#httyd 3 x reader
sivyera · 4 months
httyd masterlist
sivyera's masterlist
Dating Hiccup would include...
Jealousy with green eyes (hiccup haddock x reader)
I'm here, my love (hicuup haddock x reader)
Different ways to say i love you with HTTYD characters
Dragon Trust. (hiccup haddock x reader)
Forms of non-sexual intimacy with HTTYD characters
hiccup haddock | fluff alphabet
cute headcanon with Hiccup.
Being Gobber’s daughter and dating Hiccup would include…
Your and Hiccup’s wedding day HC’s
Types of love with HTTYD characters
Httyd characters reacting to you winning the dragon races
Httyd characters seeing you in their clothes
Httyd characters accidentally hurt you
Httyd characters falling in love with you
Sleeping with HTTYD characters
Celebrating Snoggletog with them
httyd characters reacting on you having a cannibalistic dragon
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unoislazy · 7 months
Hello ! Sorry for my bad English, it's not my first language I do my best
First of all, I love how you write <3
Second, my request would be Hiccup getting jealous and confessing to fem!reader by accident
That's all !
Thanks for writing so well, I send you a little kiss
Congrats you’re my first request!
I hope I could do your request justice, enjoy
Just Talk To Me!
Hiccup x Reader
Word Count: 2.8k words
Summary: You and Eret have gotten pretty close due to your constant fighting practice. Of course, a certain chief isn’t too happy about it but he has a bit of trouble trying to tell you why.
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“You’re getting better at this!” Eret praised, ducking under your fist as you swung at him. He continued to dodge your strikes as you smiled.
You both had begun sparring together a few months ago, after the whole Dragon War fiasco. You realized that without your dragon, you weren’t as strong or as agile as the other Vikings, so you asked Eret to help you train.
You swept your foot under him, finally taking him down and putting your foot on his chest, signifying that you had one the fight.
“Have I gotten better, or have you just gotten worse?” You asked teasingly, taking your foot off of him as he smiled up at you.
You held out your hand to help him up. He obliged, taking it as he stood up once again, wiping off his clothes from that dust that truly didn’t even seem to be there.
“You’ve certainly made improvements since day one. I can tell you that.” He said, stretching a bit. “You could definitely do well even without your dragon, if you’d ever need to.” He continued, looking back at both of your dragons who were simply chilling off to the side, as they often did when you two fought.
“Hopefully there never comes a time.” You said in a lighthearted tone, but you truly hoped there would never be a time where you’d have to fair without your dragon.
“I second that. It’s funny, I never thought I’d ever change my ways when it came to dragons. Yet here I am, looking after this beast.” Eret joked, patting Skull Crushers head lightly causing the dragon to groan and slightly shake its head in response.
“Well I’m glad you had it in you to change, who knows maybe I would’ve taken you down myself.” You gloated sarcastically, walking towards the pair as Eret smiled back at you, acknowledging your joke.
“Yeah you wouldn’t have made it even close.” He let out a chuckle as he watched your teasing smirk turn to a pout. You knew his teasing was all in good fun but realistically if it had come to it you would’ve taken him out if you needed to.
“Just cause I’ve gotten better doesn’t mean I wasn’t skilled to begin with.” You reminded.
“Fair. Now how about best two out of three?” Eret asked, getting into a fighting stance which you very quickly mimicked. Just as you both were about to start fighting you had heard a very familiar growl come from above. Your head shot up towards the noise and you spotted none other than Hiccup Haddock, the chief of Berk, flying above you.
“Guess not.” You joked, no longer standing in a ready position as you turned to face the aforementioned chief who had landed not too far away from the both of you. Hiccup hopped off of Toothless with ease, slipping his helmet off in the process, and walked over to the two of you with Toothless close behind.
“Morning you two.” Hiccup greated, earning a nod of acknowledgement from the both of you. “What are you guys doing all the way out here?” He asked but you noticed it wasn’t in the sense of his usual curiosity. There was an underlying tone that you could quite put your finger on so you figured you were just simply thinking too much into it.
You hadn’t really thought about it but you suppose you and Eret were more or less in the middle of nowhere in the woods. It was the most quiet place the two of you could find to practice in peace without going to the Arena.
“Eret and I have been sparring, I figured I should eventually learn how, considering most of my strength comes from them.” You said, gesturing to your dragon who was sleeping peacefully only to be startled awake by Toothless patting them on the head. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit, Toothless always reminded you of a cat in a way, you found it adorable.
“Alone?” Hiccup asked, which honestly surprised the both of you. You looked towards hiccup in confusion only to see the shock he had on his own face. Clearly he didn’t mean to let it slip out but it was too late to take it back now.
“Well no… our dragons are here with us?” You stated but you were so confused about the reasoning behind Hiccups question that you couldn’t seem to phrase it as anything other than a question. You all fell silent as Hiccup swayed his arms in an awkward fashion, something he only does when he’s trying to avoid talking about something.
Eret looked between the two of you, realizing he had no part in the conversation he simply cleared his throat.
“I’ll just leave you two be, I have some… things to take care of..” He excused himself, quickly hopping onto Skullcrusher and exiting the awkward situation as quickly as possible. Once Eret had flown away you quickly turned back to Hiccup who was clearly avoiding even looking in your general direction.
“Spill it.” You said bluntly causing Hiccup to finally make eye contact with you. His face held a confused look but you both knew what you were talking about.
“I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.” Hiccup said, again clearly avoiding the topic as he walked over to Toothless. “Have you seen the new addition I added to Toothless’s tail?” It was clear he was trying to think of anything to change the subject because obviously there was nothing different about Toothless’s tail and you both knew that.
You crossed your arms as you stared at the brunette before you, your face holding an expression that clearly said ‘seriously?’. He dropped Toothless’s tail with a sigh before getting up and walking towards you. Silence quickly swept over the two of you as you continued to wait for Hiccup to say something. You raised an eyebrow at him before he blurted out,
“Have you seen the new scale armor?”, giving one more quick shot to derail the conversation.
“Hiccup.” You said quite sternly. “Spill it.” You repeated, your arms still crossed over your chest as you watched the man nervously fidget. He may be the chief but he still held some of his nervous quirks. Sure he had the ability to look powerful and calm when his people needed their chief, but when he wasn’t the ‘Chief of Berk’ he was just Hiccup.
Just Hiccup.
And you’d be damned if you said you didn’t love him. Ever since you met hiccup you knew he always tried to meet everyone’s expectations only to have a long history of falling short. Hiccup as he was was always overlooked, everyone looked to him to be ‘the Chiefs son’ the ‘next chief of Berk’ and the one he really struggled with, was ‘Stoick’s son’. No one ever truly looked at him as just Hiccup.
Well everyone except you.
You liked him from the very beginning when he was just a scrawny boy obsessed with earning his fathers approval. Did you have the courage to say anything about the way you felt? No of course not, why would you? As much as you loved to see him as ‘Just Hiccup’ you couldn’t deny the fact that he was still pretty far out of your league, especially given his title of ‘The Dragon Master’. What title did you have? Nothing.
Well you had the title of being one of his closest friends so you stuck with that as being enough for you.
“I just don’t think you and Eret should be so far away while training.” He finally spoke up. It was clear he was still keeping something from you but at least he gave you something to work with.
“Why?” You asked, trying to nudge more out of him. He put his hands on his hips. As he began to pace slowly in a circle.
“I don’t know, I just think it would be safer if you-“ Hiccup began only for you to cut him off.
“Hiccup we have two dragons here, one of them being Skull Crusher. I’d say it’s pretty safe to say nothings going to attack us out here.” You argued, now mimicking his pose with your hands on your hips.
“Well still I just don’t like the idea of you guys being alone.” He said, looking up at you. You rolled your eyes in response,
“Hiccup I already said, we’re here with the dragons. We’re not alone.” You stated as if it wasn’t getting through his head. It hadn’t even occurred to you that he was trying to hint at a different concern and you were missing the point entirely.
Your response only caused Hiccup to groan as his hand shot up to his face. He dragged his hands down his face as he turned around, now facing Toothless who simply looked at his friend in utter confusion. The dragon looked from you, then to Hiccup, then back to you. You simply shook your head with a shrug of your shoulders before Toothless walked away, deeming him your problem.
“Hiccup I don't understand why this is such a big issue to you, we used to be in the woods alone all the time together. You didn’t seem to have a problem with it then.” You stated quite bluntly.
