#i love and appreciate all of you individually
scoonsalicious · 3 days
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10.1 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language.
Word Count: 1.5k
Previously On...: You saw Bucky's strength full force for the first time.
A/N: At my nephew's 3rd Birthday Party today. Pray for me.
If you ever feel so inclined to support my work, hop on over to buy me a coffee; it's much appreciated! <3
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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You sighed in relief as Bucky waved a final goodbye and walked out the door. It wasn’t that you were happy to see him go… it was just that, well, you really couldn’t deal with the contents of this envelope with him there. You waited through the count of ten after he’d walked away before turning back to Zadie.
“The courier company, Zadie,” you said, your voice calmer now than it had been when you first walked out of your office. “I need to know which one it came from.”
Zadie bit her bottom lip in distress. “I’m… I’m sorry, Major,” she said. “I was checking in a group for a 1:30 session when it got dropped off. I wasn’t really paying attention. I’m sorry.”
You let out a frustrated breath of air. “It’s okay, Zadie,” you told her. “You didn’t know it would end up being important. And I’m sorry I yelled earlier. I just… well, I wasn’t expecting this and it’s thrown me for a loop.”
“Is everything okay?” Zadie asked, concern showing in her voice. “Is the business in any kind of trouble?”
You shook your head, wanting to relieve her of any worry that this had any impact on The WarZone. “No, no– everything’s fine on the business end. The stuff in the envelope is personal. I think I have an idea as to where it came from, but I need to be sure.”
“But you just told Sergeant Barnes it was business stuff,” Zadie insisted. 
“Yeah, yeah I did,” you conceded. “It concerns him, and I really don’t want him having to worry about it. At least until I have more facts.” You hated that you had lied to him about the contents of the envelope, but you would have hated the look on his face when he discovered what it was even more. 
Thanking Zadie and apologizing to her once more, you made your way back into your office. Once inside, you locked your door and dumped the contents of the envelope onto your desk. Dozens of reports and photos splashed across your workspace, each one depicting the horrific crimes of the Winter Solider in brutal detail. The final piece to fall from the envelope was a photo of Bucky, in full assassin gear, aiming a gun at the head of an unarmed older man, and in blocky all-caps lettering, the message to you: DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU’RE FUCKING?
You knew Bucky well enough by now to know how upset these documents would make him, how he would most likely pull away from you once he saw you knew the dirty details of his crimes, but you would never. You’d meant what you’d told him on your first real date– he was not the man responsible for these atrocities; and these anonymously sent pieces of paper wouldn’t change your mind.
However, there was someone out there who clearly thought they would. Someone who assumed you would be put off by the darkness in Bucky’s history. Someone who didn’t want you to see him anymore. Honestly, the pool of individuals who knew about your relationship with Bucky was so small, there weren’t many suspects. One, however, stood out more than the rest.
You moved around to your desk chair and sat down. Picking up your phone, you dialed Zadie at the front desk. 
“Hey, Zade,” you said when she answered. “Do me a favor and have Rand come see me when he gets back from lunch. I need to have a talk with him.”
You spent the next forty minutes trying to figure out where the documents came from, both in terms of what courier service delivered them and where the documents might have originated from. You were a bust on both fronts, unfortunately.
Your first step was to review the security cameras in the lobby for the time in question. You watched the courier enter the building and go to the reception desk, patiently wait for Zadie’s attention, then have her sign for the envelope. Unfortunately, there was no uniform or logo indicating what company the courier worked for. You knew you should have splurged to have cameras cover the outside front of the building, on off chance the courier had gotten into a marked vehicle, but you hadn’t thought the expense necessary at the time. 
As for the provenance of the documents themselves, well, that was also a dead end. Most of the files came from the archives of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division of the United States Government. You knew S.H.I.E.L.D. had suffered an intel leak back in 2014, and it appeared that everything that had been sent to you on the Winter Soldier’s crimes were a part of that leak or had appeared as evidence in Bucky’s trial, making all of it accessible to the public, if one cared enough to go digging and knew what they were looking for.
You squeezed your eyes shut and pinched the bridge of your nose, frustrated that you’d hit another brick wall. So much for finding proof. A knock on your door drew your attention and you checked your clock. Rand would have just gotten back from lunch a few minutes ago.
You stood up and walked to the door of your office, unlocking it. 
“Hey, Major,” Rand said a bit nervously. “Zadie said you wanted to see me?”
“Yeah, Rand, come in, please,” you said, motioning for him to enter and sit down. God, you really didn’t want to be having this conversation. He took the seat on the opposite side of your desk, and you sat down in your chair, folding your hands on the desk in front of you.
“I got your package,” you said, trying to keep your voice as neutral as possible.
Rand frowned in confusion. “What package?” So, he was going to play stupid.
“The envelope you had delivered to me this afternoon,” you said.
“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about, Major. I didn’t have anything sent to you.” He seemed to consider something. “Fuck– should I have? Is it, like, your birthday or something?”
Wordlessly, you slid the envelope in question across the desk to him. He gave you a puzzled look and reached down, withdrawing the stack of papers within. You watched his eyes widen in shock and disgust as he flipped through them, one by one.
“You think I sent this to you?” he asked, affronted. “Seriously?”
You shrugged. “You’ve made your feelings about me seeing Bucky no secret,” you told him. “And you were downright rude to him when he came in earlier. I can’t think of anyone else who would be warning me about who I’m seeing.”
“Major.” Rand put the stack of papers down on top of your desk. “I may not like the guy, that’s true– but I respect the shit outta you. You’re a grown ass woman, capable of making your own decisions. I don’t necessarily agree with this one in particular, but it’s still your decision to make. Besides,” he leaned back in his chair, “in all the years we’ve known each other, when have I ever had a problem telling you you’re being a dumbass directly to your face?”
He was right– you’d known Rand for ages– you’d fought in the army together, and he’d never once shied away from giving you his opinions directly and frankly, no matter how blunt they might have been. An anonymous envelope and a cryptic warning were not the way he would go about doing it.
