but if you wear the black dress you’ll match with matt and i’m pretty sure he likes you back but i don’t knoww”
“nick, i really like your brother i might tell him tonight to be honest!”
does eva like me? do i like her back? i always thought she was pretty..
the thoughts were racing in my head
this shouldn’t be making me horny.
as soon as i was going to pull my jeans down, nick yelled “MATTHEW WE WANNA LEAVE HURRY UP”
at the party.
me,chris, and nick all waited outside of the house for eva.
“damn we should’ve just picked her up, her uber is taking years” chris chuckled as he sipped his pepsi
5 mins passed and eva finally stepped out of the car in a tight, black dress that carved out all of her curves. i couldnt ignore how good she looked tonight.
“hey matt you look good!” eva complimented me.
“not to bad yourself” i laughed and lightly tapped her back.
a couple hours had passed and eva was drunk and high as fuck and i could tell.
she started to walk over to me as i was sitting on an arm chair.
“hey matty” she said loudly
“hi evs, there’s no seats available so i can get up if you want!” i said so she wouldn’t have to stand
“i think i’ll just sit on your lap if you’re good with that”
“oh uhm yeah i guess that’s fine”
i was good for a little while until she started to move around a lot to get comfortable.
obviously this made me get squirmish. i grabbed her hips so she’d stop moving so much.
i did not need her to feel her best friends hard-on.
“what’s wrong matty can’t handle me grinding on your lap?” she said seductively.
“stop talking before i stuff your mouth” i said suddenly gaining confidence
“you won’t do shit matthew”
“i’ll prove your ass wrong” i responded back
“do it then”
with those words i pulled her panties to the side and unzipped my jeans. i took my jacket off and wrapped it around us so no one could see what we were doing.
in one swift motion i took my dick out and put it inside of her, earning a quiet whimper from her.
the worst thing that could’ve possibly happened in this moment happened.
all of her friends came up and started talking with her. when she started to laugh her body moved in motions around my cock. making me groan. every minute passing felt like hours.
when her friends left she pulled off of me to go dance or something.
before she could leave i grabbed her by the jaw
“we’re not fucking done with this” she smirked at me and walked off
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agendabymooner · 5 months
tfw pure indulgence is starting to feel like a job bc you’re a pathological people pleaser 🫠🫠
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ruthytwoshakes · 6 months
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cicadas are fun to eat if you are an animal , or a person, nom nom nom crunch crunch. They only come out every couple of decades though, so you’re gonna have to wait a long time before you can see them again. Gorge yourself until then. Decorate your windowsills with their shells, record their buzzing to listen to while you sleep. Don’t forget, you can’t forget. okay bye.
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blupengu · 17 days
Y’all is Hollow Knight hard or do I just suck because oh my god??
#not gonna inflict my ramblings onto someone else’s post so just making a text post for myself#but oh my god#what the fuck?#maybe I’m not a hardcore metroidvania fan but I like them well enough#do I suck that badly at games now?? am I old to the point that my hands can’t do this shit????#did I just somehow fuck myself at some point???#because wow this feels kind of sadistic????#and not even in the fun kind of way?????#like I think I’d rather submit myself to fear and hunger again rather than continue where I am now in hk#idk maybe I’m missing something#but I just got wall jump and was so happy until I fell down to where you can challenge those mantis dudes#got myself out of there but then as I was exploring northwest I keep dying and reviving from the fucking bouncy balls over water#and the normal mantis mobs are also kicking my ass?#and dont even get me started on the weird tentacley nuclear bomb mushroom things those are just bullshit#AND THEN AS I WAS HAVING A GOOD TIME EXPLORING HEADING TOWARDS A SAVE BENCH I GET DROPPED INTO DEEPNEST??????#WHAT KIND OF JUMPSCARE BULLSHIT??????????#AND THE FUCKING COCKROACHES THAT NEVER SEEM TO STOP SPAWNING KILL ME#and then I see how fucking far back I’ve been dropped in the corner of fungal wastes#and I try jumping through the fucking bouncy balls again#and I die and lose my money#I can’t fucking do this shit anymore y’all holy fucking shit#the number of times I’ve died and restarted from that fucking fungal wastes bench I am so sick of it 💀#legit I think this is the first time I’ve rage quit a game#it’s been a while since a game’s actually made me this angry I want to fucking throw something 😂#the willpower and self control I needed to not chuck my pro controller across the room…#if I didn’t have neighbors and a unit below me I’d be throwing shit for sure though#but instead I must smack pillows against my mattress in a rage 😂#I think I hate the ‘go back to where you died to get back your money’ punishment system… like legit I actually really really hate it.#I do think the game is fun and I know I’ll probably quickly gain the money… but it feels like the game’s telling me I fucking suck lmao#suffice to say I will not be playing any more hollow knight for the foreseeable future 💀
