#i like them as friends more often but...an impulse came over me idk what happened . ..
bbq-potato-chip · 3 months
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thinking about saiura
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the-pjo-analyst · 2 years
Chapter 1 - I Accidentally Vaporized My Pre-algebra Teacher
Theme of the day: Instinct
(I’m just finding these themes at random and picking ones that seem good for the chapter lol)
A classic chapter title with classic opening lines lol. It’s been so long since I read something with Percy’s narration I kinda forgot how much sass was packed into each sentence!
I think “instinct” is a good theme to start out the book since it really showcases Percy as a character and also as a half-blood right from the get go. Even the first page plays off this somewhat: Percy is warning other young half-bloods, those that feel that there’s something different about them, to stop reading in order to protect themselves. We’re also introduced to the characteristics of a half-blood that’s misdiagnosed as disorders, ADHD and dyselxia, which we later find out are a half-blood’s fighting instincts and how their minds are geared to reading ancient Greek. I know this has been said a lot, but I love how Riordan is taking these “disadvantages” and making them advantageous.
Let’s talk about Percy as he’s introduced in this chapter! I think it’s important to note that everything is in Percy’s voice, so we don’t quite get clear descriptions of his personality or physique at the start (which you would normally get in a third person narrative). But you still get a sense of Percy’s core qualities in the chapter. He’s strong-minded and doesn’t back down easily, as seen in his interactions with Nancy Bobofit. He’s loyal to his friends and stands up for them, as seen in the bus ride where he was inches away from throwing hands with Nancy for throwing food at Grover, and especially how he snapped at her for dumping her lunch on Grover. That gets into his next trait, his temper, which often is interpreted as a characteristic of Poseidon’s children. Poor kid had to go to a counselor for it 😔. Percy is also very impulse, like you can’t read about how he shot a Revolutionary War cannon and hitting catwalk levers he likely wasn’t allowed to touch and not think impulsive little shit. This goes hand-in-hand with how Percy tends to rely on his instinct more than anything else. The line “I did the only thing that came naturally: I swung the sword” showcases that a bit. Even his control over water is very instinctual, he doesn’t have to think about it: one minute he’s pissed off at Nancy, the next she’s in the water fountain, and he has no memory of what happened in between.
Idk if this is his demigod instinct or just Percy himself, but he’s pretty observant. He notices how the weather is changing, particularly since Christmas, when no one else paid mind to it. He also is the only one to notice how Mrs. Dodds basically teleports when she moves. Though these instances are probably from the Mist lmao.
Lastly, Percy has a fairly low self-esteem. He doesn’t expect much of himself because his whole life has been defined by his mistakes and diagnosed disorders: the accidents that result in him being expelled every year, being labeled as a misfit/problem child, not doing very well in school, and also the fact that everyone else (besides a handful of people) are not expecting much from him either. All of that really chips away at a person’s self-worth, especially when they grow up with it. Percy’s so stuck in this mindset that he actively pushes against Mr. Brunner/Chiron’s high expectations for him. Reading the line “I did the only thing that came naturally,” my first thought was how it was the first time he talked about anything being natural for him, something that came easy compared to how hard everything else was for him. The only thing that came naturally ... :(
Omg I almost forgot to say how much of a mama’s boy Percy is. His train of thought really went from “I’m pretty close to home what if I left and saw my mom” to “....my mom would be really disappointed in me I shouldn’t” ahahaha
Small things:
The fact that Percy talks about his school years as his “5th grade school“ instead of just “in 5th grade” 😭
Chiron, how is a kid supposed to instinctively know Greek mythology applies to his real life!! Give a kid a break lol
It’s interesting how as a kid I imagined Mrs. Dodds as like.... a shriveled ugly lady. Very evil looking. But now I’m imagining her as a plain looking Karen 😂 I think the “now honey” really set me off skjdfhsdf
I liked the “a wave roared in my ears” line bc it’s both metaphorical and literal haha
Next: Chapter 2 - Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death
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atsuwiee · 3 years
Heyyyyy love. Can I request a reaction of enhypen to you guys like being enemies but then they have a hard time and you're there for them and then you become friends blah blah blah? ♡
frenemies with enhypen!
idk how to put a title to this but here u go!! i also experimented with some diFfEreNt writing styles (?) idk anyways i hope you like this!
(this was also a bit long oh my-)
warnings: swear words, grammatical errors
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ -ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
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there wasn't really a define explanation to why both of you didn't like each other. there were times were you see him and your blood would immediately boil, or when he sees you he'd go and annoy for some reason- resulting to you both obtaining a not-so good relationship.
but this day was different. he wasn't the usual little annoying piece of shit he was, he was oddly quite and he seemed off. you were growing suspicious on his unusual behavior and decided to check up on him- wouldn't hurt to do so, right?
when approaching him, asking him what's wrong- he's a bit shock. "why the sudden question?" he asks. "oh nothing- you just er- seem off" you say and he nods a bit. "oh... it's just been i've been having rough times recently" heeseung says softly. "you can tell me about it" you impulsively said.
"i'll listen. it's better if you get that off your chest" you say, and for some reason it gave heeseung such a warm wave of comfort. you weren't the type to do this, but maybe a friendship could blossom out of this?
both of you were basically cat and dog. polar opposites, which really didn't do any help for the both of you. well- you both just didn't like each other, but others knew that there was a potential friendship between you and jay but you just deny it.
today was unusual though, he wasn't the loud guy who would tease you each second about the jackets or shirts you wore. his expression seemed dull, and he looked tired. you were concerned so you decided to (politely) ask.
"just... having a hard time... with life" he says with a sigh. "life's hard" you say, slightly trailing off from your sentence. "...i'll be here" you say with a small smile, while he widened his eyes a bit. "that's odd" he said with a chuckle making you raise a brow.
he looked at you with a soft smile as well. "never knew you were that kind" he said with a small laugh. "oh shut up" you say as you hit his arm, jokingly.
oh, you just despised him (or did you?). jake was nice to everyone, and even to you, well you were just thinking otherwise. there wasn't a day without his cheeky teasing and how both of you bickered often
well today was different, he was quite- and he looked really down. you asked him and he was shocked by the sudden concerned but slowly came to tell you. "if things get hard, then you can always talk to me- i guess, i'm here for you" you say softly. "thanks, i needed someone" he said with a gentle smile.
(more members under the cut!)
well let's say you both were very competitive, and it lead you to be rivals with the one and only park sunghoon. this day was unusual, he wasn't doing those constant bickering and criticism- he was rather silent.
his silence this day was intriguing, it made you approach him and ask. he chuckled a bit "why are you questioning me all of the sudden?" he asked. "i'm not questioning- well maybe i am- but all i'm doing is checking up on you" you say with a sigh.
you gained his trust a bit, so he started to tell you. "so yeah, a bad day- no- week, rather" he says. "you look like you're loosing hope. chin up, prince, you'll get through it" you say with a small smile (which was rare). sunghoon smiled as well "hm, i guess we could be friends" he said with a chuckle. "yeah. i guess so. i'll be here for you" you say and it comforted him.
you don't hate each other- well maybe just a bit. there so definite reason to it both of you were just naturally... sassy? well sunoo is a kind ray of sunshine and people really loved him, but both of you just oddly repelled from each other.
not today though, this day brought you closer to him. you saw him- in a room with no people- small sniffles could be heard. "sunoo? you alright?" you ask softly while approaching. "ah! y/n! don't go sneaking up on me like that" he says, shocked that you were there.
his eyes were a bit puffy and red, clearly you walked in on him crying. "what's wrong...?" you ask in concern. "you can tell me if you don't mind, or not-" you say. sunoo nods and he gradually opens up to you.
"if you think you're alone, think of me- i'll be here" you say and his eyes sparkle. "you? pft... can't believe that" he said with a sassy tone he usually has. "what? we can't be friends?" you asked. "no... i'd actually like to be friends with you. thanks" he says softly and slowly, his smile was coming back.
there was no day this boy didn't go on to tease you, or just pure clowning you. this made you grew annoyed at him. jungwon was just a little piece of annoying shit, and you did the same to get back at him.
he was oddly different today though, he seemed a lot quite and it made you grew concerned for him. maybe it was a thing you said? did you hurt his feelings? you didn't know. so you decided to ask him.
jungwon tells you a bit about his week, which he says was pretty stressful with work and school. "i can help you with school, y'know?" you say and he chuckles a bit. "really? you're actually offering help?" he asks. "yeah... just tell me" you say and he smiles. "thank you y/n" jungwon says, your comfort washing over him.
prankster. just a big prankster, and you hated it. he teases you a lot as well, or just does everything to make you annoyed for the day. you didn't understand his humor- which made you grew hatred towards him.
well maybe you didn't hate him anymore after this day, you saw him and noticed he avoided you and his other friends. he wasn't loud nor was he annoying towards you. his behavior made you grow concern for the boy- so you decided to check up on him.
"you alright?" you ask. "yeah... just leave me alone" he says while his back is facing you. "come on riki, this isn't like you-" "just leave me alone!" his voice raised as he faced you. you were shocked by this so you backed away. "s-sorry... i didn't mean to shout at you... it's just- i'm not having the best time today" he says softly.
"tell me... i'll listen" you say, he tells you what's been happening and you assure him. "if you need support, then i'll be here" you say with a smile. "even if i annoy the shit out of you?" riki asks. "i'm used to it at this point" you say while both of you laugh a bit. riki feels an unusual warmth from you but it's comforting, and he's glad you're there for him.
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kyidyl · 3 years
Why is everybody so obsessed with making others drink alcohol ? I despise alcohol because the taste is awful and I don’t like the idea of being impaired and people regularly try to pressure me to drink, most of all my parents who are wine-lovers. Why can’t people leave me alone ?
So, since this is tumblr I think that if you’d asked this question of a lot of people they’d have said something along the lines of “bc they’re shitty humans who can’t understand boundaries”, but I’ve never liked that answer because to me it’s too simplistic and overly negative. Human beings are complicated, and our motivations for doing something are complex.
Have you ever heard the phrase “monkey see, monkey do?”. Humans are like that. We mirror to feel included and to maintain social bonds. When we care for someone and we are experiencing something that we enjoy we want them to enjoy it too. Like how many times have you tried to share a tv series with a friend? Personally, it’s many. Drinking alcohol, especially in certain cultures, is an extremely social activity. Alcohol has a long, long history of being the glue that holds human societies together because of the fact that it is both hydrating and clean (unlike water which often *wasn’t* clean. Clean water being the default drink is a very new thing in human history.). In the case of beer, it was both hydration and nutrition. So wanting to share alcohol is a DEEPLY ingrained impulse in humans. Then you add on top of it the fact that as people start to get drunk they start to feel nice, and people who feel nice want you to also feel nice. The human need for other humans is biological, it’s part of our evolution (bc a tiny hominin only survives on the open savanna by establishing groups, so it’s been with us AWHILE.). Socialization is a biological imperative for us. To give you an example, what happens to a child whose physical needs are met, but their social needs are neglected? Their brains don’t develop properly. Socialization is biological, so the impulse to share things is nearly impossible to ignore, and that goes double if it’s something we enjoy. They enjoy drinking and being drunk and they like you so they want to share. That’s what I believe to be the “why” part of it.
All of that said, I agree with you. I hate the taste of alcohol. So I’m gonna introduce you to a magical phrase to get your friends to leave you alone about it: designated driver. If you want to hang out with them and not be pressured into drinking, be the designated driver. No one questions that shit, but you probably will have to remind them a couple times once they start drinking bc that’s how drunk people do. Personally I like hanging out with friends while they drink and I think their shenanigans are fun, so I don’t mind being the mom friend when they go out and I accept that I’m gonna have to deflect a couple of drink requests. If it’s not something you enjoy, well…idk why you’re hanging out with them at events where they’ll be drunk. That’s on you like don’t go to a bar if you don’t like drunk people bc that’s where people go to get drunk. But yeah, having to drive at all is an easy way to be like “nope not drinking leave me alone” without having to get into the why. And it helps if you’re able to have fun with them while they’re drinking even when you’re not. If you don’t enjoy that…then it’s going to be a lot more difficult. Like…I hate to say this, but if you go to a party and kinda sulk about drunk friends then they’re probably not gonna wanna hang out. No one wants to see their friend just like hanging out in a corner unhappy at a party. So the ability to just goof around and be stupid even without alcohol has been a good thing for me over the years.
Your parents are a different story bc obviously if they’re having dinner and they’re offering you wine then there’s no driving involved. Now if you haven’t actually sat them down and told them you hate drinking and why and asked them to stop, then you need to bc that’s on you. You can’t expect people to stop a behavior you haven’t asked them to stop. They’re not gonna just like…catch the hint, you need to be explicit. If you have and they continue to do it anyway, well…ok, idk what your relationship with them is like but in my family we give each other a lot of shit. We’re very sarcastic people. So I’d just be like “ugh that shit is so nasty I can’t believe you drink it so often” every time I saw them with it and they’d probably be like “I can’t believe you have terrible taste” and we’d laugh and no ones gonna leave with hurt feelings. So if you have a casual enough relationship with them, I’d recommend being visibly disgusted and making comments like that and eventually they’ll get tired of touching a hot stove.
I will say, a lot of that pressure gets better as you age. Like people eventually do accept that you don’t enjoy it and they leave you alone about it. And in my case my friends came to like that I didn’t drink bc it meant they could and wouldn’t need to worry about getting home safely. And…if it comes to it and you do want to try a drink to nurse and use as a shield, things with orange juice in them are good for that bc orange juice has a strong flavor that masks the alcohol. Mai tais, for example, are one of the few things I can stand to drink so I’ll occasionally have one. Mudslides are also good for that, especially the kind with ice cream in them. Rum and Coke isn’t terrible as long as the bartender goes light on the rum. Cause truth is that you can likely drink at least one drink and not be impaired at all, especially if you drink it very slowly. So when that once in a blue moon comes around and I actually feel like having a drink, that’s usually the kind of stuff I go for. But it’s been like…shit, YEARS…since I’ve had alcohol. Once you get out of your early-mid 20s and your friends stop drinking as much it becomes much less of an issue.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Old Habits
Obispo “Bishop” Losa x Reader
Request from my fave @masterlistforimagines​​:  I’m back with more requests for everyone’s #1 Daddy: “Do it, I dare you” and “I haven’t forgot you yet” (Prompts are from This Post)
Warnings: Light angst (with a happy ending), language
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Still working through a personal life slump, but I was pretty stoked to finish up this fic. Idk why I’ve been putting Bishop through some things lately, but this one does have a happy ending I promise!
