#pov lan wangji
wangxianficrecs · 2 days
Going on charmingly by scribbet
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Going on charmingly
by scribbet
T, 21k, Wangxian
Part of the MDZS Reverse Big Bang: 2023
Summary: He pulled the door open smoothly, leaving the noisemaker with their fist still raised mid-knock. He could glimpse white robes underneath a thick and practical-looking travel cloak, but surely no member of his sect would think to barge in upon him in such a way. “Hello!” the interloper exclaimed, a bright smile coming into view as he lifted the sopping veils away to one side. “Would you happen to know how to reach the Cloud Recesses?” Or, a teenage Wei Wuxian arrives at the Lan sect as a (mostly) respected disciple of the Immortal Baoshan Sanren instead of the well-known troublemaker of Yunmeng Jiang. Lan Wangji learns to come to terms with this (eventually). Kay's comments: I haven't read many Baoshan Sanren disciple Wei Wuxian stories so far and I'm always delighted to see them, especially if they are as well done as this one! I really enjoyed Wei Wuxian arriving at the lectures (unknowingly) a few weeks early and getting to integrate himself into the Lan Sect before the other guest disciples joined and him being given the opportunity to bond with Lan Wangji first outside of a classroom. Lan Wangji himself also got his eyes opened to the culvation world's hypocrizy a lot earlier, which I appreciate! All in all, a lovely story! Excerpt:“Your Grandmaster is?” “Baoshan Sanren.” The stranger uttered this as if it was no way remarkable, but Lan Wangji found himself once again lost for words. The immortal Baoshan Sanren had secluded herself and her disciples away for nearly a century now, and it was incredibly rare for any news at all to make its way from her hidden mountain home, never mind an actual person. The last time it had taken place was over a generation ago, and it had caused considerable uproar among the cultivation world – due, as far as Lan Wangji could glean for vague references, to both the exceptional talent of the individual and the thwarted interest several prominent individuals took in them. “Your mother…” He tried to settle on some part of the blithe statement to address first, “…you are the child of Cangse Sanren?” Lan Wangji hadn’t realised it was possible for that smile to light up any further but apparently he’d been mistaken. “Yes! You’ve heard of her! I wasn’t sure if anyone would remember her by now but they must have if you know her name. And you don’t look much older than me, you can’t have met her yourself –someone must have thought her interesting enough to tell you about as well!”
pov lan wangji, canon divergence, cloud recesses study arc, different first meeting, wei wuxian is baoshan sanren's disciple, wei wuxian isn't adopted by the jiangs, genius wei wuxian, petty lan wangji, meddling lan xichen, cultivation sect politics, fluff and humor, getting to know each other, developing relationship, pre-relationship
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 days
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Thanks for listening to my sad backstory. Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
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zunaki · 1 year
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Wangxian in public being disgustingly in love and the Juniors on a matchmaking mission
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jemkha · 8 months
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How Lan Wangji felt every time his POV described the YILING PATRIARCH as “slender”.
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uisgeart · 5 months
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Wangji My Brother | Part 1/?
Uploading these as I make them, I’ll create a master post once it’s complete!
-> Part 2
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tinyshoopuf · 1 year
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Trying out these brushes I got from @artbylouris and I??? Love them so much?????
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wangxian-the-zhijis · 3 months
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WangXian x “As You Wish” by Faye Wong
If you are interested in xz’s version:
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The proposal
"How do you get married?" Wei Ying asked as he scooped porridge to his mouth.
Jiang Fengmian choked on his scalding hot coffee and started to cough. Yanli, bless her, pushed a napkin towards him. Yu ZiYuan frowned at Wei Ying from where she was feeding baby Jiang Cheng.
"You don't. You don't get married for another twenty years. Not under my roof."
"But Lan Zhan said we should get married so I can go live with him."
Jiang Fengmian dabbed the tears off his eyes.
"Don't you think you should wait for your mama and papa to come back before you get married? Marriage is a big decision, and you are, if you don't mind me saying so, kinda small."
"I am this many big." Wei Ying showed three fingers.
"No, add one more finger." Yu ZiYuan showed him. "You can add another one from next week after your birthday."
After much confusion between his thumb and pinky, Wei Wuxian held up the correct number of fingers.
"This many, auntie?"
"Yes. But you need to be able to show all your fingers and all your toes too before you can get married."
"That's the law."
"What's the law?"
Before Yu ZiYuan put a foot into the trap, Jiang Fengmian intervened. They'd spend the entire day at the breakfast table if they got into a circle of questions and answers with Wei Ying. Even two adults combined were not enough to answer all the whats and whys of an almost five years old.