“That was different!” He shouted. His face had ever so slightly turned the faintest hint of red, but it was still enough for you to notice. He seemed almost exasperated as you continued to swim around the very vague point that he was failing to get at.
“How was it any different than what me and Eret are doing? If anything it’s safer now because we’re both adults. Granted we did have a Night Fury with us back then…” You began to mumble to yourself, accidentally going off topic. Hiccup sighed, walking up to you and grabbing you by your shoulders. He was stern but still managed to be gentle as he forced you to look at him.
“I can’t control what you do or who you spend your time with, but I just don’t like that you and Eret spend so much time together, so far outside of the village, alone…” Hiccup said, practically laying it all out for you.
“We’re not alone.”
Hiccup merely stared at you, eyes wide in shock as he tried to calculate your intelligence in that split second. He practically spelled it out for you and you still weren’t getting it.
What hadn’t occurred to him however, was that you had already caught on, you were just trying to get him to admit it himself. Granted, you had just caught on maybe seconds before, but you still thought it might be fun to mess with him a little. Besides, who were you to make the assumption that the Chief of Berk himself was jealous that you were spending time with another man. It could be considered a reach… Unless he just said it himself.
“Why don’t you want me to be alone with him so badly?” You asked, figuring you should try and at least break the loop that you two seemed to be stuck in.
“Because…” Hiccup began, trying to think of a way to phrase what he wanted to say. You waited patiently, just looking at him and occasionally switching your gaze over to the dragons who were chasing each other around.
“Because?” You repeated, waiting for his response. His green eyes staring back into yours. They looked almost as if they were trembling as they bounced between the features on your face.
“Why is it so hard to talk to you?” He shouted abruptly, quickly letting go of your shoulders and flung his arms into the air with an exasperated groan.
“If it was easier for you to tell me about the dragon you were keeping hidden from a village filled with bloodthirsty, war hungry Vikings, I’ m almost afraid of whatever this could possibly be.” You joked, trying to lighten his mood.
“It’s not the same thing.” He muttered in response as you laughed.
“How could anything you have to tell me be worse than that?” Hiccup sighed in response as he went back to pacing. Clearly it was his way of thinking about what to do next. It wasn’t a trait he often exhibited but you knew once he started pacing, whatever he was thinking about was pretty serious.
“It’s not about what I have to tell you, it’s about your response.” He finally said, you rolled your eyes lightheartedly. You’ve known this man for years, and in those years you’ve learned countless embarrassing facts about him that he had less of a problem about you knowing than ‘whatever he had to tell you’.
“What does my response have to do with anything? Hiccup, anything you have to tell me won't change anything.” You stated with a laugh as you tried to comfort him. You almost started to second guess what you thought he was going to tell you. If he was truly this worried about what he was going to say maybe it was actually a very serious matter?
“Ha, yeah you say that now.” He laughed sarcastically, quickly looking up at you before returning to his pacing.
“Hiccup, I'm serious.”
“So am I.”
If there’s one thing about Hiccup it was his stubbornness. Anyone would just shrug that off as a Viking thing but you knew if anything, it came from his father. As much as Hiccup would deny being able to compare to his father, he shared many similar traits with him. You knew it, his mother knew it, even Gobber knew it, but he frequently denied it.
“Why are you so concerned about me and Eret in the first place?” You decided to bring up the last topic, because if he wasn’t going to get to the point, you were.
“Because…” He muttered quietly in response as if he was holding something back.
“Because what hiccup? Seriously, I know you have an issue with communication sometimes but you can't just keep dancing around the issue here-“ You rambled a bit but before you could continue, Hiccup interrupted you.
“Because I have feelings for you!” He blurted out suddenly.
You both froze. He turned away from you as you simply stared at him. He finally said it, he actually really said it.
“Hiccup…” You muttered quietly.
He didn’t move. He didn’t want to move. The last thing he wanted right now was to turn around and have to face the potential of rejection.
“Hiccup.” You called out again, walking towards him and lightly placing your hand on his shoulder. He finally turned towards you slightly, but he still refused to face you all the way. “You’re serious?” You asked, to which he simply looked at you with confusion.
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“At least one of us finally admitted to it.” You joked. For some reason Hiccup had registered that you were making a joke, but not necessarily what you were joking about.
“Yeah okay, go on, laugh it out- wait.” Hiccup quickly turned back to you. You nodded with a smile, confirming his suspicion as he clearly thought he had misheard you.
“Wait but- for how long?” He asked excitedly, almost as if he didn’t believe you. “Oh this is great! I thought you were going to hate me for even saying anything about it, but you’re not! You feel the same-“ He cheered, slightly beginning to ramble as all of his previous anxiety seemed to just melt away.
You smiled as you watched him celebrate before quickly planting a quick kiss on his cheek.
The man froze before you, clearly not expecting even such a small act of affection. You never knew him to be entirely bold, you always saw him as a very awkward man, but you watched as the awkwardness practically jumped out a window for a split second or so as Hiccup grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer to him.
He was the last person you’d expect such a smooth act to come from, and honestly you didn’t mind it. His eyes drifted from yours to your lips in a matter of seconds as if he was silently asking for your approval, to which you nodded.
Before you knew it you were kissing the literal man of your dreams.
It was wonderful.
It was a very soft kiss, the perfect kind to be shared for the first time.
Once you pulled away you looked to hiccup before dramatically gasping.
“What? What is it?” Hiccup asked, panicking that he had done something wrong.
“Does that mean… you were jealous of Eret?” You asked with a joking smile.
“Oh come on- really?” Hiccup said, jokingly pushing you away with a laugh.
Safe to say you never let him live this moment down, and much to his dismay you had excitedly told your friends about it not too long after.
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luvendiary · 10 months
3 times hiccup asked you to marry him + the time you realized he meant it
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hello! this was an early draft for this request: Hello!!! Imagine hiccup telling reader "I'm in love with you" / "Marry me" out of blue after a stare down (can be established relationship or not muahahaha) I like how this turned out, except for the ending. it's sort of shitty in my opinion. also, this isn't proofread. and sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language. feel free to point them out. also, there’s a slight corpse bride reference with the vows!! as always, thank you for reading. let me know what you think and if you'd like more of this. requests are always open!
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Snoggletog was one of your favorite festivities. The beautiful coat of snow that hugged the soil, and the way the sunlight softly reflected on it was perfect to you. You loved to see how vikings busied themselves by hanging up ornaments and mistletoe on the doors. You loved hearing the out-of-tune carols that echoed across Berk. And you loved the late cold nights as you and the dragon riders sat around a warm fire and talked about the day’s happenings.
One thing you did not love though, was the Snoggletog play, specially because it had been assigned to you all this year. It was the dragon riders’ responsibility to plan, organize and act it out the day of Snoggletog.
“What about the start of dragon races?” Snoutlout suggested.
“They did that two years ago,” Astrid replied as she sharpened her axe.
“We could do Loki-”
“We’re not doing Loki day Tuffnut,” Hiccup interrupted him.
A moment of silence passed amongst all of you.
“What if, we make a reenactment of Odin and Freya’s marriage? How they stopped the Aesir and Vanir war,” you said while nibbling on your thumb.
“That could work,” Fishlegs said.
“I like it, we could even get the dragons in on this,” Astrid suggested.
“Of course, brilliant idea (Y/N),” Snotlout said as he stood up with a cocky attitude. “Specially because I would make the perfect Odin.” He flexed his muscles and stroke a victorious pose.
You chuckled and pushed him away, “Sit down Snotlout. I was actually thinking that Astrid and Fishlegs could be Freya and Odin.”
“Oh no,” Astrid said immediately. “I’m not good at performing. Plus, you gave the idea, you should be Freya.”
“Alright,” you said. “If no one else is up for it, I’ll be Freya. Fishlegs, are you ok with being Odin?”
“Ye-” his reply was interrupted by Astrid elbowing him. “I mean, I wish I could but…I-I don’t like performing.”
“What but you love perfor-?”
“Hiccup! Why aren’t you Odin?!” Astrid chimed in as she placed her arm around your shoulder while the other went around the brunette-boy’s shoulders.
“Uh…I-I guess,” Hiccup said.
Astrid grinned while looking at you, “Great! It’s settled then!”
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“Why would you do that?!” you shrieked as you pressed the palm of your hands to your eyes.
Astrid, who sat next to you overlooking Berk from a nearby cliff, shrugged, “Oh I don’t know. Maybe because I’m tired of you two beating around the bush. Why don’t you kiss already? It’s obvious you want to.”
“Shut up Astrid,” you said while sitting up. You rubbed your hands together to provide some heat to your body. “I’m not even sure if he likes me.”