Bish Taglist: @sincerelyasomebody​​ @sadeyesgf​​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​​ @multiyfandomgirl40​​ @sillygoose6969​​
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It had been months since you last saw Bishop. The breakup went about as well as anyone could expect any breakup to go. It didn’t end with yelling and screaming, just a lot of tears and the recognition that trying to force things to work was hurting the both of you. It was difficult to try and adjust to a life that didn’t revolve around each other. You put off getting your things from his house for a little longer than necessary, not wanting to admit to yourself that it was really over. For weeks he still texted you or called you once a day to make sure that you were doing alright. Both of you had to fight not to slip up and say, “I love you,” before hanging up the phone. Old habits really do die hard.
By your second month apart, you both had gotten to the point where you didn’t follow through on the impulse to reach out. Your heart sank a little every time you���d get a notification on your phone and you saw that it wasn’t from him, but you knew that it was for the best. It still sucked, though.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. You still thought about him often, but you had gotten a grip on your emotions over it. He hadn’t tried to contact you, and that let you know that if he was over it, it was time for you to be over it too. After a lot of prompting from friends, you set yourself up on Tinder. It was a dumb idea, and all it really was, was a distraction. But it was an effective one. You’d had your fair share of disastrous conversations, awful first-dates, and not-terrible hookups since joining. Dating apps weren’t really your thing, but you hoped that maybe you’d stumble across someone who could start to fill the gap that Bishop had left.
After another awkward dinner with a man that you would never speak to again, you decided to meet up with your friends who were out at the club. The night was young and you didn’t want your entire Saturday night to feel like a waste. One of your friends was waiting for you outside the door to the club, and she beamed at you as she waved you over.
She wrapped you in a hug, “Date was that bad, huh?”
You laughed, nodding, “Another on the long list of disappointments. I don’t even know why I bother.”
“Well, come on, we’ll make sure the rest of your night isn’t so disappointing. Now that you’re here we can all do shots!”
The night was definitely the perfect distraction from your disaster of a date. You and your friends had spent all night on the dance floor, completely detached from everything else that was going on. You hadn’t even gone back to the bar to get more drinks, which was probably for the best. You were still just buzzed, not drunk, and that was much better for everyone involved.
You finally had to go get some water and sit down at the bar for a minute to catch your breath. You managed to maneuver through the packed groups of people and waited patiently for someone to free up a stool at the bar. You plopped down, taking a deep breath.
You were sitting back, sipping on your water when a familiar face materialized in front of you. Your eyes grew wide as a smile spread across your face. Hopping off of your stool you jumped and wrapped your arms around Angel.
“Holy shit,” you laughed as you stepped back so you could look at him, “What are you doing here?”
He chuckled, “Guy’s night out.”
You raised an eyebrow, “Since when does that not happen at the clubhouse, or over at Vicki’s?”
“It’s called branching out, querida,” he laughed.
“Who’s all here?” you looked around.
“Usual crew of troublemakers,” he nodded towards the door where Coco and Gilly were standing, chatting with a group of girls.
“No EZ?”
“He’s outside, him and Bish are having a smoke.” Your heart dropped into your stomach, and Angel saw the change on your face, “Still not talking?”
You shook your head, “Not in a long time. Never reached out to me.”
“Well, you got about two minutes before neither of you are left with much of another choice.”
“Fuck me,” you rolled your eyes and shook your head.
Angel ordered you each a shot and you took it, praying it would alleviate the nerves building up inside your chest. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you against his side for a moment, “Quit stressing about it, Y/N. You’ll be fine.”
Before you could attempt to argue with him about how wrong he was, Bishop and EZ appeared on either side of him. Your breathing hitched as you took in the sight of Bishop after not having seen him in months. You forced out a hello to both him and EZ, and Angel took that as his cue to drag his brother off to find a different section of the club to hang out in.
It was just you and Bishop facing each other now. Every part of you wanted to get up and hug him, but you knew that it would undo months of work. You weren’t over him by any means, but you could at least pretend that you were.
“Wouldn’t expect to see you in a place like this,” you finally said.
He smiled, shaking his head, “Me either. It definitely,” he glanced around the club for a moment before returning his eyes to you, “wasn’t my idea.”
“Just being a good team player?”
He laughed, “Something like that,” he paused, “Can I get you a drink?”
You smiled, “Angel bought me a shot before you got here…but I’ll take a beer.”
He lingered close to you as the two of you talked. Somehow you managed to hear each other through the music and the sounds of a million other conversations happening around you. the bartender would wordlessly refill your empty beer glasses and neither of you commented to get them to stop. Every now and then Bishop’s hand would brush against yours as he reached for his glass and you didn’t comment on it, but you knew that you both noticed it happening.
You had been afraid that the conversation was going to feel awkward, or forced, but it wasn’t. Truthfully you had completely forgotten that you were there with your friends. By the looks of it, Bishop had decided to leave the rest of the club to their own devices. The two of you caught up about the safe topics. He asked you about work and you asked vague questions about the club, just inquiring to how everyone was doing.
“How’s my boy Chucky?” you asked with a smile.
Bishop laughed and nodded, “He is doing as well as he ever was. He and Leti are a dynamic duo now. Keeping each other out of trouble.”
You laughed, “That’s good,” you paused, biting down on your lip for a moment before saying, “I need to step out for a second and grab a smoke.”
“Want some company?” he was trying not to look too eager.
You smiled, “Sure.”
Bishop placed money on top of the bar and followed you towards the door. You’d caught Angel looking at the two of you and you purposely didn’t hold eye contact with him. As you were reaching the door to the club, you felt Bishop’s hand press lightly against the small of your back. You looked back and smiled, arching your brow.
“Hands to yourself, Bish,” you laughed as the two of you landed out on the sidewalk.
He chuckled, “Or what, you’re gonna fight me?”
You smiled as you leaned back against the outside wall of the club, digging your pack of cigarettes out of your purse, “You’ve seen what happens to men who get too handsy with me.”
He smiled, shaking his head as he took the cigarette that you offered him, “Do it, I dare you. It’s been a while since I’ve had to fight someone.”
“That’s not a streak you should be looking to break,” you laughed as you lit your smoke and passed the lighter over to him.
There was silence between the two of you for a little bit. Despite the fact that there was more physical space between you, it felt so much more intimate now that you were outside without the chaos of the club to distract you. If it had been a few months ago, the two of you wouldn’t have had any space between you—he never could manage to keep his hands off of you whenever the two of you went out. The gap between you felt wrong, but you weren’t going to be the one to close it.
“How badly do you want to be home right now?” you asked with a smile as you exhaled a cloud of smoke.
Bishop laughed, “You know dance clubs have never been my thing,” he stepped in a little closer to you, “But this part here isn’t so bad.”
You felt your face start to get hot and you couldn’t meet his eyes. He wasn’t touching you but you could practically feel the heat radiating off of his body. Without even meaning to he was making you feel so small, but part of you didn’t even mind it.
“Be careful, Obispo,” you were trying to keep things light but your voice came out so soft, “I think you’re forgetting who you’re talking to.”
His free hand came up and tilted your chin so that you were looking at him, “I haven’t forgot you yet, not even for a second,” he didn’t break eye contact with you, “And believe me, I’ve tried.”
You let out a shaky breath as you tilted your head up so that his hand was no longer touching you. You dropped your cigarette to the ground, snubbing it out with the ball of your foot. Bishop hadn’t back up at all and you were forced to look at him. There was a familiar light in his eyes, something that you had been missing desperately. He took one last drag before putting his cigarette out as well. You leaned back against the brick wall, trying to grant yourself a little more space between the two of you.
“I’ve missed this,” he said, visibly fighting the urge to pull you in close to him.
You nodded slightly, “Me too,” you swallowed hard, trying to force the words out, “You stopped answering my texts.”
He rested one hand on the back of his neck as he took a deep breath, “I figured that it would be best for you…for both of us.”
“I hate being broken up,” you blurted out. You quickly reached up and covered your mouth with your hand, unsure of where that had come from. It was true, sure, but you weren’t planning on saying it. You shook your head, “Fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean, I know why we did but fuck, I just mi—”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence. He stepped in and pulled you into a rough kiss. One arm snaked around your waist while his other hand rested against the back of your neck, pressing you into him. After a moment the shock of it wore off and you fell into him, hands gripping his kutte and pulling him as close as humanly possible. He pushed your back flush against the side of the building and you couldn’t help but to moan into your kiss.
He finally pulled his lips off of yours. You tried to catch your breath as you rested your forehead against his. His grip on you loosened as his hands slid around your hips and found themselves nestled into your back pockets. You smiled at the comfort of the familiar gesture. You brought one hand up to the side of his face, tracing along his cheekbone and feeling his stubble slide underneath the pad of your thumb.
“I’ve missed you so much, Y/N,” his voice was hardly a whisper.
You gave him a quick peck on the lips, “I’ve missed you too.”
“I thought it would be better if we weren’t together anymore, and maybe it’s selfish of me, but I want you to come home,” he pulled away slightly so that he could look you in the eyes, “Please.”
You felt the anxiety melting out of your body. You had spent months imagining him saying those words and it was finally happening. “Can I come home tonight?”
He chuckled, nodding, “I’d love that,” he pulled you into a hug, letting your head rest against his chest, “And I would really love if we left now so I don’t have to go back in there.”
You laughed into his chest, “I guess that’s fair,” you pulled away, letting your hands slide so that your fingers interlocked with his, “Take me home Obispo.”
He laughed, tugging you in the direction of his bike, “It’d be my pleasure.”
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
hi! can i ask for a matchup with a male character pls? i’m a soft 🥺🥺 girl and the baby in my friend groups, kinda shy at first & may look like a snob because i’m not sure if they’re saying hi to me or the person behind me 👉👈 but i open up really quickly if u decide u want to be friends, i’m chill and relaxed but i’m also down to do anything, i usually match my vibe with the people i’m with, quiet night in? i’m down! wanna impulsively do something at 3 am? i’m in! i’m naturally clingy and
(2/2) affectionate since my love languages are physical touch and quality time, which can lead to many people mistaking my platonic actions (hugs, handholding, head on your shoulder) as flirting when i’m just expressing my love for my friends 🥺🥺, i’m a procrastinator but i also plan my day in an organized manner so idk how i’m still cramming my deadlines, i love doing yoga, reading, painting and calligraphy, i’m a horrible cook oops but it somehow ends up good and edible in the end :))
(( I used the name Patricia, since it’s your username 😅))
💜💜💜 💜💜💜💜 💜💜💜💜 💜💜💜
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(Sorry,I couldn’t find a great picture, but much love ❤️ for our good octo-boi)
Shoji, does not see you as a snob or anything....mostly because he didn’t look down the first time he ‘met’ you, didn’t even see you in fact.
The second time he meets you, he realizes he likes the soft shy nature. So he tries to strike up a conversation, apparently this man knows no fear, at least when it comes to talk to new people.
Mezo, loves how you can match his mode at almost any given instant, but, he loves it even more when you tell him, what you really want.
Not everyone agrees but, I feel like this boy is lacking in the physical affection area due to insecurities.... SO! It’s the moment you start to snuggle into his side under his arms, hugging his arm/s (True lovers will take the challenge to hug all three), hugging his waist and pressing your cheek into his chest. He will hold you in the tightest embrace and make sure no one will ever hurt the thing he holds closest to him.
Ever felt self conscious? He will crush those insecurities the way he crushes weight lifting. No body makes his girl cry, and if they do, he’s not going to hurt them...bad.
So how did you go from friends to dating? Well, it was the moment your platonic actions made him realize. “......This, it’s nice being the one who’s held, and not holding someone else.” Struck a heart string for him.
Alone it wasn’t just the soft and intimate touches, it was the small things, when you sat by his side, dropped your head against his shoulder, took a hand between both of yours and talked about your day, all the good, bad, lunch, anything, he loved your voice and hearing you be open. He loved how you complained sometimes that you did everything by the schedule, but still, somehow somewhere time slipped away form you. But he realized he loved it more when you cared enough to ask him about his day, and his feelings.
Admires the works of art you create, loves watching you sketch and paint creating something beautiful out of nothing. Cooking? He worries a bit when he sees you struggling, and wants to help, but doesn’t want you to feel insecure. So he sits back and encumourgaes you with words, praying to whoever is listening that it’ll be good. When things get a bit serious, he’ll try to slyly help you, and you’ll accept it because what’s more romantic then cooking with your boyfriend?
Shoji, loves you deeply, seeks out your soft touches and hushed whispers, will gladly hold you on his chest while he lays back on his bed, even though he knows he should approve of your procrastination.
“Hey! Shoji!” Patricia whispered screamed while knocking his door.
The sound of shuffling was heard and soon she came face to chest with the white haired male that had come to be her friend.
“I need help,” she entered his room as he stepped aside letting her in, “Momo wants me to study more but I can’t! I’m tired.” She plopped down on a cushion she had left in his room the other night when she brought tea.
He simply nodded and closed the door, “I won’t hide you for long, just a break.”
It was a lie, the afternoon turned late, followed by early night, and here they were talking in whispers about something that happened in Patricia’s past.
“It was embarrassing! I literally blew snot on my crush, he didn’t even talk to me or look at me! Luckily my crush didn’t last more than two weeks so I got over it quick.”
Patricia turned onto her left side to face Shoji, he was laying on his back, head turned to look at her. His left arms supporting his head and tight arms stretch out. Patricia lowered her head to rest on his shoulder and sighed, content and smiled. “Shoji, you probably know this already but you are the best.”
Her left arm stayed tucked by her side as her right arm hugged his broad chest, his free arms coming to hold her waist and shoulders pulling her closer.
“You’re the only one to tell me.” He said still looking down at her.
“Well, I’ll just have to say it more then.” She tried to squeeze him failing due to his hardened muscular structure.
“Maybe I should work out.” She mumbled looking down at her tummy, it wasn’t a models body, but to Shoji? It belonged to the most beautiful lady he’s met so far in his life, (mom excluded for survival reasons.)
“I think you’re beautiful,” the mouth moved before he realized what he was going to say out loud.
Patricia felt the heat in her cheeks, sure she’d been complimented before but this felt, different, she closed her eyes and smiled, “Thank you Shoji, I think you’re quite handsome.”
He quickly turned his face the other way glad his mask covered majority of his face.