"Hurry up and finish your porridge, A-Ying. You don't want to be late for school, do you?"
Wei Ying considered his options. On one hand, as soon as A-Cheng was finished with his bottle, he could be enticed into an exciting game of catching Wei Ying's fingers. On the other hand, Lan Zhan had pretty-pleased him to come to school early so they could talk some more. He could play with A-Cheng later. Wei Ying made up his mind and started to shovel porridge into his mouth. The rest of the breakfast was uneventful. Yu ZiYuan burped A-Cheng as she kissed her husband goodbye. Jiang Fengmian herded the children out of the door before they could go back for another goodbye kiss for the baby.
In the evening, once Wei Ying was done telling his parents all about his new friend and they were done patiently explaining to him how come it was still morning where they were even though it was late evening where A-Ying was, Yu ZiYuan took the phone.
"Your son," she looked specifically at Cangse Sanren, "is planning to get married."
As expected, Cangse Sanren burst into a fit of laughter. Her husband was less amused.
"I hope he's not bothering any poor girl in his new school."
"It's a boy. And from what I could gather, the proposal came from him."
Cangse Sanren wiped her eyes.
"Ah, puppy love. Remember how Fengmian was so besotted with you? So cute."
Jiang Fengmian felt warmth rising in his cheeks. There were some obvious disadvantages with having childhood friends who were witnesses to his early childhood transgressions.
"We were in middle school!" He hissed. "And I didn't ask her to marry me until uni."
Yu ZiYuan patted her husband's cheek to comfort his delicate sensibilities. Missy Jiang still had the same thin face as always. She tried to divert the conversation.
"But good for the kid, though. I was worried A-Ying would have a hard time making friends."
Cangse Sanren turned her head to look at her husband.
"Remind me to buy something for the kid before we return. After all, it's our son-in-law."
She broke into a fresh bout of cackles. Wei ChangZe smiled helplessly before bidding goodbye.
Jiang Fengmian found Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli taking turns to blow raspberries on a giggling Jiang Cheng's soft tummy. Soon, A-Cheng managed to grasp a pudgy fistful of Yanli's hair, and Fengmian had to extricate Yanli from a protesting baby.
"Come on baobao, bedtime." Yu ZiYuan picked him up. Jiang Cheng had a half an hour window after his dinner when if he fell asleep, he would sleep through the night until morning. A minute past that he'd get overstimulated and cranky. Yu ZiYuan carried him to his bedroom. Wei Ying followed her with his eyes.
Jiang Fengmian cleared his throat.
"Do you miss your mama too, A-Ying? She'll be back soon."
"No, no. I am not a baby." Wei Ying made a face. "Lan Zhan says I am going to be the mama for his rabbits. I don't know how to, though. I don't think I can carry a rabbit like the way auntie carries A-Cheng. Or give them baths," He confided.
Jiang Fengmian struggled to find answers.
"That's why you need to wait until you are a grown-up," Yanli chirped in unexpectedly. "You can carry two rabbits when you are old."
Jiang Fengmian smiled gratefully at his daughter.
"Twooo?" Obviously, the amazing feat of carrying two rabbits simultaneously blew Wei Ying's mind away.
"Even three, if you start working out and become strong." Jiang Yanli said sagely.
Wei Ying remained awestruck at the idea of carrying so many rabbits in his arms throughout bathtime. Jiang Fengmian switched the overhead light off and sat down on a chair between Wei Ying and Jiang Yanli's beds with the storybook in his hand, ready to pick up from where he had left it off. Wei Ying squirmed under his blanket as five-year-olds often did before bedtime. Jiang Yanli kept yawning but forced herself to stay awake for the ending.
The next day, when Yu ZiYuan picked up Wei Ying from school, he fished out a folded piece of paper from his pocket excitedly.
"Sit still, A-Ying. I am trying to buckle you in."
But A-Ying wasn't paying attention.
"Look at this! Lan Zhan drew this for me!"
Yu ZiYuan clicked the buckle into place and squinted at the paper. It was a red and black rounded blob.
"Er, that's a lovely- , um, ladybug?"
"Nooo," Wei Ying giggled at her ignorance. "That's me."
"Mnnn, an artist, eh? A bohemian? A debonair rogue? Is that how he lured my poor, innocent darling?" Cangse Sanren pretended to faint over videocall that evening.
"I doubt a five years old is indulging in cigars and absinthe wearing a dressing gown in a studio, my love."
"What an old-fashioned idea you have about artists, ChangZe!" A postgraduate in art history, Yu ZiYuan couldn't let the comment slide. But Wei ChangZe only smiled.
Jiang Fengmian interrupted.
