#i want paleontology friends :-( and geology friends :-( and to be able to read :-(
opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#hhhh evolution is so fucking cool. ive been listening to the common decent podcast and losing my mind#paleontology is so fucking !!!! like we know so much crazy stuff abt dinos#its insane. literally insane. its wild how they were just like normal animals. absolutely wild#i want paleontology friends :-( and geology friends :-( and to be able to read :-(#but my brain is full of angry bees and the bees compell me to do things that give me a headache. exhausting#like i imagine hope ppl normally live it its cazy to me. like u have friends? u talk to ppl? u go out and do things?#i sit in my apartment and slowly unravel. days smearing together into an unmemorable blur. and to quote a counting cro ws song#that cant be what a life is for. idk when i think abt it objectively it is rather sad#literally i just want to walk around in the woods. crawl around in the dirt. and think abt evolution and the origins of life#but my brain doesnt allow me to do things. so i sit here and drive myself nuts.#i really want to go up to the lake. its stupid. lake erie the most trashy of the great lakes calls to me. i want to poke around in the sand#for lucky stones and sea glass and fossils. sigh. but i live so far away and my brain wont allow me to disengage from stuff#so here we r. a sad little fishy swimming in circles#ay. its not so bad as it was when i was taking photosynthesis measurements. thats something at least#tho i have committed to at least 3 more photosynthesis projects so rip my will to live#at least they arent timed#unrelated
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cowboylikeghost · 3 years
Here are 73 fact about me that nobody ask for but i need validation
1- I love Reading, drawing and plants even if i always kill them
2- I'm a whore for Jane Austen
3- I love when people prove that a conspiracy theory is false
4- I have a weird passion for geology and paleontology
4- I probably have undiagnosed ADHD because of my mother
5- I'm bad at frienship, every of them have to be special
6- My love language is talking about my passion and learning everything about the person, people think it's weird, i have nobody
7- I'm hopeless romantic even if i act like i'm not
8- I hate being touch and i hate hug, they feel weird to me
9- I hate when someone is next to me and their arm or knee touch me, it's make me feel anxious
10- I'm an introvert with diagnosed social anxiety, i'm also an infp and a sagittarius
11- I'm bi and disgusted about the idea of having s*x with someone, i think i'm ace, nobody will ever love me like i do
12- Autumn is the best season and i basically live for rainy day, if it could rain forever i will be the happiest
13- I love academic validation but i suck at school, my only way to work is to pretend i'm Chilton Rory Gilmore
14- I read non stop for 6 month and after i go on a reading slump for the rest of the year
15- I don't have a stable personality
16- I write sad poetry
17- I'm sad and this is my main personality trait
18- My family said that i'm basically sadness from this Disney movie
19- I want to move in a cottage in England with a lot of mountains so i can found cool rocks
20- I have a no self control and a big problem with my emotions
21- I get angry very easily
22- I only have 3 friends and one of them is my sister
23- I have commitment issues
24- I broke up two times in two years with two different girls that lives at more than 8h from me
25- I hate what the french language became even if i can't write a sentence without any fault
26- English is my fav subject at school
27- I hate eyes contact, it's make me uncomfy and i feel like people judge me
28- I feel like i'm better than everyone
29- I feel like everyone hate me
30- I feel sorry for every teacher
31- I love being in my bed, scrolling on my phone or reading but i hate sleeping because i feel like i'm wasting my time
32- Sometimes i wake up in the middle of the night because i feel like i forgot something for school, even if i'm in vacation
33- I hate people at school because i get bullied
34- People don't like me but i would kill to have someone like me in my life so i don't understand
35- I don't understand every jokes, i just know it's suppose to be funny so i laught, i just understand that
36- Taylor Swift is my only religion
37- I Iove more Harry styles songs than Harry styles himself, i found him arrogant and he always date problematic women, Stan Niall
38- I would do anything for Ben Barnes and Tom Hiddleston or any british men in their 40 who have a degree in literature
39- I relate to Spencer Reid in a way that nobody could ever understand
40- I love true crime, my favorite stories are about cult
41- My love for my cat is not healthy, if he died, i have to follow him
42- I alway stop watching Gilmore girls when Rory finish Chilton because i hear that she became annoying but she's one of my confort character so i don't want to see it
43- I prefer the marauders over the golden trio
44- I'm a Remus Lupin kinnie and a James Potter Simp
45- I hate Dumbledore with my whole heart i could talk about it for hours
46- I started all the young dudes, i like it but i cry at every chapter so i stoped