“You’re as blind as Gothi is mute,” she replied.
“How can you be so sure? Has he said anything about me?”
“You’re hopeless Y/N.”
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The days went by, and Snoggletog drew closer and closer. Right after training, you went to rehearsals, and while most of it went by in fits of laughter and jokes, you all managed to build a production. You often tended to practice with Hiccup, since you had the most line together, and it gave you an excuse to spend more time with him. During this period, you had managed to gain some small victories in the love department, holding his hand, dancing with him, and hearing him laugh while you acted out some of your scenes being some. However, there was something you both had been avoiding: the marriage kiss. It made your heart flutter and your stomach swarm with butterflies every time you though about the possibility of kissing him; on the other hand, it also felt like Gronkle iron swishing around your intestines. What if he didn’t want to kiss you? What if he just did it out of pity?
Your mind was plagued with questions up until the big day.
“Good luck,” Astrid said while she gave you a knowing look. She was looking forward to the kiss, and if what she had told you was true, all of the dragon riders were too.
The play started out good, Snotlout and Tuffnut played the Aesir family, while Ruffnut and Fishlegs played the Vanir.
The scene changed and the Aesir were complaining with Hiccup about how Freya’s magic and her help towards the Vanir was the reason for their shortcomings.
I was then your time to appear. After several attempts from the Aesir to try to kill Freya, you and Odin came to an agreement: you were to marry each other.
“Marry me,” said Hiccup. And as you looked into his eyes your breath hitched. He had a smile plastered on his face, and his eyes gleamed.
“I will marry you,” you replied as you offered him your hand and he put the ring on your nuptial finger.
The scene was supposed to end there, you were about to take a step backwards so that the actual marriage scene could take place, however you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, and before you knew it you were being kissed. You were being kissed by Hiccup Haddock.
Your shock was palpable, however you dissolved into the kiss once the initial incredulity had passed. Once Hiccup felt the kiss was reciprocal, he wrapped his arms around your waist and drew you closer.
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2 .
Dragon racing was a hefty sport. Ever since it was created, it became a fan favorite amongst Berkians. Once every full moon, a match was held that was sure to be the talk of the town for at least a week. On summer and winter solstice, you held the dragon riding tournament, that usually lasted for about a week; except for that one time when the black sheep had wondered deep into the woods, and you weren’t able to find it for two days.
Point of the matter is, dragon racing was a serious issue for vikings. And that’s why victories where celebrated so grandly. You never particularly cared for the celebrations, however wining was important to you; your usually carefree nature was irrecognizable when it came to the sport as you became a furiously competitive rider. This change, spared no one. Not even your boyfriend.
“Incoming!” you called out before snatching the black sheep from Hiccup’s arms, as you held on with your legs to (Y/D)’s saddle while she flew in an upside down position.
“Hey!” he shouted in response with a light chuckle.
“I wish I could say I’m sorry, but I’m not!” you replied with a shit-eating grin directed his way. With the black sheep secure in your arms, you flew away, not a hint of remorse visible on your face.
You returned to your upright position and quickly flew up to your basket and threw in the black sheep. As soon as you do so, you hear the crowds cheers and applause mixed with the blow of the horn, signaling that the match has ended.
Astrid joined you on the platform, followed by Ruff, as they cheered you on and celebrated your team victory.
Hiccup watched you, still mounted on Toothless with a lovesick smile present in his features, “I’m going to marry her,” he said as he took in your beautiful smile.
“I don’t think you’re her type,” said a voice next to him. Tuffnutt flew next to him with a pissed expression -probably because of their defeat- “but go for it. I’m sure my sister would be flattered.”
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3 .
“Do you think there are other people out there?” you asked as you stared blankly at the stars. “I mean, besides us dragon riders and dragon hunters. Do you think that maybe there’s another civilization that has been familiar with dragons long before us?”
You heard Hiccup chuckle, “Possibly, maybe they even know of species we have yet to discover.”
“I wonder if they maybe think the same of us. Maybe we’re some strange advanced civilization to them”, you said with a light giggle as your thoughts went wild with the idea of the unknown. “Or maybe, we’re cavemen in comparison to their civilization. Maybe…they know about our existence, and they have just decided to leave us alone because we’re not worth their time.”
“That’s a bit depressing isn’t it?” Hiccup asked, humored by your rambling.
“I don’t think so. I think it’s exciting…” you said slightly breathless as you stared at the vast abyss of twinkling lights that spread above you and beyond. “Just imagine everything we’ve yet to discover.”
You faintly heard the huffs and growls of your dragons, who were entertained by Hiccup’s prosthetic leg as they fought each other for it.
Hiccup allowed himself to steal a glance at you for a fraction of a second. He thought that the view in front of you was beautiful, but to him, the real wonder was sitting right next to him. You looked breathtaking with the starry abyss reflected in your eyes. Yet, you were so unaware of it.
“Marry me.”
He didn’t mean to actually say it. But he just couldn’t control himself when he was with you.
Your trance was broken and you stared at him wide eyed, in disbelief at what he had just said. However as soon as you saw his expression mirroring yours, you burst out laughing. You couldn’t say truthfully that you had never though about marriage, especially with Hiccup.
Hiccup’s startled expression morphed into confusion.”W-What? Why are you laughing?”
“Are you sure you want to marry me?” you asked in between giggles. “You don’t seem very sure.”
“What? Y-Yes! Of course I’m sure! Why wouldn’t I want to marry you?” his eyebrows furrowed in the way you loved. The way that told you you had successfully managed to get in his head. He had turned his body so that it was now mirroring yours, and his shoulders were raising up and down as they usually did when he was trying to explain something or defend a point.
“Fine then. I’ll marry you.”
His rambling stopped immediately. “What? Y-You will?”
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “Sure. Why not?”
You stood up then as you walked around the small island you had stumbled upon earlier that day. Leaving a very flustered and confused Hiccup behind.
“Wait! Where are you going?” he called after you as he struggled to get up. He rambled on as he chased you, asking about arrangements and other things.
“Aha!” you said victoriously as you crouched down over a patch of grass with some wildflowers sprouting out.
Hiccup peered over your shoulder, trying to see what you were doing.
Eventually you stood up and extended your hand towards him. He stared at you blankly for a moment, and muttered to himself, tryin to understand your actions. Still, an amused smile was present on his face.
“Well?” you said after a bit. “Give me your hand.”
He did as you instructed, and then you took out your other hand from behind, which gently held a blade of grass along with some small wildflowers intertwined with each other, forming a ring.
“I know it’s not the best craftsmanship, but I figured we couldn’t get married without rings,” you explained with a soft giggle.
Hiccup grinned down at you, and laughed incredulously. He wondered how he ever got you to agree to be his. “I’m afraid to tell you dearest, but I don’t have a ring for you.”
You sighed mockingly and rolled your eyes. “I know that. I assumed you would be too in your head about your future duty as chief and the dragons to think about me.”
“Hey!” he protested immediately. “I’m always thinking about you-”
“But worry not!” you said as you giggled playfully. “Since I know you well enough to be married, I know you well enough to be prepared for our wedding.” You reached into one of your pockets and puled out and identical ring, which he gently grabbed.
He stared down at you, with a skeptical expression.
“Well, go on with it. Do you want to marry me or not?” you asked as you tilted your head slightly to the side.
Hiccup sighed and then locked his eyes with yours. “I, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, the Third, make this oath. With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine."
Once the traditional vows were finished he gently took your hand and slid the delicate ring onto your nuptial finger.
You watched with a smile as he carefully placed it, and once he was done, you repeated the vows and slid his ring onto his own finger.
With your ceremony done, your lips met in a gentle and warm dance. You felt as his hands slid down your back and rested on your hips, holding your body closer to his.
“This is the second time we’ve been married now,” he whispered as he broke apart form the kiss,
“How scandalous,” you whispered back with a soft laugh, as you remembered the Snoggletog performance and how it ended up with your first kiss.
“Maybe the next time we get to do it, you’ll actually be wearing white.”
You stared up at him with a raised eyebrow. “Is that so? Does that mean you’d like to bed me next time?” you teased.
“I’d love to bed you now,” he said with a slight chuckle. “But I’m aware you’d rather follow the traditional path.”
You laughed and patted his chest. “Well, you’ll better get me that white dress quickly then.”
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Hiccup had been acting weird all day. Evading you and whenever you managed to track him down he responded any question you had in a dismissive manner. You had figured you should let him alone for a while, at least until he was ready to talk about whatever was bothering him.