"We are taking the kids to the beach tomorrow."
"Enjoy. I wish we could take some time off on weekends as well." Cangse Sanren sighed.
"That's not fair. You deserve some time off. You're working too hard."
"Well, it's a critical moment in the research. We are almost there. Anyway, we are travelling to attend Xingchen and Song Lan's wedding in California next month. That is something to look forward to."
The next day, Yu ZiYuan was woken up by soft hands patting her arm before the crack of dawn. She grabbed the squirming, squealing mass and spoke in a stage whisper,
"Fengmian, I caught a mouse!"
The squirming mass in her embrace giggled.
"I am not a mouse. I am Wei Ying."
"No, you are a mouse. Wei Ying is still sleeping in his bed because he's a good boy."
Wei Ying continued giggling. Jiang Fengmian spoke in a sleepy voice,
"Just feed the mouse to the cat, my lady, then go back to sleep."
"No, no. Don't feed me to a cat!"
Yu ZiYuan hid her smile in Wei Ying's curls. They didn't have any cats. The only pet in the house was a shy betafish in a small aquarium.
Wei Ying calmed down.
"When are we going to the beach? Lan Zhan will be waiting for me."
"Let's sleep a bit more, darling, ok? It's still dark. And we can't wake up A-Cheng too early or he'll cry."
Wei Ying nodded and then closed his eyes. Soon enough, his eyes were closed and his breathing became regular.
They all overslept that morning. As a result, they were quite late when they finally reached their destination.
Jiang Fengmian started to carry everything to the beach. But he almost tripped when an excited Wei Ying got in his way.
"Come on, A-Ying. Let's go buy ice cream."
"Yay! I want a chocolate one."
"Strawberry, please." Jiang Yanli started to dig at the sand with her toy spade. Jiang Fengmian spread the beach towel and put a bottle of water on each corner to stop it from blowing away in the wind. A woman slightly older than him walked towards them, carrying a picnic basket in one hand and holding a child's hand in the other. The child was about Wei Ying's age, cute with chubby cheeks in a blue t-shirt. They both had light honey golden eyes.
"Perfect," Jiang Fengmian thought to himself. A potential friend for A-Ying. He smiled up to the woman.
"Nice day, isn't it? I was worried it might get cloudy."
Jiang Cheng, who had drifted off in his sling, shifted and let out a small cry of protest. The other child moved closer to his mother.
"A shy one! Pity!" Jiang Fengmian thought to himself.
The woman put a reassuring arm around her son's shoulder.
"This is Lan Zhan."
Bingo! Jiang Fengmian observed his nephew's potential suitor with a new interest. It was hard to believe that the shy child hiding his face against his mother's midsection was actually forward enough to propose to Wei Ying in recess.
"Hello, A-Zhan. This is A-Li, and A-Cheng." Jiang Fengmian pointed at his children. "My wife has taken our nephew for ice-cream."
However, it seemed Lan Zhan had already spotted said nephew because with a sharp cry, he sprinted off like an arrow to where Wei Ying and Yu ZiYuan were walking back carrying icecreams.
Wei Ying must have noticed him too because he dropped his icecream and ran towards him. Yu ZiYuan made a split second decision to follow them.
She caught them by their arms and dragged both of them towards Jiang Fengmian and Lan Zhan's mother.
"A-Zhan, why did you run off like that?" Mrs Lan admonished.
"A-Ying, that's dangerous. Don't run..." Jiang Fengmian started as well.
"Look what you kids make me do! The icecreams..." Yu ZiYuan lamented.
But everyone came to a halt when Lan Zhan grabbed Wei Ying's hand and spoke with pride and admiration,
"This is XianXian."
Jiang Fengmian caught Yu ZiYuan's eye and nodded. She understood.
"Oh my, you must be A-Ying's A-Zhan. He has been talking about you for weeks now."
Lan Zhan nodded solemnly. It was absurdly adorable to see a child his age act with so much gravity.
Yu ZiYuan turned to his mom.
"We don't know how to thank your little boy. You see, poor A-Ying had to move in with us because his parents are on a research trip. We were so worried he'd have a bad time getting along with his new classmates. But, it seems like A-Zhan here was a perfect angel."
Mrs Lan asked a pertinent question at this point.
"Why does he call him XianXian?"
Jiang Fengmian extended his arm to ruffle through Wei Ying's curls.
"His courtesy name is Wei Wuxian. A-Ying is more of a nickname."
Wei Ying made a noise of dissatisfaction and jerked his head away. But he didn't let go of Lan Zhan's hand. Soon, the boys were in their own world.
Jiang Yanli was the first to remember.