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ppl will go “i’d notice if society was going to sacrifice a marginalised group of people and if they said that it’s ok that a bunch of people would die then i would stand against it” and then they’ll hear people saying “well only disabled and vulnerable people will die of covid” and go “yes this is normal and ok and fine”
#first of all it’s not only disabled people who are dying and also covid can disable you real quick and make you part of that group that#people are fine with dying#but also do y’all hear yourself bed sometimes. the amount of people who claim to be allies but with throw others aside as soon as it#interferes with their comfort#also there have been so many studies and reports and articles on how covid disproportionally affects poc. not to mention inequalities in#healthcare that come into play too when you’re dealing with a pandemic#but as soon as y’all have to stop going to parties or restaurants or isolating for two weeks when exposed or confirmed positive or even if#you suspect you have it. or any of the millions of other things that at this point are important facets of community care and protecting#yourself and others from a disease that has been proven and continues to be proven to do a lot of damage to the body#y’all just balk. you don’t drop your claims but that doesn’t mean you’ve dropped your allyship#I’d love to go back to normal. i’d love to go out without a mask and eat in restaurants and do all the things i did before covid#but i won’t. because i know that isn’t safe for me or my friends/family/community and also quite literally isn’t possible now because we’re#still in a pandemic. if you claim to be an ally to disabled people then prove it and mask#I can’t speak as fully on allyship to other communities who are disproportionately impacted but not masking harms everyone and if anyone#does want to speak on allyship to their communit(y/ies) feel free to go ahead#covid tw#fired up about this because i’m doing radioactive iodine treatment in a few weeks and my mother is taking no precautions. not only am i at#risk if i catch covid but if she gets sick i either have to postpone my treatment to care for her (which risks giving my cancer more time to#metastasise if there are cells left) or i have to figure out another plan for treatment since my current plan hinges on her help since i#have to isolate#im just tired and frustrated. a pandemic doesn’t stop just because you get bored#vent tw#this is not as eloquent as i wish it was and the lack of punctuation and tone can make parts confusing but i think y’all get my point
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bisexualrapline · 1 year
i hate army twitter lmao someone remind me not to go on there ever
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transannabeth · 1 year
#the thing about rebooting twilight and trying to fix it#is that the flaws of the source material are so so so deep and go beyond just like#dont be racist this time md cut the imprinting imo#it would involve being more aware of the toxicity of bella and edwards relationship (they won’t do that)#and there’s elements of this story that are so so so so mormon because smeyer IS mormon#not only is Edward painfully controlling; all the cullens are in on it (see book 3)#there’s a strong underlying message of sexism even among the female vampires really where they only get power once a man turns them#every single aspect of the werewolves are racist#like that’s what I’m leaving that as because I don’t have the tag space or spoons#the werewolves in twilight ARE RACIST. smeyer made up stories and mythology and the depections#of the quileute tribe ARE RACIST from the very beginning#and the fact that jasper not only was a high ranking confederate#but also ILLEGALLY JOINED because he was too young? what the fuck#that’s the tip of the iceberg I wrote a whole final paper on twilight and ran out of page space to do the proper dissertation I wanted#even Charlie y’all love Charlie. he has a terrible moment#when Bella punches Jacob after he kisses her because she doesn’t want him to?#Charlie’s reaction made me pissed I can’t remember it exactly#I’m not saying you can’t read twilight#clearly I still talk about it because it’s interesting to me from a writing standpoint with how bad it is#but I don’t think this is one we should try to ‘make better’#and hot take we don’t need a reboot like barely a decade later#write an original vampire story. learn from twilights mistakes.#i do not think we need to be returning to this ip which is deeply broken and hurtful#yes much of the backlash against twilight was sexist#but there are also valid reasons to dislike and criticize twilight we cannot forget that#unless quileute people are quite literally writing the script#i can see no situation where they are treated with the respect and monetary compensation they deserve#and that is only addressing that singular issue#i don’t even know if a consultant from the quileute tribe would be enough#here’s your rant of the day
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void-tiger · 9 months
There is just this rage that comes with realizing your body is just completely fucked while still outwardly looking Fine.