He did tend to get too into his own head whenever he was worried, and it took you telling him about it for him to realize he could share his burden with you. But this time it was different.
When you had asked what was bothering him he dismissed you as soon as he could and continued what he was doing.
It had hurt you. It made you think if you had done anything wrong, but you couldn’t think of anything. It was scary thinking about what this could mean for the both of you.
“And you’re sure he hasn’t ever acted like this before?” Astrid asked as she tried to make sense of the situation with you.
You where both sat in the Great Hall, as the rest of the vikings ate their dinner. You however, couldn’t seem to make anything go down past your throat, as worry consumed you.
“Yes Astrid, I am sure,” you replied rather harshly. “I don’t even know where the hell he is right now. For all I know he’s probably off in another girl’s house. Maybe he got tired of waiting for me. Maybe he realized he doesn’t want this sort of commitment…”
You knew that this was irrational thinking. Hiccup had never given you signs that he didn’t want to be with you anymore, on the contrary, he was always very reassuring on how much he liked being with you. Up until now you had never had any reason to doubt your relationship; but up until now, Hiccup had never behaved like this either.
“Don’t say that! That boy is crazy for you. He has been since we where thirteen.”
You sighed and buried your hands in your hair. “Then why is he acting like this?!”
“I think you should ask him yourself,” Astrid said as she placed a comforting hand on her friend’s back.
“I’ve already tried that…” you groaned out. Your voice muffled by your arms, on which you were resting your head.
“Give it one more try. Maybe he’ll snap out of it.”
Reluctantly, you agreed and made your way up to the watch tower. It was Hiccup’s turn to keep watch tonight, so you knew he wouldn’t be able to escape this time.
You felt the heat of the fire before you saw it, and you knew he was there.
“You need to cut the crap Haddock,” you started as you saw the faint outline of his shadow as you were nearing the end of the stairs. “If I did something wrong, just tell me right now because I can’t keep doing this. We’re not teenagers anymo-”
Your throat closed up as soon as you saw him. A gasp escaped your mouth and your hands flew to your face.
In front of you, Hiccup was down on one knee and a small wooden box sat comfortably on the palm of his hand.
“You bastard,” you whispered just to yourself.
He chuckled at that and smiled as he saw your reaction. He then opened the box to reveal a small silver ring in the shape of some intricate patterns.
“My dearest Y/N…” he started, but the lump in his throat wouldn’t let him go any further.
“Oh Hiccup…” you breathed out as you approached him slowly.
“Please marry me,” he said finally.
You crouched in front of him with tears in your eyes and held his face in your hands.
“Of course I will marry you,” you replied as a teary laugh escaped your throat.
To him, it was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard.
He laughed then, as he slid the ring in, and looked up at you. He cupped your cheeks with the palm of his hand and pulled you closer until your lips met. He tasted tears and relief in that kiss.
You eventually separated and you hit his chest lightly.
“Don’t ever do that to me again you bastard!” you said as the tears flowed, and you whipped them off as nervous laughter escaped your lips.
“I swear this is the last time love,” he chuckled as he crouched his head slightly to help you whipe your tears.
“Not that! Don’t ever avoid me like that again Hiccup! I was starting to think that maybe you didn’t want me anymore…”
Hiccup grabbed your chin gently and made you look up at him. “Theres no one else I’d rather want.”
You laughed nervously once again and offered him a teary smile.
“I’m sorry I scarred you love. I just…I was so nervous.”
“It’s ok…” you reassured him. “I understand.”
He smiled down at you and whipped another tear. You didn’t mean to keep doing it, but you had been so worried all day long that it was finally coming out. You didn’t want to ruin your moment like this. It was supposed to be a moment for celebration and happiness. You tried to make it stop.
“You can cry. I will lift your sorrows,” Hiccup said with a soft laugh as he whipped another tear.
You smiled then, tears still flowing out. But you knew it would be alright. He would make you feel alright. He always did.
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 9 months
Always an Angel, Never the God Pt 5
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Runaway!Reader
Words: 4637
In the real world, you get one chance and that’s it. Maybe, the real world is wrong. Or maybe Hiccup should stop being so annoying.
Tags: Runaway Reader, Angst, bitter reader, suggestive, requited love, healing, conflicting emotions, httyd3
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It was over.
As he flew away on Toothless, becoming nothing but a pinprick in your periphery before finally disappearing up the cavern entrance, you fell back down onto your knees. 
You weren’t sure what to do anymore. The most important decision of your life was made with his ghost nipping at your heels. Truly, he haunted you. Whether he was with you or not, he always haunted you.
But the dragons here, untouched by the outside world, were kind. And curious. Once the threat was gone and the commotion was over, many came over to examine the newcomers, sniffing and prodding at you and your things.
They were welcoming enough. So you set up shop.
Hiccup laid flat against his bed, staring at the ceiling of his childhood home. He felt torn in every single direction all at once.
He’d left when his people needed him. When his father had needed him. Drago had attacked while he’d been gone, and all that was left of the sanctuary now was rubble. Then he’d gone after Berk. Hiccup had only just gotten there in time.
His father was fine, his mother… alive. After twenty years. Everyone was accounted for, but what if they hadn’t been? If he’d been there, maybe there would have been less damage, less people hurt.
But he wouldn’t have found you if he’d stayed. Finally, after all this time. He'd realized how long it truly had been since you left, lost to him even before you’d actually run off on your… the, nadder.
The floorboards creaked as someone made their way up the stairs to the loft, the front door swinging shut behind him. Hiccup didn’t move, just glancing to the side to see who it was that came to get him this time.
“Astrid,” He sighed. The two of them were distant and had been for a long while, despite the fact that they were supposed to be in a relationship. He’d been off a lot for that whole long while, which she hadn’t much minded as she’d found herself more interested in other things. And… he’d found his heart had a new owner.
“It’s been a month, Hiccup,” She rolled her head back, exhausted, as if reciting a tired script that she’d been reading off for ages, one that no one wanted to listen to anymore,  “Everyone is fine. You don’t have to hole up so often. I don’t know why you did it, but no one is mad you left, you know. You couldn’t have known.”
“Yeah…” Hiccup sighed, “Yeah, I know.”
“You need to get out,” She looked around his room, which was very much a mess of parts and papers, and ran her hand down a large map, laid flat over the only remotely clear space he had, his desk, “if you don’t next thing you know, a month’ll be four.”
“Why are you so obsessed with this place? … Does it have anything to do with the time you spent missing?” Astrid questioned. Hiccup propped himself up, turning over alarmed as he heard the sound of skin on paper. It had been freshly inked.
“No,” He’d guessed at where the two of you had ended up. He was sure that he’d be able to find it again, given the chance. He would. After he worked up the courage.
After all, you’d… You didn’t want to be found.
“Hey, wait, that’s-” He scrambled onto his one leg, kicking aside his prosthetic and jamming his toe in the process.
 “Ah, ow, ow, don’t touch that, please,” Astrid rolled her eyes and tossed the cylinder to his bed and he picked it up, examining it thoroughly as she sauntered off.
You weren’t sure why, but he kept coming back
“Hi,” He said awkwardly, shifting from foot to peg nervously. This was the first time he’d caught you. The first time he’d spotted you was the last but you’d made off that time before he could see you.
“Why are you here?” You stared at him, blank faced. Why didn’t you leave, curse it.
Your dragon waved its tail playful from the side, waiting for Hiccup to go. The other ones wouldn’t come out while he was here.  It felt good in a vindictive sort of way, because dragons had always been this thing, except this time you were the one with the secret dragon knowledge. And the upper hand. Sort of. They didn’t hide from you.
“I like… “ He flushed, “I like hearing you talk?”
“Sure,” You suggested, turning and starting off again, basket under arm and over rock as you began unsteadily making your way back up to home cave. You liked it there because you didn’t have to leave much for anything.
“Wait, wait, wait wait,” Hiccup stuttered. As you had your arms over a particularly steep ledge, your legs waved nonsensically and scrambled against the side as you searched for a foot grip, “Just, uh, let me-”
“Come back tomorrow,” You grunted after you managed to finally get one leg up the side. You’d probably figure out what to say by then.
You felt better here, like maybe you weren’t meant for people. Not for dragons either, not really.  The dragons here didn’t need defending or anything, it’s not like there was anyone down here to defend against besides other dragons. The most you’d had to go out for was food, and even that was made or stolen easily enough.
Being here gave you enough time to make you think that maybe you were meant just for yourself. 