"Mom, the icecreams?"
Yu ZiYuan sighed.
"Those brats! I'll go get some more. Would you like some as well?" She asked Mrs Lan.
Mrs Lan shook her head,
"Thanks, but my brother-in-law is bringing along my eldest child and his friends. Maybe I should wait."
"Oh, don't worry. I'll grab a few extra." Yu ZiYuan started walking towards the icecream van. But she stopped midway. Lan Zhan was staring at the adults defiantly,
"XianXian and I are getting married today."
"Oh no, you aren't! You two are collectively not even ten yet. No one is getting married until they are at least twenty-one." Yu ZiYuan put her hands on her hips.
Little Lan Zhan looked at his mom imploringly for support. But Mrs Lan looked like she was too shocked to speak.
Jiang Fengmian spoke in a soothing tone,
"Why don't we talk about it later? I mean, you still have to meet A-Ying's mama and papa and ask them for permission."
Lan Zhan slowly nodded while maintaining eye contact with Jiang Fengmian. What a curious little boy! Soon, a man leading three other children joined them. One of the kids looked like an older and smiley-er version of Lan Zhan. Jiang Fengmian knew the other two. They belonged to the Nie family. HuaiSang was at Wei Ying's age. The moment Lan Zhan spotted him, he put himself in front of Wei Ying.
"Saozi, what happened?" The frowning man asked.
"We met A-Zhan's XianXian."
"Oh, hello." The boy who was most definitely Lan Zhan's older brother waved. "I am Lan Xichen."
Wei Ying waved back. There was another round of introductions.
"So you are really real? Uncle kept saying you are just Lan Zhan's imagination." Lan Xichen sounded curious.
"Xichen!" Both his mom and his uncle exclaimed. Both the uncle and the youngest nephew were exhibiting matching pairs of reddened ears.
Jiang Fengmian laughed.
"No, he's real alright. Very much so. You can touch him to be sure if you want."
"NOOO!" Lan Zhan was standing in front of Wei Ying with his arms outstretched in a protective stance. " Xiongzhang, don't touch my Wei Ying."
"Okay, didi." Lan Xichen spoke in a soothing voice.
Jiang Fengmian sighed. This will certainly be an interesting summer.
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limitbreaker23 · 1 month
A little chengzhan silly about Jiang Cheng cleaning Lan Wangji's pond that I wrote as a birthday annoyance for @haifoct last year.
A white robed duckling entered the Jingshi’s gardens. The junior Lan disciple had been quite disturbed by noises of heavy panting and cursing. The sight that presented itself now, however, left him more worried about Hanguang-Jun than expected.
Inside the small pond stretching between the house and a simple pavilion was a man, knee-deep in the water, bare chest gleaming with sweat in the summer sun. No other than the infamous Sandu Shengshou, Jiang Zongzhu was wading through the pond, ripping bundles of algae out of it and throwing them behind him where they landed with a squelching noise on the grass. A cascade of curses too violent for the Cloud Recesses escaped his foul mouth continuously.
The junior disciple clutched his sword to his chest, unsure if he should be concerned or afraid, even more unsure if he should draw his sword or stab himself awake. On the Jingshi’s sunlit porch sat Hanguang-Jun, legs crossed as if to meditate, a cup of tea cradled in his slender hands. An aura of complete calm and serenity veiling him into his own universe.
Keeping his distance to the cursing, half-naked man in the pond, the junior disciple made his way up the porch, all his skill needed to dodge the bundles of algae thrown about.
“Hanguang-Jun,” he said cautiously. “Should I alert the elders that Jiang Zongzhu is in need of an exorcism?”
“No need,” Hanguang-Jun replied, voice calm and eternally steady, teacup secured in his hand, his thumb rubbing strangely, almost distractedly along the rim.
The disciple felt a blush watching those usually controlled fingers move like this and quickly looked away, blushing even fiercer when Jiang Zongzhu tore a giant bulge of algae and weed out of the pond, ripping it over his head with a manic expression of victory that eclipsed any descriptions from blood painted war stories.
Jiang Zongzhu was a well-trained man, his body an example what almost four decades of dedicated training and cultivation could achieve. Lean muscle of his chest and shoulders revealed, wet pants barely holding onto his waist. If Hanguang-Jun were interested in such a physique, it might have been a challenge to face this indecent display of bare skin. And as his disciple, it would have been his duty to guard Hanguang-Jun’s eyes.
Alas, Hanguang-Jun walked on this world free of any desires. The sight of this bare-chested man did not faze him. His eyes keeping watch of every move should that man endanger himself in his rage, his posture straight and envious, unbothered by anything, his ears flushed from being exposed to the bright sun too long.