You laid there, wiggling your way closer to his side taking his warmth, but truth be told, without you, he’d feel just as cold as he did before. Maybe now would be the time to tell you, how madly I love he thinks he is in with you. To tell you how he loves watching you mumble into his chest when you sleep on him when he’s at your dorm watching a movie up at three in the morning when you have early classes the next day. The way he ties your hair back when your painting your best or writing your finest print. The way your brows furrow as you mix ingredients, and then how your eyes widen and you blush’s heepishky realizing you may have messed up. How even when your booked all day, you procrastinate and use that time to busy up his free time.
“Let’s get you to your dorm before you fall asleep.” Was all he said as he lifted you and himself.
Carrying anyone bridal style was a simple task, the man could carry the hero endeavor on one side and all might on the other, people often forget with one side he can life a thousand pounds easy. But, you always felt a bit self conscious, but when would your weight ever compare to 1000 pounds? Even if you did, he’d do everything he could to make sure you love yourself.
Making it to your room, he took your kept and opened the door. Once inside he was hit with the wave of a familiar scent. It was the smell of faint sweets and mint. It wasn’t strong, just noticeable. He walked in you yawned in his arms. You gave his neck a tight hug and thanked him for what did. He simply nodded, not liking the reaction you grabbed his neck and pulled him down into you.
He quickly readjusted so his weight wouldn’t crush you, here he was, laying on his back having forced you into his chest, he held you safe with all his arms, you yawned resting your head on his cheek. “Don’t go Mezo.”
He sighed and squeezed you, “I shouldn’t spend the night.”
“Please?” You yawned again.
He tried to fight but he couldn’t, “once.”
Fell asleep on his chest, but woke up in panic when he turned to his side, you almost fell of the bed, but he caught you. He pulled you into his chest now chest to chest on your sides you held him, your eyes held lidded as you wanted to stay awake but sleep was much better.
“I should tell you something.” His voice was low and smooth.
“Mhmm,” you hummed enjoying his voice.
“I think, I’ve grown emotionally attracted to you.”
You didn’t process it to easy, emotionally attached? Oooo big words, big guy makes sense. The problem with being half weak, was that you didn’t process it. But your lips moved on their own as you pushed you self up to get level with him, kissing his cheek you nuzzled his clothed cheek, “Shoji I have confession.”
“I think I love you.” Patricia mumbled and continued to try and get closer to the boy.
He let out a single laughed and squeezed her closer, “Well talk when your awake.”
“Mkay, Good night Shoji, love you.” You yawned, and let your eyes close still catching his faint whispered into the darkness as his chin rested on your head, “Good night, I..... love you.”
Your heart warmed up at his soft whispered and you smield feeling yourself finally sleep, so soft, so sweet.
I hope you like it 🖤
Thank you for the request and being patient with me lol.
My ask box is open, and Anon is on. Remember to stay hydrated, and stay caught up with work!
Love to everyone 💛 Stay safe!
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mutedrop · 3 years
idk if this is the dumbest place and idea to open up about my personal life, but I'm gonna do it anyway.
some relationship advice would be appreciated...
this might be a long story so bear with me.
so, I met this girl back in 2007. i was fourteen. we instantly hit it off, and it didn't take long before we started dating. i think I'd already figured I was bisexual by then. i think we were the couple that people would call "like an old married couple".
we dated for almost three years. neither of us were mentally in the best place, i was depressed (i was horrible, well, u know how depression can change you), she had issues of her own.
she cheated in 2009. we broke up. and if I wasn't already a mess then i definitely became one. i was really angry for a long time, but we didn't get out of each other's lives. we stayed "friends", however unhealthy it was. because she moved on, and i was right there, watching it happening next to me when I couldn't bare the thought of having her out of my life.
time passed. it was really, really hard for me to get over her. but i guess at some point I did, i started drifting away from her - well, distancing myself from the pain that kept jabbing in my bones. she changed partners, moved a little further away. i want to remind you we stayed friends.
i dated a few other people, had some one night stands. but i never felt right with any of them. i was always the one who "ran away" and ended things with people. i think there were probably at least three hearts i broke at that time because I just didn't feel it, couldn't do it.
i think I started to heal, in more ways than one. i was still a bit of a mess, struggling to, kind of, know what I wanted. i didn't really know what my gender identity was, and it bothered me. for a long time I bordered on transgender ftm. (i even got diagnosed as one in... 2012-2013?). these days i just go with genderfluid. i have a more feminine phase now, and it’s okay with me!
few years passed and we didn't see each other a whole lot. i mean, we hung out, she just lived further away. although seeing her was always really painful. i think I evaded her actually.
i decided to move back to my childhood town in 2016. we saw each other less. we lived two hours apart. i was already getting my shit together, and was mentally whole a lot better (also, i wasn't a moody teenager anymore).
fast forward to 2020, i started seeing a girl I met on tinder. we hung out, hooked up, and i already saw she was getting quite attached over the summer. at that point, I was making phone calls with my ex (yes the one I've been talking about the whole time). she'd broken up with her girlfriend of 7 years at that point. I broke off the thing I had with the girl I met, because I couldn't do it. It didn't feel right.
not long after that, I went to see my ex. it had been almost half a year since we last met i guess. i stayed at her place for a few days. i had so much fun - i couldn't remember the last time I laughed like that. and I felt things.
when I left, i couldn't hold the emotions for long. i told her that I felt i still loved her. she told me she noticed.
we started talking. she warned me about expecting too much of her. we spoke on the phone. met again. I talked about my feelings, a lot. she talked about how her exes were always jealous of me. we were always something else. there's something deeper, a connection i couldn't find anywhere else. we saw each other again, and i talked more. she told me she wanted to kiss me, but she was terrified - that if we'd try again and failed we would lose our friendship. 
next time we met and while I was making my leave, she did. kiss me, that is. and, gods, nothing never felt so right before.
we met up a few times during the autumn. but i was puzzled. once i asked why wouldn’t she touch me - and i mean just brushing fingers, holding hands. she said she had a lot of her mind, that she was anxious. we were kissing, but i didn't know where we stood. i asked a few times, but she couldn't give me an answer. she got a new dog suddenly - sounds irrelevant but it kind of isn't - and i felt ... betrayed? i was actually really angry, because it was impulsive, and i was already attached to the imaginary future i had in my head. i know it sounds dumb but i was jealous of the dog. it... sounds so dumb now that I tell it! i have three of my own, so I’m definitely a dog person. somehow it was just... too much. but i felt like as if she was trying to push me away. i told her how i felt about it, how it actually hurt me, because i felt like i wasn’t enough. 
(at that point i’d already started to write my feelings into a fic, all of this I’ve been talking about now, and i let her read it the more i wrote.)
i stayed with her for a few weeks because of a job i got for the time. at a point, i grew a little frustrated. i felt like a roommate who got kissed. she’d said she’d want to take things slow, but after a while i asked about it again. because I... might sound dumb and selfish, but i wanted to feel loved. that things would lead up somewhere. that the relationship would grown, and not stagnate on such a weird level. i didn’t want to be a...  foregone conclusion. the fact we were friends and used to date didn’t mean i would just have her have me if she wouldn’t work for it. i felt like i was pining. and I sat her down and told her i wanted to talk about it. she’d kiss me, but didn’t really like to be touched. 
and again, i might sound selfish, but hugs and kisses aren’t enough for me in a serious relationship, if it ever came to that. i want to be touched, i want to feel like i’m one with a person i yearn for. i want things to collide, i need the flirt, the fluff, i want to share how i feel, what i think, even if a little beyond the innocent. the feeling like i’d be missed if i went away. but i still felt like just a friend to her, when I felt so much it hurt more often than not.
so we talked, and it wasn’t without tears she told she wasn’t sure if she’d ever want to get intimate. and as far as i knew her and understood what she said, she’s not asexual (and she definitely wasn’t back when we were together), but she had an issue with sex. but she wouldn’t let me in on it. i asked if she ever would, and I didn’t get a straight answer. it’s never straight with her.  i would, and i would love to, help her, talk with her about everything, but she deflects every time i try.
and since then, I’ve been really torn.
she said she wrote me a letter about it, but as luck would have it, it got lost in the mail and it’s been two weeks since she sent it. and I don’t dare to demand her what she wrote. but i feel like i’m sinking, because things are still the same. we’re not closer, things aren’t growing (although it’s a bit because i had so much work i haven’t been able to see her). but i feel like i don’t want to keep asking and asking, again and again, for reasons. i’m constantly holding myself in. i don’t dare to try warming things up, even just innocently flirt. i don’t want to push her, but I’m also getting so so tired of not knowing a shit about anything.
i have no idea if i’m just on my way for getting my heart broken, again, by her. i’m willing to work for us, but i don’t know to what lengths she is. i’ve told her, that i can’t wait forever. i just can’t take it. what the hell am i supposed to do?
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sctisfctions · 3 years
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( emeraude toubia, 28, cis female, she/her ) Have you seen CARINA TORRERO around ? I hear they’re an ESCORT who can sometimes be GREEDY & IMPULSIVE. But I also heard they can be DETERMINED & ADAPTIVE if you catch them on a good day. They’re usually hanging around LA CASA DI MATEO in their spare time. I sure hope they’re alright ! ( mandy )
Hello all! I’m Mandy and this is my child, Carina Torrero She’s… a lot, so bless your soul for finding your way to this intro.
Full name: Carina Cecilia Torrero Nickname: Care, Cari, C.C. Age: 28 Nationality: Mexican and Lebanese  Religion: N/A City of birth: Laredo, Texas The current place for living: Chicago, IL Job title: Eden Escort Married? No Spoken Languages: Spanish, English Birthday: October 30th Does she own a home? Yes
B A C K G R O U N D : ( updated Feb. 25th, 2021 )
Carina is the baby of her family and has always was spoiled as such; showered in gifts. In the small town of Laredo, Texas, the Torrero family was known as the richest family in town. While it was rumored that there were some underground dealings going on in the family business, none of those were true. In fact, The Torreros prided themselves on being the purest and most righteous family in the region. Rev. Torrero owned and pastored a Mega Church that made millions of dollars every week, on top of people throwing money at her parents for their “good work”. But it meant nothing to Carina because she always felt like the church always came before her. Every time they were absent from her biggest life events, a gift was sent to make up for it. 
When Carina went to Drexel University to get her degree in fashion design and marketing, she planned on spending the first year goofing off and exploring what the world has to offer her. In a city like Philadelphia, it was easy to get lost in the hype of pre-game drinking sessions and post-game parties, getting sucked into hook-up culture and living as thought she’d never have a chance to touch this many people all at once. 
Getting out of college and moving back in with her family in Laredo was odd, at first, leaving the sweet life of sin behind and pretending to be the angel the town was so used to. Kidding, of course, she couldn’t leave it behind. She started doing modeling on the side and ended up getting commissioned for a huge gig with a very risqué magazine. Before the photoshoot even happened, word reached her parents church and the rumors spread like wildfire across the town. Her parents looked down on her with shame and disgrace. 
It felt all so overwhelming until she realized it’s all just Texas life. Outside of their region, no one even knows who her family is. She knew the only thing to do was to pack up her things, steal a couple million dollars from her parents ( which was barely a dent for them ), and move to Chicago where she could carry on a life of her own. Within a month of moving, she made friends with some people who worked at a club called Eden. They got her a job as an escort and, to this day, she’s been operating as a freelance designer by day and an escort by night. 
Sisters or brothers: One older brother and sister Wife or husband: N/A. Children: None. Other important persons: Roommate(s)
Physical Characteristics:
Addictions: control, power Bad Habits: acting only for the good of herself Color of Eyes: brown The color of Hair: black The color of Skin: tan Dialect: american accent Does the character drink regularly? always Does the character have any disabilities? no Does the character prefer any proverbs? “the most important thing is to enjoy your life and be happy” - audrey hepburn Does the character smoke? sometimes Good Habits: open-minded, forward thinking, tidy. Height: 5′3″ Hobbies: reading, working out, instagram, binge watching, skin care routines, healthy eating Is she wearing Glasses? no Is the character healthy or does he have any diseases? she’s healthy What’s the style of the character? (modern, outmoded): sporty and sexy. is almost always wearing a sports bra, leggings, and sneakers.
Mental Characteristics
Education: Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design and Marketing Intelligent or not? smart enough. she picks things up quickly. Fears: being misunderstood, spiders Life Goals (next 5 years): get a mansion Life Goals (next 25 years): own a fashion empire Self-perception: idk she’s just trying to keep it all together Assumed external perception: she thinks people think she’s either great or a bitch, there is no in between. Self-Confidence: extremely confident Rational Or Emotional: rational How could you upset this character? compare her to her family
Wanted Connections ( all based on crazy ex-girlfriend/galavant songs )
any of these could be filled with gang affiliates of any kind !! It’d be fun to see how a gang affiliate would spice up these connections !! 
FRIENDTOPIA: Carina loves very few people on Earth. They’re the Joey/Chandler/Monica/Phoebe to her Rachel. They do practically everything together, as they spend pretty much every waking second together. They’re her roommates (they can work at Eden with her, but it’s not required). 
LET’S GENERALIZE ABOUT MEN: a bitch-type group of friends that get together, sometimes drink, sometimes shop, or sometimes just share gossip and personal thoughts about what the hell is going on around them.
SECRET MISSION: They say the enemy of my enemy is my friend. These people mutually hate someone and often come up with different ways in which they can make this person suffer. But it’s all just in good fun…… or is it?
OFF WITH HIS SHIRT: Any of the men she’s been with exclusively through Eden. Her “regulars” or “visitors”, if you will. She gets paid quite heavily whether she offers sex or just her general company.
MAYBE YOU WON’T DIE ALONE: Carina is the self-proclaimed Hook Up Guru of Chicago, so she’ll definitely attempt to hook you up with that person you’ve had your eye on and it sometimes isn’t subtle. But sex makes her happy, so helping her friends get laid makes her happy too. 
AFTER EVERYTHING I’VE DONE FOR YOU: This person has gone to hell and back for Carina, yet she shows little to no gratitude towards them. It’s only a matter of time before their lid pops right off. 
FACE YOUR FEARS: These are her older friends who help her figure out her shit and she ACTUALLY listens to them because she just trusts them more than anyone else. 
GREG’S DRINKING SONG: Drinking buddies!! A lot of the instances Greg mentions in the song can basically just be different scenarios they’ve gotten themselves in.