And then garnering the judgement of family who have convinced themselves you’re not trying hard enough.
And still waiting for a finished diagnosis to try petitioning for life-long physical therapy, pain management (that are NOT opioids when you can’t take nsaids, and you’re deemed too young for steroid injections especially as it is never brought up as an option), and ssi disability. Because what else are you gonna do. Especially when you’ll always be a burden. Capitalistic life isn’t designed to allow you to rest so you can still do Something within your limitations and not get injured, anyway. Or have energy left for yourself.
(No one is really clever enough to help, either. Is it even worth the risk to try contacting rehabilitation services when you need to stay on medicaid for a eventually-debilitating auto immune disease that has to have very expensive injections twice a month, all the while it’s the hypermobility that makes even being a student or hobbies or chores so iffy?)
And then trying to befriend some people. But there’s this wall there. They radiate concern. Sometimes affection. But I don’t want pity. (I don’t know how to accept actual sympathy to my face by their vibes and tone and body language, anyway.) I just want secure friendships. I just want—for once in my adult life, or my life period if including neurodivergence’s and the resulting cptsd from not even remotely accepting environments—to not be my Problems. Someone else’s Problem.
I just want to be human. I want to have fun and feel capable and not blunderingly or intentionally reminded that I’m not.
(Am I even worth being someone not pitied? Not judged? Will I ever be fun?)
#tiger’s roar#mental health bullshit#chronically ill#my wellness class is. such bullshit.#BUT. there is SOME new information that’s not this Yuppy Preachy Judgemental Fuckery#like how weight bearing is how you build up bone density to fight boneloss later in life#and…I CAN’T. my tendons will literally slide on and off my joints or grind in my joints#even something as simple as bending and looking up ‘too much’#risks throwing my neck out and triggering migraines#and making my cartilage lower ribs pop and float around#(like. I can literally feel it. just sitting or walking. I always have. I assumed it was Just A Runner’s Cramp Or Something. it’s not)#if I breathe too deeply for a doctor’s office my guts squelch. and make my ribs ‘fold’ around#…I just. I just feel like the glass doll my parents always insisted I was by not letting me do anything#(while also ignoring the first signs of hypermobility. like my tendons sliding off my knuckes. my feet clicking. hips & shoulders grinding)#and i hate this#and if this family who I desperately want to connect with. who’s son I’m pretty sure I’m infatuated with#ACTUALLY care about me. don’t see me as a Concern Project#…just be my friend. don’t demand I open up. please just. get to know me.#because right now all y’all know is that I sing and write and paint + clearly mentally and chronically ill.#and probably try far too hard to be helpful and encouraging#but what I really want is for people to be playful with me. co conspirators with projects#(spend time with me Away from a church building. talk to me more than a minute once a week.)
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revanchistsuperstar · 2 years
Oh lol I just realized something that I just never explicitly mentioned here after taking a hiatus from tumblr and then just coming back like nothing happened:
When I was running this blog back in the day and it was an SPN blog (yeah I know) that slowly shifted into a Star Wars blog, and I was vaguely popular cosplayer, I was pretty well known for the fact that identified as genderqueer and bisexual.