“Han-Hanguang-Jun,” the junior disciple said, incredibly weirded out despite knowing there was nothing to feel weird about with Hanguang-Jun and Jiang Zongzhu. “Why is Sandu Shengshou weeding your pond if he isn’t cursed?”
“Mn…” Hanguang-Jun ran his thumb along the edge of his teacup. “I do not know. I will keep a close eye to find out.” He tilted his head when Jiang Zongzhu dug into the pond, water splashing high in a fountain that showered his hair until it escaped the bun’s hold. Dark strands glued to his face and neck by water and sweat. Jiang Zongzhu threw himself forward like he wanted to dive into the water, bending low to growl angrily at a piece of weed refusing to be pulled out easily.
“Lan Wangji,” Jiang Zongzhu suddenly bellowed towards the heavens. “Learn to clean your damn pond! If I see this mess one more time, I drag you to Lotus Pier to show you how clear a lake can be!”
The junior disciple gasped at this insulting behaviour. Nothing was cleaner and better taken care of than Hanguang-Jun’s garden, after all.
He turned – and for the first time in his life, he saw the faintest flicker of a smile on Hanguang-Jun’s face. Quickly disappearing behind the cup when he took a sip of tea. A long sip. Even his throat was now as red as his ears.
Whatever this was, the junior disciple decided to leave it alone and attempt to forget about it. No one would believe him anyway.
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prettypeonylanwangji · 7 months
i would love to read mdzs but in lan wangji's point of vue. like what was on his mind?? i want to know his past, all of his memories with his mother, how he fell in love with wei wuxian, how did he managed to stay sane after the loss of the love of his life, the return of him, everything. and let's not forget that this guy is pure chaos too, and he's very funny in his own way!!
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wangxianficrecs · 1 day
miracles (except you) by dottie_dramas (dottie_wan_kenobi)
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miracles (except you)
by dottie_dramas (dottie_wan_kenobi) (@dottie-wan-kenobi)
T, 2k, Wangxian
Summary: When A'Yuan was young, with messy hair and Wei Ying hovering over his shoulder, he asked, “Rich-gege, what’s wrong with your leg?” And Wei Ying—who knew, of course, what was wrong—had made an embarrassed aht! noise and scolded A'Yuan, “Hey, little radish, that’s not nice, sticking your nose into strangers’ business—” Lan Wangji was at a time in his life where every broken rule felt painfully monumental, but still broke them anyway. What other choice did he have if he wanted to see Wei Ying but to go against the teachings he had grown up with? “Not a stranger,” he interrupted, his heart constricting for two beats, three. Kay's comments: An AU where Lan Wangji's leg never really recovered after the attack on Cloud Recesses and the Xuanwu Cave. He adjusts and his family looks out for him. Short and sweet, I really loved this story. I know cultivators and especially those of Lan Wangji's calibre are supossed to be able to heal everything without a hitch, but I really like it they can't just heal everything. Makes them more real. Excerpt: “A'Yuan,” he started, then paused. This little boy was too young, he hoped, to have seen war first hand. But he’d seen things just as bad. Lan Wangji didn’t need to lie to him. “My leg was injured a few years ago by an enemy. It was unable to heal right and now I have a limp.” A'Yuan said, “Is a emeny a bad man?” “An enemy,” Lan Wangji corrected. “Yes, it was a bad man,” Wei Ying said half a second later. Lan Wangji would never forget the way his voice sounded then, like a steel sword draped in soft cloth. Furious but easing it for A'Yuan’s sake. “He wasn’t with the same bad men you’re thinking of, but he was a bad man too.” “There are more bad mans?” A'Yuan gasped, leaning across the table and clutching Wei Ying’s arm tightly. Lan Wangji didn’t know who he meant, but the fear on his face was painfully real. “Bad men, not mans,” Wei Ying said, half-hearted like he didn’t except A’Yuan to listen. He patted A'Yuan’s little hand and tugged him closer until the little boy was almost in his lap. “There are. But the bad man who hurt Lan Zhan, he’s gone now. He can’t hurt any of us. And the bad men who hurt Ning-gege and Popo and Sishu and everyone, they’re gone too. No one will hurt you as long as I’m around, okay? I’ll protect you.”
pov lan wangji, canon divergence, canon compliant, chronic pain, disability, good parent lan wangji, single parent lan wangji, families of choice, hurt/comfort, child lan sizhui, good kid lan sizhui, thirteen years of wei wuxian's death, dead wei wuxian, hurt lan wangji
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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impatiencegyu · 9 months
Lan Zhan hated him.