You sat by the spray by the falls, enjoying the mist as it sprayed onto your face and the echoing sounds of the water hitting gray stone. 
“Toothless, come on- Just please, I know you don’t want- but-” Your eyes shot open, the distant voice of Hiccup bounced around the empty cavern, your moment ruined.
You looked around for the pair, trying to figure out which direction you should be running before. Suddenly, it felt like you’d been drenched by a whole lot more than a mist as Toothless landed messily behind you.
“What are you doing here?” You were careful to keep your balance as you shuffled further inland, looking a lot like a drenched cat as you came face-to-face with an also sopping wet Hiccup
You would never be rid of him.
“You said to come back tomorrow?” He asked, twisting his fingers and very purposefully refusing to look you in the eye.
Of course, you hadn’t figured out what to say.
You blew a raspberry as you adjusted the stolen, waterlogged basket which you had, again, under your arm. You needed more than two pairs of clothes.
“...Come back later,” You grumbled, “Later than tomorrow.”
You’d been free for a week. You’d been hoping for maybe two, to be frank.
“Please, I just-” Hiccup huffed, traveling by foot while you rode your dragon. Toothless followed behind, grumbling and gurgling at Hiccup judgmentally. Clearly whatever good will you’d built up with him before you ran left had been more than lost.
“I’m not interested in whatever you’re selling,” You stare straight ahead, over the encroaching cliff, ducking round and under ledges as your dragon trotted onwards.
“I want to get to know you, again.”
Eventually, the cave dragons had warmed up to Hiccup and he was able to work his magic on them. Now they watched through stalagmites and stalactites with impassive eyes as he made chase.
“Uh huh,” You scoffed as you reached the edge of the ledge. You turned around and stuck out your tongue as your dragon took a violent leap into the open air. As the wind whistled around you, you pinwheeled your arms in an effort to try and keep balance.
“Come on, Toothless, bud,” Hiccup complained from way behind. You saw Toothless very decidedly sit down, refusing to move even as Hiccup tried to push him towards the cliff with his whole upper body, “Let’s go.”
“So,” Hiccup started, “You haven’t gone any deeper.”
The both of you stared out into the vast, glowing sea of  towers and gigantic glowing mushrooms extending out of their jagged rock faces. In the distance you could spot gigantic crystals, protruding from the ground the same way the sanctuary did. 
Seas of dragons crowed and chirped, bright patterns shifting and growing under hard muscle. It was very dizzying, if you were going to be honest.
“No,” You replied, “No, I haven’t. Not this far, but now I… I might.”
You hadn’t traveled too far into the cavern, deciding not to push your luck with the locals. You always figured there was some sort of nest farther in. Turns out there was, and a whole lot more locals than you expected, and a lot more to this small world besides the cold, empty cavern. At least you didn’t have to worry about flooding anymore. Or sea salt in your hair.
You swore to yourself that you were going to move further in, caught off guard and most definitely embarrassed at the fact that so much open space had been hiding right under your nose. 
Free for three days.
“There has to be more. There’s no way- It doesn’t make sense how all these different kinds of dragons can live in the same environment. There’s- there’s so much here that-Gods, I have to map it,” Hiccup rambled, smiling gawkily.
He’d been here for a week.
You felt a pressure to supervise him as he ran rampant in your new home, unsure of when he’d become such a cartographer. Your dragons had gone missing a while ago, leaving you two to be babysat by the hands of the general public.
You watched as he painstakingly mapped each pillar, occasionally chiming in with your own advice, looking the same way he did the day he discovered honey when you were kids. It was almost pleasant.
The two of you had fallen off the edge of a pillar after being knocked down during a spat between two touchy Crimson Goregutters, which no Hiccup magic or dragon secret could stop. After an event with a vine, dangling over certain death and panic, you two had managed to swing your way onto a large glowing mushroom. 
The downside to that was that now, you were stuck, owed to the fact that apparently, what made some of these mushrooms glow was very viscous and… sticky. 
Hiccup’s arms were glued to the space on both sides of your head, and your hands were gripping his arms which were visibly shivering, because you two had been stuck like this for a while. You’d been tugged, prodded at and licked by various different dragons. Nothing helped and you were starting to think that maybe this was how you were going to die. 
Well, you knew you weren't going to go to Valhalla. It was kind of really hard to die in battle if you spent most of your time avoiding people. But this just sucked.
“What's up with your pathological need to map everything?” You asked belligerently. To be honest, it didn’t really bother you. Hiccup’s rambling had never bothered you, because you were prone to rambling in the same exact way. Currently though you were hard pressed to find anyone else to hear it. 
“I thought your thing was the forge? You spent half of my childhood there.”
“Well, yeah, I…” He rested his forehead against yours, eyes shut as his neck finally gave out, you weren’t too pleased as you felt his sweat drip onto your face, squirming rebelliously.
 “Wasn’t sure if you’d want to hear it. I-I could talk about that instead?” No talking at all would be great.
 “Yeah,” You gave in, closing your eyes and going limp against the slimy fungi, “That would be better.”
Lips pursed, then grimaced as he’d opened his mouth to speak. Nothing came out, though. He just stared above your head, unmoving. You tried to see what he was looking at, but only got an eyeful of his scruff.
Next thing you know, you’re being smothered by a plushy pink tongue, then just licked and nosed a little bit. The spit of this dragon doing something odd to dissolve the slime trapping the two of you, fizzing as it touched shiny goo. When you finally had the facilities to move, you flipped your head back and your eyes widened slightly.
It looked like the two of you had just found Toothless a girlfriend.
Three months, two days and five visits- no, seven. Nine? Eleven? Seventeen?
“I don’t actually have a problem… with the mapping. Talking about it.”
You two were nestled between a rock and another rock, though this time whether it was a result of purpose or chance remained uncertain. You couldn’t remember. You were after something… There was barely any space between the two of you. You had been talking.
There was barely any green to Hiccup’s eyes, most of his iris consumed by large pupils as he mouthed around works that looked suspiciously like, “Can I…?”
Instead, he leaned forwards and your foreheads touched, the same way they did when you were trapped before. His eyes were clenched shut as he uttered, “I love you.”
 You had a hard time believing that.
You turned your head to the side. 
“I wonder how Astrid feels about her boyfriend flying off and doing who knows what.”
Some of the wild dragons lay in front of you, licking at the dying fire by your feet. A terror lay in the middle of it. You’d lined it with stones which were now giving off a pleasant warmth.
“I doubt she’d mind. We’re not really… together anymore. I don’t think so. I wouldn’t… I wouldn’t want to be.”
“Right,” You raised an eyebrow at him skeptically. 
“Not since a little while after you left, actually.”
You found that hard to believe too, as you shook the burnt slice of fish off your knife onto your burnt slice of bread. You weren’t much better than Valka at cooking, but you were getting better. It was something about that sanctuary, or maybe something about that woman that just made you worse at cooking.
Hiccup wrinkled his nose over on the other side of your log as he shook his head at you.
It was a petty, but bitter sort of revenge. 
Your first kiss had been lost to a fair bloke- his words, not yours- in the middle-of-nowhere inn. It had been a long time since you’d been out, but you were sure you’d easily be able to find somewhere similar to lose some other things. Hiccup had your heart but you’d never give him the opportunity to take any of your firsts.
Two months.
You were angry at him for playing with your heart again.
“There was a crisis-Berk…” His voice cracked.
 You looked disinterestedly out over uncanny black waters. “Yeah, It’s fine.”
Seven days, seven visits. He might have been camping aboveground.
The two of you were between two large red fungi, settled on a mossy rock overlooking a new, larger, unmapped maze of rock pillars and black water rushing below. Dragons, glowing and colorful, mingled together off in the distance. Toothless was probably one, gone off to frolic with his new lady love.
“You never wanted me. As a friend, as a- …battle buddy, or as anything else. You would never have chosen me for anything. And I just… I didn’t want to be just what you settled for,” You mumbled into your knees, “You spent so long searching for better, and then you found it, and it just really hurt to realize that I wasn’t a part of that.” 
You spilt your heart out as you faced the cliffside. Hiccup was facing you. You didn’t care what he heard. None of this was real anyways.
“I’m sorry,��� Hiccup repeated, clenching his eyes shut as he buried his nose into your shoulder, barely there though he had to crane his head forwards, due to the uncomfortable angle. 
What he had with Astrid these past few years, that was real. That was history. This thing between the two of you was just a mess of pain and turmoil and a little bit of childhood fantasy. An old infatuation rearing its head as you got everything nasty out of your system.