Yeah I went back on my adhd medication and actually was able to focus on the triggers for my dysphoria and what I was feeling for the first time in 10 years and realized I’m a gay man whoops
#concerta done transed my gender#but honestly seriously I came out to my Facebook friends yesterday but it’s something I’ve been feeling for a while now#there’s a whole essay I could write about how I came to this conclusion#that basically I was dating people who were attracted to women and who treated me like a woman sexually#and I get really bad dysphoria from being treated sexually as a woman when I’m presenting more masculine#so basically I’ve been cosplaying as a hot femme AFAB enby for the last 12 years#and not medically transitioning because I was subconsciously afraid of it making me unattractive as a femme#but I have finally come to the conclusion of fuck that I’m a man#who cares if going on t makes me less hot as a girl I’m not a girl I just do drag#starting HRT in December and I’m so excited#I do eventually want top surgery but I honestly don’t have much dysphoria around my chest so I’m fine with waiting till the fat redistributa#redistributes whoops#and I gain some muscle from working out and whatnot#my dysphoria is much more around my hips and my height#also yeah I do still vaguely identify with bisexuality I do sometimes find women hot#but yeah I’ve always been more into men and I’ve always been open about that#ya boy is 29 years old and I’m finally figuring this shit out#lol also love that for the longest time I’m was like ‘I can’t be a man! I’m so feminine!#……..like y’all it never crossed my mind I just might be a fucking faggot 🤣🤣🤣#but hi yeah I’m Jensen and I’m a fruit. he/they please!#concerta transed my gender#adding that tag for my blog sorting transition tracking purposes
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farmerlesbian · 1 year
just out of curiosity why don’t you use “men dni/dnf” in your bio? i highly doubt they’re interested in “about me” or byf links and you might have more success with a dni/dnf
that’s a good question and maybe i’ll do that. i didn’t want to surface it so high, like make such a big deal out of it and plus i don’t usually have much trouble with men following and stuff. i didn’t want to make it part of the bio but yeah it’s pretty short might as well put it in there.
it’s interesting how tumblr has changed in the time i’ve been using it. used to be the little bio was a short description and most people used an /about page. and spent time customizing their blogs (for desktop browser website viewing) but it seems a lot less common now to think of a blog as a website with links and navigation, and more as a social media profile in an app.
i guess since i have a lot more followers now it’d be a good idea to add it to the bio so it’s harder to miss. idk but men aren’t the only group i don’t want following.. i guess i’d rather emphasize who i am prioritizing than focusing on who i’m not wanting to interact. if i’m gonna put something front and center, i want to emphasize who this blog is for, instead of who it’s not for. also it's a lot easier to articulate.
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sunsoak · 8 months
I’m already experiencing the classic nonprofit conundrum of loving my job but HATING the bureaucratic, out-of-touch but thinks they’re so smart administration
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vampstel · 1 year
Hey ho, quick rant cause I keep seeing this discourse pop up on Twitter…
Self diagnosis is perfectly valid for a myriad of reasons. Many people (including myself) can’t get a professional diagnosis due to our income, where we live, our gender, our race, etc. I wish getting a diagnosis is simple but truth be told… it isn’t. This applies to physical illnesses too, not just neurodevelopmental or mental health disorders.
For example, I’m chronically ill. I’ve talked about that a lot on here. I am diagnosed with GERD and have suffered with it for 3-4 years. However, it took me a whole year to get myself properly diagnosed and medicated.
I went to multiple doctors and had several checkups. They all told me I was fine when I obviously wasn’t. I didn’t know what was wrong with me until I took it upon myself to research about multiple gastrointestinal diseases. I stumbled upon GERD and noticed I had all the symptoms. Then boom, when I mentioned that possibility to a doctor, they finally got me diagnosed and I got medication.
Self-diagnosis is one of the first steps to getting a proper diagnosis. Some of us can’t afford to do the next step, though. I personally believe that’s okay as long as you do extensive research on what you think you have.
Afterall, you know what you deal with. I know damn well I’m neurodivergent and I don’t want to waste thousands just to get someone to tell me what I already know. Plus, I’d risk getting my healthcare and privileges taken away.
Just know that not every self diagnoser is “trying to be quirky”. Majority aren’t like that. They just want to understand themselves better and realize what’s wrong with them. No one wants to be ill and no one wants to be apart of a minority that gets oppressed and misunderstood.
And don’t blame these people because “they make real diagnosed people look ridiculous”. We’ve always looked ridiculous to “normal” people regardless. A piece of paper isn’t going to stop that.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I have more to say but ehh this is long enough lol I’ll just ramble in tags
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When your brother who you thought was dead is not only alive but working with the enemy and won’t join the Shinsengumi even though you asked nicely like twice (and also he has a deeper voice than you).
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