Lan Zhan hated him and his stupid smile, his long hair and his grey eyes and the way his eyes lit up when he was excited and—
And the way he was looking at him right now, guilty, sad, upset.
"No," Lan Zhan affirmed, gritting his teeth as he tried not to cry.
"Lan Zhan," Wei Ying sounded tired, of all things, and he suddenly looked much different from the happy-go-lucky disciple he had been when they first met. "Lan Zhan, you have to understand."
"Then make me understand, please," Lan Zhan continued in that calm tone, looking directly into Wei Ying's eyes as the latter tried to look away. "I don't understand why you have to do things that hurt you all the time. I don't understand why you have to leave. Make me understand, give me something to work with here."
"Lan Zhan, I can't be with you anymore." Wei Ying repeated, voice rising slightly more than before. "I can't do this anymore. We can't be together. I'll leave Gusu, and I'll leave Yunmeng. I don't want to bring you into my problems, Lan Zhan. Why can't you just—"
"That's exactly what I don't understand, Wei Ying!" Lan Zhan is surprised to hear the rise in his own voice as he continued, "Why are you telling me only the last part? Why not the whole thing? Why can't you tell me the truth? Why do you—"
"You want the truth?" Wei Ying's eyes were dark now, and Lan Zhan stared back defiantly as he continued. "I’ll give you the truth, then. I don't want you anymore. I'm seeing someone else."
For a moment, Lan Zhan stood there, stunned as if he had been struck by lightning, but then he noticed the tremble in Wei Ying's lips and the tears in his eyes, and the shaking of his hands and how guilt was written across his entire face—
"You're lying, you're lying to me." Lan Zhan said, trembling with anger as he spat out, "How dare you— you— have you stooped so low as to lie about yourself to me, Wei Ying? Why do you have to lie, why do you lie all the time?!"
"Why do I have to tell you the truth?!" Wei Ying exclaimed, eyes bright as he took a step forward. "What do I owe you?! What do you want?! Why can't you see I'm trying to protect you?! I'm going a world away, Lan Zhan; I know I'm ruining my own life! I thought you would understand, I thought you would—"
He cut himself off, sobbing as he turned away, and now Lan Zhan is choking on the feelings he had been taught to bury deep down within him since he was old enough to understand words.
He missed his mother more than ever.
He wanted to tell him. Wei Ying, I'm fighting my sect for you. I'm destroying my life for you. I'm doing everything I can. Then why? Why do you want to leave? Why do you leave me again and again?
But instead, he said, "You made me love you, Wei Ying. From the moment we met, I hated you with every fibre of my existence, and you broke through all my walls and made me fall for you. You taught me how to feel, you showed me love. I could depend on you just as much as you did on me. We were soul mates, Wei Ying. We still are. And now— now you won't tell me where you're going, now you won't— I know you're hurting yourself, I— you have to let me help, Wei Ying. I can't— without you, I don't know what I—"
"Lan Zhan, breathe." There are hands in his hair and on his cheeks, cool and comforting as they make their way down to his chin and lift it up. "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan."
This is my love, Lan Zhan thinks. My love, my other half, my soulmate, my beloved — the only one who'll ever know who I am, what I am — and now he's leaving too.
"Oh, love, please don't cry," Wei Ying is caressing his face with rough fingers (stained by the blood of many — their fault, their fault), and Lan Zhan realizes that he's crying.
He yanks his face away, rubbing his tears away harshly as he tried to ignore the heartbreak written across his Wei Ying's face.
"Come with me, Wei Ying." Lan Zhan asserts shakily, trembling hands coming up to his lover's shoulders as he continued, "Come with me, live with me. I don't care what anyone else thinks as long as I have you. Let me help you. Don't— don't waste yourself away. Please, just— just, just don't ruin your own life, please."
Lan Zhan's heart shatters all over again when Wei Ying's face shutters immediately, eyes going cold as he looked away resolutely. He will go, he will leave me.
"Both you and I know that's not possible, Lan Zhan. What I'm doing now, who I'm helping now, all this will hurt me. I know that. I know very well what the consequences of my actions are going to be. The Jins are looking forward to killing me. I don't care. I don't care if they kill me."
Lan Zhan watches Wei Ying's eyes soften a bit in the moonlight flooding in through the window. He looks older — his grey eyes seem to sparkle in the light, but with none of the enthusiasm or brightness he saw before.
'Before' is a stinging memory, an old reality that seems now like a dream. Before, when everything was alright. When Wei Ying was alright.
When he was alright.
"I cannot let you carry the weight of my actions, Lan Zhan. Please, leave." Wei Ying's voice stabs through his ears as he flinches violently, head bowed and hands trembling.