IT WAS A SHIT SHOW: A bittersweet ex-boyfriend. They really didn’t have any choice but to end things. He has some things going on in his life, Carina wasn’t anywhere near ready for a monogamous relationship. They both agree… it was a DISASTER.
SETTLE FOR ME: Someone who, stupidly, has a crush on Carina and he literally doesn’t have a single chance in hell. I just think this kind of energy would be hella hilarious.
STRIP AWAY MY CONSCIENCE: One of the guys that she regularly hooks up/hooked up with. Maybe even dated, but it wasn’t anything more than sex, really. They’re still friends to this day. 
SEX WITH A STRANGER: This is pretty straight forward. All of her hookups. I’m just gonna list them here for data purposes. They coulda been friends before or barely know each other. Honestly, if she avoided everyone she’s ever had sex with, she’d never leave her house. 
MAYBE YOU’RE NOT THE WORST THING EVER: Bitter, toxic exes. This was one of her first real and intense relationships that happened in a time when she was the most vulnerable and unprepared. It ended HORRIBLY when they lashed out at each other and it’s hard to let those feelings go. If they can get over their own pettiness, they can at least hope to be frenemies.
JACKASS IN A CAN: People who really just DON’T think she’s all that. They thinks he’s very stuck up and don’t fall for her charming, blunt persona in the slightest. I’d just love someone to call her out on her bullshit.
I DON’T LIKE YOU: General dislike and sworn mortal enemies kind of situation. We can talk over what happened between them, but honestly, it wouldn’t be that hard to find something that she did… or someone. 
WHEW this was long, but go ahead and press some buttons if you like and wanna plot with her!! 
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shamemp3 · 4 years
can u tell me a little about the personality of each batkid?
i can try!! idk if it’ll be great bc a bunch of writers give them diff attitudes and stuff but ill give it a shot!
dick: he’s more on the outgoing side, and he usually likes to keep things light, BUT he can be very hot-tempered and impulsive, since he does let his emotions get to him a lot of the time (a lot of the fandom likes to believe he’s all happy-go-lucky all the time, but he’s really not). despite this, he’s a very logical thinker and he tries to avoid his feelings and his friends/family by overworking himself but that almost always ends up with burnout. he’s not the best at expressing his feelings but he’s also not as closed-off as you’d think, and he’s very very very compassionate and empathetic. he’s also trusting, but not too trusting, he’s still very logical and knows what he’s doing when he’s analyzing clues and evidence. he’s also very conflicted with himself bc he wants bruce to be proud of him and he thinks the only way that’ll happen is if he acts LIKE bruce, but he also wants to be nothing like bruce. he has very high standards for himself, and if anything goes wrong, he’ll hold himself responsible no matter what. so yeah!! he’s very complex bc he can be outgoing but he could also avoid all his loved ones for weeks, he can be very emotional and hot-tempered but he can also try to dismiss all his feelings and be blunt and forward, and he often struggles with which side of his personality is really him. he’s not the ‘happy boy’ that a lot of the fandom describes him as.
babs: she is very witty and serious about what she does!! she doesn’t really take anyone’s shit and tells people off when they deserve it. but, she’s also very very understanding and she usually knows what to say and when to say it. she’s also stubborn and if she has her mind set to do something, nobody can really stop her bc she’s just so determined and into what she does. even when she was a kid, she was very mature and just had a deeper understanding of things than others her age might. she’s very careful and likes to think a few steps ahead before she does something, and she rarely acts on impulse (but i could be misremembering). so yes!! she can be either tough or warm, depending on who she’s dealing with and what the situation is. she’s responsible, dependable, practical, and has a huge sense of responsibility. she rarely lets her emotions get the best of her during fights, and she has many goals for herself that she stops at nothing to accomplish.
duke: he just wants to help!! duke is brave and will stand up for what he believes is right. he’s also incredibly intelligent and independent and won’t let complications stop him from doing what he wants. he cares so much about protecting people and just people in general. he is also a leader and knows how to approach situations with an equal balance of logic and emotion. he knows the risks and downfalls of being a vigilante but he still believes that he needs to do it because he can and so therefore he should. sometimes he doubts himself and feels lost but he usually doesn’t let his feelings get in the way and affect his job and his responsibilities. he is willing to do anything to help others, and that’s why he’s incredibly brave and connected to the people around him. he also knows when he’s in over his head and he knows when to ask for help. he also sometimes feels like he doesn’t fit in and so he needs to prove himself, but he doesn’t shy away from talking about his feelings and expressing his doubts and insecurities. he has a strong moral compass and is so hardworking and doesn’t give up because he always bounces back from his insecurities. he’s incredibly grounded and just,,, yeah the huge thing about him is tht he is willing to do anything to help bc he just wants to do what’s right!!
cass: cass!! she just wants to belong to something, she is so incredibly loyal to her loved ones because she values them so much. she gives off mysterious and reserved vibes at first, but once people get past her walls, she will do anything for them. she is very focused and also an incredibly quick learner and skilled fighter. she’s able to adapt to situations quite well. before she mastered her speech skills, she would show people that she trusted them through touch, which is why she’s big on physical affection. she feels incredible guilt because of her childhood, which haunts her quite a lot. her discipline and sense of purpose are very important to her and often keep her grounded. cass holds herself to very high standards when fighting, she needs to be a perfect fighter, and she needs to be the best. she needs to save lives, and if she makes a mistake, she’ll feel immense guilt and throw herself into her training to make sure what happened isn’t repeated. she likes to work alone and can be aloof, but this does not mean she doesn’t care about her loved ones (she is very compassionate), she just doesn’t always find it easy to express her feelings. she is also incredibly afraid of the death of her loved ones. as batgirl, she’s very intimidating and dark. she wouldn’t hesitate to risk herself if it meant saving someone else. her empathy can be overwhelming to her because her feelings are very strong, even though she doesn’t always reveal them. 
jason: people like to think that jason has always been angry and vengeful, but before he died he was nothing like that!! he was a very hopeful kid as robin and he liked banter and quips and was less serious than dick himself as robin. after jason died though, he grew to be very complex. his emotions are very intense, and depending on how much he controls them, they’ll either help him or they’ll ruin him. he can be rash and impulsive and can struggle with controlling his anger, but he does have a big heart, he just tries very hard to protect himself and not be vulnerable because after he came back to life, he found it hard to trust others (because he trusted bruce but then found out that bruce let the joker live), so he chooses to be independent and depend on himself. he’s neither a hero or a villain. he wants to help and protect those that can’t protect themselves, but his methods are different than the rest of the batkids in the sense that he will take the final step and kill people if he feels they deserve it. when he first came back to life, he kind of showed his feelings through his anger, but the longer he stayed alive the longer he grew to deal with his emotions, even though he’d slip up every once in a while (which we all do). also important to mention that he takes no joy in killing, he just believes that it's what has to be done. he’s impatient but he appreciates when people take the time to be understanding with him instead of judge him based on his past. basically he is also a very complex character, and he’s not the “bad boy” the fandom likes to pit him as.
steph: steph!! early on she was written as kind of aggressive, but that kind of faded?? idk she is stubborn and determined, and she can’t be held back. she’s friendly and warm but she’s also blunt and forward; she’s very honest with her opinions. she likes to think outside the box when fighting, and can be impulsive at times. she’s very patient and understanding and just understands people very well but like i mentioned, she won’t shy away from expressing her thoughts and feelings. steph doesn’t let people push her around, and is very strong. she doesn’t let herself feel down, she wants to be strong, especially in front of others. she’s funny and she likes to act cool and down to earth, and doesn’t like to disclose her negative thoughts to people around her, but every once in a while her anger will come back. she loves the rush of being a vigilante, but sometimes she can be too risk-taking and impulsive. she’s independent and mature, and very driven. sometimes she struggles with understanding herself, but she often keeps her feelings to herself (not always tho). she believes she has a responsibility to go out and protect the city, because she wants prove to herself that she is nothing like her dad, so she’ll take her job seriously, even if it comes at a cost. she has a confident attitude, whether she truly feels that way or not. she’s sarcastic and talkative and likes to be tough, but not everyone gets to know what really goes on inside her mind.
tim: in terms of thinking, tim is very similar to bruce. he makes an incredible detective and is very observant and focused. like dick, he tends to overwork himself, often to ignore how he feels. he’s very loyal and charismatic and keen, and loves doing what he does. he tends to doubt himself a lot and doesn’t always believe that he’s fit to be robin, even though he’s arguably the best detective out of the robins. he likes to work alone and can be awkward, but he’s still charismatic and likeable, and is very good at reading people. he’s serious and careful and tends to think first before doing anything. sometimes his logic can take over and he ends up ignoring his feelings. he can be reserved and distant because he doesn’t want to get too involved with people knowing how unstable and spontaneous his job/life is. he’s calculated and knows when to make difficult decisions, and is good at understanding his feelings. he’s a good balance of serious and laid-back, and knows how to act in different situations. but yea, sometimes he doesn’t want to deal with his feelings and instead chooses to put them aside and focus on something else, which ends up in him bottling up a bit too much. but yeah!! he’s very reasonable and also witty, and more well-spoken than people like to give him credit for. i feel like all i did is just talk about how logical he is but he IS also incredibly caring and understanding and he loves his friends and family and he notices little things about them. his self-doubt rarely stops him from doing what he knows is important, and he just wants to help change things for the better.
damian: he can seem arrogant, mean, and angry on the surface, but it’s just because he’s very careful with who he chooses to let in. he wants to prove that he’s worthy and skilled to both bruce and himself. he doesn’t really know how to deal with his emotions a lot of the time so he ends up being cold a lot of the time. he sometimes chews off more than he can take, just because he wants to prove that he can be independent and capable all on his own, but that often gets him in trouble. that being said, he is still an incredible fighter, he just hasn’t had as much experience as the others (obviously) and likes to take on more than he can. once he lets people in, he’s excited, funny, and energetic around them, and definitely not as cold as before, but he still is not too open about his feelings. he wants to fit in and spend time with his loved ones but he’s also afraid of being too open and vulnerable (which like. are u surprised. just look at his parents). he wants very badly to prove himself and also to help people and can feel very guilty if he cant save someone. when it comes to killing bad guys, he’s not opposed to it, he just doesn’t do it because neither dick or bruce want him to. in general he’s just very conflicted with his feelings and wanting to be more out there but also being very afraid of vulnerability. he also hates being underestimated, and is still learning to understand his emotions and deal with his anger. 
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iwantutobehapppier · 5 years
You Belong
This is a sequel to my story, Just Ask. Next parts can be found here: Mine, A Habit and Convalesce 
Pairing: Jealous!Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: In between missions you and your fellow former Avenger fugitives take a break to celebrate Steve’s 100th birthday in Wakanda. However Steve does not appreciate the growing friendship between you and Bucky.
Warnings: Language, Dark!Steve, Jealous!Steve, light choking, Possessive!Steve, rough sex, oral, unprotected sex. 18 and older only, do not read if under the age of 18. This isn’t for everyone, if any of these situations bother you please read no further.
Word Count: 4,938
A/N: This is pretty much just minimal plot to get to Smut. Thank you so much for all the likes and reblogs of part one. The overwhelming support from last week has been amazing! Truly cannot thank you all enough. The writing has definitely improved in this one as I get back in the groove of writing. This one takes place before infinity war by idk a few months? Haha. Enjoy!
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July 1st 2018
Steve was the last to board the Quinjet with the most recent mission completed, he ripped the com from his ear, his eyes on you until he walked past, clearly unhappy with you.
“Set a course for the safe house Sam,” Steve ordered patting Sam on the shoulder, Sam looked up giving a nod followed by “You got it Rogers,” and began course as instructed. You couldn’t help the frown that fell on your face, is that how he wanted you to act too? Steve turned to the back of the jet, his eyes narrowing in on you sitting in between Wanda and Natasha. The two of them were quietly talking trying to draw you into conversation in attempt to break the growing tension.
Steve practically stomped until he was in front of you, folding his arms over his stealth suit chest piece he looked down at you with increasing annoyance. Raising an eyebrow you waited for him to start in.
“How many time do I have to remind you that you can’t just go on your own? We are a team, we do this together or we don’t do it at all.” he forced an even tone. Natasha watching with a smirk, she often said the two of you were her best entertainment in between the missions. Wanda was rolling her eyes knowing he was over reacting because it was you while Sam continued watching the sky, he was less than thrilled at your behavior as well.
“I was the only one nearby and had I not intervened those civilians would have been dead.” You stood up placing your hand on your hips, the defiant stance not lost on his part, you could see his jaw clench and nostrils flare.
“They only got a few good hits in before the threat was dealt with, right?” His eyes were slits his hands balled into fists against his chest. It was clear his body language sending the red flag that you were one wrong step from a fight in front of the team.
“Next time communicate to your team instead of putting yourself in a risky situation without an escape plan.” He gritted between his teeth turning away from you to lean over Sam as neared the safe house. He was trying hard to quell is temper in front of everyone but you knew this argument was far from over.
You didn’t want to fight with him again, but it felt like he didn’t trust your judgment lately. If any of the others had done what you did there would be no discussion outside of if they were okay after the dust settled. With you there was this underlining message ‘you’re reckless, a danger and unhelpful’ and it was hard not to fight back each time. You had been fighting for S.H.E.I.L.D. while he was still sleeping beauty, how dare he treat you like you were new to the battle front.
Taking a deep breath you tried to distract yourself by talking to Wanda and Natasha, missing the softening worried look Steve gave looking back at you.
- 3 Days later -
You looked in the mirror trailing your fingers along the deep marks Steve left on your chest and up your neck that were clearly on display in the low dipped elegant dress you had on. It was Steve’s 100th birthday and T'Challa who had already kindly provided you all housing when you randomly visited in the past was also hosting the celebration.
“How am I going to cover these up?” Just as you spoke there was a knock at the door to the bedroom you shared with Steve.
Opening the door you saw Wanda and Natasha both dressed up for the celebration, their reaction clear when they saw the marks. Normally you were in your stealth suit that had a high collar or one of your many basic t-shirts that did a good job hiding them. Wanda gasped placing hand in front of her mouth and Natasha tried to unsuccessfully smoother a laugh. You huffed.
“You two going to just stare or give me some good concealer to cover this all up.” Natasha didn’t stifle her laughter this time.
“Come on lets cover up your ‘battle’ wounds” Natasha offered raising her eyebrows suggestively.
