#hype movie actually
raintalon82 · 15 days
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TADC storybook AU
I made another page here
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shoutmon1v1 · 2 years
The first part of the Mario Bros movie trailer with no context
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tizeline · 1 year
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Heuheeuhe turtlssss 🐢
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120percents · 9 months
i just think it’s so funny that zoro does not even wanna comment on the usokaya situation when usopp explicitly asks and he very pointedly looks away when they kiss and yet he proceeds to butt in every single time sanji flirts with a woman or implies he knows about romance to redirect attention back on himself like god i wonder where your interests lie…
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quick-catton · 3 months
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barry's new movie 'bird' launches at a festival this week which means HOPEFULLY we get a trailer/release date soon and i am so ready
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podcastbrainrotdad · 2 years
The fact that everyone in the Mario movie gave their entire Mariussy to their part.
The fact that the cast fits so naturally into their roles despite not being the original voices of these iconic characters.
The fact that the animation is honestly breathtaking (especially if you're a fiend like me who likes pretty lights and bright colours).
The fact that the music is already setting up to be a banger .
All of this only makes crisp rat's half assed performance more upsetting, the bar is set so high for what this movie is capable of and Chris won't give us a single decent yahoo.
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sophfandoms53 · 2 months
Damn I’d be pissed if I was on the Sonic Movie crew that this announcement got spoiled by some dude on a youtube stream😭
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slashpaws · 1 year
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whack-patty · 4 months
Ok ok so like jash - Jhonny x ash
And nooshy x ash ? Also very iconic in the fandom -
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They all hang out
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
19.12.23, tuesday
0.5h of coding lol
wasn’t having the best day so decided to finally watch the barbie-movie (it’s on hbo rn) bc figured that could cheer me up
but bc the universe loves a good timing, on the grocery store trip after, some dudes came to me like ”which one of us would u fuck?” and that annoyed me way more than it should’ve. Like cmon, it’s 10pm at a grocery store; if you’re not cottage cheese or olive oil get tf out of my face
just a short evening walk bc it was windy and I was annoyed
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My walls are made of my heart (would you still break them gently?)
Two separate buildings, connected by a paper thin wall, brings two people together in an unexpected way. Buck and Tommy are complete strangers, but they're about to get to know each other in ways they couldn't even begin to imagine. There may be a wall between them but the walls around their hearts are about to crumble.
Chapter Moodboards
Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4
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gongedtornado · 1 year
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what the fuck is my problem
og image below
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i think i need a fucking nap
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madly-gay-scientist · 9 months
I literally cannot WAIT
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Stobotnik alternative (Of course that's the main reason why I'm so hyped. I just need to see more interaction between them) 😭😭😭
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clover-46 · 9 months
before i start this isn’t pointed at anyone on here btw i just saw some bullshit argument on tiktok and wanted to rant— some madoka magica fans are stupid with their whole “homura is actually 26 because of how she remembers all the resets” did it not occur to you dumb bitches that because of her resetting time over and over again she doesn’t age therefore her brain doesn’t develop??? physically and mentally shes 14 throughout the series please shut up
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eliotquillon · 10 months
just finished the rwrb movie and although i really enjoyed it (and was kicking my feet giggling the whole time) i do have a couple of major criticisms, some of which i think aren’t really the movie’s fault because they had to fit a whole book into 2 hours, but some of which left me kind of disappointed:
-i feel slightly icky that bea and nora got their screentime SIGNIFICANTLY reduced even after june got cut entirely (which i was upset about, but did understand). i loved zahra and adored her on screen but i do think it’s very odd that she is pretty much the only major female character in this movie since bea was nonexistent and nora got permanently spirited away to pez’s bed or something sometime during the second act
-it felt like a lot of the internal conflict in alex and henry’s relationship was very unbalanced and henry heavy - alex’s neurodivergence was erased, his bi epiphany was barely even an epiphany, and him not being explicitly kicked off the campaign after ellen finds out about him and henry essentially killed his whole subplot about realising he doesn’t need to have everything achieved at thirty and deciding he wants to apply to law school instead. which wouldn’t have been terrible but on the flipside it felt weird that we didn’t see very much of henry’s family considering how much they affect and shape his fear of being outed and his feeling of being in a glass cage - e.g bea’s treatment by the media during her active addiction (which was entirely erased), the extent of the tension between him and philip. felt like henry’s pov scenes were a super wasted opportunity for that and we were mostly just being Told about all of these things
-i am not actually that mad about oscar and ellen still being together lol but i felt like in the scene with oscar smoking the cigar on the balcony they were kinda building up to there being significant strain in his and ellen’s relationship that just wasn’t explored. especially since it’s clear oscar would never be able to be president because he’s not a natural born citizen + the sacrifice of his career for ellen’s is so much bigger now that he’s first gentleman in this version
-pacing in general was a bit off but the worst offender was the fact that there was a complete time skip between the alex henry confrontation/reconciliation and the outing. so much of the tension and desperation from that outing scene comes from the fact that the risk of it happening was slowly increasing throughout the book and it felt almost inevitable (the elevator cctv being leaked, henry having to fake date june) and honestly making it so abrupt weirdly reduced a lot of its impact for me
-similarly i actually completely understand why the richards plot / rafael luna plot was cut (i suspect republican election interference hits a bit too close to home after 2020) but my god was miguel a lame fucking villain and him being queer and hispanic erased a lot of the original commentary about racism and homophobia that the richards plot lent itself to. like in general this movie was a lot lighter than the book which is fine! but for a movie where the main subplot is a presidential election So Much of the political themes were heavily neutered or cut to the point that it seemed like the pressure on henry and alex’s relationship was disproportionately coming from henry’s side when in the book it was more balanced
again on the whole i really really loved this movie and i knew going in that certain changed were going to be made. and i hope more movies get made like it! these r just my Thots and i may change my mind when i rewatch it with my friend tomorrow
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ilovebeingaturtle · 10 months
I actually think I’m way more excited for the Mutant Mayhem cartoon than I am the movie because like. I joined this franchise late. I’ve never been into TMNT during a time where a single show was airing. I was even late for the Rise movie like it’s going to be surreal actually-
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