"Wei Ying, listen—"
"No, I have heard enough." Wei Ying interrupts, staring at him as if he was a stranger.
"Whatever was between us is in the past. It's gone. It's useless to dwell on something that never would have lasted. Live while you still can, Lan Zhan. Don't land into stupid problems like me."
Wei Ying laughs at that, and it's so cold and hard that Lan Zhan feels his eyes burn. It's like goodbye, Lan Zhan thinks. His head feels heavy, as does his heart, and he just, just—
"I want you with me, Wei Ying." Lan Zhan pleads, desperately holding on to his arm. "I want you. Even— even if— I don't care about everything. I just, I just want—"
His hand is shrugged away.
"You should leave now, Hanguang-jun." Wei Ying says, "It's getting late, people will talk. Your shufu won't want his darling nephew in a traitor's den. Go home."
Lan Zhan wants to scream. He wants to hold Wei Ying close, he wants to tell him that all he wants is him, he wants him to call him "A-Zhan" again, he wants him to hold him, he wants, he wants—
He wants him.
He stares pleadingly at Wei Ying, eyes shining with tears again as he gasps out, "Wei Ying, Wei Ying, I—"
"Go home, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying sighs softly, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "Everything will be okay."
Then Wei Ying, his Wei Ying, leans forward and plants a kiss on his temple, whispering, "Go home, love."
Lan Zhan pulls away to look at him, just look at him, before he turns around to the door.
"Goodbye, Wei Ying" is his whispered farewell, a promise, a feeling, a hope so fragile that it takes him everything to not break it.
Nothing will be okay, I know. He knows as well.
When Lan Zhan leaves, he doesn't look back.
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weiying-lanzhan-fics · 4 months
transmuter by WithLoweredVoices
What a beautiful story in a grandiose and different setting. I enjoyed everything about it - the pain and anguish as well as the hope and mending.
Wonderful prose and characters ❤️❤️❤️❤️
(Therapeutic for me!)
Wei Ying stares at the boy now standing awkwardly in the middle of the café.  It’s like looking through time into some kind of twisted mirror.
The kid holds his hands like he doesn’t know what to do with them – like he’s been deposited within a new set of limbs and has yet to figure out how to use them. He’s sixteen at most, though he looks to be younger. He’s skinny and horribly pale, pale as milk, his lips the same ghastly color as his face. There is eyeliner smeared over his eyes with an unsteady hand, but it isn’t enough to hide the crimson shade of his eyelids.
The boy might be the youngest necromancer Wei Ying’s ever seen.
He’s just a baby – he’s not even full grown yet, not even a single hint of stubble at his face. There’s a chance he might never grow beyond this slender, small frame. You can only dip your fingers into death so many times before it starts to dip its fingers into you – and Wei Ying can smell the death on this boy.
Wei Ying lets out a long, shaky breath. He sets his mocha down and wraps the fingers of his right hand over his left wrist – a grounding trick he learned from his therapist.
‘Hiya,’ says Wei Ying brightly. ‘Welcome to Yiling Gardens. What can I get you?’
‘Wei Ying,’ says Lan Zhan. ‘I do not have to stay.’
He lifts a hand towards Wei Ying, then hesitates. He closes his hand into a fist, flexes it once, and then folds his fist behind his back. The hem shifts, revealing the sword hanging low from his belt.
Wei Ying’s traitorous brain feeds him a reel of memories: Lan Zhan, angrily raining a flurry of blows down upon Wei Ying in the training ring; Lan Zhan, wiping sweat from his face as he takes a break between drills, pointedly ignoring Wei Ying’s chatter; Lan Zhan, turning with the gold medal in his hand, not quite smiling, but triumphant all the same as he seeks out Wei Ying’s face in the crowd.
Wei Ying feels something like heartbreak clutter up in his throat. He looks down at the scuff-marks on his old shoes. He thinks about mountain ranges. He thinks about a kitchen table where nobody eats with him.
He thinks about a hand on his wrist, about the drone of Sentinels pushing close and, come back to Gusu with me.
Wei Ying summons his last ounce of bravery and looks up at Lan Zhan. ‘I don’t want you to leave.’
‘Mn,’ nods Lan Zhan. ‘I will not.’ His gaze flashes up towards the menu on the chalkboard. ‘I would like a matcha latte please. With soy milk. It is not a seasonal special,’ he adds, with an apologetic tilt of his head that is Lan Zhan’s equivalent of a shrug.
‘Okay,’ says Wei Ying.