You were caught up chatting with Wanda and Natasha when people erupted in cheer at Steve entering the banquet hall with Bucky. The cheer brought large genuine smile to his face. Bucky placed his hand on Steve’s shoulder smiling as well, though he appeared a bit on edge, more than likely about the large crowd.
You slipped away from the main group, heading towards one of the bar areas set up around in the stylish banquet hall. Steve looked around for you and frowned when he saw you walking away, his brow furrowed noticing the startling lack of marks on your skin.
Continuing your way to the bar you couldn’t get over the kindness of T'Challa letting Steve celebrate his birthday here with his comrades and longest friend as well. You ordered your regular drink of choice and turned away from the bar, resting back on your elbows against the bar top. Your fellow outlaws were there along with some civilians Steve had befriended on their short stays in Wakanda.
You smiled softly, looking for the birthday boy. Seeing him chatting along with Natasha and random people made you happier. When his eyes found yours lingering on him he gave you a knowing look tapping at his neck. You felt nervousness take you over; you knew covering up the marks while the professional thing to do would not please him. The two of you still heated about the fight from last mission, you just wanted to look nice for his birthday.
His concentration on you broken as a new person came up to give him well wishes and chat. You quickly turned around downing your drink in attempts to calm your frazzled nerves.
As the celebrations began you found yourself at Steve’s side his arm wrapped around your waist keeping you folded into his side. You would look up at him from time to time a he conversed, amazed at seeing this side of him. It reminded you of the old Captain America friendly golden retriever demeanor he would have. Sometimes he would catch you looking at him and stare down at you, the telling darkness swirling in his ocean blue eyes bringing a shiver down your back. He pulled you flush to his chest the last time he caught you staring at him, his mouth against your ear you couldn’t help the fluttering in your stomach as his grip tightened around you.
“You keep looking at me like that and I’ll have to mark you in ways no make-up would be able to cover.” The next moment M'Baku walked up and Steve’s entire attitude shifted back, bringing you to his side once more, his grip loosened. You made an excuse to use the restroom and needing to calm yourself down from his words and touch.
When you were on your way back from the restroom you heard a hushed male voices and what sounded like your name coming from the men’s restroom. Quieting your steps you leaned against the wall, listening in you picked up it was Sam and Bucky having a very heated discussion.
“She doesn’t listen, and puts everyone at risk. I see it distracting Steve on missions. He can’t focus if she’s out there doing whatever she wants. He’ll scold her but then she does it again a few missions later,” Sam’s voice exasperated.
“From what Steve’s told me she was a S.H.E.I.L.D. operative for a long time. She may not be a soldier but-” Bucky was coming at your defense, not that you two were enemies but there wasn’t a solid connection between the two of you either, the luxury of time severally lacking in your life to make said connection.
“That’s just it! She’s not, she’s always been on her own or with the Avengers with all those extra powers to make up for her impulse control,” you felt a punch in your gut. So that was how he felt; you subconsciously chewed on your bottom lip, was it what Steve thought too?
“I’m telling you Sam this isn’t something to push Steve on. She is one of the best things that has happened to him.” Bucky’s words almost soothing the pain from Sam’s.
“She’s going to get herself killed or worse Steve killed when he tries to save her,” You caught yourself before the pained gasp escaped your lips, his words were like an ice grip in your chest.
“I’ll tell you one more time, coming from me, you have to listen Sam. The last time I saw Steve this at peace was back in 1936.” The year held significance to Steve’s life but you couldn’t find yourself able to recall anything too consumed in the pain this conversation was causing you. “If you push this I doubt you’ll like the outcome.” Bucky’s words heavy with warning and unknown consequences.
You heard Wanda call out your name, your eyes widening hoping the gentlemen in the restroom didn’t hear it but the unlocking of the men’s room told you otherwise.
“They’re bringing out the cake!” You speed walked to Wanda, not daring to see the men behind you walk back out in the main hall. You stopped yourself behind Steve, shakily taking his hand in yours not willing to move further into the fold of celebration. Steve squeezed your hand looking back at you. Forcing the best smile you could at him, his brow slightly creasing as he picked up something was not right. Before he could push the subject further they rolled out the cake.
“Happy Birthday dear Steven, happy birthday to you!” the small group sang together off key. Steve laughing, holding his chest at the large cake with 100 candles lit emitting heat even you felt standing behind him.
When he took a huge breath and blew out all 100 candles everyone cheered, Bucky coming up on his other side slapping Steve on the back making a comment about him being full of hot air.
You found yourself back at the bar ordering another drink not too longer afterwards, you downed it and ordered a double; the bartender eyeing you wearily as he made another. You began to drink the double in large gulps ignoring the burn when you heard a voice from behind you.
“You better watch out or you’ll be sloshed before you even get a piece of cake.” Bucky slid next to you at the bar.
You hmed non-committal while signaling the bartender for another round.  When you went to reach for the new drink Bucky placed his hand over the drink looking down at you.
“Come on, don’t be stupid.” he looked at you knowingly. Oh he knew alright, knew you were a liability to Steve, knew you were not needed here, and knew you would only get everyone hurt.
“Shut up tin man,” you replied pulling your fourth drink of the night, third one in a row to yourself this time nursing instead of chugging it back.
He chuckled at you shaking his head lightly.
“I get the appeal, you know? You’ve got this fire in you that’s just begging to be tamed.” he muttered. Your eyes narrowed, how much had Steve shared with him about you?
You continued nursing your drink choosing silence as your strategy not trusting anything kind to leave your lips in your current state. Warm fuzziness began to crawl from the liquor in your belly to your head.
“You know he used to put news papers in his shoes to be taller? He was a scrawny little fucker,” You snickered, feeling yourself unwind at the image of pre-serum Steve filling his shows with news paper every morning. There was a part of him you longed to know more about, and this man, he knew him.
“But scrappy, he never said no to a fight, not caring if he’d win or not and let me tell you he rarely did win,” Bucky continued. The two of you started going back and forth with Steve stories as you kept drinking the comparing and contrasting the variable ways Steve would respond and the typical ways he would. You could feel the dark cloud lifting and your mood improving more and more.
“He can do this all day, right?” Bucky laughed as you mimicked Steve’s voice. You joined in placing your hand on his left shoulder but jerked away causing Bucky to still.
“I’m sorry-” he interrupted you. “It’s okay.” You nodded placing your hand back with slight trepidation. Neither of you noticing Steve’s twisted face watching the two of you through most of your interaction as he played good Birthday Boy talking with everyone.
“He can though, especially when protecting those he loves. Right?” He looked at you with a certain level of softness you hadn’t seen from him except when with Steve. There was so much history between the two of them how could you ever understand that relationship, did you even want to?
“What happened in 1936?” You hated how puny and needy you sounded asking. Looking at Bucky his face seemed to drop, as if he was far away in some memory.
“His mom passed, after that all he could think about was joining the military.” His voice was even toned but you could tell there was a lot unsaid there. You pulled your hand back from him, looking in your half filled glass trying hard to piece everything you were feeling together but the alcohol was making it hard to focus on any one of them for long.
You idly noticed the party had died down, you never got a piece of cake you couldn’t help the pout you gave, and it looked so good too. How long had the two of you been talking?
“About what Sam said-” but he never finished what he said instead Steve came over, wrapping an arm around your waist from behind, his hand protectively resting on your lower abdomen causing you to blush a deep scarlet at such an intimate touch in public.
“What is my best friend and best girl talking about?” His tone was less than pleased. You knew this tone and touch, he was jealous.
“You Steve,” you turned to face him smiling brightly trying to calm the storm building beneath him. You didn’t want to have this fight, not after everything that you’ve heard today.  
“Yeah man, what else do we have in common but you?” Bucky supported your claim.
Steve gave a curt nod, taking the truth but his grip did not relax around you.
Natasha sauntered up to the three of you. “The party is continuing elsewhere if you three would like to enjoy the evening instead of this intense but I’m sure thrilling staring competition.”
“I think I’ll join in,” Bucky was the first to speak, and then looked at Steve expectantly. “Birthday boy?”
Steve shook his head, “No I think we’re going to retire for the night, I am 100 after all. So are you Buck, don’t go too hard.” He winked at him.
“Let’s go home,” Steve commanded more than suggested to you and given how the drinks were mixing in your head you gave no protest, letting him drag you back but not before he hugged Bucky farewell and you waved to Natasha who wiggled her eyebrow suggestively with a wave.
It was eerily silent in the elevator as you two made your way up. You could still feel the effects of the alcohol causing you to sway.  Your eyes caught Steve’s, you couldn’t help but smile at his rugged look, hair longer than you’d ever seen on him and a full beard you loved feeling against your skin. You pressed your body up against him; instinctively he wrapped his arms around your back, gently cupping your butt with one hand.
“Bucky is nice,” you muttered out randomly. Steve’s face was hard looking down at you his grip tightening, instantly regretting your words.
He pushed you against the wall of the elevator slamming both hands on each side of your head, the sound of the metal being hit with his strength nearly deafening. He sneered at you as you whimpered.
“I’m sure you’d know since you ignored me most the night to talk to him.” Bending his head down, eyes at your level this was somehow more intimidating and starting to piss you off. “It wasn’t his birthday party was it?” the condescending tone broke your resolve to night fight with him today.
The elevator stopped and you ducked out from under the cage of his arms making your way out, you turned your head slightly back to him, “Maybe if the birthday boy actually paid attention to me instead of using me as arm piece I wouldn’t had to find better company for the evening.” The snarl that followed had you making your way quickly to the front door, knowing he was hot on your tail after that comment.
You were past the front door and half way down the hall to the bedroom when you heard him slam the front door with a force that caused the wall to shake so much you could hear the rattling of wall decoration. You were thankful the others had continued to party into the night.
Just as your hand touched the bedroom door knob his hand was on top of yours stilling it, pushing his front up against your back until you were plastered to the door. His breath was heavy in your ear.
“If he was such good company why didn’t you go with him instead of me?”
“You didn’t give me a choice to do so, Captain.” You popped the p of the one word you hadn’t called him since Siberia. He was nearly frothing at the mouth in anger when he shoved the bedroom door open. You would have fallen face first if he hadn’t quickly picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. He swatted your ass hard making his way into the connected bathroom. He sat you down on the counter and spread your legs apart pushing his pelvis directly against you, ensuring you could feel his growing arousal. Standing in-between your legs he began to wet a rag.
“What are you-”
“Shut up,” his tone was harsh enough to pull you from the alcohol haze.
“You wore this tantalizing dress showing so much of your irresistible skin but hiding the most beautiful part.” He began to wipe along your neck and chest. You swore you heard him purr while uncovering his love marks.
“Then you talk, laugh and touch Bucky most of the night. Ignoring me.” He gripped you by the back of your neck jerking your head up to him. His lips ghosted over yours and an uncontrollable whimper left your lips as you tried to reach for his lips but he pulled your head back.
“Oh no no doll face. Do you think you can just kiss and make this better?” he taunted you. Annoyed at his denial and frustrated with his controlling you couldn’t help but feed the fire burning between you two. “Maybe I should go find Bucky, think he will kiss me?”
His eyes were nearly solid black, snarling at you he took you by the back of your neck and slammed you against the bathroom wall directly behind him. He bunched your dress up around your waist and when he went to pull your underwear off his eyes went wide then narrowed dangerously the lack of clothing. You face flushed hot at embarrassment and arousal of his behavior.
Without a word he began to run slow circles against your clit with his thumb and teasing your entrance with his pointer and middle fingers.
“Is that what you want?” His taunting tone making you struggle against him. He pushed his body flush against yours stilling your movement as his fingers dripped inside you.
“Want me to show you who you belong to?” He whispered in your ear and you closed you eyes at the wet noises emitting from his attention clearly giving away your desire.
“Did you forget you were mine?” thrusting his fingers inside you and increasing his pressure on your clit a soft moan escaped your lips.
“Oh your body knows who it belong to,” he chuckled at you, feeling the vibrations against your breasts. Steve’s beard rubbed against your neck in the most delightful way, you felt yourself whimpering and losing control to the sensations.
“Do you think anyone could make you feel this way doll face?” He pulled his hands from you and lifted your dress off your body, you raising your hands without any protest, too drunk on the feeling to fight his words or actions. He fell to his knees in front of you, pulling one leg over his shoulder you could hear him inhale deeply.
“No one knows what you truly need but me.” He raised one hand, rolling and pulling one of your nipples in between his fingers while interchanging to massaging the whole breast as well. Trailing his other hand along your inner thigh of raised leg, he smirked looking up at you, and the sinful way his blown pupils shined at you sent a shiver up your spine. “Only I can make you feel this way.”
With that he dipped his head down and lapped from the bottom of your entrance up to your clit where he began to gently suck whilst tracing patterns along it with the tip of his tongue, his beard rubbing against your thighs, you threw your head back gasping out his name thighs shaking at the utter intesnity.
He pulled your other leg over his shoulder with his free hand, purely supporting your weight on his shoulder; bringing the hand to your entrance he shoved three fingers in, and spreading them apart as much as he could.
You gripped his hair between your fingers, trying to pull his head up. He grunted against your force, trailing his hand from your breast to around your neck but applying no pressure. Your pulling stopped instead you began to pull his shirt up, once his bunched up enough you began to drag you fingernails into his back.
He chuckled against you at your instant compliancy, the vibrations causing whimpers and moans to fall from your mouth. As if rewarding your good behavior he started to thrust his fingers in and out of you roughly. Your moans rose in volume, you could feel the tightening in your abdomen; suddenly he stopped, pulling his head back you looked down at him in confusion.
“You’re gonna cum on my cock, because that’s where you belong.” He rose up to his feet, forcing you to stand up on weak knees.  Desperate for his promised words you began to unbutton his checkered long sleeve shirt working to get it off in frenzy, while he undid his pants, pulling them and his briefs down in one movement. Your hands slid up his undershirt, bunching it at his chest and pulling off. Without missing a moment he hooked one of your legs around his waist, you held on to his shoulders as you wrapped the other leg around.
He held you at your waist pressing your back against the wall. He looked you in the eyes before smashing his lips against yours, devouring your mouth you moaned as your tongues met. He controlled your waist, rubbing your slit along his cock that stood up straight, flushed against his lower abdomen.
“Steve please,” You begged him; desperate to feel the release you knew he could give. He took your hand and placed it around the base of his cock.
“Show me where you belong doll face.” your eyes widened, and hesitantly you lined him up with your slick entrance. Using his grip on your waist he pulled you down onto him, you both groaned out in unison.