“Fuck,” you said, putting your head in your hands. “I’m sorry, Rand. You’re right. I just– shit. I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” he said, leaning across the desk and putting a hand on your elbow, “don’t be. I get why you would have thought it was me. I can’t say I disagree with whoever sent this, but doing it without putting their name on makes them a coward. If they have a problem with you and Barnes, they should come to you directly. None of this cloak and dagger bullshit.”
You didn’t want to think about there being multiple people out there who might have a problem with you and Bucky being together, but if it wasn’t Rand (and you now truly believed it wasn’t), you’d have to face that possibility. “Still,” you said, looking up at him, “I’m sorry for accusing you without any evidence.”
Rand shrugged. “Eh, I made myself look like a pretty good suspect,” he teased. “I wouldn’t worry about it, Major,” he said, standing up to go back to work. “If they can’t even be bothered to tell you their problem to your face, they’re not worth your worry. Hell, if you can’t be swayed by an old friend like me, I say don’t let this bother you at all.”
“Thanks, Rand,” you chuckled. “I’ll take that into consideration.”
Rand nodded as he made his way to the door. “If it’s any consolation,” he added before he walked out, “Barnes really does seem to like you a lot.”
You smiled to yourself as he left, vowing to not let the anonymous sender get to you. It was quite the consolation, actually.
Quite the consolation, indeed.
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galedekarios · 2 days
#this took so much work#but i really wanted to make this#sorry it got so long
Personally I thank you for your hard work and that gif set is just as long as it needs to be. I for one can't recall hearing the dialogue in the second gif before so I'm glad to see it now.
thank you so much, i really do appreciate the support and kind words a lot! 🖤
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the line is from early access! i touched on it in this post.
if you want to see and listen to it, tim's performance of it, i included a short clip from early access:
the quote itself is from gale's early access romance scene in act i after the tiefling party. that scene was cut and most of it is completely gone. some lines were re-used in the full release version of the game: in act 1, for the reveal scene where gale lets the protag into his mind, and others for the beginning of the act 2 romance scene/last night alive scene.
the conversation started like this:
Gale: I know we have to get moving again soon, but before we part, I’d like to tell you something. I’d like to tell you a story. It is a story full of answers long overdue. It is a story of a man who fell in love with a goddess. Player - Option 2: It’s clear as day you are talking about yourself, you know. Gale: I know, but a bit of narrative distance will make it all so much easier in the telling. Indulge me.
if you then chose to indulge gale, letting him tell the story with "a bit of narrative distance" to make it "easier in the telling" for him, this was the story he would tell the player in early access:
Gale: Once upon a time, not quite that long ago, there lived a wizard in a tower. The wizard was what one might call a prodigy, who from an early age could not only control the Weave, but compose it, like a musician or a poet. Such was his skill that it earned him the attention of the mother of magic herself. The Lady Of Mysteries, Mystra.
from there, the conversation branched again:
Player - Option 1: What did Mystra’s attention feel like? Gale: Love.  Player - Option 2: He sounds like a very talented individual Gale: He was. Even though it was in Mystra’s affections that his true power lay. Player - Option 3: Teacher’s pet, was he? Gale: He fancied himself much more than that. He fancied himself favoured above all others. Perhaps it was not quite love, but you see, the wizard was but a very young man. It was most certainly love to him.
leading to the quote that i used for my gifset, highlighting gale's lines about the life of a chosen:
Gale: Mystra showed him the secrets behind the veils. The gossamer veils first, draped across the Weave. The delicate veils next, draped across her body. ‘Chosen One’ she whispered, as she slipped them off completely.
i'm thinking about dedicating a full post to the original ea romance scene in act 1 when i find the time to do so because it's an interesting scene.
anyhow, i hope that was helpful! 🖤
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hausofneptune · 18 hours
✾ persona chart series ✾ jupiter
[astro notes no. 017]
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disclaimer: i know a lot of y’all on here refer to the jupiter PC for insight into your future husband or whateva - as a pansexual girly and an aqua venus that hates heteronormative/patriarchal ideals it doesn’t resonate with me so i won’t be covering it.
and i would implore y’all, especially during pride month, to actually consider the fact that queer people also exist in the astro community and consume your content. not just cis-het white women. and miss me with the “lgbt people should be making content for lgbt people” bs, you don’t have to be queer to create inclusive astrology content. and when i say inclusive, i mean for all marginalized people across the board.
that being said, if you’re interested about the characteristics of the type of partner you may attract, regardless of gender, i would actually suggest looking at your descendant persona chart. once i get through the rest of the planetary PCs i’ll be going through the angle PCs, and the “big 4” asteroid PCs, so stay tuned!
the jupiter persona chart is representative of where one finds abundance, development, and luck within their lives. it's also indicative of our relationship to higher learning and religion/spirituality. click here to calculate your persona charts!
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༄ ruler of the ascendant conjunct mercury can be indicative of being viewed as someone who expresses themselves in a way that inspires others
↝ with this aspect, the ideals that the natives hold tend to have a strong impact on their approach to life. this usually isn’t going to be the type of person who can put their morality to the side when they form connections with others, as the ways in which they view and contemplate life is integral to their identities.
↝ those around them can view them as extremely knowledgeable and uplifting to be around, and they may even find themselves called into positions to teach, mentor, or coach others. they may have to work towards remaining focused on one thing at a time, as they're very fast-paced thinkers and could want to jump from one idea to the next.
↝ there may also be something distinctive about the native's voice or the way that they speak that "enchants" others in a sense. these people can be good communicators, and may excel in fields related to writing or potentially singing/performing. they could also know multiple languages, or find ease in learning different languages in general.
↝ the planet that has rulership in this aspect will provide more context into how this energy manifests. for example, if venus holds rulership over the ascendant, they may be viewed as someone who is extremely kind-hearted, elegant, and potentially too charitable or naive at times. they could also be gifted artists and excel in fields where they're able to utilize their creativity.
