#hush ke
risingpilots · 1 month
The funniest thing about metro being like "hey here's a free beat I produced about how drake has a bbl and whoever makes the best rap over it gets a free beat from me" is that i am seeing so many ppl from across the world participate in it.
I've seen someone dance to it using an Indian traditional dance, I've seen someone rapping in Japanese, I've seen a trumpet cover and a guitar cover..... people all over the world are really being united in hating drake huh?
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margokesses · 9 months
As always pls reblog for bigger sample size!
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signedkoko · 4 months
OK since requests are open I thought I might as well do another ask with once again Lucifer and Lilith soooo
I ask for Lucifer x Lilith x a human reader, and uhm, maybe when Lucifer and Lilith are out for some reason. Reader gets attacked at the castle? Smthn like that but im mainly asking for maybe some type of one-shot or hcs idk with a human reader that gets hurt badly when lucifer and lilith aren't there and their reaction to such ig.
Otherwise, if you wish to not write this please tell me
And yes, Luci icon twins^^
- 𝐋.𝐁 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
Lucifer X Reader X Lilith [Romantic]
In which they aren't there to protect you from bountyhunters, and you end up greatly injured. Reader is genderneutral.
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Not many attacks are made on their residence for a reason
You need to be crazy powerful to survive Lucifer, let alone Lilith and the many well-trained servants in the estate
Whoever tried either died gruesomely or was never seen again, huge powerhouses of hell wiped out in an instant
Or two, if Lilith felt like teasing them
Today was not like any other because it was baby Charlie's tenth birthday!
A decade of life was worth a large celebration, and Charlie wanted many of the servants she grew up around to be there
Of course, you were going too! Charlie had always accepted you like a parent, which you were beyond grateful for, and you'd even gotten her something special
Only halfway out the door did you realize you'd forgotten it upstairs, so you excused yourself and told Lilith to go ahead
" I don't want anyone to see! Besides, I'll bring the cool car, and Charlie can ride back in it with me! "
You also enjoyed the idea of letting the birthday girl be with her birth parents for a bit
Only, as you grabbed the present and made your way back downstairs, you heard something shatter
There were still a few guards around the palace, but still, this was nothing good if they knew to attack while the Morningstars were out
Before you could call Lucifer, a shot rang out, your phone falling to the floor as you stared at your bleeding palm
Fuck, fuck, fuck that hurt-
Clutching the present, your attempt to duck was futile as another shot rang, hitting your opposite shoulder and sending you to the floor
The pain was severe, and you knew why—this was no normal gun; it had to have been an angel weapon
" It's just a stupid servant; stop wastin' bullets. "
" But look! They're holding somethin' real nice; it looks like a crown! "
Upon hearing them talk about the gift you got for Charlie, you began crawling away
Another shot in the knee; your vision was starting to blur with tears
Before you could get away any further, you felt a kick to your side, which sent you into the wall
" Just grab it and go. Stupid royals are probably on their way already. "
One more kick, straight to your head, and you were out
. . .
" ...ke up! Wake up! "
Your head felt fucking terrible, and when you cracked open your eyes even a bit, the light was blinding
As you adjusted, you could hear Lucifer cheering and clapping, and you could make out Lilith on the side of the bed, hushing him with one hand over yours
You could tell you were in their bed, judging by the familiar scent and room, but you had no recollection of what was happening
" Before you ask, the bountyhunters have been dealt with, dear. They hurt you. "
Lilith's voice was calming as always, and she held up your hand to caress it between both of hers, hoping to soothe you
" Bountyhunters...? "
" Thats right, I sure showed them! I wasn't sure which one did it, so Lily and I gave them all special treatment! "
Lucifer seemed proud as he held up his arms as if flexing, but his grin was a little wobbly, and you could tell he was putting up a front
Things started to puzzle together, and that was when you lifted yourself up, holding your head
" Fuck. Poor Charlie, it was her birthday! "
" I'm sure she understands. We didn't want her to worry, so we let her stay at the party while we handled things. She's most worried about you. "
Lilith reached back and propped up the pillows so you could stay seated, making sure you were most comfortable while Lucifer paced
Looking down at the hand she caressed, you noticed it was entirely wrapped in bandages
" They weren't normal guns. "
" Yes, I'm afraid it won't heal very well. But we will make certain you get the best care. "
Standing up, Lilith grabbed Lucifer by the arm and pulled him towards the door
They wanted to make sure you could rest, and a servant entered quickly with a tray of food and a warm beverage
" Oh yes! I can't wait to finish them off. "
" Wait, they're alive? "
" Not for much longer, dear. Lucifer thought we should save the rest for after you woke up. "
" Well, make it extra rough for me. "
You won't have to worry about those who hurt you ever, ever again
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Author's Note - I feel so iconic having the lucifer icon pre-episode release, we are a power duo!
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When will this sack of filth be held accountable. Two-tiered justice system.
If you’ve ever been in any courtroom for any reason you might have noticed you don’t get treated with kid gloves like Orange Hitler. In fact many judges are likely to flip out on you if you’re poor or marginalized.
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grievedeeply · 1 year
I saw you want requests after playing Survivor
One shot of Cal running across fem reader that he knew when he was a padiwan (assumed dead)? And realizing why he was always so flustered and agitated by her 🤭🤭
this is so cute i loooove these reunion prompts i'm getting!!
fem!reader (no pronouns used) | tws/tags: death, sorta in depth order 66, use of y/n
they never left — cal kestis
you remembered the day clear in your mind as though it had happened yesterday. the purge. the clones tore through your master as though they were never even there. their last words to you ring true in your mind even ten years later, "run," and you did. you ran, using the force to reach into places they couldn't. you snuck past those who used to be your friends. you thought they cared for you. why had they all had a sudden change of heart? whatever the reason was, you knew you couldn't dwell. it wouldn't do you any good to be miserable.. even if that's all you wanted to do, sometimes.
over the years, you hid your abilities and tucked away your lightsaber for good. you swore to never use the force ever again. your family was gone. the order was gone, your master was gone.. and you couldn't reach out into the force to attempt to sense anyone. it was too risky.
cal. was he gone, too? he was another padawan under the tutelage of jedi master jaro tapal, a kind but intimidating lasat who you had met a few times. but cal.. cal was warm. he was inviting, he was friendly. he was everything an introverted child like yourself needed in a friend. the two of you quickly became rule breakers, sneaking out past curfews and past the temple guards who— looking back on it now— definitely saw you. you snuck out so often to spend time together, knowing that the likelihood of being assigned together on a mission was slim to none, it was the next best thing. maybe even better. at least there wasn't a risk of death, now.
you managed to get on each others nerves often, too. disagreeing and arguing and avoiding each other until you both forgot what happened. though, as you grew older, cal found himself getting more and more.. flustered.. when you were around. his face was constantly red, his palms were sweaty, his chest so tight it practically hurt to breath, and it irritated him. you irritated him. was it your fault? he didn't know. it only happened around you, so it had to be your fault, so he tried to avoid you.
it wasn't as though he treated you poorly. he could never do that. his heart and soul were too kind, too gentle. he didn't have a mean bone in his body.. but he wished you would just go away sometimes, to get that sinking feeling in his stomach to fade as it always did when you left.
now, cal knows what that feeling was. it was the beginnings of a crush. attachment and relationships were forbidden in the order. attachment made you selfish. it lead to jealousy, anger and resentment. a path to the dark side of the force. but now.. the jedi order was no more. it was destroyed years ago, but you hadn't lived to see it.
he heard your name. whispered in hushed voices by people on every planet he visited. your name, and the names of plenty of other jedi. plo koon, aayla secura.. anakin skywalker. but he focused on solely on you. you were killed alongside your master during the purge. you died, and he wasn't there to protect you. he reached into the force over and over, desperately trying to find a trace of you throughout it as time went on, but he found nothing. your death was confirmed, and there was nothing he could do about it.
you were glad word of your death spread fast. it was much easier to hide, and you had to move less often. your life proved more relaxed.. or as relaxed as it could be. despite your supposed death, your world would never be safe as long as you were force sensitive.
this time, kohbo was the world of choice. it was a nice, relatively backwater world in the outer rim. imperial presence, but as long as you kept your head down, you would fit in well. people from all sorts of backgrounds flocked to it. it wasn't like you would be out of place, and that fact was a relief. you'd stick to yourself as you always did, and everything would be well.
you stood, back pressed against the cold stone of the wall as you stared up towards the landing platform. a ship, a S-161 'stinger' XL, sat on the dock. you'd heard that it'd crashed out in the gorge a little ways away from rambler's reach. whoever piloted it knew greez in some way or another, and he'd managed to fix it, along with someone else you didn't know the name of. you didn't much care for their name, anyway. keeping your head down, staying out of trouble, that was the main goal.
until turgle fell off of the platform, screaming as he hurtled towards the ground. before you could even think, you reached out your hand and looked deep into the force, watching as he floated to the ground. his eyes were still closed and he yelped as you caught him, but other than that, he looked confused until his eyes landed on you, your hand extended out in his direction. he might be clumsy, but he wasn't exactly stupid.
you cringed, awkwardly sinking in on yourself as you turned around, ready to go back to your ship and leave koboh and everyone else on this planet behind.. until you heard turgle's voice call out your name.
"you," you heard him come up behind you, out of breath and looking red in the face, "you saved me!" he exclaimed, "with your.. your force magic." he said, eyes wide in disbelief. he stared you down, and you pursed your lips as you stared right back at him. "you're a jedi, aren't you?" he spoke up again, and all you could do was roll your eyes. "ha, of course not. you're just seeing things." you insisted to him with a simple shrug of your shoulders, turning on your heel to leave once again. by now, greez was hot on turgle's tail, his expression wide eyed and excited.
"oh, come on! i saw you," he retorted, "you saved me from imminent death.. and i am in your debt." he told you with a nod of his head, and you sighed. "you don't owe me anything, okay? just keep this quiet and we're even." you responded, and he nodded once again, eagerly. he stood there for a few moments until you raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to leave. finally taking the hint, he skipped away from you and into the cantina.
you let out a groan. turgle could barely be trusted. he would blabber about you eventually, and you didn't want to be around when he did. this place wasn't safe anymore. once more, you turned to leave, but heard the sound of greez clearing his throat. you weren't out of the woods, yet.
you shut your eyes, but glanced over your shoulder at him. his arms were crossed over his chest, but he wore a smile.