“You feel that? The way you stretch so perfectly around me,” painstakingly he moved you down until you were at the base.“Every time I think you will surely break.” He panted against your neck
He held your legs and began to thrust up into you, leisurely, enjoying the way you it felt as he pulled himself almost all the way out but loving it when he couldn’t control himself and quickly pushed all the way in.
“But you take it so well, you crave this cock. Don’t you?” his voice wavering at the pleasure.
“Yes,” You cried out, your head lulling to the side as the pace picked up. He groaned, burying his head in your neck he pounded into you. Panting so hard your hair moved with each breath out as he chased that release.
You whimpered out his name feeling yourself begin to fall of the precipice.  He groaned your name back to you, his tempo increasing; you could feel the bruises you would have tomorrow on your lower back being pushed against the wall each time.
It didn’t matter though, none of it did except him, there between your legs, in your life, giving you life. You clung to him as you came around his pounding cock. His pace became erratic and you could feel him swelling inside of you.
He whispered your name, feeling him flood you.
When you finally opened your eyes that following morning Steve was laying fully dressed on his stomach arms folded under his head staring at you. He’s eyes brightened when you caught his gaze.
“Good morning,” his voice was soft and gentle causing you to avert your gaze at the feelings it brought you.
“Natasha and Sam have new intel for us, shower and we’ll meet to discuss,”
“Shower with me?” You offered with a sly smile.
“Oh doll face I would, but we both know it wouldn’t be just a shower. That why I took mine before you woke up.” you pouted at him rising to your feet.
“I can’t help myself when you’re wet and naked, it is too tempting.” Licking his lips as starred at you, his eyes lingering on your back side fighting the temptation. He swatted your ass and chuckled at your squeal.
You dried yourself off after a lonely shower feeling your thoughts wander back to last night at the party. Sam’s words only echoed what you had feared Steve felt recently. Numbly you made your way into the bedroom and got dressed, ignoring Steve as he watched your pensive face with growing concern.
“Let’s get going, we may have to ship out soon for this one from what Natasha was saying.” Steve trying to rush you teetering the line of not pushing too hard. He knew you like to take your time in the mornings.
“I shouldn’t go,” you spoke softly while pulling your shirt over your bra.
Steve stood up from the bed and pulled you to look at him; he pulled his his bottom lip between his teeth with worry at your words.
“It’s important to have the team together on these missions. You know that.”
“You don’t trust me so what does it matter?” He blinked slowly, his brain trying to shift gears given your statement and the levity of it.
“How could you even say that? I trust you with the most secret parts of myself, doll face.” his eyes moving around your face trying to get some kind of clue as to what was going on in that head of yours.
“Then why do you fight with me after almost every mission. Why is it always I’m wrong for doing the right thing just because it could or does get me hurt?” He sighed and pulled you into his chest, resting his chin on the top of your head. You could feel the tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.
“Your independence scares me.” he pulled back a bit to look you in the eyes again, “If it was anyone else I would be fine with your quick thinking but it’s you,”
“I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you. I couldn’t live without you.” he finished; you averted your gaze at the last statement. Making you uncomfortable to think his whole world hinged on you.
“Don’t say things like that,” he pulled your chin gently, encouraging you to look at him once more. “You get so mad at me and we keep fighting.”
“If it seems like I’m mad at you more than anything I’m mad at myself for letting you be in a situation where you have to make those choices.” He couldn’t blame himself, you shook your head.
“Steve it’s our line of work. That cannot be helped,” you tried to reason with him. He held your face between both his hands, fingers splayed across your face.
“You mean everything to me, you and Buck are it. I will always worry and watch over you. Nothing will change that.“ His words were warm but firm with a resolve you knew you couldn’t break.
“Okay, Okay. I get it. I just,” you paused “Try to see things my way before you get mad next time?” His face lit up with a bright smile at your acceptance, kissing you gently conveying his love through such a tender moment.
He pulled away. “I make no promises.”
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Goody Two Shoes (Number Five x reader)
ASK:Hello! I really enjoy your writing and I was wondering if you could do a Five x reader where the reader is easily embarrassed and Five knows that and constantly teases her but even after all that she is doubtful that he likes her? Thanks again!
Thank you so much to the actual angel who requested this ur forever in my heart n should 100% hmu when u see this, hope this is what you had in mind!!! stay fresh my dudes!! (also im british but were going to pretend that five and you are both 16 in high school. idk how the system works so i hope this is ok!)(ALSO ALL OF THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY ARE 16 AS WELL AND IN HIGH SCHOOL)
A/N: woow i did not expect it to be this long, do apologise for the angst but i hope it gets better lol, love you all have a nice day and yet again thanku to the angel who recommended this i think i went a bit off but hope its a bit like what you wanted!!
warnings: swearing, fives a bit dodgy but it gets better i swear, angst, fluff eventually, probably pretty long. 
words: 2246
The Hargreeves were an unusual bunch, they were all so different yet you could see that deep down they all cared for on another. Klaus was your best friend, even though you knew all the Hargreeves, you could always be found with Klaus. You and Klaus would often go shopping, have sleepovers and keep up to date with the recent gossip around school; as sad as it sounds Klaus was really your only friend and you hardly got to hang round with him at school, school was a whole other issue on it’s own. Even though you were the same age as Klaus, and the rest of the Hargreeves children, your high school pushed you up a few grades so you were sitting your final year, your intellectual ability was far above average, even being in your final year you were scoring 100% on all the exams. You had no one in your lessons that you knew, well no thats not quite right, you had Five.
Five. Five was a funny issue, just like you he had been pushed up to his final year and you were in constant competition with him, he was always nit picking at everything you do and knew exactly what buttons to press to get you angry and even upset. But for some reason, you liked him. You liked him a lot, no matter how angry or upset you got with him you just couldn’t help it, in a way he helped you achieve much more because for every snide comment he made to you, you’d just go and smash the next test that came up. 
You were currently sat with Klaus in his room, it was raining heavily outside, you were painting his nails for him as he rants about everything thats upset him this week. You were only half listening to him, concentrating on holding his hand still and humming every now and again.
“You know who else has been annoying me this week? Five.” He states waving his free hand around. “He wont stop asking me when you’re next going to be round, he keeps saying things like ‘Klaus, when is y/n coming round?’ and I’ve been hearing this all week, if I didn’t know any better I think he’d be trying to steal you from me.”
“I seriously doubt that.” you say with a slight chuckle, you couldn’t even imagine Five wanting you to be around, Klaus was probably just saying this to make you feel better about your small crush on him. Klaus knew all about your crush on his brother, to say he disapproved would be an understatement. He just didn’t get it.
“Honestly y/n, I don’t get what you see in him, he teases you all the time, and too be fair he’s so fucking annoying.” You look up and laugh, he gave you a weak smile looking down at his nails that were almost done, appreciating the black glitter polish you brought with you. He was about to speak again until a voice spoke up from the door.
“I thought I could feel myself losing brain cells, but of course it’s just because you two are in here together.” It was Five, he was leaning against the door frame, a smirk evident on his face. “Y/n, you haven’t been answering any questions in class recently, I hope it wasn’t because you stuttered that one time, or maybe it was more than once. To be honest, I can’t quite remember but it was still funny either way.”
That had hit a nerve, you were always so nervous to answer questions in class even though you knew it was the right answer, it was just something that happens. Feeling your face get red from his words, he continued.
“Oh I tell you what was funny,” He stepped closer into Klaus’ room, an evil glint in his eyes. “that one time that senior asked if you had a spare pen and when you went to give him one you spilt your water on him, ha!” Klaus knew all about that story, the senior is question was fairly attractive and you really didn’t mean to, you couldn’t apologise enough to them no matter how many times they said it was fine. Your eyes begin to burn, you hated how easily embarrassed you could get, you just couldn’t help it. 
“Just fuck off Five, stop being awful to her just because you fancy y/n!” Klaus said almost impulsively, covering his mouth. Now Five was the one with a red face, but not out of embarrassment, out of anger. You could see him getting angry with Klaus. Klaus would never fail to mention how Five said things he’d regret when he was angry.
“I’d rather chew my own foot.” You felt your chest getting tight, his words hurt and now you could really feel your eyes stinging.
“Sorry, I didn’t realise I was that repulsive.” You say with a quite voice, you didn’t understand how one persons words could hurt so much. You got told often by others how pretty and beautiful you are, but non of them compliments mattered to you because they weren’t from the person you wanted them from. “I’m going home.” You quickly grab your bag from the floor and push past Five, you glance at him through tears, his face looked almost regretful, but it couldn’t be. 
“Y/N wait!” You heard klaus shout but you were already half way down the stairs. “Five, what the fuck!” You heard steps chasing after you. It was pouring outside, and it was at least a 30 minuet walk back to your house, but you didn’t care.
“Y/n, you can’t walk home in this.” Klaus almost begged with you.
“Please just let me go, Klaus.” You step out the front door not giving him a chance to respond. 
The rain was soothing on your hot face, you couldn’t hear the rain fall on the ground though, the thumping in your ears drowned everything out, you couldn’t believe Five, he’d never gone that far before. 
‘shit.’ Five mumbled to himself once he heard the front door slam, he didn’t mean to say that, he was so angry at Klaus for telling Y/N his secret, he didn’t know what to do. He knew he was always a bit too harsh on y/n, he just didn’t know how to handle his feelings for them. He’d never met anyone who could challenge him and win, y/n was the only person who beat him on any tests you had in school, the only person who could distract him enough to completely forget the world around him.
“Five!” he could hear Klaus getting closer to him. “What the fuck? why do you have to be such a dick all the time! You always ask when Y/N is coming over then you go and upset her, every time, you say you fancy her and go do shit like that every damn time, you won’t have any chance with her if you keep going.” Klaus was angry, really angry. “And you know what Five? I hope you don’t get with her, she’s my best friend and she deserves better.”
Five knew what he meant, he could see that. She did deserve better than him. Five just looked down, clenched his fists and disappeared. A flash of blue and he was gone. Klaus almost wanted to scream, y/n was the best person he’s ever met, it’s almost as if he can’t have anything to himself in this house. Klaus slammed his door, hard, he was done with Five, always asking how to win y/n over and then completely ignores any advice he gives and he gives good  advice. He told him everything from her favourite music to her favourite plants and trinkets. 
It was now Monday, you and Klaus had been face-timing almost all weekend as you always do, he hadn’t mentioned anything about Five and you were grateful. You were waiting for Klaus just outside the Academy, it was a sunny day so you knew during all the breaks you and Klaus would probably be outside basking in the sun. You heard the door open and you look up expectantly.
“Hey y/n.” It was Five, he was in a crisp suit as he was always. His eyes burnt into yours.
“Oh, is Klaus almost ready?” You ask, keeping eye contact with him, not letting him intimidate you.
He goes to speak but gets interrupted by Klaus, you smile at him wearing a leather skirt and a crop top and dark eyeliner. He graciously links arms with you and pulls you off, you spare a look at Five behind you and you see him with clenched fists walk back into their mansion of a home. You and Klaus talk about his new fascination on one of the senior boys in a few of your classes, Dave, you and Dave occasionally talk in classes and Klaus practically begs you to get his number for him. You would try and do it for Klaus but you didn’t know if Dave liked boys or not but despite the facts, Klaus still begged you to get his number.
Once you get to school, you and Klaus head to your locker, the entire time he wouldn’t stop talking about Dave, you notice a small piece of paper thats slightly crumpled. In small, seemingly rushed writing, was ‘y/n x’.
“Recognise this writing?” You ask Klaus. He looks at you cheekily, without a second thought he snatched it from you.
“Hmm, I wonder what it says?” He says sarcastically as he opens it to read it aloud, reaching well above you so you couldn’t reach it. “y/n, sit with me in physics? -A x” He paused. “Who’s A? Wait, isn’t it that senior you spilt water over? Wait y/n!” He excitably garbs your arm, hitting it many times. “He sits next to Dave! y/n you’ve got to sit next to him, not just for you, but for me.” 
You grabbed the note and shove it into your pocket, you just sigh and agree, if you weren’t going to do it for yourself, you’d do it for Klaus and his weird obsession with Dave. 
You say your goodbyes as you make your way to physics, you felt nervous, you usually don’t sit with anyone and just get your head down to get your work done. As you walk into the lesson you see him sat in his seat, you smile and go to sit next to him.
“Nice to see you got my note.” He beams, he was cute, but not Five cute. You couldn’t wrap your head around how he acted this morning when Klaus practically dragged you away from him. He looked almost sad when you didn’t respond. Speaking of the devil, Five walked into the class, calculating eyes scanning the room until they land on you, his eyes then move to the boy next to you causing his eyebrows to furrow. You’ve never moved seats since you started the class. You turned to the boy next to you and started a conversation about the assignment thats due in soon, you hear a chair behind you scrape. The chair where you’d usually sit, a quick glance confirmed that it was Five, you did what any reasonable person would do and completely ignore him, all lesson. You feel his eyes in the back of your head all lesson, only to get worse when the boy next to you leant over and whispered a joke into your ear too make you laugh, and it did. 
Five couldn’t believe it, y/n shamelessly flirting right in front of him. He filled with anger every time he’d look at her, when they’d touch legs, give each other little looks but the worst moment was watching him lean over and whisper something into y/n’s ear and she laughed. Y/n laugh was almost like heaven, soft and quiet, Five desperately wanted to be the one making y/n laugh. 
You had two periods free, you began your walk to the schools library, as you do every Monday, you’d pick a book that you haven’t read and begin to make an attempt at it and even though you hated to admit it, it was your favourite part about Mondays. But suddenly, you were pulled to the side and in a flash of blue you were gone, and just like that you were stood in a room in front of the very person who said he’d ‘rather chew his own foot’ than be with you, the person who has continuously tried to put you down since you first met him, your crush, Five. 
“What. The. Fuck. Five!” You say angrily at him, you repeat the phrase, pushing him away from you when you said it. All he did was look at the floor. “You can’t just teleport me whenever you want, honestly, if you’ve genuinely just brought me here to have a go please just leave me be honestly. What the fuck.” You emphasise the last words.
“Let me explain, please?” You just crossed your arms at him, waiting for whatever response he could give you. He just sighed before continuing “I’ve been an asshole to you, I know I have, it’s just,” He paused, looking at you, “You might not believe me when I say this, but I like you, y/n” You saw the vulnerability in his eyes. “And I don’t expect you to forgive me right away, but please let me make it up to you, everything that I’ve done. I promise I’ll do anything.” You looked at him, and you saw the real him, all his cards out on the table. You let your arms drop and look down.