“It hurt to think that-That… the one person- Like everyone else did, you didn’t think I was good enough either.”
“I’m sorry.” You felt his arms come around your sides awkwardly before he squeezed.
“Me too. I…”
He’d remember that he didn’t want-need- you again soon enough.
“I haven’t told anyone. About you, or this place.”
“You haven’t?” You’d actually expected otherwise. It was nice to know you weren’t at risk of getting dropped in on.
Two months, thirty two visits.
You might be coming around to him.
“You’ve already-?” He asked, a little startled. You still felt a little silly about it but after you’d done it, you figured it wasn’t that big of a deal. It wasn’t like you’d planned to marry or anything anyways, so his reaction was kind of funny.
“Yeah, I was pretty mad. So I went out, and… you know. It was a while ago, though.” 
He looked a little disheartened at the idea, but he just scoffed, waving his hand off in your direction.
“What? You and Astrid kissed, yeah, but you haven’t done- anything? Not even before you ‘totally broke up,’” You didn’t have to specify what they hadn’t done, the innuendo was already pretty obvious.
“Nah.” Hiccup said, hair wiped out of his face, matched squares of parchment. Map pieces were strewn out in front of him as he made himself busy trying to create a complete chart of the underground, matching up the landscape he saw with the islands above it.
 Unfortunately, the caverns seemed to stretch on forever and the islands only covered so much.
Three months, one day, thirty two hours. 
You straddled him, crinkling some of the many, many blueprints scattered across the moss surface. You wiggled one out from under him, looking down as he looked up. It felt good, being the one in charge for once.
You leaned down, pressing your noses together. Just before, you’d been going over his things. His blueprints. Swapping ideas. Sharing minds. Like you used to, every single day. Like you’d been doing, almost every single day.
“Do you love me?” You asked.
Every day you’d been together. Your knees touched, shoulders pressed close together.
You had to know. And if he did… He had to mean it. 
You played games, shared stories. You’d grappled and curled, not the way vikings could, but the way two hiccups did, a long, long time ago. 
If he didn’t, well… You had all the time in the world to leave, to start again. But you didn’t think you could. You could go weeks without seeing him, and then sometimes it would be every other day. 
This was it.
“I do love you,” He choked out, wheezing as you adjusted, your weight pressing against his chest. He glanced back at you, crumbling a little bit. 
He spent a lot of time here, now. A lot more than before. With the time spent traveling in between, as he said it, it was a wonder he got anything done there at all. Most of his time was spent above mapping the islands or down here with you.
You read what his body language told you; he was insecure. 
“... Do you love me?”
“I do.” Hesitantly, you nodded, “I do.” Was that even a question?
You trusted him. You didn’t trust him. You had no way to know if he stabbed you in the back again. Went back to Astrid. You didn’t really have a way to know if that’s what he did, every time he left. 
You loved him, didn’t you?
He didn’t know that? Maybe not always and not all at once, since you left. You hadn’t done a very good job of making him know it. You hadn’t a lot of reason to. 
Did you love him now?
You marveled at how easy it was to be around him, with him. It wasn’t the same as it was before, but it was still good. It could almost be better. You, against everything, wanted it. You wanted it so bad.
“I’d leave it all behind, for you,” Hiccup said.
You would make him know it.
“You would?” You asked, “Would you?”
You laid your heart bare to him, stitched and spiked. And you, as he said it, implied it, maybe you held his. 
“Do you want me to?” He asked. He tugged lightly on one of the draws to your tunic, faking interest in it as he worried the inside of his cheek. You didn’t want his home, or his family. 
“I don’t want anything,” You scoffed dismissively. You wanted his honesty. You wanted to know that he was yours. Yours truly. That was it.
Prove it. You urged him on, Prove it to me. 
He smiled that goofy, awkward smile, half teeth and all closed at the edges. You could tell he was trying hard not to falter. You hadn’t seen that smile in such a long time.
Know me, You asked.
“So… Do you? Do you love me?” He asked again, offering his hand up to your face. His fingers were scabbed, and dirty and you leaned into his palm, pushing it down as he tangled his fingers clumsily into the roots of your hair. You pressed your lips together, again, again and over again until neither of you could breathe. 
Have me, You pleaded.
“I do,” You gasped into his mouth, “I really, really do.” You offered no resistance. Not this time.
Love me. 
There was no coming back.
(Deep in your mind, you wondered if maybe, possibly, he already did.)
Twelve months. Twelve months since he’d found you.
Hiccup stood at the edge of Berk, armor packed away in favor of a lighter tunic. He often wondered what it would have been like, if he’d really run away with you like he’d intended.
If things would have ended up the same. 
Would he have seen you in time? In time for what he had now? For this? 
No. no, probably not. 
His father would notice. His mother might.
His father was fine. And now he had his mother. They were old, but they were tough. They could have a new kid. Or maybe they’d convince Snotlout or Astrid to take the mantle. 
They’d-everyone-would be fine without him.Who was he kidding? He’d spent so long working so hard and they didn’t need him at all. And if he was honest, He didn’t need them. 
He didn’t really care. Not anymore. He let go.
Life would go on just fine without him, just as it did before him and just as it would long after his name was lost to time. His distance only proved it. He spent so long away he’d been practically excommunicated again.
After a little bit of irritation, his travels became just another one of his quirks. 
‘Oh, look, there’s Hiccup. Oh, well, he’s off again.’ He was barely missed. And rightly so. It was by his own doing, really. That was fine by him. In fact, It worked in his favor.
It was borderline hysterical how, the moment they found more furies, and his new paramour, Toothless went from devil’s advocate to his most eager accomplice. 
The Sand Wraiths were especially cool… It cost him a lot less fish to get there now. To you.
Sometimes he had to wonder why he’d been so attached to Berk. Working for things that ultimately, he didn’t care about. Everything that kept him here, he also had with you. When he was here, all he wanted was to go back out.
A pebble-sized ball of guilt coil in his stomach. It used to be worse. But, he’d talked to you about it. The engagement.
The engagement with Astrid. The one that was basically moot at this point, anyways. She might even slap him if he brought it up, to expect anything after he’d left her for so long. Truly, officially. all he’d had to do was end it. He left a letter nearby her family home; they would find it if they bothered to search for him.
A scummy trick, yes. Was he a coward for doing it? Maybe. But he was a smart coward. He wasn’t lying when he’d told you that no one knew.
Hiccup exhaled, bouncing up and down on his heel and peg, as if to psych himself up. To dispel all of his nervous, excited energy.
It was a clear day, no risk of a storm. He strapped his saddle pack to Toothless. It was only slightly larger than usual, so as not to arouse suspicion, of course, but it held all of his essentials. Leatherworking tools, metalworking tools, more tools, his armor, spare armor, spare foot, spare charcoal. The small plush his mother had made for him as a child. His viking helmet, for memory’s sake.
Slung over his shoulder was a smaller pack with just his compass and his coin. 
As the two of you grew closer and closer, it only made his decision more and more certain.
He wasn’t meant to be Chief. He wasn’t cut out for this life at all. He didn’t want this life. He wanted you. 
As far as anyone else was concerned, you’d long since disappeared and now he had the feeling it was time for him to do the same.
He took a deep breath, one that pushed his lungs to his ribs. Then like his bag, he flung himself over Toothless’ saddle before he took off from Berk for the last time, closing his eyes. He’d left his helmet off this time so he felt the beating wind rip through his hair.
The two of you were there, half hidden from view under a large red plume. It was wasm, and your perspiring skin was trapped under hollow armor, same as his. 
You gasped, hot air mingling every time his breath hit your face. The two of you huffed and panted as he pushed you unto the dirt and you pushed back, feeling the moss tickle your face and the backs of your hand. 
Not your back, though. Just hands. 
Gripped, interlaced fingers pressed firmly down by your head, sweaty palms melded to his. He’d been the one in charge, today.
He was hunched over you, his trousers unbuckled and unlaced as he pressed downwards, forwards, gently and not.
A line of sweat ran down your cheek. Your eyelids fluttered. His breath caught.
Men shouted their battle cries into the dark, never ending sky as Berk was set in flames. A skull, still fresh with blood and exposed brain, broke with a sickening, wet crunch as Stoick ground his head into it, bringing mercy to the poor, damaged creature.
“There is no fury here,” He bellowed as he towered menacingly against the hulking wall of flames by his door. Three Deathgrippers and their tails lay cut, prone and slain around him. 