"there's someone i think you should meet, kid."
you furrowed your brow. you couldn't exactly say no, could you?
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greez led you into the cantina through the back entrance, clambering up the steps through heavy breaths. who could he possibly want you to meet? a million questions ran through your mind as you came out into the main area of the cantina, and he gestured for you to take a seat next to him at the bar. you did so after a moment's hesitation, and you sat there, hunched over in your seat, feeling completely exposed. still, no one looked at you any differently as they did before.
"what am i doing here?" you asked, letting your elbow rest uncomfortably against the bar. greez spared you a glance, but kept at his drink. "someone i want you to meet, s'all." he reassured you, finally turning his chair to face you. you blinked a few times. his words did nothing to reassure you, for all you knew, he could be turning you in to the raiders or even the empire. you sighed, but decided to keep your mouth shut.
you watched the door as people entered and exited, waving goodbye to moran as he left for the night. over the few months you'd been staying on koboh, he was the only one you spoke to regularly. he came off as prickly, but the truth was, he was a sad, lonely man who needed a friend. even if making connections, getting attached, wad a bad idea.. moran was there for you when you needed someone, even if he didn't know it. he returned your wave with a smile, and the door slid shut behind him.
"it's been hours, who am i waiting for?" you spoke up again for the first time since you'd arrived. "any minute now," he reassured you, a knowing grin spread across his lips. what was he even talking abou-
the door slid open.. red hair. you froze in your seat, your hands suddenly felt sweaty and your heart fell into your stomach. the boy you once knew was now a man, but you would recognize his face anywhere. cal. he was alive. you practically jumped out of your seat and rushed into him without thinking, arms wrapped around his midsection in a tight hug. "cal.." you muttered his name under your breath, finally finding your voice as you pulled away to get a better look at him.
he had matured, grown into his features. he carried a newly fashioned saber on his belt, and on his shoulders was a cute BD unit. his cheeks were covered in freckles, his eyes still that same beautiful green, splattered with specks of blue.
"i thought.. i thought you were-" cal said, his voice barely a whisper. "i'm sorry," you told him, "i.. wish i knew you were alive." you continued after a pause, still taking in his new look. he looked.. handsome.
"i tried to find you," he swallowed, "through the force."
that feeling was back. the feeling from ten years ago. his palms were sweaty, and his heart pounded against his ribcage. a crush that never faded, that only grew once he saw how you'd grown. you were incredible then.. but now? you were stunning. his breath hitched in his throat, but he lifted his hand to your face. "i.. i'm so glad you're okay." he whispered to you, and you nodded, a small smile on your lips.
"okay, kids. break it up. you can.. make out later, or whatever." greez cut into the moment, his grating voice ringing unpleasantly in cal's ears. he chuckled awkwardly under his breath but took a few steps away from you. still, his eyes never left your face.
"we aren't.. we weren't-" you said, cheeks flushed in embarrassment at his suggestion. "uhuh.. whatever." he responded, eyes flickering back and forth between the two of you, and you felt as though he saw right through you. for a man as strange as he was, he read people incredibly well. "figured you'd get along. glad i was right." he continued before you had the chance to dig yourself further into the hole in your mind you were forming.
"i'll leave you two alone," he laughed, glancing knowingly between you and cal, a smirk on his face. still, he stayed true to his word and climbed out of his chair, walking out of the front entrance with a skip in his step.
you watched as he left, only turning back to cal once the door closed behind him. your mouth felt dry, and you licked your lips. "you.. um, you have a new lightsaber?" you asked, glancing down at the weapon hanging from his hip. he nodded, "my.. my first one, i lost it during the purge." you didn't reply to his words verbally, but sat your hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"and who's this?" you asked, a smile on your features as you glanced at the BD unit. "oh," cal said, matching your expression even though it seemed as though he forgot the droid was there at all. "this is BD-1," he told you, and you directed your grin at him, "you've been taking care of cal while i've been gone?" you teased, but the droid replied in completely serious beeps, much to his dismay.
"how long have you been here?" cal asked you after a pause, and you glanced around at your surroundings. the cantina needed some work.. and a deep cleaning. you turned your attention back to him, but a sigh fell from your lips. "a couple of months now." his gaze was soft as he stared into your eyes, and he took your hands into his own, grounding himself into this moment. "i heard you were dead, y/n." he muttered. "i.. i know." you spoke, your heart aching at the thought of him mourning for you. "the force.. i couldn't.. i couldn't feel you." he told you, and you said nothing in response, averting your gaze to his hands in your own.
this.. this moment reminded you of your childhood, running around the gardens of the temple with your hands entwined, completely ignoring your assigned training to play for awhile. except now, cal's hands were rough, and so were yours.
"i cut myself off from the force." you explained to him, "i had to hide. i've been hiding.. up until today." you could hear his breathing through the silence of the empty cantina, and he didn't say anything else. instead, he dropped your hands and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
"i love you." cal whispered into your neck, and you swore your breathing stopped. "what?" your arms fell to your sides, but he didn't pull away. "i love you." he repeated himself, pulling away to look into your eyes. his face was red, but the expression he wore was serious. "how could you.. how could you say that?" you asked, brows furrowed. his hands gripped your shoulders, and he let out a breathless chuckle.
"i've known it for years. when we were kids.. i had the biggest crush on you, and it bothered me. it bothered me how flustered i'd get around you even when you did.. absolutely nothing but smile." he explained, a growing smile forming across his face. "and irritated me. so i stayed away from you, thinking you were the one who bothered me all along." he said.
"but now the order doesn't exist anymore. the code is gone. but my.. my feelings for you- they never left." cal's voice fell to a whisper, "and seeing you now, it just makes me realize it all.. all over again." he took in a deep breath, but kept his eyes trained on your face. "so.."
"cal," you shut your eyes, shaking your head, "you actually felt that way that entire time when i thought you just started hating me for no reason?" you sighed, his lack of response telling you everything you needed to know.
you took a step closer to him, pressing your lips to his for a few seconds before pulling away. to cal, it wasn't nearly long enough. he leaned after your lips, eyes already completely closed as he'd relaxed into your touch. "i love you too. i always have." you told him, the feeling of his lips burned into your memory. they were chapped and dry.. but they fit against yours perfectly.
he grinned, and kissed you again.
tags: @starwalkerwriting @war-in-time
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kairiscorner · 11 months
since the barbie movie brainrot is getting to me, have some
ben reilly x reader headcanons (when you go to watch the barbie movie)
btw spoilers for the barbie movie under the cut !!
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when you came up to him, asking him if he'd like to watch the barbie movie with you, he'd perk up a little from his 'moping pillar' and think about it, but he'd go back to facing it while telling you, "i got no time to watch some silly dolls movie, babe... i have real things to do and think about, not watch a bunch of dolls come to life."
you'd nod sarcastically and tease him about wanting to see it for ryan gosling because "blonde himbo men are your type", you'd say while side eyeing him with a sly smile as he perks up at those first three words.
"o-on second thought... i'm your blond himbo men. i'll go, but not because you asked me to."
he'd grumble a little and ask what's so good about the barbie movie, and you'd argue, "because it's barbie!" and he'd groan as he stomps his feet and trudges behind you, grumbling, "oh please, you just wanna see it for ryan gosling, i'm already right here for you, babe."
as you two are watching the first few minutes of the movie, by the time you get to the first song, HE'D BE VIBING ALONG AND SWINGING HIS HEAD TO THE MUSIC
"you're vibing" "huh? no, no, i... i'm shifting in my seat, is all" "but you're smiling and swaying to the beat" "i just have a major itch in my butt right now, okay, babe?" "sureeeee"
the minute you saw ryan gosling in the beach scene and feigned simping over him, like shielding your eyes from him as you smiled widely, or fanned yourself and muttered some words under your breath, he'd watch you and fold his arms in front of his chest and scoff.
"i can do that, i have more abs than he does, watch," he says as he readies to take his hoodie thing off him, BUT YOU STOP HIM IMMEDIATELY BECAUSE YOU TWO ARE IN A PUBLIC THEATER
"i just wanna prove to you he's got nothing on me! you don't need a ken, you have a ben! me! i'm your ben!" he says as his voice rises a little, irritating the people around you two, and you have never been more embarrassed in your entire life 😭😭😭
"okay, okay, you have lovely abs, benny, now keep them under your hoo--" "so you like me more than ken?" "...yes, i like you more than ke--" "do you love me more than ken?" "of course!" "well, kiss me to prove it. come on, babe." you sighed, shook your head, and he keeps pestering you for kisses, but you cover his face with your hand as he puckers up and leans closer towards you :>
"why's it funny?" "oh, nothing, nothing, it's just... i know that all too well." "what do you mean, you don't know any kens, do you know any kens? i'll challenge them to a flex off." "no, benny, i don't know any kens." "well good, because i'm sure if you knew any, they'd--" "hush now, the movie's getting good." "dammit, you like ryan gosling more than me." (he says that as he puts his hoodie up and pulls the drawstrings and crosses his arms over his chest LMAO)
AND IN THE SCENE WHERE KEN TRIES TO KISS BARBIE BUT DOESN'T ACTUALLY KISS HER AND PULLS AWAY SATISFIED, YOU CHUCKLE AND LOOK AT BEN, AND HE LOOKS AT YOU, "why's that funny?" "because you used to do that when you were asking me out, remember?" (he does not remember, or pretends not to) "well i always get a kiss in the end, unlike ken over here. what a crappy name, anyway." "it's close to yours." "hey! leave my name out of this, hmph... ben's the best name in the world. second to yours, of course--" "hmm?" "nothing!"
during that one scene where ken's wearing the long sleeved clothing that said something along the lines of "i'm kenough", he'd be tearing up during the context of that scene and mumbles, "i'm benough..." "that you are, benny. you are benough."
out of the two of you, ben would come out crying, but he'd mask it as his usual brooding state and claim he just had some dust in his eyes. "in a theater?" "y-yeah... the pink p... powder fr-from the p-p-popcorn ente... red my e-eyes." "benny, it's completely okay to cry... like how barbie told ken..." you'd tell him as you hold his arm and caress his bicep, AND HE LETS OUT ALL HIS PENT UP EMOTIONS AND SADNESS ON YOU FROM THE MOVIE RIGHT THEN AND THERE, GUSHING ABOUT HOW HAPPY HE WAS FOR KEN FINDING WHO HE WAS WITHOUT BARBIE AND HOW BARBIE BECAME HUMAN.......
he loved it. and bought a barbie doll that looked like you, and you bought a ken doll that looked like him to match :>
a/n: i have so much more for him in store I SWEAR
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara
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smolgloves · 2 months
Not So Useless
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Summary: The gang is in the heart of the lair where they must fight the hag
Tw: Blood, gore, violence, mentions of sex, and near death experience
Despite the looming threat of facing a hag, Freya found a glimmer of joy in this dark cave. Tav.