༄ sun conjunct venus can indicate an extremely benevolent nature and prosperity in relation to love and money
↝ people tend to assume that venusian energy appreciates things that are deemed "aesthetically pleasing" by societal standards, when in reality, it's more so things that are aesthetically pleasing by the individual's standard.
↝ so while one person's venusian/jupiterian indulgences could be collecting tennis bracelets or fine dining in paris, another person's indulgences could be building lego sets, collecting vinyls, or buying home decor.
↝ in terms of this aspect, no matter the vice, there is a deep appreciation and love for the things that these natives value, and it's quite easy for them to attract and manifest these things into their lives. depending on the full context of the jupiter pc (as well as the natal chart), these natives could struggle at times with overconsumption or gluttonous behavior.
↝ ultimately, these are the types to have an aggrandized vision of what love is. despite their outside demeanor, they could be hopeless romantics at heart, and could enjoy grand displays of affection, both in terms of receiving and giving.
༄ uranus conjunct neptune can manifest as a deep dedication to one's creativity and spiritual beliefs
↝ these natives typically resonate with philosophies and ideals that prioritize independence and freedom. even if they're not the most "spiritually inclined" people on the surface, they behave in a way that is derivative of the need to push the envelope and to understand things beyond what they've been conditioned to believe. they may also benefit from a strong intuition, and often employ this ability to connect with and navigate the collective consciousness.
↝ although their ideals may be unconventional in nature, they often utilize their creativity to express these ideals in ways that captivate others. their imagination often knows no bounds, and because of this, their artistry could make them prolific, and even revolutionary figures for their generation.
↝ while they can also find ease in manifesting their dreams into reality, they may struggle at times with distinguishing between the two. it's possible for these natives to become overly ingrained in their vision of what it is that they want the world to be, versus what it actually is. hence why it's important for these natives remain grounded in their approach, as it serves them better to be more methodical in how they bring life to their ideas.
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༄ ruler of the descendant in the 9H can indicate one's partnerships playing a significant role in their personal philosophies and outlook on life
↝ this can also manifest in the opposite way, where the people that this native attracts are often drawn to their spiritual nature, and find that they can learn a lot from the native as well. this could also indicate being attracted to people who are from places that are "foreign" to the native, and enjoying the process of learning about their partner's culture and traditions. these natives could also enjoy traveling with their partner, as well as being taught things by their partner, whether that be in terms of traditional knowledge or spirituality.
↝ beyond the romantic aspect, this could also indicate simply attracting people that either hold the same ideals as the native, or, inspire the native to learn or adjust/rethink their values in some way shape or form, usually in a positive way. these natives tend to have an "insatiable" hunger to learn as much as they can, therefore it benefits them to maintain partnerships that are intellectually stimulating.
↝ as i mentioned, the planet that holds rulership here will offer more context into how this energy manifests. for example, if mars is the ruler of the descendant, the native tends to be extremely passionate about their personal beliefs, and are proactive in the way that they integrate those ideals into their partnerships. although, these natives typically have to ensure that they don't go overboard in their approach, as they can come off as overly-combative to their partners at times.
༄ moon in scorpio can indicate that one's approach to spirituality and their interpretation of higher knowledge is reliant on how deeply they can engage with it on an emotional level
↝ these natives tend to use their personal philosophies as a means to navigate their emotions, and while this isn't inherently negative, it can definitely influence an "immovability" in one's ideals. their sense of morality is usually molded by their upbringing and specifically, the relationship they have with their mother (or any significant maternal figures), which ultimately further influences this intense, "all or nothing" approach to their beliefs.
↝ they usually have an innate understanding for spirituality and religion, and are typically deeply devoted to whatever spiritual ideas that they subscribe to. this dedication isn't something that goes unnoticed by those around them, as others may find themselves drawn to these natives due to their passionate nature, or repelled by it.
↝ they feel most satisfied and emotionally secure when around people that share the same beliefs as them. they can struggle at times with wanting to "test" others on these ideals, which can lead those around them to feeling attacked at times. they may have to work towards not coming off as too harsh or antagonistic, and learn how to navigate expressing their beliefs without relying too heavily on their emotions instead of being objective.
༄ mercury trine pluto can manifest as a deeply analytical and focused nature
↝ similar to moon in scorpio, this is an aspect that can indicate a very strong dedication to one's morals, more so in an intellectual sense rather than emotional. these natives tend to have an innate understanding of psychology and the inner workings of the human mind, which works in their favor when expressing their philosophical standpoints and ideas. it's typically easy for them to connect with others on a spiritual level, and they could wind up being a figure that people look to for guidance in times of need.
↝ they're usually drawn to the "taboos" of life, and may find themselves called into positions to help and advocate for members of the collective that are deemed "disposable" by society (i.e. people who struggle with substance abuse, the homeless, victims of abuse, marginalized individuals, etc.). this can also indicate very easily coming into positions of authority through means of communication.
↝ there's an intrinsic power that these people wield in both their tongue and mind, deeper philosophical matters that would usually take others time to digest and understand are something that they can almost immediately grasp and comprehend. despite this, these natives may not fully recognize their potential at times, and can be naturally soft-spoken or timid in nature. but with time and age, they do eventually grow into their power, and are able to utilize their skills as a means to understand life's complexities, and help others make sense of them as well.
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༄ ruler of the midheaven in the 2H can manifest as good fortune being found in one's professional life
↝ this is an aspect that can definitely indicate some form of "fame" for the native. and i want to clarify because people can get unnecessarily transfixed on "fame/beauty/etc indicators" in astrology; this doesn't necessarily mean that the native is going to wind up being an A-list celebrity. it more so means that the native's finances and values will be directly affected by their professional lives and how they're perceived by the public, and vice versa.
↝ these natives can "inspire" their peers in someway shape or form, and could be someone that benefits from collaboration with others in their profession. they could also find monetary gain and stability through their reputation. this can indicate having an extremely strong work-ethic as well. they may be extremely dedicated to their career and could struggle at times with maintaining balance and not overworking themselves. this could also manifest as being able to make a successful career out of being a mentor, professor, astrologer/occultist, spiritual/life coach, etc. they may also travel a lot for their careers, or move frequently for work.