He taps matcha powder into a mug and measures hot water into it with a few presses of a button on the coffee machine. I should say sorry, he thinks. He pulls the carton of soy milk out of the fridge and pours it into a cold pitcher. I should ask him how he’s been, he thinks. He froths the milk and taps out the bubbles. I should thank him for Burial Mounds, he thinks. He pours milk into the mug, forming a delicate fern leaf at the top.
‘Soy matcha latte,’ says Wei Ying as he hands the drink over, instead of sorry or are you well or thank you for not handing me over to Inquisition thirteen years ago.
Lan Zhan cups the mug in one long-fingered hand, while he keeps the other clasped behind his back. ‘Thank you,’ he says, and then, with a strange, wondering tone: ‘You used my favorite brand of soy milk.’
Wei Ying hates his magpie tendencies. It’s embarrassing, the way he collects facets of the people he loves, the people who once loved him, as though they could ever prevent people from leaving him.
Not Rated, 113k
Wei Ying gave up necromancy years ago. He should be done with hauntings, but here in his café, here in this quiet city at the edge of the world, there stands a ghost dressed in mourning white with eyes like warm honey at the bottom of the pot.
(The one where it's a café AU - only it's not.)
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mrcformoso · 2 months
Extra number 5 of A Matter of Time, A Matter of Happiness has now been posted! It became a bit bigger than I expected it to, but I'm glad with how it turned out and the themes I managed to present!
Lan Yuan had always been a strange child. He knows this.
Just as he had always known that, despite being a former Wen, he was the heir of the Gusu Lan Empire, the heir to everything his parents have built up to the point following their ascent into immortality.
But one day, his Baba announced that he was pregnant.
With his naming ceremony on the horizon, and the whispers about Yangguang-jun and Yueguang-jun having a legitimate heir on the way, Lan Yuan wasn’t so sure what his place in Gusu Lan was to be anymore.
In another story, several years ago, a coreless cultivator climbed the muddy steps of Yilling, hoping to achieve what “Yueguang-jun” did in another time, in another life.
Or: Wei Wuxian gets pregnant, Lan Yuan (soon to be Lan Sizhui) starts having a Mini Existential Crisis, and Jiang Wanyin attempts to reverse fate.
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jiaoji · 2 years
"Want to see LWJ's pov! Must be so different from WY's!"
LWJ's POV: "Wei Ying is so beatiful." "Wei Ying is so smart." "Why Wei Ying isn't paying attention on me?" Wei Ying?" Wei Ying!!" "I love Wei Ying."
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gentil-minou · 8 months
WIP Wednesday - Post-Canon Wangxian Oneshot
It's still Wednesday so here's a preview of a oneshot I'm working on based on this post
Sometimes Lan Wangji misses Wei Ying even when he's with him. A decade spent waiting to wake from the dream, for it to all disappear. He forgets, sometimes, that he won’t wake from this. That all this is real. He forgets he doesn’t need to be afraid this Wei Ying won’t vanish into shadows. Sometimes, it feels like Lan Wangji is just waiting to be proved wrong. And how awful is that? ~ The Wei Ying who visited his dreams did not do well in the Cloud Recesses. He’d scorn the entire mountain, mouth curving into a sneer at the sight of its austere surroundings and turning his nose up at the sight of all those stifling rules. The Wei Ying in his dreams loved wide open fields and oceans. He could not be kept behind closed doors. He belonged in the light, haloed by the sun and endless skies above. But his husband, the real Wei Ying, adapts to the Cloud Recesses in a way that’s equal parts startling and terrifying. The new rules do nothing to deter him, more guidelines he chooses to accept or break in turn. The rigid schedule is one Wei Ying happily breaks, enabled by a husband who’s more than happy to relent. Wei Ying accepts his posts Uncle’s glares become less and less frequent, eventually turning fond.  Xichen learns to smile again at chatter that flows unrestrained at every mealtime. Sizhui joins them for more meals than he misses, while the Jin sect and Jiang sect leaders frequent as welcome guests. And Wei Ying begins to thrive. Lan Wangji spends the first years asking Wei Ying when he’d like to leave for their next night hunt, offering him an escape. He keeps the doors open just a crack, even in the winter, so Wei Ying knows he’s not confined. He tracks Wei Ying’s every movement, waiting for the slightest hint of exhaustion or ennui that suggests it’s time for them to leave. He waits, even when it never comes. “Aiya, Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying would say while gently caressing his face, that soft hand missing the callouses of his youth and forming new ones in their place. “Don’t you know the place I most want to be is right here, in our home with you?” Our home with you. The phrase repeats in his head as he bends down for a sweet kiss. Our home with you. Lan Wangji hopes one day he will believe it.
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