They marched forward ready to strike anything that decided to jump out at them. Freya gave a soft sigh as she stared at Tav, there was just so much to admire when they were half the size as the others yet willing to take the lead to protect the group.
“It's cute, you know.” Astarion spoke in a hushed tone. “Looking at Tav like that.”
Freya snapped her head over to the elf, a puckish grin planted on his lips. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“There's no need to be coy.” He said with a breathy laugh. “You stare at them like a lovesick puppy.”
Immediately, Freya's eyes darted to Tav and the two women to make sure none of them heard what Astarion was implying, she couldn't believe he just said that out loud! “your eyes must be getting dull if that's what you see.”
The borrower's retort only fueled the teasing spark in his eyes as he gestured over to the unknowing halfling. “I don't blame you, Tav is a delicious treat; I would know, I've indulged myself.”
A tight knot formed in Freya's gut, her heart sputtered at the mere thought of them fucking. Was she… jealous? No, Freya was just annoyed that Astarion would bring this up all of a sudden. “Good for you.”
“Oh, don't be so tense, darling. I'm just trying to start a conversation.”
“I'd rather stay focused on the mission.” She said through tight lips.
Astarion scoffed. “You're no fun.”
“It's hard to be when a hag wants to use your people as potions.”
Astarion glanced over at the borrower on his shoulder, his quiet expression only made her grow more tense. “They cast you out, yet you still want to save them, why?” A scowl was painted on his face, yet despite the obvious disgust he voiced, there was a curiosity that lingered in his tone.
“Because they don't deserve to suffer from a hag.”
He gave a haughty laugh. “Really, because if I can't imagine wanting to lift a finger for someone who wronged me like that!”
“Of course, you wouldn't understand.” Freya gave a sharp exhale. “Not all of them are bad people, there's good people.”
“But did the good ones try to stop your exile?”
Silence hung in the air, Freya thought of her dear cousin, who voiced his opinion, yet didn't do much to stop his dad from making the call. Freya wanted to give Kes grace for not intervening more, but there was a selfish part of her that wished he would have told his father off right there! It wasn't fair, she has been more supportive of him than Uncle Eskel would ever be! Yet, he let this happen.
“That doesn't matter.” She quickly snapped back. “There was no stopping my exile once the elders made the decision.”
“And what makes you think your little leaves will be any different?” He shot a look so full of contempt it had Freya scrunching up her nose.
“Oh, why do you care?”
“I'm just wondering what you'll do if your little plan doesn't go over well.” He shrugged. “Where will you go if you never get accepted back to your colony?”
That was a scenario Freya had avoided thinking about because the truth was, she had no idea what she would do. Ideas flitted in her mind all at once, she could always live near the outskirts of the border, then she could at least see Kes. However, the outskirts weren't exactly a safe place to live especially with Goblins and gnolls roaming around. There was always the option to travel and see the world like her father used to, but not only is that dangerous, she would have no one to share the journey with. Defeating the hag and delivering the Aixosfeaf to the colony had to work in favor!
“Hold it.” Tav commanded quietly, making everyone stop and hold their breath. A shrill voice was spewing curses in the distance. Everyone crouched down and pressed forward, the shadows becoming their cloak as they reached an opening. Mushrooms of varying sizes cluttered the pit of the cave, with moss that lined the walls and plants sprouting from the dirt, had the circumstances been different, Freya would have been ecstatic to be in a place that grew such an array of herbs, but the writhing old woman kept her focused on the mission.
“Vile, wretched worms!” The hag wailed out as she plucked herbs and mushrooms that gathered around the area. Freya took note of the plants she grabbed, no doubt she was trying to make an elixir to aid her severed hand.
The group split, with Shadowheart stalking off in the shadows, past the hag without a trace. Karlach and Tav seemed to stick together, hiding behind boulders, but Astarion veered away from everyone, sneaking over to a rocky perch that clung to the shadows. It was the perfect spot to stay hidden while also keeping a tiny woman safe from the action.
As Astarion stayed crouched, Freya kept her eyes on Tav and Karlach, they approached the hag cautiously with their weapons ready the moment the vile wench tried anything. However when she eyed the two, she ceased her agony to throw on a menacing glare.
“Think you'll finish the job so easily?”
Tav gave a short laugh. “I've fought one too many hags to think a wounded hag would be any less dangerous.”
“You're smarter than you look, halfling.” The hag smirked. “Too bad you weren't smart enough to leave when you had the chance.”
Snarls from those redcaps echoed down the tunnels and soon a swarm of the vicious fey circled the two. Tension built up in Freya, she counted at least ten of those things, maybe even more! Tav and Karlach may be tough, but could they take on a whole swarm?
“Detono!” Tav thrust their hands forward as they spoke the words. A boom erupted and several of the redcaps plus the hag were thrusted back!
From the shadows, on the other side, Shadowheart shouted a phrase that sounded like Silentium, and a purple aura surrounded an area of the cave. Freya was about to ask what the cleric did but she got distracted by Karlach charging in swinging her greataxe at the hag. She staggered back trying to avoid being sliced to bits by the barbarian. Meanwhile Tav took on several redcaps at once, knocking them back with ease! However, Astarion drew his bow and shot at a redcap that seemed to be running away.
“What are you doing?” Freya snapped. “You're going to give away our position!”
“I'm trying to make sure Shadowheart keeps the spell up!” He retorted as he hopped down from the rocky perch they once were stationed at. “If her concentration breaks then that bloody hag is going to be able to use spells!”
The spike in adrenaline heightened the borrower's adrenaline, watching as several redcaps stopped their fight with Tav in favor of the woman in the shadows. Astarion chased after them, running into the dome that kept the area magic free. Borrowers weren't versed in magic but even Freya felt a change in the atmosphere, shouts from Tav sounded miles away. She turned back to see a look of shock written on their face; one that would've held her gaze if a sudden lurch hadn't caused Freya to nearly fall from Astarion's shoulder. She grabbed onto his collar, scrambling to keep herself from losing balance, Astarion had stabbed the redcap in the back, making it go limp. He didn't give the borrower on his shoulder a chance to catch her breath before he bolted off to the next one.
This redcap turned back to counter Astarion's attack with its sickle, swiping at him in an attempt to slice open his belly. Fortunately, the vampire was quicker than the redcap but he couldn't seem to land a blow as the creature creature was aware of his tricks.
Finding her footing, Freya was able to sit up and slip the leather collar between her under arm and torso, keeping her somewhat stable during the erratic movements. It was an awkward position but it was the best she could do as she gripped her peashooter and aimed for the redcap. Once it got dangerously close, Freya shot a pebble towards it, hitting it square on the nose.
It staggered back, letting out a howl before being promptly cut off by Astarion as he slashed his blade across its throat. There was a pause from him as he glanced at the dead creature, blood pooling at his feet. “Seems like you're worth more than just being hag bait.”
Freya rolled her eyes. “Just try and keep your shoulder steady!”
“I'll do my very best, darling.” He gave a cheeky grin before making a mad dash to the next prey.
Pride swelled inside Freya's chest when she caught a glimpse at him. Astarion could throw a hundred backhanded compliments her way but it didn't hide the approving look that fired in his crimson eyes.
Astarion's blade pierced another redcap in the back. Just in time too, as it had Shadowheart cornered. She glanced at her ‘saviors’ before shooting a radiant bolt at an enemy.
“I don't think this is keeping her safe.”
“No, I'm keeping you safe.” Astarion fired back with a smug tone that matched Shadowheart.
“I'm fine, anyways.” Freya scoffed, keeping watch for more redcaps.
“See, she can handle herself.” Astarion gave a short laugh. “I'm not sure why anyone doubted her abilities.”
“Careful Astarion, keep talking like that and you may yet like her.” Shadowheart said teasingly.
“It'll take more than a few lucky shots for me to ever like a borrower.” A haughty laugh erupted from him.
Freya broke her gaze from the battlefield to glare at the vampire. If they weren't in the middle of a fight, she would absolutely swing at that smug face of his!
“Look out!” Karlach's voice carried over to the three. A redcap had broken away from Karlach's range and charged after them with terrifying agility. It lunged forward and Astarion only had a split second to duck away. While he and Freya got lucky, Shadowheart was not and got her arm sliced by the sickle. She cried out and in a moment the spell silencing aura disappeared.
“Gods damn it!” Growled Astarion as he backstabbed the last of the redcaps.
There was a chilling laughter from the hag, Freya snapped her head in her direction but she was nowhere to be seen. Dread washed over her as she felt like a sitting duck about to be hunted.
“Keep your guard up.” Shadowheart warned.
Despite her hammering heart, Freya scanned the area for anything out of the ordinary. The battlefield was eerily silent, with everyone remaining still as statues. She briefly glanced at Tav, who looked like they were ready to dash over to her and Astarion, but the borrower broke eye contact when she noticed a large mushroom that seemed to radiate a sickly green color near the halfling. It took a second for her to realize that was Deathsbreath.
“Get out of there, Tav!” She shouted but it was too late, as spores erupted from the mushroom and sent Tav tumbling forward, coughing up bile. The hag revealed herself to lunge at Tav, only for Karlach to rush up and swing her ax at her. Shadowheart and Astarion rushed towards Tav, helping them up.
“I'm alright.” Tav waved off Shadowheart's healing spell to look up at Astarion. “Get her out of here, now.”
“Hol-!” Freya’s protests were cut short by Astarion making a mad dash for the exit. She tugged at his collar urging him to turn back, he didn't even bother to give her an annoyed glance. However, he stumbled to a halt, snarling a bunch of profanities towards the ground. Freya followed his gaze to find twisting vines wrapping themselves around his ankles. He took his dagger and began slicing his way to freedom but for every one vine that was torn away, three more snaked their way around the vampire's limbs!