↝ the planet that holds rulership over the midheaven will provide further context into how this energy manifests. for example, if the moon holds rulership, the native will usually have a deeply emotional, spiritual connection to the work that they do. financial stability plays a significant role in how secure their home life feels, and they could definitely encounter luck or encounter "big breaks" here. these natives could inherit wealth and status through a family business, or their family (specifically the mother/maternal figure) will affect how they approach their career in some way shape or form. at best, others can view them as empathetic and charming, at worst, they may be viewed as lacking objectivity and direction.
༄ sun conjunct jupiter can indicate an extremely enthusiastic and optimistic approach to life
↝ while the sun in the PC indicates the identity and natural character that the planet instinctively expresses in the natal chart, the planet itself indicates the innate, motivating factors behind said instinct. so when the sun is conjunct the planet of the PC, there's no "mask" so to speak. the planet not only expresses itself truly and wholeheartedly, it's energy is also further heightened, for better or for worse. in the context of this aspect, jupiterian energy will typically be very apparent, intense, and significantly amplified within the native.
↝ this aspect can manifest as extreme abundance and prosperity within one's life, they have a prevalent "go big or go home" approach to their endeavors. they navigate life with the understanding that there is a larger, perhaps unimaginable reason as to why they were put on this planet, and this ideology can definitely be something they extend to those around them. their energy and personal philosophy can be something that innately inspires others, and those around them can be drawn to their jovial spirit. they may travel frequently, live abroad, and/or have a general fascination for other cultures and enjoy learning about them. these natives can be very generous in nature, and are usually very compassionate and understanding for their fellow man. they can struggle with being too charitable at times, though, and could have to work towards not being overly-naive and knowing when they need to remain objective.
↝ this can also manifest in the opposite way, where the native can become far too engrossed with excess, and overindulge in selfish, destructive desires. jupiter is a benefic planet, yes, but it is also a planet that will match your energy, meaning, if the native utiltizes their jupiterian energy as a means to be productive, contemplate foreign ideas, and to help others, they will reap the benefits of that. whereas if the native utilizes jupiterian energy to satiate their ego, exert power over others, engage in superficiality, they will more often than not wind up with egg on their face and ultimately lose everything.
༄ ruler of the 5H in the 8H can manifest as an innate ability to navigate and creatively express the transformative experiences that one encounters in life.
↝ these natives can utilize their artistic expression as a means to not only make sense of their own struggles, but they may also use it as a way to help and inspire others to view the setbacks in their own lives as regenerative opportunities to create something new, rather than the "end all be all". this energy can be especially apparent in their native's romantic relationships. their partner can be their "muse" in a sense, and they could even benefit financially when collaborating with their partner. they may share similar beliefs, and utilize their artistry as a means to express their shared philosophical principles.
↝ it could also be of great importance for the two of them to pass down their ideals to their children (if they end up wanting/having them), and they could encourage their children to dream and think big creatively, as well as spiritually. there may also be an allure that these natives have about them that tends to drawn others in, and they may even utilize their sex appeal as a tool in their creative expression as well. intimacy can play a significant role in these natives' lives as well, they may view it from a very sacred, spiritual perspective, and perhaps even use it to draw inspiration for their art.
↝ the planet that holds rulership here can further provide context into how this energy manifests. for example, if saturn holds rulership, challenges or hardships regarding their creative expression and their finances could be prevalent. these natives could encounter limitations in terms of being able to benefit from their artistic endeavors (or expressing their artistry in general), as well as in regard to romantic connections. with time, this can instill a great understanding of responsibility and balance in these areas, and it can even bode well in the context of the jupiter PC, as it can essentially deter any potential overindulgence or lack of moderation.
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༄ mars conjunct saturn can manifest as a proactive dedication and discipline regarding higher learning and one's personal philosophies
↝ these natives can be very driven when it comes to their pursuit of higher learning. they can have very ambitious goals, and house within themselves both the ire and self-governance to achieve them. they tend to be very resilient in the face of obstacles, and utilize their philosophical and spiritual beliefs as motivation to power through any challenges that arise.
↝ although, these natives may also struggle with a defeatist attitude, primarily in their youth. while they are extremely enthusiastic in their pursuit of their dreams and aspirations, they could find it difficult at times to actually implement the foundational strategy to work towards and achieve them. there can be a lack of focus and patience when it comes to getting what they want out of life, and it usually takes maturity and age for them to reach a point where they can actually reap the benefits of their hard work.
↝ with time, the energy of this aspect can mold them into the perfect mentor or teacher for those around them. they may have to work to not be too overbearing or harsh at times, but ultimately they can be a very grounding force to motivate others to stay on track to reach their goals, as the ways in which they're able to maintain self-discipline and not over-exert their energy is a quality that others may admire about them.
༄ pluto conjunct chiron can indicate a spiritually transformative approach to life
↝ for these natives, it's not at all difficult to engage with the deepest, darkest parts of their psyche, nor do they find difficulty in engaging with this aspect in others as well. these people tend to see the broken parts of themselves within others, and through that, they can find the inspiration to heal, both themselves and those around them. they tend to utilize their trials and tribulations as a means of motivation, the pain and hardships they've experienced are essentially fuel to them, and influence their persistent and ambitious attitude.
↝ growing up, life for these natives was more than likely tumultuous. it could've taken them a while to feel that life was meaningful and actually worth experiencing. the traumas and hardships they faced may have influenced a "scarcity mindset" within the native, and it could've taken them a while to grow out of their habitual nature to view life from a "glass half empty" perspective. with time and maturity, they can eventually get to a point where they begin to understand that they are not what they've been through, and that they don't have to allow their past to dictate their future.
↝ they may also have to work towards not overextending themselves or being overly self-sacrificial. because they can find ease playing the role of "healer", they need to maintain balance and use their discernment, or they’ll find themselves constantly seeking out people who they feel need to be saved or “fixed”. ultimately, their innate understanding of human psychology, paired with their spiritual nature, can mold them into someone who can guide and inspire others. more importantly, it provides them with a greater comprehension for their own struggles, and can help them to navigate any internal strife they may encounter.