47- I hate my brother but if he died i would be destroyed
48- When i was little i have an obsession with panda and now i have panda everywhere in my room
49- I don't know if i want to live alone forever because i like the idea or because of any other reason
50- I alway need adults validation
51- When i was a kid i was sleeping with my socks on because i liked it but i learned that some people think it's weird so i stoped
52- I eat my cereal with no milk and i don't understand the debate, for me it always taste the same: disgusting
53- I hate touching food that isn't mine ( like when someone ask if you want to taste their meal, or if you have to clean something that someone else eat in, it's just make me want to threw up)
54- I have to sleep with no sound, if you breath a little to loud i will not be able to sleep, i'll be angry and probably hit you, one time my sister breathed too loud and i cryed
55- When i was a kid i hated turtle neck, it maked me feel like i was chocking but i learned how to support it even if it's still uncomfy
56- I hate when a shirt, a dress or a blouse show too mutch of my skin, i don't like it
57- I always wear a tank top with my t-shirt and if i don't i feel naked
58- My first panick attack was because i had a fight with my brother and my dad was yelling at me and didn't see it (i'm not mad at him)
59- When i was little i acted like i couldn't read because i was scared my mom will not read story to me anymore
60- I had my first phone at 13 but i wish i didn't
61- When i was 11 i started reading sm*t on my DS and it became an addiction, i wish everyday i forget what i read
62- I realise i was bi because of Millie Bobby Brown in Stranger things
63- I didn't realise my feminisme wasn't good until a 12yrs old insulted me in a comment section, i said thanks to her after
64- I love kids, i think they're cute and i'm jealous of their innocence so i act like i hate them
65- I want to raise a kid alone in the forest
66- I'm sure that my grandma in my dad side is a lesbian and that my mom is bisexual but have internalised homophobia
67- I hate when boomer joke about hating their husband/wife, just divorce
68- I still have my babies plush even if they're disgusting and look possessed
69- I sleep with my fairy lights on because three month ago i had a sleep paralysis
70- My parents are responsible of 80% of my insecurities and don't even know it
71- I love when it's get dark earlier in autumn/winter
72- I'm an Amy March simp
73- I just made a liste of 73 fact about me
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dc-translator · 5 years
[ENG TL] 201911 HaruHana interview
Their 1st Japanese album was received well! Dreamcatcher introduces themselves with drawings brimming with individuality
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Armed with Rock styled tracks and performances to match, Dreamcatcher, a K-Pop girl group that has been building up a unique style, has released ‘The Beginning Of The End’, their 1st Japanese album.
--Tell us your favorite song in the album, and the points of note of the album!
JIU: Among the tracks listed, I like the newest track, "Breaking Out". I think the desperate sadness between two people who desire each other will resonate with Japanese audiences.
Sua: I like the choreography for the intro as well. Please take note of it.
Gahyeon: I also recommend my rap part! It’s the killing point of the song. (Laugh)
Siyeon: The lyrics of ‘I Miss You’ are great. When I sing the part that goes “I still like you~” while gazing at the faces of our fans, I feel intensely concentrated.
Yoohyeon: Though it isn’t my part, I also think it’s great.
Handong: I want people to take note of our voices in our ballad number “Wonderland”.
Sua: I want people to hear the high-note parts of “PIRI ~Fue wo Fuke~”.
Dami: In “You and I”, there’s a part where I use a magic trick and swing a stick around. I think we presented a new possibility as an idol group.
Yoohyeon: It's an album that encompasses all our song promotions so far. I felt really happy to see all of our songs which we performed with passion were included.
--From the team name of “Dreamcatcher”, did you become more sensitive towards dreams as you went on promotion? Did you have more dreams, or have nightmares that fit the ones you were assigned with, for instance?
Dami: I feel like I've been able to broaden my horizons for my lyric writing. Before our debut, I used my experiences and events that occurred around me to write my lyrics. But after becoming Dreamcatcher, I realized that I could use the ‘dream’ as an item as well. Now I can incorporate my imagination about something that might happen into my lyrics..
Yoohyeon: After having a dream, I write it down to avoid forgetting it. I dreamt that I was lost somewhere overseas once. After that, when we were in Melbourne, Australia, I thought ‘this is the place I saw in my dream!’ So I told the other members but nobody seemed to be too interested. (Bitter laughter)
Gahyeon: I had a dream after coming to Japan. I must have been nervous about having to speak Japanese instead of Korean in our events, because I was on stage in my dream. I think I failed at something, and our fans were saying “Gahyeon didn’t memorize her lyrics”… I was so surprised that I woke up. I’m glad that it was a dream.