“Get out of here while you still can!” He ordered.
“I'm not leaving you guys behind!” Freya snapped, she frantically searched for an opportunity to free Astarion. “Maybe I can help!”
“The hells you can!” Astarion bared his fangs at an attempt to scare her into listening. “Don't be stupid!”
“Didn't realize trying to save you was stupid!” Freya sneered, pulling out her tiny dagger in a futile attempt to slice the massive vines. A vile screech from behind broke her attention, Freya turned to see the hag charging at them with her claw-like nails out to attack. The borrower screamed and squeezed her eyes shut, pressing herself into the cold neck of Astarion as a foolish attempt to protect herself.
Then…. nothing. Freya blinked a few times, before finally looking over to where the hag was. To her shock, she stood a few feet away, that menacing glare no longer aimed at them but instead at Tav, who stood in between them. Blood dripped down from their side staining their robes, as each breath they took became shakier.
“To think Ethiel was bested by you.” The hag spoke coldly. “Did you really think sacrificing yourself for those two would prolong their lives? That I wouldn't toss you aside and tear their innards out?”
To the surprise of everyone, Tav responded with a weak laugh. “Did you truly think…. saving them was my only… reason for doing this?”
Using all their strength, Tav thrusted a fist forward into the hag's chest, their hand slicing through like a knife to butter. Blood oozed down their arm, and the hag stared down at the tiny monk in horror. Then her face twisted in pain the further Tav seemed to reach into her chest cavity. Finally, the hag staggered back, clutching the wound in an attempt to stop the blood from flowing out. She dropped to her knees, never breaking eye contact with them. “You… fool.” The hag uttered before finally collapsing on the ground, letting out a final breath.
Once they knew she was dead, Tav stumbled back, wheezing out each breath.
“Shit! Tav!” Astarion scrambled out of the now shriveling vines and rushed over to the halfling. He wasn't even trying to be careful with Freya on his shoulder, but she couldn't blame him as she was ripped out of her shock when she laid her eyes on Tav. Their dark skin grew pale and their eyes were bloodshot, Freya wasn't sure if they were hurting more from the deathsbreath, or from the blood loss, but it was clear. Tav was dying!
“Bloody hells!” Shadowheart exclaimed as she ran up to Tav with Karlach. She quickly knelt down to heal them. “Stand back, I got this.”
Before she could even lay hands on them, tremors made everyone stumble, Freya had to grip onto Astarion's collar to keep from falling off. Stalagmites falling from the ceiling and rocks tumbling forward, the ground cracked around them. The hag may have died, but she wasn't going to go without taking her killers with her.
“Let's get out of here first!” Karlach shouted.
Astarion wasted no time pulling Tav close to his chest. His arms shook as he stood to his full height and ran. He kept his eyes on the two women who were already heading for the exit, but Freya just stared down at Tav. Their eyes squeezed shut. Would they even have time to get out of this crumbling cave before they succumb to their alignments?
Her thoughts were immediately silenced as the quakes intensified and made the quick footed vampire stumble forward. Then the ground cracked underneath his feet and shattered. Gravity did its job in pulling the three down the open cavern, Freya's heart lodged itself in her throat, sealing a scream that desperately wished to break out. All she could do was watch in horror as darkness shrouded the three and they were swallowed up by the earth.
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moonlightazriel · 11 months
Son of the Darkness XV /// Azriel X F!Reader
Summary: Hidden for so long The court of shadows thrived, and things were great until the high lord's death, now the next in line should assume the crown of high lord of shadows, will he accept his duties?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 3,5K
Notes: Okay, the new chapter is finally here, but before you read, pay attention here. I used the book as a base for this chapter, but the thing is, I haven’t read it in English, so all the dialogues are completely made up in my mind as I translated as whatever the voices in my head said. That being said, if you feel like “Hey, this is not what happened!” It’s cuz you’re right and it didn’t really happen, or at least not like I’m describing it.
Son of the Darkness Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Azriel sighed annoyed as they walked through the halls of the Dawn Court, the bright colours made his eyes hurt, being used to Tornan by now and the Night Court in general. Y/N walked on his right and Evanore on his left, the golden crown atop his head weirdly heavy as he thought that months ago, he was getting ready for this meeting as the Spymaster from the Night Court, and now, as he pushed through the double doors, he was a High Lord himself.
He was the last one to arrive, as Rhys had suggested, one by one the High Lords had arrived, with those selected to accompany them. Thesan waited for them with a friendly smile, trying to ease the already tense atmosphere, Tamlin was nowhere to be found. The others noticed the absence of the Shadowsinger and how three seats remained empty, some hushed whispers were shared among them as they wondered what was happening.
The sound of the doors opening brought all the eyes to Azriel, he had a smirk as he watched the room fall silent, the looks of disbelief on their faces, especially the Vanserras. Evanore walked in smiling and waving towards the Night Court group, Feyre waved back, she was the joyful and colourful ray of sunshine among them, she was wearing a deep green dress, that reached her feet, a huge slit on one of the legs, her hair in a braid, she didn't looked like a soldier, not like Y/N.
Y/N walked in, her face a cold mask, her dress reached the middle of her leg, the thin straps and the deep v cut showed too much skin, showing the pink scar and the beautiful tattoo, the handle of her sword was poking from her back, she only looked to her seat, not even acknowledging anyone in the room, Eris watched her with a smirk.
Azriel's shadows covered the whole ground as he moved to his seat, anyone present could feel how he reeked of primal magic, the type of magic the tales talked about, ancient magic coming from the Mother, the bold ones would dare to say that he was more powerful than the High Lord of the Night. Even Beron had the sense of seeming disturbed by his presence, flinching away as he felt the touch of his shadows in his ankles. Rhys smiled brightly at him, feeling a sense of proudness fill his chest, Cassian could only agree that he felt proud of his brother.
"Shall we begin?" His voice was low and sensual as he took the middle seat, with the two females graciously and dead silent sitting by his side.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Y/N sipped on the peach juice she was served, it felt like this conversation was leading nowhere, they couldn't agree on a single thing, the High Lord from the Autumn Court was the hardest one to deal with. Evanore's voice caught her attention and she turned her head, Eva was staring straight to the autumn heir, her eyes glazed as she repeated the words.
"Fajro kaj naturo, naskitaj unu por la alia” (Fire and nature, born for each other) Again and again.
"Kion vi faras?” (What are you doing?) She whispered, leaning behind Azriel, too bored to care about manners, like she was woken up from a trance, her blue eyes pierced her soul as Eva replied.
"Iu diris al mi, ke en sonĝo, antaŭ jarcentoj, nun mi pensas, ke mi finfine komprenas, kion ĝi signifas.” (Someone told me that in a dream, centuries ago, now I think I finally understand what it means.) She looked at the heir again, and it was like she could feel it.
“Li estas via amiko?" (He's your mate?) She raised an eyebrow towards the blonde.
“Jes!” (Yes!) It was all that she said before she turned to him again.
The room fell silent again as the doors opened for the last time, a blonde male entered, smirking like the devil, green colours adorned his clothes and the annoying smell of spring told her that it was Tamlin, the last High Lord. The soft glow of his ring caught Azriel's attention and he averted his gaze from Tamlin to the circle around them on the floor, Y/N's magic worked as a barrier, every High Lord had its own protection, but that was all it was. His protection could be deadly to anyone who dared to step closer to them, Eva was also smiling as her bracelet shone brighter.
"We weren't expecting you, Tamlin." Thesan spoke in a calm voice, nodding to one of the servants so they could get a chair for him, which was quickly attended and Tamlin sat by the table, his gaze filled with hatred for the Night Court switched to curiosity as he laid his eyes on the trio from the Shadows.
"I was told this was a High Lords meeting, didn't know you let everyone enter in here." His sarcastic tone made Y/N growl at him, his mockery to her High Lord could not end well.
"I must admit that I'm also surprised." Beron spoke. " As we also were told that your loyalty belongs to someone else." His tone wasn't gentle. Tamlin kept looking at Feyre like he wanted to jump at her throat, Y/N kept watching his every move. After all, he was a traitor.
"We should keep going." Helion suggested nicely.
"I don't have the habit of discussing my plans with the enemy." Feyre replied and Tamlin scoffed.
"You only have the habit of fucking them." Everyone from the night court held their breaths at his comment.
"Should I intervene?" Y/N whispered in Azriel's ear and he shook his head in denial.
"Not yet." She looked at the male again.
"Seems like an option better than war." Rhys answered after a minute of silence and Tamlin lifted his chin.
"And here you are, after starting it." Rhys lifted an eyebrow, hand splayed across his chest as he pretended to be hurt. The other High Lords watched quietly as the two fought like children, a banter that wouldn't take them any closer to winning this war.
"If you hadn't stolen my bride in the dead of the night, i wouldn't have to take such desperate measures to get her back."
"It was daylight when I left you." Evanore tried hard, but the loud chuckle escaped her lips and all the heads turned to her, Eris covered his mouth as he hid his own laughter, his eyes watching her attentively, maybe he felt it too.
"Why are you here, Tamlin?" Kallias said, and Y/N almost thanked him, they were there for a reason and not to discuss how Rhysand and Feyre got together.
"I made a deal, conceiving access to my lands with a sadist to get the woman I love back, I was going to fight him, try to find a way to break the deal after i had her back, but Rhysand and his people had transformed her into a different person, and she was more than happy to tear my court apart and let Hybern go through." His smirk was vile.
"You cannot erase what you did and try to pretend you're the victim here." Feyre said, she sounded hurt.
His disgusted grin only grew wider as he looked at Rhysand again. "Have you ever noticed the little whimpers that leave her mouth right before she cums."
Azriel's fingers were shaking but his voice was firm, and deadly as he said. "Be careful how you speak about the High Lady of the Night Court." Tamlin looked at him surprised and his confidence faltered for a moment.
"Like he knows how to make a woman cum." Y/N whispered to her friends and Azriel had to hold back a smile. Rhysand shook his head and Feyre seemed like she was going to explode. They had certainly heard her, the expression on Feyre's face, clearly not bothered by his comment only enraged him more.