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[divider by xxbimbobunnyxx]
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wangxianficrecs · 2 days
Going on charmingly by scribbet
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Going on charmingly
by scribbet
T, 21k, Wangxian
Part of the MDZS Reverse Big Bang: 2023
Summary: He pulled the door open smoothly, leaving the noisemaker with their fist still raised mid-knock. He could glimpse white robes underneath a thick and practical-looking travel cloak, but surely no member of his sect would think to barge in upon him in such a way. “Hello!” the interloper exclaimed, a bright smile coming into view as he lifted the sopping veils away to one side. “Would you happen to know how to reach the Cloud Recesses?” Or, a teenage Wei Wuxian arrives at the Lan sect as a (mostly) respected disciple of the Immortal Baoshan Sanren instead of the well-known troublemaker of Yunmeng Jiang. Lan Wangji learns to come to terms with this (eventually). Kay's comments: I haven't read many Baoshan Sanren disciple Wei Wuxian stories so far and I'm always delighted to see them, especially if they are as well done as this one! I really enjoyed Wei Wuxian arriving at the lectures (unknowingly) a few weeks early and getting to integrate himself into the Lan Sect before the other guest disciples joined and him being given the opportunity to bond with Lan Wangji first outside of a classroom. Lan Wangji himself also got his eyes opened to the culvation world's hypocrizy a lot earlier, which I appreciate! All in all, a lovely story! Excerpt:“Your Grandmaster is?” “Baoshan Sanren.” The stranger uttered this as if it was no way remarkable, but Lan Wangji found himself once again lost for words. The immortal Baoshan Sanren had secluded herself and her disciples away for nearly a century now, and it was incredibly rare for any news at all to make its way from her hidden mountain home, never mind an actual person. The last time it had taken place was over a generation ago, and it had caused considerable uproar among the cultivation world – due, as far as Lan Wangji could glean for vague references, to both the exceptional talent of the individual and the thwarted interest several prominent individuals took in them. “Your mother…” He tried to settle on some part of the blithe statement to address first, “…you are the child of Cangse Sanren?” Lan Wangji hadn’t realised it was possible for that smile to light up any further but apparently he’d been mistaken. “Yes! You’ve heard of her! I wasn’t sure if anyone would remember her by now but they must have if you know her name. And you don’t look much older than me, you can’t have met her yourself –someone must have thought her interesting enough to tell you about as well!”
pov lan wangji, canon divergence, cloud recesses study arc, different first meeting, wei wuxian is baoshan sanren's disciple, wei wuxian isn't adopted by the jiangs, genius wei wuxian, petty lan wangji, meddling lan xichen, cultivation sect politics, fluff and humor, getting to know each other, developing relationship, pre-relationship
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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chanif-art · 3 hours
It’s time to..
Happy Birthday to the GREATEST CHANIF✨
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(I love everyone equally 🧎🏻‍♀️)
Thank you for being here with me. It is such a long way to continue, yet, you guys are still here. I am truthfully thankful for your support and tons of love that I have received :-)
I started this blog in 2021 because… I saw there was a few yandere art to consume— so, I drew. Initially, I drew for the reason that I wanted to make myself happy (with self-insert, yes🥺). But surprisingly, everyone seemed to enjoy it too..? At that time, I was so happy to know that everyone loved my art. Before I started this blog, I actually gave up drawing once. Maybe it was because of burnout or my low self-esteem. Anyway, I actually wanted to thank me in 2021 for decide to ‘just give it a go, draw for your satisfaction. No one hurts.’ something like that.
And the result went too beyond my expectations. My blog has growth. I got to know there are a lots of people who support me thoroughly during my hardest time. I am so grateful for the community I am part of. Even though I had gone for quite some time, there are still people who waiting for me to comeback— as always. And that… I do not know what to say— I know that I receive so much love. My english cannot elaborate how thankful I am. So all I can say is I appreciate you guys so much! Thank you as always :-)
Despite of the unstable of quality art, you guys still enjoy them. I am grateful for that. Despite of the lack of posting an art, you guys still waiting for me to post. I am grateful for that.
And if I cannot draw the bias that you love (yes, I noticed that I start to draw less Leon and recently start to draw Satoru more often— not to mention others that I barely draw) I am so sorry. I promise that I will draw others if you guys request it.
Now… now.. I would like to thank you:
@alexex8sts for being the biggest supporter!! You have supported me continuously that it becomes invaluable 🩵 it means a ton to me knowing that there is still a person who’s always be here with me. Alexie, thank you as always! Your ideas have inspired me a lot. I, Chanif, thank you for being friend with me🥰
@yune1337 thank you, Wolfie. For supporting me :-) Feel free to chat with me sometimes! I am always available!
@maleyanderecafe and how could I forget the person who makes me so popular?? LOL im kidding, please forget the part where i am popular 😂 Anyway— thank you for reblog and liking my art! I am always thankful for your support🙇🏻‍♀️
Thank you 🥀 anon for being part of Chanif’s family!! Always feel free to come and chat with me anytime you want!! I am here for you :-)
And shoutout to those I have not mentioned! Tons of thank for loving me and my art🩵 if it wasn’t for you guys, I wouldn’t know that the Cucumber007 would receive this much love and appreciation!! Not to mention that the people who followed me(at the time I wrote this) is now 2,222 individuals???? I gasped! Thank you as always!