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Like in your B-side track, “I Miss You”, is there someone you’d like to meet once more such as a childhood friend, a teacher from elementary school, or a teacher you learnt a lot from?
Yoohyeon: I went to the Philippines for a language exchange when I was little. I want to see the friends I spent time back then again. I was an elementary schooler, but there were middle and high schoolers too. The exchange program was a kids-only program without parents. We got to ride horses, went bowling, we did a lot. It was a fun memory.
Dami: I want to meet the dog I had when I was little. It was back when I was around 5. It got sick and... I keep thinking that if it happened now, I'd be able to help it more.
Siyeon: For me, it's my dad's car that got scrapped when I was in elementary school. That car is in every family photo we took from that time. It got scrapped, so I can't see it anymore. Even so, it was a car associated with so many family memories. In Elementary school, we were told to write a letter to someone we wanted to meet. I addressed my letter to that car. Even now, I'm tearing up as I say this. (her eyes were teary as she said this)
Gahyeon: My homeroom teacher from 2nd grade. She was female teacher and was amazingly kind. I have nothing but good recollections of her. Every year on her birthday, I would get in touch with her, and I even saw her when she retired. I was in touch with her until high school, but since then I've lost contact... Someone please find her. (laugh)
Handong: I want to meet my friend from middle school! Everyone's living overseas now, so I miss them.
--Then, when do you miss your fans or the members?
Handong: I'm with the members every day. But when I go back to China on vacation, I miss them a lot. Especially since you can't use Kakaotalk in China.
Gahyeon: But she doesn't contact us. I even downloaded WeChat(a Chinese messenger app), but she said she didn't have Wi-Fi.
Handong: I told you, I really didn't have Wi-Fi that time, so I couldn't contact you (Laugh)
Dami: I miss the fans most when we're getting ready for a comeback or when we aren't promoting. As for the members, I miss them when I'm with other group members, talking about our members.
Yoohyeon: I miss the fans every day, but  there are times that I realize how much I missed them. When we actually meet our fans, I get happy and realize "oh, I missed them really badly". As for the members, I miss them when I'm not with them, as you'd expect. Like Dami, I also miss them when I'm with other friends, for some reason.
Sua: When I want to see our fans really badly, I do a Vlive.
Siyeon: When I'm feeling stressed or tired, I read the letters our fans gave me. They console and comfort me. As for members, I've done a lot of work alone recently. I was really nervous, but the members came to support me and stayed with me. It helped me feel less nervous and made me realize again how much I rely on them.
JIU: I miss the members when I feel bored on long vacations. I end up thinking about them more when we're apart. I keep wondering "what are they doing now?"
--In relation with 'Breaking Out', from food to celebrities, characters, music, and sports, regardless of genre, is there something that you've fallen in love with and can't break off from your life? Show us with your illustrations.
Siyeon: Onions! (In Japanese) I love onions! Love you, onion~! I love the pickled onions my mom made me when I was little. Even when she made stir-fried squid or cooked meat, I ate more onion than those.
JIU: For me, it's Dreamcatcher! I feel like I only watch videos of us. I often watch the videos we filmed as a team. It's fun.
Dami: There’s three parts. First is SNSD, my role model. The food I like is sweet potato. Then, I love dogs. I’ve been with them for 18 years. The one I miss is the one I kept before the one I have now. My current dog is the 3rd one and is named Toto. My mom named it.
Yoohyeon: I also have 3! A long time ago, I watched the film and thought Peter Pan was real. I still like the character. The subject that I was most interested in back in high school was outer space. We had a subject called ‘Earth science’(T/N It includes geology, paleontology, and astronomy). I studied hard for it and my grades were really good too. Also, I love the world. I want to see all of it.
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From the top left, Siyeon, Dami, Yoohyeon, JIU’s drawings
Gahyeon: Fried chicken! I sometimes have it 4 times a week. Even in the mornings. In Japan, I’ve had convenience store chicken!
Handong: I like egg tarts and strawberry shaved ice.
Sua: My favorite is burgers and fries!
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From the left, Sua, Gahyeon, and Handong’s drawings
A 7 member girl group, with JIU (Born May 17th 1994), Sua (Born August 10th 1994), Siyeon (Born October 1st 1995), Handong (Born March 26th 1996), Yoohyeon (Born January 7th 1997), Dami (Born March 7th 1997) and Gahyeon (Born February 3rd 1999). Debuted on January 2017, featuring the ‘nightmare’ concept, unique for a girl group. Debuted in Japan November next year. Their 1st Japanese album ‘The Beginning of the End’ is on sale now to good reviews.
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