"Thank you, that's what I needed to hear now." Feyre's voice sounded in her head and Y/N gave a small smile to her direction. Tamlin kept throwing accusations around, Azriel had to hold her wrist a couple of times to prevent her from taking away his ability to talk.
"They offer us stories about defending our land and bringing us peace, but SHE.." he pointed to Feyre. " Came to my lands and exposed it to Hybern. She took my High Priestess and broke her mind, after breaking her bones for pure envy. And if you're wondering what happened to that girl that went Under the Mountain to save us, look at her and the male by her side. Will we fight against Hybern together only to be ruled by a King and a Queen after? She already proved her ambition, and he was more than happy to serve Amarantha."
"Oh by the love of the Mother, do you have any illness that prevent you from ever telling the truth?" Y/N spoke, having enough of that fucking conversation. The blonde looked at her with disdain.
"Who are you, Azriel's little whore?" Azriel felt his blood boil and he knew Tamlin was just messing with him, the blonde prepared to speak again but nothing came, not a single word left his lips, he choked and breathed, his nails scraping his throat, everyone looked at him with puzzled expressions. Eris had a growing smirk as he knew what was happening, Rhysand and Cassian tried hard to keep their composure but Eva just didn't care, her hands covering her mouth as she giggled.
"She's my general, and should be treated as such, with respect, after all some of us know how to actually take care of women." The irony in his voice almost stung, he watched with a predatory gaze as Tamlin kept struggling to talk, Y/N's hand was hidden under the table as the mist came from her palm. His large hand squeezed her thigh, and she stopped, the shadows retrieving back to her and Tamlin gasped and breathed loudly, looking everywhere to see what the hell had just happened to him.
"Why are you here, Tamlin?" Kallias asked again and the male decided to go straight to the point this time.
"I'm here to help fight against Hybern."
"Liar." Cassian growled.
"You need to understand why we are not comfortable with sharing our plans with you." Thesan said, trying to ease the tension once again.
"Even when I have information against him?" He retorted, smiling at Feyre once again. "Why do you think i invited them to my home? I told you once that I would fight against tyranny, not even you was enough to prevent me from doing it. It was easy for you to call me a monster even with everything I did for you, for your family. " He looked at Nesta and not even Y/N wanted to be at the receiving end of the glare she sent his way.
"You witnessed everything that he did Under the Mountain, and yet you opened your legs for him. He whored himself to Amarantha for decades, guess it was easy for you to do the same."
"Careful." Morrigan warned but he ignored her.
"Tamlin, this is getting boring, take all this lovers drama elsewhere and let the rest of us discuss the war." Helion said, his voice monotone as he waved his hand in dismiss.
"You will enjoy the war, considering how good the last one was for you." Tamlin kept going.
"No one said that the war cannot be lucrative for some." He simply said, not letting the childish behaviour get to him.
"Enough!" Kallias yelled. "We have different opinions about how this conflict with Hybern should be approached." Eva nodded, agreeing with him.
"I'm against Hybern." He finally stated a serious tone.
"Prove it." Helion challenged.
Tamlin flicked his hand and stacks of paper appeared in front of him. "Letters from the army, weaponry, faebane supplies and everything we need to know." Cassian scoffed.
"As noble as this might seem." Helion scratched his chin, looking at him with a fierce gaze. "Who can guarantee that this isn't false information to get us to trust you?"
"Who guarantees that Rhysand and his followers aren't Hybern's agents, and this isn't a way of making us surrender without noticing?" He replied back and even Vivianne groaned in frustration.
"You cannot be serious." Nesta finally spoke, her piercing blue eyes throwing daggers at him.
"If we need to unite against Hybern, you're doing a terrible job to bring us together, Tamlin." Thesan spoke again, rubbing his temples in exhaustion.
"I'm just warning that they might seem like your friends, but the truth is, he warmed Amarantha's sheets for 50 years, and just worked against her when things changed. I'm just saying that, even if he claimed his city was attacked by Hybern, they did very well, like they were waiting for the attack. Don't think they wouldn't sacrifice some building and some lesser fae to make it seem like we have an enemy in common. Why was the Night Court the only one to know about the attack in Adriata and were the only ones getting there in time to play saviour?" The smug in his face, like he had won the argument, quickly vanished as Varian opened his mouth.
"They knew." He looked at Tamlin. "Cuz I told them."
"Maybe you're also working with them, you're the next in line for the crown anyways." The whole room huffed in annoyance.
"Maybe.." the eyes fell on Y/N. "This is a fucking conspiracy, all of us work with Hybern and we are trying to convince you to surrender." She mocked and even Beron let out a scoff in his direction.
"Next time choose only one target, it's more convincing than just pretend that everyone is working with the real enemy just cuz things don't go your way." Evanore adviced and Eris paid attention to her once more.
She was the other female alongside Y/N that time in the Winter Court, she was beautiful, a type of beauty that not everyone achieved, it was like the Mother took her time to sculpt her beautiful face and the bright blue eyes. He couldn't keep his eyes away from her.
"You're insane." Feyre rolled her eyes. "Are you even hearing what you're saying? Hybern turned my sisters into fae after your pristress sold them."
"Maybe Ianthe's mind was already in Rhysand's control. And what a tragedy, be beautiful and young forever. You're a good actress, I'm sure it's a family thing." He spoke directly to Nesta. She let out a low chuckle.
"If you want to blame someone for all of this, try to look in the mirror." Tamin growled at her.
"Don't even think about it." Cassian said to him through gritted teeth. Tamlin looked from Nesta to Cassian and scoffed.
"Looks like other preferences run in the Archeron family." He mocked and Feyre sighed.
"What do you want? An apology? Or that I crawl back to your bed and play the happy dutiful wife?"
"Why would I want spoiled things back? After you let him fuck you like.." Once again the words stopped abruptly and Azriel looked to his right side, Y/N lifted her hands and whispered a "Not me." The male opened his mouth once, twice but nothing came.
"You are a poet when you're quiet, Tamlin." Everyone looked at Rhysand, the flicker of doubt and fear in their eyes. Tamlin was as powerful as any of them, but when Rhys took away his ability to speak, they remembered that they weren't equals. "If you want us to prove that we are not working with Hybern, just remember that it would be much easier to just invade your minds and force you all to do as I wish.”
Beron was the only one dumb enough to let out a sarcastic laugh, and Eris just leaned closer to his mother to protect her.
“Even if Varian told you all, when he wasn’t supposed to.” Tarquin finally spoke. “You came, bringing another powerful High Lord that ended with everything in minutes.” He pointed to Azriel. “You were the only one to come, and not asked anything in return, why?”
“That’s not what friends are for?” Rhys simply said.
“I take back the blood ruby, not a single debt between us.” Tarquin said again.
“Don’t expect Amren to give hers back, she liked it a lot.” Cassian blurted and a shadow of a smile spread across Tarquin’s face.
“The war is here.” Azriel spoke, his throat dry from not using his voice. “We shouldn’t waste time fighting with each other.”
“The Shadowsinger is right.” Beron agreed.
“It’s High Lord of the Court of Shadows for you.” Y/N replied. And all the attention was on the three again.
“Which brings us to an interesting question.” Kallias started. “You call yourself a High Lord, but from which court?”
“The Court of Shadows was destroyed in the war.” Helion casually remembered.
“My Court needed to recover after the war, but now we’re ready to fight for our land. Hybern won’t take what’s ours, no one will, ever again.” Y/N’s voice was a warning, a reminder that no one knew what they were capable of, let alone their High Lord.
“Who guarantees you’re telling the truth?” Beron asked like a stubborn child and Evanore got up. She showed them, the court, her home, Thera and everything they needed to see to believe.
“It’s just like I remember.” It was all Helion said. “Well, going back to what’s important.” He flickered his hands and more papers appeared on the table. “Copies.” He motioned to them. “If Tamlin is telling the truth, we should focus on getting rid of the faebane.” He pointed to the male that crossed his arms and kept his face in a frown.
“How do you suggest we do it?” Kallias inquired.
“We can take care of this.” Tarquin replied. “We owe that to them, for Adriata.”
“There’s no need.” Thesan intervened. “I have someone I want you all to meet.” A High fae entered the room, she had long black hair and brown skin.
“My lord.” She bowed to him.
“Nuan is one of my best craftsmen.” He pointed at her and she gave him a shy smile. “Maybe you all know her as the person that allowed Lucien to use his left eye again after Amarantha removed it.”
“And what does it have to do with the faebane?” Helion, straight to the point as ever.
“I found a solution.” She stated.
“We heard rumours of faebane being used in this war. Used in the attack against your city, Rhysand.” Thesan gesticulated. “We thought that it was better to investigate this before it became a great weakness for us all. She’s also a great alchemist.”
“The mother provides us everything we need in nature.” Eva clapped and whispered that's right, which made Nuan blush. “It was just a matter of time to find what in Prythian was able to stop Hybern’s venom that was able to prevent us from using our power.”
Eva looked at Y/N “Ĉu mi diru ion?” (Should I say anything?)
“Ne, mi ne fidas al tiu aĉulo.“(No, I don’t trust that asshole.) She shrugged.
“Can you two stop talking in your witchling language? I don’t understand.” Azriel whispered back.
“It's a private conversation.” Y/N winked at him, turning her attention back to the other female.
“Nuan has made a powder, it should be used with our drinks and food and guarantee immunity against the faebane, we have it ready to be distributed among our unified armies.” Thesan concluded and Nuan smiled proudly.
“And what about their weapons? They wore gloves to destroy our shields.” Tarquin stated.
“I’m afraid we only have our abilities against it, the powder only protects you against your powers being taken from you, if someone stabs you with it it might help as well.” She shifted her weight from one foot to another.
“And we should just trust you? With this thing?” Beron’s voice sounded bitter.
“I will take your antidote.” Y/N and Feyre said in unison. And Beron huffed in annoyance.
“I won’t risk my armies and my family with this theory.” He replied.
“It’s not a theory.” Nuan argued.
Eris looked at Evanore once again, when he said. “I will take it.” Beron didn't say a thing, but even if he did, Eris wouldn’t care as he was staring at the big smile Eva was giving him.
The High Lord from autumn looked like he was going to burst into flames as his oldest son agreed with that, Eris tried to keep the composure, but the way his father was looking at him, made him shiver.