Happy birthday to me, Chanif :-) you are 21 now and surround by people who adore you
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oceanwithinsblog · 1 day
every day that passes we're getting closer and closer to the final episodes of doctor who s14 (or s1, whatever) (i'm also in denial WTH does it mean that this season is almost over ????)
so before i forget (and before the last two episodes drop) i NEED to vent a bit about this season. the following are just my personal opinions (which might change after watching the season finale), please bear with me ^^
first of all - i am so glad doctor who is back !!! i must admit that my doctor who drought lasted for around 5 months as i got introduced to the show back in late summer 2023 and did a speed run of all nuwho seasons between september and november 2023. i got super excited for the december specials !! and i was even more surprised and thrilled when i found out a new season of dw was premiering in may 2024 !! i know i've been lucky to wait for so little to get immersed in a new dw season but i truly, truly missed it and i enjoyed every episode of s14 <3 now i'm sad to think that this is about to end, but it felt so good to finally see the doctor back in action and to get through each week thinking that one of my favorite characters/storylines/universes was gonna be there for me on the weekend <3 i love dw so much <3
#2 idk about you but i fell so easily for ncuti as the doctor and millie as ruby/the companion TT they're both so good, i really appreciated their acting this season and i would also say that it's probably one the (few) things that positively shocked me this time around. i guess it was a bit unfair for me to think that ruby wasn't my cup of tea after watching just 'the church on ruby road' ep because she totally surprised me this season. she's so great! millie's acting is on point, so captivating and funny to watch throughout the show. i can't wait to find out more about her character fr! well, what's to say about ncuti as the doctor .. ohmy oh my .. i don't think i've ever seen a doctor so confident, so flirtatious, so proud in themselves .. ncuti's doctor exudes charisma and i'm so here for it. that's absolutely not to say that the doctor's worries, traums etc. magically disappear (they're still very present and influence their every move), but what i loved the most about his acting is that he goes all the way into it. fifteen may become one of my favorite doctors ngl (say hi to eleven and ten) and i am so looking forward to where they're gonna take us next <3
#3 as for writing, i feel that something's missing ... don't get me wrong, i love rtd's cool nice funny episodes and seeing the doctor face a range of diverse situations (even the most unthinkable ones, e.g. space babies) is just priceless.. but there's some kind of void in it, too. now that i think about it, maybe it's not the writing itself but the length of the season - having less than 10 episodes doesn't really give us much time and space to properly explore the dynamics between characters, strengthen their relationships and make them grow both individually and as a whole. besides, i admit that i'm a bit biased, but i loved (most of) moffat's writing for the seasons he was a showrunner of and i personally would love to see ncuti bringing to life more stories written by moffat (yes..i know he wrote 'boom' for s14). basically, i miss 'old' nuwho seasons of 18+ episodes where we could get even more affectionate to the characters and the adventures that defined their journey through the multiverse T___T
before i move on to my last point, may i also add (storyline-wise) that i wished the episodes were more interconnected with each other? not necessarily with the narration, even just with easter eggs ^^" idk maybe moffat got me used to have high expectations lol (i'm still eager to find out who the lady appearing in all episodes is !!!! may this dw finale give us all the answers we need)
#4 i would have never thought i would write this (mainly because i would have never thought there could come a time when these gadget weren't going to be used as much) BUT I DEARLY MISS THE TARDIS AND THE SCREWDRIVER WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM ?!?!?! i loved previous doctors goofing around with their sonic screwdrivers and running in the tardis allowing us (the audience) to find out more and more about the endless number of rooms in it ... why does it seem like fourteen doesn't love their tools ?? why don't they show them more throughout the season ?? this is like classic items that can't miss in the episodes so WERE IS THAT SILLY GOOFY STUFF ?? also, as much as i enjoy fourteen and ruby going on adventures in different time periods etc. why aren't they EVER showed inside the TARDIS travelling and waiting to get to their destination ?? i'm just very nostalgic (i took this very personally, i'm sorry i'm just angry at rtd)
well - i guess that's it! if you've read this far, thank you for reading me <3 let me know what you think about it and what you're expecting for the next couple episodes of s14 <3
ps. i'm very hopeful that rogue will be a recurring character <3
pps. ncuti gave the queers the most fruity doctor ever (no shade to all previous doctors, you've served and delivered and we love u immensiely) <33
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thepersonperson · 2 days
Thoughts on Sukuna's ideal type of who will be his companion or partner (not necessarily romantic or sexual)
(Answered as of JJK 262 using TCB Scans.)
This is very hard to answer. We know for a fact that Sukuna enjoys people similar to him, as in people who have cast away their humanity in pursuit of strength—monsters like him.
However, Sukuna doesn’t seem to like Kenjaku very much. I think this is because Kenjaku has intellectual pursuits/goals rather than pure strength based ones. Even though they both see people as food and are seeking entertainment, that slight difference in approach has Sukuna mildly tolerating Kenjaku instead salivating. And if you’ve seen this post of mine, it may also because Kenjaku doesn’t fully respect Sukuna’s boundaries.
Sukuna seems to prefer people who show him respect without pushing burdens onto him. The Shibuya Incident illustrates this perfectly. We have Mimiko and Nanako who put their heads to the floor vs Jogo who takes a knee. Sukuna punishes only Jogo for not showing enough respect.
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Then when the twins start being to demanding he kills them. Jogo asks nothing of him and this changes how Sukuna sees him. Sukuna even decides to go along with their plans in his own way as a show of gratitude.
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In the end he winds up respecting Jogo much more despite being irritated by his initial lack of deference.
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And if you noticed, Jogo and Uraume both kneel, but Sukuna punishes only one of them. This demonstrates how highly Sukuna regards Uraume compared to others. He likes that they respect his boundaries and demand nothing of him. Uraume is exclusively giving to Sukuna as a servant so it works for them. (The master-servant dynamic can be a little lonely though.)
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For the same reasons, Gojo vs Sukuna is very different from Sukuna vs Yorozu and Kashimo. Yorozu wants Sukuna’s solitude for herself and Kashimo wants to fight Sukuna to sate his own ego—how Sukuna feels about it doesn’t matter. They challenge Sukuna for themselves and his love, and Sukuna treats them with mild to open disdain before killing them.
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Gojo does the exact opposite. “You’re the challenger here.” Sukuna may call him a punk for this, but he smiles at this and almost non-stop throughout their fight.
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That burden Sukuna is constantly objectified for is taken by Gojo without hesitation. He seems to appreciate this a lot. And to be fair, they both agreed it was going to be this way since Sukuna made the declaration and Gojo told him it was an honor to be targeted.