“Promise?” you say sticking your pinky finger out, childish, but he knew that you took them very seriously.
“Promise.” Five said as he interlocked your pinky fingers. You smile, hoping he does keep his promise.
Six months later, Five had kept his promise. You were sat on his bed finishing off work before your finals, soft music was playing in the background. You quietly hummed to the tune of the song, Five was laying his head on your shoulder, lazily watching you neatly write out equations.
“Wheres Klaus?” He asks as you set your notes to one side.
“He’s on a date with Dave.” You lean into Fives arms, he just hummed in response.
He pulled you down onto the bed and wrapped his arms around you, you listen to his heartbeat, the soothing beat sounding like music to your ears. You feel him press a kiss to your forehead, you were glad he kept his promise and made up for everything that he’s done. Five slowly gained your trust by just sitting with you in lessons to start with, then to dates at Griddys, picknicks, meals out and eventually you saying yes to being his girlfriend. It took Klaus a while to accept your new relationship but he eventually came around to it, especially since you got him Dave’s number. You were happy with Five, you close your eyes and get even closer too him, just as you fall asleep you hear him whisper.
“y/n I think I’m in love with you”
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chkyesjuliet · 4 years
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a brief overview of the makoa family      /      @gallaghertasks
tw: very brief mentions of death and war
𝑨𝑳𝒀𝑽𝑰𝑨 𝑴𝑨𝑲𝑶𝑨, mother  —  alyvia is the youngest of four siblings; preceded by three older sisters, all at least six years her senior. almost right off the bat, she was different from her sisters. more rebellious, her mother would say. in reality, she simply asked questions instead of just going along and doing as she was told. she had to know the reason behind anything. why the intense distrust of men, often including her own father? why the insistence on girls only schools and training? and to every answer she was given - “but why?”
the reason, she would eventually find out after years of prodding and snooping, was her grandmother. a woman who had died on a mission for the us government during the war*. how? well, nobody’s entirely sure. but her daughter, alyvia’s mother, did some snooping of her own and came to the conclusion that she had been double crossed by her partner. a man she’d spent years working closely with. while there’s some evidence to support this, there’s none to support the idea that her mother had died at his hands. regardless, that’s the conclusion she came to. and it was at that point she decided to carry on her mother’s legacy without outside help. and especially not from any men. 
right away, alyvia took the story with a generous helping of salt. which only caused the existing rift between her and her mother to grow. it grew even more when, while at a new job fresh out of gallagher, she met a man. it had been drilled into her and her sisters that they were to marry civilians from a young age. no spies. male spies cannot be trusted. but alyvia trusted this one. an agent with kind eyes and a smile she couldn’t resist. he would never be fully trusted by her family, but eventually he was begrudgingly and cautiously accepted. when they got married it was insisted that henry take her last name, which he did without complaint.
when juliet was born, it was a given that she would be raised to follow in the footsteps of the women who came before her. but her parents tried to ease the pressure as much as possible. tried to keep the stream of misandry from the maternal side of the family out of her head as much as possible. in that, at least, they succeeded. successfully enough that juliet and her siblings don’t know the full story. they know their grandmother and aunts and subsequently some of their cousins, have problems with men in the business. and they know that they’re looked at somewhat differently than their cousins. one day they’ll get the full story from their mother. when she thinks they’re ready. or when one of them finally gets nosy. whichever happens first.
* editor’s note: i’m not specifying which war because i suck ass at math, especially when it involves ages but it was probably ww2. but if that math doesn’t add up i’m not worrying abut it cos lets be real the united states is always at war, there was definitely SOME war going on at the time. which one isn’t important. idk, fight me.
𝑯𝑬𝑵𝑹𝒀 𝑳𝑰-𝑴𝑨𝑲𝑶𝑨, father  —  henry li, on the other hand, had a fairly standard upbringing. as standard as the child of two spies can have, anyway. he too grew up in an environment where there were certain expectations placed on him, but those expectations were more straightforward. get good grades, train hard, get your black belt, don’t die. you know. normal stuff. 
he didn’t go to blackthorne, though the school he did attend wasn’t very different. not quite as cutthroat, but brutal in its own right. it wasn’t a place he was built for, and he struggled for his first couple of years in a place that wanted to train him to kill when that wasn’t a role he wanted if he could help it. though he physically would have had an easy enough time in that career path, he preferred, and still prefers, work behind the scenes. where he isn’t seen until he steps out from the shadows when necessary. this made him perfect for government work when he graduated, and he found himself at a job working closely with the cia as soon as he graduated.
it was at that job, on a shirt term trip to honolulu, the where he would meet alyvia makoa. henry wasn’t assigned to work with her, yet he had a knack for finding a reason to talk to her anyway. directions to a director’s office, informing her that the copier was jammed ( for the fourth time ), recommendations for where to eat lunch. over weeks, those excuses turned into a friendship. which over months turned into a more serious relationship. which turned into henry requesting a permanant transfer to o’ahu form dc. her family was strange. and clearly didn’t like him very much. but piece by piece alyvia would explain and he would learn why. keeping peace is something that comes easily to him, and slowly he was able to build up just enough of their trust that the two felt comfortable marrying and starting their own family. he even said, and genuinely meant it, that taking the family name would be an honor.
henry’s children are his pride and joy. keeps pictures on his desk and in his wallet and tells anyone who will listen about what they’ve been up to and how proud he is of them. he’s the parent who puts the most energy into making sure none of them feel overly pressured. nobody has to be a spy if they don’t want to. he’ll be just as proud of a pharmacist as he would be a government official, though he does think they all have excellent potential.
𝑵𝑰𝑪𝑶 𝑴𝑨𝑲𝑶𝑨, younger brother  —  perhaps it’s nature, or perhaps it’s manifestation, but nico is everything alyvia's mother warned her about when she and henry decided to raise their son with the option to go into spyhood. “he’ll be unpredictable, violent, too much trouble.” the same refrain for years. nico can be a handful. he’s impulsive, does things just because they popped into his head and he can ( see: the sink lizard sage that led to juliet acquiring hiccup ). gets in fights at school for things as petty as another kid looking at him somewhat funny. but he does have potential to be a good spy. and under all the rough edges, he is a good kid. a big softie for his little sisters. juliet’s number one best friend. even though she stopped insisted on it years ago, he still exclusively calls her jet. because that nickname drove their grandmother crazy? only partly. 
𝑳𝑼𝑪𝒀 𝑴𝑨𝑲𝑶𝑨, younger sister  —  the youngest two makoa children are identical twins, save for a few subtle differences that only family and close friends are really able to pick up on. lucy is oldest by a grand total of four minutes. four minutes that nobody is ever allowed to forget about. she’s definitely the leader, sometimes even over juliet and nico. her chaos is similar to her brother’s, but less directed. she’s only eight, but she’s ready to take on gallagher academy. gallagher academy is not ready for her. at all. seriously, she’d probably get too excited and maybe or maybe not accidentally stab someone.
𝑬𝑳𝑶𝑰𝑺𝑬 𝑴𝑨𝑲𝑶𝑨, younger sister  —  most of the time eloise communicates through her twin sister. lucy’s always running her mouth anyway, so why not let her? aside from the obvious personality differences, the two are eerily similar. dressing alike by choice, having the same interests — they’re even on the exact same level in their tae kwon do class. el’s a sweet kid. a lot more likely to cuddle up in your lap than pull you out of your chair to wrestle like her sister. but she will go along with whatever lucy wants to do. most of the time.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Wait | Jack Avery
Warnings? Nah, angst maybe? idk 
Requested? By many yes 
Summary: After feelings are revealed, (y/n) has to make a choice 
Word Count: 1,366
Part One is here
“Jack! Wait up!” (y/n) says chasing after her best friend. She figured if she’s gonna get an answer out of either boy, it would hopefully be the one she’s known the longest. Jack doesn’t give her a second to catch up so she ends up jogging until she reaches Jack and grabs his arm to make him stop walking. 
“Hey,” She says out of breath. “What was all that about?” 
Jack calculates his next words carefully. He takes a long look at the girl standing in front of him, and considers telling her about his feelings. She had always been understanding and empathetic, that’s what Jack has loved about her for so long. But would she understand this? 
“Don’t worry about it,” He says trying to offer her the most genuine smile he could come up with and still falling flat anyway. 
“Bullshit,” She calls me out on it. She can see right through my wall and into the thoughts that are of one thing. Her. She sees past the block in my heart to see it beating rapidly in the rhythm of her name. She’s too damn good at this. 
“(y/n) I’m serious. You don’t want to get into the middle of this with me and Daniel. It predates anything you’ve had with him.” 
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You trust me right?” He asks not wanting to give her any more information than he has already. Hell, what he said was already too much for his best friend. 
“Of course.” 
“Don’t go near this then,” He insists and then walks away from her for the second time today. 
When Daniel first met (y/n) he was practically infatuated from the start. He loved her personality, the way she was best friends with anyone from the start, how compassionate she was, everything. It didn’t hurt that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. 
But he didn’t want to push his boundaries when it came to her relationship with Jack. He knew the two were close since kids and there were clear feelings on both ends. However he also could tell that neither one had mentioned this to the other. That wasn’t his place, his place was to discuss his feelings for the girl. 
“Hey Jack? Can we talk?” He confronted the younger boy about the best friends about three months after meeting (y/n). He couldn’t handle his feelings anymore without knowing if he could act on them or had to give them up. 
“Yeah man. What’s up?” Daniel had come into his room and fell back onto Jack's bed. Jack turned in his swivel chair to look at him with a concerned look. The bandmates weren’t strangers to hanging out in each other's rooms and working on music or just relaxing but this was different and both knew it. 
Daniel had spent entirely too long wondering how to phrase this question any nicer to end up here. “What’s going on with you and (y/n)?” 
“In what context?” 
“Come on man,” Daniel says, already slightly pained that he has to have this conversation in the first place. “There’s something going on between you two.” 
“Nah man. I mean I don't know about her,” Daniel can tell he’s trying to brush this off and not answer fully. There’s definitely something more to this. 
“Jack,” He says and the younger boy turns to face him. Jack had always been terrible at hiding secrets from anyone. 
“I like her okay? I have since we were kids,” He admits to the older boy and Daniel nods in understanding. 
“Would you be mad if I dated her?” 
Jack was weary about this conversation from the start. He had kept his secret crush on (y/n) for 13 years now and he didn’t like admitting it to many people. Now that Daniel knew and was asking questions, he was even more worried. 
“Do what you want,” Jack responds even though each word is a stab to his heart. 
(y/n) had been gushing to Jack about Daniel since the moment she met him. He knew she would be over the moon if he asked her out. Jack wanted to be selfish and tell Daniel to back off but he couldn’t do that to his best friend. No matter how badly it hurt him. 
Six months into their relationship, (y/n) didn’t notice a difference in the two boys' friendship. Jack and Daniel could tell from the start that there was always going to be a problem. They had become a bit hostile, Jack was jealous that Daniel had everything he wanted. Daniel was mad that Jack had the audacity to be jealous when he had his chance. 
They’re breaking point came when (y/n) went to Jack after she had a bad day instead of going to Daniel. 
“You gotta back off man,” Daniel confronted Jack the next day. 
“She’s my best friend. I can only do so much,” Jack didn’t want to fight but he couldn’t help the anger in his voice. (y/n) was his best friend first and while he could help his feelings, he couldn’t do anything about what she did. 
“Well you can still back off. She should have come to me yesterday but you’re too close.” 
“Whatever,” Jack says and Daniel rolls his eyes. 
“I’m serious. Take a step back from the friendship. She needs to know I’m here for her and our relationship should come first,” He relents finally. Daniel didn’t want to fight either but she also wasn’t up for letting Jack push his relationship around. 
(y/n) often doesn’t take no for an answer though. So when Jack walks away, it’s his breaking point when she pulls him back again. 
“Jack! Tell me,” She insists when she catches up to him. 
She grabs his arm once more and he falters in his steps. He decides he can’t take it anymore, and wraps an arm tightly around his best friend's waist. He pulls her close and smashes his lips against hers. She’s shocked to say the least and is frozen in place before melting into his touch. 
"Jack,'' She breathes out when they pull apart. "what the hell?" 
"I didn't- I shouldn't-" He stutters helplessly. (y/n) smiles despite herself and presses her lips against his. 
Jack is shocked at his best friend's reponse. What he didn’t know is that (y/n) had been harboring feelings for him ever since she could remember. He had bound his way straight into her heart and she hadn't tried to look back since. However, as years went by her heart grew weary just as Daniel stepped into her life. 
She wanted to love him. She wanted her hopeless love, her painless crush to fade but nothing worked. She liked Daniel, and he had the potential to be loved but she couldn't seem to love him with her whole heart. 
“What are you doing? What about Daniel?” Jack finally stutters out when the two break apart again. 
“I don’t know. All I know is that I’ve loved you for half my life. And I’ve been waiting for you for longer than that.” 
“So you never loved me.” 
(y/n) practically jumps out of her skin at the sound of Daniels' voice. She didn’t want it to end like this. She never in a million years wanted to hurt the boy that gave her so much and loved her endlessly despite her feelings working against him. He deserved better, deserved the world. He certainly didn’t deserve what was happening right now. 
“Of course I loved you,” She says taking a step towards the heartbroken boy. 
“But never as much as you loved him.” 
With that, Daniel takes off and (y/n) is rooted in her place. She can’t figure out whether to cry or scream or stand numb in her place. She had her world come together and fall apart and it was all her fault. 
“(y/n),” Jack tries but it doesn’t help the pain radiating in her chest. Why did she have to be so impulsive? She follows Daniels lead, taking off in the other direction. 
“(y/n) wait!” 
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pan-crow · 4 years
PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT HERSHEL ADOPTS CLIVE AU lowkey i've thought about the possibility before and it's fantastic in a bittersweet kinda way..... i wanna hear your interpretation of it :eyes emoji but really fast:
Tumblr deleted everything I typed out before I’m so sorry let me see if I can summarize it again. It started with this back in December 
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We were talking about the various PL villains and which ones we liked and didn’t favorite too much and for some reason I brought this up idk i have a weird brain that cant focus on one thing. Anyway I put it off till like…January. I wen’t back to @well-clearly—-it-can in the AAFC and was like “Really though its not unreasonable for Hershel to possibly adopt Clive at that time impulsively.” because its…not? I mean (spoilers sort of for AA4) Phoenix went and technically impulsively adopted a child when he was at his lowest point. He expresses that through those first few months, Trucy was his light. I feel like Hershel if not in his right mind, would do the same thing. 