“That’s enough!” Nesta's voice sounded. “This meeting should be about you all protecting your people, and those who need it. You’re the last thing standing between Hybern and all the things that are good in this world.” No one dared to interrupt her. “You fought against Hybern in the last war! Why do you refuse to do the same now?” Beron just kept quiet.
“You can hate us all you want, I don’t care, but I do care that you’re allowing innocent people to suffer, you must protect your land, your people, Hybern will make an example out of you.”
“How do you know that?” Beron inquired again.
“I was thrown in the cauldron, it showed me the King’s heart, he will take the wall down and slay those on both sides.” No one knew if Nesta was telling the truth, but they all knew what the King was capable of.
“You were chosen to protect this land, how can you not fight for it?” She finished.
“I’ll consider.” Beron replied, waving his hand to his family and they all vanished, the smell of burned wood was the last thing left behind.
“We will fight, with all we have and how we can to protect everything we know and love. I don’t care if you will help us, the Night Court will stand against Hybern.” Feyre concluded.
“You have our support.” Y/N winked at her.
“I will fight with you.” Viv got up, nodding her head.
“Me too.” Cresseida, the princess from Adriata also stood, four powerful females looking at each other, the males just smiled, not daring to go against them.
Helion only nodded and lastly, Thesan, and Tamlin, for everyone’s surprise, agreed. Seven High Lords out of eight, this wasn’t bad at all.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Taglist: @allison-rosewood-maximoff @devilsfoodcake22 @fieldofdaisiies @brekkershadowsinger @valeridarkness @margssstuff
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andorerso · 1 year
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i think i'm falling back in love with you - for @pfirsichspritzer's prompt: childhood best friends who had a crush on each other meeting again as adults.
Twelve years after the last time they saw each other, childhood best friends Jyn and Cassian cross paths once more…
read it on ao3 or down below
Jyn wasn’t sure what she was doing here. Sipping on her Merlot, the strongest drink they served at this reunion, she watched her former classmates chat, laugh, and greet each other like old friends. Invisible as always, though that was by design. She much preferred to observe from the shadows than to make unbearable small talk with people she hadn’t seen in about twelve years.
Shara and Kes had arrived together, wearing matching rings on their left hands, but Han and Leia noticeably did not. She heard people talk about their separation in hushed whispers, though if rumors were to be believed, it wasn’t official yet. Jyn was sympathetic but unsurprised. How many people stayed together with their high school sweethearts anyway? Shara and Kes were the lucky exceptions, not the rule.
Leia was now chatting with their old English teacher, Mon Mothma, who looked like she hadn’t aged a day since Jyn last saw her. Davits Draven, their history teacher, was also here, sitting alone at one of the tables, though judging by the look that crossed his face when Chewie roared with laughter that echoed in the whole room, he rather wished he was anywhere else. There were other faces Jyn recognized: Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles reminiscing about old days, Ruescott Melshi hovering by the punch table, Lando who was now in an animated conversation with Shara, Kes, and Han but who’d actually tried to chat her up earlier, Kay who seemed to be having a heated argument with Cecil while Arthur looked on in amusement…
Jyn’s stomach lurched. If Kay was here, did that mean —
No. It didn’t have to mean anything. Who was to stay they even stayed friends?
Once again, Jyn questioned why she’d come. High school reunions were for the popular kids, right? Although she was friendly with a few of her classmates back in the day, she’d been far from Miss Popular. Quite the opposite, actually. She hadn’t even graduated at Yavin High. Forced to move across the country with her new guardians after Saw passed away when she was 16…
She hadn’t talked to anyone from Yavin since, and that was nearly twelve years ago. They probably shouldn’t even have invited her, yet here she was. Why?
Well, she could pretend she didn’t know and was merely following a whim, but there was only one reason that made sense. One person she’d truly called a friend at this school. One person she was hoping to see here.
Jyn caught sight of familiar brown eyes watching her from across the room.
Cassian Andor.
Who was now heading towards her.
Jyn took a deep breath and another large gulp of her Merlot.
When she moved away, the only thing she cared about leaving behind, the only thing that felt as much of a loss as Saw, was him.
So naturally, she had to make their goodbye as cruel as possible.
She and Cassian went back further than just high school. They went to elementary and middle school together. They grew up on the same street. They played in the same sandbox, for god’s sake.
She remembered the first time they met. It wasn’t long after her parents passed and Saw took her in, and she was angry. At everything. She was angry at her parents, at Saw, at her teachers, at the world. She was angry at herself. So when Saw took her to the playground, and she saw a group of older kids picking on someone smaller than them for still carrying a stuffed toy with him, she was angry too.
It didn’t matter that the boys outnumbered her three to one, or that they were bigger and scarier than her. She marched over there, pushed the meanest, the ringleader to the ground before kicking his shin, then grabbed the white bunny from his hand while he wailed on the ground and the other two ran away. They tore off one of the bunny’s big floppy ears, but she picked that up too and handed over both to the boy who was staring at her with eyes wide in wonder.
“Here,” she said, thrusting the bunny at him before crossing her arms across her chest. “It can be mended.”
“Thanks,” he said, still in shock. He continued staring at her until Jyn looked at the ground, uncomfortable by the attention, and he finally caught himself and shook it off. “I’m Cassian.”
“Wanna go play in the sand, Jyn?”
She got in trouble with the boy’s parents who were horrified that a tiny girl made their son cry, but there was a proud gleam in Saw’s eyes when he heard what happened, and Cassian gave her his only pack of gums in gratitude, so it was a fair trade in her eyes.
There was barely a day she didn’t see Cassian after that.
Until that fateful night a week after Saw’s funeral.
She’d climbed through his bedroom window like she’d done so many times before with only one intention — to say goodbye.
Cassian hadn’t been happy. That part, she expected. The despair, the frantic pacing, the desperate offer to let her stay with his family instead, the confusion and hurt at her lack of reaction to any of it. He didn’t realize that she’d already known this was coming, and she’d already raged and grieved and thrown stuff. She’d already had her moment of devastation. By the time she showed up in Cassian’s room, she’d closed off her heart and built a wall around herself. It was the only way to survive letting him go.
But the part she didn’t expect was his confession. And it’d shaken her enough to finally get a reaction.
“You can’t go. I was going to ask you to the winter formal,” he said like that would trump everything else.
“The winter formal?” she frowned, surprised enough to let her mask of indifference slip. Dances had never been her thing, and up until now, she thought they had that in common. “What for?”
“What for? Jyn, you can’t — Do you really not know?”
She shook her head.
“Because I love you. I have for years!”
The ground beneath her feet tilted, and all the things she knew to be true came crashing down.
“Don’t say that.” Her voice was quiet and strained. She wanted to hit him and demand that he take it back. “Not now.”
Why now? When she’d felt that same pull towards him for so long…
“Then when? When you’re halfway across the country?” He grabbed her shoulders, desperation blazing in his eyes. His voice was frenzied, his entire body buzzing with energy, and Jyn… just felt numb. It was already over. “Jyn, I fell in love with you when you gave me Nibbles back.”
“We were eight.”
“Does it matter? I know how I feel about you. You’re it, Jyn, you’re the one.”
“Cassian…” She took a step back, wishing for more space between them. His hands fell from her shoulders, but his eyes remained locked on her face, frantic and hopeful. So hopeful it made her want to weep.
She had to do it. She had to break his heart.
She took a deep breath and went in for the kill.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about. You think you love me because I’m the closest friend you have. Did you even give anyone else a chance? You’re 16, Cassian, you’re not going to find ‘the one’ in high school.”
Cassian stumbled back a step like he was pushed, and the look in his eyes hurt more than any insult he could have hurled at her. The raw devastation was like an open bleeding wound, and Jyn knew it’d be an image she’d carry with her for a long time as a punishment for doing this to him.
“So you’re just okay with this?” he asked, quiet but resigned, the hope she’d seen in him burned to ashes.
“I have to be.”
Despite how she left, Cassian still wrote to her for a while. Letters that made her heart jump and her eyes sting every time she opened the mailbox. In some, he talked about what he was up to, what their classmates were doing, what she’d missed. In others, he talked about how much he missed her. Some were angry, begging for her to answer, and some were apologetic, telling her that he was sorry about his confession and that they can still be friends. She never responded to any of them — though she still had them all shoved in a box under her bed. After three months without an answer, the letters stopped coming. That was when Jyn knew he’d finally given up on her.
And with the two people she loved most in the world gone, she was a fucking menace to handle for poor Chirrut and Baze. But she’d grown to love them too as time passed and found another lifelong friend in Bodhi at her new school. She’d managed, somehow, and she wasn’t completely alone.
Nothing really replaced Saw or Cassian though. She knew she’d always carry them with her. But Saw was gone forever, and Cassian was not. As the years went by, she regretted the way she left him more and more. She’d looked him up on social media a couple of times, but he was just as private about what he posted as she was, and she was never brave enough to take the leap and reach out. It’s too late, she told herself. He probably moved on. He probably wants nothing to do with you. He probably forgot you already. It’s too late to make amends.
But when she got the invitation to their ten-year reunion, she couldn’t pass up the chance. Face to face, finally, she may build up the nerve to approach him.
She didn’t have to, it looked like, because he was already approaching her.
Heart hammering in her throat, Jyn forced herself to take deep breaths and stay calm. He was just a man.
Even if he was her ex-best friend of eight years with whom she’d been half-in-love with —
What was the worst that could happen?
Well, she was about to find out.
There was a tremor in her voice that matched his. Jyn couldn’t take her eyes off him. It was hard to believe that after all this time, he was really standing in front of her in the flesh. Hard to believe that someone who’d once meant so much to her could feel so foreign now. Nothing but the memory of the kids they used to be. Sometimes, she wondered if she’d just made him up.
But he was real. Looking at her now as she looked at him, neither knowing what to say. He was wearing black pants and a dark blue button-up, hair styled perfectly, eyes just as brown and just as expressive as she remembered. The same but older. Familiar and different.
He was… well, he was gorgeous.
And he still smelled so damn good.
Oh no. Alarm bells began ringing in Jyn’s head. This was a bad idea. She couldn’t fall back in love with him; she’d spent too long trying to fall out.
“You came,” Cassian said at last, and his words were a testament to how off-balance he must have felt. It wasn’t like him to state the obvious.
Or, at least, it didn’t used to be. She didn’t know him now.
“Apparently, I did.”