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So from this information we can reasonably assume Sukuna’s ideal type:
>Monstrously strong. (Aka not boring. Also isolated from other humans because of said strength.)
>Respectful of his boundaries. (Treating him like an individual instead of an object for self-fulfillment.)
>Low-maintenance. (No pushing burdens onto him.)
I would also say Sukuna prefers some sense of class given how he is stingy about some formalities. He gets very upset over Yorozu’s overall boorishness. And the distress over the most minor of details in her haiku? It's as hilarious as it is telling about his standards.
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However…he just lets it slide when Gojo is arguably more uncouth. So like with Jogo vs Uraume, we can also infer that Sukuna is far more fond of Gojo given his leniency.
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Even how he treats them when dying is vastly different. Kenjaku called Sukuna and Yorozu's relationship one-sided for a reason.
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Regardless, Sukuna's tolerance of other people seems to vary drastically by a combination of factors. He's kind of like a moody cat. It's all about that delicate balance of respect without putting him on a pedestal and being a good fighter who can maybe read his mind as well. Sukuna is pretty high-maintenance himself you know.
If we ever get more backstory on him, it'll be easier to see the patterns in retrospect. But if you ask me, whatever the hell is wrong with Gojo seems to be right up Sukuna's alley. Uraume is pretty close too. They just need to be less of a fanatic and stronger.
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a-s-levynn · 4 months
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Tiny Token wishes to offer their deepest affections to everyone who desires to receive it on this day of celebration of love
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ilonacho · 9 months
Did you... did you draw one of Rippen and Larry too? 👉👈
I was going to eventually but thanks to you I did yes ❤
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holocene-sims · 6 months
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a sneak peek for an upcoming (timeline tbd) update 😊
#holocene.txt#hlcn: story extras#consider this a thanks for the kind words on gratitude day :)#i wanna respond to everyone individually when i have time and also wax poetic about how much every comment means to me#it really does mean a lot#it's been a rough year and a very lonely year like i'm genuinely just so :/#i lost both of my grandmothers this year very suddenly and the holidays feel empty now and i'm dealing with scary health issues#i finally had a brain mri after waiting for it to get scheduled since JUNE and now i have to wait on results and undergo some other testing#and i'm losing my mind a little because i planned a nice christmas gift for my mom and it feels ruined because the post office lost it#and my dad ruined the whole surprise of it by calling customer support on speaker phone with her in the room...and she ofc heard everything#i just wanted something nice for my mom :( she deserves it and although i have other gifts for her still it's not all what i planned#i don't mean to rant but i just wanted to add context when i say it means a lot that anyone even remotely likes my pixels#i may not know most of you very well *yet* (trying to fix that!!) but it's nice to feel a little support from somewhere :) beyond nice#and sorry for being absent a lot this year but i swear i have so much appreciation for y'all and i love you and your pixels dearly#i always feel bad like maybe it doesn't seem like i care in return bc i'm offline a lot now but i really do!! i care a lot!! love y'all xox
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demigodofhoolemere · 19 days
Me through most of Boom: Wow, this is a really solid dramatic episode.
Me when Moffat needlessly sprinkles in anti-faith sentiments without specifying that it’s blind faith in bad things that the Doctor doesn’t like, which makes it come off like the Doctor is just against religion generally:
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#doctor who#dw critical#spoilers#dw spoilers#i get it edgelord you don’t care for religion. you don’t have to alienate religious members of the audience.#i at least appreciated that the doctor agreed with splice that gone and dead are different things and told her to keep the faith#but like. he immediately thereafter still tells mundy that he doesn’t like faith and spent the whole episode disparaging it.#which just feels so wrong for a show that’s supposed to be open minded about the beliefs and cultures all across the universe#i hate when writers gratuitously make the doctor take a hard and broad stance on something that he would NOT#reminds me of s8 when twelve suddenly hated all soldiers#as if some of his closest friends haven’t been soldiers? brigadier? benton and yates? sara?#big difference between corrupt military and literally every soldier#the same way there is a big difference between a corrupt religious organization or individuals who use religion as an excuse for cruelty#and like. ALL faith and the idea of having a faith that you live by whatsoever.#just because his comments were aimed at something corrupt doesn’t mean they weren’t WAY too sweeping as if he meant it on the whole#i definitely enjoyed the bulk of the episode but that just felt like it was done in bad faith and made me uncomfortable#and i just read moffat’s comment on the thoughts and prayers thing and UGH#i get why there are circumstances in which that can feel hollow — usually if it’s coming from a corporation that could actually do somethin#but can we not villainize all the normal people who genuinely mean that with love?#people who often CAN’T do anything but say prayers for you?#that IS a legitimate response and a legitimate action#someone can’t physically aid you but cares to take the time to talk to the God of the universe about you and your need and plead for you#don’t tell me that isn’t love or that it’s not really doing anything#sometimes that’s all you CAN do and it’s more than people give it credit for#blatant disregard and willful misunderstanding of faith like this just rub me wrong#it’s painting with a broad brush and it’s close minded#and yes i’m gonna post this. i’m feeling controversial.#my love/aggravation relationship with moffat continues#in the wise words of kira nerys. if you don’t have faith you can’t understand it and if you do then no explanation is necessary.