“We’ll see about that,” Grimmel crooned, standing tall with his hands linked behind his back, looking down on him with two more dragons hissing and spitting by his sides.
Sharp talons dug into the wood of the rafters, Cloudjumper’s head turning steering around as he hung by her feet. Valka, masked and fully covered, crouched down from where she was, nestled at the bend of his tail. She pulled her arms back, getting her hook, sharp and serrated, ready for a wicked swing.
Yes, he would see. She’d make sure of it.
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angelofthenight · 1 year
Oswald: I think I’m gonna ask Ed out.
Victor: be careful though. A relationship only brings pain and agony.
You: *smacks him*
Victor: see?
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sakufilms · 8 months
📁 — you can find my main masterlist here!
if there’s a ☼ next to a fic, it’s platonic.
! — i’d like to point out, i have not seen the shows in full—i’m currently catching up on them. so, for now, all fics are based on what is seen in the movies. i hope that’s okay!
( coming soon! )
Please Wake Up ( angst, hurt/comfort, 2.8k words ) ☼
( coming soon! )
( coming soon! )
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refiwrites · 2 years
oh wow the urge i got to write for the httyd fandom again..
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waywardsou2 · 3 months
If I posted a random one shot that in planning on turning into a fuller fic. Would you be more likely to read it on Tumblr or on Ao3
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rantingisfreetherapy · 2 months
Hello there... Again.
I know I already have 3 fanfics up for debate but would any one like a Hiccup x force user female reader???? I can't explain the idea that well, but I would have her face down Grimmel to save the Lightfury (who I call Starshine) and Hiccstrid is just platonic. There are no lightsabers, Jedi, Star Wars characters, or anything else Star Wars. You were just born with powers that are similar to a force users. Yes or no???
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p-3-ngu-1-n · 1 year
I want to read a Snotlout x male oc fanfiction
But there are barely any
Do I want to write one myself? Not really
Am I still going to do that? Probably
But be warned, it will be a slow burn over the movies and the shows and then some
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sivyera · 2 years
Types of love with HTTYD characters
ft. hiccup, eret, grimmel, snotlout, astrid, tuffnut, ruffnut
WARNINGS: bad grammar
CONTAINS: fluff, maybe little angst in Snoutlout part, but there is comfort right after the little angst
A/N: You guys loved my post with Arcane characters so I did something similar but with httyd characters. I put different song to each character. Tell me in comments who is your favourite character from httyd if he's not here.
Hiccup - soulmates
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Hiccup was the first who realized that you are his soulmate. One day he had argument with his father and you listened and comforted him. And after a while you both realize there is no one better for you than the other. When you two started dating, Hiccup never wanted to leave your side. He was very lonely (before he had you) and now he has someone like you, don't blame him. He loves looking for new islands with you.
You complete each other and Hiccup never thought he's gonna find his soulmate. But he did! You always knew how to comfort him and what to say to him when he had doubts about himself. You also make such a great team and when you are together you are unstoppable. And Hiccup won't hesitate for a second to protect you. He protects you with his life.
Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Eret - you fell first but he fell harder
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Eret know that many girls like him and it boost his ego up. But his pride is in his muscles, you know how strong he is and he is the best dragon hunter (his words, not mine) So when you start liking him he wasn't surprised, like who doesn't like him. So he didn't pay much attention to it. One day Ruffnut and Tuffnut were arguing about something stupid and Ruffnut acidently pull Barfs horns to hard so that made their tail pushed Eret off his dragon.
But you notice that and quickly catch Eret before he fell on the ground. He was very surprised because he wasn't a really good person (back then). After that he started talking to you more and get to know you. And he didn't know when it happened but he was in love. It was such a good feeling, odd but good. He promised himself that he's never gonna lose you and never hurt you.
Whatever It takes - Imagine Dragons
Grimmel - strangers to lovers
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So Grimmel is one of the ruthless dragon hunters, do you think he have some time for love? No, but you catch his attention. You were like a shadow with one deathgripper. Which means you had to stole him from Grimmel and that you had to tame him somehow. He didn't even realized that one of his dragons is missing. You stole his dragon, tame him and turn him into a good puppy? How dare you?!
Grimmel find you really interesting and one time he catch you in his trap made especially for you. He had to admit you made him a better person. You are trying to teach him that he doesn't have to hurt dragon or force them to do something. It's hard and people don't change so quickly. But he's trying because he love you.
Bad Habits - Ed Sheeran feat. Bring Me The Horizon
Snotlout - when he is blind
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You and Snoutlout were good friends but he never saw you more than a friend, at first. He had a crush on Astrid, then on Ruffnut so he was kinda busy. He took you for granted, even Hookfang noticed you like his rider, but Snoutlout have really big ego so he was really blind. And one day you just disappear. He didn't realize at first but he stars missing you more than he thought so he was trying to talk to you.
But ou ignored him. You knew he hates it, but it also made him think a lot. When he started thinking about all these adventures, embarrassing or funny moment with you, he finally realized. Hookfang bite him for realize it too late. He rush to you and kissed you the moment he saw you. You both talk about it and started dating. He is trying so hard to be a good boyfriend.
Boys Don't Cry - The Cure
Astrid - true love
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Astrid and you never really talked, back then. Neither of you didn't know how to start talking to the other so you never really talk. But one time in a first fight with Grimmel, you pushed her away from deathgripper so he couldn't stab her. That surprised her, she was one of the best fighters. But she was grateful and now she have a topic to talk about with you so win win.
You both find each other very funny and just easy to talk with. You two were in love before one of you realize it. Astrid was the one who asked you out on a date and to be her lover. And she admitted that it was the best decision in her life. You both race together and winter always gets ten kissed from the one who lose. You both need adrenaline in your lives and you relationship is full of it.
I Kissed A Girl - Katy Perry
Tuffnut - friends to lovers
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You and Tuffnut were very funny together. You two are pranking everyone at Berk. Even each other. But who you prank the most was Ruffnut. And one time you and Ruffnut invented a prank on Tuffnut with secret crush. Tuffnut always wanted to know who is your crush so you decided to tell him. You met with Tuff and told him that your secret crush is Eret. And he was really pissed. He didn't say a word and just walk away from you.
Ruffnut told you that she knew about Tuffnut's crush on you and she wanted to prank him. You scolded her and went to Tuff. He was in his bed crying. You pat his head and apologise. After he calmed down he gets back into his energetic him and ask you all excited on a date. He is trying to make a good impression on you but he fails multiple times. But it's cute and he never fails to make you laugh.
I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers
Ruffnut - meant to be
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Ruffnut don't have good experiences with love. She can fall in love very quickly and some people are using her. You were a good friend of her so you was always there when she need someone to listen. You always jokes around about that you and her just meant to be together because every man she fell in love with didn't want her or he break her heart.
She knew it was just stupid jokes but she starts falling in love with you. And she was little scared to tell you. But one time when you two were laughing together she said 'I love you' and you said it back which made her freeze. That was the best day in her life. She is trying to make a good impression on you but she didn't fail.
Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne
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unoislazy · 7 months
Oldest to newest
(The only things out of order are the Headcanons which can all be found at the same spot, specifically for BES)
If I did it correctly you should be able to click the underlined places and they’ll send you right to the story!
Special Information
Request Information
Y'all will never believe what I forgot to add
How To Aim
Arthur Morgan x Reader
One Part
Th actual fic that started it all
Question? What Question?
Hiccup x Reader
Part 1
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Hiccup accidentally lets it slip that his father is expecting him to ask someone a question. Who could that someone be… and what’s the question?
Part 2
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: You and Hiccup go out to figure out where that smokes coming from. You decide to return back to Berk to tell Stoick what you saw. However, Stoick had other plans in mind.
Somethings Off About That Boy
Hiccup x Reader
Part 1
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Hiccup has always been weird but lately he’s been acting… weirder than usual. What could he be hiding? Maybe you should try to find out on your own. Who knows, maybe he’s just going to the woods to make weird outfits.
Hiccup Haddock Headcanons
Word Count:459
Hiccup x reader headcanons : just general ones, no specific focus.
What Can Never Be
Hiccup Haddock x Reader
One Part
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: You and Hiccup fight together during the battle against Drago Bludvist, what could go wrong?
Warning: a bit of angst
Trapped With You
Hiccup x Reader
One Part
Word Count: 3.4K
Warnings: if you’re prone to second hand embarrassment this one’s gonna be a doozy
A Dragon Trappers Fate
Eret son of Eret x Reader
Part 1
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: You’re forced to tag along on the quest to find Hiccup after he went off, determined to find Drago. While you there you happen to stumble across a certain dragon trapper. You feel… weird when you look at him. Why?