Another long pause. She resisted the urge to fidget with her necklace as they stared at each other. Maybe she should say something. Maybe she should ask him to sit. Maybe this had been a terrible, terrible idea…
Cassian gave her a tentative smile and said, “It’s good to see you.”
“Is it?” It slipped out without thinking, skepticism coloring her tone. It was nothing against him; it was just hard to believe that after the way they parted, someone in his shoes would be happy to see her.
But she regretted the words immediately. Stupid. He handed you an olive branch, and you just had to spit on it.
Jyn wanted to disappear as Cassian faltered for a second, clearly uncomfortable, but then he nodded and pushed on, “Yeah.”
He seemed so earnest that her heart panged.
She exhaled a soft breath before letting her lips curl into a tentative smile in return. Maybe there was hope yet.
Once they got talking, really talking, they couldn’t stop. It was like the time and distance between them had never existed, and they were teenagers again with no boundaries, and no ideas too stupid or too forbidden to share. He’d talked about his work, his dreams, his sister, his nephew, and in turn, she’d told him about her new job, her new family, her new apartment, her cat…
Their old classmates continued buzzing in the background, but Jyn hardly noticed, and no one dared to interrupt them. Once, when Cassian lifted his glass to his mouth, Jyn caught sight of his left hand, noting that he wasn’t wearing a ring. Of course, he could still be dating someone, but he hadn’t mentioned it…
Not that it mattered, she reminded herself. Bad idea, Jyn. Do not go down that route.
It was easier said than done. She almost wished he’d grown up a little less attractive because his soft hair and pretty brown eyes and big hands were messing with her head.
It probably wouldn’t matter anyway; the emotional connection between them was deep enough to outweigh any physical attraction. But there was plenty of that too, and it didn’t help her situation one bit.
So yes. Jyn was truly and really and completely fucked.
She had no idea how long they’d been talking when the conversation finally lulled, but the crowd was noticeably thinner. A comfortable silence descended on them as she turned her attention to the people who stayed. Han and Leia were having an argument that was getting loud enough in volume that others turned to look, Luke and Melshi, different levels of inebriated, were playing some sort of card game, and Mon Mothma was sitting at a table and smiling at… Davits Draven?
“I wanted to reach out a few times,” Jyn began without looking at Cassian, her voice quiet. She’d been holding it in all night, and the words begged to be let out despite how her voice shook. “To apologize. For how… how things ended with us. I wasn’t fair to you.”
Cassian didn’t answer right away. Jyn held her breath, expecting anger, expecting bitterness, but when she finally turned to look, Cassian looked tranquil.
“We were both stupid kids,” he told her simply, and she sensed he could say a lot more but there was no reason to drag up the past. At least not now, not here. “Let’s forget about it.”
In the background, Melshi roared with drunken laughter, and Leia let out a loud noise of frustration before turning on her heel and stomping off. Jyn gave Cassian a nod, feeling like the weight of a boulder had been lifted off her chest.
An hour and two more drinks later, Jyn was washing her hands in Cassian’s bathroom while he was making grilled cheese sandwiches in the kitchen. It’d been obvious the reunion party was dwindling down, but Jyn didn’t feel ready to say goodbye yet. So when Cassian turned to her to say that he had a bottle of brandy at his apartment, only a few blocks away, she didn’t hesitate to say yes.
His place was cozy but small, designed only for a single person. Which, from what he told her, suited him just fine. But his bathroom opened from the only bedroom in the apartment, which meant that when Jyn left to rejoin him, her eyes fell on the shelf above his bed. A potted plant, a framed picture, and a couple of books decorated it, too far away to make out any of the titles. It wasn’t what caught her eye anyway.
No, it was the familiar sight of a stuffed bunny sitting next to the picture of Cassian and his sister. She was hardly breathing as she stared at it.
It was Nibbles.
Weathered and old and more gray than white, but still. Nibbles. Just as beautiful as ever.
She reached for it like it was a ticking time bomb as she recalled picking it up from the dirt and handing it back to little eight-year-old Cassian. Sitting around a table with him while his mom sewed back the ear those bullies had torn off. Watching Cassian take it to the playground again the next day, defiant and brave and unapologetic. Clutching it to her chest in bed after Cassian and his family left for a few a week during the holidays and he’d given it to her for safekeeping.
It hadn’t just been his, it had been theirs.
So many precious memories tied to this toy. She felt like she was staring at her entire childhood wrapped up in one innocuous stuffed bunny.
Jyn walked out of the bedroom in a daze, still holding Nibbles. Cassian was waiting for her in the living room, a plate of sandwiches, snacks, and drinks on the table.
“Dinner is ready, I was thinking we could watch a movie —”
“You still have it,” she cut him off, her voice aching. All these years…
Did he still —
Cassian’s confusion melted into hesitancy when he saw what she was holding in her hands. Shifting on his feet, he cleared his throat and didn’t quite meet her eyes as he answered, “Yeah.”
Like that small confirmation had been the key to a door she’d long shut closed, Jyn sank onto the couch, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions escaping that locked room. Regret, longing, heartache… Love.
“Jyn.” Cassian’s voice was concerned as he settled on the table before her. He reached a hand out in comfort but faltered above her knee and let his arm drop. To her horror, she realized a couple of tears had escaped her eyes as the terrible pressure on her chest grew into something unbearable. She clutched the bunny tighter to her chest.
If she hadn’t left the way she left… where would they be now?
“I’m sorry,” Jyn said in a voice choked with tears, staring at her lap and wishing Cassian hadn’t changed his mind before he touched her.
“What are you apologizing for?”
A question with no simple answers. How did she explain that still tasted the past in her dreams, that she still remembered the sound of his laugh and the way he smiled with his eyes and the smell of his cologne when he wrapped his arms around her? How did she tell him that she was haunted by thoughts of him so often she thought they must have been cosmically fated?
“I didn’t want us to end like that. I just thought it was for the best. But it wasn’t. Not for me.” When she finally locked up, Cassian’s face echoed the same aching regret that was squeezing her lungs. “I just hate not having you in my life.”
“That’s what we’re trying to remedy, right?” He gave her a small smile and nudged her knee with his leg. Jyn couldn’t help mirroring that smile for a second before it slipped from her face as fast as it came.
“Just like that?”
“Why not?” Cassian shrugged, but it wasn’t as nonchalant as he wanted it to be. She knew him better. Even now. Maybe they hadn’t changed as much as she thought. “I kept Nibbles for a reason, you know. It was just an ordinary toy. It was you that made it special.”
is own way of saying: I thought about you too, I’d missed you like a phantom limb, I hadn’t truly felt whole until now with you.
Jyn wiped at her eyes and took deep breaths as her heart rate slowed to something bearable. There was more to say, to figure out. The confession he made all those years ago still hovered between them like a lonely ghost that refused to pass over, and she knew they had to banish it someday. Eventually. If they didn’t want it to sour the friendship they just rekindled.
But that would be a conversation with some painful truths she wasn’t ready to confront… and neither was Cassian, she thought. Not yet.
“Well,” Jyn began and shoved Nibbles into Cassian’s hands with a playful smirk. “How about that movie then?”
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moronkyne · 2 months
I don't have the motivation to make playlists, but heres a bunch-o songs for ya faves. (Constantly adding more)
(besides my Darlin' Playlist which you should 100% check out)
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🌓 [Darlin’ & Sam] Higher by Reinaeiry Tear in my heart by Twenty-One Pilots
🦋 [Bestie & Blake] Cocaine Jesus by Rainbow Kitten Surprise Heat waves by Glass Animals Somewhere only we know by Keane
⚡️[Lovely] Afraid by The Neighborhood Maneater by Nelly Furtado HISS by Megan Thee Stallion Fine Line by Harry styles
🤍 [Hush & Doc] Rule 1 - Magic by Fish in a birdcage
💝 [D.A.M.N. Crew] I Got Love by Mother Mother Die young by Ke$ha Gone, Gone, Gone by Phillip Phillips Someone to you by BANNERS Faster car by Loving caliber Riptide by Vance Joy Night Changes by One Direction
🌙 [Vincent] Unknown / Nth by Hozier Everybody wants to rule the word by Lorde We’ll meet again by Vera Lynn You don’t own me by Lesley Gore As the world caves in by Sarah Cothran
🌘 [Sam] All Things End by Hozier Take me to church by Hozier The 30th by Billie Elish American Pie by Don McLean Still don’t know my name by Labrinth
🧬 [Freelancer] Two Oruguitas by Sebastian Yatra Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo Spiderweb by Melanie Martinez 711 by Emei The Tornado by Owl City
💛 [Milo] Mama's Boy by Dominic Fike
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risingpilots · 1 month
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margokesses · 4 months
The actual male gaze in the handmaiden: Hideko was raised to read erotica leliterature (and in some cases perform it) in front of a room with random men and her uncle
What people think that male gaze is in the handmaiden: a man directed the film and there's 2 women explicitly having sex on screen
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his-heart-hymns · 9 months
Ae Dil pehle bhi hum tanha the
Ae dil pehle bhi hum tanha the,ae dil ham tanha aaj bhi hai.In zakhmo se in dagho se ab apni baate hoti hai.Jo zakhm ki surkh gulab hue jo daagh ki badr-e-munir hue is tarah se kab tak jiina hai.Mai haar gaya is jiine se
Oh heart, we were alone before and oh heart we still alone. And now we converse with the wounds and the scars. The wounds which turned into crimson roses and the scars that became as bright as the full moon, how long should one live like this? I have given up on this way of existence.
koi abr uthe kisi qulzum se ras barse mere virane par,koi jagta ho koi kudhta ho mere der se vapas aane pe koi saans bhare mere pahlu me aur haath dhare mere shane per aur dabe dabe lahje me kahe tum ne ab tak bade dard sahe tum tanha tanha chalte rahe tum tanha tanha jalte rahe suno tanha chalna khel nahi chalo aao mere hamrah chalo chalo naye safar par chalte hai chalo mujh ko bana ke gavah chalo.
Let a cloud emerge from some ocean, let it pour onto my barren land. Let someone wake up or get grumble whenever I return late. Let someone breathe in my embrace, let someone rest their hands on my shoulder and in a hushed voice say, "You endured a lot of pain, you burned alone,you walked alone. Walking alone isn't a child's play. Come, let's walk together. Let's embark on a new journey. Be my partner and be my witness.