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sysig · 2 months
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Totally unaffected by this gesture of affection, definitely (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#The Captain#ZEX#Forgive the quality lol I wanted to make them pretty but then- Well you know lol#Dandelions <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3#You know it's bad when you start getting excited about the most mundane little signifiers <3#Dandelions deserve way more love than they get anyway it all balances out#I just hghh it's such a simple setup but there's a lot of feelings that can be expanded upon!#Like would Zelnick know about dandelions cultural ties?? He grew up on Unzervalt - unless someone brought some with them!#Or explained it I guess - but also Unzervaltians seem like scrappy underdogs sprouting up in the sidewalk cracks to defy the Ur-Quan too#Feels like it would actually mean a lot to him if he knew their symbolism!#But even if he didn't - they're Earth Flora! A piece of his home that /should/ just be mundane and everyday and not a big deal but it is!!#I legit teared up at Zelnick appreciating a blue atmosphere ah <3#He loves Earth so much wah <3 The naturalistic storytelling in his internal monologue are genuinely So Good#And then y'already know I love ZEX gifting him flowers lol I really do need to finish that one comic I posted the preview of it's cute!#Any little way that he engages with human courtship is The Cutest to me <3 Trying so hard to impress his love!#Trying so hard to cross that cultural gap agh it gets me bad! Seeing humans as more than just pretty somethings to be enjoyed at a distance#ZEX's pride also gets me bad hehe but I really love when he uses his intelligence to try to relate and understand#See humans as complex individuals both personally and in different cultures! He gets so distracted so easily hehe silly ♪#Also I don't know if I have anywhere else that it'd come up but agh gods his and Zelnick's conversation about the eventual fallout of ZEX's#kidnap attempt - Literally The Best like ugh!! ♥ I /tried/ to write something half that exact and eloquent and it's just right there! Gah!!#S'beautiful s'so good fjdslafd I'm love I'm love
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xoxoemynn · 1 year
Alluded to this post yesterday. Just some releasing into the void/explanation for potential quietness, cw: talk of terminal illnesses
In December 2021 my Aunt B lost a nearly 10 year battle with Alzheimer's.
Right around that same time my Aunt M was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
My Aunt M is one of the kindest people I know. She's also aggressively positive and leans heavily on her faith, so it can be difficult to get an accurate update on how she's doing.
However, it became clear in the past two weeks she has taken a turn for the worse. It's not at the point where the end is imminent, but the optimism for having more years with her is greatly diminished. She won't beat the cancer; it's just a question of how much longer her body can hold out.
My dad wanted to visit her before she got worse, so he went to see her this past weekend. I was his chauffeur to/from the train station. He came back looking very shaken. I don't think he was expecting her to be as weak as she was.
Last night Aunt M was admitted to the hospital with an infection. We don't have much in the way of updates yet.
While he was gone, I was also going back and forth to my mom's. She has a number of physical ailments herself, including some daily care she can't tend to herself. It took a lot of coordination/trust for her to be able to be without my dad for a few days and for me to take care of her.
To top it off, Aunt B's widower, who was diagnosed with lung cancer back in 2003 and given a year to live but managed to keep on kicking, opted in the past week to stop chemo and enter palliative care.
Flip side, my 104 year old great aunt is still going strong and told my 76 year old dad he looks very young. She had TMNT on while my dad visited her.
All this is to say, it was a very heavy weekend. I was so busy for most of it that it didn't really hit me until Monday when things calmed down and now I've just walking around in a cloud of sadness. To be clear, I was never super close with my aunts/uncles, although, like I said, my Aunt M is just outrageously kind and her diagnosis was heartbreaking. But I especially feel horrible for my dad, who's probably losing both of his younger sisters in a span of a few years. I'm thinking a lot about my own parents' mortality and what that means and how we'll take care of them once one of them goes. I'm extremely aware there's not really much that can be done, other than to make sure everyone knows they're loved and provide as much comfort as we can. There just seems to be this cloud of illness and death and sadness hanging over my family. It's.......heavy.
I took a last minute PTO today to decompress a bit, and I do overall feel like more of a human. But if I'm quieter in the coming [insert duration of time here], that's why. The sadness just feels inescapable right now.
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atmospheradraws · 2 years
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Morning practise with Mercedes, Lorenz and Rodrigue! Seems pretty on brand for him to be better at coaching everyone else’s kids rather than his own. 
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gloriousfemaleworrier · 4 months
I am so fucking glad tedbecca was never a thing. y'all's media literacy is non-existent. that woman was having a meltdown about wanting to beat her ex husband not lusting after that mediocre white man
Hello! I appreciate your opinion, and I understand where you are coming from completely. I love hearing other points of view and being challenged to think in ways I might not have considered before.
I do, however, have a few things to add about the way in which you've chosen to deliver this message.
Thanks for sharing your opinion with me, but the fact that you've criticized me for my enjoyment of a certain piece of media in a certain way and then used pretty antagonistic terms to describe the characters in that piece of media seems unnecessary.
Good news! You can interpret art and media however you want to interpret art and media! If you didn't see a romantic aspect of any given ship in any given show/book/movie/work, that's perfectly fine, and all it means is that your personal experience of that work is slightly different than mine. And not only is that okay, but it's also kind of beautiful.
I can't help but wonder what the goal was here. What was the intention? What could you possibly hope to gain from this interaction other than to assert your dominance and emphasize that you are in fact the superior media enjoyer by...putting other people down, in search of what I can only imagine is some sort of satisfaction in telling someone their opinion doesn't matter?
I sincerely hope that you understand, first and foremost, that I am a human being. I am, in fact, not an amalgamation of all the things you hate about consumer media culture or the perceived lack of "media literacy". I am a human being who loves stories, and who loves love. I'm not trying to force ideas on anyone, nor am I suggesting that anyone who views anything differently than me is wrong in any way.
All this to say: Art is subjective, my friend. Also, don't be mean to people. Your feelings, thoughts, and opinions are all completely valid, but the way in which you've attempted to tear me down is not.
Take a walk. Take a nap. Take a breath. Don't take it out on a human person.
I value both your opinion and you as a person. I don't appreciate the way in which you've decided to take it out on me.
Have a lovely day!
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as kids who love horror and like theatre enough to repeated do that, brooke rodgers & zeke matthews getting to do that true combo event: i mean, trick-or-treat / becostumed halloween larping of course, but also putting together &/or putting on any event wherein there's Decorating an Environment to be hallowscary....making some form of haunted house walkthrough deal, manning your own trick-or-treat stop and making it into an Experience for anyone, throwing a halloween party that is Not a winetasting vibe Yes babadooks Absolutely going all-in on the Theme beyond just "idk have a costume Maybe"
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