Part 2
Word Count: 1.7k Words
Summary: you thought you’d only have to see Eret once and never again, that way that weird feeling you got when you looked at him would disappear. Well, turns out you need him again so you an find out where Drago Bludvist is located. No one better to interrogate than a dragon trapper.
Just Talk To Me!
Hiccup x Reader
One Part
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: You and Eret have gotten pretty close due to your constant fighting practice. Of course, a certain chief isn’t too happy about it but he has a bit of trouble trying to tell you this.
The Outsider
Hiccup Haddock x Reader
(Shocker I Know)
Part 1
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: You wound up on the shores of Berk after something… had happened to you. Thankfully someone had found you and reported your presence to the Chief.
Blue Eye Samurai
Spar With Me
Mizu x Reader
Part one
Word Count: 2.7k
Part Two
Word Count: 2.1k
Summary: Not much sparring actually happens this time. But you still somehow wind up in an embarrassing position.
Disclaimers: light language, has not been proofread, shorter and way more embarrassing than the last chapter
Part Three
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: after dealing with a situation in town, Mizu helps you calm down a bit.
Disclaimer; a small bit of violence
Healing Takes Time
Injured! Mizu x Reader
One Part
Word Count: 4.9k
Summary: you’re just a simple healer minding your business, avoiding a fight that had broken out along your street when suddenly an extremely wounded strange man ends up at your door.
Disclaimers; very soft angst, nothing too bad.
Part Two
Jealousy Looks Good On You
Mizu x Jealous!Reader
One Part
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: You and Mizu have been close friends for quite some time. You truly enjoyed each others company, that was until Taigen showed up.
Disclaimers; light language, has not been proofread, I am currently delirious from packing and moving all day but I had to write this out to feed the starved mizu lovers. A fair amount may not make sense at this point in time. My apologies ❤️
'Til The Caged Bird Sings
Mizu x Mixed! Fem! Reader
Part One
Part Two
Word Count: 3.9k
Content Warning: Contains violence and mentions of SA
Part Three
Cw: A bit bloody, mentions of SA
Mizu Dating Headcanons
Mizu Fluff Headcanons
Jealous Mizu Headcanons
BES Characters and pets
BES College Au
NSFW Mizu Headcanons
Fucking Brat
Mizu X reader
Part One
Disclaimer: light cursing obvious
Heated but no NSFW
Your Touch
Mizu x Reader
One Part
I lied, here's
Part Two
Fem! Reader
a bit heated, but doesn't go all the way
I Am No Coward
Mizu x Fem! Reader
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Mizu Drawings 1
Mizu Drawings 2
Mizu Drawings 3
Mizu Drawings 4
Mizu Drawings 5
Mizu Doodle (w/ Progress picture)
Mizu Drawings 6
Mizu Drawings 7
Mizu Drawings 8
Mizu Drawings 9
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luvendiary · 2 years
For the Dancing and the Dreaming
Summary: Valka is reminded of her and Stoick as she watches you and her son dance like they used to. a/n: i had this one saved for a while. i discarded it, but when i read it a few days ago i realized i kind of really liked it. as always, let me know what you think and i hope you enjoy!
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Music could be heard all over Berk, the people’s cheerful demeanor was a nice change from their usual not-so-charming behavior. The claps and cheers reached every Berkian’s ears, drawing attention to the circle in the center of the plaza where people were dancing around with each other. 
Hiccup stood next to his mother, watching the people spin around and clap along the rhythm of the music. He would be lying though, if he said his gaze wasn’t fixed upon one particular person. 
He watched Y/N dance around with what could have been the biggest smile he has ever seen on her face. A small smile of his own made its way onto his face without his permission. 
Valka, watching from a corner next to her son, leaned on her staff without saying a word as she watched the interaction (if you could even call it one) between her son and the girl. She sighed and rolled her eyes before nudging the boy with her staff. 
He gave her a confused expression by tilting his head and raising his shoulders like he often did. 
She pushed him more onto the circle and gestured towards the girl. 
“Go dance with her!” she whispered harshly. 
Hiccup’s eyes widened and he raised his hands while shaking his head.
“No way. No. I’m not good at dancing and you know tha-”
Before he could finish his sentence a hand took hold of his wrist and pulled him into the circle of dancing people. Y/N smiled at him innocently before she raised her arm to begin the next dance, prompting Hiccup to join her. 
He did so, joining her in the dance, just like he had watched his parents do months ago. From then on, the music appeared to be guiding them both as their feet seemed to move on their own to the music’s beat. 
Valka, still watching from the shadows, allowed a smile to adorn her features. She could recall a time when she and Stoick danced like that.
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winters-hysteria · 1 year
Hello author, could you make Five with a female reader(she's about 22 years old) who is a dragon leader, she resembles like a mix of Hiccup and Valka from httyd, she also has a fire sword, dragon armor and staff, she is kind and compassionate to dragons, can tame and earn the trust of any dragon, she has 3 main dragons: Stormcutter, Triple Strike, Song of Death and the baby Deathgripper she recently rescued (She carries him in a special compartment in her armor that looks like a mama kangaroo bag. Like the fishleg in part 3 httyd), she lives in a hidden place with the dragons she rescued. She is neutral towards the hargreeves , but over time she has become friends with them. All the dragons obey her, so when a screaming death attacks the umbrella , she calmly talks to the dragon and tames it. She takes Five with her on missions to free dragons from hunters, but her dragons are not friendly to Five (they don't trust him, but after Five saves y/n from a hunter's weapon, he deserves their trust and respect, but the dragons can growl at him and the little deathgripper tries to burn his clothes with acid, which Klaus and Diego laughs at), but are friendly to the others. Five met her when Klaus found her badly wounded, barely alive, there were dragons beside her trying to bring her to consciousness. One shot, if it's not Hard. Apologies for my mistakes, English is not my native language.
omg, i love httyd so ofc i love this idea!!
(btw im calling u dragon anon)
-so. Klaus stumbles across you one day when he's out in the woods high on something, and the first things he notices are the dragons. the fucking dragONS. so of course he freaks. but then he hears you quietly groan in pain, so he **very carefully** moves towards you to see if you were okay. once he notes that you are in fact fully intact but in very much pain, he tries to pick you up
-much to the displeasure of your dragons who snap angrily at him before realising he's simply helping you
-he carries you back to the academy, dragons lazily fluttering behind him, to the absolute fucking astonishment of his siblings
-even he's not sure if he broke the fourth wall or not
-they help nurse you back to health while klaus tries to figure out what dragons eat
-he enlists five and it's going well until the mf nearly gets his hand bit off
-then it's a couple days later and you're finally awake
-five almost instantly falls for you. like no questions, he just falls for you
-so you end up working together, becoming friends and living there most of the time.
-one time, a pretty dangerous dragon ( a screaming death) attacked the academy, and you effectively just went out there and talked to it, eventually taming it. five knew he was in deep that day.
-he and the dragons don't have the greatest ever relationship, so you occasionally have to wrangle five out of the mouth of one.
-one time you guys are on a mission and he ends up saving you from dying, so the dragons definitely like him more after that
-he's also so sos so enthralled by your sword and the way you handle it
-lowkey wants you to handle him like that if you know what i mean
-eventually you trust him enough to show him what you carry in the pouch that you hold like all. the. damn. time.
-it's a baby dragon!! a little death-gripper. it likes to spit acid at five every once in a while, and it gets some decent hits in.
-you two like to hang out in your dwelling space, just chilling and playing with the dragons.
-you end up having your first kith right inside the door of your space, where he freaked out and couldn't take it anymore and gave you a tiny little kiss before he fled. it took him three days and all of his siblings to respond to your calls because he was panicking so bad.
a/n: thank you dragon anon! i thought this was cute to write <3
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 years
People follow you for LEVI. Not FMAB.
people follow me because I’m hot.
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handsometheo · 2 years
WHAT HAPPENED TO MY REQUESTS?! I just checked them to try and finish a few off but they're all gone!
My mutual had requested something so I'm gonna be able to do that but all my drafts are suddenly gone..
If you requested something maybe redo it, I'm so sorry for the hassle but I really am not sure what happened with this :(
I suppose one good thing is that I'm starting a new Masterlist! It's How To Train your Dragon!!
I'll sort out the Masterlist soon but omg THIS SUCKS 😭😭
Mega Masterlist
Httyd Masterlist (NEW!)
Redbubble (thanks for any support)
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