@am-i-a-human-being Thanks for helping me with the translation.
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buttersmama · 2 years
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Choi soobin x m!reader
Summary: y/n comforting a sad soobin
Soobin and y/n being the cutest couple.
Tw: angst, fluff
Word count: 4k+
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Soobin was on his way to his boyfriend's apartment for some alone time. The day was hectic that day, with too many variety shows and practice for their songs.
His body was tired, aching everywhere. Still, he continued on his way home. Home where his y/n was. Though he wanted to be alone for the night, he wouldn't mind if y/n was with him. Which sounded way better than going back to the dorm surrounded by his noisy friends.
He stopped the car near y/n's apartment. Soobin knocked on the door, hearing some shuffling behind it until y/n opened the door himself. Soobin rushed forward taking him in a prolonged embrace. Y/n just smiled and walked backwards pulling him in and kicking the door close. Fully aware of his idol image.
"hmm? what brings little soobin here" y/n asked playfully. He received no reply though, not that he expected any. He knew soobin would be like this every time he was tired, tired of his idol life. He knew how much of a toll it took on soobin's mental and physical health.
M/n slowly ran his fingers through the latter's hair patting his back with the other. Soobin in turn hugged him a little harder.
This is why soobin loved y/n, he just knows how to make him relax, how to ease him, how to take care of him. Around y/n he doesn't have to worry about anything instead he's the one being taken care of.
Being around such a loud atmosphere had made him forget how peaceful and quiet the silence is. He had visited y/n after such a long time, he almost forgot how comforting his hugs were.
"are you alright darling?" Y/n asks, he knew soobin too well, he looked like he would cry and break any minute. Y/n made soobin sit on the couch. Soobin's eyes were filled with tears ready to spill.
"no- i don't know-" he babbles and brakes down, sobbing feverishly the tears no longer contained.
"is something wrong? do you want to talk?" y/n asks in a hushed voice holding soobin's face in his hands.
"y-y/n, even i don't know what I'm crying for, an-nd the tears won't stop either! what do I do?!" Soobin asks stuttering and sobbing. He placed his own hands on top of y/n's leaning more into the warmth they provided.
"you don't know?" Soobin shook his head looking up at y/n. "it's alright you don't need a reason; you know, besides I'm right here"
"I know" he smiled through tears taking y/n in from the waist to hide in his chest, y/n let him and cradled his head. Soobin on the other hand cried profusely. One after the other thoughts started to cloud his mind.
The hate comments he often got or how many wanted someone else as the leader of the group. He knew he himself wasn't worthy enough to be a leader but what about the people who told him that he was the best person for this job? Were they all wrong?
Even today at practice, the manager often called him out and lectured him about how he should have the group members under control. It wasn't his fault if yeonjun had dyed his hair without telling the company. How can he 'control' him.
But now when he was away from them, their tiring practice, it didn't feel so overwhelming. Here nobody expected anything from him. Along these thoughts sleep faintly took over him, he slept with dried tears and a hot face.
y/n upon hearing soft snores, made him lay on the couch placing a soft pillow underneath his head, and leaving just to come back with a blanket for soob.
To give him some space y/n leaves the room and does some office work that was pending, though y/n was sleepy he didn't want to be asleep if soobin wakes up in the middle of the night. He brought his laptop down to the living room where soobin was sleeping soundly and sat on the chair nearby.
Y/n had dozed off as soon as he started working, he slept in a quite awkward position and was bound to have a neck cramp next morning.
The next morning rolled by and y/n woke up first with the keyboard shape printed on his cheek. Oh how his neck pained, he then got up and walked off to do his daily routine, thinking he'll wake the guy after he's done.
Y/n quickly freshened up, and went to wake soobin up. He saw the guy awake sitting there in a daze and called out to him.
"mm?" he looked puzzled maybe he wasn't fully awake yet. Y/n sat down beside him waiting for a moment before asking. "do you feel okay now?"
"yup" he says with a dorky smile. Y/n just stares at him a giddy smile forming on his face. He then suddenly looked away clearing his throat "great!" He said rather loudly "i-ill go make breakfast you get ready. Yeah?"
"Mhm" soobin nodded. Soobin had many sleepovers here so y/n had already brought the necessaties for him like- a brush, his favourite face wash, mouth cleanser, and 7 pairs of daily wear. The only thing left for them was to move in together.
Soobin then took a shower and went downstairs to the kitchen after getting dressed up. Where he found y/n finishing up with the cooking.
"yeah" soobin said and used the towel to dry his wet hair. "you should have dried your hair earlier soob" y/n naggs taking the towel and drying the guy's hair himself. "now eat up before it gets cold"
"what about you?"
"ill join you in a few, besides the food is too hot for my liking"
After y/n deemed the hair dry enough he set the towel aside and sat down to eat the breakfast. "is the food any good?" y/n asks right before digging in.
"i've told you a thousand times before and ill tell you now too: you should compete in a cooking competition you'll be sure to win"
"yeah right" y/n agrees sarcastically.
"Hey! I'm serious!"
"Sure you are"
The couple start their day with a lovely bicker, how sweet.
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"can we cuddle before I leave?" soobin asks shyly.
"awh ofc!"
Y/n shifted in the bed and made some space for the tall guy. He joins in resting on y/n's arm and curling into a ball. Y/n pulls him in snuggling closer. "soob, I'll always be here for you, you know?"
"i do"
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Cringey asf but do i care?
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sketchp00ch · 11 months
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(With and without tail! And yes I know there’s a tiny art error with her eyes, I’m very tired…)
I had a fun idea to make a Saiyan OC from Universe 6, who’s both one of the most famous pop stars on Planet Sadala and the president of a large nation that’s essentially based on the U.S.
(Basically it’s an amalgamation of all the popular and large cities in the U.S. such as- L.A., Miami, NYC, New Orleans, San Antonio, Chicago, Las Vegas, Boston, Portland, Washington D.C., etc.)
My friend @mobiissimo gave me the idea of naming her Patti after the patty pan squash (yes I know it’s technically not a vegetable but hush >:P)
I know the Universe 6 Saiyans don’t have tails anymore, but I feel like if they still did a lot of them would dye their tail fur just for fun and for trends! Patti would be no different!
Some extra lore: Patti is one of the main leaders of Planet Sadala, as there are many kingdoms and nations with their own rulers along with the main ruler of the whole planet- King Sadala himself, and like all the other leaders she helps keep things in order and is powerful enough to protect her nation and her people as she is more than just a bubbly pop star.
She takes her job as president equally as serious as she takes being an idol seriously.
- She’s pansexual
- Her design and personality were inspired off of (early) Ke$ha and Doja Cat
- She is a Libra ♎️
- Has not learned any SSJ form yet
One last thing- Patti and Cabba use to date but ever since she became famous and traveled the world, along with being president- she and Cabba didn’t have time to be a couple so they mutually ended things, since Cabba also had duties to fulfill.
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Hellooooo 👉👈 May I please request a spin with Whitebeard with F!Reader? ;u; Much love, thank you so much!!!
Hello Bee babes! Of course :D Spinning the wheel it landed on creampie!!! you promise to keep it all in??? 🙈🙉🙊💜 I hope you enjoy my love!
TW: masturbation, vaginal penetration, creampie
Whitebeard x Fem Reader : Living your fantasy N/SFW
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 Maybe taunting this man was the wrong move for you. Your dreams were becoming too much for you to handle the way your lover gripped your hips as he pushed a girthy cock inside your tight cunt. Tossing and turning unable to sleep  seeing your love deep in his slumbers ‘he wont wake up’ You felt you fingering trailing down your abdomen to you panties going underneath your panties your own fingers meeting your sensitive clit as it made your toes curl. Closing your eyes for a brief moment getting lost into your own thoughts of how he handled you almost like a rag doll. The tossing and turning you were doing earlier did wake you whitebeard but not to the point where he opened his eyes. “Mmmm Eddie.” You softly shallow moan coming from you.
Whitebeard heard his name escaping from your lips and he was fully awake. You suddenly feel a shift on the bed, your eyes shot open to meet with his. You were completely frozen you felt your juices on  your own fingertip. “Do I turn you this much on ____ ” He said in a low husky manner you could  the constricted erection in his pants 
“Yes Captain..”  You whisper in a lewd voice biting onto your lower lip looking as he begins to come closer. You could feel him removing your own hands from your panties and using his own finger to stimulate your clit. Your hands were gripping onto his large arm, you felt yourself grinding against his hand. Your body was craving so much more from this man.
“Eddie, I need much more than your finger.” you were whimpering with the large man. You could see his cocky grin forming on his face hearing the pleading words you were speaking to him. His hands become drenched with your juices. 
“My my whimpering so much for my cock now.” he gave a low chuckle. “I should please my lady now shouldn’t I?”
“ngh~~Eddie~~just li-ke that~~~!.” you were heaving  as the large captain had your naked frame on the bed with one of his hands he held onto both of your legs. Just like you imagine his engorged cock sliding into your tight little cunt. Your hands began to cup your own breast massing and twisting your nipples. With each thrust he could see your breast bounce.  
“You look so beautiful right now ______ .” He said in a low tone he was flexing his jaw he could feel him postponing his own climax wanting to make it last as long as possible. The longer he was holding back the harder it became seeing the lewd moans of his name being called out. Each thrust he inched his cock inside you more seeing the ringing of cum around his cock.
You could see the vein bulging on the corner of his forehead “Eddie honey~~~. Cum for me~~~ doesn’t sound nice to cum for me?”  your seductive voice sending chills down the world's strongest man's spine. “______….” he grunted “Promise to keep every single drop inside?” he asked you as his thrusting became a bit more rapid.   “Shi~~~.” your fingers clenching on the sheets of the bed, you couldn’t even respond to him arching your back.
Whitebeard feeling satisfied about the speechless tone coming from you. “Tongue tie ya are _____? Well I think you understand what happens when you can’t keep it in.” you could see the infamous grin on his face. Pumping his cock just a few more times you felt the warm cum filling your tight pussy. Whitebeard let a long groan out as he still continued to pump, milking his cock deep inside of you. The man began to feel a bit light headed trying to catch his breath, not  removing himself from your cock. He released you legs he leaned in close to you  “remember to keep every single drop.” he spoke in a hush tone pecking your lip.
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