Hershel saves Clive, this child trying to run into a burning building. He holds him for a good long while until people come to help and he just stays there wondering who the child lost and wondering if Claire is safe. It doesn’t hit him until much later that Clive is crying for both his parents, but the police or whatever take him from there. Hershel doesn’t adopt Clive right away, but he thinks about it for a few weeks. Maybe a week and a half.
He thinks about how Clive, a child in the same boots as his own, is probably just alone right now with no source of comfort for the pain hes feeling. He feels like that sort of feeling should be familiar though hes not sure why. He eventually goes back after thinking on it for so long and adopts Clive on impulse. Hershel is at a vulnerable point in his life so thinking straight is not an option, hes only doing what his brain is telling him is right. 
Cut to Hershel then realizing he doesn’t actually know how to raise a kid. He didn’t take any classes to teach him how and hes not exactly at a place where he can just ask his parents. So Hershel Layton, being the big brained professor he is, goes to Clark and Brenda like “Hey guys I know I only just lost Claire and things have been really rough and I just became a professor but like…I have a son now?”
Clark and Brenda are reasonably worried because “Hey Hershel you literally just lost someone and became a professor what were you thinking doing this.” but…they’re good friends? They help him. They help Hershel balance his work and his time with Clive and it really gets Hershel through the first good chunk of raising this child. When they move hes got an okay grasp on what to do. 
Now Clive’s half of this experience is fun. Clive is a pretty traumatized child as it is? Hes not going to open up to Hershel for the first month and a half. He doesn’t really know Hershel, and while Hershel saving him helped with trusting him, he doesn’t think he can talk to him just yet. Clive stays selectively mute for some time until hes sure hes going to be okay. Even when he is sure, he doesn’t talk a lot and won’t call Hershel dad (which Hershel is totally fine with.) but…they manage. Some days Hershel will get Clive coming into his office later on to ask about homework or something else. A word, a sentence, even a simple smile is an improvement Hershel is more than happy to see from this kid. 
When Clive starts to warm up to his new life he slowly begins to open up more about things that interest him as well. If this kid so much as looks at a book or a toy or something in a shop window and shows some sort of curiosity or interest in that item, you bet Hershel is going straight back there later and buying that thing just for Clive. Somethin like
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The personality of Hershel doesn’t really change at all however Clive living around him means Clive isn’t as big of a lil shit as he is in game? Like don’t get me wrong hes still pretty...uh...snarky? But its not bad and he can control his temper just fine. Hes just got a bit of sass because thats who he is. Hershel doesn’t mind it. 
Uh..I want to say in terms of adventures, Clive isn’t with the group on all of them? Perhaps Last Specter, Curious Village, Pandora’s Box and Lost Future. But hes not there for Miracle Mask, Azran or Eternal Diva? Simply because the guy has other things to do. Does Luke still turn up and join the adventures? Yes! Luke is a key character in the games so it would be unreasonable for me to remove him. Clive absolutely treats Luke as a little brother. Luke really looks up to Clive just as he does Hershel.
And speaking of Lost Future, the entire plot would be different but I still want it to happen because...its kinda important? Like Dimitri still goes ahead and does whatever the hell he was planning but he just doesn’t have the brain of an angry child at his side. No one dies thats for sure. Clive doesn’t become violent at all but he does loose his temper quite often during the whole ordeal because its been years and its all bringing up bad memories he doesn’t want to have to think about. Hes just started to feel good again. He doesn’t want to have to deal with all of this. Claire still exists, still disguises herself, and is 100% confused when she sees Hershel has a son. She can’t ask directly about it in order to not blow her cover, but she does wonder. She wonders what lead Hershel to having a son and where Clive came from. 
She eventually gets Clive’s story in a passing conversation between the two when she asks why Clive is there with them. She knows the deaths of his parents aren’t her fault, but he can’t help but feel guilty about it all the same. Shes just glad to see Clive happened to land in good hands with a great father whose clearly raised him well. 
Idk the aus a bit funky and a little all over but I love it and I live for the concept I am so sorry this post is so long I have so much to say about it sdfdsf. I’m gunna write a fic about the convo between Claire and Clive at some point because I like the idea of it. 
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mcrmadness · 4 years
17 questions 17 people
@hanhan156 tagged me to do this. I guess you’re supposed to tag 17 people but oh boy I don’t even know that many people and if I do, I can’t remember more than like 2. Every time I need to list things, my mind magically goes blank. I guess it’s the only time it’s totally blank, too. (Note to self: Try making lists more often! Maybe you will accidentally start meditating one day...)
1. Nickname: I have such a short first name, Aada, that I don’t have any nicknames :( Well of course my family has came up with all kinds of names but nothing what could be used outside of the family. My friend once named me as Dexter but I don’t know if she even remembers that anymore :D But I really like “Madness” tho and probably would change it as my real name too if I could. There’s just that this is not really a name that anyone in real life uses - apart from online friends but if I meet them in real life, they usually call me by my IRL name anyway. I also have a love-hate relationship with my actual first name because it bugs me and it’s so feminine to me, but everyone who knows me says they don’t see it as a feminine name at all because of me. So for years I’ve been looking for a “new name” but still haven’t found it (”Ade” being one possibility but idk if that feels like me either). A few days ago i did have a realization that “Madi” could actually work even in Finnish and it would be very neutral too - and it’d be from my online nickname I’ve been using since I was 13-14 aka for... 16 years. But I don’t know, I’ve always wanted to have nicknames but from my name you can’t make anything actual that would also work in everydaylife.
2. Zodiac: Cancer.
3. Height: I‘m short, just about 156cm.
4. Hogwarts House: For years I was a Ravenclaw but then one day Pottermore put me to Slytherin. Idk what happened there, mentally I still feel more like a Ravenclaw.
5. Last Thing I Googled: "Stoopid” because my anxiety kicked in and told me to check if this word is just a random word or a reference to something I don’t know and shouldn’t use because I might accidentally make people understand something about me that isn’t true.
6. Song Stuck in My Head: I have had Apulanta songs spin around in my head non stop for days. “Tivoli” was there for days and then it changed to Palava pensas...
7. Number of Followers: 286 atm, I think. (Holy shit I’m really making a fool of myself in front of so many random people...)
8. Amount of Sleep: It depends, 7-8h is enough but my body doesn’t like to be consistent so it can be anything between 5 and 12 hours.
9. Lucky Number: 13, and 23, and 123. (And 3.)
10. Dream Job: Oh I have too many, I wanna do little bit of everything but idk how when even having one job would make me be basically braindead zombie in the evenings. Currently all the things I’d want to do something with: languages, linguistics, arts, video editing, animals (I’m a horse groom), zoology, genetics, detective, video games... too many choices, so little time and energy.
11. Wearing: My oldest (black) Rammstein t-shirt, black college pants as I use as my “home pants” and socks.
12. Favorite Song: Right at this very moment my favorite song is Paaso from Apulanta.
13. Aesthetic: Not exactly sure what is meant with this here but I’m drawn to the color black. Especially when it’s combined with red. I also like it a lot when it’s with white and grey. Another color I’m drawn to is orange - it’s been my fave color since I was a kid and even tho I don’t wear anything orange, it still attracts me a lot and I might even do impulse buys just because something is so pretty orange. I even chose this apartment because it has orange living room walls and that is not very common in Finland. And I’ve bought two bowls and also a fruit bowl from bargain sales because they have this pretty color of orange. So on the outside I’m quite dark, I dye my hair black and I wear only black but on the inside I do like colors, too, especially warm ones. My home is actually lots of black, white and grey, bit of red in the kitchen to go with it and living room’s main color is orange. I also love tigers and I have a huge rug with a picture of tiger on it and recently I bought bedsheets just because the tiger image. Oh and one of the bought pictures in my kitchen? Tiger. (One has zebras and one has a tree, they all are black and white.) And I’m the opposite of minimalist. I guess this is my aesthetic.
14. Favorite Author: Douglas Adams.
15. Favorite Instrument: I really love the sound of piano, and violin. As a kid I actually learnt to play piano myself but social anxiety kinda took over. Lately I’ve been feeling like playing piano again because you could get an electric one and attach headphones to it so no one would hear it and I could try to get even with my social anxiety, but these things are so expensive. And I doubt my dad will borrow me his... Usually I don’t like slow songs but if a slow song has piano and/or violin (and especially if them both!), I’m usually sold if the melody just stays interesting. The next most important in music is probably drums, I didn’t even see this before I at some point started to wonder this more and I tend to be drawn to music with complicated drumming. Every time I have been wondering what is it with this band, why do I like this even if it would be otherwise somewhat dull or not that diverse, I usually find the answer from the drumming style. (I can’t stand simple drumming that stays the same throughout the whole song! Some of my fave drummers who are or were in bands like: die ärzte, Rammstein, MCR, Yellowcard.)
16. Favorite Animal Noise: Just any cat noise that doesn’t indicate hurting. Or this sound horses make when they greet you. It just makes my day every time :)
17. Random: I’m a Monty Python fan and I have very weird sense of humour. I suspect it’s because I grew up with things like MP movies. And talking of movies, my favorite actor is Jim Carrey. I normally don’t have fave actors - there’s plenty of great actors but I think Jim Carrey is the only one whose movies I have watched just because he is in them, and he’s been my fave actor ever since I saw “Dumb and Dumber” when I was about 5-6 years old and my aunt had it on VHS and I started watching it there. Normally the other great actors just happen to be in my favorite movies, the plots and such are more important for me. And btw I’m also a Tim Burton fan and my all-time-favorite TB movie, movie overall and movie soundtrack will always be Beetlejuice.
I’m gonna tag: @stufenlosregelbar and @notafraidofredyellowandblue aaaaand the rest I’ve already forgotten. Sorry for that, but tag yourself if you want.
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hvnterism · 4 years
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That’s Natasha Herrera not Ana de Armas. She’s 28 years old and a Vampire/Hunter. She may be courageous, thoughtful, & focused but she’s also suspicious, impulsive & dishonest.
[……nicki minaj covering her face meme.]
in dean winchester’s iconic lines.  “Saving people, hunting things – the family business.“ ( the fact this was written before the spn world came in play is sending me. )  let’s say that was the way natasha was raised as she came from a long line of hunters. yadda yadda. 
as a child she lead your average hunter life. traveling around with her family, meeting a bunch of people that were as close as her og family, and got a few supernaturals murdered in front of her juicebox. fun times.
so you know, as she grew up, she started getting trained to be exactly that. a hunter. except– she had a bit of a ‘disadvantage’ in the eyes of other hunters. to them: she was too forgiving just because she didn’t see everything black and white and wanted to kill every single person who so much growled.  
even then; she usually didn’t make a mistake on who she decided to let go and who she decided to kill. ( i’m saying usually, because come on she’s not perfect and she probably did let go someone who later on went and murdered a whole family.)
natasha, watching the news: and i oop.
so you’re probably thinking, “okay, bitch. when is the bomb dropping?”
leading a hunter life, is hard maintaining long-lasting relationships, right? you have to keep secrets, you can’t trust everyone, and you move around too much to even settle down. however, there is always that exception. 
natasha found hers: SAM WINCHESTER. she knew who he was. almost a celebrity ( or a bad omen ) between hunters. but for her sam, was just sam. not even the worst thing he could tell her could make her leave, in fact, it kept her even closer to him. 
leading a life like this always comes with risks. death, is the one at the top of their head. but natasha and sam thought beyond. “what if one of us gets trapped?” “what if we get trapped?” “what if we get turned in something?”
the worries were always the same, the answers too. “save yourself. run. never hesitate. kill me.”
but not matter how much you think of it. rehearse it, or talk of it. it’s not something natasha would’ve been 100% ready for. 
the year was 2026. perhaps, they were too eager to think there was something as happily ever after. their happiness got in the way of their alert. in the middle of their wedding, despite securing everything, despite having the place filled with hunters. they were ambushed and overpowered. they fought back but ultimately they got a hold of sam.
“save yourself. run. never hesitate. kill me.”
and with the heaviest heart; she tried-- but failed. perhaps, that would be the end of it. the love of her life gone forever.
sike. her grieving got cut short.
a month later; in the visit to one of their mutual’s friend home. she walked into a slaughterhouse. each one of them was dead. the culprit was no other than the person she thought was dead. SAM. 
except this wasn’t sam. this all had been an elaborated plot so azazel could get free access to sam’s body.  natasha had one job now– to kill them. but as she attempted to trap him-- she made one mistake.
“never hesitate.”
when she woke up. he was gone. the months that followed were spent in a mix of grief, regret, and anguish. all piling up together. she had to make a plan and follow through with the promise-, she couldn’t let him live like this. natasha wasn’t sure on why she was still alive. if it had been another move from azazel or if sam had stopped it from happening. whatever it was, she had one thing clear. she might have survived this one, it couldn’t happen again. she needed to at least be at their level. 
and after so much consideration… her decision was set: SHE BECAME A VAMPIRE.
granted, this wasn’t taken lightly and her family basically disowned her for doing such thing. it hurt, yes but it was her choice. and so she set off to look for sam and fulfill the promise they had made.
to kill the love of her life. 
little does she know sam is not possessed anymore and that all his family came back from the dead. :clown:
so yeah that’s the background; oof.
in general, natasha is quite private. she doesn’t necessarily boast on being a hunter or a vampire. let alone that she’s both.  she continues hunting here and there; but she’s mostly focused on the reason why she’s even in san francisco.
she has never drunk from the vein, her daylight ring was made from a witch she spared a long time ago. like a lot of hunters; she has a lot of fake id’s and uhhhh cons here and there. hey, she’s actually good at pickpocketing and even more now that she’s a vampire.
speaking of! while there have been a couple of years from the moment she became a vampire and now. she struggles sometimes with vampirism, so catch her suddenly idk, moving too fast or denting/breaking something out of the blue that even she goes blinking guy meme.
natasha’s hair is long and dark brown like the one in the gif. however, ana’s resources are all over the place so fuck it. i’m using them. and tbh? it can be canon that natasha changes hairstyles often. she’s been having a time, pink hair is going to be the least of her problems lmao
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